Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, October 15, 1876, Image 3

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JutfKß J. T. Muvkf }"• MHtlnrulii. This from the .Columbia Register: Question: Juds®, what ia your opln ioa eoucerniuH Cluimberlttlu’u pro lamatlou? Judge M—l know uud ho knows It is unconstitutional und void, and therefore can not stand. Q— But, Judge, suppose we are, as members of u rifle club, arrested for drilling? Judge—lf any member of a rifle club is arrested In my circuit on that, aooount, I will direct his immediate discharge and order the arrest of the arresting officer. Bystander—Well, Judge, wo will drill on your reei>onslbiiity; and if we are attew, will apply to be brought before you. Judge—Every Judge in the State, oxcept Wlggiu—and he lias not been heard from—has expressed the same opinion as myself. Bystander—But we may be brought before Judge OupentSr? Judge—Judge Carpenter thinks exactly as I do in regard toithe mat ter. Bystander—Well, Judge, what do you think of Corbon’s statement? Judge—lt Is a tissue of falsehoods from beginning to end. Judge M. gave it os his opinion that Chamberlain is engaged in a bold conspiracy. He closed with this remark: “If I were in command of a rifle club, I would make Chamber lain withdraw bis proclamation by 10 o’clock to-morrow morning.” Rev. J. W. Simmons. It is with the deepest pain that we learn that Rev. J. W. Simmonc, Methodist pastor in Brunswick, has been stricken with the yellow fever. We had hoped that a merciful Prov idence would spare him for the good of the suffering people. During the prevalence of the epidinic he has been at his post every moment, braving the horrors of the pestilence with a heroism beside which the courage to brave danger at the cannon’s mouth loses its splendor. We can imagine no more magniiicent example of de votion to duty than has been exhibi ted by this Christian gentleman. With nothing to detain him in Bruns wick but the sacred obligation to his people imposed upon him by high and holy offioe, ho has remained there, visiting the sick, burying the dead, feeding the starv ing and working, toiling night and day, that misery might be shorn of some of its thorns, and that suffer ing humanity might be relieved so far as lay within his power. We earnestly hope that his illness may be mild and brief. The ordeal through which he has passed and the dreadful trial in which he has been scourged have made him more than ever fitted for his sacred mission ; therefore we hope the Good Lord will spare him for long years of bless ed labor in His vineyard.— Macon Telegraph, Hih. Ben. Butler;iroriiM the Xewspaiier*. From his Speech at Lancaster, Mass. | They say the newspapers do not like me. I don’t mean they shall. I abhor, detest, scorn and defy all lying sheets this side of the place where they will yet go to. I now take occasion right here to say a word on this subject. I offended them seven or eight years ago while in Congress by looking up to the re porters’ gallery, which we used to call “buzzard’s roost,” and saying that I thanked God I was a man that God made, and not one that the news papers made. They have never for given me becauso I was not a man of their creation. If lam anything like the man thoy paint me, if I resemble 1 him as much as they (the editors.) resemble angels of light, .and no more, then not one of you need cast your vote for me. IHnrilcr Will Out. A few yers ago “August Flower" was discovered to boa certain cure for dys pepsia and liver complaint, a few thin dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily they had been cured by its use. The groat merits of Green's Auoust Flower became heralded through the country by one sufferer to another, until, without advertising, its sale has become immense. Druggists in every town in theCnitad States are selling it. No per son suffering with sour stomach, sick headache, costiveness, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take three doses without relief. Go to your druggists, Dr. Gilbert .fc Thorn ton, and get a bottle for 75 cents and try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. july2s-d<fcw3tn. “THE OJLD HFXIIIH.R” We make our annual bow to the public, and bog to announce that we are again prepared to offer tho best WINFNJLIQUOItS and CIGARS, at whosale and retail at tho lowest cash | price. In addition to LIQUORS, we have smoker’s materials of every descrip tion, and at prices to suit the times. restaurant. Tho Restaurant Department of our house wilt be kept to the usual standard, and with that our friends have heretofore been satisfied. **r Birds, Fish,'Oysters, and all game of the season kept on hand. Chab. Reyman A- Cos. octß tf To the Public. Having received our new stock, we would respectfully invite our customers and tike public in general, to call and ex amine the same. Every artiicle has been selected with great care, as to style, and will be found equal to any offered for sale in New York, or elsewhere. The prices of watches, jewelry and silver-ware has been reduced considerable here lately, and as we buy only for cash, we can offer our goods at the lowest profitable price. Therefore if you want good goods at low prices you will find what you want at WITTICJI <fc Kinsel’s oc.tß 3m Jewelry Store. HON. U. W. UIM.IARU O APPOINT RENTS. Hon. Henry W Hilliard will address the people on the political issues of the day, at the following places: Hamilton, Tuesday, October 10 Buena Vista, Tuesday, October 17 Hon. Henry R. Harris is invited to be present at these appointments, and others to be hereafter published. [sel7-eod&w TAILORING. The FALL FASHION PLATES dis play many handsome STYLES, which I am now making up to cmder. Merchants dealing in CLOTHS and CASSIMEP.ES are bow opening a handsome line of these goods. Offering the best exertions, I ex pect to please even the most fastidious in execution and In promptness. COTTJNG and REPAIRING will receive strict attention. TI _ __ C. H. Jones. M. D. HOOD & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 93 Broad St., ('gliiminis, Ga., haw re not a lmmik ai> c-Aurrci.t r Fresh Drugs, Medicines, and Pure Chemicals, with which thoy are prepared to supply their former patrons, aud the public AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at prlws that cannot (hit to lnsore aatiafaotion. Let uo one wanting any article in our line buy elsewhere before seeing' our goods and knowing our prices. All articles sold are guaranteed PURE. ~' m ‘ PAINTS! PAINTS!! We have full stocks or White Lead, Varnishes, Linseed Oils, Spirits Turpentine, And all the Colored ‘Paints, both Dry and Ground in Oil and at Bottom Prices. o Window Glass and Putty at lowest prices. Parties at a distance will bo furnished SASH when desired. o -—* Home Made Fertilizers! Early in tho Season we will have on hand largo supplies of CHEMICALS for Composting of Home Made Fertilizers, in which there is economy In buying. Our experience in the purchase and use of these Chemicals for the past six years justifies us in saying wo are prepared to give valuable Information with regard to the Composting for the various crops grown in this country. M. I). HOOD & €O. ... - ' - . ' - ■ - t ; I INSURE YOUR GIJT HOUSES AND CONTENTS. - • • All my old Customers of Years Past and all others who would feel Secure against loss are notified that I am Pre pared as usual to furnish INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE on this Class of Property. LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID AT MY OFFICE. Apply for Insurance or Information to me Direct, or through any of the .Factors and Commission Merchants of the City. D. F- WILLCOX, General Insurance Agent. INSURE VOtJTt PROPERTY WITH THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Oolumtouis, Gba. A HOME COMPANY, seeking the patronage of HOME PEOPLE! FAVORABLE RATES MADE FOR GIN HOUSES, WITH LIBERAL ADJUSTMENTS AND PROMPT PAYMENT OF ALL LOSSES. Warehouses, Cotton, Dwellings, Storehouses, Merchandise, and all other Property Insured at the Lowest Rates consistent with Indemnity. Office iuthe GEORGIA HOME BUILDING. , lßel2 $200,000 Worth of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing Hats, Boots, Shoes, <fcc. Having bought before the late advance, I am offering my stock at prices beyond competition. Buyers will save money by seeing me before purchasing. JAMES A. LEWIS. Q Wholesale House 1 ft 2, and Ttetail House 15<t, Rroad Street, Columbia, <a. rm-hlO dAwtf - | ' " 1 Petersburg Savings & Insurance Cos. OF PETERSBURG, VA. SIO,OOO Deposited in State of Georgia for Benefit of Policy Holders. ABSETTS $616,987.21. All Losses sustained by this Comyany since its organization have been Promptly Paid. JOHN BLACKMAR. apl‘2 tf 4BrU ‘- 1 1 Wj'o 'livr 1 ■ " 'T'sw <'< >I . I'M IM ’!-wf,. A 18 WELL SUPPLIED WITH MATERIAL, AND Experienced Workmen employed in each De partment. Orders f<vr work of any description filled with dispatch, and at most reasonable rates. Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks Of every description on hand, or n tod to or der at short notice. Roeeipt BookN FOR RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS Always in stock: aho printed to order when de sired. WRAPPING PAPER AND HAGS. A large quantity of various sizes and weights Manilla Wrapping Paper and Dags, suitable for Merchants, now in stock, which 1 am selling low in any quantity desired, either printed or plain 9&T Prices and Specimens of Work furuishe on application. TNOti. GYLHEHT, Raiuloliili Street, Columbus, (’a. Jsnl U T. S. SPEAR, No. I(F Broad St., Columbus, Ga, Watches, Jewelry and Clocks Repaired promptly all orders will receive prompt attention. Remington Sewing Machine Deoot. H. I. KIMBALL HOUSE, ATLANTA, OA. ON and after the 15th of this month,(May) rates of this Hotel will bo THREE DOLLARS per DAY. Single Meals, ?scts; For Couples, per Month, $75. Special rates for Families. No charge for Bag gage to and from Depot. tfiF Elevator runs at all hours. GEORGE M'GINLEY, jttt 4a Proprietor, n A TFMTO ob t* ined In tho United r O 1 r Nl I \ Htateu,Canada, and Europe. In I Lit a y terms as low us those of any other reliable house. Correspondence invited in tho English aud foreign languages,with inven tors, Attorneys at Law, and other Solicitors, es pecially with those who havo had their cases re jected in tho hands of other attorneys. In re jected cases our fees are reasonable, and uo charge ia mado unles wo are successful. Illlf r&lTftnn you want a Patent, !nl V rly I |lk\ KeLl(l 11H a model or 111 V Li 11 I UIIUE sketch and a full de scription of your invention. We will make an examination at. tho Patent Office, aud if we tl‘*ng it patentable, will send you papers and advice, and prosecute your case. Our tee will be in or dinary cases, $25. ill|||Af Oral or written in all matters ADVICE CDCC veutions, 5 IBla Km References:—Hon. M. D. Leggett, Kx-Commi*- sioner of Patents, Cleveland, Ohio; O. H. Kelley, eßq., Beo'y National Grange. Louisville, Ky.; Commodore Dan’l Ammen, U. H. N., Washington, D. C. ggrSend Stamp for our “Guide for obtaining Patents,” a book of 60 pages. Address:—LOU I* IK AGGER 4k CO., Solici tors of Patents. nov2s tf Washington, D. C. NO NAME! II Marietta. Atlanta. Ga. jun2o 4m XANTHINE Never fails to restore Gray Hair to Its original o our in a few weeks. Pure, harmlessyeflTectivo Preoared by XANTHINE CO.. Richmond, V Bold by Purcell, Ladd k Co.,Richmond, Va., and druggists and country merchants, n ice $1 per bottle. .. _ . . This incomparable preparation for the Hair is commended to the publican its own merits. It prevents the Hair from falling off, producing a rapid and healthy growth eradicates scurf and dandruff, and cures diseases of the scalp. Try it andjudge for yourself. (From Rev. E. T. Baird, flec’y of Publication of Presbyterian Church South.] Richmond, July 27,1874. Tho Xanthino is the only hair dressing I have ever used which has removed tho dandruff from tho scalp and made my hair soft and pliable. It has also restored my hair to its natural color; and by occasionally using it as a hair dressing, I have no doubt it Will preserve the color. E. T. BAIRD. [From Rev. Mr. Cameron, Minister of Presbyte rian Church South.] Mossy CitRRK. Tf.nn, Aug. 22, 187 b. Xanthine Cos., Richmond, Va.: I have used the Xanthine now for three years, and have induced others to buy it. and have nev er known it to fail in accomplishing all you claim for it. It is an excellent tonic, a pleasant dressing, removing and preventing dandruff and all unpleasant itching, promoting and preserving the natural growth and color of the hair, and ren dering it glossy and pliable. I confidently, -heerffiHy, knowingly Sola by AT. T>. noon & C 0.. Wholesale and Retail Druggist*. ' julylß eodAwffin , Columbus, Ga. NEW, FRESH STOCK OF GOODS ■TTIST OPHNECD. J. JOSEPH, DEALER IN Staple ; Fancy Dry Goods Clothing, Hoots, Shoos, Notions, fcc. 138 Broad Street, one door above Central Hotel, Columbus, 6a. JAS. DAVIS, Salesman. ootw osntf Hats! Hats! Hats! ■ HAVE OPENED AT THE OLD STAND OF ACEE & MURDOCH ■ A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS, UMBRELLAS, WALKING CANES, &c„ AND AM PREPARED to suit In Stylos and Quality the taste of ilie most Fastidious, and 1 n price tho rocket of tho most Economical. LoaRAKTD WRIGHT. Octß-dlrao REMOVAL i GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER CLOTH I N G, THORNTON & ACEE, NO. S3 AAI > *:> Rooney, Building, west side Broad St., Columbus, Ga. o HESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE FILLED UP THIS LABOR AND ELEGANT , Double Store, and will open on the 6th of October the Largest and most Complete Stock of MENS’. BOYS’ aud Children's CLOTUING. and GENTS’ Furnishing Goods, they have ever offered in this market. HAT STORE—NO. 85. \\ TILL open in same place our Now Stock of IIATS aud CAPS for Men. Boys and Children; also, a VV well assorted Stock of Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, Ac., at prices that will defy o<nnpetition. Give us a call. X. JOSEPH. Wholesale Grocer AND LIQUOR DEALER, KAXIiIY 1101 SU, - - COLUMBIA, C 4. I BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT I HAVE BOUGHT A VERY HEAVY STOCK OF J GROCERIES aud JJQUOHK which I offer to the trade CHEAP. jgyUONSULT MY TERMS BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE. FARMERS' SUPPLIES a Specialty. X. JOSEPH. sftp24deod-&w2m W. J. WATT. J. A. WALKER. CHAS. H. WATT WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE >VJVI> RETAIL Grocers and Commission Merchants Corner under Ititiilcln House. Uav tliß Largest anti Best Selected Stock of Groceries in tho City of Columbus, CONSISTING OF BACON SIDES, BULK SIDES, BACON SHOULDERS. BULK SHOUL DERS, BULK HAMS, BACON HAMS. LARD in tierces, Lard in buckets and kegs. FLOUR of all grades, including tho celebrated SILVER LAKE brand, the best in the world. BAGGING, TIES, SALT, SUGAR, MACKEREL, SOAP. CHEESE, COFFEE, OYSTERS, SARDINES, CRACKERS, POTASH, SODA, STARCH. SHOES, BOOTS, and Staple Dry Goods, sueh ns OSNABURGS, SHEETING, SHIRTINGS, CHECKS, STRIPES, YARNS and PANTS GOODS. Also, a well selected stock of WHISKEY, from $1 per gallon to $5, and of any brand or per cent proof that may be desired. Our stock of SUGAR Includes every grade and price, and our lot of SYRUP cannot be equaled in this city. It includes all grades of New Or leans in barrels and half barrels; also several hundred barrels of choice FLORIDA SYRUP, which is superior to anything in the market, and much cheaper in price. It has a delightful flavor and rich, clear color, and select ed expressly for our trade. Cash customers can always save money by giving us a trial before pur chasing elsewhere. | in i t f WATT & WALKKU. f^IMPORTANT!^ M. JOSEPH, [SUCOEBSOB TO JOSEPH & BRO.] Wholesale and Retail DEALER IIN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Notions, Shoes, &c. 89 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. , H- NOW OFFERING THE MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF DUX' GOODS ever l hown in thin City, which wr bought CHEAP FOR CASH before tho late advance; and which hn propoauH to noil at the very lowest figure*. Ha roapectfully Bolicit* a careful examination of hi* stock feeling confident of his ability to pleaso purchasers with lus GOODS and hi* PRICES. A rjc lias organized a regular LADIES' DEPARTMENT, In which will be found all kind* of LADIES’ READY-MADE DRESSES, cnnecially to meet the want* of the Ladle*, and he a*k* for it a liberal patronago. In this Depart, mont ho has LADY CLERKS to preside, ff*-FACTORY GOODS in all their variety ho keep* in LARGE QUANTITY, a* cheap as the cheapest. , ... jaa-llc now occupies the store well known as the Redd k Johnson stand. full corp of polite and attentive Clerks employed. In addition to his former Clerks, ho has engaged the services of MR. G. J. PEACOCK, a merchant of tasto and experience, who will always be glad to meet his friends iu bis new quarters. H, ‘P 24 Only Remedy for Hard Times. CHANGE YOUR SURROUNDINGS. ALL WANTING FRUIT FARMS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE GROWTH OF THE VINE, WHERE IT IS AN ESTABLISHED SUCCESS AND PAYS LARGE PROFIT. THE LAND IS ALSO ADAPTED TO THE GROWTH OF TEACHES, PEARS, APPLES AND SMALL FRUITS; ALSO, GRAIN, GRASS AND VEGETABLES. Many hundreds of excellent VINEYARDS, ORCHARDS and FARMS can now be seen. The Location 1* only 34 mile* south of Philadelphia, hy railroad, In a mild, delightful climate, and at the very door* of the New York and Philadelphia market*. Another railroad runs direct to New York. Tho place i* already largo, Buccessfiil aud prosperous. Churches, schools, aud other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Shoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other things, at which different members ol'a family can procure employment. It lias been a health resort for some years past for peoplo suffering from pulmonary affections. Asthma, Catarrh, Ague aud debility; many thousand* have entirely recovered. Anew brick Hotel has just boon completed, 100 feet front, with back buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modem improvements for the accommodation of visitors. Prico of Farm Land *25.00 per Acre, payaole by installments, within tho period of four years In this climate, planted out to vines, 20 acres ot land will count fully as much as 100 acres further 11’persons unacquainted with fruit growing, can become familiar with it in a short time on account of FlveAnro, l One Aore, and Town Lots, In the towns of Landisvtllo and Vineland, alao for sale. While visiting the Centennial Exhibition, Vineland can bo visited at small expense. A paper containing full information, will bo sent upon application to CttARUP K. JLAA’IJIS, Vineland, IV. .J., free of cost. The fallowing is an extract from a description, published In the New York Tribune, by the wel known agriculturist, Solon Robinson: , . .. .. All the farmer* were of the “well to do” sort, and Homo of them, who havo turned their attention to fruit* and market gardening, have grown rich. The noil in loam, varying from sandy to clayey, and surface gently undulating, intersected with small streams and occasional wet meadows, in which deposits oi peat or muck are stored, sufficient to fertilize the whole upland surface, after it ha* been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of tho most extensive fertile tract*, in an almost level position, and *uitable condition for pleasant farming, that wo know of this side of the Western p Uo fouaj Romo of tho oldest farms apparently just as profitably productive as when first Soared of fbraflt fifty or a hundred year* ago. The geologist would noon dincover tho cause of this continued fertility. The whole country ia a marine deposit, and all through tho Boil wo found evidences of calcareous *ubtancos, generally in iho form of indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct form* of ancient shells, of the tertia ry^rotation- and this marly scattered all through the soil, in a very comminuted form; and in the exact condition most easily assimilated by such plant* a* tho fanner desires to ultivaie. THE MORNING NEWS, V.4\\'*U, (a*. */* ££•' , ... ■, '' v "' g a rf. jj EMHE JB(' WVI - J .-wwi riwit POLITICAL CAMPAIGN OF 1870, WHICH I includes National, State and county elections, anrl which will undoubtedly be the most active and hotly contested ol auy siuce tho memorable canvass of iB6O, U now fairly opened. Tho Na tional Democratic Party will this year make a bold, vigorous, and doubtless successful strug gle for the maintenance and supremacy of those principles which aro vital to tho prosperity oi tho Republic and essential to the welt-being of the people. In addition to the Presidential election, the people in Georgia and Florida will elect new State governments. In Florida tho campaign promises to be unusually vigorous, and there is it probability that for the first time since the war the people of that Radical-ridden State will elect a Democratic Htato Government. In those cam paigns tho people of the South aro deeply inter ested; and everv intelligent citizen, who has the welfare of his country and his section at heart, should acquaint himself with every detail of the great work of redemption and reform that is now going on. To this end lie should subscribe to “ami assist in circulating the Savannah IloriiiiiKNews. an independent Democratic newspaper, of pro nounced opinions and fearless iu their expres sion: a paper that is recognized everywhere as the best daily in the Houtli. Its editorial de partment is vigorous, thoughtful and consistent, while its news aud local departments are marvelH of industry and completeness. Its department of Georgia and Florida affairs is not confined to a mere barren summary ot events transpiring in those States, but is enlivened by comment af once apt, timely, and racy. Th<’ample resources of the establishment will be devoted to furnishing the readers of the MORNING NEWS with the latest intelligence 'rom all parts of the world, through the press dispatches, special tel egrams, and by means of special correspondence: and through these agencies the paper will be the earliest chronicler of overy noteworthy incident of the political campaign of 1878. SUnSOBII'XION. Daily, 1 year $lO 00 ('.months 6 00 *• 3 months 2 60 Tri-Weekly, 1 year fi 00 •• fi months H Off '• 8 moutLs 1 60 Weekly, 1 year......**.;......*.,...., 2 00 “ 0 months 1 IK 3 months SO Specimen copies sent free on receipt of 6 cents. Money can bo sent by Post Office Order. Registered Letter, or Express, atour risk. .9. 11. IXnLL, Savannah,Ga. Colonists, Emigrants and Travelers Westward. Ij'Olt map circulars, condensed time tables and . general information in regard to transpor tation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Ar kausas, Missouri. Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas Texas, lowa, New Mexico, Utah and Cali torn ia, apply to or address ALBERTS. WRENN, Gen eral Railroad Agent, Atlanta, Ga. No one should go West without first getting in communication with the General Railroad Agent, aud become informed as to superior ad vantages, cheap and quick transportation of am ilies, household goods, stock and farming imple ments generally. All information cheerfully given. W. L. DANLEY, taplfi tf G. P. k T. A. PROMINENT INCIDENTS —IN THE-- History of Coin minis, Gu., FROM its first settlement in 1827, to the’ Wil son Raid in 18t>5, with a chapter on Colum bus as it now is. Compiled by JOHN H. MAR TIN. Part 11, a volume of 290 page*, and the con cluding portion of the work, just issued from the press. Subscriber* to /he publication will be furnished to-day. Those desiring copies of either volume, who have not subscribed, can obtain them at the of fice of the publisher, 42 Randolph street. Price, SI.OO each. THOM. UILIIFJIT. Jap23 tf COLUMBUS DYE WOB¥S St. Clair St., opposite Presbyterian Chtirob IADIES* Dresses, fiilks. Merino*, Velvet or Al i pace. Straw Bonnets, Feathers or other Trimmings Renovated, Re-dyed and Re-fin jßbed in the best Style. Gentlemen's Clot hiug fJcoured, Re-dyed and Re-finished and warranted not to stain tho undercloths with dyo. Silk, Cot ton amt Woolen Yarns Died any shade or color desired. All work at reasonable prices—term* hash. JOHN APPIiKYtRII, aj>r27 fm Dye _ REMOVAL. C. 11. LEC^UIIN. Watchmaker aud Jeweller, Has aemoved to 97 y % Broad Htreet next to Ho gan's Ice House. Work solicited Promptness and d'npatch guaranteed. nclOtf THE TIMES JOB OFFICE, Columbus, Ga. Is |>rcjiareil to exeevlr in Hie best manner ami at short notice, .1015 PHI\TI\(i of cvwy leseriition. Sill'll IIS BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. , MONTHLY STATEMENTS BUSINESS CARDS. VISITING CARDS. -i>V ' POSTAL OARDS, .<i„asW ' <*>!' SHIPPING TAGhU ENVELOPES. CIRCULARS, • * * party imitations, f WEDDING INVITATIONS', , BITES LADING BOOKS, ’■ ,?';7 R. R. RECEIPT BOOKS. &r., &r., <Sre. ’ ! ‘7 °