Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, December 30, 1876, Image 4

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IN THE CITY. tirlfony of our suOritrt fail to receive their paper, they will plecute be kind enough to inform us he/act immediately. Columbuw, OA.. SATURDAY -..DECEMBER 30. U 76. stljr J3 : - ITMK* jom PHIHTIMU OFFICE. BBATKto* AMD DMPATCB. Wo Invite everybody who need any de aerlptlon of Job Pkimtino to call at the Timw Job pßiirrruo Office and get their work douo In the latest style, with neatness and dispatch. BUI Heads, Let ter Heads, Prlos Current*, Cards, Invita tion Tiokots, Posters, and Hand Bills a specialty. *r Any quantity of the best quality of tags for sale. tf —— ■■ .l U.JjiJ MARK H. lUMDrolp. LOUII V. OABRA-HD, HLIXOraID A SARIUID, Attomty* and Cunamltara at la*. OSes oppoelte.AUton Werehonee. practice In the State and Federal Courts. fahM 00l tmal'l ;COTTO,IAKKr.T. Columbus, Ga., December SJ, 1*76. Daily Statement. Stock on hand Aug. 81,187#. . 510 Beonlved yesterday 136 *• previously 66,582-58,718 57,228 Shipped yesterday 728 “ .previously 45,011 -45,789 Stock on hand this morning 11,489 /Mere. Ordinary ®Va Good Ordinary 10 Low Middlings .10% Middlings. 11 Good Middlings 11/i Warehouse sales 371 Receipt*. By Wagon 90 •'M.AG.R.., 46 . •• Itlver 0 “ N. AB. R. R 0 •• B. W.R.R 45 • W. 8.8 it- I*B Shivmcnt* By 8. W.R.R 714 M.AG.R. R o " W.U.R o Home Consumption 14 ■ 726 New Advertisements. "Alla Charta"—Uncle Mike. Blankots Cheap—Kyle A Cos. Printing Inks—Excelsior Company. Lard A Sausage Below the Market—J. J, A W. R. Wood. “ALIA CHARTA." Fellow Citizen*: Born in a land of liber ty, having early learned Its value, hav ing early engaged In tho perilous conflict which tried men's souls, I am now running for “Tax Receiver/' of Muscogee county at the election Wednesday next, and I do hope that every lover of liberty, every frlond of humanity, and a just re spect for a well tried and faithful servant, will go to tho polls and cast a vote for their old “Uncle Mikb.” ♦ '<#" • You will And a full assortment of Blan kets at It Kyle's. Tennessee Leaf Lard, in UOIb Tin Cans at Ik%c, per pound. Goshen Butter in 24 pound pails, at 30c. per pound. Tennessee Pork Sausago rutall at W/,e. per pound (very lino) Ali. Suaiu' Cash. dec3o 2t J. J. A W. R. Wood. Personal. Capt. N. G. Oattls, member elect from Muscogee, to the Legislature, was In the City yesterday. Col. C. H. Way has returned from Sav nnah, to continue In the purchase of cot ton hero. Frozen Potatoes and Fruit. We heard yesterday of much complaint among our merchants of frozeu potatoes, apples and oranges. It does nut hurt them U used right away, but if the weath er could be Induoed to lighten up a little the fruit would thaw, and thou rot. Wo expect to see apples, oranges and potatoes cheap for tho next fow days. Old I’rob* U Head. Old Probabilities has officially ceased to exist. An order issued this morning by the chief Signal Officer announces a change of title in the weather forecast from”Probabilitcs’ to 'lndications.’ This evidence of progress is an appropriate Christinas gift to the nation in these troublous times. So says the Washing ton Union. ¥mr Keeper of the Penitentiary. Wo learn that Col. Robert R. Howard of Taylor couuty is an applicant for tho position of principal keeper of tho peni tentiary. Gen. Colquitt could make no better ap pointment, or bestow the office upon a more worthy citizen. Col. Howard served hla country with the same and zeal that attests his devotion to tho Democratic party, and bears upon his body tho severe wounds received In battle. He is competent, and qualified, and above all is the embodiment of honesty, integrity and courage. Canned (inode at Coat Wishing to close out this braueh of my business, I offer at cost: Lobsters, Salmon Oysters, Sardines, Strawberries,reaches, Condensed Milk, Turner’s Lemon and Bp toes, Desert Sauces, Pieties, Corn Starch, A*., Ac. M. J. Crawford, J r. dec*) St Attempt to meet and Know. Yesterday during all the day a feeble attempt was made to give us a little snow. Flakes fell thick and fast at one time, and we thought a little snow-balling would be In order, or at leasf that the occasion would warrant the repubUcatlon of ■’Beau tiful Snow." But it did not snow much, neither did it sleet to hurt—but the cold was bitter and raw. Everything is frozen over, and the “oldest inhabitant" Is re freshing his memory as to the time he saw a similar cold spell. All vegetation, particularly the grain crop, will suffer. Wood Is In demand, and steadily rising in price—which is hard on the poor. For aaytbing in Groceries, Provisions Grain, Ac., at “rock bottom,'' prices call on J. U. Hamilton. bo\J tf Atmore’s Minec Meat in 5 pound balls, also by retail at 19c. per pound. New Layer Raisins in boxes, halves and quarters. Choice Roman Beauty Apples. A ust received and will be sold cheap, by HOv2 tf J. H. HAMTIiTOIT. Death to Mmall brain. The present oold weather Is destroying the grain crop. We hear of a number of farmers who planted a fow weeks ago, and whose oats hsve come up In small spots. Tho estimate made Is that at least one-half of the oat crop will havo to bo replanted., Wo are sorry to hear this, for our peo ple have Just begun to turn their attention to grain. Our opinion (founded upon the opinion of tho best farmers) is that grain should not bo sowed until January’. Wo think the only advantage to be gained In sowing In the fall is to get the crop out of the way, that other work may bo done In January—and for tho additional reason that grain sowed In November will make a sort of half-way winter pasture for light Stock. -•♦ ’ - Cbeek In Church. During kU campaigning tour down East Bob Ingeraoll one Sunday went to.’a fashionable church. With characteristic Western independence he ignored the offi cious usher, and selecting the finest pew he could find csconced himself in the soiled corner. Boon|the great man who owned the pew came along with his fami ly and sat down. But such impudence could not be permitted to pass by unre bulced, and the proprietor of the box wrote on a Uy-lcaf of a hymn book, "I pny $2,- 000 a year rent tqr this pew,” and passed it to Bob. “Quick as thought the ready pencil Jcamc out, the book was returned with an additional line, and the indignant owner read the comment: “D and fine pew for the price.” The droppings of the sanctuary fell on one insulted and burning heart that morning, but it did not beat un der Ingersoll's vest. The Yule I,o*. In accordance with the Scriptiml teach ing “Christ is the true light which shall lighten every man that comelli into the whold," and the “Light of Lights” prom isctljin the prophseies to the Gentiles, the Christmas, or Yule Festival was also called by the early Christians “The Feast of lights.” In the ancient days both the Western and Eeastein churches (and to the present in the Church of liome) large and highly-ornamentttl wsx candles are burned in the Christmas celebration. Out of tins custom, most probably, grew the introduction of the Yule block, clog or log, in the rural districts of England, alter the Christian religion had there be come established. Except in Church observances, the use of the Christmas candle is now obsolete. The Yule-log, for fire of Christmas Eve, in many portions of England and Scot land is still gathered early in autumn and saved for the purpose, or iu its stead, when the log or block cannot be obtuin cn, an enormous lumps of coal is laid by for the occasion and purpose. The same custom prevails in certain sections of Vir ginia and other Southern States the in habitants of which are of English descent- This wus notably the case in the rural districts of Eastern Virginia during the existence of sluvery. The preservation of the block for the “back-log” of the Christmas fire was a matter of no small concern with plantation negroes; and white boys and black extemporised Christmas cannon of large, dry logs of wood, drilling holes in, and charging them* with gun powder, and exploding by percussion or ignition. The first of these Christmas gnus was usually fired off at midnight of Christmas eve; and from this time until morning, bud luck to the man, woman or child in the vicinity who could not sleep, even amid the noiße of battle. Hints to the Fair Hex. A photographer gives the following di rections to his customers: When a lady silting for a picture would compose her mouth to a bland and serene character, she should, just before entering the room, say “bosom,” and keep the expression into which the mouth subsides until the desired effect in the camera is evident. If, on the other hand, she wishes to as sume a distinguished nnd somewhat noble bearing, not suggestive of sweet ness, she should say “brush,” the result of which is iufallible. If she wishes to make her mouth look small she must say “flipbut if the mouth be already too small and needs enlarging she must sny “cabbagc.” If she wishes to look mourn ful she must say “kerchunk if resigned she must forcibly ejaculate “s’cat.” TILDEN TO BE INAUGURATED. ■■-■■■ o Let Returning Boards mako their re ports as they may, yet It will appear, Ist. That James A. Lawis carries five times the largest stock of Dry Goods, Nations, Hats, Boots, Shoes. Ac., of any House in the city. 2d. That James A. Lewis buys in such large quantities as enables him to offer inducements that other houses can not. 3d. That James A. Lewis will not be uador sold by any house South; hence all parties wanting any goods should not fall to examine his stock and prices before buying. rachlO dAwtf Canned Good*. Poaches, Pine Apples, Tomatoes, Green Corn, Oysters, Salmon, Ac., at nov2 tf Hamilton’s. To County Candidates. Bring In your orders for Tickets. Don't wait until the last day. The Times Job Office will get tbetn up cheap, and at short notice.. Parties desiring their rooms Papered or Preserved, Old Furniture Polished and Cleaned, or any Painting done for Christ mas or new years, will do well to call on Wilhelm A Hurington, Painters. Shop on Oglethorpe street, next door to Murdoch MeLeod’s old bar. A lull force of the best workmen on hand. dec2l tf tailoring. The FALL FASHION PLATES dis play many handsome STYLES, which I am now making up to order. Merchants dealing in CLOTHS and OASSIMEKES are now opening a handsome line of these goods. Offering the best exertions, I ex pect to please even the most fastidious in execution and in promptness. CUTTING and REPAIRING will receive strict attention. C. H. Jones. - To County Candidates. Bring in your orders for Tickets, Don’t wait until the last day. The Times Job Office will get them up cheap.and at short notice. PKACMKNTM. —Cold, and getting folder. —Tho wind did blow, and does blow still. —Too much mud for any pleasure —This bad weather is Interfering with marriages. —Elegant time to take a yt ting lady to ride. You can find so much to say about —the weather. —lf you see a man on the street with tears in in his eyes don’t attribute to his mother-in-laws annual visit, but to the weather. —Boys, shoot your fire crackers this week. —The sound of the screeching horn is still heard on the streets. —A New York undertaker has his show window brightened up by gas jets made in the shape of a coffin. —Diamond thimbles are durable, hut costly, and it isn’t likely that they will become very popular. A Jersey city man is so mean that he talks through his nose to avoid wearing out his false teeth. —Pauperism is making rapid strides at paris, as well as at London, the number of indigent people having increased since 1874 from 114,000 to 127,000. —Nine sewing machines and fifty ladies were in simultaneous operation at a Mount Upton (N. Y.) sewing party the other day. They used up forty-eight skeins of thread, ninety yards of calico, and every reputation in the villiage.— N. Y. Com. Adv. —A’walnut tree in the Crimea is at least 1,000 years oid, and yields from 83.- 000 to 100,000 nuls a year. It belongs to five Tartar families,.who share its pro duce equally. —Nearly a hundred thousand young salmon have recently been placed in the river in Shenandoah county, Va., by a United States fish commissioner. —The total annual production of tobac co is estimated at 2,000,000 tons. Forty different species of this weed are described by botanist. —Triplets recently born near St. Mich ael’s, Maryland, were severally and se verely baptised "Tilden,” “Hendricks" and ‘’Reform.” —“Brick” Pomcry liasjust married his third wife, a proof-reader in the office of his paper. Ilis second wife is a theatri cal star, and liis first wile has just taken her second husband. —A man in Wisconsin has become his own uncle by marrying his niece. When times are hard the changes in feminine fashions are less radical. —An army of almanacs for 1877 has al ready appeared. —A young man from Michigan, writing up his first ball, because it was at a “hop” descsibed one of the belles of the evening us a graceful and bctwicliing little toad. —There is a Chinese firm in San Fran cisco consisting of seven members. They keep their money in a safe on which there uroseven locks, and the funds can be reach ed only by unanimous consent s each part ner has a lock to himself. —The number of seeds in one pound of wheat is ten thousand five hundred. The number of seeds in one pound of oats, twenty thousand ; the number of seeds in one pound of rye, twety-three thousand; tne number of seed in one pound of buckwheat, twenty-five thou sand ; the number of seeds iu one pound of clover, (red,) two hundred and forty nine thousand six hundred ; the number seeds in one pound of clover, (white,) six hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred. scarcity ot Money. There is no doubt but the present condi tion of all kinds of business nnd industry Is fearfully depressed, and it behooves ovory family to look carefully to their ex penses. Winter is coming on when chil dren are liable to Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Coughs and Colds will pre vail everywhere, and Consumption, with other throat and lung diseases, will carry off many.—These diseases should not be neglected. Doctor’s bills are expensive, and would advise our people to use Bos ches *s German Syrup. It never has fuller). One bottle at 75 cents 'will keep your whole family well during tho winter. Two doses will relieve any case. Sold in all towns in tho United States, and by your Druggists decis dA wtf Gilbert A Thornton. To County f andlitulrs. Bring in your orders for tickets. Don’t wait until the last day. The Times Job Offleo will get them up cheap,nnd at short notice. ABOVE COST. Onion Sots, Uostetter’s Bitters, Vinegar Bitters, Wilder’s Bitters, Lioschoes’ German Syrup, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Hepatine, August Flower, Plantation Bitters, Pembertons’ Stlllngia Globe Flower Syrup, Brooks’ Btieb u. All tho above articles, with everything else that is kept in n first-class Drug Store, for sale by oct22 tf A. M. Brannon. FOR Cl! It IST MAN AND NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS CALI, AT WITTICII A KINSEL’S JEWELRY STORE. Where you will And the useful, as well as the ornamental, for prices to suit the times. A large variety of new goods has lately been received in addition to our largo stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Goods. A flno display of Bridal Presents of every discretion on hand. Gold and Silver Lace, ns well as Span gles, for fancy dresses constantly en hand. Give us a call before purchasing else where, and you will nut regret it. octß 3m Wanted Immediately. Mrs. General French wants Immediate ly a (Irst-class cook— none other need ap ply. Residence in Wvmiton. d0022 t f AT KIKVC.VN. Black Alpacas, worth 53e. only 40c. Colored Alpacas " 250. " trtc. Repps (for wrappers), worth 85c, only 20c. Ladles’ ami Childrens’ colored Hose, worth 40e. only 25e. Silk Scarfs, worth 20e. only 25c. Large Linen Towels, worth 25c. only 20c. Table Linen, worth 75c. only 5‘2%c. 10-4 Sheeting “ 3Uc. " 22j^e. Woolen Corsets, worth 75c. only COc. 2-Button Kid Gloves, worth 73c. only 50c. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, worth 20c. only IV/,c. A large stock of Zephyr Wools, Dress Goods, Balmoral Skirts, Ribbons, Silk Scarfs just received and marked at very low prices. A 'cn 11 from you is solicited. J, Albert Kirve.n. oetl codAwly —• . To County ratulltluten. Ih lug in your orders for Tickets. Don’t wait until the lust day. Tho Times Job Office will got then* up cheap,and at short notice. # ■ , M. Corn und limn. Just received, a choice lot of Corn at 75e per bushel. Fresh lot of Bran In any quantity at SI.OO per hundred, sacks included. novi2 tf J. 11. Hamilton. l,ovc 6k Wilsons celebiated Belts will cure chills, correct deranged nervous systems, strengthen the appetite, and actively aid in restoring in paired health. For sale at apr2o tf M. D. Hocd A CoV* . , Holland Herrings $2.25 per keg. Boneless Codfish 5 IT> boxes 75c. Plain and Mixed Pickles by tho gallon. Buckwheat Flour. Goshen Butter. By augls tf G. W. Brown. Fire Works. 200 boxes Firecrackers. 50 gross Roman Candles. 50 dozen Rockets, * For sale at I. G. STBUITEIi’S novA If Candy Manfaetory. JIM RECEIVED FOR CTTRTSTMAS BRFSFNTS. Another shipment of Cloaks. All the New Shades in Low and Medium priced Dres9 Goods. Large lot of Jeans at a Bargain. New Ties, Scarfs, Ac. Navy, Plum, Seal and Myrtle Ribbons. Fine selection of Prints. Mens’ and Womens’ Merino Underwear. Ladies’ Shawls at greatly reduced prices. Immense lot of Balmoral Skirts from 50e. ta $3.50. declOtf J. S. J ones. Winter Yonr Cowi, lam prepred to take care of Cows for the winter, on a good eano Pasture, and plenty of Huy. Ap“ ly at Times office. BnovSO tf G. M. Bryan. The Grand Central Hotel, New York, noted for its profuse and elaborate deco ratious and elegant table, now offers the same accommodations at a reduction from $4.00 to $2.50 nnd $3.00 per day. Williams’ An Gallery* One of tho most attractive places in Co lumbus is tho Drawing Rooms of G. T. Williams’Art Gallery, ovor Dr. Carters’ drug store. It is a trent to go there. Y’ou can spend nn hour or two very pleasantly and proflitably* In examining his varied and superb collections irf Photographic Art Pictures. Ho charges nothing for looking, being always glad to have any one visit him and examine his collection. If you should want your picture taken In the highest style of art, he can do it, and at figures that will surprise you in their smallness. Can! size, $2 50 per dozen; Victoria, 3.00 “ Promenade, 4.00 “ Cabinet, 5.00 “ 6% by B y % inch, 7.00 “ Bby 10 inch, 10.00 Half-Life Size, 16x20, $5.00 each; Life Size, 21x27, SIO.OO each. Remember G. T. Williams’ Art Gallery over Garter’s drug store. nov26 eodAwtf The People Want Proof. There is no medicine prescribed by phys icians, or sold by druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschee’s German Syrup for se veroCoughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption,or any disease of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get n Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. Itlias lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its won derful cures are astonishing everyone that use it. Three doses will relieve any case. Try it. Sold by decl2 dAwtf Gilbert A Thornton. (Ship News. New York, December 23.—Arrived: Heloelia. Arrived out, Lydia Peschan, Sunny Re gion, Tralix, G. S. Peuroy, George Pea body, Amroid, Puebla, Australia. Homeward, Speed, Wilmington; Texas, New Orleans. Steamer Titsee from St. Domingo, ar rived this morning, had on board the crew of the bark Susan L. Fitzgerald, wrecked near Cape Isabella, December 13th, bound from Salt-Pond, Africa, to Boston. HNkw York, Dec. 29.- Schooner Emma Pembroke from St. Johns, P. R., for St. Andrews, foundered off Hattoras. Crow saved. CHRISTMAS TRIX FOR EVERYBODY AT L A YFI EL D’S ~ * 4 T.ARGE STOCK OP TOYS and FIREWORKS, HU ITS ( ONFECTIONERY, BREAD, CAKES, Ac. Ac. If you would make the little folks happy, buy yoinC'HUIVIMIS TIIIX OF LAll lELD. My stock of TOYS were purchased nt the very lowest figures and will be sold the same way. •i. *i. LiinrixH. ttjf- Ijirfield's Comer. decls 9t NOTICE. VIX PERSONS INDEBTED TO R. L. MOTT, the Palace Mills, or the City Mills, are re quested to call on R. M. Mulford at the Chatta hoochee National liauk. aud make immediate pavmt-nt. Mr. Mulford has the books and ac counts, and is authorized to settle and give re ceipts. R. Jj. MOTT, no VI tf FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. BY TELEStUPH TO THE DAILY TIMES. uo\i;y ami wTot it*. LONDON. I>i ( umber 29—;i0 t\ ,v.— Counol* U 4 3-10. m LIVERPOOL, December liil.—Noon—Cobn< Ih 94 1-16 for money; 94.' for account. Erie 9,**. PA 1118, December 29.—N00n-Hellte 1031. and 2? *£<:.) NEW YORK, December 29.—G01il opened at 7. NEW YORK, Deo. 29. Noon—Stock* dull aud tcdy; money 6; gold 7; exchange—long, 4.H4; short 4 B<J; tytat bond*—TeumaMco’* old aud new and North Caroliua’M old aud new better. ri’MtHtriuly; OovcrumeuU active and steady. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.—Evening—Money dull at 6(&fl; sterling strong at 4; gold quiet and steady at 7>tf; Governments active, a trifle batter; new s'sllV; States quiet. COTTON. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 29—Noon.—Cotton buoyant; middling uplands tf‘,d. Orleans 6 3-lGd, sales 18,- 900, speculation and export 4,000, receipts 13,40*>, I American 4,000. Futures firmer; buyers at last night's prices; uplands low middling clause, December delivery 6 21-32d; January and February G l B (gi6 21-32d; February and March 6 23-32; March aud Ayril G 23-32.1 May and June 6 29-32; shipped November per sail G ,and, January and February 0 13-lGd; February and March 6>,d. 1:30 r. M. —Uplands low middlings clause, Feb ruary and March delivery April mid May and; shipped November, per sail, 6 March and April G 6-16. 2:30 p. M.—Uplands, low middling clause,April and May delivery G 7-32@^d. 4:30 p. m.—Uplands, low middling clause, March and April delivery G 13-16d. Sales of American 10,100. 4 p. m.—Upland-*, low middling clause, Febru ary and March delivery 6#d; shipped December and January, per sail, March and April G 3*l6d, 6 p. w.~ Futures quiet; uplands low mid dling clause, March and April delivery 6 25-32d. NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—Noon—Cotton quiet; uplands 12#; Orleans 12 11-16; sales 638. Futures opened steadier, as follows: January 12 21-32@U-1; February 12 15-16@13; March 13 3-16r#' 4 ; April 13 May 13 9-16 s*;. NEW YORK, Dec. 29.—Evening—Cotton quiet; Hales 512 at 12li@ll 1-lGc; net receipts 390; gross G 199. Futures el-sed steady: sales 21.500; January 12 19 32; February 12 15-10; March 13 3-16@7-32: vpril 13 ]:t-32(57-lG; M*y 13 19-3 June 13\ ; July 13 29-32; August 14. GALViwvfoN, Dec. 29.—Cotton strong, held higher; middling 1 ] * r . Weekly net receipts 18.811; gross 1.9 828, stock 11G.2GG; sales 9625; exports to Great Britain C3IG; coastwise 7152. NORFOLK. Dec. 29.—Evening—Cotton steady; middling 11?,. Weekly net receipts 17,318; sales 1300, stock 36,375; exports coastwise 15,004. BALTIMORE, Dec. 23.—Evening*— Cotton firm; middling 12,%. Weekly gross receipts 3119; sales 80G0 stock 11,75, spinners 1419- exports coastwise 2095. BOSTON, Dec. 29. Evening Cotton quiet; middling 12‘j, Weekly receipts 2615; gross receipts 9445; sales 2072; stock 5587. WILMINGTON, Dec. 29. Evening Cotton steady; middling 11 s 4 . Weekly net receipts : 00G; stock 17,946; sales 268; exports coastwise 2242. CHARLESTON, December 29.—Evening Cotton steady; middling 12 V Weekly net receipts 19.1GG, stock 86,132, sales 8.000, exports to Great Britain 1G.G02; France 2343; coastwise 2951. MONTGOMERY', Dec. 29.—Cotton firm; mid dling 11V Weekly receipts 1,603; shipments 1,374; stock 12,551. M.\OON, Dec. 29.—Cotton active and firm; mid dling 11 ' 4 . Weekly receipts 2,080; sales 19G5, stock 11,336; shipments 2,20t>. NASHVILLE, Dec. 29.—Cotton firm; middling 11V Weekly net receipts 2167; shipuests 3836; sales 1,167; spinners 59; stock 7,905. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 29.—Evening—Cotton firm; middling 12V Weekly net receipts 1314 gross receipts 3205. SAVANNAH, December 29.—Evening—Cotton firm; middling 12; stock 80,404. Weekly net receipts 21,447; sales 9400; exports to Great Britain 18 908; to Continent 1241; to channel 7100; coastwise BG2O. NEW ORLEANS, Dec A 29. Evening— Cotton strong; middling 12; low middling H>„; good ordinary 11,V stuck 310,437. Weekly net receipts 63,235; gross 69,803; sales 38.500; exports to Great Britain 14,884; to France 1872; coastwise 3863. MOBILE, Dec. 29. Evening— Cotton ft*m; middling 11 stock 71,784. Weekly’ net receipts 14,799; sales 12,C00; ex ports to Great Britain 12,871; to Continent 3301; coastwise 32,460. MEMPHIS, Dec. 29.—Ootton firm and higher; middling 11V stock 92,416. Weekly net receipts 16,122; shipments 91G0; sales 11,000. AUGUSTA, Dec. 29.—Cotton opened firm, nominal aud easier; middling IP,. Weekly receipts 7641; shipments 8024; sales 5880; stock 10,084. U.B. WEEKLY COTTON STATES! EXT Net receipts at U 8. ports for the week... 8 257 Gross receipts 34,113 Exports to Great Britain 10,140 Continent 450 Sales G.BG6 Stock at all U. S. ports 227,569 Liverpool Weekly .Statement. Sales of week 53.000 Speculation 7.000 Exports 4.000 Stock at 534.000 Stuck of American,actual count 202 000 Receipts of week 93,000 Receipts American.. f t. 1,100 Actual exports 4,000 Afloat 445.0c0 American afloat .407.000 Sales ofAmerieau 30,000 1* KO V IfilOAfirtkC. NEW YORK, Deo. 29.- Noon—Flour dull aud drooping. Wheat quiet and heavy Corn quiet aud unchanged. Fork Arm at $17.40@$ 17.60. Lard linn; steam i11.20. Turpentine quiet at 48. Rosin steady’ at $‘2.50@60 lor strained. Freights firm. NEW YORK,Dec. 29.—Evening.—Flour slightly in buyers favor, maiuly on medium and low grades, only moderate trade reported for export aud home use. Superfine Western aud State ss.Jt'(i£ss.sU, Southern flour dull, shade easier common to lair extra ss.7s@sG 80, good to choice do. $6.85. Wheat slightly in buyers favor, only very moderate export demand, City Mills inactive. Corn, new lo lower, trade dull, tiu@6l lor new yellow, 58 lor old, GO for new yellow Southern. Oats very dull, without de cided change*n prices. Coffee; Rio, firm and In fair demand, 17 l 4 for gold job lots, 17 >4fs22 gold. Sugar dull at 9 fair to good refining l'Jji. Molasses quiet unchanged. Rye steady, moderate trade Rosin steady. Turpentine easy at 47 l a . Freights active, cotton per sail 5-16. CINCINNATI, Dec. 29. —Evening—Flour, firm demand and higher; family $G 4l>@s6 75. Wheat fair, demand firm: red $1.35, Corn good demand at 4 ltye steady and firm. Barley dull. Pork sl7 25 asked. Lard firm steam ll;kettle 11 %®l2. Bulk meats, shoulders short rib aides y.AOAs; short clear sides B>,(ijjJ ail loose. Bacon quiet, shoulders *7>£, clear rib sides 9&; clear t>iues at $lO 05. Green meats strong; shoulders 6.30. Whiskey weak at 5. Butter steady, packing grades 18®20. Hogs at tive, packing grades $6.- 35@60. Shipments 228. LOUISVILLE, Dec. 29.—Flour quiet, good de mand; extra white firmer, $5.26@56.60; double extra do. $5.65©f5 85; trible extra de. |6 ou@ $6.25. Wheat firm, reds].2s@3o, amber $123; white sl.44@sL 45. Corn steady and firm at 44. Rye steady, iu good demand at 80. Oats steady, white 40 mixed 38. Bulk meats quiet and steady, • boulders clear rib sides clear sides Bacon dull and nominal. Sugar cured hams in lair demand at 14. Lard iu fair demand aud firm, tierce 11, keg Whiskey quiet at G. Bagging firm. BT. LOUIS, Dec. 29. Evening—Flcnr quiet for low and medium grades, the demand* ex ceeds the supply, superfine fill $4.65®55.00. extra u<>. double extra do, $5 65u> f5.85. trible extra do. S6,UO. with some sales s@'loc higher than these quotations. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red f 1 Corn easy 40> 4 '. Rye firm at 70“ 3 (yj 1 ,. Barley quiet and unchanged. Whiskey inactive at 7. Pork $17.00. Lard 11c. Bulk meats firm; GS,@B*a aud 9 asked for shoul ders; dear rib and clear sides bid; tor clear rib sides B‘.j bid; for long clear middles ail loose, boxed shoulders G> 4 bid; clear rib sides 8G bid; long short clear middles 8 3 4 bid. Bacon quiet i aud unchanged. j BALTIMORE. Dec 28.—Oats dull and steady. | Rye higher. Provis ms quiet, steady and un -1 eluii ; Coffee s reng and quiet. Whiskey : steady, small sales i t'ls. Sugar quiet at 12. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Signal Office, Washington, >_ December 29, 1870. ) For South Atlantic nnd Gulf States, clear or partially cloudy weather and northerly to westerly winds, with rising barometer and lower tem perature than.on Friday; for Western Gulf States clear or fair weather and norttherly to westerly winds; con tinued low temperature below freez ing in the Interior. GROCERIES. CENTENNIAL STORES ■W. -A_. S'VVIIF’T, I’UOl’ltlKTOll. These new stores are now open and fillep with a FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Groceries® Domestic Dry Goods, Which .Mill be sold at the Lowest Cash Rates. JJACON. FLOUR. ad FINE LIQUOBB A SPECIALTY. BAOOINO for Mle it 10e.; TIES At Sc. Mr. T. J. HUNT (formerly of Harris) and Ma. HOULE RF.DD, of Columbaa, will give thalr spe cial attention to this department. THE NEW CENTENNIAL WAGON YARD, J UST COMPLETED, is also connected with the establishment. No expense baa been apared to make It attractive both In comfort and security for tho traveling public. Mr. ELIJAH MULLINH, of Harris, has charge, aud will do all in his power for the comfort of its patrons. I repect fully ask from those visiting the city to a trial of the NEW WAGON YARD, and solicit the patron age of the trading community to my stock of GROCERIES. W. A. SWIFT, Proprietor. ]Vew grocery store. NO. 134 BRO AD STREET. MY STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES £8 NOW FULL AND COMPLETE IN EVERY PARTICULAR, AND EMBRACEB IN PART: BACON AND BULK STEFS, HAMS. SHOULDERS and LAFB. FLOUR of EVEPY GRADE an PRICE. OATMEAL. SALT. BAGGING, TIES and TWINE. CHEESE, MACKEREL, SYRUP, WINKS a’td LIQUOR of EVERY SORT and PIiI E. TOBACCO, Every SUGAR. COFFEE and TEAS tw SUIT ANY TASTE. SOAP, STARCH. BLUEING, SODA, BAKING POWDERS, and SEA FOAM. BLACKING, MATCHES. SHOT, POWDER and CAPS. COX’S GELATINE, ITA" ian macaroni, pickles .r every kind, iea & perrins' Worcestershire sauce, PEPPER SAUCE and FRENCH MUSTARD. TURNER’S I.EMON and SPICE DESERT BAUCE. CANNED GOODS of EVERY DESCRIPTION -ALL NEW AND FRESH, at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. GIVE ME A CALL. M. J. CRAWFORD, Jr. Beptl7-dAw6m INSURANCE. THE OLDEST! STRONGEST! BEST! WILLCOX’S Insurance Agency Experienced ! Time-tried!! Fire-tested!! o Deals Carefully, Adjusts Fairly, Pays Promptly. No Doubtful Companies Represented! READ THE LIST: iEStna Insurance Go., of Hartford, < sli Assets, GOLII, - - - $7,878,127 44 NTortli Britisli cfc Mcrcantil o Xxxs Go. fash Assets, - - - $15,887,809 Hartford Fire Insurance Comp’y, t Assrts, (JOI.II, - - - $5,350,000 Continental Insuraneo Company, IVe’vv York, Clash Assets,, - - - ‘ $5,000 000 Insurance Company of North America, < Assets. (JOL.D, - - $0,500,000 New York Underwriters’ Ajjcncy, Cash Assets. hOIAI. - - $3,000,000 m Union Marino nn<l Fire Ins. Cos., ol Galveston, Cash Assets, COCO. .... $750,000 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were paid out of these Com panies without delay to Chicago aud Boston sufferers in 1871 and 1872. For Secure Insurance apply to D. F. WILLCOX, dec22-tf Ocn’l Insurance Agt. M. D. HOOD & GO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D^TTG-a-ISTS, 93 Itroud St., Columbus, Ga., f UAVK IN STORK A I.AROE AND CAItKFtJL.LT s *'C KELECTED STOCK Orf Fresh Drugs, Medicines, and Pure Chemicals, with which thayare prepared to aupply their former patron*, and the public AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at prices that cannot fail to Ensure satisfaction. Let no one wanting any article in onr line buy elsewhere before seeing eur goods and knowing onr prices. All articles sold are guaranteed PUEE. PAINTS! PAINTS!! We have full stocks of White Lead, Varnishes, Linseed Oils, Spirits Turpentine, And all the Colored Paints, both Dry and Ground in Oil and at Bottom Prices. o Window' Glass and Putty at lowest prices. Parties at a distance will be furnished SASH when desired. o Home Made Fertilizers! Early in tho Season we will have on hand large supplies of CHEMICALS for Composting of Home Made Fertilizers, in which there is economy in buying. Our experience in the purchase and use of these Chemicals for the past six years justifies us in saving we are prepared to give valuable information with regard to the Composting for the various crops grow n i this country. Great Reduction in Fine Photographs AT G. r T. WILLIAMS’ GtALLERY . (OVER CARTER’S DRUG STORE. ) A LL STYLES AND SIZES FISE PHOTOGRAPHS REDUCED CONSIDERABLE FROM FOP.MER PRICES; putting fine finished PHOTOGRAPHB in the reach of ail. Call and examine NEW STYLES and PRICES, and you will be sure and have your picture taken at this GALLERY. Taking Children and Copying Pictures a Specialty. One visit will satisfy any one that no better PICTURES can be had than at this GALLERY. Remember tho place is over Carter's Drug Store. You are respectfully solicited to call. oct’JG tf