The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, September 01, 1832, Image 1

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COSAI EMI it HARTLKTT-EDITOR. £)z iOnnocrat IS PLIiLISHEII F.VEBV WEEK IN C 4)1, L' M HUS, G E « K G I A , nt Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad~ V-t'irr, nr Dour Dollarr, at the end of the yea \ It is erprclad that all application for snl)~'.rpti<i:t fr.o n a distance, trill be accom panied irith the money. Advertisements ai l l be inserted at reasonable rites S«los of land and negroes, bv adminis trators, oxccntors nr guardians, are required by I nv to ba he'd on the first tnesdav in the month, between the hours of 10 o clock iu the forenoon 3 in t!ie afternoon, at the court house of the county in which the pro|»or!y is situated. Notice ofthe m sales must be given in a p ihlic (lazet'e sixty days previous to the day of sale Notice of the sale of personal property mil; 1 bo give: in a like manner forty days previous to he day of sale Notice todebtors X oroditorsof an estate must bo published forty days Notice that all application will be made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. J"f* Letters on business must be Postpaid to insure attention £!—■" " imi ■» in mar-mu* CREEK STA.VD. rnlllH establishment, situated in to Creek r. Nation, on the Stage Road from •Colum bus. Ga. to Montgomery. 41a. is now open for the reecp'ion of trav Hers under the manage moot and direction of the subscriber It is lo cated equi distant from the ca tern and western borders of the Nati n, it being thirt y eight miles from folumbns, and the same distance from Line Creek the residence of Mr. Walter ft Lucas Excellent and commodious buildings have been orocted by the subscriber, entirely now. which will always be kept in a state of neatness and icgnlarily for the comfort and cm venience of those who may be disposed to pat ronize him His staoles are secure and roomy, and abundantly supp'ied with corn and fodder II e is as isted in the management of bis llnnse bv Mr and Mrs Reuben l.aiiio-. It is Iho pos itive i c ei l iin i .on i.f ilie sunscribor to ins mod erate in his cha-gos. and 1o establish such rates as -ansot fait to bo ratie’actnry, a ,- d ho hi cl 1 ' from h. k» i. b-dge .a. the o : having been for revrn! « care rtvr*j‘’ ' H ’! Cnlm. us llotell. » 1 r the direction of Gen. N H ard and sol): •qiiently under th t of IMi's , -r Pomroy & Montague, that he will ho üblo t rive satisfao imi to those who es lat his Hmi SAMPSON I VNHIR J 14 tfo ~~ ADMIMISTPr. 1 TOR'S s.! LE. % \ P| 1 ,L be sold, n first Tar ,tav i Octn v* , ■ next during the lawful hour* a' the Cos ' ■m-e in Columbus ft' - -ogee County, L o id No I !in the 6th ilistrict. of Mus ee eo ! d as the property of Zidoch Lewis and as v order of the C'omt of Ordinary’, f. ho lit of h. rs and creditors of said de ccii -e TANARUS, Three months credit with small notes a id approved security. HIRAM FULLER, Adm’r. July 14 .VO 1 ICE. ].Ad>UR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior f'onrt of Stewart County, when “itting for Ordinary surpo. es. for .leave to cell the R'*al Estate of oho R Papers’,'.: (deceased ; for the benefit of tho lu i; sand creditors ofsnid estate JARED IRWIN, Adm’r V. \’i.A r I’ATT Eli ONjA-’m'x Julv H In 4ni NOTICE. TV*OVI months itf'rr date. application will be .a made to the lion*'.able the i-mrior Court of Cos Toll county, while sitting fur Ornin-*rv purpo- *, f,,r leave ’o sell Lot <fland No. 29-, in the '.Mill l»i tri -l fortner'y 'lim ogee. now Harris count*.', for the benefit ot the hers and credit' ,sos Janie- 1 * hers dec* i cd. SA>ir !. LEATHER!?. Adtn’r July fi —— lm los ivJsrnA'G am ci n \e. fltll ’! übecrbci egs leave t** * to' *o his * fi tends and the public g»c ! . r: Tv . that he has tb ' Patent High' for ashmy o. a .ones of the 'ic t approved u'an, and will keep them const,!• ly on hand for ale, and .. -’I sell them as low a* 'hev can be»!mat in the old counties lie vis sell Machines or Patent Rights in the cm: ties of vtoseogee Harris, Ttotip, I al tx.t, Marion, a.'ol Randolph This Machine washes clean *nd fast, and does not injure the clothes in the least . ; The subscriber also carries on the Cab inet business in its various branches, and will sell on accommodating terms THOMAS W. UTTON Jul v 14. 3 Factorage Commission Business, nt Jlftalnehicola. KB. *i». II 4K»*^* Tp H A NKFUR to his friends (or the putt a.r J alreadv extended to him,respectfully solicits a continuance of the same Fo those who may hereafter favor him with their custom, he ha: the pleasure to say, his arrangements are such as to secure to them, despatch A* econumy in the conducting their business at the Bay. Re in,? Consignee of the Boats belonging to the tloliimbus Steam Boat Company, and of a regular line of Packets running both to New York .V New Orleans. Libeial advances will he ni de on Produce Consigned .'hen Required and Rills of 1 xclnnge purchased on New York, Charleston, New-Oriosns <V Mobile. (O’ A liberal price in cash will be paid for Several hundred thousand,pipes llhd. »V Staves ttn*! Headings delivered at Apalachicola. _Julv 'JO j FRENC H .MAPKET COTTON. C|N I" subscriber will wish to purchase Pon .1 new crop in the Fall about 2 |! 00 bale choice Colton for the tench market —lt must fee dean, in square bates not lea titan 4iU) lbs. and not over 450 ib- m strong b j ? | *TT tnnv 19. G. W. Dl LLIV.HAM " 4; j 'Viet : I> : KKEY”t HI "Till con, e Ol 111 libscnl thoduti sos his school, tlierHe, ill 1 • • iispcnded for n phort time —ArffiiM 11 A. MticLaiiriii 11, r H,L spend Ins It *«ure Imurs in the ex r „i, „f t-i /.v 'in.vMr. vT.ti. WKITHG ; . OfH' V i.o. -- t IWa in tlt'tt? - *'P* glv a-tli" «'<)! U MB' «II "K FORK, in 4 —r!• It iiii, n< • t o. . .it, if.* ad qualities; fir' 4 4 c August 4. I.AM IK*N A JHJWELL tIN t> IftWH.VI And tin sale, by SHORTER, TAIiVEII, & CO. pices Circa-sians * * 8 ■ Bonihnzetts assorted 8t “ Fancy Prints “ < 8 *• Plaid <V stripod Domestics ft “ Negro ( Ini h, Woollens " 7 “ Faitinette ft “ Fustians . fti “ Doz Hluo purple & Red Pla'ul !I 1 10-12 French Brittanies “ 2 6-12 Brittanias “ 1 « 2 ‘ l Indelialde Ink " - 24 Leather Caps I p« 6 4 Table Diaper 111 I2 Doz Pocket Books 2 ps Supr Pdack Crape 6 *■ B wiss Book nitislin 2 “ T.nuhnmd •• “ 7 “ “ Leno 4 2 “ Sup, Mai inn ( 'loth, 4 Snpr Greene Table Covers 6 4 ‘ B'ue Table do. ft pi Velveteens lft Ooverietts ft ps Lawn 1 Doz 'ambrick Hkfs 2 1 B! kk Gloves 1 H-12 ■ White 44 “ 2ft Bbls S’ri e Pork, ft “ Mackerel, No ft, 4 4 - 44 No l; 1 Pino Ameican Brand'.', 2 (ii. I’asks Malaga Mine, 1 ‘ 4 Tenerinu 44 ' I Indian Uhl. Muscat 44 |0 Bbls V Orleans Rum, f* *• Loaf SSugar, 10 Reg* Tobacco (i Boxes Ch i upagne, 2ft R.u ms. (i Baskets S. eet Oil, 20 Boxes Cider, 8 44 Segars. Ist quality’, 5 “ Sp rii Can vs, 12 -1 Stnoaked Herrings, 10 Bags Gr.-eri Coffee. All of which articles will be told bv wholesale and on accomodating terms Merchants from the Coun'r. would and) weil to call ad exa i i .e f .' her.a-lve.. June Dili Ii 9li IT 1 k £? :z Ii E Aiici, !:) It.snr -. flliil ii ; k in r <on par.. will in -rr. Err ’• -re and Mer chandise against the daggers * f ftrvcr Na i li-rn on goo.t slea • boat and mlior .iver . if' and upon good v. - els from An la ftiico a to v Orleans or the at ftie citie- Thi v \vi I also i ,ke fiie risks upon Jfuihh > - Merchandise and i'roduce ceo tv Dn.Lrxon.iM. N’IORTE 5, TARVEK Si CO. 9 I 4VE recri dby late a ivals the s I ing Goods si consign., out which ill - offer on favoura a terms 55 bb s. < hoi -e Cider, tu Boxes Ne ark Pippin do. , 70 bbls t ’inc.nnati Whiskey, , tit) ‘ N. O Molasses, 12 birds Ba« n, 20 bbls Pick ■ and Pork, 10 Drums Fi gs, 6 Boxes Havaiina Cigars, Deal Pino, celebi,alod manufacture, sft IJoxc • Viigmia ,V N C Tobacco, 5 quarter casks M. I nicy Wine, I'o Sacks 8a' 4 20 <.sm:s I.eumii ßy mip A Lime Juice, ftO bids Sugar, Bartels li ;sli Pot riii’-s. 20 Sacks pri me Giron r YfT 5 barrels grind n Mo.icn.j.i.iaki V.', 12 Pattern leirshrar plou i made ! I . Parson, Enfi dd i 'on’t. t.b gnac Brandy with a variety of eß'cr Articles. mav ID, 1b.,2. G. YY. DILLINGHAM, ri' rs tov .Sale, 10 1 barrels P ■ kle.l Pork. 2 >-> sacks l.i "ip iol and Tink's Island rT* sft bbls W• - 4 ori< Wilis' v. 10ft do. N. 11 leans Viola: ses, 2" ft dn. vnri ’ns qualities u gar, sft do Mackerel, 40(iftibs blue ft Grinds!' ins, lo t Sides rim or Leather, 20'-.' lbs sole : eallier, 80b > lbs Baci •• rft Bolts K ftucky Bag big, Bft coils Bab- Rope may Ift. \\l IHTE citizens arc mil :tg.iio.-i trad v v ing for orders on the Crunk Agent given bv the Uohee chief nnd witnessed bv J ilin V'ar .-dial!, astliev are not gennmei there arc a num ber in circulation, and will, in all probability, be frequently offered on the iron ier“ for to be traded July 7. Joint 11. Broadnax* Administrator's Sale, i GIIEABLY to nn order of lhe Infe rior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the court bouse in Troup coun ty, one iot ofhmd No. 56 in the 12th dis triet of said rounty, sold for the benefit of the creditors of Nathan Brady dec. Levinalt E Bradv, Adinx. julv 7 MCK U) l»OKR OF excerllent quality in sound new barrel will lie kept thronglt tbe sea on bv C, VV DILI INf! 11A '' ■e,». t) \ ('<)\S / fiXM L’A V *,,r Vby SHORTER TaHVER & <— Zr-ai I’lils. Newark rider, first quality. ~ ‘ic NO 1 ICE. J FOR WAR Nall persons from trading for a * certain note of hand given by me to a Mr. Foot, son elitno in the lasi of March o fir t ot April. A- doe about the 24tit of I tecemher. IWI2, for twenty five dollars. A« the considers: ion I’ r wltir't said note was given has fail and, I do •to tnte and In live it tilth's- compelled b» law may 12. 1*32. Wilder Phillips. CGLLIB’ HST BTF.EE AXES W till j Heads. For sit hi by fi W . IJ.IIN'f.IHM June U til BACON \ I,\IM). f|4M' S' lwerilwra Itevc a qoanlit of Ccorgi* » Bacon and bard, which 'hev rdTer at are limy 5, I*iiw lion U llowcll. («i.) satiikdiv, Bi:s»tisu t be« d 9 SLUING & SUMMER rjlliL Subscribers have jus\ finished opening a fine stock of E.l Y S TA PLE SPRIS- A" SUMMER DRY tiOODS Hats, B hoes Badd'erv. Crockery and Hard ware, which are offered to the pebiiv at f-ueh prices as they h<*pe, will give satisfaction. Thru friends arc respectfully requested to call and eximino for theinselvc*—Tli stock is compo sed partly of the following article.,: Foulard Muslin Prints, Plain and figured nnrsiins, of all descriptions, Mit-dm robes, ginghams, fancy barage, Calicoes ot every variety, Black, while and fancy color’d silks, f’daek ::nd white satin, ft fine and fashionable assortment of bonnets .y bell ribbons, cap and taffcas do. I nili°s and gent's beaver aid horscskin gk.vos and mitts, l.adfr? and gent’s random wlole & half hose, A rase of fashionable Dunstible '.and Leghorn bonnets, A few d' zen straw bonnets. A good assortment of silk, crave it bai age fan cv lidkTa, Ladies printed cambric lidk'fi. Artificial fl’lwcr- and straw Ivauts, ( nlogne. Laveqder, Rose & floriJu water, Otto of Ro -es, oft w hole <.calf pieces linen, Tabl.v liirdeyo A - Ru-rsia Diaprr, Brown mid ble.ached linen drill, (Parkbo 'liiziue.nh uibazett.-, princettas, Ac Romm ra imurcs. Nankins A siimnirr ramblets BV i h-d cotton baMin drills, - Ik velvet •, V good nd new assortment of Versailles Yres tiiige, A 1 eiv |i:. e- light fancy Y’alencia Vestings, fy he- para o:s ano gei.tkmrn’s rmbrellas, Mil: Italian cravats and linen collars, Tinea,| ( -indu e and long lawn. Ladies finer silk and hood tings, lancy fans, Brown an Id. ch’d shirtings A sheetings, Cot* • Diaper, Garment n • ! fi uiiture dimities, ' 1 • c ... ’ ion of slirll, tuck and •a-- .•••■ . I pi* cr black ftoml. z ne for ladies wear, !' ■oh a*d checks, 4 id i let cheeks, j- nt" stiipes. strouds, ki m .) o . . alp ‘tton, neodlos, pins, Ac. Ai. a i fine assortment of black and dab lints end caps, I d ’ : g. ileiu"n’s and children's shoes of all kind - nr ft q nli ios I■: '•■’ ■ V : onUo.lion’s “addles, bridles arid mar- U. gllll u CitOGKERY. t i .r,a i- I verp br.u' i> A- pink ware, Common w ire of all kir.ds. tumblers wine ca-'org dr. A i ia’ aiift f ill assortment of Hardw are and Cm-- iy, h iuei -‘Tools, Axes, lloes, A Bluck -imith's ft oo’s F tulle: >nd sw i. ggl wr, i. ft - in' cap i'- mi irk quills and porcit-i may 5. Lawhon & Howell. JUST PUBLISHED , \ND received by the subscriber at tho Go lumbi s Kook Store, a New Work transla ted from the French with an accnuut of all the capital operations peif. i ued during the whole of Nn'H'l-jonV war ' Baron D G I* iril KY, atiif.rerm nd t h'efef’be 110-pital if tho Roial Guards. Irx-in-p c.or General of he .Military Medic'l stiff, l.x Prone Suigouo f tho tlran.J Armv of Res.-ia. Saxony, Ac N 11 'I .. i .me of tiie most enter.anting iv Eo- lo too :iii. e uiil ever published in tins . A m A h'cn’t.:.s on 'he C- 1- mbia River in cl::' g he Nairativu of a Residence es fix r r . i t We- ern side of th" Rocky Mnunt aios, amotor vari ns tribes if Indians hitherto n 1 n teg, r u ith a ioui no aero Ai,.i ii. iiii Cosn 1 i* u ! : by ROSS <' 'X Togeth-r with t pie t variety of medical and i.. r work too numerous to particularize E 8 NORTON. jitno 30 ’ Prom! St. JUS'!’ PUBLISHED 1:1 for sole at the Columbus Hook Store, 1 UK I.oST \ IRGIN OF TDK SOUTH; \N Hi- orical Novel, eotittected with the In dian War of the South, in the years iSFf, 13. 14 and s—art! Gen. Jackson, now Presi dent of the United States BY DO.Y PE RO CASSE.XDER. A few copies remaining on hand may 19 Fl. S NORTON. Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. lIIAVF, jus: received at. my Store the follow ing new and other interesting publica tions: Fugnnc Aram a novel by the author of Pelham The Forsaken, a title 2 vols. The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vo‘ Family Library No. 2b Court and Camp o*'iJ naparte. Parly’s Columbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Renlelt’s Interest Tables, oleriilge. Shelly and Real’s works, Scott’s Napoleon 3 vols, t’ook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Dewees Midwifery Kberle’s Practice of Medicine 2 vosl Turner's * hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth's Dictionary, Methodist llymn Rooks (pocket edition) Prayer Books (do.) Sand Box's and Inkstands, P,ul Folios Vinting funds Blank Card»«Vc fogothcr with a great variety of books and fan v articles too numerous to particularize. April 20 E S NOR FON Ni: W FIRJfIT ■ GEXERAL AG EX'CY AND com mis <!os liusrxnss. ( OIJ MHI H GEORGIA. UK stibaeriltcrs respectttillv acquaint ,heir friends and the public, ilia, they have for m'd « connexion in the above business under the name and «tv!e of SHORTER, TARVER &. CO. They have commodious and eaten* ivc ar tang*'incuts in progress tor llie reception and storage of produce, and will lie prepared to make advances on the saute while in store oi under shipment to New Orleans or Vnr-Yi*l i K n HIIOR'I l 11. digr.d > ISLVJ P TARVER. ) JA.Mba 11. HHOUTUR, may |9, P 32, Planter's E§ou!, - I [ GJ' ; -'; ’A' rs opening for boarders nnd ttaveilers. The ■ proprietor pledges liiiu“e!f to u-'o every ef fort to ren.ier those oomfortalde who mav favm him with a call ELISHA TARV ER Columbus, August 4 Commission i\* Factorage Business. ,'pllE subscriber make a tender of their ser JL vices to their friends and the public in the above business They have in progress an cxlensivo S\ arc house and close stoic and w hi, h will be ready foi tho resception of product) and inert handi-o by ihe Ist of riepicmbor next, situ ated on Oglethorpe street East ami near the In sui:,nee Bank the convenience arising from its immediate neighbourhood to that part of Hie town in which tho principle part of the Cotton will be sold renders it a desirable 4 plac-* for the Planters to deposit their produce. They will foci grateful for any consignments or orders with wl ieh thev may be favoured assuring their friends that their unremitted attention w ill be exerted to promote iheir interest. They will be prepared to make liberal advances on Colton and other produce, and merchandise when required. William 11. Harper. Felix Lewis. July 28th DAM ASK Table Diaper.(i 4 and l<t-l Dia per. of good quality August 4 LAAVHON .V -HOWELL. (A ART and W aggon B.'Xe-. a large and well assorted lot LAWHON & HOWELL. August 4 NOT GE I.Lpersons flaying demands ngainst the estate of Nathan B.iady late of Stewart county dec. are requested to present the same in terms ofthe law. Levinah E. Brady, Ailmx. j»iy 7 \oi;rni: al €l 4 irk, _ HAT Jiff n ufac f avers, COLUMBUS; GEORGIA, w OULI) respectfully inform tin 4 pub lic ihat they hive on hand, aim will keep const intlly for sale at whole-sale and retail a gener i! and ex'onsive assortment of H ITS, cotnpri -ing all the various fashions and quafi'ies. and >n as favorable terms as can be purchased at a nv market, in tire United States. Strict attention will be given to all orders from the country Oi.lers for Hats left with Edward J. Harden •sq at Appnlacliicolu, will be promptly at!, nd a,I to IVAJYTED TO PURCHASE Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a like al price will be given, delivored either at 1 ’olunihus or at Apnalnchicola. Cal. minis Ang. 'iT, 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MRH.E.J. SMITH, I,’ORMERI Y of Sparta—a lady of first rate i accomplishments in . Music nnd Painting’. Has opened a school in Coluiribns. at the t o lu nbu. Hotel Tho pat r .ii go of’a liberal com munity iv solieile, 1 Site br.ngs with her, very satisfactory and flittering te-timonials of her quahfieatiors both moral and litcary REFERENORS lot. Ilm V Sayre, l)r If’m Terrell. Joel Crawford, Esq It eems .If Berrien hsq —Sparta Cot ’enliorn Janes, Judge Shorter, Genera ' Hutson. t)r Chi dns. G f. Thomas Esq James nn.Xess. Esq —< oliimbus. me 3(l—t.f NEW GOODS * RRIV’NG from N. York, N Orleans and other markets to G. \V. DILLINGHAM Juno (i NOTICE. WJ ILL t e sold at tho late residence of Smith t v Bonner late of < arrol county deceased on the Ist dav of September nex tlio personal ••state of said deceased consisting of Horses eat tie household & Kitchen furniture plantatim t'.ols A*' terms made known on toe day sale All persons who are indebjed to said Siate an requested to make immediate payment and those that have, anv demands against this c.- tate are lequesled to render them in terms ol the law ZADOC BONNER, 1, , , THOMAS BONNER, ) A " n July 21. GEOR(iIA Ht iiril (’oniity AmlrcwHow/.e i Libel for divorce in vs / Heard SuperiorConrt Eli/altclli Hotvze • May Term, LSI2. | T appearing to the Court, by the etnrn oftlie ■ Sberiir that the defendant in h->id fa c i pot au inhabitant of flii late, it is onlered Ilia* si rriee. lie perfected by publishing hi one of tin news Papers in Ibis State for three months I do hereby certify tbs ah, ve to be a true c» tract from tire minutes thi- 3d July 1e32, IJmlev Bied»oe, Clk. Jjly 21.—? m BACON, '|t||K Buhserilw* have just «ce ’ * and a l*rg« I qnan'il y of good Bacon tthteh tlisy wd sell low for cash or Good pafwr llildsou Ae Feltftll, July, 19 FOR HALE. TOVIARTON I ,|fw* A HfXIIKR < VfMCfl* 1 Apply U». G W UILUMGIIAM V4>ii. -IV. • 4»io;:-osnls Ear jmtilL hi ant Macon, an Agiiiu Ural N,'W“|»»oes hi hr in, ill* the southern planter. / pllt SOU I’ HER N PI. ANI Ml o,l', de- JL voted exi lusivi ly to teresls 01 the country : including Her uoftiire, oauageuient ot stock, muKing of wine sed snk, Gardening, Domes'!,; Economy. 1, ,tu .Ails, Household Expends, Health, Ftmt l ice-, Ac. Ac Ac. It will be issued (at first ) every , it.r v "ck on 11 medium shad ano quarto finm—„ n g oj paper and new type, procured rxpic.Vy for ihe purpose, i’o be improved a. u • iilarged as the extent of pati, na ( o shall v. mint. The form will be convenient for binding, and ea, h volume v. id be accuiiqtaiiiod M idi 1, t i>pi,,us index Bo ilicul and -cct.'ftiin $ 11 ; j els will Le t'Xci'ft ded It is the design of ihepidd-sker to make too " ork intoiesting to ati «-:it.-s,-s * f tiie <o >lll mu' e ty ; particularly t those in unv wise cornice od with farm ng ning, mechanics, A c t oirioiunicaii. ns arc oolu ited Agiicoltcal Societies, amt friends of the planting interest generally, are requestsd to aid ns 111 ou< under taking, Essays on law, medical and scientific subjects will bo received. I’reiniiim- will be given for the best writtofi essays on particular subject-. A.i V well writ ten communication on any id> el connect, J with the objects of this ptihlica, ion, will entitle the autho 10 a year’s stibsciipti'/i . 'I tie piiblisliei will be assisted 1,1 'he Editorial department, by several literary g, nth men I ERMS—Two dollars per annum, in ad va ce, or .ill at the end of the 1 ear To suli sciibcrs to 4 lie Macon Tslpgrapli the priro will be one dollar and a halt, in advance, or two dol lars at the end of the year iho paper \\ itl tie commerced as so,-n a- -ufii cieut encouriigemenl oflera M BARTL- TT. Macon, jnly 2.5. 1832—1i TO THE PURLIC. UAVING hitherto been udl leneed bv the advice of my friends, 1 have diadainei to notice the little petty slander and low system of persecution which lias been commenced and carried on against 1110 by two iiniufluential ad unimportant characters of Hamilton Harris county; but 11s their representations hove, no doubt, passed through many mouths; it may not he improper to publish the follwirg : intomeot, made by 4 apt Seuteil, who was on the spot', and who is willing, at any time, to swear 1 tho accuracy and correctness ot the circunistscns as he has related them —(’apt Sentell is a giiiilie rnan whose character, in Mcmweather c unly, is above reproach, was formerly a 8, uaior in the Legislature, and is now a candidate lor the same office; —hear him 1 Dr Duncan hoving called upon me to staeo the facts concern , g an attempt made to attack him, by a certain Mr Brown, of Hamilton, Har ris county I (hrefuio make tlm following state ment: Inasat the residence of Dr. Duncan when a carriage arrived opposite liis house; tmmcdiate lo thereaftcer two men stepped out and walk ed towards Dr Duncan' dwoiling, and uponar ru ing at which, Brown, as 1 at erwnnb umbr sftiod is name to be. stepped into the edge of the passage, and observed to Dr Duncan, be h id called tu demand satisfaction for an injury done him ; Dr- Doucan remarked, lie consider* cd, he had done him no injin y Jthnt he had writ ten a letter giving certain information, which it was iiis privilege to do and his light to Uo; a lew more words passed, touching tiie veracity ~t tho informatton contained in the letter and the lie having passed Irom each—and while Dr Dnncuri was walking obliquely acmes the passage, Brown pulled out from his pocket a small pistol, and piesrnled it at Dr. Duncan; Dr Duncan being, at the instant in iho act ~f walking, stepped perhaps number step I'm b ei and turning round, took from his ockn a pjsi„l| also; at this juncture,perhaps a little before, .Mrs! Huncan interposed herself, as I did mv elf. and 'be other individual, ( I oppose D iwso’n,) win r upon Brown immediately lurried offand left iho house; but before he left tho house Dr Dun* an returned ba. k in his walk ateoss the pas- ige, not more than 2or 3 feet from Brown I did not pere.niie that Duncan got out Rif Br< w n’s wav at all; but, ori tiie contrary, appeared cool and determined, and when Brown first came in to the bonce, he walked up riot far from him ft "and stoon some time, and when he turned slow ly "ff walked obliquely across the pa sag<. Biown pulled out his pistol, ns I have rep ei-rnied above, a-; to Brown’s ndvacing on Dr Duncan, 1 ii totally false and 11s’ rue; he did not move nr of his tracks in which ne first placeffiimself when lie stepped first into the house It is a!so false as to Dawson’s presenting a pistol; it ho wa, armed ith a pistol. I could not se eit After Brown hadretired. 'awson t .Id Dr Dtucan he had a challenge for him, holding in his hand a small piece of paper, and that lie could either accept it "i not accept it; upon which Dr. Duncan made objections, as ( understood, to Brown's charac er and standing inso-iotv, connected with his meent deportment towards him After which, 1 luwson, without speaking anoihvr word, also, loft the house; and here the matter ended JOSEPH SEN I ELL. Haying trespassed thus much upon the pualic attention; I will not hereafter ob' rude myself up. on it any further than, perhaps, to publish ('apt. Bcntell‘s affidavit If it is thought necessary. TIB >B. N. DUNCAN. Merriwethcr county.—3d August, 1832 The Federal Union, and Georgia Journal are t quested, severally, to girt the ahore one inser tion, and forward their aeeounts ta Greenville. T. A*. D. MOT ICE. \f R Geobgf. Smith will act as mv agent in “ A my absence. F TOBY. 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