Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, December 13, 1838, Image 4

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l, K * Ui AO i iob c. Al> 51 UlU’ li ‘V.>:l > i AL 3. W ,L * I ‘ -*. 4 . ! * ‘ r **■; ™ ;h, -- h ,; >- .jTab.j I lutri >. .in ii la.b i. c 4a >. wn n si tali f*r i li'iarj jir t >• 3 ‘.i f■ OiftO air Hj (! >r m HimTU.ii lli. rucjuii ~j *h.; ! I’Vi ■’ its VIV rr'tt ,) ! j ,f L 11 No. i; - irt f. 8<):h vi'.itri it -ft mi.'i iU y il.: ; • ■ e tl >w ilarfi c tv. jJjlJf.f ihi 13,i-a )f U ; an I <x ;• B-irton Bru vn, UN-of i’a ho c- m v ;l -as.. U.VYHD 13. GIBSON. A tm’r Nov. 22. Il •• AriHlWTil AT J .I’M iAL L ft Git E ii.v J .g ‘ * .1 •> -1 •olih• il hi >ratfie the Jtm. inf:, jr _>. .rt t>ft..Uuo.‘i_ce rmu y, >.’U*le Si - ting fir ordinary jjir.i <;■<, wi.i 1 -0. 1 b.fite th C r;r’ .I.j no and iir >. tixa ci qt‘ C.'bt'nb.j®, on to t--flit l*.l *! 1 • ill •VsU Vtv i-:i. a.! •*’-* property belonging to .'ii of .-1 I .vi 1 & B’ ■ -l .1 --I Mid cm.; v, Dc. 1•- t . Ifj 1 rb.-n • i*. oi tie b> ir ■ an Icr ‘.'li’.'jr-. of sti- i ’ v. i. .1 j IrJ A'JUT iRO.- Vim’-. O-.t. 8. ! j >?. 40m AOJllV.'fi'.U'dß's S:\bi.. £l Gft‘i FVUL A .-I if Itof W A ura'ile th A f.if ri ll 0.1 !|- of ii ‘ IC:U CO l i'y, ✓.. left f>r or mjff pur;i io*i, v..! ii • I. aifl■ 1 ■ 1 .'t if l- • i!o>r, 1.1 I,‘irn;>tHi. *3'v art cooiuy, on be Sir - To *• day in JAN UARY do! •;i No. IJJ :u me •J3 h J si; 1- , ist si-c'i mos originally Lee no.v B <v nrt c:> j.ii v bdongLig ‘■> the tsfaii of Eleanor G;an ■ar, JWi; otd f ■ Wl* i. if ‘ 1 • heirs ot suit! j'. PHILIP H. LUNDY Adm’r. jot. 55 133=?. 4 > -• a wistsiLt v v > -t’ -s Vo. ••WTf'.U i. ~.l 0.1 ie irot Dus lay in JANU- V If n •'{’, f!i • Ui irt II use iotr in Qretfi n!l, VI -r? v vtr ell rv agrt.-ab al* an order of the Ii iva'iic til - Itif rt ?r <*.>:ir! of Meri.yriti-.-r county, arhil* si in fir <r ! t ire ,1 *” >1 - .1, lot of i;i: 1 .vi. Vi I i.l the 1 Itti di.!ri-of 1 ;:n.s .y i’roo •. n- v Mi ri'-rn her owa s •!-1 u ;ii■; find bi*, 10 io- !o the t-.s ----l a ;o .if N iney .*?.*> va, it ’ ’ ite !. tor the benefit of the heirs and ore lo irs. Terrn< to.ide <>-i i’te day. U AN'UL II i’A, A , iV. Oc.r_3o, _ AO II *l4 1’ Ui'J.t y if... A bo so 1 , 1, a; tile O.i ti• il iuso ij (. eenviiie, Meriwether co'inty. on the lirgt To :sday 10 FSBItUAitV xl, a.-r-eab.* to an or'o- of the Han iraltle the Inf rior (J sort oi'-Mori.vcher . outitv, while > tot’ fir or iin try |!ur;o'?i.~, two n( -roes, to wit:, a vo:neu,ail tirecn, a Inv.sold as t,.e n".’roe beloaaing it> the estato of VVm. Bn>.vn file of Meri'.vi ‘her c umy, deeatased. for the ben* li. of Iho heirs o! said ilerteatf i. Terms sn (<• known on tile day of sale. JAMES PUIIDSJE, Adm'r. Nov. 1,1835. 40ts ADMIfVISTI* VTOIt’S S llilS. WILT t>e joil.oa the lirst Tuesda) in J ’ W- All V nett, at the Court lottse in Greenville. Meriwether onoty. agreeable to an orcLr of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Meriwether county, while sitting for ordinary purposes four . grots: — King, a man ; Jack, a man ; Tamara, a woman, and Vilet, a girl, srld a3 a part of the o .tate of John Knight, lam of Meriwether county, d'Ceased, for the bunaiil of ‘he heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on ths dav. ISAAC W. PARKEBSON, Adm’r Oct. 29,1533. 40;s 1- bonis non, HEAL ESTATE AND HANK STOCK Ft)lt SALE. WILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in JANU Ait V next, between iho usual tiours of sale, ‘b * -*Urf ii ,'jS"e IT I'ii .11 wo.*'Tons, di” county, the a veiling house, and two lots attached thereto, ba.oiigtng to the estate of Kit S. Shorter, do ! : also 267 shares stock m the B uik of Colum bus, 5 .id for tlie benedt of the heirs and creditors of sat.! es.ate. Terms on .ha dry. S Ji’li! \ H. SHORTER, A.t-Tx. JAMES H. SU.O.’ITE .<, A l n’r. Nov. 1. 18T<. _ ADSL.VI JTHAT'JII.’ •* SALE. ;'STILL l • oil. on the Mr.-f Tn-siny in JANTT- • Vs ARV next, in Thomasvihe, I’ louts county. ; agreeable loan order of ‘.he Honorable ti>.<- Inferior Court rt Biker county, when sitting as a Court of. Ordinaly, oie tot of lan I known by \u. 61, in the 2du district of originally Early, no v I’homas cduoty. soM as part of -fho estate of Jolin Giilion, sr.. late >f the e mty of Biker, deceased Terms -,i. be icade kn , .vu ott day of sale. KG3’ I’ TARDT ■ AJm’r, Oct, 2 ! 1635. S') s we,l TANARUS” v. annexed. EVECLTOK’S SALE. ONT the first I’uesJay in JAN! ARV next, will be sold, at the Court House door in the city Ma- ron, within the legal hours of sale, pursuant 10 the la-.f will of Francis Drake, decease 1. ot N. Caro ina, seven likely negroes, belonging to bts estate, am mg them, a good blacksmith, a good cook, a yood house servant, and other valuable male and female slaves— On a credit of six m mths. wi h not and approved se curity. T. VV WitIGHT, Executor. Oct. 30, lf>3B. _ _ 4uis _ TAX CDLLEC rOR’S SALK. “VSTILL be s-u on the iirst Tuesday in J ANU ARV next !vr‘--ru the Court House door in Randolph cou.ity, the following J -a. ot Land, <r so much thereof as will pay the taxes and co-is on the same, viz: Countes N > lDim , faxes due.! Levied 0.1 as the dtu idoipii. . o.j, ‘•! •. SJ 19J R djeti IVon )t 270. r.. J .. ;p: i’ l >. u 241! 7.1 I ‘A duos : ** 94! Bi. %li jGeor;. E-!. i (j. g 6JI |E<t. A ii,ip got:’ (■'. l64’ 10 h 7 7ii jjame. AleOroae, 11 |o7j 7 1 2 loj iliiuos E ‘o’ i 76! S< > 2 obi iHenry Glover, •1 3 >J; Bt.ii I t>4 [Daniel Rowland. ra-.tur. 364 14 h 1 93} Jas. A. iVloGmiin. ‘27 22! 1 7ij jJas. J McCarty, Biker 323’ Bth 489 jl L. B. McCrm'ie Muscogee, j 104, o h 2 83] jl -s. Con.,nan. JAMES S. DDEIM, t. c. k. c. Outhbert, Dec. 8 44 4 TAX CULLECToiI'S SAIUk. THERE will bo so il, ill the Conn >! Sf door, in the town if Ham-.) 1 on Harris co.-.n y on die tirs’ Tuesday m JANiJA.IY, IB3j,di” f i.. i.v.,i . iirop. r.y to .wit: 15J acres of land No. 31 in ,h 12 .1 lismct 4 h sect! >-i Cherokee, levied on as Hie prop r y of Ath -r Euller fir In.- Tax due the H;a ani C iun y for I8r7; fax 32 cts. Ass 40 acres of and No 230, ia the 4:h district Ist section •2h- s.-c • vie.i on as the property of W.n, Dan - •> > lsfy Ins Tax due the State and County for 1837 ; fax ‘ll cis. Also 202i acres No. 140 in 1 f\e 5i 1-list net Carol county, ievie I on a- the property of David Fun ier burk, to satisfy his Tax due Hie S a'e ani County; Tax 59 is. At die sua dnean 1 place, 230 acres of land No 37, m the 53 it dt; ;. •: -f ,ar. v levied on is the properiy of ll . vci Ifairock 1 1- tisfv btt ‘fa du“ h S itc and {’mow :'.r : n \ car 1837 ; ia. due. >1 .’4. vV M. DUK i-. c Uct. 12. 13 S3. 37 s N-- riBK. he so'd, on . .1 ; T made, to ‘Ax ¥ UA tVii- xi. ■ .in C inrt 1 { ;i:e i ill iii-J t >wil o im o.t. Hi :is v. ntn'y, tin: f - prop ,-rty ‘nr Tax*-’- v u s -F fv .1 -of a 1. N>• 17. in the 11 a lt"ict -4’ vl >■, j - c-’ ic ~ v-.! on as tit - pr-'P'-ri e of . I 1 nil n -(i.irdnoi ttr Mary <L A >•; /,r if y. . I;’.}? ;. . . -in;. I, , . 3mi Is. A: >4) tores ot • I o*vi 00 as ,0 pr perty of Ini .-5: nt, N 4)3 i t ‘ - 5 1 s’ ; - Ist (•onion of Jhcri?-o. i • I -n fir :*•< f- ’>J? ; i*t l.i •23 --N. And. “ so'ja ! (11l * Ist district mid l't ‘.'out hug c • ■ v • 1 00 a-: the o'opor’v of •it VV. ’a ‘. to .; If, : tax for 1837 , 0 >;i. 2* VVSLL A A 31TKE, Tax C.: c or. Sept. 13, 1838. oi •jf^icrr.T;'.sT-cs 7. JX* be nx le to the !i ..or d— ‘• i;.‘ 1. •,. A Stewart c-Hint\ ; i!“ s-- t . r c: • . : , s so leave to si l lot . 11. 1 - I“11 1 , :> ■2l 1 a :-( ©f Sto war co p;\. for ih b. ••• : of • J creditors of Sr.unie. Fp. r < u, rs • ceased. MARGARET t f Rsk'N \ Dec. 6 1:8a. -1 , IT'IJOii MON I’ilS of or ■ .w toads I > tn* nor* he tor C Iva b c-.vao’y, >-• u-n i su. aa(’. rsf ,-narv, fi leave to seit an ,r imm 1/ -he nu 10 ii ‘!< a, property o 1 ’ John .VI. ft, J ,< • ,1 M ;- f Ca harme a--’ y. S'.ili lor (,-0 Lrici:- c ii.- 3 -ft i mm >rs. G .MUAPtiY : D.-catu . Nov. 22. 1533 4. - . FJCR MONTHS u'.er -,t> 1 s':.. ‘ a .:o f lionorauie th< 1.if0.-ior vJotiri of 1 ... .. r countv, wh-.n sitting f>- u.iar . purposes, for Jo sell ail the n -gr© prop, rv i • . -• ,- >) VV'liian Brown .ate • f -a*’ V ,-, >• coo-.v. de ceased. JA. •)ES i’ .iDE.E Ali.-i’r, Oct. 12 IS3n. vi J.S i\iS rfrr • i (.1 ‘I : i.i nn .fa.’ ma I• 1© the Huoraft the Inferior J. rt X ’Up Ctiumy. when -t ...... t >r o..';:i rv -. :rpuses. for leave to sfo ai! oi Die re;. u:i I pci.->uai ;>r _• < ‘ j ; ob Pavne deccasd !-.-•• -f aid c an. . , WILLI A VI il iNB'LER js-Vpr. 3 1858. J-P3CA I BAVXJ, A nr.’rs. >t .'1 *-V *ln a rda v 1 ;ha >*iy ..'the jj’ !: wo'ahle the (of-rior Coor’ -f rivvetk-er county, w uile siitino-or - haary pu*-oses f o s-.di lot <4-land ’No,?.) in ih, 2 U Jis-riy ;.o t 3 :cio ■ of Oh rokee, no v ei* a i-oucv. ‘* toElizt: asJ Lucretia Hussey, ph tom fj .. i-, v deceased. HIRAM H. HUSSEY, v.. ■ ird-s:,. Sept. 3,1535. 3.4 .1 MONTHS aJler dae application wiii !-.■ ! y i.iaf’J to ih? lion'-r.h:•• ?h • l ctrior Court o: ‘ Aiei’iwe.dier noun y. white si- mg ftr ordtear;- t>;---; poses, for li ivc to so.’ J.‘ l’- - ‘ ‘4 ei-’ate©. brim,:: Johasvn late of sa>.l coco y o---..-asfil. DOLLY JOHNSON V lm’.t. ! Aug SI. 1838. 3 -’’ a “u ,J - TARR. krOUHliision Alcrcduu Si. Jo ! Ch-vJu. MuE, 8. 5a ; ]HGr , l .MONTHS after apptication will bt JF ,ui- ..■ ,c , i ,rabU* :t i <-rmr Court of •l .-ri vc icf con iv. ii- si. ii Hot ordinary purposed f->r .e.tve l j sei. ~ . r . A * i-J Ur ;r J i>, u ;> bciougmg • tm v ae ,vs . -.i. v Jc-.sey, lute of Al rt.veihcf .o f Vii W. JOSEE'Y, Executor. - .1 IS 53., 32 im H J i 4A.13 .1 f. T dale apucann wi.i b 21 |. , ,i;e j uxub’C the Ltfrnor Court est i .iscogtji cjun'v, iv.ieii nting Ibr ordtnury pu-p.-.-es ] i>r ivo to -eJ U- r al anJ negroes us Dana I J 13.; . late of -a: 1 e un;y. deceased. of -hicii lives u-.-irs and exjc'Jio/i of said us,ate cm take noitee. C.l A3. D. tTEVVART. A tru’r. ! ‘ All person, l ivin’ ■: oaids agoiusi sai-ij -s; ate, are req jested Ju present ikeitt ■: inn die time! ir escribed b ’ li v ; ..rd ail persons iudebted ate r-_- i tired io mas,- in n -Jti!e pa merit. 8:,-i,i-:r;! i3d. 314 m v .N iLJ t Al J24IN *3 aftt-r date f shail apply to t’.e it iLi.-i* ab.s the inferior C-ju tof i\i -.rt >vr ;:.:r j, w.,.-n ,it :n ; fjp or 3nary purpon.-s. for leav j to sen at ill negro or : io.'v b .m: o the sa- ;fl i.ika Kaigfii, lam of ,-x: I -Miiuty of A* .i vthe ;dc ■ .... i. “ UJ VV. FEiiivE.dsJON. \ogit t 23 1833 81 Adm’r d-bomr non. j ’ ADUR -1 JN i’ii 8 aft r da e a • ihcariou wni b• < .L* m ri: the : i -noraliln the Itiftnior Court ot j Masco :cct.i v.v’in fc.iug for ordinary por posed, j fir leav - ; > ---'ii ■ r.! real ;ta e of .-’raaeis O. Ticknor. j ot phaa o: Orr i ih Anor. deceased. ~ iIARRI IT C. TICKNOR, Guardian. J September 4 1388. 314 m i •rnUR M JN CHS after dale application w ill be J ML 1 male i-> Il merab!-; !ne fut-rior Conrl of j iscu/.-’ <: maty, .v.i--n sitm fur or Imary purposes, j fir leave t > sed die ra. i-.itate of Ei..,'ia S. Norma, j lie ofsai.l e ia : !•-.-cased AtLLIAEL N. CLA'INE, Adm’r. Septcmb'T 4. f 858. 31 4m . s jEORGIA, T V DOT COCiNTY. ■ /” il EilEAi Jollfo'h B. M -Crary, appiies to me i ■> \J f r ‘.iters ->t a . ’ill a:ialien on the estate ol j vVi.uaai J lmi, .1 tceased— I’ue .o ar ■ . i . dhra io Cite and aJtnontxli all and sin pi! ;r.she ktaJre-l an 1 crudi ->rx of said dc-cca ed to bo ami ii :ar at my o.fiea, wi: fm .liiuo proscribed by 14. v, :•> sh i v •i. if fay h.. . ave, vriiy said, houi-d u >l be granted. Given under ir.y !: t.ii a’ office. Nov. 27 5838. 44 I- WILLIAM -S. COfaS r c. o. _ j JEORGIA, HAUiii-3 CD UN i’Y. ’'.73lT tl .itEA i Jeremiah liailam ani Joseph A.! Y V F! j*. and, a:! ■’ t ‘.*-.irs on the ornate of i?.i di | Moore, ke-.--.ijjd, apply to me for letters-of and smis s-oii from ih f.trtJier adrninistraii .n on .sal 1 estate— These are ih i -re io cite and >. liuoi.i :. all and sin-J •'•dar the kindred and creditors of saiu desea.-cai, to be | and appear at my otn.e, within the time prescribed by | law. to sitew cause, if any they have, why said tellers j should not !:-j granted. Giveti under my hard at office. Nov. slimOiii E. T. L. Si'ENCER.c. c. o GEORGIA'STE W All r COUNTY. S^LTIIEil ,2Ak> Wiliiam A. Alathtws and John IV T. B. Turner, administrators on the esiate of; Moses Mathews, late of sail 1 county, deceased, apply io me fur letter.- of dis-.nission on said estate— Ttjese are therefore to cite and admonish all arid sin gular the kindred an ‘ creditors of said deceased, to be a; i appear at my o.iice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if an ‘hey have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand t office, O-t. 22 1838. 38:ti6:n J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORGIA STEWART COUNT A ‘ M'iT.'li*: 1 ’BA ■’ > I'olman C. Pickit, admn.’strator on W * the estate of'l'liomas R. Cochran,!a <>f sai l county, deceased, applies to me for letters oi cismis sion on the said estate — Tl'. ’se are then tore to cite and admonish all and Hn gular tiie kindred and creditors <:! said deceaseu. ‘o be i and appear at my o.iice, within the time prescribed by j la , to ,!w.v causo, if any they have, why said letters j should not be granted. Given under ott hand at othce, Oct. 11, 183 b. 37m6tn J S. YARBROUGH, c. c. Cos GEORGIA, STEWART CI HUN !’Y. WSK7HERKAS Calvin B. Seymour, execute of IV the esttit.j of Jotm , late of said | county deceased, applies tome fur letters o: disons ion ott sai ‘ estate—■ These are therefore to cite and admonish a 1 ’ and sin gular lie kind re I and ered-v-s of sad deceas and, to be .ad appear at mv orfice. within tile .me prescribe 1 by !a v, to show can's if any they have, why fetters should not be granted. Given tinier my h nil at. office. Sept.. 3,1838. 3-26 m .1. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. GEORi 71 A, HE AR D diUNTY. Ransom gentra. of die 70? a-.. a M., tolls b fore me one astray g r ay HORBL. supposed to be ten o eleven years old, with weak eyes; and a scar on his left ancle four Act ten or eleven incite-, high. Ap’waised by J'ina; MeOlung and Da vid Kigbt to 542 50, this the 27 i. day of October. 1838- A true extract from the Extra-. Book. 43 3t p. ViLY BLEDSOE c. r c. !N EQUITY. T VLP T SUPERIOR COURT, sEETEAIUER. TERM. 1838. 1 Bcnjautki b. K-.nierick, et. al. | vs. i Bit! so aecount ! Robert Kmd r ; k, A-im’r. j and relief | Nancy Kind rick, Adm’x. J 3 V appearing, to the satisfaction of this Court, that Roh'.rt Kmierick, Adm'r. one of the defendants . t.he ab ■ >■ ot h of Complaint, resides beyond the, limits j, f >l,;--Star-, i* tx ordered, that the said Robert d ’ plead litis.ver or i.-t.i-ir to the atoms, lid In'! in B-tuitv :y the ne- term of : Po.-r-. I‘ isft’ tfiat service i. clft ‘‘ted ott the i lioi- i t- ~cl lication of this ore r in a pilbii : nr \spaprr for liu s -ace of three rn-n Hs before the next Court. f do'certifv ‘lie ab v to be a rue ex ract from th minutes ol this Court, this JO h November 18:38. 41m3.n C. R. WYNN. c. s. c. IN TALIIOi SI PBillOU COURT. John w. Ransom | Bl!i f„ r dtseovr-':, rt . .V* , Vuef, and sue- mod per , lia 5 •"■‘’adgUi, j t - or!liaii p, and injunction P-Vr Al a kaine . J J ■%T i’ i ...eaiiuj* -o the Cos. i io-hun Threadgili (4 O.i -of ■ i , I-1.1U.S I ab:)V. IM'l, rebates out it.-: imiis >f a • is. th-r -Mr - th it service >i .a; If u vn c pavt-.e--.-d ly publication I in terms ot r;c .aw. A true ex rac- the -oui -:es of Tat bo*. 3’tpcyioi Court ■'jop vnio r :em li .4 SdmJ.ii” CHAtj R. WYNN s. c. STHWAttT SUP SltlOß CBCUT. riiumas W Pierce I ~ , ! Bill for dimoverv relief ~ ~ ; anti.tint; -ouoii. ih-mamm .vloroney, | ‘• ia: n A. .Vi.A.veil. J “XT ao, *riiig oiiio-. juat his ibt icf a ian:si-ii M. Ist- tb VO 4'ed case uv out ■’ ite-va.-, j xi i -Jivins .ti • arr • and t , o.i y said Maloney in Ca-u.i-l be . e . n y i:i I ai : .‘.I iv vi-li m >. e ::u ki s i i.-. i titer,fi’ - “'ll 111 ; o. i , ’ :*mi ervicc ne perf-c.-j t-,1 . • -ai I h-ft-t, tat: ho r> d> icati ii o’ i!u.i rue in j one of ‘ ie ;> . t <!’ -nji l - .IB: o-K'e :l month i for I bof h ter ’ this Court, rea j quirtng r rid if. i:.!t;:C> appear end an . ver, ,u:;.rtr j ..r .. ;. !to •••aid bn . a “,a ; ! u .-r:ii of said Court. l an: i.n t!:ev UJ l ii . : oa-it. iri xri ■: .e ■ ciiri-i .1 fh’- Court. :uis | 9 b \u : is- ! ■ 3 85-iit’il . and, ‘RC . Clerk. IN.Srtr.7 C. 2 VUAHI-'E.: C.lUltT, ‘ Ft -uerirk L * ‘j'i'.v’ ‘.V, VI “ waie’Uojk, “'j IV'-i B.P’‘--,r.v.n. I P. if- iko ise. re ur.iabie •<> ki- f-.-nu ■ ‘ •<t m. . .:n ‘ the sat 1 fo-imy of war', i‘ ■- and ■ .•■, m motion i of <• ’.il > roll a . Si : >•’ i vise if! said *)ii .upon the sai! Da-el B P rrymaii, fewpe -| f... ;..! hv -i,;; oi t’il ... 1 .: t|l f, ,[• ! (f. e ” ltd .-lea • dor. -V BW *•! kiss Court, tr. 1 i; ”V'7’V-7 - 1 ’ ‘ :i .‘- y ! y-.t II , 3. ; . 8; •3 n 1.1 ’ ! v-. e, c, ,c. J VGA. k .. . a.. 3 e. 3 ‘ • ■■ ‘ -1 - ’’ !*Uii - ‘ C ♦ t 7 3S, j • . ■ •- ... . : ■ Mi • : .i., i : ’ V. - •’ ■ :I i • .. ... a .* u. a. ‘I . : rip inti I .T. IX, HI'FFLIX. PORTRAIT AN; i AiU.iil PAINTER, £.3* VIC.'S o In- ci ix.*:.s .’ Oils I< UU i i v0.,-,.i : > : h.viiig to. n r.iotsis i v.-r .<• >’ ;ft’ Al j ID nil en. Hard A Cos tvh v nwi.itcß ttuy her. -x. B .!. 21 Vi. issa Jwi a IraEias fir por- Nov, ab. r *ls 183*3. 41 ts ! CALORiKI.. 1 ‘SUE subxc-ibers iiav - t tsi received a s-tppl of| Si. Ho vu.-d ..r Jc ro-.'s Cairi.i! -I l.iydrosubitmatiU t M- r .iry a n -\v acJ - rv supra .or article, for a ae- • • lrt! ‘ ’ v l.i -h ref rto Wood & Btchv’s Die n 'i • -y. Also ag. nerr.l -j ulv of M -Jicir s,Ct . ad< -1 c. Lc. sale 81 -he Dr.fg -.'tore of TAYLOid & YUVLKER. I , a: * ie •' 3 a'.uve >' Extract of Tomato ■ <i A r- sib a Ctdowi ) a valuable fumitv i Mtscu.m©. C it . ‘.-us.Oc.ftc. T-38. SBy ’ j ■ST ~;. *'4J> 4 ‘ TJXGft, f'e r ’-'-:- . ... T ’ -• ■ -.r: -v ti received an assort-1 -:d Sitk Velia-i and Satin Aiso . ..’ Lack i life and Satin, xvbicbj they vv. . bv please . u, cake up to n-d-.-r at Jhe shorl-i est it t n ...MiLTON, HUKD V c Jcr -- 1 4tf TO PLANTERS. TIIF. subscriber offers for s .!■•. upon reasonable-j lerms lot ca it, r - kmg time, aj may suit ‘die convenience of purchasers, tna fo.iawtng tracts of j inn in AiabaTa. It s uimscessar; u> ..ay any htnu ; m regard duality. Bit’ 1 , n-m.,.s.un-.i ro.d.. ; ?1 ’.fit: bcSi !l kS ii .'v ft? Iflu.UU'dii fti ; .hese lamia. Purchasers need i.ave ua ferns Aou - , .i e:s—they shall b ■ - .ti.-daatory. lZ 4 12 24 veCun 12 l l 2k I w SV 12 23.3 E ijr 11 li 23] 1 12 2u E|N E i 11 It 2G -S -r tt in 8 12 tie N 1 14 2.3 S W ;r -,5 12 23 85 3:1; i:t ii half N Sqr 4 1 2 261N 35 14 a KV/qr- 5 12 ioS 2i 11 2J Eor 5 12 *26 5i l l 1 1 -gj SE cr 4 12 268 11 14 30 V'h.ifNWi 3 12 20-3 10 li -t .3.-,aim 17 1.3 id W 31 14 doeuau 8 13 -:>;W 7 Io 2 N °t l.i -2 E 33 13 -20 W 32 13 23. W 33 16 23 *V half SE i 32 13 ii* 23 13 23 W .tis \E 13 2u,W 10 13 27 3E or 31 13 2 . .-5 2 17 2 i ! f S Ear 51 13 24 N 25 17 23 NWJ 31 13 23 N 21 17 2 . J .nr 23 1? 2• N Q 17 ‘2 S W ;r 11 13 26,.8 2) 17 23 NW J3EJ 11 13 2:/8 27 13 27 8 E tjr 20 1 3 -PiS 13 15 27 N’Wttr iT H--&L N 12 13 2- 3 23 14 27 N Jl 15 28 .7 17 14 2? s> 31 1.3 29 E 19 14 27 3 2 15 -g ‘ if, 30 14 27:Scct;on 3 13 28 E 32 14 27; N 3 15 23 S 3 14 27 W 20 15 30 ii 3 14 2°|N 18 13 29 ■•} W -r 31- 14 23|N £3 15 2'j V/i-NWj 31 14 29 B 23 15 30 W 19 14 3°| N 21 15 23 Se.’Uoa 24 14 26’N 8 15 29 8.-cUon 23 14 2S|S 25 13 26 3t> 14 2o! W 30 18 2b April 2T IJ IT. S. SMITH. ALABAMA L 471.03 POii SALE. N. half 9 14 30 K. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 0 i K. half 7 11 30 3. half G 14 39 S. half 11 14 29 U. half 20 18 23 S. half 3 4 19 26 N. half 30 19 29 85. half 3G 19 29 W half 29 18 20 N ha. C I’ oo E. half 21 22 20 E. half 22 13 26 N. bait’ 33 20 2G o. half 32 13 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 23 10 25 E. half 2 18 23 Any of the above lan l.s vs ill be su’d r>n terms to suit purchasers, bv application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Flo rence, Ga, or the subscriber, at Macon. July *26. 26.f J. COWLES a, Ax ii a ALE# ‘WKTIt.L be sold, on Ba'uruiiy die fifteenth day of V T DECEM BER text in tho town of Girard, Alabama, the following lands, via : East 8 14 23 I North 23 15 27 Wed 8 14 23 | Norm 24 15 27 North 6 14 29 ! South 20 15 27 North SI 15 3(, ] North 20 15 27 South 29 15 29 ] South 5 15 27 i | North 33 15 29 | East 4 15 27 1 I*l 14 is ‘ Saudi Zb to 23 Term* ii"dc known on dav of sale. Titles undisputed. Y. ALHOUN & BASS. JAMES BOYKIN, NLV'IROJ W. LONG, Adm’rs I for J. J. Owens, deceased. Columbus, Oct. SO, 18 18. 89-s _ j PLANTATION AS 1 ! LAUTOS POR S iLIiR i pnriHE subscriber offurs sak his Pbautation on the Uchoe creek, ne; Sand For; it. llussel: ■ county, Ala.,con is! ing sA 120 . .-vs, the :■/ .terpen of which is lirst n: lur.e laud", 200 aci vs unu-1 a good fence and in a fair state of cultivation. There is a j stital 1 ver -failing s ream of water running through it; also a good spring near the ceritte of the improved lands, and good dwellings and all necessary out butld ta-fs A 1 ) m llous o and Screw are no.v being erect ed on the premises. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to call. Also 3 or 4000 seres of first rate lands, on the Cow aec creek n Barba ir, near “.iio line of Russell. JNO. CROWELL, Jr. August 27,1535. __ 30 if v* - T-.v w- p PT, \ VTATIOJt FOR SALE!, TH T subscriber olf.-rs lor suit, on easy . c.-* so lowing rich and valuable PLANTATION, in Stewart, county, to wit : In the 24th district of Stewart, 6 miies east of Lumpkin, containing 1,700 acres, 1.000 of which are cleared and in fust ru’u or der, and all tiie open land fresh. The village to which this plantation is contiguous, is pleasant an ! remarkably healthful, affording gon-i society, and e.eellent water, and Female Schools. &c The surrounding country is also pleasant and settled by inteh'-gent and worthy people Corn, Fod der. and Stock . f every kind, may be- had on the Plan tation. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor in Co lumbus', or to John D. Pitts, of Florence, Siewart eountv, Gu. WILEY E. JONES. Nov. 8,1838. Ib f THS BROKEN AROW BEND FOR SALE. If WILL sell my BROKEN ARROW PLAN- E r.t TION, on the Chattahoochee river, n.n miles .i-10-..- C xiimibus, containing Court.’ i hundred -'. is, ! in: boustui 1f • -hich is th>- * uest kind ’ river kind. | hree bun ired if v ... .u-v is subject to o'-e- flo-.v ..tin | hi -h ri-’-r. and five bun Ires* acres in a good s.-•• o! ! :si'i!iv-.i*i->ii, and under good fence ; tho other four 4rm ired a r-’s rs iiigii pine land -veil wu’ere-d. and eui.a h!e for u herdtiiy settlement. It is believed to be un n-.-cessirv to say any thing about the price as n • ,-et s >n can Dossibly form an opint-in oi its va'tie without examining the land. ‘ JNO. OROVA ELL. Nov. 8 1833. 40 if SLcaHnir a l ),Mars to be the order of Ih -.’ay. STRAYED OR STOLE**, fN !t J.M ill - subsetiber, o:t me- rnght the 13. h li? l ist., a buy iI'JRSE about Bor 10 years u and a xmall white spa. ir th- forehead, a lump on cue of: the hind legs, dull looking, -vis mosiiy, bn: can be i made to pace, though badiy. A i.b - 1 reward will j he given to any person who will give iafbrnia.. -n con- ’ Ccriiittg him to the subscriber. ADAM 11. BELYKU. j Columbus, Nov. 22. 42tf STOLEN OR lUkVAW iY the > i: >■-. J’ -of o.*oli -r, ; .i ld.i6. atod t a negro man nuu ha- -.i;e. Dm : man i> abou- 2i y. ; !’ i> ■ mid :;is wife is about the i die m.oi’is ,v.,, eight; ill. ; j .; it a sma.i s ..- m in • ,-r. hay,l tw . siitf bog. rs. v.-hti a running s~i : . • rather round skouldered, rather oo- --legt.-.-d: v- h-.-u .va king ins toes turn to a litlh-, s,-ea!;s t s: ti q';e.e: ... ; •il. i.-ie :do v in peec!i: iiis c unp . .on i-■ a .-•<•,p. r co or; his nam: is NAT Ilia e.u • i:- a!.-, u: five ‘et; I high, ■ set a • nmon !>lac.*. wj.h a ■ .ir ca her .’eft I arm, about four incites from fur ban i j > ‘it. about the | siv: .--f a d.fiur, •ne upper tooth mt* o.v: to tl e eyi tooth ; when walking her ■ s turn o-it : ‘ is •, :: -k . •mo ;;nat ! ugh ih .:• i; !. i n?iuj is f ; ;i! tSi’ IL A. An person ai.preh -ir!u>: r-ai-i iN t-gi-ocs ami , •e -i -n i n-i i G mu tt c ry on *li. ••■u . k-ad-] i-. f- ‘•••• 1 -.1 a -11 tl i ren< : . . ‘ reCi t” n rows -i nf Fifty D.Tlars ad ud ‘ “pen .s ; pa: i ail liunir..; )>•: ir ‘ i’- p • :•; !o : cotiviction of'Tie ihief. SAM lEL KAWLI.KS. j G vi:iii!’t co. Nuv 17. 42d 0X73 RDIDHED D9LLAUS -irv.i.U). fYd * uLt.N fv-un my pian.uii in <i ■ ir V v-i: a !- i ilj i kw. last. in. k: a very hk.dy yo.ttt ; • j in named PHILLIS ab et 20 years j .i. v y . mi t tie : nv. v-..* fjrir. -., guo.i f.’a'er air ‘Sh* is #’i,i;.c-.vd to !k,v- been civic ! o;7 by , • l-t •• 85. Pi :ckcu vh . i.- 85 veat-s o! t-;-. ah :t, je ‘ . ‘ .:a r i • as m ie ti r T .->or C, -J k - ,v - r-o rl ft >1 0 .ft i • ft:v L-. Up i ft. - iinof b> h ft- ‘ • Prick-it ~:iti ‘.ir. i k -.orl’ id ; f..; :ko girl on!v &•> i ge her .t a:n. ’ TilOYAs IIUDNALL. ; I.kingstc-n ‘A. th- lto. t.- r . Gov. !. 42 ! : _ Vj v. 4 jt'c lI>YIC23. ’’fnllS m -r.i!* rs in- <* Lodge, No 28, are j *a. hereby notified, ‘h.n i pubttC ;>r ; <:.s*ion nisi take place in he City ■! O ike -bus on tho 27 u -lay <.!’• Jec m r nr at tho . e v -•ar v ,:* S’. J *hu t’le ivar-ge'is!.’oi: u:u -h t;c. .-n Bret: rJ. 11, Camp- j. >- 1 w . ■ U-h\ l r -I -s- -*, The Bretbreo of lt Lot will n his (wisdiction, i ani ail transient I3r-. .r-e : • res >s c : fu!! v inviu and t> i attend. By m Jcr. A LSVISON, Sim. | N. 13. ’-’urucr notic j v.. e ;uvcu of the . .-ier o‘- the dav. Nuv. 29. 44-d j TO 13 f JLIII4RS# PROPOSALS -vi: .■ *at at ft.: C'c.-t ‘< ■ ‘ ti. fi - o ‘the L f -ri -r C ourt of ft! on o • j -ntv. | mtii the is; dav->f j anttarv ncx‘ f..r b-.ii-it. .8 :r,- pEting a JAIL for .--aiJ county iscordhis ‘.o au H to j 3e seen at said utrice Bv crd. i- offtke Honorable tht In.’ i-. Court. N, Me ..ES IHR ft ’-ft:. October ;S. 193d. 37 if j I- K - ! •••’•!>• Prewar,, ;,u. -In ..I ?ra<: t - for .M. ovo rt.auc ... ,ab:e to James ; ; Gnr re It, of Jltrryctmnty. both given Ueiw’ru tiie first \ aal (our th da vs >f Jan; arv. Jc ’S.eoc lor ft!'). ,->a- a- ! - ole the Ist Jay of January. 1c.!9 . he o*!n rs. - 5133. . ’ avable the Ist day of Jat.-tare lc 4b, both a- : tg-r <• lby j Gv.nrgt Gorrell, or Stewart count v . The consider a- j tKin for which said Note- .*• *r< given has fm!:; .:, and T j do not intend to jav them, tu-h *s etunpelkd bv ‘aw. j. GEORGE GORREEL, t Nov. 14. 1836. 42m-liii i ftxI f ST OF LETTERS REM.vLNINt Ll tho Post Oifi-e at Columbus Dec. 1, 1833. . a- . Jooa<ha:i Ivcntp. J to A ei, Brclty K')!)!>, R A-famts, Thomas Kitpatrick, D AAeck. tames K.-.ty. dir- A Auicr ■, * J V-’ Loci.o L. Wmklcy. A a:, m M,-s Lee J Ase. o Mrs R Li;.h im, S 15 . >-:x. Cl G D Living-tun, oV idutk: rwoiih, Henry H Lee, Jo.mdr^ *4 ..ion, Dr Moses L Lumps n. Ii II Bro ks, Wilson Lowe, Jas Benton, War:ea Lovelace, J J £>. rd, VVm . xot.'gfoi-d, J E iu ■ i, G ..n. J H M mro, L l r B tu-h. E i Win Murphy, M W B• i ■ h, Es| .-.I N ki vers. J B;> . Anderson C Alan.i 5 ovng ii Mg, 3iis iCm, fy Aluells, John iiro vn L a W li Msuc-juh, t\ Bau:, John A M.-akcn, P B ker Wm P M rnson, H Brjvva, John W Mo.etan.', J 3arrin. Dr Al L M < k. Lev S li-nig.-s, Jam-, s Riai r d ; v, Wm isuoi Air Francis Maheae, J L idirne t, Bart, Richard Moore, P Bat nils James 2 .Me’ , Jas Baker, Mc. cr.n J it; Durdin Mcßndo, J Wm iiaiinc.l, A o I’.ibaid Me -ueen, K Brasinator. OP McCarty, Ihos Bowin’ Thomas W McCall, Mrs M Brooks David & Cos McCoy, H Bailey, Urbin .McCoy, T Bowi l, James L McLvaii, J Black'nan, Eliza Jane McCul ;rs. D Cuylcn, D:-r J M McGehce, M 2 Cuiuming, J L’ f.LQ, .eeii.j G Chelis. T T McLean, Mr Cobb. James IMcNa.r J D Chambers, C ft 2 M>-Doualti,H V* ; Craft, M N ;o;u, T P 3 ! Gun .i-r. James Meisoa, Wm ! Ca:"u-::. Doct R vV Newaor,. VV nt C ■ j. ; a 2 Monroe, Mtss Mary Cardway, VV” IM c.- : o ot C!av, P N.-!si..i, ‘ ftm Colcord, Jonathan O.iver, A P Campbell, John vV Pryor, C S Chiton. Cvrus Phillips, Miss Janet Ohambers, J H Phelps, H D Cham lion, Asa 1 a'.tison. il Collins, Sirs Charles Parker, G G Crawford, Airs 13 ftsy Page, Mrs M E Campbell. Thomas Pondlcton, B- nj Y 2 Coghi'l, Mrs J Persons, J Oonn.v.ti. E'i.i Porter, Miss M Cannon, Wdoy 2 F -ter, F T 3 Clem mens, Miss S A Pearce; GJ Corker, George Pomroy, C Cook, R Pege, Capt J Chadwick. O Plep,George 3 Delanv, J L 2 <luidst,y, S C Datton.Jane Reid,E Dancer, J Reed, James Davis. B B Ramsay, J 2 Dickerson, ] Ryder, Air Dany, Noah Korjuetnore, T J Delkhav, J M Richardson, R Davis, Mis: E Rumph, f > Delk, J B Reece, TO Dcuherty, John Robinson, R C Downing, Major W Richardson, M G Emmons, E Reeves, Al W Elkins,D Robinson, R Edmond, J Scott. Wm J Ellis, Dr Wm Shepherd, Wm Fitzgerald, W H Siatter, J J Foster. David 2 Stewart, Airs O C P.lllttift JVfv> Ja 9 M ftajfnPi*. Pranklin. Osborn, Scars, Anderson Fluyhen. E Smith, H Y Fairley,Miss Caroline Starke, P B Furguson, J Shneyder, Henry Fishinmc, Airs M Sanfotd, Rev T Franks. IV L Stm ft. .1 L Frances, H Smith. L f ’eigh A!rs Jaae Sanders JV/ !-ki T) Scott, T ‘ft ’ G.,.: ,U, Wm Scar'.. if-Riigii, I :am J 2 Sp, nru, M R C'kft aTt. Janies enji-teer Ti: anpson, J W ot steamer Alaba. Thomas, Al Garrett, Esq Ii B Terry, M 3 Goodall. J H Tarver, Ms.- 0 Gray, Esq B H Tarver, 11 Goldsmith, Esq J Tarver, 13 Green, Levy care cf R C Thompson, John W Ow ns Traywick, Win Grigsbv, J Tazewell, Brooks Goldsmith. Esq J Threakeld, Tully W Grimes, Airs Al ’i Thompson, A F Green, Wm Thornton. Richard Green R Turner, T Hand. Ri vT J Townsend, L 3 j ii arp o. ‘1 i a.,i\, r? .’ * *;t -ason. IT i Hodges, P Townsend, Haral) fi J Hartfield,Capt AYm Thorpe, J I Hatnblet, J L Tompkins, B I Hunt. Doct A Tilman. Wm I Hamid, Mrs Al it Talley. Rev J j Hazard, A G Vance, Al D i Hargoes, Airs A Vainer, Wm | Haokney, Aliss AT A Wiggins, W E ! Ti >well, Al A “Walker, John A j Ha; over, 13 W Wetherington, H G ! ITcd't<?s, Aliss C Wood, Win A j Harris in, Mrs S Ward, D ! Horton, Nrs S Wbadev, T ! Holliday, D T ftVilitams. Jas j Horton, R J Wa>ren. J ! Haywood. J Will's, C O Holt Doct I 2 Winter. Mrs E ; Herr.:, EC Wells, A B IF ns, J M M'ait, A | Ha ch A Webb C •Hot, Doct L 2 Ward, Robert ’Hartwell AM 2 Ware. R I T > iou uy. S A Wot more, A II | Hr..raison & Lewi:; Walker, J j Howard, I T Wood. Wm j Hi-rt Esq J Woolfork. John ! Lv ir on B V Western Insurance and Iv :y, Mrs J Trust .Cos j Iverson J Waid'idge T F ! !verson. Virlin Welch J 8 & James ! Johnston Mr G “Woodroff L T 2 ! Jackson, H J 5 Ware. S Jo agin Jones W liiaove G Al J utes Mr L A Wet hers, Sam •• -on, Wm N Wood. John .! lie-, R F 2 Wood. S John eon J Wi’iiams. T Jt-n-’s Al Woodworf. Mr John-ton Aiiss J Yates. Join K- an e Yelden Robert ... >*• Persons calling for any of t.a above letters vvili pi.. ;-se t • v tl- v are advertised. 403 VV S VA ‘ N : dS9. Pos’ma s-er. 3.AVV ‘• ‘ ‘ ‘ E. ’ I -.ill <1 :■ -1.-J ‘he practice of t.- i XL LA’v <U . . J.nU. ‘• v >rt-t>ar -! jlO lil ti.t: ~ jv;i net 1 ’ / Oil £\’ >?’ ! C*--J 111 Ills :iii . jcollection, p.•. J’ •” ■ .. . . ■ ‘!'!'• •-- ‘.■••■•lit", ;uid - an on Hroad s;t ■ • .r.'Ciiy -vtr tue . no a.'u >le 'c!i .lies’ chink . At? •IS'i’iiCNG U.Lt. i M.iv I. £• LI. persons 1 avinj -ccouns with the subscriber, i2L ari reqneste ito pay them or I -r..t;! place t'.-n; in o.fler hands tot seitlemen . ’i Lev are als~* mme t ‘.l to sen i;lit; cu- 3t.r ah articles i.vy rna . warn, el. e t.iev wii’ not L ■ -i. ein, -.1 to. i li iv;id never in > n ’ to nay, are respoettuilv rc- J <?’!•< c.i i ay 1 --.',; I is; ..a no further trouble, i N ,v. -Si S *J. ft TKK.i\Y. BWi'XCE. THE under; tgned i:..s lo ate 1 itnseifaf .Macon, aa lus future residence. IXnii ,< his teruporarj | ab; a-i K-e <• ,inr:itin:ca'ii>as. tor him may in. ad Iressed to • the cai •• f L T. Contact. IAS. si. i-Lfi’S. ;M ; rr>!i. Lav i. 1859. itSif. KbTKTi. ■ .'TPTE COMM! SSI -A AT SRC HANTS of An- j -LL. a!: ..-ii; -> a, Florida, have c non. ■ :• redue * ! at Commission cufr for receit ci*-i forv- nr-''. ‘ i iYinv.:..--;usis-e aiid Cotton * t*i<* f..:;m\.:: -at-., v;... ; ‘..-ot.L-ii i.. r LXc .■ ct..s. ;iC. ; UvV - v ..or; , - i L . ■ or . , ... ..i i.i... jch.irt -s. i,i. ; y a • -i * t >’l 1’ !<;■ i • ii<-hinson. or m-ar- 1 ; .itli r'-u ;v.-.i iii->ii 00.0t.-da - , ii fl-.t J-ns, . -• t ‘. . . . - .. .. i. .... ;e ■ ‘ ‘ • r. 2-c ■ ■>. . .01 . . ,u;-i will iau . iti (ill’s oi i .’ . i.; je •> tiJ t-> o iva . ; < ni ■) it, Juiy £4, IFF iaf A. HO.VVATtD. , NOTICE. | TO er hor . .at;.;- • noved from Co'ui . | iJ. ■ 1 ‘are ~.. . —i Ai -ss-s J. >.. Lj, yt L 1 iiL-. L to act as our At-nts, and ali n rson s 1 Wutkked it. tiw s'. >•< rib< rs v- ih , a!i on t • m and 1 S. ..-.Li..,i , C.l A* 1 -s)..L.L I-t Cos. i I June 14. 19tf 3it;§ic a a r-;o rir T -t. AIVERSEN, t’loll.-so- of Alu.sic from Get- j 9 m my, tai l Gryanht us ‘1 iv Cl urch in tins 1 city, otfers his serv sees, as ate :lir,en t( e f • ... Eerie, to ‘ lii.i communily. Plan > Fortes v.- .-,1 bo tuned s'. th !-: ort.-st n rtce. AppHca i n> are to be made to Mes rs. I. C. Plan’ & <’ .i.’s E-.ok Shore. F ‘rc.ifi. —j? , V.'. D O nils, V,.rrv of • ■ - y Cti • ild tilt. . lilts f ; ;t'. Aeswtmy. Apr.i PJ ts tiSAltO AJfJS WKI.SII.; ■N. brass., i ~vo f.r sale Aiitr Uraa Gin. of *s • S ■ . * . :,l isr bra;;-. ; .-Viuuricaii ‘■* -.- .:i. - ore r-s.irits. if.tortii ii Hums 1 * ■ Hun an;: A! ee.;i f. O. ittrs \t..i be ounctua’tv I a ,: if J to, and the :,iqu->r pot up in good barrel? or i..;. a. at t e opti./i. of th-i pnrchast-i. Strict attcntic-.i will a:.o be given to the shippings Liquors ordereti. ]. - on, Mil. -.6. If-33. “ 19tf ItOOJIS Ti> lEXT. FIOI R ROOAIS to be re.itcd is Al'TnfvSh Row, vv**i! caica.atetl for l.aivyci't, D tc'vrs, or Gct:-i ticm*-n’s Slecp'ing Rooms. AF.di f. §-f M. N. CLARE Agent 1 WASHINGTON FEMALE S;IINaiAV. ]* Miss sSA RA IW. BUAvJUIiTT, Prmc.pal. j Miss L E. OK Vi V, 1 Miss iiAtililK I’ GUARKH, > Assistants. Mi-: ) Min JULIA BKLCuHII, Te ‘ ’let in nil i ftutrunuu ai Music. ON” tiM- - Monday in Ja .uarv next, Hie School • will t k - po-se iiin of the nuw and spacious u.MiN A. V UUIMJtNU, in the Grove ; and fur the ge* infauna.: i .nos persons, f.ona a dis mice, ! link: is . that Board tor Pupils cad be- obtained i in .a . respectable fu.uffin.'S iu our town, a : piice 1 var ■ .a TWELVE 10 FOUR i'EEN DUL- I. lights tcashvi*, *f~s. included. < Tne w.ii>c ot ha'lUCti <n in tins iauLu i;r, is thor ough. coiiTp'rlt, a.” I a* evieisiue. as iu he most approv ed Northern Benuu ries. Uur i eaeaers are all . upiis of the Female Sfrniiiary ia Nortnai;t<o, ut.der the core of Miss D, Ju and have been. by her, selec'ed for, and highly recommended to too Tusstees of this - Ir. itution. Miss Bclcftcr is a Pupil of Lowed M u *n, j Esq. of Boston, and brings us his in si uupta.iiud recomnu mixtions i’ae . i .i )u • and studies iu each dejiarftnen’ arc carefully a . i.. e>. to the ages and Hat*. Sin.* o: the i : Pupils, and to each, the Bihic is a book ot daily study ! land rece. i u, Iki; ; regard I not on v u the m oik ; lof euughtening’.ho eoauien.u gi 1 .*u,;f.::ig the heart, I l but j, ue bant oj a cone t e ‘uea'iru I Already n..uiv of the iki. .• tu t-.eufnan are : Tram distant and JuFerere par;•• f ihi an i nei,**i- : | baring State; and for their greater eour. ifuuee the | | Sell.las.ic year will in future b: d.’ i.iel in'.) ‘hree ‘ | terms of four months each— on- ><*!.• ;n.; raspy lively; on the first Mondays in January. Me . an i Bepiember, j |A: tie: end of she- first arid secon-i term-’ there will j !')■ guen v.v:.:ietis of about ton days each, am! the ’ . nber. one of four weeks. The annual ‘o’ • r..... •: - ill ba held ia August, a: ihe cad of the , sOCGUvi U: ot, u* rr or ttfirias, as nrtiETnvonK; i Prana*;. Department, - - 24 . - jSec.niary “ -a S'", 14 Sei;.,r “ - - >H “ j ; Tie >::• extra charges hi this Seminary, are for [Music, (PKiio Forte,) - - gflt) per annum, j I Prone:-,’ .... >t *• [lSiaw.c: i Painting in all their va- I r ■!, - - • - 21 “ “ j Woo-, - - 1 “ L ich f:V paid for in advance, j Los al Musi*: of a had* hour in each day, • aro given -.e ■tisiy to the vvhl< Silvio , which with lOaiesii. :a erctsos to be revived, affords a delight j lul and : ■ l ecn aticu. To ;; *. . * wi-hiiig t-. educate their daughters, iiioroti"a v at he no, “h. Insti u-.ioii the j best pc • milages. ‘it, ■ permanent fund of the j Semi.‘i ivy . .nributed by orr ci iz-jns, enables us, 1 1 with v-i • v tuition rates, tc forni-h teac ers of the j , highest i.: •; ectual and mor cuaracter, and in such j iiucnbi'i> dial every Pupil is aariieuiarly attended to. It is iuMided to furnish . te flier for every twenty j scholars. j Our town we fearlessly a .scr, to be as healthy as • any in the State—our population is decidedly moral, I and in our Baptist. Medio,list, and Presbyterian [ Churches, tilt; Gospel is faithfully and regularly preach : ed, aid Sabi ath Schools maintained. BOOKS USE!) IF THE SEMINARY. The Bible; Walker’s or Webster’s Dictionary; Child's Guide; Mount Vernon Reader; Analytical Reader , Porter’s Rhetorical Reader : National Read er; Y ung Ladies’ Class-Book. Pater Parley’s Geography ; American School Ge o: aph ; Maltebrun’s Geography. Go rich’s First Book of History ; Second Book f Historv ; Willard’s Republic ; Worcester’s Elements of II >ry with Goldsmith’s Greece, Koine, and Eng land; 1 ioodrich’s Ecclesiastical History. Andrews’’and Stoddard’s Latin Grammar; Good rich’ : .atm Lessons : Latin Reader ; Vj: b ii, CkviVa f \tXOXJ9 ,* -4r>fho-?A’c:” Ilufa'-C. So dt’s French Grammar; Nugent’s French Dic tionary : Telemachus; Manesca’s French Course; | Had > h> son’s First Arithmetic; Emerson's Second [Ar i. atic; Adams’ New Arithme ic; Colburn’s Lessons; Bailey’s Algebra; Day’s Algebra; P’ a.fur’s Euclid. ; Neiv Grammar: Mrs. Phelp’s Botany u;vo.o's Botany; Hayward’s Physiology; Combe’s L Alcol s House-I-Live-in; GaUatindet’a Natural i'heoi gy ; Paiey’s Natural Theology ; Al- I den’s Class-Book of Natural Theology; Watts on the Mmd; Mason on Se f-Knowledge; Kidd’s Physical Condition of Man; Smilie’s Philosophy of Natural History ; Cbtnsto- k’s Philos-‘phv ; Comstock’s Chem istry ; Wilkins’ Astronomy; fledg’s Logic; Aber crombie on iha fntelloctual Powers ; Newman’s Rhe toric ;or Blair’s Rhetoric; Alexander’s Evidences of Christianity; Sullivan’s Political Ciass-Book. N. B. Printed Monthly Records are distributed to every Pupil, carefully distinguishing her Behavior and Scholarship, so that Parents at a distance can be in formed of ihe standing and progress of their children, by requiring from them the transmissions of tlnse Records by mail. References. —The Trustees beg leave to refer to the I* t|o, , .'v-cttC T:n ell : Col. Joseph H. Lumpkin, ot-iuaimi ; Rev. fc>. S. Davis, Augusta; Rev, S. J. Cassels, Macon; Dr. j W. H. Weems and David P. Hiilhouse, Columbus; Daniel Chandler, Mobile, Ala,; Win. L. Harris. Co lumbus, Mississippi; Rev. Jos e Mercer, and Hon. Garnett Andrews, Washington. Ga : Anthony Porter. Esq. Savannah; Gen. JepthaV. Harris. Elbert coun ty, Georgia ; Rev. Darling Peeples, Blackville.Barn | well District, South Carolina ; Col Thomas Berrien, j Burke county ; and Cel. R. 11. Long. Marianna. F!a. Information on all subjects connected with dus In- I stiiuiion, or on that of Board, can bo obtained, by ap | plyin ,T to cither of the undersigned. A. L ALEX ANDER, Chair’n. SAM’!,. BARN 1 ” TANARUS, Treas’r. E. M. BURTON Secretary. Dr. JOHN H POPE, MARK A. LANE, LOCK WEE MS, A. S WINGFIELD. Nov. IS 1833. dl fit COMiItIBCS Hot isili. Til E subscribers would inlorui tie ir friends an i the public, that they have taken the old wed known stand called the COLUMBUS HOTEL, for merly kept bv Pomeroy & Montague, at ihe corner of Broad and Crawford streets and design keeping a house of public enl&iriuintnunt., wi h siric, regard to the comfcrtanJ convenience <-t their custom rs. The house will be thoroughly cle used ,and fitted up in good stvlc. and the strictest personal attention de- Vot.-.1. by bo h of the undersigned, to the dot;-.- ■’ i Ihe esta jli.dimcnt, The Bar wilt be kept constant-y stocKed with :'.r-=t qualities of Lisj lor tint cb licest oil Wiu.ts of all kiiftls. an.l tilt be--. Spanish Scgars.— Good aU>blc-> ba/.t be.:n provi led an I alien:ivo o-itier.. Tins pairotuge of be nb.iu is reso “ts i-iy ii cand. . HO ARD £c LLOYD. Columbus Oct. i 1333. Ji.f %V VSIIINC'TON MALL. I PSTiI 5 sub- -rib ii, . -i ■ :d’ ;h t ah*ove ; I JsL and com i.odiou. “, Li;, . auimi-ni j sin -Vlacou, la’c y occ.ipic i by : Mushiu.’ bt | jMo t „ r.-s ha dt'igi'S keeping a • tccoiHinoda- : riotifir Prnv-.dl-rs an i B --'er.- > * ofiiv. ■ coun. ..'if a‘frd, - •> • B,tr •i. *S - • 1 [o. ir,• ivo ro'r>H fir i’o.r.l trs. a- cl aw,; n , i •: -r, .ufu'e [’ ■- -t. ■ -. ■ ;i r :'T'f of i ~ ;,'ic, S LERi. ! N 3 ‘ . ,i I , ; ‘ /"L'. j. and, flO vrilts.L. fltil mr. :i ‘V k-;>t b r. Vt.-., • | ; Jam.*.'. Tito ois b ’hor •- 1 and | ’ w-v.i, • -<i and avorv mten’m.i -: io , a cen se and comfort of in . rs. Thej : bar •*!.. be ki-p* ,;:o i - A ; | L . try, in good yi - --- imi to the Hi>od. Mr. Jam*.-, v.jii m,. . stab- i jlo • and reapccvmllv -’ ~ic,Td . .., ! MSHOL ?- an j ‘lvrtt of NT. ; •; Cos. , ’ j>7. ’ ,‘u u ‘.y oi. L; -i-.)'Vi-i( L .V i'.’ hrr j jof lb-?: -ib-icn vrs are duly uu.ii-i ittlv* ‘u ;>i?- j s.nessof:lit C ..YI.CK, I ( . bC H )!..%. I S, W.H K ARiTLii, A c’m:-.::: Aug. 1, I?’ ‘ •> -iv I*. £. COM .'i -- • * ’ *'->' GK ft': l fc’ ! “i- 1 1'/ i.neter i... b u . ■ .-.a t of JA & ■! - ! J, _c ■ ‘• >’ O ; r-n :• a .r.-r.i. ■ ‘xutaiis <"i u ‘” r., :>u.i ----j art:-.- w tais pitee ; an i, .1 f ‘ a- *. rid , :r •<•!- .. lo Mi .a brnr., •. ;<• • • . : aa ,a: ‘-.10 .'OO. .. i r. .. . R, •vd. u Aa •* ,i. . Libe; ai advanr—s <.n Con- 1 ‘■ . - ■u•• f>r j safe or ship.. lent. Vo~ ii v.s 2'■ t in. n. vii c *•} ijf to? ‘ MIS3fON 4C O.J •-v A K Li ’ rv:. MER - 1 CiiA. .TS.-J W.i .• , d.■. .■ i • via li R ‘:'A ;‘LOR, M. L. ‘ AYi-Oti. * i The subscriber r a :‘pec’.t ■ y - ■ *’■ I he pub'is, that ho cwßimi.’ ’ t<* MAtJ-VaiUN AND FORWARD: N'G ! ; - ■ .r> .v. hi., nrother .’j. L. T.iv ■ .. i • ‘ ’obi :.n 1 ‘a-v.- -Imethod ‘-j -Vink hi-.; ::u . v-r .hr’rp.. .-•>!.aye ir*. [ to soli., i. i:: cat iru-rjce. ii. H i Axi. -II Columbus Aig.-i 18c’ ] yoiiu&a, k co. fix I'OKS A'<“£ I. “ ‘'Ej. i. . ■’a APALAOIiICO-.x FLOW, fl R!*. trc!>- ■i to mar. ; 1 aa! ..d'.atres .n C\,. :J. ton >o .’ ii: ‘ . ;'. ro; ; i ; hv>n'.ent ‘a oar a t-nj. ; ’ i;i New Yin'k. iktitoi ;tt’ x.tver; ••••(. i-HB *..\r xVOURSE. Jit.’ . i A . BROOKS, ! ’ MO. D. llOWxiU.. i ! Aj-afscbicoia. Aug. 23 f hi3. OG:n pu[,u ?t & jinenti, AUCTION & COM-VU -moN xUfvRCK,.RTS, A U!i *o h. ..... ral xir -n ail’ Cxirtsignm -ts :br - tie a 1 Auo.m. n \v.-'k limit | Y’.so t!> rcpeivina ar.-i t rwafdmg <t* Ct< n -!s atm pur ! cd; inc ot Cot’.’.'il CCtimbtis. Oct. 27, IhaS, d'J-,- I PUBLIC BLESSING which is nett j 8 uriiver.’iahy admitted to exisit in PE * Eltß ; ViiGt'i iAliisi'i riLl*s, b uvci) oay UcmHi>irae<. a j by UitMr aavonushaiij, tu a t tat; uiais winci; iney -'j iiTc’ aUlilOUtlClCii to CtU'c. X .l* lo WJ UcCcjiUVO OV UlUH cciiurv buithi, bui Juci ufulttiijiiiv piuvuvi ’’j iiui.A'fuus i Ceri!F-*uits aa-t voua. .n.y ottered .> m . p foi>l j\\ i.Oj bflftg il l .jUlr.l .1 il V UIC Ldll A■ -1 i< JiJ j idv; icuu ut'’ Ijc iiiviUv car."* in Livit.ui j ; uiiuaTe£, is eijitiiiCvt io • .vcr t%> tue adii-LieU to.i.iiur a liieoicoie,on mo eOccis cl aiuen il: is to ri.-.k fn. icpu.a.ioii. He does not pretend that they area positive cure, 1 ior even beneucial in v . y coctpiumi; out uo • o-, I posi ;y*’lv believes that r.i i cry Juease where a fiatiur* nc oi ..napJ'iei'.. lu- aie . is.iveded, they ia oe i-ou;. i ’ atiptuur io auy o: lilyor., -..e m, ... ; woicii arc so much pi. .ed m it. • p-ibuc prm s si< puri- I tiers ol tliC blood. : .i taken a>. ‘ordiug io tile .of,-c ----1 iiotis aecoHlpauving Ihtiu, Uiev are . ,!f, beueiielai Hi | UlB provetklou uil-iCe.Vt wt li.ot ..! re ~ b' a,u 1 ta<* tjpioeii. Co.ic, t eataio Ui ; . a j Hdarthurn, Naus- a. Fun ed i’oiigu:.- , i Jision.’ .nos ! tiro Stomach uu-i oo.vcis, iituipiciu DieiMiata. i-- jof lh: L> i.vt... wnere i ... uc to op.; neeued. I ; They are cxcecdm, , ;u. am Uietr )>pera: wii, pruducttia j j ueiiiu r nans, a giipii _ nor .o-.;..:i;y. j a I’i'it'-iy, the j be.*.. ,i lauding reined ami me j ’ ca.icd i-.-r i.-.ain and a. .m, \ in,;lt ,s sutficieat proof. 1 i j iheir good qualities. j Pei haps no article, of the kind his ever been <!!!•*. t loth- public supported by ~cr inici.ials of a character’ so t decisive, from so'irces as respectable,or urat has given i iititß universal sat: faction. They have ihe lesumony of the whole medical pr>>- j session in d.icir favor, wiiite no a sm.le case of id con- j sequences or liieilicieuiy can > alleagcd ugainsl thcin. ! lluudrcds and thousand- bl. ss the day they became i j acquainted <•■!. To ter.:’ v • * >ble Pills, which, in’ consequence of their c.v'.raoro uary goodtn ss. have ai- ; i mined a popularity .a.precedtuUd ui the history o ( j | medicine. The very circumstance al >ae that Physicians, in I eve>*y pari of thy, l tiiua. (but more especially in the Sou,hern Sta es, v.'i.cie •• h, v have Kng been in use,) ; are making iVec use of them in their practice, speak.* ! vofuMCS is; praise. Add to tics fact, that alt !. . u e inva: iaify rcconunctid them to their friends, arid j the tes’im.ii.v iu their favor is almost im-sivtiblc. As an An’i-l dous remedy, a: Ito prevent Cos.iveness. j they have no rival. One llfv cent box will estabodi i their chararter, and prove that there is tiuth even in an a ivert.sexm'iit. Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, RI. D. at his j Institution f.-r tbo cure of obstinate diseases by means j of Vegetable remedies, No. 129. Liberty street. New Yoilt. Kaeirbox contains IO pills. Price 50 cents. Clarksville, Mecklenburg co. Va. Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir—l embrace the opportunity of expressim: to you mv gratification at the success which has attend ed the administration of your valuable Piiis in ;:.i ----section of country. It i : a common fault with thus, who csmpoiaitl and vend patent medicines to say io< much in their favor, but fr m what ! have seen of tli effect of your pills l do not think they have, a? yet received unmerited praise >ix months ago they wen almost entirely unknown in this part of Virginia; ther are now the most popular pills we have. In dyspepsu and sick headache, derangement of the biliary organs and obstinate constipation ot the bowels, 1 know ol n aperient more prompt, and efficacious. ! Tiieir mildness and certainty of action render them a safe and efficient purgative for weakly individuals, and may bo given at all times without any of those injurious consequences that frequently result from the long continued use of calomel or blue pills. On the whole, I consider them a valuable discovery. VTry respectfully, S. 11. HARRIS, M. D. Mecklenburg Cos. Va. Feb. 7th, 1837. Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for !!i last twelve months, 1 take pleasure m giving mv te-’i mony of iheir good. *tlVets in cases of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Bilious Fevers, and other diseases produced I by inac ivity of the liver. Ti y are a safe and mild aperient, being the best ! article of the kind I have ever used. GEO. C. SCOT r, RT. D. The a’ ore valuable Pi!;- are for sale ‘-y :-u F. Bacon it (Jo. Colmribn.?, U\. J.ily 27. i YEI,LOW FEVER EIRE WITH II UAN DH Hr pl. . * - MR. ARNOLD, who last. igusi 1 >• i with Mrs. Ward, near the conv r of I’chapi'oias and Girod streets, was attacked with Yelloc ihrver, and immediately swallowed 1.7 P : ,;e ■- n look 10 Pil - every hour for 7 hours ahe-, wards. During tic. seven hours they appeared to product* no etfeei, Put. at she end of that time a foul mtr of fain'ness came . him, and he thought the- *,ast hour of his exist**!. •* w - ::t hand lie then ‘Named liimseit for putting iaiili m Bi andrcth’s Pill He told his nurse if ho a a ‘ !in j ous, to eontiiiug. gj ve more, as he had begun lie j - ~I t<> con'.oof eve), iu the “late he was. Sicaieely liad he given tin e oro .-is wn, un raised his hand loins face, and, to use Id.- own expres sion, there were upon it tutors of i*su> m ration t* large As cucii shot. He found thr he had bro ken out into the most profuse perspiration. Almost Immediately the Pills began to take effect, and lie Je scribes the evacuations as of the mo idful kind, black and putrid to suffocation. Th ; r* and v, wi dows were obliged lo be thrown open. L< uas on: <A danger within 24 hours of the rommenct n<* nt of the | attack, and by taking 1.7 Pills night and t c.ruing, on | the 4'h day Iu w is out, and in 10 Jays entirely reco j veied. , T. is ! (Dr. Brandreth) would guarantee would he | ttie case in ninety cu.-as of 7 ‘diovv F* v *r mu of a hnu i drcil, was the above m*. :liod -do -..d on . a-.uiu iict | rnent. j I.*r. Franklin never spoke more truly than when lie j i sain *‘ a site!; in time,” Bic. I Would the people were wise—time may cqnviuce. i All fevers art* occasioned by th- <h-ordered r* in j |of the blood, produced by the iiurii ml - ro.-cy ! ar-!. u- , ing the valves of th • vessels. The b. .oil ciicidatee . with greatly increased velocity, and is - increased j I by the friction of the globules, or particles which com- i | post: the mass 0 f huids. ‘I hen it is that the excessive ‘ | hear is experienced throughout the whole svs em ; a*nj j i ncccrnpanied with great thirst pains in the head, hi; k. i j kidneys, and in fact aconmleu*. prostration of all the j | faculties of die mind a : well as body. Bleeding, calomel a id barks are die usual remedies j j emphi.ed bv rh\sickles. V- oa i. the ?oiiset|iumce? ; | !'wt>iliii'ls df. . e l the oih**r third recov.-rs from ’! ■ ; I “ever—V —*.•-*, mind that !i * —hut'.ve.h r iloori', j ocerehar:r- -l a:iiU the n r.j remedies Ihcrnselvep vjiiich . i Uatv. ’* ■ : ’ ‘j dispel thr f orr T en - j j ia *: v . avid* s ■ f the veins eud. arteries. * : [>r .'ing tiies: h<>trid pai.*-*—Bspeda'iy in the night, i i od, i) di- • warm in tu i —of'ert -biiging J hit:. •• id,-. .... * wa'i ro; s-ene . -oi;| ajv- j j -ICO,- e .n0;.,,. ... ..V .he re- ; ! medic . • .un is. a; I o l*.-r dehiliiating af- j ! 1 c * . s poor pa'tent to die tomb after long and ! ; ! .Aih’i . ? ma. be* ■ v ’ed—can always be prevented j * p:;- *ion i- - .1 * r - orß’il to —md after the pa- ‘ | tient is red 1 : . :r ••• - v t'o-jre is hope—provided h- • ; [*er.-*.*ver.. ‘** hav been prove lit t*.l from fill-! i‘ ” *** I ', i EE nTENCJ*: : | On !?u i • r, or i.nv di.-,.;it..c, iuii'n-.'di .U.-i v in;.e r. , _ f Ijrr.iit’i . h.’.le l-nw-rsal PiU Ac J co; .** )i pa po..t*fhii c.f. cl. on ihe ■ fjf J i..:.-- s-u'i'a:<j of xmdiE. - body arc u - *•,i.i.,lieu . and ,-:r* ngdi . j ’ io. i. 1 i,.j is so, ~\in : .. uu of the per ra i.i.o hudi arise.-; from no l i.-xa*. -riian ii a! :.'* iis re ;i.:>■ ! ntro -ii- -•t uo tn...:er • ir. j i i.i—irriN ij'jj'. ;> iy . oxh; a v RAN ! . r.'o t i arj bo.h suxtoriru arid ‘.'aditrrii. hit ;.r < iu?e lt-r n s •.‘il-uig a )J toitvrin It, | #onto c.s i proxiitce ilit :’ . ‘.. a -a >uch n state of u!ne > it■ atitio i cleßJi'.( I v a ft-her leans. . ■■ ■ *aj iu > hi they imr, > - eaii ‘ iitviitfiy ivi ti— in oth‘ r TBAV A:-: SlS'i’ r.ytire !•> I. -j.; .'hour a- ae. of a. ; -a i.v ca-is.’S dc ; >,c n:sul:. , i\a i ; >o’ is :i> fi. as •’ ..yinor Nat nr M:.f,.;i:id have been tony ■: octinh ot.t .f it • ijuth, aiw i iiir .r ‘ ‘;*■’!>• as • r any tl.;!:;’ but csr.v.n.n : • us• .at’ I guided 1 V any hot rxtason Bet its abarbi.* ‘ then fhßs notion- at; 1 f-.i —.ctiee < t ein- u-.-.r t to rnijUfiic i'*<3 w.iUirc. Ci’Ki h? (r *.y. \’ it h*/ the !ujh of ■ a <m —J}f isns: >o r .in our eve? 1> ;as or can- ’ die I'eit. an J v<; s ! ;-i': n- C ! r.o is i —let us c: . ! A.'ius those !'.•))., w’scb are c-r.i'i'.tv o i'.u rex''.ire .. , ■nr bo li 9, an.} n-e ;• sail need >y> ihy= ; cian?—V •’ ~r vur to hr: i out what is na H.-e. what a • t). !; v u;r ■■ -'.'err. h r, f:i tlii-i wnr:: etn i.-1m tuns’ he /■ cuu .-. •.;. * •-•rejudiC'S mu ■. be fjrcv rdi cur-'td re r j. :i n,Hi. TiNDRSTH’S VT-TiETA.BLC UNSVER- , R \f. dll.f, V/ y iftoainpi seni- : - b •■m-i pn of : v e-ru in i ( o‘u ni •-• Mr.JOHN U. PA A RADY, at) I n.j v.-here 1 in said cit /. R ran tyi i’ if nr Drurrii- allowed In ‘ iIiNC! E P -. 1‘ A- :*ii; ‘a'lsc that so many cf them have the j eono - for s-dc. if tin re m arw virtue rr the gmjntno PiUn is it not ‘ ®a*r’i/f f ii.-- .df. r th” eowitefeits ‘’ an iif ibere is ! no .-a-:im it, < whi.roost Tthem t elieve lobe i'e 1 fiot.) sru iiir iwviv-os no ei]ual!v urn*, orlhy in olV.rr i .; in ■ iblic any raciicinn uud-r die name of Braa- ! tfV? Let -very unprejudiced rnij,.l ii>Re-bcl .voeji • s. BF.NJAMI V .jANDRBTII. M. 1. f'uhriib s, Ga April 21,133". j jtf t IS/rPQZLTANT tfSTfB MATICM id ikD- , SUFFERING* WTi'ii CiiOleut lita,,..a.a, Huiom * CW AaitU Co tic*, i ramp* ‘ f ijNiiK utiii. . o. R. &. i • E, N.tit #’S Remedy f.r Al. C.*i oia i l.u.s c. used tv he a prch.uu. Lxpui cuce,ihe may 1......'• uot Aicmcuai, uiict ail o.bir sa;ds ci Kno'.viuTgt, has e;i\c . tiiv esul hshed ■*'• :a. d.e jtiffici-k:® con., Uu aof ‘licit jy, its cecu u. ha caw.-ic ot U. *. diuu oi ..- . mach, iiver and Uvoois. uso-uiy fits ...i.t Ja: Gtn ... ,r Com plaints, .cuUupiopritnr io utiocq-atc fu 0.u., [.ft, Gi ciimiM#.': atcurittefy and to deeicti- jusaiy ip n the ufcc.s of a iitedielßv, llHlSi be l! * b< S , Hi.d V..hl Si: it rein . it.r, r .mis. ic .- ale < i . bauc.s v.diß ii is of* .on it* a.;* tidal.’ • cit.'oiiic cits, s, seineiimcs acctun i; an; - idi ini'.amm.i o mid ulceration; ro uvercom) y ... iel cu hitiju. and restore tvarmtli I guns, and la T. e iru’.ih;uty ut the bre o iof which have o.*i u gt-.ui v. various times. , !■ eaey in wide.y didereut in their origin - id p. . :ion* eat h other. •K.T look to the cer.ideates; they ard the best that ca-i be given. The T.'inm. n latious which several liberal avainteD ‘lie-;ii* I-'.hvsiciana have bestowed upon the Eemedv, I have already been published; and (ho subscribe* has j now the grunticaUun of r. icing the f. .lowing ‘.on’ a | .sost re-nee..u..e praiising physician of bom- * *n. Yu. . ‘R. a. BERNARD. Sonuvton, May 14 1337. ! Mr. R. S. Ur.r.N.vnn : Dear fro Fi.iu iu ta i:if l have icvit ! tho efficacy of votir Remedy f-r Cholera in eev. id in-.on ! ecs that ha.'o ia <*i, conic under my care, am that i’ j ! effects < vinca it to bo ajudieioi.s j.rcptra ttiujf-onc- enu | cure ihe disco.- ;v for v- i.'.cl. •? i-- . -mit. i. ,1 l fee, !nu n! of.-:ucii .h ord- 1 ihul! r- i.>.■— 1 1 y i i-pense vour Remed f.* •■va my v,.i e, and wau and “.m mi litto bo kept iu all hum,us liable *o these .'.angtrous uiiatks. 1 You i. e t'nu c< r. -u: e i,:. y v.t %v 1. Your's, very rtsi.ectt'uilv, W.'l PARHAM. This certificate •> to oi; agent,-ii. t J . Nash, : ot Peii rsburg, aim ivr tis importance notice i\J r. N ast.’s | remarks : i ‘* As agent for Bernai li's Ciiolera and Diarrhoea Me I .linn Ica i .ha aiteniion .f tiiepubne tothe.eerlitiea •*. j below from one of die most respi -tabic gentlemen m I the B.a e; and 1 p.trtuaiiarly cud their attention to ti o { one given by a gentleman in the tow.'— and if it w ere ! necessary, 1 couid |ir..;‘"ec a hah u.*r.. n o.licrs from j Fotersburg, who have ‘nej the rn. diqi.v weeks past. KDW.P. NASH, j j lr. Edward P. Nash, Agent tor Bernard’s Cholera [ Medicine. Diitr Sir; I feel it a duty I own to tho proprietor -‘1 I the above medicine, as well as the public general!'.', t > i inform you that ihe bottle of Cholera mixture v.urb | f bought at your store a fe w evenings since, lias < ii'.i. c jly cured me of a severe F arrhua. The cun was I effected in taking oniy two doses; and as I had triul j many other leincdtes wib out the least effect, I oni Hilly i of the opinion t hat die medicine here alluded lo is ew y I dung dial il is said to bt j JAS. B. WALLACE. Petersburg, Y t. | Who will neglect to supply ih. tnselvos viih Uur ! nard’s Remedy tor Ciiolera, when it is so fully vrov.n I to be efficacious in ail - - conimeudeii? In no case has it faded io cure thf ni. st j obsliuaie attacks of summer complaint made upon mi'- jdren. In one instance a permanent cure was effected : upon a child in lids place abet the sum ik i j had put it (as thought by the doctors) beyond ‘he pow er ot medicine t< ruhiw. Il va; such r:;. ;. jgra*. ated j case that the child had, in lln* course of one day and ! night, sixty-tin ve cv.acations i'.oin [lie bowels. Yet i one bottle proved a sovereign remedy. Extract from one of my agents— Petersburg, June i, 1836. Mr. R Sr Bernard—Dt-t . • ’-'otir Cnolcru Me- I dicirte. .s liiglily thought *-i Hi i**- rse ‘ll.!*: a ; j--’ :d counties: t have never sold t “ o>. ! - v-ho’e ’ that f have sold which has not, *'o far na - .-'lid *o-r !, pi'-Y*’ ! iu ...;r..-; I ha-e “\V had a j complaint— dot maliv coininunuu.;siu o: us gi ml ef fects have been given me, loti may. a-far ns mv ! judgm.'ut liu.l the good sense of the ninny Is whom f : have sold it goes, lecommeiid it highly to any and a I wii may v.i.-o such medicine. J shall st.on bo m want lof more* Respectfully, E. F NAfciH. Agent for Petersburg, Va. * From m * Agent, Mr. John Hare, ofM<.mnlii3, Ten’ll forußiiy of Murfrev-bon ’ N. O. lilriflphis July 7, 18 If. Mr. Jl. s. Ei nr r-.l—Dear Fn : After selling a good leal of v* . r mediciii* !or Cholera, entire snisi.-.0-: : non, i . itti.’ ••• -r ..or most respectable crR.-it to g-*t, if [;.>■ slide, st me evidence o the efficacy * t medicine, and I ;-•* glad to enclose you t-om- ot".!’ oat- , w hich 1 am confident iviil add much to tho j.i-.-f alroa iv obtained. Having used your medi im in my own family, for some most violent attacks of Cholera and Dianha-a. I take pleasure in adding my ccrtilioate, inasmuch as I consider it the most valuable preparum u ever made. If my name is of any service, you mnv use it in any way yon think best, and I shall a’ail tinu u feel pr.,M [ :,j iLiiik that 1 have Lit on eailed mi to testil” i • the many o'ires performed by vour mcNem * I •i&'ly Ji.-iriimtii,” it, over this iii--!rie’ -d ‘ . r some to Arktinsa*-', where it hat : i t : i w ‘ - , - plete success. Yourfi’*"d 7 if Ai I ‘i l evel?: iriipe- itic.n, a lac sun: co. i. .i:u . . I- - aliro hod to each bottle. I'or ‘■fo by ‘.nv E. . A. Pond £. Do. amt E. *S. Non i ox, u• „...ous,Ga. July -27. 30 INLI AJfx. ‘ S JPAA ACX ii > i.iu sali; bv JOfT'f E. BACON AND CO. AGEhTt*, S-'tOit tbo Cure ol iib'rmaii.-uji, fcjcrofua or rvi.._ v f. civil, .Sypluii'.’ aiiii x.ic c. in.: di.-ca. cs, du xis, White fcweiiuigv. Distast-s <xf the i.ivcr ami Skin.— To show the ;■ mi.iiiig of this niedicine, llxe fill j* n tcsiiii'/ji.ia no • i .oi.ces of |io)Kiiaiity are svKcti J I founte a merous eiicrs r ceiv.-d by ihc pi'iij>:iet*>r. I I'h fob j.vme extiact is fiou a leitci :j . \ tnciabti’ of Con ere no s W.UiiHKG'rox. 2-Bh J ui , 11G5. ‘ Will you l ave the p-.alutrs to u,ij me a dor. i .f | the iadf .a’j HU', a ? iam ic.pu.jicd o om-of tlie j parly of iiie dei< . ioi; oi’O.crei.. c iad arc* lo proci.r , ia.. m-dicin.’ for him, liny having foetid advtiiiiifje I lYo’.ii it heretofore, uuci being unable ‘o pt. - are it in ’ District B F ■ :ALLAN “ “ Mr..-,-TKOir bv, At.s.. ‘ •'(•.’ 1 ••TJav.i.g. ai'iy r.uM'd U.f ... - ! will tnai.k you'to s’ tul o lid | far jVli.b'.e. Wf bil.k 'iy . : .j oi I tiaica, atiii find l! is rapidly su|a:rcei'.i;i; j in this v . iiaty. AIADI.UK.xv ; “ MoEH.e. A i .. | “ I’ieasc send me C'J .. ..w diaiely, the (letiia.j.i 1: -i;, _* A fore Wo A.uix fc'. ivt: liev ■>’ •• ‘>’ “ Ncw.OiierA.vs. Axt.ii April, ISJ7. ; V- t lest ia.-i .f.O and. ziui has come lo lu iel 1 1 . h ’ : e i .■ e i.l). As my ; orxi-.Ts snow, the .van; of your PaMicca is fast nc.*euai:ig i x i <b:s ,mr’ of tie. oouulry, aixd 1 inns’ v ~, j-, . , , icri; .i;.iUc;ici<. ii. iJ'bNN'ABLL. : ’ ‘ N.'.vcsics 5-li-s. tiSi’i l>.••<:.. I*.S7. *• M; . 1.1. -J. ■ “,y. .in ! H —Bis ivnli jdtu-ury ye i give t- opinion ed ui’ he Ir i aiim.-ea in ifiis city Ui. ■ y uixxt . . , wi,.; i-vci ... i e . S'. ni .. at- i-.i: to p-.b.ic ; a r 0..-;,; • character ii lit-. 4 -us ;.• -r . We a:; ac-';l-.xl:.,vd .of [u rs. US who. : ;t..1 Mi... > :i.,;.. sis meets.• ; r.b take r<-a: p.> . ■ r. t in i> iaa•myinl he .r r- ju. -1. die terti icau of c. -<• .1 sev ra; 1 f ih’ in li Las be n pre scrib.;! by ife facaity hi inunv caves meefiDg tl’ctr eu .. •; a;-,.i ahoti ; a i, !< • !; is its ~• iriiy, we f.i,.c ciuts for no ot.\<:r ’* osiceii. ..I. . : Wfe pT' T L'.N'f L s * IVI any more lettcrs.tii purp .i t ar a band ‘■>’ v . i.. close v'x li e. .s fio i is . ft ‘. •: ‘ n X ’• Jl C-'.-.J in a ... ‘ - - r ‘-t ‘.uure oi S>ii: h f : ;;.n ,ua. • ~.;y ili.i 8. (. ..£•> !: A’ . 1 ■'?. “ The gei..n roun its :■ vi..ayc v.h .• 1.. •’ n'a | Hixnai.-.-c cured, bu.l jMcrcur:-! if. • a.-t at- iu < f-‘’ Imu iim. 8.. .vv.-r,'b oi ■ tiln.: J.*ni v. as g i most- . “ini rruia.-! .j|>:i a'l lii.rl.i, 14 I ■ Aa a ou;? • . .c..<•■• i’ I.a v•;or 1 <at celebrity m tiuo i. -i of ii- y it. A ... a*.<; -u't-- ai ■! many i’ i.ixf t fi.rd. i.j. s ii: v. .<-h it r>c’ ai -di p'r. b ! which I’ it ‘-'if ItO ‘ ‘ihi, !*ft< l’ a while, ii: into .'i r- 1. i’".. J. LI. .. -A % i-. ■ i rs.'s > A :so fx.r >a •* bv A. PuND & Cos. Cob. .:1m: M rt;h 22. * 8/ PVB’.SC \UI CJ£. * f. T an tin • i •= * f’/rir ! <>f Directors of th( J A. :. A A AN • .PH CA- L and RAILROAD Cl A)PANY, it , as <•- - i.v ‘'i .- bi > •.’ ii-atii of- li. Ofcaires, li of ioi i the Ho; r I of f.i. ..c ir - , :: at ua ion which, sri tbeir • ..pinion. . . -> so. i . n n etiug of i , ■ 3tock!io!di.s if sa:A i Jompany. ■• * olv I- ’* to.* “i■” . lent pro'torn, be request-- * o r; di a in 1- : i2 o r ’h.: f-io r -s,. be held in till rjlf.ce i-n the third Monday ir Di ct'n.her nest. 1.. :.::i - aii’e. of the'mgeg R.s; ‘ n, the A’ i-aiio! r mt’ # I.arc Wimico awi ‘ J* ■ cpi* Ca* ui : ai, 1 ii af.road Conapriiiy, are rs “and to meet r ofi: :■ in S;. Jo-ie h. i.m the tbio-i Monfay (tl.e’ 17;. c!.t } of 1 ‘i.i.’ ur.bor next. K. J H AR'ilV. Prcw; ienr. p-o eru. Bf. Josei'.b, T^bi. Oct, 15 I-S-iS A : l )t LAW NOi'icN. rapiaE mideu-kn,’ havt:. ..iim-ticc 1 t.'-o practice Ji ot LAW i:. ffo'embiis. Oco. will attend the counti • (V the <. battaho jche- Circuit, and ihc adjoin, ins ex, riiK- :hi tiu- S’ l to of /Rabairm. -‘h e it? rli-p ----burn’s i tiii.iir.ov, c..-tp .-ifctsic Og ■ thorpe 1..;-.i e. All hu*iinc r ..x entrusted to Ms care uti* receive prompt at* ion. JA'ICS M. MITCIIKBL. C•■*'!i?"il.i.iv. Nev. Id. 4M