The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, April 21, 1832, Image 1

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CDHA.U KMI l BARTLETT-EDITOK. OemoCrat IS PI’BLISHEIL EVERY WEEK IN COLUMBUS, <EOi{(il A, at Three Dollars per atnun, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end us the ■gear. It is expected that all application for subscription from a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable sates. Sales of land and negroes,'hv .dminis- Kators, executors or guardians, are required by la .v to be he'd on the first tnesday in the month, betweon the hours pf 10 o clock in the forenoon \ 3in the afternoon, at the court house of the County in which tlje property is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette aix days previous to the day of sale. No'ice of the sale of persona! property must be rive r in a like Manner forty days previous to he day of sale Notice todebtors Si. creditors of an estate must be published forty days , Notice that all application will be made to the Ccut t"f ordinary for leave to sell land must be •uotished four months. tty Letters on business must be Post paid to rnt ire attention GENERAL AGENCY AND lEommfsston Justness, COLUMBUS, GEO. O tjs* I IHE subscriber* tender their / (b * services lor the Iran .action KV f the above bustne-s under the firm of TARN > R 'QUIRE, and aie n#w ready to receive Terchandise and Produce for sale on consignment They ate al so .low making arrangements for the . rection of alar earn! extensive Wa>e House for the re ception of COTTON early next Fall. They are prepared to make liberal advances on all Vlereha disc and Produce consigned to them, and will devote their whole attention to (he interest of those who may favor them with their patronage. BENJAMIN >\ TARVER, HARVEY U. SQUIRE. Reference. B\Sessrs Jas Hamilton Ar 3on, New York Geo IJ.1 J . & Win. C. Bowers, .\ew-'>r!ti.,ns. Brooks f athrop & Cos. ( Appal a locola, Edw. J Hardin, Esq. $ Fin.ida W. Dillingham, fVq ) Columbus. Geo. Ilirstn Nou/se, Lsq. ) Jan 28, 1838. ' 'mothne <& di vitß, HAT JF// f u it fa cture rs, COLUMBUS GEORGIA, w )ULD respectfully inform llic pub- 1 lie that they have on hand, and will keep const- ! mntlly for sale, at whole sale and -etail a goner . •I and extensive assortment of H iTS, eumpri sing all the various fashions and qualities, and on as favorable trims as can be purchased at a ny market in the United states. Strict attention will be given to all orders (r un the cut Prv Orders f r la.s left with Edward J Harden, esq at App d.iehicola, will be promptly attend od to. WATTED TO run- 11 ISF. Hatting fur >f all k nds,f«r which cash and a librua) price v. ill be given, delivered either at O'lumbi .or r Appalachiepla. Columbus. Aug. 87, 1831. JUST received bv Stea.n-Boat Georgian, a genera! assortment f JAPAN* WARE. Copper and Zinc Ke’tlos, Pewter Busins and Plates, Sheet Copper, do Lead, and" Zinc, do R ussia Iron, do Brass, Hoop Iron, Also on hand, a ir«n"»al assortment of TUy-WARE, All of which will he sold at the lowest price, I Nrholesal? ao ’ retail JUT Cash paid for OLD P WT*-R HERVEY HALL. Columbus, Dec. 17.1831 ’ iTuvwiTm FWIIIE copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Attoruevs at I Law, is this day di solved by mutual consent Each will continue t reside at Carrollton. A practice separately in the several counties com ju>; ing the. i hattahnochee circuit ; and in >' hero ine county of the Wes ern ’ ’iicuit. E. D. McKinley r \ march 3.—3 m. Isaiah Paschal. TO RENT. A Large Dry < 'ellar with good brick walls, on » ront-St.—enquire at this office. fob le jjjgJJRANCE BANK OF COLUMBUS N e!c."-li° n f° r fi ve Directors, to manage the A tfairsi'f said Institution, will be held it \ , g on Monday the 7th day of May Oolumbv ° - ipri] 7 , |s;t2 —tde next. “ .. . 7, -tters remainin' in the Post Office J\ Hadri*County on the first day of April, 1832. , „. , ,’atnes Cox, Henry Hagan, Elisha Calhoun * John Kil ' bro Kob . H. Hams .Edmond Ju GlWm Bw n n.y, oit Moreland. John Ok > Thomas W. Williamson. Charles Phillips * • M. FOUR MONTuV'liWdate nHcstion will be made to the honourable ti.' e * , ’ tor,or court of Mernwether Cos. when setti.''g' or " r , diuaiy purposes, for leave to sell lot “ ,H number one hundred and eighty seven id 1 lns nnili district of formerly Troup now Mem sher county ihepioperty of A H Birgine Lew & illegitimate, sold for the benefit of the **<’ Illegitimate. Samuel Lewis Seur. Guardian, nov 19 NOTICE. IV OUR MONTHS after date application w ill he made to the honorable the court of Or dirnry, for vterrhsethsr eoun'y, f ' leave tn ■el 1 lot of land number 271* in the 8> ill di-lVict ol torinerly Mu«'og« * 11 am count v. «•*♦* ppopert. Ol Marvel M'iendmi orphan of I of in I) M's endon dec sold for the It ir fi' "f said or Aan Thomas J. Brooks, Guardrail. '•«* n DmOC^AT. Insurance r|filE Augusta Insurance and Runk ing Company wii! insure Produce amt Mer chandise agains l the dangers of River Naviga ti -n on good steam hoars and other river craft, and upon good vessels from Ap.Jachico'a to New Orleans or theatlantic cities. They wi I also take fne risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO W DILLINGHAM, Agent. LAW KOOKS Columbus Rook-Store, 2 doors from the COLUMBUS BANK. rUST received and tor sale as above cheap for cash, tae following assortment of Law- Books. Blackston’scomtis. 2 vArchbold'sappendix Archibald's Black’n 4 Manning’s digest r hristtan’s do 4 Hall’s law journal Field s do 1 o digested index Archibald At Chr«’n 4 Ingersolls abridgt 1825 DiirnfirdJfc F.’srep Bin4oliver s precedents Salkeld’s reports in 3 Chancery cases Taunton's “ 4 Hawkins pleas Walker’s “ 2 bugeten’s treatise Dallas' “ 4 “ on power* Saunder's “ 3 Saund.or’s on pleading Starkies' 2 Bigelow's digest Washington s 2 Archbold's civil plead’g Swa iston’s “ I Conivn on contracts Bay's “ 2 Crown circuit compan Peter's concentrated 8 Hoff,nan’s cases Digest of Mass. 1 Powell os devises Ci ui'-e on real prop 3 VVoodfalls land A ten't Condensed rep Sup. Holton libel Court U S. Burlainaqui’s principles 'toper on properly . Balantiue on limitations Vtoore’s Index Law of lien • Campbell’s nisi prius Long on sales Hammond's “ Roberts on frauds Chitty on bills Sergeant on attachment Chiltv’s pleading* Law of infancy Chitty’# criminal law Jones ob bailment* Hoffman’s chancery Virginia cases Powell on mortgages Law ofpatents Kent’s commentaries Milfords pleading# Churches digest Pei kins onTtonveyanc’g Pothier’* obligations Marius on bill# of Exch. Noiris’ I eak Jefferson’s rnariuel Xrolikoid’s practice Together with a general assortment of paper, quills, lead pencils, slates and pencils, sealing wax, india rubber, penirnives, albums, pocket books, wallets and purses pocket map*-of N A S Carolina »% Georgia, ever pointed stiver pen il cases, flute, violin and clarionet instructors, Wyeth’s singing books, blank music oooks, backgammon boards and che s men. tooth pow der and brushe:, paintboxes and brushes, draw ing paper, in'stands, letter stamps Ac Ac. E. S. Norton. nov 19 SE 'SON \ll\A) CrOOdS* GEORGE W. DU.LfYGHAM OPPOSIT GEN. iDWARo’e HOTEL) OFFERS FOR SALK, & B.islu Ia Superior Ground g a |t f 5 tO Bar* assorted Sweedes Iron, 1000 I’eiees Baltimore 4- Philadelphia Cas tings common Patent assorted. 3tMO lbs. Nova Scotia Grind stones, assor ted sizes, ISO Peiees Kent iek;, Dundee .-,nd Inver ne*s Cotton Bagging, 50 Coils bale Rope, 300 lbs Ragging Twine, 2<!0l) do. German, English, Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 hrls choice Green & old Java Coffee 70 do i Olio Wuiskey. 100 do New Orleans Sugars, dry coarse grained 60 do Retailing Molasses, 30 Setts Smith’s Tools, complete. 40 i0 galls Slone wara, Jars, Jugs, <yc Together with well selected heavy Stock of olier desirable Goods adapted to this market A few hundred bales of prime Cotton, is want ed. Culnibos, November 5, 1831 GRO CERES. f INHE Subscribers have received per -*• Steamer Baltimore and offer for sale on reasonable terms. Sugar and Coffee, . Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Western Whiskey, Starch, lnd.go, Ruin and Wine, Rice, new K fresh, Liverpool ground Salt, Figs, Ciackers, Raisins. Pickled Pork. * Castings. & Holloyg.- Mockercl Ware, Vinegar,/! choice article, Collins 4/co’s Caststecl VVc tern Flour, Fresh, Axes, Malasses, Tobacco, and Young Hyson Tea, Segars Together with a g assortment of Tin, Japancd and Copper Ware TARVER Si SQUIRE. Columbus, Jan 28, 1832. FRESH SUPPLIES. 3 PLAIDS and STRIPES 3-4 Brown shirtings Duffle Blanki ts Point Blankets Sattinetß and striped Woolsey Black Roinbazetles and Circassians ladies worsted Hose —,l/*o— ps super jet blk Gros de Naples 2 do do do Italian silks For sale by Lawhon 6c. Ilowell. dee 10 - T ---■--- - r - - - - - ON CONSIGNMENT. Oil mu - Ctma/FIiOUK Fresh 6 “ Old Monongahela Whiskey 4th proof, 10,000 Havana Segars, 15doz Choice Claret Wine, 6 Boxc*- Raisins, 1 doz Ploughs, for *nle low bv Jan 28. TARVER & SQUIRE FRAUD! FRAUD!! 4 LLpeisonssre eaiitionr-U not to trade for ■ ein lit mill note* fin 825 each, given by me to Thome* J. Dickson, a* the same were obtain* ed by fisud. The s*id notes were given some time in Au gust last, and were made payable on the Ist day ] of February, M 32. In «aid Pickaon <k besier. The above d*»Cii' *d note* are not reeovoia- I bla st law. six! I am determined tu t to pav *bem Jnr any part of them JO N COX, i feb 11,18%, nJUthiablo < OIi(J.UBI (OA.) B.4TTRDAY, AI*KIL*2I, 1§32. New Firm- LAWHON St HOWELL, nWING purchased out flic entire stock of DR Y GOODS, HARD WARE and GROCERIES belonging to Mr. Jonathan A. Hudson, offer them to their friends and the public generally, at such prices as cannot satisfy tho..e that favor them with calls They hope, from their close attention to the interests of their customers, to merit acontinu ance of the very liberal patronage extended to their predecessor. Their Stock is composed in part of the fallowing articles: Blue, black, brown and green Broadcloths, Brown and steel mixt tSattinetts, Circassians, (for Ladies' wear,) Red sa inet for children, Bombazines and Bombuzetts, Black Eastings, Princetta and Rochella, Brown Cambist, Fancy calicoes, Fancy Plaid and striped Ginghams, Plain Pink and Buff Ginghams, Fig’d Albaniennes, for Ladies winter wear Irish Poplin, Fig’d, white, blue dt buff Grode Naples, Plain black and blue black do Sarsenet t, Fig’d, Swiss, Book, Mull & Jaconet Muslins, Plain do do do do do Cambi icks Black silk Velvet, Marseilles Vesting, A good assortment of whole and half Hose, Furniturne Dimity and Fringe, Cotton Cassimere, Damask Table Diapef, Linens, Gloves of all kinds—suspender*, Tapes, threads, and sewing silks, Bonnet, Belt and Paffeta Ribbons, 3 4 4 4 5-4 & 6-4 bleached sheeting anti shir ting. 3-4 4 4 5-4 6 4 Brown do do 4 4 Scotch Ginghams—3-4 Plaids, Apron ."h.-cks—Bed ticking, A good assortment of wool, roram, castor & Beaver Hats, Men's, Ladies and children’s fine and eourse, high and low quartered shoes, Shoe thread. HARD-WARE & CUTLERY. Knob. Slock < upbonrd, Chest A. Pad Locks, Razors and Raxor strops, Knives and I’ irks. Pocket Knives, Butts and Screws. I looks and Hinges, 12 sets complete Blacksmith's Tools, A fine lot of Castings, Waggon X ('art boxes, Log and Trace chains. Smoothing Iroo« ami frying Pan*. CEL Cl' ERY ASSORTED. GROCERIES. fid Bbls Wes ern Whiskey, * 40 “ New Orleans Rum, 160 “ First and second quality sugar, 111 “ Loaf sugar, Oil l * Molasses, 111 “ Pric e Povk. i 1 “ No. 8 and 3 Mackctol, Ift boxoUSp r and Candles, 1(1 “ Bonp, 7 ft lbs German & I'ast-steel, 0 Bags Prime Coffee, I ,060 ibs. Svv«fdes Iron. 8 >oft bus Liverpool pound salt, Ctl kegs assorted nails and brads, I>. X H. contemplate moving in the courso fa fortnight, their stock to the lings Ihree sto y Building directly opposite Messrs, idle war and Fontaine s Brick Building. Columbus Oct 2ft, 1831 itr Tl ?1 ill 15 U 3 SHOE STOKE. r-J-1 E. WELLS, Se CO. Iluve I > removed to <he Brick Building next door above Win. D Har groves on Broad street, whoie they ofler for s .le on reasona terms Bools and Shties of every description, of their own nianufictute, consisting of 200 P a ‘ r Gentlemen’s Boots, 3(){) f '°- Calfskin shoos, high & low quarters, 100 do. Calfskin Pumps, 75 do. Buckskin Shoes, 50 do. Sealskin Pumps, 200 do. Brogans, 800 d°- Coarse Shoes, LADIES PRUSELLO HOOTS 4- SHOES of vnious hinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, Do. Sealskin do. Do. Calfskin do Leather walking shoes and Bottces, Vlisses and Childrens B .ots and Shoes of ev ery description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip. July 2, 1831 —ly. Ruled Paper. 8 REAMS faint lined PAPER, in large sheets. Apply to Lawhon & Howell. nov 26 CHINA. | SETTS enameled and lustre CHINA, 5. A v containing 32 pieces 1 sett white do 57 pieces for sale low Lawlion Sc Howell. nov 29 Has received p p Steam Boat Baltimore. cog ./randy, •tmaica and American Rum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira 1 Teneriffe i «it- . Marseilles j Sweet j Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains Which he offers for sale on his usual low terms. • dec 10 SI, oes, Sh oes . LAWIION & HOWELL nAVFjust received a large and full assort rffent of Stout Negro Shoes. Gentlemen’s fine Boots, Do. do, lace boctsss, l.adie* lac* Prunella boots, do do Leather do. o do Morocco do. dll'hlren * lion UKltll i 0M od. UUI. MGEDM vised by the Shaker Societies at Enfield ana Lebanon, for sale at the store of G. W. DILLINGHAM. white onion early spring flat do yellow on,on l° n g hanover do , red onion rutabaga do blood beet while flat do early turnip do cauliflower french sugar do sage mangel wurael do squash pep par oraAge carrot ca» enne pepper blood carrot double pepper gras# f'uertisey parsnip vegetable oyster .014, white parsnip tomato* long cucumber solid celery long green do summer savory ea/Ty do curled paisley r early cluster do du arf curled do prir’kTy gherkin do new Zealand spinage watsrmellon round Vpinage muskmellon long white okra nutmegmellon asparagus eantelope do - ‘nasturtion dutch summer squash roquette, a fine sallad crook neck summer do garden cres* crook neck winter do english soriell white head lettuce white mustard ice head do brow n do ice cogs do leeks imperial sugar loaf do early sugar corn cabbage head do early Washington paas salmon radi h earlvjune do scarlet do early charltou do scarlet turnip do white marrowfat do scarlet short top do strawberry dwarf do drum head cabbage dwarf blue imperial do earlv vork do early china dwarf beans green savoy do early mohav.k dwarf do yellow savoy do white kidney dwarf do early sugar loaf do superior white poie do green glazed do cranberry pole do re.: dutch do lima po.e do norfslk flat turnip jan 14 N E W GOODS. /.. C. .11.1.E.V HAS RF.CFIVED AND Iff RF.CETVING, Hl* FALL AND WINTER GOODS, HIGH he will sell on accommodating 1 terms. His stock is composed in part of the following articles,,viz: London Dufill, Hose and Point Blankets, Super blue, black, brown and olive Cloths, Black Lasting, Beavetteens Fancy Cord, Rod and while Flannels Canton Flannels, Red, white and figured Valencia Shawls Bombazetles *nd Bombazines, Merino Circassians of vari .us colors, Cashmeie Handkerchiefs, Bandanna, flagg. Pongee 4 plaid silk Hdkfit. t 'uper Italian Cravats, various colors, Colored empe caml let, I'otton and Linncn Drilling. Ladies’ silk, cotton and worsted Hose, Gentlemen’s do. do. and half do. Ladies' A gentlemen's Gloves of various kinds, Cambric, Swiss, jaconet and book Muslins, Buper bleached and bro vn Linens, , Bum n and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Domestic Plaids. Bed Ticking, Russia Sheeting; Prime.; Bcd-sv>reads, count erpa.tes, Ita’inn Gros de iVap/e« Miislin Robes, Sarenet and Duchi e Silks, Bi!k and cotton Umbrellas, 4c. Ladies’ gentlemen's and children’s SHOES. A variety of men’s, youth sand children's H4TB V CAP? HARD? WARE „V CUTLERY. erotfttrs (c ©lass^et'arc. At SO. One caso superior SHOT GUNS. Dec 3,1831—t5. - M! LLEDGEYILLE Street Lotterv. (Authorized by the General Assembly of the State of (jl eorgia ) SCHEME. 1 Prize off 20,000, is $211,000, 3 Prizes . 10,000, is 30,000, 4 “ 5,00», is 20,000, 9 “ 1,000, is 9,000, 5 “ 900, is 4,500, 5 “ 800 is 4,000, 5 “ 700, is 3,500, 5 “ 600, is 3 000 v 5 “ 500, is 2.500, 5 “ 400. is 2,000, r 5 “ 300, is l,5Qp 5 « 200, is 1.000, 35 ■' 100. is 3,500, 50 “ 50, is 2 500, 650 “ 20, is 13,000, 5,000 “ 12, is 60,000 Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! All the Prizes to be floating from the com mencement except the following, deposited as follows, viz: First. Dun's Drawing —2 Prizes of 5;000, lof 1,000, lof >OO, I of 800,1 of 700, lof 600, 1 of 500, 1 of4oo, 1 of 300, 1 of 200 Second Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900, I of 800, 1 .if 7uo, 1 of 60ft, 1 ofsoo, lof 400,1 of 300, lof 200. Third Day’s Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 900,1 of 800, lof 700, lof 600, l of 500, 1 of 400, I of 300, I of 200 Fourth Day’s Druwinu —l Prize of 10,000, j of 1,000, lof 900. lof 800,1 of 700, lof fiftO, 1 of 50ft, 1 of 400, I or 300,1 of 200. Fifth and last Drawing —l Prize of 20,000, 1 of IJ'OO, 1 offtOO. 1 of7oo, 1 of6oo, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, I of 300, 1 of 280. And on the commencement of the First, 8e cond,Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall be en’itled to a prize SI,OOO. and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, the first and last drawn number shall be entitled to a capital Prize of $5,000 each, in addition to such Prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be completed in five. Day's Drawing only.' PRIZEB ONLY JO BE DRAWN. The First Day’s Drawing will take place on the Ist of February next, or sooner should the sale of Tickets warrant The \> hole of the Pr.zes payable in sixty days offer each Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduc tion of fifteen percent. All puses not applied for in twelve inontns from each drawing to be considered ns a donation to the funds of the Millcdgevilte Street Lottery The drawing to take place under the superin tendent o ofTFw? C Carnts Samuil Buffington, Samuel l oe.hwtll, H'm It Torrance, b.sdutl F. Park Joseph Stovall. Thomas IF Baxter, Janus S Calhoun, and Irtrson V. Harris, eommiwion ers; sum, a Board of Visitors Present Brice of Tickets Whole* slo liiilvch $5 —ijiiurtiTs $2 50. For sale in . teat variety of Km. at the store nl the agent, t eor* from ih. Columbus Bank Bioiid st lost. B. Norton-, f*i t. Cfe ft VOli. lle aa *.\tt«'. Groceries, For Cotto.y, Pipe ISt.vyi s», Hides or Approved Paper. /'HIARi ES E. NORT N, informs Mer * chants, Planters, Ac visiting Appalscbi cola, that he has just received from New-Or* leans a l*/ge and extensive assortment <8 Gro ceries. which added to his former supplv from Ne.v-York, makes his assortment as complete if not superior to any he has ever offered to the public. His stock will be replenished as often as once i month, so that his customers may be sure at any time ol’finding a good assortment Merchants and Planters will find it to their advantage to call, as it <s his intention to scl l st moderate prices, for Cash, Cotton Ppe staves, Hides < r approved paper. Appalachicola. Dec 31—t r Just received as above ?ttr Sch. Magellan, BO Sacks best Green Havanna Coffee which will be s-.ld low for cash. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND BANK CHECKS. Bank checks on the BANK OF COLUM BUS and the FARMER’S RANK OF CHATTAHOOCHEE bound into quires, and Bills ot t* xchange, just received and for sale at the Columbus Book-Store, two doors from tlte Columbus Bank, Broad-street, jun. 14, 1838. E. S. Norlon. JUST PUBLISHED, J TIE subscriber has jmi received at the Cttluhibus Booh Store, the following new and interesting publications Sixty years of the life of Jeremy l.evis 2v(JI. Philip Augustus, a novel 2vols. Y'-iing Duke, ‘ g vo j ßi TlieF.ugal 11/usewife 1 vol. Common place Book of Poetry Coleridge’s study Greek Hall’s Iteitvres on school keeping A flections Gift for 1832 The Token fordo Souvenir do Pocket Dictionary of the Holy Bible Shakespear, 1 vol Lrtndon. Besides a large assortment of school and ntli valuable books which will be Sold low for cask E. S. Norton. dec 10 CAST STEEL AXBB. \FKW boxes “Coiiino's, co's >' XEB for sale by Lawhon Sc Howell. nov 2fi DOMESTIC AJANUFACTORY. Jf | doz. home made \ 11 AIR' lot sale by Lawlion & Howell. nov 20 Is. ,9 . J>A Vi I> i cuT" l | AVE been receiving the iasi week, and e t will continue to receive goods bi Savan nah and Apalachicola Bai the present seasuf, winch will enable them to keep up a general and complete assortment of StapU ie .iFanrn Dry Cm oenis. AMONG WHICH ARE Rose, London Duffle A Point Blanket*, Batinettsof and fferent colors and qualities Red. white and green Flannels, White Canton Flannel, Mixt Kersey A Blue Plains, Crude Swiss* Gios de Nao Silks ofvaritnjg colours, * Bla k Italian and lustring silks, Ric Plaid Silks, Sa'ins of various colors, Florences do. do. liahancrape do. do. Canton camblet and Pongees, Black and green worsted Berrsge, Plain and fig’d Swiss Muslins, ' do do. Jackonett do. Furniture and cambric Dimity, Corded Skirts, Ladies cor setts and silk A cotton lacing* Thread, Be bbinett, and Mnslin Edgings,’ Thread and Bobhinett Footings, Plain and fig’ > bobbinett Lace, Lace capes, caps and crazy Janes Infant’s lace «nd cambric caps, Blonde Lace and pearling, Pink cambric Prints, Bl'k and white do do. Black Lace Veils, French Muslins and Calicoes, Plain and stripe Ginghams, Black, white A red Merino shawls, Thibet Wool Shawls, Bilk and Ganse shawls and h'kls. Bilk, Flag and Bandana h’kfs. Ladies linen, and Linen camb. h’kfs. do bordered do. Irish Linens A table Damask, Silk, cotton and worsted hosiery Gent Woodstock and Beaver Gloves do. Woolen Gloves and iltins. ’ Ladies Kid and H S Gloves and Mitts «'olored canibricks, Black and white hooks and eyes, Pins and Needles, Spool thread and Linen Floss, White Mersailes and Printed countcroaines 3 4 and 4-4 Furniture Prints, Dimity and Furniture Binding, Bleached and unbleached sheetings A shirting Apron checks, Dorchester Ticking, Fine gilt cloth and crumb brushes, Gent Sea Otter & Leather caps, Black and I >rab Beaver A Rorani Hats Willow wagons and Table Mats. Millinary and Fao Cv Goods of all descriptions A splendid assortment of JEWELRY 4- PERFUMERY. l adies Beed Bags and Pu ses A large &, complete assortment of WINTER CLOTHING. BOOTS 4- SHOES. 1 OO pr’s Gentlemen’s sewed and Nailed ellington Boots Jackson, I.adies prunella and Leather Bootees, do bl k and eolr'd heel and Pomps, do do W’alking Shoes, do. white satin Pumps, Misses end childten's Bootees and Shoes us every description, 500 pair Negro Shoes, a good article, JiLHO— A good assortment of HAND W ARE and CROCKERY. Columbus, Ott 89, |it:t| FKKNIf (1.1 RUH\ \ FLQWtfP SEEDS. Fox sets by the bos of paper. by I- J. DAVIES, A Cf