The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, May 05, 1832, Image 1

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cos am usiiii HiarLi it-editor. &i)t Semocrat IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK IV CULUnUBS, GEORGIA, tit 'Three Dollars per annum, ifpaid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the ‘pear. It is expected that all application for su' script ion from a distance, will be aecom jfpnied loitk the money. Advert memouta will bp. inserted at reasonable Kptes Sales of land and negroes, by adimnis flrators, executors or guardians, are reqnii ‘d hr law to be held on the first tnesdav hi the month, between the hours of 10 o'clock in t!*e forenoon ty 3 'nthe afternoon, at the court house of the •oiinty in which the proporty is situated. Notice ®f these sales must be given in a public Gazette ®ixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice of tho sale o’’ personal property must be trivei in a like manner forty days previous t,*> he day of sale. Notice to debtors A- creditors of an estate must bo nuhiished forty davs. Nolico that all anpnr.ation will be made to the ©ouri of ordinary for leave to sell land must be ju'dishej four months. It?*Gotti «on i u.:in , 'Sß must be Post paid to fnso;e atf.ent.Kj- GENE RAJ A GENE Y AND Commission iJttsfnrss, rOLUMHI/s*. GEO. A" ~ Qp tHE subscribers tender their A, .* JE services tor the traoraction -iv. ihe ati .ve business under the »., itaru k v <quire, Wnd are now »•*. dy >.O receive -terchandise and Produce fin- ...le >n consignment They are .-ti ro now making arrangement-- tor the erection of talar e and extensive Ware House lor the re -aeption of COTTON eailv next Call. They are prepared to make liberal advances ton all Mercha disc and Produce consigned to gheiii, and will devote their whole attention to e interest of those who may favor tliem with I their patronage. ' BENJAVIIN V. T\RVER, HARVEY H. SQUIRE. Reference. iJßes.srs Jas Hamilton A -on, York Geo P. & Wm. '■'. R iwors, .Vetr-Orlenns. Brooks Lathrnp «V Cos ( Appala-hanla, Edw. J. Hardin. Esq. y Flo ida die.o. W. Dillingham, Ksq ) „ , . _ Hiram Nourse, Esq. I Geo. Jan -IS. 183 U. &oris«K < idisrK, _ HAT ■ JUfut ufacturers, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. respectfully inform the pub lic that hey have on hand, ane will keep const ent / for sale, at whole-sale and retail a goner •I and extensive assortment of H ITS, compri sing all the* various fashions and qualities, and tin as favorablo terms as can be purchase- 1 »v market in the TT-- ’ ‘ S*nct attention will oe given to all oraers Dfom the country Orders for Hats left with F.dward J. Harden, ©sq. at Appalachicola, will he promptly attend -1 WAXTF.D TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs of ail kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will be given, delivered either at Columbus or at Appalachicola Cota minis Ann. 27. 1831. JUST received bv Steam-Boat (▼ecrgian, a general 1 JAPAN* WARE . Copper and Zinc Kettles, Pewter Busins and Plates, Sheet Copper, do. Lead, do Zinc, do Russia Iron, do. Brass, Hoop Iron, «4bso on hand, a general assortment of TIN-WARE, All of which will be sold at the lowest price, 'tajtolesale and retail O’Cash paid for OLD PFWTER. HERVF.Y HALL. Columbus, Dec. 17,1831 IjA W XOTICB. MX HE copartnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Attorneys at Baw. is this day dissolved by mutual consent Each will continue t > reside at Carrollton, A practice separately in the several counties coni •«r.,ing the f hattaiioochee circuit; anti mOhero- R's ccunt\ ofthe Wes cm Circuit E. D. McKinley, march 3.—3 m. Isaiah Paschal. TO REM T. A Large Dry Cellar with good brick walls, on Front St— enquire at this office. feb 18 INSURANCE BANK OF COLUMBUS. AN election for live Directors, to manage the affairs of said Institution, will be held at 'Columbus on Monday the 7th day of May »e X t. April 7, 1832 —tdo. A List of letters remainin'' in the Poat Office at Ellerslie, Harris County on the first day tjf April, 1832. ■ Elisha Calhoun, James Cox, Henry Hagan, 0. Harris, Edmond Jinkins. John Kirnbro, Rob ert Moreland, John Odam, Green few nuey, 'lhom** W. Williamson Charles Phillips, P. M. ~ ' JOINER’S TOOLS OF a superior quality A well assorted, just opening LAWHON V HOWELL. apri121,1832. * tax NOTICE. 3 [A HE first day of May next is the time liintl- L ed by the Intendant and t ommissioners r receiving returns of taxablo property within the corpora to limit, of Columbus —Those con 'Serned will bear it in mind. aprilSl, 1832 H.C. PHELPS, Ct'k TC. ADM INISTK A TOR’S S A LE. YI’IHIn' sold on the* 'Hi th and tMitla w w dnyaof May next, Ibe late resi dence of John V. Blarhuton dee a part of the ■lock of Cattle belonging to saiddoeea ed, eon nesting of Cows and calves, on a credit tiC tin 9itb of DmmAw out Hmall notes with an proved security will be required. Maty Atm Blackmon, Aden**. >V‘ insurance. HE Augusta Insurance and Bunk 111c Company wiil insure Produce and Mer chandise against the dangers of River Naviga li n on good steam boats and other river craft and upon good vessels from Apalachicola to New Oilcan* or the ntUu'ic cities They wnli also take fire risks upon .Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO IP nrLUXGILIM, Agent. *j\w HOOKS i olutrbus hook-Store, doors from, the COLUMBUS BANK. | UST received and for sale as above cheap for casti, the following assortment of Law- Books. Rlackston’s comtrs. 2 vArchbold’s appendix «rehtba!d s Black’n 4 Manning’s digest hrietiaus do 4 Hall's law journal leld s do 1 *• digested index Archibald A t hr* n 4 Tngersoll* abridgt 1825 D rnfordA E a rep Bin4t Iltver s precedents Saikcld s reports in 3 Chancery cases Taunton’s “ 4 Haw kin’s pleas Va kers “ 2 Kugdcn's treatise itailas “ 4 .■< ,in powers Saunders “ 3 naunder’s on pleadina Markios “ 2 Bigelow’s digest H a hington’s 2 Archbold’s civil plead’? * wauati-n’s 11 1 Corny 11 on contracts 8 ** 2 Crown circuit cohipan l eter’s concentrated 2 Hoffman’s cases Digest of Mass. 1 Powell os devises Cruise on real prop 3 Wnodfalls land A ten’t Condensed rap Sup. Holton libel Court U S Burlamaqui's principles Koper on property Balantmc on limitations Moore » Index Law oflien * aiupbeU’s nisi pnus Long on sales Hammonds “ Robert on frauds ‘ nitty on hills Sergeant on attachment s LiH\v of infancy Chitt v s criminal law Jones on bailments Hoffman’s chancery Virginia cases Powell on mot t gages Law of patents Kent’s commentaries Vhlfords pleadings A nurcheg digest Perkins on conveyancV t ottner « obligations Marius on bills of Excii. , ns Peak Jefferson’s manucl xrctibolo s practice Together with a general assortment of papef, quills, lead pencils, slates and pencils, sealing wax, mdia rubber, penknives albums pocket books, wallets and purses pocket maps ofN A tv Carolina A Georgia, ever pointed silver pen tl cases, flute, violin and clarionet instructors. Wyeth’s singing books, blank music books, backgammon boards and chessmen tooth pow dor and brushes, paint boxes and brushes draw ing paper, inkstands, letter stamps Ac Ac E. S. Norton. nov ID NOTICE. be sold on the first Tuesday in June » ” J 1 before the Court house door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, between the usual hours of sale the following property, viz: One Bay- Mare six years old, levied on as the property-of Joseph Chandler, to satisfy an exe cution from Upson superior court in favor of John Boyle, surviving copartner of Hyde and Boyle against said I handler One Sorrel JVlavi W m-»Ii-.««.7m I Cart, /lundred and three and one hundred auu i-int, ’ six. levied -masthe property of I'loasant haw sou defendant and Vincent A Pearson security 011 stay of execution, to satisfy a fi fa in favour of James F Smith against said defendants One Dark Bay Horse, one dark brindle cow and calf, levied on b\ virtue ol an attachment, and sold by order of the hon superior court a» the property of Joel Lane, said attachment su ed out tn favor of Kene Fitzpatrick against the said Joel Lane A so one Lot of Land No nineteen (111) in the I4tli tourfeenth dist of originally Muscogee now Talbot county, levied ou as the property of Richard Holt to satisfy sundry small ii fas issued from a justices court of Talbot county in favor of Sand 1 L Calhoun against said Holt' Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also the west part or half of Lot No. el°»en (11) in the twenty-fourth (24th) dist. of origin ally Muscogee now Talbot county, containing eighty five and a half acres, which lot of land has been condemned as frauiulently draw n, and the said west half assigned to the state of Geor gia JOHN C BOYNTON, fehff apri!2B.lß3l. FRESH SUPPLIES. PLAIDS and STRIPES 3-4 Brown shirtings Duffli Blanki ts Point Blankets Sattinets and striped Woolsey Black Rombazettes and Circassians ladies worsted Hose —A/so— -1 ps super jot blk Gros de Naples 2 do do do Italian silks For sale by Lawhon & Howell. dee 10 GROCERIES. tIIHE Subscribers have received per -“- Steamer Baltimore and offer for sale on reasonable terms. Sugar and Coffee, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Western Whiskey, Starch, Indigo, Rum and Wine, Rice, new A fresh, Liverpool ground Salt, Figs, Ci ackers, Raisins, Pickled Pork. Castings, & Hollow Mockerol Ware, Vinegar,a choice article, Collins <(* Co’s Caststeel Western Flour, Fresh, Axes, Mai asses, Tobacco, and Young Hyson Tea, Sesrars Together with a general assortment of Tin, Jammed and Copper Ware TARVER A SQUIRE. Columbus, Jan. 28, 1832. ON CONSIGNMKN T. Hbls. Canal FLOUR Fresh cml\w ({ “ old Monongahela Whiskey 4th prooi, 10,000 Havana Segars, lfidoz Choice Claret Wine, * G Boxes Raisins, 1 1 doz Ploughs, for sale low by Jan. 28 TARVER A SQUIRE. FRAUD! FRAUD!! \LL persona are eautioned not to trade for night small nolo* for $25 each, given by me I in Thomas J- Dickson, as die same were obtain | i<d by (rand I The said notes were given some time in Au- I gust last, and were made payable on tire Ist day of February, 1832, to said Dickson <*r bearer The above described notes are not recovera ble .it law, amt I am determined not tops, them of any part »f titeia. JO N COX, feb. 11, li’flj of /.«• Cos. tin. ( Olil lim s, (GAs) BATI KDAY, HUY 5, Blew Firm. L VU HON ii. HOREIJ., E I IN(« iiurchttsctJ ©lit tlie entire Stock of DR Y GOODS, ir.l/llt WAKE and GROCERIES belonging tn Mr. Jonathan A. Hudson, offer them to their friends and the public generally at such prices as cannot fail to satisfy those tha favor them with calls They hope, from their close attention to the interests of their customers, to merit acontinu once of the very liberal patronage extended to their predecessor. Their Stuck is composed in part of tin following articles: Blue, black, brown and green Broadcloths, Brown and steel mixt tSuttinetts, Circassians (for Ladiws’ wear.) Red s&’inet lor children. Bombazines and Bombazetfs, Black Lastings, Priucetta and Rochclla, Brown Cambist, Fancy calicoes, Fancy Plaid and striped Ginghams, Plain Pink and Buff Gingnains, Ftg’d Albanienncs, for Ladies winter wear Insh Poplin, Fig’d, white, blue A buff Gro de Naples. Plain black and blue blank do •Barsenett. Fig and Swiss, Book, Mull A Jaconet Muslins, Plain do do do do do ’ "ambricks. Bbxck silk Velvet, Marseilles Vesting, A good assortment of whole and half Hose, Dimity and Fringe, Cotton C&ssimere, • Damask Table Diaper, Linens, Gloves of all kinds—suspenders, i apes, threads, and sewing silks, Bonnet, Felt and Taffeta Ribbons, I 4-4 5-4 A *>-4 bleached sheeting and shir ling. -4 1 4 5-4 (>-4 Brow-ii do do 4 4 Scotch Ginghams—3-4 Plauls, Apron ’le eks—lted ticking, good assortment of wool, roram, castor A Beaver Hats, Men’s, Ladies and children’s fine and course, high and low quartered shoes, Shoe thread. HARD-WARE & CUTLERY. Knob, Stock upboard. Chest A t'ad Locks, Razors and Raxor strops. Knives and Forks, Pocket Kmves. 13 -Its and Screws. Hooks and Hinges, lv -sits complete Blacksmith’s Tools, A him lot of Castings, Waggon A • ’art boxes, Log and Trace chains, Smoothing 1 o ati-i fVying Pang, CROCKER! ASSORTED. GROCERIES. 60 Bbls Wes c:n hi-key, 4d “ New Orleans Ruin, 160 “ First and second quality sugar, 10 “ Loaf sugar, 30 “ Molasses, 10 “ Prime Pork, 12 “ No. 2 and 3 Mackerel in a.— “ r • 7 i) lbs German & < ast-stcel, 0 Bags Prime Coffee, 1 ,otlo lbs. Swedes Iron 2 tOO bus Liverpool pound salt, 60 kegs assorted nails „nd brads, L. A H. contemplate moving in the course la fortnight, their stock to the largo three sto .y Building directly opposite Messrs. Btewar and Fontaine's Brick Building. Columbus (Jet 2 , 1831 SHOE STORE. E. YVELLN, 8t CO. Have , removed to the Brick Building next door above W m D Hal- 1 groves on Broad street, where they offer for sale on reasont te.rms Boots and Shoes of every description, »f their own manufacture, consisting of 'JfK> Gentlemen’s Boots, ;l(IO do Calfskin shoes, high A low quarters, |((0 do Calfskin Pumps, 7ft do. Buckskin Shoes, ftO do Sealskin Pumps, 2<lO do. Brogans, *{oO do. Coarse Shoes, LADIES FRVJfELLO ROOTS 4* SHOES of various kinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, Do Sealskin do. Do. t ;alfskin do. Leather walking shoes and Bottees, Misses and Childrens B aits and Shoes of ev ery description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip July 2,1831 —ly. liuled Paper. 8 REAMS faint lined PAPER, in large sheets. Apply to Lawhon & Howell, nov 26 UHIMA. | || SETTS enameled and lustre CHINA, 1\ F containing 32 pieces I sett white do 57 pieces for sale low Lawhon & Howell. nov 29 l.u.alli:a T~ Has received tw Steam lioat Baltimore. cog amaica and American Rum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira 1 Teneriffe I Wine 9 Marseilles | * Sweet J Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains „ • Which he offers for sale on his usual low terms, dec 10 Shoes, Shoes. LAWHON & HOWELL HAVE just received a large and Util assort, nicni of Hfont Negro Shoos. Gentleman’s flue Bools, Do do. lace bootees, Ladies lac« Prunella boots, do do Lea liter do. o do Morocco do. * dtiiirfrim s • hoes afsor'srl Dec dd, 18*1. IJ osEii by tlie Shnkcr Societies at Enfield utiil Lebanon, for sale at tin; store of G. W. DILLINGHAM. white onion early spi mg flat do yellow on.on long hanover do red onion rutabaga do blood beet white flat do early turnip do cauliflower french sugar do s»ge mangel worsel do squash pepper oranns! carrot ca.enne i.epper hiotsl carrot double pepper grass guernsey parsnip vegetable oyster 1 white parsnip tomato. •mg cucumber sohd-celcry eng green do sumiuci savory eitlv do curled parsley early cluster do dwarf curled do prickly gnerkin do new Zealand spinag. w.itsrinellon round spinao. muskmellon long wlu'e okra nutmeg.iiellon asparagus ( antelope do nasiurtion dutch summer squash roquette, a fm« saliad ‘‘rook neck summer do garden cress i-tviok neck winter do cnglish sorrell while head lettuce while mustard ice luiad do brown do Cuflu tJo leekw iu.|<eria! sugar loaf do early sugar corn cabbage head do early Washington paas salmon radi h early junc do scarlet do early Charlton do sear et i ur nip do white marrow fat do scarlet short top do x strawberry dwarf do drum head cabbage dwarf blue imperial do e:ul yorkdo early dim., dwarf bean* grec, >aV oy do early mohawk dwarf Jo yellow savoy do white kidneydwarf do early sugar loaf do sui.r-nor white pd e do green glazed do cranberry pole do re. dutch do lima po.e do nortels d:ii turnip jan 14 NE W GOODS. E. C. *II.LILY HAB REI'tIVED AN»» I. fi; 4 KlVlNfi H'r FALL ASD H r%TKH Hlv ii iit* tvlii m‘|i dh «o:Gv>njiji-t, dtui£ terms. His **t<K kih cooiiioned m purtof the lollowing articb-s, viz la.ndon I fulfil, Rose and P. mt Blankets, tdifper blue, black, brown and oln» t 'loths Black Lasting, Rnaverteens. Fancy I otd, ’ Red and white Flannels t niton flannels, Red, white «nd figured Valencia Shawls Boinbaxettes md 8.-oJ. Me,m. Circassian*, of iart -us colors, ( ashmeie Handkerc.liiofa. Bandanna, flagg. Pongee c, plaid silk Mdkfs. flab .n i ravats. various colors, Colored crape cam blot. Cotton audLinnun Diilling Ladies’ silk, cotton and worsted Hose, Go .tleoen’s do. do and lialfdo Ladies , gentlemen . tiloves of various kinds, < anibnc Swiss, jaconet and b-aik Muslins, >'up«r bleached and bro vn 1 mens Brown aiul n|(v,-griK,' counterpanes, lliiltan Gros de Naples Vlusliu Robes, Sarcnot and Dm-hi e Silks, Silk and cotton Umbrellas, 4c. Ladies’ gentlemen sand children’s SHOES. A variety of men's youths and children's II XT - A CARP HARD- WARE ..Y CUTLERY. Crocfcrri? to ©uss M-avc ALSO. One case superior SHOT GUNS. Dec 3,18131 ts. MILLEDGEYILLE Street Lottery. (Authorized bv lho General Assembly of the State of Georgia ) SCHEME. 1 Prize of #2b,000, is #90,000, 3 Prizes 10,000, is 30,000, 4 “ 5,000, is 90,000, 9 “ J,ooo, is 9,000, 5 « 900, is 4,500, 5 “ 800. is 4,000, 5 «< 700, is 3,500, 5 “ 600. is 3 000, 5 « 500, is 2,500, 5 “ 400, is 2,000, 5 «« ' 300/ is 1,500. 5 “ 200, is I 000, 35 “ 100, is 3,500, 50 “ 50, is 2,500, GSO “ 20, is 13,000, 5,000 “ 12, is 60,000. Less than TWO blanks to a PRIZE! AH the Prizes to be floating from the com mencemen! except the following, deposited as follows, viz: First Day's Drawing—2 Prizes of ;>;000, 1 of | 000,1 of HKI, lof BtH», lof 700, lof 600, 1 of 500, l 0f400,1 of 300, 1 of 200. Second Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1.000, 1 of 900, 1 of KM, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 ofsoo, I of 400,1 of 300, I of 200. Third Day's Drawing— J Prize of 10,000, » of 1,000. 1 of 900,1 of 800, lof 700, lof 600,1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Fourth Day's Drawing —l Prize of 10,000. 1 of I,ooft, lof 900,1 of 801), lof 700, lof 600, 1 0f500,1 of 400, 1 or 300,1 of 200. Fifth and last Drawing—\ Prize of 20,000, 1 oflj‘oo, 1 of9oo, 1 of7oo, 1 0f600,1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of9oo. And on the commencement of the First, Se cond, Third, and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the first drawn number shall he entitled to a prize SI,OOO, and on the conclusion of the last Day ’s Drawing, the first and last drawn number shall be entitled to a capital Prize of $5,000 each, in addition to such Prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be. completed in five Day's Drawing only! PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. The First Day ’s Drawing will take place on the Ist of February next, or sooner should the sale of Tickets warrant. , The whole of the Prizes payable in sixt y days after each Day ’s Drawing—subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. All prize# not applied for in twelve inontns from each drawing to be considered as a donation to the lunds of the Milledgeville Street Lottery The drawing to take place under the superin tendence of M m. C CVimrs. Samuel Buffington, Samuel Rockwell, It m. ft. Torrance, Ezekiel E. Dark, Joseph Stovall, Thomas W. Harter, James S Calhoun, and Iverson $. Harris. noninUMion* ers; alao, a Board of Visitor*. Present Price of Tickets Whole# #lo huivcM $f» —<pturter* #‘2 GO. For anhi in »~t#it variety of No* at the store ofthe agent, t ■ oers from the Columbua Bank Broad street. I', fcL Norton, ?ii/i flee to vol. u*»\o. :io. fifrocerifSy I or Cottov, Pipe Staves, Hides or Approved Paper. /"fHARI T'.S C. NORTIIN, informs Mer- A chants, Planters, Ac. visiting Appalschi co a, that ho has just received front New-Or* •cans a large and extensive assortment of Gro cenes, which added to his former supply from New-tork, makes hix assortment as complete if not superior to any he has ever offered to tho public. Ills stock will be replenished as often as ones s month, so that his customers may be sure at tny time ot finding a good assortment Merchants and Planters will find it to their advantage to call, as it is his intention to sell at moderate prices, for Cash, Colton fipe slaver, Hides • r approved paper. ' ppalachicola. Dec 31—ts Just received as above n-r Sch. Magellan, •fcO best Green Ilavaiina Coffee which w ill be sci'd low ftp r,a«h. BILLS OF EXCILI.YGE AND RANK CHECKS. Rank checks on the BANK OF COI.UM ,-ro.y. ,V' ri ,ho PARMER’S BANK OF ' n \ ! i Al tKM HhE bound into quires, and Bids ot xchange. just received nod Ibr sale at the Columbus K»oh-Btoro, two dnors from tlm t nluiiibus Bank, Broad-slreet jan. 14, 1M32. E. S. Norton. JUST PUBLISHED, | •*“ subscriber has ju t received at the O lumbns Book Store, the following new and interesting publication* ni'i V \ tnr " "* t,le ,ifo of Jeremy Levis 2 vol rintip Augustus, a novel 2 vels Young Duke, *• a volg. ■ F »»r«i Housewife I vol. Common place Book of Poetrv Coleridge’S study oft le Greek »a- * Kcturin, on school keeping Affections Gift for 1832 Tho Token for do Souvenir do Pocket Dictionary of the Holy Rible Shake spear I vo | London VB “*!' de “ 1 of school and nth valuable btK.ks which will b< sold |«w for cash dec. 10 E - Norton ‘ ww«, AWT axes: "*■ a F I'.W boxes “Collins «,■ cos ” \XEB • for sale by Latvlion & Howell. lmv 26 IMf.MI KMT It: Ml ANI FACTOR Y. * ||t <loz home made ' HAIR.S, I’’ tor side by LayvJion &. Howell. nov 29 fj» *P « IP A V ■ rvpaiacuicola Bay the present season, which wilt enable them to keep up a general ana complete assortment of J&tilplC # .#tUttl» Dry C foods* AMONG WHICH ARE Rose, London Duffle A Point Blankets, Satinet ts of and detent colors and qualities, Red, white and green Flannels, White Canton Flannel, Mixt Kersey A Blue Plains, Grode Swiss A Gros de NaD Silks es various colours, Black Italian and lustring silks, Rica Plaid Silks, Satins of various colors, Florences do. do. lialian crape do. do. Canton cninblet and Pongees, Black and green worsted Berrage, Plain and ng’d Swiss Muslins, do do. Jackonett do. Furniture and cambric Dimity, Corded Skirts, Ladies coisetts and silk A cotton lacing*, Thread, Bobbinett, and Muslin Edging!^ Thread and Bobbinett Footings, Plain and fig’ i bobbinett 1 .ace, Lace capes, caps and crazy Janes, Infant’s lace and cambric caps, Blonde Lace and pearling, Pink cambric Prints, Bl'k and white do. do. Black Lace Veils, French Muslins and Calicoes, Plain and stripe Ginghams, Black, white A rod Merinoshawise, Thibet Wool Shawls, Silk and Gauge shawls and h’kfs. Silk, Flag and Bandana h’kfs Ladies linen, and Linen camb. h'kfs. do do. do bordered do. Irish I .incus A table Damask, Silk, cotton and wprs*ed hosiery, Gent Woodstock and Beaver Gloves, do Woolen Gloves and .ittins. Ladies Kid and H S. Gloves and MittV, Colored cambricks, Black and white hooks and eyes, Pins and Needles, Spool thread and Linen Floss, White Mersailes and Printed counterpaines, 3-4 and 4-4 Furniture Print*, Dimity and Furniture Binding, Bleached and unbleached sheetings 4* shirting's. Apron checks, Dorchester Ticking, Fine gilt cloth and crumb brushes, Gent Sea Otter A Leather caps, Rlack and Drab Beaver A iloram Hats, Willow wagons and Table Mats, Millinary and Fancy Goods of all description's. A splendid assortment of JEWELRY <s• PERFUMERY Ladies Bccd Bags and Purses. A large &. complete assortment ©f WINTER CLOTHING. —::::— BOOTS Hf SHOES. ioo pr’s Gentlemen’s sewed nnd Nailed Vellington Boots Jackson Slwctees, Ladies prunella and Leather Bootees, do. bl’k and eolr’d heel'd Pumps, do do Walking Shoes, do. white satin Pumps, Misscb and cbudien’s Bootees nnd Shoes of evory description, 500 pair Negro Shoes, a good article, ALSO— A good assortment of HARD-WARE and CROCKERY. Columbus, Ott 99, 1031 FRESH GARDEN 4* FLOWER SEEDS. Fi * sal# by the box nr paper, by l. 3 DAVIES. A Os.