Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, January 27, 1841, Image 3

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Columbus, January 27. Cation. —For the l;inl week, but more esjie ■Bially lor two or three Jays past, this ar.icle | lias been in great demand, and advanced pri | ces paid for it. A lot of prime cotton sold yesterday at 10 Cents. | We quote from 9tolo 1 2 cents, —sales I brisk.— Argus. From the Mobile Coin. Reg. Jan 23. Cotton —The receipts since our last are 121 ,562 bales and the exports I SOI bales, leav sing a stock on hand and on ship board not cleared of f>ti 814 bales, against 23,035 at the same lime last year. The total receipts lifts season are 88.794 last season, 49.345 j The exports tins season arc 36.092 j “ “ last season wete 26,508 We left the nmket last Saturday in rather j i an unsettled condition, and the firmness ol F boilers somew hat by the appear | lance of the heavy arrivals. The weather, r however, was so dis tori cable as to prevent j | the cotton from being thrown rapidly upon I the market, and lu mg the present week the ‘ ; Htipplv, although it has been fully equal to the i am'iunt of demand, has by no means been abundant. Transactions have b en pretty I free all the week, but without much manifes- I tatinn of activity until within the last two days. The c >:ifi lence of holders being fully rein- R ated by the accounts from Liverpool to the ! 12'h nit. and llavte to the 9 li, which were I received on Thursday, the market has as some Ia more decided firmness, and in some instances an a Ivnnc.e is demanded fully equal ! to 1 2c per lb. on the finer descriptions of cot ton but generally they have been willing sel le s at the former rates, at which buyers have t k ‘ii freely, being c lered a sort of mid dle ground since the above advices. The ’ trausactionsof the week a r e about 7000 bales, . and we make no change moor figures except i tor fair cotton, which was quoted laM S>tur- j day at 9 3 lc. We now put it at 9 3-4 and 10. There i- some fine cotton held at 11 1 2c., and we are inliulin'd of a few bales of inferior which changed la uls at 7 3 4c, but as these extremes are only applicable to one or two ton ill parcels we fed justified in omitting them. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Good and Fine, 11 nil 1-4; Good Fair, 10 1-2 it 10 3-4; Fair, 9 3 1 a 10; Maiding Fair, 9 1-4 a 9 1 2; Middling, 9 o—Ordinary,— a 8 1-4. From the Charleston < burier. Jan. 53. CHARLESTON MARKET. Cotton. —The operations m Upland since our last have be. n to a fair extent, noiwiil;- sm ndiug the very inclement state of the wt a ther tnioughout the week. O i Saturday there way a good inquiry lor the ni title at lull ! J. rices—as alo was the ease on the sales of"j Monday; on Tuesday however, and on the j two succeeding days, the transactions were I•'ii:tcd buyers being min to submit to the views oi holders, who, on the other hand, were as unwilling to drop their prices—but th e receipt yesterday of accounts from Liver pool id the 24th, l-y the Patrick Henry, at Ne.v Votk, advising of an advance on Up- I nil 8 to 1 let per ih. has materially chang ed the aspect of a flairs; former tales have not only been freely obtained, but the busi ness done in the article late in the day, was on terms favorable to sellers, About 5719 bales have been disposed of at tlie following tales;—27 at 9; 261 at 9 14;52 at 93 8; 381 at 9 1-2; 81 at 95 S; 416 at 9 34; 73 at 9 7-8; 935 at 10; US at 10 1 8; 770 at II 1 -i; 713 .if 10 3S; 99G nt !0 1 2; 121 at 10 ss ; 426 at i0 34;57a110 78; 183 at !!; 37 at It 1-8; ami 17 lug* :.i 11 1 4 els. p •!• ll*. We quote inferior and ordinary 91 4 a 9 34; middling to tif..ldling fair 10 a]hl 4: lor to in !y I*> t r 10 1 2 a 14 34; g *od and fine II ■ !l 1- f cents jb-r lb. ‘Lite irausac lions in Long Cotton have been light. About j 47 bags Sea Island su'd a’ S3 cents; j<j bags I s aiaeil do. from 15 to 17, ami JO bags Sat:* tie from 29 : 30 c-nts per lb. AN ACT To a’tor nnl amc.i’ t.Vo thirtieth section of the tenih division of an act entitled an act to reform,’ tone.a! and consolt'.iale the penal laws of the State of Georgia; approved De cember 23d, D-'T Me •. 1. ii i it enacTd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Slate of Georgia in < res., r i! A membly met, anil it. is hereby enacted by the autfiority of the same, That from and a t t the passage of this act, the following shill be the thirtieth section of the tenth di v sioa of the act entitled an act to reform, antcii 1 utul consolki.ite the penal laws of the ► halo if ('core-.a, approved December ~3d, IBW, in heu of tiie said section as now em braced in said act, to-wit: If any person shall hereafter buy or sell, cr offer to buy or sell, a vote, or l e concerned in buying or selling a vo'c, or shall unlawfully vote at any election which mar be held in any county in this State, such person shall he indicted for a misdemea nor, and on conviction shall be punished by i nprisonmont. and labor in the Penitentiary, f >r a term not less than one year or more than four years. . , . - Sec. *J. And be it further enacted, that, it nuv person under the age of twenty-one years, mid above the age of fourteen, shall vote ille- j ‘...,11 v ar any election, he shall be fined inasum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or itn pr soned in the common jail of the county, at Ti e discretion of the court. ll,c CHARLES J. JENKINS, Simaher of the House of Representatives. THOMAS STOCKS, Pres and ‘lit of the Seaatc. Assented to *2:11 Do'. 1810. ‘ ‘ CHARLES J. MCDONALD, Governor. an act To add an additional section to the eighth di- i vision of the penal code ol th > State of , (Voro-ia, and to provide for (lie punishment j of free white persons for receiving stolen ,roods from negroes or free persons ol color.; tg ce 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and; Tlouse of Representatives of the State ol ! G \ or ,viain General Assembly met, and it is; hereby enacted by the authority 01 the same,; That from ami alter the passage of tins act, it, a „v free white person or persons shall buy or , rotVve onv money, goods, oha.teis or other; effects, from any negro or free person of color ; t'-nt h s or have been stolen or feloniously J , knowing the same to have been so sto-; cu or feloniously taken, such person or per ., , offending shall be taken and deemed ! :; ,e accessorv or accessories after the tact t 0 Mod tliareot shall receive and punishment as would have tl* i. edh. U I■. ™ h - or thov teon convicicl ot Mrtng or v*. JENKINS, 0 ” 1 president of tne Senate. As rented to Ai.D, Governor. CliAivHDo a. , n • • r p’,r Superior Court of “.'.rntdelSa vvSioli .1* jaynant had ! m3kcr pre- IJith t i i-rronce. npll.y the s ence, witn a receipt, the aitera "h h - v tl,e |,a -' ee ’ “ a: b -’ lcr :ery. _ c (j.ifn'irvt- —l’he total po- Ccnsvso */;’ by t h census just pulatiou o. s i , ; sh , nv i n3 r about our natural i aken, iso- __ ~e nt in they last ten years. i:lC SS!Snti'* •* ■< marshal i. up- In the state • . O f SU rar were produced pears e ‘ , an d tbs voir lc J - j | St- JolC -40. COUNCIL < IIAMBER, Jan. 16,1841. The Council met puisuant to adjournment., Present his Honor the .Mayor, Aldermen Ab bott, Ledell, Ilowell, Morton, Morris, Sturgis, Williams and Ware. After reading the journal of the last meet ing, Alderman Sturgis moved to take up the ordinances which were laid on the table at! the last meeting in regard to the letting the j bridge by contract, and the same being read ; and received, to wi : Be it ordained, That for the convenience of ! persons crossing the bridge, that the Treasur- : er causa to be struck neat tickets for the ! several sums paid for crossing the same, from jP2 1-2 to 7 o cents, and that ha furnish them | to such persons as may apply, iu exchange for | j snch sums of money as ttiey may deposit, in , heu thereof, v/h ch said tickets the bridge keeper shall be bovuid to receive iu payment • of toils. And l>e it furtlier ordained, That the Trea -urer be authorized to deliver to any person making cie{>o.-it of the sum of ten dollars or ; upwards, the same in tickets with an advance ! lot 20 per cent thereon. .And that the tickets , !so sold by the Treasurer shall cnly be re- I I ceived in payment for the crossing of the bridge, and for no other dues to the city; and th° Treasurer, ujxm the sale of the same, | shall furnish the bridge keeper with the names j of the persons purchasing, which said tichets shall, in no wise be negotiable, and only re- j eeivable troni the person purchasing or some I j member of their family or in their employ. I I Alderman Howell moved to lay the urdi-j nances on the table, which was rejected; j I whereupon the yeas and nays were required j to be recorded, yeas 3 nays 7. Those who j voted in the affirmative were Aldermen Be de;!, Greene, and Howell; those who voted in the negative were Aldermen Abbott, Mor i ton, Morris, Quin, Su.rgis, Williams and | Ware. Alderman Sturgis offered the following res jolution. Resolved, That the Committee on j Ways and Means be authorized to procure j the services of a competent engineer to aid and assist in obtaining correctly the quantity I of water power within the corporate limits of i the city, and that said committee have due l regard to economy, and the qualifications of J the person employed. Adopted. Alderman Morris offered the following res !ol at ion. Be it resolved by this Council, That the Clerk of the Market proceed to rent out | the different stalls in the Market J louse, | ;n pursuance of thj act j tsse 1 on that sub ject, which is the first Monday in February, annually. Adopted. Alderman Abbott offered the following res olution. Resolved, That the Marshal re port u> this Coin i il at its next meeting the number o. city l imps, together with their condition; also the necessary quanfiiy of oil used weekly for the same, and to ascertain on j wh.u terms the same can he purchased, j Which was reicr.e i to the Committee on j Lamps. , A Merman Abbott offered the following res olution. Res Red, That the Street Commit tee he instructed to enquire into all and eve ry trespass upon the streets or town commons, ami report the same to the next Council. Adopted. . • . Alderman Sturgis offered the following or dinance. Be it ordained, That the license fir drays during the present year shall he the same as paid during the past year. Adopted. Alderman Morton offered the following or dinance. Be it ordained, That, tlie ordinances and resolutions adopted the last year in rela tion to the admission of fire-wood and lum ber, is hereby declared to be in fall force during the present year. Adopted. Alderman Sturgis offered the following res i iu’i m. Resolved, That the Committee on C *n'r::c's asceii: is and report to the Coun i ci: a; its next raoetirg the advantageous I e/ .ns upon win; 1; the mules and public hands c.'iti ie subsisted lor the pr- sent year, and j:hat. the Marshal, in the mean time shall sub [ -is’ the same f r such compen ration ns may be allowed by the terms hereattor to be agreed ;:i. Adopted. Aldenn'Pt Stnrgir offered the following res dution. Resulve;!, That the Committee on iVimifig be ruiliorized to contract with ear!’, of tlie papers in ti_ ; city to publish the pro ceedings of Council, together with the Trea surer’s quarterly reports at the sum of twen ty-five dollars each, and that the Sentinel & lie raid he employed to perform the job print ing for the city during the preseut year on the usual terms to le paid for job printing. Adop ts I. . Alderman Abbott offered the following res olution. Resolved, ‘l’hat the Treasurer be authorized to advance Victor S. Townsly his first quarters salary, as Clerk of the Market. Rejected. Alderman Morton offered the following or dinance. Be it ordained that any and all ordi nances, authorizing at any time, the employ ment arid use if ollwr drays or vehicles used as drays, other than those licen sed, be repealed; And that no person shall, at any time, use or employ any vehicle used as a dray, or for the purpose ofdrayage, ex cept the* regular licensed drays; Subject to all the penalties by tlie ordinances ijow in force, regulating drays in this city. Adopted. Alderman Morris offered the following: Ordered, That the committee on Contracts be authorized and instructed to employ four additional hands for the use of the city, the present year. Adopted. Alderman (Join offered (he following reso lution; 13e it enacted, That his Honour tlie Mayor the and Aldermen, of tlieciiy ofColum. bus? petition Congress to have the city of Cos lumbus made a port of entry; and that said petit ion be drawn up and given to Col. Holt, one of the inenibtMs elect from this State, to present before Congress tor their approval.— Adopted. A'detman Greene offered the following ordi nances, in regard to constituting a board ol j health, which was read and adopted, and is as follows, to wit: He it ordained by the mayor and Council l of the city of Columbus, that from and after: die passage of the ordinance, the board of j ! health shall c. nsist of seven persons, one ol ‘ whom shall he chosen from each ward, and j | the seventh from either ward of the city, who J ! shall be known as the president of said board., ; Sec. 2. He it further ordained, That it shall j be the duty of said board to meet at the ! council chamber on the first Monday in each j month, during the year, and at any other ; time when required by the president. Sec. 3. Be u further o-da tied. That it shall ! he the duty of each member, at the regular monthly meetings of said board, to make a I report in writing to the president, of the con dition of his ward, pointing out all nuisances, and suggesting any measures which he may I deem conducive to the health ot the city. Sec- 4. Be it further ordained, That 11 ve j Sexton shill also make his returns to the pres- : Pent of the boa;d of health, on the fl st Mon day in each mon h, specifying in distinct col ; limns the number of interments during the i preceding month, of white and black adults,! and whether the deaths were in the city, or ; without its limits. Sec. o. Be it further ordained, That a failure to discharge any duty assigned by this 1 o-dinanee shall opera'e as a discharge from office, and the council shall proceed forthwith to fill the vacancy by the election ol some other suitable person. Sec. 0. Be it further ordained, That the members of the hoard shall pass the bridge free during their term of service. Adopted. Alderman Bedell from the commilte to whom the subject was referred, reported an : o:d nance in regard to the colored population of this citv, which was read and ordered to lie on the ialve ‘or the present. On m vim of A Herman Howell, the Coun cil then adjourned till Saturday -23 J inst. at . 7 o clock, P. M- I W. A. DOUGLASS, CUrk. | MARRIED, j In Girard. Ala., on Sunday, ihr 24th inat. by AVm. 3. .Martin, Esq., Mr. AA' AVi.uacnton to Mias K izabeih R. Hunt, both of Girard. Xiw Uuu.vs, Jan 23. ■ Present prices of SUGAR, COTTON. and WES- I TERN PRODUCE, compared with those current at the same period last season, ib N . Orleans. 1 1841’ j 1840. Sugar. La lit— 4i a— 6 Colton. La & Mi. n— 7$ u— 12 I Tobacco It - s>j a— 9j 4a— 8J Flour bb 4 12| a4 25 5a 5 12J j Corn bush— 52 a—s 4 —ssa Dafs bush’— S7s a — 40 —37 Ja Pork. Clear . . . bb 13 00 a!350 14 50 a i Pork, Mess . . . bo ll 50 aI2CO 13 00 a ; Pork Prime . . .bb 9 50 a 1 i 00 a j liactm, Hams ... ib Bacon. Sides ... I 7 5 a 7 Bacon, Shoulders . It— 5 u — 5} — 4 a 5 Bard H 6a— 7\ VS hiskey, rec. . .gall— 20 a 38 a— 39 Whiskey, com. . gak an COLUMBUS eltlt'ES C'J. URf-ilT* j COllHtCt tl VEIKLY BV HIEAH VOCJiU ii CO. j Baooi'C—Kentucky, yd 00 a 33 to *an, : : ; •< 35 a 38 Inverness, : : “ 00 a 25 American Tow, : : “ 00 a 00 BaleKoie, : : : lb 12j a 15 Bacok—lia: s, ; ; “ (,u a j 5 totdes, : : : OO a 11 Shoulders, : : “ 00 a 10 j Beef—Mess, : : bbl 00 a 00 Pi “tie, : : : “ CO a 00 Butter—Goshen, : lb 00 a CO Western, : : : “ CO a Ou Candles—Sperm, : “ 55 a 60 Taliow, i : : “ 00 a 18 Casii.ngs, : : : “ 6 a 7 Cheese—Northern, ; “ 18 a 25 Cotton, . t : “ 9 a 10 j Coffee—Havana green, “ 0U a 15 1 Rio, : : : t “ 00 a 16 | Fish—Mackcre. No. I, Lbl 00 a 00 ■ “ “ 2, t “ 00 a 00 ! “ “ 3, s “ 00 a 00 Herrings, : : : box 00 a2 00 Flour—Northern, : Lbl 00 a 00 Western, : : : (0 a 00 Country, : : : “ C 00 a 7 00 Grain —Corh, : : bu 00 a 40, t : : “ 00 a 1 CO Gunpowder, : ; keg 700a 800 Hides, : : : ib 7 a 8 Iron, 00 a 7 Lard, : : : : “ 00 a 12 Peas, : ; : : bu 00 a 75 Rais 1 irs, : : : box 300 a4 00 Lime, : ; ; : cask 00 a 5 CO Molasses—N. O. : gal 45 u 50 Nails, : : : : lb 8 a 9 Pork, —Mess, : : : bbl 00 u < 0 Prime, : : ! lb CO a 00 IGi;e, : : : : “ CO a 00 Pr peer, : : “ 12 a 15 Spikm s—Brandy, Cog. gal I 75 a 2 50 Peach, : : : ”• 1 00 a 1 25 App.e, : : : “ CO a 50 Gin—Holland, : : l5O a1 75 Domestic, : . s “ 00 a 50 Rum—Jamaica, : : “ 1 75 a 200 - Domestic, : : • “ CO a 45 Whiskey—lrish, : “ 0i a 4 00 Monongahela, : : “ 87 IcO New Orleans, : j “ 40 11 45 Suuiii—New Orleans, lh 00 a 10 St. Croix, : : : “ 12 a 15 fi-aaf, : : : “ 18 a 25 Salt, : : : : sack 00 a 2 50 Soap, : 1 : : lb 8 a 9 Shot, 00 a 12 EXCHANGK AND B IWIv-NUTK TABUS CORRECTED BY NORTON & LANGDON. EXCHANGE. ~ Bills 0:1 New York at sijpit, 4 per cent prem. Bills on New York at 60 days, 2£ do. Bills un Philadclp ria, at sit>ht, 3 do. Bits on Charleston, at sight, 3 do. Bits on Savannah, at sight, do. Specie, ‘ 3 do. BANKABLE NOTES. All the Bunks iu Columbus. Insurance Bank of Columbus at Macon.* Commercial Bank at Macon.* Bank of State of Georgia and Branches. Bank of Augusta, Augusta Insurance apd Banking Company. Bank of Brunswick and Branch iu Augusta.* Mechanics’ Bank of Augusta. Marine and Fire Insurance Bonk of Savannah and Branch at Macon. 1 Bank of si. Mary’s* PI irers’ Bank in Savannah. Western Bank o! Georgia, at liomd, aud Branches at Columbus. Bank of Millodgevilie, bankable. * Spe-ie-jiaying Banks. ’ uncuhreNt bank notes. Batik of Darien and Branches, cti pei cent 01. count. Georgia R. it. and Banking Company at Athens, Ga. and Bianch at Augusta, do.t Bank of Haakiusville, 5 uo. Central Bank of Georgia, 8 do. Monroe li. R. & B’g Co al Macon, 30 do. Ocunilgee Bank at Macon, 5 do, All Alabama incorporated Bativs. 2£ dis. Union Bank of Florida, 50 do. Life Ins. and Trust Cos. 40 do. LIST OF LETTiatS TSTJ EMAINfNG in the Post Oltiee aL Talbotton, _&.l2b Jan. 1. 1841. A Arnold Greenup Adkins, Henry B Baggaly, Mrs S P Brown, Mrs Nancy Baldwin, Thomas Brown, Thomas Baines, .J, T Brannon, H J Bruce, Mr C Chambliss, Miss Nancv Clavton, Isaac D’ Dunn, Judge Dunlap, Mrs Sarah & Edwards, Michal Evans, Anselm F Favors, lieuhen Fulford, Stephen Flournoy, Neisotl Fiournov. Jonathan G Greenwav, John H Holmes, Robert 2 Hargrave, Jas A Hollingsworth, J F Hoyle, John J Justice, Hugh B .Ternigan. Alex Jackson,AYm F Jones, Benj Jones, Walker P Jones, Oscar J >hnson, Mary at Mr Johnson, H J Goods, K King, T E L Lanffey, Isaiah Longshore, David 3 c M McCorkle, Mrs E Marshall, Mrs M Atichel, Wm Mullens, Thomas Mortis, Wm N Nix. Mrs R Newton, David V Pickens, E A J Preston, John R Rush, Elizaboth Ryan, Mr Iwan. Mrs C E Ram-ey, Randolph H retiinsoA Mrs M Rent Voe, Ephraim S ’ £-ayage, Mrs FM T Smith, John ! Smith Mrs Alathua Silas, John I Savmftcns. GiUotn W Sharp. Jesse i Smith, James E Stewart, Benj : Stinson, Thomas T Thompson, J&'s Turner, George jr Terry, S D it J S V Vaughn, John A AV Willis, Elijah Willis. Henry J Willis. James L Whipple, George AV Welch. Isaac B AA’oodall, John AA"est. Joseph AVhite, John E 47 3t R. W. ROKFE.P. M. G EORGIA, HbIARD COUNTY. 7 ‘ Court of Ordinary. January Ttrm. 1841. WHEREAS Noel Pace & Thomas S. Johnson, executors to the last wall and tes’ament of Bar | nabas Pace, late of said county, deceased, apply for i letters of dismission on said estate— These are, thereiore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to ’ be and appear at mv office, within the time pre*'nbcd ; ;,y law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at ntuce Jan.-O, 1841. 49 n 6m BAILEY BLEDSOE o. c. o. GUARDIANS SALK. BY Order of die honorable the Inferior Court o r Harris couniv, when sitting for onhnarv pur- : 1 poses, will be sold .‘on the first Tue-dey in APRIL j liext. within the usual hours of sale, before the Court house door in the town of Columbus. Muscogee coun ty. Lot of Laud No. 148 in the 23d district of formerly Lee now Muscogee county, belong ng to the minors of 1 Levi Kirk,deceased. WILLIAM KIRK, Guardian. Jan. 27. 49 Is GEORGIA. HEARD COUNTY. BENJAMIN BROWN tollsbeforc me, Samuel Paschal, a tustice of the peace for said county, one dark roan MARE, about four fH ms cr seven inches lush, twelve or fifteen years old; appraised to fifteen dollars, by XV. B. \V . Deni and S. J. Duke, this 14th of January. IS4I. Samuel Paschal, j r. A true extract trout the E-trav B*>os. . an. Da I. 1 10 it BAILEY BLEDLOE, c. i. u. XUSCOGEK SHERIFF’S SALES. j W r ILL be kold at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on the Lrst Tuesday iu MARCH next, between the legal hours of sale, the pronely— aj'me gig or tilberry, wi;h harness complete, levied on as the property of Peter Gedney, to satisfy an at taci.meai U fa iu favor of Lewis Dowdle vs. Peter GeJn.-y. Also, half acre lot number five hundred and eigh teen, in the city of Columbus and county of Musco gee, levied en as the property of John 0. Aus iu, to satisfy a mortgage li fa ,n favor of Zacheus Burt vs. John C. Austin. Property pointed out in said fi fa. Also, one negro man, a good carpenter, bv the name of Augustus, aged about SO yeats, levied on as the property ..1 Nat karat! Harris, to taii>f\ a i. la in frvorof Hampton S. Smith vs. Nathaniel Harris. Also, Jacob M. Jo.inson’s interest in and tu the two s’ore homes on Broad street, in the city of CVumbus, the same being a part of half acre lot number one hundred aud eighty-two, said houses havinr a front each of thirty feet, more or less, and runningeast one hundred and forty-seven feet ten inches, now occupied by the Messrs. Nances 5c levied entosat isfy afifa in favor of Lewis I)owdie vs. Jacob M. Johnson, maker, and H. to. Smith, seewuty, and Hi ram Read, erat rser. Also, tv.o negroes, CrawLrd a man twenty-five years old, and Susan a woman 20 years old, levied sa as th r proneriv of Micajah Bin.iett, to satisfy the fi fas in favor of A. M. Terry and Walter T. €ol qtiiu vs. said Bennett, an J one other fi L in fdtor of James 11. Shorter vs. said Bennett,principal, and J 5. D. Ridenhonr security. Also, the foilowi: g “half acre lots, in the city of Co lumbus and county of Muscog.-e, in tubers ninety eight. ninety-nine, one hundred, one hu id red and 1110. one hundred and three, one hundred and four, one himdrsd and five one hundred and six, one hundred and seven, one hundred a”d eight, one him-ired and nine, . tie bundled and ten, one hundred and two, one hundred and twenty-one, one hundred and twen ty-two,en. hundred and twenty-three, one hundred and twenty-four and ninety five, asl levied on as the property of John W. Turner, to satisfy a li fa in favor 1 of Robert Collins vs. John AV. Turner, j Also, one negro woman aged about thirty years, by j the name of Sarah, levied on as tha property of John W. Turner, to satisfy the following fi fast one in fa -1 vor of William T. Cravfoid, one in favor of Murphy 15c Granb :ry, and one in favor of Preston, Mitchell & | Jones, surviving copai triers &c. vs. John W. Turner. Abo. the following properly: two sofas, one dozen j mahogony c! sirs, oiie do. rocking chair, one pier jg ass, one pair of o'tornans two fen ieis, two pair 1 brass andirons , one pa'r shovel and tongs, one svt i inantua curtains, two dozen cane bottom chairs, one j mahogony side board, two mahogony bedsteads, two , maple bedsteads. < tie lea table, one set dining tables, two bureaus, three wash stands, two feather beds, two hair inaitrasses. two cotton ma'tia-s* s. one passage j lamp, and one four wheel carriage and a pair of hors ; es. all levied on as the property of Edward Carey, | to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the Insurance Bank of Co | lumbus vs. Edward Carey and T. 5t M. Evans, se i curity on the stay of execution. Also, half acre lot number one hundred and thirty, on Broad s’reet in the city of Columbus, and being tfie place where Joseph Sturgis now lives levied on as the proper; v of Jos-oh Sturgis, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. Joseph ! Stnrgis. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi la. Als >, on*- negro man bv the name of Moses, about tbir!v-five years old. and half acre lots in lire city of Columbus, numbers one hundred and twenty-nine ; nd th.tee hundred and twelve, and the undivided half” of forty-four set fir r inches, fronting on Dillingham street, and running north seventy-two ‘eet ten inches, the same being on the north side of said slieet, and being forty-fotn feet lour inches from the corner of Short and Dillingham streets ail levied on as the pro perty of Joseph Sturgis, to sati-fy sundry fi fas in favor of the Bank of Darien. Ratlibone ti. Baker, Birch, Welch & Cos. and ethers vs. Joseph Sturgis. Also, half-acre lots, numbers three hundred and nineteen and three hundred and twenty, in the city of Columbus and eaunty of Muscogee, bo’h levied on as the property of John T. Walker, to satisfy four fi fas, mis in favor of John Foisylh vs. John T. AA'alker, one in favor of William and W. Tonev vs N. IVI. C. Robinson, maker, and John T. Walker and Joel O. Wiggins, securities, on* in favor of WaddyJ. Jack ■tn vs M'Kee & Prickett, p r incipals, and John ‘j'. Walker and J. J. Boswell, endorsers, and the oilier in favor of \Talter H. Weems vs. John T. Walker and J. J. Bos er* 11. endorser-!. Also, lot of land number ten, in the thirty-third distiict of originally Lee now Muscogee county, con taining two hli dred two and a half acres, levied on as the property of James A.'Glenn, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Noel Matthews vs. James A. Glenn and others. Also, naif-acre lots in the city of Columbus, num bers two hundred and eighty*thi ee, two hundred and eighty four, two hundred and eighty-five and two hun dred and eighty-six, levied on as the properly of Na than P. Willard, tosa'i.-fv a fi fa in favor of Wells & John Godwin vs. said AYii'a.d Also the following negr es. to-wit: Craven a man twenty s x \ ears old. a good blacksmith, his wi'e Marv twrntv two years old. Jane a girl ten years oid, and Nelson a hoy twelve wars old, levied on as the pro perty o’ Jo! n 7 1 . Walker, to satisfy sundry fi las in favor of John Forsyth and odicts vs. said Walker. A i*o, the followina propei ty: William a negro man abou twenty-five years old. two pianos, one music stand and stoo’,tv. o -ofas, one and zen mahogony chairs, six ottomans, one pier table, two pier glosses, one centre ‘able, one asll al lamp, two mantle lamps, one hat stand, six fcndirs, seven pair andirons, shove's and tongs, three bureaus with glasses. 01m French bedstead, four bedsteads two small <!e one set din it.<r lables. one wash stand, two wash Stands, two rocking chairs, two large mirrors one looking glass, 1 wenty common chairs, one sideboard, two settees, one candle stand, two waidrobos, one w riting desk an! chair, one sina’l do., three foot stools, five small tables, three hair mat rasses, five cotton do., two pair smalt bellows, one dining set china, one tea do., one set cu! glass, nine silver candlesticks, two do'/.cn siiver forks and a s- t of knives, one pair silver waters, one set casiors, one pair flower vases, one pair silver snuf fers and trav. < ne set Japan waiters, one cordial i-tand. and two safes, all levied on as the property of James S. Calhoun. Also, the interest which Janies S. Cal houn and Charles L. Bass have in the Columbus Wharf Company, al! levied on to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of the Insurance Bank of Columbus Burton Hepburn. James Carey and o'h.-rs vs. .James S. Cal houn and Charles L. Bass, and Calhoun & Bass and others. Also, five negroes, to-wit: Jane a girl seventeen years old. Jane a girl sixteen years old, Blai k Jim a bov eighteen years old, Frank ahoy eleven ycarsold, and Frances a girl five years old, levied on as the property of Hampton S. Smith, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James H. Shorter vs. William H. Robinson & Cos , makers, and Hampton S. Smith, er.doiser and security. Also, the following furniture: one wardrobe, one bureau, one table, one carpet, one looking glass and eleven chairs, all revied on as the property of Lester L. Oovvdry. to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Bainuel Judd vs. Le ter L. Cowdry. Also, the following negroes: Gilbert a man tvrentv eight years old, his wife Beckey twenty-six. and her two children. Lucinda six years oid and a hoy child three years old, Henry eighteen years old, Mack six teen years o'.d Adam sixteen years old, Martha twe tv-two years old and her child Henry five ycarsold. Also, three lots of land in the eighth district of Mus cogee county, containing two hundred two an 1 a half acres each, to wit: numbers foriy-five, forty-six, and tlie oilier number not known but being the place where William W. Pool now lives, having about two hundred and sixty or two hundred and seventy acres of cleared land and go and improvements upon the same, about foiw rni'es above Columbus; said land joins Matthew Hal! and others, all levied 011 as the proper ly of William AV. Pool to satisfy sundrx li fas- from Muscogee superior court, one in favor of EdwM. E. Powers vs. \Vm. W. Poo! and Robert McCrary, one | in favor of Thomas Hoxev. Win. 11, Mitchell and J. N. Bethnne vs Wm. \\ . Po. l, one in favor of Duvall & Mattock vs AYm. W. Pool, and Robert McCrary, security, and John L. Lewis, security on the stay, and sundry other fi fas vs. Wm. AV. Poo! and Robert Mc- Crary. Property pointed out by Wm. AV. Poof. Also, twelve rosewood chairs, onemahogeny wash stand. three bureaus with marble top, three wash stands Jo., two rosewood centre tables and two pier tibles. levied on as the property of John C. Jacobi and Adolphus L. Heine, to satisfy sundry fi fas. o- c in favor of A. & S. & S. Thorp vs. Jacobi & Heine, one in favor of Burton Hepburn vs. said Heine, and sundry o'her fi fas vs. said Heine. Also, half-acre lot in the city of Columbus and county of Muscogee, on the corner of streets, and being the place where John C. Mangham now lives, levied on as the property of George AV, Towns, to satisfy a fi fa in favor es Nathaniel Nuck ols, bearer, vs. George AV . Towns. - S K. BONNER, Sheriff. January 27, 1841. 4Dis POSTPONED SALES. /V!LI. EE SOLD AT THE AEOVE TlfiE ,\>D PLACE. Tin- fallowing Negroes, to wii . Jim, a man about 24 years old, William a mulatto boy about 1C years old, Martha a woman about 19 years <> and, Ma ria a woman about SQyears old. and her live children Sarah 10 vears otd, Henry 7, Ludy 5, Frances o and Laura, 1 year old: also, five, fine, two story. 1 granite front brick store homes, on Oglethorpe s'feet., | rnmedia'ely opposite tlr Oglethorpe House, at this | •ime unoccupied, (or the most of them are) each con- j taining thirty Let front, more or less, on Og.ethorp” i street? and running west eighty feet, mete or less—at. | being in the citv of Columbus and county of Muscogee; j J alsojot of land No one hundred and eighty-one. iu j I the six'll district of Muscogee, containing two hun-| j dred two end a half acres, more or less ; “said land is j i unimproved ; all levied on as the property < f Burton Hepburn, to satisfy sundry fi- fas. fiorn Muscogee Superior Court, one in favor of the Executors of George AV Murrav, deceased vs. Burton Hepburn, appellant, and James C. A at son, security 011 tue appeal and stav, and other fi. f-i<. vs said Hepburn. S. R. BONNER, s.’.crM’. At the stme time and place will be sold: One lot of land in the ninth district of Muainer cou tv, known bv number fifty-six, cotraining two hundred two and a half acres, the property of David Ma.lJen, to sa’isfv aft fa from Muscogee superior citirt in fr • r <-f John Smith v- I Mash! n. Bro pertv pointed out by Randtd! L.i ty. I (_ AHo, the honse anJ lot lately occupied by John C. Hamilton, situate on the west side of Oglethorpe street, in the city of Columbus, bounded north by the properly of Thomas Dutton and south by Ur. J. J. Hoxev, levied on as the property of David Wright, to satisfy - three h fas from the superior-court of iVimco gee n favor of Thomas S. Smith, one in ot Ulijaii Cor.ev, and the other in favor ot Caroline E. Wiley vs. said Wright, principal, and HamptonS. Smith, security. A iso. one lot of land in the sixth district of Musco gee county and State of Georgia, known fry number thirty-six, levied on as the property of Martial! Cov ington, to sutisiy a li fa from a justice’s court of ih - five hundred anil fiftv-third district. G. M., and State aforesaid, in favor of >l. R Mathews vs. said Cov ington. Levy made and returned to me by a ronsia ble. A !so. a quarter acre lot, with a good dw< King house and other improvements, being the west half of lot number five hue-arid and sixtv-siven, senate on Crawford st cer in the city < f Columbus, now occupi ed hv Mrs. Bur’- n, levied on as the property of David W. Upton, bv virtue of afi fa issued fionithe superior court i r Muscogee county, in favor of James 11. Shorter v<. John W hitesides, and said I'plon, securi ty or. appeal. Also, the undivided third if James Terry’s interest in the following negroes, to-wit: Diov a woman about forty years ol t, Sam. her son. about seven ytats old, Susan a girl about five vears ©id, ami Monroe a hoy about six months oid, lenea on to satisfy a fi fa issu ed from the superior cott't of Upson county, in lavor of John Covanah vs. sai l Terry. The above pro perty is also subj ct to several executions from a justice’s court. Property pointed out by Michael N. Clarhe, Esq. Also, the following household furniture: four ma hogany tables, two dozen chairs, one carpet and rug. two pair andirons, one ft ntler. t o bureaus maliogony ami glass, four bedsteads, four beds anei furitbuie, one hair st>fa, two pair silver ]>!att and candlesticks, tv o wa ter buckets, tliree iron pots, two ovens, two spiders, one kettle, one brass kettle, one tea and coffee set ehtr.a. two pair of decanters, three Japan waiters, one pair castors. Also, one hundred and eighty volumes of Medical and Miscellaneous works, levied on a’ the property of Edwin L. 1 tGraffem ied, by virtue of two fi fas from the superior court of Muscogee coun tv, one in favor of the Bank of Milledaeville. vs. said DeGrafFenrii and, and the other in favor of Wiley E. Jones vs. said DeGraffenrin!. maker, and Washing ton Toney and Nri! MrN or. endorsers. THEOBALD HOWARD, D. S. • January 27, 1341. 49ts At the same time and place will be sold: One halt-acre lot .of land, with the improvements thereon, in the city of Columbus, known in the plot of said city bv number three hundred and seventy-nine, f outing* on Troup street, being the place whereon Gerard Burch lives. Aiso. three negroes, Hannah a woman forty-five years oid, and her t'.vu children Daniel eight years old and Henry six years old, levi ed on as the property of Gerard Burch, to satisfy a fi fa in favor ol the justices of the inferior court of Mus cogee county vs. James Moss, principal, Henry W. McDaniel, James M. Russell, James £>. Calhoun and Gerard Burch, securities. Also, one half acre lot of land, known as number three, on the Kentale Academy square, in the city < f ‘Columbus, levied on as the property o! James S. Calhoun, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of the jti tires of the inferior court lor Muscogee county vs. James Moss ptmcipal, lienry W. McDaniel, Joints M. Russell, Janies S. Calhoun and Gerard Burch, securities, Also, Henry W. McDaniel’s interest in two hun dred two and a half acies of land, known as lot num ber one, in the seventh district of Muscogee county, levn and on as said McDaniel’s property, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of she justices of the inferior court for M us cogeecounty vs. James Moss, principal, Henry W. McDaniel, James P>l. Russell, James S. Calhoun and Gerard Burch, securities. A'so, one Jack-ass, five year? old,levied on as ‘he propei ty of Benjamin Howard, to satisfy a fi fa from the superior court of Muscogee county, in favor ot Colquitt, Holt and Echols vs. Maty Y\ imams and Berj.infill Howard. Also, eight hundred acres of land in the ninth dis trict of Muscogee countv. adjoining lands of Thomas Harrell, Motley and others. These lands embrace a plantation of several hundred acres, with a comfort able dwelling gin house, cotton screw, and othc ne pessary buildings, being the place whereon Axnn Dunn lives. Also, fourteen negroes, to-wit: Crom well a man thirty years old. Charles a man thirty-five years of ago, September a man fifty years old, Susan a woman twenty-five years old, Dicy a woman forty years old, Fanny a woman twenty-five yeais old, Su rah a girl ten years old, Hetty a girl ten years old, George a boy seven teats oid, llariiel a gir! twe years old, Cato a boy four years old, Lewis a boy two years old, Bill a boy twelve years old and Permelia a oiil ten years old. all levied on as the properly if Ax um Dunn to satisfy sundry fi fas from the superior court of Muscogee county, one Ragan. Co'quilt & Grant vs. Axum Dunn, Joel King vs. Carnes & Ta tum, makeis. ar il Axum Dunn, endorser and security, James C. Holland vs. Axum Dunn. The above named fi fa- have been transferred to James 11. Short er. Martha Gee vs. Axum I rain, two T. W. Smith & C .. vs- A sunn Dunn. Jamas L Laurence vs. David Mann ami Axum Dunn, Stewart & Fomain vs. Axum Dunn. Executor and Executrix of Abraham Aifriend, deceased vs. Rob. rt. W. Onrnts. principal, and Ax tim Dunn, seen itv on appeal. Edward K. Powers vs. Axum Dunn and F.ii F3. \V. Spivey, makers, and John L. Lewis, endorser, Edwin Harris vs. Axnni Dunn, Walter T. Colquitt vs. Henry Horton, maker, anil Axum Dunn, endorser. .... Also, will be sold under ah order from the inferior Court for Muscogee Count v, as perishable pro; erty,the steam boat Tallapoosa, hv;ed on by virtue of sundry attachments, cue Shubael Dim mer vs. J. ll.Gindial and Steel and Joseph Holland, joint owners of steam boat Tallapoosa, one other Shubael Drunincr vs. J. 11. Gini'fat and Steel. WILLIAM F. LUCIvIE. D. S. Jan 27, 1841. 49ts At the same time and place will be sold : One lot ofland number two hundred and five, in the ninth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property of Arthur R. Johnston, to sa'isfy two fi fas issued from Muscogee superior court, one in favor of JosepbS. Smith & Go. vs. said Johnston, one other fi fa in favor of John & Win. Kinkaid Vs. William J. Blair, and Arthur R. Johnston, security. Also, one lot of land numbei forty-four, in the seventh district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property ®f Little Berry Randall, it being the place on which Little Berry Randall lives, being hand somely i provtd, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued fiom Muscogee superior court; Alfred F. Brannon vs. said Randan. Moses Butt vs. said Randall and Alfred F. Brannon, and Elizabeth A. Billups vs. said Randall and Alfred F. Brannon. Also, two hundred two and a half acres ofland, being the east half lot number one hundred and lot tv one,'and the north half of lot number one hunored and sixteen, ho'.hin the sixth district of Mu cogee county, and a ir->gro woman about seventeen years old, named Hannah, and her child about two months old, all levied on a? the property of James Howell, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from the superior court of Muscogee county, in favor of Samuel C. Parks and others vs James Howell, also,-sundry fi fas issued from a justi ce’s court ol Muscogee county, in favor of A. B. Austin vs. said Howell, and H. Dean, security. Also, Moses J. Hollis’ interest in lot tu mour seven ty-nine, in the llfh district of M useogee county, on which there is v. sawmill, which interest is one-third nart levied on as the proper y of said Hollis, to satis fy one fi fa issued from Muscogee inferior court in fa vor of John L. Lewis vs. Moses J.Hollis,maker ,r.f Ma iion county, and James II Campbell, endorser and security, of Muscogee comity. Also, oho lot of land in tile tenth district of Musco gee county, number two hundred arid eighty one. con taining two hundred two and a half acres, levied on as the property of William l’u r;ck. lo satisfy a fi fa issued from the inferior court of said county, in favor of Green P. Cozart vs. William Patrick. Also, one lot of land number three hundred and one in the tenth district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property of William Patrick, to satisfy one fi fa issued out o’ a justice’s court of Muscogee county, in favor of Thomas Motley vs. said Patrick. Levied on by Samuel P. Renfioe, a constable, ad returned to me. Also, one lot of land containing two hun ired two and a half acres, number eighty-seven, in the seventh district of Muscogee county, levied on as the property , f Henry Sanders, to satisfy sundry fi fa:, issued from a justice’s court of Muscogee county, in favor of Ro lin R. Paremore vs. Maderson Sanders and Henry Sanders. Levy made arid returned to me bv a con stable. The above property will be sold at the risk of William Sullivan, the former purchaser. JOHN S. DUNCAN, D S. Jaruarv 27. 1841. 49:s MORTGAGE SALKS. TS'?a T TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next at the Market House in the cite of Co j ‘it inbus, between the usual hours of sale the following 1 nrsfroes, to-'vit: Creasy a woman about twenty-five years old, and ! her female child about five years old, levied on as the j property of Robert L. Moore, to satisfy a mor'gage Us i in favor oi James H. Snorter \s. said .il.ioie. | property pointed om in said mortgage fi ia. Also, the foilewtng property: one negro man by the ! name of Ned twenty five years old, khods a woman thirty-eight years old, two bay horses, one four-whe.ei I c?,rri3't‘ 1 , one piano, one sideboatd, tne bureau anti one sofa, ail levied on as the property of Henry King, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Crtiett Carnp bel , assivn- e of Hampton S. Smith vs. Ilenry King Property pointed out in said mo-tgage fi fa S. R. BONNER, Sheriff. January 27, 1841. dots COItONER’-G SALK. WSS7ILL be sold on the firs’ Tuesday n MARCH V next, at the Market House in the <iv of Co lumbus. between the usual hours of sale, the DlUr.vmg property, to wit: 1. its of land numbers eighty-four and cigh'v-five. each c n a tium two hundred two and a half acres, I ~! ng in the thirty-third district of originally Lm now Muscogee county levied on as the property cf Wm. ! Hearn, to satisfy afi fa from Forsyth superior court in favor of Hardv Richardson vs Wi am H- n>. BARTLETT WiCM J • | COROXER’i PfIBXI>G?:ED sale. , At the same Line and plate v, til Le sold: House and lot containing twenty-eight fee; of ground j frout, more or less, en Oglethorpe siiei t in the city if Co.uinbus, it being part of half acie lot number <n* hundred and (event v-seven, now occupied by Reuben 6. ttaCold, John A'. McCloud and Lewis Men roe, free persons of color, levied on as the property ot 1 E'iza Shivers, to sa isft oue fi fa in favor ot Nancy i Tarver vs. Eliza Shivers end Seymour R. Bonner, j Property pointed mu bv Seym ‘Ur K . Bonner. BAR I LETT WtCKS,Coroner. ! Jan. 27. 18-11. 49 s STEWtUT JxAL.ES. be sold Ik fore the Court House door iu W w tlic low nos 1. 1 -mpkin, Slew art count v, on :!ie first Tuesday tn MARCH next, within the legal hours of sale, the foi owii-.g piopeity. 10-o-'t: Lot of land No SSS. in the 3:st uistu.-f of Stew art county, and one t av mare, two cows and calves, all ic vied on as the property of M. M. S. Y\ arisworlh, to satisfy one fi fa issued cut of Sit wart superior court in favor of E. E. Crocker vs James Barber and -M. M. S. Wadsworth. AUo lots of land No?, 40. 57 and 25, in (he 24 h da ilie! i f Stewart county, as the property f Samuel Ada ■ s to satisfy om fi ‘a issued out ot Stewart mft rior conit. Richard J. Snell ng and Cornelius Leary v> James S. Lunsford and Samuel Adams. Also, lot of land No. 95 in thi S3d district of Stew art county, as rhe property of James A Ham ,to satisfy one fi fa issudd out ofStevvart sun* rior court in favor of John R . Cart, e vs Janies I>. Wilson, James A. Harris and M. IV). S. Wadsworth. A so. lot No. 183. in the SS I distric of Stewart j county, tak< .* as the property of Patrick Alt nr< e. to sa isfy one fi fa issued*4>t of Muscogee superior court ; in favor of Atexar.der McDougald vs Patrick Muinoe, j maker, and Thomas W. Watson security. Also, lot No *2. in the S3d district, taken as the property of I.awsoii l’o <'s to satisfy one fi fa issued j .nit of a justices com tof Habersham c< untv in favor j of CJ. Thomoson vs M Burgess and L. Bower. j Also, lot No. Cos in the 19th distict of Stewart , county taken ss tin pieperty of Jonathan B. Dingier >o satisfy one fi fir issued an: of Jasper inferior court in favor of Matthew Whitfield vs ssni Dingier. Also, lot No 50. in the 23 district of S'ewnrt cotui tv. taken as the property < f James S. Lunsford osati.- fv one fi fa issiitd out of Stewart superior court in fa vor of I.ewi: L. Smi'h vs James S. Lunsford, John Lunsford and A. F. Pope. Also, lot No. 42. in the 23d di-trie; of Stewart county, taken as the property of David G. Rodgers to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justices court of Stewart county in favor of James Clark and others vs David G. Rofgersand Henry K: bev. Also, lot No. 93. in the 22d district, taken as the property of ’I hotnas J. Kisterson. to satiety * ne h fa issued out, of inferior court in favor of William , Smi’h vs Thomas J. Kistcrson maker, and Gnfiin Smith endorser. Also, lot No 156. in the 21st district ofStevvart county, taken as the property of Jacob Mercer to satisty one fi fa issued out if Stewart infer i< r court in favor of Joseph S. Lee vs Jacob Mercer and Ilcnry B. Lee. Also. John Lanturn’s it in Jot ofland No. 104, in the 2-2d district ofStewar county. to satisfy sundry ti fas issued out of a justices court ofStewar county in favor of Thomas Brinsfield and . thurs vs John Lan turn. Also, the home and !<>t in the town of Lumpkin known as the dwelling of A. U. Pope, taken as the property of A. B. Pope, D saiLfy sundry fi fas issued out of the superior a"d inferior courts of Stewart county in favor of Gustavu* Dclcnv and others vs said Pope. A Iso, lots Nos. 212. 246, the undivided half efNos. 244 and 243 except five acres reserved for the tnetho d;st church—with a valuable si t of mills on the premi ses all in the 2hi district of Stewart ooutitv, taken as the property of Appleton Hay good to satisfy sundry li fas issued out of a justices cotirt of Stewart county in favor cf H. H. Hudson and o hers vs said Hnygbod. Als \ James S. Lunsford’s interest in lot No. 79, in the 23d district of Stewart county, taken to satisfy stmdtv fi fks issued out of the superior and inferior courts of said comity, in favor of Lewis L. Smith and others vs James S. Lunsford. Adso, the settlement of land where Samuel Tomp kins now resides, containing eight squares, numbers not recollected, in the 23d district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Samuel Tompkins to s itisi'y sundry fi fas issued out of the supeiior and inftrior court of said county in favor of James L. Martin and o'hers vs Samuel Tompkins, Nathan Clifton and Win. P. Tompkins. Also, the settlement of land that Richard W. Fort now lives on, in the 20th district of Stewart county, taken as the prop’ rty of Jesse P. Harrell to satify one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Thomas Shannon vs Blount Troutman and Jesse P. Harrell. Also, lot No. 77, block I>, in the tov nos Florence, taken as the property of IJ. Garrett to satisfy one li fa issued out ofStevvart inferior court in favor of Kimbrough & Smith vs Henry Garrett and Daniel Garrett. Also, lots ofland Nos. 13S and 139. ir the 20ik dis trict of Stewart county, and five slaves, viz: Ben, Ned. Jane, Arnos and Jim all taken as the property of Major Stanley, to satisfy a ti fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of William 11. Wilder vs Major Stanley. Also, the settlement ofland that Thomas Brinsfield now lives on, in the 224 district of Stewart county, taken ns the proper'v of Thomas Biinnfieiit to a'infy one fi fa issued out of S’evvart iufi rior court in favoi of Jacob Watson administrator of James H. AYarren, deceased, vs Thomas Brinsfield, Charles H. AYarren and Thomas J. StelL Also. William H. Leary’s interest in lot of land No. 73, in the 19th district of Stewart county, to saiisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior Court in favor of Richard J. Snelling vs said Leary. Abo the settlement ofland that William Filzpatrick now lives on, taken as the property of Wil iam Fitz patrick to satisfy one fi fa issued #u> of S ewait supe rior court in favor of Ebezczer W. M. Rice. Also, one hundred bushels of corn, four thousand pounds of fodder and twenty head of stock cattle, taken as the property of @iitOon Massey te satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of W'illiarn Seymour and others vs said Massey. Also, one negro slave by the name of Riah taken as ihe property of Henry Beacharn to satisfy two fi fas issued out of Stewart inferior court, one in favor of George W. Tayl*r, the other in favor ofG. B. Bali St Cos. Also, one sulhe.v and harness, taken as the property ofGeorge W. Rice to satisfy one fi fa issu'd outr.f Jackson superior court in favor of John Appleton vs s id Rice. Also, one sulkey, taken as the property of A. B. Pope to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart su perior court in favor of Baker, Terry it Cos. and others vs said Pope. Aiso, one negro slsve bvtl.e name of Mary, taken as the property of Thomas J, Rtell to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor ofMa rv AYarren and others vs. said Si ell. Also, one sorrel horse, one two horse wagon, taken as the properly of Simeon B. Luster to saiisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart inferior court in favor of Francis Dclone vs George D. Luster and Simeon B. Luster. M. M. FLEMMING, D. S. Jan. 27, IS4I. 49 ts The fallowing slaves, to wit; Hume, a man, and Peter, a man, taken as the properly of John D. Pitt*, tosatisfy one fi fa issued out of Muscogee superior court, in favor of Theophilus Sapp, vs John D. Pitts, and others. A! “o the house and Dt on the pub’ic square, in the town of Lumpkin, known as M. M. Flom ng’s con fectionaiy, taken as the properf} ofM.M. Fleming, to ss.ti.-fy one li fa i sued >.ut of Stewart superb r court in f’avo’ of Letov, Wiley, Parrish, & Cos. vs M. M. Fleming. James M. Sullivan and others. Also, tiie Apothecary’s shop, on the public rqare in Lumpkin, siewart countv, now occupied by James Clark and A. B Pope, taken a? the property of A B. Pcpe to sa'isf/ sundry fi fa issued out of Stewa't su perior court, in favor of Mtler, Ripley, Cos and oth ers vs Cain, & Hope. ROBERT RIVES, Sheriff. Jan. 23,1841 MORTGAGE SALKS. be sold, on the first Tuesrtav in APRIL Vv next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, the following property, to wit: The following slaves: Lucy and tw o < hildren,Georg*. Rose ami her two children, Caroline. Daniel, Dave, irthur. Sampron, Diamtah and two children, Toner, and Alfred, uii taken as the property of Robert Hatch er to satisfy three mortgage fi fa - issued out of Stew art inferior court in favor of Willard Bovnton, Love J. Bryan, Tomlmson Fort and Khjah E Crocker, executors Williams, deceased. Property pointed out in said fifa'S. Also, eleven slaves, viz: ‘Nek, Defhpsy, Ceily forty years of age, Oe ley three months old. Green. Drttcil !a. Ai'.scy Juliana. John, N incy and Matiah,: levied on as the property of Richard W. Simmons, to satis fy two mortgage fi fi>s isstted out of Monroe inferior court . o* • m ‘aver of Frederick G. Hk belt, the ether •in favor of Arthur Foster vs R. W. Simmons. Pro perty pointed out in strid fi fas. Also, one road wagon, harness an-! six nniVe. te-I.en as the property of Nathan Clifio , to satisfy a mort gage ft fa issu’ and out of Stewart inferior eomt in favor of the executors of Sr.mue! Williams.den ; fed. M.M. FLEMMING, D. S. Jan. 27, 1841. 49 t - FSESH PHUT. TirUST receive j, 40 boxes new Raisins, itjp 40 half boxes do do 20 boxes white Malaga Figs, 20 kegs do and > Grapes, 10 tu-xes fresh Lemons, 2 kegs fresh Tamarins, Aha two boxes I'aitan Vermicelli, For sale Vv ! ’ J. B. SI RUPPER, ‘ j One door above Hamilton & Hurd’s Clothing Store ‘ Jan. 6 1841. 46 tt LAW. subscribers having connected tharoselvcfi 1 §L the practice of LAW, wil attend ail the. County Courts <-f the Chsitahcociicc Circuit, and the adjoining e ••unies of Alabama. Office in Mclntosh .’ . . A & V-rin;’- Store. ALFRED IVERSON, June 11. IrS J. M. GUEF.Ui . UNIVERSITY OP GEORGIA* ANNUAL ANNoUirCFWt NT. I'jJMin Exercises of this Institution will be resumed j -ML on the Sixtemth if January, 1841. Applicants tor admission io the JFre.-I man ClasS “id be examined critic a l\ a? to tin ir know bilge ol the ■ Latin, Greek and English; is, (pr> so y inclu-* |dd ;) also upon the Anabasis of Xv nopl.t n, as can* i tamed in the first volume of J,c Collectanea Giatca | .Aiiijoia—or any equnu.tnl seiectieu in the same v>- i iumt; also, upon 1 .iny’s Letters, or Sallust, or Livy. I Above ail, they will be expected to evince gnat resui | m Ss in Ati ha e ic.J i b t,l: auuiis- u.n io the Su| ! f (.n.ore Class, in addition : to the above, the applicant should have read and < om j pie! id iht first volume it the Maim a. ai.d the hrst book :ot the Uuyssv, or ll.e equivalents. ’I he Odes of j Horace, vvnli attention to prosody: wi ll Tacitus’s 1 Lite ot Agrico.a, and his Geinimiy. In Mathematics I he will be examined on ill Day’s'Algilra, and on the j tirvl three hi oiks of PiUvfari'.s Gcometi v. i Pun’ tun: a: n i dance ,n the f.rst day of Term isde j sirab.e. as weii for ll.e sake of the btudent as foi the • good of tht lusiitutiofi at large. i Gram B< aid may be obtained in private families at I Horn ten to twelve 1 eloilars per moiuh. 1 Lola ge fees, including Tuition, Room rent, SeM vam i;u . . Ld.raiy, ivc. I* illy Doliars, payable in ad vance, vit.: I hniy dollars on the ifith of January and 1 twenty doll is ni. the Ist e f August. ‘1 In re an- thiee exauiinarii Us iu the year. 1. Du* • ring the f;s. lovinighi in April, 2. The week before , -i.mmt ini tiiin;. 3. ‘I he last wee kia October. A aeahiu:.- : Due week afier Commencement dav, snd Iroui November Ist to 1 Arh of January following, i lu* r citi, \ aro ns Tol ovvs! Rev. Alonso Cnuat m.D. D., President and Pro lissoi it Moral Philosophy,Metaphysics, and Politi cal r.( rnt i v. J.vvis Jack-on, A. AT., Professor of Natural i tiilosophy an! Ldiv imsti v. H. Hull, be. Lb, Protessor of Olathematics and Astionomv. IYiai nil's A. A\ \r.D,M. D., Porfessor of Miner alogy, Gco.ogy and Botany. Riv. \. ii i i.iu Lkiim.vsn, A. M. Professor of Giev k and hi idem Lanauxocs, Je.Mt s P. AA Arm, A. Al., Trofessor of L tin, Aii'i.a'..!ogy and Bt iles-lettres. ~ Ch.vKwAs I'. McCay,A. AL, Professor ofCivil Engui'.' and adjunct Professor of Mechanical t l.llosophy. Nahum H AAoop, A. M., Tutor in Ja.mus Jaik-on. Inspector and Librarian. C. I l '. McCav, Secretary to the Faculty. o A. HULL, Secretary to the Board of Trustee'. t b IY,- )|, tpio. 4 ,j 4( UIK IKLfBRATKB HORSE ROBIN IIOOD WILT, stand the • risuing season, one half of Ids time at my stable, nineteen miles above Colum bus, iu Russell county, Ala., and the other part of his time at Lafayette, Chambers countv, Ala and will be !et to mares at the reduced price ofFtlty Dollars, duo’ .s!h of December next. Mares seiit over thirty miles will be fed t .'O months gratis. Person* failing io get a colt m t. e Spring, will be allowed the” Fall season grails, ii the mares are suit to niv stable All cate will be taken to prevent actidetits’and escapes, but iio hahuHies K>r either. 1 9 A- to 1: iibin’s pei formatters on the turf, a ref. renre to the xM iid Book or Spirit of the Times, will rive antirc satis faction. It is also due hint to say. that his ei'it:, so far as trials have bei n made, huVe been sur-’ passed hv none in the United States. ‘I he season w 11 commtnce the first o’- Match, and i*nd the zirst of Julv. z TV'IJITK & J J... Mt. ‘4* If J ” o ’ CROWELL. G lie.Gl A, TALBOT COUNTY. hKREAS Roland Smith applies to me f.r . * , buteis ot administration on the estate of David onurn, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased to , f n<l appear at my efliee within the time prescribed by law,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. J Given under tny hand at office, Jan 20 1841 4t> 4t VV. S. GOSS, c. c. o 4 tsAxuUAui’ vostposied Salks.’ ON the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, will, within the legal hours, be sold, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, the following property: ‘’ Six claves, to-wit: Lewis, Peggy, Marvellon and chiiii, atm Adeline and child. Also, the interest of* Joiiu D. 1 ttis m the following lots of land, numbers three hundred and thirty-seven three hundred and thirty-eight, three hundred and forty-two, and fractions numbers three hundred and forty-three, containing three hundred ana eighteen acres, and three hundred and forty-four, containing thirty acres, in the twenty setond district of Stewart county, taken as the pro- John D. Pitts, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of the superior and inferior courts of said county, in favor o Jcf.u B. Logan and others vs. John D. Pitts. A Iso lots of land numbers one hundred and sixtV fqitr, one hundred and sixty-five, one hundred and eighty and one hundred and eighty-one in the twenty first. district of Stewart county; also two negroes, Miles and Hannah—levied on as the property of Dan* tel M’Leod, to satisfy a fi fu issued from Stewart su perior court in favor of Cullen U arp. The above nro perty to be sold for bills on the Columbus Bank cr gold and silver only, by order of Gregby E. Thomas, plaintift’s attorney. ’ Also one negro-slave by the name of Abram—levied on as the property of Henry Beacham, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Stewart superior court in favor of Ab ner A\ ellborn ts Henry Beacham. 47ts ROBERT RIVES, MORTGAuE SALES. WILL HE SOLD AT THE ABOVE TIME A2*l) PLACE Lot. number nvo hundred and forty-five in the twen ty-fourih district of Stewart county—levied on as the Property of James S. Lunsford, to satisfy a mortgage ti .as issued from Stewart superior court in favor of Aden Leek am vs aames fe. Lunsford: property point ed out in said ft fa. A Is i lot of land number two hundred and twenty-six in the twentieth district of Stewart county —levied on as the property of Augustine B. Pope, to satisfy a morigage fi fa issue 1 from Stewart superior Court in tavor of Stoddard, Miller & Cos. Property pointed out in said fi fa. Jan. 6. 47ts ROBERT RIVES, Sh’JT. haadglpu postponed sales. WILL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, before the Court House door, in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usuil hours oi sale, the following property: Also the south half of lot of land number onehun and nineteen in the tenth district of said county; and three negroes, viz: a negro man named Abram about thirty-six years old; and a woman about thirty years old, name not known, and a boy child named John about five months old—levied on as the property of Thomas G. Carman, to satisfy sundry fi fa’s from a justices court of said county, viz: one in favor of Alexander Kilpatrick vs Thomas G. Carman, others m favor of Council Wooten vs Thomas G. Carman. Also that pari of lot of land number one hundred arid nicety-three in the ninth district of said county,’ which lies east-ff the road leading from Cuthbert to \ Lumpkin—levied on as the property of Lee Jeffries • to satisfy onefi fa froth a justices court of said county in favor of David Ferguson vs Lee Jeffries, and one in favor of Elbert Dickson vs Lee Ji ffries. 47ts LEWIS GREGORY, Sheriff. WM. lIAIiCA SHIVERS, ATTORNEY zxND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. Jari 12. 47 4t THAiiE undersigned has lately taken the Tavern Ji- formerly occupied by Gray & Jones, opposite the Court House in Clinton, Jones county, Georgia, would be glad of a call from his friends and acquaint ance. M. SULLIVAN. Jan 1. 18 ‘l. 47tf NOTICE. THOSE who have in possession the Prospectus to The Cotton Gin Maker and Gamer’.’ Guide^ ;f anv subscrib is, will please forward by mail to Co lumbus. TEMPLETON REID. Jan. 12. 47 It* NOTICE, ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Stew ait. la'e of Early county, deceased, are request ed to make immediate payment, and those having de mands against the same, to present them in terms of the law. LEE WALKER, Administrator. fi FME __ 47 3t NOTICE. A I.L persons indi bud to the estate of Richard | -C-sE Co.her, late of Eatlv county, deceased, are re jutsted to make immediate payment and those hav ing demands against the same, to present them in terms of the law'. ELIZABETH COLLIER, Administratrix, Jan. 8. 1841. 47 St REMO VA L. BR. JNO. J. JJ. liUXhi , has removed his of! lice to the room over the store of T. A. Bran non, a fi w <i ‘ r~ clove Taylor and W’aikei’s, and nearly opoositc Col. Joi.n Banks’ Drug Store, j .fin. !2. _ _ 47tf _ S XtJfli MONTHS after date app ication will be J- 1 m it: to the honorable the inferior Court of Baker noun’-. ‘"i o sit :: g (nr ordinary purposes, for leave to S’ >1 a. he real'< belonging to the estate of Jno. S. Bull r,d* i hi. late of said county. Ai.EXA.NDER FRAZIER, A'lm’r. Jan. 4 h, 1841. 48 4m NOTICE. v S’i'.lF, partnership existing in Muscogee, was dis solved the lt of March, 1838. lam rospoasi bl<- for no contracts entered into since that date, j March 14,1840. 4tf JOHN L. HARP. NOTICE. ■grfeiß f CHLEY vritl c .ntin- e the practice ofMr j ifird f. ‘ - v. Re. Office etl lie old staml of iODitiov ri -cliffy on L. tad Sheet. | Jul. ID. S