Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, April 12, 1838, Image 4

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LEG\ Ii IS OTI G E .1. ADMIIITttAT(m S S VI.E. BY virtu-- of an order of the Inferior C >tu* of Ra ter c inn y, ivh n si ting as a Court of Ordinary, wi i ;• s. I, b f ire ihe Court House door, in ihe to .. of N * vt hi. Biker entry, on the first Totsday in JUN 2 next, within die la vfiil hours of sale, me lot o r |k i | V 83, in th ■7 h district offirmetly Early, no v Biier cun’v. A th ■ <mr time, b -fore the C our: II ns • I •*r m the to vn of Pfiomisville, Thom is coun ty ,ii • lot of an 1 .V i. 234. in the 17 h diitrictrif ori gin ill v Kid V now Phomis county. At the same time in ‘he to vn >f Biitbri Ige. Dtc i'ur county, one lot of lan I No I*o, in the 27 a ln'ric: of originally Early mv Oetvur county All sold as the property be lon dug to the estate of John Musgrove, lae of Baker co tnlv'. deceased fir the of the heirs. Terms made kno vn o i the day ol sale. LARKIN C. MU3GROVE, Adm’r. March 2d. ADHIVldritATOlt’S SALE. Wlul. • vi l.i’ die Coirt tio t*e door, in the to v i of Pa'Si ton. Talbot county. Ga.. on the first Toes lav in (UN-2 n -xt. a!( the persona! property of 4hd Oa n i, late of sai I county deceased consisting of car, inter’s 11 >|s. lumber, and divers other aricles too teli iis to min i tn. Terms on'he lav of sale. March 28. ISAAC E. B )WER, Adni’r. AO >IIXIB I’ll \ TOR’S SALE. W i. . be soi I on Friday, the ISth lav of MAY die l i e residence of George S iaw diteuel. S v:irt coun’y. a l the peris'iable property beitu'in. tosail .< vc. ” Perns nib; kno vn on the day >f ale. JJll.f BLACKS!! -:A t, A Wr. M ircli 28. 8* A J P-t V 1’ >..sakd. POS PPONEIJ. AG 1.2 33 tZtoaa or L-r of the Honorable the ( if;ri >r C > irt of Taib it county, sitting for ordi da'v iiriosn, vill heioid, bifire the Court House do>r in ‘Jjv ou B iksr c vinty, on the first Tuesday in VI Vis n :x‘., vittiia tbs usual hours of sale, the fot loJidn lan I, to wit: L > of tin I ‘it. 433, ii the 7th district cf originally Eirly, nv dik :r county, it bring the property of Widia nP. Vit >n, dre rased. S lid for the benefit of the h rirs al l er r Ivors of said and -cua ; ed. Terms rxaie kn t v ou the 1 1 /of sale. MirrhlJ 7 s R ’) A AO •!( jt’ til’ iAV 4Au <£• M G!t 2.2 \ <! t.u c > .111 trier of the il t >rabte tie X* t■ tf;rtor Cos irt of Jarr til co-tnty, wh n sitting (or orlmi-y t tr,> net, wiiib; s>l I, h for t'te Court Ho-ise djor in J.i:i enn'y. oa th- first Toesday in JUNE next, within the lag il h fa of sale, lot of lan I No. 291 in to ■ 0.0 Intri ;t of sail cotin! y, containing 181) acres. Ait> bis ire the Cos irt li ise door in Cherokee co iii: v. on the first To m lay in lune next, within the legtl h rirs of sa'e, lot of lan I No. •I r,t i ,n ‘h° 2 I di<- tri* of sat Ic > m’y, containin’ iCres - Sold for the bene it f he heir? an I c~. - >rs of Aaron Jones, sen., late .f irr!’ - • ty. deceased. T.'r ns made known on .i. iiy ifstie. r)v\i:jr, tones. Mirch 10 7 s II £VIV J )NES Ahn’rs. AoinvmriUD ts svbu. WILO be so J, at the tat- residence of John Por ter docemd, on he thirl Sit inlay in MAY noxr.tvt liorses all th3 stock of cat'lc hogs, guts, pi in<a inn “> >ls. an 1 o her articles tro fe lions to :n n tion a’l of said deceased. Sold fir the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Mir h 16. 7ts JOEL L. PORTER, Adm’r. ATI ‘ll VIS rtl VT'Ht'S POSP.3VED -SALE. WILL be sold on .the first Tuesday in MAY next, at the Court House in Greenville Meri wether county, tini-r an order of the Honorable he Inferior Jo irt of Vlrri velher county, sitting for ordi nary virp >ses, an rgro -vi nan by the name of Phillis, an 1 her ehi'd na n-d Est'oor. Solti as a part of the estate of Vinlock C. Person, deceased, for the benefit of th r heirs. Terms on the day of sale. Feb. 23 4 s JAS. P. HAY, Adm’r. AD IIXISTRATOR'S SALE. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEMBER next, at the Court House door in the c vmtyof vlertwcther. within the legal hours, lot of lau 1 Vi. 231 in the 10 h district of, originally Troup, ni v M riwether co inty. Sold as the property of the estate of Po-vell Ward, deceased, for the benefit of tin heirs. Terms,cash, JOHN BUCK,Adm’r. June, 1838. 47ts KXECUTORS’ SALE. WILL bo sold, at the late resilience of William Perry,deceased in Meriwether county, on the third day of MAY next, between the usual hours of sale part of the p ‘rishable property of said deceased, consisting of horses co vs, nogs, sheep and goats.— Also iniov other articles *oo tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day, until all is sold. Terms mde known on the day of sale. H. D. TUCKER, R. MORGAN, • Executors. ANNA, March 9,1833. Executrix. AH persons indebted to William Perry, deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate paym mt. Those holding claims are requested to ren der them in according to law. H. D. TUCKER, R. MORGAN, Executors. ANNA PERRY, Marcti 9. 6 4t Executrix. GUARDIAN’S SADR. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, before the Court House door in Lanier. Macon countv, Within the usual hours of sale, lot of land No. 55. in the 29th district of originally Lee, now Macon county, belonging to John Watkins, illegiti mate, sold in pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordin iry of Carroll county. Sold for the benefit of said illegi imate. Terms made known on the day of sale. AGNES BOHANNON, Guardian. March 26. GIJA'tDIVX’S SALE. W[t,L bj sdJou th- first Tuesday in JUNE n xt, at the Court H >use door in Greenville M iri v • i ;r county, wirlii i the legal hours of sale, lot of tail 4 i. 2. in th * 21 Its rict of orijiially Tro ip ntv \I ri.vether cri ity, sold as the pr tperty of ‘he illogiti-n ites of Jane ’Ji"hardson for he b< nefit of said illegi itn t'es. SEABORN THORN. Gua dian. M irch 12. 6’s F)IJR M )N TH J after date a mlication win be n.ife to the Hon <rable the Inferior Court, of H ‘arJ c miry, while si''in; as aCo trt of Ordinary, for leave ro so.l the rea: eita.e belonging to Dennis Bates, late of said c runty, deceased. WILLIAM PRITCHETT, A Im’r. March 5. f FJJR M )N I’HS after dae applicati n will be ui i le to .he h > i >r ih'e the Inferior Court of Har ris coin y, \ hile sitting for ordin \ry p trposes.f tr leave to ;e!l il the lai l b dinging to the estate, of Oba liah M Cilh-eth deceased, .o i : One tract of land lyin .ii th - l") h listrict of Early county. No. 377; one and i. i’a the 3d I listrict of old Lee courTv. no v Ste var. N 78: >:t i> 1 1 Lu cun'v LVh district, north ha f. Nt. 92 4) ac-as • one d>. in thejd I di triet of originally Trvi;. i > v Harris conn'v No. 7 : also 85 wy's tuarp or las? it bin g a part of ot Nt 4i in the Siai ’ nri ’ina’lv Trou t no v TT i-rU co'n*v. „ , L. CULBREATH, Ai ’r. March 6. 1 .'3B. 6 •’ l M )S* i’ IS ifier ii'e a i>n will h-* . itl.t u’ Ii iora'i e the lu tiee or .tu to o ri r O t irt of (divert ro in‘v. when siting for ordi • iivv a tr t tses fir l eave to seil lot N . 102 in the 5 h diene: if stii c> i t'/, th; property of S irah M. Walt ti Id. a nut tr. 4 )di-Mr L. NEWMAN, Guardian. M c-ch 6. 6 II HJ i n> i t- af ;r It’ ■ a tplie ‘ton will bo ma le ’ to t- ltit-au a • fvVior Court of Stewart ct i l >• v'i ‘. ■ tt: iu ;f tr td!i rv purp ttes, ■tr leave t . s; lat ‘l* r*l es'ai.o of .insha Vets ta la'e of s.tid co i l v deceased. II F. ROSE,AI<n’r. f ed. tu 5 ) J {. and ) 7Td s ts .<■ I ire upp i\i ion will he .5? n 1 1 ; ’t hi Inf:nor C v.i-t of Stewart coun'y. whir a si till fir *• liu i*v :t irp xes, f>r leave to sell the rat’ if Viihi Barrington la'e of said cjin v d:c :a s ■ l fir’he S-u-it of ‘he h -irs an l ere fi* trs of, sail I*u*i*i l.\ ti ‘IS and LUNSFORD. Adrn’r. Jaa. 14 1638. 51 1A ) J t vl) N i’ Id if er li*-; aop’iea'ion will be , nii'-ti'i- lin trihlc the I.if'rior Court .f Tal bot cat tty, v i ‘n sitri i g for tr li iarv pur loses, to- leave to s?.i ‘ t • r -a! estate of ‘h • >r > i ios of Th ims S nith. decease 1. JAM S3 O. LENNA ill D-c. 21 1 -37. 44 Guardian, j ) .1 IS afer di e application nil! b p lit; to ‘.he .Itoirable ’he Inferior C > irt of M ;ri v;: er u iutv w iiie <t ting f>r tr Jina-v p irp'ises. ftr le ire to s *ll l>t of lan I N>. 201. in the 10:h dutri.-r cvf tu pui Iv Tn ip. n> v M -ri wether ratin'v. as the p-tisr'v ts Po.veli Ward, docea-'e 1. for ihe benefit of the heirs. JOHN B'JCB, Adm’r. Dee 16 1637. 46 4m GEOiGIA. STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS John Brady and Samuel Johnson apoiy to me for letters of administration, debo nis non on the es'ate of Nathan Brady, late of said conn'v, deceased— T i ;se ae th'reftre to cite and admonish all and sin gu’ar the kin Ire I an I credi'o r of said deceased, to be an! a near it inv olice, within the time prescribed by laa, n* show cause if any they have, why said letters Should HO! be ‘granted Given under my hand at oT.-o. March 21 1635. gj, ‘ J. S. YARBROUGH, c.c. o. GUT’ tIA TALBOT COUN PI . WIEIiEAS John E. Llovd a .plies a me f r let*rs of a (ministration on the estate of Sher ra I Yelverton deceased— . T.h'*se are therefore to <-ite and admonish ail and sin - ,> ar t he kin Irod an I creditors of said deceased, to be an 1 aooeir at r’v odicc. within the tune prescribed by in v to sho-v cause if any they have, why said letters *h vili not be g anted. , Given under my hand at GEORGIA, SUMTER COUNTY. WHEREAS Jno B. McCarter applies to me for letters of administration on tne estate ot Wi iam M Servtn, oeceased— These are iterefore to cue anJ admonish all and sin gular iha kindred auj creditors of said deceased, to he and appear a’ in. otfi :e. within the lime prescribed by la ,tos io v cauie, if any they have, why said letters should not be grauted. Given under tnv hand a’ office, March 12, 1838. 7 4t EDMUND NUNN, and. c. c. o. G ••.ORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. fUSTHEREAbi Dolly Johnson applies to me for let- V ters of administration on the estate cf Benja min Johnson, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin jitlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, ’".larch 5. 1838. 7 4’ LEVI M. VDAMB o o GEORGIA, HEA ID GOUN 1 A . Win-tun Wool applies to me for W * Le tors of a i ministration on the estate of Tho oa-; Hudson, late of said county deceased— These are therefore to ci'e and admonish all andsi.i ----g tlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my odice, within the time prescribed by la v. to show cause if any they have, why said letters thould not be granted Giv n under my hand at office. March 5, 1838. 7 4: BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. c. o. GRO IGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. ‘AMT HERE AS Othniel Weaver, executor on the WT estate of Free nan D. Car lin, deceased, la’e of this ies to me tor letters of dismission from aid estate— Th -se ire therefore tocite and admon sh all and sin gular the kindred an I creditors of sail deceased, to be an Ia ipear at rnv • fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hind a* office. Tan 10. 1838. 50m6 n JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. In ferior Court of said county sitting for ordinary pur poses Present Wily U. Kctor James Render, William D Martin and Willis Jones Justices. WHEREAS Adatn Spring, administrator ot the estate of Edward Sprivv, deceased, applies f>r letters of dismission ; and whereas Wily B. Ector, administrator of the estate of Isaac Hall, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission— These are therefore to notify all persons in any man ner interested, to be arid appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and shew cause, if any, why said litters of dismission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand, this s’h dav of March, 1838. 7m6m ‘ LE VI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GEORGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. WHEREAS /ar.'iarkah Bailey, administrator on ihe estate of William Smith, deceased, late of sai 1 c unity, applies to ine for letters of dismission on said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kin ired an 1 creditors of said deceased, to be an 1 appear a’ my o fice within the time prescribed by la v, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office. Jan. C, 1838. 50 n6m JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. GEORGIA. RANDOLPH COUNTY. W IEREAS Isharn Phillips and Nancy Rol lins, a-1 ninistrator and adminis-ratrix on the estate of Thomas Rollins,late of said conn'y, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission on the estate of said deceased— These are therefore tocJe and admonish all and sin gula the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oGice, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office. Jan. 6, 1838. 50mGm JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. GEOR.HA, HARRIS COUNTY. WHEREAS Win. S. Hartsfield, administrator of the estate of Philip H. Echols, late of said county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission— These a-e therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred an! creditors of said deceased, to be an Ia ipear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gr .nted. Given under my hand at office, Jan. I, 1838. 49tn8m E. T. L SPENCER, c. c. o. GEORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY, WHEREAS, Robert Snellings and Hamilton Duke apply to me for letters of dismission of the administration of the estate of William Snel lings, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv thev have, wby ai<l snnutd not tu- granted. Given under my hand at office, Nov. 4, 1837. 44 m6m W. S. GOSS. c. c. o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. WHEREAS John Tyus,administrator of the es tate of Wilson Swinney.minor.hath represented to me that he has fully administered said estate and applies for letters of dismission. f rhcse ate therefore to notify all persons, in any manner interested, to be and appear at my olfice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any there be, why the said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Nor. 6. 1637. 4m6m LEVI M. ADAMS e.c.o. GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. NOVEMBER TERM, 1837. Inferior Court of said county met for ordinary pur poses, aerecahle to adjournment, this Qth V overnber. 1337.’ Present James Render, IViUis Jones , and Diwl WHEREAS Thomas Pennington. Executor and Miry Pennington, Executrix of the estate of William B Pennington deceased, hath represented tha’ they have fully administered said estate, and ap ply for letters of dismission— These are therefore to notify all persons in any man ner interested, to be and appear at my office, within the ti n; described bv la v. to sh >w ca tse if any there be. w iv the said letters of administration should not be gran'ed. Given under mvhand at office. Nov. 6. 1837. 44m6 n I.EV ay ADAM*, c <• a. IN RANDOLPH SiiPeilllOK COURT. FEBRUARY* TERM. 1838. Meridith Mercer vs Tilman S. White, Bill for discovery, relief, Alfred G. Repitoe, >inj notion, and specific John Sealy, performance. Jesse Windam, Pailiti Pittman. ?T®tHEREAS it appearing to the Court, by the w w s a einent in the above bill of complaint, that Tilman S White, Aifred G. Repitoe. John Sealy. and Jesse VVmdharn all defendants ill the above hill, reside without the limits of this county. It is. therefore, on motion ordered by the Court, that service of the above bi.l be perfected on ‘he af iresaid parties bv publication au t tin’ the uGreiaid defen lan's do plead, answer or d-in tr to sai I bil of comp'aint. on or before the last lay ot the next term of ‘his Court, and that this rule be puli ished once ,1 ■ h .for six nvn'hs in one of tne pib ic gazettes t est umbos. A ! ro” ex'tact f; u . of tl is Court, this Is:h lav of Febru ‘ i’ ‘ . 3mo n it. c. s. c. IN STISAVA it'r si: "pku tou COURT. Murdock Clitshc -a, i rt r-! VS i I I r>;’t for discovery, re- Gibli"’ ‘fi-, an injunction. J\ n Ircu- Laws’ ■. jYSMIERF. AS i’ a* to th Court. by the rc- V y w turn of Sher.” 1 An Iren Gibbs, one of the lefi nd.’.n's in be a a'cri case, resides without the li oils of said sta. n is. therefore, on motion, o dered by tl. Court, that saiti Andrew Gibbs and tap pear and an “r nit ad murr ‘o the above bill on or before th- ■-t dav fho nex: term of this Court, an 1 in defa • ‘hereof said M ! be taken as to him pro confessio; t ha’ t'-is R ule he published once a ni iiuh for rr ■■■.’ in one of ’he puh'ic gazettes of the city o “ ••.ii ■ ,ev _ : S to the next term of Court. A tr t’ : e nvuineu r-f said CouW. March 21 183- ‘ ] JAil PEARCE, c.c.s. c. Sm4i STA 7, : . ” . EARLY COUNTY. I’ (IOH COURT, r; km 183S. !T ••< > py oa'.h “f Samuel John :u ran* e t ;-Hin bil ! in equity, pend ing i again-'.: ‘ rret! Freeman ami James Yel . larv Term. 1333, as well as bv the r< ■ She: iff of said couii'y. that the defendants in said bill of complaint each reside without the jurisdictional limits of said Court ani reside out of said S ate. t)u motion of coniplainaii’’s counsel,or dore I bv ‘he Court, tha: service be perfected upon the defendants to said bill of complaint by public a'ion of this rule, in one of the public gazettess in said State, once a mon'h, fir three months. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 19th February, 1338. 4:n3m JOEL W. PERRY, Clerk. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. mOLLBD before me bv Hambleton Mathews,one JS. Chesnut Sorrel MAIIE. about five years oid, apn-aised by John Harw and Richard Ford, to si.xty live dollars. Tliis 17th March. 1838. C. R tr.F.Y . j. p. A true extract from the Estrav Book. March 21, 1338. 83t J. S. YARBROUGH.c. i. c. GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY. IN the 796'h district. G M. tolled before me. liv Drury M. T .esneur. one stna'l bay horse, ahout seven years old, left hind foot white a white spot in his ftiee ivhi e snip on the nose. Appraised bv Harris fvtbb an ) James J.. Ma-tin to forty dollars, this 24th dav of Ma-eh 1838. W A. M iv. j. r. A ‘rue extract from the Estrav Book. Match 26. 83t J. S. YARBROUGH, r. i. c. ‘ HULK NISI. IT appearing to the Court, Irorn the petition of J. Chamberlin & Cos., and the tcstiniony of John Senley anJ Matt R. Evans, that the original draft, of whicn a copy is hereunto attached, Ims been lost or mislaid, out of ihe possession of Malt li. Evans, No- I tar. Public in whose possession it was placed bv the said John Schley, to have a copy protest attached 1 thereto On motion ordered by tne Court, that the said Eaton Bass do show cause, at the next term of the Court, to be held on the third Monday in April next, why the copy hereunto attached should not be established, in lieu of the original so lost or mislaid, -,n;l that this Rule Nisi be published in one of the pub ! iic gazettes of this state f >r the 3pace of thtee months. COPY DRAFT. $l5B 54 Charleston. 27th October, 1832. Four months after date, please pay to the order of J. Chamberlin & Cos. one hundred and fifty-six dollars and tifiy-four cents, f r value received, and place the same to account of your ob’t serv’t. EATON BASS. To Messrs. Eli Shorter & Cos., Merchants,Co lumbus, Ga. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of M tscogee county, February 3. 1838. 1 3m ‘ GERARD BURCH, Clerk. KI LE NISI. GEORGIA, EARLY COUNTY. IS THE SUPERIOR COURT OF s.ID COUNTY—FEBRU ARY TERM. 1838. | To the Honorable Joseph Sturges , Judge of the Superior Court: THE petit ion of Gabnal Jones sheweth unto your honot, that Vann L. Robertson, of the county and S'.ate aforesaid, on the tenth day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thir tv-two, made, executed and delivered to your peti tioner of the county and StaU: aforesaid, a certain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year afore said ; and which said mortgage deed recites and sets i forth that, for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dol'ars, to the said Vann L. Robertson, by the said Gabriel Jones, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, as well as for the better secur ing the pavmcnt of a promissory note, bearing even date with these presents, whereby the said Vann L. Robertson promised to pay the said Gabriel Jones, or bearer, the sum of eighty dollars, on or before the fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, en suing the date thereof for value received. He, the said Vann L. Robertson, hath granted, bargained, and sold, and doth, by these presents, grant, bargain and sell, unto the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and assigns, a certain lot of land in the fourth district of saidcoun'y, known in the plan as three hundred and sis y-nine, to have and to hold the said lot of land or bargninod pre mises, to the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and assigns, to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever; and the said Vann L. Robertson, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, the said bar gained premises unto the said Gabriel Jones, will war rant and forever defend, against the claim of himself and his heirs, and against the claim of all other persons wha'ever, provided, nevertheless, that if the said Vann L Robert-on his heirs, executors and administra tors shall, and do well and truly pav, or cause to be paid, unto the said Gabriel Jones, his heirs and as signs, the aforementioned sum of eighty dollars, on the day and time mentioned, and appointed for the pay ment thereof in the said promissory note mentioned, with lawful witness for the same, according to the tenor of said note ; then and from henceforth as well this present indenture, and the right to the property thereby conveyed, as the said promiseory note shall cease, determine, and be void, to all intents and pur poses. And it further appearing to the Court, that the said Vann L. Robertson hath not fully satisfied and paid off said note, in said mortgaged deed described, according to the tenor and effect of said mortgaged deed. It is now, on motion of counsel, ordered by the Court, tha’ the said Vann L. Robertson pay. into the office of the Clerk of this Court, on or before the first day of the next term of said Court, the principal and in’erest due upon said note, and the costs of this proceeding, or hat the equity of redemption in and to the said mortgaged premises aforesaid, be forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be served upon the said Vann L. Robertson, three months previous to the next term of said Court, or published in the Columbus Sentinel and Herald four months pre vious to the next term of said Court. WILLIAM TAYLOR. Attorney at Law for Gabriel Jones. Georgia, Early county, ) Clerk’s office Superior Court. J I certify that the above and foregoing is a true ex tract from the minures of *he Superior Court of said county of Early. This 20th February, 1838. 4r.i4m JOEL W. PERRY, Clerk. GEORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY. To the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, sit ting as a Court of Ordinary: THE petition of Henry Shepherd sheweth that William Shepherd, late of said county, but now deceased, in his lifetime, made, executed, and deliver ed, to your petitioner, his certain bond, in writing, for titles to a certain half lot of land, being the south half wf lot UUIIIV/UI lliu icon. in tko •snloontli Jiwtriot w f w* igi nally Houston, now Upson county; and your peti tioner further sheweth, that the said William, since the making of the said bond, (a copy of which is hereto annexed,) without having executed titles to the said land, in terms of his said bond, hath departed this life, and that James Ballard has administered on the estate of the said William ; and also, that the purchase mo ney has been, or is ready to be paid for said lot of land. Wherefore your petitioner prays a Rule Nisi may be granted, calling up >n the said James Ballard, ad ministrator no aforesaid, to make titles to said lot of land, or shew cause to the contrary, within the time prescribed by the statute. ALEX. W. SNEED, Peti ioner’s Attorney. COPY OF BOND. GEORGIA, UPSON COUNTY. Know all men by these presents, that I, William Shepherd, sen., do acknowledge myself held and firm y bound unto Henry Shepherd, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars for the true payment of which I the said William, do, by these presents, bind myself, my heirs and assigns. &c. this 2d October. 1834. The condition of the -lbovc bond is such, that when the said Henry Shepherd does pay. or cause to he paid, unto ihe above Wm. Shepherd die sum of two hundred and fifty-three dollars, then, if the above bound Wm. Shepherd, do make, or cause to be made unto th • said Henrv Shephcd his heirs and assigns &c. good ad sulficien righ's and titles to a certain trac* or parcel of lan *, known and distinguished b lot number thirteen, in the sixteenth district of originally Hons on, now Up son county it being ‘he sou'h half of s id lot. as di vided heretofore, then the ab ve ond is ‘obe null and void, and of non effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law. In witness wh- reof I have here unto set my hand and seal, this 2d October, 1834, in presence of Test. Robt H. Mcßry'de, Charles Jordav his . WILLIAM X SHEPHERD J l. a. S mark. * * It appearing to the Court hat Wiliam Shepherd during his iifetime m ide and delivered a bond for titles to a h lflo of land in the above pe ition named to the said Henrv Shepherd and that the sal William ha'h departed this life, without having executed titles in terns of bis bond, and that James Ballard ha’h adrr.ln istc ed on his estate. It is. therefore on mo ion. or dered. t‘‘at the said James Ballard, administrator as aforesaid, artnear and make ti'les or show cause tothe contrary within the lime prescribed bv law: and that a copy of these proceedings be published agreeably to the statute in such case made and provided. A true copy from the minu'es, WILLIAM S. GOSS, c c. o. March Term, 1838. 7m4m GEORGIA, CRAWFORD COUNTY, r gNHIS Indenture, made this the first day of Du- JL cember, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, between Thomas Jenkins, of the county of Talbot, of the one part, and Seaborn B. Picket, o. the same place, of the other part, witnesseth : That the said Thomas Jenkins for and in consideration of the I sum of two hundred and tif.y debars to him in hand I paid, at and before the scaling an) delivering of these i presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged j hath bargained, sold, and conveyed ar.d by these pre ] sents doth bargain, sell, and convey unio the said Sea , born B. Picket, his heirs and assigns all that haif ot i lot of lan J, situate, lying and being in the 14 h district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county, known j and distinguished in the plan of sai l district, by No 46. j it being the haif of said lot of land, which lies north ol i the line run through said lot by Thomas T. Riley, on | the 9th day of December, one thousand eight hundred j and thirty-four containing one hundred one and one tourth acres, m -re or less : To have and to hold the j said half lot or parcel of land unto him the said Seaborn i B. Picket his heirs and assigns, together with all and j singular the rights, members, and appurtenances to the j same belonging to nis and their proper use. benefit, and behoof f >rever, in fee simple : And the said Thomas j Jenkins for himself, his heirs, executors and admini - traiors the said bargained premises, unto the said Sea ; born B. Picket his heirs and assigns, will warrant and ! forever defend the right and title thereof against him ’ self and against the claims of all persons whosoever, j In testimony whereof T I ave hereun’o set my hand I [l. s.] and seal, this the day and ear first above written, THOMAS JENKINS. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of JOHN WILLIAMS. TRYPIIEMA HOWE. Talbot Superior Court, ) September Term. 1637. J It appearing to the Court, from the affidavit of Gard ner Ford, that he was lately in possession of a deed made by Thomas Jenkins, of which the foregoing is in substance a true copy ; and that said deed is now lost or mislai 1 and out of his control. It is therefore or dered by the Court, that said Thomas Jenkins show cause if any he have, at the next term of this court, why said copy should not be established in lieu of said lost original, and that a copy of this rule he in the mean time served on said Thomas Jenkins personally, or by puhhca’ion in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of Talbot Super or Court, this ihe 22J day of September 1837. 44 m6m F A. BAILEY c. s. c. AT PRIVATE SALE. 2 Cases Men’s BROGANS, 2 “ Palmetto Hats. bv SAMI.. M. JACKSON, Feb. 15 2 ts Auct. and Com. Mer HULK NISI. . m STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. George K. McEtvay, J ,„ vs , k To establish a Note. James Bruce. ) _ J IT appearing to the Court, from the affidavit ot James U. Horne, that he was in possession of a note on Janies Bruce, aud ihat the same has been losi or destroyed, n is, on motion, ordered, that said James Bruce appear at the next term of this Court, i and shew cause why the annexed copy Note should ! not be established m lieu of the lost; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this lime be published in terms of the law. February Sih, 18S8. GEORGE R. McELVAY, Plaintiff. COPY NOTE. On or before the Ist day of January next, I promise to pay George R. McEivay, or bearer, fifty dollars, for value received. This 15th of September, I®^s. Signed, JAMES BRUCE. GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. Personally apptared before me, \V. A. May, a Jus tice of the Peace in and for said county. James L. Horne, who being duly sworn, on oath saith. that the Note, of which the above copy note is the same in sub stance. is lost, or mislaid so that it cannot be found. Sworn and subscribed before me,this Bth 1* eb. 1838. W. A. May. j. r. „ JAMES U. HORNE: A true copy from the Muiutt'B of said Court, this 22d March, 1838. Bm4m ELIJAH PEARCE, c. s. c. s. c. GEORGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY. COURT OF OItUINAHY. —JANUARY ADJOURNED TERM. 1833. FRANKLIN JERNIGAN vs. Daniel McCook, administrator of the estate of Alex. McCook, de ceased Upon the petition of Frankiin Jernigan—or dered that the administrator of Alex. McCook, de ceased, execute good warrantee titles to the said Frank lin Jernigan, for lot of land number one hundred and seventeen, in the third district of Lee, upon his com plying with the condition of the bond hereinafter set forth, and a copy of this rule being published o.’ce a month for three months, with a copy of said bond, pro vided no lawful objections be filed within the time pre scribed by law, and that this Rule Nisi be published once a month, for three months, in some public gazette of this 8 fate. A true extract from the minutes of Randolph Court of Ordinary. January Adjourned Term, 1838. Mon day, the Blh Jan., 1388. JAMES BUCHANAN, c. c. o. COPY BOND. GEORGIA, LEE COUNTY. Know all men by these presents, that T. Alexander McCook, am held and firmly bound unto Franklin Jer nigan, of the county of Baker, and state aforesaid, in the sum of twenty-four hundred dollars, for the true payment of which I bind myself, nty heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointly, severally and firmly by these presents. Sealed with my seal, and dat and this 31st day of December, 1836. The condition of the above bond or obligation is such, that should the above bound McCook make, or cause to be nvde, a good and warrantee title to Frank lin Jernigan his heirs or assigns, to one hundred ninety two and a half acres; it lying and being in the third dis trict of Lee, and known by number (117) one hundred and seventeen.—Said titles to be made by the first of lanuary, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, provided the said J rnigan pays a certain promissory note for the sum of six hundred and forty-eight dollars, then ‘he above bond to be void and null, otherwise to be in full force and virtue in laxv. Signed, sealed and deivered in presence of Test. Henry Burt, Daniel McCook. ALEXANDER McCOOK. \ seal, i 50m3m GEORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. DANIEL BAILLEY, of the 726 h district G. M. tolls before ine a sorrel roan HORSE, with white spots on his rump, no shoes on, supposed to he six years old this spring, five feet one inch and a half high. Appraised by Talbert Key and John Wood to seventy-five dollars. March 15, 1838. H D. Tucker, j. p. A true extract from the Estray Book. 8 3t R. S. RAGLAND, Clerk. valuable: lands for. sale:. THE SUBSCRIBER wishing to ?) m remove off the road, to another planta vfelwt ■£ ■ is£ t ‘ on w l'* <: h he has purchased, offers sos sale his valuable Plantation and n miles west of Co lumbus, Ga., and immediately on the Stage Road thence to Montgomery, Ala. The settlement contains between eight Hundred and one ’housand acres of ex cellent land, well xvatered and timbered ; two hundred of which are cleared and in successful cultivation being principally low grounds or bottom land. The buildings are new, well finished and convenient, and well adapt*d to the accommodation of travellers. Persons wishing to combine the Farming with Mercantile business or Tavern Keeping, will do well to call and examine the He has on the premises a large stock of every de scription, which he would be willing to divide xvith the purchaser. Also corn, fodder, potatoes. &c. See. And to make a long story short, the premises offered are those so xvell known as ELLIOTT’S STAND, in Russeil county, Alabama. Three lines ot Stages pass daily. The premises above can be had upon very accom modating terms and payments made easy. Persons wishing to purchase the most healthy and desirable situation in this country, would do well to call immediately and see George W. Elliott, when they can be suited without defalcation. The titles shall be unexceptionable. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. Russell county, Ala. Oct. 24 1837. 42 CREEIC LANDS X X THE subscriber otfers for sale the following de scribed Lands, lying and being iu the counties of Tallapoosa and Macon, amongst which are Prairie, River bottom and every other variety of iand embraced m this section of country. This newly settled coun ry is too well known to need a general dcscrip'i- n. It is situated between two navigable streams item neidier distan 50 miles ; it is a high healthy coun'ry. .abound ing wi.h gotd water, and well timbered which for fer tiiry of soil eannoi be surpassed. The Indians being entirely removed from the country those who are de sirous of settling. ned apprehend no fi ars on tha ac count. To particulaiife each piece or pared, would be nnecessarj, as any person wisliin to purchase and who could not be stiiied with such a bill of fare, must indeed be hard to please. Terms to suit purchasers. The subset iber may at all times be found a ’his place ready to show the Lands. GEO STONE Tuskecgee Macon county. Ala.. July 1837. 16 f E 2 18 21) 64( N 5 14 24 ) 640 W 2 18 21 J acres .£ 32 15 24 f acres in a body in a body, E 19 18 211 I28( W ‘ 1 15 24 W 19 18 21 I in . 8 12 15 24 N 30 18 21 fb and V 25 16 24 N 29 18 21J will N 27 14 *23 ) 640 a mill seat. 3 27 14 23 J acres E 27 18 21 n a body, N 3 37 21 ) 64’ S I*2 14 25 S 3 17 21 f acre-N 11 16 23 in a bodv. N 34 19 24 S ‘25 19 21 N 18 17 24 ) 680 S 14 17 22 S 18 17 24 > i res N 35 17 22 BElof SE J ) in a S 31 17 23 7 17 24 body; N 36 17 23 and a mill seat, three miles j W 14 19 23 from this place ; undivided N 21 15 23 ) 64f half of E 20 15 23 J acre N 10 17 *24 ) 480 in a hodit. BF, } 16 17 24 ) acres j N 9 13 24 with a mill seat N 35 13 24 W 8 15 26 ) 800 S 28 13 24 S 5 15 26 ) acres ! N 36 14 24 EjofN E3 7 15 *26 j W 3 14 24 unai- F. \ofS W| 6 15 56 j vided half 120 cleared, under good j fence EXECUTOR’S SALE. W r ILL be soid. at public Auction, on the fourth Monday in APRIL next, in ‘he town < f Tus kegee, Macon coun y, Alabama the following valua ble Tracts of COTTON LAND, viz : W 30 17 24 S 33 15 23 W 34 14 23 E 14 15 23 N 29 15 23 N 19 14 23 W 10 14 23 S 29 15 -'3 S 2*2 14 22 E 25 15 22 S 30 15 23 W 6 16 24 N 8 14 23 N 35 15 23 N 14 16 24 E 36 15 22 E 10 14 23 N I 16 24 N 24 15 23 N 19 15 *24 E 30 18 23 W 25 15 22 W 24 15 22 F. 25 17 21 Frac. 4 14 22 S 27 15 22 N 21 15 2*2 E 13 14 22 E 24 15 22 S 1 16 21 S 24 15 23 S 19 16 25 S 28 15 23 27 14 24 (whole Section.) Terms of sale —One half payable on the first day of Jan. 1639 and the other haif payable on the first day of Jan. 1840, w ith interest from date. The secu rity required, and other pariiculars, will be made known on the day ofsa ! e. The sale to he posi'ive. and the lands sold without reserve. Titli s warranted. MOW’D HANRICK, Executor of William Walker, dec’d N. B.—All persons who purchased lands from Wil liam Waiker, deceased, or hold his bonds for titles to the same, are requested to be at 1 uskegee on the dav of sale. E. H. ALSO, At the same time and place, will be sold, the follow, ing tracts : S 22 15 23 F, 14 16 22 SE {2l 18 21 N 22 15 23 E 18 14 23 S 35 19 21 N 23 16 22 W 21 18 21 Terms, See. same as above. March 16. 74t EDWARD HANRICK. ROBIN HOOD. THIS distinguished Race Horse will make fall season at my stable at Fort Mitchell. Alabama, ten miles below Columbus. Every provision is made and every attention will be paid to the keeping of mares, but without liability for accidents. Terms will be made known by applying to the subscriber at Fort Mitchell. JOHN CROWELL. Sent. 20th 1837. 38 ts ON CONSIGNMENT^ CASKS fresh Thoniaston Lime. Just r-M bv ALLEN & YOUNG. Jan. 5. f UXORS COUNTS St miTfL I AM informed that Messrs. Jobuson & Robinson, of Madison, in Montgomery county are selling counterfeit Bl< AN DKE'I H’s> PILLS. The ci.i zeiis of that vicinity are caul toned against purchasing’ Pm? of them, as they are not among my Agents, and have no authority to seli ihe genuine Piils. Enquire for their certificate of agency. This will test the genu ineness of their Piils Those valuable Pills arc beginning to be so exten sively counterfeited that the citizens cannot be too cau tious’ where they purchase. If you go. to authorised Agents, who have a certificate of Agency, your are : sure of genuine Pills ; remembering that no DRUG ; GIST can sell the GENUINE PILLS. They may be obtained in Columbus, at my store only aiid of the following persons throughout the State, who are my Agents ; and from time to time, as other agencies are established, their names will be published. J. & A. J. Ashmore, Lincolntos. Lincoln co. E. M. Amos. Knoxville. Crawford co. Zillotus Atidams. Crawford vide. Talliferro co. Barefield & Buchanan, Cuthbert, Randolph co. Erasmus Bell, Lumpkin, Stewart co. A. R. Bell & Cos. Thomaston. Upson, co. Hezekiah Brake, Powelton, Hancock co. Bell, Ro binson & George, Clinton, Jones co. John M. Cox. Lexington nd Sandy Creek, Oglethorpe co. Cozart Burton & Cos. Washington. Wilkes co. Allen B.Chas tain, Hawkinsvtile, Pulaski co. Calier Pettee & Cos. Dravton, Dooy co. John B. Coleman & Cos. Pond Town, Sumpter co. Darden & Bailey, Talbotton, Tal bot co. Dun & Martin, Forsyth, Monroe co. Dun comb & Ingram, Perry, Houston co. Alexander J. Gordon. Hamilton. Harris co. J. E. Groce, Goshen, Lincoln co. Griffin & Purse. Macon. Bibbco. Arthur Ginn & Cos. Cttllodens, Monroe co. N. B. Hopper & Cos. Hopper? S’ore, Oglethorpe co. Harper & Clark, Elberton. Elbert co. S. & M. J. Hally, Tazewell, Marion co. II- G Johnson, Zebulon. Pike co. John son & Hudspeth. Maloriesville, W ilkes co. Johnson, Jones & Cos. McDonough. Henry co. Joice & Bruton. Georgetown, Randolph co S. S. Kendrick, Barnes ville. Pike co. Kellum & M ixev, Monticdlo. Jasperco. Tlios. Leslie. Warm Springs. Meriwether co Lock hart Threewits & Chapman. Warrenton, Warren co. J. Lumpkin. Travellers Rest, Dooly co. Freeman McLenion,Greenville. Mertwethi rcn. W. K. Mi'ch ell, Stanfordvil’e Jasper co. R. L. M’Kinney. M’Ktn nev’s S ore, Wilkes co. I-aac McCrary. Ameri cus, Sumpter co. J. B. Nickelson. Greensborough, Green co. Pitts & Finley, Newborn, Newton co. j Richard Prather, Pra'hers Store. Lincoln co. W. J. Ruvaldson & Cos. Danville. Sumpter co. Thomas B. Stubbs. Mil’edgeville, Isaac. Low Jackson, Bu'ts co. Sanford & Lumsden, Eatonton Putnam co. H. G. Slaughter. Hilsh >ro, Ja-per co. Stafford & Woodward, Florence Stewart co. Smith & Bassett. Bainbridge. i Deca'if co. Jacob H. Smith. Fair Play, Morgan co. I Samuel M. Thompson, Augusta, James Thomas, | Sparta. Hancock co A. I l '. Thompson & Cos. Indian Springs. But’s co. Usher & Anderson. Covington, Newton co. Woottcn & Cooper, Whitesville Harris co. and T.J. Warthen Saundersville, Washington co. and Johnson Frost f>r Heard, Troup Coweta, Fay ette Hcn- v, Walton, G-vinnett. De Kalb. Campbell. ! Clarke. Franklin, Jackson. Hall Forsyth. Cobb, ; Paulding and Madison. Simeon Smith, Jr. & Cn., ; Thomasville. Thomas co. J. & G. W. Huckabay, | Starkville, Lee co. A. B Duncan & Cos.. Albany, Baker co. Ausker Pickard, Waverly Hall, Harris co. FOII FLORIDA. The Agents a e Foreman & Muse. Qyiincy, Bet ton & Fisher, Tallahasse Joseph R. Rawies Monti cello. Brown and Wilson. Brown’s Ferry W. N. L. andJ.WL Russ, Marianna, John Campbell. Pensa cola Marcus Trumbul, for St. Josephs, and Hamilton & Cos. for Apalachicola. FOR ALABAMA. The Agents are Alford & Butl r Dudleysville. Tal lapoosa ro Richard Allen, Washington, Autauga co. J. W. Bacheldor. Lafayette, Chambers co. Barclay, Hinnett & Cos., Talladega. Talladega co. Bradford & Lawler. Mardisville, Talladega co. B. D. Chap man, East Wetumpka. R. L. Powel & Cos. West W'e tumpka, Isaac A. Caldwell, Socopotcv. Coosa co. TANARUS, S. Coats, M mtevallo, Shelby co. Dunlap & Lee, Tuscaloosa. Dickens, Welb & Cos.. Grecnsborough, Green co. Douglass, King & Cos. Salem, Perry co. Goodman Franklin. Dover, P. 0., Russell co. Win. A. Gray & Cos. Ousseta Chambers co. J W. Hatch et. Rockford. Coosa, co. Holman & Golst.n, Vernon. Autauga co. Wm. L. Justiss, Dad ‘sville. Tal apoosa co. J. S. Kennedy & Cos.. Ccntreville Bibbco. Sam uel Lovejoy. his settlement, Coosa co. Lively & Kelly, Havannah. Green co. John Miller, Carthage. Green co. McKennv, Parish & Cos., Marion Perry co. J. O’Harrer. Wil-onvillc. Shelby co. John W. Roper. Columbianna. Shelby co. Coleman and Hodges. Mt. Jefferson. Chambers co. Smith & Livingston, Irwin ton, Wm. H. Stalford, Tuskegee, Macon co. E. D. Ledyard Montgomery, and Doubledav & Sears. Mo bile. JOHN B. PEABODY. General Agent, for Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Columbus. Nov 23. ly BRENTLINGER’S VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE svruf. Xr\ _n , r*,.., r ..i~, 1...11 gestion, Bilious Affections, Headach, Dysen tery, Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Rheumatism, Numbness in various parts of the body. Mercurial Diseases, Scro fula and King’s in all their forms. Leprosy, White Swelling, Salt Rheum. Prickley Heat, Eruptions in the skin. Itch, Ulcers, Cancers, Old Ulcerated Legs, Syphilitic Affections, Tetters. St. Anthony’s File, Pimples in the Face, Tumors, &c. &c. arising from a deranged state of the digestive organs, or the iinnurity of the Blood, the VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE SYRUP is recommended as and efficacious re medy. It is an established fact, that the above enumerated lingering diseases, with many others, arise from a dts orded sta‘e of the stomach an impurity of the Blood, or the mercury administered for some previous form of disease remaining in the system. This Syrup is composed entirely of Vegetables in a highly concent 1 a'ed stvte, and a-ts on the system by giving a cored tone to the digestive powers, promot ing the healthy secretions of the bodv, securing the na tural action ol the in’estinal passage and at the same time cleansing and purifying the Blood, and giving it a free and heabhv ci'cul.vion. It is a com dete subs'itute fir mercury in all case* in which ‘hat mineral is given tn the old practice, and being a vegetable prepara’iin is eertainlv far prefera ble inasmuch a= i* passes off leaving the system en tirely free whil-t mercury fas'ens upon ‘he bones and s lids, ‘h rebv rendering vast numbers feeble and dc bili'a'ed for life The ea'har'ie and *onic propc-'ies of the'ablc Al'erative Syrup are moreover, so happilv combined tha’ whilst the firmer is performing i's duty in carry ing away he viiafed humors fr im the various parts of the b> Iv the latter keeps up the strength of the patient e en though it be continued for mou'hs thus possess ing an i mor'ant a Ivan'age ov r all other medicines of tha* o'ass. No alt"ra ion in diet is required except to abs'ain f- in sa't ilia's an Ino evil effects need be feared on i's ac toun’. liv exposure to wet or cold. From long exrv'riencc an I the manv ewes which j it has nerformed under our own ob erva’ion in Vir ginia Ohio an 1 Pennsylvania where it is now being used to a verv area 1 extent, we feel warranted in re eonimerding i* to “he adhered of Georgia Alahania, [ Florida nnd the Soirh generally, as a most valuable medicine. Noni ’rous cer'ificates eou’d bo given but we ennsi der such things as only caicula'ed to swell an adver tisement withou* giving, in our 1 - mhle opinion, much satisfaction ‘o the public. This Syrup owes its celeb, rifv to i's own merits. rVroctPns ‘or use aceomnanv each bottle, signed by the proprietor in his own hand. F A. TIRENTLTNGER. N. B —OTjoe onoovi'e ‘he Po-t O uee B oad s'reet, whore wiihjng'o know moe of this medicine, and of its a laota ion to anv particular disea e. mav call at anv hour through the day and consu't. free of charge. T. A. B. Columbus. Ga. Feb, 8. 16m PLCHsVS SAX, TV! OP GILS AD, AT THOMAS’ B JTANIC PHARMACY. nni-IE Flora of North Am erica is astonishingly .M. rich in remedies for ad manner and forms of dis eases. Consumption. Colds. Influenza. Dyspepsia, lndiges'isn. Headache. Jaundice. Fever and Ague, Bilious. Typhus, Scarlet and com n n Fevers, Ner vous Diseases, A uhma, Gout, lih umatism. Pleurisy, Liver Complaint. Dhili y. Palsy, Dropsy. Fits. Mea sles. Croup. Small Pox, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, Cholera Mo bus, Worms. Scrofula. King’s Evil Saint Anthony’s Fire, White Swellings. Ulcers of long s’anding. Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, Piles. Costiveness Female lomplain’s of every kind, are all speedily removed by the use of Flora’s remedies. The cure of Hydrophobia will be warranted in all cases. N. B.—All persons afflicted with Chronic and Lin gering Diseases. who desire to be restored to health, the greatest of all earthly blessings, will please send the s\nr>tomsof their diseases in wridng to the sub scriber. in Columbus, where he will selec l , prepare, and compound a* his BOTANIC PHARMACY’, Flora’s Medicines exactly to suit iheir dis as<-s. Feb. 8. ly B. R. THOMAS. ALABAMA LAXDS FOR SALK. SOUTH half of Section 13. Township 14, and Range 28. and West half of Section 8. Township 14. an 1 Range 27. both in Hassell co inly, for sale on accommodating terms. A railv ‘o .1. H. CAMPBELL, At the office of Campbell & McD ntgald. Columbus. Ga. Sept. 28. 39 if DHS.HOLT AXD PERSONS ARE united in the practice of Medicin® Their Offices arc on Rroad street, just below the City Hall, and on Randolph srreet, in the upper tenement of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besides the usual branches of the practice of Medi cine. Drs H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some evperience in the higher operations-=sieh as operations for all diseases of the eyes, for Hernia, Lt thotomv. &c, &c. lYJqrpb 23. 12 < JAMES N. TONEY, Attorney and counsellor at law, will practice in the Superior Courts of the Chat tahoochee Circuit. Office at Florence, Stewart county, Georgia. Ail business from a distance, intrusted to his care, will be attended to with punctuality and fidelity. Tan. 1L 49 6m the INDIAN’S PANACEA. TOR SALE BV JOHN E. BACON A Sit CO. AGENTS, FOR the Cure of>, Scrofula or King s Evil. Syphilitic and Alt c. rial diseases Ulcers, White Swellings. Diseases of the l.ivtr and Skin To show the standing of ibis medicine, the following testimonials and evidences of popularity are selected from the n onerous letters received bv the proprietor. The following extract is from a letter franked by a member of Congress: u W ashington, 24 n Jan . 1830. “ Will vou have the goodness to send me a dozen of the Indian’s Panacea J lam requested by one of the pariv of the delegation of Cherokee Ind ans to procure this’medicine for him, they having found advantage from it heretofore, and being unable to procure it in ttie District. J.F.C ALLAN.” i* Montgomery, Ala.. 22d Oct., 1335. “ Having nearly closed the lot sent [l2 dozen] we will thank vou to send us 24 dozen more by first vessel for Mobile. We ihink very ell of your Indian’s Pa nacea, and find it is rapidly superceding ail niher kinds , in this vicinity. AIADDOX & POLLARD. “ Mobile. Ai.a.. 31st Dec., 1836. ii p] ca .se send me 20 dozen Indian’s Panacea imme diately, the demand being so great wc shall be out be fore we shall receive next sh pment. W-OODRUFF & WATKINS” “ New Orleans, 20th April, 1837. “ Your last shipment of 50 dozen has come to hand, which is consider! and sufficient foi the sea-on. As my orders show, the sale of your Panacea is fast increasing in this part of the country, and I must say i’ cives ge neral satisfaction. H. BONNABEL.” “ Natches. Miss.. 28th Dec., 1537. “ Mr. D. G. Haviland. Sir—lt is wish pleasure we give the opinion entertained of the Indian’s Panacea in this city and vicinity, and can say. whe ever its cornbi nation.’we know of no medicine introduced to public patronage so worthy of the high charac’er it has sus tained here. We are acquainted with persons who have thoroughly tried il in Chronic diseases, Scrofula and Mercurial affections with entire success, and take great pleasure in forwarding, at their request, the certi ficate? of cure of several of them. It has been pre scribed bv the faculty in many cases meeting their en tire approbation ; and. indeed, such is its popularity, we have calls for no other P naoea. “ McGRAW & PULLING,” Many more letters of similar purport are at hand, but we wiil close with extracts from a letter from Dr. Witherspoon, giving a case of a member of the Legis lature of South Carolina. “ Sumter villf, S. C„ 24th Aug , 1837. “ The gentleman in this village whom the Indian’s Panacea cured, had Mercurial diseases, and not Rlieu inatism. However, the cure it effected with him was most obvious and remarkable and, beyond all doubt, il preserved the life of one of our most useful citizens. Asa consequence, it has acquired great celebrity in this section of the State. A great deal is used, and many are using it for diseases in which it is not at all appli cable. bv which means it “ill no doubt, after a while, fall into disrepute. J. B. WITHERSPOON.” Also for sale by A. POND & Cos. Columbus, March 22. 8y IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH Cholera Morbus , Diarrha-a, Siimrn ~ Compluint , Co lics, Cramp* and Spasms. THE utility of R. S. BERNARD’S Remedy for Cholera has ceased to be a problem. Experi ence, the only sure foundation of Medicinal, as of all other kinds of knowledge, has effectually established what the judicious composition of the Remedy, its admirable adaptation to the various indications which occur in the course of those diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels, usually designated as Cholera Com plaints, led the pioprietor to anticipate from the first. Os all experience, however, that of men competent todis criminal* accurately and to decide justly upon the effects of a medicine, must be the hesi; and with such in its favor, even the most fastidious in these matters must lay aside- their prejudices. The indications of cure are—to tranquilize the sto mach and bowels; to relieve the excessive puking and purging; to allay the increased irritability of the intes tines, giving rise to increased peristaltic motion; to relieve that rheumatic state of the bowels which is of ten the attendant of chronic cases, sometimes accom panied with inflammation and ulceration; to overcom ; the spasms, equalize the circulation, and restore warmth to the surface; remove congestion of the internal or gans, and to relieve the morbid irritability of the brain and nervous system;—all of which has been effected by the use of Bernard's Remedy for Cholera , certificates of which have been given at various times, of its effi cacy in cases widely different in their origin and pro gress from each other. Look to the certificates; they are the best evidence that can be given. The commendations which several liberal and intel ligent Physicians have bestowed upon the Remedy, have already been published; and Ihe subscriber hits now the gratification of adding the following from a most respectable pratising physician of Somerton. Va. R.S. BERNARD. Somerton, May 14, 1837. Mr. R. S. Bernard : Dear Sir—This is to inform you I have tested the efficacy of your Remedy for Cholera in several instan ces that have lately come under my care, and that its effects evince it to be a judicious preparation—one emi nently serviceable. I will say altogether competent to cure the diseases for which it is recommended. I feci no hesitation, therefore, in declaring that for the treat ment of such disorders, t shall regularly dispense your Remedy from my office, and would recommend it to be kept in all families liable to these dangerous attacks. You may use this certificate as you will. Your’s, very respectfully, W. L. PARHAM. This certificate was given to my agent, E. P. Nash, of Petersburg, and for its importance notice Mr. Nash’s remarks : “ As agent for Bernard’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Me dicine. I ca 1 the attention of the public io the certificate below fiom one of the most respectable gentlemen in the Sta c; and I particularly call their attention to the one given by a gentleman in this town— and if it were necessary, I could produce a half dozen others from Petersburg, who have tried the m- dicinc within two weeks past. EDW. P. NASH. Mr. Edward P Nash, Agent for Bernard’s Cholera Medicine. Dear Sir: I feel it a duty I owe to the proprietor ol the above medicine, as well as the puhne generally, to inform you that the bottle of Cholera mix lire which I bought at your store a few evenings since, has entire ly cured me of a severe Diarrhu-.a. The cuie was effected in taking only two doses; and a? I had tried many o'her lemedies without the least effect, I am fully of the opinion that the medicine here alluded to is cvc y thing that it is said to be. JAS. S. WALLACE, Petersburg, Va. Who will neglect to supply themselves with Ber nard’s Remedy for Cholera when it is so fully proven to be efficacious in all the diseases for which fi is re commended? In no case has it failed to cure the most ob-tina'C a tacks of summer complaint made upon chil dren. In one m-tance a permanen cure was effected upon a child in this plact aftei the sum ocr complaint had put it (as thought by the doctors) beyond the pow er of medicine to relieve. It was such an aggravated case that the chiid had. in the course of one day and night sixty-three evaeua ions from the bowels. Yet one bottle proved a sovereign remedy. Extract from one of mv agents— Petersburg. June 4, 1836. Mr. R. S. Bernard—D ar Sir: Your Cholera Me dicine is highly thought of til Perersburg and adjac< ii i coun'ks; I have never sold a bo;Me out of the whole j that I have sold which has not. so far as I could ascer tain. proved offer!tmi in curing: I have never had a complaint—but many commendations of its good ef fects have been given me. You mav. as far as mv judgment and the good sense of the many t>, whom I I have sold i* goes recommend it highly to any arid ail | who may wish such medicine. J shall soon be in want ;of more. Respectfully, E. P. NASII. Agent for Petersburg. Va. From my Agent, Mr John Hare, of Memphis, Tcnn., formerly ol Murfrevsboro’ N. G. Memphis July 7, 1836. Mr. R. S. Bernard—Dear Sir: After soiling a good deal of your medicine for Cholera, wi h entire sa'isfac tion. I called on a few of our most respectable ruijuns to get. if possible, some evidence of the efficacy of said medicine, and I am glad to enclose you some certifi cates, which I am confident will add much to the proof already obtained. Having used your medicine in my own family, for some most violent attacks of Cholera and Diarrhea. 1 take pleasure in adding my certificate, inasmuch as I consider it the must valuable preparation | ever made. If m v name is of any service you mav use j it in any way you think best, and I shall at all rimes j feel proud to think that I have been called on to testify j to the many cure? performed by yotir medicine. I *m : daily distributing it over this district, and have sent j some to Arkansas, where it lias been trii and with com- i piete success. Y’otir friend, J. HARE. To prevent imposi;ion. a sac simi e of my name will 1 be attached to each bottle. For sale bv John E. Bacox & Cos. A.Po>*d& I Cos. and E. S. Norton, Columbus, Ga. July 27. 30 THE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exisit in PE 1 ERS’ I VEGETABLE PILLS, is every day demonstrated by their astonishing efficacy in all the cases which they are announced to cure. This is no deceptive or mer cenary boast, but a fact undeniably proved bv numerous certificates gratuitously and volttn'arily offered to the proprietor, who. being a regular Physician, and having practiced his profession for many years in different climates, is enabled to offer to the afflicted invalid a medicine on the effects of which he u willing to risk his reputation. He does not pretend that they area positive cure, or even beneficial in every complaint; but he most positively believes that in every disease where a cathar tic or an ape-ient medicine is needed they will be found superior to anv of those drastic purgative medicines which arc so much puffed in the public prints as puri fiers of the Mood. When taken according to the direc tions accompanying them, thov are highly beneficial in the prevention and cure of Biliious Fever. Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints Sick Headache, Jaundice. Asthma.Dropsv Rhcuma'ism. En'argement of the Spleen. Piles. Colic. Female Obstructions. Heartburn. Nausea, Furred Tongue. Distension of th® Sicmarh *nd Bowel* Incipient Diarrbtra. Flati*-.’ lence, Habitual Coativcness, Less of Appetite, BiWeh* cd or iiaitow Complexion, and m ull cases of Torpo ot tile Boweis where acailianlc oi aperient is neetledr 1 lic'V are exceeuuigij im, u men operation, producing nenlie-r nausea griping n„ r uelmnv. it neuter .i.ese i i,„, t Ull , mice in roducea i,to a lainity. il.e\ become a uii uu.g remeuj. and rr caded lor again anil again, v hici, ti ” M .miienl proof of Itleir good qualities. Pei flaps no article ot the kind has evei Lctn i ffereo to tin public suppurieu by leu in oi.ia ol acl.araeut so drciMve, fiom so*rit s ab it i-j l.a* giveu more um\trsai i. ‘i hey have the testimony of the whole medical pro fession in llieir favoi. wliiit nol a -ingle case ol ili con— sequences cr inefficiency can he aiUdged against them- Hundreds and thousands bliss the day they acquainted with Pctors’ Vegetable lilts, which, in consequence ot their cxlraciuinary goodness, have at tained a popularity unprecedented in the history of medicine. The very circumstance alone that Physician* , in every part of the Union, (but more especially in the Sou.hern States, where they have long been in use,) arc making free use of them in tlnir practice, speaks’ volumes in their praise. Add to ibis fact, that all who use invariably recommend them to il.tir friends, and the testimony in their favor is almost irresistible. As an An’i-hilious remedy, and to prevent Costiveness, they have no rival. One fifty cent box will establish their character, and prove that there is tiutli even in an advertisement. Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution for the cure of obstinate diseases by means of Vegetable remedies, No. 129, Liberty street, New York. ° Each box contains 40 pills. Price 50 cents. Clarksville, Met klenburg co. Va. Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir —1 embrace the opportunity of expressing to you mv gratification al the success which has attend ed the administration of your valuable Pills in this section of country. It is a common fault with thosa who compound and vend patent medicines to say toe much in llieir favor, bu; fn m what I have sen. of th* effect of your pills I do not think they have, as yet received unmerited praise. ■- ix months ago they w er* almost entirely unknown in this part of Virginia; thej are now the most popular pills we have. In dyspepsia and sick headache, derangi ment of the biliary and obstinate constipation of the bowels, I know of n aperient more prompt and efficacious. Their mildness and certainty of action render thear* a sa'e and efficient purgaiivc for weekly indhiduali r and may be given at ali times without any of those injurious consequences that frequently result from the long continued use of calomel or blue pills. On the whole, 1 consider them a valuable discovery. Very respectfully, S. H. HARRIS, M. D, Dr. Joseph P. Peters. Charlotte, N. C. Jan. Ist, 1837._ Dear Sir—l have made frequent use of yqiti Pills in the incipient stair ol Bilious 1’ i vrr and ebstinate Con stipation of the Bowels; also in the Enlarg* nient of the Spleen, Chronic diseases of the l.ivtr. Sick Headache, General Debility, and many other diseases, and in all cases have found them to give relief. J. D. BOYD, M. D. Dr. J. P. Peters. Mecki.ei mu no Go. Ya. Fib. 7th, 1837. Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for the last twelve months. I take plcasuie in giving my testi mony of iheir good effects in eases of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Bilious Fevers, and other diseases produced by inactivity of the liver. Tm-y arc a safe and mild aperient, bring the beat article of the kind I have ever used. GEO. C. SCOTT, M. D. The above valuable I’ifls are for sale by John E. Bacon & Cos. and E. S. Norton, Columbus, Ga. July 27. SO GAIiLICIIIAS’S VEUETABIjE FEVEK AJV D AGbE FILLS, at Norton’s auction and pill store. For genuine, call as above. In the composition of nearly all the patent, and per haps popular, medicines now in list for I’ E\ ER and AGUE, ther is reason to believe that, in combmati ,n with several inert simples, someone powetful article is employed, to which their efficacy is solely indebted. Such, for instance, are arsenic, antimony, and mercury , in ther variety of forms—artich s wed known to be deadly poisons, and which no person in his sober senses would venture to make use of, unltss prescribed by a skilful physician. The public are assured, however, that this is not the case with Gallighan’s Pills. On the contrary, the proprietors solemnly pledge them selves that they do not contain a particle of these or other minerals in any shape or form, but are composed entirely of simple vegetable s, which, either separately or combined, aud without regard to sex or age, are perfectly harmless in their ifleets upon the hu system. Gallighan’s Pills, though useful for all diseases which originate in a superabundant collection of bile in the stomach, are more paiticularly intended for Fever and Ague. In the first p'acc they cleanse, strength en, -nj jrit.o io die stoinnrh and bowels, and cre ate anew and healthy action throughout the system. They produce a natural and permanent appetite.— They defend the system against new or subsequent attacks of the disease. They remove all obstructions of ihe liver and other organs. They assist the various operations of nature, by cleansing the system of all vi tiated, corrupt and acrid humors, and thus invigorate and reanimate the whole frame. Possessing a purga tive quality, they cannot remain <n the bowels to pro duce such oilier diseases as often follow the injudicious treatment of Fever and Ague. They are composed entirely of vegetable ina'tcr, and may lie taken by per sons of both sexes and of ail ages, will - ‘ the least danger of unpleasant consequences. In tuie, the pub lic are assured that Galiighan’s Pills possess those in j estimable virtues which are requisite not only to ar • rest, but to eradicate and des;roy, ihe last seeds of this | most distressing malady of the hi man family, j The Fever and Ague assumes a variii\ of forms ; I but as the most of them are generally well known, it is deemed unnecessary here to describe them. There is lone, however, deserving off notice, which picvails to some extent in low, marshy countries and which, in some respects bear? a striking resell. Lance to Dys pepsia. Under this form, it is of on ihe case that per sons labor for weeks months, and even years, without knowing precisely what tils lln m and who. if told their disi ase was Fever and Ague, voted conceive they had been imposed upon. Il is io such that these piils a.e recommended, and to assist il <m in acquirin'* a correct knowlt’dg< of their complaint—which should always he done before seeking a remedx—the follow ing arc presented as some of the symptoms, which in variably attend this fi rm of the disease :—invaid fe vers, unuccotrio panied by chilli,; cold, and night sweats; irregular appetite ; thirst ; !„w spirits ; cen lusion of tlie- mind ; languor ; cold hands and feet ; ir regularity of the bow els ; pre. sure on the st< tnaeh and abdomen after cadng; chances in ihe color of the urine ; drowsiness ; disagreeable taste ; headache ; dizziness; enlargement of the spleen; costive ness ; nausea ; flatulency and debility. Praciitir.n< rs of physic, planters, traders overseers <>f plan ations. seamen, and families, residing m or visit ing low coun'rics or warm cliniaP a ought constantly to be supplied wi ll kese iiiva'uab.e I ills. DIRECTIONS—To deriv* the greatest possible hen Git from tins. Pills i’ is necesssiy ‘hat die direr. ‘ions should b< can ft IN fbllov ed Gotrm.nce while tl.e fever is off wi h taking three pills and aftirwarda repeat every two ho* rs wi'h one pill nri'il a decided effect has been project'd upon ‘be bow els, which will generally take place after six bate hem taken some persons ri quiiing more ar.d some 1. ss : afterwards con tinue taking the pills < r.c at a three times a dav, half ail hour before In some ca.-vs thri e pills a dav mav he too many, anil in o’hers not a s 1 (Tleient nunthr r to keep the bow els moderately loose. If is import; nt to keep this object constantly in vi> w-. The prwn ‘;k irg tl.i m. tl e/e ----fore, must exercise his judgment arc! deviate firm the above directions accordingly. Children 8 wars o'd must commence bv taking otic pil’ and repta’irg wi’h half a pill, according o the c'ir<f i< ns given for adults. To children under this age the dose must be propor tionality sma !er. In al! obstinate caws, or causes vs long standing, it is necessary, to tect a per est cure of the disease, tha’ m .re than on*’ hox of the pills s! euld he taken. N. B —••>*• particular to keep the box covert and after using tic pills. I re 21.46tf SELLING OFF AT COST. THE subscribers, having marie other business ar rangemenfs will sell their < mire stock of Rea dy maue CLOTHING, cither at wholesale or retail, at cost for cash. J.S. BMIIH & Cos. Jan. 29 1838. 52tf P. S.—All those indfbted to us are respectfully re quested to come forward and pay up. J. S. S. & Co^ SPLENDID VESTINGS. THE subscribers have lately received an assort ment of ex'ra rich figured Silk Velvet and Satin. VESTS. Also, plain black Silk and Satin, which they will be pleased to make up to order at the e t notice. HAMILTON, HURD & Cos. Jan. 2. 4:f AT PRIVATE SALE. TttllXEl) Buckskin Cassimcre; Striped do. |V fl Black do. Oxford Mixed do. Blue clo’h ; Super Brown do. Also, a variety of Fancy Dry Goods, which will be sold low for cash or good bankable paper. S. M. JACKSON. Auc. & Coin. Mer. Columbus Feb. 1, 1838. 52 ts THE subscriber wrou’d respectfully inform hi* friends an 1 the public generally, tha’ he has ta ken the House in Greenville Geo. formerly occupied bv Gen. Ector, and tn re recently bv James G. McGib hanv, where he inten Is entertaining his customers in the best manner possible. JOHN C. MAXGHAM. Geenvrille, Ga. Jan. 1838. 51 3m THE PUBLIC are cautioned not to pay any Note or Bonk Accounts due to the subscriber, either to WILLIAM M’BRY DF.. or any other pier son who inav present them for collection as they are no’ authorised by ine. and the said Wm. M’Bryde having been guilty of a lir ach of trust. Jan. 3. 2tf S. W. BO AG, Charleston. A RESTAURATEUR opened on St. Clair street, un4®r the *>:nerintendcncc of S. Turner I D'c. 12. I'}tf ANTHONY LEVIE,