Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, December 02, 1840, Image 4

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F Still mjiarfnership heretofore existing uadi r the & Ij.'iii cl VViisjh & Oravey is dissolved this day a. mutual consent id I>j !i. SAN FORD T. WILSON. O.VLN VV. CRAVEY. Gillian. July 14, Ibid BOARDING, IRS LUCAS having taken large and com in i intis two-story nou->e oil Frout street, uirect ,j , ipo-ue Mr. Win. H Yonge’s residence, woutd be .vi.l ug to a : o:nmodAte a few respectable Hoarders. None oit liose of strictly moral habits need apply.— . -r ns i t still the times. June II 184') 17 if LAW .VOi’ICK. undersigned will attend tothe PRACTICE JL OF LAW, in the name of JONES & BEN- N ING, in most of the counties of this Circuit, and a few of the adjoining counties of Alabau a. Their Oiiice will be found near the Oglethorpt House. SEABORN JONES. HENRY L. BENNING. Fopt. IS. 1839. 33 ts £,3I2SIR.ME, ADVANCES MV >ri U’t iOOLH <on-igned to S.VXZ72Z, B3ATTI J & CO. Audit* and Com i/i ssi hi Merchant*. COL U iVI HL<S, Georgia. November 13, 1840—tf—39 J The Commercial Advertiser, Apalachicola, Florida, will insert the preceding three months, and transmit the account as above. BUSOitITIOJ. copartnership heretofore existing under firm ofOrs. CUIPLEY&. SCHLEY, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in ihe hands of Ur. Schley, who is authorized to sottle them. Persons indebted to the firm are respect fully requested to call as early as possible and settle. 3 W. S. CHIPLEY, WM. K. SCHLEY. July 23, 1840. 24 ts PIIOENIX HOTEL, Lumpkin, Stewart County, Georgia. THE subscriber having taken the above bouse, situated on the North East corner ot the court house squaia, formerly occupied by Mr. Beacham, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally, that this new and commodious establish ment is’ now completed, and in every way fitted up for the accommodation of boarders and travellers the subscriber will give bis personal attention to the super vision of the house, and no pains or expense will be spared to render all comforiabie who may favor him tviili a call. N. U. His stables are excellent and will at all times he bountifully supplied wiih provender, and attended by a steady industrious and trusty ostler, who will at ail times be in his place and subject to the commands of ihe visitor. GIDEON H. CKOXTON. Jau 25 —51-ts TO COTTON PLANTERS. rHIC suost-ribcr is nowofi'e ing for sale a quantity of valuable land. Persons wishing to establish cot On plantations in anew country, in ihe finest cotton growing region of the South, would do well to exam ine those lands, l'hc-y he mostly in the county of Macon, and valuable tracts immediately in the vicini ty of iliai .beautiful and romantic region denominated the Cuunnenugg* ridge, where the atmosphere is pure and clastic, and abounding with fresh bold fountains of coil line water as can be found in auy mountain region of the South. There are also in the neighborhood of th se lands two or three well improved plantations for sale—some believed to be as productive as any m Alabama, as ten bales of cotton totho hand have been made. Persons wishing to purchase applv to the sub-criber, at Valverdi P. O. Macon county. Al .bama. August 16. 27 3m. H. BLACKMON. The Columbus Enquirer and Georgia Jeffersonian will copy the ab >ve three months and forward their accounts to the subscriber. H. B. LOOK at this. RUNAWAY from the subscribers, about the first Vlarch last, a negro man by name Presley, about forty years of age, somewhat grey hair, very thin, or perhaps no hair on the lop of the head, quite black, eyes small and deeply sunk in the head, wide between the teeth, broad shoulders, and stoops, he is rather intelligent, though unprepossessing in appear ance, makes great profession of religion, and prays in jubhe every opportunity. He was in the neighborhood of Greenville, Vlenwether county, some tifeen days after leaving this place; where he left on the 29th u!t. taking his wife with him, who belongs to Freeman McClendon, living near Greenville; she is by the nam • of Julia, twenty years of age, common size a iriaht copp r color, and ver likely. It is beiieved I rit ‘hey were taken off by a white man, and probably t avelling west in a gig. as such nfonnaiion reached Mr. McClendon. A salable reward will be given for ths approhen in of said negroes and thief who cairiedthepa away, id information given to either of the subscribers. free vi an McClendon, JOHN C. MANGHAM. V iril 16,1840. 9tf TWENTY DOIXAMS’ REWARD. a® \NAWA V fro u I lie undetsigned, aving m Rus 'll county, Alabama, about twenty miles west of Coiumbtn, Ga on ibe 19 b instant, a Mulatto-fellow, turn id Jssar, about thirty-five years id, in height be tween liv-? f it seven and live feet eight inches, thickly set, light c unplacted, intelligent an I rca ly in conversa ti in, p easing and regu ar features, his hair closely cropped, very active in movement, and for a negro wirts toUrably well with carpenter’s tools. Hating fo-marly resided in Talbot county, G. it is not impro bable tbat he tnty bend his course in that direction. Too ib ivo reward, together with all reason ible expen aos, will be given for his restoration to the undersigned or far his being lodged in any j ail so that his owner get him. JEREMIAH BENNETT. Oc ober 22, 13i0. 371f, RANAWAr Fl() VI the su iscriber, living in the llalloca settle nent, .Muscogee county, Ga. on the 25th ult. a mulatto fello v,named DIG IC, a oui twenty-eight years old, about five toet 6 or 7 inches high, rather round shouldered, well built, weighing about one hundred and forty pounds, has a scar from the cut of a Knife under on i of his shoulders, light complected, with hair almost straight, shrewd, and quick spoken, but when address ed, has a down look and is apt to smile. He is well known in Columbus, having been partly raised in that citv ov the late Dr. Sullivan, from whose estate the undersigned bough’, him. fleas on exists for supposing that he his gone of with a while man. Twenty dol lars together with reasonable expanses will be given for the restoration of the negro, or for lus being lodged in j ail so that tne undersigned get him. and, if stolen, two hundred dollars will be given for proof toconviction of the hies. CHARLES KING. A tgust 15, 1940. 2G;f The M ontgomery Advertiser is requested to insert the above three times, and forward the account to Ch.vl s King, Aalloca Post Office, Muscogee aounty, Georgia SMITH’S SCHOOL BOOKS. Published b / Spalding $* Storrt, Hnrtfjrd, Cotta. awl fur sale by U > /KSelers generally iiir„uf't* oat the {Jail'd, States- ‘ SMI Ttl’S School Geography, on the Productive ■system, new addition revised and enlarged, il lustrated by thirty additional cuts, put lip in uniform large type, accompanied by ail entire new Atlas, con taining eighteen very superior Maps, Chart of iha World, ficc. &c. By llusweil C. Smith, author of the Practical and Mental Arithmetic, Productive Gramma , &c. &c. [The population in the Book and Atlas will be all-ro to correspond with tho Census of l£4r, as soon as officially reported, will be kept in every re spect fully up with the times ] Smith’s New Arithmetic, on the Productive Sys tem. !2tno. full bound, much larger than the Practical and ..lenial, designed f-r scholars advanced in the study, (accompanied by a Key and cubical blocks if desired.) Santa’s Practioa and Mental Arithmetic, on anew plan, in w lioh Mental Arimnietie is combined with the use of the slate; containing a complete system for ad practical put poses; being in dollar- and cents. Stereotype edition, revised and enlarged with exer cises for the slate. To which is added a Practical System of Book-keeping. Bv Roswell C. Smith. Key io do., with examples fully wrought. Smi h's new Grammar, u the Produc ivo System, (a method of instruction recently a (opted in Germa ny and Switzerland,) designed for Schools and Acad emies. ir. athe following os Specimens of JVj trrurcra* 1 Recommendations: I have used Smuii’s Grammar, Geography, and Arithmetic on the Productive system, in my Acade my for the last three years, which is sufficient proof that ( consider them superior to any workt on the subjects of which they treat. Slur cuts in Grammar, using Smith’s work, make progress which astonishes tao-e who have been accustomed to the old system of class-books: The same might be said of students in the other branches. Os these I speak confidently, having my kuowiedge from experience. C. P B. MARTIN. R ctor of Mount Zion Institution. F tom tbs* Common Schcol Assistant, edited by J Orvii.le Tailor. New Tori, Feb 21.1847. Smith’s Geography Improved—The above stand ir 1 and popular wort, has just appeared from new pi.l'es, ‘he old ones having been destroyed by fire. T io en iro work ius b'en revised, and we now pro n>ince it the most accurate ‘ork in market. We perceive several new maps; one of Palestine; one o r Liberia; one of Mexico, &c. The Map and Chart of the vVorld is presented on an entire new plan, and .n ) which a U great value to the work, and must be universally admitted. In all respects the work is equal to mv Geography we hive, and in several important paricular* superior to the others. N. B. The report that an action hi been commenc ed against the Publi hers of Smith’s Geography and Atlas for an i.ifi ingena nt of •Mitchell’s** is/adseand without the least foundaii n. S. ii S. The above Books for sale bv NORTON & LANG DON, B wksellrn. Nor. 11. 3tf Cofurcfius, Ga. Wars iiolse * AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. P3 VIE ui) lersigned would inform his friends and 3. tiio public generally, Ural he will continue the above business at his Old S.and in Front street, oppo site the new brick building of James If. Shorter, Eq and that his personal attention will be exclusively devo ted in the s i ne. Bv strict attention thereto, he hopes to have a c jaliouance of the liberal pa'ronage hereto fore besto wed upon him He will as usual attend lo the sale of Cotton, trom wagons or in store ; and from a general acquaintance wi'h the purchasers aud irue situation of tile market he believes he can generally more than save the commission m the sale of cot ton. .v'.VI. P. YUNGH. Columbus, Sept. 19, la3D. 3y He h is in store for sale, Liverpool and Biown Salt in sacks, Chewing Tobacco and Segars, Cuampatgne Wine, in baskets and boxes, Bagging and Bale Rope WARSHO7S3 AZSD COMMISSION BUSINESS. - THE undersigned having as-ocia i di> ted themselves under the firm of Hall, L ,<kD Ruse & Cos for the purpose of fraus acting a gmerat Lc nnissicc na Yarehoiise bu-ims-; weald mf.rm ; their friends and the public, that ihey arc now pr*.-pa -i ed to attend to any b entru ,-.d to heir charge, j Their Warehouse being con- ru dos Brrk and i detached from all other buddings, ma; he considered! in all respects as entire Fire-proof. Planter-; will; therefore find it for their interest to store with them . .. account ot the great saving in the premium of Invar- : ance, and th-s additional safety to those who do not insure. They are prepared to advance liberally upon cot'on and other merchandize stored with them, and their, rates es storage and commissions, and alt other char- ; ges wdi be as low as those charged by other house - ir; the same line of business. J. A. DEBLOIS, H. T. HALL, F. N. RUSE, THEY HAVE NOW IN STORE FOR SALE. 600 bags prime Havana Coffee, 300 pice-•? best Kentucky Bagging, 130 coils best Kentucky Rope, 23 bales domestic Goods received direct from the manufacturers. August 29,1840. 28tf WARE-HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS IHAVE located myself in this city for the trans action of aGENERAL WARE-HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and offer my servi c-cs to my friends and the public, with a promise on im part, of strict attention to any business sent me. 1 will also ADVANCE on Cotton in store, or on ship ment to New York or Ohariesion. Office on Water street. JOHN REES, late of Augusta. Apalachicola, September 19, 1840. 54 9t NOTICE. DR fe HLEY will continue the practice of Me dicine, Surgery, &c. Office at the old stand of Clupiey & Schlev,on Broad Street. July-23, 1840.’ 24 ts NOTICE. THE partnership existing in Muscogee, was dis solved the Ist of March, IS3B. lam responsi ble for no contracts entered into since that date. March 14, 1840. 4tf JOHN L. HARP. FOltT & HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Lumpkin, Stewart cunty, Georgia. WILLIAM A. FORT, JOHN C. HAMILTON. September 8, 1840. 30tf FOR SALE ✓|P HE tract of land, known as the Broken Arrow JL Betid, on the Chattahoochee river, seven miles beiow Columbus, on the Alabama side of the river, containing fourteen hundred and forty-two acres, nine hun red of which are equal, if not superior, to any land on the river; with five hundred acres of cleared” land under good fence and in a high state of cultivation; ihe balance of the tract is thin oak and hickory, and pine lands, with good water and healthy situations for residence, on which pait is a good house for an over seer and negl o houses for fifty negroes. Persons wish ng to purchase a river plantation would do well to ex amine it while the crop is growing. JOHN CROWELL, Sen. Fort Mitchell, August 12, 1810 26—ts COLUMBUS HOTEL, 1810. ’ JlHe subscriber respectfully informs his friends and JL the public generally, that lie still continues to occupy the above establishment, where he promises refreshment and comfort to the traveller and border. Hts own personal attention will be given to his busi ness, in which he hopes to give general satisfaction, and share a liberal patronage amongst his brother chips. JESSE B. REEVES. Columbus, Qa., Jan. 21, 1840. 31 ts TERMS OF THE CIT* HOTEL, COLUMBUS, OA. KEPT BY THOMAS JAMES . Board and Lodging, per day, (I 30 Dj Do , Month, 30 0d Do, without Lodging, 18 Go Breakfast, 30 Dinner, 50 Supper, 60 L dging, 60 Horse per night, 76 Fir* and lights extra charg*. Oct. 28, 184 J. 37tf CAttBOffATED OR SODA WATER. •Q'V-IH subscribers are now prepared tofurut h their JL customers and the public wuh Carbonated or Soda Water. Their apparatus is constructed in such a manner, ind of such materials as to prevent the possibility f my motalic or delerious impregnations. TAYLOR & WALKER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, Broad st. Columbus. April 21. lOif VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE C CONTAINING Two Hundred Two and a Hal; J Acres of Land, mixed with oak and pine. There I ire eighty acres cleared. Also, a comfortable duel ing, with all necessary out offices, a good gin house md packing screw, a peach and apple orchard. The ! *ntire under good fence. It is situated within -1 miles }f Columbus, joining the plantation formerly owned i >V Thomas G. Evans, Esq. Persons wishing to pur- j rhase cannot find a *-%.0 desirable location Than the I me offered for sale by the subscribers. JOHN CODE, Dec. 6. 44tf JOHN QUIN MANSION HOUSE. JACOB HAit a 0 w , f 9 ESRBCTFULLY inl'ortns the public that h: 3L/ has opened a fI.OU;SE in the business part nt t Broad Street for the accommodation of Travellers and has built new stables on his o n lot by the soiici tation of his customers, March 21. 5 f LAW NOTICES HENRY H. LU.YIPK N will practice Law n the Chattahoochee Circuit, including Muse gee, 6 ewart, Randolph, Sumter and Earn conn -,rs and in Houston and Dooly in ihe Western Oirci u. Office in Lumpkin. Stewart county, where he n.ay he always be found when not professionally ec.e .g...i ! Use-vhere. Nov. 4,1.84\ 3S*f LAW, rHK subscribers having connected tbemselvesi the practice of LAW, v.iii attend all the County Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of Alabama. Office m .VI Intosh Row, immediately over Allen & Young’s Store ALF RE D IV ERS 6 N June 14. Ifftf J. M. GTERRY fIIOMPSOS’S UTERINE TRUSS. -2?i effectual and radical cure j'or pa lap sus uteri . •’jOHE subscribers have taken the agency for the _S_ above valuable instrument, and have now on hand and will constantly keep a variety of patterns, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices, ‘t hese Trusses arc superior to any instrument of the kind ever invented, and are now extensively employed by som of the most eminent practitioners in the United States. We annex the certificate of the late Professor Eherle who used them with great success in his own practice. ‘ Cixcinnatti, Ohio. May 11th, 1839. ‘I have carefully examined the Uterine Truss in vented by Dr. Thompson of this S’atc, and I can con fidently declare, that it is unquestion bly ihe roos perfect and useful instrument of the kind that has evet been offered to the public. It differs essentially in j construction from the Utero A.'dentinal Suppoiter! roo-tructed by Dr. Hull, and is in ail respects a far : uperior instrument.* The subscribers have also received the agency for )r. Chase’s Improved Surgical Truss, which is uni ’crsaliy admitted to be the most certaiu and iasting :ure ever discovered for Hernia or R upture. TAYLOR & WAKER, Druggists, I Sign of the Golden Mortar, Broad-st. i Columbus June 20. 1839. 26tf j ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I be sold on Friday, the fiflteenth dav ofj * “ January next, at the’ late residence of John j Bio art. icre of Early county, deceased, all thei PERISHABLE PROPERTY belonging to the. es ate of said deceased, (cattle excepted.) consisting! of horses, hogs, oxen and cart, blacksmith’s, gun- 4 smi’h’s. carpenter’s and plantation tools, a variety of guns, two horse carriage and jersey wagon, house ■’ hdd and ki’chen furniture, and many other artie’es 1 1 • tedious to mendon. The sale to continue fron day to day ti.l all is sold. Terms raade'known on th> day. November 14, 1840. LE3 WALKER, adsi-- * fltas. I NOTICK. • A GRADUATE of one of the Northern College*, I who has had several years experience in ih< business of u achn bulb at .he North amt in tr. South, v, i-hes a situation ir. a flourishing Af-deim v High School. He intends to make .tadring nis pr. fess'.on . and can t-'■ Dish .cstui ciuti# frem an md.. p>. table source, as t character and qualifications, i.> holds himself qu .lifted <o give iitslrucliou in all tin branches of a tho cugb English education ai.u pit part- jourig gentlemen lor any class in l_ olupv. AI communications posi paid, and addressed to B F. MARSH, Forsyth, Monroe county, Georgia, will receive prompt mierition. November 4. 38 7t COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE uiiterf igiied have this da associated them se.ves together under the firm of hoLiViii,£> SINCLAIR, In the transacion of a FACTOK j AGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, ai : Savannah. 33 ILLIS HOI.AiES. E. SINCLAIR. j We tender our thanks to our Irientis, tor then former j patronage, and solicit a ot the same. | Ueiob- r 7. 184 i. 34 3.n GERMAN, INDIAN AND THOMSON lAN OR; | PRIMITIVE, PRAC YICAL, BOTANiCO -k : ACr .5 G’ .A,.As LXa, I Located sexen miles Lust ./ ill.iriua, near Hamburg £N uniting taese s.-vetal Medley i Sy si tills or modes o. practice Dr. B. i-L. i UOMAS, the Principal c: he- Gchool. begs leave ■ j slate, for tUe luforntaitou : of the aidicted and public generally, that he has been p%ij rears -.-ag'iged tu the practice ol iVledicine, ami I has di v jied much of h.s lime, labor and practice, with many of the most intelligent and successful German and lumen Doctors, both m the United Stales ana ; Canada, tothe trea’ment of acute and chronic dis ea es of every name, siage and type, and of the mcs. i malignant character; and has, by practicing with them, acii’ni.ed a thorough knowledge of all their valuable secret Recipes and in an net of treatment, which is far stioerior to any thu;.; town or taught in the Medical Schools arid which .;,.s been successful, by the bles sings i.i fie Aimight , in restoring to health, hundreds and i*fu3aucs of persons that had been treated for a number of v.-ar. bv nany of the most learned and s lentiftc Physicians ot the-day, arid pronounced to be euiirt-U beyond the reach of remedv, and g.v n over d;e. Yet by lhesnnpie,eifi ;acious Vegetable Medi icines,not poisons, they were snatched from the jaws of ihe vnm monsier, death, and restored to health, the greatest of all -arthly blessings; for what is t idles nnd elegant dwellings, without health to enjoy tlu-m. Health is the poor man’s wealth, and the rich man’s i Miss. To a man laboring uuder disease, the world is j little better than a dreary solitude, a cheerless waste ! enlivened by no variety, a joyless scene cheered by in > social sweets ; for the soul in a diseased body, like martyr in his dungeon, may retain ns value, but it has lo t its usefulness. Will be added to this institution, as soon as the ne cossai y arrangements can he made, ari infirmary—the cold, hot, tepid, shower, sulphur and ihe German, K us sian a:-d fhomsonian Medicated Vapor Baihs; and every ihing that can possibly be of any advantage in lestorii g the sicfi to heallh, oi relieving suffering hu manity , will be promptly and constantly attended to; and where the student will learn by practical experi ence, ft he best kind of logic,) the true principles of ihe ho* ing art. Price of tuition will be §2OO, payable in adv* -■ce. tCZP AH persons afflicted with lingering and chron ic disea xs, (of any name, state, stage or type, for we have bi tied disease in a thousand forms,) who cannot conveni ntly apnly in person, will send the symptoms of their liseases in writing to Dr. B. R. Thomas. llambit. , Ala , where M -dicines will be prepared in ihe best mann#r to snit each case. Although they may hay ; bc;n of many years standing, and treated by a doz n different Doctor , it is no good reason whv thev can ot be cured by the subscriber. Persons liv ing at a ,'stauce must expect to pay for their Medi cine; vdi i thev get them, as uo Me,Heines will b sent fr m- ho ffice on a credit etters addressed to the subscriber will-not be takenl o:n the office, unless post-eaid. Nov. 1 .39 45tf B. R. THOMAS FROSPEGIUS COTTON-USA’ Al A SEE SI O£X 3k E ftps? <A Ui ©E , tJY lE.tIILEi'ON UIIU. THE importance of properly preparing ihe Staple of any country or section is well known, but to no country or section is it of such importance as thus ttiat grow and produce the Ootlon as their only staple. Therefore, under this and oilier eonsideratio is, I pro pose 10 publish by subscription nry system and practice in Cotton Gm making and Gumirig. With the advantage of many years, expcrie ce— the sacrifice of much time and labor—and believing that I have brought it nearer lo perfect on than any other person, l submit it to the public in a concise and eorreci m inner—with my ia e practice and with many improvements beside the valuable one of the application of ihe Friction Wheels, and new mode of making the brush, (winch I have patented in the Re public of Texas); and the Broke or Agitator, my lasi improvement, which snuc . increases the speed in gin ning, and improve* ihe Cott n. (It i > well represented in the plates and explained in (ho work.) The work to contain about one nuadred pages octavo, in good funding, with ten well engraved plates, illustrative <*l jtheaysiem; of the Gin complete, plans, elevations, sections, and figures in detail, with references and de- I script ion of every part. Also plates of plan and eleva tion of Gin House, Gear, position of the Gin, ktc. ai cuiations *f gear in spee ling h gin, v ith particular description, explanation and directions to the Cotton Planters hi constructing the gin-house and gear, and general management of ihe gin, cotton, Rc. With the rules and explanations given in the pm posed Work, any good workman nicy execute ihe whole plan weii, and the Planter be enabled to judge for himseifin constructing tiis House, Gear, &e., and m selecting a Gm that is rightly made in every, and of good materials; therefore being a great saving or gain to him, first, in cleaning uis crop in half tlie time usually required; and in and motemg liis cotto* well, so as to command the highes price in market; in the durability of hie Gin, which, if made by the directions given, will last to p ck a thousand bags of cotton, (this would require three or four com mon made Gins lo and > the ame.) And further, there ; is no risk nr danger of burning tfie House, Cotton &c. | by taking fire from the Gin on the n£\v friction wiie J : plan, though you were o give it double the motion j Gins rumiing on b >xing would bear. Nothing will be s*t down in the proposed Work but positive facts, be ing the result (all prejudices aside) of fai. and repeat ! w experiments, (a safe guide to mechanical know -1 ledge and skill.) i If I were going to coniinue the Cotton Gin making business ia this country, l should not trouble the pub lic with this Prospectus for 1 would much rather work for money than write for it as in the first case, I would do it strict justice,—in the latter, l must ask allowance for its defects, and liberal patronage for its support. Terms—T-n Dollars, payable on dolivery. Non subscribers Twelve Dollaas. Editors of News Papers friendly to the advance ment i.f the Colton Staple will please give the above an insertion. Columbus September, 1840. S3 It TO TII 3 SOIiTK. SN 11. PETTIS Counseder at. Lew. from O . £ ange CO'iniy, Virginia, having been located in the City of New York, for the last e ht years, re st.f ■ fully tenders id-. au fill acknotvledg. tents to ins friends m the South, for their confidence and patronage j in vanaus matte, sos i i.-iness, and solicits their conti-! . nuance. He has had much experience, both in ilusj Sa- u;irt i.._’ oi P lie.sylvinia, in cau ing fugitive j Slaves o; be seenn and; and will .continue to effect such: ;o: j ecu, if poss: i.enever called upon. His plans I w . iiavtug, at his command, the j Irn vi’ tfieient aid. i-vated at different points, and sue- j :c v- r-f ’ harmonizing, that he cannot hut flatter him-1 scli that ho .-.ill have more complete success, if po.-si-: ble, n future, than heretofore. In defiance oftheAb ! o :tioriM’s, he can cause to be secured anv fugitive slave, who shall b north of Mason and Dixon’s itne. There neither is, nur can there be, any law of this or r.nv other State, which can militate against the Fe deral Constitution, which authorises the master, or his : regularly constituted Agent to arrest lrs fugitive slave, : take him before a Judge or Magistrate, prove property, and take him a-vav. To the end therefore, it will lie necessary for those who may wish the servict sos Mr. 1 P., to forward him a Power of Attorney dole execut- j ed and minutely descriptive o, the fugitivi . and also a fee of twenty dollars to defray preliminary and contin- | gent ex[enses. VV'lien the slave shall have been se cured anil handed over to tiu master, one hundred dol- ; lar3 additional charge wi 1 be made. • Dir. Pettis will promptly ar.d fai hfully attend to any and all business confided to him, touching his profes sion. All letters, on business, must be post paid, to his address. No. 3 Wall street. N. B.—The Southern papers generally would sub serve tha interest of slave-holders bv m tiring the a bove. (Yete Y ork Apiil 2G 1840. 5250 ESWAR3. RANAWAY from the subscriber, last night, a likely Negro boy named SCO I T. about 17 or 18 years of age, 5 feet” 10 inches high, light colored, looks very pleasing when spoken to ; very intelligent | and rein likably polite in his deportment” He took ; with him from me about 8100 in money. 25 of which • was American Gold, ihe balance on the PI inters’ and 1 Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus. lam inclined to be i lieve that he has been seduced away bv some white man, as he has Litherto been been very trustworthy, and generally bore the character of an honest and 1 faithful servant. I am induced to believe that he is making wav to North Carolina, where he was raised, or to Ohio a- ( have been informed, -ince he lefr, that he expressed ; desire to go with some free negroes who lately lef Columbus, Ga.. for that Pta’s. I will cive SSO reward for the Neero. if delivered t me. or lodged in any safe jail; and if inveigled aw a bv a white man I w ill give S2OO reward for ffie scour drel. with evidence sufficient to convict him, or $-25’ for 1o h. \VM. D. LUCAB\, j Girard, Aa’.’, 3 TuV 301 *A \( * FIFTY si ILL.UIS R.SWAR3. I ANAVVAY f,o;n the subscriber about the C3d ii_3L of D*.,-viihcr i si, a NEGRO MAN by it. of ii,uut 5 feel 3or 8 niches high, has car on one sideoi u s mouth, chunky built, and qui bow legged, walks With his toes Out. Eiiice w uioughi fiOiii i iskalcosa, A>a , some irno in ia> . • ar. he ptrhapshas tone back as he had a wife “ ‘a. neigiib .ih(;a’ It is however believed that lit > ;■ ilieviinity of Cos umbus, Ga . and in ait piobabm arbored by some person. I will give a reward <• Fitly Dohara fur his apprehension or delivery to >h Jailor of Muscogee county, or any other safe jail s. liar 1 can get hlai. and e l reasonable expens. s paid EDMUND S. 3VILLIA tS. Sf-p'en-bcr 5 1810 31.i j a.IOUK months alter drlt* upplicatt- n wf.i ne mao, A to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Heard county. Georgia while sitti- gas a court of ordinary, to sell lot of land No. 238 in toe 3d district of former ly Coweta now Heard county, as ‘he property of Robt. Y. BLir. deceased. BAYLIS R. CROSBY, Adni’r. JuneS 1840. 17 4m GEORGIA HEARD COUNTY. ;.rq >!.LED before me bv Robert M Dunlap one &{_ s ui!; I, iv 1 e’- ‘ unbroken; su .posed 1• be - three an 1 fxir years Id. Appraised by A.- ;ri't: nH. J*.-a,i an ! B F. -'arker to b<* worth twen tv-fivc d-liars sth Octeb-r 1840 Tans. Sh vckxlfihd j. p A true ext'-a t f: >m ‘he E-- -av Book 7th Ootob r 1340. 35 3;. BAIL ‘ Y BLEDSuE c. c. o. ST. JOSEPH, FLORIDA, RACES. CALHOUN COURSE THE Annua) Meeting for 1841. will commenc on the CALHOUN COURSE on Tuesday ‘he 9"h day of February next, at and continue five days, free for auy horse, mare or gelding, in the Unite-’ States. First Day—l mile hea s—Purse §209. Seeou.i Day—2 m le heats—Purse S !09. Third Day —3 miie heats—Purse siGOO. F i > tii Dav—l mile he-t-s —Purse SIOOO. Fif h Dav—Proprietor’.-; Purse S3OO. (mile hr as—3 best in 5 ) The Officers of the Club guarantee that the purses as advertised shall bo pal up be,ore the horses are started. By order of f'>HN D. GIA Y. President. Peter W Gautier Ir.. Sec'y. 8,. fomph. Aug, 1 1840 27intr MUSCOGE MORTGAGE SALES. ‘-fijf-. ti.i. be sold m the first Ti e day in JAN-’ v S UARY next, b fore the Court House door -.n Columbus between theu-ual hour of sale,the toll > . ing propertv, t wit. Six negroes; ( lark a man about twenty-five years old; Philip ;i man forty-five years old, Fanny a wo man 17 rear old; Matilda a woman twenty- our years old; Htr let a jjirl seven or • ighl years old; and Amv girl three or four y.ars eld; all levied on as ihe I property of Adu it G. B< ckhara. to satisfy a mortgage j fi fa. from Muscogee Inf. rior Court in favc-r of J. B. Green & Cos. r;. said Beckham. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi.fa. S. R. BONNER, sheriff. October 29 STEWART MOR TGAGE SALES “vjnijw* ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JANU- V V ARY next, within the legal hours of sale, be fore the Court Hoes, door in Lumpkin, Stewart coun ty the following property, viz: Tener a woman, Amy a woman. Jack a boy, Alfred a boy, Arthur a man, Samson a man. Denar a wo man, and two children, Lucy a woman, arid George a boy, Ro.-e a woman. Nalh a boy, Calvin a boy b,-s t.-r a girl, Lava boy,ah taken as ihe i roperlj ofßobt. Hatcher lo satisfy three mortgage li fas issued out if Ste- . rt inferior court, in favor of Lovard Hi van, Tomlinson Fort. V\ illard Boyrton and Elijah E. j Crocker, executors of Samuel Williams, deceased vs. | said Hatcher. Prop r;y pointed outi said fi fa;;. Also, Toney a nia , fSylvn a woman, Georgia Ann a girl. Cato a boy, taken as the property of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued out of Stew art inferior court, in favor of Turner Coley vs. said Hatcher. Property pointed out in -aid fi fa. Oct. 24. 37ts ROBERT RIVES, Sh]f. LEGAL NOTICES. EXECUTORS’ SALE. W r fI,L be sold on Thursday, the third day of DECEMBER next, ad'he perishable pro perty of Isaac Giliion. deceased, consisting of horses, “tiles, oattie, sheep and Hogs, corn and fodder, pota toes, and other ariicles too tedious to mention; sixty acres of good land will be rented on the dav of sale. JO A B J. GILL ION, S. B. GRIMETT, Executors. Giliion, Baker cn.inty, Oct. 19. 1840. 38ts EXECUTORS’ SALE. XYf 7 ILL be sold ori th<- first Tuesday in JANUA- Y T RY next, at the Court House in Baker coun ty. six negroes belonging to ihe estate if Isaac Giliion, •feet ased; sold for ihe b nefit of ihe heirs. JOAB J. GILT,ION, S. B. GKI VI F.TY. Executors. Giliion, Baker county, Oct. 19,1840. 38ts GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. Inferior Court, silting for Ordinary purposes; Present VV. B. Ector. James Render, Hamuel K. Gates, Franklin H. Glazier and Daniel Kei h.Jus’.ices, this 7:h day of September, 1840. Abraham J. M'Afee and Mary V \ M’Gahee, adminisiraior and administratrix of the esla'e of David M’Gahee. deceased, apply for lette sos dismission of said estaie. These are, therefore, to notify ad persons in anv manner interested, to show cause, if any there be, within tile time prescribed by law, w hv said letters of dismission should not be granted to them. Given under rnv hand at. • ffice, Sept. 7. 1810. 32—Stm “ LEVI M. AMAMS, c c. o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. TSpCCTIEREAS Allen Dykes, guardian of Maxt v v tniliian Knight, applies to me for letters of dismission from the guardianship of said Maxiniiliian Knight— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, within the time pre scribe.! bv law, why said Allen Dykes should nut be dismissed Given under my hand at office. June 18.1840. 20 mSm LEVI M. AIM MS, c. e. o. GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. RTICLES of Agreement made and entered r3L into this the day of eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, between the undesigned mdi vidu Is who have associated themselves as a Compa ny. l*' ,r ill- purpose of pi.roll sing Indian lands in the Creek Nation, under the stile of George W. Dilling ham R Cos. ihe Company is to be composed of the so lowing persons : G. W. Dilimghain, D. L. Dodge, Luther Biaae, Columbus Mills and Fieidtng Scrog gins, io have each a full share —the pmcl.a. cs of sa-d lands to ho made by Mills and Bl ke. and t be certi fied in the name of G. VY. Dillingham Cos., L. B ake & Cos., F. Scroggins & Cos., or C. & Cos. ‘The money to effect ihe purchases is to be furnished by I /iliingliain and Dodge, the oilier members of -aid Company proportions, to be taken outot he proceeds of the aods wiien sold, which sales and all oiher tilings reiattng to the business o said Company, must be made by and with the consent of a majority ol said Company. In all questions ouching the guiicim in terest and concern of the company, a majority shah govern, each having an equal vote. Shouid aay ol | the Company die before a final close ol the busine I the survivors ball go -n andelo e the business ot the i c oiipany, bv disposing of the lands and other etiects !of til Company with or wi h >ut the consent, of the , represen'at ve or r presentat vs ol the deceased par ity or parties but l.'io full shai e shall be paid to no j i epresentatives. | Witness our hi too ct:d s.ais ’ his day of 18.3. G VV. DILL INCH IM. [g. ‘-.] D. K DODGE. [E S] LUTHER BLAKi- . fL. S.] COLU.VI BUC MILLS, f- S.J FIELDING sOROGGIN- s , [L. S.] GEORGIA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY. | Personaliv appeared btfbr me Lot! e- B ;:kc, wlio: being duiv sworn, liepi s< ih ai.d sai'h t ai the original | Ar’icles of Agreeuiem, of which he above ar.d loro aomg is a true copy, was placed n the Insurance j j Bank of Columbus for safe keepin-;, and that fiiej I same has been accidently lost therefrom or d< strayed, j 1 so that the same is not now in ihe power cr control of: tins deponent, nor in the power or control of ettLei of I the parties to said agreement, o f ras this deponent 1 : has been able to ascertain Deponent further s j that the above and foregoing is a true copy of sa : d j lo t original. LUTHER BLAKE, j Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16:h day of October, 1640. MICHAEL N. CLARKE, J. T. Luther Blaks “) y s- I The Repre.senta'ives f j Rule Nisi to establish George VV. Dd.ingham, }copy Articles of Agree deceased. D. K. Dodge, meut. Columbus Mills a> and Fielding Sc oggins. IT appearing to the Court, uoon the petition and Oath of Luttter Blake, that the orig Articles ot Agreement, of which the above and foregoing is a true copy, has been lost out ot the possession of the Insurance Bank of Columbus or destroyed so that it is not now in the possession cr control .f this depo nent. It is therefore on motion Ordered. That said ; copy of said Articles of Agreement be established in j lieu of said lost original, unless good cause be shown j to the contrary at the next term of this Court, arid; that this rule be srrved upon the Representatives of George W. Dili righam, deceased. D K. Dodge, Co-’ lumbus Mills and Fielding Scroggins by publication j once a month for three mouths before the next term of this Court in one of the public Gazettes in the city of j Columbus. | A true copy of the minutes rs the Superior Court c-f; Muscogee countv. Term 1840, Oct. 27. SBm3m A. LEVISON. Clerk. 1 blanks i ?0S SALE AT THIS OFFICE. 1 KiXCCTOR*’ fcAT.ft. .< ILL be sold on Friday the first <Ja v <-f JAN- • V 1? UARI ll> xt, (184 l) at die late residence ot -javennort Lawson, deceased, ni £>u-*\ar cci.’i.y, • toigia. mu.- u. l ts soutlmist Irela Lumpkin, ail the p.-rtsfiub.c pioperly oft i!i t'Mult ul Ham., ort >n. deceased, ct insisting f fastened ami sue k hogs. . rses. mates, caitie turn*;.,re, provisions, toots, kc. ,co. lei ms made know non die day. JAMbS LAWSON, ft il'J.viAo LAnsuN, October 27, 1840. 88 s Executors. NOTH'K. LL persons indebted o the estate of Isaac Gil i non, sen. and ecea-eii.ot Bakei county, will please I make immediate payment, and ail peisons to whom ■ lie estate is indebted are ie quested lo render tti their etands in leans oi the taw. JO AB J. GILLION, e>. 3. GKIMEft’ ft', Executors. Giliin, Baker county, Oct. 19.1540. dots G hOHGtA, Mlißt/OG£E (JOlJxt T i . Tu tilt Honorable the •superior Cent in and jor Slid Coil'll y. V. m. P. McKeen Sic. | vs. ! Rule Nisi, to foreclose A. J. Marshall & f Mortgage, W. Halstead. J j’-iftihe petition f V\ i.itam P McKeen James £B. JL Calhoun b£ Cliancs L. Buss, ime arm, Keepers and partners, Using i ue joun name ui Wi hum B. uic- ICeen & Cos. stiewetii, that Ai’ xeus U. AJL rshad and i VVtdiatn Halstead heretofore, tow it, on thetwt ntv -e ----j cottd day of J une in the y< a r eighteen iiundred and thirtv eight, to v> it, tu the County aloresai.i, made ex ! ecuied and de.ivered to your pt-ti iotieis their certain 1 deed o mortgage, hearing dale the day and year afore . said, and win- ssing it... ‘no said Mu st.a i and Lal- I slead diu .an i i< , inane a.d deliver to your pe ! tidl.n rs tin. :i’ ti-or e a■ ■>: ulltissory Holes, : .viiu u , nanus ~n ■ Aat mg tv ’ n dal* wi.u satu deed I of mortgage, wberc-ov. bv uie first of said uotejs the su:d Mai snail and Halstead promised io pa . six months after the date thereof, to your petit oners or oidei eleven liundred oilars for value received, ! and by the second of said notes, the said Marshall and | rtaisu ud promised to pa., twelve months ..ter tile | date thereof, to your petitioners or order, eleven huii- I d.ed dollars, for value received; and that by t e third i of said notes tue said Marshall and Halstead promised j to pay , eighteen man hs after the date thereof, to your ! |ftjtttioi!eis or order, eleven hundred dollars, for value I received; and ihat, also, by the fourth of said notes, the .-aid Alai shall and Halstead promised to pay,twen ty four months after the date tiler oft to your petition ers, or order, eleven hundred dollars, for vai e rtceiv- : ed. And that by the said deed of mortgage, they, the \ sad Marshall and Halstead, for and n oonsidraiion of I the sum of live dollars hy your petitioners to them in hand pud. as for*the better securing the pay-j nu nt ot the aforesaid tour promissory notes, did bar gain grant and sell unto your petitioners their heirs ; an.l assigns all the Hast half of half acre Lot . in the City of Columbus and County and Suite j afbrsaid, numbered lit the plan ot said Citv. hy | the number two hundred and twenty-one, (241) lo 1 have and to hold the s fid bargained pr raises to \ your petiti ners, their heiis and assigns to your pt; | tiuoners and their ow n proper use benefit anti behoof’ forever, and ‘he said Marshall and Hals rad tor thorn- j selves, tliei heirs, Executors and Adnunisfiumr.- the • said bargaine:l prerntses unto your petiliotieis did war rant against the claims of themselves and their li trs, and against the claims of a! other persons whatsoever, with a provision, nevei thcless, that if the satd Mat sit ali and Halstead, and their heirs, exceutoi sand udniiir istraiors should h diu well and iruly pay or cause to be paid to your petitioners and their heirs and assigns ihe aforementioned sums ot money as they severally fell due; on Ihe day and year mentioned and appointed lor ih paymt nt thereof m aid promissory notes, ac cording lorhe tenor arid effect thereof, then and from thenceforth, as well the said mortgage deed and the right of property thereby conveyed, as the said pro i missory notes should cease, determine and be void to ail intents and purposes: otherwise that your petition ers had full powe to foreclose said mortgage upon the failure of the punctual payment of each and all of satd notes or any one of them. Now this petition showed) to the eourf, that the second and third notes herein before sp ictfied, to wit, the note due twelve months af ter its date, and the note due eighteen menthsafter its date, with interest ori each, have, long since been due and payable, but that neither the said Marshall and Halstead, nor any person or persons on behalf of the said Marshall and Halstead, have paid the said sums of money therein specified, oranv pari thereof, but have hitherto wholly and entirely failed and refused so to do. Wherefore your petitioners pray, that me said Mar shal and Halstead be ordeied by the court to pay into the clerk’s office of the same, on or before the firsiday of the next term thereof, the said sums .ft money, to wit, eleven hundred dollars tu each of the. said promis- ! sory notes specified, together with all interest and cost j which may he due thereon at the time of such payment, or that in default theieof by the said Marshall and Halstead the equity of redemption in and to said mort gaged premises be thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed. HOLT & ALEXANDER, Attorneys for Petitioners. The foregoing petition h iving been heard and con sidered by t!io court, nis thens .re,on motion of counsel for the petitioners, ordered. That the said mortgagers pay into the clerk’s office of this court,, on or befoiethe first day of the next term thereof, the said stuns of mo ney due and unpaid on the two seveial promissory notes irt said petition specified, together .th all in terest and cost accruing at the time of such payment, and in default thereof that the equit yif redemption in and to the said mortgaged premise be thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further or dered bv the court, That tins rule ni si be served upon the mortgagors personally three months before the next term of this cotnt. or by publication in one of the pub lic gazettes of Columbus, Ga. four months before the next term of said court A true extract from the minutes of the Superior caurt of Muscogee county, Mav 11th 18-10 14 ni-lrn ‘ A. “LEVISON, Clerk. ■ EUKUiA. MUSGOUi'.E COUNTV. To the Honorable the Superior Court in and for said County. Benjamin P. Tarver “1 vs. J Rule Nisi for foreclo- John R. Lloyd and j closure of mortgage. Tlseobold Howard. J / vg VHK petmon of Benjamin P. Tarver, respect- JSL fully stiewolh that herclore, to-w it: on the tenth day of January, eighteen hundred ana tinriy-eighl, one ‘i'heobolil Howard, and one John K. Lloyd, made, executed aud delivered to James S. Moore and Mu toll .1. Tarver, their certain mortgage deed for all lha tract, lot, or parcel of land situate,lying and being in tire county and Sla e aiorcsatd, and city of Columbus, known ..ud distinguished iit the plan of sui vey of sam city as ioi number eighty, containing one half acre more or less, and that said mortgage deed was made, executed and delivered as aforesaid for the belt r se curing the payment of two ceriairi ptomi sory notes, one bearing date on the twen .‘-second day oi Novem ber, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, for twelve hundred and iilty dollars wjth interest from the dale thereof, and due fifietn mon t.s aiieruate,thereof, payable at the B..nks of Columbus, mane -nd signed i i>y (lie said Tluoboid Howard, and payable t tin j order of the stud Jotin R. Lloyd, and by him endorsed; ihe other of said notes bearing dine on die eighteenth j day of November, in tile year eighteen hundred aud i thirty-seven, for the sum of three thouea and seven hun dred and iify-nnie dollars and sixty-eight cents, an t due one day after date thereof made and signed by \ the said Howard & Lloyd, aiid payable to Moore & i arver, <Jr order, and that there is now due and unpaid on said mortgage, as principal the sum of five thousand and nine dollars and sixty-eight cents, b .sides inter- j est theieon from the time said surn in came due, and ! that no part of said sum has her n paid, and in tie- i fault of tiie payment of said sum of motley said inert gage deed sh- old he m full fore, ami virtue. And votir peliiiomr further hevvellijdl.'.i at.or the making of said mortgage and notes, and btfot the ;%y nei.t thereof,to wi., on the t wenty- ig h day of Pe -ruary, i in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, the said ! J S. iVI i.iry and M J l arver,for avalu .hie conside ration. transferred and assigned to • our petitioner said notes and ortgage; in consideration of all wh ch. your petitioner prays that a ruleni si may be granted unto him for she foreclosure of said imitgage. in erms of the siatute in such cases made and provided. Wherefore, on motion of McDougaiß it arson. Attorneys for petitioner, it is ordeied by the Court, hat the raid John 14. Lloyd and Theobo rl Howard, ■hr mo igagors, do pay into the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court of said county the whole amount of principal and interest, an 1 costs due on said morigiig**. on or before the first day of the next term of this J court, mid that in default thereof tiie cq i ‘ of redemp tion in and to said mo.tgage premises be from thence- • forth forever barred and foreeV-sed. And if is tur her ordered, that a true copy in tubs fence ofdiis rule nisi j b served upon the said John R. Lloyd and Thenbohl Howard in terms of the statute in such case made and 1 provided if to be found in said coun'y, and if not. to he j published once a month for four months at least be fore the next term of this honorable court McDOUGALD & WATSON, A ttoi treys f>r Pet t.-ner. Muscogee Superior Court, April Term IS4O. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee county. May S'h IS4O 13 m4tn A . Lii VRSOX, Clerk. GEORGIA, STEWART COUNTY. ! VSVSTH KREAS Ja-'. M. Smvihe, admr. and Ann | E. Shepherd, adrnx. of the estate of Albert H | Shepherd, deceased, have applied for. .etters of d;s ----| mission on said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami j singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ■ he and appear at toy office, within the ‘ime prescribed j by law. to show cause, if anv they have, why said I otters should not be granted. ■ Given under rnv hand at office. June 24th, 1840. i 19 m6rn J. S YARBROUGH c c.o. MONTHS after dse application will I. S nude io the Honorable the Inferior Court o’ Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes. fo< leave to sei] a negro woman by the name of Laura belonging to tlie estate of Albert H. Shepherd, late of said countVj deceased. JAMES M. SMTTHE adtr.’r. ANN E. SHEPHERD* nrim’jc. Jtffla i9 -im GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. , To the Hliter .id- Superior Coeil uj stud Cnuntg. t T ite t urmeis cant* ] oftGnaUuuuuchte ‘ Rule N isi to foreclose j v... ( uimijw Manoah U. Koumsvii. J ftR f t ON the petition oi .he i'crnieis Batik of Chat-i Sy J, it.g to li.e L.itl tlmi tin pcil-j t.ouer :s ifit i-gui ...•.J.r aim assignee of u cei.umi ■ l.i cii ot a tori 3. ge made an-, execunu by one iViauoail j \_j txobtosoii. it saal C-jui.l’ ana -s. ate, oil ihe s--veii- ; ! u tinn ua> oi i tbn.ary , m the y ear 1 igtn tiilililmieu ,oiu uiti.y mil. . to one janes £3. Lath tin ot sant 1 eoun.y and fe.ate,! t ami it. c. nsntei anoii ot Ihe sum j of live ilobars. in tie .am tallies £3 to Uk sato Ala- ; ■loan l>. in band pant as wee as lot .lie Octtei secur- j in- me pa. me:ii ot a certain promissory’ note b aring 1 c-veti dale wan UK said Utui ot mortgage whereby 1 he the said M auoah 1 >. p. oititscu to pay t v. nm luouths j alter date in. noi a. ttie Ham* o Onitiiubus, ti.ree | thousand dollars with luteresl trom date tor value re- 1 : eived in House and .ot this dav sod me ny V\ in. P. i McKeen, C. L. B ass, and the >atd James Cal- 1 boon ; said lot being number tfto hundred and Iwt nty- By which said Deed of in rigage the said 1 Manoah ih. mortgaged to the said James S., ail the : north par! of bait acre lot known and distinguished m j the (>.a:i oi .he City of Coiuinbns, u. the county and ! State aforesaid, oeginnitig on J..Cr.soii street, noitfi >, ‘alley, a i'oiuuij the irpe Hotel property, aid ruinin’ orifi-oti uiidred and ti.ree t>rl and 1111 inch... to the corner of numb-r 01 two hundred and twenty-five, from tueiiee was out hundred and torty seven feet and ten inches south,and from tlietin. along > the alley east, one hundred and tbrly-sev. n feet and | ten inches to the beginning point; and that said prom issory nolo and mortgage deed lias been duly assigned over and delivered to this pe.itiou. r by the said Janus 1 8. Cal oun for uvaluabie consideration. And further shewing lo the Court itiat the said promissory note is i still due and owing, ami remains wholly unpaid to the I said petitioner by the said Manoah D and praying for a foreclosure of the said mortgage deed in terms ot; t e statute in such cases made ami provided. It is therefore ordered by the Court, i iiat iiie said Manoah D. Robinson pay into the Cieik’s olfice of this Court, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the whole amount of principal and interest due on said promissory note, together wtJi a.t cost that may ac crue ti.creol or in default diet .1 that the Equity of Redemption in and to th said mar-aged premises be i foiever Latred and foreclosed tu .oithng to the law. j Anti it is tort or ordered .- the’ <mn that a copy .ft this rule Nisi, be served upon die aid Manoah D. ; Robinson thr* e inoirhs In lor. dn next term cf this i Court, or put) 1 he-.I in one J a” public g r/eH. sos Columbus in said eoun.y for four months before the next term thr root. HOLT & ALEX UNDER, A- oftieys for petit toner. 1 A true extract fr in r- iiitmio -of tiie Sep. rio. Court of Muscogee count v, May 9;h 1840. lSrn4m A LEViSi ‘N, Clerk. PRSF3S XS C? $S£\V WO-iK Til BL KNIIILM) GEJKGIA U.:T&Tit A T ED, luu senes uj Ori. i ui Piciurrs on situ, uitliht I itr-prt .sa Uescriytioi.s • HE oi p..Ui long in successive numbers ‘it [fiCofiiii iiiiloll dtivt Iho MHllHi Voi ’ coiinliles, has fie 11 a poputa. one in Europe and !is rapidly gam.fig favor 111 our own country. me piospcclus io issue such a wont, devoted to tiie sceueiy u! eicorg.a, although novel, w ilt . ndoubt edly nod universal favor, an-, lie regarded as it is by ! 1 lie editor, a plan at once ft imilou* ami feasible.— T.iert* is inuci, seem iv tn out- fciate. that is not sui passtd in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other estate in the Union 1 lie . ppor counties abound in! stents, which need only to fit known to ccnmiund the j aunt.ration ui afi who love the beauties of nature. Much of the scenery of 1.. e north is interior o out own, but is yi t visaed by dioiisauds snripty because it has been written , sung and • lionised' ’ by autl.o sand travellers, until us beauty become universally known and appreciated, it is desirable that alien ion should be direct, and to out own re-ourees of the pic turesque in natural scenery , and when this is dime, our own and northern tourists wilt speedily render oar beauniui views as immortal as our language The south is charged with general uiuiii’erence to tiie progress of Literature and the Fine Arts; ad probably the s rougosl foundation for tfie charge is iouiui in her inaction in tiuerpiies caicuiate.u to tusjer these objects. Ihe publication of the proposed work will, it is believed, be an tliiclive blow at this founda tion, and a step towards the estab.isiirnenl ot our lit erary reputation, to which cml much honorable effort is now directed. A third consideration, and the last which will now be urged, is tilt- intrinsic value ol such a publication as “GEORGIA JLLU.-S J RATEO.” ft will embody the representations of .he beautiful and sublime m ..i.r hfi.ue scenery, and alt Til to all, at a Intimg ex j petist, exact pictures ol our mountains, vallies, e-aiar •icts. public bin dings. &c., which they may or mn\ not olherwise behold, but which, in e-tther case, wouid afftird peculiar pleasure. ‘f'lie proposed work will be executed in a style su perior to any s-itni ar pict ral work in the country. The piates will oe exccti.ed on steel by emimnl tn-j j gravers, from original drawings, m ole espressiy for j the purpose, by Mr. T. Addison fiu-tiarJs, of Augus j la. Ptie e gravings will be accompanied wtfii letter press and sciiptions, prep. M-ed for the work, and in this departnmnl Ibe editor wifi secure, us fir as possible, the assistance and co-operation of our best writers. L: ! short, no pains will be spared to mam the work a per t;-ci gem of its kind, lo the end that it may meet a welcome reception not only’ ai heme but a! o abroad. Conditions —“GEORGIA ILLUSTRATED” will be issued in monthly purls, in .tic quarto fottn. at £b per annum in advance , or at 50 cents tor each part, payable on delivery Each part will contain two highly fundi cd engravings of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with .letter-press descriptions and hislorical facts, printed <>n large and beautiful type on tfie finest paper, the whole enveloped in anealty printed cover. Any individual who will obtain and forward six ad vanced subscriptions shall been.ititd so a copy of the work. Clubs may receive twelve copies to one ud dtess f.r $5'L 01 twenty-five copies for £IOO. in either case free of postage Cduunuuicaiioiis and subscriptions must be addicts sed. IRJSJT t AID, to the editor, Win. C. Rieliards, Penfi.-ld, Georgia. .Lj 13 Tire first part, containing an engraved title page and vignette, with two views, an-l letter-press j descriptions will be issued on the first of November, 1840. and subscriptions should be for .ardt-d prior to that time. ICP Editors who publish and ra!! attention t"> this I prospectus, by forwarding a copy of their paper to the j editor, will l,e entitled lo the work jiitilttilA. BAKER COUNT Y. To the Honorable the Superi.r Court of said county. William M amel, ) vs. > Rule nisi to foreclose mortgage. Micajafi Thomas. j , Mi hi petition ol William M‘Daniel sheweth, one R .viieajah Thomas, on the et hiii day of .Vlay, j in t e year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, niaiie and delivered to your petitioner his certain promissory n,.‘e in wriinig, the date whereof is the day and year ui’i:esaiu, whereby the said Mieajih Thomas prutni-I | sed to pay the said Wiliam McDaniel, or bearer, tli -1 sum of one hundred and toiiy dollars, on or before th j first day of May then next ensuing the dale of sat i 1 no iq and your petitioner further shews that the aai; | , Micujah Thomas, for tfie purpose oi bellir seeming ■the sum of money inentioutd in said note, to your ! pen.inner, as w< l, as for the further sum ol one hun- i ■lr>d and lift iloi ars io the said Micajah paid by von petitioner, thi -aid iViicajali • xocuted and delivired to your petitioner his certain deed of in nigage, bearing : daie ih<-dav and year tiist aforesaid, b. which sain j deed of uioi tyage the said Micajali conveyed anc i granted to your petitioner two certain lots of (and known as mts inun'.eis tifiy and ninety-nine, in the lourifi <ii;trid of originally Early but now Baker ‘ county, to have and to hold said bargained premises io your petitioner, his heirs and assigns. \\ liich sa.d de- and • t mortgage was and is subject to the following 1 condition : that n tl e said iVlicajuii i I ion > as, his heirs. 1 executors arm administrators, si oiilti and din well and 1 truly pay. or cause to be paid, to your petitioner, his heirs or assigns, ihe above mentioned sum ol one hur,-| i dred and fifty dollars, in said note -oeei eil.on the day 1 and time appointed and specified in said note,cn the i payment thereof, with interest on the same according j to the tenor and effect of said note, then the said mortgage deed w sto he void, an I :xe piemises then in 1 ! conveyed to avert to the sa*d Micajah Thomas. And I your petitioner fur hr r shewetb. that the time ap pointed in said note for tin ti f said sum if money in said note ra,e-i!:- and. bits ,or.g hi if • passed,; and sael nrit.- has ! ug t * . u due ni:d j.a. el.'e ; [ vet the said ALcsjah fins not as vet paid the sdi sun, • ;of one hundred and liliy and ■ iar< in said tints sp- , i; ;t J ior anv pati :herer.-i Wherefore v air iieti ioner r.raxs ihi- Miinrah e • Conn to gram an order requiring the said Mic. ■ h i Thomas to pin in'o t ourt. on or the hi. t h iv jof die next T. rm of i!os ('ourt ‘he pru i !pr;i men s!. : and cos’ due upon said rnor'gage and. ed. or tha 1 sos 1 quits’ of redetnpii n herein be f.rever f reclo-i .1.1 And your petitioner vs; ev.-r : ia\. Ik -VI -VTUANfEL. petitioner. Baker Superior Court. At gust Turn, it-10. Upon bearing In ah v, Wife .Nisi, it .s ordained i by the flour; that the <aid Micajab Thomas do pax I imo Court, on or b< nr. he firs: .tin , fthe ext Term j of this C'.tirt, the pnri :ipa! and interest dee I:p< n aid j uv rtg. ge deed and that service if this ule be per- j feted on the defendant, bv publication of this ride; mice a month for four r.i nths in one of the public j urnals of this State. A true extract from ‘he Minutes of Baker Superior Court Augnst Term. 1840. SETH C. STEVENS. Clerk. 1 33 m4m GEORGIA STEWART COUNTY. Rh AS Hugh P. Rose, adm’or and E!lz * * abeth Vin-on adm’frx of the estate of Elisha \ inson. ate of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters o r dismission on said estate, These are therefore to notify and require all persons I interested or concerned, t- be and appear at or before ! ihe Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said coun ty, on the first Mondav in May next, b show cause, if any they have why ‘aid letters should not be granted to said administrators on that c’ax. lii von under cry hand at effi c. October 10, I?4f>. SSmfcn J. 5. YAKBECU3H. c. t. a. NOTICK. “g* Ofe'T or stolen from the subscriber on ihe s;h S J 6ih of November, c,io. note on \\ in Jones for Soft made payable so \\ til. Goo-lwia, Dec. 1, 18-9, Cue 25th Dee. 1840. One on Wtn. Goodwin tor £SO. given to H. P. Peavv, dated htli. 18 It4o, due 20 oajs after date. One on Alfred Jeicr for jybU 50, giteti to lsham Uattisey me tunc in Ic-38 One on John Piper for £lB. given to H. P. Peavy sot, c mt in Jtiiu- 1‘ 29. doe isth Li. imber 16b9. One on Edinot.d iiiil lor sld 50, given to S. A. Jefferson some time in 1839. One on Joseph l lard anion far Sl2 50, given !o Samuel Wright some time in 1839 I One on J K. Cook for S3O 124, given 10 Cook & I Peavy, April 30, 1840. ft wo on Win ‘ ovvliorn for £3O each, given to YV i- I ley Cowhorn some time in Jan 1840. I One on Dennis SiuLb- for $lO. given to 11. P. Pea !vx some lime m Sept. 1840, due one day alter date. I ’ One on A C. Williams for £6 b'Jj. given to H. P. ■ Peavy, some time in April or May, 1840. One du Moses Wiikes for £3 75, the date not recol- lected. . . One on John H. Parker for $lO, given to Britian Manuing. January 29. 1839. Oue on John M. Biaekburn for £ls 43, givrn to Cook & Peavy, F*b. 18, 1840; due one day after ua'e. One on James Edwards for £5 00 given to 11. P. Pi,ivy some time in August, 1840, due one day after date. I One on T. J. Reddm for £3 CO, given to H. P. Peavv some time in March, 18 10, due 25lii December, ’ 1840.” One on J. Anderson and Samite] Cox for £5 CO. Cut; on Wm H. Johnson ft r §2 SCJ given to Cos; k & Peavv, Ap'd 28. 1840; due < ne dav after date. One on Edward Pernoy r for £SB 68, given to Ed mond liiil some time in l, 1 -38. Al! persons are cateiom and against buying or trading j for any of the above notes, and the makers against paying them to any other person titan the subscriber. ’ H. P. PEAVY. Tagmnge, Troup co., Ga. JVov. 6. 1840. 39 3t STRAYED OX X. gTJTRAYE 1 iiom the subscriber’s plantation in Ik3 Barbour county. Ala., in May last a yoke cf •large white Ost t: in; rkrd with a crop in the right ■ and half crop in tfie left ear. biandtd M. on the hip, ! and probably cn the - de. | Any information 11 regard to said oxc-n will be thankfully received, and a reasonable reward given ! sot their recovery. Address the subscriber at Mul b rry Grove Post < Xlic.i , Harris c<>un v. Ga. | (.ct. 23 1840. 38 4 JOHN MITCHELL. SYDUR MONTHS afi 1 r dat applica" f, n will be made to tfie honorable h< Inft-rior Court of Baker county, when siring for Oi Jiia \ | ur[n sis,for leave to stil ail the land Le!<-iij.-ing toilie estate of Benj tiiiiu K’<> . late ol said count i deceased. HEN 1 .--..Yii N O. IvEA i ON, jld'/n'or. Sept. 25 1840. 34m4m OOliR JiON HIS after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordina ry when sitting for ord-mary ptupo.-is for bar,, i,,., ]| lot ot laud N >. four, in the fmrteenth district of origin ally Car loil. but now Heard county, as the propertv of James Ross: solo for ihe benefit of the heiis anil creditors of the said deceased JOHN DOBSON, adm’or. Augps'4, iFlfi 26—m4m IViON i Hrs alter date, application wiij bo M. made to the honorable the Inferior Court cf Ta lker county. wh 11 sitting for Ordinary purposes fur ! icave to seii fau negroes, the pioperty of ft bon as B. j Keaton and Rebecca Keaton, orphans and minors, iate of-said comity, deceased. BENJAMIN g. KEATON, Guardian. September 25,1843. 84ni4m MONTHS after date, application will be made to tiie Honorable the Inferior Court of k andoiph county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to soli lot of kind number one hundred au foi ty, m the nintfi district of said county. LE AII P EIRC E. Jldm'rx. EVERETT J. PEIRCE, Adm'or. Oct. 2 1840. S4m4tn. jTNOUR mon hs after date, application will he made to the Ilonoral'le tiie Inferior Court of Baker county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for It ave to sell one undivided'fourth of lot of land No. seventy eight, in the twenty-first district ot Stewart county, belonging to the estate of Dclanv Rapp late of said county deceased. JOHN G. SAPP, adm'or. Ju y 30, 1840. 2G—in4ni “B ,4()UR MONTHS after data, application w.-ll he A made to the Honorable, the- Inferior Court, when silting sot ordinary pmpos< s, ot the coeiitv of Tal bot, for It ave 10 sell all the Real Estate anJ Persona! of Alexander K. Bticitai.nt ri deceased. GEORGE BUCHANNuN, Jdm'or. MAKTHA A. BUCHANNUN Adm'r.t. S eptnnbe •!. ! 840. SOn 4m | £20,(C0. Due ihe Farmers’ Bar k 1 f (ftiattahocLiii e. T>rr r J Jiousanti IJoiiais—-.aim- r c’i. D< c. 4'h. ISS3. ALFRED IVEHSON. WM BROCKS. G. \V. DILLINGHAM. Credit by six thousand, three hundred and seventy tw o (iobars returned. Dec. 23. 183.1. Pd. hy YV. B. Credit by live thousand three bundled and eighty del la s. 2 1 si Feb. 1834. A. L Credjt by twenty-four hundred and fifty dollars and eighty cents, Ist Jun’y. 1810. 2450 ftU-ItJO. Id. by G. \Y . D. Pd. by A. Iverson “tb April, 1634. Principal, 5847 20 Interest, 299 69 $6147 09 GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COLNft 1 . PERSONALLY appeared before me, Alfred Iver son, who being duly swotn, saltU that, the original Due Biil, of which the above and foregoing is a true copy, was in the possession of this deponent as his own right and property, and that the same has been accidentally lost or destroyed so that the same is not now in lira power or control of this deponent. Depo nent further slates tii 1 the above and foregoing is a true copy rs.-aid lost original, together w th the credits and entries thereon at tfie time the same was lost or destroy ed as aforesaid. ALFRED IVERSON. Sworn to and subscribed b e re me, this 7ili day of May, 1840. Marshall J. Wkj.lbukn, j. s. c. c. RULE NI. SI TO ES t ABLISH COPY DUE BiLL. IT appearing to the Conn upon the petition and oath of Alfred Herson, liiat fie was in possession, ns of In own rig t and property, < f the original Due Bill of which tfie above and foregoing is a true copy, to geiher with tiie credits and entries thereon, and that the said oiiginai Las been lost out of the possession cf said Alfred Iverson, or has been destroyed so that the. smile is not. now in his possession oi control. It is on motion, Ordered. That said copy of said Due Bill, togeihet wßh said credits and entries, be established in lieu of satii lust Original, unless good cause be shewn to the contrary, at die next te m of this C urt.—and that t; is rule be served upon William Brooks and Jehu Diliiiiji&m, administrator of G. W. Dillingham, deceased, by pubiicath n once a month foi three months before the next term of this Court, in one of the public Gazettes in the city of Columbus. A true ex’ act irotn the minutes of the Superior Coipt of Muscogee county. Mav Bth 1840. 13 mStn A LEVi SON, Clerk. IN U.UMUB sI'PKKKIR ( OI'RT, SEP x EMBER TERM, 18-0. Jordan Teel ) vs. > Libel for Divorce. Polly Teel } IT i ;.p|,earing to the Court, in said cause, that the R def nda nt resides without this State: It is order leu'hat service, be perfected be perfected by publica tion of this rule in some public gazette of this State ; for three tnou'lis once a month belbre the next 1 etnt of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of i ;arris Superior j Couri. (Jet. 2,184 J. 35n.3tn N. H. BARDEN, Clerk, j MUSCOGEE StPFJBIOK COURT, o TtiBEK term, is to. : James C. Watson, Burton \ Hepburn and bey nun e 14. Boi.i.ei’ v . I Bil in Equity in Mas- Jonathan A i!eds >'i, | cogee Superior Court. Daniel M . ug:.:d j and Hem v H. ; ! J Hi appealing to Ui.: C< r that Henry IT. Cook, | Ja. one of ei- fendants in the above staied case, j resides E yond the limits of State, ard that per souai si rvi< . ~: Bib i aim. be n: <h by the Sl.i r | iif upon niui. ft is t'.erefore onitied by the Court, ! That tie sui.’ Uc-nry fj. Co-k do appear at the next j Term of his Court, and plead, answer or demur, (not i demurring a o *•) ; • said b ill and that service of said ! Bui he p. :fecte'i’ on said Cook by publication of this : order om e a inou li fir four months in oue of the pnb- J lie of the Cite of Columbus. A true coov fr m th; minute's of the Superior \ Court of said county. “A LEVISON, Clerk, i Octuk i23 IS 19. 38m4m John Johnson, guardian, &c. Comptainant, George Coo.’ r. Thomas tr. V for Discovery, Gordon, Allen G. Bass, tic,lcl - James S Ca liottn mid S R. Bonner sli’ff. H ! ‘ RLAS Thomas G. Gordon, one of the de- V w ferula re sin tiie above case, n sides out of the State; on motion ordered that service be and is herc | by perfected on thi said Thomas G. Gordon, by pub iication of this ru'e once a month for four ment is in I some public gazette of this State and that the said de -1 fendantdo app< ar and answer said bill by the first day of tiie next Tetm of this Court. THOMAS & SHIVERS, Sols. pro. Complts. A true copy from the muiute’ of the Superior Ccurt of Muscogee ronntv. October Term. 1840. Cc*.XS, IC-lt. id"i -1 * L£Wi 0 -rN Cbk.