The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, July 07, 1832, Image 1

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COS AJI E. Ilii BAR TLETT-EDITOR. 2Ti)c Democrat IS rum.I>UKD ETEIIY WEEK IN COLL 1 VI uU S , €} E OR G 1 A , rt Three Dollars -per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the /fear. It is expected that all application for subscription from a■ distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will bo inserted at reasonable rates Sales of land and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians, are required bv law tn be he'd on the first tuesday in the month between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon 4- 3in the afternoon, at the court bouse --f the conntv in which the property is situated Notice ofthese sales must bo given in a public Gazette sixty days previous to flib day of gale. Notice of the sale of personal property must bo give* in a like manner forty days previous to ■ho day f salo .. Notice todebtors A. croditorgof an estate must bo published forty days. Notice that all application will be made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. O’hotters on business must be Vost paid to • insure attention Voir si ms Al V 9 a v n Ji, HAT i?/ 1 1? ufaeiurers , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. w >ULD respectfully inform the pub lic that hey have on hand, an will keep const antllv for sale at whole-sale and -eiail a goner al and extensive assortment of H ’TS. coinpri sing all the Various fashion* and qualities, and OB as favorable terms as can be p<irchased at a r-y market in the United States. Strict attention will be given to all orders ft-om the country Orders fbr Hats left with Edward J. Harden, esq at Appalachicola, will be promptly atti ojl ed to WASTED TO PURCHASE Hatting furs of all k.nds, for which cash and a oeral prico will be given, delivered either at rlumbusor at Appalachicola Columbus, Aug. 27 1831 JOINER’S TOOLS OF a supotior quality «V well assorted, just opening LAWHON 4" HOWELL. aprilSl, 1832. SHOE STORE. rp-j E. WELLS, & CO. Have ’ removed to the Brick Building next do, r above Wm l> Har- E&. irroves m Broad street, wliete they offer for s .le on reasona ferins Boots and Shoes of every dcscrii tion, of their om gianufactuie, consisting of °OO pa* r Gentlemen’s Boots, B)0 b» Calfskin shoes, high & low quarters, 100 do Calfskin Pumps, • 75 do. Buckskin Shoes, 50 do. Sealskin Pumps, 200 and" Brogans, 300 do. SAgoes, Z.A DIES PRUNELLO ROOTS (,■ SHOES of various kinds Do. Morocco Shoes, Oft. Sealskin do. Do. Calfskin do Leather walking shoes and Betters, Misses and Childrens B ots and Shoes of ev e-v description. N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted pot to rip Ju i/‘2, I*3l —ly * JUST I’UBLiSIIED J.nd for sale at the Columbus Cook Store, TH’.I LOST VIRGIN >F THE SOUTH; A N Historical Novel, connected with tho Iti- X3 dian War of tho South, in the years 181'*, J3. 14 and 15—and Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of the United States ft V DON PE RO CASSENDER. A few copies remaining on hand mav 19 E S NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. [HAVE ju^ l received at my Store the follow in--- new and other interesting publica tions: Feaktio Aram i novel by the author of l’elharn Thu Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish < hiefs an historical romance 2 vols -Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp ol Bo napartc. Parly’s • ’olnntbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Hewlett's Interest. Tables, Coloridgo, Shelly and Keat’s works, Ecott’s Napoleon 3 vols, Cook’- Morgagni 2 vols, Dowees Midwifery Eberle's Practice of Medicine 2 vcsl Turner’s hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’a Dictionary, Methodist Ifyinn Books (pocket odition) Prayer Books (do.) Sand Box-s and Inkstands. Port Folios Visiting Cards Blank • ard« Ac Together with a great variety ofbooks and fan cy articles too numerous to particularize. April 20. E.S NORTON NEW FIRMT GENERAL AGENCY AND cOXL Ml s SlO NB US TNE BS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. HI HE subscribers respectfully acquaint llioir I friends and the public, that they have for -oi-d a connexion in the above busmens under the name and stvlo of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar- Smgomcnts in progress for the reception and Storage of produce, and will bo prepared to Stake advanceamn tho same while m store or under shipment to New Orleans or New-York ) E. 8 SHORTER, Signed > BtNJ P TARVER. S JAMES II SHORTER, may 19, 1K32 TO RENT' A convenient Dwelling House on Oglethorpe Street—Also a LIVERY STABLE on (>Swford Otoet.—Apply to spr, q 3 «f John wm rtsiDj; Tmm dxs mo suit. O.N • ONSsIG.VYIKNT . And for sale, by | SHORTER, TARVER, & CO. »*5 pices i ircassiana 8 “ llomhazetts aborted 82 “ Fancy Prints “ ( 8 '• Plaid A striped Domestics 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollens 7 “ Sattinclte 3 “ Fustians . 32 *• Doz Biue purple & R»>d Tlaid II 1 10-PI French Brittanias “ 2 6-12 Brittanias “ 1u “ « 2 “ Indcliab'e Ink 21 Leather l aps 1 ps 6 4 Table Diaper 4 11-12 Dcz Pocket Books 2 ps Supr Black ('rape C '• Swiss Book muslin 2 “ TamhouTd “ " 7 “ ‘i Leno *• 2 “ Supr. Marino Cloth, 4 Supr Greene Table Covers (i “ Blue Table. do. 3 ps. Velveteens IB (Joverlctts 3 ps Lawn 1 Doz < ambrick Hkfs 2 “ Bl.ikk s i!k Gloves 1 8-!2 “ White “ “ tto libU 1>.;,.,0 Pork, 9 “ Mackerel, No. 3, 4 “ “ No 1, 1 Pipe Amcican Brand}’, 2 Qr. Casks Malaga \Viue, 1 *’ Tenenffe “ 1 Indian Bbl Muscat ** (It Bbls iN. Orleans Rum, 5 '■ Loaf Sugar, lG Tobacco, 6 Boxes Cha'iip?jrne, 20 Rai-ins, li Baskets Sweet Oil, 20 Boxes Cider, 8 “ Scgars Ist quality, 5 “ Sper i Can lies, I‘2 ‘ Smoaked Herrings, 10 Bags Green Coffee. All of which articles will be sold by wholesale and ou m cmnodaiing terms Meiehanls from the <mu ll would do well to call and exam ine forthcmclves. June t'th Insurance- FRA lIE Augusta Insurance and Bauk- H mg Company will msiiro Produce and Mer chandise against the dangers of River li n on good sl%ani boats and other river craft, and upon good vessels from Ap.tlachico a to New Ot leans or the atlantic cities They will also take fire risks upon ..Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO tV DILLINGHAM, Agent. NEW SPRING GOODS. L. J. DAVIES Sc CO. HAVE just received an elegant assortment of Spring G od and at reduced prices Among them arc the following articles, viz: 111 k Italian Lustring, smche.v A sarsnelt silks, Gro do Nap and Gro de Swiss do i olored .‘- •tins, stripe Pal .urines, Foula <1 Muslins, (new style,) . French V B* Igian Ginghams, do. do. Calicoes, Jaconet cambric and cambric muslins, Swiss, 1> iok,.aud mult muslins, Lace capos and c >Hars, ■ oti't J.ace and thread edgings, Muslin Bands Crapo & grtuse caps, Linen and linen cambric caps, W hite pongee do White and green gause veils, Gent tandoin mixtsik hose, do. do emton da- VMi trrand brown silk gloves, l.'un: lable and Logtiorn liatß, Belgium stripe do English chip and e.,.ttage do. A curtp ete v- • or' merit of milinary, Bead bags and purses, silk do Brown A green paras-dc, do. do Umbrellas, t ecil cloths, Fustians, Tickings, Apron cheeks, Ac A LSO— White satin beaver Hals, Boots and rihoes, Hardware and Cutlory, Joiner's Ti ols Ac. nav 5 1832 SHORT IIR, TARVER &. CO. nA\’C received by late arrivals the follow ing Goods on consignment which they offer on favourable terms. 55 libla. Choice Cider, do Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls. Cincinnati Whiskey, 60 “ N. O. Molasses, 12 hhils. Racon, 20 bbls Pickled Pork, 10 Drums Figs, 6 Boxes llavanna Cigars, Deal Pino, celebrated manufacture, 50 Hexes Virginia »V N C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Malmsey Wine, 150 fcacks Salt, 20 cases Lemon Syrrup iV Limo Juice, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Sacks priino Green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongalialn Whiskey, 12 Pattern barshcar ploughs, made by E. Parson, Enfield Coa’t. Cogrrac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. may 19, 1832. G. W. DILLINGHAM, ©tttrs for Snlr, 100 barrels Pickled Pork. 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk's Island salt, 50 bbls Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel, 4000 ibs. blue gist Grindstones, 100 Sides upper Leather, 2000 lbs. sole Leather, 8000 Ibs Bacon, 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, 80 coils Bale Rope. _ may 19. STIiWAKT SAITenT ON the first Tuesduy in August next will be sold at the Court Hoiiku in Lumpkin Stew rt County, ltetwcon the u«ual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The east half of lot number 121 in the 20th district of 1 originally Leo now Stewart County Levied lona* the property of William II Braswell to j satisfy two fi fas issued from a Justices' Court j ofCisw ford County, one in favor of I »w»t«,' A Bacon, the o'hct in favor of Edward llaiknr I ..gains' raid Brarwell Levy made ami lutumed o me by a JON -.THAN F BillDGEft, j Juna Id, i-:yi I T ANARUS, JCLV |§3S. SPRING Sl SUMMER mxmgm* Subscribers have just tinisbed opening a fine stock of PA. \t• F4. .s TA PLE. SPRING A- SUMMER ORY GOODS Hats, Saddlerv, Crockery and Hard ware, which are oti’t red to the public at such prices as they h >pe, will give satisfaction. Their friends are respectfully requested to call ami examine for themselves—Tin stock is compo sed partly of the following articles: Foulard Muslin Pjir.ts, Plain and figured muslins, of all descriptions, Muslin robes, _• inghams, fancy barage, Calicoes ot every variety, Black, white and fancy color’d silks, Black and white satin. A lino and fnshionabli assortment of bonnets A belt ribbons, cap and taffetas do. '.adjeg and geul’s beaver and liorseskin gloves and mitts. Ladies and gent’s random w hole & half hose, A caso of fashionable Dunstablo and Leghorn bonnets. A few (I ten straw bonnets, A good n-sortineut of silk, crape «t barage fan cv hdk’fs. Ladies printed cambric bdk’ft. Artificial fltfwersaud straw bands, l ologne. Lavender, lto6e & Florida water, Otto of Ro-es, 53 whole 4' naif pieces linen, Table, birnoye A" Russia Diaper, Brown and bleached linen drills, Black bombazines, bunbuzetts, princettas, A c. Rouen eassiinercs, Nankins A summer camblets Bleached cotton sattin drills, -ilk velvets, A good and new assortment of Mersailles Ves tings, A fe.v pieces light 4- fancy Valencia Vestings, ‘.**'*o3 parasols and gentlemen's umbrellas, Hl'k Italian cravats and linen collars, Thread Cambric and long lawn. Ladies fancy silk and beed bags, fancy fails, Brown and bleach’d shirtings 4-sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A large and fine selection of shell, tuck and side coinb“, I piece black bombazine for ladies wear, Bediiek. Osnaburghs and cheeks, '■'uririture blue and seal lot checks, 3 4 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, sirouus, Buckram padding tyc Sewing silk andjCOlton, needles, pins, ."ic. A large and fine assortment of black and drab hats and caps, Lady’s, gentlemen’s and children's shoes of all kinds and q alkies Lady’s V gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar tingales CROCKERY. China Hr Liverpool nro u A pmk ware, ' ’onimon ware of all kinds, tumbleis <V wine castors, fye. A large ami full assortment of Hardware and < hitlery, Joiner 1 . 1 - Tools, Axes, Hoes, 4- Blaek • smith's Tools Fine toilet and swi.,g glasses, Letter and cap paper, ink quill- and pencils inrty 0. Lnwlum & IluwelJ. JUST PUBLISHED , VND received by ihe aubscrtbei at tho (J«- luiitbus Book Store, a New Work transla ted from uhe French with au'accouut of all the capital operations per tunned during the whole oi Napoleon's wars, by Baron D G LAstllEY. Surgeon and Chief ol tho Hospital of tlie Royal Guards, Kx-ln-p&ctor Geioral of the Military Medical Stuff, Ex I’rime Sltgeon of the Grand Army of Russia, Saxony, Ac N B This is cue of ll,e most entertaining w->rks to the Suigeoh ever published in tins country. Also, Adventures on th« Columbia River, in cluding the Nnualive of s Residence of six yc-ars on the Western side ol the. Rocky Mount ains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown, together with 1 journey across the American Continent: by ROBSJ ''.'X Together with a great variety of medical and other works 100 numerous to particularize E. S NORTON. juns 30 Broad Hi 14. €. ALLEN Has received p* Steam Boat Baltimore. cog -»randy, sinaicaaud American Hum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira ") Teneriffe w . Marseilles/ VVln(i9 Sweet J Loaf and brown Sugar Tobacco A largo assortment Joiner's Tool Blue l’lains Wliich he offers for sale on his usual low terms, dec 10 JWw Supply . GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. >nnt: subscriber lias just received pc Sclirs. ii Mary. Hannah, Elizabeth and Emoline, from New Orleans, the following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 50 bbls. Pork, 50 <• Whiskey, 15 hhils. prime Ni. O Sugar, . 30 bbls. Hum, 150 casks Nails (assorted,) 60 bbls Flour, 100 coils Bale Rope, 10 pieces Kentucky Ragging, 30 coils Manilla and Taied Hope. 6 pipes C Brandy & Holland Gin, 50 bags prime llavanna Coffee, 25,000 best llavanna Scgnrs. Tho above together with the stock on hand is the best ever offered in this markot, all of which will be sold low for Lush or approved pap/r C E. NORTON, ■n-i'aeh'.cola. (Flor.) May 10, 1832 OM CONSIGNMENT And tor sale by SHORTER, TARVER A <"• r>r> Bbls. Newark Cider, first quality iiuiy NEW GOODS \RRIVING fn nt N Yoik, N Oilern 1 »n ether markets to C.W DILI INC HA 6' Juno 6. COLLIS’ CAST STEEL AXES With Jlcada. For sale by O W. DILLINGHAM June 16th I’HKLIiD I*ol2 li C\ F iixoerllent quality in iwtiand rmw barre's / will be kept through tho season in G W DILLINGHAM | Juno lOtfv AIMIIMSTRATOU 8 HALE. ft t the 19th day f July next, w,l! be sold at a w he resilience of Mr. Banks, on Lot No :4T I in tho 32d dist of Stwart a part of tin j Stock of Cattle, fcousisting of Cows .V < 'alvcs. j belonging to the E&tatc of J P Blackmon j deceased. j ALSO,— On the 2l>t July next, « ill be sold jat the residence of Mr. Blake on Lot No 45 in i the 32d (list, at Muscogee Cos. the balianr.e of i the Slock, consisting oft only i Terms of sale, small n tes with approved se curity, payable twelve months after oate MARY ANN BLACKMON, Ad ex. NOTICE T Hereby forwarn all persons from trading for a certain note of hand given bv myself to Henrv C M‘Coy for forty-five dollars, payable the 25th day of December next. " The consider ation for which said note was given having wholly failed I uni determined not to pav it un til cnrnpelh dbv law. E. C. 11 ITCH!I’' 1 ’' fRD. mav 26, 1832. _ Hr.»p QrsßTEns. 65th R. G M. ) Talbott’>n. lti th June. 1832 ) ORDER V D. That the following persona are appointed the Staff far ho 65th Regiment i Georgia Militia. They will be obeyed and ro specie ! iteee.rdiuglv Robert Brooks, Adjutant John 11. Ilarrism . Sorgoant Major. James L. Burks, Paymaster Thomas G. Pearson, Quarter-mustcr-Serg., l)r Rober' A Ware, -urgeon Dr Geo. M Gullet, Surveon’s-raato. Vernon Smoote Fife major WILLIAM P-FORD, Col. 65ih R. G. M for \N ".LF-GANT COACH, made to order in Newark, and perhaps a belter piece of work cannot bn found Also, a PIANO FORTH of superior tone and workmanship THOMAS SCATTER Vansville, Crawford co. May 12. 1832. NOTICE. T FORWARN all persons from trading for a certain note of hand given by*mo to aMr Font, sometime in the last of March or first of April. 4' due about tho 24th of December, 1832. for twenty-five dollars. A* the consideration for which said note was given has tail and, I do not intei and <o pav it unles- compelled bv law may 12. 1882. Wilder Phillip*. Cl INTON. Juno 7, i832. A REPORT TT AVING gon- forth to tho public, implica • * ting Mrs. the charge of hold ing etiminal conespnndetiee and illicit inter course with invself—l consider it a duty which 1 owe to her to state, that, such report is a gross and iniquitous slander —that no sueli correspnd donee or intercourse ever existed between us that I view and respect Mrs Bunkley. as a vii tuoa lady, and that hor entire deportment BO f*i «» it has fallen within my observation, lias been chaste, discreet, and abuvo siispteion Wm S C. REID. GEORGIA: X Wm. S C. Reid eanie before Julies County, A me in person, and on oath de posed and said that the above slateinont of facta is Iruo to the best of Ins knowledge Wm. S C.REID # Sworn toand subscibed before 1110, 9th 'unc, 1832 ROHEitT BEASKEY, J P junr 30— It % *1 b) Vr v For A'rtfspapers and Periodicals. ’ | ’HE Subseriber informs the public that he ' has been appointed agent for the Medical t’hirurgicnl Review, &, Jorrnal of Uratctical Medicine. a Quarterly, published in New York, edited by James Johnson. M D. Physician Extraordinary to the King of Great Britain.—TEßMS—sl 25 emits per Numbor. in advance. Oiders for one or more Nob. inclosing the cash, postpaid, will moet with prompt attention. E S NORTON june 30 Broad St. NEW HP A I’UK A GEN CV. The eubscriher informs tin* public flint he has been appointed agent of the following publications, THE LADY’S BOOK monthly at S3 * [per year THE CASKET 13 peryear Tiiksaturbry kvbning post weekly at $2 Names forwarded with the amount of subscription, postage paid will meet with prompt Mention < E. S. Norton, agent. Columbus May 31, 1832. LOTTERY NOTICE. i/COHE holders of Tickets in the Milledgcville .5* Street Lottery, are informed that the re sult of the Drawing which took place 011 the stli May, 1832, inay be seen by applying tn E. S. NORTON, may 18. Agent for mpManagor* THE AMERICAN FJIRMERT rtiled by Cideon /?. Smith, is mih'ishrd in Pnl timorr, Mil by I IRVINE HITCHCOCK Cos. (snr.ressors of J S Skin er.) in weekly numbers of eight quarto pages, at Five Dol lars per annum TT is devoted exclusively to practical Agricul turo; Horticulture; and Rural and Domestic Econo 111 I .': —The Amtricon Earrurr contains also a great number of useful receipes; readings •dupted to tho stations of mothers and mistres ses <,f families ; so much of the news ns relates to foreign and dnmeslic markets for Agricultur al products, and a correct statement of their prices current at tho time of publication; but nothing connected with party politics is at nnv time permited to appear in it» columns. TERMS OF BUBSRCIPTION 1 Price five dollars per annum, pavnblo at the middle of each venrof subscript ion. 2 Subscriptions are in all cases charged by j the year and never for a shorter term Contents of No. 14, I 'ol. 14. ! New China Mulbery; advantage of feeding Silkworms; Sheen comparative value of Mini rm and Saxon breeds; cultivation of Potatoos; \lfidln or Spanish clover; Silk Grass; Planting; i enumeration of Ihq different species of lotsl | trees; cultivation of Peach Trees; rod Heels; - W«ter Melons, prices nf Strawheries in New- York nud Ualiinore; iniprovoinels of Cattle; di reel ions fin making chlorine gas; prices current jin Now-Yenk and lialtuno » COR H E TH. A Few d»>*. Mr* Catiir!m’a best uianufictur . If od morse ns, for »ntr h \ nitty 0. Luwhon Howell. VO Si. THE CHOLERA. Tina New-York Commercial Advertis er ol the 21 st mat. stiys: —Thtto is no lurtlier inlelligeiiee lioin Cnnndn tins morning, and the Alimov patters of l;»8f evening contains « number of letters tnd I stutemerita from tlie North, which ought 111 a great lit ensure to allay the 011 m-s --sary panic wliich has been «t least prema turely created in this city. With the ex ception of the suspicions case at Mechnn icsviile, there is no evidence whnti ver,' that the Asiatic Cholera lias had t-vi n a moment's existence this side of the houn dary. A ll tfer irotti the Trustees of tho vil lage ot W liitehall, ’.«> the Board of tit Itii ol Albany, mates the case of.Lurried, so often mentioned, ns one of doubt. It will lie recollected that this man arrived sick in the steam boat Ehrenix. lie 1k:- longed to Troy, ami died ol'ditsipatioo The Trustees say there had been l ot ©no Oliver case of a doubtful type, The vil lage was now entirely healthy; there "ere but few emigrants nt that place, who were tdl clean and healthy. * A letter from Samuel Burnet, a magis trate of Fort Miller, states the simple facts in regard to the sickness anti deaths at that place to have been these : The wa ter having been drawn off on tho 7th, a number of emigrants were consequently detained at that place. In the course of three days, three of their number sicken ed and died of the common cholera mor bus of our own country. The number of emigrants thus detained was about eighty. They are cleanly, healthy and respecta ble looking people; nud theie was no ex traordinary sickness among them. The authorities of Troy, West Troy, Lansinghurgh, W aterford, and other pla ces in that direction, continue in the use of the most effective precautions for stop ping the tide of emigration from the iVorth. All the emigrants arriving are subject to a rigid inspection nnTi quaran tine. In ret»ard to the case of the stranger at Mechanfcsvillc, the only one of any im portance, we add the following inform;** tion. An extract from a letter from Dr. Tibbits, giving an account of the case down to 6 o’clock on Monday afternoon, was published in the Commercial of last evening. The annexed memoranda o£ the case, to the period of its termination, have since been furnished by the physi cian: 9 o’clock—Patient'says lie is better, cramps hot so severe; urinery functions suspended; symptoms on the whole no better. Tuesday, 5 A. M.—Toifgue coated with u brown fur in the middle, and dry articulation, not above a whisper. This lias been the same since I tirst saw him; had a stool 12 o’clock, about as limpid as pure water; breathing oppressive; eyes suffused; hearing indistinct; vicient cramp.- at the pericardia; not much in the legs and arms; functions of the bladder still oppressed; great restlessness; no pulse lias been perceptible since the commence ment; dissolution evidently* approaching; attempt again to bleed from the arm;'not more than two spoonfuls of dark Mood was procured; repeated calomel and cor dials with warmth and friction. 9 o’clock— Dying; a few moments af ter expired; appears to lie about fifty; liis companions declare him to ho temperate, but a moderate drinker; says they liavo seen no case of Cholera. Extract Iron a letter from .a highly re spectable gentleman in Mechnuicsviile, dated 19th inst. to the editors of the Al bany Daily Advertiser: Last Sunday afternoon nn Englistnan and his five daughters came into this vil lage. Yesterday the man sent for Dr. Tibbits, whose opinioir of* the case you have already heard. At 10 o’clock this day he died, and now lies dead in a little hovel on the canal, no one venturing to bury him, allho 1 am using every exertion for that purpose. The way which we send fond to the un fortunate family is this. A man goes within a fevv rods of the hovel, sets down the food, nud after hallowing, retires. The females then come out and take it a way. Mv family is somewhat alarmed. A letter from the same gentleman at a later hour of the day, has the following information in addition: The man has been buried. Several physicians have arrived from New-York, find Dr. Tibbit has communicated to them the particulars of the case. There is no doubt that it was the Asiatic Cholera. The five daughters 1 have had remov ed to a barn, 200 rods from my house. The report is now, that one of them is sick. will end in, God only knows.. Thus far, then, it appears very satis factory, that there bus been but one c& e that could t>e called Asiatic Cholera, within the territory of the United States; and that ease was an emigrant, who, if indeed he had litis disease, brought tho seeds of it with him from the hold of nn infected ship. And now we hope it will not he thought presumptions for us to in quire if, after all the statements relative to the Cholera in Canada, it is not a mailer of doubt whether the Epidemic ’or tho Asiatic Cholera is or has been there ? And we would inquire of physicians who •■re acquainted with the philosophy of pet tileutiid and epidemic db eases, whether