The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, August 18, 1832, Image 1

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COSAM EMI t iIAHTLETT-EDITOR. <Tyc ©emocrat IS PUUI.ISUED F.VIiRY WEEK IN COL. U lit US, liEi) .1G 1A , at Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all a}rp!ieatiun for subscription from a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Adcortisemcut* vill b■■ inserted at reasonable rates. Salo3 of land and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians, are required by [aw to be he’d on the first tuesdnv in the month botivoen the liours of It) o clock in the forenoon 3 in tlie afternoon, at the court house of the count, v in which the property is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty davs previous *o the day ot sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must bo give in a like manner forty days previous to he dav >f sale N 'ticetodebtors A creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice that all application will lie made to the Cou.t of ordinary for ioave to sell land must be pu!ilish"d four months. •tjT Letters on business must be Post paid to insure attention CREEK STAND. THIS establishment, situated in te Creek Nation, on she S’nge Road from • oluin bus, Ga to Montgomery, Ala. is now open for the recon'ion of trav Hers under the manage, meet ami direction of the subscriber It is lo cated etpii distant from the ea tern and western borders of the Nqti n, it being thirty eight unles from t 'olumbus, and the same distance troni Line Creek, the residence of Mr. Walter B Lucas. Excellent and commodious buildings have been erected by the subscriber, entirely new which will always be kept in a state of neatness and regularity tor the comfort and con venience of those who may bo disposed to pat tonize him. His sta.iles arc secure and roomy, end abundantly supplied ■ ith corn and fodder He is assisted in the management of his House by 'lr .and Mrs Reuben Louie-. It is the pos itive ■ Germination of iho suoscrib r to bo mod erate in his cha-ges. nod to establish such rates as cannot fad to lie ai > .factory. and bo fljHe s hi self from his knowledge of the business having '>cen for several veils engaged m the Cnlumhns llotell, rnder the direction of Gen N Howard and subsequently under that of Messr, Ro nrny A Montague, that he will be able to gi.o satisfaction to those wlmcall ai his House. SAMPSON LAMER JaT 14 tfo ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. \A/~ 1 1 i. be sold, on the first Tuesday in Octo- W her next during the lawful hours a* the Court 'ou*e in 'olumbus 'lusc gee omuy. Lot of Land no 138 in the (Ith district of Mus cogee; -Sold as the property of Zadocli Lewis deceased, by ordc* of the Gourt of Ordinary, for 'he benefit of heirs aurl creditors of said de 'ceased Terms Three months credit with small notes and approved security. HIRAM FULLER, Adm'r. July 14 • notTce. IN OUR months after date’, application will V>e ' made t > the h notable the Inferior ourt of Stewart County, when silting • r Ordinary, purposes, for leave to sod the Real Estate ol John R Patterson (deceased.) tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of" id s’ate JARED IRWIN. Adm’r MARY ATTF.RLON. Admx July 14 lm 4m . NOTICE. IN OUR month' tier dot. application will be made to tlie Honorable ihe Inferior Court of Carroll e .unty. wdiile sitting for Orrinary purpose,, f r leave to soli Lot of land No. 29* 1 in the 2 ii District for meriy -'useogee, new Harris c >nnlv. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of James ( SAMUEL LEATHER?, Adm’r. Julv 14 tm 1i s WASHING MACHINE. rpilE jitbscrber h-gs leave 'to i form his * friends and the public, generally • that he has the Patent Right for ashing Machines of the ost approved plan, and will keen them constantly on hand for sale, and will sell them as low as they can he bought in the old counties. He will sell Machines <r atont Rights in tlie counties of Muscogee, Harris, Troup, Tal bot. Marion, and Randolph This Machine washes clean 'lid fast, and does not injure the clothes in the least 11 The subscriber also carries on the Gab inet business in its various branches, and will sail on accommodating term* THOMAS W. UTTON July 11. 3 JOINER’S TOOLS OF asttnetior qnalitv V -veil assorted, just opoulng L \ WHON V HO WE i 1 opriiat. 183*2 TO POST MASTERS. subpcrher hits i'‘st »oc**ivpd v* t i moot, of Paper, f wine, • c. i use E s NORTON. E. WELLS Sf Cos. H. VE just receivci, at ihesign of the gilt boot. ! oz-fine CALFSKINS. Also: Lining Skins■ Binding. i,r July 14. 1 f o Factorage Sf Comm isston Business, a 1 Apalachicola. Rs>. -5. 01 ujdb:^ Tib sn;.' Full to bis Lie o Dor the pan a: . nlreadi tix ended to him,respect* 1 solicit n continuance of the same. * o Lhose who may iieruafiur favor him wilh their un*4 rn he ii«i the pleasure to s?y, hi- arrangements are such as *o« cure to them, de-patch A economy m the conducti >g their burincr" at the Hav. i*c ing r of the Boat* belonging to the Col inbu Steam ’’.oat Gonipam , nnd <•' > regular line of Packets running belli York V New Grleami. Libeisl ad micas will be mdo on Produce Consigned h n I‘eqmrod and Hill of Exchange pu chased on Now lwk Charleston. Now-Orb ms A M bile try A liberal price in cash will be paid lor Scveinl hundred thousand.nipes II and. Ai .staves and Headings delivered nt A inlaehicola July VO . I PKEMH MARKET COTTON. fit t subscriber will ti ll to purclnse '.Ola j I irwnop tit the I’hll sh u* •'*'•'ll bale ohowe ''uHoo for the r' i'h m l '!*' -It liourt j be tart W'II einni i, n *jum. bsW- not that 4'H« |< and no . »s-4*-d ,h l- *t -gbig n,ay JO. «i. W. DILMNXiiIAHv ON i ONBIGXMKNT And for sale, by SHORTER, TARVER, & CO. ,“1 piecs ('iiea-sians 8 ** Bombazctts assorted 82 “ Fancy Prints “ <■B *' Plaid .V striped D mestics 3 “ Negro l'loth, wordiens 7 “ Satlinette 3 “ Fustians 32 “ Doz Blue puiple At Redriaidll 1 10-12 French Bnttanias “ 2 6-12 Brittanias “ 1 « 2 “ Indelialde Tr lr 24 l.etttber 'aps 1 ps ti 4 Table Diaper 4 11-12 Doz Pocket B oks 2 ps Supr IV:ucU rape 0 *• Swis-- Book nioslin 2 “ Tambourd “ “ 7 “ •* Leno ' * 2 “ upr. Marino GJoth, 4 Supr Groeno I able Covers 6 “ B'ue Table do. 3 ps Vclveleeus I!) Coverletts 3 ps Lawn 1 l)oz ambrick llkfs 2 “ B! kk Silk Gloves • 1 8-’2 “ White “ “ 20 Bbls Prime Pork, t) “ Mackerel, No. 3, 4 “ ■*. No 1, 1 Pipe Ameican Brandv, 2 Clr. Casks l ilaga Wine, I *• Tenorilie “ I Indian Bbl Muscat “ |0 Bbls ' Orleans Rum, 5 *• Loaf 8 ngnr. 10 Kegs Tobacco 6 Boxes Cha ..pagne, 20 “ Rai.-ins. (i Baskets Sweet Oil, 20 Boxes lder, .* 8 “ Scgars. Ist quality, 5 “ Sper : Cnn ilos, 12 -< Smoakod Herrings. 10 Bags Green Coffee. All of which ancles will ,>e old bv wholesale and on accomodating terms Merchants from the Countr would do well to Call and exam ine f. i tiie me Ives. Juno Olh Snsitranseii TIAHE Aoousto Insurance tijid BatiU ing '.on par\v will insure Produce and vier chandise against the dangers of River Navi a linn on good steam boats and other river erafi and upon good vessels from A p.ilaclnco a to New Oileans or the atlantic eiiies They vvi I also t ike fi e risks upon Buildings. Merchandise and Produce GEO tV DILLWQHjtyt. Agent. SHORTER, TAHVEH &. CO. I 1 AVB. received by late arrivals the f.llow f 1 ing tioods on consignment which they offer on favourable terms ' 55 bbls. Choice Go! r, :«l Boxes Yewaik P onindo. 70 bbls , mein:. . hiskev, (JO “ N O. V.ol •: -!«, 12 lihds. Bacon, 20 bbls Pickled ork, 10 Drums Fig:, fi Box s tlaVan ia Cigars, Heal Pion. celt bi lied nanufacture, o 1) *1 xc Virginia A N C Tobacco, 5 quarter cask- VI Irnsev M ine, 150 Sacks Salt, 20 cases Lemon Sj .rup A. Lime Juico, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Sacks prime Grren ■ ffeo, sbairels genuine Monongahala Whiskey, 12 Palteru barshear plough-, made by ! Parson, Enfield Con’t. Cognac Brandy w;-h a vaiiety of other • Articles. may 19, 1832 G. W. DILLINGHAM, Offers for Sale, 100 barrets Pi kled t'ork 200 sacks Liverpool and Tn.k’s Island salt, 50 bbls Wosieri Whiskey 100 do. N. Orleans vlolasses, 250 di . various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel. 400 C ibs blue g;sl Grindstones, m IwO Sides upper Leather,' 20001 - sole Leather, 8000 li,s Bacon. 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, 8 1 coil's Bale Rope mav 19 ’S'Sy'n 'i’E.citizens ate warned gainst trad i - ing for orders on iho n■< k 'go'nt given by the Us bee chief ond witnessed bv John v'ar sliall, asti.ev are not genuuie: thpre ar. a nuni ! her in circulati n, ami wil . in all probability, be freqnently offered on the r>n iers fin to be traded July 7. John 11. Broadnax \dn< '/listrotor's Sale. .GH E ( B ! Y to n order of iho Infe rior Gonrt of Stewart county, when sitting E ' ordiri. ry !>itrpos.>s, will be sold on the fi st Tnesd y in iSenlenihor npxt. at the court house in Troup coun ty, one lot of land No. 56 in the 12lb <lis tiriet if said county, sold for the benefit of the creditors of 1 Nathan Brady de -. Levinah F. Br.nHv, \dmx. juh 7 ■•VCKI4SP Pi K /~\F excocllent quality io smii-d new barrels " ' will he kept through the sen n !>• G W OIL* INGHAM r >c,i •/Y COVSIGNME.\ f v .• ,ie i.v siio-Ti Tarver a Z* Bids. Newark Cider, first t>utd tv. NO 1 ICE. f EORWARN ah persoq* from'tiading for a * certain note if hand given by me to a Mr. Foot, sometime in she lasi of March o first of 'pril 4-doe about the 24th of December 1832, fr twenty five Hollars As the (•■ maid* ra'ion fi r which «aid nol* was given has fail and, I de nm Lite and ' it unles con polled bv law limy 12. 18i32. Wilder I'billips. BACON * EABD. fill IK subseriher* have a q -nnlit of Georgia I Bacon and Laid, shicb they offer »t n re rltiead price limy 5. Lnwhon &t Howell. COLLI S' C \MT S'l EE/ \XI * wdl, Heitd*. F> r *«>• bv O. W. DILLINGHAM June tOUi. , n»l N, (Gl.) SAT! 11DAY, AUGUST 18, 1^:52. HI RING & SI MMER rSMIIv Subscribers have just linislud ® pnning a fine stock of E.l w ST.I -L 1 SPH I.V A SUMMER DRY GOODS Hats. Shoes Saddlery, t lockerv and Hard are, which are offered to tlie public at sui i prices as they hope, will give satisfaction Their friends are respectfully requested to call and ex inline for themselves—Th slock is compo sed partly of the following articles; Foulard Muslin Prints, and figured muslins, pi all descriptions, Musi n i-obes. ginghams, fancy barnge, Calic e> ot evert variety, B ock while and fancy color'd silks, Black and white satin, fine and fasht cabi. assort went of bonnets 4 belt ribbons, cap and taffetas do adies and gent s beaver and horsoskin glnve and mitts, Ladies and gem's -ando.o whole IXI hall'hose, X case of fashionable Dunstable und latgliom b' nnets, A few and zen straw bonnets, \ good a -orlment of silk, crape »t barage fan c - tidk i’s 1 idies printed cambric hdk’fs. Artificial fl ivvers and straw bands, ologve Dav&ndei Rose & Florida water, Ito f R'r. es. 59 wh >!e ~a!f pieces linen, T )>' eye V Russia Diaper, Bow lud bleached linen drills. no ' zincs, b >nibazetts, princettas, Ac. K i.r'i eas-imeres, Nankins 4- summer camblets Bleached cotton sattin drills, silk velvets, good and new assortment of Viersailles Ves tings, A fe.v pieces light fancy Valencia Vestings, Lading parasols and gentlemen's umbrellas, Bl’k Italian cravats and linen collars, Thread Cambric and long lawn Ladies fincv silk and heed bags, fancy funs, Brown and bleach’d shirtings <y sheetings, Cotton Diaper, Garment aiuFfurnitnre dimities, . \ large and fine selection of shell, tuck and -ide combs, I piece black bombazine for ladie wear, Bedtick, Osnaburghsand checks, Furoitiue bine ana scarlet checks, .3 1 and 4 4 plaids and stripes, slrouus, Buekr in padding \r "'<• ■' ing iis 1: and cotton, needles, pin", c &«. \ i-rge and fine assortment of black and drab hats and caps, Ladv’s, genl lemerfs and children’s shoes of all kind? and q all ies Lady’s A- gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar tingaii s * CROCKERY. China A' Liverpool bio -V pink ware, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers wine castors A*c. A large and full assortment of Hardware and ‘ utlerv. Tools, Axes, Does, 4 Blaek imith’s Pools Fine toilet ands ' i..g gi. sses, Letter and cap pa er. ink. quills and pencils may 5. Lawhon & Howell. JUST PUBLISHED, , ND received by the sobscribei at the *, o lii ib - s Book i-tore. a New VVorkiransla edfi iii ho French with an account c.f ail the cup, ? al .operations perl, rmed during the whole 1 ! N'a, oleon's war-, by Baron D G LA.iREY, >nrgo.,nand Chief of the Hospital of the Royal Guards. Fx-ln-pector Geneial of lhe .Military Medical Miff, Ex I’l imv .Buigeoa of the <4 laud Army of Russia, Sax uiy, A c N B This is one of the most entertaining w rks 10 the So guOD ever published m this country. Also. Adventures on the Columbia River, in cluding ibo Narrative of a Residence of sij years on t lie Western side of the. Rocky Mount ains, nnong various tribes if Indians hitherto unknown, t gather with a journey across the Anrei can c ontinent: by ROBB 1 X Together with a great variety of medicai and other works too numerous to particularize E S NORTON. jut o 30 Broad St. JUST PUBLISHED And for sale at the Columbus Book Store, THE LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH; \N llisiorical Novel, connected wuh the In dian War of the South, in the years 181 :, .13, 14 and 15—and Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of the United Males. «I no.V PE no CASSE.VDER \ few copies remaining on hand nav 19 E. S. NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. J HAVE jus. received at my -tore the follow JLing :ew and other interesting publica ti>ns: F"gem- Aram a novel by the author of Pelham The Forsaken, a title 2 vols. she Polish • hiefs an historical romance 2 vo' Family Library No. 2!* Court and Camp naoarte. Harl ’s 'olumbus, Universal Songster, Flute InslrucTers, Rowlett's Interns! Tables, oleridge. Shelly and Kelt's works, Scott’» Napoleon 3 vols, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dewees Midwifery i’berle's Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Tamer’s ' hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Bonks (do.) Sand Box’s and Inkstands, P :t ;'o!ios Visiting Cards Blank Card" Ac fngethor with a great variety ofbooksand fan v articles too numerous to particularize. April 2t» E S NORTON NEW l iIHI. GENERAL AGENCY AND COM MIS JO V BUSINESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. HE subscribers respectfully acquaint iheir friends and the public, that they have for ced 0 connexion in the übnve business under tlie name and stale of SHORTER, TARVER & CO. They have commodious and extensive ar rangements in progress for the reception and st'-rage of produce, and will bo prepared to mike advances nu the sit ns w hile in store or nder shipment to New tlrlenns or New-York. i E 8 (MIORTI’It, Signed , BI’NJ P TAB VEIL S JAMLB II BIIOU'IEII, ! may 19, l«3j| Planter's Hotel\ Dpenmor for l)onr<]or>! anH Uavullers. The ' proprietor pledget* himself to use every ef fort to render those comfortable who may favor | him with a call EIIBHA TARVER Golumhu--, August 4 Commission 4* J'aetorage Business. " riMV. subscriber make a tender oftheir sur ?» vices to their friends and the public in the above husimss They have in progress an extonsivo Ware house and efo.-e store and which will he ready lor tin- rescejition of produce and tnerehandi p by the Ist ot’See ember next, situ ated oa Oglethorpe street East end near the In smence Bunk tin convenience arising from it.- imiuediate neighbourhood to that part oftht town in which the priricipl- part of 'ln- Cotton will be sold renders it a desirable pine- for the Planters t- deposit tin ir produce. Tliev will feel grateful for anv consignment- r orders with w 1 ich ‘hey oav bo favoured assuring their friend" that their unremitled attention will In exerted to promote their interest. s'hev ill be prepared to advances on < otto- and other produce, and merchandise - hen requited, \v ill],lilt IL Ilurjmr. Felix Lewis. July 28th I'YAM \'BK Table Diaper,6 4 Dia A per. of good qualilv August 4 LAWHON .> HOWELL (BART and Waggon Boxes, a large and well assorted lot LiWilOtV At HOWELL. August 4 NOI’CE A LI. persons having demands against the estate of Nathan Bandy late of' Stewart county dec. are requested to present the same in terms of the law. Levin. th E. Brady, Admx. July 7 VOURWK Al UL IJIK, HAT 3Sis of act over 8, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. iV'HJ.IJrts reel fully inform Ihepub *e .tii* they have on hu and, am: ill keep const wtlly for sale, at whole sale and retail a gener i 1 and extensive assortment .of H ITS. coinpri sing all tdio various fashion? and qualities, and on as favorable trims as can t purchased at a uy market in the United St stop. Strict attention will he given to ail orders from the country Orders for Hats left with Edward .1. Harden, * q at Appalachicola, w ill be promptly atli tid ed to. WANTED TO PURCHASE Hatting fins of all kind", for which cash and a liberal price will ho given, delivered either at I ."dumbosor at Appalachicola. Columbus. Aug. 27, 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRS.E.J. SMITH, I DORM ERI.Y of Sparta—a lady of first rale * accomplishments in Music and Painting, Has opened a school in Goiui! (ms, nt the ''o lu nbu Hotel HlO patronage oCa liberal com munity is solicited She brings «it It her, very sat! Victory and flattering testimonials of her qualifications both moral and literary REFERENCES Col. Win C Sayre, Or II 111 I'errcll, Joel Crawford, Esq. Weems .1/. Berrien Esq. —Sparta. Cot -inborn Joins, Judge Shorter, General H atson. Dr Childers. G E Thomas Esq James rn Ness, Esq — olumbus .ne 30—ts NEW GOODS 4 KIV' NG from N. York, N Orlenn * and iother markets to G. VV DILLINGHAM June 0. NOTICE. YU ILL i e rold a: the late residence of Smith V v Bonnor late of 1 arrol enmity deceased on the Ist day of September ncx the personal estate of said deceased consisting of Horses cat tle hou ehold A Kitchen furniture plantation tools 4‘C- terms made-known on the day sale.— All persons who are indebted to said Slate are requested to make immediate payment and those that have, anv demands against this es late arc icquested to render them in terms of the iaw. 7. VBOC BONNER. ), . , THOMAS BONNER, ) A,lm rs ’ July 21. GEORGIA Heard County Afidrewllowze 1 Libel for divorce in vs > Heard Superior Court Elizabeth Howze I May Term, 1832. I 3’ appearing to the Court, by tlie eturn of the J Sheriff that the defendant in said Ga-e i pot an inhabitant of (his tale, it is oidered that serrice he perfected by publishing in one of iho news Papers in this State for three months I do hereby eeitify the above to he a true ex tract from the minutes thi- lid .inly 1832, Bailey Bledsoe, Clk. Jaly 21.—— 3m - - ■ BACON. •'IIE Subscribers have just iei;oiv and a largi 1 • quantity of good Bacon which llicf will | Sell low lor cash or Good papur Htidsoii & Felton. | July, 19. FOR SALE! j .'TOM ASTON Line Ai Roman t emsrit. I J Apply to ti. W DILLINGHAM. I v#ii. si.—.\o. -s;>. LA'iEs'i FROM ENGLAND. The snip horn, eaptuin N 11, nt Los t-iii Irotii Liverpo-d, hringH Loudon pa per* to the 19.1i, ami Liverpool to tl.e20:!» ~11111, Loti. inclusive. \ve extract liie annexed items of intelligence from proof slips trui *lllll led by tin- editors of the se veral Boston papers. It will heseiai 1 hut several 11:, portent arrests hud taken place tit 1 arts. Chate-iiuhri’q il, tlit* Duron llyde <ie Neu vdle, and the Duke of 1 itzj imos, are tt inong the persons arrested. It was rumored that the Fietich Minis try, eiicuoi aged by the lavoruhle (it n.on strutmnz ol public tqutiiun, had resolved on a dissolution of the Li.umber 01 De puties. Tlie Dutchess’de Bern was supposed to have made her escape from e.u country. It is now stated that Jean d’Acrc surrendered at discretion to lbrahaiu Fa ol.ii on the *2(ith oi April, ami that it safe result nee m Egypt w I' lt an mi ome ol 75,000 piastres, had been nssigeeil to the governor of that form re. The marriage oi King Leoj old has been postponed. The Irish Reiorm Bill was under dis cussion in the House oi t'oiiM. 0,.5, a, ti it produced some warm detunes between Mr. O’Connell und the Ministers. Tlie London and Birmingham Rad Roati Loll was read th. third time 11. (lie liouse, on the IDth, and passed. Earl f*rey Imd been ill, but was said to be considerably bettt r. Mr. I*. Thompson, in moving in tl.e lio.ise of Commons ?» couiniittee to con sider the Customs, Duties, Acts, t ent alli ed a number ol duties vv Inch tie proposed to reduce. For the benefit ol British shipping, he proposed that tin duty on liemp'shotild be entirely taki n off. Many candidate* had declared for the approach ing election until r the reform lull. T’he papers are less occupied with no tices of the cholera than for sonic months ; [last. A few cases occurred daily at Fiir -1 is, and in many parts oi England, it up [ rated with mote violence at Liveipoolon the Kith, when there wert 30 cast s. ri'o tid of cases remaining in the country ot the latest report, 375. The report of the Livtrpool Board of Health, for the 17th, states the number of new cases of Cholera to be 43, deaths 8. Total from the commencement, new ca ses 33b; death* 112. The Dutch affairs were yet unsettled. Throe more protocols are publish, and It is stated that another us n more decided character bad into agreed to, vvlmh inti mates that it the Dutch should inliici any injury on Antivern, the damage lie deducted from the 8,200,000 guilders, winch Belgium is to pay to Holland. Letters from Lisl on state that in con sequence of the arrival of IvvoU. 8. slops ot war, and a demand of a nullum of dollars irotii the Usurper’* g.m rniner.t, for injuries to American commerce, • In-se • claims had been adjusted. A v...-st i had arrived'at Lisbon from. T< rci rn, v> ieh reported the sailing ol Don i . ’s stjuadron in high spirits. 11 s arrival nn* expected every moment.' Don Miguel, it was said had 14,000 troops ready to op pose his lund iig. Accounts front Fans of Sutufday evc nmg, (June lGth>represent the state of affairs there as much more setthd—not hut that many of the recent ;■< ts of thq French Government kept it in bad odour with a part ot the people. The sums ta ken to maintain public credit had been succcsstul, and confidence was so far re stored, that the facilities of raising mon ey Were restored. Martial law, however, continued in force, from which it was in ferred that the Govt rnnietit apprehended another explosion. Bome important tle spatclieS'hnd been received by the French Government liorn St. Petersburg!;, in the course of Saturday, on w hich a council was immediately summoned, and which sat in deliberation lor some hours. The report ot a triple alliance between Aus tria, Russia and Prussia, to the prejudice ot other powers of the continent, was very current, and believed in some of the best informed circles. Germany. —Much dissatisfaction has been shown m Germany w ith the Govern ment. From the Globe of Monday Evening June JB - attack on the Duke oj It < /- lington, this day. —’l he Duke of W elling ton paid tin early visit to the Tower this morning, on horseback, and unattended by any servant. On bis r« turn between 11 and 12, Ins grace was recognised !»v a number ot working nn n, and proceeding at an easy pace, a vast crow and of people followed him, hooting and shouting; in passing Lombard street, hits grace vias more respectfully saluted by a number of individuals who made their obeisance.— In Uheapside the nioli was tremendous, vociferating the most hideous veils. At Ho|horn hill some fellow s had the auda city to pelt t.iiu wi:h dirt and filth, till some ol the ringh uders were made pris on! rs, and tl.e rest dispersed. 11 is grace afterwards proceeded tow ards L’haring Gross, and a fresh mob sorted up; in l nckspnr street, the neighborhood was in n coniph't- upronr. Ills gran was nt length *0 extremely mill-treated that a [ strong laxly of police were obliged to esr