Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, February 22, 1885, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES. s„ % KUH* r VI i«l'< < ( t <. i, *UwMlh» lal|isee«l to Trudu* nt f'n’timt'Ut. (Juiiinibiis. Weorfiiw. bUND'Y FEBRUHY2I IKKS Dynamiters are becoming 80 cu metreua, and so many “mysterious strangers” with tuxpicious looking boxes and sacaele are being arrested, tn i. it will not be long before people who have no murder in their hearts will cease to tote grip sacks, and eschew sample cases. Faith in vaci lation for small pox is dying out in Europe, it would seem from the statement that some of the governments, notably Switzerland and H dland have abolished compul sory vaccination, and Getm ny nas recommended the disuse of >be arm, tor that purpose, in the army. Mb. Cleveland is ierribly beset by anxious sums woo want to fix up bis cabinet and arrange to run ms ad ministration for him. No one seems to doubt bis own ability to iun the government well, but the souls of all these volunteers are full ot cfoubt as to Mr. Cleveland. 8 range I Jay G uld has been lately charged witnowieg a cobbler tor m mdiug nia shoes wuen he wasayoung surveyor, Mr. Gould denies toe charge and says that bis father taught him to cobblejns own shoes when a boy, and that he never paid anybody to do what be could do bimse.f just as well. Tbatlsagjod way to make money, and wneu so made it is apt to be taken cute of. Jay has done that too. Boys, do you See? It is discovered tuat in toe last fifty years the numao eye has greatly de tenorateJ, and upon this fact predic tions nave beou made that at the eno of anotuer cantui y the oivdiz d por tion of tne numan race will be baud. We tbiaa there is a large volume or gas in the ideaof everyooby’e going blind, but it it be true that our cigar, as a peop.e, is reatiy deteriorating, the Cause should bo ascertained and removed, if posaib.e. The early worn in school rooms as directed in this school ridden laud aud age, is doubtless at tne bottom of the trouble. A LOCAL. lUSKBStY. Atlanta Uuuoutuuuii. Tne Cleveland Herald courteously criticises mo suggestion ot tue Con stitution tuat me law putting a c.X ou an circulating notes except moss of national oauki should oerepealed. It argues that the evils ot me old 8 ate-bsi ks’ system wcu d be re vived. with the aboiitiou of the na tional buna monopoly. We do not mink this would cec essariiy follow. Tne very t-xperieuce co wuicn the Heraid aidudea would help us avoid trouble in me iutute. One thing is very certain. Tas finan cial times are out of j oint at present, 'iuere is now boards d in Now Yoik banks ova; $50,000 tOd abeVe the our pius required by law. It is lying there idle, wtriie in the Bourn anu West there la pressing demand tor capital. A Wail street speculator can borrow a minion dollars of can sur plus for speculation at 6 per ceut a year, while a Georgia farmer with a SIO,OOO plantation cm not bor row a dollar at any rate, unless he takes it through intermediate com that add commissions until the msney cos a from 12 to 20 per cent. In this city a month ago Messrs. Wilkins & Post were forced to suspend their bi idge works and tcrow two hundred men out 01 employment, for a debt ot less than $lO 000, wuen they showed assets of sll7 000 on a total indebtedness oi sl7 ouO. aud nave nad me decision of a court as to their solvency. It there were no tax put on mess notes the Georgia and the O ntral roads could issue $2 (KM) 000 eaca of cur Taney that would be just as goon as na ioual bank notes, This.wculd supplement our present currency and give Georgia wont she needs—mote Capital. lithe law we complain of were repealed, wa guarantee that Georgia ciuld add twenty million dollars of currency to her presen capital, with no more danger or fa convenience to the public tnau wou. i result if additional national banks were entitled to make the same m crease. DR. TALMAGE’S SERMON Brooklyn, N. Y„ Feb. 15 -Another iDßibt hijoc of cuinpiirjieuidry let-ten on Dr. la auji’d birth lav comet through me Brooklyn Magxz ns Among the more rema, gable -re tn lexers of 8-nutoi C "quiet - x G v-r nor B ackuurn an ID. So ar. Sena tore quit wn ex as f Lows’ Senate Chamber Wa«h-not,n- Rev I'. De Wul lalmage., D j-Mi Dear era; 1 l. luu.ier you u-j bim-ere oungra'Uia i ms on toe ev 1. cl your birthday auniv rsarry : .day that gave to ibe woi i i a pr, a Q r o the Oniistian fam whose ekqunc is upiiv.iil d, wh se weekly congie gallon embrace the pe. pu )o f 1U e n tire continent, wrh wnom -very sec timei t and reiigi >us nr-Ju flee ar subordinated to Christian luve fll the Luman race—w.ioee highest miu isteriai a bition is to m-ke m o better, aud compel them t ; love on. another; ruch a day deserves a cor dial recogui.ion from every good ru re in the laud, and with all my heart 1 tender you tny own, A. H O LQUITT. FxGov rnor Lis re of Kmiueky, wines to the editor ol the Brooklyn Mtguzioetts foliowe; 1 aympritn z • m at heartily wjrn th friends ana a miiets of Lr. T-lm-rs iu tn. ir desire l 0 make bi= 53 I »n* versary an occasion tore regratul'- tiou, ai d I gladly embrac the ( > p . Portuuity of . xteudiog to nim mv mort c r Hal greeting. Toe day .1 bis nativity was one fr-mgbt irideec with me rich b .unty of God to tha generation and ptegnant with an in tellectuai and mural force and power ties tued tj s amp ns-if open ■- ceedit g ages. A uong rhe m -st prom ln p nt to day upon the watch tow. re 01 stands he wncm we delight to honor, figming for me faub of the fomeii* agalLst fauatKisis and bigot- ry within and the evil and blasphe mous t udeucies ot m- az ' wl uout. Whenever aud wherever ek<-pticlsm anu scienc , tali’, iy st called, b Vj reared Uiti. e-erilegt ui hea is the sword if me Lord aud o: Tilmage had smitten anu driven them to con fusion aui shame. 1 est em it a high priv 1 >ge to know uim aud call him my tri<>n i; wou>d mat i touid pay afl ting tribute to bisg. nius goiiiuees, me eo ot all that is elevating, manly aud ennob ling io life. I pray that lite man long b’l-pirod as an ornament 10 els prof.-sdioii au 1 a blessing »ud an 1 honor 10 on lace.” Dr. 8 T Bpear says: “Though not an habl ual atteijiiant upon his • church, I have within the l ist five i yeais tie ird n m preaeu as many a- a | bundr. d semi us, and hiuo< I 1 know wu .t be is In the pulpit as well as out of it. My judgment is mat, taseu ail la ail, he is m - most lemarkable, impressive, atir-ctive and L r tli-.b.e ptea.'ber 01 m g ispel to whom 1 ever lii etnd H isib deed, a tuaiv. lous mail w leu stand ing 0 foi ea popular Ouugregat f >l>. : and his bistuiy m mis city prevss mia tact beyond the possioul y otl reasonable douui, H■isoy th- coo- . silt u ion of ins mind a genius of the ■ uighrist ordi r, being a poet aud a diumalist all e s .me 1 line, and I,is great powers in bom rmpecis he u'.il.z s for the glory of Go.l and trie good ot maußii d, alike in the pulpit and elsewuere.” At the Bioukiyn Taberu ole to-day Di I’aimaie public.y announced the receipt of S2O cent uim 111 an an iny rn US iellei fd cuaritable Ot j 'Cis. end said mat halt had b-eu given to ttie RsfOima ory f r ConV.cte, Hous ion street. Ns.v Y rk, and me otuer half ibrougu me aeneous to t uy win ter coni foi u poor woman The opening ny mu m the services was: "Bilvattur, oh, thi j >y ui sound, •iis pica ure to ou e»iej AeoV. llgu b um .0. eVeiy WOUad, A cordial rur our leans."' The subj ct 01 the sermon was a re ply IO Blunders agrluet Evangel Cai cuurcues leLeuiiy uttereu by inflict pu.pns aud piailoims. The ttx. wae item R V.-ia ion X., 10 anu 11; ‘1 to. k tne mae book out ui tue ansei’o uauu and aie it up, aud it was lu my m m u sweet ao bum y ; Util us boon au 1 uad 11 my Ociiy w .a ol t r, aud ue said unto me, ’luou must pr .piies > agu n before many puopi b.”’ D . lui issge sail: D imiaau.m- R iman Emperor, had in lib 1 eaim a 1 m cur*y man wno WoUid keep preacmug. and no xi.ed him to a rocay island use r tui puulsbmeuc. aS Russia sends COU- Vicls lu Blbellu «nu E gland aem ptisonere to Australia, inai isiaud, now called, Pairnos. la Bo loCKy and Darren that me n.naoi ai s uVe by llstlU.g, BUI one Bunday, wodutuu <xn. d cleigymeu ol whom lepeaK o.t at me m-Utn of a c-Vetu lu cue Hillside, peihapa nummed null-sleep Ov the drone of lUs sea, Ue had a upernaturai dream, and Time and E.i-ruliy passed lu pauoiuma before miu. among oilier a range specta cles, he dr«umt ue saw ah uaael wi.n a Hui, .ui he asked me augj. it ue m gnt UuVj it. Wen, you ku ,w that thugs are aometimea lOCougrU oue iu a dieain. and au meaiigei gav me lliile book to mm, »ud ioid mm to eat It Up, uhd tbal walla lu would be luscious lO ms taste alter Ue got it iliWu, De Would Suff >C Horn lUUlges lien G reying the angel, mo eVau lu ma dream devoured me 11 tie book,and, as uae OIOU toretoid, it was □ Went WUl.e bel g maßllUald, put at erward a physical dl-Woea uud bitterness. Who the a gn Was mi What Cue little book ihau Ue gaVo was is un ertaiu to commeu a ora. and BO I lake uo r< spOuaibl.ity ol lu terpiecailoh, but 1 will euy mat 1 sUzgealS to me the creed ot me er.u ge.ical chu chea, wmeu saep ics in our time find sweet to cuew up ou never cau mgest. The iLtie 00-it ol evangelism WulCb the ahgol oi me CtiUICU hands uui. 18 to them a InXu rious morsei of witticism, ou liea m them alterwaid a uiy oldyepmsia. Ail lutrflugeut pejp.u liuVj creeds, either wri teu or unwutteu. mat is a class of tneories waits voU liuVe adopted —po.itical creeds, mat la. billers aoout tariffs, about currency, abrnt civil service, abrnt govern men a ; social Ciee .a, Lua Id,opinions aboU mauu.ra, and cua.oms and good ut-ignoiruoi'd; mimeticoreeas, hat IS pellet ab-uu (.apeauies, au . oin m iniation ; aye, rei.gioUß ' reeds, that 18 a group ot sehlimems abed deity, and about tue sohi aud aoou Che UtiaecU 1U urs. Too omy being who nas no weed about anymiug io au idiot. R cemly cue be lit is of ev.ngedcal Cumenes UaV-beeuUu let a fusi'.ade ol curie*>U.o a d mid representation. Men lu pu.pi-B and iu piaiforujs have sot up ceita u things as ih> orthodox lain, aha then have lev. i d m them all tneli musketry of denunciation They pu up a mere < ffigv of eVaugeiism tv snoot et. They misstate aud lals.fy the evangelical cbutcues. Tuey lake <Offle ot the g repel iheorl. sandeei ttietn lu hiren and repu.s.vs way au . put them out of aseociaifou wi.u itut-r tru ha. Tney are like aw.»u iuatomier, who. wishing IO dem iu dtrate what a mm is, dis Sec ba nu man body aud uauga up a heari in one place and a pair ol lungs in au other place aud the spleen lu auomei place aud an ankle biueluauo hoi olice ani siys: “That is a man.” t'hev are only tragmouts of a mm .nd wrenched from meir G;d ap pointed places. Evmgeacai leiigluu is a h-aimy, eymm-.rica, w u j rinted, rose.te, Oou .diug ide, ano voU cannot by the scalpel aud dis seating knife ot infil >ity discover what it is. It is no more wu it its eu idea represent 1: mau tue sc reorow widen the turn r puts i ihiscoru field to kerp off me armer turns if. fney sty, ror instance, that the Presbyteri rue beiL-Ve thrtGid is a a v g sov-reisro wJo m id< s jme men juat i ■ d-mn th m,aud th >t mere ait tauts in heli asp.m loug. luereio 10. au lull lei on eirtn, th uzo u. lad a retainer of r tUOUSAQ 1 dollar a Cay, wtii c >uld m.uage in me i uree ot t years to m <ke an hones .ir ani a" Wate r-preaeu ation oi vuat me Pc<-eoyt<-riin Church be foves. it b iiieV a mat Grd is a I iv i g aud ju t soveo ig an I that m m a a free agent. " No, no!” aaya the intagonist wno has cnewed up tn. ii ite Dr k of weeds and nas tne con iq iem embittered atomac j : “u G ui sue ver-ign we cnmut be fr.-e gems.” Bu we acknowledge tn t piesibidi.v eV rywuere else. I. D W tc Tilth «g , am a free ci z n of Brooklyn. Tuat is, I go w ,er« I .lease and when 1 p ease. Is, bu f nave firm s Vereigos ov rm. Tt.e nighesi c urt of my dea m .ation i ny ecclesiastic,l soV-reigu Th nayor of tb« ci v is my municipal vereign. Tne Governor ot N w York is tnv 8 s Vereign, rhe President of tne Unit ■! S ates is m> a tonal sovereign. Yjt with ttleei our sovereigns io ev iy faculty o To ly, mind aud s .ul I a m a rre> man. if I would to morrow walk in the corridor of M -rcantilu Library ar.o HD prove my mind, or go inrough the conservatory if«b friend at J itnaua who has blooming under 'he aicnee jf g ass. fliwets from ail z m s ano quiriums siqiinn With trout ano g i fim, a~ a I wish to pluck rioe irang.-s and bananas fr tn the br.mciieg, I rn >y do so. A d if I wan’ to gu up tu mu Luiukcqa ol uuo of tbc DAILY TIMES: 001 UMBUs (I EOLM/V SU VDA Y, FEBRUARY 22, 5. oil frotories so H biken nd | imi into tne fl me* or leap ff me pi i form ot a Puiiaoe phia xpresd irai or from the deck of uFuitrn stre< ferry boat., I Can doso. Il I I ap ini. the Hibokm lu naw-s, vrh > is t bl urn ? Mr friend out at Jam m who offers me bi’ consei vator> ? I’ua is all tuvie te iu Piesbv ter.mhm aoou (ill's ever iguiy aud m n's tr ag. G>l lUled aud t. Igos an has oi setva oii b aud ue nas b ue furnaces. It you wim to waik in m gardens you m >y, aud if yo i want ti leap mt i me r> d not cam irut » y u may. Ir you choose tue cauidro ratm-r tnau me conservatory, wh > i to L'latut? Ot c rnrse trie one wu> made tue e .useivatury aud seut yui. a written irivila ion to come «ih i spend y .ur lite among tue caciui ano prim trees. We simp y ru-an m< me empire ot the future will have a pa'ace end a peulten lary Ai our cities have meir peniten tunes. Suppose some one hu I w Oi.armed K-y by wh eh he C.iUid g tnicUgh m u ni.ed Si.ales a<d 'O- I Riymuud street j - i aud Nm Y >ru T mbs au 1 Muy m nsi g prison oi P.ii.adelphia and ail the dungeoi.e aud pt niu-ntiarrs, wuai wouiu b.-. come of tills country iu three wees.-? N IW tue emp re ot tue lutuie has lie peulten lary. 8 ippoße all tueCUipii e ot that p niteutiary t num 1 be let ow and euier the n w J lusilem. Th> first moron g me g te ot pear, w ulu be iou .d ofl its binges. Tae lino: p u Would be uUC 1 tue Chariot Wn< eIS Tue house ot miuy luai = ous w urn be burziaiiZid. A gels of Gid w.-uli be in.-ui i d uu the streu. Assau i and battery aud über.luistn aud s 8 rseluaifou 10 LUv w.puai oi ttw ski a. Heaven will be a t.u.ure if theie be not boruewheie a giea loik-up. ii a.H get tu heuveu w.t ,ou r f rouce .o Wudt their CUaraun-r was WueU tUcy lett the ealth, I wuuder if lu the n- aveuly tiinpie UUaries Giteau aud Jehu Wlikcd Booth occupied tile « .me pew. I saw a photograph lu A k 1,08.8 oi a CupeiZou rail daiu. 8.-rne vuiiane uui ihilliu up tne nack n ar a rail road bridge and the train had gone 30 ic-et down and Killed abou 20 peo pre, muSiiy wumeu «ud Ctiudreu. W U n the ucepeladoes wu pulled up that ItaCk gut lu Ui aVeu 1 Wuudel 11 their UUJuW wl.i be auy wueru ue .T ihe people LUey s ew. liauuutdelei ute ik lulu a house aud tn., s.cieu Wu 1. f muy, aud iUe pjilC , heal lug tue dieiuiuauue, ruoh upuu the so u aud p<i’. a builet till ugd me akuli ul thc-iuffi .u win th y ai , neaiaiuaua their o.ajer, arrive iu g ory aoou. the Same tiiu ? Y jU ail sc. that it >s uuly cumiu-ju s.-udj mat mere ou.u.due two uesLiOlvs, Aud LB lula .te iu hilt a sp.u loug that is a ta.oouu.ia tuat cum s luwu r m tue p<s. »uo I here io uu sig . lea, i-s i -i. g Vi y w..i • Vet fall. Il y u W.u ui.i.g me .! E iesoyteriau lu d Uad anil aud o. gaud rnaralß WU., be.ieVcS uUal tileri oas eVel bueu a b .Uy or ever Will boa uauy in me rost world, I wot m ,kc oVer to that maU a deed us all m property 1 uavs and he cau take pua deseluu lU-m.rroW. i'uu autaguuis<.s of tVangeili’al re iguusay ma tUoEal c pal OuUivL oubdimies fnms aud c rumODleSlo, Uo-art religion,aud 1 Id all a ui l Uixy aud geUUii CIIOUB. H'aidi again. All geoulu. iu v ioCupa:iauo wit ui y.'U tuat tue forma aud Ceium ures of their Ouureti are uuiulua uu less the heart be lu tue,m. 1 ueVc. UaVe beeu mute oVu.’wue.taa l With re.igieU- fe ilugr tuau wh u X hear at BhaiuU BplluftS uur UelgUbal, Dr. S LeuuK, with V duo like aOa do. mus e, read that p adage .rum tin piay r buuK tha.. wurcu uo h.ugsab’ U.S eVar beeu W. 1 ti u : "B LUe myatery or the limy luCl.Lual.uu uy tuy Uuiy ua rvrty aud wruum_ s ion, by my btpli->m, Las-rug au„ lemp.atiou. B/ ugouy ano buuuy sweat, oy thy crossaud pas io., by thy prtciuua ae.tu auu burial, by tuy glorious resurrection and asC-’Udiuu, aU t ,oy iheC-omiUg us me Holy Guest. la a.l dine > f uui tt.bui tiou, iu all nmo .fuurp oa peilty, iu tue hour of death and iu .us pay of ju gment. Good L r., deliver us.” Tue uuLagunists of the Baptist Jhurcti eay that they Deuove ouiy muse will get to Ue«V. u who ate oep.iZ d by im n rsmo. F use again. £ ~-y b>.i. VJ mat a.l who uCU pi Unns'., wuutuel they be baptiz.-d uy uue diop uu me lureii-a. 1 , or b> pillage oU Ot Blgut lu OaluUi bu qleu-auua Will reuoh neavuu, ue latter muuu la the ouiy gate iu.. heir particular oueiei y iu this won J 1 have aireaiy made arraugemews of comiuuuiou wuu me emeu uulu mUUiOa Baptists uu LUu other eide ue Juiduu aud X Shall be glad >f ILt jual.c paus-io to m d runny u>m the up aud hand ui my g.utifi u trieud, J uu D .Wilng. me Klug o- B >p.ut hjiuidture lu a luimut genera t.un. xae antagonists of the M tnodi- Cuurch say that they b- liev -a m -ii u .n couv rt h tuseif »ud mat conver sion iu that cuurcu is a in tier ol temporary m iiou aud that ama .- Kneels at the uoXiuus bunch auu t e.e uad and men tue minister pats uim ou mu back aud lens him ue is ai right and that is all mere ib ut It. Farse again. Tuey b -iit V- mat th uoly Guo-i alone e u convert a m iu aud co. V rsi iu iu • u .t chti .cU id uy an -ar.i.q nKe Ol cut V Cllou and eu bd’S, ot pil i u. Au I as tu eliiuo my em -nun, L -rd, g Vj us an m re oi tue t muor iiy emu iun mat i ua n< w Bimpsotu and B. u ip J ,w a uait ceu ury Keeping tuem uu tl fur Gud ml tueir bodies burner uu lu his n.-i Vice. A 1 me deuomi-ja ions are misrep r seut-d an I be i d as to theii o jlibih L'he lea Hog cfoo'riies of me evao g iical cun cn s are iuisr«pr-B.mi ,s dry aid iu Imliup >s i 1 . £ (utileid and U co Verted mi us - rs , pH pi s uav ■ s-i uo a i >ugu st u i'lluity, Oou Gu 1 but tnre. p rs >us £ ev say it H i is uue G id ne uanuu b > t r«e, au i it three, they eaouo 1 . tn me. Bd we have £ lul’ v all aruuu l ds. I’t.uity >n uurs iveo; b> ly inn ml sou.. B dv by w ,i-h wo walk, aiod by wuiuh we cal u a e, tsom by which -e iov -, i ut Hl i h econe m tu. r. y in tne air—neat, ligi-t anu tans ur •, bjt ou i aim Jsoueie. Trim cy lu iu— hree Judge u tne b < cn. anu ig bit >i'e court CnuliieS all ar U d u I IU us ur a I 1 in ear tuy goverutn nt. Wuy no frini.y in Gu'deau? Os omrs-, sb illustrations are def c iv-, b cun tie nai ur d ea uo' ruliy i. u tr cn mt spifl ual. Bitsuppne an gu-ran in an bu al d m et a chemist a.l a iy : • You 'ell me that tne air is comp is - I . iffyreut eieuieo'S an 1 that wa if a cnupised ot different eiem-m« I know bit er; ice >u is one for I am couatautiv breathio it aud tne wale. hon - fur I every day drink it.” Vue •h mist would eay to me gmrin l mm : ’Cm into my laoratory and I will iemoustat-i all i nesesutij iclb.*’ Cue objaeter goes iu aud cjui.-a lurtu from me labratory c > viuced. A •n m eave: L'his 'rinity is beyond my c impret.eiislou.” Gud says: "Dime iu i ito my heavens after yoor dan iDii iu a sec rn 1 you will sr-e f it vour s it and undersiand it all As the me man oou d noc u id.-retaud the oompisiriou ot tne atmosphere an ) the water outside th<' chemist’s labra •ory, we c.nuoi understand the tiini ty outside < t heaveu.” ■‘Justifiea'ion by tsi h,” they eay, is auoiher ury and in. xp icabie tech niealiiy. Bui that m >a that us sion HBanoiiiCi J snsOhri’t as the Bit| t fr on elu Gid I ts 'he vfioudua off. AujiUmg mysurioiw bout tha'? ‘ R’generation.” the' iy. Is a -otner mi-xpiic ibis w irrt. •V. Il,regeneration h only 0 i'g mud ver again. It is another n ime foi construction. The old O ne'ella i >n. a tn n of w r, I y at me Brook yi. navy yard. F mine came in Ire md, >i.d the old 0 insteilatlon, ths' f .rmerly ctrried rmii.-te and ctnn m 'io an 1 gunpowder, carried brent to I land. Hi a sinner loided dowi •it 'snl• ii fl ed and I lade up wi" O’ b ead o life H> baulf’d dOW or fl ig and he put up ano' tier. H came into this o ure i thie ve ks ago d unk.and a-,t b u-r by tr < lour and replied id sub iu'•> t 0 e t h« pr>“aciier: •' i’lia ’a a H-.” But mu ch u <h- r heard him a dt 11 him o be sil.-nt or go out. He catne thi '- st night sober, an 1 was retmnera ed. B-fng in the liquor trade, h< s-ut back all the tau>pt<s i mu ent him ti e day beto e, he ret-lgn t-iat bueim 88, and lovee the rr-iicior > once hated. I haptiz d tiun la-t Sxnd v rn'ruing. Ltrge saiary hae i ii-en issued him if m- would go baek i to Uh oid ou’i -.ess Ni;ii - will m-vet ro bscK. Wri ing b. me th • n we ot i niH conversion to his Christian m ither, she writes back a congra'u iatoiy letter, ands,y : ‘'ltthrough t givi g up v ur busiueee, v m g t ou f mean’, c< im- h jne. Y uvIIaI fiyd fill me ready to rescue v- u.” 1 H’ 10l I out of his uss >iu r e c mpai » oos me story or hie c nv renra. i 0 i,” said his dis« lu'e compani rn. i d you nave bee m> a U iristain, you i ougut ti g i and sp. ak to a dying vlr in vo id r nouse ub ut m >■ 8 , u ._ so s tying o'quick co su notion.” H w >e 1 ii tu 11 -i be i-id 8 i- w s lv inz in aro m mere all ar un-' wi re dissolute. He tnd her th s Chris.' w. u'd a v-’ tor. • W -a' makes y m mink m i ?" rail 'b du yg '. I’n newcoi.v rc to .k on Lie N > ’ T-sta ' m ut and aaid: ‘lt is in this bo k ’ ' ‘Show it to me.” end the dying gin. Tse new convert said: “I hav m g acted this bul k tnyseif, al- mv life, uu ii a few days xg >. and I can i nu' tl d me place, but I know it i simewn’-re b.-tween be hds of this I book ” Then he b gan to leaf ever me b wk. and sua ge and beautiful < to say, bn eye fell up m tne w jrds o i 0 ui- : ' N ither d> I ' 'nd mn tbr e > G ) and ei to mor..” Str- s ~d: “it is uoi possibie mat that is t h°re L t tu - see it for myaell ” Tie N w '£.•- i 'iient was handed her,and anesaid : ’ ' Y is, ye->; 1 see it f r in -s- if, an > 1 cj pt he premi e: N liber do 1 c u lernn hee. G au i sin uo more.”' i lu a tew hours her spirit fl d, and i u r lu s rm.-n wa- preached by me uew conv rt wh ) otilv a f wd «v i ue or.- na i been a olasph m r and h i iru ,k ,d, ha ing G d n i all ths' w s go U. 1’ at w a regeuer Hinn! if » .u cv . 11 id any dty r>u its - i i- ha ia I viu i > .em w t em o inr. R g.iue ,I'l B ne na duning , aje of G 1.1. u> d uv r again. A ship c .plain two or tbiee years agu Cilu- hxi.l eat in yonder g.llerv. Hadi 1 UOI believe iu churches and 11' uad special dislike f ir £ .image. Thr gospel arrow s ru k that hear, r i: iou hern. He muse for i> Over six feet nigh, wneu we arc -• aere was uo UuUJt about th- i ict be riseu. B foru be left n.a house be was a C rietiau. H wtut ou. among shipo 'Uer- ami : .plains auu tml them wn .t ch . e x»,i been wruugnt When on h < a at'il -. fl Cape Hi teras it • I 'd-- j -.ou iaue i g, ami tie au l all th. ;rew «ei I w.ts* end, h- n j his r ■ m a <d piaye 1 fur m- tavi on cf ills snip, aud all on board aud cstne out 8 v.ya: "AH tight D 'ye; * UJU an u Ui the tv Will lip, G o ..ells BXe ao in pre er,” A m>--■ n . ck i .ugheo to scorn men an id a A the tune be Baid me tog « i ■.. ft a fi,sh of iignming snu k mri u?U toe fog, a fl eh that sent the -cull i s uuued lo h mck Th. 0 pc H t'.eias lighthouse suddi nil appeared and ti e ship was pu; on uer Course iuio safeiy, Oi the laud tue captain spends much o aie time among the sick, and ue kuteis by thorn wno h,v> ov their iduess been in their , wda lor mouths, ami tuey rise u I restored, A--U ue ati- eis by the sto at tbuee io g deotepid aud hey waik without ciu.cuee, a d iu answer to ms auplica Ims blind eyes Inal fol ten years Dave nut b< e • able to re-.d, .cad tue soup -ires P ivsieal ago u.'S, theti h f-vnieu W” app,:.- rug, have left Lh-ir suff-u-is t xp -e iy co- valeseDci-. No condt an •videncu ab mi £ have seen the leatored pai.iei.ts, aud heard ihe ree itn t.y fiutu their own lips. Tbr •c- ffl-iz sea c iptain, who ea-'i-r; .r .iu Quart uli I ba an ! co - rmpt tor Un G spel, tuw GeV 'tiot .u ms time to ev i g<-i ice I lab r i'hat is a r- genetati 1.1 N> fr-fl x ory ab ut tneii in s. me u net laud i'm y are bla or them here :1m uort-lug and suhj u s or regeuera- IOU. £nen the doetine of vleariou-> suf fering is said to be a dry and abetiii! and ua -less lechnicnitv —Christ sur I eilog for oim-r» Wuymy. bearer,, you don't scoff at i -u you see i i m other dir avion Y u cau see its i beamy when a m »m-r suffers fc; ; uer chi dvc. when a put-im stiff re I fur ms country, wneu a fitt-od g v<; i up tv.ry hing fur a friend. Wh' n.'Uhl >,u t.Ot s|4 r-elate Chris''e uff ring for us as wen as the <us a •• viuu.u-us stiff ring ill abou j u-.? O . iuw Luauv spend tbeirutu i .iijl g oib I p ooie’s bur lens a ;C Iy-. g u.Uer pe pie’s l'-at'jt? Iu o:. t me ,i'<-r.iry ins.iiu io .e ut thi uu-itiy-a young lady was employe; a--earner due wxx a err niger. an-- ) euon r --ir d aud Title nt habi’ a u a u- f med nu q-i ■■ auc - ' ■■■ . He : . in o a • -be w .- die ;-.i-se I f> tr. , p,.- I in r :’iy -o t: e(e i if iu 1 ne s ! i arc e tl.-a: if i - faded ;-f era uit j b .b; • ; r wu fan; A r b -a - ■1 . ah, g ii y bluer empi -" - ill * ended her life by suicide. U : ■IV s ig hi hi it was found »m t; -.- i ,u ot her small eornings sib;- h i , | aupportad a farther 8) years of ;.-,ge j mu whs aupp T'! 1 g a bio.her in e -1 ; <ege. F-r mat r“ne. n isue wore th- i shabby .'rests a-d hxl .tone witheut outik-tson our bad and wi hou' ti;e inner num all win er. When tLiv .y .- fiu id o . the pe pie who bmi sxornei b rga hsra-i a- cur of the; Hrgustluuei is 'V -r 11 id in that I pl c-. an i mz 'i wuu interest U| un tne face t u tn ry. t>ut it was tio lite. V Ctrl iUs sac. iflje. Ai\b «n ) b-s>i heart 8 "hriii : e I wi a t< ch a story as that, bu t . . a i.. i is a urv ano absui i w ri e wuen Chi i->r pu s forth I s . ov-t y to pure iase .ur ett-rr.. ii) jet, md his ee f -b g.ti ntOie-j •ure our e tnron m ur, aud j kneels on the eh rp e<ij.e of butniii; r n io let us climb ov r nis iarcer t'-d shoulder into l<fe and heaven. Hen admir . E uperor Tr jmbeeaus when mounted f r ba tie he got ff tils horse to d ■ jus ice to a po >r wo rn n by th ■ w ayM le, but cannot see a-jy beauty iu ma fact that the con quorer of earth and heaven du ra mured from the white horse ot ueaV-nlv tiiumoh to appease our spiii'ual beggary They are thrin ,d at the valor of the Horarii and the Curiatii. who went our tnree champions for the R imans and ' hree chatnuione for the A Daus, to decide the ta'e of a na'ioi , bm have i o quickened pu se as they see ur champion, Je us, g , out alone agaiiisr all t' e aim-d fotes of >arth and bell to bsttie for the emancipa- ! i tiin of the human r»oe. Tnev ran ; even apprecutv me of Buce-< oha I us, A x i ndvt’s war hor-e. whi •", >ter being gaaheil arid fatnly w -uoded until all bis arteries s.-pmed ipeiied, kept a staggering on until 'legot his imperial rioercmar otr of peril and men with one gr an ex ired. Mire appr, ciation fir tm-j bravery of a brute tu b. half of his naeier thin for him, tne rtivmi Iv utn n. «h ' fling tiimeelf from the i izhest heaven iu'o the ragir g e> hb fdei' ti to save ail those wno w. u d iy hold , f his right ai m ot dellvar nce. B i it < uis io admire «n I ad r i '■ese m ago fluent d ici 11 es of Christ w iile i>, ners SC ff md j -er For nil those who u irtlfel plat rm or io unco’ verted i u pitsd ride vmgelismln Vernfbiuvbu pr y r tor their recov ry. When, during'he asr century, the plague was raging n London, there was a bo el near he <- m ury wnicn exoi e I much ' mtn ut. The nation was in agony it frignt and b"re v -meet. Wagons were driven thrui.g i the streets and t.e bell rung anu me people brought out tbeir dead Twenty or th tv orpses in a o .rt wiu d p ss bv. N)t in a grave, bu r iu great pits or r’ocn«B they were bitted: 1 114 I ■-■re buried in n-".- ni Chur ■■ ■> I w re op n day and night forpiaveist' u 1 all E .glaud w hilw „ . But I ne wayside Inn near tiy megreviee, "Uti <1 place, a writ r si-.yx, a group of lardened men eat bia-phetning -m i imitating tne grier of h-- 8->d proces sious ih it went by. and wu- n a mao utterly demtmie , by the d ath us r is ’□tire family stopped a' this h ?'ei on 'He way from thugr<ve trench they iiiruedhim aid taunt'd him with want of courage io noil api g n' n•i it into w icn ih- cart had u ,ss'd ; he bodes cf nis household. There I h- v sat.dav alter day and ni, b' at< r I ich ! , sc fli ga' men,aud eer ill gat , w tn n. auu eci fifl gat aod. After a wtme me plague e ru -k on- or h» rn. . aud witbin tw i *e k* all had f Hieti I ..ud< r it, and 'hey had been dropped ■ n o the tieicu near the m utti • f wnicn they h.d indulged tneir rib abirv My friends, me nlegue of em h .8 ravaged lUT World. Mi ll 11’8 bav. lied under ire p>w r. While conse crated men and women all through Christendom are avemptiog to s n v the pi igu > here are muse wuu b-.v nothing but derteiuu :-t the a'lerop-. >n 1 tuey scoff at iv ng-ll’m. aii f •c flat therbU'Ch and eC flat God L t ihern rt m mb r the tat ol th 'se w ,o eat at the wayside inn when tin L mdoo p ague spread out ire tw Qiai-K winze of destruction. "*Bia sseo i- the mm that wilKe'h not in the a- u -sel of the img >d'y. n >r e aode' b to tne wav of siu 8, n >r sitteth ir t s f"h r n- ’’ Bargains! Hf-v ixg Ora; j’.x > in iromthe V vrioua Express All h CUSTOM lUITS NO£ iAKEN iNb PAID FOR IHE PAST BEABON. TnE SAME WILL BE W LD 1 ’!< Suite .Bade up ol SIG W i Sell or f.U “ ' .. $3 „ .. ..j 16 •• •• “ s.:ij " ■• siu Ws inland to class these cut in THIRTY DAYS. An excel lent chance for Bargains ii r‘iuß ziv m to all wanting to buy. <■.J ■ >AI JmS «_>JXTO 2. b. J. BACOCH Clothing Manufacturer, H & $ Broa< U. 'ii'T' /i 1 ;. • -fit ! f . S. Now Arriv iu’ A Beautiful Stock of PIECE GOODS for Spring 1885, •A I icb we will make up iu M as-ui, and Gualantee Bxt i-xfuc; ii n. ALL GOOD - UAfcH ON DE: . V EELi’. NO I X OPTION G. J PEACOCK. IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIC SCORES, USE Remington IFLES-Zand SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Sons' Sporting Arma and Ammunition, 281 & 283 Broadway, NEW YORK. WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON & CO., 73 State Street, Chicago, BL ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. ■ADE 111 THE BEST MANNER. 81 SKILLED WORKMEI KMEMBER THAT OUR GOODS ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. One Piece of Solid Steel. NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO., ILION, N. Y, New Yerk Office, 118 Chambers Street* < D. I U&WIDJ. Hu 5 rt ,or w 7 panpir. .Teu tlO ecu ?■ j OpoßtagF, and wo win in&i. yea Irtt - A r>jy>«, valuable Baujpie box oi good> fiat wi I put yon in the wav of iking mor« ru ney In a tUya thiu you ever thought p f ■ ■ le at any bu iuest*. Ca itai uoi xcqnire Y ucn, itve at home and won in spare ttin< o Iv, or ali the time *ll 1 both sex b, of a ’jf©-, TB’-dly fio n Ss«bml earned every eve lug. That *ll who want *■ ri iu** test »be bu* Iness. we niak-: tbiß unpa'aile e< ■ >ff r: To all wh-> are not we 1 «* iafle ’ wo wil 'end $1 ro ity for the trouble ot writing of Fuji parrlcuiarH, »to., irer Imiaente pay absolutely nro for all wh t g»art a: onoe. Don't dally, Addreaa h tinsom h co Onrt’an-? M<»n •«««<« -•« - A P heQ d *** r e«t» tor po- *u . m I*’iLCtreceiYH fr**e, a ceß’iy box > goo’* which wn oe'p you te mor*- m uey rivbt aw*y than tny'hlng else intmauer d Ali of e'th . ■ex aucceed f cm nri-t b< nr Th* broad road : ioriUDt open bt-jo*- the wort ere ateolu y »nr At c DCS Bddx6k 3 I BUB A Co, a uguaia,.Malno aeofl*ufta>*wly in liiiiMij® THIS WEEK, flrH must collect all lln Money we ean b fore starting. Now is the time 'X to buy Goods for the Cash and get ,i [ . t Genuine Bargains. Price our Clothing, IM Hats and Furnishings. - 1 V ffe Most Have lbs Money. V ] Our Spring Fathion Plates have a’rived, and we are now making \ : Coeds to Order for Future Delivery. ’J]J X ■ »• J - ™'«™’ »Merchant Tailor. HOW OR SEVER! COME WEAL OR WOE, OUR I’OI/CYIS INFLEXIBLY DETER- MIN hl) bEFIES THE FATES THEM LI VES, CRGANiZ S BIS VAST RESOURCES AND MEETS THE COMING "IDE OFCOMPETI ION WH H A GABBIER OF Yet Unheai d of Prices. mu fflanisiii im AJti HAMMER. 30 000 Yards Hi n.burg Edg i gs, at 5 cents, Value 10 ots. 20 GOO Yarrs E; Hibui g IcgihghhtS cents, Value 15018. 25 u. t Ynrds I? n.butg leg i gt ai 10 ren f, Va ue 20 c s. 13 SOU Yards Hi nil ui g Eug.-ngs at 121 2 cis, Vnu 25 ccs. 4u 000 iarceli n-buig Eigiigsat 15 cents, VuiUe 3U cts z7, 00 Yards H rnbui g img.ix, s al 2v cenib, Vaiue 50 vis, 5 000 Id?-, ! s aiiii ( hull JsiiHiMiuk n lOcWorili 20c. 2,540 I de, >;iiii (h <ksaiJs md 18ci nis. liebt value • v< r >* i n in ( oluinhiiN. Stripes ?nd Plaids at Us heard of Prices for this Weekv those Gocds Most Be bold. From the Great Embroidery Sale in New York Jan. 16. <»!’*< 14 1 PoJ.ll E .' ND COL'B J EULB A I’j EN 1 JOB GiVtJi 'IO EVhliY VISITOR. WHETHER 1 Uttt Ha-EK OH NOT. TRADE PALACE 159 auu 16ixiioau Street, Uj p isite Ktai kin Bouse. COLUM3US, GA., SAVANNAH, GA, AUGUSTA, GA. new Sprung goods EC £ 1-x.VjBJ KT’S. Wool Cop bmaiiun ■: uiiings, Choice Culors in C shmeres, Giod Ail-Wuoi cashmere at 50 cents. Oiioice luck jiugii iuj atxu uatiuOß, x»ns ’.itjtas Towels uim ivt, p ,uii>. xi wis me umu to buy these Goods, llaitdki re no P, liano ken hies.-s, I Good i. aLuk'-rciueih iaxt Colors, at, 3e. up tu tae Hestl Grades 10 OOU Yards | d.)rt us boee liA Hi L ti* E IbKO* UERiES ot .k-iuLid ! siov:ly low prfc *B, Ladies’ Underwear JUep j,i‘tmen* Jll: ; :• ' :. A ; S ord L r .t rb aLil nt I\>, Uidr PriCPfl, J. ALBEHT KIRVEN. IMMENSE STOCK I £ut'?xitiirf , Oai Curtaiu-Grjods? Win law- etc*, i REGARDLESS OF COST 1 "Ou UtiHirs. fruit! sucfi’tH tu it" m M quet Carp re-SI.SO pr y!. best qqal ’UO ih- itiea-ir ft ’ •175 ’ 4u o; 1 i ii C ■ 111 tr 65c ’ ?1 h> nr yd, 100 Li it.-m-n W-.i. a t-,¥lß its ov 1 Body Biue.-i-ls “ ljs? >o s1 35 pr. yd. i I'OW-tirii B.ilts.from $25 ■<'*2 00" I li-igs 75 <o Siu 00 15 Pal ret ii.if's r-m.' ■?! " $l5O 00 |Br w M ttlrgs 10x to 4'Jc, Oil Ui ,t lie t-> $1 25 uer rquare yard. ■ ArtHqii r (D u get's) recrediog b-st K< d'h muster, ail woo! $8 50 to sls Will dut' cate prices ot any Market.G Upholstering Goods ai your own Prices, j—j. -hSL >CD JEC , Up Stairs, 83 and 85 ETroad St., Columbus, Ga. ELEVA TOR 4 b*WA Ys RE \LY. fi 15-« Bm, fliHlSiaE n. ■ 0 '. all K■ i toiß ) rorr I Jj apa iy c intiQU *x to take Fire rialts or all kinds Jh. rtar perpAtuiii. DIVIDEND N... 26 FOB 1884, 33h per cent. The PHCENIX, of Hartford, Conn., ROCHESTER-GERMAN, of New York, All aolld Companies, repreaentel In -ti la Agency, ba-foe, low. Lc-uee promptl adjusted, R B.