The Democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 1830-18??, September 22, 1832, Image 1

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COSASI K3l lit BARTLETT- EDITOR. 2“i3C Democrat IS PUBLISHED EVESY WEEK IN C O L U >1 BUS, GEOUGIA, at Three Dollars per annum, if paid in ad vance, or Four Dollars, at the end of the year. It is expected that all application fir subscription from a distance, will Iv accom panied with the money. A.lveri isemonts will bo inserted at reasonable rates Sales of land and negroes, by adminis trators, executors or guardians, are rcquiirdby law to be lie'll outlie iirst luesdav in tins month, between the hours of 10 o clock in the forenoon ,V 3 in the afternoon, at the court bouse of the county in which the properly is situated. Notice ol'tliosc sales must be given in a public Gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notion of the sale of personal property must l,e irivei in a like manner forty days previous to lie day of sale. Notice to debtors toroditorsof an estate must be published forty days. Notice that, nli application will be made to the court of ordinary for leave to sell land must be published four months. iJj’Letters on business must be Post paid to insure attention N. U. JOB PRINTING done to order. CHEEK STAND. rjimS establishment, situated in te Creek 1 Nation, on the Stage Road from Colum bus, Gu. to Montgomery, Ala is now open for the reccp'ion of trav tiers, under tiro manage rneut and direction of the subscriber. It is lo cated equi distant from the ca tern and western borders of the Nation, it being thirty eight miles from Columbus, and the same distance from Line Creek, the residence of Mr. Walter I! fjiieas. Excellent and commodious buildings irave been erected by the subscriber, entirely new, which will always be kept in a state of neatness and icgularity for the comfort and con venience of thole who may bo disposed to pat ronize him. His stables are secure and roomy, end abundantly supplied with corn and fodder He ii assisted in the management of his House by Mr and Mrs lleutren Lanier. It is the pos itive ceierminalioii of the subscriber to be mod erate in his cha-ges, and to establish such rates as cannot fail t« lie satisfactory, and he fl.tllc.-s hi self from hits knowledge of the business, having been for several years engaged in the Columbus llotell, under the direction of Gen N. Howard and subsequently under that of Messrs. I’omroy & Montague, that lie will be able to orivo satisfaction to those who call at hit House. SAMPSON LANIER Jul> 14. tfo dDMLVISTILI TOIV S SdILE. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Octo- W her next during the lawful hours at the Court House in Columbus Muscogee County, Lot of Land No IH3 in the Gth district of Mus cogee;—Sold is the propci ty of Zadoch Lewis deceased, by order of the Court of Ordinary, for Iho benefit of heirs and creditors of said dc coased Terms Three months credit with small notos and approved security. HIRAM FULLER, Adm’r. July 14. IN OUR months after and ale, *a pp beat ion win on r made to the honorable the Infenor ourt of Stewart County, xvlien siitmg for O.dmary purposes, for leave to sell the Rea ■ John It Patterson (deceased.) for the bene tho hciis and creditors of snid estato . JARED IRWIN, Ndrn r M ARY PATTERSON, Adm x. July 14. 1 in 4m XOTICE. 1/OUR months after date, tpplication will be T made to llio Honorable the « of Carroll county, while silting lor Ornin-ry. purposes, for leave to sell Lot of land N). 2- ui the BJtli District formerly 'and Harris county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of James Leathers deceased. SAMUEL LEATIILR3, Adin r. ,1 ul vl4 •~— 'm4 ms . iVtiISIIIMG MACHINE. fIAIIE subserher begs leave to inform his 8 friends and the public generally J Hat »e lias the Patent Right for v ashins Machines of the most approved plan, and will keep then constantly on hand for sale, and will sell thorn as low as they can he bought in the old count os lie will sell Machines or Patent Lights in the counties of Muscogee. Hants, Troup, I at \iot, Marion,and Randolph. . , This Machine washes clean and fast, and dons not injure the clothes in the least ;L, The subscriber also carries on tlioLnm inet business in its vaVious branches, ani w sell on accommodating terms. , TTT ,,,,,v TIiO.MAS VV. "in IO.N. July H. 5 Factorage &r Cow m ission Business, at Apalachicola. ;.rxs; sr.b.« —• »»■■»s tl,o pleasure, td say, his arrangements are eu as to secure to them ,le* P *tck * er ( ‘"°% 0 feSsSr-SKiS Charleston. New-OrloausN iCf’ A liberal price in cn.h i q. and Headings delivered at Apalachicola July ‘<lo. Till', PIEDMO.NT I/me of Stage* rsUNNINC. Il.r».|sli'l” lit j I k and South t it 60tl iherfi end recen- j ktgton citv. and winch at ss ftl „ all j tlv terminated at Bowelt-m, is now : cr iniilcte ' per 'lion. . . Millcdgeville ll'has recent lv been extended to M ft Whirl, place it depart* nn d ,v. and Saturdays a Mdledge- K m Par'icilirs, wo m" - * vill* papers. HTI I lAM WITH* ffvT , r « r^dMoh.£r .--^t I|sli the aln*wi at <1 '«•*"» |5. |s;M \V s. » ulpep|*ri 'a. 4!( j; m l* r » t • ~mm — " II „ tad'll k » <*(' ’ • ■ IH II Liners. •••ll* „ I eluding #H quulitts*. • 4 *. |f<»Wf,l I Ji-igoot Uh 15.."” i‘;> s, w... ON OMvIUN vi 1. \ I And for sale, by SHORTER, TARVER, & CO. pious Circassians » * 8 '• Boiuhazelts assorted 8i “ Fancy Prints “ “ Plaid At striped Domestics 3 “ Negro Cloth, woollen* 7 “ f-altinetto 3 “ Fustians 32 “ Doz lihio purple & Red Plaid II 1 10-12 French llntlairias “ 2 G-12 Rrittanius “ |a “ a 2 “ Indcliable Ink 24 Leather Caps 1 ps ti -1 Table Diapt r 4 11-12 Doz Pocket 11 inks 2 ps. Supr Black Ciape G “ Swiss Book muslin 2 “ Tambourd “ “ 7 “ “ Leno “ 2 “ Supr. Maiiuo Cloth, 4 Supr Greene Table Covets G “ Bine Table Jo. 3 ps Velvet ecus HI Covcrlelts 3 ps Lawn 1 Doz ■ ambrick flkfi 2 “ Blakk Silk Glove* 1 8-12 “ White “ 20 Bbls Prime Pork, !l “ Mackerel, No. 3, 4 “ “ No 1, 1 Pipe Amcican Brandy, 2 Qr. Casks Malaga W ine, , 1 “ Teneriffo “ 1 Indian Bbl. Muscat “ l» Bbls N. Orleans Rum, 5 “• Loaf Sugar, lrt Kegs Tobacco, G Boxes Champagne, 20 “ Riv-ins, G Baskets Sweet Oil, 20 Boxes Cider, 8 “ Segars, Ist quality, 5 “ Sper n Can lies, 12 •' Smoaked Herrings, 10 Bags Green Coffco. All of which articles will he s* Id l<v wholesale and. o.i accomodating terms. Merchants from the Country would do well to call and exam ine fortlienvolvcs. June SHh Insurance. rgHIE Augusta Insurance and Bank- Ja_ ing Company will insure Produce and Mer chandise against the dangers of River Navica lion on good steam boats and other river crat'l. and upon good vessels from Apalachico a to New Oilcans or thqatlantic cities. They will also tako fire risks upon Buildings, Merchandise and Produce GEO W DtLLWGHJIM, (SHORTER, TARVER & CO. SI AVE received by late arrivals the follow 1. ing Goods on consignment which they offer on favourable terms. 55 bbls. Choice Cider, 30 Boxes Newark Pippin do. 70 bbls. i 'inenmati VY hiskey, GO “ N. O. Molasses, 12 hhds. Bacon, 20 bbls Pickled Pork, 10 Drums Figs, 0 Boxes liavann* Cigars, ... o- ' i —i-.l ...ajjl-fnetUtO. 5 quarter casks Mt lmsey v> ino, 150 Sacks Salt, . . 20 cases Lemon Syrrup & Lime Juice, 30 bbls Sugar, Barrels Irish Potatoes, 20 Sacks prime Green Coffee, 5 barrels genuine Monongahala Yv hislt -y, 12 Pattern barslienr ploughs, made l»y • Parson, Enfield Don't. Cognac Brandy with a variety of other Articles. »' a y 1 V G. W. DILLINGHAM, ecrevs (or Saif. (00 barrels Pickled Pork. ~ , , u 200 sacks I iverpool and Turk s Island sal , 50 bbls Western Whiskey, 100 do. N. Orleans Molasses, 250 do. various qualities sugar, 50 do. Mackerel, 4d(M* ibs. blue gist Grindstones, 100 Sides uppet I,eathcr, 2000 lbs. sole Leather, 8000 lbs Bacon, 150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging, 80 eoils Bale Rope. may a • rillTß citizens are warned against trad W in? liar orders on .bo Creek Agent gtven bv the Uchce chief und witnesaed bv John Mar shall, as they arc not gen me, tl in ber in circulation, and will, m P b ’ c beVreqnei.tly ofFoted on tho frontiers for to be, lr!l<iC July 7. Jofcli HU Broadnax larßiiKi) i*oisli , A p exec client quality in sound hew barrels <>»m i» "qfw'SS aam TANARUS„ 'f.tli <>X CONSrGNM E A T a t for ile bv SHORTER. TaRVKR A < " jjpj Bl*ld. Newark Cider, first quality. Ilia V ‘ft * NO l ICE. r FORWARN all persons from trading for a Foot, so...clime , . I>£»t»r. WK, April, if due.about the' - consideration do '"may lV.'iKie! 1 "gilder Phillips. COLLNI*' CAST SI EEL AXLS win. wtki'lj h™ l ;- M For sale by « W DILLINGHAM Juno pith _ - BACON A LAB®. knwhoo fc liowwll. Auction Poem, | *>*'•><’"»' " cu, ’ e ‘ t ' ttl “ 1 ~.oi..piU • ,ler, j: NORTON. \u.t. 1 A'tf 1 45 tl V 'SgSit 1 V*O«*tIOWKU-. COLOIBI S, (GA.) SAT! 521J1Y, BtI»TK3SBIhR £2, SPRUNG &. SI MM£R I 1 FRA JJE Subscribers lisV«, just iinisbed opening a fine stock of F.l Y ST. J- I Pl.t SPItIXU v A VMM. ti DRY GOODS 1 Hals, Shoes Saddlery, irockcry and llard vare, which are offered to the public attucli prices as they h q>«, w ill gvc satisfaction. ’I heir friends aro respectfully requested to cali ami examine for themselves—l In stock is couipo -ed partly if die foliowiig article,: j Foulard Musli-i Prints, j Plain and figured uiusins, of ail descriptions, j Muslin-robes, ginghaiif, fancy barage, I Calicoes el every varidy, Black, white and fauq- color’d silks, Black and white ratiy A fine and fasliiotmjih assortment of bonnets i, belt ribbons, cap aid taffetas do. Ladies and gent s beaver and hoiseskin gloves and mitts, Ladies and gcnl's random whole A half hose, A case of fashionable Dunstable and Leghorn bonnets, A few dozen straw bonnets, A good assortment of silk, crape A barago fan cy Inlk Ts, Ladies printed cambric lidk’fs. Artificial flikvers and straw bands, ( ologne. Lavender. Rose A Florida water, Otto of Ro es, 50 whole A- naif pieces linen, Table,birdeye A' Russia Diaper, Brown and bleached linen drills, Black bombazines, b onbuzetts, princeltas, A c Rouen cassimercs, Nankins 4' summer cambists Bleached cotton tsaUin drills, silk velvets, A good and new assortment of dersailles Ves tings, A few pieces light 4" fancy Valencia Vestings, Ladies parasols and gentlemen’s umbrellas, Bl k Italian cravats and linen collars, Thread Cambric and long lawn. Ladies fancy silk and hood bags, fancy funs, Brown and bleach'd shirtings Cotton Diaper, Garment and furniture dimities, A large and line selection of shell, tuck and side combs, I piece black bombazine for ladies wear, Bedtick, Osiiabufghs and cln cks, Furiiituie blue and scarlet checks, 3 4 and 1-4 plaids and stiipcs, struuus, Buckram padding 4 c Sewing silk and a colton, needles, pins, 4m. Ac. A large and fine assortment of black and drab hats and caps, Lady’s, gentlemen's and children’s shoes of all kinds and q aliiies Lady’s 4' gentlemen's saddles, bridles and mar tingales CROCKERY. China 4' Liverpool brown A pink ward, Common ware of all kinds, tumblers 4" wine castors. 4'C. A large and full assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. J-*ii>er‘s Tools, Axes, Hoes, 4- Black smith's Tools Fine toilet and swi.,g glasses. Letter and cap paper, ink, quills and pencils, may 5. Lawhon &. 11 envoi I. JUST PUBLISHED, A ND received by the -,i the C°* led „formed ''"'‘og Iho w/,0/ e / „ iVHiWorra-War.A. by Baron 1> (r (,:>■’ - ; Surgeon and Chief of the Hospital o. the Royal , Guards,.Ex-Inspector of the M.l tarV Medical Staff, Ex Prims Suigeon of the t.iana Artnv of Russia, Saxony. Ac . . N B This is one nf tho most entertaining works to the Su geon ever published m Uns Also! Adventures on the (Vlmiibia River, in cluding ilie Narrative of a Residence of six years on -he Western side of the ( Rocky Mount ains among various tribes of Indian- other o unknown; t-gather "ith a journey across the American Continent: by KOsn • Together with a great variety ofmedica. and other works too numerous l ° E pU y ll ‘^oßTON. junc 50 ’ » ltW>J St - JUST PUBLISHED bid for sale at the Columbus Booh Store, THE LOST VIRGIN OF THE SOUTH; l s Historical Novel, connected with the ln \ War of the South, in the years 1M , 13 14 and 15-and Gen. Jackson, now i resi dent of the United Slates. CP DO.y PE 'ttO C.JSSEADEC. A few copies remaining on hand may 19 E. S. NORTON, Broad street. COLUMBUS BOOK STORE. FIIAVE jus 1 received at my Store the f;> l ow ling new and other puhhca- I Fugeno Aram a novel by the author ofPdham nanarle. Parly’s Columbus, Universal Songster, Flute Instructors, Rowlett’s interest Tables, > ole ridge, Shelly and Real’s works, Scott's Napoleon » vols, Cook’s Morgagni 2 vols, Oewees Midwifery . . „ , Eboilc’s Practice of Modttine 2 vosl Turner’s < hemistry Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology, Ainsworth’s Dictionary, .. . , Methodist Hymn Books (pocket edition) Prayer Books (do.) Sarid Box’s and Inkstands, , p.nt Folios Visiting Cards Blank <ar «•. ■ r,mother with a great variety ofhooks and iuu ■tv articles 100 numerous to l*J l s®“jjgßT o N April 20. " HEW FIRM. a F.XFJUi. jiai~vcY AND COM BIS ION BUSINESS. COLFMHI 8 GEORGIA. ill., sol. criliers respectfully acquaint Jiur friends .nd «he public, tha' they have lor „od n connexion in the above husinoss under name and ulvlo of SHORTER, TARVER & GO. Thev have and cxtansive «- XJ. will b.’ ..reared to Make advance, re. Uio same wh*J» y ® rk under shipment to . V| | ( tIITP R . o' i ’ niKisi | # T IIVF.Ri } $ MMEi H. BHORTEU, mav 19, Vot H Unite Hotel, tariaweii. . $ fS opening for boarders and (lhvellerA. The I proprietor pledges hi in self to use every cf fort to render those comfort able who msv favor him with a call FLISIIA TARVER Columbus, Aogoo' 4 Commission .y r'uctorugt lousiness. HUE subscriber inajio a tender of their ser .*» vices to their friends and the public in the above business 3 bey have in progress an extensive Ware house and close store and u hicli will bo ready for the resception of produce and merchandise by the Ist of September next, situ ated on Oglethorpe street East and near the In surance Bank the con veiiimice arising from its' immediate neighbourhood to that part of the town in which the principle part of the Cotton will be sold renders it a desirable nine- for the Planters to deposit their produce! They will foel grateful lor any consignments or orders with wl icli they may be favoured assuring their friends that llieir unremitted attention will be ’exerted to promote their interest. They will he prepared to make liberal advances on < 'o.ton and other produce, and merchandise when required. W illiam H. llui’|H.T. l’tlix Lev is. July 28th. nAM-AFlv Table Diaper, Gd ami 10-1 Dia per, of good quality August 4 LAWHON A HOWELL. CM ART and Waggon Boxes, a large and well y assorted lot LAWHON A HOWELL. August 4 musicT US. E I. SMITH has concluded to spend I' A the vacation in Tallioilo' where she will continue to give lessons in inus - ill about the first * f November; a: vvlii h 1 o bo will assur edly return to Columbus and resume her school. September 8 f o VOITHMK Av rLl£S2it If £k Bfß Mast ufacturirs , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Wl IULO respectfully inform I he pub- j ,jf n Y ioj-'gv have on hand, and will keep const in Us faVora*!fti?toW.W*lo. snip.sjad „v market in the United stales. Strict attention will he given to all orders ,ro o,dcrsfoTn r ads left with Ed ward J. Harden sq. at Apnalachicola, will be promptly atte nd dl° IVAXTED TO PURCIt.I&E. Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a liberal price will be given, delivered either at Columbus or at Appulachicela Cohtvibns. .'lug. 27, 1831. MUSIC SCHOOL. MHS.E. J. (SMITH, | FORMERLY of Sparta—a lady of first rale * aecomphsii.nents in Music anti Painting, Has opened a school ’ll. Columbus at thei lu Dim i Hotel The palroitago of a l.betal coin innintv is solicited Sl.e brings w,th her, m. ) satisfactory and testimonials of her qualifications both moral and literary. * REFERENCES — Pol. Hut C Stiyrc, In Win Terrell, Joel Crinefoid, Esq. It cents .a llerrieii Esq —' ; parta. . .i Col a thorn Jons, Judge Shorter, Central liaison. Dr Cl,title,s. <> E Thomas Esq James nn Acss, Esq —i nlutubus, jnc sU—tf NEW GOODS t RRIVLNG from N. York X Oceans and ' „ih r markets to G. VV DILI .INGHAM Juno •> NOTICE. ra .. IH7TLL resold at tlm late residence of Smith \\ Bonner lute of < a.rol county deceased nn the 1-t day nex the personal *)f said dctoarcd ot 11 or sob ca tic household & Kitchen furnitnre plantation , . terms mado known onthodaysale.- AB Demons who are indebted .o said State are reo'tested to make immediate paymont an those that have, anv demands against this es u"c are „ quested to render then. ... terms of lho law. \ ZAD( >C B<INNER, \ A.lm’rs. THOMAS BONNER, S July’Jl- * GEORGIA Heard County Audrcwllowze , L.hel for divorce in A l HeardSup«riorCourt El./mbetl. How* 1 May Term, IS3’J. "73" B-* .i. s July 21. 9m BACON. , , i HE Sidmcritiers have just ‘'VV *’ J. * j J'dv, 19. — O H SU E. .vor.. ii.— . ,-f>. OjJi.-il i.j cor pub.Ud a „t .tf« C( ,„,g;„ , „„ .fyncu tnrv! Netvspnper to ee to it/e THE SOUTHERN I LAM ER, r I|H.: M.»UTIIEt;N 1 l. ii\ i KK will be de- Voted exclusively to lim /i erieitilnral in ti'iesU of the country : menidititr litr.icilllnru iianagmiieut of stock, m«.i: g -fwioe «„d si k. ’.ardening. Domctic I’.e n. i„v. iimDV Art: *iou-ulioiU Expenses,, Fiuit mv Ac' Ac Ac. It will bo issued (at find v <aber w-ek >n a medio 111 sheet and qutitlo f<,,,,,—m, (fo< P( J paper and new type, pin. ireii < x.m s • , tbs t|„, lift 1 pose. 1o bo nil) 1.. U and „ed n.iuge'd us the extent of paitonage »i.all uaiiant. The Iniin w ill bo i-ouienit m 1.,r biinlieg, and each voiumc will be aecuuipnuicti m.ii * , oi.n usr indi x Political ami sectoiian subjects will be exclu ded It isMhe design of llm publisher to 11 afce tho work interest mg ti. all classes t I the ct niniiiiit 'j! panteuluilv t those in any wise criincc eil farm ng, gai Jeiung, nieehauies, 1 iiu.inuuicalion* are soticited AgTvtiltnial Bociolii a, and fiieuds of (he planting uderost generally, arcrequestvd to aid us in our mmici• taking, < Essays on law. medical and scientific subjects will be received. Premiums will bo given fertile lest written essays on particular subject:. Any v.t-IJ writ ten com in n men ti, in on any subject e.-i meted " ilh the ol jeets of tins publication, w til er.tiilu tho authn to a ycat's tubscnptl' 1 . I I* G publisher will be assisted in ihc Editorial department, by several literary g« ntlemcn TEKVlri—Two dt liars per annum, in ad. va ec, or $2 F.O at the end of the y ear l’o t üb so ibers to the Macon Tslograph', tiie price w ill be one dollar anil a half, in advance, or two dol lurs at the end of tho year. Tho paper will be commenced as soon as :u!B eicnt encouragement otiors. M BARTL TT. Macon, july 25, 183J—<15 TO THE FUJI LIC. I IAVING hitherto been influenecd bv the J. e advico of my fiionds. I have disdained to notice the little petty slander and low pyrlem of persecution wliicli has been commenced and carr. and on against me by twn uninfiuentm! and unimportant characters if Hamilton Harris county; but a* their representations have, no doubt, passed through many mouths; it may not bo improper to publish tiie I'ollwiiig slat inent, made by Cnpt Sentell, who was on the -pot, and who is w illing, at any time, to swear t tint accuracy and correctness ol the circunistacns as be has related them.—Capt Bentoli is a gentle man whose character, in Mc-rriweatber c. unly, is above reproach, was formerly a B'riiator iri the Legislature, and is now a candidate for tho same office; —iiear him ! Dr. Duncan hoving called upon mo to staco llto farts concerning an attempt made to attack him, by a certain Mr Brown, of Hamilton, Har ris county I tlirefoie make the following state uiciK: I was at the residence of Dr. Duncan when a carriage arrived opposite his house; immediate lv theteafteer, two men stepped out, and walk ed towards l»r Duncan's dwelling, and upon ar ming at which, Brown, os I ufforwards tiruirr stood 11 is name to be, stepped into tho cd'»e of the passage, and observed to Dr Duncan, ho had called to demand satisfaction for an injury done him ; l)r Duncan remarked, ho c< rtiiici- | e f V contained in tho letter, and the ho having passed from each-aim whtlo l)r Duncun was walking obliquely iick ss tho .. 11.1 , L,.m lna ni'r icct l/r Lfuiitiuu »u.a . j . na<«ane, Hpovd pulled out from Ins pocket .1 till Pistol, and p.csen.ed it a. Dr Duncan; |)r Duncan being, at llio instant ... tho act of walking, stepped pe>haps another step further, and milling round, took from Ins | : <>ckel a pistol, al-o, at this juncture,perhaps a little before, Mrs, ,unran interposed herself, as 1 did myself, and he other individual, (1 oppose .Dxwsoii,) w her. uiion Brown immediately lurneu olfand ett llio l,ou-e' but before he left tho house, Dr Duncan returned back in hi- walk across the |«.jiw not more than 2or 3 loot Iron. Brown 1 did not perceive that Duncan got out ol Browns 1 t sw\i ll *■•* i v nnrii'flrurl cool not iicrccivu tint , wav at all; but, on the contrary, appeared cool and determined, ntid when Brown first came in to thu house, he walked tip uot far from him and stood sonic time, and when he turned slow ly I,lf walked obliquely across the passage. Blown milled out h.s pistol, us I have represented above, as to Brown’s advacing on Dr Duncan, is totally false and untrue; he did not move < ut of his t.acks in which he ln-t place himself when lie stepped first into the house. It is false as to Dawson’s presenting a pistol; it he w as armed « ill, a pistol. 1 could not see it After Brown had retired. 'awsm.Kld Dr. Duicbi. he ln.d u challenge for him, holding in h.s hand u ma t 1 b i,i„.. l.u rn « I rut her accent It piece of paper .* and that l.e°could either accept it or not accept it; J'pon which Dr Duncan mneo obioctions, as 1 understood, to Brown » charac •er ami standing insocicly, connected with bm rer’ent deport.i.ent towards him Viler which, I >riwso,i. without speaking another w ord, also, S* •»*»> “• '“■‘Sola.a Vrttru.. Having trespassed thus much upon the punlic attention” I will not hereafter obtrude m^solfuje. mi it any further than, perhaps, to publish ‘ apt. SeiitolTs affidavit ?fU Merriwelher county.—r3d August, 1852. Ihe Federal Union, and Georgia Journal ore requested. serf rally, logic- the abort one ,escr tJii. and forward their accounts to GictnrtUt. MOT ICE. A ¥ R Sam. will act as my ajren*• 7! my absence. F August 11. **l JOINER S TOOLS / \F a supetior qna’ity <V w ell ‘’ l O opening EA WI ION ts HO\V ELL. npril2Llß32 7 O IM)ST*MHSTEIl s. r HE subserber has p st tcoeivcM an assort. meiit i 1 •.so J ‘ * PRINTED LISTS OF TDK WIAXV.SO 19 TDK LONTI.M PLATBU COED AM) LAM) LOTTERIES -111, H.. HI marl. "» vdfront till) ottwe V The. wilt a ipeer in Nmubm. s„ that they forwaTuS-^n- Vw'wtoV i’iii —’1“"" ♦« ...Tr.,:,"i- o „,y. u y„,|,l,ert.. MitVedgari'loi Ang 9,1 -•