Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, February 28, 1885, Image 2

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the daily times. Liii(.K«r urn vmtiom l« >*« Uoaallo. MlmM •• • ••>»<!• nt ColninlHi*. BATPHDAY fr E'IHUA 1-Y 2* H-S Mb, Am >« Smith, ot M >antain Hill, fiard* county, will, on 8 turday. Marot 7th. draw < ff hie oarpponde to divide the email from the largo flab. Those wanting carp, and who ar< curious to see and know the fish, wil ! find it iuteretung to t>e t here. W» hope nothing will bo done in the preecut Congress, whose exist ence is of but a few days longer, to Interfere witu the free coinage of silver. It looks now from the last, reports that the Silver Men will car ry the day in crushing out pr< eent attacks. Atliwta has a law prohibiting the •tfcking of placarde, posters, bills or other advertisements, upon bridges, fences or wails, without permission. Charges are now pending in the City Court agHinst the agents of several railroads centering there for this of fence. i a W« heard a good deal within the year past of the unusually full grain crop of last year, and yet we have not seen so much corn being hauled into the country at so early a date as we have lately noticed. How is that? If the corn and oat crops last year were so good, how is it that our farmers are already buying corn? As wkll as anything can bo settled by Mis. Urundy and her gossiping Bohemian runners, it seems certain that Mr. Cleveland will offer seats it. hla Cabinet to Senators 11 tyard. La mar and Garland. These are all gentlemen if the highest personal respectability, and with ability enough to Uli any department. Il all the recent tights In Egypt between the natives and ttie British, the English have bean successful. The late reverses (net with In tin Soudan will only arouse the blood oi the English lion, and hasten tbi downfall of the False Prophet. Even the strongest, opponent of Mr. Glad stone is unwilling to have any policy adopts I that will look to, the with drawal of the British power from that country. The whole civilised world is In sympathy with Engl ml, and cannot afford to bo otherwise. Ths threatened vote of censure b* the English parliament, of the policy of the government, in Egypt does not set kindly on the uerv e of the min isters. A vote of cen ture or a dee laraiion by the houeo of a “want ol confidence” is as serious In British politics, and amounts to as much tv the election of a President from th, opposition party, would in this conn try. A failure of one line of policy there resuls in the resignation of the ministers who engineer!' that policy and upon their re drement a new cabinet h formed o' members supposed to bi more in harmony with the popular sentiments of the people. But If tbt discontent now ( listing in Englarx amounts toan opposition to the Glut! stone government strong enough to drive him to resign,we shall c >nsid' i it a sad day for ttiat nation. Eng land has a host of great men in horn and foreign service, but we do no' believe that she hue any one who more fully understands her interests or who is more willing to serve then than her present Prlmier. Mr. Glad stone. COOL. Mr. MoLean. of 'he Oinctnnatl En quirer, is now and has been sot sun.< days, in Washington City, He knew nothing of'be letter of “Sherwood” to bis patter from M icon, until it ap peared in print. He declares he deeply regrets its publication am. offers to have any statement from th people of Macon published in a posl lion in his columns ae conspicuous!; as was the off nave letter. He dis patches these facts to the Telegraph through Senators L. Q. O. Lunar, oi Mississippi and J E Brown,of Georg! Wearenoteurprisedthat Mi McLeat should repudiate the filthy letter o' bis Tile correeponiieDt, bu' cannot Bee why be could not take tbe time communicati with u i Teh gt *ph ai . Missweer ever i ib ■ we name, a: < not seek to put forward two of tie moat popular memb reofth* Unit Btntee Senate to ru .k>- for him li apologlee tba* be should b ve ma<! for himself, and which could ici have be<n made so pr perh bv h \ other person. Newspaper < ffi tux i Beuatere are called on to ni.diry i| c must indeed be rank wen V 8. offended. Mr. McLean says ’•Sher- W( od" shan't do eo nuv more. The Penalty ot bkeptic fin. I'tX-ie btttlUKS. “Come mighty nteh klliii.’a thi buck dis mawniij’,” eaid an old negro; ‘'cornin’ long thr ugu j woods an* et ole buck b jaupupi ’ boekerty. bookertv, tn rut < ff ate yards 'n J stop still. Come In om r abooiin'him, e ib.” Wby d d'-’i y u ehoot!” "JUilti’t bib ui\ gun me, salt.” "Then b w li-i voucinr inoneoftho tine him? ' ‘•(Tse, eat I come tn one * Lakin my gnu w me.' "Why didn’t y u take vour gun?” "Oiln’t hab ront, s-li.’ ”f ou are an ol! fool ” "L k Ms' down ’buse a man d • w> wren yer ain’t got no c;u e. I ult’t got nOgtlu, tura feller :e J wax erbout ter huv one tt >-r xo 1 . jep* one dollar m 'n I übt pav b I come in one o' tin’d > gti i I had ei got it I would er 1 kit ’> wi I me. an’ el’er h i it I■' u r shot d- hock e ,sy. 8;t 8 n a come rju d 'bu r ' r tn n wb' n facka if all ergie yer. 1 h bkn 1 folks io fetch trouble on d r 'sr'vre datwiy E pu son ougher hek ir ful in dis heah wirl* o’ science ar ’ speckerlatiju. Gtod m w in’ ea’ Since yer’a acted di -way I w id ‘er gin yer none o’d? meat es I bad et killed it. ’Fore yer talke 1 d»r wav I woulder made yer preoeni o’som< o ’ debuok. Bos wbut yer got by it, Thb death of Mr. Logan, a member j of the Illinois House of Representa tives, will possibly i leak the power of the Republicans to defeat tt e elec ion of some man other than John A, Logan to the Unit' d Ht tt»g Senate. Ths proposed visit of th' Prince of Wales to Ireland is opposed by the Fenians and national li agu s, and notice has been published that the visit will be attended wi h danger to the Prince. If the visit has been determined on and the pr gramme b n made public by authority he oan scarcely ‘ rhgard such threats if he would im press the people of tii Emerald Is ! e favorably with an idea of his courage and manhood. OS*T*JEI.UWGUEjr< g PERA HOUSt o TWO NIGIITH, Monday an» Tuesday, March 2d and 3d. EVENT OFTHE KEAMiN, The London and New Yoi k Successes, THE SILVER KING ! Throe years at the Princess Theatre, Low Jon. L ingem Hun on Record at Wallwk'eNew Yolk. Presented by Harry Miner’s Uuperb Oon.puuy. F. U BANGS as THE SILVER KING. Double B'agn and Revolving Scenery, ni'VßNTkkg Complete Scene*. In a special car. Noth.— Curtain., will rise promptly at 8. ibices as Uncal. Reset ved beats at < Ibat tin's Book-store. te/7-tt CHATTAHOOCHEE SHERIFF SALE. Wil] bo sold before th* o<rarthou«e door, In, Haiti oouutf.ou the Jffimt Tnesaay I** April n»xt, witliin the houm of Mai*, the following to-wit: Lot ' t Un ‘ No 91, tn th* 7tL Districts. M of naid «coutjr, oouUibL g 202£ i>oi«b more or lean. tUbi I*O<3 levied on under and by v Hue oi a tax fl fa issued by the Tax Oollectar of Maid county against J. E D. Hhipp tor thtti and county tai th for the year 1884 Levy luadt and returned bv tt G (Jody, L. 0. of mi id county of CbattaUoooh< o. Notice glv* n truan* in pi note* • lou, aLHO, At she tame time a d , Ltoa. will sold hi the Fma ju« day in Ai Hi n xt, lot of land NO* A7,containing two huudr< d t • and one.Lal! erm more or ioo (il'>2)<) in the 7th Uiatriet of oiigiuall MnaoHc'ee now Baid cunuty (fGhatta li' utbt* lev e<upon'ta t e property of Henry johutft.n. under and by »irue of a tarn ’» in fined ty th” Tax Collector ot OhattabGOchve county against said Henry Jobnson, for Htate and county taxa* tor the year 1881, Hild lam untmprov d Notice given to tenant in post ton. Levy made and reiurue* Io mo by B. 0. tjody, L. J of eald erunty of Chattahoochee. AlkO at the some place, on the First xuee day in April next, will bo Bold lot of laud No. V;, In the 7«b Dtetriot, contuning 101 X *oreß mor or ices, ot ortvlui 1 y Muacogie, now n»id county Chattahoochee, It vied iv.ou a» he property oj Mtriogie low Hines, under and bv virtue ot a tax I) la issued by the T- x Collector of chattabo ». chee conn*'. egainM snid mrik fel ow Bii s for Blate anti count f*xee or the rear IHB4, Haid land la unimproved. Le.y mad* an: retuinn to Hie by L U Kobnrt 0. Uody. Notio*’ given tenant in poai-e»hivu. L HA HP, Sheriff. Januay 28.188a AL’U ’t theeame pace, eh the FUmi Tuesday in a., ril next, wiil b« sold iot ot Und N • 82 con .aining 1 acre tuora ur i*ea Jn thnliiiDie L> iot -ff originally MuHCogte, now said county f t hattahoocbe**, bvbd upvn ae .ae pyopvrt) lkJ La Hatt, under nd U ? Urine of a ti li ta arue.l by ? he Tax deflector <>t Cbatt hoochee o unty against aaid E J LaH it for bta e auc county tax a for the y ar 1 Si. said land is nut iniroviti. Notice glveu tenant in posat aaiou. L«Vy maitt ana returned to ms oy li Cody, i U of B»ld c auty of (Ibattahoool ee ALHO, at the sa . e ulace. on the Piral Tuesday in A) r» . will be aold lot oi laud No 116. contain mg 2->2% acioa mine or ie>a, in the 7th istrict of originally Mu'oogea, now aait corn y ci Chattahoochee, levied upon as the propel ty r A Johnson, under and by virmof » tax ii fa 1h wiled by the Tax uoilector of Chattahoochee county against said a F Jobmon tor Ktatu ana or nt j taxes (or the year 1884. Said laud is not anpruVfld. Notice flvoii tenant is posMeMdion, Levy wade and r* turned to il»> by K U Judy, L U cf bald county of UhatUhooi h.i«. ALSO, at the same place, on the First Tuesday <n Ap 11 next, will be so u ot of laud No V 5, cow tain nig acres more or b sh, in the 7bh Dis iriol of originally usoogee, now said county oi obat taboochee, loved upon as the property <>l dre Mittie Ogletree unuer and by vinue of a lid fa tanned i y the Tax < ol eotor of (.'halts ttoochee county lust sv’d Mrs bittieuxle tree,tor Male and county taxes tor the year 18S4. Maid land is not 1 i p ovad. Notice given tenant in poaseasiou. L* vy made and returned! to me by H U Uody, L U ut said county oi Jliattahoo che«, ALSO, at aa*c piece, on the Firat Tu aday in April next, will be sold lot of land No 9« con taining 20.1 acres more or less, lu the 7th Dis trict of originally Muscogee, now naid county ot f’h.itUhaocin e, levied upon uu ’er and by virtu« of a tax tt fs ieeued by the Tax Qolleeti r i Chat t Uoochto county sgi itnt said tot of Ja> d Rm tht land oi Bash, bald lan »is not «mprovt.<u. Levy made and returned to me by H J Guay, u U o' Axld county of Ohattabouohee. Lafayette harp, bneritf January 29, !Bas fe»26wlm JOHN 8. STEWART -=JOl) Pffllfif. OVVIOK, B-.NDOLPB HTHKBr, JiKXI TO ai«>B(IU BTKAM \ND UA» riFB COMPANY, lob ...ntlng o Kvory <l..orlp<tor n.outi • 'taatlt ant Promptly. IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG. AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE Remington ifles-zee SHOT GUNS. AU the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS. ADDRESS “ Lamberson, Furman & Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Sons’ S porting Arms end Ammvyitma, 281 & 283 Broadway, WIBTBRN OFFICI, NEW YORK * D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., IS Sure Suwl, Chkarc n, ARMORY, - - - IUON, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. ■ADE n THE REST SAME!, IT IULEB W OUSEL BEKBSFR TUT OUR GOODS AM AL WIT* lEUtBU. One Piece of Solid SteeL L SO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE SUM, SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICDLTUEAL CO, ILION. N. Y. Snr Ywk OUmv IIS CkudMH Un* DAILV TIMES: G^ORG T A, s\T(JR r )AY, FEBRUARY 2 a , 1885 fYESTERN R. R. UF ALABAMA, The Quickest and iiost Din 1 Route to New York. Philadelphia, Bal llnaore, aud H asbiugteu. Trains leave m follows TIME TIBLIi NO. UU. TAXIN 1 IVVKOI 40 *OAV, AAM. 1»S ■ABTWAUI.- ■ i bv Nevi Orleans,.. 10 Op m 8 09a. m Lv Montgomer. », 9;uo a m you p m Arr Columbus .... I.UJ ■ in, t> 40 a rn Lv 'l’!' a 8:U ami V|U* p ml *.rr Wi st i oi~t ... 12J9 »ni 12;J7 a of Arr Atlanta .. tj’ I <ro I WMiTWABD. N). ,u b.. r-2 _N , Laavo Atlanta.. —. 200 i kill.4' n »• West Point 6;i/ p m 3:u7 a m Arr (imumbut, .. ?:/ pnJflidOa. n Lv UolambUK . . 2 ;op n 9,u pi Arr. Montgomery.. H.lopu u:3O a n Arr M >bile. 2;W a n. 2:W p n 4ir New Orleans . TUX an. 7;» pi. Kortte. HoMih 10. 61 NO. 6S ti'J. 50 NO. M 7 ;5* p>n 10:25 ail! Wash *<1*0*10:40 am 9.10 pm 12;o3 pm 12 jo a m 3aitlmorei9:(>6 a p m 2.40 a m 3:lopm IFhiiadeFa|fi.ol a m 8:45 ;m •:30 a m d:lfl p m’Now >crkl 3:40 anJ 12;00 p m Pulimuii Sleeper* gu all tmlu between Tloul gouiery anti WatihinKtoii vvitboul Cliauice. Wewteru Hutlroud Mleepera «u train* Mud S 3 between Moutgoauery au<l tiluutu. Train* 50 t 61, 62 and sb, make olubp oonuecltoi • I with trains to and iron: Mobile and N«w Orleana. Train 6? connects at Mont. omf-ij with trains io> Heims ami Eufaula. Oonneetions mads at ! upeiika with Aiabaiaa ana Cincinnati, an' the Columbus and Western HaHroads. Ail train? j except 62and 58 connect at Goebaw with Tusbe gae railroad. Trains No. Sand 8 run dally siccpt uundays I ( HAS, 11. CHOHWLLL, General Agmt. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. Tieketa|ouly iniProportioa. Louisiana State Lottery Company. •We do hereby certify tnat wt auporvitio it arrangtini uis lor all taa Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of In« Louisiana state Lui icry Company and in person cuauapa and uOa. ir >1 the bruwiags tuuiuv. ivaa, and iLal tt * ssuat are conducted with uuntsly, tairueiHi, at in g > >d faith toward au parties, ana #e autb Ixa the Company to use this certiiicat* , v ii: iau«Miaiiien us our siguaturefl attaci.ud, In Its *< v r'iK«n>Ruta »• (Muam las nan t ra Incorporated lu iB6O fur 25 years by the Legfs lature for Educational ana uharitabie purpotu» —with a capital of H^iOU.OOO—to which a resoru fund of over $660,000 has siune barn Mlded. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchire vaa made a part of the proseut State Constitu tion adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsee by the people of any Biate. It never Hoams or postpones, Ils 4*rMii(i Mngle Number tlraiwlßg» sake plaice monihly, A wPLF.!Wk»IK> Os POM VIiNITI TW WIN A FOttriNlG IHIKU (thIAND DKAWINU ULAHb U, IN THE AUADKM • (J MUBIC, NF.W 'ikLKANH. TUEHL '.Y, March 10, 1880 178th 'ionthly Drawing. CAPITAL HT3.OOV. 00,000 rickets at rive HullNra fcacit FractisMia, lu frlflbM 1b urupurimu. uot ow raiRKM 1 CAPITAL PHIZ*, 76.W4 1 do do 2A,bUI 1 do do 10,Oil 2 PKIMNOr sttoUo... 12,001 6 do 2000 10,Util 1U do 1009.. ... 10,Ut< 40 do 600 10,tH 1) do MM) 20,W.i 100 do 100.. BO, I’ll too do 60 J 6,00€ ;000 do 45. 46, Oth ▲ rPMOXIMAIIOa FMIXXB. 9 Approximation JFriaea ol $ 9,761 9 do do 600...- 6,60 i 9 40 do 450-.. 2,26 t x9«7 Prises amountluff t0..5206,MM’ Applications for rates to olats shovnd ba iaad< only to the ofUce of the Uompanj in Ntw Orleans. For further lulormatioa write oloarly, giving fall address. rU’sl.AI, NOTBM, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ord*- nary letter, dur renoy by Ex prose (all sums ct $6 and upwards at our expense) address M. A, DAUFHIN.r* New Orleana, La, r W. A. DAUPHIN, tus*} Seventh *i., Wastitnirum »», < Make i’. G Money Ord r» payable and addresi iiegistered Vatterb to VKW OHLKANB NATIONAL AANK, New OrirNnv I a .. . L- . ■- J \ a Steam Power Printer. ® r■ 1 I BOOK-BINDER h /i ISR a I . I 1 < I I II.; ' j ; I! J JEI * BMMBaar?;' ‘I Printings BOOK BINDING. p : AND Paper dons ot every Descrietioi A.t LiOWeet Prlcoa. Alauge stock of all kinds of PM 18, iuoiudiuf letter, Packet, sii4 Note Heads Bullies* tsxeni’nts. always on hand. Also Snvelopee. t srdr, Ac., printed at short notfes, Paper Boxfs ofsny else or description not kept uxx hADd. made at short notice• GILBERT, 12 Randolph St, Tjjijr Opposite Postoffice. Talbot County Plantation For Sale. The tract conUiM acres ot > t i lend of which ir woodland. ori f ma* growth »nd -e limb* -r. ed. on tbe piece * lout-roonirl dwelling and otfcor nooees**' f'nt buildings. It ie situau three end a half mH** Lortbvast ot B-«1 Sprag*. In geo nsi<ki or hood, convenient to chorcheo. acbovlt and .nil rood* Address ROB. UiWGL x.M- Bex Spring 111 ILIIt III? Illi Hill THIS WEEK, tAnd must collect all the Money we can before starting. Now is the time to buy Goods for the Cash and get Genuine Bargains. Price our Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. ffe MnstHavethe Money Our Spring Fashion-Plates have arrived, and we are now making Goods to Order for Future Delivery □ H. J. THORMTON, Merchant Tailor. NOW OR NEVER! COME WEAL OR WOE. OURTOLICTH s.I NI'LEXIBIY DETEK- MINED. DEFIES THE FATES THEMSELVES, ORGANIZES Hid VAST RESOURCES AND MEETS THE COMING ’ IDE OF COMPETITION WITH A BARRIER OF Yet Unheai d of Prices. niniMim sw m UN TEH THE_HAMMER. 30 000 Yards Hamburg Edg’.rgs, at 5 cents, Value 10 cts. 20,000 Yards Hf.mburg Edgings at 8 cents, Value 15 cts. 25,0' 0 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 10 cents, Value 20 cts -13,500 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 121-2 cts. Value 25 cts 40.000 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 15 cents, Vaiue 80 cts 27,000 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 20 cents, Value 50 cts, 5,000 Yds. Natiu ( heck Nainsook a 10c Worth 20c. 2,540 Yds, Satii; < b cksat 15 and 18 cents, lies value • ver teen in Columbus. Stripes and Plaids at Unheard of Prices for this Week, These Goods Must Be Bold. From the Great Embroidery Sale in New York Jan. 16. OI 1 IL lil TL.K POLII E ASD COURTEOUS ATTEN i ION (ii VEN TO EVERY VISITOR WHETHER PUBCHABER OR NOT. -o: TRADE PALACE 159 and 101 Broad Stre-t Opposite Rankin House, COLUMBUS, GA., SAVANNAH, GA , AUGUSTA, GA. NEW SPRING GOODS Wool Combination Suitings, Choice Colors in Cashmeres, Good All-Wool Cash nere at 50 cents. Choice Block Gingham anu ■ ail os, Cable Linens Tow s and Nap ins. Now is the time 10 buy these Goods, I [and ke rc hi e fs, Ha nd kere hie fs, Good Handkerchiefs, Fast C lore, at 3c. up to the Best Gr de • 10.090 Yards More o( those HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES at Astonishingly low prices. Ladies* Underwear Department Just opened. Ali tue Stock Fresh and at Popular Prices. J. ALBERT KIRVEN. IMMENSE STOCK OF Furniture, liCarpetin 2s, Cuvtain-Gcods- Window-. das etc-, REGAKDLESS OF OST 1,000 Chairs, from 50 cents to $lO 00 ; M x;-. o r -p -3 $1.50 pr yi. ber . t ral 500 Bedsteads from fl 75 to 41 00 j ! .| e.- r Carpets 65c to *1 00 pr y.i. 100 Imitation W Suite.slß ' 40 00 > B !y 11-ueee s'* 65c -o $1 35 :r. yd UK) Walnut Sults,trorn $25 to s2' 0 O‘> j R i«a 75 -' - SIO.OO 15 Parlor Suits from $lO to $l5O 00 : .v M '•! cts 10c t? 4 1 •. Oil Olothe 40c to $1 25 per square yard. ArtSqU'fs (Drugget's) including beet Kid dem uster, ali woo! r 8.50 t sls Will duplicate prices of any Mark- '. Upholstering Goods at you- own Prices. Up Stairs, 83 and 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ELEVATOR ALWAYS READY. f 15- Stn. ftMWftLWBil Ul3 Oi 1 v.ll H3l!%ble teotxi iOjid i ’ ■ ; f An i<-o tU* Fin of a•k - f Charter perpetual. DIVIDEND No. 26 FOK p r The PHCENIX, of Hartford, Conn., ROCHESTER-GCBMAN, of New York,! All solid Oompaniss, represented lu ttilt Ageue;. L trs '.c». L .tsit in;;;’ adjusted. , R- B. MUBDJCK, Ae ent. 1 TIMES JOB OFFICE Can Supply Business Men With Cards! Cards! Cards! CARDS! CARDS! CARDS! BILL HEADS! Bill Heads! Bill Heads I Bill Heads I NOTE HEADS I Note Heads I Note Heads I Letter Heads ! Letter Heads ! Letter Heads! STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT I STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT 1 STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT PROGRAMMES! PROGRAMMES I PROGRAMMES I POSTERS I POSTERS! POSTERS ! POSTERS and HANDBILLS! HANDBILLS! HANDBILLS! WORK hEATLY AND PROMTIY DONE AND AT LOW FFiICJtS — Times Office Job Rooms