The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, August 04, 1832, Image 1

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COHAM CHU UARTLETT-LUITOIL tTijc Democrat IS published kverv week in cohU uiiLs , ge o :ta 1a , at Thr. ■ Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of thi year. It ii expected that all application for Subscription from a distance, tciil be accom panied with the money. Advertisements w ill bo iusortod at reasonable rates Sides of Kind and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians are requited by law to be he'd on the first tuesday in the month, between toe hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon 4" 3 iii the afternoon, at the court hou « >1 the count v in which the proporty is situated. Notice oflhose sales must be given in a p iblic Clazet e six tv days previous to the day of sale Notice of the sale of personal property must be give- in a like manner forty days previ ms to he day of sale Notice to debtors A creditors of an estate must bo published forty days Notice that all application will be made to the Court of ordinary for leave to sell land must bo published four mouths. O’Letters on business must be Post paid to insure attention CREEK STAND. f I tills establishment, .itnated in to Creek I Nation, on the Stage Road froth olurn bus, Cia. to Montgomery Mu is now open fi.r tire reception of ttav llers under the manage ment and direction of the subscriber It is io cated equi distant from tire ea tern and westorn borders of the Nation, it being thirty eight miles from - oiutnbus, and ifi same distance from Line Cieek, tho residence of Mr. Walter 3 Euc.i Excellent and commodious buildings hav ■ been erected by the subscriber, entirety now, which will always bo kept in a state of great tiers and tcgularitv for tho comfort and con venience <,f ibo -awiio may bo disposed to pat joniz him Ilia staules are secure and roomy, and ivmndantly supplied with corn and fodder He is assisted in the management of his House bv >‘ r and Mrs Reuben Lanier. Ii is the pos itive e erinination of the suoscriber to be mod crate in liir clia-ges, audio establish such rates as '-annul fail to be satisfactory, and h. flatters hi elf fr in bis knowledge of the business, having been for several years engaged in the Columbus flotell, under the direction of Gen. JS. Howard, and subsequently under that id Me r Ponrroy A Montague, that he will be -abl . i.* irjye satisfaction to those who call at hi flousc. SAMPSON LANIER Jul 14 —tfo AmiINISTRATOR'S SAILE. \\ 1 Lbcs Ud n the first I 1 lay in Octo v v her next tho lawful ur* at the Court House in t'oiumbns 1 gce.'o.miy, I. tof Land No IDB in the lith district . ’ Vln cogee;—Sold as the property of Z morli : \vt deceased, by order of the ourt of Ordinary, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said de ceased Terms Three months credit with -mall Botes and approved security. HIRAM VUI LER, Adm’r July 14 MOTIVE. lAOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable tlm Inferior t ourt of Stewart County, when itting for Ordinary jiiirposea. for leave to sell tho Real Estate of -folio R Patterson (deceased,) for the benefit of the heirs and creditors estate JARF!) IRWIN Adm’r MARY ATTERSON, Adm’x July 14 1 m 4m NOTICE. T IT'OUR months after date, application wih be . made to the Plonorab e the lufeiinr Court of Carroll county, whii" sitting for Ormnary ] purposes, for leave io sell Lot .flanil No. 2Do *n the 2 .til District fonuorly Mnscogeo. now J Harris c iuntv, for the benefit of the heirs and i credit.ts of .lames Leathers deceased. SAMUEL LEATIIERS, Adm’r. July 14 I m 4 ns WASHING MiCHLS E. FTAJIE mbserber begs leave to inform his 1 ami the public generally ihut lie ilm pHleui Right for ashing Machin of tile * ost approved plan, and will keep ll m non-la llv on liand for sale, and will sell tbom as bnv as they can be bought in tlie o"id e >unl. lie will sell Machines or .Patent Rigiit: the counties <>f Muscogee I lari is, Troup, i•• hot, Marion, and Randolph This Machine washes clean nd fast, and does not injure the clothes in l lie lea t The subscriber also carries on the Cab inet business in its various branches, and will #rell on ucc unmodating terms THOMAS AV. UTTON. July 14. 3 JOINER’S TOOLS OFasnic it quality '• i*H assorted, just opening LUVHON V HOWELI. aprtl2L 1832 * 70 P6StZmASTER .S’. rj'IIE subscrber has just ><-ceiv« dan nssort- S ment of Faper, Twine, Ac. f,r Tost Office -Q3O E 8. NORTON E. WELLS 4’ Cos. ceiveo, a design of the gilt hoot, 4 ! uz- jinr C'Jtl.t' iil.\ S. Also: Lining Skins, liiud ng. tyc. July 14. 1 1 o * EXCHANGE of HOUSES. AHf exchange of horn- lia- taken place hc iween Columbus and Mr James G Sails Bu--y's. at Good 'le, 50 miles be lot*'Columbus. on ,he Chattahoochee: > • , nin Barrow, of iho steamboat Georgian Gap. of the lowncas of the liver, was tn conseqUb. hig )loatj nn( j g „ up by land to obliged to s'" P - t,j m av rv excellent blaca •olumbus; 1 letti . (j # ptain being unac “«■»«>. jjalf hands h'igh^well pro-portioned a«o boned, worth ono hundred and twenty and.. • not a- bite hair on him except a little spot t. lund the ear. The ono left in his place is about j fifteen band. high, long baek crooked btm eg-, one hind foot while to t io foollock, and a »h t | spot in his forehead Ida foreparts arc pretty | Jo and end he rtuk. w hen made to do it; hue t ho matks of harness and crupper '•''LI 1 "" lias tos‘sot h a horse as above doscribtd, tti v would do. well to call on captaw d ’]' see him as# la qa it® probable that h* «»• lor. nod the exchange made at nigh' «» tecept. Jlarrne put up A suitable reward « o be nam the delivery of Mi. 0 1 ® horse end the thief, •7 eitfte'r. - I DZ3 ©W sS ■ UN O Hi Nil I',NT 'nil for sale, by SHORTER, TARVER, CO. piers no, staos » * 8 *• Romikaxetts assorted HJ “ F nry Prills “ t 8 *■ Plaid A striped D mestica 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollens 7 •* r'attinelte 3 “ Fgftinns 3 'l hij iiloe purple & Red Plaid II 1 10-12 French Bnttuiiias “ 2 0-12 firiLDnias < “ 1 . ,i <i 2 “ Indcliable Irk 24 l.eatlier t aps I ps t> 4 Table Diapr r. 411 !2 Doz Pocket Rooks 2ps Sopr R'bick tape li * wiss Book muslin * y “ Tainbourd “ " 7 *• *‘ Len’o ‘ y upr. Marino Cloth," 4 Supr Gr -ene Table overs fi ■ B tie Table do. 3 ps V veteens It) t . verletts II pi l.i. n I !>"Z nni ' ii’k llkfs • • I! i.k dk Gloves Is-2 •• Whit. •> “ 2t) fib's I'rii io rii, D 4 ‘ Auickci i Ho 3, 4 “ “ No 1, I i’ipo Ameicau Ltraudv, y Qr. asks Malaga \\ me, . 1 ‘ Tenerine “ I Indian Bbl Muscat “ |() llbls V. Orleans Rum, . 5 '• Loaf Sugar, 10 Kegs Tobacco • G Boxes I ha opague, lit) •' Raisins, , (i Baskets Sweet Oil, 20 Boxes Cider. 8 “ Segars, Ist quality, 5 “ Sper -I Can lies, 12 “ Smocked Herrings. 10 B igs Green CoiTee. All of which articles will be sold bv wholesale and on accomodating terms. Merchants from the - oU'itn would do well {to call‘and exam ine forthcmelvee. June bill Ins urancea FBI FIE August.i Insurance and ing Co- pany will insure . reduce and 'er chandise against the dangers of River Naviya li n mii good steam boats and othei river craft, and upon good vessels from Apalachico a to New Oi leans or the atlaotic cities. They wi I als-- tike tVe risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO W DILLIXGHAM, Agent. (SHOUTEH, TARVER &. CO. * 1 WE received by late a: rivals the follow- I 1 m Goods on consignment which they off r on 'ivnuraitle terms 55 bbls. Choice Cider, »t Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls i.icmnaii Whiskey, (it) ‘ N. O. Molasses, 12 hhds. Paeon, 20 bbls Pickled fork, 1 » Drums Fists, • ti Box.-s Havatina Cigars, Heal Pino, celebrated manufacture, 50 B ixe Virginia A N C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks MMinsey W ine, 150 Baclls Sa ! t 20 cases Eeinou Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 bbls Sugnr, - Barrels tiish Potatoes, 20 Sacks pi line 1 yen Coffee, 5 hairCls genuine Monongnhala Whiskey, 12 Pattern hersliear ploughs, made by K. Parson, Enfield C on’t. * ognac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. may ID, 1832. <i. W. DILLINGHAM, <©ffcrs for Sale, •00 barrels Pi klcd P fk 200 sacks Liverp ol and Tuik’s Island salt, 50 bbls Western Wbi-ki v, 100 do. N. Orleans VI- isses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, sft do Mackerel, 400oib* bine gist Grindstones, I(>0 Birfea tippet Leather, 2000 lb- sole l.eatlier, 800<> Is 150 Bolts Kentucky (lagging, B' l coils Bale Rope may H). .IN ORDINANCE. EC Ist l>o it ordained by the Intendant and Commissioners ■ f tho town oft n|om bu., That it shall not be lav fttl for any licenced rctnilei of spirituous liquors to permit any slave no; hired or owned by him or her,or law foil, under his or her care or charge to enter his ~r her retail shop or remain in it or on the lot attached thereto, at any time during the sabbath, or between nine o'clock at night and su rise. at. any other timo. without a special ticket of permission from his or her owner or hirer. Sec 2 And be it further ordained, That a y person who may violate anv of the provis ions of this ordinance may he fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Done in Council June 30 8112. Allen Lawhon, Intendant. H C Phelps, C T C AA? HITE citizens are warned against trad- T v ing for orders on the Creek Agent given by thcTlchee chief und witnessed bv John Vl a r shall, as they are nol genuine; there am a num ber in circulation, and will, in all probability, be frequently offered on the frontiers for to be traded July 7. John II- Broadnax. Administrator's Sale. ft GUF!\BI.Y to nn order of the Infe rior Court ofHtewart oountv. when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on tho first Tuesday in September next, nt the court house in Troup eoun ty, one lot of land No. 56 in tho 12th dis trict of said county, sold for the benefit of the creditor* of Nathan Brady dee. Lev in ah E Brady, Adtnx. julv 7 • . rirKLKD POICK OK exceellent quality in sound new barrels will be kept through the season by <; \v dim inßham In.. If.lll _ try co\s m v w i. \„< "or .ale by HOI TEI T.i \I ’ - Cos ft ft Ithls. Newark Cider, hut ipiality. may !», COLOIBI (GA.) « 1TIIS3I) iY, J|. S] KING A Sl .MMEII if iJLt w FjjAllß Suliscrilurs have jos-t fnoshetl pening a fine "stock of EA 1 k/.I 11. tiPKI.Y MMMf.U >UY GODD.v "Hats, • noes Saddlery , t rocker' und llaril a.o, who li are offered to the public at sucii prices a they h -pc w ill. ive satistaction. Their frioisi, are res rtf’dlv n ques'ed to call and <-x .iqe for th-i-eel-es—'lh stock is compo sod partly f the I' bowing artii-les: F'ltilard and s i'i prints, Ph.i -ind figured nnsbns, of ail descriptions, viu-lui tibes inghains,fancy barago, ' .-ill e of everv variety . B tick while and fancy color’d silks, Kind, and \\ Into satin, A fine and,f'fh' oabl assortment of bonnets a belt riijlioo . cap and taffetas do. allies acd gent s beaver and li useskin glove and mitts Ladies and gent's randoip wdiole A half hose, A case of fashionable Dunstable and Legli in ti nnet-', A few and zun straw "bonnets, \ r id assortment of silk, crape >V barage fan cv lidkfs, Ladies printed cambric hdk’fs. Vrlificia' flbwers arid straw bands, ologiic. Lavender. Rose A Florida water, 'if . . f R.. es, stwh de oalf pieces linen, Table, tiiroeye fy Russia Diaper, Brown mil bleached linen drills. Black bombazines, b mbuzt tt>. princcttas. A c Rouen eas imeros, Nankins summer cambists Bleached cotton sattin drills, silk velvets, V good and new assortment of -ierSailles Vos tings, A fe,\ pieces light 4' fancy Valencia Vestings, F.a lies parasols anil gentlemen's i rnbrellas, Bl'k Italian cravats and linen collars, Thread Gambrie and long lawn • Ladies finev silk and heed bags, fancy fans, Brown and bleach’d shirtings 4 sheetings, < lotton Diaper. Garment and furniture dimities, A large and fine selection of shell, luck and -ido combs, 1 piece black bombazine for ladies wear, Hedlirk, < tsoabureiis ar and checks, Fnrnilmc blue and scarlet.checks, 3 4 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, strouos, Buckram padding 4 C B’e wing silk and.cotton, needles, pins, he Ac. A large and fine assortment of black und drab hats and cjps. > Lady's, gentlemen’s and children’s shoes of all kinds and q allies Lady’s ,y gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar lingalrs CROCKERY. '"liioa ity I, vrrpool lirov u A pink ware, ('ominon waro of all kinds, tumblers 4 wine castors 4c. A large and full assortment of Hardware and <’utlery,J iner's Tools, Axes, 110ea,4 Black smith's Tools Fine toilet and sivi..g glasses, Letter and cap paper, ink. quills and pencils. nitty 5. Lawhmi &. Howell. JUST PUBLISHED, VN D received by the subscribe! at the Co* 1 uni bus Book Btore. a New Work transla ted from the French- v\ itb an nccouut of nil tho capital operations performed during the whole of Napoleon's war- : by Baron D G J. VtiREY, Surgeon and Chief of the Hospital of tho Royal Guards, F.x-In-pector-General of the .Military Medical Btnff. Ex Prime Suigeon of the Grand Army of Russia, Saxony, Ac N B This is one of the most entertaining w*rks to the Su-geon ever published in this country. Also. Adventures on the Columbia River, in cluding die Narrative of a Residence of six years on the Western side oi the Rocky Mount ains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown: f gather with a journey across the Aineiican 1 ontinent: by ROSS * X Together with a great variety of medica l and other works too numerous to particularize E. S NOR I’ON. jtina 30 ;road St JUST PUBLISHED t ltd for sale at the Columbus Look Store, THE LOST VIRGIN oF THE SOUTH; 4 N Historical Novel, connected with tho In cV. diun War of the South, in the years 181 *, 13, 14 and 15—and Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of tho United States. BY DOM PE no CASSE.VDER. A few copies remaining on hand may ID E S NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. s HAVE just received at uiy Store the follow 1 ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugcne Aram a novel by the author of Pelham Tho Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vis Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp naparte. Party’s "olunihux, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Rewlott’a Interest Tables, Coleridge, Shellv and Real’s workc, Scott’s Napoleon 3 vols, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dcwees Midwifery F.berle’s Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Turner’s : "heniistiy Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Books (io.) Sand and Inkstands, P .tt Folios Visiting Cards Blank Cards Ac Together with a great variety of books and fan y articles too numerous to particularize. April 20. E S NORTON NEW FIRM. GENERAL AGENCY AND COM MIS ION BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. • lIE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and the public, that they have for med a connexion in the above business under the name anitstvle of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar rangements in progress for the reception and Storage of produce, and will lie prepared to make advances on tho aaiae while in store or under shipment to New Orleans or New-Ymk. i K. H .SHORTER, Signed r BKNJ F TARVER, S JAMES if. JjIIORTEU, msy 19, 1r.33 tlxm Odai.tehs. C".!|| L ( lahiott a. Huh Junet ■ rod ) 4 \ RDER !-'D .That the mg pei-n --app-onted the staff f ■ he t. ~|i Bcgime ‘ orgia Militia. Th c y will U» o.ieyed aud r specie i accoidiugly Robert Bro k«, Adjutant John 11. Harriso . -ergeant Mrjoi. James I, Burks, Pavnias er P »«•<- is G. I carson Huarterhnaater-Le! Dr Robert \ VV.ire. urge n !'t Geo. M Guilt t, Bu'-e.-i s-mate. Vernon Smo< to Fife n ajor W ILLI iM! FORI), < ol ti.»lli It. G. M - NO 1 ICE. FOB WAS all peisous from trading for a • certain note of liandgnen by me to a t Foot, so . i ime in the lasi of Match o - firs -i pril. A<l aiKiut tho .4:li of Oeceniber, l-.’ i 'wot site dollars. u the e nsim-ra i o f r which aid noLe was given lias fail and, I n i-> life and it unles ro opi l -d I , inn til iv 12. Wililor Ptiillip*. AU'l CP. l.i. persons Iniving ileiunnds against the ostatc of \athuu H.nuly late of Stewart tounty dee. nr«' requested to : present the same in terms of the law. Levin all E. Brady, Admx. juiy 7 A«E A ( For .Ynrspapers and Periodicals. ‘ lib übsentier informs the public ;hat ho ha* eeen ap oinled i.gont for the Medical Chirurgical Review, k Jorrnul of Practical Medicine. a Quarterly, publisher, in New \oik, edited by J unes J'litiKMii, M. D Physician Extraordinary to iho King of-Great Britain—T K’«iS—sl 25 cen"B per Number, in advance. rders tor one or more No* inclosing the cash, postpaid, will meet with prompt attention. E 8 NORTON june 30 Broad St. \oitksh-: a HAT 3Ma-i ufa ctit re r.v, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, iV 1ULI) respectfully inform the jiuh •«i ill it they have on hand, and will keep const mlliy for sale, at wiiolo-sale and retail a goner (l and extensive assortment of // ITS. compri sing all the various fashions and qnauties, and on as favorable tenns as can be purchased at :t --ny market in the United States. ritriet attention will be given to all orders from tbe country Orders for Hots left with Edward .! Harden, esq at \ppalackicola, will be promptly attend ed to IVAXTED TO PURCHASE. Hat ting furs and" all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price" will be given, delivered either at Colupibus or at Appalachicula. Columbus. Aug. 27, 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRB.E. J.HMITH, s.tORMERI.Y ofßparla-a lady of first rale s. accomplishments in Music and Painting', Has opened a school in Columbus, at the ■'o "n niiu Hotel The patronage ofa libeial com munity is solicited She brings with her, very satisfactory and flattering testimonials of her qualifications both moral and literary REFERENCES Col. It in C Sayre. Dr H'm Terrell. Joel Crawford, Esq It terns M Berrien biq. 'parta. Col euborn Jones, Judge Shorter. Ge nern Watson. Dr .Childers. G E Thomas Esq James an A’ess, Esq—l olumbus .ne 30—ts NEW GOODS 4 RRIVING from V York, N Orlean and x other markets to G. W. DlLi-INGHAM Juno G COLLI S’ CAST STEEL AXES with SrrEKL Heads. For sale by (i. VV. iJILLINGIIAM Juno Fill W? T o P r i nte rs.^ THE SUBSCRIBER, AGENT Ft R 11. ©a?ooti’s Xnfelufl IHatljlnc; INFORMS the printers generally, that this Machine is so constructed a.- to be applied to any common Printing Press It is attached by the rounce, and adds very little to Iho labor of tho Pressman. Having three composit.on Relicrs, besides the distiibuting Boiler, the dis tribution is sufficient for the large-t and heaviest form The Inking Roller is propelled by weight, and goes twicr over the form. The quantity • I Ink taken can be regulated with accuracy, the* preserving a uniformity ot oo or unattainable by hand; and as it dispenses with the Rnlltn Boy, it is an object of importonce to Printeie both on the score of economy and d.-ing good work Printers can obtain the above by giving no tico to the agent—they shall be immediately ordered. E S NORTON Colon b , Geo june 3D NOTICE. 1 *EN dollars reward will be given for the re covering of the Cattle strayed or stolen from, the subscriber about Chustmass last: viz Ten head of Stock Cattle Maiked wi'ha swal low fork iu each ear, and one or two splits or hacks on the 'op of the right car, branded on lfee hip thus called AVI’ Magert Ivy. Columbus June 7th llU r |M, he sold, agreeable to hii order ▼ * of the lianornblr the Inferior Court of Meriwther counlv when setijng for Ordina rv purpose", on tho Ist T"esdav in October next, at the* Court House in Hamilton. Harris county, bet wean the usual hours «f sale. I.M o*' land No. 270 in t!»<• 20'h dialiict of fonm rlv Muscogee now Harris county. tho prooerti of Mai ve! Mrl/ndns. orphan; sold for the ben efit of said orphan. Thomas J. Drool.®, Cuur k D. July,2'.tda void, 4:'. GEGKGIA Him (km v I iilmvllo.iu: i Lilx l >r .‘it’urfo in is > Hc iril ,‘‘u_ i r -. rCourt i ,;/.al>ctli llow/.e I M.iyT.nn, I.GtJ. ope i m *1; ■•• ,I,ti " . iof ibe ' e lit 111 bed pmla in .i, is ■ t.iii habitant of fb,- t:i e ll is onlereo hat rr re h- perfceii and bv pqbb.-hi.guii on< of the as I'HpetS-ui ibis 'ate for thr. e mie lis Id i herein cert ft t!i» ah. v .be » oo ex ■ act from the minut- a. tin 34 >32. Basil y Die Cik. Jaly 21. 3m NOTH E. 117 H J esohia: tin ale r ii c c of Smith v * B mne. In o <■; ,ro unty deceased ■ niiie Ist day -I '"epten.h. ii.. a lie p.isonsl e- :ito of raid ecei-o (-..•» ■ in *of ilmses cat hi.o-.elmld A K .it fi,: iia e olat Inti-ii «*"» 4"® teim mi. e (men u t:ie dst sale.— <il peisons ivii.. ■ id’s and ate are •-q tested io mako imin*di«u pavtueot- and tbo e that hn’ e. in and . inds a air t ‘his es- Ii e are lequ.'slod t-. render she in to. ms of the Jaw ZADOC BONNER, \, . . TiroMAH BONNER, 1 'mis. J y 21. Factorage (inn miss ton liitri/tcs.t, a< Apaiac/iiioft. El*. .0. U \Ea r ", L A:\ i 1 . <ge already ex ended to hii i,tespe ts- 1 so .Is » contiauanc cl the > . o.e wh :y lierealier favoi him wi h ;,eu- < ■ to o lias the pleasure to say, hi ty iat ,ont li ai. uch a. to seen re to lliem. <- p leh ir m :t yin the conducting their business at the Bay. Be ing Gonsi.-nee ol the Bums .o the Columbus Steam Boat Gonipsn., and of a r* -til l line of Packets running b- ih t New* Y. rk "• New ‘)rleiiis. Lilieia al.'imcee will be mdoon Pr ince '' e- od hen H«q ~..(!, and i.ills of xchan t e pu cha ed on New Yuik, Charleston Nr - srl mis 1 10l • Q.J J A liberal price in rush will lie paid for Several hundred thousand,p pes 11 and-• »iiivos aim Headings delivered at Apalachicola. July 20 FOR SALE. GOOD recoml handed '•i-g almost new '» and with it a m J -t . p'aled Han e for further particulars apply to. Law hou &. Howell. BACON. S'HE Sobscribo a have just eceiv and ala gn quantity of good Bacon wlficli they will soli lotv for cash or G and paper Hudson iV Felton. July, ID. FOR SALE. TOMAmTON in. a mi lun lit. Apply to • iV Lit.: INGIIv.VI. NOW TLE J iAIE \VALU v LF. oi with luuilnrable im - proven)'nt lot >a o m i tor cash .»r nond paper situated lieiwoi i bi an »v ».. e» streel just nt the bead of business Also m> .er part ol a lot on broad tlreet »jli a .to o i.ousc on it Also a good gtgg and harms -ery cheap. For the above property up.'ly a :h office. July 18 MEW SPRLYU OOIiJS. L. J. DAVitbN Jfc CO. HAVE just icceive., an elegant u-sollment of spring Good ami at leduccn p. iccs. Among liiuui are the Inilowmg ar n iss. v.z: Bl'k Italian l.ustring,smche•» A sarsnett silks, Gro de Nap and Gro de Swiss do Colored i'utms, stripe Pal i rules, Fouhiid Viusnns I new style,J French a, B> Igian Giugliams, <lo. do. Calicoes, Jaconet canibric.and cambric muslins, Bwims, bxik, and mull muslins, Lace capes and c dims, . ou t Lace und thread edgings. Muslin Bands ciapc & gaus. caps, Linen and linen cambric caps, W hite pongee do tVh.te und green gau.-e veils, Gem laudom mixt snk iio»e, do. . do cotton do. W hite and brown silk gloves, Dunstable and Legtuun hats, Belgium stripe do. > uglisli chip und cottage do. \ comp ete assortment of milinary, Bead bags and purses, siik do. Brown A green parasols, do do Uiiiri.iias i 'ceil cloths, Fu.uans Tickings, Apmn checks, Ac. A LfcO — \V hite satin beaver lists, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and < utlery, Joiner’s Tools Ac. i. a 5 1832 JY'aw Supply. GROCERIES AT APALACHICOLA. /jtllE subscriber lias jusi leoeimi .e .lira. A. Mary , i laimuli. Liu .belli an* Liiielme, tr ,in..New Orleans, ihc following Groceries:* So,ooo lb Bacon, 5u bbls. Fork. 80 “ Whiskey," 15 lihds prime N. O Sugar, 30 bids Ruin, 150 cask. Nails (a mrted,) 60 tibls Flour, M 0 coils Bale I! ope, J<• pieces Kentucky Ragging, 30 coils Mamiln and , aied Itnpe, (> pipes C Brandy A lloliaii.) Gin, ful l ags prime tlavanm CufTeo, 25,0 b llavanna He gars. The ah ve gather wtib the stock on band is the best ever oilmen intliis Market, all of u Inch w ill be sold low for ( ash or /imirun pnii r t K NORTON. Appalachicola. (Flnr.) 'ay l<> 183*J BACON cV I.ARIL rPHE snbscribera have n qnantit of Georgia -I t’ae ’ and Laid, hichthey offer at » ro duc and price. may 5. Liwlioii k. Howell. UUfcjM II II IBKETtt»TT'> v"” r I All K subscriber will •• i«b to purebase ni I new cton ,n 'h* Fa'l ale if 2 <* -«• c • c« t r le* i •u li et t rt be dea.i wcit glue- , <it vquare bale not levs tti * . Ih». iic no ve 480 lb 5* strong l"gj gia# inuy 19. C.. W. DILLINGHAM.