The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, April 07, 1832, Image 1

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t\,r in- alii iIViITL JETT-EDITOR. Cije Meritocrat IS PUHLIAHEU EVERY WEEK IN COLU tßim, G E ORGIA, (it T UoUitra per annum, if paid in ud van'e, or Four IJitUaes, at the end of th yej \ it i*'•'•peeled that an application for gu‘‘ • plion from a distance, will he accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable, rates Ssies of land and negroes, by adminis trators, execut-'vs «r guardians, are requited by Ja.v to be be l '.! on the first tnesdav in the month. be< ••esti Dm 'ioiks of 10 o clock in the forenoon <y the ifletnn- n, at Hie court house o f she conn' to which 'he property in situated. Notice of those sales must be given in a public Gazette aixtv davs pievinus to the ;lav ofsule. Notice of the sale o' persona! property must be -rivai in a iifce manner forty days previous to he day of sale Not!:- 1 (i debtors A cri lit- is of an estate must bo .» Vj S forty day» N • t ill application v:il be made to the court "f ordinal" for leave to ssD land must be pu .leh-d four months. ._ i*l.otters on business be Post paid to > ’ ution j GENERAL AGENCY ANII <eomntfs«fon iJusfitcss, COLUMBUS, GEO. ffoHE subscribers tender their services tor tlie t-attract ion ■\W f| f the ab ive business under the firm ofTARVER A SQU'PE, and are now ready to receive Merchandise and Pr and ice for sale on consignment They aie al so now unking arrangements for the erection of alar e and extensive Ware House tor the re ception of COTTON early nexi Fall. They are piepnred to ipake liberal advances on e-l lerciia dise and Produce consigned to the i and will devote their v hole attention t the i derest of those who may favor them with thoir patronage BENI AMIN V. T \RVER, HARVEY H. PQUIRE Rsrt RENCK. Messrs Jug Hamilton Sr Non. .Yew York Geo P & Win. G. Rowers, JYeui-Orltnns. Brooks T.athrop A- Go. JJppnln :hicola, Edw. J Hardin. Esq. \ Flor ida Oeo W Dillingham, Esq > r 0 lumbus. Geo. I In un Nonrse, Lsq \ Jan 1832 TX % Vla VJSKy HAT Miumfact avers , (’(>LUMBUS*. GEORGIA, w )ULD respectfully inform the pub lic that .hoy have on hand,and will keep const anlilv for whole-sale and relsil agener ai and expensive assortment of HATS, coinpri sing al! the various fashions and qualities, a id on as favorable tenns as can be purchased at a uy i irlift in the United States. Strict attention will be given to al! orders from the country Orders for Hats left witli Edward J. Harden, esq at App ilachicola, will be promptly attend ed to. WA.YTED TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will be given, delivered either at tSolumh'i or at Appalaehie.ola. Cohimlms dun. 27, 1831. Jl ’ST r-ceived by Steam-Boat Georgian, a general asrorto e'O f JAPAN * WARE. Copnorand Zioc Kettles, Pe-vter Busin- and Plates, Sh t 'upper, do f.s-ad, a- Zinc do Russia Iron, do Brass, Hoop Iron, Also of hand, a general assortment of TIN-W VUE, A' l ..fwh’ch will hi -r.lj at the lowest price, •wholes- 1 • and retail [trCash paid for.OLD PifoVTER. HER FEY HALL. Oolnmb'ts, Dec 17 IS3I ! AW NOTICE. F® HIE copartnership heretofore existing between the findersigned Attorneys at Law, is this day dissolved bj’ mutual consent Each will continue t • reside at Carrollton, «fc practice separately in the several counties corn tie mg the ’haltshooches circuit; and in ( hero flee county of the Wes eru ' ircuit. E. D McKinley, march 3.—3ui. Isaiah Paschal. TO REN T. A Large Dry * ’ellar with good brick walls, on Front 8t —enqui ie at 'his office. feb 18 MEDICAL BOOKS. rr»HE suhserihet has just reveived at the Co s lumhus Book Store, the following books; Smith on Fever, James’ Burns, Ilennen’s Military Sur- Ahcrnethy’s Lectures, gery, Tavernier’s Surgery, Macuevin’s Brands, Hamilton on purgatives, Ebcrle’s practice of Wistar's Anatomy, medicine, Turner’s Chemistry, Dewees on Children, Dental Surgery, Do ori midwifery, Beck’s Medical Juris- Coeper’s Surgery, pmdeiice, Do Lectures,' Together with a great variety of Books and .other articles to numerous to particularise E. S. Norton. march 24. Broad street RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, And for sale. lou> by the subscribers. 10 boxes ( ider, fi: -1 quality, 3 lihls. Cranberries. 3 '• New O'leans Runt, 6 “ Prime Po k, 3 “ Loaf >tigar. 2 “ Irish Potatoes, 1 “ Dried Fruit, 6 Kega Laid, 3 Hhd* New Bacon, 10 Hacks I ive pool Sa'l, lti Kegs Whi 0 L ;)d Drug* Mcdicmi's Lye Miff , I'ntnls, Oil, NVindy t*'-Glam* CLc • r limit v.fl In sol! a* llt coat. TARVEU A Is^LiKE. tnkrch £,--1 rift&H Ur£sd JLttey (Mod ■fei'tfWiii W bilk AD tSil&jb g£L; B Insraraßeei: fE'tllE Augusta Insurance and Bunk* ing Company will insure Produce and vter ehandise against the dangers of River Navi ’a lion on good steam heal? and other river erafl. and upon good vessels from Apalachicola to New Oileans or the atlaritic cities. They will also take fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO W DILIJVG HAM. Agent. LAW BOH>34s Coluwbus I’ook-Store, 2 doors from the COLUMISCS HANK. JUST received aml for sale as above cheap * for cash, the following assortment of Law- Books. Blacfcs'on’acomtrs. 2 vArchbold’s appendix Archibald's B'ack'n 4 Manning's digest ’lirisuan's and.. 4 Hall's law journal Field's do I “ digested index Archibald A- * hr«’n 4 Ingersolls abridgt lr-25 Durnford* E'srep SinlOliver’a precedents Salkeld’s reports in 3 Chancery eases Taunton's “ 4 Hawkins pleas Walker’s “ 2 t ugden's treatise Dallas’ “ 4 “ on powers Saunder s “ 3 Saunder’s on pleading Starkies’ “ 2 Bigelow’s digest Washington's 2 Archbold’s civil plead'g Swanston’s “ I Comyn on contracts Bay’s “ 2 Crown circuit cotnpan Peter’s concentrated 2 Huffman's cases Digest of .Mass. I Powell os devises ' rni-e on real prop 3 Woodfalis land A ten’t Condensed rep Sup. Holton libel Court U S. Burlarnaqui’s principles Roper on property Balanliue on limitations Moore’s Index Law of lien Campbell's nisi prius Long on sales Hammond's “ Robert-) on frauds Chilly on bills Sergeant on attachment Chittv’s pleadings Law of infancy Chitly’s criminal law Jones on bailments Hoffman’s chancery Virginia cases "owcl! on mortgages I,aw of patents Kent’s commentaries Mils rds pleadings Churches digest Peikms on convevanc’g Pothier’s obligations Marius on bills of F.xeh. Norris’ Peak Jefferson’s nianuel Archtold’s practice Together with a general assortment of paper, quills, lend pencils, slates and pencils, seating wax, india rubber, penknives, albums, pocket books, wallets and purses pocket maps ofN A S Carolina A Georgia, ev< r pointed s Iver pen il cases, flute, violin and clarionet instructors, Wyeth’s singing b-.olts, blank music books, backgammon boards and che s men. tooth pow der and brushes, paint boxes and brushes, draw ing paper,ini stands, letter stamps to Vc. * E. S. Norton. nov I!) SE>SON ABLE €*■&&&&* GEORGE IV. DILLINGHAM, (opposit gen. Howard’s hotel) OFFERS FOR SALE, 2500 ushcls Superior Ground 530 Bars assorted Stveedes Iron, 1000 I‘eices Baltimore A' Philadelphia Cas tings common Patent assorted. SOI 0 lbs. Nova Scotia Grind stones, assor ted sizes, 150 Poices Kentucky, Dundee and Inver • ness Cotton Bagging, 50 Coils bale Rope, 300 lbs Bagging Twine, 2000 and a German. English, Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 brls. choice roen & old Java Coffee 70 do ‘ >hio Wuiskey, 100 do New Orleans Sugars, dry coarse * grained. 60 do Retailing Molasses, 30 Setts Smith’s Tools, complete. 40 0 galls Stone wara. Jars J igs vc Together with well selectee heavy Stock of oher desirable Goods adapter! to this market A few hundred bales of prime • lot ton. is want ed Culmbtis, November 5 'B3l GROCE RES. fSIHE Subscribers have received per ™ Steamer Baltimore and offer for sale on reasonable terms. Sugar and ''offee, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Western Whiskey, Starch. Indigo, Rum and Wine, Rice, new A fresh, Liverpool ground Salt, Figs, Ciackcrs, Raisins, Pickled Pork. Castings, & Hollow- Mockere! Ware, Vinegar,*/ choice a r<tc/e,Collins 4'Co’s Caststecl Wo 'em Flour, Fresh, Axes, Malasses, Tobacco, and Young Hyson Tea, Segars. Together with a general assortment of Tin, Japancd and Copper Ware TARVER A St-lUIRE. Columbus, Jan. 28, 1832. FRESII SUPPLIES. 3“ ! PLAIDS and STRIPES 3-4 Brown shirtings Duffl Blank- ts P-iint Blankets Sattinets sud striped AVoolsey Black itombazettes and Circassians ladies worsted Hose —Also— -1 ps super jetblk Gros de Naples 2do do do Italian silks For sale by Lawhon «fc Ilotvell. dee 10 ON CONSIGNMENT. I Ibis. Canal FLOIIK Fresh ,-wxlP' (j u qi,j Monoiigabelii Whiskey 4th proof, 10.000 Havana Segars, 15doz Choice Claret Wine, 6 Buses Raisins, 1 doz Ploughs, for sale low bv Jan 28. TARVER Si SQUIRE. FRAUD! FRAUD!! * LI. persons are cautioned not to trade for * eight small notes foi £25 each, given by me i-i ThonissJ. I lickson us ilia same were obtain ed by fraud. The said notes were given some lime in Au gust last, and were made payable on the Ist Any \ of February, l *3J, to sjid Dickson o»- lienrer. The above de eri rd notes arc not rec- volt- I Idi- it Its, and 1 am deLTioiued not to par 'hem | or .viy gait ofihem JO S COX, fell. 11, 1*32, <*/ Let Cos. 0«. 1 €OLOIBIJS, (G iJSATURIHV, AI»’S!L 9, 8n:«, New Far at. LAWHON Si HOWELL, HAVING purchased out tbV entire stock of DRY GOODS, HARD ir.lifE and GROCERIES belonging to Mr. Jonathaa A. Hudson, oP . ’hem to their friends and he public generallv at such prices as cannot failto satisfy • hose that* favor them with calls They hope, from their close attention t< the interests of their customers, to merit a con; inn anee of (lm very liberal patronage extended to their predecessor. Their Stock is composed in part of tin following articles: Blue, black, brown and |recn Broadcloths, Brown and steel uiixt f-ittinetta. Merino Circassians, (foi Ladias wear,) Red saiiuci for children. Bombazines and Bombazetts, Black Castings. Princetta and Rochclla, Brown Cainblet, Fancy calicoes, Fancy Plaid and .ariped Ginghams, Plain’Pink and Buff Ginghams, Fig’d Albmiennes, for Ladies winter wear Irish Poplin, Fig’d, while, blue &• buff Grode Naples, Plain black and blue black do Sarsenett, Fig and, Swiss. Book, Mull & Jaconet Muslins, Plain do do do do do Canibi iclts Black silk Velvet, Marseilles Vesting, A good assortment of whole and half Hose, Furniturne Dimity and Fringe, Oo'ton Cassirnere, Damask Table Diaper, Linens, Gloves of all kinds—suspenders, Tapes, threads, and sew ing silks, 80/lnet, Belt and Taffeta Ribbons, 3-4 4 4 5-4 A fi-4 bleached saeeting and abir ting, 3-4 4 4 5-4 6-4 Brown do do 4 4 Scotch Ginghams—3-4 Plaids, Apron lucks—Bed ticking, A good assortment of wool, roram, castor dt Beaver l.lats, Men’s, t,adies and children’s flue and course, high and low quartered shoes, Shoe bread. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Knob Stor-k ‘’upboard, Chest A Pad Locks, Razors and Kaxor strops, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Butts and Screws, Hooks and Hinges, 12 sets complete Blacksmith’s Tools, A fine lot of Castings. Waggon A- ‘’art boxes, Log and Trace chains, Smoothing Irons ami frving Pans, CROCKERY ASSORTED. GROCERIES. 60 Bids Western v\ In-key, 4e) “ Now Orleans Rum, 160 “ Fir t and second quality sugar, 10 “ Loaf sugar, 30 “ Molasses, 10 “ Prime Pork, I t “ Nr>. 2 and 0 Mackeiel, 10 boxes 8p- r n Candles, 10 “ Soap. 7 and lbs. German «& Gast-steel, 0 Bags Prime Coffee, 1 OHO lbs Swedes lion. 2 tOt) bus Liverpool |>ound suit, 60 kegs assorted nails and brads, L. A I! conlcni da‘e moving in the course la fortnight, their stock to the large llnee sto y Building dnemly opposite Messrs, citowar and Fontaine’s Brick Building. ColuMns Oct 2 '. 1831 ir ii SUOK STO 12 E. fr, V E. WELLS, St CO. 1 lav< 8 { _ removed lo ihe Brick Building next door above Wm I) tiai ftgw, groves on Broad street , where they offer for s.le on reasonn terms Boots and Bhoes of every doscri, lion, of their own manufacture, consisting of ‘>oo pair Genti -men’s Boots, 300 do. Calfskin shoes, high «t low- quarters. 100 do. Calfskin Pumps, 73 do. Bucsskin Bhoes, 50 do Sealskin Pumps, 2(M) do Brogans, 300 do. tmarso Shoos, LADIES PRV.YELLO IWOTS 4- SHOES of various kinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, Do. Sealskin do. Do. ( alfskin do. Leather w alking shoes and Bottoes, Vlisscs and Childrens B oil and Shoes of ev ery description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip July 2, 1831 —ly. Killed Pajier. S REAMS faint lined PAPER, in large sheets. Apply to Lawhon <fc Howell. nov 2*‘ CHINA. t SETTS enameled and 1 istie CHINA, L* " containing 8v pieces 1 sett white do 57 pieces for «aiie low Lawhon & Howell. nov 20 L. C 7. ALM^ Has received u-' Steam Boat lialtimore. cog -.randy, jmaica and American Rum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira ) Teneriffe ( . Marseilles j W,neß Sweet J Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains Which he offers tor sale on his usual low terms dec 10 Sh of.s, Shoes. LAWHON 6: HOWELL 1 I AVK just received a Urge and liiti aseort l ■ ment of Htuut Negro Shoes. Gentlemen's fine Pools, Do do. lace boetees, Ladies lace Prunella hoots, do do Leather do. o do Morocco and». dltildren's hoes asseited. Ds*.- U, 1031. w 11« ;> fi-i Hi ÜB.:u hy ihe v li<ti\ir Socit-'iea Etilii Id amJ Lebanon, for sale at! the store of G. W. DILLINGHAM. Vbite onion early spun,- fl~.l do yellow oihon long turnover do red onion lutahaga do blood beet whit, flat do early turnip do cauliflower trench sugar do * a ge narigel wcrsel do squavh pepper carrot . cavenne pepper blood carrot double pepper grass guetn-ey parsnip vegetable oyster I -n„ while parsnip toqiatos •eng cucumber • solid celery eng green do summer savory eoiiv do curled pa.sley early cluster do’ dwarfcnrled do prickly gheikindo new ze Band spinage water me! lon round spinage umskmellon long while okra natniegmellon asparagus cai’tel >pe do nasturtion duti h summer squash roquette a fine sallad crook neck suinniei do garden ere-a crook neck w inter do cnglirh sonell white head lettuce w hite mustard ice head do brown <lo ieecoas. do leeks iniperial sugar loaf do early sugar com cabbage head do early Washington paas saltnon radi h earlyjune do scarlet do early charlton do scarlet turnip do white marrowf.t do scarlet short top do strawberry dwa fdo drumhead cabbage dwarf blue imperial do emh york do early china dwarf beans green eavoy do early mohawk dwarf do vellow sav oy do w hite kidney dwarf do early sugar loaf do superior white pole do green glazed do cranberry pole do roe dutch do lima po.e do norfolk flat turnip jtn 14 NE W <s’o«>llS. /.. C. ALLE.Y HAS RFCEIVEt) ASI» IS K!CEIV|-.G. IMS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, he will sell on accommodating term--. His sto. kis composed in part of ihe following articles, viz: London Duflil, Rose and Point Blankets, Super blue, black, brown and olive Gloths, Black Lasting, Beaverleens. Fancy Oord, Red and white Flannels t anion Flannels, Red, white and figured Valencia Shawls BotnbaseUes mil Bombazines, Merin--Circassians of various colors, Cashmeie Handkerchiefs, Bandanna, flagg, Pongee 4 plaid silk lldkfs. Miper Italian t ’rarats, various colors, t’niored crape cainblet, i otton and Linnea Drilling Ladies’ silk, cotton and w rsteil Hose, tic 1 lemon's do. do. and halfdo Ladies’ v gentlemen’s Gloves of various kinds, Cambric, Swiss, jaconet and book .Muslins, ■uper bleached and i mens, Broun and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic. Plaids, Bed Ticking. Russia Sheeting. Hiint ii tied spreads, counterpanes, Italian Gros de Naples Muslin Robes, b'aicne and Dnchi e Silks, •• ilk ami cotton I'mbiellas, 4c. : Ladies’ gentlemen sand children’s SHOES. A variety of mei.’s. youth sand children s IMTS A GAPS HARD WIRE 4- CUTLERY. STocficrn & €T!ass*C©are. ALSO, One ease superior SHOT GUNS. Dec 3, 1831—if. MILLEDGEVILLE Street Lottery. (Authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia ) SCHEME. I Prize of f2b,000, is $28,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 6,000, is 20,000, It “ 1.100, is 0,000, 5 “ 000, is 4,500, 5 “ 80!' is 4,000, 5 “ 7-HI, is 3,500, 5 “ 600, is 3 000, 5 “ 500, is 2,500, 5 “ 400, is 2,000, 5 “ 300, is 1,500 5 “ 200, is 1 000, 35 “ 100, is 3.500, 50 “ 50, is 2 500, 650 “ 20, is 13,000, 5,000 “ 12, is 60.000 Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! All the Prizes to he fl .aling from the com mencemont except the following, deposited as follows, viz; First Dan's Drawing —2 Prizes of 5;000, lof 1,000, lof 00, lof 800,1 of 700, lof 600, 1 of 500, 1 0f400,1 of 300, 1 of 200 Second Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 000, 1 of *OO, I of TOO, 1 of 600. 1 ofsoo, lof 400,1 of 300, lot 200. Third Day's Drawing —l Prize oflo,odo, I f 1,000, lof 900,1 f 800, lof 700, lof 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, I of 300. 1 of 2> 'O. Fourth Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, I of I, "00, lof 000, lof 800,1 of7oo, lof 600, 1 of 500,1 of 400, lor 300,1 of 21)0 Fifth and last Drawing —t Prize of 20,000, 1 of I." 00, 1 ol 000, 1 of 700, 1 of6oo, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, t of 300, 1 of 200. And on the commencement of the First, He e.ond,Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall be en.itled to a prize SO,OOO, and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, the first and last drawn number slu.ll he entitled to a capital Prize of $5,000 each, in addition to such Prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole. Lottery to In completed in jive Day’s Urate lug only! PRIZE* ONLY TO BE DRAWN. The First Day’s Drawing will take place on •lie Ist of February next, or sooner should the sale of Tickets warrant Tho whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days atler each Day's Drawing—subject to a deduc tiin of’fifteen percent. All puzes not applied for in twelve montiM fresn eacli ill a w ing to he c. msidered as a donation to the funds of the Milledgeville Street Lottery The drawing lo take plate under the superin tendence of Wbe. C' Cam/a. S amuel Hvffmgton, s' amuet riocktmll, Wm II Torrance., Ezekiel F. Pork Joseph Stovall. Thomas W Baxter, Jurats \ S Calhoun, and Iverson " Harris, commission- | or*; ais-i, a Board of Visitor* Present Price of Tickets Wholes slo* halves $5 —quarters %’i 50. For sale in teat variety o! Nos at the store ot th* agent, t corf from tha (.'olnniLu« Bank Itr. sd street V. ft. Norton/ '(. it. < I Aye- & VOIj« '* J ' i ? r Fur Cotton, Pipl Stavi s, Hides or Aptroveu Papeu. 1 ' DAB E 8 .'-oK I '. inl’ rms Mer v chants, Planter-, Ac. vi A up. ' c|,i --c da, that he ha- just rcce-vci, from Nitv-Or eatisa large and extensive assortment ol Gro in :e- which added to hi* former su| plv from Vcw-York makes la, assortment as complete if n«; superior to any he ha* ever < ilcrcd lo the public. • Hi- stock will bo replenished as often a.t onco a i ntli- so tint his custom, rs may -if ;ure at a iv time of finding a good asst rtin-.jt • 'it u-har.ts md Planters will find it to their ■ dvariMge t »call, a* .! s his intent ion t.. stJ! at iodeiale prices, for Cash, Cotton 'pe staves, t'ides • i approved paper, tp ilachicofa, Dec. 31—t* - Just rei red as above vtr Sch. Magellan, 50 Sacks best Grcqn llavunua Coffee v Inch will bes and low for ca- B!L LS OF EXCna\ GE 4Nf) RANK CHECKS. Bass checks on the BAN K OF COLUM BUS and the FARMER'S BA. K OF . HATTAHOOCHEE boufid into qui-c- and Bills of i xchange, just received and tor salu at the Coluinbna Book-Store, two doors front file Coluinbn# Ba >k; Broad-street, jun. 14, 1H32. IT. IS. Norton. JUST PURLISHED, HE Sims, riber has ju teceivtd at the 1 r olambus Book Store, tho following netv and interesting publications. Sixty years ->t the liie of eremy i.evie 2 vol. Philip Augustus a novel 2 vo,s. Young Duke, “ 2 vols. The F ugnl lb usewife 1 vol. Common place Book of i* etrv Coleridge’s study of toe Grei-k Hall’s lecture* on school keeping Affections Gill for The Token for do Souvenir do’ Pocket 1>• tionai y of the Holy Bible Shake-pear, 1 voi London Besides a I. rgc assortment off choql and nth valuable books winch will be sold low for cash E. S. Norton. dec 10 CAST STEEL AXEtfo , FEW boxes ‘•Collins vco s " XEB ,* for sale b_, Lawhon &, Howell, nov 26 ' DOMESTIC MANUFACTORY. bS , doz. home ‘ 11.\ IR.B, B* * lor sale by Lawhon & Howell. nov 29 ■i. .1. i>A\ iba €<r Si AVE beon ihe .asiwiet- and 2 S will continue to receive.goods h v avan liah and.Apalncl.iooU H» tho .<» which will enable thcin to Keep up t. genera; and complete assortment of StnpU & Jfancfi Dry (wovds. AMONG WHICH ARE Rose, Lond. tHe & Point Blankets, Satinettsof and ffeien! colors and qualities, Red, white and green Flannels, White Canton Flannel, Mix! Kerse. A Blue Plains. Grode Swiss A Gtosde Nan Silks of variolii" colours, 111a It Italian and lustring silks, Ric t Plaid Silks, Satins of various colors, Florences do. do. lialian crape do. do. Canton cainblet and Pongees, Black and green worsted Berrago, Plain and fig’d Stviss Muslins, di do. Jack -nett do. Furniture and cambric Dimity, Corded Skirts, Ladies cot setts and silk At cotton lacing*. T hread, Bohbinctt, and Muslin Edgings, Thread and Bobbinett Footings, Plain and lig’l bobbinett I ace, Lace capes, caps and crazy Janes, Infant's lace and cambric caps, Blonde Lace and pearling, Pink cambric Prints, Bl’k and white do. do. Black Lace Veils, French Muslins and Calicoes, Plain and stripe Ginghams, Black, white yV red Merino shawls’, Thibet Wool Shawls, Silk and Cause shawls and h'kfs. Silk, Flag and Bandana h’kfs Ladies linen, and Linen es n il. h’kfs. do do. do bordered do. Irish I inens in table Damask, Silk, colton and worsted hosiery, Gent Woodstock and Boaver Gloves, do Woolen Gloves and . iuins. Ladies Kid and H. S. Gloves and Mitts', »’olorcd combi inks, Black and white hooks and eyes, Pins arid Needles, Spool thread and Linen Floss, White Mersailes and Printed countcrpaines, 3 4 and 4-4 Furniture Prints, Dimity and Furniture Binding, Bleached and unbleached sheetings 4- whirtingy. Apron checks, Dorcheßter Ticking, Fine gilt cloth and crumb brushes, Gent Sea Otter A Leather caps, Black and Drab Beaver A Roram Hats, Willow wagons and Table Mats. Millinary and Fancy Goodsof al! descriptions A splendid assortment of JEWELRY 4- PERFUMERY I -adies Bce/t Bags and Purses A large &. complete assortment ol* WINTER CLOTHING. —::::— BOOTS 4- SHOES. 100 pr’s Gentlemen’s sewed and Nailed “1 elhngtnn Boots Jackson Vbootees, Ladie* urunella and Leather Bootees, do bl’k and colr’d heel'd Pumps, do do Walking Shoes, do. w'hile satin Pumps. Misses and childien’s Bootees and Shoes 0! every det" upturn. 500 pair Negio Bhoes, a good article, ALSO —A good assortment of HARD WARE aid CROC KERY. Columbus, Oct 20. 1031 PREHH GARDEN ft FLOWER SEEDS. For sale h. tin box or pap. r by . L. I. DAVIES, tk Go