Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, April 29, 1882, Image 4

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IN THE CITY. KT Ifany oj tor lubxnbvi fail to ncotvo LKnr Uftr, thug-iU fU<ut U Hnd enough to inform iu fUu tact tmaudtalelg. Columteik. SATURDAY APBIL 29, 1882 *omt« or ran timm. 401 BBOWN -...H00rt, O* LA BALDWIN *OO Talbotton, CH fl OAHU Batler.O* OHAB A HOUGH Flaaaanl HUI.Ga BOBT OABTKB, KUaralle, O* IBID BALL. Jr, UOW, 0* BA BTBANGK, XDavilla.Oa WH WASHINGTON Seale, Ala la OUNNINGHAM Valley, Talbot, 00., Oa W 880WN,..-. Chalybeate Springe Ga, W I WHITB Went Point, Ga B W BUBTON „ Anbnrn, Ala no. T. SMITH LaTayette, Ala ' H VIGAL, Sufaula, Ala 181 P OHKNH7 GlennrlUa, Ala J N PITTMAN .New Bite, Ala THOS MUBPHMK Troy, Ala W I B THOMPSON Tnakegee, Ala JOG . Salem, Ala WL TOBBBT, Society Hill, Ala JAJU BOLAND Troy, Ala OO BBINSON Hatoheohubbee,AU a.H. SPKAB OhatUbeoobee, Fla OBOAB L0W5..... .. .Green HlU,Stewart Co., Ga. I G SINGBB Lumpkin, Ga. HW BABKSLALB Genera, Ga Parllee alttiy of the above pointe Indebted to aa willplsaae call ononr agenta end sama. COLUMBUS MARKET. COLUMBUS, GA., April 29, 1882. Stock on baud Aug. 81, 1881.. 797 Beisel vsd yesterday M *• previously,... 100,062-100,126 100,023 Shipped yesterday 10 • previously 93,509-93,579 St xsk on Hand this morning. 7,811 Pricet. Market— Steady. Ordinary 8 Good Ordinary %QlO Btrlut Good Ordinary. Low Mlddllrur 11 Mtd-.Ulwr... ll«i Good Middling 11% Warehouse sales . 99 tiewifin. By B.W. B, R M. AG. R. R. 3 0.4W.8. a < O.& B. a. H , 39 River . Wagon X 18—04 SMvmenl By s. w. a. a i M. 4 G. K. H w. a. r River Home Consumption... 9-10 LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. April 38. Market etoady middling upland* 6 11-18; futuroe eteady at d 41-U for April May and June; receipt* 13,800, of Which 13,000 were American; ealee 13,000; for export and apeculatlon 9,000. NEW YORK. NSW YORK, April 38—Market quiet end Steady; middling uplanda 13M; future* cloaed dull at I'l 35 37 for April delivery. Beoelpta at the porta for 0 day* 31,354 Bxporta to Great Br'utn 51.025 Kaporta to France 10,714 Export* to Continent 6,771 Export* to Contlnetal p.rta Stock 020,903 Bales of the week G5,n00 for Export 11,500 Speculation 2,700 American 40,000 Forwarded direct to spinners 14,800 Receipts 123,000 American Bi,ooo Stock 953,000 American 620.000 Afloat 440,000 American 187,000 Index to New Advertisement*. Strawberries for Sunday—J. J. Wood. Market Stalls for Rent—H. F. Everett. Strawberries. I will have freshly gathered strawbcr rleslat 4 o'clock this Saturday evening for Bunday's dinner. Give me your orders early this morning and oblige. J. J. Wood, 153 Broad Street. Why suffer day after day, and month after month, with lame back, sciatica, lu tu bago, gravel, diabetes female weakness, etc., when you can be cured by wearing Prof. Gutlmett’s Kidney Pad. Market Stall* for Bent, The Market Stalls will be rented for the ensuing year to the highest bidder, on Monday next, at the Market House. apl29 2t H. F, Evetht, Chairman. The Now Soda Water Manufactory. The new soda water manufactory of Messrs. Wells 4 Co., and in charge of Mr. Oscar Hille, of Montgomery Is In full blast, and meeting with much encourage ment They have already secured a num ber of customers, and are placing their waters on trial with others. Their deliv ery wagon Is a handsome vehicle, being a double decker with raised seat, with buggy covering for driver. They manu ufactare champaign cider, ginger ale, lemon sods, strawberry soda, birch beer, cream mead, sarsaparilla, and all kinds syrups. Their champaign older Is a pleasant summer drink. A trial of their waters by families and others is asked. Bright's disease of the kidneys, grave), diabetes catarrh of the bladder, lame back, Sciatica, luoorrhcea, and female weakness are cured bv Prof. Gullmette's Kidney Pad. Try it and be convinced. NEW LOT JUST IN BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS Printed at bottom prices, and at ehor notice at janl2 ts Times Office. Negro Cut In Girard. We learn that a negro man severely cut another in the neck yesterday evening. It Is thought he was perhaps fatally cut. The cutting grew out of a too close Intimacy with the wife of the one doing the cut ting. Judge Buchanan, lawyer, Toledo, says: “One of Professor Gullmette's French Kidney Pads cured me of lumbago and kidney disease In three weeks time. My case had been given up by the beet doctors as Incurable. During all this time I suffer ed untold agony and paid out large sums of money. A Cross Baby. • Nothing Is so conducive to a man's re malnlng a bachelor as stopping for one night at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or six hours by the crying of a cross baby. All cross and crying babies need only Hop Bitters to make them well and smiling. Young man remember this.—Traveler. DAILY TIMES: COLU.MBUS. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING: APRIL 29.1882? BRILLIANT BRIDALS. Rlahop Beckwith’* Daughter—Atlanttena In Buffalo, A BEAUTIFUL C EHEM ONT IN THIS CITY OOV. BULIXXIK AND FAMILY I'AHTICI PATB IN THE BUFFALO BRIDAL. St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church was filled with people last night to wltnessthemar rlage of Mr. A. R. Lawton, Jr., to Miss Ella Stanley Beckwith, daughter ol Bishop Beckwith. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers. Above the chancel swung three hanging baskets of lovely flowers, covered with graceful draperies of moss. In front of the altar stood two pyramids of evergreens, callae and brilliant hued geraniums. The windows behind ths chancel were draped with garlands and hyacinths, and lu front of these a column of roses produced an elegant scenic effect. Mr. Samuel Brantley presided at the or gan, and as he rendered an appropriate melody the bride and groom, with their attendants, marched slowly down the aisle and took their stand.ln the chancel, the following gentlemen and ladles were the ushers and bridesmaids: Messrs, Brock Beckwith, Clarence Knowles, Frank Gordon, Greer Ztehry, Marlon Knowles, Pat Calhoun, W. B. Nicholson and Frank Ellis; Misses Bessie Beckwith, Georgia Ball, Nora Lawton, Emma Mime, Claude Thomas, Minnie Gay, Florence Wood, Ca mille Dußose, Etta Boekenbrough, Bland Brookenbrough. .and Miss Miller of Au gusta. The ushers took the lead, behind them came the bride and her mother, and these were followed by the bridesmaids. The mother of the bride led her daughter up and presented her to the groom. The marriage ceremony was performed In an Impressive manner by Bishop Beckwith and the contracting parties plighted their troth by giving each to the other a ring. Alter the marriage the Invited guests repaired to the home of the bride’s pa rents, were an elegant reception was given. The young couple will take a bridal tour North, and they are followed by the best wishes of a host of friends. BCBENBHBBY- GBBENB. The marriage of Mr, A. F. Greene, ol this city, to Miss Susie Rosenberry, daughter of Mrs. Charles Rosenberry, also of this city, but formerly of Buffalo, New York, took place on Wednesday at the latter place. The Buffalo Nows has an extended notice of the event. Rev. H. M, Parsons performed the ceremony In the presence a large number of friends and relatives. The bride was elegantly at tired In a rich white costume trimmed with lllles-of-the-valley, pearls and dia monds. The Misses Cornelia Bullock, ol Atlanta, Hattie Frost, of Chicago, form erly of Buffalo, Carrie Collins, of Cleve. laud, and Miss Mamie Hayes, of Cottage street, acted as bridesmaids, and Mr. Lucius G. Bigelow as best man, and Mr. W. W. Johnson, Mr Walter 8. Bigelow, and Mr. Fred C. Young as groomsmen. They were married under a canopy of flowers,' and passed under a “Lover's Knot’’ of beautiful flowers. The presents were of an expen sive and useful character. A large amount of silver was presented. The bride’s present from the groom was a magnlflceni set of diamond ear-rings and pin, set with pearls in an exquisite pattern. An elegant and delicious supper was served In an excellent manner. After the wed ding they left for New York, and will re side In Atlanta. Among those present were thefollowing from Atlanta: Ex-Gov. and! Mrs.;Rufus Bullock, Miss Cornelia Bullock and Miss Mollie Courtney.—Post- Appeal. I have been a great sufferer for 15 years with Bright's disease of the kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out of bed; used various internal remedies, but they gave me no relief. I wore two of Prof. Gullmette’s Kidney Pads six weeks, and I now know I am entirely cured. Look* Like Bualneaa, Tons of water-pipe are being deposited along Broad street, and thence to Frank lin street bridge to the works to convey water to the olty. In a few more days the minds of the doubting Thomases will be put to rest, as the Water Works Com pany under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas R. White and Mr. Jacob Yocum, arc making rapid strides on the road to success. The only pad guaranteed to cure dia betes, gravel, dropsy, Bright's disease, nervous debility, and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder, la Prof. Gullmette’s French Kidney Pad. Personal. Mr. J. M. DeLacy Is in the city en route to his home In Hatcheohubbee, from White Sulpher Springe, where he has been superintending Improvements go ing on there preparatory for the reception of visitors this Beason. Mr. Charles M. Couch, the affable Southern Express messenger on the Mo bile A Girard Railroad, returned yester day from, Louisville. Ky., where he has been as a delegate to ths Convention of the Expressmen’s Aid Society. A grand ex cursion to mammoth cave was given. Charlie expresses himself as highly pleased with his trip. "Bucliupalba.” Quick complete cure, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Uurlnary Disease, epot Brannon & Carson. Where Charity la Needed. We understand that there lives in the tenement house of Mr. Pearce near the Muscogee Mills a family that is in much distress. An old man by the name of Huguely, with a wife and six small chil dren, has been down for some time, and unable to do any work. Only one of the children is able to work, and now it Is Hi; The charitably disposed can find here a field for their labors. Several have made contributions and aided the family, but they are still In distress. Fire Last Night. The tire alarm was sounded last night about halt-past one o’clock, and the Bre men all hurried In the direction of the bell tower. The Are was found to be on the third floor of the building over Hoch strasser's corner In the room in the rear of the telephone office occupied by Mr. Joe Daniel. Mr. Daniel’s bed took fire from some cause unknown af ter he had gone to bsd. He came down stairs in his night clothes and gave the alarm, when Mr. Jule Kemp ran up and with a bucket of water soon put the fire out, and with the assistance of others the burning fragments of the mat tress were gotten Into the halls and thor oughly extinguished. The firemen were promptly out, but their services were not needed. Mr. Dan iel had his bands slightly blistered. No other damage except to his bedding and I other clothes in the room. Columbus Female College. There are two honors given to the grad uating class each year. The first honor is given to the young lady whose average is highest during the Junior and Senior years. The honors were very closely con tested this year, and the young lady re ceiving the second honor will have re ceived it I only; In name, as the differ ence in ths averages of the young ladies was so slight It was difficult to give a sec ond honor, the average of one being 99.52 and the other 99.25. The first honor Is awarded to Miss Mag gie L. Merrett, of Marianna, Fla. Second honor to Miss Helen Lyon, of Columbus. The following are the Junior appoint ments : Mies Lula Bates, Columbus, G*. Miss Mary C >oke, Hamilton, Ga. Miss Minnie Cook, Americus, Ga. Miss Juliette Hudson, Columbus, Ga. Mies May Iverson, Columbus, Ga. Miss Minnie Jewett, Decater, Ga. Miss Amelia Kaufman, Columbus. Ga. Miss Irene Mason, Columbus, Ga. Miss Maggie Matheson, Columbus, Ga. Miss Mollie Mitchell, Glcnnvllle, Ala. Miss Lola Wright. Union Springs, Ala. From a class of 41 the following young ladles won places as readers In the Soph omore Exhibition at the Commencement. Miss Bettie Burrus, Columbus, Ga. Miss Leila Garrett, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Sarah Hutchins, Blakely, Ga. Miss Lilia Holleman, New Orleans. Li. Miss Carrie Johnson, Columbus, Ga. Mies May Lave Lowe, Columbus, Ga. Miss Lizzie McMeekln, McMeekln, Fla. Miss Mary McGehee. Columbus, Ga. Miss Mary McGinty, Columbus, Ga, Miss Minnie Tillman, Columbus, Ga. Miss Lavlnla Trimble, Alexander City, Ala. Miss JuliaThweatt, Columbus, Ga. Miss Genic Walker, Columbus, Ga. For the past two years Ihave been trou bled with leucorrhosa and female weak ness, which at times has been so great that I could neither eat nor sleep, I wore one of Prof. Gullmette’s Kidney Pads and it cured me. Mbs. H. Jbbome, Toledo, i i • ♦ Departure of the Snapper*. The steamer Chattahoochee has been el egantly equipped for the accommodation of the Snapper Club, which will take the party to the bay, where they will be transferred to a sea-going vessel for the Ashing banks. The party will number some sixteen or eighteen, and will be ab sent about two weeks. Mr. J. W. Johns of Macon joins the party here, which will be augmented at Fort Gaines, and per haps at Eufaula. They anticipate a gay time fishing and hunting, and no doubt on their return will be able to relate some rich experience. They will take with them a quantum sufficit of ice, lemons, and antidote for snake bite. The steamer Chattahoochee leaves at 10 o'clock. When you havi an Inflamed eye, welled hand, cr decayed and aching tooth, you do not take and fill your stom ach with drugs to curs It, but apply a cooling lotion or some soothing narcotic directly to the parts. So If you have a weak or lame back, sore kidneys, profuse or scanty urine, or the secretory system Is clogged and inactive, you should use Prof. Gullmette’s French Kidney I’ad, which is a directly local application, which always gives speedy relief and always cures the disease. Ask your drug ging or It. 6 Meeting at St. Luke Church. The protracted meetings of St. Luke Church which have been going on tor the pagt two weeks arc growing In Interest. The Bev. E. H. McGehee of Talbotton preached a most interesting sermon last night. The Rev. Walker Lewis will have with him next week assistance from a dis tance and he feels much encouraged. The meeting will be protracted from flay to day, and as long as sufficient Interest is manifested In the services. It la the height of folly to wait until you are In bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you can be cured during the early symptoms by Parker’s Ginger Tonic. We have known the sick liest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine Ob- server. A Sagacious Dog. Mr. A. L. Harrison has a young New foundland dog, which is very sagacious, considering he has had little or no train ing. Yesterday morning a gentleman tied his horse to one of the posts near the side walk in front of the store. As soon as he left the horse the dog, Rollo, roared on his hind feet and, with his teeth, untied the knot and led the horse out Into the street. The horse was brought back and tied and the dog repeated the same thing. In the afternoon the horse was tied In front of the store again, and as soon as the dog discovered him he proceeded to untie him again, and was leading him Into the store to the proprietor? when lhe was stopped. Rollo does not intend that riders shall hitch their horses too near the store door. The most sensible remedy, and the only sate, sure and permanent cure for all dis eases of the liver, blood and stomach, In cluding bllllous fevers, fever and ague jaundice, dyspepsia., etc., is Prof. Guil mette's French Liver Pads, which cures 1 by absorption. Ask your druggist for this noted cure, and take no other, and if he has not got it for you, send $1.50 to the French Pad Company, Toledo, 0.. and they will send you one post-paid by re turn mall. a The ‘U.S. Kates.” The H. 8. Estes is being remod- : eled In the shops of the Columbus and Rome Railroad shops, and is under going a thorough overhauling. The fin ishing touches are being put on and she will be placed on the road for a trial trip In a few days. She Is a beauty, and soon will be heard her shrill whistle as she goes bounding up Pine Mountain. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. 1 Is tt not worth the email price of 75 cents to tree yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints? If you I hlnk so call at out store and get a bottle i of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on It, use accordingly ' and If tt does you no good it wilt cost you nothing old by M. D. Hood A Co., and Brannon 4 Carson. Are you low spirited, “down-ln-the- 1 mouth," and weak lu the back? Does walking, lifting or standing cause pain In the small of the back? If so, you have kidney disease, and Prof. Gullmette’s French Kidney Pad Is the only remedy which will cure you rapidly and perma nently, and without filling your stomach with nauseous medicine. 5 Floor? M.ttlaga. Wonderfully low, white, fancy and heavy. All can afford to use them at thr prices, at l. Rooney’s, 83 and 85, Broad street, up stairs, aprt-tf The E. A I*. Picnic To-Day. The storekeepers were kept busy yester day watting on parties preparing for the i grand picnic at Fort Mitchell to-lay. It Is the day of all la the year that the em ployes of the Eagle 4 Phenix Mills look forward to with the greatest delight. It is a splendid sight to see from twelve to fifteen hundred people disporting them selves In the woods among the wild flow ers, and enjoying themselvos only as those can who have been confined In-doors for a twelve month. Everything has been planned that can contribute to their pleasure, and nothing will ba left undone that will add In the least to accomplish that end. The “Fly ing Jenny” has been engaged for the oc casion, and the tree list will be run all day, which will afford immense fun for the little folks. The officers of these mills contribute largely each year for the enjoyment of the employes, and it is appreciated in no small way. Two trains will be run, leav ing Broad Street Depot at 6 and 8 o'clock a. m., and returning, leave Fort Mitchell at 4 and 6 o’clock p. m. Deserving Articles are always A»pre elated. The exceptional cleanliness of Parker’s Hair Balsam makes It popular Gray hairs are impossible with Its occa sional use. Knasel Circuit Court. The court at Seale, Judge H. D. Clay ton presiding, la still moving on and will not adjourn perhaps till the latter part of next week. Wednesday was consumed In the trial of the damage case of Mrs. Mat tie Phlllpi, vs, John Bickerstaff and Wm. Dudley, which resulted in a verdict of $225.00 In favor of Mrs. Philips. It was a case of rental, in which the plaintiff claimed that the contract was that the fence around the plantation should be left ten rails high and In good order which she claimed had not been done according to agreement. The criminal docket will be reached, it Is thought early next week. A number of the leading physicians of the country are now recommending Prof. Gullmette's Kidney Pad for lame pack, sciatica, diabetes, gravel, and other dis eases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs. May Day FeativaL - The ladles of the Park Association are busy with the arrangements for their May Day Festival and Tournament which comes off Monday on the Park grounds. A number of young gentlemen are prac ticing dally for the tournament contest, each one expecting to be the successful Knight. The tournament will take place in the afternoon, soon after which danc ing will commence and among the fea tures of which will be the beautiful May Pole Dance. The crowning of Queen and maids of honor will be a most Interesting occasion. Admission to the grounds for adults 25 cents, and tor children 10 cents. Refreshments will be served at reason able prices. Ladles who are expected to contribute for the Festival are requested to send them In early Monday morning to Mrs. A. J. Lowe’s residence. All are In vited. While emphsztng wnat we auvertfed last week we wish to speak of many arti- clee that wo could not mention lu that Is sue. Embroideries. These we have In all grades from 2o to s3peryaid. Show them In Swiss Nain sook Mull and Jaconet. Full line of Ham berg Edgings. Imported M'hite Goods. We show these tn Fine Plaid and Striped Organdy, Checked Nainsooks, Striped Mulls, Linen D’lude, Linen DeDecca, French Mull, French Nainsooks, Jones' Cambric Mosalla, White, Cream, Pink and Blue Spanish net tor oversuite. Ecru,sprig and dot Swlsses. Call for Linen D’lnde 10c. Checked Organdy 120. Striped Mulls 12%c. They will be found astonishingly good value. HOSIERY. Ladies, Ml-ses and Childrens, In Black Lisle Hose,Black Silk Hose,Brilliant Hose, Fancy Bilk Hose, Solid Pink and Blue Silk Hose. White Silk Hose, Gents Fancy y, Hoee, Gents Balbriggan y. Hose, Gents British y. Hose; all styles y, hose. Gents Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Grauze, Undershirts, Jeans Drawers. CABBI MERES. Gents and Boys Cassimeres, Jeans and Cottonadee, English, French, German and Scotch Suitings; first class material and lu swell effecls. To Arrive. Lawn Teunis Collars and Cuffs, Lawn Tennis Handkerchiefs. Latest 1 fleets In Fichus Mother Hubbard Uullarp, etc. OOBBETB. We have Corsets at 250, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50. Look at our 1,000 Bone Corset; it Is a beauty. We offer special bargains in Ladles Mohair Suitings, at se, sold until recently at 150. GINGHAMS. Pretty effects In American and Imported Ginghams, a very popular and durable dress fabric. POLKA SPOT MULLS. We have these very choice and desirable goods, in Blue, Green, Navy and Black spots. We have a large line of Plaid and Striped Mohairs and Melanges; wot th from 35e to 600, which we throw out on counters Monday at 15c, just to make It lovely. Como and get your hack suit. PARASOLS. We have some elegant goods and many new styles. Nuns'Veiling at 30 cents. Call and see H, In White, Cream, Navy, Black, Brown, Gen D’Arme, Ecru, <fce. Black Satin Brocade Black and Satin Stripe, Pure Silk for $1,25 per yard; cheap at $1,75, Come and see it Our Checked Silks, although selling down fast, owing to the fact that we bought them in fqjl Bolts, we can still show In all ‘shades. One word more. We have the largest stock of fine goods In the city, and you will find shopping easy at our counters. Please test the matter. J. 8. Jones. Columbus, Ga, Ap 1882, If you are troubled with liver and ague, dumb ague, bllllous fever, jaunnice, dyspepsia, or any disease of the liver, blood and stomach, and wish to get well, try the new remedy, Prof. Gullmette’s French Liver Pad. Ask your druggist for it, and take no other, and If he has not got it send $1.50 in a letter to the French Pad Company, Toledo, Ohio, and receive one by return mall, 3 Harrta County Note*. From the Hamilton Journal. The Corbla Banking Company Is land ing much money in the county through its agent Col. Chas. G. Flournoy. The fire company received their hats by express last Monday and are now fully uniformed and equipped. Sales of guano at this point have fallen at least thirty per cent, short of those of last season, In the opinion of our best In formed dealers. He attributes this to the caution of agents in selling only to farm ers of proven responsibility, and to a di minution of the cotton area. Tne grain area, he says, has encroached upon the cotton land to a considerable extent, and consequently much less land 1b available for cotton planting. This state of affairs is not to be regretted, and our informant is too well posted for us to doubt hts cor rectness. Our late grand jury didn’t recommend anybody for Congress or Governor, but It should not be supposed from this that we Harris county folks are not displaylog or feeling any Interest In polities. At the proper time we will show at least one worthy candidate for Governor, two or three for Congress at Large, half a dozen for the Fourth District, half a score of as pirants for the Senate, twice as many for the House, with an Innumerable horde for the more desirable If less honorable coun ty offices. Last Saturday morning, about nine o'clock, the dwelling house on the plan tation of Mr. M. B. Kimbrough, near Ca taula, occupied by Mr, Huff, was discov ered to be on fire. The fire was on the roof when discovered, and the slimes only about a foot high, but they spread so rapidly as to be beyond control before a ladder to reach the roof was procured and the building was totally destroyed In a very short time. It was a large, well finished building, containing eight rooms and could not be replaced for less than $1,200 or $1,500. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Kimbrough, who, It will be remem bered by our readers, lost two gin houses by fire on the same place four years age Those were supposed to have been of In cendiary origin, but the dwelling It is thought caught accidentally. There was no Insurance. The city daddies have dug a good big hole in the ground and when they get it fixed up and full of water, there will be un doubtedly plenty of water for occasional fires. The hole Is fifteen feet square, and twelve feet deep. The colored Baptists are erecting a very imposing church editlee on Blue Spring street. It is of very large dimensions and will be a credit to the community when finished. Work on It Is progressing sat isfactorily, the frame work is up, the weatherboarding on and the cover under way. ....a I have suffered terrible with nervous debility, caused by deranged kidneys, and was permanently cured by Prof. Gull mette s French Kidney Pads, when other remedies gave rne no relief,” writes s ounyg Daynto merchant. HOTEL* AKKIVALS; CENTRAL HOTEL. J H Gautier, A B Wells, Tuskegee,; J M DeLacy, Hatchechubbee; 0 C Hargrove, Cincinnati; J 8 Freedman, A W Williams, Paducah Ky; M B Kimbrough, Hamilton; FH Mitchell, Linwiod; T Nunn, New York; Wm. Lay, Paring field, Ohio; 8 M Burt, Brantly; J O Howard, Chaylybeate Springe; J A Anderson, Atlanta: John C Cheney, Goodwater. BANKIN HOUSE. JnoD Anderson, Nashville, Tenn; W B Frost, LaGrange, Ga; Wm Webb, J E Burghardt, J W Johns, Macon. Ga; C Hoff, Savannah; ThosJ Ruck, New York; W J Nlebot, Russell couuty; J T Zichrey, Ga; W L Briggs, W E Lewis, H B Stern, J Leibraan. New York; F H Metvee, Vs. Aie vou low spirited, "down In the mouth,” and weak lu the back. Does lift tln or standing cause pain In the small of the back. It so, you have kidney disease, and Prof. Gullmette’s French Kidney Pad will cure you. COLUMBUS MARKET. <l«rr4*<‘te<l Daily. WHOLESALE MEAT. Bacon clear rib sides...... 12 DBCB Bides 11 8e11ie5..,.,,.,.... Bacon Shoulders. y D 8 8h0nider5........ Canvassed Hams 13X KE FAIL MEAT, PROVISIONS, <W. BACON -Clear rib sides Shoulders Bulk clear ribs Bulk shoulders.... 9 8 0 canvassed hams 16 Plain Hama 15 CORN— Per bushel, white 1 15, mixed 11«8 MEAL I 05 SPECKLED PEA5.................... l 25 RICE ................. .... .......... 10 VINEGAR 40 OATS— Mixed 75 Rust Proof .1 ixj FLOUR—Fine 00<a 10 BRAN-Per 100 » I 40 LAND-rLeaf, per lb ih kegs 14 Leaf, in buckets 16 Tin pails, 10 iba 15 Tinpaile.slbs../. jfl Tin pails,3 lbs 16 MOLASSES — Choice, p<r gal 85 Choice New Orleans 85 Florida cane 65 SUGAS— Yellow O 9 O coffee... 10 Extra U white 10 Standard A.... 11# Granulated 12# Powdered.,. .kegs 6.40, h kegs 3.50, X kega 2.00 COFFEE—ComDion lax Prime- Choice Rio 20 Java 85 NOAPS-Per lb CHEE5E.............................. 20 Factory 15 CR A CKERS -Boda 10 Cream 12 Ginger 12# BUTTER (country) 80 •• Goshen 50 EGG 5................................ 20 POTASH—par ball « Cans.... 8 SARDlNES— Quarters 15 OYSTERS, lib cans 12W “ 2 0 25 CANDJT 2tKSSO CANDLES— Star 20 SODA 8 STARCH 8 CORN STARCH, per pkge 20 PEPPER-Per lb 30 SPICE 30 GINGER 20 NUTMEG5.............................. 1 50 CLOVES 00 CIGARS CHEROOTS lu SNUFF— Lorillard’a per lb 80 Loriliard’s foil* 89 Railroad, per lb 70 *' foil 70 TOBACCO— Common.. 86@50 Sine 60® 1 25 KEROSENE OIL 20 SALT— Virginia 1 35 Liverpool 1 r js MACKEREL— Kits 75®! 00 per kit 3 00 Half barrels..... 00 Barrels 9 00® 12 00 CODFISH 10 WELL BUCKETS 50 BA GGlNG— Heavy. lb 13 ° tX lb .* 12X “ 3 lb 12 •* Second-hand n TlES— Arrow 2 75 Pierced .2 25 SHOT 10 POWDER. 40 W P CAPS, E A B—Per 1,000 50 NAILS— IO P. per keg 450 Horse shoe per keg .5 50 HOLLOW WARE— Per lb 5 AK'ES— Per dos’.beet) 12 00 AMES SHQFELS-Per&oz H 00 ROWLAND SHOVELS—Per d05....7 50 BUGGYSPOKES-Pwtnt 3 00 Inspection of Lots BY THE POLICE will cotnmenee in a few days. Occapaats will please afford them facilities i for making examinations. Lots in uncleanly condition will be reported. By order of the Mayor. M. M. MOOBE, ' > r |is lw ... clerllCo ’ lJc! ’' STATE OF GEOBtHA, Mnacogee Conaty: EandaU Finney ) ▼a. E. C. Hood, ▲. Illges, Peter Freer i Tbos. J. Nuckolls, L. F. Garrard, mn ror 1 W. E. Gray. A. E. Dexter, T. E. | Damages Blanchard, and L. M. Burrus | former owners of the Oeluxnbus I and Borne Railroad. J Tax defendants in the above stated case are i hereby requirted personaly or By attorney to be I and appear at the next Superior Gouri to be held in and for said County on the second M n day in May next, to answer the Pla’nt ff in an 1 action for damage for personal injuries es in default thereof the court will proceed as to jus tice shall appertain. Witness the The Honorable J- T, Willis, Jadge of said Court, This 15tb day of April, 1882. Gxo. Y. Pond, Xfigat Clerk. Wymiton Residence FOR SALE ! Known as the olemon’B a —v-x Place, situated two miles east of Oolumbns, Ga. Quart»r J|| of a mile from the Brick Acad emy, containing twenty acres of laud, on which are all necessary out-buildings and a residence of ten rooms In excellent repair. A well of good ( water and trult trees of nearly every variety grown in this climate. For terms apply to G. E. THOMAS, Jr., aug2l satf Att’y at Ls.w R. II.ENMI). (SUCCEBBOK TO CH4MPAYNE 4 ENGLaNDJ Contractor s Builder Having fitted up Machinery, la prepared to Plane and Match Flooring and Ceiling, Plane Weatherboards and Timbers of any dimensions. Also do “ Ripping and Schroll Sawing Jobbing Promptly Attended to 11. H. Engtand, apr4-e-frl-lyr fe<i JCI AfA-inuAxw 1882 tiSSSKb Wm«trn«d» a'l applicant*, aad toetMtouMm without erdtring it. ■ , - five crJore4 piahw, 500 angrarinm, about MO riptU'D*, price* and direetfon* f»r pJantins » i aof V«rHable and Fk»w«r Seed*, Plant*, Fruit Tree*. . !.-. •. u'.uable to ail. Mtehij/an wed* will be found iD-jrc r/liable for planting la the Sautk than the a t own inn ciliriaU'. we make a specialty of »u[>plyiog *«•>», Trqci *i.d Market Gardner*. Addrew, DM. FEBRY 4 CO., Detroit. Mich. THE GREAT POSITIV E CUR I M. ftran DISEASES artenr from a demnyH cawt | ;!nof the H LOO IK AIjEHVWS, « i. I ESTI Vt OHG A >s. WK' The Bost Family Medicine on Earth tstioo IN’ GOT.n Jo any person afflicted with a dlfr-ase that »KXVREXF wf? not relieve or cuth, utovidlng tlxe buuee or organa are do wasted beyond point of repair. -.s srlentifl'-aliy compounded from Herbs, Euota, Barks bug Quids found in Calhorula and tire Went Indies, eoiahinlng ■ Tonic, Cathartic, Alterative, Diuretic and Sadortfic. Its immediate effect upon the digeatlve organs, Impaired by disease or exhausted from any eauw, is to In rrvase their powers of «B* ; itnil*tlon and nutrition. It tn creases the appetite, assists digestion, and gives flrmnesr and tone to the muscular and circulating system. It sUm nliiCes the vital processes to renewed activity, alters, cor rects and purities the fluids, toiMM the orgaus re-v#t*b As bus their healthy ftmctluca. THE ONLY TRUE REMEDY FOR COLD! It Is useless to expatiate upon tbs viicaas of this GfIKA» REMKDY. if you arc »u Turing from BILIOUS ATTACKS, BWKmt, or X lIhLMATISM. GENERAL Dg. BILITT, COXSTIPATMW, KIDSKY or SERtOI S DISEASES, I or any disorder arising from IMPURE BLOOD, get a battle of l i<.(IRENE and takelt as per directions upon each bottle, in English, German, Spanish and French. One bottle will better yuu at iu xnedte than vaiumes expruased 11 printers’ ink. J A trial of one hottie Invurcs ats adoption In every family, i for no Man, ’Oman or Child can take V mOHENK and remain j long Bick. It first cleanses the eystem, then repairs, ther : builds up, thus curing disease and establishing health oa a permanent, eafo and enduring basia. 1 put up In large bottles, ana is pleae«>. So take. . Seld by Druggi* l * Veaerally. I’rice par Reftls. Walker 4 Badger Mfg. Co., Prop’rs, 40 Joba Street, New York. , 'HE BEST CALICO. •r :,r. S/.VPSO.V& sow lIOUBNIHG. SECOND MOURNING SOLID BLACKS, Eddystone FANCY DRESS PRINTS The FDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is ©tie of the largest and most complete estab lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY >s enabled them to attain such perfection they can w ith confidence ask you to test the quality of their woA. They carefully avoid all poisonous dings, make only fast col ors,which are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, diey feel confident, find them superior in dur ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks tickets are on them. D. I. C. Is an absolute and irresistible cure for DRUNK ennr-ss, Intemperance and the use of Opium, To bacco, Narcotics and St-imulanLs removing all Utste. desire and habit of using anv es them, ren dering the taste or desire for any of them perfectly odious and disgusting. Giving everyone perfect and irresUtible control of the sobriety ofthem s< Ives and their friends. It prevents that absolute physical and moral prostration that follows the sudden breaking off from using stimulants or narcotics. per ~“’ Or “ Temperance societies should recommend it. It is perfectly harmless and never-failing. Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, N.Y. Sole Agents Hop Congh Care destroys all pain, loosens the cough, ouiets the nerves, product* rest, and never fails w turn The Hep Pad for Stomach. Uve r and Kidneys, ’.3 superior to ail others. Cures by absorption. It is rteriect—aak druggists. The Hop RittersMfg. io., ofßochsrtw, N.Y. rre- ineae remedie* also the Hop Bitten, which are in bo =s«Fe a cj i nT.wcant.butthePurest *.,.4 Be*t Sfedi- .ne ever made, rnaJdar mors cures than <ll oth er rcmedim. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REMEMBER G. J. Peacock, Clotliinjr Manufacturer, 64 and 66 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, - GEORGIA. HAS in afore a naw Uaa of Caeimerea, Bait itm*. Diagonal., Dofaklua, Tricon, etc., ol Engfah, French and American make* ol I ENDLESS VARIETY. Those wanting Boring Suits Msde to Order CALL AND SEE US C. J. PEACOCK Clothing Manufacturer, 64 and 66 Broad Street, janleodtf COLUMBUS. GA. For Sale, A CONVENIENTLY LOOA ted Dwelling Hou«a and Lot on the west side of Forsv th, and a few doors north of Ban- ■ doiph street. House is comparaitvely new and h»s four rooms. On the lot is a good well of water and all necessary out-bulldlngs, including stables. For further information apply to THOb. P. CHAFIN. M. D Office at Carter’s Drug Store. a; 123 it Columbus anr WMerf Railway. Opxlika, Ala., April 31. IRBI. ON AND AFTER APRIL 23, 1882. the Trains on this Road will b« run as follows: i Daily ; daily Freight passarg'b Accum ' Nol No 2 N’O 8 So 4 —•— —1 AM PM Leave Columbus, 6:54 I:s* i Arrive at Opelika 9:08' jj;3U Leave Opelika.... 12:3/ Arrive at Good water 4:5- | AM : Leave Good water ■ 4:45 Arrive at O[eiika... ~i 9.K1 pm AM Leave Opelika 6tlßi 9:38 Arrive at Oolumuua J >8:32! 11:13 E. A. FLEWELLEN, General Manager. GRIGSBY eTtHOMAS, Jr. _A.TTO»IVEY —AND— COUNSELLOR ATLAW. COLUMBUS, GA. TiriLL PRACTICE IN STATE AND FEDERAL VV Courts. Will give personal attention to and claims in tie state of Texas. Also has sev eral tracts of land for sale in different portions of Texas. Also 1800 acres of land for sale near Ht. Mary’h, Ga,, suitable for Orange Groves or Bea Island Cotton. Also 1800 acres of land in Chattahoochee county, Ga., ten miles from the ity of Columbus, well timbered with pine suit corabeilumbar. K HALL’S Si—— BALSAM SHHBMnaiBMMBi Currß Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Aithina, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane of ths Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by Ilia disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only necessary to have the right remedy, f.nd HALL’S BALSAM is that remedy. DON’T DESPAIR OF BELIEF, for this benign specific will core- you, even though professional aid fails. HENRY’S CARBOLIC SALVE, the Most Powerful Healing Agent ever Discovered. Henry’s Carbolic Salve heals burtt*. Henry’s Carbolic Salve cures sores. Henry’s Carbolic Salve allays pain. Henry’s Carbolic Salve cures eruptions. Henry’s Carbolic Salve heals pimples. Henry’s Carbolic Salvo heals cruises. for Henry’s, and Take No Other, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. TOWNSLEY’S rOOTBffI ANBM CURES IN ONE NINI’TE. Sdey’s Carbolic Troches,' A SURE PREVENTIVE OF Jontegtona Diseases Colds, Hoarseneu, Diphtheria, and Whooping Cou<h, Pleasant to the Taste. ha’i Osyggnalei Bittirs Relieve Dyspepsia and Biliousness. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. JOSX F. HENRY, CURBAN & CO., pole KiornrzTons, 24 College Place, New York. INII fiYv^£^ £DY 'yjj if il I; Im i I £ MEDICINE PHPATIhIE A medicinal enm- JU mA I IHE 1 pound of known value— For 8.004 powers for the enis CURATINE, For Liver Compiatote. Ha”*ieu thorough in its enCT. mm ■ vaaifw H 18 unexcelled for Ou> jURATINE. cure of all Blood Hie- VUIIM I IIMLJ eneeo such as fiorof- For Kidney Direasei. vtia, Tutnore, Boils. Aiiaaa*iaia> BhfU mattem, JAer- CURATINE, For Rhenmaiiam. arh. Betention of - FOR IT. SURATINE, ITBEBEmCEtIKALCa Tx BALTIMORE, M*.