Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, September 06, 1838, Image 3

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For the Sentinel and Herald, THE BANK ARISTOCU A r V. The hirelings and bought up cattle , as Mr. Clay would call them, of Nicholas Biddle, are bent upon the establishment of an exclu sive order of aristocracy in this free, simple republican government. Their lord and master has given out the command : down with the democracy—away with ■ qua! rights — crush down the liberties of the peojde, and bury tltcir constitution under your feet, fir they shall be my bondsmen, and by their tabors will Ibe exxlted I'iie-e tniugs, King Nicholas. I declare u t< you, shall he done, or von shall suffer the penalties of fail ing obedience to my mandat- s. Under this wijierial ord r, tve do not won- tier that that s rvile print, the Mobile ‘ Mer- \ cantile Advertise ,’ should take it upon itse fj to assail the democratic resolutions of M is i cogee county. Gi., with the nivni t to involve them in the foul sli ne of its pol-1 luting t’alsehooils. These resolutions stand i far above ttie contracted views of the ‘AI \ vert iter,’ bound as it is t v specific rules and ! mandates, and not daring to think or ro speak one 1 eyotnl these mandates of its imp rial master. These resolutions do not * strike at the root of industry,’ but they stir up that soil which susta ns indu t y —rive it a firmer and deep er hold, that its branches may expand and smother that noxious mushroom tititLr grmvlh, which is exhausting the sap of the noil without lal>o . They do not ‘ naralvze enterpri e,’ hut they would open a wider field for the enterprising genius of n ir enun trytnen, iintramme!l and by such Legislative favors as are designed alone to he extended to those who are already wealthy, on the credit of those who are poor. Nor would they ‘ rob honestly acquired wealth n‘‘ its ad vantages,’ but they would stay that foul and daring band which, even nmv, although in the wane of its desolating power, still -e ks to overthrow the government, enslave the people, and establish, upon the ruins of their constitution, a powerful and tvrauical mo nied aristocracy. Talk of ‘ robbing honestly acquired wealth of its advantages.’—who but the federal bank party, the ragged aristocracy of the country, is attempting this? Who but the masters of this same 1 Adver tiser’ a>e seeking to filch from the pockets of honest laborers a yearly stipend, wherewith to guild their palaces and support their “princely hanqueN ? These are ihe ‘■Adver tiser's’ ‘ advantages’ of wealth, and this is the way it would have them 1 honestly acquired’ TANARUS! tfhi'ld audacity with wli ch the 4 J\ler cantile Advertiser’ exhibits its servility to the mandates of* wealth, 1 honestly acquired’ hv shaving the people with rags and ragged pro mines, shews ihe desperate determination I of its masters, in the avowed design of esta blishing an aristocracy of wealth, with exclu sive privileges, above the poor and laboring classes of the people. We cannot belter ex pose lite r designs than by giving the logic, of ihe ‘ Advertiser’ itself on the subject, ft says, 1 We ask what is the diff rence in point of fact, between bank stock, railroad, canal or other stock, which the poor man. as well as the rich, is at liberty to huv and to hold to (he extent of his means; aid #nv other description of property, oraa t/ other privilege or immunity xrhich money can ac quire.’ What freeman who can retd this significant question without astonishment and disgust, aud without pitv for the slavish worm who could he so reckless of all honest* q nf t self-respect as to ask i< ? What difibrenc-* W thare between hank and railroad stork, which may bp duly and legally authorised hv law, and which cannoi exist without tti t aethn rity emanating from the people—wd>a’ differ ence is liiere between thi* kind of stock and any other privilege nr immunity which mo ney can acquire? in plain English, what andi r sere nee is there between tho-e rights sn-l pri vileges which mnv he du'v conferred hv ‘e gisUtive enactments, and snv privilege or immunity which tnav he acquired hv the power of money? H-'re is at once a n’ain and pa pa hie acknowledgement, on the part of the Federal Bank party, bv one of its most faithful organs, that all the privileges and immunities which money can acquire, are in fact equal to any which msv ho given or vested, hv the government and laws of the country, that the power of money is in all respects equal to the powers of the govern ment, and tlnr ‘ any privilege or immunity which money can acquire,’ is beyond the reach of the government and laws, because being equals in power, each must stain! inde pendent of the other. This is ihe true doc trine of the Federal Bank party. They claim the right to establish a great monied power, equal to the government and above the laws of the country, irresponsible to anv other power save the>r immaculate King. Let it now he ‘proclaimed from the house tops —let it he t limped forth from the towers of the temple of onr liberty—and let every mountain and valley re-echo these startling truths, which are now openly ami holdlv declared by the whig aristocracy of the north and south. The democracy of Muscogee, and of the whole State of Georgia, may now see through the design ol this attack upon their Resolu tions. These Resolutions declare for ihe lights and liberties of the people,so far as the Constitution of the country guarantees those rights ; and they denounce those usurpations of power, whether acquired hv money or any other corrupting influence, which in their tendency must subvert those rights and crush our liberties; and fir these honest declarations—fir thus proclaiming our senti ments as freemen, we are denounced in the] most vulgar and vile strains hy that hireling; organ of whig despotism, the ‘Mercantile Advertiser,’ of Mobile. Let the people open their eyes upon the fearful destinies that hang around them—let them arouse from their lethargy, and with the powers of a Hercules, shake o!F the rank ling chains of that monied despotism which would crush every vestige of their freedom, and which even now defies the government I and laws of their country. Then shall the sun of our glorious liberty once more shine upon us in all the heautv of its simplicity, restoring peace, and prospe itv throughout our beloved Union. AUTHOR OF THE RESOLUTIONS. CIRCULAR - August S. 1838. To the editor of the H'etumpka Argus: Sir: Tae undersigned, oemg apj.used that many of the inhabitants of the Territory m Alabama, lately ceded to the United Siales b\ 4lie Creek tribe of Indians, have Itecmne th holders of Reservations of land, eituer by im mediate purchase from the original Indian j Reset* vee or transfer from such purrhas . And, by an Act of the late session u C >n grets, it being rend* red competent for the pattut to sucii lands to he issued in the name of the lust boua Jitle transferee, as well as to, the first purchase! —an<t it being contem plated by the government shortly to issue | patents to such reservation in cases in winch there may lie ‘approved contracts tor them, have taken the liberty, f r the inf ininlion and benefit of thp people of that district of county, generally who may be interested. 1 to make this communication, and also to forward the form of the transferor assign ment prescribed to be used, and other par ticulars of the regulations of the Land office Department, under the hope that you would give publication to them, in order that those! persons desirous of obtaining patents might, prior to their application for them, make pre-j paration in due form accordingly. Many of those to whom this information would be ac-! ceptable are subscribers to vour paper, and ; by its diffusion through your columns you will I doubtless confer a favor upon them. As it rpav be the means of facilitating the business! of such claimants in the obtaining of their patents, the undersigned will, during their stay the present fall iu Washington, asattor nies lor the parties, jtersonally bestow their attention in all cases ot the kind in which their services may be requested. It w.ll be proper to add that the aforesaid : deeds, when in possession of the parties, transfers, &.c. should be forwarded in order jto he presented on the application lor the patent to the proper department. Very respect full v, &c. THOS. J. ABBOTT, JOSEPH BUYAN. Form of the Transfer. For value received, I (or we) j of the county of an 1 state of , do hereby assign, transfer, and set over unto of all my (or our) ! ‘"in! I. title, clam, and demand to a tine; of j I Hid, purchased by trie (or us) of : b-dgriated as the half of Section n mVr in Township number I of liange number siluate in the da rnel of lands subject to sale at and r t q iest that a patent may he issued to said , his heirs or assigns. Witness •nv hand and seal, this d.iyof A. D 183 * (Seal.) Acknowledged before me ibis dav of A. D. 183 •A 'otr. —The designation of the tract must invariably he given in writing , without ab brt motions. If the assignment is not acknowledged he lore either the Register or Receiver, it sh-ui and attested by two witnesses, and acknowl edged either before a Notary Public or Jus tice of the Pence, and attached thereto, in the latter case, there must he a certificate of Ma gistracy by the Clerk of the proper County Court, under his official seal. From the Albany Argus. A FALLACY OF THE U. S. BANK EX PLODED. The resumption of specie payments bv the hanks of this stale, and the course which Mr. Biddle has been driven to adopt since, com pletely solves the problem in regard to the power of bringing about a resumption with out the aid of a national bank. Mr. Biddle, in his letter of the sth of April, claims all the merit, for the U. S. Bank, of the resumption alter the war; and he intended to deter our hanks from resuming by conveying the idea that without the aid of his hank such a thing was impossible. But it is now demonstrated to the world, that the banks of a single slate can resume specie payments, not only with out the aid of a national bank, hut in the face of ail the hostile influence of a U. Bank. Phis is a great triumph to the cause of honest principles, and effectually overturn* one of ttie fallacies most relied on to force a re-charter of a great national regulator. What fair minded man can review the events since the suspension, and not come to tne conclusion, that to the firmness of the general administration in adhering strictly to the laws <it Congress in regard to the cur rency, are we mainly indebted for an early resumption of specie payments? If the ad ministration had given way, and adopted the irredeemable policy, is there the shadow of probability that ttie* banks would have been paying specie at this time ? It la required me whole power of the government, and of the banka of New York, sided by toe powerful mpulse of pit tike opinion to htiug Mr. Biddle and the cotton speculators up o ihe standard of gold and silver. The profits ofi his hank in buying bv one measure and selling by another, were too important to be surrender ed without a struggle. And it has been hv compulsion alone, that the gre t irredeema ble has been brought to the constitutional standard. An nrniv of public opinion, too formidable to be resisted, was arrayed against ihe shin-plaster dynasty ; and on seeing the determined spir-t of the people, the great cap tain of the irredeemables concluded that the heller purl of valor was discretion, and that it was better to compromise and settle ba lances, than to grapple with an abused and indignant people. CITY HALL, Columbus,Ga. > Augus, 12. 183S. ) Called meeting of Council, 10 o’clock, A. M. Present, Ins Honor the Mayor, and Al deimen Read, Hooper, Smith, Lewis, Ware, V\ iliiams, Allen. Ciiipley, and Brooks. By Alderman Lewis: Resolved, That P. Laney and bmthers he authorised to erect a lish tiap in the river, just below the bridge, and in theevent of its proving profitable to said Laney and brothers, that they pay a reasona ble amount per annum for the same, during the term ol ihiee years, to be judged of by the Council. Aldei man Chipley offered the following as an amendment: And that Win. McGee have one hundred yards of the river bank, opposite the old Hos pital, for a fishery, on the same terms. Whereupon, Alderman Williams offered the following as a substitufe for the resolu tion and amendment: Resolved, That the fishing privilege on the Chattahoochee river, within tiiis city, as may he directed hy the Mayor, be let by the Mai shall. to tiie highest bidder, after giving ten days’ n,t < e of the time and place of renting; upon the adoption of which the yeas and nays were called for, and ordered to be placed on the journals. Yeays 6, noes 1. Those who voted m tlie afii mitive were Messrs. Read, Hooper. Williams, Alien, Ciiipley and Biodkm. ! N'grative, Mr. L- vv.s. By Alderman Read : Resolved, That the building of a conductor to the end of the lowei sewer, and the securing the river hank, be let out to the lowest bidder, after five dais’ notice, under the direction of the Mayor, and that he superintend the work, and that bond and security be required, war ranting the work five yearn. By Alderman Read : Resolved, That the Marshall be requested to kill all dogs found running at large iri the streets of this city in the mgiit, unprotected hy their owners, or some other person having the charge of them, after the 10th of September next; upon the adoption of which the yeas and nays were called for, and ordered on ttie journals.— Those vvio voted in the affi mative were Messrs. II ad. Hooper, Williams, Chipley and Allen. Those who voted in the nega tive. Messrs. Lewis and Brooks. The sptcial committee to whom was re ferred the petition of W. E. Jones and others, made their report, and nfleinl the following i ordinance, which was read and passed : | Be it ordained, by the Mayor and Council, I fmt ihe North Eist portion of the city mm i tooi.s. lying East of the grave yard ami North oi i e road leading to the residence of W. E u mv s. be, and the same is hereby, set apar; j tin school purposes, for three yea's, from and alter ihe first ot J inuurv next ; provided, tint a road, at least one hundred and twenty leet wide, slidl be left open, running North and South, along the Eastern line of the g r ave yard. Be it further ordained, That W. E. J mes, J. Boykin, \\ m. H. Mitchell, and S. Boykin, he. and are hereby, appointed trustees for i said schoo 1 until the school have been orga nised, when the patrons of said school nnv se lect trustees at such time and place as may he agreed upon. Be it further ordered, that it shall be the duty of said Trustees to .cause the pine shrubbery anti undergrowth to be cleared off said commons, and the same he neatly fenced Council then adjourned until Saturday, Bth inst. 10 o’clock, A. M. A true extract from the Journals. Published bv order of the Board, i J. ROBERTS, City Cierk. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ALLEN AN!) YOUNG. ARTICLES. PRICF.S. BAGGlNG—Kentucky. - - yd 00 23 aOO 25 Inverness, ------ yd 00 22 aOO 24 American Tow, - - - - vd 00 00 aOO 00 BALE HOPE, lb 00 12 aOO 14 BACON—Hams - - - - lb 00 14 aOO 15 Sides. - ------ lb 00 13 aOO 14 Stioulders, - - - - - - lb 00 11 aOO 12 BEEF—Mess, ----- bbi 1000 all 00 Prime. ------- bbl 760 a 900 BU F TEii.-—Jbshen, - - - lb 00 25 aOU 37$ Western. - - - - - - lb 00 25 aOO 31 GA.\ Dl.ES—^'Sperm, - - - tb 00 4a aSO 00 Ta.low, lb 00 15 aOO 20 HASTINGS, lb 600 a 700 JHEE3E—Not them, - - - lb 00 16 aOO 20 JOT ros, lb 00 5 aOO 85 COFFEE—llavanna green, - lb 00 15 aOO 16 Kin. tb 00 13 aOO 15 FlSH—Mackerel, Nn. I, - - lb 00 12 aOO 14 “ “ 2, - - lb 10 00 al2 50 “ “ 3, - - lb 900 950 Herrings, ------ box 2 Ot) aOO 00 FLOCK —Northern, - - - bbl 11 00 12 00 Western, ------ bbl 1000 alO 50 Country, ------- bbl 900 a 1000 GRAIN—Corn, - -- -- bn 100a00 00 Wheat, ------- bo 02 00 aOO 00 GUNPOWDER, - - - - 7so 8 s'* HIDES. ib (K ‘'4-. Ufc 8i IKON, lb 00 6 *OO ’ L.ARD, ....... ik U 0 li aUO 12 LI vli*. - - • - . . . . cn>K 400 tt 500 VI JIASSES—N. Orieans, - ga’ 01, 45 aOO 50 NAILS, In 00 9 0b 10 PORK—Mess, lb 00 23 aOO 25 Prime ....... Ib 00 16 Go 2L PEPPER, In m iYvi 00 15 PEAS ------- - Ini 0u 7a a tuO RAISINS, ------ box 250 4OU RICE Ib 00 6 aOO 7 SPIRITS—Brandy, Cognac, gal 175 a2 25 Peach, gal 1 12i 150 Apple, ------- gal 00 58 aOO 60 GlN—Holland, ----- g a l 150 a 175 Domestic, ------ ea | 00 62j aOO 65 RUM—Jamaica, ----- gal 177 a 225 Domestic ------ gal 00 58 aOO 62 WHISKEY—Irish, ... g a | 00 00 a 400 Monongahela, ----- gal 008?£a Ito New Orleans, ----- gal 00 55 aOO 60 SUGAR—New Orleans, - tb 00 9 00 11 St. Croix, ------ |b 00121a 00 14 Loaf, lb 00 20 OO 25 SALT, - - sack 350 a 375 SOAP, lb 00 8 aOO 10 SHOT, lb 225 a 250 STEEL—Cast, lb 00 183a 00 25 German, - - - - - - lh 00 00 aOO 15 Blistered, lb 00 12 a 00 20 r ALLOW. lb 00 S aOO 9 TEA—Green, lb 100 a 150 B'ack, lb 00 00 aOO 75 fOßACCO—first quality, - - lb 00 40 aOO 50 Second quality. - - - - lb 00 15 00 25 WlNES—Madeira,L. P. - - gal 300 a 350 Sicily, ------- gal 150 a 175 Malaga, gal 00 62* a 00 70 Claret, Marseilles, - - - box 500 a 600 Claret. Bordeaux. - - - box 6OOa 700 fCy We are authorised to announce JOHN B. HATCHETT. Esq. a candidate for a seat in the represen'ative branch in the next General Assembly in October next. Harris co. Aug. 8 28 3t 9HLLEDGEVILLEE COURSE, GA. TAHE annual JOCKV CLUB fall meeting will commence on Monday, the 12th o NOVEM BER next, and continue six days. The following purses will b given : Ist day—a post stake, four mile heats—entrance live hundred dollars, two hundred and fifty forfeit; three or more to make a race : to close Ist October, and name a! the s'and. Iverson & Bonner, 1 2d day—Mile heats for a fine silver Pitcher and Cup, worth $200; for col sand fillies two or three years o.d, $25 entrance; three or more to. make a race. 3d day—Two mite heat* free fi>r all—purse. S3OO 1 h day—Three mile heats free fur all—purse, 500 sth dav—Four mile heats, free for all—purse, luOO 6ih day—One mite he vs—bes’ 3 in s—purse, 400 H. F. YOUNG & Cos., Proprietors. July 30, 1838. 31 r CENTRAL COt’llSE. MACON, GA. THE RACES over lhis course win continence on the last Tuesday (30th) of OCTOBER, and continue five <lnys. First day, sweepstakes for three year olds entraee SIOO. with SIOO added by the Proprietors—one mile heais—ihret or more to make a race. 2J day, two miie heats purse $250 31 day, three mile heats, purse 5 0 4th dav, four nine heats purse 700 5 h day, mile !v ats. best 3in 5. purse SOO I.KE, HARDIN & Cos., Proprietors. Aug. 29, 1838. 3j i r TO COUNTRY DEALERS, THE subscribers have just received from the Bay. a splendid assortment of GROCERIES an! CoNFECTI NARIES. consisting, in part, of Champaign, Madeira, fine Claret Port Muscat in boxes or kegs, and Malaga wines, 100 000 best segars chewing an Ism iking Tobacco, Coffee. Sau sages, Fulton Market Beef and Tongues, superior Bitters. Cordials and Syrups, nuts of all descriptions. Glass Jars. Tumblers and Decanters, toge’her with every other article in the line, for s lr verv low hv STARR & RUSE. Dtafts on New Orleans for sale for Florida or Alabama money. S & R. Columbus, Sept. 6,1838. 31 2t RAILROAD IRON, FOR sale at the Depository, Charleston. 200 tons Railroad Iron, half inch thick, by two and a half inches wide. If not sold before the first Monday in October next, will then be offered at auction. Apply at the office of the S. C. C. R. R. Cos., State street, Charleston. Aug. 30 1838. 31 4t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE! AGREEABLE to an order ot the Inferior Court of Talbot county, Ga.. sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEM BER next wi h n the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in the town of Taihotton in said count ,lo sos land Nos. 2! and 22, in square A, of | said town on one of which said lots the e is z two story dwelling, smokehouse, kitchen stables car riage house, &c..a1l ne~. Also, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next will be sold, within the legal hours, at the Court House door in the county of Lee, Ga., lot of land No. 8. in the 3d dis rict of said county of Lee. All to he sold for the benefit o r heirs and creditors as the real estate of Abel Camp, late of said county of Ta'bot deceased ISAAC E. BOWER, Adm’r. September 3 1838. 31 t s EXECUTOR’S SALE. CT r H.L he soli, on the first Tuesday in DE w ■ CEMBER next, at the Court. House in Greenville. Meriwether county under an order of the hono'able the Inferior Court of said county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, lots of land No. 184 and ISS in the ll’h district of originally Troup now Me riwether county ; also seven negroes, to wi : Ellick, I a man: Harry, a man; Jack, a man; Sam, a bov ; • Bn a bov; Maria, a woman, and Mary a girl j Most of sail negroes are voting and very like y. Sold a-a part of the estate of Thomas Matthews. la*e of I Meriwether county deceas and f>r the benefit of the ! heirs of said deceased. Ttrins accommodating, and made known on ‘he dav. THOMAS F. MATTHEWS, Executor. Aoo tn<t sits XOIICE To ULBIUitS CREDITORS. ALL persons having demands against the estate of , Elisha S. Norton, la'e of Muscogee county, de cease! are requested to present them in the time pre scribed hy the law : and all persons indebted to said estate are r< quested to make immediate payment, oth erwise I shall hr compelled t. bnnw suit against them MICHAEL N. CLARKE. Adm’r. Columbus. Sept 4 1838. 31 6t GEORGIA CARROLL C'UNTY. K r HEKEAS Piney Mixon applies to me for A? * letters of administration on the estate of John Muon la'e ot sad county. dect ased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gula the .(inlred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear a: my o fice, within the time prescribed hv aw to show cause if any they have, why said letters should no - be granted Given under niv hand at office Aug. 27 1838. 31 4 WM L. PARR, c c. o. INJUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of vluscogee county, when sitting for ordinary, f.r leave to sell ‘the real estate of Davi t J Britt, laic of said county deceased, of >vhich the heirs and ex- i ecutors of said es ate can take no*ice. CIIAS. D. STEWART. Adm’r. ? PP* All persons having demands against said j ■slate are requested to present ttum within the time oresenhed by law; and all persi ns indebted are re -I'iired to make immediate payment. Septembers 1638. 31 4m F-U ■< MONTHS af'er da*e t shall apply to the Hono abie the Inferior Cou t of Meriwether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave o sell all the negro property belonging to the estate of: John Knight, lase of said county of Meriwethe. de ceased. ISAAC W. PERKERSON, Align t 29, IS3S. 31 Adm’r de bonis non. MONTHS aft- r date application will be made to the Honorable the Infeiior Court of Muscogee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Francis 0. Ticknor, otpliau of Orra Ticknor, deceased. HARRIET C. TICKNOR, Guardian. September 4, IS3B. 31 4m FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable tne Inferior Court of Muscogee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, ! for leave to seif the real estate of Elisha'S. Norton, late of said cotint v, deceased. MICHAEL N. CLARKE, Adm’r. September 4, 1838. 31 4m LEST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Ca. ! umbuj, September 1, 1838. Andrew, Owen Johnson, Miss Carolina 2 Alford, Arthur Jones & Phiiips Allen, James D Johnson, Caswell 2 Auchinieck, John Johnson, David A Bennett. At rs Laney Jones, Marcus Baker, Airs Charioit* Jones, James Barlow, Jcob Jones, H E Bedeh, John Keg*, William B nlon Erasmus Kircher, 9 redrick 8..-worth, John F 2 Lee, Asa Britt. Edward Lloyd, John 1 Beckwith. Capt Fredrick 2Liggin, Wm Buchan non. Martit* Luckie, \V m F Brunson. Thomas 8 Landroone. James M Brown Mrs R R Lawton, Alvin S * B a tie, J Lon, Jackson Bunion, John Lewis, Augustine Brown, David Leigh, Airs Jane Bray. George W Lloyd, Mrs Ann Rebecca Bird, H C Lamer. N S Ba.dw'in, H D * Levie, Anthony $ Brown, Col HR Lester, John Brown, Ephraim 3 Leniar, Nathan Brown, G W Lewis. John C Brooks Hiram Lary, George Brown, I P VV Lamdre. Philip Baol, Mrs Rebecca Lev is J G 8.-oan, E& D Midsi/sker. Paulder 2 Brooks. Janies Mtiard David C Bakei, W P Morgan. Wm 2 Bowen. T W Mysell, Alfred B ard, S B More, Wm W Btlbro, S B Mott, Mrs Nancy Burkes, David Martin, T S Boggs, Mtllisa Marshall. Mrs R A Beethune, Nancy Mauritsen. H D Benton, E Mulloy. Airs Francs* Borgn. Wm Monk, John H 3 Bowen, Dr M J Morris, Thomas Brickcll, Joseph Hills, Jttin R Biosinaham, Martha Marnre, Henry Bass, Hearlwell Mathias, W H Bun Richard Misell, John Bush, Thomas Mitchell, Miss Catherine Brannon. Russell Morgan, John W Barry, Pa'rick Manderson. Elizabeth Clark, Wm May, Hardy Cambell, Miss Emelina 2 Moore, Henry C ark, Thomas McClintotk, Henry Colloway, Emely MeCuthen Monk Chapman, J W McFarland, T B Coan, Bridgit McKinsey, Samuel C.oandler,Fredrick McKinzay MrsMargarelt Carrmers, James A McFarland, John B Cambell, Airs Nancy McGuire. John Curray, R M McKee, James M 2 Calhoun John McAndrew. Mr Carlton John W McDaniel. H W Cambell, Thomas McClelland. Samuel Canida, Miss Sarah Mt.Reihen, Alex Clark, Morgan Newman, Jetha Clapp, Julius R Newton, Joseph Champin, Asa Nix, Allen Chaimers, George Nobles, H Cothenn, James Nixon. James Cambell, Col John W 8 Nicks, Thoma* Clovd. Dr N B Nutting, Mr Cox. Wna Newgent, Z Clay, Sam C Odum, Dempsey Cay. G Odum, Richard T Calhoun, J M 2 Odum, Herbert Clark, Teresa Oliver, James S 2 Chapman, Allen Obear, T H Calhoun, Hannah Pertiller, James Crawford, Mrs Catherine Philips, Mrs Sarah Culbreaths, Miss Sarah Pace, Wm Coleman, Joseph Perry, E Cade, Gtieiford Proten, Wm Chandler, G C Parkman, Daniel Bhandier, Sampson Power, Wm R Darden, A Perry. John Dunham Chester H Piper, A Dens. Aliss Ann 4 Perry, Wm Day, Willis Printt. John W 2 D >rnold, John Peacock, Barnes Dwight. Henry A Pride, Adolphus T Davenport, James Pearce, Mrs Nancy Duck, David Reed, Colonel H Demarest. M C L Rooney, Lawrence Donbas, C Harrison Rogland, Miss Elixa I tibble. Caleb Robinson, Alexander Dolestane, Alias Sintl.a Randolph. C J Dorsey. Isham Rodgers. Thomas Dodge Benjamin Ready, T M 2 Ennis. David Rutherford, John Estes, H S 2 Redd. AG Elliott, G W Riley, J F. kins. John Robertson. Mrs Mary Ann Eubanks, R .bert Roberts. Dr Z Elliot, Mrs Mary 2 Robinson. A V Fishbu-ne., E B 8 Roland. John Z Fi'xpa'rick* Mahon* Ross, Mary Fiewellen, Eaton Roberts, James Fr-er, AG Robinson, Henry Sr Fulton. Thomas Roberson, James Fontaine, T F Rail. Mrs Susan Fowler, Theopholue Roberts, Thos G Fortune Joshua Richter. Frederick Fisher, Parker Runnells Mrs Prudence Fellen, Allen R eeves. Pryor Eraser. D R Kay, Ra is Grandand, Miss Eliza Scott, N J Gladish Mr Charles -.Smith, R W Gilbert, Wm Sullivan. Airs Josephine Gilder. G P Shivers, Mrs Sarah Guthrie, W W Staliings. Mrs Charlotte S Query, W B Sullivan, Robert Griffin, Miss Mary Strel, Chas H -Godfrey. James G 2 Simpson, Alexander Glenn, Miss Lane Simmons, Moses Grover, Miss Mary 3 Smith John Gletree. F Hamond Stassler, Capt Wm Glenn, Miss Susan Smith, Vincent A T Graham, James Scott, Miss Amanda Gray,Phillis Ann Stanlie, W B Garrett, Mosea Stevens, Green B Garrett! H B Skinner, John Gibson, Felix G Skinner. Thomas Glasscock. Junius Simmons Thomaa Golden, Thomas Smith, John D Oillman, Miss Ann Stassols, Lewis E Gibson, Dr E R Smith, Capt B W Grant, John S Stevens. Middleton Gibson, Miss Eliza Smith, M’ rrett L Graham. J 2 Shepherd, John Jr Glasgord. Robinson Smith. Neit Glean, B F Smith, Daniel B Harris, Joseph Thomas. B"p,j W Humphrey, R B % Ttavnick, Wm Hogan. Henry Taylor, Master Robt H Hcnderston, Richard Turner, Alathew Harvel. A1 Towns, Col A P Holand, Diannah Thompson, Jamas Hall, Henry Taylor, Job Hawes, Lewis Towns, Wm Harris, James W Tanner, Joseph Harvel, Mayberry Trask, Stetson Huff, Daniel Town. Nancy Harp, Henry Unsworth, John Holland, J Williams, Mrs Eliza P Hendrixen, J Ward, George C Holmes, Gilbert Wimberly, Joseph Hein, Wm White, Mrs Steel* Hunt, E D Woodson. Green Hodges, G C Wallis, Benjamin Hailey, J D Wdlson, J D Herringdine, Thomas R Watson John Harney. John Williams, Airs Nancy G Hill, Edmund 2 White, David L | Hanson Joseph W hite, Steele I Hall, George White, Cyrus j Hooper. John Williams, James D I Ca-per, W II Watson, Miss Mary R 2 Hooper, R W’hitaker. John 2 i Barker, Wm Willis, Mrs Elleijah Herring, Rich’d Walker, John T Harrison. Win Walling, I sniel Hall, Thomas Williams. Dew Hicks. Barney Wynn, Littleton ! Hun', Mr Warren. John Howard. N D Ware, John H 2 ! Iverson. J H Williams. Leroy j Tn<rersoll, William Wot her ord. Alfred Ingersoll. Wm J AVicks. Harriet 2 i Tsler. Mrs Matilda Wes’morelnn t. Mrs Sally Tnobe, Thomas Wolfe, Inin D 2 Jackson. Wiliam N 3 We Duane Johnson. Bright AVailing. Mrs Mary Jordan. Zachariah AVilson Jos W Jacobi. John C Wills. John 2 John-on. Mrs Ann AVoodrutf. Miss Sarah Persons calling for anv ot the above Letters wt>l please sav thev are advertised. 31 At JAMES VAN NESS. Post Master. RSrt acres op hand for sale. TrIE subscriber having determined to settle in Macon, Ga will sell his lands in Russell county, Alabama, (containing six hundred and eighty acres, but will sell one half of the land to suit purchasers ) ten miles from Columbus, between the big and little Uchee creeks. On the lan** is a comfortable dwelling house and out houses, and good stables. &c with up wards of one hundreu acres in cultivation, with good ■ water and several springs. Also is situa ed in a neighborhood of good society, and within one mile of a ! good scha >1 and church. Possession will be given at j any time after the first of October. The purchaser will have the privilege of purchasing ali my stock oi I cattle and also corn and fodder, and many things of convenience, all of which I will sell a’ a reasonable price. Indulgence will he given to suit the purchasers. STERLING LANIER. Russel co.-. Sep. 6, 1638. 31tf A GREAT BARGAIN ! TAN YARD FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers his TAN YARD, to-’ gether with the houses and outhouses, and j twenty-live acres of good land, all under good enclo sures for sale low for cash or approved paper, on short time, together with all the tools and implements be longing to the said Tan Yard. There is also an ex cellent” well of water and an extra Bark Mill on the said premises. Persons wishing to obtain this property cheap, would do well to make immediate application to E. EZEKIEL,. or to A. Levison, Esq., in Columbus, Ga. Columbo-, Aug. 29. 1838. 30 13t NOTICE. THE CONFECTIONARY business heretofore carried on by Code & Quin, will hereafter be continued at the old stand on Broad street, by i Columbus, Aug. 22 2Tf JOHN QUIN ! SniUMBS & DAVIS, attormkys at law, APALACHICOLA AND ST. JOSEPH, FLA. Reference to any M reliant in either city. Apalachicola, July 13, 1838. 25y LIME. RBLS.naw I'hoinaston Lime expected by the Steamer Oceo>a, from Apalachicola.— Will he sold to v if taken at the wharf. Nov. 16. 44tf \VM P. YONGE, Front at. WANT D, A HEALTHY WET NURSE, for which a liberal pru e will be given. July lfr 23tf S. M. JACKSON. DR. COWARD DELONV, CGLUM-BUB, DA., Office on Broad Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. April 12, 1838. 10;f FOR KENT. TWO very desirable ROOMS, over the store of Hamilton, Hard & Cos. For terms apply to June 28 21 ts H. H. & CO. VF c* ived and for sale bV Aug. 22. 23 f *S. M. JACKSON. J'Ed'KTk'.BS. Live Geese Feathers, just re jl/VV cened din! ‘or sale bv RANKIN. Mc.CAUAID & WISE. One 21 46tl PETIT GI'LF COTTON SEED, AT reduced prices, warranted genuine, and for sale by YONJE & ELLIS. March 15. 6lf TO RENT, THE STORE recently occupied by the sub scribers. Also TWO ROOMS suitable for O.tices or Bed Rooms, in the upper story of the same building. Persons wishing to rent will apply to J. N. & J. .VI. Beihune. SMALLEY, CRANDALL & Cos. June 14. I9tf COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers having this day formed a co partnership in the Bookselling business, and ta ken the slock of the la’e firm of 1. C. Plant & Cos. at Columbus, the business will be conducted under the firm of PLANT & NORTON. T. H. PLANT, J. A. NORTON. Columbus, July 18. 1838. 25tf HEARD AND WELSH, BOSTON, Mass., have for sale American Gin, of Eagle, Anchor, and other brands; American Brandy of all proofs, pure i-pirits, Imitation Rums, New Rum and Alcoh 1. Orders will be punctually attended to, arid the Liquors put up in good barrels or lihds. at t e option of the purchaser. Strict attention will also be given to the shipping of Liquors ordered. Boston, Ma 26,1838. 19tf TO RENT, THE COLUMBUS HOTEL, well known as one of the best stands in this city. Possession given the Ist of October next. Also for sale or rent, a HOUSE and LOT, will* convenient out buildings. Apply to MARTIN BROOKS. Columbus, August 1, 1838. 26tf STRAYED OR STOLEN, ON the fourth lust., a bay MAKE, with a star in her forehead, about ten years old. Any person delivering oi giving information to either Joseph Brown, 24 miles east of Columbus, on the Express route to Macon, or to R. 11. Freeman, of Columbus, shall be liberally rewarded. JOSEPH BROWN, Sen. Columbus, Aug. SO, 18SS. 303 t TEXAS LAND CLAIMS. PERSONS having Claims for LAND IN TEX AS, either by purchase, or as the representatives of Soldiers who were killed in the army of Texas, can have those claims immediately attended to. if applica tion is made to me. The relatives, and legal repre sentatives oi Soldiers amt Officers of the Georgia Bat talion, and otheig killed in the service of Texas, will have choir claims located and attended to, if entrusted to my care. Letters, post paid, directed to me at Columbus,Ga., will receive prompt a tendon. Aug. 28 1338. 304 t THOS. G. GORDON. NEW RACES OVER THE HARRISON COURSE, IRWTNTON, ALA. THE RACES over the above course will take place near Irwin’on Alabama, on the 23d OC TOBER, for the following purses ; lsi day mile heals, 8150 00 2d day 2 mile heats, 300 00 3d day 3 mile heats, dOO 00 4th day 4 mile heats, 600 00 sih day best three in five, mile heats, 300 00 The J ickey Club oi this Course met at the Ex change, in the Club room oi this town, and proceeded regularly to the appomimen ol officers. On motion m ido and seconded. Dr. Benjamin P. Harrison was unanimously elected President ol said Club, Cel. J. VV. A Petti’ anl Col. Isaac Fort, Vice Presidents, Mr. Jno R. Fort, Secretary and Treasurer. This Club is now regularly organised and the pros pects for good sport flattering. The patrons of the turl in our sister states, South Carolina, Georgia, Tonnes- j see, Norlh Carolina, and even lh< Old Dominion her self, should give us a call. We promise them all in the way of convenience and luxury that anew and flourish county can afford, and as good a beating too, if we Can. The proprietor expects them to give him a chance to do all this, and every thing more necessary to add to the. sports of the turf, in this portion of the moral vineyard, wherein he hopes, ere long, to gee the spirit of ra< ine in its acme. CRAWFORD SPROWL, Proprietor. Jno. R. Fort, Sec’y and Treas. Trwinton. Aug. 18, 1838. So4t fbj MiK PUBLIC BLESSING which is now Ji. universally admitted to exisit in PE 1 EKS’ VEGETABLE PILLS, is every day demonstrated by their astonishing efficacy in all the cases which they are announced to cure. This is no deceptive or mer cenary boast, but a fact undeniably proved by ;,UineroQS certihcates gratuitously ar.:l voluntarily ottered to the proprietor v.l.u, being a regular Physician, and having practiced his profession for many years in different climates, is enabled to offer to the afflicted invalid a medicine, on the effects of which he is willing to risk his reputation. He does not pretend that they arc a positive cure, or even beneficial in every complaint; but he most positively believes that in every disease where a cathar tic or anaperient medicine is needed, they will be found superior to any of those purgative medicines which are so much pulled in the public prints as puri fiers of the blood. When taken according to the direc tions accompanying them, they are ki'ffily beneficial in the prevention and cure of Billious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen. Piles, Colic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Nausea, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatu lence, Habitual Cosuveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotch ed or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels where a cathartic or apericnt|is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation,producing neither nausea griping nor debility. Wherever these Pills have been once introduced nto a family, they become a standing remedy, and are called for again and again, which is sufficient proof of their good qualities. Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been offorio to the public supported by testimonials of a character so decisive, from sources as respectable, or that has given more universal sausfaetion. They have ihe testimony of the whole medical pro fession in their favor, while not a single case of ill con sequences or inefficiency can be alledged against them. Hundreds and thousands bit ss the day they became acquainted with Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which, in consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have at tained a popularity unprecedented in the history of medicine. The very circumstance alone that Physicians, in every part of the Union, (but more especially in the Sou.hern States, where they have long been in use,) are making free use of them in their practice, speaks volumes in their praise. Add to this fact, that all who use invariably recommend them to their friends, and \ the testimony iu their favor is almost irresistible. As an An’i-bihous remedy, and to prevent Costiveness, they have no rival. One fifty cent box will establish their character, and prove that there is truth even man advertisement. Prepared bv Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. at his lnsti ution for the cure of obstinate diseases by means of Vegetable remedies. No. 129, Liberty street, New York.’ Each box contains 40 pills. Price 50 cents. Clarksville, Mecklenburg co. Va. Feb, 7, 1837. Dear Sir—l embrace ihe opportunity of expressing to you my gratification at the success which has attend ed’ the administration of your valuable Piils in this ! section of country. It is a common fault with thosi ! who compound and vend patent medicines to say to< 1 much in iheir favor, but from what I have seen of th I etfect of your pills I do not think they have, as yet i received unmerited praise. >ix months ago they were | almost entirely unknown in this part of Virginia* thej ; are now the most popular pills we have. In dyspepsit 1 and sick headache, derangement of the biliary organs ; j and obstinate constipation of the bowels, I know of nt i 1 aperient more piompt and efficacious. Their mildness and certainty of action render them I a sa f e and efficient purgative for weakly individuals, and may be given at all times without any of those • injurious consequences that frequently result from the ; long continued use of calomel or blue pills. On the whole, 1 consider them a valuable discovery. Very respectfully, S. H. HARRIS, M. D. j Dr. Joseph P. Peters. Mecklenburg Cos. Va. Feb. 7th, 1837. ! Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for the | 1 last twelve months, I take pleasure in giving my tesfi- I ! mony of their good effects in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick ! | Headache. Bilious Fevers, and other diseases produced j ; by inac ivity of the liver. I To* y are a safe and mild aperient, being the best : : article of the kind 1 have ever used. GEO. C. SCOTT. M. D. j The above valuable Pills are for sale by John E. j : Bacon & Cos. arr” E. S. Norton, Columbus. Ga. f July 27. 30 i StMMCU ARRANGEMENT. j THE splendid steamer COMMERCE, with the j United S:a’es’ Mail, will leave Batnbridge on j Tuesdays at 4 o’clock, a. in..touch at Ch-ttahhoochie j at 7 o’clock a. in., and irrrive at Apalachicola at j o’clock, p. m., leave Apalachicola at 4 p. in tor b'. Joseph, and arrive there at 6 p. m , leave St. Joseph j on Wednesdays at 2 p. mi and arrive at Apalachicola , at 4 p. m.. leave Apalachicola at 10 p. m. and arrive at Bainbriige at 6p. in. next day. This arrangement ; will continue in operation until the loth of October - j For freight or passage on the above line, apply caotain on board, or to „ . . • , SMITH & BASSETT, Bamhndgc. A. T. BENNETT, Apalachicola. Apalachicola, June 25, 1838. TO PLANTERS AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS. (direct import and export trade.) I THE undersigned being about to establish himsell . at St.JOSEPH. Fla for the purpose of carrying on a direct IMPORTING AND EXPORTING j business with FRANCE, via. St. JOSEPH, Fla... will be prepared, on the commencement of business ■ the fall, to purchase the fine qualities of Cotton, and , would be willing to contract tor any quantity of White j Oak Slaves suitable for that market. Any particulars | as regards size, price, &c., can L>c had by addressing j me at this place, to the care of Hez. li. Wood. I shall also have on hand a general assortment of j French Goods, for site as low a-i they can be pur coased in New York or anv of ihe northern cities. St. Joseph. Aug. 1, 1838. 39 3f ATBIJOTAT. CHURCH MUSIC. THE SOUTHERN HARMONY AND MU SICAL COMPANION, containing a choice collection of Times, Hymns, Psalms, Odes and An them*, selected from the most eminent authors in the United States, together with nearly one hundred new Tunes never before published, and well adapted to’ Christian Churches of every denomination. By Wm. Walker, second edition improved, just received and for sale by PLANT & NORTON. Columbus, Aug. 23. 29 3t DISSOLUTION. rWTHE firm of TAYLOR, HOLMES & Cos. is JL this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either of the subscribers are duly authorised to settle the bu siness of the same. H. R. TAILOR, C. G. HOLMES, W. H. HARPER, D. THORNTON. Apalachicola, Aug. 1,1838. 27tf GENERAL COMMISSION & FACTOR AGE HI SINESS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. I undersigned, under the style and firm of | HARPER & HOLMES, will continue to j transact a general Commission and Factorage busi ness at this place; an 1, thankful for the liberal patron age to their late firm, respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. W. H. HARPER, C. G. HOLMES. Liberal advances made on Consignments, either for sale or shipment. August Ist, 1838. 271f H. R. TAYLOR & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MER CHANTS, 22 Water street, Apalachicola. Fla. H. R. TAYLOR, M. L. TAYLOR. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he will continue the COMMISSION AND FORWARDING business, in connexion with his brother, M. L. Taylor, at Apalachicola, and takes this method to thank his friends for their patronage, and to solicit its continuance. H. R. TAYLOR. Columbus, Aug. 1, 1883. 27tf NOURSE, BROOKS & CO. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, APALACHICOLA, FLOR. ARE prepared to make liberal .advances on Cot ton sent us for sale or for shipment to our friends in New Y’ork, Boston and Liverpool. HIRAM NOURSE, HIRAM VV. BROOKS, JNO. D. HOWELL. Apalachicola, Aug. 23, 1838. 29 6m JAMES H. REYNOLDS, WATCH-MAKER AND JEWELLER, AT his old stand on Broad street, a few doors south of the City Hall. The subscriber will be absent from the city for two or three months. First rate workmen are left in charge of his establishment. Clocks, Watches and Jewellery left for repair will be dose in the best manner and warranted. N. B.—Persons whose Watches, or other work, has been left with me for a year, will please call, pay so the repairs, and take them away. Columbus, July 10, 1838. 2Stf DISSOLUTION. 1 THE partnership heretofore existing between CODE & Q,UlN,was dissolved on the 14th inst., by mutual consent. 1 hose persons indebted to the concern will please call on cither of the undersign ed and settle their accounts, otherwise they shall bs placed in the hands of au officer for collection, JOHN CODE, Columbus. Aug, 22. 29 St JOHN Q.UIN. AGENCY FOR TEE SALE OF CHICK BHIMB & CO,’S jPIAKG FORTES. SMITH, GRIMES & Cos. have been made Agents for the sale of PIANO FORTES, from Hie celebrated Manufactory of Ohickering & Cos., Boston; and are prepared to furnish any description of Piano Fortes, at the Manufacturer’s prices, deli vered at this place, with the addition only of the charge of transportation from Boston ; and on such terms as will suit persons desirous of purchasing. Columbiiß. August 2, 1838. 26tf LAW. THE subscribers having connected themselves in the practice of LAW, will attend all the County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh Row, immediately over Allen & Young’s Store. ALFRED IVERSON, June 14. 19tf J. M. GUERRY. STRAYED OR STOLEN, ABOUT the 10th May last, a large bay HORSE, long tail, rather sway hack, racks easy but short, a few marks of the saddle and harness. Information or delivery of the horse thankfully received and libe rally rewarded. YONGE & EI,LIS. June 7. IStf SELLING OFF AT COST. THE subscribers, having made other business ar rangements, will sell their entire stock of Rea dy made CLOTHING, either at wholesale or retail, at cost for cash. J. S. SMITH Ik Cos. Jan. 29, 1838. o‘2tf P. S.—All those indebted to us, are respectfully re quested to come forward and pay up. J. S. S. & Cos. LAW NOTICE. THE subscriber has resumed the practice of the LAW at Columbus, Ga. He will be prepared ! to make advances on Notes placed in his hands for collection, provided the parties are unquestionable sol vent, and the terms can be agreed upon. His office is on Broad street, directly over the Planters’ and Me chanics’ Bank. S. ARMSTRONG BAILEY. May 23d, 1838. 16tf MUSICAL NOTICE. AIVERSEN, Professor of Music from Ger • many, and Organist of Trinity Church, in this city, offers his services, as a teacher on the Piano Forte, to this community. Piano Fortes will be tuned a* the shortest notice. Applications are tube made ut ■Messrs. I. C. Plant & Co.’s Book Store. References. —Rev. W. D. Cairns, the Vestry of Trinity Church, and the Trustees of the Female Academy. April 5 9tf MEDICAL NOTICE. DRS. HOXEY & WILLIAMS have taken into connexion with them Dr. JNO. J. B. HOX- , EY. and will attend to all calls in town or country. — : Their office is situated on the corner of Broad and Randolph streets, immediately over the store of A. Gilbert. April 5. 10 6in NOTICE. TTE COMMISSION MERCHANTS of Ap alachicola, Florida, have concluded to reduce i their Commission charge for receiving and forwarding Merchandise and Cotton to the following rates, viz: Cotton per bale 25 cents, exclusive of other charges: Merchandise per barrel 25 cents including a'i other charge*. Columbus. Aug. 20. 1838. 294 m NOTICE. A NOTE given by me to VV'm. Robinson, or bear er, for two thousand dollars, dated 21st June, i and due the Is of January next, was given for money j on the Commercial Bank of Florida, and will be paid j in bills ofth* same bank, and no other wav. Cuthbert, July 21, 1838. 2olf A. HOWARD. ! NOTICE. THE undersigned has located himself at Macon,! as his future residence. During his temporary I absence communications for him may be addressed to the care of J. T. Contant. JAS. R. BUTTS, . Macon, July 1, 1838. 25tf. | NOTICE. THE sub cribers having removed from Columbus. we have authorised Messrs. J. N. fe J. M.i I BETHUNE to act as our Agents, and all persons indebted to the subscribers will cal! on them and settle. SMALLEY, CRANDALL & Cos. June 14. H)tf j i NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of T.H.&I.C. PLANT, at Augusta. Ga.; lls this (fay dissolved bv mutual corn-mt. Either party I I is authorised to use the name of the late firm in set tling up the business. T. H. PLANT, ; i July 3, 1838. T. C. PLANT. ; The Bookselling and Binding business will be con- i I tinued at the old stand by the subscriber on lus own I account. 25tf T. H. PLANT. NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore exis'in.c at Colum bus, Ga. under the firm of I. C. PLANT & : Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .1. A. | J Norton ts duly authorised! to attend to anv business of’ j the late firm, * f 0. PLANT, i Judy 3.l?is. Sstf T. Jd. PLANT. < , „ ‘ ~SH ER I FTS 7 SALES. RANDOLPH SALKS. WILL be stld, on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, before the Court House door nr j the town of Outhbert, Randolph county, within tl o \ usual hours of sale, the following property, to v. it ; \ Lot of land No. 77, Andrew Howard'in possession, ; and .ot No. 114, whereof Jonathan Peach is m p< g : session, all of lot us land No. 115, east of D. 13. Rich, j Spring Branch, Richard Res pass in possession ; cast half of lot of land No. 116, all m the 6 h district ofseid county, levied on as the property of Andrew How m ol to saii-fy sundry ti. fas. issued out of a Justice’s Cos tr of said county, in favor of William ‘I at lor and o’* tr ■ v*. Andrew Howard and John R. Lew made ami i eturned to mo by a Constable Three negroes, to wit:'Alfred” a man about £0 ! years oid; Matilda, a woman about 20 years o'd • Cherry, a girl about 10 years old, levied cn as the i r.A I perty of Andrew Howard, to satisfy sundiv fi fas n ! sued out of a Justice’s Court of said eountv j- *’ ,„r <* ; William Taylor and other? vs. Andrew Howard and John R. iMi.mesxvorih. Levy made and returned to ine by a Constable, Haffiof lot of land No. 23, in the Sth district of said county, levied on as the property of George J Rex ! nnlds, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued out of a Justice's Court oi said county, ii. favor of George T Wood vs George J. Reynolds. Levy made andri turned to me ; bv a Constable. 1 The north half ofjot of land No. 113, in the 81. dis trict, and all of lot of land No. 107. west of the rotaw la creek, boffi of the Sth district of said county levied on as the property of William Britt, to satisfy two fi fas issued out of the Inferior Court of said coantv in favor of said county vs. William Brut and James En, security. Lots in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county No* ! V fl nd 3. in square S, and No. 2in square 4. Starlin lvr S "mc rm ®i ‘i'o^T' 00 of io,s i lots*of lan* Nos. ldb and 197,111 the sth district of said county ail levied oil as the property of Andrew Howard,to satisfy sundry fi. fits, issued out of a Justice’s Court of sau? county, m favor of Randal Yarborough and others v Champion Terrv, Johnston Reynold.* and M 6 -'neßr grove and A. Howard, endorsers. Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable. J RICHARD DAVIS Sheriff August 22, ISSB. ’ anenl ‘- AT THE SAME TIME AXD PLACE WILL BE SOLD. Lot of land No. 180, m the 4’h district of said cjuntv, levied on as the property of William Troll to satisfy a h. fa. issued out of the Justice’s Court cf Pn : ‘ ask! rn favor of Amasa Keilam vs. said Trull i Levy made and returned to me bv a Constable | Lot of land No. 84, in the 4th district of said countv levied on as the property of Benjamin P. Reuse to s'a tisty a h la. issued out of a Justice’s Court of Marion county, in favor of Allen B. Chastain vs! K™? Levy made and returned to me by a Constable The north half of lot of land No. 268, in the sth die tnct of said county. levied on as the property of Josiah M. Ti lorn ley, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of the Superior Court ot Randolph county. i„ f aV or of Nadian H. Gartin and others vs. said J. M. Thornier. A o- GREGORY, D. Sheriff ‘ August 27, 1838. ’ jjtftir TALBOT SALEsi ■WS7ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in SKP- V? TEMBER next, at the Court House the townot ra bolton Talbot county, within the le gal horns of sale, the following property to wit : lft L a r r / S of lan^’ rnore or part‘of lot No 243 in the 23d district ol originally Muscogee, now Talbot county improved with a log house, and seven or eight acres of cleared land, levied on as the propert y of Jolin McOlung, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justuv’s'Court of 1 albot county, ... favor of Charles L. Smith va. John McGlung, tenant in possession. Also one hundred acres of land, wh.reon Georg, j• Vo ‘a 4 no>v l r es ’ the Wcsl *'alfof lot No. 63 m the 23d district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot county improved with a good log house, and tvven.v fiveor thirty acres of cleared land, levied on as the property ot George W. Collins, to sati. fy sundry fi. fas. from a Justice’s Court of Talbot county, in Lor K “OMNSON,^ W STEWART SALES. °” th t f ' rst Tue -" c % SEP -1 EMBER next, before the C. u'rt House fbe’V i u n ,° f V u T kin ’ Stewart CoU,l ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit : Eight negroes, Lucy, a woman, S4‘ } ;* rß oU . George, 13 years old ; Rose, 19 years old ; Nathan 2 years old; Calvin 5 years old; Hester, 3 yeari old ; Darnel, 7 years old; Dave 1 year old ; alsd five lots of knd Nos 43, 74, 87, 106 and 119, in the 18th ! R , county, all levied on as the property of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued out of the fenpenor Court ot Stewart county, two in favor ot Samuel Q,uarles, and one in favor of Joseph B. bvTXr. ttVl OVC P ro Plywas pointed out b> K oert Hatcher, the. defendant. Also the west half oflot No. 4, in the 33d district of Stewart county, and the north half of lot No. 49. in d 'i [riC \ of sald co "iy, aken as the propeny of V\ nham Smith, to satisfy sundry small fi. Vas. i.surrf out of a Justice’s Court of Macon county, in favor of Gtorwe Uarrell and others. ALo a negro woman by the name of Rhoda. taken as the property of 11. G Thornton, to satisfy several fi. fas. issued out of a Justice’s Court of Slew* t county, in favor of Hill, Lawrence A Cos. vs said I horn ton. Also lot No. 1 in letter A, 70 feet in front and 120 back, it being the lot whereon Nathan Sharp i vr lives; also lot No 6, in letter A, and ihe Morehm.e and lot which Nathan Clifton now occupies * lot Vo. lin letter G, 70 feet in front and 120 back.’all taken as the property o Nathan Clifton, to sathfy u ri. fa. issued out Stewart Superior Court, in favor of A ;: n Bates vs. Matthew Sharp, principal, and Nathan Clif ton, endorser. Also lot No. 100, in the 22d district of Sievart County, taken as the property of James Given* ‘o sati.-fy sundry small executions in favor of B Btdirig field and others. c Also lot of land No. 229, in the 2Lst distri. t of S’ew ! - art county, and two half acre lots in the town of Flo rence, Nos, 98 and 100, in block Fin said county taken as the property of L. L. Smith, tosa’tsfv sundry small fi. fas. in favor of Richard Matthias and others. Also the west half oflot No. 189 in ihe 33d ffistuct of said county, taken as the property of Sinucn Massy, to satisfy sundry small fi. fas. issued from a Jusiice’s Court of Muscogee county, in favor of John M'i on Also lot of land No. 112, in the 20’h dls'rict of said county of Stewart, taken as the property of William H. White, to satisfy several small fi. fas. in favor of S. and E Beall vs. William 11. White, principal, *Ld John F. Ball, security on the stav of execution". Also the north half oflot of land No. 217 ir. the 31st district or said county, taken as the property of John Morgan, to satisfy one small fi. fa. issued 1 y the 7 x Collector of said countv, foi his tax for die rear ls-37 M. M. FLEMING, ?'” riff. Aug. 23, 1838. ‘ s BAKER SAL.ES. WILf. be sold, on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, before the Cour’ House dour, in the town of Newton, Baker county, wiih.n the usual hours of sale, the following properly to *vn : One lot of land No. 184, in the 9ih disirict of origi nally Early, now Baker county, taken as the property of Isaac Bailey and Win. W. Musgrove, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice’s Court of Baker countv. in favor of L. C. Musgrove vs. Isaac Baily and Win. W Mus grove. Levy made and relumed tome by a (b ns aide. Also the steamer called the Mary Emaline. wnh ali belonging or appertaining to the same. ‘1 ak n as the property of Hiram Atkinson, to satisfy afi. fa from the Superior Court of Decatur county, in favor of Thomas W. Bradford, for the use of Janies Savage, junior vs John B. Sanders, and Hiram A'kinson, s<cu.ity on anpeal. Property pointed out bv Morgan Chasun POSTPONED SALK. Will be sold, at the same time and [.lace, ore lot of land No. 77, in the 7th district of orig naliv Err r now Baker county, taken as the properly of John A. Wal ler, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice’s Court of Leri dolph county, in favor of Manley Mille rvs . , i,; V , . ler. Levy made and returned to me bv a(\ r ‘ i o WILLIAM H. HOWARD, Sheriff. August 18, 1838. 20;* CARROLL, SALES. be sold, on the hist ‘] utsdav in CCTO w7? BER next, before the Court house coot in the town of Carrollton, Carrol! county, between the usual hours of sale, the following properly, to wu : One house and lot wheieon Wil iam Majors new lives, it being tai l Majors’ interest in lot No. 212, levied on as the properly of William Majors, to sa | tisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll lidtiior Court ir ta ! vor of William E. McClucr vs. John Wins, nhunt, i William Majors, and Arthur Bell, securi.y on stay of | execution. POSTPONED SALE. Also one mare mule and two bay horse* blind ore I bay race horse, twenty hrid of hogs, cue \tke of 1 oxen and cait and six shovels, levied cn rs the [ iot I perty of Robert Willoughby, to satisfy a distress; war ram for rent, in favor of John A. Jones vs. Robert j W illoughby. Property pointed out by he plaintiff. Aug. 22. MATTHEW REID, Sheriff. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE W ILL BE SOLD, Lot of land No. 95. in the 6ii. district of Carroll county levied on as the property of G. W r . Ramsey, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Carroll county, in favor of Heartnel & Clark vs. said t Ramsey. Levy made and returned to me by a Ccn i stable. ] Also half let of land No. 155, in the 4‘h district of | Carroll County, the half whereon the widow Gable now lives, levied on ar, ihe prope ty of Andrew J. Gray, to satisfy a fi. f.i. issued from a Justice’s Cot rt j Coweta county, in favor of Rabeigh Cupp an. .u> dry others vs. Andrew j. Gray. Levy made and re i turned to me bv a Constable. JOHN DEAN, D. Sheriff - . August 27, 1338. 3!ts GENERAL AGENCY. THE subscriber will attend to the renewal of all Notes in the CENTRAL BANK iha! may bo ’ entrusted to his care, for the cus ternary fee of one dol j lar lor each, ri new al. Also to the taking out and tor warding GKANI S. for fiftv cents each. Letters inclosing Money and Notes (POST PAIC will bo prom; tlv attended to. JOHN R. ANDERSON, 1 Milicdgevwle. April 20, 18t8. loeqvto. 1