Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, March 01, 1838, Image 3

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‘Hz hETSfyS’ t faiai ■*•* ‘v>u as a mpr; r,n ’ f 3 re S ari, ed this debility “cir VT’ qU ™“ 0f P rev i ,n| s excessive DreZ’t,.v ? x ? er ' ence deriTOl from the Seasoning anllT h “ S C " m|ll,! " l - V refuted this C” has iu spite of our !,ce ” t 2 ’ °‘ carlal,,la i ‘vhich lately visited the w c 0 Europe, including the British Isles, was not oo.y truly remarkable both for the i , U T Ce ie evei symptoms and of the / ca congestions of the chest and heart, which accompanied its attacks, but likewise for the unexpected relation which it was found to e * r to measures of active explelion. The sudden manner in which the disease came on, the great heat of the skin, acceleration of the pulse, and the intolerable violence of the head ache, together with the oppression of the chest, cough, wheezing, &.c. all encouraged us to the employment of the most acuve modes ot depletion, and yet the result was but little answerable to our expectations, for these means were found to induce an awful prostration of strength, with little or no alle viation of symptoms.” Dr. Graves is very full on the subject of this disease, and gives a very clear description of the various forms in which it has presented itself, with the various plans of treatment, which were employed, however, with little satisfaction. Indeed such fatality marked its course in some direciions, that whole families of children were spept off by it. One instance, especially, he notes, of five fine healthy children, being the whole of one family, were carried off in a very short time by this fatal epidemic. We have recently seen a few cases of Scarlatiua very similar in their character to some of those violent forms noticed by Dr. Graves, and we had the mortification of wit nessing results equally fatal. One of our most esteemed citizens, residing in a neighborhood of the adjoining State, lost his two, only, chil dren, with this malady. The eldest, a fine, sprightly little girl, I did not see until the close of the sixth day of her attack. I found her laboring under the most violent Scarlatina, with intense inflammatory appearances; but the pulse did not correspond with the general appearance, and I was satisfied that depletion was not indicated. She had been visited bv medical gentlemen from the city before I saw her. The youngest was attacked during my visit to the other, apparently more mildly, as the inflammatory appearances seemed “less vividly marked. Some slight efflorescence bad appeared when l left it, and I had strong hope that this child would pass through the -disease safely. But how vain that hope!— Two days after I was called in haste to visit the little sufferer, and as soon as I entered its chamber, I discovered that my fluid expecta tions were blasted. The disease had become so violent and aggravated since I left it, that there could now be no possible expectations ■of its recovery. Its little spirit was already preparing to follow that which had flown he lore it, to a purer clime. In these two cases the refrigerant plan of treatment, at least from the time I saw the Hirst, was vigorously pursued, and although ■this was occasionally joined with antimonials, tih.* result proved that the treatment was in effectual in producing any visible impression on the disease, or that the attacks were so “extremely violent as to render impotent anv remedial agent whatever. I will not omit to mention that subsequently to the above, the father of the gentleman alluded to informed me that his youngest child was seized with tlie disease, immediately fol lowing the eases already mentioned. In ad dition to mild cathartics and flaxseed demul cent, he determined to pursue a vigorous fttimofating plan of treatment, (and 1 know him to be a gentleman of sound and solid judgment, with the most acute observation.) Accordingly, be prepared and administered, freely and continually, when the febrile symp toms were not too great, warm brandy teddy, and at the lime he informed me of this fact, his child bad passed tlie crisis favorably, with considerable desquamation, and a genera! .subsiding of all the symptoms. May we not profit by the history of this latter case? We sire aware that although (be inflammatory symptoms in this disease appear often to de mand, urgently, the means of depletion, yet when the lancet is used, the debility and gen eral prostration which follows, show that it is not only : njurioiis, but often highly pernicious in its effects. Under such circumstances, then, where the remedies, which, from all appearances, the disease seems so strongly to indicate, shall produce effects so contrary to our expectations, may we not reasonably cxjxrc.t belter success from the use of those which produce a contrary action on the sys tem. though apparently contra-indicated by the disease itself. medicus. Prom tlieGlobe. THE PRE-EMPTION BILL. We have to congratulate the meritorious •ettlers of the new states upon the passage of this bill. It was ordered to a third reading in the Senate after dark on Saturday evening, the whole day having been devoted to it, as the two proceeding days had been. These i three days presented in the Senate one of the | most interesting debates which has ever been witnessed there. Mr. Ci.ay appeared as the I great antagonist of the bill, and spared no el- j feet, of tmy kind, to defeat it. He so far for- j got himself as to use the most degrading lan- j guage against the settlers of the public lands, such as no other senator used, and which would be almost incredible to relate. “ Law- j less intruders”— u land robbers”—“ as much j robbers as if they had broken into the Treas- | wry. and taken the public money, or as if they | bad taken the public ships, forts, and arms'” —“ frauds upon the government,” etc. Such were the epithets which a western senator ! bestowed upon the citizens of the new states who have settled upon the public lands. Os course this language could not be heard by the senators from those states without being indignantly repelled ; and repelled it was with a spirit and success which must he gratifying to all good citizens, and especially so to the meritorious cultivators of the soil wlvo were thus assailed.—Tl>c debate will speak lor it self, and will he highly honorable to many senators who vindicated their constituents from the infuriate and heartless attacks of Mr. Clay. When it came lo the final vote, he found himself in a miserable minority of twelve votes’ We believe i< has seldom oc curred that Mr. C-i.ay has exerted himself so much to defeat a measure. His innate op position to the settlers was stimulated on this occasion by political-consideration. Mr. Van Buren had recommended the measure; it was therefore, an administration measure, and as such, drew forth new attacks. It was supported by the democracy, as a democrat ic measure, and as such was further opposed by him. It was a death blow to his distribu tion schemes, and that vexed him. Finally, it was favorable to the western farmers ; and of these Mr. Clay has approved himself to he the unrelenting enemy ever since the year 1820, when he was the most violent of all tire opponents to the reduction of the price of the public lands from two dollars to $1,25 per acre. He also attacked the Graduation hill, and the President's recommendation in fa vor of that hill; all which was the natural consequence of his present position as the champion of the federalists, and of the Eng lish Bank of the United States in Philadelphia, and, therefore, the natural opponent of every thing that is favorable to the democratic in terest. In this point of view, all the laws which aid the farmers and cultivators of the soil, are odious and offensive. We repeat, he debate will speak for itself. It will be read with profound interest in all the new i stales, and a portion of if will command at tention in every state. We speak of that part of the discussion which grew up on Mr. Merrick’s motion to exclude foreigners from the rights of pre-empt km. This motion gave rise to an animated debate,and from the man ner in which Mr. Clay took up the cudgels ffer Mr. Merkick, and thanked him for ma king the motion, it was evident that the mo- j lion was prompted by himself, according to i his usual artifice of pushing forward others i to make the motions of which fie does not! choose to appear openly as the author. Mr. j Merrick’s motion to exclude foreigners from j the benefits of the bill, was decided by yeas I and nays, and shared the fate which it must always receive when republicans are in the majority: it was triumphantly rejected. The speeches of the republican senators on this point, are worthy of themselves and of the occasion. They denounced it as federal doc trine—as the renewal of the odious spirit of 1798—as an attempt to curtail the mere ac quisition of property by foreigners, and there fore more detestable than an attempt to limit 1 heir political rights. Finally, it was shown that this motion to exclude foreigners from the rights of pre-emption, was made and sup ported by the men and the party who were in favor of giving to another description of foreigners to wit: the London capitalists, the command of the currency, the revenues, and the politics of the United States from the par ty who gave to an aristocracy of foreigners the first and second national bank, and now wished to give them a third bank, and with it. power to govern the government of the United States. We shall spread this debate before our readers. Mr. Webster voted for the bill. P- S.—We had prepared this account of the Saturday’s proceedings on the pre-emp tion bill for our paper of this (Monday)riight, as the closing scene, without dreaming that so decisive a vote would have been assailed on the last reading, which is generally but matter of form in such eases.—But Mr. Ciay’s wrath against the settlers, like that of Achil les, broke out more furious than ever: havinsr lost on that vote his friend, (Mr. Webster.) Unlike the enraged Greek, however, be vented his fury, not on those among whom his friend had fallen, but upon the body of hapless Pa troclus. In the very face of the Senate, he ra ted him as having deserted him in the hour of danger, intimated that he had taken refuge in the supreme court until the last hour, and openly and with bitterness exclaimed, that when lie came and found his old comrade in arms contending against a host of enemies, he, the champion of the laws and constitution, in gloriously fled, and joined the violators of the laws—the intruders—the trespassers—the in terlopers—the squatters —that abominable and execrable breed which, in his portraiture, suits the settlers of the new states to that hor rible picture which foreign vagrants have de lighted to sketch, to gratify the enemies of our country. Mr. Webster did not answer Mr. Clay ns he ought, hut the work had been done by Messrs Walker, Benton, Clay of Alabama, Fulton and others, whose speeches will vin dicate amply the western pioneer. From the N. Y. Daily Express of Feb. 19.- BOWERY THEATRE BURNT AGAIN. Yesterday morning at a quarter past two o’clock the interior of the Bowery Theatre was discovered to be on fire, and in the space of an hour the whole building,extending from the Bowery through to Elizabeth street, was reduced to a lieap of ashes—nothing remain ing bin the two side walks and a portion of the front. The fire is said to have origina ted in the carpenter’s shop near the stage. It is hardly necessary to add that every thing within the walls was consumed. We regret to stale in addition that the porter house of Mr. Biadfbrd Jones, adjoining upon the Bow ery on the north.side, is also destroyed, to gether with a large amount of furniture, fix tures, &c. Also, Nos. 52, public house, oc cupied by Mr. Craft aud Reuben Gavter; 52 1-2 occupied by Jonathan Haight, tailor— all brick fronts; and No. 54, occupied b.v William Morison tinman, goods mostly saved, and J. M. Kinlev, tailor, No. 54 1-2, frame bouses. The roof of No. 56 was slightly in jured. The most lamentable occurrence we have yet to record. During the burning of the the atre, the interior of which blazed hke a vol cano at the moment of an eruption, sending the burning cinders in every direction, one of the embers unlbrttmalely fell through a bro ken pane of a sky light in a club stable, No. 49 Christie street, selling it instantly on fire, and burning to death a black man named Thomas who slept in the loft, before he could be extricated. There were five horses in the stable, all of which were got out without in jury. The stable belonged to Mr. Hamblin, who also had a deep interest in the theatre, ft is not known hmv the fire originated, hut it issu’d to have been the work ofan incendiary. Great credit is due to the chief engineer, Mr. Anderson, for his conduct generally throughout the conflagration, but particularly in ordering Elizabeth street, in the rear of the theatre, to be cleared of the by sland ers at the time he did. Had they been per mitted to have remained there live minutes i longer, when the wall fell across the street, it is more than probable that many lives would i have been lost. The walls that remain standing are in a I very dangerous situation, and threaten to ! crumble to the ground every instant ; not ! withstanding which we were surprised to see a large number of idlers crowding under the | roiirsTat the peril of their lives to gratify their I curiosity. Avgusta Convention. —A pamphlet has been handed us containing the proceedings ol the Convention of Merchants and others, held in j Augusta, in October last, together with an 1 address, emanating from that body of the peo ple of ibe Southern and Southwestern States, relative to the establishment ot a direct ex port and import trade with foreign countries. The address, doubtless from the pen of Mr. McDuffie, the chairman of the Committee ; appointed to prepare it, strongly enforces the necessity and advantages of a thorough etnnn ; cipation of Southern and South-western com merce from its present trammels and circuity ; ! and concludes with calling attention to the res olution of the Convention unanimously adop ted, that another Convention, to devise further measures of concert and co-operation in the great undertaking, he held at Augusta, on the first Monday in April next, and hoping that the people in all the States interested, will meet forthwith, in their primary assemblies, and elect delegates to represent them. — Cha. ‘■ Courier. CITY HALL, Columbus. Ga. ) February 24, 1838. < Council met pursuant to adjournment, at 7 clock, P. M. Present, Aldermen Hooper, Andrews, \\ illiams, Lewis. \\ are, Davis, Al ien, Chiplv, Brooks, and Hodges. On mo tion, Alderman Davis was called to the charr as Mayor pro tern. On motion of Alderman Lewis: j That the Marshall take a sufficient number ol the public hands, and proceed to ditch off a pond of Water on the east Commons, on the east end of St. Clair st., and that the stumps he dug up and a causeway he built over toe ditch at t!e east end of the same; and that lie also put the east end of Crawlord st. in I .rood order, and that said work be done under | the direction ot the Street Committee, as soon as the hands can he spared from the work at which they are at present employed. An address was received troru Michael I . Clark, praying a lease of 300 yards on the south commons on the eaM bank ot tne I for the terra of 20 years, for the privilege ol a seine yard, which was ordered to be laid on the table lor the present. A communication from the Citv Treasurer, stating that the following Tots in the Ciiy were not given in for tax for the years 1836 and 1337, viz: Nos. 97, 212, 3SI, SS2, 417, 442, 443, 517, 555, 589 and 590; which was refer red to the Committee on Ways and Means. The following resolution was offered by Alderman Chipiy: Rule 16. The order of proceedings before the .Council shall be as follows : 1. Resolutions offered, and laid on the table. 2. Reports of Committees. 3. Reports of City Officers. 4. Resolutions acted upon. 5. Motion for adjournment. By Alderman Brooks: Resolved, That the Committee on Contracts receive proposals for the excavating of the ditch for the lower sewer, for the next ten days, and the work be let out to the lowest bidder, provided he or they give good and sufficient security for the faithful performance of the work. By Alderman Williams: Resolved, That the lessors of that part of the south common known as the race turf, comply with the con tract made by them with tlie City Council for lease of said ground, within fifteen days, and that on failure to do so, said contract be and is hereby declared null and void. And be it further ordered, That the Trea surer put in suit, at the next April term of the Muscogee Superior Court, such notes as may be due and unpaid for arrears in rent for said ground. By Alderman Andrews: It is resolved that the proposition of the Marshall for the feed ing and keeping the negroes and mules for (lie present year, be accepted by council, by his giving the necessary bond and security. Bv Alderman Allen, Chairman of the Spe cial Committee appointed to confer with W. B. Robinson &, Cos. on the subject of changing the lower or south sewer from brick to wood : Beg leave to report, that they have con ferred with Wm. B. Robinson &, Cos. on the subject embraced in the foregoing resolution, and that they, Wm. B. Robinson &, Cos. have agreed to construct the lower sewer of wood, three feet broad and three feet and a half deep, in the clear; that it be constructed with heart pine timber, the string peices to be six inches square, the balance of the frame to be six by three inches, the planks to he two and a half inches thick, and well secu red with spikes five inches long. Be it further Resolved , That the CommTtU tee on contracts be instructed to annul any con tract heretofore made with W. B. Rohinsojy Cos. so far as the south sewer is concerned, and enter into contract with said W. B. Ro binson & Cos. to construct said sewer with wood, as above, lor the same price per foot, $2,10 per every foot in length, of said sewer, and that said Committee be not authorized to extend the time beyond the first day of June next. By the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means : An Ordinance to author ize the levy and collecting of tax for the sup port of the City of Columbus, for the year 1838, was presented to Council and past. Council then adjourned until Saturday, the 3d day of March, at 3 o’clock, F. M. Published bv order of the Board. J. ROBERTS, City Cleric. MARRIED. On Tuesday evening the 20 h ult, by Magirt Ivy. Esq. Mr Patrick Conniff, of Wetumpka, Ala. to Miss Frances Flynn, of this city. On Sunday the4th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Avcoek, Ca|)t. Michael Henlz, to Miss Lucinda Ferguson, all of Baker county. MEDICO THERMOMETRICAL RECORD, roil THE CITY OF COLUMBUS. February, 1838. ‘ i Range of I )irec- Theimo. ! State tions Days of the ; 2 of the of week. in’; M n’t jWeathei wind. Wednesday 21 40 52 42 fair s \v Thursday 22 39 j? 16 fair n w Friday _'3j37 -9 48 fair s Saturday 24140 11 43 fair w Sunday 25|45 i3 53 fair s Monday It ! >4 >2 50 fair n w Tuesday 27j46 60 43 “jfair n w COLUMBUsTFkiCfSS CUrTiENt] CORRECTED WEEKLY 1!Y ALLEN AND YOUNG. ARTICLES. PRICES. BAGGLNG—lveutucky, - - yd 00 25 aOO 28 Inverness, ------ yd CO 22 aOO 25 American Tow, - - - - v d 00 00 aOO 00 BALE ROPE, Ih 00 12 aOO 14 BACON—liams, - - - - lb CO 16 aOO 18 Sides, lb 00 16 aOO 17 Shoulders, ------ lb 00 12 aOO 16 BEEF—Mess, bbl 13 00 als 00 Prime, ------- bbl 750a03 00 BUTTER—Goshen, - - - lb 00 25 aOO Western,, - - - - - - lb 00 25 aOO 31 CANDLES—Sperm, - - - lb 00 45 aOO 00 Tallow, lb 00 15 aOO 20 CASTINGS, lb 600 a 700 CHEESE—Noithem, - - - lb 0016 aOO 20 COTTON, lb 00 7 aGO 9f COFFEE—Havanna green, - lb 00 15 aOO 16 Rio, lb 00 12|a 00 14 FlSH—Mackerel, No. 1, - - lb 00 12 aOO 14 “ “ 2, - - lb 10 00 al2 50 “ “ 3, - - ib 900a 950 Herrings, ------ box 200aCO 00 FLOUR-—Northern, - - - bbl 14 50 al6 00 Western, bbl 12 CO a 14 Country, ------- bbl 10 00 al2 00 GRAIN—Corn, bu 100aCO 00 Wheat, bu C 2 00 aCO 00 GUNPOWDER, - - - - keg 000 a SSO HIDES, lb 00 7 aOO 8j IRON, lb CO 6a 00 7 LARD, lb 00 11 aOO 12 LIME, cask 400 a 500 MOLASSES—N. Orleans, - gal 00 50 aOO 55 NAILS, lb 00 9 aOO 10 PORK—Mess, lb 00 25 a CO 27 Prime, - - - - - - - lb 00 17 aOO 23 PEPPER, lb 00 12sa 00 15 PEAS, bu 00 75 a 1 00 RAISINS, box 250 a 400 RICE. lb 00 6 aOO 00 SPIRITS —Brandy, Cognac, gai 175a 225 Peach, ------- gal ] ]2’ a ]SO Apple, ------- gal 00 58 aCO 60 GlN—Holland, ----- g a l 150 a 175 Domestic, ------ gal 00 62} aOO 65 RUM —Jamaica, ----- gal 177 a 225 Domestic, ------ gal 00 60 aOO 624 WHISKEY —Irish, - - - gal CO 00 a 400 Monongahela, ----- gal 00 65 a 100 New Orleans, ----- gal 00 62 aOO 65 SUGAR—New Orleans, - lb 00 10 aOO 12} St. Croix, ------ lb 0014 aOO 15 Loaf, lb 00 18 aOO 22 SALT, - - sack 400 a 425 SOAP. lb 00 8 aCO 10 SHOT. lb 225 a 250 STEEL—Cast, ----- lb 0018ja0025 German, - - - - - - lb 00 00 aOO 15 Blistered, - - - - - - Ihool2aoo 20 TALLOW, lb 00 8 aOO 9 TEA—Green, lb 100 a 150 B’ack. lb 00 00 aOO 75 TOBACCO—first quality, - - lb 00 40 aOO 50 Second quality, - - - - - Ibool6aoo 25 WlNES—Madeira, L.P. - - gal 300 a 350 Sicily, ------- gal 150 a 175 Malaga. ------- gal 00 62} aOO 70 Claret, Marseilles, - - - box 500 a 600 Claret, Bordeaux, - - - box 600 a7 00 THEATRE,--.! CARD. MISS CHARLOTTE BARNES respectfully announces to the public that in consequence of nume | rous requests, her BENEFIT will take place on | THURSDAY EVENING March Ist. on which j occasion will be presented selections from celebrated Dramas, with other entertainments as will be expres sed in the bills of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and Mr. Harrison will perform. | fCTT 3 ’ The undersigned has resumed the practice of LAW at Columbus, Georgia. Feb. 27. 4:f ALFRED IVERSON. NOTICE. THE subscribers have formed a copartnership un der the firm of T. T. GAMMAGE & CO., | and have purchased the stock of Goods belonging to ■ ; Mr. A. K. Ayer, nearly opposite the Citv Hall where | I they intend keeping a general assortment of Staple and i Fancv Dry Goods. Groeeries. Hardware, Hats. Shoes i j and Boots. &c., all of which will be sold on the most j ; accommodating terms._ Thtir friends, and the public i generally, are respectfully invited to call aud examine i for themselves, before purchasing elsewhere. T. T. GAMMAGE, i 3. 11. OBEAR. ! March Ist. 1838, 43t • AUCTION SALES. BY E. SIGOURNEY NORTON. I will sell, on the 7ih March, at 11 o’clock, in front of the City Hall, A SPLENDID LOT OF FURNITURE, Equal to any ever offered in Bolting or Paris. ASTRAL Lamps, Looking Glasses, and Glass Piates. Also, on Front sireet. materials for Ca binet making, consisting of a large lot of Mahogany and Maple Yaneers, Rings, Curled .Maple, Black Walnut, Cherry and Poplar Lumber. A large lot es Egyptian and Palian Marble, and many oilier articles too numerous to particularise. Also a splendid Piano. TERMS.—AII under §lo,cash; over $lO and tin- j der S3O, quarter cash, and balance two months ; all i over S3O and under SSO. one quarter cash and balance three months ; over SSO and under SIOO, one quarter cash and balance five month ; all over SIOO, six months, to be in small notes with good endorsements. March 1. 4ts NEW FIRM# THE subscribers, having purchased of John B Peabody, his entire stock of Dry Goods, will con tinue the Dry Goods and Grocery business at the same stand, under the name and style of ALFRED & PORTER, and have now on hand a well selected stock of Dry Goods, and Groceries, which they offer low for cash. A. F. ALFRED, J. C. PORTER. Columbus Feb. IS, 183S. 44t NOTICE. ALL persons indebted io the late fitmof ALFRED SHORT & CO. and A. F. ALFRED, will please call on the subscriber, at the store of Alfred it Porter, and settle the same. A. F. ALFRED. March Ist. 4 6t LAW NOTICE. CAMPBELL, McDOUGALD & WATSON, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, having as sociated themselves together in the practice of Law, will attend to all business entrusted to their care in the Chattahoochee arid Coweta circuits, in the State of Georgia, and in the adjoining counties in the State of Alabama. All letters addressed to them must have the postage paid in order to receive attention. JAMES 11. CAMPBELL, A. McDOUGALD, THOMAS W. WATSON. March 1. 4 9t tdP’Thc Columbus Enquirer, Augusta Constitution alist, Charleston Courier, Mobile Advertiser, Mont gomery Advertiser, and Apalachicola Gazette will publish the above for two months and forward their bill to ihe subscribers. FT. GAINES LITERATURE LOTTERY* the subscribers, appointed to superintend the V v drawing of the Fort Gaines Literature Lottery, Class No. 1, for 1838, certify the following to be the drawn numbers in the order in which they stand. 1, 39, 15, 29, 21, 27, ROBERT IRVINE, WILLIAM MOUNT, H \ KEY B. MILLER, BENJ. CONE, WM. C. HUSON, b SIMON GREEN. Fort Gaines, Feb. 24, 1838. J Class No. 2, Fort Gaines Literature Lottery for IS3B, will be drawn March 31,1838. 4 It THE undersigned, having disposed of his stock of Goods to Messrs. T. T. Gammage &. Cos., re turns his sincere thanks to his friends aud the public, for their liberal patronage, and takes a pleasure in re commending his successors as well worthy their pa tronage. A. K. AYER. Columbus, March 1. 4.f SPLENDID VESTINGS. THE subscribers have lately received an assort ment of extra rich figured Silk Velvet and Satin VESTS. Also, plain black Silk and Satin, which they will be pleased to make up to order at the short est notice. HAMILTON, HURD & Cos. Jan. 2. 4:f LAW COPARTNERSHIP. Milton williams and edmund h. WOIIRILL, have united in the practice of LAW. They will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to their care in the Chattahoochee Circuit.— Office in Talbotton. Feb. 23. 4 8t LOST. LOST, by the subscriber, about the 4th January last, between Macon, Ga. and Mitchell’s Mills, Harris county, Ga., a black Morocco POCKET BOOK, containing a Note on A. Hums, for eight hundred dollars, due the 25th Dec. D37. Also a Note on D. G. Watson for two hundred dollars, dated at Montgomery, Ala., about the 20th March, 1837 Also a note on the same for twenty-eight dollars. Also a Note for fourteen hundred dollars, signed by Coachas Micco and Cheloky Tustanuggy. Also Notes on George Reynolds, John Colly, J. J. Kidd, and others not recollected. Also receipts for money paid Webb Kidd to llic amount of about fifteen hundred dollars. Any person finding the above described Pocket Book, will confer a particular favor by informing the subscriber, at Dadesville, Tallapoosa county, Ala. SALMON WASHBURN. Dadesville, Jan. 15. 4 4t ADMINISTRATOR’S POSPONED SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MAY next, at the Court House in Greenville. Meri wether county, under an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, sitting for ordi nary purposes, a negro woman by the name of Phillis, and her child, named Esther. Sold as a part of the estate of Winlock C. Person, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms cn the day of sale. Feb. 23. 4:s JAS. P. HAY, Adm’r. STATE OF GEORGIA. EARLY COUNTY. IN EARLY SUPERIOR COURT, FEBRUARY TERM, 1838. IT appearing to the Court, by oath of Samuel John son, complainant in a certain bill in equity, pend ing in said Court, against Garrett Freeman and James Yeldell, returnable to February Term, IS3B, as well as by the return of the Sheriff of said county, that the defendants in said bill of complaint each reside without the jurisdictional limits of said Court, and reside out of said State. On motion of complainant’s counsel, or dered by the Court, that service be perfected upon the defendants to said trill of complaint, by publication of this rule, in one of the public gazettess in said State, once a month, for three months. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 19th February, 1338. 4m3m JOEL YV. PERRY, Clerk. RULE NISI GEORGIA, EARLY COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF S A ID COUNTY—FEBRU ARY TERM, 1838. To the Honorable Joseph Sturgcs , Judge of the Superior Court: THE petition of Gabrial Jones sheweth unto your honor, that Vann L. Robertson, of the county and State aforesaid, on the tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thir ty-two, made, executed and delivered to your peti tioner of the county and State aforesaid, a certain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year afore said ; and which said mortgage deed recites and sets fortli that, for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollars, to the said Vann L. Robertson, by the said Gabriel Jones, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, as w’ell as for the better secur ing the payment of a promissory note, bearing even date with these presents, whereby the said \ann L. Robertson promised to piy the said Gabriel Jones, or bearer, the stun of eighty dollars, on or before the fifih day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, en suin'* the date thereof, for value received. He, the said Vann L. Robertson, hath granted, bargained, and sold, and doth, by r these presents, grant, bargain and sell, unto the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and assigns, a certain lot of land in the fourth district of said court y, known in the plan as three hundred and fifty-nine, to have and to hold the said lot of land or bargained pre mises, to the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever ; and the said Vann L. Robertson, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, the said bar gained premises unto the said Gabriel Jones, will war rant and forever defend, against the claim of himself and his heirs, and against the claim of ah other persons whatever, provided, nevertheless, that if the said Vann L. Robertson, his heirs, executors and administra tors shall, and do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and as signs, the aforementioned sum of eighty dollars, on the day and time mentioned, and appointed for the pay ment thereof in the said promissory note mentioned, with lawful witness for the same, according to the tenor of said note ; then and from ’henceforth as well this present indenture, and the right to the property thereby conveyed, as the said promiseorv note shall cease, determine, and be void, to all intents and pur poses. And it further appearing to the Court, that the said Vann L. Robertson hath not fully satisfied and paid off said note, in said mortgaged deed described, according to the tenor and effect of said mortgaged deed. It is now. on motion of counsel, ordered by the Court, that the said Vann L. Robertson pay, into the office of the Clerk of this Court, on or before the first day of the next term of said Court, the principal and in’erest due upon said note, and the costs of this proceeding, or ‘hat the equitv of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises aforesaid, be forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be served upon the sai t Vann L. Robertson, three months previous to the next term of said Court, or published in the Columbu; Sentinel and Herald four months pre vious to the next term of said Court . WILLIAM TAYLOR. Attorney at Law for Gabriel Jones. Georgia, Early county, } Clerk’s office Superior Court. f T certify that the above and foregoing is a true ex j tract from the minutes of the Superior Court of said ! countv of Early. This 50" h February 1838. | 4m4m ‘ JOEL W. PERRY. Clerk. NOTICE. ALL persons are herebv forewarned from crediting any of the officers or crews of the Steamboats Alabama. Muscogee or Oceoia. as no debts contracted bv them willlhe naid bv the ow ners. Feb. 13. ts T. & M. EVANS, Agents. I SHERIFFS ’ SALES. CARROLL SAIiE.~ ~ WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH nex t, before tlie Court House door in th-e town I ot Carrollton, Carroll county, between the usual hours lof sale, the following property to wit: One lot of land No. 167, in tlie 9in district of Carroll county, levied on as the properly of Thomas S. Han j sar d, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court iu Elbert county, in favor of William White vs. said 1 hotnas.S.- Hansard. Levy made and returned to me i by a Constable. i Jan. 28.52 is MATTHEW REID, D. Sheriff. ! WILL BE SOLD, AT THE SAME PLACE. OX THE FIKST , _ TCESD.IV IN APRIL NEXT, Lot ol land No. 177, in the 9th district of Carrol! 1 county, levied on as the property of John W. Poiner, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of j Henry county, in favor of Jones and Johnson vs. said ; John YV . Poiner. Levy mate and returned to me by | a Constable. Lot of land No. 119, in the 10th district, the lot whereon the defendant now lives, levied on as the pro perty of Elijah Hendon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Carroll ceunty, in favor of Lew son Homes vs. said Ilcndon. Lot of land No. 33. in the 7th district of Carroll county, levied on as the property of James Cash, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Franklin county, in favor of John P. Carnes vs. said James Cash. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Properly pointed out by Sam. Knox. Feb. 22. 4ts JOHN DEAN, Sheiiff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, j One, sorrel mare and colt, and two leather beds and bed furniture and bedsteads, levied on as the property of Neal Stone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Christopher Bowen vs. Neal Slone. Property pointed out by Jonathan San ders. February 24, 1858. Will be sold, at the same time rnd place, one red cow and yearling, and two sows and eight pigs, levied on as the property of Jonathan Walker, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Augustus H. Palmer vs. Jonathan Walker and Wil liam Hardin, MATTHEW REID, D. Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4ts STEWART SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale, thefollowing property, viz : Lot of land No. 144, in the 23d district of Stewart county, levied on as the property of Wiley Rogers, to satisfy a fi. fa. iss-vjed out of Washington Superior Court, in favor of William H. Moroan & Cos. Dec. 26. LEONIDAS W. HILL. Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, Lot of land No. 167, in the 24th district of Stewart county, taken as the property of John M. Glaze to satisfy a ft. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Marion county, in favor of John Shaw. Levied on and re turned to me by a Constable. Jan. 1. 48 M. M. FLEMING, D. Sheriff. A CARD. DR. S. W. SPENCER, lately of Maryland, having permanently settled in this city, offers his professional services to the citizens of Columbus and its vicinity. Dr. S. will devote his entire attention to llie practice, and all calls, either in town or from the country, will be promptly attended to. His office is ori St. Clair street, a few doors east of the City Hall, where he may be at all times found, un less piofessionally engaged. Feb. 20. 33t NEW ESTABLISHMENT. SAMUEL OWENS has taken the house on the corner of Crawford and Front streets, formerly occupied by Owens & Allen, and having thoroughly re-organized the intornal arrangements of said house, respectfully invites all old customers, and every body else, to give him a call. His Liquors, Segars, and so forth, are of the VERY best. Come and judge for yourselves. Attached to the establishment is a first rate Ten Pin Alley, where the lovers of sport, will al ways find recreation and exercise. The Aliev has been refitted, and will be conducted in the best style. All charges moderate. Feb. 22. 32t NOTICE—SAVE COST. ALL inlebteu to the subscribers, either by Note or Book account, are requested to come forward and make payment, on or before the 10th of March next. Those who do n6t comply will find them in the hands of an Attorney for collection. Columbus. Feb 23. 3rf J. S. SMITH & Cos. ON CONSIGNMENT. CASKS fresh Thomaston Lime. Just re’d by ALLEN & YOUNG. •Tan. 5. 1 ICE HOUSE FOR SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, all the interest of Ihe Columbus Tee Company in the brick building known as the Ice House, situated in the rear of the Sans Souci, fronting on Oglethorpe street. Terms cash. Bv order of the company. Feb. 21. Sts JAS. KIY 7 LIN, Agent. GARDEN SEED, CULTIVATED by David Landreth, near Phila delphia. A large supply of the above seed, war ranted fresh and genuine, equal to any in the world, just received and for sale by JOHN'E. BACON & Cos., Fob. 22. 33t Agents for Davil Landreth. NOTICE. STOLEN from the subscriber, living in Muscogee county, seven miles from Columbus, on the stage road, on Monday night, the I2th inst.. a light iron gray HORSE, about five feet high, rather chunky built, and in fine order, his mane and tail very light for his color, his ears rather short, and neck tolerable large, mane thick and not very long, tail of a pretty length, reaching below his hams. Ho was shod all round, and shoes somewhat worn. The horse is about six years old, and his gait is a trot, mostly, but he can pace, and when rode out of a common gait, makes a singular noise, as if he was wind broken. Any person who will give me such information about the horse, so that I get him, shall be handsomely rewarded by the sub scriber, and a liberal reward for the thief. Feb. 10. 33t THOMAS DAVIS. NOTICE. W HER AS tile eleventh section of an act to in corporate a banking company under the name of the Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus, asseuted to 30th December, 1838, requires those who may have sold their stock, to give sixty days’ notice of the same, in some public gazette of this Slate.— Therefore, in compliance with said section, I do here by give notice, that I have transferred the Stock in said Bank to which I was entitled as one of the origi nal Stockholders. JOHN L. LEWIS. F-b. 20. __ 39t NOTICE. A LI. persons are cautioned not to trade for a Note on J. B. Hicks, to Walter S. Nott. and Bartlett Weeks security, as the consideration for which said note was given has entirely failed, and I am deter mined not to pay said note unless compelled bv law. Feb. 20. 3 St J. B. HICKS. MEDICAL. DOCTOR E. T. TAYLOR, of Clinton, has re moved to Columbus, and expects to devote his attention to the practice of Medicine. Calls either in the City or Country will receive prompt attention. His office is on Broad street, nearly opposite the In surance Bank, and his residence next above Dr. Wil son’s. Feb. 12. 2tf NOTICE. THE public is hereby cautioned against trading for a NOTE made by myself to Jacob Curry, of Carroll county, fjr the sum of six hundred and forty eight dollars, made the 8?li of November, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. The consideration for which said note was given having entirely failed, I am de or mined not to pay the same unless compelled bv law. DENSON CROAV. Talbot county, Feb. G, 1833. 2 4l NOTICE. /"WNHE public is hereby forewarned not to trade J!. for a NOTE made by myself to Joseph Morris, formerly of Harris, now the county of Meriwether, for tite sum of seventy-live dollars, due Christmas next, as I am determined not to pay said note, unless com pelled by law, the consideration for which it was given having entirely failed. JOHN BUSH. Talbot county. Feb. 6.1838. 24t THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has ta ken the House in Greenville, Geo. formerly occupied by G-.ii. Ector, and more recently by James C. McGib hanv, where he intends entertaining his customers in the best manner possible. JOHN C. MANGHAM. Geenvrille. Ga. Jan. 1838. 51 3tn if OKG-22 £i ELLIS CIONTTNUE to receive and offei for sale ail kinds / ofStaple and fancy Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Sad llery, Hardware, ike. together with a good supplv of Groceries,all of which will be sold on the most favorable terms . Feb. Ist, 1538. 52 ts 7BBLS. pickeled SHEEP HEAD. 20 boxes fine Scotch Herring, 4 bbls. Cranberries, 20 000 best Spanish Cigars, Just received and for sale bv Feb. 1,1838. 52tf YONGE & ELLIS. AT the Court House in Talbot county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next, at public sale, within the legal hours, lot of land No. 131, in the 16th district of originiaily Muscogee, now Talbot county, it being the lot whereon Thomas Mallins now lives.— Terms of sale made known on the dav. EDWARD W. WRIGHT Jan. 30. Its GEORGE AV. TOWNS. ’ CHECKS ON PHILADELPHIA AND N. v, TREASURY NOTES. UNITED STATES MONEY for sa ! e, and uucurrent notes pur chased bv I. C. RL ANT pan. 24. 1838. 51 Gi SHERIFFS’ SALES. TALBOT SALES. be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH v next, at tlie Court House door m the town ot Tulbotton, Talbot county, within the legal hours of sale, the following properly, to wit: One lot of land containing two hundred 1 two and a half acres, number 118, in the 17th district of said coun ty, levied on as the properly of O. YV. Tomme. to sa tisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Upson county, iu favor of Robert Collins, deceased, vs. O. YV. Tomme. Also two negro girls, Mariah and Rose, levied on as the property of Seth G. YVatson, to satisfy one fi. fa. from Talbot Superior Court, in favor of William Fleming vs. Seth G. Wa'son, and sundry fi. fas. is sued from a Justices’ Couit of said county, in favor of Edmund YV. YVright and others vs. Seth G. YVatson. Also two houses and lots, in the town of Taibotton, to wit: One whereon Wilson Parks now lives, and the other whereon James Thompson now lives, both levied on as the property of Phillip Long, to sa isfy two fi. tas. one issued from Talbot Superior Court, in fa vor of Ellerson Taylor vs. Hamlin L. Wade and Phi lip Long, the other issued from Talbot Inferior Court, in favor of Edward YV. Russel vs. Philip Long. Pro perly pointed out by B. Hill, plaintiff’s attorney. Also one negro boy about seven years old, by the name of Isaiah, levied oil as the property of Robert F. Lanier, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from Talbot Infe rior Court, in favor of James Sanders vs. Robert F. Lanier. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE SAME PLACE, ON TIIE FIRST TUESDAY IN APltlL, One sorrel horse, seven years old ; one yoke of ox en and a cart; one Jersey wagon and harness; five cows and calves, two heifers, and the entire stock of hogs, levied on as the property of Jepiha M. Stanford, by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa.'issued from Talbot Infe rior Court, to satisfy James A. Chauman vs. Jeptha M. Stanford. Lot ofland No. 131. in the 16th district of origina'ly Muscogee, now Talbot county, whereon Thomas Mul lins now lives, levied on as ih'e property of James Gat lin, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Hancock county, in favor of John Dickson and others vs. James Gatlin. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. Also east half of No. 5, in the 24t.h district of origi nally Muscogee, now Talbott county, levied on as the property of John Collins, to satisfy sundry fi. las. issued from a Justices’ Court, in favor of William Q.uinerley and others vs. John Collins. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also the entire stock of goods now on hand of the late firm of Maddux & Irby, levied on as the pr perty of James J. Irby, surviving copartner of said firm, to satisfy three fi. fas issued from Talbot Inferior Court, one in favor of E. Hamilton, J. R. Hoys, I. H. Wi ley, and F. YV. Fort, one in favor of Benedict & Bene dict, and one in favor of YY r illiam Wright. Hairford Smith, Harford Lion and William Clem vs. James J. Irby, surviving copartner. Said stock of goods con sists of dry goods, hard-ware, crockery-ware, shoes, hats, &c. Feb 26. 4 s THOMAS U. ROBINSON, Sheriff. Jan. 29. WILL BE SOLD, AT TIIF. SAME PLACE, ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT. One negro boy. by the name of Edmond, about six or seven years of age, levied on as the property of Henry li. Williams, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued frem Talbot Superior Court, in favor of .Tames Slega, &c. vs. Henry E. Williams and Frederick A. Bailey and Richard Bailey, securities. Property pointed out by Henry E. Williams, defendant. One lot ofland No. 80, in the 16th district of Talbot county, levied on as the property of YVilliam Dtirdan, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from Talbot Superior Court, in favor of Sterling W. Smith, executor of Harrison K. Smith, deceased, vs. William Durdan. Property pointed out by YVilliam Durdan. defendant. Three lots in the town of Centreville, two of them well improved, levied on as the property of John Hovl, to satisfy sundry fi fas. issued from Talbot Inferior Court, in favor of Hungerford & Catlin vs. John Hoyl and Clement Gore, and Hamlen L. Waid, and John Hoyl. One lot in Centreville, with a store house on the same, levied en as the property of Clement Gore, to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from Talbot Inferior Court, in favor of Hungerford & Catlin vs. Clement Gore and Garret Sealv, security. Property pointed out by Gar ret Sealev. ‘GREEN L. STILYVELL, D. Sheriff. Jan. 24. 52ts AT TnE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, Three negroes, to wit: Anthony, a man, about 21 vears of age ; Scy, a man, about 25 years ol age ; Harriet, a girl, about 14 years of age. levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Talbot Inferio” Court, pi favor of Hezekiah Ford vs. Robert F. La nier. THOMAS U. ROBINSON, D. Sheriff. Jan. 1. 43 HEARD SALES. WILL be sold, on the firs; Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Couri House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, at the usual hours of sale, thefollowing property, viz : A negio girl, bv the name of Sena, levied on by virtue of a distress warrant for rent, Nancy Smith vs. David Bradley. Also one jackass, one grav stud horse, and me lot of land No. 122, in the 13th district of formerly Carroll now Heard county, levied on by virtue if a fi. fa. issued from Heard Superior Court, Edward Kellogg & Cos vs. L. H. Featherston. Levied on as the property of toll. Featherston. Property pointed out by L. 11. Featherston. Also one patent clock, levied on as the property of George Lumpkin, to sati.fy a fi. fa. issued from Heard Inferior Court, the officers of Court vs. George Lump kin . Property pointed out by said Lumpkin. Jan. 27. 52ts CALEB GARRISON, Sheriff. WILL BE SOLD. AT THE SAME PLACE, ON TIIE FIR3T TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, One lot of land No. 160, in the 12th district cf origi nally Carroll, now Heard county, levied on as the pro perty of Robert J. McCurdy, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of Thomas Broddus, issued out of a Justices’ Court in Jasper county, Ga. The said property point ed out bv the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also will be sold, at the same time and place, the State’s interest in No. 28, in the 13th district of for merly Carroll, now Heard county, agreeably to an act of the last Legislature. Terms made known on the day of sale. Also one lot ofland No. 29S,in the 3d district of formerly Cowc'a, now Heard county, levied on as the property of Samuel Kite, to satisfy his tax for the year 1833. Tax due, 98 cents. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. WILL BE SOI D, AT THE SAME PLATE, ON TIIE FIRST TUESDAV IN MAY NEXT. A negro boy by the name of Bill, about 22 years of age ; also Nat, a boy about 7 years of age ; Job, a boy about 5 years of age, and Siller, a woman, about 44 yea sos age, levied on as the property of Joseph Morrow, to satify a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Albert Sears against Joseph Morrow. Property pointed out by said mortgage fi. fa. Feb. 23. 4ts POSY JOHNSTON. Sheriff. STEWART SALKS. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Lot of land No. 100, in'the 33d district of said coun ty, taken as the property of E. B. Heath, to satisfy two small fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Wilkerson county, in favor of V. A. Brazzill. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also a negro man by the name of Allin, taken as the property of Richard Mathias, to sati -fy a li. fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Stewart county, in favor of Adam Clary. Lot of land No. 103. in the 22d dis rict of Stewart county. Also east haif of lot No. 143, in the same dis trict and county, taken as the property of John M. Turner, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Stewart county, in favor of the said Court against John M. Turner, Thomas Tate and Richard Mathias. Also lot No. 228, in the 20th district of said county, taken as the proper.y of John AV. Tcmpkins. to sa tisfy sundry fi. fas. issued from a Justices’ Court of Stewart county, in favor of Rood and Seymour and o'hors. Lew made and returned to me bv a Consta ble. POSTPONED SALE. At the same time and place will be sold, lot of land No. 93, in the 20:h district of said county of Stewart, taken as the property of Lydia Richards, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out oft he Superior Court of Green county, in favor of Edward D. Alfriend, administrator. Pro perty pointed out bv plaintiff. Jan. 19. M. M. FLEMING, Sh’ff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PEACE Wl'l EE SOLD. Lot of land No. 66. in the 24th district or originally Lee now Stewart county, taken as the property of James He tor., to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’Court of Stewart county, in favor of S. & E. Beall vs. the said James Helton. Levy made and re turned to me bv a Constable. Also E. F. Crowell’s interest in lot of land No. IGS. in the 24th district of said county, it being one-eighth part of said lot, taken to satisfy one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of E. C. Beard vs. said Crowell. Levy made and returned to rne by a Constable. Also Cheser. a man ; Abel, a man : Natch, a man ; Grace, a woman; Mariah, a woman ; Ben. a hov, and Tom, a boy, all levied on as the property of Robert Reynolds, to sati fy sundry fi. fas. issued from differ ent Courts of said countv, in favor of Roberts & Law rence vs. said Reynolds and others vs. the same.— Lew made and returned to me bv a Constable LEONIDAS W. HILL, D. Sh’ff. Jan. 20. 511* WILL 3E SOLD. AT THE SAME PLACE, ON THE KIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT. Lot of land No. 69. in the 19th district of Stewart coun y, taken as the property of Ilcnrv Crow, to sa tisfy two small fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ (-ourt of Jasper countv. in favor of Elisha Crow. Levy made and returned te me bv a Constable. Feb. 27. 4ts M. M. FLEMING. Sheriff. THE PUBLIC are cautioned not to nav any Note or Book Accounts due to the subscriber, etth’ r to WILLIAM M’BRY DE, or any other pe - son who tnav present them tor collection, as they are not authorised by me. and the said AYrn. M’Bryde having been guiliy of a fc-- ach of trust. Jan. 3. 2 f S. AV . F JAG Charleston. JtA.YDOLPiI SALST*, WILL be sold, on tlie first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town ol Cuthbert, Randolph county, between the hcsual hours of sale, the following properly, viz. Gnu lot of land, Not 136, in the 9th district of said county, levied-on as the properly of Patrick Kelley, to saiisfy a fi.fa. issued from the Superior Court if Rich mond county, in favor of Thomas Wccdbridgu and Alexis D. Durand. Lot of land No. 213, in the B.'h district of Randolph county, levied on as the properly ol James Bell, Y\ ui. Bell and Hiram Atkin: on. to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Decatur county, in favor of the Centra! Bank es Georgia. Lot of- land No. 90, iu the 7th district of Randolph county, levied on as the property of Win. Pearrish, to satisfy ihree fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of Robert R. Phillips. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Lot of land No. 304. in the 6lh district of Randolph county, levied on as the properly of Theophilus Fow ler, to satisfy three fi. fits, issued out of a Justices’ Court of Jones County, in favor of T. and W. O. Rease. Levy made and returned to me bv a Consta ble. Half of lot No. 122, in the 6th district of Randolph county, levied on as the property cf Silas Moseley, to satisfy- sundry fi. fas. in favor of John Dill and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Jan. 27. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, Lot of land No. 78, in the 10th district of said county, levied on as the property of John Kemp, to sa tisfy a fi. fa. issued out of ilie Superior Court of Deca tur eoumy, at the suit of Alfred Iverson against said Kemp. Jan. 25. LEYVIS GREGORY, D. Sheriff. WILL EE SOLD, AT TIIE SAME PLACE, ON THE FIKST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, I.ot ofland No. 277. in the Bth district of said county r levied on as (lie property of John D. Leopard, to sa ti-fy one fi. fa. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Fay ette county, in favor of Waiters Seal vs. John D. Leo pard. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. Ka-t half of lot of land No. 162, in the 9th district of said county, levied on as the property of Martin TV. Britt, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of Win. T. Smith vs said Britt. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. Feb. 26. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot of land No. 218, in the sth district of Ran dolph county,, levied on as the property of Sani'l Gil more and Henry Summerford, to satisfy the fi. fas. is sued out of a Justices’ Court of Houston county, in fa vor of Charles Haddock vs. Saudi Gilmore and Henry Sumiuerford. Levy made and re:urned to me by a Constable. Also the soutli half of lot No. 35, in tlie 10th district of Randolph county, levied on as the property of John Chaners.lo satisfy two fi. fas. issued c :t of a‘Justicea r Court of Fayette count}-, in favor of Jesse J. Robin son vs. John Chaners. Levy made and returned to tne by a Constable. LEYVIS GREGORY, D. Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4ts MKRIWIS-rHEU SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before tlie Court House door in the town of Greenville, Meriwether county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit : Cne lot of land, No. 255, in the’Bth district of for merly Troup, now Meriwether county, sold as the pro perty of Jackson Matthews, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. iu favor of Gibson Joiner and others. Levy made and returned to mu by a Constable. Also one gray mare, one gig, and one gray horse, levied on as the property of John Peters, to satisfy an execution in favor < f Jesse McLendon vs. John‘Pi ters, James Moore and John C. T)us. Property pointed out by John C. Tyus. Also one lot in the town of Greenville, whereon Jane McCurdy now lives, levied on as the property of the said Jane McCurdy. Also one clock, levied on to satisfy *fi. fa. in favor of A. B. Ragan vs. Jane McCurdy. Property pointed out by piainliff’s Attorney. Also one negro woman by the name of Silva, levied on as the property of Bazzee Cone, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of Sharp & Adams and others. Pro perty pointed out by defendant. Levy made and re turned to me by a Constable. WILL BE SOLI), AT THE SAME n.ATE ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, Two negroes, Mike, a man, about thirty-eight years of age, and Lucy, a woman, thirty-six years ot ago, levied on as the property of Thomas Bateman, to sa tisfy a mortgage fi. fa. iu fav r of Dixon Cureton against Thomas Bateman. Property pointed out iu said mortgage fi. fa. MORRIS G. TOWLES, D. Fh’ff. Jan. 22. 51ts AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One sorrel horse, saddle and biidle. levied on as the property of Isaac M. Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Walker vs. Isaac M. Tate. Also four negroes, levied on as the property of Bazzel Cone ; Sarah, a woman about 20 years of age, and three small children, Mary, a girl. Short, a boy, and Jane a girl. to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in favor of A. L. Grant, George D. Sharp, Duncan and Har and o'hers vs. Bazzel Cone. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also John C. Willingham’s in'erest in lot cf land No 207. in the ll'h district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. m favor of Daniel Keith and others. Levy made and returned to me by a Constab'e. One negro boy. by the name of Daniel, about nine or ten years of age levied on as the property of Richard I. Loyd to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Zachanah White vs. said Loyd. Levy made and returned so mo by a Constable. Feb. 21. MORRIS G. TOWLES, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOI D, One bay horse. h-vi< and on as the properly of Britton Price, to saiisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Mary T. Switzer vs. said Price. One lot ofland No. 28 in ihe Ist district of formerly Troup, now Meriwether county, levied on as the pro perty of Isaac Hammonds, so satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Harrison Crow vs. said Hammonds. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. SAMUEL DARDEN, D. Sheriff. Feb. 21. 4ts BAKER SALES. ILL be sold, on the lir.-1 Tuesday in APRIL ¥ w next, before the Court House door, in the town of Newton. Baker county, within the usual hours of sale, the following properly, lo wit : One lot of land. No. 29, in the 7th district of origi nally Early, now Baker county, taken as the property . of Thomas E. Whatley, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. is sued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker county in favor of L. C. Musgrove vs. Thomas E. Whatley and M. T. Musgrove. Levy made and returned to mo by a. Constable. Also lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in the southeast Work, and Nos. I and 2 in the south or middle block, and No. 4in the northwest block. Also the stoic-house and land, whereon the house stands, on the north r middle block, all in the town of Byron, Baker county, levi*d on as the property of P. M. Thomas, to satisfy sumlrv fi. fas. issued out of a Justices’ Court of Baker conn’y r m favor of the admit.istrafors of L. Fond, deceast and if. B. YV. ’I hompson and P. M. Thomas,. Levy msdo and returned to me by a Constable. WILLIAM H. HOWARD, Sheriff. Feb. 24. 4:s EARLY SALES. WILL be sold, on the first ‘I u<-tday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town of Blakely. Early county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 236, in the 4th district of Early county, levied on as the property of James S. Parks, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued out of Early Supe rior Court, in favor of O.ivcr Porter ai.d others, point ed out in favor of mortgage fi. fa. Lot of land No. 196, in the 13:h district of Early county, levied cn as the property of Baniuel M.Hol lanian, to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of John W. Holms:, issued out of a Justice's Com t of Early county. Levy made and returned to me t>y a Constable. At the saute time and place, will be sold, a negro woman named Ollis, levied on as the property of Sa muel M. Hoihiman, to satisfy a (i. fa. issued out of a Justice’s Court of Early county, in favor of John M . Holms. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta ble. Lot No. 241 and 2FO, in the 15'h district of Early countv, levied on as the property of Blassingcmc Pau tett, Wilson Royal and Peter J. Gauiding, levied or* to satisfy one fi. fa issued out of the Inferior Court of Burke county, in favor of Morris Kilchum. Pointed out by Slynan Seaibor. Jan. 17. Sits WILLIAM S. WILSON, Sh’ff. FAYETTE SALES. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, Fa\ ettc county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz ; One roan horse, levied on as the property of John C. Spreewell, by an attachment issued at the instance of Barney Westbrook vs. John C. Sprewell. One lot of land No. 13, iri the 4th district of formerly Henry, now Fayette county, levied on as the property of Stephen H. King, by an execntigr. obtained in life Superior Court of Fayette county, in favor of Jana Leak, Garlirg on Leak and Filman Leak vs. the said Stephen U. King. Jan. 13. 50 ALFRED BROWN, D. Sh’ff. AT THE -SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL BE SOLD, One lot No. 4 in the northw est corner of the tow nos Fayetteville, with all the improvements thereon; levied on as the property of Caswell Cook, by executions ob tained in a Justices’ Court of Fayette county, iri favor Joseph Lamberth vs. the said Caswell Cook. Levied on and returned to me hy a Constable. Also the east half of lot No. 70, in the town of Fay etteville, levied on as the property of William G. Sikes, bv executions in favor of Thomas Byrne & Cos. and others vs the same. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable. Also the west ha’f of lot No. 90. and the south half of lot No. 91. in the 13th district of originally Henrv, now Fuvette county, levied on as the property cf Mo ses P. Bailey, bv tax execution in favor of the State and others vs. the same. Leviod on and returned to me bv a Constable.. ’ Jan. 16. 51 ANDREW McBRIDE; Sheriff,