The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, June 02, 1832, Image 1

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COS AM EMIR BARTLETT-EDITOR. ajfrc jjcmotrat IS PUBLISHED EVEKY WEEK IN COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, at Three Dollars’ per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the ■year. It is expected that all application for subscription front a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will bo inserted at reasonable rates. Sales of land and negroes, by adraini.- trators, executors >r guardians. are required hy law to be he'd on the first tneedsv in the month between the hours of 10 o clock in tile forenoon 4r 3 in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the property is sit anted. Notice of these sales must be given inn public bur t sixty days previous to the day of sale Notice of the sale of personal properly must be givet in a like manner forty days previous t he day of sale Notice to debtors & creditors of an estate must be published forty days Notice that all application u ill be made to the Court of ordinan for leave to sell laud must be published four mouths. O’betters on business must be Post paid to insure attention. lOIJRKE & OIiAKK, HAT Jffm ufact avers , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, respectfully inform tlie puli lie that they have on hand, and will keep const anttlv for sale, at wholesale and ret al l a goner al and extensive assortment of HITS, coinpri sing all the various fashions and qualities and on as favorable terms as can !><■ purchased at a Dy market in the United Stat- s. Strict attention will lie given to all orders from the country Orders for Hats left with Ed ward J Harden esq at Appalachicola, will be promptly attc >d ed to. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will bo given, delivered either at Columbus or at Appalachicola Col"mhus Aug. 97, IHBI. • JUST received by Steam-Boat Georgian, a general as-*- rtoo * f JJI PAX-WARE. Copperand Zinc Kettles, Pewter Busins and Plates, Sheet ‘'opper, do. Lead, ' . do Zinc. do Russia Iron, do Brass, Hoop Iron, fidso on hand, a general assortment of TIN WARE, All . 'f which will he sold at the lowest price, wrhoiesa.’c and retail ICFUasfr paid f.r OLD P WTFR itF.RVEY HALL. Columbus. nee.17.183l i7.%AW NOTICE. rRAHE copurt.’tersliip heretofore existing .fi (, R: ee „ the undersigned Attorneys at Law. is this day dhs uked by mutual consent Each will continue » reside at. ' arrollton, A practice separately in ,foe several counties com no iug tho haitahooch.'c circuit; and m ' hero kee County of the Wes cr ’> ■ nciii. E. D McKinley, march 3.—3 m. laai alt Paschal. JOINER’S TOOLS Ct Fa superior qnality & well * 8 just P opening LAW HON 4' I < OVV tLL ’ april 21, 1832. SHOE STOKE. grr- E. WELLS, & CO. !>'«'■ removed to the Brick Build:.-K .- ■*. y■* next doer above VVm D Har *- SL graves on Bri ad street, where ihey offer for s le on r asnna tarms Boots and Shoos of every description, of {Jjeir owit manufacture, consisting of <7OO pair Gentlemen’* Boots, 300 do. Calfskin shoes, high & low quarters, jOO do Calfskin Pumps, 75 do. Buckskin 50 do. Sealskin Pumps, 200 do. Brogans, 300 do. Coarse Shoes, LJUIKS t’RUSELLO BOOTS SHOES of potions kinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, Do Sealskin do. Do ( alfskin do. Leather walking shoes and Bottees, Misses and Childrens B rots and Shoes of ev ery description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip. Jut i/2, 1831 —ly CLOTHS. SUPFRFINF, blue,black, claret, olive, brown bottle and invisible gteefl cb>th« Ptircba ters are requested to call and look 'hrough. may 5. Lawhon & llowell. FOR SAIil :, AN ELEGANT COAOH, made to order in Newark, and perhaps a better piece nl work cannot bo found Also, a PIANO FORTE ~f superior tone' and workmanship. THOM 5 55 SLA I I LL Vansville, Crawford co. May 13. H'L ~ NOl ICE. I FOR WARN all persons from trading certain note of hand given by nie to a VD Foot, ao'i.otimo in the l ist ot March o. first • ■ April due about the 24th of December. 1 for twenty five dollars. A* the c 'nsmera to for which said note was g ven ha* fid and. ■ <° aotintend U) P*I it units ce upoll-d bv law. mny 12, 1932. Wilder Phillip*. JUST PUBLISHED And for talc at the Cvlunbut Look Stnrr, THE LOST VIRGIN.OF THE SOUTH; AN llittorkal Novel, connected with the In dian War of tlw South, in tli- yew* , 13,14 and If—and Gen Jackson, n-w lrt-i --4enl < f th« Unite I States OM !>OX PEutlO CJSSEADCU. A few espies rein* U*»g <»* baud n.«y I k Et» NOl TON, Uroad atreet TSS H 5 DEEEO ©X& V ■ Augusta Insurance and liauk iug Con puny will insure :- reduce and Me, - -h tndi»e against the dangers of River Navni if n on good steam boars and other river craft and upon good vessels from Ap dachico a to New Orleans or theatlanlic cities. They wil also take lire tisks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce CEO H DILLINGHAM . Agent. NEB STRING GOODS. L. J. DAVIES k (O. HAVE just received an ek-gaiit assortment of Spring Goods and at reduced prices. Among them are the following articles, viz: 111 k Italian Lustring, smche.v A sarsnett silks, Gro de Nap and Gro de Swiss do oiored Satins, stripe Pal uanne*, Poulard .Muslins, (new style,) French <y Belgian Ginghaiys, do. do. < alicoes. Jaconet cambric and cambric muslins, Swiss, book, and mull muslins, Lace capes and c liars, ob’t Lace and thread edgings, luslin Bands, crape & gause caps, i inc-n and linen cambric caps, White pongee do While and green game veils, Gent random liiixt si.k hose, do. do. cotton do White and brown silk gloves, Dunstable and Leghorn hats, Belgium stripe do. nglish chip ami cottage do. \ comp cte assortment of milinary, Bead bags and purses, silk do Br< wn At green parasols, do. do Umbrellas. < 'ecil cloths, Fustians, Tickings, Apron checks, Ac ALSO—White satin beaver Hats, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware and L’utlery, Joiner's Tools Ac. may 5, I 832 ON CONSIGNSKNT. lo Bbls S. F Flour, 2 h's cotton cards no. 10 IS *• N O. Molasses,! “ Lemons, 10 “ “ Sugar, 10 “Cider, 3 “ Prime Pork, 2 “ Lemon Syrup, 1 “ CVg Brandy, 1 “ Lime Juice, I “ N Gin. 1 cask cheese, 1 *• Fresh Almonds 2 Firkins fresh butter, t casks molasses, 2 Kitts Salmon, t? hhds new bacon, iOt) bags fresh Garden 1 “ NO. Sugar, Seeds, IS kegs fresh Lard, 12,000 Amor. Sugars, t-4 cask Claret wine, For sals by TARVER A. SQUIRE Van-’. ") MEDICAL BOOKS. HE subscriber has ju t received at the 1 ’ lumbus Book Store, the following books: Smith on Fever, James’ Burns. Hennen's Military Sur- Abernathy’s Lectures, gery, Tavernier’s Surgery, Macnevin’s Brands, Hamilton on purgatives, Eberlc's practice of Wistar's Anatomy, medicine. Turner’s Chemistry, Dewees on children, Dental Surgery, •o on midwifery, Beck’s Medical Juris- Cooiier's Surgery, piudencc, Do Lectures, Together with a great variety of Books and other articles to numerous to particularise. E. S. Norton. march 24. Breed streej. COLUMBUS BOOK STOKE. ITIAVF jus received at my Store the follow ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugene Aram a novel bv the author ofPelham The Forsaken, qtitle2vols. The Polish < hiefs an historical romance 2 vols Fainih l ibrary No. 29 Court and Camp ofß >* naparte. Parly's I'olunibue, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Rowlett's Interest Tables, oleridge, Shelly st,d Kcat's works, Scot*’, Napolev n 3 vols, t ook's Morgagni 2 vol», Deices Midwifery t .bcrie’a Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Turner's v hemi try .Bichats Anatomy ot Physiology, Vin«'<\irth’s Dictionary, ■ ethodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) pra vet Books (do.) Sand Box's and Inkstands, P, . t I'olios Visiting Cards Blank Cards A c Together* with a great variety of books and fan cy articles too numerous to particularize. April 2(1. _ K S NORTON. SHORTER, TARVER & CO. | 1 AVE received by late arrivals the follow- I I ing Goods ,on consignment which they offer on favourable terms. 55 bbls. Clioice Cider, :(0 Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls .Cincinnati Whiskey, 00 “ N. O. Molasses, 12 hhd*. Bacon, 20 bbls i ickied Pork, 10 Drums Figs, 6 Boxes tlavanna Cigars, Deal Pino, celebrated manufacture, 50 Boxes Virginia & N O. Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Mrlmaey Wine, 150 cuicks Salt, 20 cases Lemon Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Sacks prime Green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongahala Whiskey, 12 Pattern barshear ploughs, made by E. * Parson, Enfield t Ain't. Cognac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. may 10, 1832. G. W. DILLINGHAM, Offers for Sale, 10(1 barrels Pickled Pork. 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk’s Island salt, 50 bbls Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do Mackerel, 4009 ihs. blue gist Grindstones, 100 Side* upper leather, 2000 lbs sole Leather, SHOD lbs Bacon, 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, coil* Hale Rope may 10. DISSOLUTION. I |i|lF. enonexiati in bwnn*A. under the firm of I Tarver A Squire «« dissolved on the 24th 4 March last bytf*. death 4'Mr hqutre, lh« ■ . < the concern * ill bn clour and lur U*c CXf. BENJ V TARVER, may 19, IfJ!. C Olit jam s, (GA.) SATI WDAYj JFiK *2, S *:t£. M KING A SUMMER & Jj££a: opening a tine stock o t" FA Y\ > J.J PLE. a Pit IN t y SUMMER DRY GOOD* Mats, Shoes Saddlery , i rocker and llarJ are, winch are ctiered to the public al such prices a.-they hope. rill give satisfaction. Their ft .arms are lespectfwliy requested to call a.,il examine £i»r themselves—Th- slock is compo sed parti) of the following a. tide:-: Foulard Muslin Prims, • lain and figured must .ns, of ali descriptions, Muslin robes, ginghauis, fancy barage, ' ali. oes or every variety, Black, white and fancy color’d silks, Black and v. lute satin, . rim- and fashionable assortment of bonnets e, belt ribbons, cap and tatfetas do. tdios and gent s beaver and horseskm gl, ves uod milts. l adies and gent's random whole Ai hall' hose, \ case of tashionaole Dunstable and Leghorn bonnets, A few dozen straw bonnets, a good assornucnl of srik, crape -V barage fan cy jidk'fs, Ladies printed cambric hdk’fs. Artificial flowers arid straw bands, -. olcgne. Lavender, Rose A Florida water, tto of Ro es, 50 whole <y- ualf pieces linen, P.iblc, brrdeye V Russia Diaper, * B own and bleached linen drub), lack bombazines, bonibazetts, princeltas, A c K< non cassiirieres, Nankins 4' sumincrxiamblets li out hcd cotton salmi drills, -.ilk velvets, A good and Lew assortment of Vtersuilles Ves lings, A feu pieces light 4' fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies parasols and gentlemen's umbrellas, Bl’k Italian cravats and linen coliars, Thiead Cambric and long lawu, Ladies fancy silk and beed bags, fancy funs, Brown and bleach’d shirtings 4'sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A huge and tine selection of shell, tuck and ‘ .Je comb.-, Ipi .u. Alack uombazme for ladies wear, Beduck.'Oenaburghs a> and checks, Furniture biae and scarlet ehecss, I! 4 and 4-4 plaids and stripes, slrvuds, Buckram padding y c -■c .ving silk and.eotton, needles, pins, &c. \ large and tine ass rtmeut of black and d:ab h its and caps, Lady s, geuilciuen's tend children's shoes of all kinds and q allot s Lady’s y gentlemen's saddles, bridles and uiar linga!i s CROCKERY. Ctrir.a <y Liverpool Mown A pmk ware, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers <y wine castors y-c. A large and full assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, .Diner's Tools, Axes, lines, 4- Black smith s fools Fine ioiitl and swi..g gLs.ies, Letter and cap paper, ink, quills and pencils may 5. Law tion & liowell. 2z* C. ALLEJ lias received U* Steam I'.out Baltimore. cog .»randy, -.rnaica and American Hum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira "| Tone rifle I Wj Marseilles/ Sweet J Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains Which he offers lor sale on his usual low terms dec 10 NEW FIRST GENERAL AGENCY AND COMM IS ION BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. HE subscribers respectfully acquaint their fnends and the public, thai they have for med a connexion in the above business under the name and style of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar rangement* in progress for tho recop'ion ani storage of produce, and will he prepared to make advances on tho same while in store tr under shipment to Now Orleans or Now-York ) E. S SHORTER, Signed > BENJ P. TARVER, S JAMES 11. SHORTER, may 19,1(532 JUST PUBLISHED And for sale at the Columbus Bonk Store, THE LOST VIS2GI* OF THE SOUTH. An hist' rical novel of 327 pages 12mo connected w:th the Indian War of the South, in the year 1812-13 14 and 15, and Gen. Jackson, now President of the Uftiied States. BY DON PEDRO 6’ASENDER ■ LTHOUGH there is a general wish to ob tain this interesting work it cannot be sen', in the bound form, to all who wish it; any per son can have a cony covered in colored paper -ent to them bv mail, who will hand to any Post vlaster one dollor to enclose to Virgil N. Smith Tallahassee or the Post Master—ls this is done ihe work will bo sent immediately. The Imok. in abound form, can he had at the Columbus. Book Store, M. SMITH. Publisher. av. 19 JYew Supply, GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. /UHK subscriber has just received pc- Schrs Jk Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Kmeline from New Orleans, tho following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 50 bbls. Pork, 50 “ Whiskey, 15 hhds prime N. O Sugar, 30 bbls Hum, 150 casks Nails (assorted,) 50 hbls Flour, 100 ceils Bsle Rope, 10 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 30 coils Manilla and Taied Rope, •5 pipes C Brandy & Holland Gin, 50 bags nrime llavanna Coffee, 25,000 best llavanna Hegaro. Th« above togotksr woli the stock on hand ia tho loi*i ever offered in ibis market. aF of which will be sold low for « ash nr airptere" pent rr C Y. NORTON App»!»'a, (I for) May 10, IIM2- iuAiiiiEi’ ORDINANCE. Sec. I Ut il ordaiuetFby the Intendant ahdCamiiMSsioaers of tm Town of Col umbus, That tin- Market lionr.s shall lit from six o’clock until nine A. Al. in flic months of December, Jmiuary.muJ Ft-hru* ary; from five to eG'tt o’clock, A. Al in the months of March, April, May, Sep tember, October and Novttnh- r; and from four until seven o'clock, A. Al. in ti.-, Tnontbs of June, July and August, wliicli f shall be the duty, of the Clerk of tin- Market to see punctually attended to. .Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of the Market previous to his entering upon tin- duties of lus ap pointment, filir.ll take and subscribe the following oath or atlir. nation, to-wit: “I A. B. do swear, (or ..Birin) Unit 1 will well ami trtilv perform thy duties of the Clerk of the Alarket for the Town of Co lumbus, during tny holding said appoint ment, to the best of my ability; and that 1 w ill not ask, demand or receive any grea ter toil or fee than is allowed me by the Corp«rut:on, so help tne God.” S«-e. 3. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of the Market shall at tend the same every morning (Sundays excepted) when any article of provision is offered for sale, and remain until the market hours are over; it shall be Ins du ty to see that tlte butchers and other per sons si lling meat in said market, do im mediately after market hours clean down the stalls they have been using, and re move every nuisance appertaining there to, beyoad the inhabited parts of the town; and for every refusal or neglect, they shall he fined 111 a sum not exceeding five dollars. See. 4. And be it further ordained, That the Clerk of tlte Market shall en force the rules and regulations of the Market, examine all weights and scales used m said market, see that they agree with the standard established by law, de cide all disputes between buyers and sell ers, and man.tain good order and regular ity in the Market-house; and if the clerk tail to perforin the duties hertby required of him, or shall he guilty of injustice to any out while in the duties of his office, or shall exact more than regular toll, lie shall be subject loa line often dollars, «fc lie shall lie liable to be dismissed from of ftae, on complaint upon oath being lodg ed he.ore the Board. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, That ail persons sliali have liberty to ex pose to silt-, any article or provision, country or other produce, on any day of the week ( unday excepted) 111 that part of the market house set apart for them li v the clerk of the market whose duty it shall he to designate certain stalls or oth er situations in said market house, l'or the butchers, and other persons attending l;e said market, with articles sot sale; e-ich person paying to the cluk a toll or tij*, agreeable to the follow ing rules, viz: sot every quarter of beef sold in said mar ket 12 1-2 cents; for every four footed niirnal weighing tifty pounds and over, 25 cents; for every four footed nriima. weighing less than fifty pounds, 12 1-2 emits; and any person refusing to pay the stui clerk Ins fee a* aforesaid, shall, on affirmation by the clerk and convict:.u if said persons, before the luteudant, n.- liny two of the Commissioners of k.ic rtnvn, be fined not exceeding five dollars. Sec. 6. Irii/ be it further ordained, That if any person residing within the limits of said town, shall buy, engagt, contract or bargain for him, In rself 01 others, any beef, pork, veal, mutton, ku., or other article ot provision, except at the market house, during market hours, j? hereinbefore mentioned, every such pet son or persons shall lorieit ami pay a sum not exceeding five dollars, and,any slave who shall commit suclt offence, shall re ceive twenty lashes at the discretion o' tlie Board, unless the owner or employer of such slave shall pay to the Treasurer of this Board, the amount of the fiue a white person would have to pay for a ljk< offence; and any free person of color v olating this ordinance, his or her guardi an shall he responsible for such offence. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained. That no person shall sell, or offer for sale, any unsound or impure meat, or ar ticle of provision in said market, upon paimof paying double the sum demanded lor it; and if the clerk forbid the sale of anv article of this description, the owner, if he or site wish it, may cl 11 on oue, and the clerk of the market another disinter ested citizen, who shall give their opinion on the article or articles so forbid by the said clerk, and their decision shall b< conclusive, between the owner of the same and the clerk of the market; and a nv one selling or offering to sell within the limits of this corporation, such un sound provision, on condemnation" of the same, shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars, one half to the informer, and the other half to the corporation. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained, That all persons who shall kill, or cause to he killed (except Indians or Indian Negroes) and taken to the said market for sale, any black or neat cattle, sheep, hog or goat*, shall give the clerk ol the mar ket n description of the marks brands, (if any.) color, and kind of animals so killed, and from whom obtained or purchased, with the enrs of such cattle, sheep, hogs nr goats, nnd on a failure thereof, shall [forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty VOL. U U Bur.-, ior eyny black or neat euub .. 3 v-o dollars for each of the oilier .11,. ~ ,U; i id every such description shall he eu tml by the clerk, in a bonk to be keptbv him for that purpose, winch hook may l.e ■ispected by any person requesting ex amine the same,on paving the clerk for every search 12 1-2 cents, and tpr Jatb certificate 25 cents. •Sec. D And be it further ordained. That the clerk of the market shall he lin ed at the discretion of the Board for each neglect of his duty which may come to their knowledge; and it shall be ti c duty of the to notice all violations of tins ordinance. JaMF.B 11. WESTMORELAND, C. AL PRESENT Al ENTS Os the Grand lory of Heard County. Heard -ei- Cucst, Mat Term. 1J42.I J 42. WF. tile Grand Juic.r- sworn, ofio-cn and s. !c"ieii for thne lint. <.f Heard, in couch u.n of the duties ar-signed ns tor the |ir« it 1 ru» bear leave to make the following ore. on: .m ats: The lirat subject and on* w hich h - find a weighty impression on the unis of u. j r\ .V one which they feel themselves obligated to notice, is the lucent onwarru.liable anuncon stitutional interposition on Iho part i.f t' a Su premo (.’ourt of tho United States \vi;h tho criminal jurisdiction arid l.i. sot tlii- .'t it , they tec I folly justified in saving that this a;. ».a« without the pale of the constitutional j.. wore g anted by the people ro that tribunal. It is an tha jury conceives a blow aimed at the wiv roignty of the States and was designed alone for political effect, hi.t rc.ying on the justice of our cause and implicitly confiding in tho intng lityof our venerable chief magistrate to sus tain dip rights of genoral government, we con sider that wo live nothing *ei ions to apprehend; if h wevorwe should lie drivon to defend our sovereignty let our couduct ' e so directed, that at every step we may with confidence appeal to the Sovereign Disposer of all eve. Is for appro val We entirely concur with our follow jurors in many of our sisto counties in nominating oui Senators and representatives in Congress, delegates to represent ihis State in Conventibn proponed to be holden in Baltimo.e 111 May i> st. to select a candidate for the Vice Presidency of the nited -States. We cordially approve if the object of a conventio . of delegates to a mend the C'-n.'i iiuli.m of this (status- far as to reduce tho number of senators and re pie-or. tames in t. e legislature, and ton- ur in the a.-pr intinent fa central committee and of tlie individual so lecti nto compose that committee, and recom mend to our fellov.-citizen.- of this county to meet at Franklin on Monday :lx; 21 t of May, inst and elect tiv. delegates to epre-oul our county in said convention t<- bo holden in Mill, on the tiisi Monday -n June iiua , and request the *leik to advcitise such meetito and intended election In taking leave of Ins honor Judge < olqnett, wo ptesonl him our thanks fog his indulgence to us and the able diseh-.rge of his official du ties during the present term. Wo also present our thanks to tho Solicitor General for hi: po ne attention io us and iring he present term n requosl to ninoli —J’ w jnesuntmets as relates to public mailers be lied in the 1 olumbue Democrat and Sonlfem Recorder. JAMES ' -’GOFER Foreman. Spencer George, Joshua £v ins, William Curry. Bemuh -Fv lend n, Kobe- >poarinon, John Wo. and, Stephen Stephens, Obadiah Harris, Jas, John R lighter, Willis ' ed, John Ronton, David Smith, Lew:* Zachry, Avington V\ illiauis, Garrett Jouiiien, Thompson Formby, Soi. mon Long, I hos. Uuterul, H. Almon. On motion of the Solicitor General it is ov dered that so much- four prese. tments as ro ates 10 public matters be* puclisln .1 ;n the (to : nmbus Democrat and Southern < er-r. cr. A true copy trow tlie .. 1 . tes, 12lh .'lav, K'ilS . BAD Y BLEI 'lt. REWARD. in N All \Y fron t'., Mlb * t scriber, hvin 6 ne tbe bills BSk/ of Coosa River Auimno, con ty, / Ala all til he first * f January last, two negroes. niro*il WtLLIB and STEPHEN Stephen i» about '2 years of age. full face, black smooth skin, thick short feet, and is, I tup nose, five feet 4 or 5 inches high A iUi*i< a yellow lad, 17 years ~f age no par ,icular marks recollected lie had an iron ring round one of his legs when he Lit me Those negroos carnei! offw tli 'hem a large vel low dog with the end of his tail off—The last certain Recount 1 h ,ve of them th- v were i-ak ing for the Cherokee Nation I hays good rea son to believo tiiat. they have been run frnqj there to the Creeks r.r Cherokees weal ot iho rississippi, bv sonic white vjllian or In dian. I will give the above reward for the anpro hending of the villian and the negroes with suf ficient proof to convict him—or fitly ailiare will be given for the delivery of the negroes to ne at mv residence as above mentioned, or twenty dollars for securing them ii some safe jail, so that I got them, and all recaonahle ex uensespnid Any information ni them will be thankfully received HOWELL ROSE May 19 3t. NOTICE 1 Hereby forworn all persons from trading for a certain note of hand given by mvseif to Henry C M' by- for forty-live dollars, the 25th day of December next. The consider ation for which said note was given havirg holly failed l am determined not to pay it un til compelled by Uw. E. C. UATCIIK 'RD. may 26. 1832. ON CONSIGNMEM T And for sale by SIIOItTE L TARVER& Cos. 55 Rbl*. Newark Cider, first quality. may 20. FRENCH MARKET COTTON. rT3HE subscriber will w ish lo purchase from I new crop in the Fall about 2,'(01) bales choice Cotton lor the 'lench market—lt must he clean, well ginned, in Miuore hales not h er; than 400 lb*, and not over 450 lbs in strong b ig- L r »n*r may 19. G. W. DILLINGHAM. LOTTERY NOTICE. holders of Ticket* in the Milledfevllle I. Street Lottery, ate inf uined 'hat tbe re ■nit of the Drawing whb b look place on the sth May, 1 »32, may bu seen by applying t« E <■« SMMTON, Mty 18 Agent for the Manage rr