The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, July 21, 1832, Image 1

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COSAM E >ll it II ART LETT-EDITOR. SJTIje IS PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK IN COLUMHUS, (> £ Olt (i I A , at TAtrce Dollars per enuiiah, ifpaid in <td- Oanc*. or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all application for subscript'on from a distance, tcill be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserlcd’at reasonable •ates Bales of land and negroes, by odiniuis ‘raters, executors or guardians, arc rcqniiedby law to be held on the iirst tuesday in the month, between the hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon 3in the afternoon, at the court house of the County in which the property is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public GuzeUe sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must a givei in a like manner forty days previous to day of sale. Notice to debtors At creditors of an estate must published forty days Nolice that all application will he made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. O’Letters on business must be Post paid to insure attention CREEK STAND. rnHIS establishment, situated in tc Creek JL Nation, on the Stage Road from Colum bus, Ga to Montgomery, Ala. is now open for the reception of trav Hers, under the manage meat and direction of the subscriber. It is lo cated equi distant from the ea tern and western borders of the Nati- n, it being thirty eight miles fiom Columbus, and the same distance from Line Creek, the residence of Mr. Walter B Lucas, excellent and commodious buildings have been erected by the subscriber, entirely new, which will always be kept in a state of neatness nod lcgularity for the comfort and c..n Venience of tlio- e who may be disposed to pat ronize him. His stables are secure and roomy, end abundantly supplied with corn am] fodder He is assisted in the management of his li .use by Mr and Mrs Reuben Lanier. It is the pos itive determination of the subscriber to be mod erate in his charges, and to establish such rates os cannot fail to be satisfactory, and lie Hauers hi ".self from his knowledge .of the business, having been for several years engaged in the Cnlumbus Hotell, under the direction of Gen. N. Howard, and subsequently under that of Messrs. Pomroy At Montague, that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who call at his House. SAIMPbON LAMbK July 14. 1f o ~~ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ILL be sold, on the first T uesday in Oclo- W ber next during the lawful hours a! the Court House in Columbus Muscogee,*,'ouniy, Le t of Land No 108 in the Ctb district of Mus isogee;—Sold as the property of Zadoch Lewis deceased, by order of the Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms yiiree months credit with small Botes and approved security. HIRAM FULLER; Adm’r. July 14. NOTICE. II OUR months after date, application w! J' ~e made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for icave to sell the Real Estate of .John R. Patterson (deceased,) for the benefit of fhc heiis and creditors ofsoid estate JARED IRWIN. Adm’r MARY PATTERSON, Adm'x. July 14 lid 4m NOTICE. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Infeiior Court of Carroll county, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of land No. 895 in the 2dth District, fonncrly Muscogee, now Harris county, for the benefit ot the heirs and eccditord of James Leathers deceased. SAMUEL LEATHERS, Adm’r. July 14 • m 4ms ' WASHING MACHINE. THE subserber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he lias the Patent" Right, for ashing Machines of the most approved plan, and will keep them constantly on hand for sale, nnd will sell them as Jbw as they can be bought in the old counties. He will sell Machines or Patent Rights in the counties of Muscogee, Harris, Troup, Tal bot, Marion, and Randolph. This Machine washes clean and fast, and does not injure the clothes in the least (LT The subscriber also carries on the Cab inet business in its various brandies, and will Bell on accommodating terms. THOMAS VV. ’'UTTON. July 14. 3 " JOINER’S TOOLS OF a superior quality well assorted, just opening LAWHON by HOWELL. april2l, 1832. TO POSTMASTERS. ri'HE subserbryt has just leceived an nssort- Jl nient of Paper, Twine, &c. for Post Office *> S e. E. S. NORTON. E. WELLS $ Cos. HAVE just received, at the sign of the gilt boot, 4 l)uz- fine CALFSKINS. Also: Lining Skins, Binding, fyc. July 14. 1f o EXCHANGE of HORSES. * N exchange of horses has taken place bc tween Columbus and Mr. James G Salis bury's, at Good Alo, 50 miles below Columbus, on the Chattahoochee: CanUin Barrow, of the steamboat Georgian, inconsequence of the lowncas of the river, was obliged to stop his boat, and go up by land to Columbus; 1 lent him a very excellent blacs. horse to ride up. The Captain being unac onainted with the horse, some person has made an'exchang. and left in the possesion of the ■ captain an old horse nearly the color ot the oth cr. Mr. Salisbury's horse is about fifteei; and a . half hands high, well pro portioned and strong . boned, wortli onp hundred nnd twenty dollars, not a w hite hair on him except a little spot be j hind the oar. The one left in Ins place is about ( fifteen hands high, long back, crooked nnd legs : one hind foot white to too (bollock, and a white spot in his forehead his foreparts are pretty , good, and ho raoks whan made to do it; has tire , /narks nf harness and crupper H any person has lost such a liorso as above described, th'“v | Would do well to cull on captain Harrow and j ppe him a» it is quite probable ilia' he was st<> ■ |ei| and tilts exchange made at mgln where rap'. Barrow put up A suilublo rewaid will be p«i* |br the delivery of Mi. H'a 4»rso ai<d the tlnct. I nr either. THIS DEMOCRAT. ON v ONSIGNMLNT And for sale, liy SHORTER, TARVER, & CO. piecs < irrassians 8 “ Bombaxetts assorted 82 " Fancy Prints “ *'B *• Plaid »V striped D -mostics 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollens 7 “ Sattinelte 3 “ Fustians 32 “ Doz Blue purple A Red Plaid II 1 10-12 French Brittanias 2 0-12 Brittanias ** )“ “ “ 2 “ Indeliable Ink 24 Leather Caps J ps 6 4 Table Diaper 4 11-12 Doz Pocket Books 2 ps Supr Black Crape 0 “ 8 wiss Book muslin 2 “ Tambourd “ “ 7 “ “ Leno “ 2 “ Bupr. Marino Cloth, 4 Supr Greene Table Covers 6 “ Blue Table do, 3 ps. Velveteens 19 Coverletls 3 ps Lawn 1 Doz ainbrick Hkfs 2 “ Biakk Silk Gloves 18-12 “ White “ « 80 Bbls Prime Pork, 9 “ Mackerel, No 3, 4 “ « No t, 1 Pipe Aineican Brandy, 2 Qr. Casks Malaga VVitic, 1 Teneriffe “ 1 Indian Bbl Muscat “ (0 Bbls N. Orleans Rum, 5 *• Loaf Sugar, 10 Kegs Tobacco 6 Boxes Champagne, 20 “ Raisins, (i Baskets Sweet Oil, 2t> Boxes Cider, 8 “ Segars. Ist quality, 5 “ Sper u Can lies, 12 “ Smonked Herrings. 10 Bags Green C offee. All < f which art icles will be sold by wholesale and on accomodating terms. Merchants from the Country would do well to call and exam ine forthemelves. June 9th. Insurances FSIIIE Augusta Insurance and Bank ing company will insure Produce and Mer chandise agauist the dangers of River Naviga tion on food steam boats and other river craft, and upon good vessels from Apalachicola to Now Oileans or the atl.intic cities. They will also t ike fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO' IV DILLINGHAM, Agent. SHORTER, TARVER & CO. II AVE received by late arrivals the follow -1 mg Goods on consignment which they offer on favourable terms. 55 bbls. Choice Cider, 30 Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls. Cincinnati Whiskey, 60 “ N. O. Molasses, 12 hhds. Bacon, 20 bbls Pickled Pork, 10 Drums Ftgs, 6 Boxes llavanna Cigars, Deal Pino, celebrated manufacture, • 50 Boxes Virginia A N C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Mr lmsey Wine, 150 Backs Balt. 20 ea?°s Lemon Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 bids Sugar, Barrels i.jsh Potatoes, _ 20 Sacks prime Green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongahala Whiskey, 12 Pattern barshear ploughs, made by E. Parson, Enfield Oon’t. Cognac Brandy with a variety of othdr' Articles. may 19, 1838. G. W. DILLINGHAM, ©ffrrs for -Snlr, 100 barrels Pickled Pork. 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk’s Island salt, 50 bbls. Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel, 4000 ibs.♦blue gist Grindstones, 100 Sides upper Leather, 2000 lbs. sole Leather, 8000 Ihs Bacon, 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, 80 coils Bale Rope. may 19. AN ORDINANCE. Sec. Ist Be it ordained by the Intcndant and Commissioners of the town of Colum bus, That it shall not be lawful for any licenced rctailei of spirituous liquors to permit nny slave not hired or owned by him or lior.or law fully under his or her care or charge, to enter his or her retail shop or remain in it or on the lot attached thereto, at any time during the sabbath, or between nine o’clock at night and su rise, at any other time, without a special ticket of permission from his or her owner or hirer. - Sec 2 And be it further oru lined, That any person who may violate any of the provis ions of this ordinance rtiay be fined in a sum not exceeding ono hundred dollars. Done in Council June 30, 1832. Allen Lawbon, Intendant. II C Phelps, C T C WHITE citizens are warned against trad ing for orders on the Creek Agent given bv the Uchee chief und witnessed bv John Mar shall. as they are not genuine; there are a num ber in circulation, and will, in all probability, be frequently offered ou the frontiers for to be t railed July 7. ■ John 11. Broadnax. Administrator's Sale. a GREABLY to an order of the Infc * rior Court of Stew art eounty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the court house in Troup eoun ty, one lot of land No. 56 in the Pith dis trict of said county, sold for flic benefit of the creditors of Nathan Brady dee. Leviunh E. Brady, Admx; jnlv 7 _ i'iCKLKD I*ols H OF cxcecllont quality in sound new barrel* will be kopt through the season by G W DILI.INGHAM Jo.,- I fitly . ON (ONSJGNMLN l X, t.r » i!e by -HOi'TI . TaUVF.R AC» 35 Bids. Newark Cider, first quality, j may Sl(>. (OLIHIIIS, (64.) 8.4 TIT It DAY, JULY SI, IKt£. Sl-RINO & SI’JtJIEU FH’HIE have just finished ® opening a fino stock of FJftVI 1* <v STA PLE, SPUING ty SVMMh.It DRY GOODS Hats, Shoes Saddlery. Crockery nnd Hard ware, which are offered to the public at such price* as they hope, w ill give satisfaction. Their friends are respectfully requested, to call and examine for tlfcroselvcs—Tim slock is compo sed partly of the following articles: Foulard Muslin Prints, Plain and figured muslins, of all descriptions, Muslin robes, ginghams, fancy barage, Calicoes ot every variety, Black, white and fancy color'd silks. Black and white satin, A fine and fashionable assortment of bonnets v bait ribbons, cap and taffetas do. Indies and gent s beaver and hotseskin gloves and mitts, Ladies and gent’s random whole «2fc half hose, A case of fashionable Dunstable and Leghorn bonnet®, A few dozen straw bonnets, A good assortment of silk, crape & barage fan cy lidk'fs. Ladies printed cambric lidk’fs. Artificial flOwers and straw bands, ( ologne. Lavender, Rose & Florida water, ' Otto of Ro.-es, 50 whole A' naif pieces linen, T.-llde, hiroeyc V Russia Diaper, Brown and bleached.linen drills, Black bombazines, bonibazelts, princettns, Ac. Rouen cassimeres, Nankins summer camhlets Bleached cotton sattin drills, silk vejvcts, A good and new assortment of Mersaiiles Ves tings, A few pieces light £,■ fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies parasols anil gentlemen's umbrellas, [ll’lt Italian cravats and linen collars, Thread Cambric and long lawn. Ladies fancy silk nnd beed hags, fancy fans, Brown and bleach’d shirtings V sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A largo and fine selection of shell, tuck nnd side combs, I piece black bombazine fi r ladie. wear, Bcdticlt. Osnaburglis and checks. Furniture blue and scarlet checks, 3-4 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, strouus, Buckram padding 4’ c Sewing silk and,cotton, needles, pins, &c. A large and fine assortment of black and drab hats and caps, Lady’s, gentlemen’s and children's shoes of all kinds and q alines. . Lady’s gentlemen's saddles, bridles and mar tingales. CROCKERY. China 4" Liverpool brow n & pink ware, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers wine castors, 4" c - A large and full assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Joiner's Tools, Axes, Hoes, «V Black smith’s Tools Fine toilet and s\vi..g glasses, Letter and cap paper, ink. quills and pencils, may 5. Lawhon & Howell. JUST PUBLISHED, \ND received by the subscriber at the Co lumbus Book Blore, a New Work transla ted from the French with an account of all the capital operations peiformed during the whole ot Napoleon’* war;, by Baron D G I.AaREY, Burgeon and Chief of the Hospital of the Royal Guards, Ex-Inspector General of the Military Medical -Staff, Ex Prune Surgeon of the Grand Army of Russia, Saxony, Ac N B This is one of tho most entertaining vv rks to the Surgeon ever published in this country. Also, Adventures on the Columbia River, in cluding ihe Narrative of a Residence of six years on the Western side of the, Rocky Mount ains, afftong various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown; together with a journey across tho American Continent: by ROSS C ->X Together with a great variety of medical and other works too numerous to puriicularize E S NOR TON. juno 30 Broad St. JUST PUBLISHED * And for sale at the Columbus Look Store, THE LOST VIRGIN OF THE SpUTH; AN Historical Novel, connected willi the In dian War of the South, in the years 181'!, 13, 14 and 15—and Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of the United States. BY DOS PE RO CJSSEMDER. A few copies remaining on hand may 19 E. S. NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. rIIAVE jus! received at my Store the follow ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugeno Aram a novel by the author of Pelham Tho Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vols Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp ofßo napartc. Parly’s Oplumbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Rowlett’s Interest Tables, Coleridge, Shelly and Keat’s works, Scott's Napoleon 3 vols, Cook's Morgagni 2 vols, Dewces Midwifery Kberle’s Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Turner’s Chemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth's Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) l’raynr Books (do.) Sand and Inkstands, Port Folios Visiting Cards Blank Cards Ac Together with a great variety of books and fan cy ariicles too numerous to particularize. April2o. ES. NORTON NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY •, • AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. ■•'HE Riibscribcr* respectfully acquaint their friends and the public, that they have for med a connexion in tho above business under lhe ( name and style of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have cemmodiou* and extensive ar rangements in progress for the reception and st-rage of produce, and bo prepared to make advances on the same while in store or under shipment to New Orleans »r New-York 1 E. S SHORTER, Signed > BEN J P. TA it VEIL S JAMES 11. SHORTER, may 16,1838! A O.IIINI ST KATOK’B S A LB. Oiiit t!Hh day -f July m x*, will be- sold i Ire residence of Mr. Banks, on Lot N0.241 in tne 32d dist of Stwart County u part of lin stock of Cattle, consisting of Cows-V Calves belonging to the Estate of J. P Blackmon deceased, ALSO, —On the 21st July next, will be sold at the residence of Mr. Blake on Lot No 45 in the 32d dist. af Muscogee C«- the ballance cf the Stock, consisting of Beef-Cstlle only. Terms of sale, small notes with approved se curity, payable twelve months after uale MARY ANN BLA< KMON, Admx. lleati QrxKTERS. 65th R. G M. Tatbotton, lOr A June, 1832. y ORDERED, That the following persons are appointed the Staff for Hie 65th Regiment ■Georgia Militia. They will be obeyed and re spectej accordingly Robert Brooks, Adjutant John II Harrisoi , Sergeant Major. m James L. Burks. Paymaster Thomas G. Pearson (luarler-masler-Serg l)r Robert A Ware, t-urgeon Dr Geo. M Gullet, Surgeon’e-mate. Vernon Smo< te Fife major WILLIAM P FORD, Col. {• 65th R, G.M NO i ICE. I FOR WARN all persons from trading for a certain note of band given by me to a Mr. j Foot, sometime in the last of March or first of April, V due about the 24ib of December, 1832, I for twenty-five dollars. As the consincra' ion for which said note was given has fail -d, I do not intend to pay it unless compelled by law. mnyl2. 11532. Wilder Phillip*. _____ - LL persons having demands against * the estate of Nathan Iluady late of Site wart county «Ipc. are requested to present the same in terms ofthe law. Levinah E. Brady, Admx. j»>y 7 sail AGEH'CY I For Newspapers ami Per tod Lais. I ' 4 HE Subscriber informs the public that he 8 has been appointed agent for tho Medical Cbirurgical Review, Ik Jorrnal of Practical Medicine. a Quarterly, published in New York, edited by Janies Jolyison, M. I) Physician Extraordinary to the King of Great Britain.—TEßMS—$1 25cents per Number, in advance. Orders tor one or more Nos inclosing the cash, postpaid, will meet with prompt attentioif. E. B NORTON june 30 Broad St. \OHISNK Al €L4RK, MAT Ma a ufa c 1 u rers , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, VV* )UIiD respectfully inform the pub ic that they have onha.-id,and will keep const .mtlly for sale at whole-sale and retail a gener and and extensivo assortment of H.-tTS. comprl sing all the various fashions and qualities, and •pi as favorable teirns as con be purchased at a :iy market in the United States. Strict attention will be given to all orders from the country Orders for Hats left with Edward J. Harden, esq at Appalacliicola, will be promptly attend ed to. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs of all kinds, for which casli and a liberal price will be given, delivored either at Columbus or at Appalachicola. Columbus, Aug. 27, le3l. MUSIC SCHOOL. MItS.E.J. SMITH, of Sparta—a lady of first rate L accomplishments in Music and Puiuting, Has oponod a school in Columbus, at tho i ’o lumbuj Hotnl .The patronage ofki liberal com munity is solicited She brings with her, very satisfactory and flattering testimonials of her qualifications both moral and literary REFERENCES— CoI. Wm C Sayre, Dr Wm Terrell, Joel Crawford., Ley. Weems M. Berrien h.sey. —Sparta. Col seaborn Jones, Judge Shorter, General. Watson, Dr Childers. G. E Thomas Esq James Van A'ess, Esq. — Columbus. , june 30—ts NEW GOODS 4 RRIVING from N. York, N Orleans and /Vthor markets 10 G. W. DILLINGHAM June 16. COLLIS* CAST STEEL AXES with STEEIj Ilemls. For sale by G VV. DILLINGHAM June Kith. [#-To Printers.^ THE SUBSCRIBER, AGENT FOR IX. M'ooVs Xnfelng INFORMS the printers generally, that this Machine is so constructed as to be applied to any common Printing Press It is attached by the rounce, and:. Ids very little to the labor ofthe Pressman Having three composition Rollers,besides the distiibuting Roller, llte dis tribution is sufficient for the largest and heaviest torm. The Inking Roller is propelled by weight, and goes twice over the form. The quantity ot Ink taken ran be regulated w ith accuracy, thus preserving a uniformity of color unattainable by hand; and as it dispenses with tire Roller Boy, it is an object of importonce to Printers, hot] 1 on the score of economy and and >ing good v\ork. Printers can obtain the above by giving no tice to the agent—they shall bo immediately ordered. E. S NORTON. Coluinbos, Geo. june 30 NOTICE. r t EN dollars reward will J>e given for the re t covering of the Cattle strayed or stolen from tho subscriber about * hrislmass Inst: viz 3 en bead -f Stock Gallic Marked with a swal low fork in eucli ear, and ono or two splits or hack* on tho top of tho right ear, branded on tire hid linn called WP Mngurt Ivy. Columbus June 7th-. \OL. II.—SO. 41. NEW SPRING <*ool*B. L. J. DAVIES tO. . l tfCoived an (‘tenant a^Grtmcirt A. A of Spring ti».©d' and at reduced prices. kiitong idem are the loilowing articicw, via; ill k Italian Lustring, smche.v A sarsuelt silk?. Gr<- de Nap and Gro »te Swiss do. olorud Satius. sinpe Patuiarmes, Foulard Muslins, (uew styie,) French 4- Belgian Ginghams, do. do. Cslicoes, * Jaconet cambric and cambric muslins, Swiss, b 10K, and mull niu.lms, Lace capes and c dlars, ob’t Lace and thread odgings, Muslin Bands, crapo .V gause caps, Linen and linen cambric caps, VV lute pongee do White and green game veils, , Gent random inixt silk hose, do. do. cotton do. White and brown silk gloves, Dunstable and Leghorn tuts, Belgium stripe do. English clnp and collage do. A comp ete assortment of culinary, Bead bags and purses, silk do Brown A green parasols, do. do Umbrellas t ocil cloths. Fustians, Tickings, Apron chocks, Ac ALsjO—Wiiitc satin beaver Hats. Boots and Blioes, Hardware and Gullcrv, Joiner’s’fools Ac. may 5,1832. JWic Supply . GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. /11-IHE subscriber has just received -e Bchrs. cJL Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Eniclme, from New Orleans, the following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 50 bbls. Pork, 50 ‘ Whiskey, 15 hlids prime N. O Sugar, 30 bbls Ruin, 150 casks Nails (assorted.) 50 bbls Flour, 100 coils Bale Rope, 10-! pieces Kentucky Bagging, 30 coils Manilla and Tatod Rope, 6 pipes i . Brandy A Holland Gin, 50 bags prime llavanna Coffee, 25,000 best llavanna Hegars The above logelhor with the stock on hand i» the best ever offeied in this market, all of v-hich will be sold low for Cash or approre pap r C E NORTON. Appalachicola, (Flor ) May 10, 1832 • ||,>.v\ <> j j vj uoq.uo'f •q A'huj oaud p.mnp -oj a js jojjo faqi qaiqw -piß--j puc ■- Biitiooiy jo iiiiusnb a oaiiq siaqiiasqns M 11 a I > (inv i v Yojmi FRENCH MARKET COTTON. ritM, subscriber will wish to purchase irom Anew eiop in the tall about 2,1.00 bales choice Cotton f.-r the reurh u ’arkel—lt must be clean, will ginned, in square bales net less than 400 lbs. and not over 450 Ibs in strong buff, gmg may 10. G. W. DILLINGHAM. • CLOTHS. SUPERFINE blue, black, claret, olive, brown, bo'llo and invisible green cloths Purcha sers are requested to call and look through, may 5.. Lavvhon &, Howell. FOR SALE, A FI FST rate tivo lio se wagon. For infor mation apply to JA.MEB RLANTON. june 20—3 l j NOTICE. I IE copartiiershiji heretofore existing bet ween the undersigned Attorneys at Law, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Each will continue t>- reside at Carrollton, & practice separately in the several counties com posing tho < hn 1 tahnochec circuit; and in Chero kee county of the Western* ircuit. E. D McKinley, march 3.—3 m. Isaiah Paschal. Groceries, For Cotton, Pipe Staves, Hides ou Approved Paper. C* IIARLES E. NORTON, informs Mer ’ chants, Planters, Ac. visiting Appalachi cola, that lie has just received from New-Or leans a large and extensive assortment of Gro ceries, which added to his former supply from New-York, makes his assortment as complete if not saperior to any he has ever offered to the public. His stock will be replenished as often as once a month, so that his customers may be sure at any time of finding a good assortment. Merchants and Planters will find it to thetr advantage to call, as it Is his intention to sell at ’moderate prices, for Cash, Cotton. Pipe staves, Hides or approved paper. Apiialachicola. Dec 31—t* - Just received as above ner Sch. Magellan , 30 Sacks best Green llavanna Coffee which will be sold low for cash. ~ m li mSs SHOE STORE. gp-v E. WELLS, St CO. Ilavo t" removed to the Brick Building next door above Win D Har groves on Broad street where they offer for sale on reasona terms Boots and Shoes of every description, ok i-heir own manufacture, consisting of o()Q pair Gentlemen’s Bopts, •jpg) do. Calfskin shoes, high & low quarters, 100 do Calfskin Pumps, 75 do. Buckskin Shoes, 50 do. Sealskin Pumps, 200 do. Brogans, ;{o(| do. Coarse Shoes, LADIES CRUS EL 1.0 BOOTS fy SHOES of vatuvus kinds. Do. Morocco 'Shoes, Do. Sealskin do. Do. Calfskin do. . Leather walking shoes and Rottee*, Misses and Childrens B mts and Shoes of ev , ery description, N. B AH work of their own Manufactu*: warranted not to rio. July 2, 1831 —l y. TO RENT. • \ convenient Dwelling Himim on Ogletbnrpa Street —Also a • IVEKY STABLE ou Crawford Street.—Apidv *o n areli 3.—*>. J*»HN W llirtSlDF