The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, July 28, 1832, Image 1

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CHS AM EMIR BARTLETT-EDITOR. 3Tije Bnnocrat IK PUBLISHED EVEttY M EEK IN' CO L U M U ITS, GEORGIA, «U Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all application for subscription from a distance, t cill be accom panied with the money. Advertisements .vill be inserted at reasonable rates Sales of land and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians, are required b, law to be held on the lirst tuesday in the month between the hours of 10 o clock m the forenoon 4- 3 in the afternoon, at the court house of the county ill which the properly is situated Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale Notice of the sale of personal property must be giver in a like manner forty days previous to he day of sale Notice to debtors .V creditors of an estate must be published forty days Notice that all application will ire made to the Court of ordinary for leave to sell land most be published four months. 07 Letters on business must bo Post paid to insure attention CREEK STAND. fTXHIS establishment, situated in ic Creek I Nation, on the Stage Road from omni bus, Gat to Montgomery, Ala is now opt.i for the recep'ion of trav llers. under the >an go meat and ditection of the subscriber It is lo cated equi distant from the ea tern and western borders of the Nation, it being thirty eight unles ifoin Columbus, and the same distance from Line 6’ieek, the residence of Mr. Walter > Luca- Excellent and commodious buildings have been erected by the subscriber entirely new. which will-nlways be kept in a state of neat ness and legularity for the comfort and con venience of those who may be disposed li pat ronize him. His stables are -secure and roomy, and abundantly supp'ied with corn and fodder He is assisted in 'he management of his House by Mr and Mrs Reuben Lanier. 1' is the pos itive e'ertnirialion of the subscriber to be mod erate in his charges, and to establish such '-ales as cannot fail to be sntistaciery, and he ria te.-s lii sell' fr im his knowledge of the business, having been for several years engaged in the Cnluobus Hole!!, under the direction of Gen. N Howard and subsequently under that of Messr.. Pomroy & Montague, that he will be able to wive satisfaction to those wh icafi athi» JJou:-c. SAMIVON LANIER July 14 -tfo ~~ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. IT' ILL bo sold, on the firs: I'ue uv in Ot lo v V her next during the lawful h< urr at the Court House in ’’olumbus Muscogee <'ontity, lot of Land Vo 198 in the 6th district of Mus cogee;— Add as the propeity if Zaclorh , wis deceased, by order of the Court of Ordinary, fior the benefit of heirs and creditors 1 said s'e ceased Term* Three months credit wi'h mall Itotes and approved security. filß \M FULLER, Win'r. July 14 NOTICE. >UR months after dale, application will be made t • the honorable the Inferior ‘ onrl of" Stewart County, when i'ting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to se I the Real Lstaro of John K Patterson (deceased,) tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of-oid state JAREI) IRWIN Adtn’r MARY PATTERSON, Adm x July 14 lui 4m NOTICE. IT'OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honor*b.n the Inferior Court of Carroll county, while sitting for Or<lin ry purp os, for leave to sell Lot of land No. 895 ■ffothe 2mli District, foimery uscogee, now Hams cuuntv. for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of Janies Leathf r- deceased. SAMUEL LEATHERS, Adm’r. July 14 !m4ins ~ HASHING MACHINE. ri'llE 3ubscrber he" leave to inform his I- friends amt the public genet tliy that he has the Pater.i R'gh for ashing Machines of the ost approved plan, and will keep ilictn .Con lai-tly on hand for ale, and will sell them as }pw as they can be bought in the old counties lie w ft sell Machines or Pa'**nt Rights in the c unties of Muscogee, flan is, Troup, Tal bot, Marion, and Randolph. Thi u Machine washes clean nd fast, and xktes no: injure the clothes in ihe lea it t - The subscriber also carries on ihc Cab inet busine-’s in its varices branches, and will eell on account odating ter in - THOMAS IV. U fTON July 14.-- 3 JOINER’S TOOLS OF a superior qnality A well as-., led. just opening I.AVVHQN A HOWELL apriifli, 1838 TO POSTMASTER S. fg HE ulmerher liss jost, leceived an nssort- I inert of Paper, i wine, Ac. f. r Post Office uao E 8. NORTON E. WELLS vV Cos. 11l tVE just receive:., at he sign of the gilt J boot, 1 02- Jin i' CA l.F'k IXB. Also: Lining skins. Hind .to. <V C - July 14. 1 t o EXCHANGE of HORSES. AN exchange of horse has taken place be tween Colurpl'U* and Mr James G Salis Ab yV, at Good le, >0 miles belov Columbus, 4)H ib Chattaheochee: Captain Barrow, of he steamboat Georgian, Sp consequence of the towneas of the river, was Jbliired to stop his beat, and go Up bv land to •olumbus; 1 lent him a v ry excellent Warn (horse lo ride up The < aptain being unar. qnamted with the horse seme poison has mad" an exchang, nd left in Die possesion of toe Captain an old horse nearly tlie rolor of the oth er. Mr Salisbury's horn is about filter- ami a jjilf hands high well pro-portioned and str n g boned, worth one hundred and twenty dollar*; not a white hair nn him except a litilesjiot be hind the oar The one left in his pises is about tjrtecn hands high long bark, crooked hind log* ot'u hind sot whito to tis footloek si.: a bpo spot in Ins forehead his foreparts ars pretty go,>d, anil Its fseks w lien made Is do it; ha* tbs niaiks of jisriu -r a»d ciunprr If |er“ n has o* such * h or»t> us above d' rer bed they •ssM 4s well Is call on cap* an* Barro w and see line s* ii« quits piofitbie Uia' h> tres »4e feSfciid the exolior. <« mads st login ■ • ’<■ espt. Ratio* put up. 'A mu*#hie lews and *id be tswd liar tb« «i* hvsry o« Hi. It • Uutm add lbs Mm* f, m vtUitT. TP 22 23 19 22 O© 13 *£% m ON < O IG.NMI AT *Tii! for sate, by | SHORTER, TARVER, & CO. pices Circassians 8 “ Roiniiaz.e.ts assorted 82 “ Fancy Prints “ < 8 * Plaid A -tripod D niostics 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollens 7 “ Satlinctte 3 “ Fustians 32 “ Doz Blue purple A Red Plaid II 1 10-12 French Brittanias “ 2 6-12 Brittanias “ 1 “ ' 44 “ 2 “ Indeliablo Ink 24 i.e,tiller aps 1 ps 0 4 I .hie Ifiaper 4 11-12 Doz Pocket B oks 2 ps Bnpr Black t i«;,c 6 ! Swiss Book muslin 2 ** TaTnboiiid “ “ 7 “ 41 Lenn 4 2 “ - Vlarino ( loth, 4 Sopr Grfieue i'anlu l overs 6 Blue fable do. 3 p- V- voieens 19 Coverletts 3 ps La p 1 Doz • apibrick flkfs 2 “ B kk • ilk Gloves 18- 2 4 While 44 4 ‘ 20 Bbls Prime Pork, 9“ Mackerel, it, A, 4 “ 44 5 I 1 Pipe Arnold!, B . i,. 2 Q., * asks VVii.e, I 4 - T.menrie •• I lud.a!, !?b, !useaf“ |0 Bbls Uileins Rum, :> ' Loaf Sugar, Id Kegs Tobacco 6 Boxes Champagne, 2d *• Raisins. 6 Baskets 8w eet Oil, 2iJ Boxes Cider, 8 “ Segars. Ist quality, 5 “ Sper •, Can Bos, 12 •* Siuoakeil Herrings. 10 Bags Green Coffee. All of which articles will be ,old by wholesale and on accomodating terms. Merchants ti n, the Cou .tr .- would do well to call aid exam ine forth.- niclves. June 9th, ia its* ti fiIHE Augusta insurance and Rattk ™" mg o. pany wil'i- • re Produce aiid ’<ler chandise against the dangers , f River ti n on good steam b. a s nod oilier river craf and upon good vessels fro.n Apalachico.a to New Orleans or the all antic cities. They wi’l also take fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GF.U \V OftJJ.VG H. IM. Agent. ~ SHORTER, TAR Vi H ft t «T. J | \ V !•. rceived by a • u rivals the foliow * I ng t.. on i ign nent which they off-i n it i'ilo term - 55 bbis. ' !i.,ice f 'ider. i Roxe- ewa k Piopin do. 7,i b 4, i.•. ii Vi hiskev, fin •* N >. vt.nsi-cs, 12 'a ,n 20 b s :ek and i ork, M unis Fisrs, . 6 V -s > vatina rgars, i) celebrated manufacture, 5o > x Viigniia Ai N C Tobacco, 5q - r casks Mflmsev Wine, 15*1 ’ :ks Sait. •Jo r e- Lemon Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 hbls Sugar, Barrels liisli Potatoes, 20 Sacks mi ne <L reen Coffee, 5 barrels y uuino .Moriongahala Whiskey, 12 Pa'.te ru barshear ploughs, made by !•’. Parson, Enfield ' ou’f. Cognac Brandy with a variety of other Aiticlos ’ may 19, 1832. • G. W. DILLINGHAM, Offers (or -Salr, 'OO barrels Pi k!ed Pork. 29t) sa ks l.iie • o! tod Tu:k’s Island salt, 50 bids W esteni.Whiskey. 1 lift do. N. Orlean- VL.lasses, 850 and •. various qualities sugar, sft. do Mackerel, 400'* ibs. (dm gist Grindstones, 10 ;~idis upper f.eather, GOOD lb- -ole J,ealher, e.(b.s Bie ir. 150 Bolts iCentncky liagging. B' l coils Bale Rope may 19. AN ORDINANCE. F.c I-' He it b. ho (ntcrid iiit a>r mi i -ionei- f hi town of Golutn hn-..That it snail not bo iawt’iil for any licenced etui, :,i - intiions liquors to permit any s!av - not jure or owned , him nr tier, or law f 1 In-or her care or charge to enter In- ir bet re'll: shop or remain in it or on the lr! attached * hereto, at anytime during the" sabbath, or be'wt-ei nine o'clock at night aud su use ai anv other time without a special ticket of permission from his or her owner or hirer. -ec 2 Ami be it further ordained, That a y pers m v h • may violate n.-,y ofthe provis i lis and this ordimi'ice may lie fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollais. Done in * fimm i! June 30, 18 12. Alien Latvliou, Intendant. II C Fhelps, C T C \\/ HfTE citizens are warned against trad ■ r 4 ing for orders on the Creek \gent given In th' Lichee chief end witnessed bv John ar half os thev are no! genuine; (here are a num ber in circulation, and will, in all probability, be frequently offered on the iron* iers for to be traded, July 7. John H. Broadnax- Administrator's Sale. r GKEAHLY to an order of tlie Infe ■ rior4!ourt of Stewart eounty, when •d'fing for ordinary purposefi, will lie sold on the fiist Tuesday in September next, at the court houne in Troup coun ty, one lot of land No. 545 in the 12th di« triet of said county, *o!d for the benefit of the creditors of Nathan Brady dec. Levinah E Bradv, Admx. jii' 7 PUMMAqn I’OKK ( vs exesellcnt qn diiy in sound new barrels * ni l be kept thraigh the leasori by (. W DIM,INGHAM J <.. Bill __ OS 'ONHIUSMLa I At* I Imbb» f ffOUTt * TANARUS» • Vi,R SCo r»r» Bl.l*. Ne wink ijder, lirst qoulny. may ‘JQ. COL.CTJIISI3M, (G.i.) ?i|iT!sJ> IV, SPRING &. SI MMER fIAHE ,>ul>-eiitieiK have tii ished Opening a fine stock of F.l P a ST.'J PL SPRIS.e, SUMMER DRY .GOODS Hats, '•’hoes Sadd'r - , • rockerv and Hard are, which are nfi ed to tlie put'lie at such pri, es a-ihev li■ i give atistactloii I heir friends are res. i vr. quested t»*callan.i xmiinyfo, th se « —Th stock is com;,o «ed partly of the f. 1 -wing article : Foulard 'Justin Prints, Piaii. and figured to uni .ns, of a 1 ! descriptions, Mr li, ob"s ,1,/hams, fancy i tv e, < all -ne-of ever, variety , Biaek whi'- ami sanes color'd Black andl, sal in, \ fine arid sash . able assortment of bonne's <y |,.;li ru.none, cap and laffi tas do. Ladies and gent's beaver and h'tfseskin gl. ve and mil- ■ l.adiev a. il gent’s random wliole A half hose, Ais e~f tasuionalde DtmsUble and Legle rn bonnetH, \ f, w d' zen straw bonnets. A good a.-sariment of silk, crape Ar borage fan cv hdk’fs I sdiee pri, ted cambric hdk'f«. Artificia! tl iwei -and straw band*, ' iogne. Lavender, Rse A r letida water, ' >Uo of Ro-es, whole v oalf pieces linen, Ti.bto, Lir; eye V Russia Diaper, Blown nod bleacltcd linen drills. Bla< k bombazines, ij nihizett-, princcttas. Ac R. tie,i es ■- i lii tes. Nanking v summer eamblets Bie i. hed cotton sattin drills, ilk velvets, A good and new assort meat of vi eraailles Vcs unga, A few pieces light 4' fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies |>arasols and gentlemen’s umbrellas, IP k Italian cravats and linen collars, I l> end Cnmbriq and long lawn Ladies finey silk and heed bap . fancy faus, Brown and bleach'd shirtings <y sheetings, Colton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, \ large and fine selection of shell, luck and -ide comb-, 1 piece block liouiliazmo for Indie - wear, Hcdtick. Osnaburghs and checks. Furniture blue and scarlet cheeks, 3 4 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, slrouds, Buckram padding c Hewing silk amt a c«llou, needles, pin«. 4 c Ac. A large and fine ass rtment of black and drab hits and caps. Lady’s, gentlemen's and children's shoes of all kinds and q aliries Lady's 4* genllmneti’s saddle's, bridles and ntar tingali s CROCKERY. China 4‘ Liverpool bro,<-„ A pink ware, Common ware ot all kinds tumblers 4’ wine ea-tors. 4-*’- A large and full assortment of Hardware rid Cutlery, J ,iner‘- Tools, Axes, Hoes,4 Black smith .* Tools F,,,e toilet, and sr i..g g! mses, Li tter and cap pauer ink, quills and 'pencils, rrmy 5. Lawhnti & Howell. JUST publhMEd, VND received bv the subscriber at the Co lumbus 'took Store, a New Work transla ted from the French with an acconut of all the capital operations performed during the whole of Napoleon’s war.-, hy Baron D (■ LA.. KEY, Surgeon and Chief of the Hospital of the Royal Guards, Ex-Inspector General of the Military Medical Staff, Kx Prime Surgeon of the G rand Army of Russia, Saxony, Ac N B This is one of the most enter laming works to toe Surgeon ever published in this country. Also. Adventures on tlie Colombia River, it - clnding ii.e Narrative of a Residence of six years on the Western side oi the,Rocky Mount ains, among various tribe.- «.f Indians hitherto unknown; together with a journey across the American L.m.inent: by ROSS ■' X Together with a great variety of medical and other works too numerous to particularize E H NORTON. ju:ie 30 'road St JUST PUBLISHED. Indfar sale est the < oluh:‘ HS Cook Store, I'HE I, IST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH; i N lli-lorica! Novel, connected with the In •> dian War ( the South. 111 the years Isl *, !3. 14 and-15 —and Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of the Uuited States BV DUX PE P.O CASSE.XDER. ' A few copies remaining on hand may 19 E 'ORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. SHAVE jus received at my Btore the billow -ing new and other interesting publica tions: Eugene Aram a novel by the author of Pelham The Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vols Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp of Bo naparte. Parly’s 'olumbus, Universal Songster, .' Flute Instructors, Rowlett’s Interest Tables, Holeridge, Shelly and Real’s works, Scott's Napoleon 3 vols. v'ook’s Morgagni 2 vols, DeweesJVlidwifory Eberle’s Practice.:,f Medicine 2 vosl Turner’s C hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, vlethodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Books (do.) Sand Box *s and Inkstands, Pott Folios Visiting (,'ards Plank Cards Ac Together with a great variety of books and fan cy articles too numerous to particularize. April 20 E S NORTON NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AMI COM MIS IOX BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. ; HE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and ihe public, that they have for med a connexion in the above business under the name and style of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar rangements in progress for the reception and storage of product;, and will be prepared to ' mike advances on tlie sainn while in store or under sliipmunt to New-Orleans nr N'ew-York J K H FIIORTKR, Kigned \ BEN J P TARVER, * ) JAMDH H. BIIORTER, rosy 19,1 -TS AIHIIMSTK.VrOIt'S MAGE, Ot. e ISirii di .f July m xl, will be -old at he -evidence of Mr- Ranks, on Lot ’Vn J 47 hi iue 32d (list of Stwart County a t -.’k .f t attle, consisting ot 1 ows A tlulves tielonging to the Estate of J. 1* B luck men de, eased ALSO,—On the 21st Jul v next, willin' sold at tue residence of Mr. Blake on Lot No 45 in the tJd bist. af \1 iscogee t\>. tne ballance of tuo Stock, consisting of Beef-Cattle only Terms of sale, small notes with approved se curity, payable twelve months after . ate MARY ANN BL A 4 . K AON. Admx II t in Qi ve.TF.Ks 05th t . M. ) lalbutt •< It h'h June 'ts32 y 4 » RDERFD, That the ttHlow ing persons a: • * app anted the Staff fir lie tilth Regime. '. orjria Militia. They will be obeyed and ro specteo accordingly Holier* IJro ikr, Adjutant John M llarriso. , Sergeant Major. James L Burks, Paymaster Thomas G. 1 earson (Juar'er inastr.-Scrg. Dr Robert \ VVare, '-urge ti Dr Ge*>. M Gullet, Su: c n's-mate. Vernon dm-, te Fife major WIL.LaM V FORD, Col. 65th R G Vt j NO i ICE. JFOUAVARN all persons from trading for a - certain note of band given by me lea Mr. Foot, so:.,clime in the lasi of March or first of \prii. 4- due about the 24th of December. 1832, lor twenty five dollars. As the consideration f i-which said note was given has fail 'd, 1 do not lute, and ■ > pa. it Unless compelled b law. mo "12. 18*12. Wilder Phillips. _ M>i CE ~ 1-L pei Koiu* having demands itguinst the estate of N itlhatt Haady late of Stewart county dec. are requested to present the same in terms of the law. Levinuli E. Brady, Admx. jul> 7 AG i<; % V\ T | Foi Newspapers and Periodicals. j J ilii Subscribet uiiV>riiu> Uie joiblic iliuih i * lihn been ap.'Oiitted igcnt for Uie' Medical Chirurgicul Review, bt Jornial of Practical Medicine. ; a Quarterly,'pubUsheo in New York, edited by James Johnson, M D Physician Extraordinary to the King of Great Britain—TEß MH—$T 25cents per Number, in advance. *'rde.s for one or more Nos. inclosing the xash, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention. E S NORTON juue 30 Broad :-! t. \Ol l**i; A Hi USSiy HiLT Man ufaetu tars, COLL Si BtjS', GEO HGI A, >I!LI) respectfully inforni the pub •;c that Litiy have on hand. an. will keep const vnt.!ly for sale, at whole sale and m ail agentu it and ex unaive assortment of H IT'S, oomuri -ung all the various fashions and qualities, and m as favorable tetms as can be purchased at a oy OHtkel in ihe United Blatns. iStriet attention w ill be given to all orders rom the country Order* for Hats left with Edward J. Harden, xq at Appalachicola, will be promptly attend ed to WASTED TO PURCHASE Hatting furs of all knids, for which cash and a libera! price will bo given, delivered cither at Columbus or at Appalachicola Columbus. Aug. 27. 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRB.E.J. SMITH, * 'ORMKRLY of Sparta—a 1-tdy of first rale I accomplishments iri Music and Painting, Has oj ei ed a -ehool in C olutiibns. at the ' o j utiu ; M itel Tbo |iatronage oFa liberal com inunb is solicited fcihe brings with her, vet satisfactory’and fluttering testim uiiais of her qualifications bothmora! »nd literary RE KEREN' ES— vt. Wm C Satire, Dr Wat'Terrell, Joel Crawford. Esq. Weems M. Iterrieri rsq. Sparta. Cot ealtorn Jonrs, Judge shorter, General Hutson, Dr Childers, G E Thomas Esq James Pan Ves.v, Esq —Columbus, june ill}—tf NEW GOODS \ RRIVING from N. Yo k, N Orleans and /mother markets to G. \V. DILLINGHAM June 0 COLLIS* CAST STEEL AXES with STiKKLi For r»ale by G W. 1 >ILLINIiIIAIVI June 1 TIIE SU BSCRIB ER, A GENT FOR iX. boon’s Xnfetnfl i«act)lnc; I NFORMS the printers generally, that this . Machine is so constructed as to be applied to any common Printing Press It is attached by the rounce, and atfds very little to the labor of the Pressman Having three composition Rollers, besides the disliibuting Koller. ilie dis tribution is sufficient for the large-t and licav;e»t fin in. Ihc Inking Roller is propelled : y weight, and goes twice over the form. The quantity i Ink taken can lie regulated with accuracy, thu ('reserving a irniformily of co or unuttuinab e by hand; and as it dispenies with the R.bler Boy, it is an object of iniporloiicc to Printeis both on the score of economy aud doing good w ork. ifiinters can obtain the ab. ve by giving no lice to the agent—they shall be immediately ordered. E S NORTON • Colunibns, Get, june 30 . N O T I C E. i | *FN dollars reward will be given for the re ' » covering of the Cattle strayed or stolei 'from the »ib enter about t-hnstinass last: vz 'fell Lead of -Mock Cattle Maiked with a swa/- j low fork in i itch ear, aud one or two i-pol. 1 f hacks on the top of the right car, brawled •« the hid Hill railed WP Mttjri rt H). Coluutboi Jun# 7t)», voids Ms—,\Os 43. GEORGIA I lean! Cutinjy AiidretvHonze 4 Eihel ErdivorcV in ts Heard 8u er < rCourt Elizalietli Hosv/.e I May TANARUS« rtn, 1552. • .1 ntieiriog to he ( o .rr, by the ’«- , u ofthe ■ ■ 8 e ill l,eit die and teudar.t 10 m > eis p tan i; Imbiimt f fli tate it is oide’eit that serrice b peilected by |*inng ,11 one ofthe news Papers in this tat- forthri e rriomli* 1 and > lierehi ceil f th- fibeVe l" be a irne eX tracl from the Hiiuut> a tin 3,1 July 18$}. Bailey Rierlsoe, Cik. July 81. 3m NOTICE VI / ILL eso a 4 th ate r si e c ofßtnih vv Bnine ,a e m! dec« Ed nine Ist dat of x p -s 1 111 estate ot -aid t ei eared con .-'irtg ot Horses cat- ’ :1* it .leeliold A- K •In n fun.. e ...teti-.n o s 4-c. temi. made know n o. t:.<- <Wy wife.— ill persons who are indebted io sa.d -i«te are requested to make iimn diate payment aid tlio.-o that liave, an den . lids ai amst this es-. tale are requested to render them luteirusof tlie I iw ZADOC BONNE \\ » . . , ITHTMAS BONNER, J '"‘ n rs * July 21. Factorage Sf Commission Business ; a I Apalocl'it ohr. F.14. .1. ISAUDia, It AN h r l go ahead ex end» dto ht pesjre. tfull su its 1 c ntinuaiic. 1,1 111 r . .-I . Utose wii y he 1 cat er fuvoi Inn, Wiili i.« ■ ■ t ro iiqs s the pleasure 1 o say; hi anai . < «n i o h as'osec :e to them. </< /» Oh r it the condiicti g llioii Ini.-iness at the Bay. lie inji onsi-nee ofthe Boa - ng no Columbus Steam Boat < uipa . ,m-i fa regular line«f Packets running It th t New York \ No t Orleans. i ■a> .11 an \ . , ill be 111 iln on Produce stg ed h u ’ and, and Bill' <>t xclninge pu chan and 011 New York* Clia leston Ne .hi 1 ILT A liberal price in ru ii - ■ .. for Several httiidred th“t.sam),p t pe- ,tvea and Headings delivered it Apalachicola. July 20. FOR SALE. GOOD second handed Gigg almost noiV * and with it a 01 plated Harness fdk further particulp re npplv to. Lawhon & Howell. BACON. J'llE S ibscribu's nave j lit rneived a large ,qusi tity of good Hac-ri which tuey will si'll low lor cash or G. and paper lliuisoti cV Felton. J ly, 19. FOR S \LE. TOMAS i’ON ttoina . efnent. Apply to *,. W Dli, ING H 1 VI. NOW Ts i B TIME V V.ALU ' . LE lot with <omf*r aide im- V provoinent for ;a e low il.r cash or good ptqier -iluated between bi ad A oglctho pe stiee just at the head of Im iness some nor part nl a tot on broad street with . ore house oil it. Also a guild gigg and . s er cheap. Foi the above property ap y dice. July 18 . • JM?AV SPRLVG UUOUi). L. J. UAV ir.H b CO. HAVE just teceiveu .in elegant u-sortment offspring G od ami at reduced prices. Among them mo the tallowing ur idea, viz: Kl'k Italian Lustring, sinche a A sarmiett silks; Gro do Nap and Gro ita Swiss do Colored t-atins, stride Hm fines, Foulard Muslim (uew style,) French v B< igiaa Ginghams, do. do. v sucoea, Jaconet cambric mic i mobile muslins. Hwi»s, b >ok, and m. il inuMins, Luce capes and c lluis, ob't Lace and thread edgings, .Musiin Bands, ciape »V gause capV, l inen and linen cambric caps, White pongee do White and green gau.-e veils, Gent lanuoui mint silk hose, no. do cotton do. VMiite and brown silk gloves, DunstablAini Leghorn hats, Belgium stripe do. English chip and cottage do. i c op etc assortment of milinary, Bead bags and purses si:k do. Brown «V green parasols, do. do Umbrellas Cecil cloths, Fustians, Tickings, Apron checks, &c ALSO—White satin beaver Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Joiner’s Tools Ac. ana 5, I 832 JYetc Supply. ~ GKOCEiUEB AT APAjLACiiiCOLA, jnIIK subscribei has jus: received pe -ebrs. A .Vlarv, Hannah, Elisabeth and Fir.eUne, h in New Orleans, the following Groceries: 20,000 lb. Bacon, 50 bbls Fork, 50 “ Whiskey, 15 hlids prime N. O Sugar, 50 bbls Hum, 150 casks NavJs (assorted,) 50 bbls Flour, • 100 coils Bale Hope, 10 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 50 coils Manilla and Taied Hope, 6 pipes C Brandy & Holland Gin, 50 hags prime Havanna Coffee, 25,0ut! best Havanna Sugars. The above Inijelher with the stock on hand is ho liest eVcr otiered in this market, all of which will he sold low for Cash or approve paper. C K NORTON. \ ppnlarhicola. (Flor ) May 10. 1852 BACON 6l LAUD. " SMIL subsenbers have a i|'until of Georgia Hncon and l.ard. which they otter at a re. hiced price. may 5. Lawhon Ik. Howell. FRENCH >1 AliKIiT IOT'IOnT I lilt, suhscribci will wish to pi chase hunt . ’new crop in the rail alum 2.< 00 bales c jice Cotton for the ranch name*—lt most ■ . lean, well ginm•, n uuitie »aie n< t lus% I than 400 lb*, anil BO Vo 4no .b. in .trong n*g| 'tug tnuv 19. a W. JJILUNwUAM,