The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, July 14, 1832, Image 1

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COHAM Oliil BARTLETT-LDITOU. Cnuotvst IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK IN CO Li U >1 B UH, UEOXtiiA, at Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all application for subscription from a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rates Sales of land and negroes, by adminis trators. executors or guardians, are required by law to be he'd on the first tucsday in the month botwoon the hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon 4- 3 in the afternoon, at the court house >f the county in which the property is situated Notice of these sales must bo oiven in a public Gazoi e sixty days previous to tne day 7 of sale Notice of the sale of personal properly must be givoi in a like manner forty days previous to he day of sale Notice to debtors .% creditorsof an estate must fee published forty days Notice that all application will be made to fie court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. O’Lel'ers on business must be Postpaid to insure attention WOtTUNF 4 ii, HAT 3fi n ufacturers, COLUMBUS, UEORGIA, WOULD respectfully inform (lie pub lie 'hat they have on hand, mo will keo;- const- Untily for whole sale and retail •• gener al and extensive assortment of U ITS. coinpn sing all the various fashions and qualities, ad qn as favorable teuns as can bo purchased at a ny market in the United States. Strict attention will he given to all orders &om the country Orders for Hats left with Edward I Harden, esq at Appalachicola, will be promptly attend ed to WANTED TO PURCHASE Hatting furs of all kinds, far which cash and a liberal price will bo given, delivered cither at tfolumbus or at Appalaehicola Columbus. Aug. 27. 1831. _ JOIN Ell’S TOOLS OF a superior qnality dir well assorted, just opening LAWIION V HOWELL april 21, 1832. » U2lm 33 S SHOE STORE. E. WELLS, & CO. Have ft { Amoved to the Brick Building next d-w-r above Wni M llar groves on Broad street, where they offer for s .le on reasona terms Boots and Shoes of every description, of their own manufacture consisting of 200 pair Gentlemen’s Boots. 300 do. t 'nlfskin shoes, high A. low quarters, 100 do Calfskin Bumps, 75 do. Buckskin shoes, 50 do Sealskin Pumps, <2OO do Brogans, 300 do. Coarse Shoes, LADIES i RU.NELLO HOOTS V SHOES of V"> ious kinds. Do. Morocco Shoes, l)o. Sealskin do. Do Calfskin -do L,eathcr walking shoes and Bottccs, lUisses and Childrens B ols and Shoes of ev ery description- N. B All work of their own Manufacture warranted not to rip Juty 2/183! —ly JUST PUBLISHED And for sale at the Columbus ‘look Store, THE LOST VIRGIN -F THE SOUTH; AN Historical Novel, connected with the In dian War of the South, in the years 181*1, 33. 14 and 15—and Gen Jackson, now Presi dent* f the United States n\ DON PE RO CASSENDER. A fee copies remaining on hand ma-- 10 E. S NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. . IH \VF, just received at my Store the follow io ew and other interesting publica tions: i Fugeno Aram a novel by the author ofPclham Tho Forsaken, a title 2 vols. J The olisli Chiefs an historical romance 'vole Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp of Bo nanarte. Parly’s olumbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Be-vliitt’s Interest Tablos, Colqridge Shelly and Keats works, Scolfs Napoleon 3 vols, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dcwecs Midwifery Eb.Hle’s Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Turner’s Chemistry . Bichat >• Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayei Books (do.) Sand Box 77 * and inkstands, Port Folios Visiting Cards Blank Cards A c ’Together with a great variety <f books and fan cy articles too numerous to particularize . April 20. ’ E S NORTON NEW STUM. GENERAL AGENCY AND COM MIS SION li USTNEBB. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. CpHE subscribers respectfully acquaint their 1 frionds and the public, that they have for raed a connexion in tho above business under the name and style of SHORTER, TAIIVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar rangements in progress for tho reception and storago of produce, and will be prepared to make advances on the same while in store or tlndor shipment to New Orleans or Ncw-Yotk. ) E. S SHORTER, Signed > BF.NJ P TARVER, S JAMES H. SHORTER, may 19, 1832 —. TO RENT. A convenient Dwrllin p House on Oglethorpe Street—Also n MVBHY STABLE or Crawford Stre. *•» «waich 3.—lb’ J<>l|N WHITESIDE. D3!WOCaAT. ON t ONSIGNMENT And for sale, by SHORTER, TARV ER, & CO. ,*k piecs t ucassiaMs VP 8 “ Bonihazelts assorted til “ Fancy Prints “ <’B “ Plaid A -tripod II -mestics , 3 “ Negro < loth, woollens 7 “ Salt incite 3 “ Fustians 32 “ Do* Blue purple & Red Plaid II 1 10-12 French Brittanias “ 2 0-12 Brittanias « 1 “ •* .< 2 “ ludolialile Ink 24 J,eat her ( aps ) ps li 4 Table Diaper 4 1 l-i 2 Doz Pocket B oks 2ps Supr Hiae„ iape 0 “ Swiss Book muslin 2 “ Tambourd “ “ ** 7 “ “ Leno ‘ 2 “ Supr. Marino Cloth, 4 Supr Grceno Table Covers 0 “ Blue Table do. 3 ps Velveteens 19 Coverletts 3 ps La v n 1 D- z ainbrick llkfs 2 ‘ B kk ilk Gloves 1 8-i2 “ White “ “ 20 Bbls Prime Pork, > 9 “ Mackerel, No 3, 4 “ “ No 1. 1 Pine Ameica Brnudv, 2 Qi. < a.-ks -icea Wine, I “ Tenenffe “ 1 Indian Bid. Vluscat “ (0 Bbis >. Orleans ilum, Loaf Sugar, 1 Kegs T 'acco 0I! ix.:- t h pa>- e 20 Raisins, t> Baskets 8« eel Oil, 2ft lb*..* fid-• 8 “ Si gars -at quality, 5 “ taper ■ Can Iftij. 12 •* Smoaked Horn gs. 10 Bags Green Codec. * YU .1 -im h articles will be .old by wholesale ar.d on a c- oda'.ing tere s Merchants from the ountr would do wefl to call and exam ine forlhemelvcs. June 9th Insurance fjjjlllE Augusta Insurance and Bank ing Company will insure i roducc and Mer chandise against the dangers of River Naviga tion on good steam boats and other river craft., and upon good vessels from Apalachico'a to New Cileans or the atlantic cities. They wilj also take fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce OEO H DILLINGHAM, Agent. NEW SPRANG L. J. DAVIEB & CO. HAVE just received an elegant assortment of Spring Good and at reduced prices. Among them are the following articles, viz: Ml k Italian Lustring, sinchew A sarsnett silks, Gro de Nap and Gro do Swiss do. < '••’or-'d Satins, .stripe Pal arines, Foulard Muslins, t uew style.) French 4- Belgian Ginghams, no. do. Cslicoes. Jaconel cambric and cambric muslins, Swiss, h ink, and mull muslins, Lace capes and collars, ob't Lace and thread edgings, Muslin Bands, crape & gause cans, 1 .in n and iinen cambric caps, IVlute pongee do White and green gause veils, Gent random mixt si 'k hose, do. do < ..‘loti do. White and brown c -oves, Dunstablo and Leghorn hats, Belgium stripe do. English chip and cottage do. A comp ete assortment of milinary, Bead bags and purses, silk do. Brown A- green parasols, do. do Umbrellas. •’ecil cloths. Fustians, Tickings, Apron checks, Ac ALs-O—White satin beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Joiner’s Tools Ac. * may 5, 1832 SHORTER, TARVER fc CO. S® AVE received by late arrivals the follow ■ ing Goods on consignment which they oSV-r on Favourable terms 55 bbls. Choice Cider, -!ft Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls. Cincinnati Whiskey, (30 •* N. O. Molasses, 12 hlids. Bacon, 20 bbls Pickled Pork, Ift Drums Figs, ti Boxes Havanna-Cigars, Deal Pino, celebra'ed manufacture, 50 f’.-xei Virginia A. N C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Vbimsey Wine, 150 Backs Salt, 20 cases Lemon Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Baeks prime Green Coffee, sbairels genuine Monongaliala Whiskey, 12 Pattern liarshcar ploughs, made by E. Parson, Enfield Con’t. Cognac Brandy 'with a variety of other Articles. may 19, 1832. G. W. DILLINGHAM, <SHfcrs lor Sale, 100 barrels Pickled Pork, 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk’s Island salt, 50 bids Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel, 4000 ibs. blue gist Grindstones, 100 hides tippet Leather, 2000 lbs. sole Leather, 8000 lbs Bacon. • * 150 Bolts Kentucky bagging, 80 coils Bale Rope. may 19. NTEW % I«T N %i/FS. ON tho first Tuesday in August next will be sold at the Court House in Lumpkin. Stewart County, lictweon tho usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wil: The east half of lot number 121 in the 20th district of originally L-o now Stewart County Levied on n< the property of William II Braswell to satisfy two fi fas issued from a Justices’Court of Crawford County, one in favor of Low she A Bacon, the oilier in favor of Edward Baiker -gains' said Br-i-well. Levy ma la and returned to me by a constable JON ‘.THAN F. BRIDGES, fchff , June 10, 1832 ntU tlßl S, (« l.) S tTflil) IV, Ji liS It, I-532. SPRING & SUMMER JTHE Subscribers hove just finished opening a fine stock of FA l'i STA PLE. SPRING 4- SUMMER HUY GOODS Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Crockery and Hard ware, which are offered to the jiuldic at such p-ices as they h--pe. w ill give satisfaction T heir triends are respectfully requested to call »ml <-x unine for themselves—l h stock is coinpo i p ‘ partly f.f the following articles: F ulaid \luslin Prints, t’l-'iio and figured must.ns. of all descriptions, -Muslm robes, ring-hams, fancy b.irage, < ih--. e ot every variety , Black, white and fancy color’d silks, Black and white satin, * fine and l’.tshi >nabb-assort ent of bonnets v belt ribbons, cap and tatTetas do adies and gent s beaver and h -rnoskin gCyc, and mitts. Ladies and gent’s random whole A half hose. A ease of fashionable Dunstable and Leghorn bonnet*. A few dozen straw bonnets. A good a.-.-orti-ient of silk, crape A fan cv hdk'fi. Ladies printed cambric hok’fs. Artificial flowers and straw bands, f ologne. Lavender. Rose A Florida water, I H< of Ro es, 50 whole -- naif pieces linen, Table bin eye A Russia Diaper, Brown and bleached linen drills, Blark bombazines, b mbniett-, piincettas, Ac Rouen cassimeres, Nankins 4- summer camblcts Bleached cotton sat tin drills, «ilk velvets, * good and new assortment of Alersaiiies Ves tings, A feu- pieces light 4 fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies parasols and gentlemen's umbrellas, Bl’k Italian cravats and linencollars, Thread Cambric and long lawn. Ladies fancy silk and boed bags, fancy fans, Brown and bleach’d shirtings 4 sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A large and fine selection of shell, tuck and side combs, 1 piece black bombazine for ladies wear, Bedtick, Osnabnrghs and checks. Furniture blue and scarlet checks, 3 4 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, strouos, Buckram padding 4 c Sewing silk andpotton. needles, pins. 4c Ac. A large and fine assortment of black and drab hals and cans, Lady’s, gentlemen’s and children’s shoes of all kinds and q alities Lady’s 4 gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar tingales. CROCKERY. (lliina 4 Liverpool brotvn A pink ware, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers 4 wine castors 4 C - A large and full assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Joiner's Teds, Axes, Hoes, 4 Black smith’s Tools Fine toilet and swh.g, Letter and cap paper, ink. quills and pencils, may 5. I,aw lion &, Ilowell. JUST PUBLISHED, 4 ND received by the subscribe! at the Lo -5a lambus Book Btorc, a New Work transla ted from the French with an accouut of all the capital operations performed during the whole of Napoleon's wars, by Baron D G LAB BEY, Surgeon and Chief of the Hospital of the Royal Guards, Ex-inspector-Geneiai of the Military Medical Bluff. Ex Prime Suigeori of the Grand Army of Russia, Saxony, Ac N B This is one of the most enter'ainmg works to the Surgeon ever published in tins country. Also, Adventures on thtrCi h-uibia River, in cluding ihe Narrative of a Residence of six years on the Western side of the, Rocky Vlounl kins, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown; together with a journey across the American Continent: by ROSS *'• X Together with a great variety of medical and other works too numerous to particularize E S NORTON. juna 30 Broad St. JSi. V. AliliKo\ Has received Steatn iioat Baltimore. cog utnaiea and American Rum, Holland and American Gin, Madeira j . Tenc rifle i w . Marseilles j lnt Sweet J Loafand brown Sugar Tobacco A large assortment Joiner's Tool Blue Plains Which ho offers for sale on his usual low terms, dec 10 J%\ ic Supply . GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. /rpiiK subscriber has just received pc hchrs. Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Emeline, from New Orleans, the following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 60 bbls. Pork, 50 “ Whiskey, 15 hlids. prime N. O Sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 150 casks Nails (assorted,) 50 bbls Flour, 100 coils Bale Rope, 10 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 30 coils Manilla and Tarod Rope, 6 pipes C Brandy A. Holland Gin, 50 bags prime Havantta Coffee, 25,000 best liavanna Segars. The above together with the stock on hand is the best over offered in this market, all of which will bo sold low for ( usl l or approve.>i paper. C fc NORTON. •> nrv.lnoh.coln, (Flor ) May 10. 1832 O X CONSIGNMENT At,<« or sale by SIIOI’TFR. TARVER &Cos Bbls. Newark Cider, first quality. may 2(3. NEW GOODS VPT fn n N Yoik, N. Oilcan 1 - mi • tlier markets io G. W 1)11.1 INGHAM June <3. COLLI S’ CAST STEEL AXES with STEEL For «ftl© bv (i \Y f . DILLINCI J'mfl F*th IIOKLGD PORK OF exeecllent quality in sound new barrala will ho kept through the aeanon by O W DILLINGHAM. I June Ifith- \iMII\ISTKATOh 8 BALU, Oljie 19th day if July next, w ill be wild a* 'lie residence of >lr Banks, un Lot \*>. .47 in ihe SJd dint of St wart Cou: t y a part if the Slock of Cattle, consisting ot Tims *V •’a Ives, elonging to the Estate ot J P Blackmon deceased. ALSO,- —Outlie 21st July next, will bo sold at the residence of Mr. Blake on Lot No 45 in the 32d dist. af Muscogee Cos. the ballanco of the Stock, consisting of Beef-Cattle only Terms of sale, small note* w ith approved se curity, payable twelve months after nute MARYANN BLACKMON, Admx. NOTICE I Hereby forwain ail persons from trading for * a certain note of hand given bv myself to Henry C Vl’Coy. for forty-five and -liars, payable the 25th day of December next. The consider ation for which said note was given having wholly failed lan determined not to pay it un til compelled by law. E. C. RATCHF'tRD. may 215, 1832. Head Quarters. t!sth R. G M. Talholtim. ICt/i June., 1832 ( ORDERED, That i lie following persons are anpointed the Staff for ihe (>sth Kegiinerit Georgia Militia. They will be obeyed uud re specte-i accordingly Robert Bro-iks, Adjutant John I! Harriso: , "'ergeant Major. J 'nuesl. Burks, Pay mas’er T'uunas G ‘ c.-irson Q-iarler-inaster-Eerg I)r Robert l AY aro, urge-in Dr Geo M Gullet, Sur o-m’s-mate. Vernon Sino -te Fife major WILLIAM P FORD. Col Both ROM FOR S.i \N .Li’.GANT • OACH. made to order in Newark, and perhaps abetter piece of work cannot bo found Also, a PIANO FORTE of superior tone and workmanship THOMAS SCATTER Vansville, Crawford co. May 12, 1832. NO 1 ICE. T FOR.WARN all persons from trading for a certain note of hand given by mo to a Mr Foot, son.otimo in tho last of March o first of April. 4’ due about the 24th of December. 1832, for twenty five dollars. As iho consideration for which said note was given has fail-d, I do not intend to pay it unless compelled Is, law. may 12. 1832. Wilder Phillip*. CLINTON, June 7, 1832. A REPORT HAVING gon> forth to the public, implica - ting Mrs. Runklev in the charge of hold lng criminal correspondence and illicit inter course with myself—l consider it a duty which I owe to her to state, that such report is a gro.-y and iniquitous slander—that no such correspnd denee or intercourse ever existed between us— that I view and respect Mrs Butiklcy, as a vir tues lady, and that her ontirn deportment so far as it has fallen w ithin mv observation, has been chaste, discreet, and above suspicion Win S C. REID. GEOT GIA: } W.-ii. S C. Reid came before J nes County, t me in person, and on oath de posed ami said that the above statement of fac's is true to the best of his knowledge Wm. S C. REID 8 worn to and subscibed before me, 9th Line, 1892 ROBERT BE AS KEY J P j me 3ft—lt i: \ v y For Newspapers and Periodicals. i -II E. Subscriber informs the public that lie has been appointed agent for the Medical f’hirurgicnl Review, k. Jorrnal of Practical Medicine. a Quarterly, published in New York, edited by Janie* Johnson. M L) Physician Extraordinary to the King of Groal Britain—TEßMS— -25 cents per Number, in advance. Orders for one or more Nos. inclosing the cash, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention. E S. NORTON june 30 Broad Bt. NEWSPAPER AGENCY. The subscriber informs the public that he has been appointed ugentofthe following publications. « THE LADY’S HOOK monthly at 83 [per year Til E C ASKET ~ ~ sfit3 per year The Saturday evening rosT vv eekly lit $2 Names forwarded with the amount of subscription, postage paid will meet with prompt ttention E. S. Norton, agent. Columbus May 31, 1832. LOTTERY NOTICE. /flllK holders of Tickets in the Vlillodgcville -•A Stroet Lottery, are informed that tho re sult of tlio Drawing which took place on the sth May, 1832, may be seen by apnlvino to Iv S. NORTON. may IS. Agent for oq>Manngers THE AMERICAN FARMER, dited b)j Cideim I! Smith, is ;-w'- 'tshrd in Ral timare, M d l,y f IRVIYF HITCH' OCRS, Cos (successors of J S Skin er.) in weekly numbers n f eight quarto pages , at Five Dol lars per annum TT is devoted exclusively to practical Agricul ture; Horticulture; and Rural and Domestic F.conomv:—The American Farmer contains ah-o a great number of useful ree.eipcs; readings adapted to the stations of mothers and mistres ses of families ; so much of the news as relates to foreign and domestic markets for Agricultur al products, and a correct statement of their prices current at the time of publication; but nothing connected with nnrtv politics is at any time permited to appear in its columns TERMS OF SURBRCIPTION 1 Price five dollars per annum, payablo at tho middle of each year of subscription. 2 Subscriptions are in all cases charged by the year and never for a shorter term Contents of No. 1-1, Vol. 14. New China Mulbery; advantage of feeding Silkworms; Sheep, comparative value of Meri no nnd Saxon breeds; cultivation of Potatoes; Alfalfa or Spanish clover ; ‘-ilk Grass; Planting; enumeration of the different specie* of forest trees; cultivation of Peach Trees; red lleots; Water Melons, prices af Strawlrerie* in New. York and Halim-tv; improvernet* of ('attle; di rect i«iur so, making chlorine gas; prices current nr \ev--VoiU nnd Baltlitni 7 * toil!- RTS. \Kevv d"Z. Mrs t 'aritelou's best manufiictur . ed corsets, for sale by may li. Luwhoß tt- Howell. VOlg. S4), LIRCLL Os LLLiAJAC HJsiiijS. l*V PAULDING. \Mien lluratfti was a boy at school lie always vvislii hinisel, ayoung man, ‘■tot then,” ttiought lie, “i ,>h ill not be obliged to be forever at my book, and nve in constant tear o! the schoolmaster.” 1 wonder, lie oiten said to himself, “I wonder what n> the use of telling the same story so often. I wish to heaven I was out of my time, ~nd then I should lie iny own master.” At lust his tune vyas out. He passed examination, opened mi office, and wrote esquire to his name. Here he would sit whole mornings, with Ins feet against the ten 'er of jambs, waiting for elitaits— but no clients came. “I wisii to heaven,” yvouliJ lie sigh to hi insult, *‘i tiad something to do.” in process of years lie distinguished hiniseit as a speaker, and business now ed in upon Inni, till he hud hardly tune to sleep or eat lus meals. ‘’Zounds!” cried lie,“one might as yyell be a galley slave. 1 wish i yvere a Mile hoy at school, they art so uuppv; no nusi ness to trouble them und no cures on their minds.” llut, as it was impossible to become a school hoy again, Horatio turned Ins houghts toward the future, and began to yy ish tie was rich enough to retire from business and be a gentleman. V. urs passed on, and at length be be came n< h; so rich that lie thought he niignt leave olf practice, und enjoy him self. Accordingly he did leave oil prac tice, and lor a little yvhile, it was denght iul to have nothing to do, and 3o yyjierc lie pleased, lint doing nothing tires a mail at 1 lot. :t is the hardest work im aginable. “I wish, ’ said Horatio one day, as he yvas perplexing himself to death in know what he should do, “1 yyish i had some thing to employ me.” All at once tie was seized with a desire to be a gieal man. As yve advance in years the love ol wealth often changes to the desire ot power. He entered on tho arena ot politics, and Ins eloquence soon elevated him to distinction. lie rose to the highest office in the State, and at length saw nobody aliene him ‘Uull ’ thought lie, ‘1 l ave it at last’ I am the greatest uinoi g the great, and lioyv 1 shall be able to enjoy myself. In the first place 1 shall do just as k please.’ At that moment his secretary can e to announce a person on business. 1 am not inclined to see any body just lioyv; tell him to call again ’ ‘But, sir, it is a man oi great conse quence, and one of your best friends; ho may be offended ’ ‘Very well, let him come hi.’ 1 lie man ot consequence entered, tnlk ed three whole hours about the politics of his district, and ended by Soliciting an insignificant appointment, either for him self or somebody else . ‘Well,’ said Horatio, ‘thank heaven, he s gone. I’ll go and take a rule into the country before dinner.’ Just as he had ordered lus horse the se cretary came in to an notice m.otlui per son of consequence, who had very partic ular business, and whom-it would he a bad policy to ofleud After a feyy yyry fa ces from Horatio, he was let in. Tin y isitcr being a knowing character sat a long time, became very fncMioiis, joked, told excellent stones, and when lie had tired Horatio to death, thought he bad brought loin into a humor to do any thing lie desired. Accordingly he beg ged his interest in lx h -It of the people! t p resented, in favor of it great public im provement. Horatio had hei-r specially instructed bv divers old statesmen, to give good words and lie could imthngelse. So he flattered him with good words, and the knowing gentleman went bis way hackling at his happy ku utk of bringing great men into the humor of granting fa vors. ‘I never met such a tiresome block head,’ quoth Horatio. ‘l’ll make at a point to oppose Ins application.’ It yvas too late to ride out before din ner, and he sat down to lus meal without appetite, thinking lie would have the af ternoon to himself, at all events. 15 y the time he had dined, there yvere six people waiting to see him on particular business. It would not do to o!i< n<J them, and besides lie was the servai t of the people. The particular "business of each was to beg some particular favour. Horatio felt in an excellent humor for de nying them all. ‘WI tat a tedious business!’ said he. ‘But I shall have a comfortable evening at all events.’ In the evening, visiters dropvted in one after another, until he had quite a levee. Every one tried to ma-e liitusel. particu larly agreeable, for each had a favor to ask; they talked so much that Horatio thought lie bail a swarm of bees in bis ears. After lie bad yawned three tunes in the luce of each of lus visiters and promised all they asked, they went uwny. ‘I wish to heaven somebody would call one of these times, to give me smoo thing, instead of I egging fnvms, as they all do; there would he u I file variety in thut.’ To be continual.