Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, January 25, 1838, Image 1

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COLUMBUS SENTINEL AND HERALD. VOL. VII.] rUtILIS lIKD EVERY THURSDAY MOIUd.VO BY B. V. IVERSON AND J. B. WEBB. ox broad street, over allex & YOUXO's, V XTOSH ROW. tiijiee doll/.rs per an num, payable in advance, or kour dollars, (in all cases ex icled) whore payment is not in ado before the expiration of the year. N o subscription received for leis than twelve months, without payment in advance, and no paper discontinued, except at the optiou of the Editors, until all arrearages are paid. ADVEII ITSEMiiNTS conspicuously inserted a* oXE dollar per one hundred words, or less, for the first insertion, and fiftv cents for every subse quent continuance. Those sent without a specifica tion of tho number of insertions, will be published until erdered out, and charged accordingly. Legal Advestiskmeitts published at the usual rates, and with strict attention to the requisitions of the law. All Sales regulated by law, must be made before the Court House door, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 in the evening—those of Land in the county where it is situate; those of Personal Prjporty, where the letters tes amentary, of admin istration or of guardianship were obtained—and are required to be previously advertised in some public Gazette, as follows: Sheriffs’ Sale* under regular executions for thir ty day*, under mortgage fi fas sixty days, before . the day of sale. k Sales of I.and and Nconors, by F.xecutors, Ad i minisira'nrs or Guardians, for sixty days before the day of sale. S ales of Personal Property (except Negroes) torty DAYS. ’Citations by Clerks cf tho Cour's of Ordinary, upon AEPi.ic ATiux for lettfhs of administration, must be published for thirty days. ‘Citation* upon application tor dismission, by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, monthly for six MONTHS. •Orders of Courts of Ordinary, (accompanied with a copy o( the bond or agreement) to make titi.f.s to land, must he published three months. Notices by Executors, Administrators or Guardians, of application to the Cou r t of Ordinary for leave to sell the Land or Negroes of an Estate, four months. Notices by Executors or Administrators, to the Debt ors and Creditors .*( ar Estate, for six vwtu*. ■Sheriffs, Clerks of*Court, Sic., will be allowed the usual deduction. it J** Letters on business, must be post paid, to entitle them to atten’ion. P'J 1..™ N 111 l !■■■ MU. _■■■■ l_M_ _ L _ “I O VICi ! O YEil O YES X , . NORTON’S AUCTION NOTICE. fIIAVK now taken a large and spacious Frtoro, formerly occupied by Moore & Tarver, two doors Buuth of the Columbus Hank, where I will bestow the strictest attention to all business entrusted to ine, and would say to those disposed to visit this market with Donsignmentg of Merchandise, that goods by the pack •ngu will sell here generally a* Anc'ion, at a’ good. if nit better prices, than at” private sale, and that iny most prompt and efficient exertioiui shall always be used to promote the interest and benefit of niy patrons, and to giv- entire satisfaction to ail parties concerned, end a* I have nia lo new arrangements in business l ■hall therefore make ivw elfnts to met it the pa'ronajjc of the public. E. SIGOURNEY NOTON. N. B.— At the above stand l offer an extensive as sortment o( H i >ks and Fancy Goods, also a stock of the leading articles of Groceries, ..iicli as Coffee, Su gir, Pepper, Spice, 1 Vines, Bagging, Rope, Ac. on •the best of term*. E.S.N. Oct. 26 42 a.vd ruooics, ■WAVE ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AT APALACHICO LA, TOR THE TRANSACTION OF A aSNSUALAGENCY ||§g “ SI COViTIISSIOff THEY beg leave to acquaint rhetr friends and the public generally that they will continue the busi ness of the late firm of Nouhse, Taylor & Brooks, at their old stand, and thankful for the liberal patronage extended to that firm would respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same, assuring their friends that the business of the new firm will he conducted with the same promptitude and security which characterized their former connexion. HIRAM NOURSE. HIRAM W. BROOKS. Apa’acbicnla. July 1. 43 ts WARS house fioiißiiixoion Biixiiirtit. THE undersigned will continue the Ware House and Commission B nines* at his old stand in f’’rnl street. Gra'eful for pas’ favors, he trusts, by a 1 strict regard to business confided to liiin, to merit and .-•revive a share of public pa'rotiage. lie has in kture for sale, on aecommodi mg terms. **j? C >i s h ’U K ittuck-v R vpe. 4V> Piece* B igging, iitf rent kinds, Cioffie in ‘tacks, Chewing Tobacco, &c. &c. WM. I’. YONGE. Aug. 31. S5 ts i 1 JAMES H. I.EYSO .DS, WATCH MASER AND JiSWULLEH, ild door north of Killin'* Confectionary Ilr'd st. RESPECTFULLY informs his town ami country fntnds tiiat lie has just returned from > / , j New Yurk with a very rich S& a. addition to his stock of Goods, y •;* \ eiyfe and la-dies and gen.lenten •■vish ing Watches or Jewelry o! ffyp lgbSy superior quality, have now an < **‘l* opportum.y of supplying theni aelvcs with articles that cannot be surpassed. Rich line gold Jewelry, Si.ver Ware, pla cd and Fancy Goods. The following articies comprise a portion of his stock. 4 x .f ] IC will sell or as good terms as any other establish ment in Georgia. Gold and silver Levers. Anchor escapement Duplex, Horizontal an t vertical Watches, of the finest finish —all of which lie warrants first rate time keepers. Setts of Ladies’ Earrings and Broaches, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald Opal. enamelled and every description of Breast Pins and Finger Rings, ‘Gold guard and fob Chains, -Sealsl Keys. Lockets and Trinkets, of all kinds, in -reat variety, anti most superb manutacturc, Vto!d\nd silver Spectacles, Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Superior Razors. Bowie Knives. Dirk and Pen Knives, •Scissors. Thimbles, Ladies’ splendid Card Cases, Head Bands, Combs, H-h Placques, Revolving silver mounteu -.’astors, ■Plated Candlesticks, FaHcy Bellows, Cloth", Hair, Crumb and Hearth Brushes, English ride belt Pistols, “fivord Canes, Four sided Razor Strops, .Silk Purses, Perfumery, And every other article usually found at Jewelry h R as heretofore, will repair and regulate CLOCKS and WATCHES of every description, and warrant all (that were made for time) to perform well. Gold and silver work, and jewelry, made and repaired. Engraving neatly executed. Cash, or goods, paid lor *ord cold and silver. Columbus. April 13. 15 ___ CTwTIHJCKLKY & CO. HAVE removed to CALHOUN’S NEW Granite Building on Oglethorpe srreef. in front ot the Calhoun Hotel, where they respects .ily invite their old friends and customers, and the public m general, to -n call on them. They have on hand, a general assortment of GROCERIES, Loio for Cash , or approved paper. Among their s'oek are the following articles, viz:— Java, Rio and Mocha Coffee St. Croix. Potto Rico, and Ne v Orleans Sugars •Loaf and Lump do. New Orleans Molasses •Champagne. Cognac, and American Brandy Holland and Country Gin Jamaica and Northern Rum ■Western and Northern Whiskey Madeira. Sicily. Madoc, and Malaga Y\ inc Mint and Rose Cordials .Lemon Syrup. —Soap Sperm and Tallow Candles Window Glass, Putty. White Lead Linseed. Lamp, and Train Oil Nails, Swedes Iron •’axt, German, Blister, and Sheet Steel ..yD-’rdn". Hope. Salt. Ac, WATCHES, JEWEL BY. AC. THE subscriber having es tablished himself at Foster F<M>l old stand, takes Ihk method of informing his fj V. friends and customers that he *■ vli “Sgjj&j Bas just returned from New jfiSkL 1 ‘'ffi/fiSk York, and 13 now opening a fine assortmcip of goods,which added to his former stock. ma.te* his assortment superior to any ever offered in this market, and he flatters himself tiiat his lone expe rience tn the business, by keeping the best articles in h,s ™ c . and giving his undivided attention to his busi ncss. he shall be able to give general satisfaction. ” e , ‘ ias now on hand an extensive assortment of VY atches of every description. Jewelry of the latest *’/ • * a, ° and Pla,ed ware, fine Cutlery, Music and -Musical instruments, a general assortment of Military goods. Lampsof various patterns, and a great variety of fancy goods. J Y\ a’ches, Musical boxes, and Jewelry repai ed by experienced workmen and all Watches that are ofvood quality warran'ed to perform well. Notary Public Seals and all kinds of engraving done to order. Spectacle glasses of every description set in frames to suit customers. JACOB FOGLE. Columbus, Oct. 20. 41 ts COLUMBUS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3AZ>aX*ZJRV WARE-HOUSE, At the sign of the Golden Sa i.dle, a few doors be low D. Hitngerford St Go’s, and nearly opposite Ujquhart & Ware. \ W. WADE & CO. , Bave now on hand a complete as sorYmpnt of articles appertaining to A-1 their line of basiness : |W ft ktv AMONG WHICH ARE J|ji |l|i I} jin I'tj’i Spanish, Quilted, Overlaid and Shaf \k l;j| j! i|| ted Sadd.cs, Plain, Boys’, Race, Attakapas, and VS Planters’do. Large and Extra Large do Ladies’ Saddles, of every quality and size. IIRIDLES OF ALL KINDS. Some good for fifty cents; Saddle Bags, Carpet Bags; Valiees; Stirrup Leathers; Sircinglcs and Girths. HARNESS—Coach Gig and Dearborn from the cheapest to the best. TRUNKS, of every descrip tion. The above articles are of their own manufacture, made under their own immediate inspection, of the best materials, and by superior workmen. Also, on hand, m ENGLISH SADDLES, BRIDLES AND MARTINGALES. Coach. Gig. Tanlem, Sportsmen, and Waggon Whips; Stirrups, Bits, Spurs. Buckles, Hames, Col lars, Cut Tacks. Trunk Looks. Horse Brushes and Cnrrv Combs, Trace and ITalter Chains. ALSO—A good assor ; ment of Coach and Gig Har ness Trimmings; Plated. Brass and Japan’d do. ALSO—A good assortment of Skirting, Harness, and Bridle I.*ather ; black, blue, red, yellow, green, and cochineal Morocco Skins; Buffalo Robes and Bear Skins. N. B. Traders who may buy to sell again, will be furnished on as good terms a6 or.n he bought either in New York or Newark. Country merchants are re spectfully invited to call and examine our goods and prices, and satisfy themselves. REPAIRING done on the most reasonable terms. April 29. 1837 SI ts CARRIAGE REPOSITORY^ G. W. WAY respectfully inform-- the public in general that ho has entered into the COACH BUSf- NESS at the old stand of J. M. John -•^ftia"l->s?W s(N j i where he will 1m? pleased tn serve all those who may favor him with a call. Having made a selection of Carriages from the best manufac tories at the North, he flatters himself to give ample .-atisfaction to all those wishing to purchase. Coaches with detached dickccs, Do. with attached do. Dickee seat Barouches, Three seat do. extensive top, Two seat do. do. do. Charriotees, three and two seats. One and two seat Buggie3 and Baggie Waggons, &c. All kinds of light Cairiages built to order. Re pairing executed in the best manner. Columbus, Jan. 23. 1837. 4 It NEW DRUG - STORE. JOHN E. BACON AND COMPANY, (OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA.)., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drue;*, J\ledicixes, Paints , Oils, Glassicarc, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent *Medicines, Fancy Soaps , &.c. OFFER FOR SALE, A LARGE and well selected stock, embracing every article in their line. From the experience they have had in the Drug business, (which has been very great.) they feel assured that every one who visits their Store, will be pleased with their prices, as well as the genuineness of their medicincst Thy have the sole agency for the following popular and justly celebrated Pa ent Medicines. Balsam of Health for Dyspeosia, &c- Improved Vegetable Rohb, for Svphillis. Gonorrhea &c. Jewitt’s Remedies, which cure diseases solely by external application. Pile Ointment, an excellent remedy prepared by E. Prentiss. Beckwith’s Aiiti-dvs|H*p'ic Pills. Hun'erian Specific for Sypliyl lis. Gonorrhea &.C. Female Cordial ol Health for Leucorrhcca. &c. a crtain cure in almost every in san :e. prepared in New-Y ork by E. Pr< n'iss VI .ifet’s Vegetable Life Pills, also his Phoenix j Bitters, both remedies which need only to bo taken to ororc ‘hc’rr efficacy in a number of diseases. Green’s T >nic Mixture or Fever and A?uc Oonauuror a justly celebrated remedy. Southern Tonic, fer Ague and Fever. They arc sole agents for the sale of Landrcth’s Garden Seed, warranted fresh. They also keep for sale all the other Patent Medi cines, which they warrrant genuine or no sale. The following arc some of them. viz. The Indian Panacea. Swaim’s Panacea. Potter’s Vegetable Ca'.'noiicon. Indian Specific. Peter’s Pills. Bro-.idreth’s Pills, purchased by a friend from Bran h eth himelf. All of Carpenters preparations; Barkley’s. Morrison’s &c. &c. They keen constantly on hand a genera’ assortment of Brooms, Brushes Crucibles Inks. &c. Physicians Merchants and others would do well to call and examine for themselves. Thei- S f orc is in Columbus Geo. on Broad street next door bc-low the Drug Store formerly owned bv Drs. Urqohart & Ware, where every article in their line of business mav be obtained. Mav 18 20 6m p paxEDZXEXtSKX WOULD .nform his friends and the public gene rally that lie has just returned from New York i h a choice and fashionable selection of WATCHES, JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES. His S'oreisoppositcthe Bank of Columbus, and three coors below the City Hall. WATCHES. Gold Independent seconds, aad two setts of hands extra jewelled, and finished in the best manner, (anew article.) Gold and silver patent Levers, full jewelled and plain of Tobias, Beeslv's and others best Manu facturers. Gold Duplex. Anciior Escapement. Ladies plain gold Watches and plain silver Watches. EAR-RINGS. Plain gold with tassels, long fillagrce with tassels, enamelled with and without swings, coral, gold stone with filiagree. corneban acquamaiine, agate, onyx, jas per, jet, and evrrv other kind manufactured. FINGER RINGS. Diamond, acqua-marine, o.namched, emerald, ruby, garnot, gold stone, blood stone, topaz, amethist, agat’c, tortois, pearl, and jet chased, motts and plain. BREASTPINS. Diamond, diamond and pearl, pearl and sanhir, pearl and emerald, ruby, acqua-marme, emerald, camoo. miniature, coral, agate, ctrneiian, topaz, jet and plain gold. Ladies neck chains gold and silver, gold watch hooks, sold and silver buckles, gold and silver thimbles, silver combs, ger.tiemei’s gold ana silver guards, gold and silver fob chains, seals ;nd keys of ~rr description, gold and silver pencil cases, gold and silver tooth picks, gold and silver spectacles, quizzing glasses, gold snaps, enamelled, fillasrree and plain shirt buttons. Beau fitful gilt head bands and combs, also artificial flowers for head dresses and bonnets. Splendid Ost rich plumes of assorted colours. Music boxes playing from two to eight tunes. Coral necklaces and arm'ets. also an assortment of coral beads. Miniature frames and cases; Castors; silver ar.4 plated Spoons; silver butter Knives; silver sugar Tongs; pen and dirk Knives; belt, pocket, duelling and riflle Pis'ols; per cussion Caps, Accordions. Ladies and Gentlemen’s dressing cases; bead, silk and other Purses ; a full as sortment of perfumery, and every other article coming under the head of Jewelry and fanev Goods. N. B. All kinds of Jewelry and Silver Ware neatly repaired. Nov. 10. S5 ts SEGAUS —20 M Florida Segars; 5 M choice Havana do. for sale by June 9. 10’f SAML. M. JACKSON , Auer. FLORIDA SEGARS—3O 000 Florida Segars for sale. The bills of the Union Bank of Florida taken for the same at par. by May 19. Btf SAML. M. JACKSON. Auct. £1 /A THOUSAND Roots end 4° ifiU ting? oftheMORUS MULTICALLUS.for ZsXv Pr. JOHN W. TURNER. 1 Hamilton, Dec 7 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1838. STAGE LINE TO FORT GAINES. THE subscriber respeet he has established aSTAGE , Fort Games, leaving Colum bus every Tuesday and Saturday morning at 6 o’clock, and arriving at Fort Gaines every Wednesday and Sunday evening. Leave Fort Gaines on Monday and Thursday morning and a 1 rive at Columbus on Tuesday and Friday evening. Also, the Line from Columbus to Lafayette. Aialmwa, will ler/c every Sunday at •5 A. M. and arrrive same -iav by 6P. M. Leave Lafayette for Columbus every Wednesday at 4 A. M. and arrive next day at SP. M. For passage to Fort Gaines, Lumpkin, or any other of the intermediate places on the route, applyto the subscriber. Columbus. “JOHN WHfTESIDES. August 24. 34 REMOVAL,. “ HAMILTON, HURD & CO. HAVE removed to their new store, next door above Mr. Kivlin’s (Sans Souci) where in addi tion 1o their former stock, they are now receiving al most daily fresh supplies from their manufactory in New York. Ail who are in want of Frock Coats, dress and business do. Surtouts, Camblet Wrappers, Flushing Over Coats, Blanket do., ribb’d and plain Casstmere Pants, Satlinett do., Cloth do. of all colors, Silk, Cotton and Merino nett Drawers and Shirts, Linen. Cotton and Gingham do. Bo :oms, Collars. Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, silk, woollen and cotton Hosiery, Boot’--, Shoes Hats, or anv thing in tho READY MADE CLOTHING line, will do well to call or, us, as wc still continue to sell at the same cheap rate as heretofore. We have also a splendid assortment of Clo’hs. Cas simeres and Vestings of the most desirable and fash ionable colors, which we are now prepared to manufac ture, in the most modern style. Jan 45 Iv NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. H. A. ITOUKGE, At E. E. Powers’ old stand, Broad-street. HAS just received and offers tor sale a general and well selected stock f Stajile and Fancy DRY* GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Saddlery, Ve nitian Blinds &c. &c. Also, a good and general stock of GROCERIES, part of which were purchased especially for family use. April 20. 17 ts CARRIAGE SHOP. IYTKEH & PRIC2SITT, Oglethorpe Street. North of Calhoun's Hotel, HAVE just received anew assortment of good CARRIAGES selected from some efthe best manufactories at the North. They having taken par ticular pains to have them made to suit this country, and to insure satisfaction to purchasers, they will war rant them for one year with fair usage. AH kind of Carriages made to order. Carriage and Harness’ re pairing done in very neat style by good Northern work men Also a good assortment of Carriage materials, all of which they will sell low for cash or approved paper. Feb. 16. 7 If ROBERT M’QUEEN, (Neicrly opposite the residence oj the late Judge Shorter) BROAD STREET. WOULD inform his to vn and country friends, that he has purchased of Thomas R. Gold his errire stock of goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., which he offers on moderate terms. Call and examine quality and prices. Columbus, April 15, 1837. 18 ts M’firatosli Row, LOCATED IN THE MOST BUSINESS PART OF COLUMBUS. I WILL have to rent in a few weeks several Stores on the. ground floor, and ten or twenty Rooms on the second story,for Grocery, Dry Goods, or Druggists. The above stand will surpass any in the City. The Rooms on the second story will he rented to Lawyers or Doctors for Offices, or to Single Gentlemen for Sleeping Rooms. The first applicants for the above Rooms will have the preference. As many will be in want of Stores in the above Row, a speedy call may insure success. For terms, or a view of the plan of the above Row, please call at mv Office. ” E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. June 15. 24 THE HOTEL AGAIN OPEAisu. THE Subscriber informs the pub vyL-*. lie that he has reopened the Coium bus Hotel; and as promises are often 11 111 SH| made to break, he will not here make them. He only desires a fair trial. Sept. 5 1837. D. SULLIVAN. P. S. The House has undergone a thorough repair, and everv arrangement made to render every one com or’able. TO ItKN'J. THISTLE HALL, situated on _ m the S. E. corner of Front and Crawford Streets, is for n,ent. Po.=- session will be given whenever rc- Columfius. Sept. 14 ISS7, $7 ts ” pob Sale. A COMPORTA.SuE HOUSE and LOT, Other out houses, kitchens, stables. &c. in the ; of Girard, Ala. on Broad and Bridge street an ’ excellent stand for one who wishes to cn er'ain people or their money, will ba sold on accommodating terms. Apply to HENRY MOORE. Girard. August 23 1837. 34 ts FOR SALE* A comfortable residence, with eigh fll ijSs of land enclosed, within a short mile * “Ik of lo ' vn - and in a most respectable Height borhood. Apply to *******•’ T. HOWARD. Oct. 26. 42 Th<’ Standard of Union Milledgevil'e, and Columbia (SC) Hive will publish ‘he above twice. DE.Vi'AL SURGERY. THE subscriber having made arrangements to be come a permanent resident of Columbus, offer? hi; professional services to the citizens of this city, and the public generally. He can be found at all times at his office on Broad street, a few doors below the City Hall. He will be happy Jo serve all those who either from the loss or decay of Teeth, may wish to procure the aid of a Dentist. All operations will be performed nea'ly B nd expeditiously. Also Artificial Teeth will be inserted from one to entire sets, . 4” the best materials, (warranted not to change color or contaminate the breath ) and so natu ral as to elude the closest scrutiny, whereby symmetry and regularity are produced, widen are sci essential to beauty and a perfect enunciation. He begs leave to call the attention of tho public par ticularly to his method of supplying full sets of Teeth for ind icating apparatus or any Artificial Teeth which from the nature of the case, are obliged to be inserted on Gold Pla'cs. Persons having lost ah their teeth, or parr; cither by salivation or otherwise, are in vited to call at his office and examine for themselves.— All operations ar; warranted to stand, if not, they will be repaired gratis. jCjr > Ladies waited on at their residence if re quested. J. B. HOFFMAN. Nov. 2. 43 Surgeon Dentist. THE renowned English race horse and stallion. CHATEAU MARGAUX, is placed under the exclusive direction of Col. Alexander Carter, near M turn Meigs Montgomer county. Alabama, and will serve Mares at SIOO the Reason, $1 to the Groom, and limited to seventy Mares. The money to be paid, in every instance, before the removal of the’ Mare. Col. Carter is prepared to receive and keep Mares at 812 per month. Every Mare shall be woll fed with grain and provender, and returned to her owner in good order ; otherwise in no instance will the money be re ceived. Care will be taken to prevent escapes’and ac cidents. but no liability, should they occur. For pedigree and performance refer to Ttfff Regis ter. ALEXANDER CARTER. Dec. 7. 44 13t COLUMBUS COTTON* FACTORY. THE owners of the Columbus Factory respect fully inform the public that it is now in operation. They have on hand a general assortment of YARNS, which may be had at all times at the most reduced prices. Their Wool Carding Machine is also in operation, and any thing in that line will be done at the shortest notice. *. JP A number of boys and girls wanted to work at the Factory for which ihe most ibcral prices will be given by the week or month. Apply to ” STEWART & FONTAINE, or S. K. HODGES & CO. Columbus, Feb. 8 6 ts MUSICAL NOTICE. THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to his patrons, and the public generally, for their kind indulgence, and informs them that he is now ready to attend to his pupils, and such as may feel disposed to honor him with their patronage. HENRY’ C. WALSH. August 3. 31 ts /w /"v BALES OF CO I TON wanted by the ts V/ “ / YF subscriber, for which the highest market price will be given. The undersigned is p.lso prepared to make libera! advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in New Y’ork or Liverpool. E. HEFDURN. Nov. 23. 44tf “NOT THE GLORY* OF C ACS AR, —B U T THE WELFARE OF ROME.” CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WARE HOUSE. COTCZEIiIUAN & ANDERSON MOST respectfully infoim the citizens of Colum bus, and its vicinity that they have removed from their former stand, to “the store lately occupied by McArn, in Broad-street, nearly opposite the Insurance Bank. They have now on band an elegant assortment of FURNITURE of their own manufacture. —ALSO— Paper Hangings of the latest pafto ns with suitable Bordering, Ornaments, and oilier materials for Cur tains. &c. Adverse to puffing, thev would only solicit a call which would enable Ladies and Gentlemen to judge for themselves by examining the articles. All orders will be executed with promptitude. Cur tains put up in the most fashionable style. Rooms neatlv papered. In short, any thing in their line will be punctually attended to. Aug. 23, 30 ts ’ NOTICE. ’ THE Copartnership heretofore exising under the name of J. T. S. COLLINS & CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. T. S. COLLIN -t, E. C. ROBERTS. Mr. E. C. ROBERTS is authorised to settle all demands against the late firm, and requests all indebted to call and make immediate settlement. E. C. R. Columbus, July 15, 1837. E. C. ROBSZITS’ TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. HAVING purchased the entire interest of J. T. S. Collins, 1 will continue, at the old stand, to carry on the above business in all its branches. Tin Ware made and sold at wholesale and retail. Copper work of every description made to order, and warranted of the best workmanship. Stovepipe, steamboat chim nies, and sheet-iron work of every description, made at the shortest notice, at the corner of Front and Craw ford streets. July 15,1837 30 COLUMBUS CLOTHING STOKE. G. H. & C. A. PEABODY, MERCHANT TAILORS, ARE NOW JUST RECEIVING THEIR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Among which are the following articles: a splendid Stock ol CLOTHS; Dahlia, London brown, invisible,and bottle greens. Oxford and-stcel mixed CASSIMEUES, Plain, blue, black, and drab, fawn colored, checked and piald, and a splendid stock of TEXAS CORD, anew article for Pants. Also, RATTEENS for Over Coats, and every variety of Tailor’s Trimmings. The above goods will be manufactured to order on the shortest notice. Having an experienced and fashion able Cutter, and first rate workmen, we feel confident that we can give entire satisfaction to those who may favor us with a cad. ALSO, —Just receiving a splendid lot of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Consisting in part of the following articles : DRESS COATS of every color and style of good*; FROCKS of every description and price ; and more than a thou sand pair of PANTS, embracing every variety o style and price. Also a large stock of VESTS, from 75c. to §ls. Also, Cloth, Petersham, Lion skin, and Sattinett Over Coats ; CatnbleL Wrappers, plain and trimmed with Fur, some very splendid. Fine Cloth Cloaks, Sattinett and Cloth round Jack ets, some splendid ruffle Shirts, plain Linen do., Cotton do., with linen collars and bosoms, fine ruffled bosoms, plain do., silk, cotton, and woollen under-shirts, do. do. do. do. drawers, all qualities and varieties of Suspen ders; silk, cotton and woollen Socks, do. do. do. Gloves; a fine lot of Stocks, of all descriptions, do. do. pocket Handkerchiefs; black sat'” bosoms, fee. &c. HATS AND CAPS. Fine Satin. Beaver and Fur HATS, somo very splendid Fur CAPS, from $3 to $23, and oil qualities of Cloth do. CUTLERY. Extra fine Pen Knives Dirk do., Bowie do, and a fine lot of Pistols of ail sizes and qualiuos, Also, „ good stock of JEWELRY. BOOTS AND SHOES. Extra fine C f Boots, do. water nro .. f do Gentle meu s fine Morocco and Prunella l-’umps ; a large lot °f .on trained Leather TRUNKS; Valises, Carpet Bags, St c, UMBRELLAS. Superfine Silk. do. Gingham, (black and green.) common cottons do. &c. some silk with colored breadths, anew style, Colttmhiiv. Oc. 6. 54 ts NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. JAMES AFFLECK bugs to aequa : nt the inha bitants of Columbus and its vicinity, that he ha-; commenced business in tho above line in the store next Messrs. Alien & Y T oung, vlure he inttnds having ai wavs a complete stock, which he will sell low for cash. 70 hampers of real genuine Irish potatoes, per ship Fergus, from Liverpool. 70 barrels of do. The highest price given for all kinds of conn'rv pro duce. Jan. 18. 50tf “ fiv antedT CALLS Cotton, for which the high MY/l/ tstchsli price will be ”tiid by harper, Thornton & Livingston, BAGGING AND BALE ROPE. 3@o ps. best Dundee Bagging 50 do Franklin works, Massachusetts 100 Coils Kentucky Rope 50 do. Hungarian 50 do. Russia Hemp HARPER, THORNTON dfc LIVINGSTON. Aug. 25. 20—ts THIHE subscribers are now receiving, at S'. Joseph, _SL a large and general assortment of GROCE RIES, which they offer at redu ed prices for cash, cotton, or approved paper, am mg which are Flour, Whiskey, Rum. Gin. Mackerel Sugar, Coffee. Wines of every description ; iron Castings, Nails Cheese, Butte-, Buckwheat. Raisins. Aim mug. Soap, Candles, Oils, Tobacco, Segars, Cider, Bagging, and Rope, Pork. Beef &c. Stc. Stc. They have also a large assortment of Shoes and Boots,’ Domestics, Cassinetts, Calicoes, Carpeting, Bonnets. Stc. Stc. together with many other articles in the Dry Goods lino, on consignment, which they will sell very low. Also an invoice of Hardware. STREET & THOMPSON. St Jose oh Dec. 26, 1837. 49 2m FLORIDA AAD IRWINIOA MAIL STAGE. THE undersigned having obtained the contract for transporting the mat! from Columbus, Ga. to Fort Gaines, Ga by the way of Fort Mitchell, Flo rence, Irwinfon and Franklin, have commenced the conveyance of die same in two horse Stages, and will leave Columbus everv Tuesday and Friday.a; 5 o’clock in the morning, arrive at Irwinton at 6 o’clock in the evening on the same days ; leave Irwinton every Wed nesday and Saturday morning, and reach Fort Gaines at 12 o’clock at noon on the same days. Returning, leave Fort Gaines every Sunday and Wednesday at 5 o’clock in the morning, sleep at Florence, and arrive at Columbus every Monday and Thursday,at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The proprietors have made such arrangements as will ensure the comfort of those who may take their line. Their horses and stages are good, their drivers attentive and sober, and the houses ai which they stop the best on the road. E. E. BISSELL & Cos. Jan. 1 1838. 49tf TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. “WIS7ILL be sold, at the Court House door in the *f town of Frankiin, Heard county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the “following pro perty. viz: 160 acres of ’and. in Cherokee county, in the 13th district and 3d section. No. 87 ; levied on a* the pro perty of John A. Porter, to satisfy his tax for the year 1836. Tax due, $2 68. 20-2 j acres of land in the 2d district of Campbell county, No. 2 ; levied ori as the property of Elijah Hammonds, to satisfy hi* tax for the year 183 G. Tax due. 98 cts. 40 acres of land in the 21st district and 3d section of Cherokee county. No. 11(52 : levied on as the property of Samuel C. Norris, to satisfy his tax for the year 1836. Tax due. 37j cts. Dec. 7. 45ts WM. M. GARNER. T. c. ON CONSIGNMENT. CASKS fresh Thomaston Lime. *>? % P Just re’d by ALLEN & Y'OUNG. Jan. 5. J Live Geese Feathers, just re ci’ljexjrvr reived and for sale by RANKIN. MoOXAID k WISF. D e 21. 46‘f DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. JUST RF.CEIVEP, and now opening, a full and complete stock of Goods, well assorted for tli6 country trade, selected by a competent judge, and bought on terms to enable the sub scribers to afford great bargains to their friends and customers. The stock comprizes: dry GOODS Broadcloths, blue, black, and fancy colors Cassimeres and Sattinetts Ready made Clothing Negro Clothes and Blankets Domestics, brow'ti, bleached and plaid Sheeting. Irish and Russia Linen, Irish. Diaper and table Flannels, red, white and yellow Muslins. Cambric. Swiss and Jaconet Calicoes, Ginghams, Dimities Painted and figured Muslins Gloves. Ladies’ and Gents Hosiery of every description Silks, black and fancy colors Black Lustring, Gros de Naples, &e. Edgings and Insertings, blonds and muslin Fancy Ball Dresses Superb Laces of all kinds Boots, Shoes, and Hats, fr men, women and children Silk and Cotton Umbrellas and Parasol* Artificial wreaths of flowers Jewelry of every description. GROCERIES. Sugar—New Orleans. Havana & Muscovado “ Loaf and Lump Coffee—Havana, St. Domingo, Rio. &c. Teas—Gunpowder, Imperial, aud Young Hy son, Wines-~Madeira, Champagne and Claret Liejuors —Cog Brandy, Holland Gin. Old Irish Scotch, and Monongahela Whiskey Jamaica,Antigua, St.Croix,N O and NERum, Peach Brandy and old Apple Jack Cordials, in barrels and boxes Porter, Pale Ale and Cider Sarsaparilla, Lemon, and Strawberry Syrup Spanish, American, and Florida Cigar* Tobacco, assorted Pepper, Allspice, Nutmeg* Soap, Starch, Candles Sperm and Linseed Oil Flour, Buttei.Lard Cheese. Poik, Beef Tongues Codfish, Salmon. Mackerel Herring and Hallibuts Fins Bale Rope and Bagging Harness and Saddlery Buckets, Tubs, Baskets Hay and Shorts, Brooms, &.C. Together with a fine assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, as Mill and Cross Cut Saws Trace Chains, Floes, Axes Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols Bowie Knives, Arkan-as Tooth Picks, &c. Per brigs Hartley, Cumberland, Sadi, &c. — The assortment will be kept full by the regular line of Packets. The above goods will be sold low. Terms Cash. E-J. WOOD & CO. St. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1. 1837 24 ts THE SUBSCRIBER IS now receiving his fall supply of Groceries, from brig Rhine, from New York, and bng Alto, Brown, Baltimore. J3O barrels superfine FLOUR 120 “ Baltimore rectified Whiskey 250 kegs assorted Liquors 140 barrels Bread and Crackers 20,000 lbs. Bacon, in hams and middlings 30 boxes Tobacco, all brands JSO barrels Mackerel 40 “ com. Gin 10 “ best Holland, do 60 “ Rum, N. E. 20 “ Monongahela Whiakoy 30 “ Peach Braudv 50 qr. casks Wine, all kmd* 200 boxes, do f>o baskets Champagne 30 boxes Sperm Candles 5 half pipes segnt. Cognac Brandy 50 bags Havana Coflee 30 “ Rio do 58 bbls. arid 20 lid*. Sugar, St. Croix and P&rtO Rieo Also, Bagging, Rope. Crockery, Glass and China Ware. Negro Shoes, Jpc. 500 sacks Salt, by the brig Cumberland, which will be in market by the 20th instant. And is prepared to pay cash or advance on Cotton, on ■liipment to his ftiendsin New York, Baltimore, Charleston, or New Orleans. JNO. T. MYRICK. Apalachicola, Oct 10, 1837 23 AT PRIVATE SALE. “ IFINE new double horse Jersey Waggon and Harness. I fine single horse Barouche. 1 pair Match Horses. I Blooded Mare, 3 years old. 1 fine Work Mare.3years old, perfectly gentle On accommodating terms, by SA>PL M. JACKSON, Auct. &Com. Mcr. Aug. 11,-IH-tf Trk GROSS Wine Bottles; 10 bbls Brown Havana Sugar; 10 frails Almonds; 4 bbls English Walnnts; 5,000 choice Havana Cigars; Id bbls American Brandy t On consignment, and for sale by SAML. M. JACKSON, Auc’r. May 19,-8-tf GROSS Lemon Syrup Bottles; &\J 20 gross Wine Bottles; 10 bbls Baltimore Gin; 20 bbls. American Brandy; 5 bbls. Malaga Wirre,direct importation; 10 bbls. N. E. Rum; 3 cases fine Hats; 10 chests Band Boxes; For sale on consignment by SAML. M. JACKSON. Auct. June 0,-10-tf LONDON PORTER. CASKS London Porter, containing a A,/’ from 3 to 5 dozen in each cask. 17 fmemahogany BUREAUS; For sale low bv SAltfL. M. JACKSON, Auct. June 9,-10-tf TO RENT. A TJOMFORTABLE House and Lot on j If. the East side of Mclntosh street, south ot Crawford street, known as the house occupied by Mr.Gregory, deed. Applyto. SAM L M."JACKSON. Auct. & Com. Mcr. Aug. 11,-18-tf NORTON*:? CHATTAHOOCHEE BANK NOTICE. I WILL SELLthe entire, or part of. mv stock of BOOKS, and take Chattahoocheemou eviat PAR. The public is informed that the above offer is not in consequence of haviug Notes to pay in Bank, but on account of my firm belief tiiat the bills, ere long, will he redeemed at par. April3B,-5-tf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. DISSOLUTION. is hereby given, that the partner- J. N ship heretofore existing between James O. Gorntan and myseif, in the trade or business of Jewellers, carried on in the City of Columbus, Georgia, is this day dissolved, and that the said bu siness will be continued hv the subscriber GODFREY DeGILSE. Columbus. June 30, 1837,-18-tf LIST OF BLANKS Fvr sale at the Sentinel and Herald Office. Bills of Lading, Guardians’ Bond*, Deeds of all descriptions, Jury Tlekets, Sheriffs’ Bail Bonds. Clerks’ Summonses, Writs of Attachment, D-c. in Debt. Justices’ Summonses, D-c. in Assumpsit, Justices’ Executions, Marriage Licence*, Commissions to Examine Retail Licenses, Witnesses, | Alabama Jury Certificates, Commissions to Appraise Alabama Precepts, Property. Alabama Justices’ Execu- Let ! er of Administration, lions. Letters of Gurdiansbip, Alabama Justices’ Sum- Letters of Dismission, nionses, &c. Ac. Administrators’ Bonds, 45 BS. HAWLEY, wholesale and retail Drttg • gist, at Apalachicola and St. Joseph, Florida. Nov. 1. 1837. 24tf *0 U. MARTIN, DENTIST, at Mr. The*. 1 S. street. Dec.??. 4~:t CITY HALL. THF. subscriber advertises the community that since his occupancy of this establish men l , it has undergone the most general mid Uio rough repairs—much labor and expellee luui been bestowed to render the bouse coniform ble and commodious—and he is now fully pit pared to receive and entertain customers in ; style not surpassed by any other Southern Flote “Having spent many years ofhis life in the bu siness ol’kecping a public house, he enteitain rorfidence in himself of an ability to give gen ernl .-atisfaction. II s Table will be constantly and abundant!’ I supplied with the best provisions which tin country affords. His Bar is stocked with a supply of choiw Wines, Liquors, and Segars. II is stables are commodious, and attended b I experienced Ostlers. THOMAS JAMES. RATES OF BOARD: Board and Lodging per month, - S3O Oi 3oard without Lodging per month, 22 .1 Dinner Boarders per month, - - ]2 0(i Board per week, • - - - 10 5( Board per day, • • - • 17; Dinner, • - 7- : Breakfast, ... 50 ,Snpper, - - . W ‘Lodging, - • • -5 Horse per month • • - 20 ta Horse per day, • . lit Children and Servant* half price. Fite* and lights extra. JJctJO 23 FLORIDA HOUSE,—APALACHICOLAT THIS establishment is nearly coinpititd, and w:h be ready for the reception of Company, hv the 25 h mat. It is situated on High street, between Cen tre and Chesnut streets, and but a few steps south of the Mansion House. It will be en ireiy under the su pcrintendancc of Mrs. Becmun, who from the long ac quaintance with the business and the People, consid ers it unnecessary to say much She will only ni< n lon, that she will be happy to hav some of her old friends, together with ail those who may be disposed to favor her wi.h their company She will furtlar sav. that her table shall be the best served in the city. Rates of Board, from Thir j-five to Forty dollars per month. N. B. Young Gentlemen wi hing to board by the season, will find it to their interest to cal! at the Florida House. C. F. BEEMAN, Prot’rietress. Apalachicola Oct. 26 44 2m PACKETS FROM ST. JOSEPH TO NEW YORK. THE following substantial and fast sailing vessels will run as regular Packets between St. Joseph and New Y'ork, and will take freight and passengers low. Brig HART! EY, Ryder, master. “ CUMBFRLAnD, Darling, master. “ SADI, Vincent, •• Also, the new and splendid ship SPRING. For Freight or Passage apply to E. J. YVOOD A- CO. Agents, Bt. Joseph, Flor. Nov. 1, 1837 24 ts O. DE GIZ.SE, WATCH MAKER AND JEWELLER. NEW JEWELRY*. T - v UST received, anew assortment of Ladies’ Neck Chains, Gentlemen’s Guard and Fob Chains; Rings, Breastpins, Earrings, Watch Hooks, Gold Thimbles, Ac. All of which will be sold at reduced pricas. N. B. All kindsof Jewelry repaired, and Cane* mounted in gold or silver in the neatest manner and at short notice. June 30 12-ts NEW SPRING GOODS. THE subscriber has just received, a fresh , supply of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GI)C)DjL of the latest fashions and importation*. READY MADE CLOTHING. -HATS, BON NETS AND SHOES. He would invite his customers and the public generally tocalland examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they no doubt will bo suit ed with the quality and price. lie is determined to sell Joiv for cash. Countrv merchants will he supplied at reduced Price*. ’ NEILL McNAIR- May 21,-7-tf COLUMBUS BOOK STORE, AT THE COLUMBUS AUCTION ROOM. rt yHE Subscriber informs the public that his J Stock being too large at this time, he is dis posed to reduce it by selling at cost and charges. Persons desiroutfrl replenishing their Libraries, or wishing School or other entertaining Books, are nowiuvited to call bes re the stock becomes thinned off. ff you are hi want of Literature., collie forth as the term-; are cash. April 14 3tf E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. MRS. SEAMAN'S SEMINARY, St Clair st.. below Broad 1 door cast of A A. Ayres. THE duties of tin* Seminary ivi.j commence on he 9th of January Y’onng Ladies will be m suucteJ in all the principles of a borough and pro found English education, and particular a ten ion paid to the following essm’ials, viz-: Rmding. Writing Grammar and Composition. Music taught in a cor rect y*i scientific manner. The French language, graimnat. cally, and with the true Parisian pronuncia tion. Tho speaking to commence with >he first les son. Ladies wiio do not belong to the School, but who wish to become good French scholars, can join the class from 2 to 4 o’clock in *he afternoon. Mr*. SEAMAN will reside in the house where the School is ki-p —consequently, the most punctual atten tion may be expected References —Rev. Mr. Carneß and Dr. Edward Delony will give all necessary information. Columbus. Dec. 26. 4?tf YOUNG LADIES’ C ILLKOIATE INSTI TUTE, Prownwcod, near La Grunge Troup county, Ga. THE exercises of this institution will he resumed on the first Monday in February next. The Teachers for 1833 are, ROBERT C. BROWN, ) Princt- Mrs. M. L. BROWN. f pals. Mr. Dckanb, Classical Department. Miss Ct ARJCE, French and English Department. Mr. Uhixs, Musical Department. Board cin ba •btained in the family of the Principal, or in respectable families in the neiglil.orhood. Browmvood. Dec. 12. 1537. 4f, f A TEACHER WANTED. A YOUNG MAN of steady and moral habits, pre pared to teach the English and Latin Lan guages, in a high, healthy neighborhood, will meet with generous encou’-agcmen 1 if he will call and see the sub scribers living near the Uchee Creek, in Russell countv, Alabama, eight milesfrotn Columhus,by or be fore the first dav of January. 1838 NOLON* R. LEWIS. STERLING LANEJR. WILLIAM BARNETT, JAMES PHILIPS, PLEASANT PHILIPS, Nov. 16. 44 f Trustees. COPY OF A LOST NOTeT 5116 CO By the twenty-fifth day of Dccr. next, 1837, I p ro . mise to pay Jurdan Dykes, or bearer, tho sun of ~ne hundred and sixteen dollars, value received. This 21 st November, 1836. LOVET P.TABOR GEORGIA. RANDOLPH COUNTY. PERSONALLY* appeared Jurdan Dykes, who, beir.g duly sworn, deposeth and sai'h that the ahove copy of a promissory note is as nigh true eoov of one note of hand held by him against said Tabor"; and he further says, on oath, that said not-e is lost or mislaid, so tiiat he cannot fay his hand cn i*. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 12th day of Dee. 1837. James 11. Ed-wauts, j. p. 46 6t JURD ’ N DY’KES. ROBIN HOOD. THIS distinguished Race Horse will make o fab season at my stable at Fart Mitchell. A'abamn ten miles below Columbus. F.verv provision i* made and every attention will be paid to the keening of mares but without liability for acctden's. Terms will be made known by aup'ying to the subscriber at For Mrchell. ‘ JOHN CROWELL. Sept. 20th, 1837. 33 ts NOTICE. THIS is to no’ifv J v customers rha I have au thorised M. KENNY MORE to collect m\ accounts arid settle the same. Jan. 10 1838. 49 3t M. HOFFMAN. LOST, SOME considerable time past, a note made to -be subscriber bv John Peabody and indorsed hv D. MrDougald for 88 500, dated 7t"h Mav 1836 due Is Jan. ; rvr. b-aring interest from da e. “Ail parsons arc advised not to teale p>r Said note, and the maker is re q\ie”fd to pay to the JiAjcribcr t n!v. Celj-i’ us,” Ter. f 45t v'e* nATSO!’ CAUTION. THE citizens of litnry county and vicinity are hereby cautioned against purchasing pihe for Ji undreih's” Pills of Air. JOsiuh Cliambers, whore tore is situated about nine above McDul ough. As said Chamber* is acting 1 iiis inuei Uie j anje cf irandrefh’s, which are gro;satui payable coun eifei a. 1 hey were purchased ot Ale-Ssrs. ahulweli & Cos. druggists of Alacou, who, to cover their iniquity, a** ert that they purchased ihetn from Brandieih.’ But ii is a well known fact that no Druggist can seil .ho :enuiue Brandretli’s Pills. Dr. brandreth will not sell Item o J truggists upon any leims, and any person at til acquainted with the genuine Medicine, nicctd, vhciher acquainted or not, would see at a giance liutt hey were base and unprincipled coun.tif. is Drug* isi nt-ty. to be sure, get a tbw of the gmuine ones hr esor;ing to aril ceand dec< pdon bn> those tfai wtqid • oop so low v.ill, and gimrahy Cos. go laiihvr •lane or purchase a mixture ot tra h that win cost them vss; but shnuid such men be Judge ye. i have some of the Pills in question, and have never seen i plainer ‘i lie boxes are not the same ize, the printing and type are diffeicnt and iie i tlia is unlike as possible both in looks and snnll. I regret to say thai Air. Cliambtrs undoubtedly new when lie put chasid them that they were not .■••iiuine for be was ai thai .line selling the genuine from my Agency, which were withdrawn Irora .iiu as soon as he g.*> the counterfi-t a. As Dr. Brandi Bill's 5 ate Ag< n I am compelled !<* in ice these inroads upon the popuiari'y oi ihe genuine Biandretli’s Pill* which iiappm wi.hin the limits of my Agency. Let them make as marry Pills as they ploase. Lie’ call them afer their own name. and if tfey can usrti for themselves a reputation or fbrtluii maker fatna, he it so. their righ is utidoub ed ; but keep cfl from B andreili’i skit s v.iudtlat. The genuine Pih* mu\ ire obtained in Columbus at my store on.y and of ihe following persons throughout the hi.ate, who are my Ageius ; amt fr nt lime to im, as o her agenci s are estab.ishtd, their names will bo published. J. & A. J. Ashmore, l.incointer. Lincoln co F.. M. Amos Knoxvi.le Crawford co. ‘i ri.oius Ai'danta, Crawforavilla, Tailtf-tro co. Barefitld & Duthaiart, Cuihbert, Randolph co. Erasmus Bed, l.unipkin, Siewart co. A. li. Beil it Cos. Thorrmsion Upson, co. Hezekiah Brake. Powel'.on, Hancock co. Beil Ro. bimvn & George, Con on. Jones co. John AI.Cox, Lexmg on ; r.d Sandy C ret k. Oglethorpe co. Cczart Hurl en 4t Cos. Washington Wilkes co. Alien B.Chd*- tain Hawkinsviiis. Puiaski co. Caiier Peuee & Cos. Drayton, Dooy co. John B t'oiernar & Cos. Pond Tostn Sumpter co Darden .& Bailee, Taibotton Tal bot co Dun fit Alartin, Forryih. Monroe co Dun oanb & Ingram, Perty, Houston co Alexander J. Gordon. Hamilton. Harris co. J. E Groco. Goshen, Lincoln co. Griffin fit Purse Macon Bihbco. Ginn St Cos. Cullodens Mnnroe co. IS. B. Hopper .fit Cos. Hoppers Store. Oglethorpe co Harper fit Clark, Elberton, Elbert co. S. St M. J. Hally, TazewrK, Marion co. H. G Johnson, Zebu ion Pike co John son fit Hudsnc'h. Malereisville. W Johr.son, Jones fit Cos. McDonough, Henry co. Juice fit Bruixxi, Georgetown, Randolph co S. S. Kendrick, Barnes viilt-, Pike co. Kellum fit Maxov, Monticello, Jasper co. Thos. Leslie. Warm Springs Meriwether co Lock hart, Threowiis fit Cha| man W arrenton, Warren co. J. Lumpkin, Travellers Rest Dooly co. Frcimaa McLcnuon.Greenville, Meriwether co. \V. R. Mitch ell, Stanfordvilie Jasper co. R. L. M’Kitiney M’Kir— ncy’s Store, Witkes co. Isaac McCrary. Arner?- cus, Sumpter co. J. B. Nickclson. Greensborongb, Green co. Pitts fit Finley, Ncwburn, Newton co. Richard Peathcr, Pcahcrs Store, Lincoln co. W. J. Rowaldson fit Cos. Danville. Sumpter co. T homas B, Stubbs. Miliedgeville, Isaac l.ow Jackson, Buna,co. Sanford fit Lumsden, Eatonton. Putnam ro. 11. G. Slaughter, Hilslioro, Jasper co. Stafford fit W oodward, Florence, Stewart co. Smith fit Bassett. Bnirhridge, Dceauir co. Jacob H. Smith, Fair Piny, M< rcan co, Samuel M. Thompson Aitirusta. James Thomas, Sparta, Hancock co. A.F. Thompson fit Cos. Indira Springs, Butts co. Usher fit Anderson. Covington, Newton co. W T oottcn fit Cooper.'Whhesville Harris co. nnd T. J. Wartben Saundersviile. Washine'on co. The Agents in Florida Brown & Wilson. Browns Ferry, W.N.L. fit J.W'. Russ. Marianna JohaCanip* bell. Pensacola, and Marcus Tii mbul for St Josephs. The Agents in Alabama are Coleman fit Hodges Jef ferson, Chambers co. Smiih fit Livingston Irwinton, Wm. N. Stafford, Tuskegee. Macon co. E.D.Levi yard, Montgomery. JOHN B. PEABODY. General Agent, for'Georgia, Alabama and Flonda, Columbus, Nov. 23. 47 ts JOHN BAPCOMBFH THIS CELEBRATED RACER will gland llto ensuing season at the HAMPTON COURSE, near Augusta, Ga., under the direction o! F. W. Lacy, and be let to marcs at & 100 the season, w ith One dollar to the Groom—the season to commence thedst of Fe bruary and end the 15th of July. 4t-is requested that persons sending mans will send a note for the season, and the Pedigree of the mare. The proprietors are well provided with Lots and Stables for mares that may be sent toreWaib with the horse, and will be fed and well attended to for fifty cen s per day—black servants sent with tnares fed grads. Every care and attention wi!i fee takfn to guard against acciden t and eseapvs, but bo liability will be incurred fur either. Description. —John Bascombt- is alight chornut,fwa bunt anu inuscic. wi li snpeiior limbs and -'action and lor and inteiligenc of countenance, sur passei by no horse on earth; in fact, take him upon the whole, lie is the hors* of horses. Ha will be seven years old ihe ensuing spring. The charge for kfccping mares to be paid when taken away. Pedigree.-— John Basconihe was got by old Bertrand, out of Urey Goose, slit by Pacole', end he by imported : Chizen ; craud dam by impored Buazard, grt-a grand dam by Wade H. mpton’s Paragon g. g. grand dam by imported Figure g. g. g. grand dam the old Slam ineikin mar. by the eclebra cci imported hor- e Wildair, out of the imported Cub mare. Wade Hampton's Paragon was got by imported Fhmnap out cf Camilla,, and she by BurwiiJs Traveller ; his grand dam by elit Fearnought, g. grand dam Cahsu, imported by CoL Byrd, Barweh’s Traveler was got by Morton's” Tra veller out of Col. Bird’s Calis'a. Pefform nccs —lß34. Huntsville, Ale.. Nov. IS Mnc heats, best ihree in live he ran i erond w> Stock holder. beating Rachel Johnson W haleboua. and Samuel O’Rourke. Time, 2m 4s; 2ui Ss ; Bin 5* ; 2m 5s ; 2in oi. 1835 Nov. 18, at Montgomery. Ala., three mil* heats, he won the purse distancing Samuel G’Kouckfc, his nniy competitor, the first heat, in 6m 525. 1835 Nov. 24, a'. Mount Meigs, Ala., three mria hea's, he ran second to Bill Austm, beating Daphne, Time. 6m; 6m 3s. r 1335. Doc. 10, at Columbus, Ga., three mile firata, he beat Volney. by Indus'ry. Time, first heat, t'xr..-— ’ Volncy having broke down. 1336. Jan 13. ai Augusta, Gn.. three mile heats, ho beat Che ß tatee. Ormond Col. Townes’ Truffle colt and dirtanced Paul Clifford in the first and YertunH mis in the second heat in 5m 54s ; 5m 56a. 1836. April 12. at Augusta, Ga., in a match of fair mile heals, he distanced Col. Hampton's Argyle the first heat in 7rn 44s—tra<-k thir'y-three feel over a mile. This match was for §32 COO. ‘sl7 000 on Argvle and §15,000 on Col. Crowell’s stable, consisting “of Bill Austin Lady Nashville, John Bascottibe. and Bolivia ; Bascombe having been selected. 1836, May 31, at the Union Course, Long Island, in a match of four mile heats. S5 CKX) a side after tra veiling nine hundred milts he beat the champion of th I North. Post Boy. two strait heats, our mile* each. i irrs 49s ; and 7tn 51 Js. Track not in ihe best order and ‘bo day windy. * 1836 Dec. 9at August*. Ga., four mile ha?s, l a beat the grey coll Kite nnd Ladv Morgan, in tno bests. Tune, 8m Is ; 8m Is. John Bascombe never lost a ‘iea* afier rotting ia: the hand* of Cel John Crowell, his nrenem owner. F. W. LACY. Augusta, Gn. Dec. 14 1837. 46’3m LAM) AND GENERAL AGENCY, WASUiNorow rnir. SAMUEL D. KING havuu- resigned hia situa tion as Principal Clerk on Private Land Claims in the General Land Office, and JOHN WILSON having resigned his si nation as Principal ClttU in thw Preemption Bureau, in ihe same Office, now offer their services to their friends and the public, as Land and General Agents at the seat of Governineor, and will attend to claims of any description, before Congress or the Executive Departments. 7 heir ia iaiate acquaint ance fir many years with ail the operation* of the h-rvd system of ‘he United 8 ates. and with, the manner of transacting business, togeihtr with the mast nromiit and energetic attention to such matters a may be c<m lided to ihftn will, it is believed, e*ke them “to afford sa'isfactirm ‘ot}>eir empioyerp. Where original napers'-n foreign Isngcegcs arc so-- warded. duly certified translations should, to save ci pr.nsc to the parties, also be tranrjKi'tcd : and where certified copies cf papers are required, it will be ad visable for the party to forward an affidavit shewinr th<* nature of the interest which he may have in the snbt* t ‘o which they relate, and the reasons why such cone are desired. In a ! cases of importance, rcgttlarlv authmticatrd powers of atfornev should be ‘rr ••• nutti and. The cha-ge* w i!l be according tt?} c ra't're of t. l e services to be performed ert tie A trot nt of prowr'tv in vowed ; and no cate will he amended to. unless “a re'aining fee propor - loned thereto is forwarded. Remi tanccs should, in all cases b< made in *h ! no'es of or Bank drafts nprn the Ranks in the Dis ! *ric or in the Cities in ‘he Slates. All communtca'lons mu*’ be rrost r>aid and addressed ! ‘o KING fir WII SON. Agents Washington Oi?>. P. C. ! Washington Ci'v. Dec. n. lIS7. “47 7* A RESTAURATEUR ononed on St. Cleir street, tinder ti.e *upsr nten J crco . f S. Tt'ri--ee Tec I? 4<tf tSTii [NO. 51,