The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, April 14, 1832, Image 1

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COSAJI ,i t UiITLETT-EDDOa. »Tijc jJrnroci At IS PLBMSiIF.U EVERY WEEK IN C )L U ‘i it UH , UK O lui A , at Three ’iulhirs per annum, if paid in ad tana■, or Four Dollar?, at the end of the year. It is erpectrd that all application for subscription from a distance, trill be accom panied with fie money. Ad.ertisernents will be inserted at ressonib'e rates Sales of laud and negroes, !>y adminis trators. executors or guardians. are required by Jaw to be held on the first UicmUiv in t!,e notilh be ’eon tbs hours TIP o'clock Ii» the fureiaan If 3 in tile afternoon, &t‘l he court house of 'h - County in wMeli the property is situated Notice oftlios - sales must he given in a public Gazette six' > days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be give: in a like manner forty days previous t . he day f sale N 'tice to debtors X. creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that ill application will he made to the Court f ordinary for leave to sell land must be guolislii'd four months ,f j’Ldiers on business must be Post paid to fhsure attention GENERAL AGENCY AND ©oflwTssfon Justness, COLUMBUS*. GEO. aP | ’HE subscribers tender their 1 t|l * set vices lor the transaction Ij‘ •" Jt flhe above business under the firm ofTVRVI’.R V SQUIRE, and are >• v ready to receive '-’ercliandise and Pr and ice for -ale on consignment 'l'hey ate al so .i.i v making arrangements for the erection of alar e and extensive Ware-House tor the re ception of O PTON early nex Fall They are prepared to make liberal advances on all Mercha dise and Produce consigned to them, and will devote their whole .attention to the interest of those who may favor them with their patronage. BENIAMIN P. TARVER, lIARV .Y H. SQUIRE Reff.rknck. .Messrs. Jas Ifaniilton A don, .Win York Geo P. A Wm. C. Bowers, Veie-Orltnns. Brooks Lathrnp X Cos. } Apvola.ehir.ola., Edw. J Hardin, Esq. ( Foida Coo W Dillingham, Esq ) Columbus G „ Minim ,\u«irse. Lsq. $ Jan *’B lr"»*J j*>l7«.W3S 5c €fi lISR, 3L f ft a far tit rers, CO El’>l BUS, GEORGIA, Y| r, BJLD respec fully inform the pub lic ;h hey have on hand, and will keep const ant!! for sale at w hole sale and retail a goner al and extensive assortment of // ITS, c»nipri sing all the various fashions and qualities, and on as favorable terms as can be purchased al a iiy market in the United States. Strict, attention will be given to all orders fitoui the country Oider« for Hats left with Edward J Harden, esq at Appalachicola, will be promptly attend ed to. WANTED TO PURCHASE Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will he given, delivered either at © Inrnbiuor at Appalachicola. Colvmliut, Aug. 27, 1831. J* ! dT r-ceived hv Steam-Boat Georgian, a gertcra! ass ■ t -or,' f JAP AX* WARE. Copner and Zinc Kettles, Pewter Busins and Plates, Sheet ’opper, do bead, a- Zinc, do Russia Iron, do. Brass, Hoop Iron, Also on hand, a general assortment of TIN WARE, All of which wdl he sold at the lowest mice, j wholesale and retail ILF Cash paid for OLD P ’WTER HKKVF.Y HALL. \ ©oiumbus. Doe. 17.1831 liiw wricTil. FW” iIE copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Attorneys at Law, is this day di: solved by mutual consent Each will continue t > reside at Carrollton A I practice separately in the several counties com- 1 «p mg the Chattahoochee circuit; and in Clioro eo county of the Wesiern Circuit. E. D McKinley, march 3.—3 tn. Isaiah Paschal. TO RENT. A Large Dry < 'ellar with good brick walls, on Front Ft—enqui’e at this office. feb Ist , INSURANCE BANK OF COLUMBUS. A N election for five Directors, to manage the it affairs of said Institution, will be held at Columbus on Monday the 7th dav of May .next. April 7, 1532 -tde. A Fust of letters remaining in the Post Office at Ellorslie, Harris County on the first day of April, 1832. Elisha <'alhoun, James Cnx. Henry Hagan, n Ila rtis, Edmond Jinkins. John Kimbro, Kob oit Moreland, John Odam. Green Sw nney, Thomas W. Williamson Charles Phillips, P. M. _ NOTICE. MONTHS alter date application will J. bo made to the honourable the Inferior court of Mnrriwcthor Cos. when setting lor or dinity puip ses. lbr leave to sell lot of 'and number one hundred and eighty seven in the ten! Ii district of formerly Troup, now Merriwe tho eour.ty, the pioncrty of A B Birgme Uw ,is illegitimate, sold for the benefit of tike said illegitimate Samuel Lewie Senr. Guardian, nov 111 NOTICE. >UR MONTI IS arter dale, application will be ■ i*do to the honorable the eouit of Or- | dinitry for Vterriwether roun'v, h r leave to eell lot of land number 270 in the Will tlbtrir' of formerly Mureogoo now Harris' uuty. •!" Jiiouertv ot Marvel M'l endon orphan of l.ovio E M’l,endon dec sold for the h, in lit of said or pjian Thomas J. Brocks, Guardian. #ev. 19 |ljri^mrance a ; fjniiE Augusta Insurance and Bunk i.ig • ompany will inson Produce and Mer handise against the dangers if River Naviya ii n jii good steam boats and other river craft, and upon good vessels from Apalacliico'a to Non Orleans or the atlantic cities. They will also take fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GF.O IT DILLINGHAM, Agent. LAW BOOKS Colnwbus Book-Store, i doors from the COLCMBCS BANK. I UST received and for sale as above cheap • ? for cash, th' following assortment of Law- Books. Blkckston’scomtis. 2 v Xrchbold’s appendix \rehibald’s Black’n 4 Manning's digest hrislian s do 4 Hall’s law journal Field s do 1 “ digested index trchihald A Chr«’n 4 Ingersolls ahridgt 1H25 DnrnfiirdiSfe E's rep HinlOliver’s precedents Sa:keid’s reports in 3 Chancery cases I aunton s •' 4 Ha .v kin’s pleas Walker's “ 2 Rugden’s treatise Dallas’ “ 4 “ on powers Saunder’s “ 3 Saundcr’s on pleading rvtarkies’ “ 3 Bigelow’s digest Wainington’s 2 Archhoid’s civil plead’g Swanstou’s “ I Cornyn on contracts Bay’s “ 2 Crown circuit compart Peter’s concentrated 2 Hoffman's cases Digest of Moss. 1 Powell os devises Cruise on real prop 3 Woodfalls land «t ten’t Condensed rep Sup. Holton libel C )urt U S Buriamaqui’s prmtiples Roper on property Baiantine on limitations Moore’s Index of lieu Campbell's nisi prius Long on sales Hammond's “ Hobort.-on frauds t bitty on hills Sergeant on attachment 'Jhitty’s pleadings Law f infancy ■’bitty’s criminal law Jodes on bailments Hoffman's chancery Virginia cases Powell on mortgages Law of patents Kent's commentaries Ml!lords pleadings Churche’s digest Petkinson conveyanc'g Pothier s ..hligations Marius on hills of Exch Noiris' Peak Jefferson’s manuel "irchbold’s practice 1 gc li -r w ith a genet al assortment of paper, quills, lead pencils, slates and pencils, sealing wax, india rubber, penknives, albums pocket books, wallets and purses pocket maps of N A S t’aroli- :i v Georgia, ever pointed silver pen il cases flute, violin and claiionet instructors, Wyeth's singing books, blank music books, backgammon boards and chessmen, tooth pow der and brushes, paint boxes and brushes, draw ing paper, ini stands, letter stamps A c Ac. E. (S. Norton. nov IB ~se7so \Tm7i-T CpOOilSai George n: niuj.YGu.iAr, (opposit gen. Howard’s hotel) PF ESIS FOB HALE, 9ffOO Bushels Superior Ground •• t'J Bats as orlod '-'weerles Iron, 1000 I’eices Baltimore Philadelphia Cas tings co union Patent assorted. 30! 0 lbs Nova Scotia Grind stone*, assor ted sizes, 100 Pcices Kentucky, Dundee and Inver ness Cotlon Bagging, •AO Coils hale Rope, 300 lhs Bagging Twine. 300;' do. German, English, Blistered arid C asi Steel, 100 hrls. choice Dieen A old Java Coffee Til do ■hio W.iiskey. 1.00 do New Orleans Sugars, dry coarse grained. CO do Retailing Molasses, 3D Setts Smith's Tools, complete. 40 0 galls Stone wara, Jars Jugs, Ac Together willi •( ell selected heavy Stock of ohe- desirable Goods adapted to this market A few hundred bales of prime ('ottnn, is want ed Culmbus, November 5, 1831 GRO CERES. 'j*3l!E Subscribers have received per Steamer Baltimore and offer for sale on reasonable terms. Sugar and t'offee, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Western Whiskey, Starch, lnd go, Rnoi and Wine, Rice, new A fresh, Liverpool ground Salt, Figs, Ciackers, Raisins, Pickled Pork. Castings, A Hollow- Mockere! Ware, Vinegar,a choice article, Collins Caststeel We tern Floor, Frtsh, Axes. Malasses, Tobacco, and Young Hvson Tea, SegArg Together with a general assortment of Tin, Japaned and Copper W'are TARVER A SQUIRE Columbus, Jan 23, 1832. - FItESH SUPPLIES. PLAIDS and STRIPES 3-4 Brown shirtings Duffle Blank) ts Point Blankets Sattinets and striped Wonlsey Black Bombazettes and Circassians ladies worsted Hose —Also— -1 ps super jet blk Gros do Naples 2 do do do Italian silks For sale by , Lawhon & Howell, dee 10 . ON CONSIGNMENT. Bills. rmtrt/pijfX'Sg Fresh (j •( old Monottgahela AVI aey 41 h proof, lO.OOt) Havana Segars, 15doz Clioico Claret Wine, 6 Boxes Raisins, 1 doz Doughs, for sale low hy Jan. 28 TARVER A SQUIRE. FBAl’l)! FRAUD!! \LI. persons are cautioned not *o trado for eight stnall notes fin ik-Jo each, given hy ine to Thoms* J. Dickson, ns the same were obtain ed by fin lid. ~, , I i lio sat.l notes were given some time in Au (fust lent, and were made pnvsble on the Ist day of February, 1831, to said Dit-knori or bearer.! The above described note* are not reeovera •do at hie and 1 * n determined not to pn> •hem or sov pm i !'them JO N COX, Rb 11, IKP*. cfl.r, (~ a* C OLOBI S, (G AFRIL It, 1§32. Blew FiriHe LAWHON Si HOWELL, p IT WING purchased out the entire 81 stock of DR Y GOODS, HARD WARE and GROCERIES belonging to Mr. Jonathan A. Hudson, offer them to their friends and the public generally at such prices as cannot fail to satisfy those that fiivor them with calls They hope, from their close attention to the interests of (heir eustomers. to merit acontiuu ance of the very liberal patronage extended to 'heir predecessor. Their Stuck is composed in part of the folio ring articles: Blue, blac,k, brown and green Broadcloths, Brown and steelmixt ISattinetts, Merino Circassians (for Ladies' warn ,) Red sa inet for children, BornbazmeK and Bombazetts, Black Lasting*. Princetta and Rochella, Brown Camblet, Fancy calicoes, Fancy Plaid and striped Ginghams, Plain Pink and Buff Ginghams, Ftg’d Albaniennes, for Ladies winter wear Irish Poplin, Fig’d, white, blue A buff Gro de Naples, Plain black and blue black do Barseoett, Fig'd. Swiss, Book, Mull A Jaconet Muslins, Plain do do do do do t'ambicks Black si!k Velvet, Marseilles Vesting, A good assortment of whole and half Hose, Furniturne Dimity and Fringe, Cotton Cassimere, Damask fable Diaper, Linens, Gloves of al! kinds—suspenders, Tapes, threads, and stowing silks, Bonnet, Belt and Taffeta Ribbons, 3 4 4-4 5-4 A (i-4 bleached slieeiing and shir ting, 3-4 4 4 5-4 0 4 Brown do do 4 4 Scotch Ginghams—3-4 Plaids, Apron h cks—Bed ticking, A good assortment of wool, roram, castor A Beaver Hals, Men’s, Ladies and children’s fine and course, high and low quartered shoes, Shoe th lead, HARD-WARE & CUTLERY. Knob, Stock, Cupboard, Chest A Pad Locks, Razors and Raxor strops, Knives and Forks. Pocket Kmves, B itts and Screws. Hooks and Hinges, 12 sets complete Blacksmith's Tools, A fine lot of Castings, Waggon »V Cart boxes, Log and Trace chains. Smoothing Irons and frvini* Pans. CROCKERY ASSORT ED. GROCERIES. (if* Bids Wesiern V\ hiskey, 4d “ New Orleans Rum, IGO “ First ands econd quality sugar, 10 “ l,oaf sugar, 30 *“ Molasses, 10 “ Prime Pork, Id “ No. 2 and 3 Wickcrt - *, 10 boxes Sp r-u Candles, 10 " Soap, 7 0 lbs G rinan A Cast-stcc!, 0 Bags Prime Coffee, 1 ,oi'o lbs Swedes Iron, 2 *OO bus Liverpool pound salt. 00 kegs assorted nails and brads, L. A 11. couteinpla'e moving in the course 1 a fortnight, their stock to the largo thtce sto y Building dueolly opposite Mes.-rs. Stewari and Fontaine's Biiek Building. Columbus Oct 2d, 1831. <r<r> n « stt u wife SHOE STORE. E. WELLH, Si CO. Have Ii . removed to the Brick Building 7 next door above Wm l> Har groves on Broad street, wheie they offer for stle on reasona terms Boots and Shoes of every description, of their own manufacture, consisting of 200 P a ’ r Gentlemen’s Boots, 300 do. Calfskin shoes, high A low quarters. 100 do. Calfskin Pumps, 75 do. Buckskin Shoes, 50 do. Sealskin Pumps, 200 do. Brogans, 300 do. Coarse Shoes, LADILS PRUNF.LLO ROOTS ts SHOES of various kinds. Do. Morocco Shoos, Do Sealskin do. Do < alfskin do Leather walking shoes and Bottecs, Misses and Childrens 15 rots and Shoes of ev ery description. N. B AH work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip July 2, 1831 —l y. Ruled S*aj>er. 8 REAMS faint lined PAPER, in large sheets. Apply to Lawhon & Howell. nov 2'5 CHIiVA. It k SETTS enameled and lustre CHINA, ." " containing 32 pieces 1 sett white do 57 pieces for sale low Lawhon & Howell. nov 29 li. €. A LLO Has received ;>•' Steam Boat Baltimore. cog umaica and American liuni, Holland and American Gin, Madeira j Teneriffe I Wi Marseilles ( Sweet J J .oaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains Which he offers tor sale on his usual low terms, dec 10 S/t ors, S/t of ft. LAWHON A HOWELL II AVFjust received a Imge and full assorl .X uiniit of Stout Negro Sliuee. Gentlemen's fine Boots, , Do. do. lace huclsea, Ladies laco Prunella boula, and« do Leather do. it do Voroeeo do. dhtldron a hoes ossottsd. Dec 3d, I§3l |3umi> ity the Shaker Societies at Enth hi atul Lebanon, for stile at the store of G. W. DILLINGHAM. white onion early spi mg dal do yellow long liauover do ted onion rutabaga do blood beet whi e flat do early turnip do cauliflower fiench sugar do sage mangel wursel do squash pepper orange carrot cayenne pepper blood carrot double pepper grass guernsey parsnip vegetable oyster bn s white parsnip tomatns long cucumber solid celery ong green do summer savory early do curled parsley early cluster do duarf curled da prickly gherkin do new zealand soinage waterniellon round spinage niuskmcllon long w bite okra nutiuegmellon asparagus cantel -pe do naslurlioii dutch Mimmer squash roquette, a fine sallad crook neck summer do garden cress crook neck w inter do cnglish soriell white head lettuce white mustard ice head do brown do ice ci'ss do leeks imperial sugar loaf do early sugar corn cabbage head do early Washington pans salmon radi h early june do scarlet do early charlten do scarlet turnip do white marrowfat do sciriet short lop do strawberry duaifdo drum heud cabbage dwarf blue imperial do eaily york do early china dwarf beans green .-avoy do early m<»ha\ k dwarf do yellow savoy do white kidney dwarf do early sugar loaf do superior white pole do green glazed do cranberry pole do red dutch do lima po.e do norfelk flat turnip jan 14 NEW <sOOI)S L. C. ALLEjY HA* Rrcr.IVFD Alto |1 Kl CEtVIFC. HIS FALL AND WINTER GOOUB, Hit'll he will sell on accommodating term-. His stock is composed in part of the following articles, viz: London Duffil, Rose and Point Blankets, Super bide, black brown and, olive Cloths, Black Lasting, Beaverteens. Fancy Cord, Red and white Flannels Canton Flannels, Red, white ai.d figured Valencia Shawls Bombazettes md Bombazines, Merino Circassians of vari us colors, L’a-'iimei e H a ndkerchiefs Bandanna, flagg, l ongue «, plaid silk Ifdkfs. a uper Italian Cravats, various colors, Colored crape camblet. Cotton and Linucn Drilling Ladies’ silk, cotton and wotsted Hose, Gentlemen’s do. do. and half do Ladles’ C, gentlemen's Gloves of various kinds, Cambric, la wise, jaconet and book Muslins, Super bleached and brovn Linens. Brown and bleai lied Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids, Bed Ticking, Russia Sheeting. Printed Bed spreads, counterpanes, Italian Gros de Naples Muslin Robes, Satcnet and Dnchi e ''i I ks, Silk and cotton Umbrellas, t, c. Ladies’ gentlemen sand children’s SHOES. A variety of met.’s. youth’s and children’s H\T-' . CAP:- HARD- WARE <s■ CUTLERY. Crcctifrn a: (Klnss-Crarc- AI.SO, One case superior SHOT GUNS. Dec. 3,1831—t5. 31ILLEDGEV1LLE Street Lottery. w (Authorized by the General Assembly of the Slate of Georgia ) SCHEME. I Prize off 211,000, is *20,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 “ 5.000, is 20.000, 9 “ j,ioo, is 9,000, 5 “ 900, is 4,500, 5 “ 800. is 4,000, 5 “ 700, is 3,500, 5 “ 000, is 3 0:i0, 5 “ 51-0, is 2,500, 5 “ 400, is 2,000, 5 “ 300, is 1,500 5 “ 200, is 1.000, 35 “ 100, is 3.500, 60 “ 50, is • 2,500, CSO ‘ 20, is 13,000, 5,000 « 12, is tio,o(K> Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! All-the Prizes to be floating from the com inenceinent except tho following, deposited as follows, viz: First Day's Drawing— 2 Prizes of 5;000, 1 of 1.000, 1 of 4)0, I of 800, 1 of 700, I of tKK*, I of 500, 1 of4oo. I of 300, 1 of 200 Second Day s Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1.000, lof 900, I of -00,1 of 700, lof 000, 1 ofsoo, tof 400,1 of 300, lof 200. Tlird Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10.000, I of 1,000, 1 0f900,1 . f 800, 1 of 700, I of 000, 1 of 500. 1 of 4' >O. I of 300, 1 of2oo. Fourth Hay's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, I of IJ'OO. I of 900. 1 of 800, 1 of 700. I of 600, 1 ofsoo, 1 of 4o(), I or 300,1 of 200 Fifth and last Drawing —l Prize of 20,000, I of 1J 00, 1 of 900, 1 of 700, 1 of COO, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, I of 300, 1 of 200. And on the commencement of the First, Fe cond,Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall ho entitled to a prize SI,OOO. and on the conclusion of the last Day's Drawing, the first and last drawn number shall be entitled to a capita! Prize of $5,000 each, in addition to such Prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be completed in five Day's Drpicing only! PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. Tho First Day's Drawing will take place on the Ist < f February next, or sooner should the sale of Tickets warrant. The wßiole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after encli Day's Drawing—subject to a deduc ] tion of fifteen percent. All piizes not appliod \ for in twelve montns from each di a wing to be considered as a donation to tho funds of the ] Milledgeville Street Lottery The draw ing to take place under the superin tendence of IF m. CCormc* Samuel Buffington Samuel l ockwill, ITm II Torrance, t.zektel F. Park, Joseph Stovall, Thomas IT Baxter, Jurats S Calhoun, and Iverson S. Harris. CuiiimMsion era; •!•<> n Board of Visitors Pretent Price of Tickets Whole* $lO- halve* quarter* $2 -iO. For sale in leat varioty ol No- al the store (itthe agent, t eora from the Columbus Bank I!mail street. E. S. Norton, 1 1. M rft VOTi. TVw—!VO. (*raceri* For Cotton, Pin Stavlb, Hides or Approved Paper. i <HAIt! KS ■ N.tRT- N. inf.-rme Mer ' ' chants, Planters, Ac. vi iting Appalachi e.ula.tliat he h:u- just received lruro Ncw-Or cans a large aud extensive aseortnieut of Gro ceiies. which added to his tbrmcr supply from New-York makes hi ) assortment as complete if nut sdperiur to any ho has ever ■ ffertd to the pii* |ic. Ui.-i stock w ill ! e replenished as often ns or ce a month, so that his customers may bu suie at any time of finding a good assortment Merchants md Planters will find it to their advantage to call, as it >s his intention to sell at moderate prices, for ( ash, Cotton. *''pe slaves, Hides • r approved phper. Apt alaciiicola. Doc. 31—t r Just received as above. v:r Srh. Magellan, Sacks’ best Green Iluvaiutu Cr.fftfc which will bes od low for cash. BILLS OF EXCHAN GE AMI) BANK CHECKS. Bank cuedtson i lie BANK OF ' OLU.M BUh and the FARMER’S Ii A K OF 1 HAT'! AHOOCHEE bound into qan .and Bills of l xchange. just received and tors,... at the Coluuiht s Buok-Stoie, two doors from tno Columbus Bank, Broad-street, jan. 14. 1832. E. S. Norton. JUST l l RUSHED, I 'HE subscriber li. jn.i received at the On/ umbos Book Store, the following new and interesting publications Sixty years of the life of eieinjr Levis 2 vol. Philip Augustus, a novel 2 vms. Young Duke, “ ’ » u ls. The F ugai Ih nsewife 1 voi. Common place Book of Poetry Coleridge’s study of t ie Greek Hall s lictiircson school keeping Affections Gilt for 1832 The Token for do Souvenir do Pockot Dictionary of the Holy BibJo Shake.-pear, 1 vol London. Besides . large assortment of school and nth valuable books which will be sold low for cash E. S. Norton. dec 10 — -J. CAST STEEL AXES. FEW boxes “ Collins li- cos.” AXES t for sale by Lawhon Jc Howell. nov 2(5 DOMENTIC .MANUFACTORY. S g | doz homo made ' IIAIRB, fi * " tor sale by Lawhon Sc Howell. nov 29 li. .5. iia vii<;s & c'oT* i J AVK been receiving ihe ~s> week and » >: vill continue to receive goods hv avan uah and Apilaclucola Bay tho prcserc seaougr, which will enable them to keep up a general aifd compiete assortment of Staple Sc iFancw Dry (woods. AMONG IVIIICH ARi; Rose, London Duffle & Point Blankets, Satiiiettßof and ffi retr colors ami qual.lios, Red. white and green Flannels, White Cantoh Flannel, Mixt Kersey A Blue Plains. Gro do ?itti s A GioS de NaD Bilks of colours, : lark Italian and lustring silks, Ric.i Plaid Silks, .'atins of vaiious colors, Florences do. do. fialian crape do. do. t Linton camblet and Pongees, Black and green worsted Bcrragfe, Plain and fig’d Swiss Muslins, ch do. Jackonett do. Furnitore and cambric Dimity, (Horded SkiiU, I .tdies ci-rsctta and silk A cotton lacngj 1 . Thread. Uohhinett, and Muslin Edge gs, Thread and Bobbinett Footings, Plain and fig’ i bubbinetl i ace, Lace capus. caps and craz Janes, Infant’s lace *nd cambric caps, Blonde Laco and pearling, Pink cambric Prints, Bl’k and white do. do. Black Lace Veils, French Muslins and Calicoes, Plain and stripe Ginghams, Black, w hite A red Merino shawls, Thibet Wool Shawls, Silk and Gause shawls and li’Lfs. Silk, Flag and Bandana h’kfs Ladies linen, and Linen camh. h’kfs. do do. do bordered do. liii-h l inens A table Damask, Silk, cotton and worsted hosiery, Gent. Woodstock and Beaver Gloves, do Woolen Gloves mid -oittins. Ladies Kid and 11. S Gloves and Miifk, i ’olored cainbricks, Black and white hooks and eyes, Pins and Needles, Spool thread and Linen Floss, While Meisailes and Printed codntcrnaincs 3 4 and 4-4 Furniture Prints, Dimity and Furniture Hindi: g, Bleached and unbleached bhcetings ts shirting* Apron checks, “ Dorchester Ticking, Fine gilt cloth and crumb brushes, Gent Sea Otter X Leather caps, Black and Drab Beaver A Roram Hats, Willow wagons and Table Mats, Millinary and Fauci Goodsofail des( -iptions A splendid assortment of JEWELRY (V PERFUMERY. I.allies Beed Bags and Piuses A large &, complete assortment of WINTER CLOTHING. —::r: also:::: BOOTS SHOES. 100 pr’* ‘Gentlemen’* sewed and | Nailed ellington Boots j Jackson Shoetces, | Ladies prunella and Leather Bootees, do bl’k and coir and heel and Pumps, do do Walking Shoes, do. white satin Pumps, Misses and childienV Bootees and Shoes of every liesciiptinn, 500 pair Negro Shoes, a good article, ALSO —A good assortment of HARD WARE and CROCKERY Columbus. Oct 29, 1031 FREe*n GARDEN vV FI J HIE II SEEDS. 1 1 or sale by the hot or patter, by R J. DAVIES, A Cos