The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, January 15, 1831, Image 1

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[COSAM PMIR BARTLETT— EDITOR.] '{•HE DK.UOCR.IT, will be published every •reek m Colvmbvs, .Muscogee Count </, Georgia d t Three Dollars per annum if paid i„ advance’ or four Dollars at the end of the year Jt is expected that all application for subscription troni a distance will be accompanied with the money, Advertisements will bn inserted at reasonable £atei* scales oi land and negroes, by adminis trutors, executors or guardians, are required bv law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon V three in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the properly is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette -ti-xty days previous to the day of sale Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in a like manner forty days previous to liie day of sale Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be published forty days Notice that all application will be made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be pub jsliod four months. * LEGtSLA Ti VB. A Lli'l OF A(i l S Passed by the Legislature of Georgia, at the session held in October , November and December , 1630. Concluded. Set 20. Fins section relates to peisons failing, by absence or oilier unavoidable causes, to give io their nanus, who mav take .n oath before a magistrate ot the draw or draws lo which they may be entitled and make lolurn thereof to the Governor; provided such person swears also that (hey iiilt tid to return ana remain ciiiztus of the Sidle. Sic. 21. Five persons to be elected by Ibe Lcgiuirtiure, to superintend the lottery. sec 22. This section prescribes the man ner «f m wing tne pi izes, &■. S. c. 28. Fortunate dtaueis in this lot tery to receive grams, on paying 18 dol Jars lor each grant,if the /.rains are m>( ken within 5 years ilie lau*i to be fmf» ned to t.e S'aif. Se< 24.25,26, 27,28, and 29. These SBCiion- r lab to Iratiuuii'iit tiiuweis. 30. Tue Governor is required t,. cau*e the surveyois to proceed in he survey, and after I lie surveys are made, he is i,quned also to notify .he lot, ,y Commissioner to n.eei ai Miliedgev.lfe, io proceed to the #i. wing of the Icii, ry. Sue. 31. lht Indians and their descend ants, wno nave made improvements upon the territory, to be prutecteo in the pos ses ion of sucii impiovcment, and of n;c lots ol land upon which ihe sani improve nitnts are made, until voluntary lUand oiud by the Indian occupants. 1 .limn- not allow, ,1 to sell ilieii ,ig.,i of occupancv to any person unless n bo to Hie government j of dn U. 'tales, in the government of mis I 5t,.:,, ot .he use of the 0,.... „, 6 I iu j’r, vod lots in itie lottery ; anc no grant ' to be issued until shall have a- ! bandoned Urn lots hi their ociu.ancy ; ilio j fortunate drawers of such improved u is, to j forfeit their draws, should they hy threats or menaces, or violence, remove or at tempt io remove any Indian lit ni such mi- , proved lot. Sec. 32. This section fines a penalty tor cutting down or defacing any marked trees, i or lemove any laud mark, made t.y the i Jturveyins. S.«. 33. Pei son or persons preventing i th suivcyms Item performing theii duties, ! to bi sentenced to the P, ..i'Minury foi hve > yea s. St-c. 34. Case of vacant} of a lottery ' Count .s ncr, tu br filled by lit.* G veinm.i t. 33. Too sectional su'V*}"’ to pro c-eMi mu it as little delay h.s posadd.-, to trie performance ol the duties assigned them ; after the comjdt non < f dir survey into >he sections, she Governor is authorize > to it ve lei Jusiicesot ihe P. n< »• ai < iv> o Consta bles elected l< r eac h »t r:ion ; In Justices and Cttnsiaiees to be white wen, resident in ttie territory. In the event that the President of tin- United Slates should suc ceed in executing the compact of 1802, as relates to the tiie Cherokee lands, -h 1 Gov ernor is to order the district surveyors t proceed to discharge of their duties, ami to divide the districts into lots, and to proceed with the lottery Otherwise the survey < t Slid districts to be suspended until the nexi meeting of the General Assembly, and Om I fui' >er enm tmeuis for that puipose.- S c. 3G. Counties to which two district sui v» yors are allowed, no sectional sutvey ois to be ipnotnteii therefrom. Sei. 37- The . Governor authorized f>. call <he militia for the protection of the surveyors.} 69 T o st pnrate and divorce Sarah Ran* ‘dni Washington R octal, tie. husband '9 ud in net passed the J 1 -h ■ay cfdut.-e, 1825, to est 'blish election i\»ric»s in the routines ol Lwur, Applint & Ware, a,| d to punish thoso .ho may ti!tem(>t u de feat ilio same, so far as it regards the conn* ty i: t W i■ p. 91 To add an additional election dis* tun in the county of Jefferson to those al ■ready established. 72 To provide for the payment of the expenses which have been or mav be incur red by >he counties of Carroll, D Kalb, Guinnet . jUdl , ami Habersham, foi prison "foes in the piosecutinti of crimes committed iti the territory claimed by the Cherokee Indians, which was added to the aforesaid counties, by au act passed December 19m, 1629. 73 To amend an act entitled an act to re gnlate the admission of evidence in certain •cases in the several courts of law and in ■equity in this state, nnd to provide for the •recording of cotivi yanc* » o' p rsonai pro perty. * 74 To separate not) d'vorco Roub- n ' rhorr.tou and Ann Thornton lus wife. ,3 To incorporate the Mariners Cl.uicli • ' M-e city of Savannah. 76 I O add a pari of the county , f 11.,us- K-n the county of Crawford. 77 To alter and amend the 3d sect inn of an act entitled an act to alter and amend an act entitled an act lo alter i|,e place of hold "lg the election for county officers in lids s'ate, passed December 16, 1811. so fir a«- respects the roomy of 11. , in<l b. Knlh, passed December 19 1827." tS Fo amend an act eninled an act the more effectually to q,„et and protect the po-session ol personal property, and to pro vent the taking possession thereof bv fraud or violence, passed December 25, 1821. 79 To amend a n act entitled’an act to •intend the several acts respe« ting ihe court I of common P eas of the city of Augusta. ' V T , T ° V w u Ge ° rge A B VV;ilKer »nd V Walker, and their executors and administrators, forever, all the right, title and interest of the State of Georgia, in and to all that Lot piece or parcel of Land sit uate lying and being on Washington’and Given streets, in (be city of Augusta, and known in the plan of said city as Lot num ber 40 81 To authoi iza ihe raising and establish mg a fire company in the town of Macon and to authorise the commissioners of said town, i„ raise a fund hy taxation, for tne purchase of fire engines and their appurten ar?f**s. 82 To authorize the several courts of law and equity of this Stale to award judg ment against garnishees, in certain cases, and to point out the mode whereby such garnishees may he relieved from the opera* lion of s.tin judgments. 83 1 o alirr a part of the line that divides l th- • uoti.sol Hancock and Washington. 84 Fo alter the Jury’s and attorney's fees i), this state | 85 To alter and fix the times of holding the -opeuor courts of the Middle 86 11 o appoint eli yen additional trustees oj iif University of Georgia, and to pi*>- vide a permanent additional fund for she support of the same, and *o declare the number ol trustees wltirh shall be necessary to form a hoard, and to authorise a loan of ten thousand dollars to the board of Ttus teeß of said University, and to pr. vide for the education of certain poor children there in men; toned. 87 To inrotpotato a Bulking Company in sh -fly of Augusta. 88 To authorize the rebuilding of the m< tiog house, generally known as the Doiii) Branch Mot Ming iloubD, in tho conn 'y 1 Ft (Coin, make permanent the loca lion of iho same, on 'h'lttipoi of I md horr*- !?f" r ?' n ' 1 .irssaxrtwirtiwt tio ns, a nr) to appoint commissioners for the same 89 To amend the 2 *, 31, and 4th sec tions ■ f an act to provide for ihe payment <>f < • « in certain cases, passed December 13. 1820, as amendatory of an act entitled .1 to provide for the payment of cores io « ort-iin < *s*-s therein mentioned, passed D' cumber 13, 1816. 90 To -liter and change tlio time of hold ing ; b- summer session of the superior court; also to change the time of holding the fill session of the Superior court of Wdks coun ty. 91 To establish a ferry from the new < ri t• cently cprnod through the laods of R. (» nt and l’. Cutler, on the Abainaha in G'ynn couniy, to Darien, in Mclntosh com v 92 P- authorise lire payment of the trus tees of Franklin county Academy, of all arrears ..nd dividends now due, or to which thf s-iid Institution may he entitled, and to provide ti-r the payment to the same of all divuiatni-, that m iy hereafter be declared in f tv or t-ereof. 93 To divorce Nancy Oliver from her husband Joseph Oliver 94 F‘>r the relit sos purchasers °f frac tious, town In's, aid islands, at the late land *;!••- made in M'lledgcville, in the year 1828 and 1829, and at the sales of town and » " the to-vri of Macon anil Columbus. 95 To incorporate the Thomasville Ac a.temv in the county of Thomas. 96 For the relief of the purchasers of tho S' oes bitterest in the lands which have h- on condeu-nedas fraudulently drawn, in th'- coumies of Bibb, Houston, Crawford, Mon oe, Upson, Pike, Fayette, DeKalb and N-wton. 97 To. compel purchasers of mortgaged tiropi rty, purchasers of life estates, or es tates for a term of years, in personal proper ty, at sheriff’s coronet's or constable’s sale, to give bond. 98 To render and valid the election of Mayor of the city of Savannah anti ham lets thereof, also all the ordinances, resolu tions, rules, regulations, acts and doings, of the M ayor and aldermen of said city and hamlets thereof, since the Ist July, 1830: also to point nut the number of aldermen who shall compose the board to transact bu siness during certain pniiods of theyeai; and also the number of aldermen who shall be .’.uihoriznd to elect a mtfyor, and to em power the present and future mayors of said city, to perform the duties of said mayo-, until a successor shall be elected and quali fied. 99 To provide for tho temporary dispos al of the improvements and possessions pur chased from certain Cherokee Indians and residents 100 To provide for the surveying am' disposing cf the unappropriated islands i Flint and Chattahoorhie rivers, ands I g.anting the same. 101 Amendatory of an act o provide h o payment of tho snpermtendants of tho COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1831. roads and river* of this state, passed De cember 18. 1829. ' 102 For the encouragement of volunteer companies ofmilitia in this state. 103 To legitimatize change the names of certain persons Therein named. 104 For the relief of G- orge Millen, WiJ. ham K. Guerin, an Ac Robert M. Goodwin -unity of Chatham, from .he opera’ tton of the act passed Dec. 20, 1828 con corning duelling. • ’ 105 To icrorpornte the Justices of the Inferior court of Richmond county, and to invest the said Justices wiih*Jull power and authority to purchase any number of slaves not exceeding ten & such horses & mules’ and implements, as may he necessary to en able them to effectually work on the public roads in said county, and keep them in good repair. b 106 To authorize certain comn.isioners ihnen named to raise by lottery the sum of six thousand dollars, for the building a equrt house and academy in the countv of Scrivpn. J 107 To establish three additional elec , t,on ,|,s »nm ill the county of Troup. 108 To authorize the'lnferior court of t re county of Liberty, to appropriate mon ?y * or " Ie purpose of procuring and iinprov* 't'g a piece of land to accommodate the nnlitia of sa'd countv. 109 For the relief „f John Hardee, se curity on tho bond of Joseph Crews. e iv»,n accoiding to law by the said Joseph Crews, as tax collect.-, of ,h e county of Camden! for the years 1805, 1806, and 1807. 110 I o incorporate and appoint trustees ° tne Franklin Academy in Troup coun «y- --111 To extend the charter of the Bank r>l the State ot Georgia, and the acts now of fore* mendatory thereto. 112 To create an additional election dis trict, in the county of Henry. 113 To s<l! and dispose of certain frac tions in tiie fifth district of Early county. 114 1 o exempt the officers and members of the volunteer corps of Cay iffy in the ci ty of Augusta, known as the Richmond Hussars, from the performance of jury duty, and also to exempt certain property therein named, from levy and sale under execu tion. 115 To add an additional number of trus tees to the Pulaski county Acad, my 116 To amend an act to lay off, define, and keep open the main channel of Savan nah River from Augusta to the mouth of Lighiu'ood Log Creek, in Elbert connty, so as to prevent the obstruction of naviga tion, and the passage of fish therein and to punish those who may obstruct the same, saYio't?. passed Dec. 2)2, 1829. 117 To prescribe the mode of proceed ing under writs of ne exeat; and to amend the laws regulating the gianting of writs of ] injunction by the Judges of the Superior! conns ..f this state. 118 T>> amend the several acts for tho incorporation and government of the town o? M tor., and to vest a certain lot in Macon in th» Episcopal hurch. 119 To authorise the punishment of per sons concealing the oxistenco of small pox, or other contagious diseases. 120 For the relief of the citizens of the coiii /v of Crawford. 121 To intend an act entitled an act to j amhoiiz- Eht-nezer Jenks, to establish a | Toll on tho Newington Hoad, between Josh- | u-i Loper s, in Effingham county, artd the ] city of S-iv.mnih. passed Dor. 10,1803, and j to compel the said Eheneaer Jc-nks, to keep ! the said road in good repair, or forfeit hi.s ; right of taking toll during such time as the | I rord shall bu out of repair; aud also, to sip- j | point commissioners to carry this act into , effect, and to throw open said road under I certain circumstances. 122 To form anew county from the coun j ties f Troup, Coweta, and Carroll. 123 r»* incorporate the Biptist Church,' I near Non nan, in the county of Coweta. 124 To incorporate tho Baptist Con- 1 j ventioti of the Stale of Georgia. 125 To repeal an an entitled an art to to lay off the counties of Emanuel and Tat nali, into election districts, passed Decem ber 9, 1824, so far us respects the comity of Emanuel, and an act to establish elec tion districts in the county of Twiggs, and to punish those who may attempt to defeat the same. • 126 For the releaf of the securities of! Robert Henry, Senior, T.ix Cellector of J Liberty couniy, and to authorize liobetti Henry, Jun, one of his securities, to ooi* i lect the the taxes now due and uncollected, J in said county, for the years 1827 and j 1828. 127 To provide forsaking the census of j the State of Georgia in pursuance to the ; i. quirenient of the 2.V.h section of the Ist article of the constitution of the State of Georgia. 128 To emancipate and set free Joy Rose and her two sons Jim and John, for merly the property of Raymond Demere, • ate of the Island of St. Simon's in the coun •y of Glynn. 129 to establish an additional election dtstiict in the county of Lee, and to regu late the same, and »o amend an act entitl ed an act to lav off the county of Lee into ■ lection districts, passed December 22, 1829, and to fix the time and place of hold fig ihe courts in the counties of Stewart & • and Randolph, and the places of elections c said counties. 130 to authorise the ogent appointed by commissioners of tho Free Schools of ' aanuel county, to loan out the funds of • and schools, to call on all the those persons who have borrowed ol said funds, t.o renew their notes or pav the timmit due on said notes. 131 to appoint a mnsiar in equity for the counties ut Ciiuthaui. Richmond, and Bibl) respectively. le2 to amend an ad entitled an act to i"corporste tiip count t academy in the lawn of Newnan, in the connty of Coweta, and to appoint trustees for the same, passed December 16, IS2B, so fir as to appoint four additional trustees for Slid academy. 1-33 To incorporate tho Macon Insur ance Company, and io and. fine the poweis and liabilities ol said Company. 134 For the releif of the estate of Jas. Nephe.v, deceased. 135 To regulate slaves in tho county of Tiviggs, and to punish the owners or man agers, in certain cases, and to prevent tiie sale of poultry by slaves, except in certain cases. 131) y.-i amend an act entitled*un act to establisti and regulate election districts in counties of Walton, Fayette, Pike, Cowe ta and Ilall, and to punish those who may attempt to defeat the same, and to estab lish ;>n additional election district in the county of Coweta. J 37 To alter &, amend an act entitled an act lor* the better regulating of vendue mastitis in this State, so far as respects the town of St. Mary’s. 138 to vest in Young Johnson, and his associates, their heirs and assigns, the right of erecting and uteine a floating mill on the Iliver Ocmulgeo, witVm the limits ol the Ma con reserve, for a certain time, and on certain conditions therein exptessed. 139 to authorise the Justices of the in ferior court of Oglethorpe county, or a n»a* joiity of them to litre or purchase negroes, lor the improvement of the roads and bri dges, arid to loan out die county funds at interest. 140 to separate and divorce Folly Cleg horn and Wiihani iCleghorn, her husband; also to separate and divorce Henry J. M. Kennon and Mary Kennon his wife. 141 to declare void all contaricts here after made with the Cherokee Indians, so far a* the Indians are concerned.* 142 to prevent the exorcise of assumed and arbitrary power, by all persons under pretext of authority from ike Cherokee In dians, and their laws, and to prevent white persons from residing within that part of the limits of Georgia, occupied by the Chero kee Indians, an<l to provide a guard for the protection of the gold mines, and to enforce ihn laws of ihe State, within the afore said territory. 143 to authorise a lottery for the pur pose ol raising within a certan time, the repairs of the streets in Milledgeville, and to tne keeping the same in good order, and to appoint eommisstoueis to carry said ob ject into effect. 144 to separate nnd divorce Elizabeth Turnage from Henry Turnage, her hus band. 145 to make permanent the’public site id the county of Irwin, and to appoint com missioners for the same. 146 To authorise the issuing of wiitsof ne exeat, at tho instance of persons claim ing personal property in remainder # and re version, and lo preserve tho rights of such | persons. i 147 to fix the time of holding the courts ! for tiie trial of caveats, against the passing |of grants of land in the several countnsin ' this State. j 143 to require the commissioners of pi : lotage for the bar and river of Savannah, ; to restore John Low, a suspended pilot, to I all tho right and privileges of a pilot 149 To authorise nnd require the trus ' tees of ihe poor school loud of the conuty if Houston, to pay to die commissioners of the Academy at Ferry and Flint River, a certain portion of the Academy fund'of said county. 150 To alter and amend the several acts regulating the superintending elections for Governor, electors, members of Congress, members of the Legislature, ond county of ficers, so far as respects tho county of C« winnett. 151 To appropriate moneys for the sup per* of govermueut for the p<4itical year 1831. 152 To divide the county of Randolph, and to lay out and form , new county there from. 153 to regulate the internal policy of the ■ Penitentiary, so far as respects the guard, 154 to establish an election district in 1 the county of Upson, and to punish those j who mav attempt to defeat the same. 155 to authorise and require the Comp ! troler Genera! to remit the interest paid by ! or due from William Scoot, Jun. tax cnl ; Ipctor of the county of Camden, and to re ! linquish to the trustees of Camden county Academy certains moneys claimed by the S 'ate. 156 To alter the timp of holding the Su ' peiior and Inferior couit- in the Flint cir ‘ euit, and in the counties of Jones, Jasper and Heard. 157 for jllte relief of Woody Jackson & John Hale, of Oelethorpe connty, purcha sers of University lands, and to repeal an act entitled an act for the relief of John Hale, passed December 28, 1828. 158 To impose, levy and collect a tax for the political year 1831, on property both real nnd personal, and to inflict penalties for neglecting or failing to comply with the provisions thereof. I 159 to alter and amend an act passed on the Bth of December 1828, so far as re gards tin county of Richmond, entitled an net to alter so much of act entitled an act to regulate the general elections of this State, nnd to appoint the timo of mooting VOLUMfc FIRST NUMBER 14. of the General A«s-mbly of this State, s® f ii as the same r. quires the »lec! o |»« ' Bold ai the place of bolding ihe S«p< rit>r j r “ u •*, so fu is respects certain counties therein iiant-.1, «...j m.onH HU act It’l ti ling 'o the county <>( Franklin. 160. To amend t lie several lovs of force in this State, regui.’liug Ihe p lotage of vessels to and from the ports .and harbours of this S ate, and more distinrtly to defintJ the powers and jurisdiction of the commiss sioiTfeis of pilotage for tho several ports and harbours thereof. 161. To alter and < banco the name of Henry Langford to il ai ol Henry D< rs, and to legnimatize the same, and to change the name of VV. W. Edwards to that of VF, W. Alford. 1()2. To prescribe the manner of holding elections at the several election districts in the several counties of this State, nnd to punish those who may attempt to defeat or violate the election laws of force, in ihisr State. 163. To amend an art passed in D> com ber 22. 1829. to incorporate the town of Ban-bridge, in the county of Decatur. 164. To incorporate the Cullodan Aca demy, in the county of Monroe ; the M* nut Vernon Academy, in the county of M> n roe ; ihe Centroville Acadcoiy in ihe coun ty of Talbot ; the Colombian Academy, in county of J icksop; the Clayton Academy, in the county of W.irren; ihe Montue lo Academy, in the ouDty of Jasper ; tiie Wood L wo Acadmy, in the rooniy of Monrae ; the Talbottou Female Academy, in the county of Talbot; the Davisbnrongh Academy, in the county of Washington; the Jenkins Academy, in the county of Harris ; and to appoint trustees for said Academies. FOREIGN. Highly important news from Europe, — By me on iv .1 at New Y--rfc no 2<JtJ* u/t. of the packet slops Caledonia, C..pi. in Rivers, from Liverpool, whence she s< iled on the 18111 November; and the Hue.son, Captain Champliii, ft. m London aud news on the 23d, and the Charltn ague, Capt to Robertson, from Havre on tin 21s: Novem ber, regular files of London papers t< t. e 23a. Liverpool dat<*s to the 18t!i, and Glas gow to the 15ib November, all inclusive, together with Lloyd’s and Shipping Lists, have been received. The imeiigr.uic by these arrivals is highly important and it-ter esting it is also altogether unexpecu-e. In House of Commons 00 the 15th of opposition manifested to ii,« M ..r Wellington, in the House of Lords, and Sir Robert Feel, in the House of Com mons on the following day, announced that his Majesty's Ministers had r esigued, and iliat their resignation was excepted by the King. Arrangements were properly ta ken for the formation of anew Cabinet, which was effected as follows: L»r:d '0 dates of 22d Novomber—For mation of the new Vjiuistry. Lord Guy, First Lord of the Treasory. Marquis ol Ltosdown, President of Council. Mr. Brougham, Lord Chancellor. Lord Ahhrop, Chancellor of the Ex chequer and Leader of tm House < I Com mons. Lord Palmerston, Foreign Ass-us. Lord II dland, Ducny of Lancaster. Sir James Graham, Ist J.ord of me Ad miralty Lord Melbourne, Homo office. Mr. Charles Grant, Boatd of Control. Lord Durham, Privy Seal. Lord Goderich, Colonies, Muqu s Anglesea, Ireland. Mr Stanly, Secretary for Ireland, Duke of Richmond, M aster of the Or dinance. Mr. R. Grant, Judge Advocate or Sec retary of war. Mr. Denman, Attorney General. Mr Horne, Solicitor General. Lord Hill, Commander in Chief. Lord Auciand, of the Board of Trad#. Duke of Devonshire, Lord Ch.imberl.iin, Lord Plonket, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Mr Pennofathcr. Attorney General of Ire land, Mr. Edward Ellice and Mr. Sj ring Rice, are to be joint Secretaries of the Treasury. Mr. Paulett Thompson Treasurer of tho Navy and Vice President of the Board of c f Trade. Ponsonby, a Lord of the Treasury aDd Insli Vice Treasurer Lord John Russell is to be Pay master of the .irmy. • Sir James Mr Intosh, according to some of ttio papers, is to be Judge Advocate. The Ministers kiss hands to day at 1 j to 2 o’clock, and the Lord Chancellor takes his seat at 5. Tfius <has fallen one of the most popular British Ministers, by a simple resistance to a necessary retrenchment, by a heedless disregard or the popular will clearly ex pressed. AH his service*—all the good he has hitherto done for his country—'he mil hary set vices of the noble Duke —the Cath olic Bill, the dissenter’s Bill—the reduction of the Beer Tax, seem in one moment of excitement to have been forgotten by his countrymen. We cannot view the charges and the commotions *hat are transpiring io England, without the most intense interest and anxiety. It may be inappropriate to take a view of the panic in London, and of *h e * m mf*- diate cazses that led to the re-ignntinn of the Wellington Cabinet. As we are, how ndever, anticipated in thix design hy the «a-