Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, March 08, 1885, Image 2

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THE DAILY TllvlLS - AtXllUififal' C 2 sCI-’L -s * * »'*-» li K.i »l,.«ioa<. laiuaa '“■•»<*>* nt ’*'oli»n*hut» Cuiulubuak Weoruia, BUNU.II llaj 16, 18-' KlDPLEßttUlifllU dll d BlUcfcii UdblUUt U cud djQcUd lue uLUdf day wauu ik lubjoCLtd lu cl© ooniiiLUdUou ol Mr. Buyuld UdCdliov Ol Hi# UppUHIUUU tc tUU UyUtbdlilurd, Wild UX’d LOiUg lv gut up truuuiu boiweeu luu luu 15 ttud cue ineudiy ucigubura on llu otUdf aide. - .■ ... ♦•-♦- The uoW huaru u, aldefiUuU of tile City Us A. 11c lid Uao VOtuU 10 each uioiuueri salary ui SIOO per yeas. Tue Bauuer goad fel them bdaipij. Wu believe aideruieu euuuid be paru ter muir wurk ud well aa uiueid wuo serve tue city, oui. it may uc uau taele tu paeo an urdiuaueeui burf-puy BeVorai yuars.agu Uuugread padded ab act lucroadiug tae pay us Uuugrees men, including tbe members tneu diniug. That act greatly uidguetua tbe iieceut people el me cuuutry ami they ware alter ward ealieu tue 'ea. ary grabbers.” In wbat uo me a ueiid aldermen ui£f r|irom salary grabbing oungressmeu, except in de gree? Tbe Uomederacv iu tire saddle. One Ot LUe liappledl lealdlco Ur the luadgdrauou day in wit tue preeouue ol Ueueial i’uzuugu Lju in tue grand prooowiiou. under command or Gen. Siucurn, and turn seit in command ol a mvidiun con taining Jiew Xuik, New Jersey, Onio Missouri and Miunesma troops, lilt ex-Uouiederate entertain, m me Vir ginia gray uniform, riding upon a Wnice noise with me uaud playing ••Dixie," was a sight inspiring enough co stir me vast crown io pro longed cheers. VVuat does it ail mean'? Was it eviuouce mat mere still lurked in the bosoms or me southerners enmity to the .union? Tue wild applause came trom me mouths of men from every suociou. it meant simply that me gray Uni term recalled a heroism aud a glory that are tue common luneritauce oi Americans; mat it stirred up old memories ol uauip lite ana battle ar> dor, me plunging ebot and me sunekiug sbeii; mat it brougnt back Dee and Kearney, and Jucasuu and ihomas, ,nnd J obustou; mat its presence in mat piece.mon, gracing the form ot a Deo ana a gaiiuut sol dier, was in itseii an eKqiium pledge oi me white-winged peace tn»i>alui twuuty-uve years has returned to hover over a united people. —Tele- graph anti Messenger. It was reported m Washington among me political gossippors, uu me day of tue inauguration, mat me following appointments of ioreigu ministers would be made: Minister to the court or St. James, Mu ward Cooper, or Aew lora. Minister to France, George H. Pendleton, of Onio. Minister to Italy, George a. Me- Oleiiau, of New Jersey. Collector of cue port of New York, Hubert O. Thompson. earn Jones* Work. On Sunday last Dr. Talmage re ceived into Che Brookiyu tauoruasie, as members one uuuured and ninety persons, it was mainly mrougn me work oi KeV. dam Junes, of ueorgia, who recently assisted Mr. Tuiinage. X'tlU CutULLi LiiliUM Jcd U£ LU io IciJUUi cuurch now number 3,221. That was a pretty suarp fellow ru Oxiol J ujUufy. alainu, WUO at uti stroke* gulled a whom town and caught a rich widow not lung ago, W ueu the assessors oi taxes came arounu ue told mem mat mey might tax tor iiu.UdU m uiodey at inn., eat, airuuugu no Was supposed .o uc pour and worked in a'mill for $1 50 a day. Tue iaulo oi a man Who wm Budiuieuuiy iiuuust go uncover con cealed taxable property, or uis own accord, spread tuiouga tua town auu ue was liouizid. m muds an im pression on a Wealthy widow married uer. Alter tue wedding i.ue assessors uau to abate cue tax on cue suppositious siu,uoo, and me woman haa to support a woi tuiess uUabaua. He was not worm a uouar, GEN. U. 8. iiMANT. Henry Ward Aeecber Beseeches Heaven in the old Warrior's Be halx. New Yobk, March, 3.—Bev. Henry Ward Beecher, iu ins opening piaym in Plymouth churcu, Brooklyn, wao almost overcome with emotion in re-- ferriug to the approaching death of Gen. Grant, He said: "Thou bast laid upon our hearts a great desire and a vehement petition for him that lies iu sickness, oefore whom ere long opens the gate to let him forth from life. Thou has grant ed him to be ot great service to mis day and land, and by him Thou hast borne the banner of victory, anu Thou hast out ot darkness wrought light, and out ot confusion order. Thou hast laid upon Thy servant a yeiy heavy yoke and burden, auu now, through suffer ing, he draws near to the end thereof. God be gracious to him, and fill hie room with divine presence, and give to hla soul the consciousness of God’s tor giving iove. May he be patient and gentle, looking ever more to the better life. May he en dure to the end and rise through the unspeakable bounty and grace ot Jesus to the immortality of the blessed. May all thy servants re member him who remembered them in the dark days, and grant, we be seech thee, that this family may be prepared and blessed tor Thy will. Lord, wnere are our fathers? They are with Tnee. Where is the host with whom we walked in cheer with thee? They rest—they are gone. We are coming to the days in whicl. memory brings none back to us among the living, and day by day they have borne the burden and the heat are going. Wno shall flu their places? O, grant that there may arise and rest upon thy servants, toe young men, a responsibility that they may be the servants ot God, and so the servants of tbe motherland.” DR. TALWE’S SERMON. “VeiUy My b.xOOaitiß ke butUl Koep.” Ex jilUd xxxi., 13. la tuie aerixxou 1 ruaxun .ui laab 1 am dinUjuioiDg iu a onut lied upon wu.hi iiiu eVdOgehcui huuiuiiea oeiicVu, and 1 reuicmut i I.U nidi 1 >3.01 LU jJILi iu Luu piUIODL gain A liiiii Luaveiueiii wuicu wuuig ' UluiV OpDU til Lllu liQUur diiupd U1 i-jfuuiiiNLi uu iud ouuUiAvii llu> j « liaiii i l uLLildud 1 aU lii Kucp. »V blld Luu c. vaugciiCdi Ueiiuaiiutt pul uopu c. ii dillpbuiib upon liiu aaucLiLy Ji till -j.tub ill-, 1 i»Ui gl U1 tu ixLi JvV lUdL LuU WidUum oi ludiiug auu day m ibu V<?U ha UiUlUOc ULuV Ci Om>l i y liUIILOW U . xUuLi LuVc ivU .u uUv ibiiv lilt , ii uu uiur . vv jiii iu b:x d iya luat i uey CaU in seven. Too woiid has found out tua. the lilvy iwo days oi rosi are not a subtraction but an ad dition. It has been demonstrated m il Uepa.luieuts. Duio UaStiereagh tie cmuM work his brain 335 days in inejcur, uno he bfokuuowa duU commictsd suicide, and Wilber .orc® said in regard to him; '•Hoof Uasnercugh! this comes num non observance of Ihu Sabbath.” A plum ineuc merchant oi Now York saiu. i should lOUtsugu nave much a uiuuiuc bu. tor the observance ol tue Sab bath. The nerves, the brain, the muscles, the boaoß, me entne physi cal, mouiui and morai oonsiiuUilon cry out tor isubbatlc lost. W uat is Hue of m.ii is true oi beast, xravei ere uave romi thau vuoy come soonei to tuoU dushudiiou ii they atop one day lu the seven, wuat U ihe math 1 >l’.u some ol ihuo horses attached iu the direct cars as tue poor crea tures go otumbliug and staggering oh? They are rob . oa 01 .he Naobath’s rest. Iu the days 01 old. when toe dueep auu lueoac e were driven iruui lire lur west to .ue seacoast, it was found out by positive test that those drovers got sooner to Hie seaboard Who Shopped one uay .u coVen Oh the way. They came sooner to the sea OOaid iliau those rthoUiuve right ou. The lifalltsrmuu oil tue oailko of Ncw [ uuiiaud hcV vXp iliueuted in the uiditer, uha they Uul that to- y eaicu more hsUlu the year wuen mey jbeerve ihc ria . baiu.iu.-u iu the year wuou they do nut übocrve tue ioM oath, vV Ueu 1 added a iioCky Mouu* .uni ioeomotive engineer, uj 1 was riding with him, *’ W u/ an you owiteh oil youi locomotive ou a side ttacit aud take auotuer?” as 1 saw ue wut about to do; ‘‘it seems to beh straight route,” he icpbad : “OU, we have to .et iue ioeomotivu stop and cooi oil or me uiachiuery would very soon break down.” Tue manufacturers oi salt wore tolu it they allowed tueir kettles to cool one uav in seven they would have immense repairs to make, Out the experiment was made anu tue contrast came, ami n was found that those manuiactureis of Salt wu allowed the kettles to cool mice u week had less iepairs to iaaue man those who kept the furnaces m lull blast and me kettles always not. Anal dues all this mean? It means tl.i- intellectual can and dumb oeasl .nd dean machinery cry out for in- Lord’s day. A manuiaoiurei -ua; the goods ills me 1 manu.aciurrd in the early part ot tue week ami right alter rhe tiabbath rest Wers al ways better tuau the goods maird'uic tureu iu .m> mttei par, or tu . week .nd wueu m= men were tired. Tm jjaboata comes and it soothes tue nerves, aud it puts out tue ol anxiety which nave buiut d ilii tue Week. Tue fact la, we are seven-Juy clucks aud w« have to be wound up oucea week or we will run down lulu tue grave. The Babbatu is a savings bunk into wuiou wa gather up our resources oi physical and mental strength to draw ou ah the week. That man gives a mortgage to disease and death wno works on the Sabbath,and at the must umexpeewid moment the mortgage win be lore Closed and tue soui ejected from tue promises. Every gland, eVory ceil, every giouuie, evuij uugeruaii cries out; ‘•Bemomour tut dabbath nay 10 ixcep it uoiy!” A Luiduu banker says: “1 came to D,-.Uud, thirty years ago, uu.l 1 nave nail a great deal of observation, aud I nave noticed that the bankers wno went to their places of business ou cue Bao bath, and attended to affairs, and settled up their accounts, failed, auu without one exception.” A Boston mercuimt says; "I uuVu ousel ved a long while, auu I have noticed wuen out ou tile lung wharf merchants kept their man uusy loading vessels on Sunday, aud at work trom noon until niguc on me sacred Uay—l noticed ail those merchants came to nothing and their children came to nothing.” "Gea'demea,” said a mer chant, although uu is a man oi -uu world. ”Goutiomeu. it don’t pay to work ou Bunday.” While tbe flail and the uxe, and the yardstick have not been able to destroy the Sabbath, and the vast majority ot peope, from s mitary reasons, have about con cluded it is best to rest ou thetiap bath, there is an attempt to destroy cue Lord’s day, on one slue by me grogshops aud other side by secular amusements. We have a law in this state most positively forbidding tne sale ot intoxicating drinks ou me Sabbath day. That taw is every Sab bath broken. Some say, "Let it be repealed—a law on me statute book not executed—oe--er drive out tue law.” Instead ot that we sav we Wa. t tne law to continue on tue statute book, and we mean to nave it execut ed. i’uere are three thousand liquor dealers iu Brooklyn bapded together to put down mis law. and they are moving upon the state legislature, and mey propose to have that law broken, down aud cast out from me statute book. Wuen one of our re formers comes up beiote a justice of tne peace and reports some oi these Sabbath breakers—the justice of the peace looks over and iu almost every case excuses the criminal. Why ? Be cause u« ktivWu mere are tureu tiiuu sand liquor dealers in Brooklyn wno have their eyes on him and they will remember it at the next election. Now, what we want is, on tne other hand, to have ten thousand good, uonest, upright citizens banded to gether in some excise league.deman .1- iug the execution oi the law. so waeu a justice of the peace witu tue enmi iiai betore him remembers there are tnree thousand liquor sellers wno want him to discharge the criminal, ne will have a vivid remembrance at tne same time ot the ten thousand honest citizens who demand the exe cution of the law; auu these re foimsrs who have been roughly jostled aud caricatured and kiekeif out wiii be differently treated iu times that are to come from tne way they have been treated in the times taat are past. Take the s xteeutn ward of Brooklyn, iu mat sixteenth ward, six churches.two public schools Uv.i breweries, three hundred and twenty-three liquors saloons. Out oi tnree hundred aud twenty-tnree liquor suioous in the sixteeu-n ward, bow many observe the Sabbath law? Onel and three hundred aud twenty two are this moment breaking it. Wnat a state of things that is lor the city ofchurche"! AU those mouths of hell mis moment open, breatuiug death aud desolation upou this city ot Brooklyn, Isay ii io time for all good citizens, wiiemer they are tern perance men or not, it is time for ail honest citizens, ard all men who have a pride in their homes, to rise up and put down this infamous ousi« t ess, at least une day of the week. DAILY TIMES: COLUMBUS. GEOKGIA, SUNDAY, MARCH 8. 1885. Certainly if they have full swing M inday, Tuesday, Wednesday, rnursuay, Friday and Saturday, they ought to give us at least one day of rest trom inis awful evil which is abroad amid the nations. On. I■ in my of our citz us the best uay is the worst day. Tuey get their salaries and they get their wagesun Saturday • ignt, and then they are iiiveigiieu into those places, and that which ought to have gone for tbe iivelihoo i ol me family gues for their uwa de struuiion. Wao are you, the men wno deal iu cloth and hosiery and oardware and groceries, who are you who s b bread aud 1 hoes, that you should bow down to tbe liquor traffic? Yuur places or business closed up t . - iay, tuciia opeu. Will you take oh you. hut to tnein. Is their business uritt-r than yuur=? Why should the iw giv. especial privi tge to mese men who ate uafflciug iu the bodies and souis 01 m-..? It a baker should sell bread he would be v ry apt to be arreeted. Ills not sate to loaves oi bread going itirough tuestn ets ou Sauday. It a m.u on.iul i sell sLoes and bools it wo 4d be a very danger ous thing; lie might be ari e ed. Bu ail these places open on the Bab bum. It the front door is not open, ilit) back door is opeu. Now, I tell jicu, fellow-citizens, mere is some tnug awfully wrong in this town wuen such things are allowed. Tnen mere is an effort being made by secular amus< meut to destroy uu. dabbath. Iu many of the cities, all, or neany all the places of theatric and operatic entertainment are open. There are luousands of pens busy trying to write down the Christian dabbum, aud it is a question whether we are going 10 nave pluck and grit and consecration enuugn to uanu down to our children tnu daubatu we got from our ancestors. I am opposed to ail tuose invasions or the dabbarn because they run against the divine enactment. Guu says: "If tnou turn away thy foot Horn doing my pieas ure un my uoiy Uay, thou shall walk upon Hiv nigh places." vViiatducß ne mean by “doing thy pieasur ?” He means secular amus meets. A man was toiling me now be wasaf inguted wheu during the time of an uai Mquake be heard -he bellowing o' the cattie iu tne held, and even me barnyard iowis screamed in nurroi. 1 toil you that it was iu time ui earthquake and when tue mouu aine were luu of tire chat God sent forth tue enactment, "Bemember tne dub oam uay to keep it uoiy,” the ago ulus oi nature emphasizing me divine injunction. ‘‘Ou,” says some one “we ought to nave as they uavuiu otuer cities. We ought to those grauu sucied concerto.” I saw a man who had see one ot these grand sacred concerts. He said interspersed amid me music they nad a dance anu a tight-rope walk anu a trapeze per formaucu. I suppose it was a holy dance anu a consecrated tight-rop' I do not know about that, but 1 in certain u was a “grand sacred cm ceil.” Oh, will a man rob God? Yes he will, and every place of secu lar amusement that is open ou dab barn iu any city is grand faieeuy against me Lord Gou Almighty. Tue auiler was right. The c.piau. ■isotiarged ail ids crew uecuuse mej wuulu not wum ou tne daboatn when tuey wore in pun, Tue captain wetu out to gei aaotner crew. He Bald to one man; “I enema uke iu have yuu ou my snip.” Tue man said; “I .mould like tu be employed.” "Will you wui'x ou Guuuay?” "No.’’ “Aii. no.?’ ' Because a man that will rob GOU Almighty will cheat me cut Ol luy wages,” Ou, have you eve; looked at the me-utiess of me Uese cration ol tue Hubua. 11 ? Bupposeyou were a poor man and went to u dry goods merchant aud you beggeu fur some articles or clothing, and he mould say to you, "I will give yuu now six yards ui ciom.” and while he goes oil at one end ot the counter tu bind up the six yarns or elum, you sup in oeuind me counter auu steal another yard. That is what every man dues when he breaks the dab batu. God gives us Six days aud we want to steal me utiier. “On,” say some. “Haven’t you any regard lor the people s rights?" Yes, i believe in the people having tiieir rights, but uas nut me Lord any rights? You govern your lamily, ana the gover nor rules the state,aud tne president rules the United blares. Do you really mink me Lord Aimignty who made rue heavens and me earm has a right to rule me universe? HaU he a rigni to make the enactment: “Be member the dabuam day to keep it uoiy ?" There is no Inger court than that. I declare it now in presence oi all me people, whether it be a popu lar or an unpopular thing to say, tne people nave no rights except mose which the Lord God Almighty gives uUULU. I am opposed to ail these infrac tions of the daubam because mey are attempting to introduce lu mis country me Parisian Sunday. Sup pose now, while lam speaking, you should near the gun ot a foreign snip coming up the harbor. Suppose a bombshell shouid be thrown trom a mreigu irigate into mis city. How soon me taoernaciu would oe cleared aud we would be all ready lor the contest, and where tnere was a guu it would be brought into requisition, and all tue ships in the navy yard would be swung from their aucuor age.aua we wouid all be ready to con trout sucn a foreign enemy. Now tuey are trying to introduce into this countiy me Parisian Sabbath, How no you like it? Ye who were oom under the shadow ot me or the Catskills, ye wuo were burn ou the banks or mo Tennessee or the Savannah, how would you like to have the Parisian Sundaj. intiuduc-d lulu Mia country? We say to all who come trom other lands, come, come.- 1 would have all me gates of the contiueut swing open. I would nave the gates ot San Fran cisco swing open toward Asia, and me of the Atlantic swing open toward Europe, It next year ttieie snail coiue Suu.ulW from foreign lands I would say let mem come. You have not been lu Texas, you have not been to Oregon, ii you are airuid. it you have any idea of che vast reaches oi mis country yet unoccupied, you are willing mey shall come, auu the more that come the better. But among those people who will come mere is a divisiou ( me same asamong people iu this country—the law abid ing and the lawbreakers. The law abiding people, we want mem to cou.e. The law-breakers, we do not want tnern. We du not want me monarchies ol Europe. We do not want tiie Parisian Sunday, or the Drtsdeuian Sunday. We want to keep the quiet us our Christian Sab- Dam. I was awakened in Paris by a great the street,and I rushed to me window to oue what was the matter. I said to some one: “What is the matter?” "Ohl” they replied, “it is Sunday.” Sunday! Ail the vehicles rushing hither and thither. People talking at tne heights ot their voices and in the most uoisteious manner. The Ouamps Elyses one gieat mass, one great mou, of pleas ure-seekers. B illoone flying; parrots cnattering; footballs .oiung; Punca anu Judy shows in scores ot places, each witn . shouting audience; hand organs and cymbals and all styles ot racket, musical and unmusical. Sun day 1 Sunday I Aud then as ma day p issed on toward night I stood and saw the excursionists come home, fagged out men, women ana children a great gulf stream of fatigue and irritability and wretenedn ess. A drunken Fourth of July instead of a Christian Sunday. How wouid you like to have such a Sunday as mat in miscountrj? Compaie it with the Christian Sabbalb in one ot our best cities. A day dawn a holy ell ace comes down. The business man tar ries longer on the plilow because there arc no store doors to opeu, no haid work to be engaged iu. The family tarry longer around tbe table. Tiwe is no rushing off to business. After a while there i* a soiig sung. After a while mere is a prayer ot tered, slid after a while, about 10 o'clock, there is a long procession churchward ana there they praise God tor Hib goodness aud mey con tribute to the poor, me suffering and me wandering. Which Sunday do you like tbe best? 1 will toll you in wmeh boat me Sabbath came to tbit courtly and in which boat It wdi go out. The Sabbath came tu tint country in me May 11 wer, aud ill. ever ihvSiuoxm ever leaves this ujuu.iy it whi go in cheaiH that floats above a deluge ol a de stroyed nation. It you have ever been in Brussels or iu Paris, ou the Sabbath uay, il requires no great persuasion tor me ou my part (o get you to pray morning, noon aud night that Buell a Sabbath may never come to this country. Then, It issued an outrage on em ployees. Where do these bartendere get their Sunday? Do they get auy more wages? No, The breaking down Ot Bunday, what dues it mean? It means that a few men who toil shall toil seven days aud get no more man they get for six. Then there are all the employees of the opera houses and the meatres, the sCene-diiHtcre, the baiiut cancers, the call boys, tbe supernumailea.makiug up thousands and thonßands lu this country. Where am they going to get their Sunday? You see them uu me stage witn tbs tinsel and me tassel, aud cue naibi’euß.oi you ace tin m in gauze whirling lu tue toe tortures, auu they seem queens aud tallies; tut after 12 o'clock at night see them g-dug aloug tile street in faded dress, shivering aud cold aud hungry, to their garnets or melt cellars, it means that those people ehui Uave no r, st fur the body aud uo rest iur the soul. When you talk about opening places oi secular amusement uu meßabbstb, while tUeio may be people outside ol such eßtablisumeuis who are wanting mem, mere arc mauy ui these em ployees wno are practically praying; “Ou, Gud, let me crusumg jugger naut stop cue day in seven 1 ’ it la a swiuduug proceed upon employ ecu, It is » proposition tu give uo Sab bath to thousands aud tuusauds oi people iu tins country. i'ueu, all these movements are a war upon out political institutions. Where tho Sabbath goes down the re public goes lluWl, D;a3eiUcC-.tBS ic inconsistent wuu suir-guvernai *ut. Si.bhutu-bicakiug IS UiaauiUK-ueeo. Wnat is tne matter with Kepubuu oauism in Laly aud iu Spain? No Sabbath. Vvuut la the matiei with Bepubucauiom lu France? France got a republic, bat cue day the modern Napoleon rude thruugu tire Obamps uliysees, aud the republic went aown uuaer the cia-t' ring uuufs, France has a republic again, but how often it quakes from ena to eud, and one 01 n c commune ulO only just to piaster au insUrgtut iUV-1 .lotiuLUi agains a stilus wall, ana ail i rauue is aquck ana in fear 01 revolution mat is to cuult:. i’lence Will never have auy quiet, nappy -nd permanent republu uuiil sns quits her roysie.iug Sib oathl wad icCOguiaes God aUd sacred tciijgs. Ab ash me Sabbath anu then you h ave the cemmuueiu Atuer wa. Abolish ttie baubam and then you revolution, and men you nave me uuu oi prusri- Aly g dug oowu m ia*.knesßaua iu mood. May me Lord uua ol Joexiugtou ana Bunker H.ii ana G nysbutg avert the catastrophe, Uh, men auo women wno believe in Umistiau tilings, On, men auu women 111 favor us popular liberty, stand in solia ptraiaux iu mis Tueriuupyim oi oui national history, rar as ceruuiy as I stand here ana you su mere, me ui umph or overthrow or republican in stimiions in tuis count!y win Do ue cidod in mis Saobutic cuuteet. Daily your voices, your pens, your pruning pleases ana all your influence in the Lord's artillery corps in behalf ui me Unnstlac Sabbam- Decree beture nigh heaven that thebabouth wnicu y<JU XCCt;lV<3ui Goul JUUL UtsCu-oiUiß snail go down undamaged to youi children. For those that die batmug in mis contest we will Chisel tue epitaph; “These are they wno come oat of great tribulation, aud hud their .robes washed auu made white iu me blood of me Lamb.” But for taat man who proves recreant to the cause ui Goa and his euuu.ry iu a crisis like ibis, there shall be uu honorable epitaph, aud ue snail not be wormy of auy burial place iu ail this land,but perhaps sumastesjui tug at midnight may take him out ana drop him iu me sea Where tbe law less winds which observe no Buuday may gallop over the grave oi him who in lite anu death proved himsell a traitor to ths cause ot Guu aud American institutions. Long uve the Unnstian Babbaml Perish forever ail attempts to overthrow it! him hOOuL o—— OrVJLY,- THURSDAY, MARCH 12th. SVEOIAE ENGAGEMENT OF THE ACCOMPLISHED .YOUNG ARTISTE MINNIE MADDERN, Who will present lor the tlrst time here Her etKEA! IBIUMEH <D JV JE* Jti. 1 <D JEI: . By tbe Author oi “MAY BLOSSOM.' MR. HENRY MILLER —AND IHE- Original New York Company, NO ADVANCE IN VBlOEH—lleserved Seats at Cha*un*s. Hale begins MONDAY 9a. in. mch9-tt Job Office BiuL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, I LIIEE HEADS, SHIPPING BOOKS NOTE HEADS, EEOEIP'I BOOKS, UIKOULAkS, BUSINESS OAEDb HAND BILLS, POSTAL OAEDS, TOSfEBS, VISITING CALLS. IN VITATIONS, PICNIC TICKET FANCY SHOW CARDS, And everything else In tne Job PrlnUuf line executed with neatness aud dlspate. Will duplicate New York orders with ex press charges added. i Bring us your Job Printing and we will give you satisfaction In prices and style l WiNbix A Da Wolf WESTERN R. R. OF ALABAMA. ■. J “ rhe Quickest and Most Direct ioute to New York, PiiilndelpMa, Bal timore, Mild WVuSlliUg tOU. rrfclns ibtve aafullowa; TI.UE TABLG KO. UO, TAKING SWKOT HINJat, JAn. 18, UMS. Hz -TWAHL I Lv Nhw Orieaud... 16 top ru B.o’ » m xxV. .uu/^gonn»i;M.ouam, 9;uo p iu Irr ' oJumbua .... luap ml $46 a cl Lv '.JliLno h ... am djUf' jd m ,rr Weal i omt ... 12; 19 - m .47 a. in \rrA>i»uU B:BUpdQ| <J;4ba. ui ■VAUD. ( NO. Woit Point 6:l£ p iu B:o7am .-.rr cmiuiliU<lb. .. 7 ,</ p mj o;*j ■ . id Lv Col am Ulis , .... in 9;U: pn Arr. NK'UtgOmtorj B.lup a. t>:JGxr Arr Mobile. 2;U6 a u J;uu p n ..i r hew Orleans -■ ;.3 p a North. . NO, 61 NO. 69 NO. 60 NO* »3- 7:6t piu'luuD ain Waflh*gt’n|loi4Q am 9.1 Upm IJair. pmlliiW » w Baltimore mos a m u :6v p m i;ju e m 3:lopm PEUadel'a OiUl a u. B:4<. rm tt;3o*up.lj p m Saw York! S:4O am Liuu y ru .‘uiimuu Nleepera on all trains 52 between Montguiuery anti Huhiugiou gHMoui CiiMuge. Western Kialirwad Sieepera «u trains 52 aud 53 between y aud Ltluuiu. AtaliM, 30, il, 62 and 63, inaawctoae aonueotioLi wUL traiUH to aud irorn MoDHoana Uow Orleanu. Train cohlguth at Montgomery with iralwucz Suiina and ixuiaula. uoiinvctiouß mada a; Upuiika vvisii .I,4bi «.i»ljamaaud Uiuoiuuati, au< i.' D uud Woncera uaiiroaun. til train* exotic 62 aud 63 connect UaeliLW with * geo railroad. Train* No. C aud tlitu uAixy »xoopt uaud .j,. CHAS, 11. CKO rA’* ienural Pa&aouger Agenc. GBATTAHOUGHtE SHkHIFf SALL. Wil] be sold Lalort tLe OourtLouae door, in e*iu tut Eiii-t Tiittuey it Aiii. next wikHiL tUo i tgai houib oi r.iLc, tne io iowil icoperty, lu-wlt; Dot i land No. 91, in the 7th Duinct O. M.» ui t*id ccunty, coutaiLug fO’ee more or leas, riaid xanu .tried cl anati aui by virtue ol a i«*x il iw lEBi.tG bx the lux gOLOOUU Oi Baid count) SgalLel J. E D. . Lip or b.U-tu aud county itieb for tue ja?.i ibui Levy iu»de and ,etur. ea b) B. 0. < tdy, l. . 0 oi aulu. county of Uiiattauoouhue« Nouuu give icuaut liu pOßbtfefliou, aISS. at ihu t aiue ume ai d piaoa, will be Hold uu tha Firfat aLci-uay in April ucXt,, lot ol land Nu . 7,coub4ining two iiunartd two suu ouc*i.ali sen a mine or (2o2> a ) m the 7td HBtrlct ol originally Muecagee m. * r,ai<i conuty oi chut tn hoociiee. zeVi.c - upon a tue property of Henry sohuocH, u-U< i auu uj oi i. tax ii .a is sued Ly the lax Collector of Uhaitahuochee county agonist said li*nry Jobm-ou. lor btate ati | county tun i r the year 188*. daid lanu uutiapr' ved Nonce give... to leu-nt in poeeofl* tJH’L, x.fcVj Ul-.-C aMU Hturuuu LU ID bj is. u. (Jody. L. oi b*td C'jun yol UuaitsLvi cnee. AllU fat iht> LLDae pidUb) OU ,b irr.t Tues day -u Apru u< Xv, wiL o > Mold lot ui aaua No Vi. iu the 7lu Dtairici cunt -imug aorea more ur lest, oi oriwiual.y Muscogi e ueu a-id county oi cnwitah<.oviiev, levied upon *.* h properti < i b.riug.tuiuw Hiuee, num r t*Ld by vatm o: a m ii if* ißHued by the Tnx uoiieoior oi UDkt.tbLO'.* c: e« ccuDw.. aiud oir,L t 1 i ihlß ler diaio anu count; tuxeo or tbe year 1 oi, baiG .a u i p > ■-. Levy uu i< an lutuxm 3 iuc uy D. u Xkubert L. Uouy, Auiije given tenant ih pON -.ent ton. L, HAi'F, bhcritl. January 29 1 85, ILo j. *»t uifi biihe place, on tne Firat lureday la a, run» xl, V: x_. b oid lot <4 .on iN » 92. cun caiEijig iu i 4 acre more or it aa, tn tne 'hl Dia trict M originally , xiei atld cou i D I. ... L. . . 1 Vl u,.' 1. >L' pr< I ■t; .ii» g Uctlik.i. uu <1 nu ov virtue ui a '-tx ti i ‘AsUdU Vj -Uu xaX UHODfcOi G1 Lba.L.LuUUU t O 'UUty agaiufat aai*. h J uliid lorßtb.eanu county tax?B or tne y .iri; Br. .-'ai' &gc> i-.a. ! *Ü Hive. L.Uft t iaa p, HUt .-BIOL, in 5 ' ic ell- tv LD. cy x, . LOdy, la m ol u it. c'-ULiy ol uh*tiuiiooui. ee. AL -J, kt ‘L b* .u place, ua ifiret 1 ueeday ii 4, . i aull be aoiH lot land 2l ■■ 116, .jontaiu mg 2v2; a mc es ui eur t b, ju ti 7m L'tetrict ol ori fr i.aii> ...u Jug-• t u,»u aa.l uouciy ui Guattahoocute. itviea upoL as .Le a rtCDuMon, un-.'.r »Ld oy vinua ot * *«x ti t* iri* S'ie»i by tue Lax do.mctur ui (ju»4tabujcbi< county a b ulust eai.i a F ml.UiOo i.r rl& county Isa* a iur tae yuar ibbi, taaid jaud >t> not improved. Notice uiVou tenant is poafeeaaioia, Levy made-nd returned to mo by liu 'Jody, L C o: aaid county oi GuatuhuocLoe. aLju, ai tue BA-o-o, on the hire: luebday m Ap il next, U'lM oe ao.a.ot oi .sud No 95, con taining 2ti2>4 acred dioic or kaa, in the 7,h Dia iriot ui oiiginaity uuaeogee, now aaia cuauty ol Uhattau locuee, xev.ed upon aa ihe property el Mid A; it lie Ugieirto uu-er aud byvir.ueif a i.xli la laiiiieu by tile I.x ol eciur ol Cbatta uoochee cuu .ty agaiuet a..;d Mra Mittie <>«!•.■ :r,e,.or Dixie auu county taxißiur the >ear Daid i*nd ia nut imp. uved. Nonce given tenant iu puHHGSBioa. Lovy made aud rt turned to me uylill Oody, L C ol aanl county ui übattahoo oaee, AL at u- c licCb, ol tL-j Fi * Tu -day -l April inxt, will be ->oid lot < f l*nd No 93. cen tal. log 20. ;-e aureo . ore >r i «e, m ;u< 7tn U tn l u. . x.giua.iy M..blu w c., now t>am louuq ci t'hEttaUuoclite, .eviea upon uuaei and by virtue oi a tax ii ißdiied by the Tux OMiwtur *4 Chat tahoochee county agaiuat a&id lot cl la.-d aa the laud ol Buea. Halo iauu ib not improved. Levy made am returned to mu by ii u Cody, L Uo a kid county oi UuatLAhuuohue. BABF, Sheriff January 29,18d5 fe-26wlm WHI. iMM S BALSAM Cures Colds Piionnionia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cougii, and all diseases or tho Breathing Organs, It soothes and heaU tlie Membrane of the Lungs, iufliuued and poisoned hy the disease, and prevents the night sweats and tightness across the chest Which accompany iE COJiSCMI'TKM 1 tenet an malady. It is oulj necessary to have the rlgfeS mnedy< and HALL’S BALSAM Is that remedy. DON’T DESPAIR v! BELIEF, this benign specific will cure yv«, though pruies- .;-i o rMls, rw-* * ■« .nßgbk HENRY’S IKSSBSaws ciiMUCMm. Most Powerfia lleatine Agent et~ir Lflscovererl. Carbolio Salve heal* Hewry’s Carbolie Salve euree eorev Carbolic Salve vllaytt pain, Uew^j f 9 Carbolic Salve curca lie-nry’a Carbolic Salve beale vimplr.i, Henry’* Carbolic Salve heal* oruisea. for iftenry’s, and Taue No Other J3F’ BEWARE OF COCNTERFETaH TOWNSLETS mag mm CUBES IN ONE MINUTB. Sdey’s Carbolic Troches, A SURE PREVENTIV E OP jQntotfiOTis Diseases Colds, JtioareMMNMk TMvhtberifa., and Whooping- Cou«h; jplearanf J aale, Wi Qgygsaaui Bitten Believe Dyspepsia and Biliousness |HF EUR SALE BIaVLL PKUGGISTB. ,VOHM S’ henryT cuhkan * OQ, sots rnoimißTOßa EMBROIDERIES! AT THE TRADE PALACE wm siMOiia laMianies SEIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUTY. -o: The Entire Lot Thru rn into the Auction Rooms and Bought by the Know ing 0.. i 3 lor 25oouts on the Dollar. GBAY ALWAYS ON THE ALERT FOR S, Takes the lubidi, Track aud Scoops in the LlbiVS SHARE. We will have these GOODS ou Exhibition MONDAY and all during the WEEK and invite an Inspection of them; tney are without Exception tbe Finest Assortment ana the BEST VALUE that we have ever handled—see chemi and pasa your Judgment. TH£Y ARE JUST HALF PRICE. (bn PAH Dollars worth of laces of every ()Z,uUU STILE, QUALIIV AAD TEXTURE, FROM 5 . i lii Torchon io the Finest Egypiion at $2 50 ano $2 75 Per lard. $2,300 WORTH OF Parasols, Coachings and Sun-Umbrellas, . These GOODS are Marvels oi Beauty, Design and Workmanship. 300 Dozen Genta’ Hemsteiched, Col- < 280 Dozen Gents’ UnlaundriedShirte orea B .aderea Handkerchiefs at 25 | al 35 cents, Wamsutta Domestic and cents, Worth 40 cents. | 21 Linen Bosoms aud Cuffs. The KING of the Southern DRY ROODS Market is Coming this Week. la hut tor a Slaughter, He Makes Things Lively FOK COMPETITORS. C. P. GRAY & CO. WE WILL BE IN NEW YURK For Several Weeks, Buying our Spring Stock ot Piece Goods, Clothing, Hats n I ,-i and Furnishings. If you need any- thing, be sure and call upon us at j ar, b 85 Broad Street„and see the I U W New Styles as they arrive. Im | Our Prices will induce you to trade /1 I with us this Season. t ’ j The 3est of our Winter Stock at I / '□Lower Prices to Close. H. J. THIiHtiTOH, jN£W GUOBS KZirs.'V’jaisrs. Wool Combination Suitings, Choice Colors in Cashmeres, Good All-Wool Cashmere at 50 cents. choice lock 'o-mghama una caiiucs, Taolu xiinens Towels and Napuns. New is die time to buy these Goods, Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs, Good Handkerchiefs, Fast Colors, at 3c. up to the Best Grades 10,000 Yards More of those HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES at Astonishingly low prices. Ladies’ Underwear Department Just opened. Ail tne Stock Freeh and at Popular Prices. J. ALBERT .KIRVEN. IMMENSE STOCK OF Furniture, Carpetings, Curtain-Goods* Window-Lihades, etc», REGARDLESS OF COST 1,000 Chairs, from 50 cents to $lO 00 , Moquet Oarpets 51.50 pr yd. bestqual 500 Bedsteads from SI 75 to 40 00 | Tapestry Carpets 65c to SI.OO pr. yd. 100 Imitation Wak Suite,slß to 40 uo i Body Brussels *’ 85c to $1.35 pr. yd. 100 Walnut Suits,from $25 to S2OO 00 I Rugs 78c to SIO.OO 15 Parlor Suits from S4O to $l5O 00 [Straw Mattings 10c to 40c. Oil Cloths, 400 to $1 25 per bquare yard. Art Square (Druggetts) including best Kiddemueter, all wool $8.50 to sls Will duplicate pricee of any Market. Upholstering Goods at your own Prices. x_,. JFLOOXXTE'Y, Up Stairs, 83 and 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ELEVATOR ALWAYS KEWY. tels- -3m, MoftMlniiCo. hie Old and Billable Georgia Oo.upany c xrtmuee to take Fire risks of all kinds Charter perpetual. DIVIDEND No. 26 FOB 1884, 88H per cent. The PHCENIX, of Hartford, Conn., ROCHESTER-GERMAN, of New York r All solid OoKipanlee, representediin 'this Agency, tvatasi low. Dosses' prompt! adjusted, B. B. MUKDOCKs Av* ent