Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, December 06, 1838, Image 3

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GEORGIA LEG ISLATURE. ***- __ _ IN Si;N \ IE. . , ‘Vt-jT: -DAT Nov. 14.1533. hills introduced and read first tune.— By Mr. I ryor: La prevent trespass on real cd ta:e. F By Mr. Springer : To authorise the busi ness of Banking. By Mr. Calhoun: To alter am! amend the i Ist section of the 3.1 article of the Constitu tion. By Mr. Polk : To niter the 3J, 7th and 12th sections of the l<t article and Ist and 2J sections of the Constitution of this state. A message was received from the Go- 1 vernor, transmitting the report of Judge An drews upon the subject of the defects of the Penal Code of this state. On motion of Mr. Alexander, llesolved, That so much of the Governor’s message as relates to the subject of claims, and to our intercourse with other states, and the General Government, be referred to the Committee on ihe State of the Republic. That so much as relates to the Judiciary, ! be referred to the Committee on the Judi ciary. That so much as relates to the Military, be referred to the Committee on Military. That so much as relates to Internal Irn provenv'nt, be referred to the Committee on Internal Improvement. I hat so much n> relates to Common 1 Schools, Academies and Colleges, aid so much as relates to the Lunatic Asylum, and the support of th° deaf and dumb of the state, be referred to the Committee on Public Edu cation and Free Schools. I hat so much as relates to Finance, he re ierred to the Joint Standing Committee on Finance. ‘lhat so much as relates to Bank*, arid the currency, be referred” to the Joint Standing Committee on Banks. . Thursday, Nov. 15. Bills introduced and read first time. —Bv M. Dunegan: To alter and am •ml an act to corakle and amend the laws and resolu tions of this slate, passed since the political year 1800, passed 12th December, 1.829. By Mr. Baber : To legalize and make valid certain proceedings of the Senates Aca demicals of the state of Geo-gii, and of the Board of Trustees of the University of Geor gia ; and to prescribe the number of said Board of Trustees that shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Bill passed. —To authorise certain persons therein named to plead and practice law ini the several Courts o! law in this state, See. Mr. Echols laid the following resolution on the table, which was taken up, read and agreed to. Resolved, That his Excellency the Go vernor he requested to cause the act passed at. the last session of the Legislature, entitled an act to alter Ihe 31, 7th and I2t!i sections of the Ist article, and the Ist and 2 1 sections of the Constitution of this state, to he laid be fore this branch of the Legis’eture, together with a copy of the Executive order directing ; the same to be published in conformity to the j requisition of the Constitution. Saturday - . Nov. 17. Bills introduced—By Mr. Baber : To j mend an act to incorporate the Insurance j Batik of Columbus. By Mr. Cone : To alter and amend a part of the first section of the third article of the Confutation of the state. Bv Mr. Shaw: To repeal an act passed in 1337. to establish a general system of educa tion by common schools. IVTondyv, Nov. ID. Bills introduced. —By Mr. Miller : To nmmd the 32 I section of the Judiciary sys tem of this state, passed 16th February,l799, so fitr as relates to illegality in executions. To authorise the admission of Tax Col-j lector’s tides under Certain circumstances, in i evidence in the several courts of this state. • Bv Mr. Echols; To change the mode of j appointing the Directors of the Central Bank. . By Mr. Calhoun : To authorise the raising of money by Lottery, to build a Masonic i Ilall in Columbus. To alter and amend the charter of ihe Chattahoochee Radroad Company of Geo. j Bill pastel. —To compensate persons \v!io have lak.-o the Census. The select eonmittec, to u-ltico was re ferretl tii*'* petition of snndr.v citizens of Geor- ; •ret, pra viiur t‘ c L'£j:slatnre to memorialise j Congress upon t!ie subject of t!'e Federal j Court, introduced a preamble and resolutions, j instructing oup Senators and requesting our’ Iteprcs ‘nlativt’s In Conjrress, to cause a law J fob:; passed, re-or;anis!n<r the Federal Court j fin- the District of Geor-r-a, whereby the cilice of the said Clerk, shall be permanently fixed , at Milled Seville, and an additional term of I said Court, to be held at some fit and proper, place, north of the stage road from Augusta 1 to Columbus. j Bill purser!. —To alter Ibe mode of com puting time in certain cases. ‘W’fpn’F.spay, Nov. Cl. JJill presented. — By Mr. Branham : To i provide for the call of a Convention to reduce [ the number of tb# General Assembly. BUI named. —To provide for the authenti cation of Stale Script, or Certificates of State debt, and to ’punish those who may counter feit or fraudulently use the same. Thusvp \y, Nev. 22 Bills presented. —By Mr. Obarr: To re gulate ami fix the fees of Editors and pub lishers of Newspapers, for advertising for Sheriffs, and to provide for the compensation of Sheriffs lor summoning Grand and Petit Jurors. Bv Mr. .Tones: To extend the charter of the Central Bunk. Friday, Nov. 23. Bills presented. —By Mr. Harris, of \\ ar ren : To amend an act to prevent a fraudulent enforcement of dormant judgments, so far as to point out tlie mode by which dormant judg ments shall be renewed. Bv Mr. Springer: To exonerate the Banks of this staie fro n the penalties incurred bv their late suspension of specie payments. By Mr. Calhoun: To define the liabilities of Anomies at Law for costs. Bills introduced and read first time. —By INIr. Sayer : Po alter and amend the several laws regulating the repair and working on roads in I his state.* Bv Mr. II irris. of Warren : To amend the several acts relating to dormant judgments— ; so far as relates to tli ’ mode by which dor mant judgments may lie renewed. By Mr. Calhoun : To authorise the Mayor : and Aldermen of the city of Columbus, to lay off, lease or sell, and convey to the purcho- ! sers the water power of the city of Columbus, and a part of the adjoining common and streets. In compliance with a resolution, a mes sage was received from the Governor, trans mitting an act to alter the third, seventh and twelfth sections of the Constitution of tins state, Together with a copy of the Executive order, directing its publication. The bill accompanying the communication to alter and change the time of the meeting of the Legislature, and to alter certain clauses of the C institution, was taken up aud read first time. Bill passed. —To alter and amend an act! to compile and arrange the laws and resolu tions of this state, passed since the political year 1800 —passed 12:ii December, ISO 9. Tuesday. Nov. 27. Bills introduced and read first time. —By j Air. Branham : To amend an act more ef fectually to secure the solvency of all the Banking Institutions in fins state, &c. Bv Mr. Calhoun: To incorporate the Mus cogee Insurance Company. j To compel purchasers of fractional lots of land and town lots, of the state, to pay taxes, for the same, whether granted or not, and to !militarise the certificates for said fractions and lots to be received as evidence of title in any suit or action involving the of pro-1 perty in said fraction or lots. Wednesday, Nov. 2S. i Bill introduced and read first time. —By! Mr. Foster : To more effectually define the! legal residence of citizens and inhabitants of, this state. Bill lost. —To alter and amend the act in-1 corporating the Central Railroad and Canal Company—yeas 42, nays 33. Thursday. Nov. 29. The Senate reconsidered so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to tiie rejec tion of the bill to alter and amend the act j incorporating the Central Railroad and Ca nal Company—yeas 49, noes 32. Bills introduced and read first time. —By Mr. Calhoun : To incorporate the Chattn- j honchee Company, for the purpose of ini- j proving the navigation of the Chattahoochee I I river, and affording communication for trans- l portation between Columbus and West Point.! By Mr. Sagttr: To extend and continue! the Western and Atlantic Railroad,from the! present terminus in DeKalb county, to some j point in II; nrv county. By Mr. Branham : To amend an act esta- j Wishing the Central Bank of Georgia. 1 “ _ I Friday, Nov. 30. i Mr. Tarver laid on the table the Ibilovving | resolution: Resolved, That the Senate adjourn sine die on Saturday, 15th December next. Rill passed. —To amend an act to punish I while persons fir gambling with tie*, es, passed 25ih December, 1937. Bill lost. —To alter and amend the sevr. a! laws ot this fdate in relation, to pedlars, and to reduce the tax now required of them. ” HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, Nov. 19. Bills introduced. —By Mr. Kei“/ of Hous ton : To compel owners of Plantations and Slaves, situated in counties other than that of their residence, to pay taxes therefor in the ■ counties where the same is situate, See By Mr. Dehprier: To extend the jtiris i diciion of Justices of the Peac : 1 , to fifty do!-! lars. By Mr. Meriwether: To make land, or! the proceeds thereof, subject lo the payment j of particular debts in preference to others. Also, to regulate Ihe publication of rules, writs, bids, orders anil processes of Court,&,c. Tue-day, Nov. 20. Bill passed. —To alter and fix the time of holding the Superior Courts of the Chatta hoochee Circuit. Thursday. Nov. 22. The House reconsidered so much of the journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of a bill to alter and amend the 3d section of i the 4th article o 1 (he Constitution. Mr. Kelly of Houston, from the committee on the state of the Republic, made a report relative to the agent sent to London to pro-! enre copies of the Colonial Records of this! State—which was read. He abo introduced a bill to appropriate an ! j additional sum of money to defray the expen ses of the Affpnt now in the emplov of the j Stale at London, in procuring the Colonial Records, or copii s thereof, &c. Friday, Nov. 23. Bills introduced. —Tv Mr. Watts: To ap propropriate a sum of money to remove ob structions in the Chattahoochee river above West point. Also, To amend (lie act for the organization of | the office of Ad jutant General, approved 23th December, 1836. Mr. McClusky: To authorise each county in this state to retain the genera! tax for the years IS3O and 40. Bills introduced and read .first time —By Mr. Hines: To authorize the arrest, and con finement of lunatics, or insane persons, in i certain cases. By Mr. Watts: To amend the act organ izing the office of Adjutant General of Geor gii, parsed 23th December, 1835. By Mr. McClesky: Supplementary to an | act regulating the granting of certioraries and j injunctions, passed 4di December, 1811. To authorize each countv in the State to retain ike genera! tax for the years 1339 and 1810, to be applied to county purposes. Bv Mr., of Houston : To establish ti e Farmer's Bank of Georgia, and to pro vide for the extension and completion of the j Atlantic railroad, &e. By Mr. Neal, of Pike: To compensate in i part the owners of slaves that may be execu ted fir ofFners against the laws of this State. !* By Mr. D. laperriere: To amend an act j for the limitation of actions. 1 By Mr. Meriwether: To authorize the ssuing and sale of State Script, for the pur-1 j pose of completing the Western and Atlantic j railroad. &e [2OO copies ordered printed.] j By Mr. White, of Talbot: To establish a j j bank at Miliedgeviile, to he known as the i j Centra! Bank of Georgia, and to appropriate money to increase the capital stock of the j | sa me. By Mr. Dougherty : To amend the second j section of the third article of the Constitution. Saturday, Nov. 24. Bill passed. —To extend rebel’ to certain I persons of Stewart county, for losses sustain ed dming the I • te Creek war, &c. Bill lost. —'l'o alter and amend the charter jof the Monroe Railroad and Banking Com pany. to increase the banking capital there- I of, and for other purposes. Mokday, Nov. 26. ] On motion of Air. Limar, the House re- ! [considered so much of the Journal of Sa-j I turd ay, as related to the rejection of the j hill to alter and amend the charter of the! j Monroe Railroad and Banking Company,! &c.—Yeas 7.3, nays 71. BiVs introduced and read first time. —By Mr. Smead : Tg incorporate the Talbotton Railroad and Banking Company. By Mr. Carr: To amend an act appro | printing money to remove obstructions and ! to improve the navigation of Flint, river, &c. By Mr. Dart: More effectually to prevent i the evils of private banking, and to stop the j issuing and circulation of bills and notes of; Uinchartered banks, private bankers, and the; bills and notes usually caked change bills,; passed 19d) December, ISIS. By Mr. Pittman, of Gwinnett: To alter J and amend the first section of the third ar?i-| ele of the Constitution. [ The alteration pro-j j posed by this hill is to repeal so much of the ! Constitution as relates to the establishment of a Supreme Court.] By Mr. Chatfield : To authorise the pro-; bate of wills in certain cases, where the tes-i i tutor died or may die. By Air. Evans, of Muscogee : To protect stcamb tau. rafts, and other boats, and stages. | ! from injuries, through the neglect and mis- i conduct of pilots and stage drive*?. By Mr. Hines : To provide for the survey! of tiie state of Georgia, for the purpose of constructing an accurate topographical man of the state. By Mr. McDowell: Amendatory to the several law? now of force, in relation to Coun-; ty Treasurers. Bv Air. Aleriwether: To regulate the pro- [ ceediugs against bail, in civil cases. Tuesday, Nov. 27. Bills introduced and read first time. —To I amend an act to regulate the auditing and; payment of the accounts against the state,! approved 20:h December, 1830, so as to ex i tend the duties of the Comptroller General, in i supervising the accounts of agents and oth- j ers entrusted with the public funds. [ To define and affix the punishment of a[ crime or misdemeanor committed by a slave, : by the counsel, persuasion, or procurement,! or other means of free white persons. | ’( To regulate the proceedings in the several! i Courts in this state, where free negroes or! j persons of color are concerned, See. Bill passed. —To provide for the call of a ; Convention to reduce the number of the Ge ! nera! Assembly of the state of Georgia.— I Veas 113, nays S3. i Friday, Nov. 30. I j Mr. Tracy moved to reconsider so much of the Journal o! yesterday, as relates to the rejection of the hill to carry into effect that j part ol ihe first section of the third article of j the Constitution, which requires the establish ment of a Supreme Court for the Correction of Errors, &c., which was lost.—Veas GG, nays 94. From the N. Y. Herald, November 30. FROM CANADA. The expedition to Prescott was fitted out at Oswego by ceitain land speculators. It j was in Oswego that the great land specula- j j tions were commenced some years ago, and j it was in those speculations that Mr. Van Buren made the greater part of his fortune. There are five hundred and seventy-three prisoners in Montreal jail on the charge of ; treason; this number, added to those confi i ued at Fort Henry, make a total number of j j seven hundred and thirty-five prisoners, who : ! are shortly to be tried for their lives. A special messenger has been sent from i Montreal to Quebec, to bring up the com -1 mon hangman, there being no person of that profession in Montreal at present. The British party in Canada are still com ; plaining that ail vacancies in public offices | are filled op by French Canadians. The j Bench of Magistrates is so composed that the ! French party manage matters as they please. E ghty-four known rebels were struck off the list of tavern keepers by the British party ; the French went to work and had them all re-iiftlated. An ordinance ins been passed, declaring that no person shall be brought to trial fori high treason, unless the crime was committed j after the Ist of November. Great dissatisfaction also exists in Lower ! Canada at the delay relative to the business ! before the Court Martial. As yet nothing j has been done. Each prisoner is to be ser- • j ved with a copy of the charge exhibited i j against him three days before that fixed on ! j for his trial. The first case was to come on i i last Wednesday. Chisholm, of the ‘ Montreal’Herald, 5 with ! his usual ferocious naivete, says— 4 The rebels are very confident that the proceedings of the Court Martial will be reversed by the Parliament al home—to ibis we have no ob jection, provided the Court does its duty, for if half a hundred of the rascals should be hung up by the neck as they deserve, the effect of the sentence would he very little im paired by cutting (hem down again, and hanging them up by the heels. 5 One of the three brass pieces taken at i Prescott belonged to the State of New York. The Buffalo papers are glorifying Von ; Shultz because, as they say, he is a Pole and like Brutus run on his own sword. They ! compare him to Marco Botzaris and a host jof heroes. Unfortunately for the perpetuity of all this rhodomontade about the brigand, he is a rascally Russian, and so far from run ning on his own sword, he will have to go down by the run 4 paid off’ with a halter. Mr. Solicitor General Stuart was appoint ed lesral adviser to Captain Muller, the Judge Advocate, but. lie is under the necessity of remaining in Quebec to support the validity of the Ordinance suspending Habeas Corpus, which has been pronounced illegal by Mr. Avlwin, who has brought the question before ihe Court, in his capacity of Counsel for John Tlged, a rebel in Quebec gaol. Mr, Dominique ivibnuui'ei', a Canadian lawyer. | who has a brother in prison on suspicion of being guilty of High Treason, has been np j pointed in place of Mr. Stuart. The objec tions raised by Mr. T. C. Aylwyn against tiie legality of the suspension of the act of Habeas Corpus in the district of Quebec, have been declared by the Judges to be valid, and that Conelly and Teed, for whom Mr. A appeared, will be forthwith dischar ged. Mr. Justice Bowen declined appearing on the bench, and tbe court was consequently composed of Mr. Justice Bedard and Mr. Justice Patter. Lord Durham has not been compelled to put back to Halifax. The Great Western will not, t! ereforr, carry out the first news of his return. Lord Durham meant to have returned Ihrough the United Stales, but hav ing learnt that the patriots he had banished to Bermuda and elsewhere, meant to arrest him in New York, on suits for damages, £>loo,ooo, he saw the trap, changed his mind, j arid took shipping at Quebec. Application ; was made to Chancellor Kent, as to the le j reality of such a process in New York, a ! reply was given, that not only Lord Durham hut all those who signed the deportation act ; could be arrested here under our laws. This I caused Lord Durham, and several of his legal advisers, to avoid New York.— JY. Y. Herald. Steamboat, Gen. Broirn. —The painful in telligence of the blowing up of the boilers on board the steamer General Brown, is con- I firmed by accounts received from the Em press and General Harrison, which arrived j yesterday morning. The explosion occurred :on the 25th inst. at Helena, where the Brown i was hying to for freight or passengers, and is attributed to the neglect of the Engineer [ j in not letting off the steam in sufficient quan- 1 [ lilies. The effects of the accident were fright- j | ful and awfully destructive. The force of the explosion was so great as to throw two ! of the boilers out of the boat upon the bank. ; The other boilers were torn to fragments and [scattered in every direction, and the entire boiler deck, extending aft as fir as the door of the main cabin, was carried away and tossed into the river and upon the shore. — The number of killed and missing, with the names of the sufferers, are stated in the list subjoined. Here we have another example of the effects of steamboat racing—a perni j cions and atrocious practice, which continues j to make havoc of human life on our waters, i in spite of the restraints and penalties im | posed bv the law and the denunciations of | the pubiic. press. As the affair will become a subject of legal investigation, we refrain I from further comment. Capt. S. Clark, dead; B. Bonsteel, Ist ! mate, dead : Wilson, of New Albany, Ist en gineer. dead ; E ! ijah Ensigs, of New Alba j nv. 2.1 engineer, life despaired of; Eli Johns, i : of Maysville, Kv., 3d engineer, life despaired 1 of; Hamilton AlcCrae, from Louisville, Kv., 1 | pilot, leg and arm broke ; Benjamin Handy,! (black) of Louisville, Ky., 2d cook, severely i : scalded ; David Applegate, do. of Louisville, : . Ky.. fireman, badly scalded ; George Mvers, ; ; do. from Pittsburgh, Ist cook, severely seaid ! ,-d • Henry Mefinie.v, do, from New Albany, fireman, severely scalded. Passengers—D li. Davis, from Louisville for Natchez, dead ; Eii-dia Libbev. from Louisville for Port Hud- son, dead; W. A. Miller, from Louisville (or Natchez, dead : Dr. Brice, from Louisville j for Vicksburg, dead ; Blanchard, from Louis ville, den * : Edward Hubbard, from Louis ville for New Oilcans, dead ; Robert John-; son. from Louisville for New Orleans, dead ; James Ball, from Louisville for New Or leans. since dead ; J. C. Long, from Lottis y*■!:■. fir New Orleans, legs and arm broke ; J. N. Utter, from I ouisvife, dead ; R. Garth waite from Louisville for Columbia, missing; j Thomas Tewe, missing; Barnev Gaffeny, j from Madison, missing; John Conlev, of j pt-Wps county. Ark., dead ; Silas Drury, <>f Helena, dead; John S. Warner, from Westchester, Pa., for New Orleans, very [ badlv scalded ; Air. George, of Vicksburg, 1 slightly injured. Two bodies were found j which could not bs recognised. * ! The following ladies were on board, whom, jwe are pleased to learn, received no injury, viz: Mesdames M. and E. Wilson, of Mont gomery ; also, Mr. King and family, and the i family of Mr. George. — JY. O. Bulletin. Nashville, Oct. 24, 1838. Dear Sir : To the veteran, who for sixty years has bathed in his country’s service, the Republican \ parly of Davidson county, respectfully tender an invi tation to a barbecue, to be given to the Hon. James K. j Polk, at Ihe Island Spring near Nashville, on Tuesday, i the 6th day of November next. *Your eminent p iblic services—your advanced ago— ihe large space you have filled in the eyes of mankind, i and your ardent attachment to Democratic principles, j i all combine in urging us to present this request with j ! peculiar earnestness. You are well aware that a pow | erful effort is making to compel Tennessee to drink the j dregs of that bitkr cup of which she has already too : deeply tasted. The Lieutenants of Mr. Ciav are i canvassing the S.ate with the view of completing the transfer which was executed at Washington during the i last winter. Our aspirations, and your treasured re collections. alike unite to prevent us from silently wit nessing this desecration of principles. The Democ racy of the country are already aroused, and araentlv seeking for information on the all absorbin'; topics of ’ discussion. To be amon<rst the people, diffusing ii<;ht ari 1 information, is certainly the duty of the l< epuhli- i can leaders ; but in this, as in all other conflicts, they j desire at ieast the presence , if not the active assistance, i of their old commander. Permit us, then, to repeat our invitation, and kindly urge its acceptance. Yours, respectfully, FELIX ROBERTSON, JOHN MAXEY, I„ P. CHEATHAM, WILI.O, WELL TAMS, ROBERT GIBSON, JOHN P. HICKMAN, E. GOODRICH. G. PENNINGTON, JAMES ROBINSON, JAMES P. GRUNDY, MASON VANNOY, L. E. TEMPLE, R. ARMSTONG. j To Gen. Andreyv Jackson Hermitage. Hermitage, November 3. 1838. Gentlemen; I thank you for the flattering terms I in which you have been pleased to invite me to unite with iny Republican friends of Davidson county, in i partaking of the barbecue to be given to the Hon. James !X. Polk on the 6th instant. Entertaining the highest ■ opinion of this gentleman’s patriotism and talents, it is a source of great regret to me that the state of iny j health will not allow me to join you in the tribute which i is due to his distinguished services, at this critical ‘juncture in our public affairs. I she present crisis has been forced upon us by the I intrigues of the party which has always distrusted the ; virtue and intelligence of the people, and has invaria bly sought power by means that would disturb the | chec sand balances of our happy Constitution, and ; engraft upon our .-ystem of Government the principles and habits of the Aristocracies of the old world. The people have, however, uniformly delected and baffled al! such intrigues, and I despair not of their readiness to Expose and disappoint the derestable one to which you refer, as having been set on foot at Washington during the last winter. You overrate, gentlemen, the services it. has been my lot to render in the various stations to which I have been called by the voice of my country. I have found that, in every public exigency, the path of my duty was never obscure, because it was generally enlighten ed by the observation and experience of the free citi zens whose servant I was. Both in miliary and civil | life I had the advantage of such light and instruction, and my merit, therefore, as your comm a ndeb . cannot be more than secondary to that which is due to the brave and intelligent constituency which entrusted to me the defence or temporary guardianship of their rights and interests. This constituency is still un changed and uncorrupted. It is still the’same foe to Federalism that it was in the days of Jefferson, and in the dark hours of the war tve waged with Great Bri tain for the re-establishment of our national indepen dence. Such a constituency will never stain its honor by confirming a bargain which appoints a commander for them, who is identified with none of their patrio’ic services in the tented field, nor with any of their cher ished sentiments and views respecting the principles of government. To this constituency,.gentlemen, do I look with un diminished confidence in the present crisis. It is al ready rallying, as n days of old, around tiie flag of the R “publican party, and it will teach those who act upon the doctrine that the people are incapable of managing their own interests, a lesson that will be as useful as the civil revolution of 1800. Allow me, in conclusion, to request that you w.i.l’ I Jiff r AkPCtimpiffly who will he present at the barba cue, the subjoined sentiment, in my name, and believe me, Very respectful! y, your servant. ANDREW JACK'ON. Dr. Rorer'scn and others, committee. .The Sta'e of Tennessee: Her motto, principles, not men. She will never surrender it to gratify the ambition of those un vorthy sons, who prefer an alli ance wilh Federalism to the maintenance of her old 1 fashioned Republican p inciples. From Texas. —There were two arrivals from Texas yesterday, tine of die schooners made a passage of three days from Galveston. A passenger was so obliging as to pay us a visit, with a view to communi cate the news—a practice we recommend to other ‘ravellers on iheir arrival from countries, the events of ‘•lnch are supposed to interest the public. The gen t ‘man informed us that he heard nothing at Houston or Galveston of an invasion of the San Antonio district by the Comanche Indians, an account, of which ap peared in the Bulletin (if the 21th, purporting to be founded on a letter received at Houston the lltn ult. j His opinion is that there is no truth in the rumor, j That such a letter was received at Houston is alto ; gether probable, for in the prevailing consternation ; and alarm of an Indian war. the most extravagant and | incredible rumors were set afloat. The individual [ himself had been on one excursion to the frontier set | foments, and on his return was astonished to hear the narratives of skirmishes, fights and massacres, happening in places which he had visited in person, and never heard of them Many persons took delight in fabricating marvellous and frightful stories. From the same source we learn that tidings had been receiv ed from the expedition under General Rusk, which represent the troubles in the East to be at an end. The Indians had fled, and were dispersed. All ajv prehensions from that quarter were for the present quieted. The harvest in Texas, generally, was abun dant. Vast quantities of corn had been raised, suffi cient, it was supposed, for the wants of the growing population. Since the conclusion of the Indi ‘n war fare every thing was quiet, and promised the continu ance of peace and prosperity. — Commercial Bulletin, ONE mJKDRED COLLARS REWARD, S® ANA WAY from the subscriber, living in the JILB/ town of Columbus, on the rii-hr of the Ist inst., it negro ntan name.l JOHN. Said negro is about 25 ! or 26 years of age, middle sized and straight built; ! weighs 160 or 170 pounds; large under lip, and his [jaw teeth very rotten. Had on a steel mixt overcoat | and pantaloons, red speckled shirt, and a dark snuff i colored dress coat, half worn. He rode off’ a light j chesnut sorrel Horse, large blaze in his face, about 15$ j hands high ; heavy made ; one bare foot, the rest old j shoes, probably ail oft’ by this time,; rode a Spanish saddle with a black seat. Said negro was purchased on the 14ih November, IS3B. of Neal Johnson and Alexander Johnson, cf Thomas county, Ga. He will probably make for Thomas county or Apalachicola. The above reward ; will be paid for the apprehension and delivery to me of the boy and horse, or fifty dollars for the bov alone. Dec. 6, 1838. 44 3t ‘ WILLI t 1 OvVENS. The “tandard of Union, Miliedgeviile, Macon Tel egraph, Apalachicola Gazette, Montgomery Advertiser I and Savannah Georgian, will insert the above three times, and send iheir accounts to the subscriber. W. O. COLUMBUS INSURANCE COMPANY• CAPITAL, 8300.000. TUTS Company is now ready to take Marine, Eire and Life Ili-ks on as favorable terms as ativ other similar Institutions in this State. All losses sustained by this Company will be adjusted with liber ality, and promptly paid. Directors— P. T. Schley, H. S. Smith, A. B. Davis, A. Hayward, \Vm. S. Chipiey. P. T. SCHLEY, President. Jonx E. Davis, Secretary, i Office over the store of C. E. Mims, East side of j Broad street, Dec. 6. 44tf NEGROES FOR SALE. 072 the first Tuesday in JANUARY next I will sell at Public Auc.ion. at the Court House in Columbus, the following described NEGROES, viz: j Jacob, a man about 28 years, a very good blacksmith; j Katy, a woman about 20 years old, and her child about j a year old : Rhoda. a woman ; bout 23 years old. and : her child Harriet, about six years old. These nezroes j are sold for no fault, and will be sold on a credit of! twelve months, for notes wi li good security, to bear j ■ interest from date if not punctually r aid. At the same time and place, I will sell the following j Negroes, viz : Gi'bert. a man about 32 years old. and his wife Jennev, abou* 32 years old. and their child, j a boy about 6 years o n' : Luke, a man about 25 years ! old, and his-wife Edy, about 25 years old, and Elisha, a man about 25 years old. Those negroes are likely and of good character, and sold for no fault. Terms [cash. Titles to the whole undispivab’.e. The sale will take place without reserve ; and those who wish to purchase first rate Negroes will do veil to attend. Dec. 6, 1638 44ts ALFRED IVERSON. O N OUR MONTHS after date, application will; _s_ be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of , Stewart county, while soring fir ordinary purposes. [ for leave to sell lot of “and No. 171, in the 21st dis’rict of Stewart county, for the benefit of the hei r s and creditors of Samuel Emerson, late of said county, de . ceased. MARGARET EPERSOZs, Adm’x. | Dec. 6,1533. 414 m COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY ALLEN A Ml) YOUNG. ARTICLES. PRICES. j BAGGlNG—Kentucky, - - yd 00 25 <*oo 28 Inverness, - - - - - - yd 00 22 n 4K> 25 American Tow, - - - - yd 00 15 aOO 17 BALK ROPE, ib 00 12 aOO 14 BACON—Hams - - - - lb 00 16 aOO 18 Sides, ib 00 14 aOO 17 Shoulders, lb 0017a 00 18 I BEEF—Mess, bbl 15 00 a 17 00 Prime, ....... bbl 750 a 900 : SUTTER—Goshen, - - - lb 00 25 00 37J ■ W estern, - - - - - - lb 00 25 aOO 31 CANDLES—Sperm, - - - lb 00 45 aSO 00 Tallow, - -‘ - - - . - lb 00 15 aOO 20 CASTINGS, lb 600 a 700 CHEESE—Northern, - * - lb 0017 aOO 25 COTTON, lb 00 101a 00 II COFFEE—Havanna green, - Ib 00 15 aOO 16 Rio. lb 00 14 aOO 15 FlSH—Mackerel, No. I, - - lb 00 12 aOO 14 “ “ 2, - - lb 10 00 ai2 50 “ 3, - - ib 900 a 950 Herrings, ------ box 200a00 00 FLOUR—Northern, - - - bbl 11 00 al2 00 Western, ...... bbl 10 (X) alO 50 Country, ------- bbl 900a10 00 GRAIN—Corn, ----- bu 175a00 80 Wheat, bit 02 00 aOO 00 GUNPOWDER, - ... keg 760 . i- 50 HIDES, ili CO 7 *((■ 8 IRON, lb 00 6a 00 * J 1 LARD, Ib 00 IS 00 20 H.VIE, - -- -- -- - cask 400 a 500 MOLASSES—N. Orleans, - gal 00 50 aOO 55 ! NAILS, lb 00 10 noo 121 ; PORK—Mess, ----- .lb 0023 uOO 25 Prime. ....... lb 00 16 00 21 PEPPER, lb GO I2JaOO 15 PEAS. - -- -- -- - bu 150 a 17 o RAISINS, ------ box 250 a 40i RICE. lb 00 6 aOO 7 SPIRITS—Brandv, Cognac, gal 175a 225 Peach, ------- gal 112 ja 150 Apple, ------- gal 00 58 aOO 60 GlN—Holland, ----- gal 150 n 175 Domestic, ------ gal 00 65 aOO 7 ) RUM—Jamaica, ----- gal 177 a 225 Domestic, ------ g a i 0058 a0062| WHISKEY—Irish, - - - gal 00 00 a 400 Monongahela, ----- ga l 00 87Ja 100 New Orleans, ----- gal 00 55 aOO 60 SUGAR—New Orleans, - lb 00 10 aOO 16 St. Croix, lb 00 12 a 00 UJ Loaf, -------- lb 00 25 aOO 35 SALT, - - sack 350 a 400 SOAP. lb 00 8 aOO 10 SHOT, lb 225 a 250 STEEL—Cast, lb 00 IS Ja 00 25 German, ------ lb 00 00 a 00 15 Blistered, lb 00 12 a 00 20 TALLOW, lb 00 S aOO 9 TEA—Green, lb 100 a 150 Black, lb 00 00 aOO 75 TOBACCO—firstquality, - - lb 00 40 a Os) 50 Second quality, - - - - lb 00 15 aOO 25 WlNES—Madeira, L. P. - - gal SOO a 350 Sicily, ------- gal 150 175 Malaga, gal 00 621 00 70 Ciaret, Marseilles, - - - box 500 o 600 Claret,Bordeaux, - - - box 600a 700 We are authorised to announce KINCHEN GRIER. Esq. as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next. 0 :1. 25, 1833. 3Std BS. IIAWLEY, wholesale and retail lJrug- O gist, at Aoalachicola and St. Joseph, Florida. Nov. 1. 1337. 24 ts GEORGIA PEACH BRANDY, A SUPERIOR article, just received and for sale by YONGE & ELLIS. Dec. 6, 1838. 44if STORE TO RENT. THE well known BRICK STORE HOUSE, on Broad sfree.t, lately occupied by the sub scriber, one door above R. J. Wade, Esq. To the Store is attached an excellent Cellar and Salt House. Possession can be had immediately, if applied for. A. LEVISON, on the north side of Randolph street, one door west of Major McNair’s. Columbus, Dec. 6, 1838, 44tf PORTRAIT PAINTING. MR. PARKER respectfully informs the public that he will remain some time looser m Colum bus, tor (he purpose of painting Portraits. His rooms are in Broad street, in the rear of Judge Thomas’ office. Mr. b arker, from many year’s practice in this part of the country, has found that the crimate o( the South is particularly injurious to oil painting. He has. after much study and many experiments, meth od of painting and preparing bis pictures so as to ren der them less liable to 6e injured'by time and a souiA ern atmosphere. Dec. 6. 44tf VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE, C CONTAINING Two Hundred Two and a Half J Acres of Land.mixtd with oak and pine. There are eighty acres cleared. Also, a comfortable dwel ling. with ab necessary out offices, a good gin house and packing screw, a peach and apple orchard. The entire under good fence. It is situated within 4 miles of Columbus, joining the plantation formerly owned by Thomas C. Evans, Esq. Persons wishing to pur chase cannot find a more desirable location than the one offered for sale by the subscribers-. JOHN CODE, Dec. 6. 44tf _ JOHN QUIN. TAX COLLECTOR’S SALE. VOS7ILL be sold on the lirst Tuesday in JANU v* ARY next, before the Court House door in’ Randolph county, the following Lots ol Land, or so much thereof as will pay the taxes and costs on the same, viz : Counties. No Disl.lTaxes due.! Levied on as the property of Randolph. 53 9th §2 10j Redden Wombie, “ 27S Bth 3 Pilot H. Edwards, “ 241 7th 164 Willias Bradwell, “ 84 Sri- 2 22 George Ellis, “ 38 6t': 8 63| Ed. Montgomery, “ 161: iOtb 7 73| James McCrone, “ 107 7:i 2 log James Eliot “ 76; Oth 2 55| Henry Glover, “ 333 Bth 164 jDanie! Rowland, Decatur. 364! 14th| 1 93| jJas. A. McGouin, “ 271224 | 1 7 41 jJas. J. McCarty, Baker. 329 Bth! 489 jJ. L.B. McCrotie Muscogee. 104 1 s f b| 2 Jfos. Coleman. JAMES 3. ODEM, t. c. k.c. Cuthhert, D<*c. 6. 44 4t CAUTION. A LL persons are cautioned against trailing for Xll- small NOTES, payable to Samuel Harrison. Administrator of Will in in Oliver, or bearer due the Twenty-fifh of December next ; signed A. Howard, and L. B. Camp, security. The condi'ions under which 1 became security on said notes have tmt been complied with on the par 1 of said Harrison, and I will no l pay the same, nor do I consider myself responsib'e for the payment unless compelled by law. Cuthbert, Dec. 6. 44 4t L. B. CAMP. A DMIKI3TnATOR>S SilliE. TOT ILL be sold at the Court House door in Frank tf W lin, Heard county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY, 1539, the following property, viz: one Negro man by the name of Moses, about 38 years of age, and one negro woman by the n me of Mariah about 17 years of age ; sold for the benefit of the heirs of William Thomas la'e of Walton county, deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day JESSE JOHNSON. Anm’r. Dec. 6. 44ts In right of his wife. GEORGIA, TA EOT COUNTY. WS/ Jolnoth B. McCrary, applies to me * fir letters of administration on the estate of William Darden, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said !e ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Nov. 27. 1533. 414 t WILLIAM S. GOSS,c. c. o. _ LOOK AT THIS. THE subscriber has removed his stock of DRY’ GOODS and GROCERIES on Randolph street, one door west of Major McNair’s store, in the storehouse formerly occupied by Robt. McQueen, Esq., where he intends selling his Stock low for cash, comprised of Domestics, of every description, Prints from 13 to 31 cts., and every oth r article low in pro portion ; Sugar's, Coffee, Whiskey, IN’. Pi. Rum. To bacco. all of the lowest rates. A. LEVISON. N. B- He has also fir s de a splendid Sofa, Secre tary and Bookcase, and one pair Pier Tables which he will dispose of low for cash. Nov. 29. 43 3 n LOST ON the road reading from Zefctdon to Forsyth, on Sunday last a small POCKET BOOK, con taining two notes, one on Willis Tyner for §SB. the other on Mr. Goss, payable to Jonn A. Lyon, fjr §75. both notes due the 23th of December next, about §2 30 or §3 m cash, together with some other papers not recollected. Any information of said pocket book, so that I can get the same, will be thankfully received by me at West Point, Ga. The makers of said notes are I hereby forewarned from paying said no'es to ant’ per son biit myself, and all persons from trading for ‘hem. I N0v.29. 43 3t JAMES G. OWENS. CAUTION. F Hi “IIIS is to warn any person or persons from tra ‘- jSL ing for either of four NOTES, given with my I signature to Micajah Posey, dated some time in the carlv part of ifie present year, payable the frst of 1 January next; one of the notes is for one hundred and ; fifty dollars, the other three one hundred each. I ; have not received the con'i leration fir which the notes j were given, and will not pay them without it, unless j comnelled to do so. LEWIS EVERINGHAM. Nov. 29. 43 3t RAYMOND fi ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Merchants. Apalachicola, I ’ lor. i Aug. 11. IStf 1 LIST OF LETTERS ! EMAINING in the Post Office at Columbus JOi/ Doc. 1, 1838. Abbott, Jonathan Lee, John Jr Averett, Bretty Lumpkin, H II Adams, Thom is Lowe. Jas Affleck, James Lovelace, J J Anderson, G W Longford, J E Anderson Miss Moore, Dr Aseon, Airs R Murphy, M W B iticock, H G D Myers, J i Buiherworth, Henry II Mann, Ttovng Barron, Dr Moses L Mizells, John Bro ks, Wilson Ma'coim, WmJH B ntiin. Warreu Me aken, P i By rd, Win Morrison, H Booth, Gen. J II Moreland, J Burch, Esq Win Monk, Rev 3 Birch. Esq M N Mailally, Wm Britt, Anderson C Mahone, J It Bugg, Mrs Emely M-igner. J Brown, Esq W B Aloore, P I Bates, John A IMills, Jas Baker Wm P McGerin J lßrowp,John W Mcßride, J Wm l Barrio, Dr M L McGueen, R i Bridges, James McCarty, Thos ■ Bosvvorth, Air Francis McCall, Mrs M : Barnett. Jonathan AI AlcCov, II Bart, Richard McCoy. T Battoms, James 2 McLean, J , Baker, John McCullars, D I Bailey & Dardin McGehee, AI 2 I Banned, Archibald McQueen, J C ! Brasington, O P McLean, Mr ; Bowin, Thomas W McNair, J D ’ Brooks David & Cos McDonald, II AV ! Bailey, Urbin Noblit, TP 3 : Bowid. James L Nelson. AYm Blackman, Eliza Jane Newson. AYm Cuylen, Doct J M Alonroe, Aliss Alary Cumming, J L care of Chells, T T Nelson, Wm Cobb, James Oliver, A P Chambers, C AI Prvor, C S Craft, AI Phillips, Alias Janet Cooper, James Phelps, H D Carnes, Doct R AV Patterson R Cuiner. John 2 Parker, G G (herdway, AV AI J’ age, Mrs AI E Clay. P Pendleton, Benj Y 2 Co'co'd. Jonathan Persons. J Campbell, John VV Porter. Aliss AI Cotton, Cyrus Porter, FT 3 Chambers, J H Pearce, G J Champion, Asa Pomroy, C Collins, Mrs Charles Pegc, Capt J Cra’.vford, Airs Betsy Plep,George 3 Campbell, Thomas Quidsev, S C Coghill, Mrs J . Reid, El Connaut, Eliza Reed, James Cannon, Wiley 2 Ramsay, J 2 Clemmens, Aliss S A Ryder, Air Carker, George Roquemore, T J Cook, R Richardson, R Chadwick, O Rumph, D Delanv, J L 2 Recee, T C Datton, Jane Jidbinson, R C Dancer, J Richardson, M G Davis, B 13 Reeves, M AV Dickerson, J Robinson, R Danv, Noah Scott. Win J Deilebay, J AI Shepherd, AVm Davis, Miss E Siatter, J J Delk.J B Stewart, Airs OC Douherty, John Sagner, Enoch Downing, Alajor AV Sears. Anderson Emmons, E Smith. II A’ Elkins. D Starke. P B Edmond, J Shncyder, Henry Ellis, Dr Wm San fold, Rev T Fitzgerald, AV II Smith, J L Fosier. David 2 Smith, L Fedrick. Mrs L S M Sanders J AV Prariklin, Osborn, Scott, J R Fluyhen, E Scarborough. I Fairley, Miss Caroline Spenen, AI R Ftirguson, J Thompson. J AV 2 Fishbone, Airs AI Thomas, At Franks, AA 7 L Terry, M 3 Frances, H Tarver, Mrs C Feigh. Mrs Jane Tarver, H Fay, D Tarver, B Hand. Rev T J Thompson, John AV Harp & Trask, Traywick, A\ 7 in Hodges, P Tazewell, Brooks Hartfield,Capt AVm Threakeld, Tully W Hamblet. J L Thompson. A F Hunt, Doct A Thornton, Richard Harnill, Airs M'R Turner, T Hazard, A G Townsend, L 3 Hargoes. Mrs A Tomlinson, H ilaokncv. Aliss AI A Townsend, Sa-ah II How ell, AI A Thorpe, J Hargover. B W Tompkins. B Hedges, Miss C Tilman, AVm Harrison, Mrs S Talley, Rev J Horton, Nrs 3 Vance, M D Holliday, D T Varner, Wm Horton, R J AViggins. W E HaywoiAi. T AValker, John A Ilolt. Duel L 2 AVethcrington. H G Hearn, EC Wood,Win A Harris, J AI AVard, D Hatch. A AVha'ley, T Holt, Doct.l. 2 Williams, Jas Hartwell. A AI 2 Warren, J Holloway. 3 A Wi lis, CC Harralson & Lewis Winter. Airs E Howard, J T AVells, A B Hurt. Esq J AA'a’t, A Tver. on. B V AVebb. O Ivev. Airs J AVard, Robert Iverson, J AA are, R Iverson, AUrlin Wet more, A II Johnston, Mr G Walker, J Jackson. H J 5 Wood. Wm Jonagin Jones AVooll’ork, John Jones Airs L A Western Insurance and Jackson, AVm N Tiust Cos Jones. R F 2 AAVdidge T F Johnston, J Welch J S ft James Jones. AJ AAAiodruff, L T 2 Johnston, Aliss J AVare, S Jvcan, J Williams, G AI Kemp. J S AA 7 ethers, Sam Kobb, R Wool, John Kilpatrick, D Wood. S Kelly. Mr A Williams, T Locke & AVinklcy, Wood wort, Mr Lee, J Yates, John Lanhnm S Yeldcn, Robert Livingston. A Persons calling fir any of the above letters \ will please say they are advertised. 40 St JAMES VAN NESS, Postmaster. HATS AND CAPS. JUST received, black Fur and Silk HATS, brush 1 do.. Fur Seal Cans, a very handsome article, for sale by ‘ J. S. SMITH. Nov. 29,1838. 43tf HEW ESTABLISHMENT. rsnuE *ub senbers nave opened a large, splendid JSL and gen oral assortment of GOODS, A T THE OLD STAND OF G W. DILLINGHAM, comprising a full assortment of the most suitable arti cles, and are Ail freak Goods, just received, and aid down at a cost that w id enable us to sell, CHEAP FOR CASH, and cannot fail to please, both as to price and quality. KYLE & BARNETT. Columbus, Nov. 29. 43 6t DISSOLUTION. T JSMIE copartnership here’ofore existing under tbc Jl_ name and style of VVELLS & PEABODY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Air. L. AV. Wells is alone authorised to s tile the business of the concern. L. AV AVELLS, F. G. PEABODY. Columbus, Nov. 28, 1838. 433 OREAT AUCTION SALE Os Ready Ma le Clothing , Hals, Caps, fyc. “STN consequence of the withdrawal of Air. F. G. A Peabodv, it becomes necessary to close the busi ness of Wells & Peabody immediately ; consequently the entire Stock will be sold at Auction without reserve, j consisting of Over Coa s, Drer-s and Frock Coats, I Pants, Vests, Hats, Fur and Cloth Caps, Shirts, Bo soms, Collars. Siik and Cotton Umbrellas. Socks, Suspenders, Gloves, and a great variety of Fancy Arti cles. The sale will commence on Monday evening next, at half past 6 o’clock, at the old stand of Wells & Peabody. AYER fit GRAY, Auct’rs. Columbus, Nov. 23. 43tf , RACES. THE annual Races over the Bertrand Course, Montgomery. Alabama, will commence on the 221 of January, 1839. The following Purses will be run for : First day—l mile heat.-:—purse - - §3OO Second dav—2 mile heats—purse - - 500 Thir i day—3 mile heats—purse - - 700 Fourth day—4 Four mile heats—purse - 1000 Fifth day—mile heats, best three in five, - 300 The purse of each day’s running will be hung up a; the stand on the dav of running. TAYLOR & BROWN, Proprietors. Nov. 22. IS3S. 42 and HEADY M IDE CLOTHING, CHEAP FOR CA.-H. Next door to the Rank of Colu/nhvs. JS. SMITH ha- commenced receiving his O Stock of Ready .Vlide Clothing, of Over Colts, Cloth ‘ I’oaks. Bos‘on W rappers. Blanket ; Coa s. Frock and Dress Coats, of every descrip l ion. Blue, B ack Cadet mixed Cloth Pants, Cassimere do. | Kentucky Jeans Frock and Dress Coats, do. Pan's ; ! Black and figured Silk Velvet Vests; Woolen Vel vets; Plain arid figured Satins; Cloth & Cassimere. to : get'ier with some low priced ; a beautiful st vie of Silk and Cotton Umbrella-: Fine Boots. Shoes an I Pumps: Silk. Woollen and Cotton Shirts and Drawers; Cot {ton Shirts with l/’nen Bosoms and Collars: Colored I do.: Linen Ruffled do.; Siik, Cotton, and Merino I haif Hose; Gloves; Suspenders; Linen Collars and Bos ims ; S’oc sos every variety; Cloth and Hair I Brushes; Cologne: Fur and Seal Caps; Hats; Travelling Trunks and Bags. &c. The above articles have just been received, arid will ; he sold as low as they can be had for cash in this mar ket. I Columbus, Nov. £9. 43;f SHE RI FF S ’ S A LES. TALBOT SALES. \still be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN- S'V UARY next, at the Court House door in thejtownof Talbotton, Talliot county, within the le gal hours of sale, i’h- following property to wit : One pided horse, about eight or nine yea's old, and a jersey wagon, levied on as the property of Burwell Ingram to satisfy a fi. fa. from Talbot Stipe rior Court; Greenberry Clay vs. Burwell Ingram and William Dicason, security on appeal. Also, two lots of land, Nos. 180, and 181 in the 15th district of originally Muscogee now Talbot county, . whereon Mrs. \Y liiiams now lives, known as the Da vis,on stand on the 3tage Road, levied on as the pro perty of John Took, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Talbot Superior Court; Wiiiiam B. Marshall vs. Henry E. Williams, maker, and John Took, endorser. One negro girl by the name of Lwuisa, I- vied on as the property of John Took, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Ju lines Court of Talbot county; John H. Wallis vs. John Took. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. One hundred acres of land, more or less, part of No. 170, in the 22d district O'originally Muscogee now Talbot county, levied on as the property of.Daniel .McDaniel to satisfy sundry li. fas from a Justices Court of Talbot county ; T. G. Beach, for the use of James Robinson vs Daniel McDaniel. Levy made and re turned tome liv a constable. One lot of land. No. 39, in the loth district of ori ginally Muscogee now Talbot county, levied on as the property of Burwell Pune, to satisfy sundry fi. las. from a Justices Court of Talbot county', in favor of R. B. Rucker and others, vs. Burwell Pope. Levy made and returned to nm by a constable. THOS. U. ROBINSON, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE. A pa:r of match horses and barouche, levied on ns the property of Frederick A. Bailey, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Talbot Inferior Court, in favor cf Isaac K Bow- • or, administrator of the estate of Abel Camp, deceased, vs. F. A. Bailee. and Richard Bniltv. THOMAS U. ROBINSON, ShfT. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL HE SOLD i One sorrel horse,seven or eight years old, levied on as property of Lazras B. Ro'S. to satisfy a fi. fa. from Talbot Superior Court ; Charles Biddle vs. Lazras B. Ross. JOHN AV. G. SMITH, I>. S. Nov 29, 183S. 43is RANDOLPH SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JANU AUV next, before the Court House door in ibe town ol Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro man by the name of Stephen, about 45 years i-.i ; a!so,<he follow ing lots of land, to w it: No. 296 and 297, in the s;h district of said county ; No. 88 and 73, in the lOlli district of said county, levied on as Ihe property ot Andrew Howard, to satisfy sun dry fi. fas. issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Gabriel R. Aiaihis and John A. Mathis, and others', vs. Andrew Howard and James Ennis. Property pointed out by plaintiff and plaintiff’s attorney. North half of lot of land No. 118, in the Stli district, and all of lot No. 107, in the Bth district,” west of the Pat aula Creek, both ot said county, levied on as the property of AVi.liam Britt, to satisfy two fi. fas. issued Irom the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of said Court of said county. East half of lot of land No. 162, in the Oth district of said county, levied on ns the property of J soph Jernigan, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. issued out of a Jus tices Court of said county, in favor of Jesse Harris and others vs. Joseph Jernigan. Levy made and re-’ turned to me by a constable. One house and lot in the city of Gcoigetown ; also, ■ one house in the same city ; this city is in the Bth rlis-’ trict of saul county, levied ori as the property of H.- 11. Ranay, to sa’isfy two fi. fas. issued out of a Justices Court ot said county, in favor of Allen L. Jenksvs.- H. 11. Raney. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lots of iand Nos. 77, 114, 78. and all of lot No.-, 115. east ol D. B. Rich’s Sj-ing Branch, enst half of No. 1 lb, all in the 6 f h district of said county; levied on as the property of Andrew Howard, to sati>fy sundry li. fas. issued out ol a Justices Court of said county, in favor of Alexander Hendry and others vs. Richard Respass and Andrew Howard. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. RICHARD DAVIS, Sheriff. Nov. 29. 1838. 43ts HEARD SALES. iITILL be sold, on 1 lie first Tuesday in JAN ’S? V UARI next, before the Court House door in the town of Franklin, Heard county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to w it : Lot No. 41, m the 14 h district of originally Carroll now Heard county, levied on as the property of James Hill, by virtue of an execution issued from a Justices Court of 1 aliaferro county. Property pointed out by Thos. Pitman. Also, one lease, levied on as the property of Thomas Best, for the term of three years, by virtue of two fi. fas. in favor of Lewis L. Freeland. Property pointed out l>y said Freeland ; levied and returned to me by a constable. FOSY JOHNSON, 3hff. Nov 29,1838. 43:s CARROLL SALES. -5/ ILF, lie sild, on llie first Tuesday in JAN ■ V UARA next, before the Court House door in tiie town of Carrollton. Carroll county, within the usual hours of sale, tbe following property, to wit: One dark sorrel mare, bridle and saddle, levied on■ as the property of AYidiam Mayors, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Carroll Inf; rior Court in favor of AYilliam E. McClucr vs. John Whisenhunt, William Mayors and Arthur Bell, securin on lay of execution. Also, lotolian.l No. 147, in the I Oth district of Car-’ roll county, and one sorrel mare, eight or nine years old, one bay mare, three or f sir years old, one sorrel colt, two viflrs old. one small wagon, one cart, seven head of sheep, and ten barrels of corn, and two stacks of fodder, levied on as the property of Giliis J. Andams,- sen to satisfy two executions, one issued from Carroll Superior Court, in favor of Young J. Long vs. Giliis J- A blauts, and one issued from Carroll Inferior Court, in favor of Thomas B. Espey vs. Giliis J. Adams and Richard Smith. Properly pointed out by Richatd Smith. Nov. 29. 43is MATTHEW REID, ShfT, AT TIIE SAME TIME AND PLACE WILL HE SOLD : Lot. 1); land No. 118, and lot No. IGS, and four acres whereon Wm. Bead now lives, all m the 10 It distiidt of Carro i county. One town lot in the town of Cai ro!! ten, known in the plan of said town by No 2. the 1 lot whereon O. P. Beall now has a store, one yoke of oxen on a a cart, twelve barrels of corn, seven hundred Icin'l.-I) ol 1 idler, all evod on as the properly of \\ iliiaui Bead 10 satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Supe rior Court of Carroll county, in favor of John C. Ma son. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Ait-o, one negro girl named Charlotte, nine years old. levied on as the property of John Bone, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Madison county, in favor of John Nisbet and others. Property pointed out by John A. Jones. Also hit of land No. S5, in the G;h district of Carrtll county, levied on as the property of G. W. Ramsey, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court ol Camp bell county, in favor of Hartnel & Clark. Livy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, one town lot in the town of f’arrollton. No. riot known, lying on the north side of East s'reet, be-< tween J. 3. fJogyess and B. A. Fret man, one acre,‘ more or less, levied on as the property cf Barnabas Michael, and one town lot whereon Sanford Goodwin lio v lives, levi-d on as the property of Sanford Good win, to satisfy 1 ntr fi. fas lssurd from a Justices Court of Carroll county, in favor < f 1 nomas Cheaves vs. s;id Barnabas Michael and Sanford Goodwin. Levy made an-t returned to me fey a constable. Nov. 26. 4its JOHN DEAN. D. S. STEWART SALES. ‘SJE&/ ILL sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN 'S w UAR-Y next, before the Cour House door, in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot of land No. 140 in the 1 S'L district of ori ginally Lee now Stewart county levied on as the pro perty of Abraham Ayres, 1o satisfy three small fi. fas. issued from a Ju tices Court for the 98th district G. M. vVa-ihttigton county, in favor of the executors of Thompson Lawson, deceased, vs. Abraham Ayres : and Jesse Armstrong. Pir.perty pointed out by Junes H. Armstrong; levy made and returned *to me by a constable. * Lot of land No 243, in the 22 1 district, taken as the property of Wiii'-am Boxter. to satisfy sur.dty fi. fas. is-uied out of a Justice’s Court, of Maoist ri coun ty. >n favor of A. Crawford & Cos. Levied cn and returned to me by a constable. One lot of land No. 320 in the 22 J district of ori ginally Lee now Stewart county, levied on as the pro perty of William C. Pitts, to satisfy two fi. fas., one issued fiorn the Inferior Court of Bibb county, in favor of the Ba k of Hawkinsville vs. Wiiliatn C. Pitts, Edward H. Pius. John D Pit's, and Richard M. Pitts, arid one tit favor of Ma’eom A. Chisholm vs. William C. Pitts, i-stted so m the Superior Court of Stewait county. Property pointed out lu- said Wil liam O. Puts. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. ‘ Nov. 29. 1833. I3ts DISSOLUTION. THE copar'ti< rshi:i heretofore existing under the firm of GEO. W. ROSS & CO. is bv mutual consent, this day disso’ved. Ail unsettled business of the late firm will receive attention from either of the undersigned. G W. ROSS. Nov. 20,1833. R. I'. SPENCER. RiC TARD P. SPr.NCER, having taken the V. are House re -cntly occupied by G. W/Ross f; Cos. wouM return his unfeigned thanks to the former patrons of the hou c, and tSe public. atid respectfully solicits a share of the r business. designs to conduct the W are House, Commission, and Factorage Business, in i’s va- ious branches, and hopes by strict attention to men! patronage. Nov. 29. 4Tf LAST AOITCU. ~ “ TIE notes ao i accounts of Cathown ot Bass Itavc ii- been placed in my hands for collection. Perrons indebted will do well to cal! immediately, end make sati factory arrangements, otherwise they wdi be -ited on immediately. J OSIAII MORRIS. Niv 29. ’ 4.3; f K3!t TIE.VJ’T fST.VO very desirable ROOMS, over the s'orc of iA Hamilton, Hurd & Cos. For terms apply to June 28 31 ts H- H- &