Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, March 04, 1885, Image 2

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the daily times. UtiKsiT < i »«-•»•' 1 rio.v. ,11 ‘(MamINM, < olntiibii*. Georgia. WEDNESDAY MAlitH 4 18’5, Tammany Hall is always wide awake for the inoomiugchancee. and though Its position was at flrat doubtful and never cordial for • Cleve land, sue is sending a hun gry herd of office grabbers to attend the inauguration of the new President. John Kelly, modestly or otherwise will not go, or if he got t he will not go as the leader of hie wreckers, ■ O • 1 It is paraded as a fact that the Bayards have had seats tn the United Blates Senate longer than any < het family in the country. This Is ail well enough, but may not the volun tary giving up of the seat by the present incumbent T. F. Bayard, break the charm and let the thunder strike some other officially hungry soul? The Bayards are an exceed ingly proper family. Tammany Hall sent one thousand delegates to the inauguration. They formed a long torchlight procession and bad a band of one hundred pleceeon on arrival in Washington. Tammany understands the effect of "git up and git” programme— and the lirst we know she will be loading the Democracy of the coun try as well as controlling the De mocracy of her own lodges. ■ a Wi hope to-day will be pleasant In Washington City, that the quar ter of a million of patriotic oltlxeos, who have gone there to participate in the inaugural ceremonies of our new Democratic President, may not have disagreeable weather to mar their enjoyments. It has been long since Democrats have had an oppor tunity for a grand national party jollification and It would be a pity to have it come in under dripping um brellas and damp waterproofs. We want the Democrats to have one good day In twenty-five years. Tua last cabinet outlook Is: Bay ard, Secretary of State; Manning. Secretary of Treasury; Lamar, Secre tary of Interior; Garland. Attorney General; Endicott, Secretary of War; Whitney, Secretary of Nnvy; Vilas, Postmaster General. But close as It is to the official proclamation of the cabinet. it is not known that the foregoing is absolutely cor rect. Mr. Cleveland is not a man who'‘gives himself away,” as the popular phrase goes, and reporters generally find a cold atmosphere In the nooks and corners of his rooms. It Is bard, but way not? for wheat, after being crushed iu prices to the earth to rise again. The farest por tion of the great West is full of wneat and corn all planted by the farmers with their eyes '•bol” on prices rang ing from $1.20 to $1.40 per bushels for wheat and 05 cents to 86cents for corn. It is natural that they should not relish the low prices that prevail, but peo pie in the East who work on hull time and at half wages, and other people in the Bouth who raise cotton and sell at 25 per cent, lees than the cost to raise, and buy corn and wheat or flour, cau feel the propriety of the discomfiture of the grain raisers of the West. Tux House of Representatives feels snubbed by the Senate in having ac commodations for its members at the inauguration prepared luiei.or to loose prepared for the Senate itself. It’s funny that the Senate should feel it the proper thing in such a muller io discriminate in its own favor. It may be accounted for by the fact that the majority in the beuate is nut of the same party as the majority of the House, and us it is perhaps its last showing, a Republican Beuate may be excused for wanting to appear a little "uppish” when associating with a Democratic House. People are curious folks In these latter days —but when those eccentricities are harmless we may boar with them. This is a notable day in the United Brutes. After a period of a quarter of a century the country swings back from Republican to Democratic rule, and from abuse of power and corruption in methods to a square line ol equal justice and honest methods in all things. The respon sibility of the administration to be inaugurated to-day is very great, for much has been promised, auu still more is expected and if any short coming in anv essential reform force should be developed it may be to be a cold day for Democracy. The whole party in the entire country should sink all selfishness for a time at least and lend itself to the building up and establishing itself upon a basis so strong and deep iu the affec tions and confidence of the people that no one man, though he bo Presi dent, can depart so far from the line of party rectitude as to weaken its hold upou the heart of the nation, and thereby give the old arch enemy of the country and of the principles of free Government any hope of return ing to power. Correct principles, in telligently understood, and honestly administered will hold the country In the grip of the Dem ocratic party for a period equal to that tn which it has been held by the Republican party. Mr. Cleveland is fortunate in having th, best men of the entire country to aid him in his work—while his prede cessors for the past twenty five years have only bad access to the services of the representative men of the North and West. Again we say:l Vive la Democracy! Vive la Oleve-1 land! INUEee.NOKNr The Atlania Cbnstitution somr days ago published an editorial fa voring the issue of money by State banks and institutions created by State Legislanires, and took occasion to my that the Eagle and Phenix Mills of this city could safely issue one million dollars of ctrouiati: g notes, and since then this editorial has been extensively criticised by the rigid advocates of the present banking system, and some of tte critics are facecious enough to sup pose the day would soon come when thee*; Mills would ba redeeming then bills in cotton cloth and paying tu. ‘•spun truck” to people *uo did not want it, but wanted ehoee and other articles instead. This Is ail very pertinent, these people sup pose, but have the me: chants and business men of Columbus forgotten bow great was the relief afforded them some ten years ago by those same mills, when their savings de* sands of cetuflcates of desposits? An Eagle Savings Bank certificate was as good as a national bank bill for ale local purposes, and the community would have sustained their Issue if the United States tax on them bao not compelled the company to call them in. People don't ask a gold dollar tor every dollar they take in and pay out, and the pro ducts of labor In cotton cloth and spun truck, is as neat gold as any other commodity and will bring gold In any market in the world. Btates singly are as capaple of issu ing money and safely protecting their citizens from wrong as the States are unitedly—and why not let them do It? It is announced that a deputy United States marshal would go to Americus to sell two artesian wells which bad never yielded tiny water. It is hard to see wuat use they cau be put to, but by going down deeper some lucky fellow may yet get a running start— down below there somewhere. O«x»jELxnsr o-mix ■— PERA HOUSt —POSITIVELY— ONE V I<-II T ON LV. THURSDAY, MARCH sth- —to:— an old r avoiiitb ! I Jhe Eminent Oor,. - ankwflail ( ('tan auu D umab. t, MILTON NOBLES ABBiHted by t.he Yoan« and (Jilted Voea- Hut ana Comedienne, DOLLIE NOUuKH. And supported by a Powerful Ir-glttmaLc O tnpuny I THI'n<4l»AY EVETINM, Will present lor the lint time in thia city hie Ideal New York Bucoeee, entitled: Ijovc mid A Ootnedy-Driitnn in Four Acte, by Mil ton Nouuu. New and Original Cbaraetura! Thrilling Dra matic OUmaxiMi! startling fecjenlo Jkffeetfi! o Iginal Mumlo! * Huperb Uaste. Faux O’Paff, Attorn*y*at«Law..Milton Nobleb Italian sweet Hingnr. Dollim Noiilkh Othor Leading Ohaructera by Agnes Herndon, Mr;'. J. K. Healey. Tulle Bar num, Frank E. Aiken, Mux Fehrmann, George W. Barnum, Ft auk Lime, Okas. B. Warren, E. L. Mortimer, L. W, Browning, etc, eto. HyiiopHteof Scenery and In cidents. ACT 1. Live. The Intimation. Scene- Bay View Cottage, Staten Island, with a view of Now York Bay and Harbor. AOI’ 11. Dove. The foaplratlon. Scene— The Den ot Giovanni Oontl, (Jroeby Street, New York Ulty. AOrill. Love. Tho Beallzatlon. Bot-m The Boudoir of Helen Montague, New York Ulty. ALT IV. Law. The Ounaummatlon. Scene I—Law Office of Sawyer and O’Paff. Scene 2—A Htreet adjoining the residence of Helen Montague. Soeue B—The Don ot Giovanni (lonti. Oarrlages may be ordered for 10 ;45. Usual Prloee—Reserved neats at Ghaf tin'e. mobß-8t / A __j I. GILBERT;.. < Asteam Power P.rlntefT * I- 3 1 BOOK-BIRpERj" i .’W KjSTi |3g| Printing, BOOK BINDING* AND Paper Boxes of even Oescrietion A.t Loweet I’rlcoH, 4 LARGE OF ALL KINDS OF PAPBR, xTL iDcludiut Letter, Pweket, and Note Hewdx Util Head*, Statements, al ways on hand. £tao Envelopes. Cards, &c„ printed at ahori aouoe. Paper Boxes of any she or description not kept on baud, made at short notice. THOB. GILBEHT, 12 Randolph St., Postoffice. j Jordan’s Joyous Julep Will cure the worst case r l V K A LG 4 A i And nervous headache In a tew minutes: : tooth and eat acne In two mlnutte, Nott - i lug like it lor pain. It aula tike magic It you i-ufter ask your druggist for I JORDAN’S JOYul S JULEP, theNeurad I siacure. Price 80 cents—for -ale by ad druggists. APRI7P s * Bll *” e® o ” f° r prstsga-sort rnitr,rre«ive free, . finally b o. g/wt. wUloli wu. t>«>i> you to more money r ght .OT tb»n anything elae In thia wcrld Ai oladih-r sex aucooed tiom Srat hour The bro. ' fortune open before the workers shsoluiely san At onw address TsviSOo, Auuusu. Mains DAILY TIMES:' COLUMBUS.GEORGI < WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4. 1885". CHAITAHdodaaE SrtEllff SAP, * Will be soldi bafjro th* Oourlhougi door, 1n | •id Gou u/.OiA tttu r'ii•»4<4*y I* April next i k.xj 154** •< iw, tha for. Kill L liui No 91. in the 7 b JimtiCt i. M of .•nJ sonnty. oouUlnl g •O'ftw ui>4u or Uah. dAi.i i*u.. iev.ed o.t *Lde. wft by virtue al % tax fl f» U« .ed by the In Joi soixr of „*ld count, against J, K b. Mhipp .or -iUtd md cooDif ixiu for tb» year 18H4 vy mad at aretnu *d by it 0. tody, L.O >t i iu uanty Os OoaV.AuGGchw. Notus g v* rj r,fifi&Ut iu pUBHOitBiQa,, at h h*qah urn* a’.d pl***. will be on tbt Firm It'H*d*y id April next, lot us Hua ?iO’ ?>7 uufH-i£dD«i *wo i uiibr a t- o and ono-iia.f .er * luOj* lt in IL® 7lh DutilCtol uriplDkil- M ncrtgita, uow e*»d cotuty • 1 diiatt*- houebee, lev *l ui on Ml tie property » I Henry JOhUa U, u 0 r Bud by wi. tu» of lax h a ln nuou L> tu< I’X uuheotor <n übailfthuochee C'Ui.iy .ir Mai B< d y JoMuou, lor ttt*t« uijti.ul, ifXen 1 r (be >u«.r 188». Um UADOi/f' v- d N lice givoa to to...nt in poeaer* _>gd. Ixsvy rua e ano returnee to me b> K. 0. Uody, t.. 0 Oi naldc of CLattahoccnee. is. Jj. Au the »" me ou U rir. t unf- it y iu April L'Xt, will be aojd lot of laud No. H, m ihe 7lu Dintnui, comainibu .h iuor> >jt oi un< in i y Muecox* e, uow »»»id county at CbUUUi o hee, it vied u oh ar 'he properly ci t-krUg etiow lUDCB, ufliiar ax L Virtue oi uUi ti fa ißKueu by the T- x Culltotor ot Unattaboo ' tee Louut v a. BiUbt H«id btr aglei uw bluca for rttate auu county Uxea or lue yeti bald ,*u<i ih uulu proved. Levy uitdft an returnee to ut by L u. Robert 0. (Jody. Notice klvbh teuai.t iu pOßboaeiun. L. HA HP, Sheriff. Jabaary 29. aLbO, »t the sauie p ace, ol the Kira* Tuesday tn d< xt, win b ■ Boid lot ot lauu Ng 92 oou '.albiMt lUIX acre* luora vr kaa, iu too 'uu Din trict r f originally Mu 00-' e, now mid county of Lhatial.oocbee, kvi» d up* n m tbe property of M J LaHatl, under »nd oy virtu* of a tax ft fa >mbu*u yy luo lax Cuile-.lMi wl Obatt <liooch'*e c unty BHaiuat fcaid E J LaH;tl lor Hta e and county t- XBM for the year USt. Hal i land in not iiupioved. Notice given teuautld poaaeeaion. L« V> uimlu bdu retmatd to uio uy KulOU), L l ot axid c ui. ty ot Ü aL«'J, at itic mb e place, on the (first J ueaday in *t rii, wih be bold lot cn uud No 116. uouuiu nt*' 2<i2>iacreß more or let a, »« the 7th Diatrict of orih'-Aliy AiukOCßo-, iiuw aald cuu&iy ol Übattaboouhee, h vi u Uic-n an the property f A F JGUDion, under and by vinue ol a tax ft ta in Biiuu by the Tax (Johuciur of Ohattahubciue ouuty Bgainet Bald A K for tttate ana county tax* b ior toe year bald aaa »m not ltupr>VMd. Notice ttiveu tenaat Im pOMaeabioD, Levj tußde bj d returned to flue by it c >ody, L U ci aaid county of ■,natt«iioocbeo. lbw, at the MBuir place, on the First Tuesday ‘ii Ap'ii l< xt, wi.l be *o u ot oi tanl no 96, cod lalutng 2 JX acirs more or Pbm, id th* 7 h Dim trict ol origiUßHy v-UMOogee, now Bata county of Uilattanoocnee, levied upon as the property <4 Mre Mittie Og-c rec uu er au by viriue of a t.xfl fa iaaued by th' I.*x (,ol eovur of Cbatu houchec county against said Mrs Mittie Ugu tr*-e,ior btat* -uu county taxes <ur the year itH4. Hald land is not imp oVud. Notice given tensLv in puHH**siOT. Lvy made and returned to me t»y U u Oooy, L U ot sa»d county ol UUatuhoo cues, ALSO, at a»*e pise*, on the First Tu< sday in Apm ip xt, win be sold iot us land No 91, oon tUulng Bures l or* or lets, in the 7lb Lis trict o, originally M- scogae, new Ba'.d county ol < batUhooctoe, t evi«d upon Queer and by virtue oi a tax ft is iHhued bj the Tax Ooileetor eiChat trboochue county against said ictol i*Ld aa tbr Baid iaiid is not tuipioved. levy msda »uu returned to me by it 0 (Jody, L (J o Baid county of Unattaboochee. LaF, YETTifi liAUt*. Hberill jAiiuary 29,1846 Talboi bounty Plaotatiun For bale. The tract contains 690 acres of „ land, 26b of wj loft Is woodland, a original growth «ud well Umber - <l. )i> the pl»oe. in a lour-roomed dwelling and other nooessary out buildings. It 1h aituaMd throe and a niiiei DHrtheaet of B<>x Hpringa. iD gr >rt n. igb h or i UiJuu, convenient to eburenes, a<no< ie and road. Address HOB. n«Wi L snlft- Hex Hprfn< T II E . GREAT NEW YORK 10c. STORE, No, 100 14110A.0 MI' HE IST. Glasswire, Tinware, Hardware, Woodenware, Notions, and Every thing else. Our Prices are from 10c Positively nothing sold higher than 10 cents. Never before heard of Bargains, To give us a call is money In vour pocket. J. K. HOLLOWAY & Bro. mrl-w2iu WtSTERN ». R. OF ALABAMA. The Quickest and (dost Direct Route to New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, aud WaehiUKtou. Trains leave as follows: TIME TABLE NO. TAAINiJ KFFEOT SUNDAY. JAN. 18, IMS. Nor V • I.V New (jrH-eni... It' 'HD/ ... fi.OOa. m { Lv, Montgomery „ 9.*ou a m 9:uo p ml Arf uoluuibua .... l.O'Jpiu 6 46 » in Lv OolusabSM 8:46 am 9j06 p. m Arr Went Point.,.. 12;19 a ib 12:27 a. m Arr Atlanta. 8:40 pm 8:46a. m WESTWARD. NO. 50 52 N(L Leave “ West Point . 6:u6 pin 3:0? aml Arr Ooiuuibua. ... 7:2? p m s;*o a. x» Lv Columbus . .... 2:Bopu>9.bJ piu Arr. Montgomery., b.liipm 6:30 •in arr Mobile. 2;U5 a m 2:00 p in Arr Kew Orleans. .. 7 :ud am 7:80 pin NortK "South. „NO. SI NO. SI NO. 60 NO. SJ- 7:66 pm:rout > m Wub'ft'a 1U:4O. m a. 10 pm llpis pmlu.7o • m lialUmor. »;0S . m :S<> p m J:SO . miß:l»pm Phii.d.l'. SiOl > m 5:45 pm l;su» miSilo pm Naw York »:Waai«l:«)p w IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BIC SCORES, USE Remington IFLES-Znd SHOT GUNS. AU the Latest Improvements. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman & Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Sons: Sporting Arms and AmmunHiow, 281 & 283 Broadway, a-™-.,™ „ - NEW YORK. WESTERN OFFICE, D. H. LAMBERSON A CO., ’ 73 Sure Street, Chicago, IE. ARMORY, - - - IUON, N. Y. • REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. ■ADE n THE BEST BONER, IT BULLED VOKSBL SNENBER THAT OUB MODS AHE ALWAYS BELIASU. On® Piece of Solid SteeL J j NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BUDS SEND FOR CIRCULARS. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO,; ILION. K, Y. Raw Y.rk O*». 118 Ouibar. At ma.- WE WILL BE IN NEW YORK For Several Weeks, Buying our Spring Stock of Piece Goods, Clothing, Hats fl I \ and Furnishings. If you need any- M > * thing, be sure and call upon us at J 83 and 85 Broad Street and see the IS 0 N® w Styles as they arrive. |u I Our Prices will induce you to trade j> J I with us this Season. I The Best of our Winter Stock at £ I -2jLower Prices to Close. H, J, THußßiiirl, NOW OR NEVER I COML WAIAL OR WOE, OUB POLICYJIS INFLEXIBLY DETER- MINED. DEFIES THE FATES THEMSELVES, ORGANIZES HIS VAST RESOURCES AND MEETS THE COMING lIDE OF COMPETITION WITH A BARRIER OF Yet Unheard of Prices. HIiIHMMSMI UNL>£K Tlld HAMlffhJrt. 30,000 Yards Hsmburg Edgings, at 5 cents, Value 10 cts. 20,000 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 8 cents, Value 15 cts. 25,0u0 Yards Hamburg Edgings at 10 cen‘s, Value 20 cis -13,500 Yards Humburg Edgings at 121-2cts, Value 25 cts. 40,000 Yards Hamburg Eflgmgs at 15 cents, Value 30 cts 27,000 Yards Hamburg Edgings at2u cents, Value 50 cia, 5,000 Yds. Satin ( heck Nainsook at 10c Worth 20c. 2,540 Yds, Satin Clucks at 15 i nd 18 cents. Best value ever seen in Columbus. Stripes and Plaids at Unheard of Prices for this. Week» These Ooods Must Be bold. From the Great Embroidery Sale in New York Jan. 16. < >l7 141 i POLITE AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION GIVEN TO EVERY VISITOR, WHETHER PURCHASER OR NOT. TRADE PALACE 159 and 161 Broad Street, Opposite Rankin House. COLUMBUS, GA., SAVANNAH, GA„ AUGUSTA, GA. NEW SPRING GOODS Wool Combination Suitings, Choice Colors in Cashmeres, Good All-Wool Cashmere at 50 cents. Choice itock ‘Ginghams and Calicos, Table Linens Towels and Napsins. Now is tho time to buy these Goods, Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs, Good Handkerchiefs, Fast Colors, at 3c. up to the Best Grades 10,000 Yards More of chose HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES at Astonishingly low prices. Ladies* Underwear Department Just opened. Ail tue Stock Fresh and at Popular Prices. J. ALBERT KIRVEN. IMMENSE STOCK OF Furniture. Carpetings, Curtain-Goods, Window-Shades, etc«, REGARDLESS OF COST 1,000 Chairs, from 50 cents to $lO 00 I Mcquet Carpets $1.50 pi yd. best qual 50* Beit .euda from $1 75 to 40 00 [Tapestry Carpets 65c to SI.OO pr. yd, 100 Imitation Wai. Suite,slß to 40 00 t Bcdy Brussels “ 85c to $1.35 pr. yd. 100 Walnut Suits,from »251 o s2co 00 j Rugs 750 to SIO.OO 15 Parlor Suits from S4O to $l5O 00 [straw Mattings 10c to 40c. Oil Cloth--. 40c to $1 25 per square yard. ArtSquars (Druggetts) including best Kiddemuster. all wool $8,50 to sls Will duplicate prices of any Market. Upholstering Goods at your own Prices. I_. ROONEY. Up Stairs, 83 and 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ELIViiORAUWAY-s REV. Y. I ftSiotaMiilMliiisniiCD. bis Old and B diable Georgia Oa -ipiny continues to take Fire risks ot all kinds Charter perpetual. DIVIDEND No. 26 FOE V«4. 33H per tent. The PHOENIX, of Hartford, Conn., ROCHESTER-GERMAN, of New York, AU’solid .Companies, repre6ented;in this Agency, hates low. bowee promptl adjusted, jAURDOCX Ap'ent- j TIMES JOB OFFICE Can Supply Business Men With Cardsi Cards! Cards! CARDS! CARDS! CARDS! BILL HEADS! Bill Heads! Bill Heads I Bill Heads! NOTE HEADS! Note Heads! Note^Heads! Letter Heads ! LetterJlleads ! Letter Heads! STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT I STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT 1 STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT PROGRAMMES! PROGRAMMES ! PROGRAMMES I POSTERS! POSTERS ! POSTERS ! POSTERS and HANDBILLS! HANDBILLS! HANDBILLS! WORK BEATLY AND PROMTLY DONE AND AT I-.O'W PRICES —— Times Office Job Rooms