Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, March 19, 1885, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES. .. 1 111 LitttiKsr cihcui. vraov la akaCaaatle. AiihWßt €• »•*’»««>» nl <'ol«»h... <’olmnbun. Weorult*. THUBBHAY MABOH »» 18*6 Mahiett* ana Atlanta will B °ou be connected by telephone. The posts are being placed for the wire*. It la aala now that General Grunt cannot sleep at night. He stays awake all night, nearly. Whether from physical pain, or nervous or brain troubles, It will wear him out Bleep Is more necessary than tine food, and ts he cannot sleep, he will be wretched though he live. Our sympathies go out to the mortal that can’t sleep. Sancho Panza glorified the man,who invented sleep. Weare a Bancao Panza man In this particu lar. We have lost much sleep our self—not in • counting beads”—but in being awake when we could not help It. Ont beet wish for Grant Is that he may "sleep. *’ Th« paragraph in the president’s inaugural lu relation to Mormonism, is said to have given the latter day saints mora;une<Miness than all the laws and orders heretofore issued from Washington. And so it is with his late proclamation to the Oklaho ma bummers. He tells them ttiat they shall keep out of this Indian res rvation. and they believe him. There 1s a power in earnestness that frequently prevents trouble. —-V' TzxKZare many things In this life that are disagreeable, but wo have been fortunate enough to find but few of them that upset our personal comfort more than these spring bllz sards do. They keep our wood piles and coal boxes below zero, shut off the heat of the snu, drive vegetation back into its fountains, and play havoc generally. After spending all our little money with the northwest for something to eat, we don’t think they ought to send their vagabond blizzards this way t > freeze us up. SRI»T VIHK IM ATLANTA <la*M»* Block In rlamea. Constitution. At 8 o’clock thia morning fire broke out In J»aw block, containing Jumw' bunk Mercer's European hotel, batik, Thornton's book store.and a largenumber otofllees of attorneys. The slimes are spreading rapidly over the whole area, and It oow looks as it the entire square, bounded by the railroad, Whitehall, Ala bama, and Pryor streets, would be de stroyed. The loss, It th- fire continues Its dreadful work, will be immense. Great crowds are gathering around the locality. While the fire la raging a light rain Is falllug. A report hasjuet reached the Constitu tion that Oapt. Ed Mercer, who rooms lu the building, has been fatally Injured by a fall In trying to escape. A sciiGKiN reports to Nature the result of investigations as to the rea sons why the tropical man is black. He says the coloring pigment Is pro vided by nature in order to protect the body from the sun’s rays, just as smoked glass defends the eye from the sun, the pigment cells being placed in front of the nerve termina tions. It would, therefore, appear that nature, at least, had no inten tion of consigning the black man to an inferior position when It made him black. WKST POINT AND ANNAPOLIS. A correspondent of the New York Bun is greatly dissatisfied with the methode employed at Annapolis. He asserts that the academic board is tan upon the theory that no cadet shall be graduated wbo can be dropped, unless he has family or official influ ence. He adds, among other things, the following: "The workings of the weeding out process are even more amazingly Illustrated at West Point than at Annapolis. At West Point the cadets are put threegti the treadmill of pure mathe matics until a handful only of each class is graduated not enough to furnish officers for the arjny. To meqt thia deficiency young men, invariably selected by social or political Influence, are appointed from civil life. They go througg with a flimsy examination, for which they are broached, and, without merit or fitness, are pltcbedforked into a ring, while first, second, third and fourth class cadets, with some military training and considerable informa tion are dropped from West Point for not making a fancy average lu fancy mathematics. The case of young Wright, lately dropped from the academy, then reappoint ed from civil life, and of young Brew •ter, beautifully illustrate the sys tem. It is also a significant fact that the engineer corps, which means those wbo are graduated highest in fancy mathematics, has actually fur nished an argument against employ- Ing engineer officers in high com mands, on the ground that they are likely to be too prudent; they are always piepartag to fight, but never ready to fight. O, for the plain, practical and heroic training receiv ed by Decatur and Perry and Bain bridge! Could Lawrence have been graduated from the Naval academy he would have been bounced at the first semi-annual examination.” This correspondent appears to know what he is talking about, and it is to be hoped that among the many serious matters which will need the attention of the new admin istration, the notorious demoraliza tion of our national schools at West Point and Annapolis will receive early Investigation. They need over hauling badly. For years they have been allowed to degenerate until their efficacy has been seriovUy im paired. The fresh breeze of Demo cratic reform must blow the cobwebs out of these institutions.—Atlanta Journal. WASHINGTON LETTER. - »W" Cut BtgniAt Correapondßiit. Wa-uuhgton, March 16, 1886. The situation in Washington is In teresting. and even surprising. It is plain that in the presidential chair, .round It, or behind it, there Is a mind and a will. I will not sav that certain fiery reformers are happy in the realization of their impatient hope. And it must besatd that those most in need of reformation have taken new heart and bold; but let all wait with patience and prayer, and they will, I think, see the giory of the new dispensation revealed with the exaltation of the light men and prin ciples—with the confusion of thieves and money changers, who have so long preyed upon the substance of tne country. There is an old Latin maxim”feßtl na fente”—hasten slowly—and this seems to be the rule of the new ad luinistaation. Kotorm was very prop erly begun at the white house. Four clerks swept from office with one swoop of the new broom. Five thous and dollars per year and much desk room eaved. !be example was taken up in the treasury department, where Secretary Manning has discharged forty useless employes from one bu reau. Secretary Lunar has first applied his broom to the stables adjoining the interlord'partment. For years of republican ascendancy carriages and horaes have been kept at extrav agant expense io ail the departments, and have been used not for the pub lic service, bur. for the convenience of the families of public officials. The Hue iquippage that has beenused to convey ladies to receptions late at night, has been ordered to be sold and the seven persons who have been carried on the pay roll ae drivers will no longer have tne semblance of a right to draw thoii unearned pay. Os course this is only a beginning. In ail the departments, and in ail the bureaus, and subordinate offices superfluous ch-rks are stumbling over one another. Turn the loafers out and then it will be 'easier to find the rascals. Twenty t housand em ployes can be discharged with result of positive improvement, and expe dition in government work. Get your little pencil and multiply , 20.000 by $1,500, aud you will have an idea, but not a lull one, of the amount that will be saved; for you have not taken into account the office room, and furniture of this vast army. Lt is not necessary to say that there is much uneasiness, and alarm in all the departments. The reduction of thecleiloal force is an unexpected 11 auli movement, and it has set thousands ol clerks quaking in their luxurious sinecures. “Turn|the loafers out” is a now and terrifying sound. There are many straws indicative of a new era. An order has been is sued to all the employes in the patent office that there shall be no more reading or talkiug.duriug office hours, and that those classes aud divisions which are behind with their work must work after office hours until it is brought up to date. The patent office has been conducted in a lax and siattery way. In some classes of invention, as textiles, bar vest ere, printing, stoves and furnaces, household furniture, builders, bard ware, surgery, etc., the patent office examiners are from threat) twelve months behind with their work, and applicants for patent have frequently to wait, six montns or a year before their oases are taken up. The recent order indicates that the new admin istration will introduce a new order of things, not only io the patent office, but in other branches of the public service. The rush of cffiei seekers has abated, and the new a Iminiatration has more time to address itself to work. It Is a fact much commented on here that very few office seekers have come from the south, and that many have come from the northern aud northwestern republican states. Mince the president has announced that he will not hear applicants for office personally, but will refer all applications; to the proper cabinet officers, he has been but little troubled. There will doubtless be important changes made, but policy and good business management would require that they should not be made until after the most careful deliberation, aud thorough study of the needs, and abuses or the service. Any person acquainted with affairs will know that the work will be all the better .done for the caution that precedes its inception. A national bank has the power to purchase such realestate as shall be mortgaged to it iu good faith byway of security for debts previously con tracted, aud it in order to secure the same debt it purchases other real estate not mortgaged to it that does not effect the title to the land it was authorized to purchase. Bi held by the supreme court of the United Bcates in the case of Reynolds ve. First national bank of Crawfords ville.—Bradstreet, ——• ♦ • —. At the reeent auction of wines of the Marquis de Cass Fuente, which was held at the hotel Drouot, six bottles of Chateau Lafitte, ’65, fetched seven hundred and seventy francs, $24 the bottle; twelve bottles Johannisoerg-r, 760, and tweotyflve hotties of flue champagne brandy realized sl7 per bottle. These prices are not extraordinary for those who remember the sale which took place four years ego tn the same rooms, when two bottles of ObateauMargaux fetched $77 On that occasion the chief purchaser was M. de Bavhesky, whose magnificent art collection has just been sold, and whose cellars were noted as the richest privaet cellars in Europe. The present pur chaser is one of the best known res taurateurs in Parts, and the same wines now figure in his wine list at the margin of profit of forty-five francs a bottle. The bandy is priced at $3.50 per glass. DAILY TIMES: COLUMBUS. GFOBOIA, THURSDAY. MARCH 10, ! SSI S TH»: V»”ANT MMfKM. Oonstltiitlou Special: Washington, March 17. -Thenom In at ion of the district attorney at Atlanta, postmaster at New nan are dally expected, and will almost certainly be scut in this week. B-uatora Brown and Colquitt both called at the department of juetioe to-day iu reference to the former office. Congressman Henry R, Harris has been in Washington weeks past, at tending to the applications of hie constituents. Congressman George T. Barnes and bis bride are here to day. They will visit several points tn Virginia on their way back to Au gusts. Must of the congressman have ie’t Washington, convinced that few ap pointments are to be made soon. Thousands oLappiieai.lomi are on file in every department, aud tne list is largely increased every day, but action will be bad on very few of them until the principal offices dl rectly connected with the executive departments are considered and provided for. Much anxiety is felt as to Cleve land’s action In the impending va cancy in the New York postoffice. The Tammany delegation, which has just been here, say the reap pointment of Pearson will ruin the democratic prospects for the nex fall’s election in that state. - Ths Illinois legislature Is hard to please in a senator. Their work shows little but devotion to parti sans. Illinois has hundreds of good men for any public duty, and the legislature should make a selection In the interest of he public, and not fritter the session away without mak ing a choice. WESTERN H. R. OF ALABAMA. The Quickest and Most Direct Route to New York, Philadelphia, Bal ti more, and WashlnKleu. Close ccDuecti'jUh made with Piedmont Alt Line, Atlantic Ou ust Line, Kennesaw or Cincinnati Southern. Train. leave u follow.. TIME TABLE NG. TAKING KPVKOT SONOAX. MAKOU. 8, !«CB, KAHTW4KI- ■•< «: l.v N-w brh'Buv... UMfiu ebl>». m Lv. Moutgomary.. u.oo am 11:00 p m Arr colutubun .... l.ujpm 6.46 i w Lv OotUMibii# .. hms&ill 2:U >. m A rr Wfcet I'clnt ... 12;1» «ni 12:27 a. il Arr AH»uu tt.BupaJ 8;46». in WLHTWAHV. NO, NO l-iati Atißuta i aw pa>|llt4o pm “ Waal Point 4:43 pui 3:b7 a m Arr Coiutubuh. ... 7U/p wifi;* ■>. fc Lv Oolambna . ...... 2.80 p no 9:o ■ p iu Arr. Mtouigowery.. j 7 4pm o:dUam arr Mobile, 2;u&bid J.oUp u Arr \aw Orleans . | 7:UU a it 7:3' p m Worth. Mouth* NO. 61 NO. 6t NO. 60 NO. 13— 7;6C p m 10:26 < iu Waab’gt'n lUiiU a la' 9,10 p oi 18:0ft pm a nu Baltimoral9;o6 a u>'>’.6o p m LiW a in 8;10piu Philadal'a tf.ul a m' 1:46 pm 6;BU a m 6:16 p m Naw fork' 3:40 anj Aj’.OO p o I’ulluutu Nleepera on all train* 58 hetvvaeu Moulgtxua'ry and tVashiugtou without < liangv. Western Hailroad Bleeper* an train* AD and 53 between Montgomery and Atlanta. Trains 60, 61, 62 and 58. mah«clo«e aonnectioEt with trains to and irom Mobile and daw Urieaiiß. Trslu (2 oouDoola *t with tralna lu Selma and Kriftula. Oouueotlauß uiada »t Opelika with East Alabama and Cincinnati, and the (JolumbuM and Western Bailroads. AH traliia exoept 62and 68 ounnt ol at Ohebaw with Tutka* gee railroad. Trains No. 6 aud 6 run dally except SwnAayi. (IIAS.II. ( KOHWILL, General Passenger Agtnl. THE. GREAT NEW YORK 10c. STORE, No, 100 IIIIOA.O tHI’ltEJiaT. Glassware, Tinware, Hardware, Woodeuware, Notions, aud Every thing else. • Our Prices are from'lOc Positively nothing sold higher than 10 cents. Never before heard of Bargtins. To give us a call is money in your pocket. J. K. HOLLOWAY & Bro. mrl-wim STOCK COMPLETE! PIECE GOODS FOR Spring 1885 INCLUDING THE LEADING NOVELTIES. AMERICAN AND FOREIoN GOODS FOB MAKING SUITS TO OKDER. Stock Unrivaled I Prices Right I A FEW BARGAIN SUITS LEFT, AT CALL AND SEE US. G. J. PEACOCK. Clothing Manufacturer, 6i & 66 Bmi St. Cetamhas. • - to. P 8. All GOODS Strictly OA'H. DR. W. L. BULLARD, Columbus, Ga. Physician and Operating Surgoer Fov .11 Dl.ewe. ol tks KYK. «AK, INOSH AKD.TBBOAT Offlo. ov ar Brannon A Onrian'a drug .tor., No. I*l. Broad st. Telephone No. IX Will call at realdeuae whaa rouueeted. datiO-lyr NEW SPRING GOODS —at KIRVEN ,( S. Wool Combination Suitings, Choice Colors in Cashmeres, Good All-Wool Cashmere at 50 cents. Choice f’tock Ginghams and L’H.icOß, Tn Ole Linens Towels and Napkins. N< wis the time to buy these Goods, Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs, Good Handkerchiefs, Fast Colors, at 3c. up to the Best Grades 10.000 Yards More of those HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES at Astonishingly low prices. Ladies* Underwear Dep irtnieir Just opened. All tne Stock Freeh and at Popular Prices. J. ALBERT KIRVEjN. EMBROIDERIES I AT S TR2: rn*O A Til? DAT A P 1 !? OVER 52.000.000 WORTHJF EMBROIDERIES SEIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT FOR NON-PAYMENT OF DUTY. ■■■; o-o: Tha Entire Lot Thrown Into the Auction Rooms and Bought by the Know ing Ones for 25 cents on the Dollar. URAY ALWAYS GN THE ALERT FOR B-A.RG--A.UNI S, Takes the Inside Track and Scoops in the LION’S SHARE. We will have these GOODS on Exhibition MON DAY aud all during the WEEK and invite an Inspection of them; they are without Exception tbe Finest Assortment ano the BEST VALUE that we have ever handled—aee them and pass your Judgment. THEY ARE JUST HALF PJ&ICE. Oflft DOLLAKS WURTH OF LACES OF EVERY STYLE, QUA! U Y AM) TEXTURE. FROM 5 Cent Torchon io the Finest Egypt ion al $2 50 ano $2 75 Per Yard. DOLIzAMSWORTH OJF Paragols, Coachings and Sun-Umbrellas, • These GOODS are Marvels of Beauty, Design and Workmanship. 300 Dozen Gents’ Hemstetched, Col- i 280 Dozen Genta’ Un la undried Shirts orod B rdered II u dk. rehi fs a'2s a< 85 cents, WameUtta £) .ineettcaud cents, Worth 40 cents. | 21 Linen Besoms and Cuffs. The KING of the Southern DRY GOODS Mar ket is Coining this Week. Lookout foi a Slaughter, He Makjs Ihiogs Lively FOR COMPETITORS. C. P. GRAY & CO. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. feyk Now is the time to buy elegant Tailor-Made Garments at close prices. ri * * 1/i O ur Furnishing and Piece Gocds De- M . - Axl I partmenis were never more complete. IV W If you desire elegance, beauty, fit, j I material and close prices combined, M J call on 4jjLy_> J H. J. THORNTON, Suits to Order a Specialty. “IMMENSE STOCK —__OF Furniture, (Caruetings, Curtain-Goods, Window-Shades, etc«, REGARDLESS OF COST 1 000 Chairs, from 50 cents to $lO 00 I Moquet Carpets $1.50 pryd.bestqual 500 Bedsteads from $1 75 to 40 00 | Tapestry Carpets 65c to SI.OO pr. yd. 100 Imitation Wai. Suite,slß to 40 00 I Body Brussels " 85c to $1 35 pr. yd .100 Walnut Suits,from $25 to S2OO 00 I Rugs 75a to SIO.OO 15 Parlor Suits from S4O to $l5O 00 [Straw Mattings 10c to 4*>c. Oil Cloths, 40c to $1 25 per square yard. ArtSquir’ (Druggetts) including best Kiddemuster, all wool $8.50 to sls Will duplicate prices of any Market. Upholstering Goods at your own Prices. ROONEY. Up Stairs, 83 and 85 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. ELEVATOR ALWAYS KE4DY. felS-uSm, I Uta Old airi B,Hable Qeorgta Ootnpaay oonUnuea to taka Fire risks ot aU kinds I Charter perpetual. DIVIDEND No. 26 FOB 1884. 381, per cent. The PHCENIX, of Hartford, Conn., ROCHESTER-GERMAN, of New York, All solid tOompaniea, representedi'n this Ageaay. Hat h| low. L>3?»> prompt! Adjusted, R. B. MURDOCK. TIWIES JOB OFFICE Can Supply Business Men W ith Cards! Cards! Cards! CARDS I CARDS! CARDS! * BILL HEADS! Bill Heads! Bill Heads I Bill Heads! NOTE HEADS! Note Heads! Note Heads I Letter Heads ! Letter Heads ! Letter Heads! STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT! STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT 1 STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT PROGRAMMES! PROGRAMMES ! PROGRAMMES ! POSTERS J POSTERS! POSTERS! POSTERS and HAND' BIL.’-S! HAND BILLS! HAND BILLS! WOR NEATLY AND PROMTLY DONE AND AT I_.OY\r —-cAT I imes Office Job Rooms