Newspaper Page Text
COLIJ>Iit j; S, CtEOftGlA,
iTt Three Dollars per annum, if paid in , n [.
vance, or Four Dollars, at the era! of the
year. It is expected that all application for
subscription from a distance, will he accom
panied with the money.
Advert Memento will be inserted at rcitsn)ji!4c
rales. ■"'ales of laud and negroes, by adminis
trators, executors or guardians, are requited l>v
law to bo he'd on the first tnesdav in tho month
between the hours of 10 o clock hi the forenoon
31n tho afternoon, at 11re court house of the
county in which the property is situated. Notice
oFtheso sales must bo oiveii in a public Gazette
Bi-xty days previous to the day of sale
Notice ol the sale of personal property must
sea give’ in a like manner forty days previous to
ho day if sale
Notice to debtors \ orodilorsof an estate must
be published forty days
Notice that all application will be made to the
court of ordinary for leave to sell land must bo
published four months.
tlTLetters business must be Post paid to
insure .attention
FIAHE establish uent, situated in tc Creek
I Nation, on the S’age Road from oluni
bus. Ga. to Montgomery. Ala is now open, for
the recep ion of trav Hers under the manage
mont and direction of the subscriber It is lo
oaled eqni distant from the ea tern and western
borders of the Nati >n, it being thirty eight miles
from roiumbus, and the same distance from
Line Creek, the residence of Mr. Walter ft
1,00 1 Excellent and commodious buildings
Imve been erected by the subscriber, entirely
new. which will always be kept in a state (if
neatness and regularity for the comfort and con
veniencel of tlio e who nay ho disposed to pat
ronize him. *I is staolcs arc secure and roomy,
and abundantly supplied With corn and fodder
lie is assisted in 'he manage uent of his House
by Mr and Mrs Rouben Lanici. It is the pos
itive e ertnination of the subscriber to bo mod
erate in his eha ges, and to establish such rates
as cannot fail t>. be satisfactory, and ho flute <
In self from his knowledge of the business
having been for several years engaged in the
Columbus Hotel!, • ndor the direction of Gon.
N. Howard and subsequently under that of
Mes-r. Fomrnji & Montague, that he will be
abb' I ■ givo satisfaction to those who call at hi-
House. Sampson Lanier
Jnl 14 If i
VS /'ILL be sold m tlio fiist Tuesday in Oclo
v* ber next dining the lawful hours a' the
Court Mouse in ' oluinbus Muscogee County,
I, -) of Land \o 1!>8 in the Cth district of
cogeo;—8old as the property of Zadoch '.ewis
deceased, by orde’ of the < 'ourt of Ordinary,
for *he benefit of heirs and creditors of said de
Terms Three months ciedit with small
notes and approved security.
July 14
fro TICE.
)UR months after dale, application will be
madeti the honorable the Inferior ''ourt
of Stewart County, when -itting for Otdinarv
purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate ot
Joli’i II Patterson (deceased.) lor the benefit of
tlio hoiis and creditors ofsoid estate
MARY Adm'x
July 14 1 in 4ui
months after (into, application will be
inado to the Honorable llie lufo.inr < ourt
of Carroll county, while sitting h>i Or in ry
purposes, fir leave to sell Lot of land No 29-f
in the 2Jlh District foimerly "us ••ojer. now
Harris c uintv, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of .lame- Lcntli'-rs deceased.
July 14 tin 1 s _____
ritlU'. rubsciber brgn ioavc to i’ to mi li is
I friends and the public generally that he
has the Pntenl Right for ashing Machines of
the ost approved plan, and will keep them
constantly on hand for sale, and will sell thorn as
low as they can be bought in the old counties.
He will sell Machines or Paterit Rights m
the counties of Muscogee. Harris. Troup, 1 al
bot, Marion, and Randolph
This Machine washes c uin nd fast, and
doos not injure the clothes in the least
The subscriber also carries on the Cab
inet business in its various branches, and will
sell on accommodating term-.
July 14—3
To the Ptiblic.
TN eonucqiienco of an arrangeinei»t b w* •
so c of the creditors (of the late turn of an iV Duncan) and J i ! - Bate.i on pro*
G ties can be depended ou to prize, holder
of Te l ets, and the drawing ot sam Loner wi-l
take place the fourth Monday in next December
September Bth L'SS •’*
Thomas Beall.
James Spiefr*, Superin
T \V. 4,00 i1<“, ‘endnnts
15 J. Crews. to the
I). B. Grant, Lottery
W. P. Yontre. j
ITTho Columbus Enquirer an! Dc.uoci
the M icon Messenger mid Telegru It, J 1
led vi lo Journal and Federal Union, i:.r
gustii - hroniclo A. 4 ouricr, 'he . nia'U' \
gi. u the Charleston Mercury and ( chut 'h<
A I ne. Southern Banner, the A>D< ir «?••• ’
aonian. will insert the above, twice a men I. j
the drawing and forward tbei »cc<.un - "J
JJ tatu oan. at Th »mvdon, fir pa moot.
THE PH !>' 1 A
Line of Ht 'o-es
UNMSO through tim ;» '■ t.rrln M North
.1 t end South 4 l'ehn.i, ami V »"» " ’ 1
Ington city and uhicii n'r «. ■■ born er.d u.
My terminate I at Tow Hb • .* now ..Hull am
gomiileto ■ pet ~ , >
It lion recently her:. «' and. .Uo
(Join which place t* ' ‘J '
days and Staton ■ ~ .
For Partic'i* a " ■
villo ji#p«rt.. ~ . # u i |*»
07"! lie
TlWh I." ■ ,
u ■
«N O’.MtlAMm
shorter, u'Auvni; 1 & *co! >y
x ptecs f ircassians
“ Bombazclts assorted
®* “ Fancy Prints «
u a v a ' d * stn Pcd Domestics
k Negro Cloth, woollens
• “ Satlinettc
,•> “ Fustians
I'in 19P° Z purpl ° * Plaid H
„V ' * tench Briltamas “
-• <>-12 Brittanias «
} ‘
2 “ Indeliable Ink
d4 Leather Caps
1 ps tj 4 Table Diaper
4 11-12 Doz Pocket Rooks
2 ps Supr Black Drape
(j ‘ *wiss Book muslin
2 “ Tambourd “ «
J “ “ Leno “
2 “ Supr. Marino Cloth,
4 Supr Greene Tabic Covers
o Blue Table do.
•1 ps Velveteens
111 Coverlelts
II ps Lawn
1 Doz ainbrick Ilkfs
2 •’ Blkk silk Gloves
I 8-12 “ White “ «
2() Bbls Prime Pork,
ft “ Mackerel, No. 3,
4 “ No J,
1 Pipe Ameican Brandy,
2 Qr. '"asks Malaga Wine,
Teneriffe “
I Indian Bid Muscat “
Bids v Orleans Rum,
Loaf Sugar,
Ift Kegs Tobacco
0 Boxes Champagne,
2*) “ Raisins,
(5 Baskets Sweet Oil,
20 Boxes Cider,
8 “ Segars. Ist quality,
5 “ Sperm Can lies,
12 “ Smoakcd Herrings.
10 Bags Green Cotfeo.
All of which articles will bo sold by wholesale
and on accomodating terms. Merchants from
the * 'oiinlr. would do well to call and exam
ine forlhoniolves.
June fttli
FIIHE Augusta Insurance and Hank
ing Company will insure Produce and Mer
chandise against the dangers of River Navi, a
ii n on good steam boais and other river craft,
and upon good vessels from Apulachico a to New
Oilcans or theatlantic cities
They wi I also take fire risks upon Buildings,
Merchandise and Produce
4 J AVE received by late arrivals the follow
’■ 1 mg Goods oil consignment which they
offer on favourable terms
55 bbls. Choice Cider,
ftft Boxes Newark Pippin do.
70 bbls. Cincinnati Whiskey,
00 ‘‘ N. O. Molasses,
12 hhds. Bacon,
20 bbls Pickled Pork,
1 ( * Orums Figs,
(> Boxes ’lovanna l agars,
Deal Pino, celebrated manufacture,
50 Boxes Virginia A N C Tobacco,
5 quarter casks Mrhnsoy Wine,
150 Sacks Balt.
20 cases Lemon Svrrup & Lime Juice,
30 bbls Sugar,
Barrels Irish Potatoes.
20 Sacks prime Green Coffee,
5 barrels genuine Monongahala Whiskey,
12 Pattern barshear ploughs, made by K.
Parson, Enfield Con’t.
Cognac Brandy with a variety of other
Articles may Ift, 1832.
Offers Cov Sale,
100 barrels Pickled Pork,
200 sacks I iverpnol and Turk s Island suit,
50 bbls Western Whiskey,
100 do. N. Orleans vlolasses,
250 do. various qualities sugar,
50 do Mackerel,
4(100 ibs blue gist Grindstonos,
IliO Sides uppei Leather,
2000 lbs. solo Leather,
8000 lbs Bacon.
150 Bolts Kentucky Bagging,
80 coils Halo Rope may 10.
sjrrmTß citizens arc warned against trad-
YV inir for orders on the Creek Agent given
bv thn Ucheo chief und witnessed bv John Mar
shall, as they are not. genuine; thero are a num
ber in circulation, and will, in all probability,
be frequently offered on the fron iers for to be
July 7. John 11. Broadnax-
\F excnellent quality in sound new barrels
'* ■ w iil be kept through the season bv
’ Cl li .
. ~r -■ i!e bv !••»<)• TF t.TAiiVF.RA C
]?hls. Newark Cider, first quality.
3 FORVVARN all persons from trading for a
! certain note of band given by me to a Mr
Foot, sometime in the last of oarch o- first
Vuril 4 due about the 24th of December. 1832,
for .went! five dollars. As the consmera'ton
r which said note was given has fail <l, I do
intend t. pav it unless compelled bv law
may 12. Iff®. Wilder Phillips.
with NTS^Bi
For sale hi " "
June H'th
rrAIIL subscribers have a quantiti of Georgia
I Bacon and Lard which they offer at a m
''mu T 11 :
Auction Room*
II ’>ll list KIR R inf urns'h<* i'll If hat
|„ t .repaid! and will attend to 'hr rec-iv-
mi selling of onns in -in run.
Theso,sliest r«v«. i grs'ofnllv rec-ved. and
I .pt'vH.«er .:.v NORTO% Auct .
Veg I-—-45 if
! 'M'.li All "Ifi- e ne.l.-v .11'
♦ August 4. LAW BON At lIuWLLL*
«014>M3l (l, IGA.) NVITIIIm , (M T«BEK«, !*;{-£.
Subscribers have just finished
opening a fine stock of JVJ V<v A7.7
Hats, Bhoes Saddlery, l rockori and llard
aro, which arc offered to the ptblie at such
prices as they hope, w ill givo salisfattion. Their
friends are respectfully requested to call and
examine for themselves —Th. stockis compo
pe*i partly of the following articles:
Foulard Muslin Prints,
Plain and figured muslins, of all descriptions,
Muslin robes, ginghams, fancy bar ago,
* alicocs of every variety,
Black, white and fancy color'd silks,
Black and white satin,
A fine and fashionable assortment of bonnets a
belt ribbons, cap and taffetas do.
Ladies and gent’s beaver and horseskin gloves
and nutts,
Ladies and gent’s random whole A half hose,
A case of fashionable Dunstable and Leghorn
A few dozen straw bonnets,
A good assortment of silk, crape & barave fan
cy lidk’fs,
Ladies printed cambric hdk’fs.
Artificial flowers and straw bands,
l ologne. Lavender, Rose A Florida walor,
Otto of Ro es,
sft whole A' naif pieces linen,
Table. liiroeyo If Russia Diaper,
Brown and bleached linen drills,
Black bombazines,b oiilinzetts, princottas, Ac
Rouen cassimnres, Nankins 4> summer carnblets
Bleached cotton naltin drills, silk velvets,
A good and new assortment of Versailles Ves
A few pieces light A - fancy Valencia Vestings,
Ladies parasols and gentlemen’s umbrellas,
B* « Italian cravats and linen collars,
Thread Cambric and long lawn
Ladies fancy silk and heed bags, fancy fans,
Brown and bleach’d shirtings &■ sheetings.
Cotton Diaper,
Garment and lurniture dimities,
A large and fine selection of shell, tuck and
-ide combs,
1 piece black bombazine for ladies wear,
Bodtick, Osnaburghs and checks,
Furniture blue and scarlet checks,
•1 4 and 4-4 plaids and stripes, strouos,
Buckram padding 4-c
Sewing silk aud.cotlon, needles, pins. 4-c. Ac.
A large and fine assortment of black and drab
hats and caps.
Lady’s, gentlemen's and children’s shoes of all
kinds and q alities
Lady’s 4- gentlemen’s saddles, bridles and mar
tingah s
China 4 1 Liverpool brown & pink ware,
Common ware of all kinds, tumblers &f wine
castors. fyc.
A large and full assortment of Hardware and
Cutlery, Joiner's Tools, Axes, Does, Black
smith’s Tools
Fine toilet and swi.,g glassos,
Letter and cap paper, ink, quills and pencils
may 5. Lawhon &, Howell.
ND received by the subscriber at the (Jo
ted from the French with an aceouut of all tlie
capital operations performed during tlio whole
of Napoleon’s wars, by Ilaron D G LArtKEY,
Surgeon and Chief of the Hospital of the Royal
Guards, Kx-Iti-pector Gencial of the Military
Medical Staff, Ex Prime Surgeon of tho G rand
Army of Russia, Saxony, Ae
N B This is one of the most entertaining
w rks to tlio Suigeon ever published in this
cou nlry.
Also. Adventures on the Columbia River, in
cluding ihe Narrative of a Residence of six
years on the Western side of the Rocky Mount
ains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto
unknown; together with o journey across the
American Continent: by ROSS O ! X
Together with a great variety of medical and
other works too numerous to particularize
juna 30 r Broad St
Ind for sale at the Colttmbvs Hook Store,
A N Historical Novel, connected with the In-
I\- dian War of the South, in the years 181 i,
13 14 and 15—and Gen. Jackson, now Presi
dent of the United States.
A few copies remaining on hand
may 19 E. S NOR TON, Broad street.
(HAVE jus! received at my Store the follow
ing new and other interesting publica
Fugene Aram a novel by the author of Pelhoin
The Forsaken, a title 2 vols.
The Polish Chiefs an historical romance 2 vo
Family Library No. 29 Court and Camp o' B
na parte.
Parly’s 'olumbus,
Universal Songster,
Flute Instructors,
Rowlett’s Interest Tables,
oleridge, Shelly and Keat’s works,
Scott’s Napoleon 3 vols,
'ook’s Morgagni 2 vols.
Dewees Midwifery
Eberle’s Practice of Medicine 2 Vosl
Turner’s 1 hemistry
Bichat s Anatomy of Physiology,
\insworlh’s Dictionary,
Methodist llyinn Books (pocket edition)
Prayer Books (do.)
Sand Box’s and Inkstands,
Put Folios Visiting Cards Blimk Cards Ac
r ogether with a great variety of books and fan
’v articles too numerous to particularize.
April2o. E S NORTON
new firm.
HR sis -Cr hers respectfully acquaint their
friends and <he public, that they have for
ned a connexion in the above business under the
iinmc and stylo of
They have commodious and extensive ar
ialignments in progress for the reception nnd
storage of produce, and will he prepared to
•ink* advances on the same while in store or
under shipment to New Orleans or Non-York
) E. S *M»4)KTKK,
Bigncd BEN.I P. TAHV KR,
may 19, 1t32.
Planter's Hotel,
I” S opening for boarders and liavellors. The
proprietor pledges himself to use every ef
fort to render those comfortable who may fivor
him with a call EI.ISHA TARVER
* ’olumbiis, \u£U»f 4
Commission *s>• Factorage Business.
, 11E subscriber make n tender of their ser
vices to their friends and the public in
the above business They have in progress an
extensive Ware house and close store and which
will bo ready for the resreption of produce and
merchandise by the Ist of September next, situ
ated on Oglethorpe street East and near the In
surance Bank the convenience arising from its
immediate neighbourhood to that part of the
town in which the principle part of tho Cotton
will he sold renders it a desirable pine- for the
Planters to deposit their produce. They will
feel gratoful for any consignments <>r order's with
which they may be favoured assuring their
friends that their unreiintled attention will he
exerted to promote their intcrost. They will be
prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton and
other produce, and niorrhandise when required.
Will iam 11. llurpcr.
Felix Lewis.
July 28th
DAM ASK Table Diaper, 04 and ltl-4 Dia
per, of good quality
("N ART and V\ aggon Boxes, a largo and well
J assorted lot L AWHON A HOWELL.
August 4
\I RS. E 4. SMITH has concluded to spend
■*l the vacation in Talholton. where she will
continue to givo lessons in music till about the
first if November; a; whi-h >iino ho will assur
edly roturn to Columbus and resume her school
September 8. f o
\OIJRNrc & €LAK K 9
Ma a ufactu /vr.v,
HJLD respectfully:.infoj;nji J|jc j
intllv for sale at whole sale and retail a goner
il and extonsive assortment of H.ITS. eotnpri J all the various fashions and qualities, nod I
>n as favorable tenns as can be purchased at a
ny market in the United Btatos.
Strict attention will lie given to all orders
from the country
Oidersfor Hats left with Edward J. Hn.'Jen,
rsq at Appalachicola, will bo promptly attend
'd to.
Hatting furs of all kinds, for which cash and a
liberal price will be givon, delivered cither at
Columbus or at Appalachicola
Columbus .lug. 27. 1831.
of Sparta—a lady offirst rato
I accomplishments in
Music and Painting,
Has opened a school in Columbus, at the t ’o
lunbua Hotel The patronage of'a liberal com
munity is solicited She brings with her, very
satisfactory and flalloring testimonials of her
qualifications both moral and literary
Ji’m Terrell, Joel Crawford, Esq. II eems M.
Berrien Esq. —Sparta.
Col .seaborn Jones , Judge Shorter, General
Watson, Dr Childers. G E Thomas Esq James
an Mess, Esq —Columbus,
jne 30—ts
a RRIVING from N. York, N Orleans nnd
oth r markets to G. \V DILI INGHAM
June 6
WILL t e sifld at the late residence r f Smith
Bonner late of' nrrol county deceased
on the Ist day of September ncx the personal
cstato of said deceased consisting of Horses cat
tle household A Kitchen furniture plantation
toolß tennsmado known on the day sale.-
AU persons who are indebted to said State are
reqiestcd to make immediate payment and
those that have, am demands against this es
tato are lequested to render them in terms of
the law
THOMAS BONNER, i Xilai rs '
July 21.
GEORGIA Heard County
AudrcwHowze i Libel for divorce in
vs | Heard SupcriorCourt
Elizabeth Howze I May Term, IHT2.
4 T appearing to the Court, by tho 'elurn oftho
l Sheriff that the defendant in said Ca e i
not an inhabitant of rliis tatc, it is ordered that
st reice be perfected by publishing in one of thp
news Papers in this State for three months
1 do hereby certify the ah' ve to be a true ex
tract from the minutes this 3d July 1832,
Bailey Bledsoe, Clk.
July 21. 3m
I»HE Subscribers have just ereiv and a large
1 quantity of good Bacon which they will
sell low lor cash or Good paper *
Hudson &. Felton.
July, 19.
I < »R S V 1.1,.
TO\l ASTON I ine A Homan < < men*.
i. Apply to 4J. W BILLING|I VM.
VOij. 1 §f J?.2,
Cor pub ishi g at Macon. G 0... air .Igrieu'tural
Newspaper tube
-i-* voted exclusively to the Ag.i-ultor ,| j„.
leiesu ot lliocmmtry: including Her ieuitnre
management of stock, making ofwine and siik"!
Gardening, Domestic Economy, u-,< tu
ijouaoliold Expenses, Health, Fruit Tite. Ac*
Ac A
! It will be issued (at first ) overy oihe week—
••n a mediam' shoot and quart . fo, m _„ n „„ od
[ paper and new type, procured « x, ie sly lor tho
■ purpose 1n bo improved and . nlarged or tbo
extent of palionage shall wan ant.
I Tho form wilt be convciier,’ for binding, and
I each volume will be accompanied with acopieu,
lbditical and eetaiian subjects will be cxclu
It ia the design of the piibliober to o. a ko tho
work interesting to all classes of tin eommuni-
LV ’ paruoulafly t those in an* w ise comice ed
with farm ng gardening, mechanics, ac
> omiuuiiicutions arc solicited Ag.icultiiial
Societies, and friends of the plantnig interest
generally, are requested to aid us in out . uder
t liking,
Essays on law, medical and scientific subjects
will bo received. J
Pieiniums will be given for the best written
essays on particular subj-ot- Any well writ
ten communication on uny subject conm eted
with the objects of this pti dieation, will entitle
tho nutho to a year’s stibsctiption.
i be publisher will be assisted in the Editorial
department, by several literary gentlemen
TERMS— Two dollars per annum, in ad
vu co, or $2 5(1 at the end of the tear 3d sub
scibers to the Maeoti Telegraph, the price w.ll
be one dollar and a half, in advance, or two dol
lars at the qnd of tlie yyar
The paper will bo commenced as soon as sufii
ciont encouragement oilers
„ ~ „ M BARTL TT
Macon. July 25, 1832—45
f IAAING hitherto been intluenecd by tbo
J. B advice of my friends I have disdaine I to
uotioe the litllo petty slander and low system of
persecution which has been commenced and
carriid on against me by two iinipfltfciitial and
unimportant characters of Hamilton Harris
county; but ns their lOpreaeuUtiona liuve, no
doubt, passed through many mouths; it may not
be improper to publish the follwing statement,
made by C apt Scntell, who wait on the spot,
and w ho is w illing, at any time, to swear to the
accuracy and correctness ot the circumstaons as
lie has related them - Capt Sontell is a gentle
man whose character, in IMerriweallier c* unly,
is ulvove re|>r< ach, was formerly a Benalor in
the Legislature, and is now a candidate for tho
sumo oifico;—hear him I
Dr. Duncan bovine called upon mo to stnoo
the facts concerning an attempt made to attack
him, by a certain Mr Brown, of Hamilton, Har
ri county I throforc make the following state
I was at tlio tosidenco of Dr. Duncan whon
a carriage arrived opposite his house; immediate
l> thorenfteer, tw o men s’epped out. and w alk
ed towards Dr DuftcanN dwelling, and upon ar
riving at which, Brown, us I nl.erwards under
stood is name to bo. stepped into the edge of
the passage, and obsorved t>. Dr Duncan, ho
done turn ; Dr Duncan remarked, lie consider
ed, ho had done him no injmyjthat he had writ
ten a letter giving certain information, w liich it
was his privilege to do and his right to do; a
few more words passed, touching the veracity
of tho information contained in the (otter,
and the lio having passed Irom each—and while
l)r Duncun was w alking obliquely across the
passage, Brown pulled out. from his pocket a
small pistol, and presented it at Dr. Duncan;
l)r Duncan being, at the instant in the act of
walking, stepped perhaps another step fnrtlier,
and turning round, took from his socket a pistol,
al-o; at this juncture.perhaps a little before, Mrs.
Duncan interposed herself, as I did myself, and
Hie oilier individual (I oppose Dawson,) whor
upon Brown immediately turned offandlolt tho
house;-but before he left tha house. Er Duncan
returned bn. k in bis walk ncioss the passage,
not more than 2or 3 feet from Brown I did
not perceive that Duncan got out of Brown’s
way at all; but, on the contrary, appeared cool
and determined, and when Brown first came in
to the house, he walked tip not far from him
and stood some time, and when he turned slow ly
off walked obliquely across the pa:sagr. Brown
pulled out his pistol, as I have rep.esenled
above, as to Brown’s advacing on Dr Duncan,
l is totally false nnd untrue; ho did not move r nt
ot his tracks in which he first place himsr If w hen
he stepjicd first into the house It is also false as
to Dawson’s proi-entirig a pistol; it he was armed
with a pistol. I could not see it. After Brown
had retired, awson told Dr Durcnn he had a
challenge for him, holdivg in his hand n -mall
piece of paper, and that he could either accept it
or not accept it; upon which Dr Duncan msdo
objections, as I understood, to Brown » clinrac
lor nnd standing insp iety, connected wi'h his
recent deport.i.ent towards him. vfter which,
I tawson, without speaking another word also,
left tho house; and here the matter ended
Having trespassed thus much upon the puahe
attention; I will not hereafter obtrude myself up
on it any furl Imr than, perhaps, to publish (.'apt.
Sentell's affidavit if it is thought necessary.
Merriwethcr county,—3d August, 1832.
The Enteral Union, and Georgia Journal are
requested, severally, to give the above one insrr
tin and forward their accounts to tlrccnviUe.
7 . X. U.
41 R OronGr. Smith will act as my agent in
T I my absence. F 'I OBY.
August 11. 3 t
/ \F a superior qnality A well assorted, just
4 e opening LAWIJON
april 21. 1832.
to p iJst Tmjste li S.
IIE subserber has just icccivrd an assort
ment of Paper, Twine. Ac. f r PoslOfiice
lgo E. 8. NORTON.
VII, is*- edln m tl.o office
They will appear m Numbers s- that they
may be bound togeihei in pamphlet form
Persons nesirous of becoming - üb*en. ers can
forward their names to us post paid, enclosir-.
the cash, and they will be att . ded t<- Tli /
should menu tithe post ffieetow) ch the nu.n-
Iters #h n!d bi direetec.
The whole v ork v ill oot-isin ab* ut 4<’fi pa at,
and cannot be afforded at less then to sli
eribeis. //aid in advance
Polhill k. CiittiLx'tt.
| Milledgoville. Aug 9,1832.