The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, August 25, 1832, Image 1

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COSAM K'li.t BARTLETT-KDITOR. STOc Democrat IS PUBLISHED F.VEUY WEEK IN CO L U *ll* L' K, GEORGIA, flf Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all application for subscription from a distance, will be accom panied with the money. Advertisements will be inserted at reasonable rate* Sales of land and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians, are requited bv law to be lie l and on the first tuesday in tho month, between the hours of l»> o clock in the forenoon ■fy 3 in the afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the property is situated. Notice of these sales must be given in a public Gazetto sixty diys previous to the day ot sale. Notice of the sale of personal property must be giver in a liko manner forty days previous to be day of sale. * N dice to debtors X. croditorsof an estate must be published forty days Nolice that all application will he made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. O’Letters on business must bo Post paid to insure attention CREEK STAND. • rjnillS establishment, situated in to Creek I Nation, on the Stage Road from t olum bus, Ga to Montgomery, \la is now open for the recep'ion of trav llers. under tho manage nient and direction of the subscriber It is lo cated eqiii distant from the ea tern and western borders of ihe Nati n, it being thirty eight miles ftom Columbus, and the same distance from Line Creek, tho residence of Mr. Waiter 15 Lucas, excellent and commodious buildings stave been ejected by the subscriber, entirely new, which will always be kept in a state of neatness and regularity for the comfort, and con venience of those who ,i,ay bo disposed to pat jon'ze him. His staules are -acute and roomy, end abundantly supplied'with corn and fodder U« i a. isted in tho management of his House by dr and Mrs Reuben Lanier. It is the pos itive t'e orrnination of the subscriber to be mod orate in his changes, and to establish such rales as cannot fail to be satis actory, and he slitters bi -'self from his knowledge of the business having been for several years engaged in the Cnlumbus Hotel!, under the direction of Cen. tv Howard, und subsequently under th t of Messrs. Poinroy & Montague, that he w ill be able to give satisfaction to liver- wh ad at Ins House, SAMPSON L \MI R J-U. M •—tfo AIK HIXISTRA TOIV S SA LE. \* ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday <) and her next during the lawiul hours t ho Court Mouse in » oluinbus Muse gec t ourny. L tof Land >o 198 in the 6th district *’ Mo -- cogce; Sold as the property of Zadoch 1 inn deceased, by orde ot tha 4 ourt of Ordinary, for 'h- benefit of heirs and creditors of said do ceased Terms Three months ciedit with small *Roles and approved security. 11IR A M FULLER, Adm’r. July 14 NOTICE. JTIOUR months after dale, appl'u ation will be made to the ll nnruble the Inferior ' onrt of Stewart County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John R Patterson (deceased,) for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of-’id '‘slide JARED IRWIN, Adm’r MARY PATTERSON, Adm’x •July 14 hri 4m NOTICE. months after date, application will be made to tire Honorable the lufe.ioi ourt tof Carroll county, while sitting for Or tin rv purposes, far leave to soli Lot of land No. 295 Oi the 2 ih District formerly Mus ogee, now jlmr county, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors Leathers deceased. SAMUEL LEATHERS, Adm’r. July 14 !m 4ius WASHING MACHINE. fPHE subserber begs leave to inform his J friends and tho public generally that he Iras the Patent Right for ashing Machines of the c ost approved plan, and will keep them constantly on hand for sale, and will sell them as buy as they can be bought in tire old c unties. Ho will sell Machines or Patent Rights in the counties of Muscogee Harris. Troup, Tal bot. Marian, and Randolph. This Machine washes clean nd fast, and does not injure tho clothes in the lea t tET The subscriber also carries on tho ' ab . ilnet business in its various branches and w ,li Sell on accommodating terms. THOMAS \V. UTTON. Julv 11. 3 Factorage Sf Commission Business, at Apalachicola. I !», ,1. llAisg?<K\ 9 IMI YMiFU 111 ins frie. (i l«>r th* I a -e .r already extended to him,respectfu l Boliciis a continuance of the sane. To tlmi-e who may hereafter favor him with their custom, he has the pleasure to say, his arrangements are such as In secure to them, despatch V economy ir the conducting their business at the Ha}’. Ho hag Consignee of the BoaC belonging to th> Colombti; Steam Boat Company, and of 1 regular line of Packets running both to New York -V Now Orleans. Libera! advances vvi'l be m ido on Produce‘don; ig;:' and hen : cqvire. and dills of i.:»cliang# purchased on New York, Charleston, N> w-Orloarts M bile O' A liberal price in rash will be paid for Several hundred thousand,pipes llhd A Staves ami Headings deliver* and at Apalachicola. July -0 ' FRENCH \I\ UKET COTTON. subscriber will wish to purchase t < n , netv crop in the Pail about 2 ,; <M brio (home Cotton h r lie tench market - It mu-' be ilt an, well gv in c l , in sqoaro bah n I ic * •him 4(10 lbs. and no' < ver l. r >o lbs in strong b r ging may If). fi. W. DILI.*NOIIAIM G J. Vi'i fd>Kl'Y is neeissanlv rn i. .<■ he to be absent, the du'i a ol his school, tlo*ri't ■ will be niKpendi and for a sin 1 1 time ' ugusl 11 A. MrscLaimii ALA/H.L spei and Itti lei Mire Ilnurs in the V / ,x rut nol M/V . IY XVAT.iI \vmri\o Os &»y * *• iw— r m fi» *l* oft - p ply at the t 'tl U Ilf S B u»K I ORK Au- tt 1 • » ]*Vf 'll ~e .* ~.dtT7r,i/l" 'Til r, , cto mis a I qua! Im' 4 4 fir >e V |u»t*. i,\ttHON 4 UOWiLL I ON O vMGT ML NT * vnd for sale, by SHORT Dll, TARVER, & CO. piecs • lies sian -9 P 8 •• Boinhazeits assorted 8J “ Fancy Prints •8 Plaid A Iriped D ineslics 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollens 7 “ Sattinette 3 “ Fustians 3d “ Doz i-'ue purple & Rod ITnid II 1 10-I‘2 French BrUfhnias “ 2 ti 12 Bririanias “ I“ “ “ •J “ Indi liabh- li S 114 Lecher Caps 1 ps ti 4 Table Diapi r 1J 1-12 Doz Pocket-Books 2ps Snpr Black f rape 6 44 Swiss Book iiiusiirr 2 ,4 Tanrbourd 44 “ 7 “ * 4 I-eno 4 2 “ 4 -'npr Marino Cloth, 4 Supr Orecne Table Covers fi “ Blue Table do. 3 ps Velveteens 19 Coverlet! s 3 ps Law n 1 l)oz amlrrick llkfs 2 44 Bi.ikk -ilk Glover I 8-12 44 White 44 . 44 20 Bbls Friino Pork, 9 44 Muckerwl, No. ?, 4 44 44 No 1, 1 Pipe Ameican Brandv, 2 Qr. i'asks Malaga Wme, I TenenTe 44 1 Indian Phi Muscat “ |0 (Ibis - Orleans Rum, 5 41 leaf Sugar, lu Kegs Tobacco, 6 Boxes ( ha . pagt.C, 29 - Raisins, 0 Baskets Sweet Oil, 2t! Boxes Cider, 8 ■ Fogurs, ! st quality, h 44 Sperm Can I.Vr, I I 4 -..lOalted Herrings, 10 Bags • ir-oii t 'oil, c. All nf which articles will be sold bv wlioicralc and on a, c. i;e>aa:ing terms Men bants from tire t our muld do well to call and exam ine f.-r, It in- VO'. ■l ine i-tii - F- HE Vugiistn Insurance and R:tr>!t ■* mg ’ i puny will insure Produce and Mar ch ••e.iiso against the dangers of River Navi.-a --n no good steam boats and oilier river craft, t, on wood vessels from Apalacltieo a to New ' Jeans or the atlantie cities. They .w ifi also tike ii.o risks upon ZJuiidings, Merchandise and Produce aHO it' DIt.LIJVGIf.dM, ,9i;ent. KIIG TEH, TARVER ii CD. £ f AVE teceived by late arrivals the fullow ? I mg Goods on consignment which tls-y offer on f r vourablo terms. 55 bo's, v hoice Cider, 30 R, xes .’awark Pippin do. • 79 bids Cincinnati Whiskey, OI 4 N. O. >1 olassee, 12 hhds. Bacon, • 20 hbis Pickled Pork, PI Drums Figs, (i Boxes lavunna Cigars, Deal Pino, celebrated uranufacl re, s)B’ x Virginia AN C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks Mr lrnsey \\ inc, 150 Sacks Salt. 20 cases Lemon Syrrup & Lime Ji*'ce, 30 bbls 'ugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Sacks prime Green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongaiiala Whiskey, 12 Pattern bxrshoar ploughs, made by F. Parson, Enfield Co’n’t. Cognac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. may 11), 1832. G. W. DILLINGHAM, (DtCcvs (cr Saif, 100 barrels Pi-kled Pork, 200 sacks Liverpool and Turk’s Island salt, 50 bbls W es’ern Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel, 4009ibs. blue gist Grindstones, ! 0 bides upper Leather, 2000 Ibv sole Leather, 8000 Iks Bacon, 150 Bolls Kentucky Bagging, 89 coils Bale Rope. nrav *9. \'S7IUTE citizens are warned .-raiust trad ? » ing for orders on the Creek gent given by the Uchee chief und witnessed hy John Mar shall, nslltey are not genii ne; there ur<: a num ber in circulation, and will, in all probability, bo frequently offered on !he fron iers for to be traded. July 7. Join) 11. Broadnax- Administrator's Sale. (HI B ' lil.Y to an order of the Infe rior Court ofStewaVt county, when sitting for ordinary purpose?, will be sold op the first Tuesday in September ru-vt, at the court house in Troup conn-- ! v, , c.e lot. ofland \o. 50 in the I2lh tlis trirt of said county, sold for the benefit of*h creditors of Nathan Brady dec. Levinah E Brady, Admx. jab 7 ‘ ' POKK / \ F i-xcecllent qualit y in'sound new barrels '' will be kept tlirougli the season bv G W DILI INGIIAM .' v. ir.tb '<)N CO\srGNMEAT \ i Lr -do bv b'HOPTKII, TaHVERA Cos Bids. Newark Cider, first quality. II . IV '.if NO J ICE. |T FOR\\ ARN all persons from trading for a certain ftoto of hand given by me to a Mr Foot, sometime in the las', of March qv first <9 tpril. A due about tho 24th of December, 1832, for twenty five dollars. As tho consiiicratioi dr w hich said note was given has fail'd. I d< ■oi intp’ and »<- us / it unless compelled bv law. may 12. 1882. Wilder BhiHips. BACON A: LARI). rjIHF, subicr tiers have a qimnlit of Georgia * llac-.n and Lard, v I iclt they odor at • re ii ced price may 5. Lnwhon Sk. Howell. COLLI ’ Cl ST STF.EI IXgS will* W'B’Bnlnlx H-’"'*. Fi r sal- bv G. W. LILLJNOIIAM JtHto tbUt, ( (0.4.) N ITnSDIV, AUGUST vSS, 1N32. SITING & St-MMER .. -■&■£> to E3HIE Subscribers have just finished opening a fine stock of F.d. Yif ST.I PLF, SPItIXf. e, SUMMER DRY GOODS Hats, Shoes Fadd'ery, t rockery and Hard ware, which are offered to the public at such prices as they h -pe, w ill give t-altsiac.lion. Their friends are respectfully requested to call and examine fop then selves—lb- stock is compo sed partly->f the following article;: Foulard Muslin Prints, Plain and figured muslins, of all descriptions, Musi in robes, giagliams, fancy barage, t 'a!moos ol every variety, Black, while and fancy color’d silks, Black nud , bite sit in, A fine and iashioi abL assortment of brnnsts \ belt ribbons, cap an J taffetas dfi. I adies and gent's biavcr and horseskin gLvcs and mitts, Ladies and gent’s random whole & half hose, \ I'M nf tkbhiou.iblt Dunstable and J,cgh rn bonnets, A few dozen straw bonnets, A good assortment of silk, crape «V barage fan cv lullt To, f.atlics printed cambric liditTs. A t tificial fit-w ers and si raw bands, < olorne. Lot endt i , R-jse .i I iorida wator, Otto of Ro.cs. 59 whole V .*a!f pieces linen, i ..hie, birricy o iy ilws.-ia Di iptr, Brotvn and bleached linen drills, • rack bombazines, b -inbazilts, princettas, Ac. i- oi ci;.-ini- re.-, Nankins <y summercamblcls Bk'ai'h- .1 -cotton cattin drills, silk velvets, ’• good and new assurtment of '.etsatlles Ve-s tings, ) lo,v jc.cs light .J- fancy 1 tleticia t estings, LaJres p-.iasols and uuntieincti s uriibriHas, I'd k Italian c, avals and linen collars, L'mead Cambric and long lawn, L -'lies t ,ncy siik and l.ce.i tings, fancy funs, i-iowu and bleach'd shirtings slmctingp, Colu-o Diaper, I I irmerit and furniture dimities, A large ai.d fine seleclion of tircll, tuck and • ide comb ;, 1 pi.-ee black ! ombnzme for i sdie* wear, I’edirrk, Osnuburglisanil check- 1 , 1' ut;p::urn !.!."• and re.irlct checks, ■! 1 oi and 1 1 yiiitss and stiipcs, strott-is, Buckram padding \ e Sew ing .;:!!{ needles, pins, Ac. \ lorge arid fine assortment of black and drab ha! sand caps, Lady’s, gentlemen's and children’s siloes of all kinds and q albies. Lady'.; -V gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and inar tingalc s CIKX’KERV. , 'hir.a 4' Liverpool brown A pink ware, t'oininoS ware of all kinds, tumblers iy wine castors, i, c. A largo and full assortment of Hardware and t littery . J ii or 4 s Tools, Axes, Black smith's Toe's Fine t 'lis t and sv> i. g gl esc?, Lull or and cap paper ink. quills and pencil-; nitty J). Lawhou & I'mvt'll. JUST PUBLISHED, ; ND received by tho subscriber at the *.’o i lan,bus Rook More, a New Work transla ted from he French witli*lt> accvtiut of aii the capital operation* pci formed dining the whole of Napideon’s wars, bv Baron J) G LA'iHEY, Snrgeon and ( h of of the Hospital of the Royal Ex-In-peeler-Genera! of the Military Medical - t ali’, Ex Prune Surgeon if ihe G rami Army of Russia, Fax-my, Ac N B This Lone of the most entertaining iv-->rl>.- to the Ea ge-on ever publifficd in tins country. Also, Adventiires rn the P.ivcr, ii - c'ndh-g ibc Natrativo nf a Residence of six y ars on the Western side of the. ltocky Mount ains, ami eg various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown; tagi-ilim with a joumi acro-s the \ no i nan Eontinen!: by ROj,- X r svoil a variety cfuiedic.E an.! other Works too uumeroua to parlicut.,,-iZo E. S NOR 1 ON. jui.a 30 Broad St. JUST PUBLISHED i bid far sale at the Columbus Cook Store, THE LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH; \N Hi;lorii-al Nofel, connected with the In dian W .r o! the South, m the years 181 !, 13, 1-1 and t.‘>—and Hon. Jackson, now Freti ientofthe United States. Cl' DOS PE no C.ISSE.VDEII. A 1 few copies remaining on hand may 19 E. S NORTON, Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. {HAVE just received at my Stoic the follow ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugeno Aram a novel by the author of Pelham The Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vo’ Family Library No. 29 Court uud Camp o r ß napartc. Parly's Vuirnbus, Universal Songster, . Flute Instructors, Rc-,vleft’s Interest Tables, • ole rid if, Shelly and Kent's works, Scott’s Napolem 3 vxds, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dewees Midwifery i .berle’s Practice of Medicine 2 vosl rufner’s hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Books (do.) Sand Box sand Inkstands, P . t i-’olios Visiting lands Blank Cards Ac Together with u great mriety ofbbofcs and Pari ty articles too numerous to particularize. April 20 E. 8. NORTON NEW Fi!IM. G ENERAL AGENCY a Mr CO M MIS 'IOX nUSIXESS. COLUMBUS GEORGIA. HE subscribers respectfully acquaint their friends and ilie public, that they have ti, n-*d n connexion in the übove businu.s under ti. name and sti lb of SHORTER, TARVER &. CO. I hey have coinniodioiis and extensive ar angi-ment* in progress for the reception anti it rage of produce, and will lie prepared n ku advances on the saiuo while in store nder shipment to N"W Orlwait* or Xew-Yotl ) E < 4||OliTKN. Eigned ). BENJ P TVBVER. ) JA.MIsB ii. hUUKTEiI, ttsy ii), I -3J, Planter's Hold, ' .fin fS opening for boarders and tiavcllers. Ti c proprietor pledges himself lo use every ef fort to render those comfortable who nrav favor him with a call ELISHA TARVER I'oluiubuH, August 4 Com mission Up j 'altarage Easiness, r | }HE subscriber make a tender of their ser- J. vices ro their friends and the p; bln: in the above business 1 hey have in progress an extensive Ware house and close store and w hi' h will be ready tor the resteption of produce and merchandise by the I. * of September nexl, situ ated on Oglethorpe street East and near the In sol.-ince Bank the convenience arising from its immediate neighbourhood to that part of the t' vvn i , which the principle part of the Cotton will be sold renders it. a deniable pluc»* f,r the Planters to depot it tin ir produce. They will feel grateful for any consignments or orders with which they may lie favoured assuring their friends that their unrernittod attention will he exerted to promote their interest. They will lie prepared to make liberal advances on Co 1 ton and other produce, and merchandise w hen required. William H. llarpr t. Felix Lewis. July 28th DXMASK Table Diaper,6 1 and 10-4 Dia per, of good qu&lilv \ugust 4 LAWHON A HOWELL. / t ART and Waggon B 'Xes. a lartre and w ell A? assorted lot. LAWHON A IfOWELL. August. 4 ~~ NOT CE . LL persons having ilemands against the estate of Nathan Bundy lute of Stewart county dec. arfe requested to present the same in terms of the law. Levinah li. Brady, Admx. July 7 YOUIftSH &i rfiliSSi, haw Man ufact nr ers, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, respectfully iitform (lie ptrlj iio Ur at they have on hand, and will keep const mi lly for sale at whole sale and retail agener -.1 and extensive assortment of 11 ITS, cornpri -ing all the various fashions and qualities, and f, n as favorable, tenns as can be purchased at a is.v market In the United States. Strict attention will he given to alt orders from ihocouutry Orders for Hats left with Edward J Harden, - q at Appalacliicola, w ill be promptly attend ed to. WA.XTF.D TO PURCHASE. Hatting furs "fall kinds, for which cash and a if .cm! price will be given, delivered either at •luuibus or at Appalacliicola. Cutiimbus Aug. 27, 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRS. E. J. SMITH, ORMf.ttl.Y of Sparta—a lady offirstrale i accomplishments in Music and Painting, Has opened a school in Columbus, at the Co lumbus Hotel The patronage of*a liberal com munity is solicited She brings with her, very satisfactory and flaUcrin-r testimonials of her qualifications both moral *nd literary. Rhl' KRBNCfcIS. Cut. Win C. Sayre, Dr Wm. Terrell, Joel Crawfoid, Esq. Weems Jti. Her rim Esq. —Sparta. Cnl leaborti Jones, Judge Shorter, General Hutson. I)r Childers. G. E Thomas Esq James an Aess, Esq —Columbus ane 30—if NEW GOODS 4 R B IVIN G from N Yoik, N Orleans and * oih-r markets to G. W. DILLINGHAM June 0. NOTICE. * \\j ILL I o sold at the late residence of Smith v . Bonner late of i arrol county deceased on the Ist day of September nex the personal estate of said deceased consisting of Horses cat tle household A Kitchen furniture plantation t< ols .Spc- terms made known on the day sale.- All persons who are indebted to said Slate are requested to make immediate payment and tlio. e that have, any demands against this os tale are requested to render them in terms of the law. ZADOC BONNEII, \. , , THOMAS BONNER, ) At * ln ”• Ju'y 21. GEORGIA Heard County Andrewllowze j Libel for divorce in vs / Heard Superior Court El zabeth Hovvze ) May Term, IfelhJ. T appearing to the Court,by the return ofrlie ’ Sl eritf that tho rh fondant in said Cam i out au inhabitant of /his tale, it is ordered that serrice bo perfected by publishing in one of the news I’apers in this Slate for three months 1 do hoieby certify the above to he a true cx tact front tho minutes tin-: 3d July li*32, Bailey Bledsoe, Cik. Jaly 21. 3rn BACON. ; HIM Sobseribert have just icreivi and a lartr* quantity ol good Bacon which they will il low lor Audi oi Good paper Hudson At i'Vltofl. July, in. FOR - \ ! ! TOMAHTO# I 4tM At 4V* ft it* nt. I Apply to. (j. W DOUSGIIAM. Wlss 3 3.^'Ow opD.Vi';l7 h r pub'istn if ut J/fttcoo, Gn , «.-i .tgruu Lucll Newspaper fit lb inlit'eu THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. r pilK SOUTHERN PL \NTER wid be dv vuted exclusively to ihe A«ricullural in lei eats of lire country : nielirii Jif riii ulture, iiianageiueiit of stock, uiaki; g es wine ard sRk, Gardening, Domestic 1 cn.-my. u-clu! Arts, Household Expeir.os, Health, Frurl f ree?, Ac. AC Ac. It ivy 11 be issued (it irrst.) every other week on a lued im slievt amt quarto form—on gooj piper and neiv type, procured expressly for -lrj pui pose. To 1-e improvr dai and t niarged as tho extent of pili on Igo sl-all warrant. '1 lie form » ill be for binding, and each volume wiit bo accompanied with a copious index Political and sectarian subjects will be exclu ded ( * It is the design of the publisher to make the work interesting to all classes of tlie communi ty ; particularly t those in any wise corit cc-cd unit firm ng gaukning, mechanics, 4c i i.ii.nmnicaii'n» are.solicited Agricultural Bocie!ii's, and friends of the planting interest generally, are request.-.d to aid us in our under* tal>-g, Essays on law, medical and scicntiEc subjects will lie received. Premiums-will be given for the best written essays on particular eul jit Any well writ ten communication on any ptißjecl c.onni rted a ilh the objects of tins |.u ,lieu-inn, will entnlo the auth i tv a year’s snbsCiiptlou 4 he publisher will bo a.-sisted in the Editorial dcpa'itiiipiit, by several literary gentlemen 'IERMS.—Two dollars per annum, in ad va ce, or $2-h* at the end of the \ ear To sub sciibers to tho. Macon Tsleifraph' tho prrre will be one dollar and a half, in advance, or tui.dol lais at the end of the year The paper will be commenced as sot n as . ufTi cient encouragement offt rs M BARTLt TT. Macon, july 25, 1839—45 TO THE PUBLIC. A5 IN 4 1 hillicrto tce*t u fiuericed by tha x.adice cl my Riunds, 1 have ciedaine , to no-ice the little petty shindei and low system ot* persecution which Inis been commenced and carried on against mo by two uninfluential and '’.nimpiirtunt ijh(liacte.s of Hamilton, Harris county; but as ihefr .eprjsentaiions have, no doubt, passed through many mouths; it may dot be improper to publi-h rl.. tollwing ,-lat uiierit, made by t apt Sentell, who •> as oil lh.- pot and who is willing, at any time, to swear l. tho accuracy und correctness ol the circiunstacns as he has related them.- l.apt Sentcll is a gentle man « hose chancier, in •ferriwealher *,uriiy, is above repreaeh, was formerly it irenator itj the Legislature, and is now a candidate for tho same office; —hoar him ! Dr. Duncan hoving called upon mo to staeo the facts concerning an attempt mado to attack him, by a coilatn Mr Brow n, of Hamilton, Har ris county 1 threfore make the following state ment: ™ I was at the residence of Dr. Duncan when a caninge arrived oppi site iris Imise; irrnni and ate* l< thei eafteer, two men stepped out, and walk ed towards Or Duncan’* dwelling, and upon ar riving at which, Brown, ns 1 altCrwaids under stood his name to be, slepprd into tho cd-re of file passage, and observed t-. Dr Dmicau ho had eailtd to demand satisfaction for an injury done him; Dr- Duncan remarked, ho consider ed, he had done him no injur y,flint he had writ ten a letter giving certiim infornulian. which it was his privilege lo do and his right to do; a tew more words paXscd, touching th, voiarity of the information contained in the letter and the lie having passed Irorn each—and while Dr. Duncun was walking cbliqnely «cr«;s the passage, Brown pulled out. from his pocket a small pistol, and picscnted it at Dr. Duncan 1 Dr Duncan being, at the inslant in the act or’ walking, stepped perhaps another step frirthe' 1 , and turning round, took from his nocket a pistol’ aLo; at this jiincturo.perhaps a little before, Vlre* Duncan interposed herself, as I did my toll' and the Ollier individual, (I • pporn Dawson,) w’her upon Brown immediate"j nirned off and ’eft tha home; but before he leli tho house Dr Duncan returned back in his walk across the |ia,sngc not more than 2or 3 feet floni Brown I dij not perceive lhat Duncan got out of Brown’s way at aH; but, on the contrary, appeared cool and determined, nud when Brown first came in to the house, ho walked Up not far from him and stood some time, and when he turned slow 1/ oft’ walked obliquely across tho passage. Biown pulled out his pistol, as I have rep esented above, as to Brown’s ndvacing on Dr Duncan it is totally false and untrue; lie did uot umveout of his tinclis in which he first place himself whejt he stepped first into the house It is also false ad to Dawson's presenting a pistol; if he was armed w ith n pistol. I could not see it After Brown had retired, lawson told Dr Dnroaii he had n challenge for him, holding in his hand a small piece of paper, and that he could either accept it or not accept it; upon which Dr Duncan nmda objections-, as I understood, to Brown s charac ter and standing inso -iity, connected with his recent deportment towards him. After w hich Dawson, without speaking another word, also’ left the house; and here the matter ended ’ JOSEPH SEN FELL. Having trespassed thus much upon the pualhs attention; 1 will nut hereafter obtrude iiivselfiip on it any further than, perliap-, to publish Cap!. Scntell’s aii'.daut if it is thought necessarv THUS. N. DUNCAN. Merriw-etiipr county.—3d August, 1832. the Federal Union, and Georgia Journal are icqucsti and, severally, to give the abure one inser tion, and forward their accounts to Greenville. V. JV. D.' NOTICE. MR George Smith will act a; my agent in * • my absence. p TOBY. August II :lt JOINER’S TOOLS I XFa superior quality A well assorted, jus» f opening LAWHON k- HOWELL. ttpril2l. 1832. TO PIKSUMINTERS. HE ■ubsci.Jier has just icceived an assort ment us paper, Twine. Ac. fir Post Offico *«« E 8. NORTON. PRINTED LISTS' “ or THK UIUIVI.NB IV tub tO.NTBMPLATRO GOLD AND LAND LOTTKKIEH, It TIL be icon urly- issui-,1 from this office » v lliey will appear in Numbers sothatthey may lie bound together ,n pamphlet form Persona desirous of I . omirg subscribers can forwurd their nanu s to u\ po t paid, enclo-ing the . ash, and they y ill be att, nded lo They should mention the , <„.t t’i, L to which the iiuuv !m rs sli ui'd ho direete't The whole work will --on l am about 4"0 pages, nod c.-iiic tli »its ulnl l !o-« than f5 lo sub er'bers, paid in ad tom t I’yJhlll k Cuthbi-rt. JL!k.tgevii>, A«g I', I*3