Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, December 24, 1876, Image 3

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Gordon Interviewed. Special telegram to the inter-Oceean] Washington, December 17.—The judgment to which tt oureful inquiry here to-day leads us,is that the polit ical situation remains substantially unchanged. Nobody whose opinion is worth a straw ventures to predict the course of events betweeu this time and the 4th of March. Some look forward with the gravest ap prehension, some with hope born of confidence in the good sense of the people, but ail with more or less anxiety. In conversing on this sub ject this evening, Senator Gordon, of Georgia, said there might be a peaoeable settlement of the contest in two ways. One was the adop tion of Mr. Morton’s plan before the which he thought might pass with some modifica tion, and the other was the couuting of the vote by the two houses, os heretofore practiced, with some provision for an arbitrament on the disputed votes. He objected to the decision of the matter by the Su preme Court, and also to Mr. Fro linghuysen’s proposition for a board, consisting of the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, uud the Chief Justice, observing that, as in the present case, the President of the Senate would be sure to vote one way and the Speaker the other, it would be practically a reference of the whole matter to the Chief Jus tice. He was inclined to believe that certain Republican Senators, whose actions were governed rather by their convictions of legality and equity than partisanship, would sustain the course marked out. by the majority of their associates, and that they, with the Deraooraoy,would make a major ity of the Senate and bring about an adjustment. As to the probability of armed resistance to the inauguration of Hayes, he said that it was his opin ion that if the reports of the investi gating committees now in the South did not remove, but only strengthen ed and confirmed the existing belief among Jpemocruts that the action of the returning boards was uufairand fraudulent, and Hayes should be in augurqted by force, the peace of the country would be seriously jeopard ed- Jq cage 0 f such a conflict the boujrh would take no part unless the integrity of their States should be "'/teatened. There probably never ,'as m. people, he said, so sick of war the people of the South, and it ..would take a great deal to get them to light again. lien. At. C. Itutler. Charleston Journal of Commerce. J The Legislature of South Carolina yesterday chose Gen. Matthew Cal braith Butler to fill the vacancy which will ocour on the 4th of March next iu the United States Senate, from this State. Gen. Butler is a son of the Hon. William Butler, who, as a whig, at one time represented the Greenville district in Congress. He is a nephew of Gov, Pierce M. Butler, who on the the bloody held of Chorubusco, in ’47, fell at the head of “the Palmetto regiment.” He is also a nephew of Judge A. P. Butler, who between ’46 and ’57 acceptably represented South Carolina in the Senate of the United States. And on his mother’s side he is a grandson or nephew of Commo dore 0. H. Perry, who in 1813 defeat ed the British in the ramous naval engagement on Lake Erie. General Butler was graduated at the South Carolina college, and be came a member of the Legislature in iB6O. He entered the warns a captain of cavalry, in the Hampton legion, distinguished himself repeatedly, lost a leg and emerged a major-gen eral. After the war he was one of the first to enter the held political and take the bull of reconstruction by the horns, running for the office of Lieutenant-Governor on the coalition ticket with Judge Carpenter. This year he was an early advocate of the “straight-out” movement, as the sole hope of arousing the people and saving the State. Early in July he nominated Geneml Hampton for Governor in the columns of the Journal of Commerce, which earnest ly supported this policy and the nom ination. In the State Convention of the Democratic* party, August 10, he was influential in establishing this programme and afterwards labored for its success in the State. General Butler is noted for his courageous manhood, flue appear ance and address and personal magnetism. In dealing with men he has tact and skill; and in public debate his ability is universally recognized. He is a man of a genu ine and generous patriotism, and, we believe, will do the State some service and make his mark in the counsels of the country. Scarcity of Money. There is no doubt but the present condi tion of all kinds of business and industry is foarfully depressed, and it behooves every family to look carefully to their ex penses. Winter is coming on when chil dren aro liable to Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Coughs and Colds will pre vail everywhere, and Consumption, with other throat and lung diseases, will carry oil many.—These diseases should not be neglected. Doctor’s bills are expensive, and would advise our people to use Bos chee’s German Syrup. It never has failed. One bottle at 75 cents will keep your whole family well during the winter. Two doses will relieve any ease. Sold In all the United States, and by your Druggists decis d&wtf Gilbert A Thornton. TILDEN TO bFInAUGURATED. Let Returning Boards make their re ports as they may, yet it will appear, Ist. That James A. Lewis carries five times the largest stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Ac., of any House in the city. 3d. That James A. Lewis buys In such large quantities as enables him to offer inducements that other houses can not. 3d. That Jakes A. Lewis will not be under sold by any house South; hence all parties wanting any goods should not fall to examine his stock and prices before buying. mchlO dAwtf JUST KECEIVEU. FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Another shipment of Cloaks. All the New Shades in Low and Medium priced Dress Goods. Large lot of Jeans at a Bargain. New Ties, Scarfs, & c. Navy, Plum, Seal and Myrtle Ribbons. Fine selection of Prints. Mens’ and Womens’ Merino Underwear. Ladies’ Shawls at greatly reduced prices. Immense lot of Balmoral Skirts from 50c. te $3.50. decio tf J. S. Jones. Winter Tour Cow*. I am prepred to take care of Cows for the winter, on a good cane Pasture, and plenty of Hay. Aprly at Times office. nov3o tf O. M. Bryan. TO CONSUMERS. 0 FEOM AND AFTER THIS DATE I INTEND TO CONFINE MY SALES TO CASH BUYERS. Having adopted this plan i will be able to a. ll Goods Lower than I have ever done bctorc. Hereafter yon will not have to psy me any extra profit to make up for bad debte, for I WILL NOT MAKE ANY. I cordially Invite your attention to tbe following List of Prices; UT LOAF SUGAR, 14c. CRUSHED do. 14c. POWDERED do. 14c. STANDARD A do. 12*c. KPTRA C WHITE do. \%X'. EXTRA 0 YELLOW do. lie. CHOICE FLORIDA SYRUP 60c per Gallon. GOLDEN SYRUP 75c per Galion- CIIOICE RIO COFFEE tec to 30c per lb. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE 33 1-3 C FRESH TOMATOES, Sib cans, $2 per Doxen or 80c EACH. FRESH PEACHES, Sib cAne, *2 50 per Doaen or tec EACH. FRESH PINK APPLES, Sib cans, (1 75 per Do*, en or 25c EACII. FRESH STRAWBERRIES, 21b cans, $2 75 per Dozen or 25c EACH. FRESH LAYER RAISINS 30c per Pound. •• “ “ QUARTER BOXES *l. Pickles : AMERICAN PLAIN, Mixed and Chow-chow. CROSS A BLACKWELL'S Aaaorted. Mixed Chow-Chow. CAULIFLOWER, PICALILI and GHERKINS. Alao, the CELEBRATED MONTICELLO Picklep. LEA A ri£RRIN"S GGNUINK SAUCE. HULFORD'S PEPPER BUACE, RED and GREEN. BAKER S PREMIUM CHOCOLATE6Oc per lb. CREAM TARTER, PURE ENGLISH SODA, 10c. ATEMOUES'MINCE MEAT, 6 pound* forli. DEVILED HAM 40c. “ TONGUE 50c. LOBSTERS, lib cans, 25c. “ 21b “ 40c. COVE OYSTERS, lib cans lie; Sib tana Ssc. CHICKEN, 11b can *sc. TURKEY, cana 05c. FRESH SALMON, 11b caxa SCc. “ •* (ib -50 c. W. F. TAYLOR* LABOR SAVING SOAP, 16 Bara for sl. COLGATE'S STERLING SOAP, 16 to 24 Bare forl. ENOCH MORGAN’S SAPOLIO tor HOUSE Cleaning. I keep constantly In Stock the following line of TOILET SOAPS: ENGLISH GLYCERINE, PARK COMPANY ENGLISH HONEY AND BROWN WINDSOR, 5Cc to 75c per do*. They are of fine quality, In large handsome cakes, and better value than any other SOAPS. D. H. SPENCER A SON'S CALHOUN TOBAC CO, 50c per i'lug, II 50p.rU>. J. 11. SCHOOLFIED’S Crown Head do. $1 2t per Pound. BURTEN A COSBY'S Extra A, A, A, A, II 25, SWIFT A COURTNEY’S Matcbea, 3 box*. for 10c; 35c per dosen. COX’S AND PETER COOPER’S Gelatine. Beat Flavoring Extracts. Deealcated Cocoannt, Italian Macaroni. Iriah Oat Meal 10c per lb. Peail Grlte and Hominy, 251b* for 11. I MAKE A SPECIALTY IN FINE TEAS: YOUNG HYSON, SI to St 50 per lb. IMPERIAL, 85c, ?1. $1 50. “ “ GUNPOWDER, $1 and $1 .50 “ “ OOLONG, $1 to $1 25. ” “ CENTENNIAL BOUQUET. With handsome Ghromo, $1 per lb. WEST EXTRA No. 1 KEROSINE OIL, 40c per GALLON. FIRE PROOF OIL (cannot eiplode) 50c ]>#r Gal lon. CHOICE LEAF LARD, 71b for sl. MEAL AND FLOUR AT MILL PRICKS. ICE CURED WHITE MEAT. fS" Oooda delivered Free of Drayage. Rob’t. S. Crane, COLUMBUS, Gi. GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY STORE, NO. IQ4 BROAD STREET. o MY STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES J 8 NOW FULL AND COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR, AND EMBRACES IN PART; BACON AND HULK SIDES, HAMH, SHOULDERS and I AIID. FLOUR of EVERY GRADE an PRICE. OATMEAL, SALT. BAGGING, TIES amt TWINE. CHEESE. MACKEREL, SYRUP. WISES and LIQUOR of EVERY BOUT and PRICK. TOBACCO. Every Grade, SUGAR. COFFE E and TEAS to SUIT ANY TASTE. SOAP, STARCH. BLUEING, SODA, BAKING POWDERS, and SEA FOAM. BLACKING, MATCHES. SHOT, POWDER and CAPS. COX’S GELATINE, ITA.’ UN MACARONI. PICKLES of EVERY KIND. LEA A- PERRINS’ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, PEPPER SAUCE, and FRENCH MUSTARD. TURNER’S DEMON and SPICE DESERT SAUCE. CANNED GOODS of EVERT DESCRIPTION -ALL NEW AND FRESH,at. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. GIVE ME A CALL. M. J. CRAWFORD, Jr. CENTENNIAL STORES ■W. -A.. S'WIiF’T, PROPRIETOR. These new stores are now ofen and filled with a FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Groceries# Domestic Dry Goods, IVliieli will be sold nt tbe Lowest Cash Kates. JJACON. FLOUR, and FINE LIQUORS A SPECIALTY. BAGGING for sale at 10c.; TIES at sc. Mb. T. J. HUNT (formerly of Harriet and Ma. SOULE REDD, of Columbua, will give their ape cUl attention to thin department. THE NEW CENTENNIAL WAGON YARD, JUBT COMPLETED, in also connected with the establishment. No expense has been spared to make it attractive both in. comfort ami security for tlio traveling public. Mr. ELIJAH MULLINS, of Harris, has charge, ami will do all in his power for the comfort of its patrons. I repect fully ask from those visiting the city to a trial of the NEW WAGON YARD, and solicit the patron age f the trading community to my stock of GROCERIES. W . \. SWIFT, Proprietor. INSURANCE. THE OLDEST? STRONGEST! BEST! WILLCOX’S Insurance Agency Experienced ! Time-tried!! Fire-tested !! o Deals Carefully, Adjusts Fairly, Pays Promptly. No Doubtful Companies Represented! READ THE LIST: iEtna Insuranoo Oo.„ of Hartford!, Cash Assets, GOLD, - - - ,*T8,187 M IST or* tli Hx*itisli cfc Morcnutilo Ins Cos. Cash Assets, GOLD, - - - $15,857,5 20 Hartford Flro Insurance Comp’y, Cash Assets, GOLD, - - - $3,850,000 Continental Insuranoo Company, New York, Cash Assets, GOLD, - - - $3,000,000 Insurance Company ol* Nortli America, Cash Assets. GOLD, - - $0,500,000 New York Underwriters’ Agency, Cash Assets, GOLD, - - $3,000,000 Union Marine and Fire Ins. Cos., ot Galveston, Cash Assets, GOLD, .... $750,000 js9~BIXTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were paid out of these Com panies without delay to Chicago and Uo9ton sufferers in 1871 and 1872. For Secure Insurance apply to D. F. WILLCOX, dec22-tf Gron’l Insnrnnco -A-gt. -"I 1 ”-*"”! l .”" 11 i"' ■■■— n—" 11 1 Great Reduction in Fine Photographs gf- G. r T. WILLIAMS’ GALLERY ("OVER CARTER’S DRUG STOREJ ALL STYLES AND SIZES FINE PnOTOGRArHH REDUCED CONSIDERABLE FROM FORMER PRICES; putting fine finished PHOTOGRAPHS in the reach of all. Call and examine NEW STYLES and PRICES, and yon will bo euro and have your picture taken at this GALLERY. Taking Children and Copying Pictures a Specialty. One visit will satisfy any oae that no better PICTURES can be had than at this GALLERY. Remember the place is over Carter’s Drug Store. You are respectfully solicited to call. ocUfi tf M. D. HOOD & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, gfe 93 Broad St., Columbus, Ga., HAVE IX STORE A LARGE AND CAREFULLY f Fresh Drugs, Medicines, and Pure Chemicals, with which they are prepared to supply their former patrons, and the public AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at prices that cannot fail to insure satisfaction. Let no one wanting any article in our line buy elsewhere before seeing our goods and knowing our prices. All articles sold are guaranteed PUEE. . PAINTS! PAINTS!! We have full stocks of White Lead, Varnishes, Linseed Oils, Spirits Turpentine, And all the Colored Paints, both Dry and Ground in Oil and at Bottom Prices. o Window Glass and Putty at lowest prices. Parties at a distance will be furnished SASH when desired. Q Home Made Fertilizers! Early in tho Season we will have on hand largo supplies of CHEMICALS for Composting of Home Made Fertilizers, in which there is economy in buying. Our experience in the purchase and use of these Chemicals for the past six years justifies us in saying we are prepared to give valuable information with regard to the Composting for the various crops grow n i this country. M. I). HOOD & CO. ■\ I 'Xu _ L ; ;j Steam Power Printer m COLVMBU IS WELL SUPPLIED WITH MATERIAL, AND Experienced Workmen employed in each De partment. Orders fo-r work of any description filled with dispatch, and at most reasonable rates. Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks Of every description on hand, or utod to or der at short notice. Receipt Book* FOR RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS Always in stock: aW printed to order when de sired. WRAPPING PAPER AND BAGS. A large quantity of various sizes and weights Manilla Wrapping Paper ami Bags, suitable for Merchants, now in stock, which I am selling low in auy quantity desired, either printed or plain. Prices and Specimens of Work fnrnishe on application. THOS. GYMIF.ItT, Randolph Street, C’oluinbux, Cr. Janl tf T. S. SPEAR, No. 101 Broad St., Columbus, 6a. Watches, Jewelry and Clocks Repaired promptly all orders will receive prompt attention. Remington Sewing Machine Deoot. VICTORY! VICTORY! ! THE “SINGER” ALWAYS AHEAD! Read the special dispatch from THE Centennial Exhibition to the New York Hun: Philadklpaia, September 27, 1H76, “The very highest honors which could be con ferred on any exhibitor—TWO MEDALS OF HONOR and TWO DIPLOMAS OF MERlT— have been awarded the Singer Manufacturing Company for Sewing Machines.” 2,000,000 IN USE Sales in Excess of all Others! Tlig Singer Manufacturing Company, 99 Broad Street, COIiUMBUS. G A. WANTED. G< OOD SALESMAN TO BELL THE NEW f Light Running SINGER SEWING MA CHINES in tbe Counties connected with tbe Co lumbns Oißee. Apply to the Ringer Manufactur ing Company, CHAS. S. HOLT, Oct7-4m Agent COFFINS, CASES AND CASKETS For Sale Cheap. I NOW HAVE IN STORE A FULL ASSORT MKNT OF WOODEN AND METALIC COFFINS, CASES AND CASKETS at prices lower than heretofore offered. I*. ROOMSV, Nit anti 85 Mroafl St., up stairs. nov26 eod Awtilljftn’l 7 GRAND OPENING. WE WILL ON THURSDAY NEXT, OPEN OUB Fall and Winter stock of MILLINERY, &c„ Embracing all the paraphernalia of a la dy’s wardrobe. Having considera bly increased our store-room we have a larger and more com plete stock than ever before. MRS. COLVIN A MISS. DONNELLY. octß-eodßrri 100 Broad Street. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. G 1 EORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY—ALL PER | SONS having demands against JONATHAN 11. JENKINS, late of said county, deceased, are required to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character aud amount, and all per sons indebted to said deceased, are hereby re quired to make immediate payment. LIONEL C. LEVY, JR., Administrator ol Estate of J. H. Jenkins. November J. IH7G. uovll lawGw Administrator’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, at the corner of Broad and St. Clair streets, during the usual hours of sale, I will sell at pub lic outcry '£ acre, more or leaf, of Land, in the Bass survey, between the East commons and the foot of Wynntou Hill, as the property of Ellen Edwards, deceased, being the lot on which she lived, having on the same a two room House and Kitchen. Sold by order of the Ordinary of Mus cogee county, to pay debts aud legacy. It. J. MOSES, Administrator, TERMS CASH. with will annexed. nov29 lawtds PROMINENT INC'IIiJTIVTH —IN THE— History of Columbus, Ga., FROM its first settlement in 1827, to the Wil son Raid in 1865, with a chapter on Colum bus as it now is. Compiled by JOHN H. MAR TIN. Part 11, a volume of 200 pages, and the con cluding portion of tho work, just issued from the press. Subscribers to the publication will be furnished to-day. Those desiring copies of either volume, who have not subscribed*, can obtain them at the of fice of the publisher, 42 Randolph street. Price, f 1.00 each. THOS. GILBERT. jMi22 tf # HOUSE’S PATENT Library Lamp BEST, SAFEST, HANDSOMEST, MOST ECONOMICAL. NOODOU, I‘iirn, Brilliant, Unwavering Light. Very Agreeable to the Eye. It gives the light of TWENTY CANDLES or ouo-tliinl more than any other Lump ot similar style (same size burner,) in the world. This lamp is all metal, and easily FOR SALE BY lu. L. COWDERY, Dimxnii IN General Lino of CHANDELIERS nod LAMB GOODS, and importer of China, Crockery, Foreign Glass Ware and Fancy Goods. MAI.KMKOOMS 120 KUO AD SC. < 01,1 JHH S. GA. NEW, FRESH STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED. J. JOSEPH, . EAI.ER IX STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Ac. 138 Broad Street, one door above Central Hotel, Golumbus, 6a. .) AS. DAVIS, SnleNman. OCfS-esut? John Blackmar, Non-Board Fire Insurance Agency, ■VFXr TO TELEGRAM OFFICE. AMERICAN, I’IIIXjA. Incorporated In tSIO. CAPITAL AXD Ml UPI.CS. ...... *1,2*0,344 FRANKLIN, ST. LOUIS. CAPITAL A Nl> RVHPLIH, ...... 52:i.T,.v1." PETEKHItCRG SAVINGS, VV. SIO,OOO Deposited with Comptroller of Georgia as Security to Policy Holders. Incorporated 1860. CAPITAL AXI SURPLUS, ...... SM2A34 AMAZON, CITVC’EVNJATJ. CAPITA r. ANII SURPLUS, ...... *1,482,874 Fftmicrs and Drovers, Loulsvlße Kyi CASH CAPITAL, *200,000 Citizens, Newui'lt, IV. .1 Incorporated 1807, CAPITA I, mid MURPLUM, - - - *224,02.7 (S'-Risks solicited ou GIN HOUSES, COTTON in store. DWELLINGS, FURNITURE and MER CHANDISE. As I have done much to lower the Rates of Insurance here, the Public OWE IT TO THEMSELVES TO SUSTAIN 51E. * INTEGRITY WILL WIN!! Fireman’s Fund Insurance Comp’y, San Francisco. Pimni’T, MRERAL, HESPOXSIBLE. G. GUNBY JORDAN, ilcc3 every sunlit AREN’T. fIH.UHWU*. 1- 4. J. .1. Whittle. Geo. M. Yarbrough. Jno. T. McLeod J. J. Whittle & Cos. HAVE OPENED A NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY HOUSE, Under Central Hotel, WHERE WE tVILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STAPLE and FANCY GBOCERIES, Consisting in part of Boots, Shoes and Staple Dry Goods, Bacon, Lard, Su gar, Coilee, Cheese, Flour, Syrup, Bagging & Ties, TOBACCO, WHISKEY, BRANDY snd WINES, of sll grades, SALT, CORN. TEAS ot all Brands, MAKEItEL and SOAP; together with a full line of all other goods kept in a tirst-elasa Grocery House. M5-OUR GOODS are ail NEW and FRESH, and were bought for the CASH, and we will be able to SELL THEM AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. SCg-Vfi: solicit tbe patronage of the City and surrounding country, J. J. WHITTLE & CO. oct22-eod&wtl’ FARM LAND- _ Only Remedy for Hard Times. CHANGE YOUB SURROUNDINGS. ALL WANTING FRUIT FARMS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE GROWTH OF THE VINE WHERE IT IS AN ESTABLISHED SUCCESS AND PAYS LARGE PROFIT. THE LAND IS ALSO ADAPTED TO THE GROWTH OF PEACHES, PEARS, APPLES AND SMALL FRUITS; ALSO, GRAIN, GRASS AND VEGETABLES. Many hundreds of excellent VINEYARDS, ORCHARDS and FAEMS can now be seen. The Location is only 34 miles south of Philadelphia, by railroad, in a mild, delightful climate, and at the very doors of the New York aud Philadelphia markets. Another railroad runs direct to New York. The place is already large, successful and prosperous. Churches, schools, and other privileges are already established. Also, manufactories of Hhoes, Clothing, Glass, Straw Goods, and other things, at which different members of a family can procure employment. It has been a health resort for some years past for people suffering from pulmonary affections. Asthma, Catarrh, Ague aud debility; many thousands have entirely recovered. Anew brick Hotel has just been completed, 100 feet front, with hack buildings, four stories high, including French roof, and all modern improvements for the accommodation of visitors. Price of Farm Land $25.00 per Acre, payable by installments, within the period of four years. In this climate, planted out to vines, 20 acres of land will count fully as much as 100 acres further north. Persons unacquainted with fruit growing, can become familiar with it In a short time on account of surroundings. Five Acre, One Acre, and Town Lots, in the towns of Landißvllle aud Vineland, also for sale. While visiting the Centennial Exhibition, Vineland can be visited at small expense. A paper containing full information, will be sent upon application to CHAKU29 K. LANULS, Vineland, J., free of cost. The following is an extract from a description, published in the New York Tribune, by the wel known agriculturist, Solon Robinson: All the farmers were of tho "well to do” sort, and some of them, who have turned their attention to fruits and market gardening, have grown rich. The soil is loarn, varying from sandy to clayey, aud surface gently undulating, intersected with spiall streams and occasional wet meadows, in which deposits of peat or muck are stored, sufficient to fertilize the whole upland surface, after it has been exhausted of its natural fertility. It is certainly one of the most extensive fertile traets, in an almost level position, and suitable condition for pleasant farming, that we know of this side of the Western prairies. We found some of the oldest farms apparently just as profitably productive as when first cleared of forest fifty or a hundred,years ago. The geologist would soon discover the cause of this continued fertility. The whole country is a marine deposit, and all through the soil we found evidences of calcareous substances, generally In tho form of indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct forms of ancient shells, of the tertia ry formation; and this marly substance is scattered all through the soil, iu a very comminuted form, aud iu the exact condition most easily assimilated by such plants as the farmer desires to cultivate. GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS! 1,000 Extra*. 7,000 Reader*. ONTHEISTH OF DECEMBER NEXT, THE proprietor will beon to issue 1,000 extra copies of the BURMA VISTA ARGUS, every week for seven weeks, to be distributed free, throughout the counties of Talbot, Marion, Taylor, Macon, Hchley, Chattahoochee, btewart and Webster. Seven lists will be prepared each containing 1,000 reliable names—one list to be used each week until the ARGUS has been ad dressed to seven thousand persons. The pro prietor will be in Columbus. Friday and Satur day, to receive advertisements. A, M. C. RUSSELL* Proprietor of the Argus. Buena Vista, Ga., Nov. 30, 1876. nov3o tf ' W. F. TItXER, Dentist, Randolph street, (opposite Strapper ■) Colamba janl ly] Georgia. |fl fl TFlITrt obtained in the United \ 9 U Sf" NI \ States,Canada, and Europe. II fl | lall I V terms as low as those of any I other reliable house. Correspondence invited ! in the English and foreign languages.with iuveß i torn, Attorneys at Law, and other Solicitors, ee . peeially with those who haro had their cases re jected in the hands of other attorneys. In re jected cases our fees are reasonable, and no I charge is made unies we are successful INVFNTHR9 lt. ill V LIV I UfilVß sketch and a full de scription ol your invention. We will make an examination at the Patent Office, and if we tHa it patentable, will send you papers aud advice, and prosecute your ease. Our lee will be in or dinary cases, $25. A niflAr Oral or written in all matters ADVICE RSSTtfr“ CDCC vent ions, I IILL References:—Hon. M. D. Leggett, Ex-Commis sioner of Patents, Cleveland, Ohio; O. H. Kelley, esq., Sec’y National Grange, Louisville, lty.; Commodore Dan’lAmmen, U. 8. N., Washington, D. 0. AST Send Stamp for our “Guide for obtaining Patents,” a book of 50 pages. AddressLOUlS KACJCKR Si CO., Solici tors of Patents. nov2s tf Washington, D. C.