The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, June 09, 1832, Image 1

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COHAM EMIR 3ARTLKTT-EDITOR. STfjc Democrat IS PtTBUSHEK EVERY WEEK IN COL U MBITS, GEORGIA, jot Three Dollars per annum, if paid in. ad vanee, or Four Dollars, alike end of the year. It is erpeeted that all application for subscription from a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates. Sales of land and negroes, by adnnnis tratora. executors nr guardians, are required by law to be held on the first tueadav in the month, between the hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon 3in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the property is situated. Notice of these sales must Ire given in a public Gazette sixty days previous to the dav of sale Notice of the sale of personal property must be giver in a like manner forty days previous try .he and ty of sale to debtors A credit ora of an estate must be published forty days Noli ce that ail application will be made to the court o f ordinary for leave to sell land must be publish' 'd four months. [□'Letters on business must be Post paid to insure attention. ioimsE & cij.-iumk, MAT Mam{ facturers, COLUMBUS, (JJEORGIA, T|!frOULD respectfully inform the pub lic that they have on hand, an and will keep const antly for sale, at whole-sale and retail a genew al and extensive assortment of' HITS, coinpri sing all the various fashions and qualities, and on as favorable terms as can be purchased at a ny market in the United Stutes. SlrirH attention will he given to all orders ftom the country Orders for Hats loft with Edward J. Harden, esq at Appalachicola, will be promptly attend ed to. ITAXfED TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will be given, delivered eithuv at Columbus or at Appalachicola. Colembus. Aug. 27, 1831. JUST received by Steam-Iloat Georgian., a general assortment f JAPAN* WARE. Copper and Zinc Kettles, Pewter Busins and Plates, Sheet Copper, do. Lead, do Zinc, do Russia Iron, do. Brass, lloop Iron, Also on hand, a general assortment of TIN-WARE. All of which will be sold at the lowest prk re, wholesale and retail HlfCash paidforOLD PEWTER. HERVEY HALL .. Columbus. Dec. 17,18111 MW NOTICE. Til HE copartnership heretofore exist!] rig **• between tho undersigned Attorneys at Law,' is thisdav dir sol veil by mutual consent Each will continue to reside at Carrollton, Ji pTactire separately in the several counties co m- i poi ing (he Chattahoochee circuit; and in Che ro ace county of the Wesiern Circuit. E. D McKinley, march 3.—3 m. Isaiah Paschal. JOINER’S TOOLS OF a superior quality & well assorted, just., opening L.aWHON V HOWELL. 1 april2l, 163?. ) SHOE STORE.. E. WELLS, & CO. Have- j * removed to the Brick Building ’ next door above Win 1» Har-t S** groves on Broad street, whe>» t they offer for sale on reasona- r terms Boots and Shoes of every description, of' their own manufacture, consisting of °OO Gentlemen’s Boots, 300 do. Calfskin shoes, high & low quarters, j 100 do Calfskin Pumps, 'j 75 do. Buckskin Shoes, 50 do. Sealskin Tumps, 2<jO and" Brogans, 300 do. Coarse Shoes, t L.IUIES PRUSF.LLO ROOTS SHOES of 5 rniious kinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, Do. Sealskin do. Do. Calfskin do. 1 Leather walking shoes and Bottees, « pisses and Childrens Biots and Shoes of ev-t erv description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture, warranted not to rip. July‘2, lß3l lv. CLOTHS. SUPERFINE bine, black, claret , olive, brow-n bottle and invisible green cloths Purcha eers arc requested to call and look through may 5. Lawhoti & Howell. FOR SAIiE, AN PIF.OANT COACH, made to order in Newark, and perhaps a bettor piece of work cannot bo found Also, a PIANO FORTE of superior tone and Workmanship THOMAS SLATTKR Vansville, Crawford co. May t 2,1« W. NOTICE. I FORWARN all persons from trading for r certain note of hand given by me to a Mr Foot, sometime in the last of March or firs* o: April, b due about the 24th of December. 183 V for t wenty-five dollar*. As tho consiiieralio for which said note was given has failed, I < o not intend to pnv it unless compelled by law. , ni) y l>> |032. Wilder Phillips. JUST PUBLISHED Indfor sale at the Columbus Hook Storr. THE LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH; VN Historical Mov>‘l, connected with the In dian War Cl the H.,uih. in the rears I 1 id, 14 and If* -snd Gen Jackson, u**w i'l«M lent of the United States, PV IMS I'l. tiU C.ISSI'MIt P. A few rnpies rriiKHuur on 1 a» 1 'lay IP. LI H NORTON, Broad »ti«l. f fit- THIS DBMOORA7. lusui’auce. rjIHE Augusta lit sura licit and Batik ■*" ing Coo pany will insure Produce a:d 'er i h rnriuc against th* dangers of River Na»i, a lion on good steam boars and other river craft, and upon good vesselsfiotn Apalachicola to New Orleans or the atlantic cities. They wi 1 also tike fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO H 7 Dir.U.YGHAM, Agent. ~ NEW SPRING L. J. DAVIES k CO. HAVE just received an ele,-a: t assortment of Spring Good hik! at reduced prices Among them ate the following articles, viz: HI k Italian Lustring, an.chew ,V sarsnett silks, Gro de Nap and Gro de Swiss do Colored Satins, stripe Pa! .iarmes, Foulard Muslins, (new style,) French A' Belgian Ginghams, do. do. i alicoes, Jaconet cambric and camhiic muslins, Swiss, book, and mull muslins, Lace capes and c dlars, i ob’t Lace and thread edgings, Muslin Bands, crape & gause caps, Linen and linen cambric caps, While pongee do White and green gause veils, Gent random mixt silk hose, do. do. cotton do. White and brown silk gloves, Dunstable and Leghorn hats, Belgium stripe do English chip and cottage do. A comp ete assortment of milinary, Bead bags and pnrses, silk do Brown Al green parasols, do. do Umbrellas. °ecil cloths, Fustians. Tickings, Apron checks. Ac AL-O—White satin beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cullcry, Joiner’s Tool* Ate. may 5, 1832 ON CONSIGNMENT. I. r > Bbls. S. F Floe. 2 b’s cotton cards no 10 18 “ NO. Molasses, 1 lemons, 10 “ “ Sugar, 10 ’ ider 3 “ Prime Pork, 2“ l emon Syrup, “ C< g. Brandy, 1 “ Lime Juice, I “ N Gm. I cask cheese, l u Fresh Almond* 2 Firkins fresh butter, I casks molasses 2 Kitts Salmon, 8 hlids new bacon, 100 bags fresh Garden 1 “ N. O. Sugar, Seeds, 18 kegs fresh Lard, 12.000 Amur. Srgars, 1-4 cask Claret wine. For sale by T\RVER & SQUIRE March 10. MEDICAL BOOKS. {FIE subscriber lias just received at the Co 1, mi bus Book Store, tile following books: Smith on Fever, James’ Burns, llennon's Military Sur- Afcernethy’s Lectures, gery, Tavernier’s Surgery, Macnevin’* Brands, Hamilton on purgatives, Eberle's practice of Wi tar's Anatomy, medicine, Turner's Chemistry, Dewees on children, Dental Surgery, Do on midwifery, Beck’s Medical Juris- Cooper’s Surgery, piudence. Do Leetures, Together with a great variety of Books and oilier articles to numerous to particularise. E. S. Norton. march 21. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. JIIAVF. jus; received at my Store the follow ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugene Aram a novel by flie author of Pelham The Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vols Family Library No. 23 Coart and Camp of Bo naparte. Parly’s 'olumbus, Universal Songster, Flute lnstruclers, Rewlctt’s Interest Tables, oleridge S tally and Heat’s works, Scott's Napoleon 3 vols, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dewoes Midwifery * oerle’s Practice »f Medicine 2 vosl Tui’s« hemiftry Bichats Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth's Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Books (do.) Sand Box-s arid Inkstands, Port Folios Visiting lards Blank Card-tA’c Together with a great variety of books and fan cy articles too numerous to particularize. , . Ap- il 20. E. S NORTON. SHORTER, TAKYE K Ik. CO. IS AVE received by late arrivals the follow 1L mg Goods on consignment which they offer on favourable terms .85 bbls. t hoice Cider, 30 Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls. Cincinnati Whiskey, 00 “ N. O. Molasses, 12 MnU. Bacon, 20 bbls Pickled Pork, 10 Drums Figs, (i Boxes llavanna Cigars, Deal Pino, celebrated manufacture, 50 Boxer Virginia AN C. 'I obacco, 5 quarter casks Mrlmsey Wine, 150 Backs Sait, 20 ca .es Lemon Syrrup A. Lime Juice, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Backs prime Green ( uffeo, 5 barrels genuine Monongahala Whiskey, 12 Pattern barshcar plouglis, made hy E. Parson, Enfield Con t. Cognac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. may 19, 1d32. G. W. DILLINGHAM, Offers for Salt, 100 barrels Pickled Pork, 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk’s Island salt, 50 bbls. Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do Mackerel. 4000 ibs. blue gist Grindstones, IDO Sides nppei Leather, 2000 lbs. solo Leather, 800(1 lb* Bacon, 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, 80 coil* Bale Rope. may 19. DISSOLUTION. r (MIF. cotineaion in business under the firm of s Tsrve- A Squire was dissolved onlhu2llt • i •larch last by the death of Mr. Squire, the *i«,ness if the conci rn will be « inso4 by the subscriber BFNJ p. TARVrft. 1 m.y IP, I**l fOMIMBIJS, (GA.) SATFRDAY, Jl r IE SERINGA SIMMER HPHE Suliscribcr* lmve juM liuisbr r] opening a fioe stock of t'A \ Yi, STA PLE. SPRVfG y RUMMER OUY GVOt Hats, Shoes. Saddffry, Crockery and Hard * arc, which are offered to the public at such puces as the y hope, w ill give satisfaction "I heir friends are resnectfuijy requested to call ami examine for iht —Th • stuck U compo sed partly of the following articles:, - Foulard Muslin Prints, Plain and figured muslins, of all descriptions, Muslin robes, ginghams, fancy barage, Calicoes ot every variety, Black, white and fancy color'd silks, Black and white satin, A fine and fashionable assortment of bonnet* q helt ribuous, cap and taffetas do. Ladies aud gent s beaver and huistskm gLves and mitts, Ladies and gent's random whole At half hose, A case of fashionable Dunstable and Legnori, bonnets, A few dozen straw bonnets, A good assortment ot silk, crape A baraue tan cy Inlk’fs, Ladle* printed cambric hdk'fs. Artificial fl'lwers and strav. bands, v uiogne. Lavender, Rose A f’otida water, Hto of Roses, 5,1 whole f, naif pieces linen, Table, btroeye 4' R usoia Diaper, Brown and bleached jinen drills, Black bombazines, b >ubaietts, princettas, Ac. Rouen cassimeres, Nankins ty- summer camblets Bleached cotton Baltin drills, silk velvets, A good and new assortment of Mersaiiies Ves tmgs, A lew pieces light fy fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies parasols and gentlemen’s umbrellas, Rtkllalinil cravatsaud linen collars, Thread Cambric and long lawn, Ladies fancy silk and beed bags, fancy fans, Brown and bleach'd shirtings (p sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A large and line selection of shell, tuck and ■ide cumin, 1 piece black bombazine for ladies wear, Bed ick, Osnabiirghs and checks, Furniture blue and scarlet checks, 3 4 aud 4-4 plaids ami stripes, elroube, Buckram padding <Syc slewing silk and_cotton, needles, pins, &c. A large and fine assortment of black and drab hats and caps, Lady’s, gentlemen's and children’s shoes of all kinds and q alities. Lady’s <v- gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar tingales CROCKERY. China 4' Liverpool brown Al pink ware, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers wine castors. <yc. A large and full assortment of Hardware and Culler-. Joiner's Tools, Axes, Hoes, if Black smith s fools * Fine toilet and swi..g glasses, Letter and cap paper, ink. quills and pencils may I>. Lawhon & Ilowell. L. €. ALLEi\ Hat received i>" Steam Buut Halti/aore. eng _.mudy, amaicaand American Rum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira ") Tcneiiffe ! M ,. Marseilles llu Srvcet J Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner’s Tool Blue Plains Which ho offers lor sale on his usual low terms, dec 10 NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND COM MIS <ION BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. HE subscriber* respectfully acqu iint their friends and (he public, (hat they have for med a connexion in the above buuiness under tho name and stvle of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They hive commodious and extensive ar rangements in progress for the reception and storage of produce, and will bo prepared to unke advances on the same while in store or under shipment to New Orleans or New-York. ) E. 8 SHORTER, Signed / BENJ. P. TARVER, ) JAMES H. SHORTER, may 19,1^32 JUST PUBLISHED And for sale at the Columbus Book Store, TIIE LOST VIRGIN OF TIIE SOUTH. An historical novel of 327 pages 12mo connected with the Indian War of Ihe South, in the yeai 1812-1314 and 15, and Gen. Jackson, now President of the Lniled States. BY DON P.CDRO CALENDER \ LTHOUGH there is a general wish to ob - tain this interesting work it cannot be sent in the bound form, to all who wish it; any per son can have a co >v covered in colored paper si nt to them by t*ail, who will hand to any Posl Master one doll it to enclose to Virgil N. Smith Taliahassee or the Post Master—ls this is done (he work w ill be scut immediately. Thu book, iu a bonnd form, can be had at the Columbus. Book Store, M. SMITH. Publisher. av, 19 JVevD Supply . GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. OTTOHE subscriber has just received pc Schrs. I Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth und Emetine, from New Orleans, the following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 50 bbls. Pork, 50 “ Whiskev, 15 hhds prime N. O Sugar, 3(1 bbls Run, 150 cask* NaJs (assorted,) 50 bbl* Floor, I<*(l coils Bale Rope, HI pieces Kmtnckv Bagging, 30 coils Mutilla and Tmed Rope, (» pi|*)s C Drsndy A Holland Gin, 50 bags orisie llavn in i ('otfee, 25Jk, 1 best Havaima Sugars. The alutvii togetlier with (he stock on hand is the best ever nfliooi in this maikel, all of wliial. will be sold low f- r t ask or npproren tntuir <’ r,. NORTON A pj**!»el» .col*, (Flor ) May 10,1(K12. presentments Os the Urand .fury of I Irani Count y. Hrxiiu Sup Couct, May Tun*, 1 - ' WE the Grand Jiuor*. sv.orn, chosen and 's le-tral fi.r thv s-nnit oi Heard, in conclusion of he dutin”assigned uh ffr the jneient term l>eg leave to in ike the following nre ;cntuiems: The frst snbjncVund one which las mad a tveigiily impres-ion on the inds of the jury. A one which they fool themselves obligated i« n -rice, is the leccnt unwarrantable and uucon ytitutional interposition on the part of the 8-i pr-one Court of the United Slates with the criminal jurisdiction and lavs of this Stale, they fijel fully j istified in saying that this act w:is without tfic pale of the constitutional powers granted by the people to th ;t tribunal, tt is a s Hiojnry conceives a blow aimed at the »ov roignly of t ie States and uas designed alone foi political effect, b'.t relying on the justi e of our cause and implicitly confiding in the integ rity of our venerable chief magistrate to sus tain the rights of genera! government, we cun. ’der that we h re nothing serious to apprehend; if h rvever we should be driven to deiend our sovereignty iet our conduct eso directed that at every step w e may with confidence appeal to the Sovereign Disposer of all events for apnro val. We enhrely concur with -)ur fuitaw-jurors in many of our sirte eotuHie- in nominating out Senators am( repfesentstivos in Ccstgr-s , delegates to represent thi» Ktate in Convention proposed tone holdnh in Haltimuie in May iu»l to select a candidate for the Viee Presidency ot tile United States. We cordially approve of the object of a convention of delegates to amend the constitution of this Slate so far as to reduce the number of senators and representative* In the legislature, and concur in the appointment >f a central commit tee and of the individual se lection to comnose that committee, and recom mend to onr fellow-citizens of this county to meet at Franklin on Monday the 21st of May, inst and elect two delegates to lepresent our county in said convention to be holden in Mill- on the first Monday in June next, and request the clerk to advertise foitliw.lh buch meeting and intended election. In taking leave of hir honor Judge Colquctt, we present him oor thanks for his indulgence to us and the aide discharge of his official du ties during the present term. We also present our thanks to the Kolieilor General for his po lite attention to us during >he present term .v a requawt wo of onr prnuentmonis as relates to public matters bo published m the Columbus Dt-mr crat and Southern Recorder. JAMES >V . i COPER, Foreman. Snencer George, Joshua Evans, William Corry, lioniah M’Clendon, Robert Kpe umna, John Worn, Stephen Stephens, Obadiah Har r is, Jas Harthorn, John R Stuughter, W illis Wood, John Ronton, David Smith, Lewis Zachry, Avinglon M ilhama, Garrett Jonrden, Thompson Forml-y, Solomon Long, I ho*. Butornl, H. Almon. On motiou of the Solicitor General it is or dered that -o’ much <-f our presootmetita as re lates to public matters be puolished hi the Cos lumbtis Democrat and Southern Recorder. A true copy from the minute*, 12th May, 1832 BAILEY BLEDSOE, t Ik itinvAi: i>. IN AWAY from the sub * scriber, living msr the fails ofcAjl i of Coosa Biver, Autauga comity, o** ft / Ala. about the first < f January •**&£-* last, two negroes, named WILLIS and STEPHEN. Stephen is about '.2 years of age, full face black smooth skin, thick short feet, and is, I sup pose, five feet 4 or 5 inches high V; iliisis a yellow tad, 17 vrais rs age no par ticular mail;* recollected He had an iron ring round one of his legs when lie left mu. Those negroes carried off with them a large yel low dog wi ll the end of his tail off.—Tim last certain account 1 hive of them, they were mak ing for the Cherokee Nation 1 have good rea son to believe that they have been run from there to the Creeks or Oherokocs west of the Mississippi, by some white villian or In dian. 1 will give the above reward for the anpre heuding of the villian and the negroes with suf ficient proof io convict him—or fifty dollars will be given for the delivery of tho negroes to mo at my residence as above mentioned, or twenty dollars for securing them in some safe jail, so that 1 got them, and all reasonable ex perisespaid Any information of them will be thankfully received HOWELL ROSE. May 19 3t. NOTICE I Hereby forwam all persons from trading for a certain note of hand given by myself to Henry 0 M i oy, for forty-five dollnrs. payable the 23ih day of December next. Tho consider ation for winch said note was given having wholly failed 1 am determined not to pay it un til compelled by law. E. C. RATCIIFoRD. may 20, 1632. ON CONSIGNMENT And for sale bv SHORTER, TaRVERA Cos. BhJs. Newark Cider, first quality, may 20. FRENCH MARKET COTTON. THE subscriber will wish to purchase from new ciop in the Fall about 2,<K)O bales choice Cotton for the french market.—lt must he clean, well ginned, in square bales not less than 400 lbs. and not over 450 lbs in strong bag ging may 18. G. W. DILLINGHAM. LOTTERY NOTICE. bCRHE holders of Tickets in the Milledgeville Jk Street Lottery, are informed that the re sult of the Drawing which took place on the sth May, 1632, may be seen by applying to E S NORTON, may 19. Agent for the Managers NEWSPAPER AGENCY. The subscriber informs the public tbnt he lias been appointed agent ofthe following publications. THE L ADY’w BOOK monthly at f3 [per year THE CASKET .. *3 per year The satoiidat evenino vobt weekly at Names forwarded with the amount of subscription, postage paid will meet with prompt Mention K. H. Norton, ngent. Columbus May 31, Ktl. TO RUST. \ convenient Dwelling llmne nn OrieHeMSM Htreet Al*o a i I VERY HTABLK on Crawford street.—Ap|dv to iwobTWU JOHN WlfjrSlfflDK, ■ 30 TH **** VOfi. lie— xo. 33. From t-i.i .4ifieric.OL t t ON PRUNING GRA PE VINE U lies/ Dotal Vineyard March 4, |-n}o. J. S.S'caincr Esg.—Sir, —ln your vnl u tile jpnper of lire2Bth of Bthmarv,ait article wae given br Mr. A. Pnrim liticr. on tiie manner of cuttiog the v:;. sand plttate. ing them, to prevent their bidding in the spring. As one of your subscribers I take the liberty to address you the result of | inv experience on the subject, with thell hope to be useful to sonic of your re.>-J ders. ■ Having observed tlmt in this rr ,i.try t!ie fall is always remarkably tim- I trim my vines as soon as the leaves are off, in-- so doing, 1 give a chance to that slow but constant vegetation which is Carried on with all its force to perfect the buds and wood winch are left on the vi nes. - I hi* principle of vegetation is very re markable in our forests during the fall Sf winter. 3 1 he vine sentii g less surface to the storms is much less injured. Final ly, by an early trimming a considerable quantity ot sap is generally raised to the surface of the cut, which fills up the pores of the wood, coagu ates and there by nature plasters them to meet the se verity ol the winter, or bleeding in the spring. Very respectfully, I remain youfs <tc. Tlios. GIMBREDE. The EiFect of Tight Lacing.—The Acting Governor of Michigan lias been bound over to keep the peace, and be of good behaviour, until ins appear ance at court, for cowhulmg an edi tor! ' “ ■•HOPOSaLS— tor pus ishtn, II weekly J ape, m .ilarytille. East Tenuissee, to be calli,l h,, nxxvvii.i.e ke- UI.MUS AND I.ITKUARV INTtLEKIESCXH- I be subscribers propose publishing a Newspaper, under the above title, to bo devoted to the interests of Religion, Lit erature and General Science. No apology we think, need be oftbr proposing a paper of this kind to this enlighted con.inanity. As fin-us our in I »>i matioii extenus, there ss no similar paper in the State, anil consequently, there is a great deficiency of means lor obtaining information on many import ant subjects, among a large portion of the people. Kivowledge is power," and it needs no labored argument to prove that it is essential to the prosperity aud l appi uess of individuals ar .l nations. It is the Bondmaid of .religion, und the bul wark of civil and religious freedom. Experience and observation abundantly prove, that other things being equal. Unit community is the most happy, virtuous and respectable the mass jbf whose in habitants embraces thegreatest amount ot intelligence. And there is no way of obtaining various and interesting infor mation so cheap ns by taking a ueivspa per.. 1 hose who have not the means to obtain, nor the time to peruse larwe volumes, may, at an expense of less than one cent day, obtain much and very val a liable information.—Resides, a news paper, by its regular arrival, keeps up pleasing and healthful excitement of mind; by its agreeable variety, it affords a mental feast to every diversity of taste: and it causes many in hour to pass away agreeably and profitably, which would otherwise be spent in idleness or mischief. PLAN OP PUBLICATION. I wo pages w ill be devoted to reli gious and liieiary information, to Ihe defending of the doctrines of grace as taught in the Kible, and the govern ment and discipline of the Church as constituted by Christ aud his Apostles; and to the defence of such benevolent institutions as are calculated to pro mote the best interest of man, and the universal spread ofthe gospel of Christ. One page will be de voted to domestic and foreign news. The remaining page to advertisements and other miscella neous matter. While we shall endeavor, mildly, but firmly, to advocate the cause of truth, we shall carefully avoid party politics anil ecclesiastical bigotry. In the rela tion of facts and the expression of opin ions, we shall be govei ned solely by a view to truth and the gener l good. And our columns shall ever he opened to friendly communications, even from those who may differ from us in senti ment, on any subject that comes within the design of this paper. Terms. The “Marvvtlijb RELitrrors x>n Litkrary I'tf.uickmt.r” will be printed on a Super-royal sheet at $2 50 per annnm, to be paid within the year. The first number will be issued in the early part of June next, if not sooner. D. HOYT, s. w. McCracken. Maryville, March, 1832. WII EE Ml RICH!r AfiUcdgeville Street /jittery, rpxhe deennd drawing of the shove Lottery will * take j lace on the 4/A July, when you nmy he enahled to doelare vonr Independence for the trifling «urn of *en Dollar* The following prizes will be drawn from ‘lio wheel; 1 ofglOOOO.—lodo._9oft,_ Win,_ 7(10, _UOO soo,—4oo,—9<>o—2oo,—together wtth a Ur re number of fife 10-t,—2o —l2 Also-*—A great variety (bat remained from tiie fir at dav’* drawing !! fi NORTON, Agent fur the. m nnugrrs, June 2 " DOME NTH’ MA.Mt.U TORY. I (I 4./* li»- .« made CID Hi 1 * * ogw !0f aab; by U LawJv’u dr limvcH. ; not 29