Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, March 31, 1885, Image 3

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HUSKS. [Avis Gray.] I have nothing to give you—nothing but husks; My love is the thorn when the rose is gone; As chill as the greeting . >t autumn Ju-fis As cold as the kiss of a winter’s dawn. The rose may atone for the wound of the thorn; The warm sun may banish the long night’s chill; Bright sunsets may follow a clouded morn, But my heart is the wreck of a dead love still. Our Standard Congressional Greatness. (“Carp" in Cleveland Leader.] Congressional greatness! Faugh! Is our standard of greatness declining? 1 don’t know. <>ld stagers, whose prime was in the days before the war, tell us we have no such men in the house and senate its we had then They point to < lay, < al houn, and Webster, to Giddings and \\ ade, to Tom Benton and to Corwin, and they say the giants of the forum have passed away and none but pigmies have succeeded them. But we must take into account ihe tendency of the old to detract the new. and also the fact that the aver age gn at man who lives as a patriot or a statesman in history grows in greatness and goodness as time goes on. 1 imagine we have just as great men uow as we had then, lie have certainly as good ones. If you will read the papers of Jacks, n s day you will lind as many corruptions charged as now. If you go on to \an Buren you will find political parties wanting to take an inventory of the presidents furniture, and 1 can show you speeches of John Randolph in the house of representatives, making charges of corruption against the presidentsol the time of the war of 1812. Take any speci men of political crime as charged to-day, and 1 can show you its counterpart in tie days of the oue passed. "the lobbying frauds were once far more numerous Government officers al most without number defaulted in the last days of Buchanan, an I 1 have heard men who ought to know say that Bauiel j Webster used to come out into the lobbies of the senate and collect fees for speeches he was about to make in favor of certain bills then being discussed within. As long as human nature remains unchanged we will have corruption in public life - The safeguards against it have, however, ! so increased that it is far more difficult to | achieve without detection now than it was in times past, and the corruption is consequently less. Geo>g* Eliot and Carlyle. (Brooklyn Exchange.] George Eliot’s biography by her hus band, Mr. C ross, just published, is in marked contrast with that of her great contemporary Carlyle. It is as full of sweetness and light as his was full of littleness and darkness; disclosing the gentleness and benignity ot her spirit, as the harshness and rancor of his own were disclosed in Ids posthumous records Iler works had made all mankind her lovers and none of them are alienated now that they are taken into the arcanum of her spiritual life. Hut of Carlyle's ad mirers a multitude turned their faces away in silence and sorrow from the portraiture of himself which his own hand drew, lamenting that the cloud frmn which he had launched his arrows of tire ever was lifted, and such forbidding linea ments of the thunder-bearer revealed. Both are at rest now. the stormy sophist and the golden mouthed sybil, the works they wrought broadening in the remem brance of man, the informing spirit of each, which cast such enchantment on the generation in which they lived now fully disclosed, carrying the lesson, if it were needed, that love crowns with garlands only the memory of those that loved, and has but a withered chaplet for the brow clothed in wrath and wrinkled with menaces and scorn of all men and things under the siars. Boiotl by Autograph Fiends. (New York Oor. Cliicago Herald] The last time that I met Conant was at the Authors club. He bad an ardent dis like of sham aud when there entered an author of world wide reputation. who wearily remarked on opening a letter asking for his autograph, that he was bored to death by such requests, the provocation to expose the humbug was not resisted. “How many letters begging your autograph do you get every week, on the average?” Conant inquired. “Not less than fifty, ” was the unosten tatious reply, “and they make my life miserable. ” “How long does it take you to write your name on a sheet of paper, fold it. seal an envelope, and address it?” “Well, I really don't know. ” “ Let us see, " and Conant laid his watch on the table while slowlv going through with the process. “That 4 took just fifteen seconds. Answering the entire fifty polite, complimentary requests for your autograph -if you are so fortunate as to receive that number of tokens of popu larity weekly—would occupy no more than a quarter of an hour. ” The lesoon was a sound one. There is no sillier aileclation than that of being bored by the autograph fiends. Japan Becoming Anglicised, okohama Letter.] Among the better classes of the people are many who wear European dress, while still more wear a mixture of native and European. Along the streets one sees numerous signs printed both in Eng lish and Japanese, while in a large pro portion of the stores people can nearly al ways be found who speak more or less English. Looking at these signs, I won dered whether a visitor to Japan 100 years hence would not find English the prevailing language in all the large citiea The tendencies are certainly in that direc tion. Treatment of Hydrophobia. (New Orleans Times-Democrat.] According to Dr. Dolan’s work on hydrophobia, physicians may convey to their patients a reasonable hope of almost perfect immunity from the disease after three months have elapsed from the time the bite was inflicted. Tne danger is thought to be lessened with every- month that passes, “so that after a year the phy sician may afford a scientific certainty of the patients recovery. ” Absolute qui etude, or “sedation, ” and the use of the Turkish bath are the measures chiefly recommended as preventive treatment. A Much-Needed Reform. [George Eliot.] Something should be done towards the reform of our national habits in the mat ter of literary biography. Is it not odious that as soon as a man is dead his desk is raked, and every insignificant memor andum, which he never meant for the public, is printed for the gossiping amusement of people too idle to re-read his books? Henry George: Force can accomplish nothing for the masses of the people until they form some intelligent idea of what they want And when they do this force will be needless. Idaho’s Sagebrush Lands. [Exchange.] It will surprise some people to learn that the sagebrush lands of Idaho, natur tlly the very emblem of sterility and deso lation, can be readily converted into fruit farms whereon apples, peaches, nectarines, tpricots, prunes, grapes, and all the small fruits are produced in the greatest profus ion and of a quality unsurpassed. It is ieclared that the Boise, Weiser, Fayette, tnd other Idaho valleys can not be ex jelled by any region east of California for the production of fruit » - - Woven Wire Belting. One of the newer uses to which it is proposed to apply steel wire, in a braided »r woven form, is its adaption to belting for driving machinery of ail kinds. Some things may be said both for and against this use of wire, ‘ ‘I Have bufter«d I * Wl'h -ery ill im finable for tl.e list th: v.are. Our DritK.' C. J. AniDreon, recommend-j it k “H< p I>-■ ' i.<- me, 1 uaec two bottles! I Am eu’lreiy riiH-d, «i d hea: illy recom mend Hop Bitters to evety one. J. D. Walker, Buckner. Mu. 1 write this as a Token ot the great appreciation I have ! ot your Hop * * *Bittorß. 1 was afflicted With iuilaiuatory rheumatism !! ! Fur nearly Seven years, aud no medlolue seemed to do me at y Good 111 Until 1 tried tw > bottles ot your H< p Btttere, >u . to my aurprls- 1 am kb well t.-Jay ae ever 1 was. 1 ap- • You ma> nave abundant suoctes” •'in tilth xrea nUll" Valuable medicine: Anyone I • ‘ wleulug to know more about my c .ee? Gan learn by nddreeelutr m*'. E. M. Wild inis, 11.3 .6 h etree’, Wa-iiluipoo, D.O. 1 consider your Remedy the bcm remedy in existence lor Indigestion, kidney —Oomplaint "Aud nervous debility. 1 buvejubt" A turn- u "From the south lu a limitless seal ch tor nealiti, and Hud Hia. your bitters are tn lng me more Good! I’iiati auytbiUK else; A mourn aao 1 was extremely “imanelaii'dlir’ And seareely able to walk. Now 1 am G-Mulug BtreuKtul aud "Flesh 1“ Anc hardly a day passes but wnat I am « * • * • • • Complimented on my Improved appear ance, aud It Is all due to Hop Biiteit! J. W leklit? J >ekK>n. Wilmington Del. aarNoue genuine wltmiut u. ouuuu of : ; oen Hope on the white label. iSliuu ail j .tie vile, potsimouß stuff with ‘•Hup" or ' it,pe'“ lu t lieu naui". j JEOKUIA SECURITIES. I Corrected by John iCiackutnr, Dealer H* all block* audlioml*. CO 1. Vhi H t.«. •a* ' • Beudi, Bld ABKvil 5i........... .....„.lUU lus '-b ta * lu7 lut x-i» it, 161/6.. —. ..... i;2 12}' .a. lbj - IU 11-S City bstuus,'Bu. - - •««»•-. 102 tW -••-l.. . ... .... ich lju * ■ ...118 hi) .................. ....UU i'.fi A-,p. u u u«s 11 6 107 \ . - i . lU7 109 Uoiuiubufc 7t... ...31 y .10 Cmi;**.' • ■> b7 -S il - <-u • 16 '•€ Uavatiu. ........ 9 9j *K«ilr«ad £Koog£«. AUanitv * Uuli7h.. u: <2 Uouirai ovv W”. •>«...... ... ...I*l . .1; Georgia B it «e .Jir> M -ol'it & irnd ai LMtgeend ■_ HR lu7 WuHtvru J* d Ara let Kitgr nudC n H..11U ill Weal’- rn 3.1 ’ uo —lll 113 KnilriiMd htcek*. U. sd, UUUaUsOU b p-.£ oei’A, .... 76 «>■ t'rgi* 11 per < ut, i 6 > S> ihwr-etfTD Tv-, prat.., ...,U6 I,’G I- ?H f. -Yii i,-r . ■ 0t... .. » 97 Faefcorr ©back*. Ktp ie & l Uuuix 97 9b 0-tiuiuuub.. ♦... .................. Xi 3< Mufcooxte.. ... tO B.’ InakrAlice •ux a . (jeoryi* Home Ikaarauoe (Jo. 19 pr ct..]2> DR BauM Ujtbtiahnoohee Natn-ua:, 10 pet Ct. .*.166 17 M ruhacta & Mecbanjot. ■ <’v et . 16U Br> 'Uaiieuixa. Piouuor 00-Operativ'-do, 10 per ot. . 9 96 i or Htie. 10 cbutiH Muhc geu Factory Stock s'j bur*B Fjuneer (J'»up<oy Co-opr oiivo Btock 20 uoaic* South Wfrtam h., 7 per cent, guaranteed stoc k. fO Ocutial B. U. stock. lu fcbareii Cb»t'.aboucb*t> Loan /‘■aawclatiou ht< ck. 10 -harva MUBOOgee Loan AaaocitHon Htoet. a diaoouut. 1 f’.rgt* llOHit lubi rauct < o. it Hharep ''■oiljuibv« bsctury Stick. Ij'jL Mobile it <ll a a ra.lroad 6 per oeut OuXiua. Waniwi 6'f.UOUCo&ied‘trait Bonda, r any pan. I . >. Land Vai tint*. 6,''Ml City Or iumbdß bouda :> per dot, bot <ix, JOHN BLXciOI Ui, DMM.KL in * tiieabo’pu ■(to"'’r ? I- i’i<f 4ii ot - • . DR. J. M. MASON, DBNTIBT. St. Clair -t. Columbus, Ga DR. JOHN NORWOOD, CMF'Js'ICE AT BREEDLOVE & JOHNSON’S Drug Stars. Bandolph Street. Evidence with H. L, WOODRUFF, Crawford, between Troup and Forsyth street sepßo-8B Z • T ' Printes J pu | BOOK- aiN-DERjT j mi a 1 I SWM I JPrinting, BOOK BINDING. AND Paper Boxes of every] Description A_t Lowest Prices. A LARGE 3TOCK OF ALL KINDB OF PAPEIi, Including Letter, Packet, and Note Heada Bill Heads, btateouente, alwayts on hand. Alec Envelopes, Cards, Ac., printed at short notloi Paper Boxes of any else or description not kept on baud, made at short notice. THOB. GILBERT, 42 Randolph St., tSTOpposite Postoflice. JOHN 8. STEWART =M Her. BANDOLPH BTREKT, NEXT TO ' GBOBOIA BTKAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY. Job Iren ting c Every deiorlption executed UykndPromptly. I 1 ■ lAII.Y TIM ES: COLL’ME® GEORGIA, TU ESDAY. HlfiSS 31\ 1885. 1874 1885 JOHN BLACK>IAK, Real Estate Agon. COIAIMUSUS. «A. (Na»< <o TekprapA Q/Ac«.) XTOJEi. f 3 xin JGI. VtßMb AND PLANTATIONS, OP ALL AND LOCATIONS CITY-KHAL ESTATH. NASH. DOOR uudBLIND FACTORY and LUMBER YAHDof i Willingham Ac Co. For Sale. LOOMED ON I the oast Mde of Manufacturer# eniae. Mercer btreet, at thejuuctiou of 0 ntra . tyoutbwt stem, A obilu and irard aud ColunibUH and W« nturn nd Columhuß auu Rome hall reads Lot 1H x 1.8 feet Factory Building story 82x12- feet. Lumber bhed 2 xlu teet. titablea ad feet long, On the premises is a never failing well 14 feet deep aud 1. feet in diameter; also supplied by f ity Water Works, This valuable property is to be sold on account of the health ol Mr. U IH iughaui, Sr. he prod is made on this plant by prjsenC owuers and the probable nickase of same will bo impaired to those who wish to pur chase. Will sell with or without the Machinery, stock on baud &c. Terms ouu-third cash, balauco iu 1 and a jears. Bose Hill residence of Mr E T Harris for sale— , Part oa«h and purchases to take Mr Harris* place u Loan Aksooiation. Dwellings—Desirable TnVoßtinei.l. Ootuge wiLx two rooms Xbraali ou payments ul slu a month. If you wish to » desirable home on easy berms, examine this pre pts t... uosirable u wrliutf iu WyuutuL. lioute andlut on eabtaida of I'roup between 1 homes and Baldwin blieetM, Lusha bk> build lug 10l in the best looktiun ini urn city— west sloe of Troup, between Jryau : aud Fraukiiu stn ets. dwelling lor sale uertheast corner cl Baudolph auu ForeytL utreets, 7 xoomu.. tt tb, I oath to- ms aud Water through tne reHideucw buiidin n lot on corner NUUaViu lor cor..or store ■ or aweiuug. Tun> utievt, afr it *t>aut» to the at- . pot, will be the next nmreau.-tie street oi ti e ' oily. Terms cash, or 0. 4 and o jeers— ; per OAUtiuturubt. uußidcaoe lor sale, taat sidw uiForsjtb, bi , tween hrjan aud krauaau sum u. <|u«i ter .t | lot, wed uraajedsmi dry, live rouiun iu dw aui,., • aud ample room tor anutAer on vacant 10l nun ’ . Also Musugew Hume o auur, southwest ooruui Bi, Clair and Ogieihoipe atreuta, west ui C ty Market Lagle aud Phenix tanemsut builing I w«.n fids of Oglethorpe, Leiaten cramru arc 1 Uumaa atrautb. pay my ■ % pex ki nion pnea ONE OF THE LExPa»T. No. 312. i’slduin street dwvlnu* (tix ro«.ms), butwui u I'ruup and Foray th bu«< . ibis is <ue ot tLa eiuapast reisXu.euufcs uuw uflt red to tbs 1 bujuis cf Loluinbus real estate. Owner wih .x. ci.auge tor • tuo* or bends, or eui lor «. luw casu ' prue. UaL and cxiniUe, and it you waut a herne i you will bu w . 1 MiW IWiOLLING, NOUIH U-xlilLLlU CHUBCH. No. 19’. New T v-eiiiLg, north ol Catholic Cim cu, i.oituwt nt cui. . r oi Bbiicuu i tnd I<\ r»j k.* ‘Meets, rtevcu rouuis, u*h, «Mlh roOin, oucCted with oikj c ./Aer,) wki'T through .he - MdtLCu. riUHding lot <n‘-> rher, •uitab.o xor curuui slur vx dwelling. T> < strati on wbicii ,i. ;b dweiaug in iccatad loads tu the Union -Uepui, anu w .1 L the u< XI mere acute : Leet ul .fitci-), Jsruiscteii urou., tw. . tin e, four 1 mid flvtsjtais, a .th- percent, lutsiest- MA KELT GABDUN. No. aU2, Fartt. 2X miles east of Columbus, 10 ucibfe U”w room uwei-ing, wt > goed '.ferns *i.u lep.i .di'l wan water. This in an i. ti.u h aid. n. Good s<.nuQ. n<.um> uv«« by. I)PI h K FGKH xIH - . REFT. N< , you. l'w» Ilin, on I'oi ?y th, i.utwei n Bryan and Frthk iiu i.Uu« is. owner intends removing f.-uu- the m:y, aud w.H >eii tow. STOBXb. No. 3j aud 32 Broad nt oad atreut. ho. IJr Brb>U btr* • t. CEMETERY. rjemvtery lute, rh., jO6, loo*. 107, 10b, alt c<r - .blued m one body, located i. -wst exito.i t f uemelurj. ici'er a., adjbining W. H. knuu« auu IL B. Muuby. FARMS. Farm, ‘26Jh * kerwa, d 4-. naief -OUthe* tof To* huuteu’ g'.uu land, good feuo<- gouo watt r good d'.vulii . triyiwn; o*v ; n co up ■ ’ o a great I I.OCn ISL .MH il'Ell IHLL No. iH.i. ii(j<island 1 aper Mills property I with water power and all improvemeiitH, : miles north ol Columbus Ga., i acres with a ; front ol about hah a mile on the < 'hat iahoochec | river. This property is well located for any | bind of manuiacturiug. Brownville Ikwelltng. No. 21; Two Urownevllle dwellings, located on the Columbus aud d©stern railroad. As the owner lives in )6xas, they will be sold low. ?irs. MiliKhm-.v’N UH-gant Resi. «len<*e, No. ‘'l6. hrs. Salisbury’s elegant residence, I on east side ul Front struct, will be sold with or without the vacant lots on the each side <kOod luvcM incut. No 196. One acre on the north Hide of Fulton between Forsyth and vlclntosh streets, with six 2-room dwellings, renting at >25 per mouth, ail occupied by prompt-paying tenants. Rose Hill Home. No. 21Mr. E. T. Harris’ Hose Hill dwell! g. This is a new dwelling, with five rooms, also kitchen, stables, etc. Street cars excellent well and garden. Only small part of parcha-e money in cash, purchaser to assume payments to Build ing and Loan Association j2<J per month. MERGER HIRERF. ; ; ; ; cr :50 feet: 50 feet • 50 feet: ■1 :I* : I igCITY. s LOf: s 557 : is : I : g : i •2 • • ® .IS ■CD • 'D ■ m MCINTOSH STREET. For sale separately or together. In order to get the best tenants for next year place your property in my hands. With an ex narienne of over ten years. I can serve yon tc advantage in the selection of tenants. JOHN BLACKMAB, Beal Estate Agent Jacques’Repository, northwest corner Ogle thorpebnd Bryan; 3 story brick; building suit 'ble for xner handising or mkiiuftcturinu; has a laige elev»tor to third floor, Aino the H-s:ory * brick building next west. Dwelling east side of Troup between Frauklyn j and Ls-e streets. Price $6. Dwellings back of Dr. Bnsaey. Price 84 |6 86 per month • Dwelling 3 rooms, east Tomas street South of Jail 86. Booms in pine thicket above Bt. John’s oburot Price 82 Several dwellings in Browneviße. 60 acres land, located half mite above Clapp’* factory and known aaßte Island. Two 2'toom dwellings on, Forsyth, north of Lee street. ’ One or two rooms fast below Exeeteior mills, 1 eity water works in yard. Mrs Brady’s brick store, east of store of Mr. Richard Deignan. Dwelling up stairs No. 143 Broad atreet—formerly oconpled by W L Tillman, now occupied by Ksnnon & Hill—will be put in flrst-class order. For Rent. Front office over Messrs O A Redd A Co’ store B oai street, formerly occupied by A A Dealer, Baq. Dwelling (plastered) 3 rooms back of Dr. Bus* B*->’s upper Forsyth street. Dwel ing snitebleior boarding house, former ly occupied by Mre. Rogers acd Long, opposite best ot maraet house Dwelling 8 rooms (celled) ah vo (’olumbns Transfer Co , Oglethorpe street weat aide. Dwelling 7 rooms west side of Oglethorpe, 2nd « door sout- of Mr Brown’s steam factory. t' ever al as el Hugs in Gibsonville. Ala. Dive! Ing 6 rooms southwest corner of Bald* win and Forsyth streets next east of Policeman Roberta, BLX ] Dwelling 3 rooms, plastered, near river Com* press. l adwtite all Real Kttaie placed tn my Handi for BaU, and Rent, at my own eaperut, j Prompt attention given to rental of suburb*! property, both in Georgia and Alabama. JNO BLACKMAR Heal Eatate Agent, , i COLUMBUS. - - - - GBOB.GIA It Stands at the Head! THE LIGHT RUNNING ido jvlh; ?tic. j This Cut show« the New Style of WOOD W OIUT that the t'oiupnny is new iiiiro<lni*iiiK. r* ;■* fe® I ilw I ‘"lft ARTISTICALLY beautiful WITHOUT A FKER. In its MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION it has no Rival. The uow line of Attaohiu mtn that are uow placed with each “ Doiuoatto,” are specialties. No other .Msoaine tiei ch uu, rn*a«> attao on nits and the new wo M-work make the ‘ Domestic” mor® than over, without qtt <s’lon, THi£ AGKJfOIVuEDG3D STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. ZOE BALE BY Domestic Sewing; Machine Companv ■.MH> Multi Street, RICHMOND, Va. iat the A IN MK it 8 COKK, lor itr Muroer md Franslln Str eeta, n<ar feV JH’B Manufactr tug Company, < OLDMBVH. Ga. ./j LOOK! AND SEE WHAT I KEEP. IT BEADS LIKE YOU CAN BUT WHAT YOU WANT HEBE. MILBUBN WAGONS, BUGGIES, OLD HICKORY WaGONS, The Finest Eastern BUGGIES, The Cheapest Western BUG GIES. Ooitlan J Spring Wagons, Any kind of a Saddle, Any priced Whip, 500 Bote HARNESS, Plow Gear, Bridles, Lines and Lap Robes, And everything a.e low oiiJlow r (than ever before sold. Will sell on credit to parties giving good security groome and see what a sigh t1 can show you* J. A. WALKER, ext IIANKJN B(’l NK OFJII IV A Mutual Life Policy AS AN INVESTME ZSTTI ——— :o: ~~ In 1865 a gentleman took out a £slo,ooo ENDOWMENT POLICY IN THE Mutual Life Insurance Company, Payable to him at the age of W yeara. He paid ten annual premiums of $78340, makings 7,834 OCC Lwa eight dividends drawn in cash 1,670 0k Making total cash paid .... $6,162 W- I’hH policy matured October 20, 1883, and the company paid him in settlement $13,- 35u 77, the $3,350 77 being for dividends unused. Thue he Wan Insured for eighteen yen re, and got back $216 61 for each SIOO p .bl, which le ever 6 per cent compound, interest, without "'periaes, taxes or care to the insured. ♦Vliere is a Better Investment ? D F. WILLCOX. Agent Mutual Life. THE OLD RELIABLE? JOHN DISBROW & CO. IM Sales ani Feed Sials, OGHaiRPUORv’EI sSTJEL'jE.J£!T. New and Elegant Turnouts, Safe and Attractive Teams, Comoetent and intelligent Drivers. Honea Boardslat Carrait tiaten. Taur tnaltu %ai a>nf > a-ifin/ M’.tea let ta. Jlu quarters tor Dr »VBM’ It'iofr. CHH tLCvUS I'l TTi TIC?. ■Muiral pr >od«loai aal personal Htiptr vision of oar Mr Dlabrov. Pitronigs of ttie uaono s Hiatt* 1. Hattsfaotioo ®»*Telei>lio«ie| JNTo. ifSx.-isa INSURE YOUR GIN HOUSES V LT.aj WITH THE OLD RELIABLE D. F. WILLCOX’S Insurance Agency, *7l Broad THE OLDEST AGENCY IN THIS SECTION. Long expeneace, carefully written policies, fair rates, prompt settlements,, and TEN MILLION DOLLARS to bacE the policies! All Inquiries PROMPTLY Ans wared and Information Cheerfully Given D. F. WILLCOX 71 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA BICYCLES, BICYCLES, BIOYULES, BICYCLES. BUN SHADES for Open Vehicles, liOAD CARTS by Frasier & Co,. Beautiful DOG OAR’IS. DUMP OAKTf, DRAYS, TARPAULINS, Collars, Blankets, Surcingleß. HORSE BLANKETS, JOCKEY WHIPS, uh. m inrn, m NEW CLOTHING. NO?SHODDY. Just Received By C. E. THOMAS. To i» stain his wide merited reputation as the only “NO SHODDY” Clothier in exist*nee, C. K Fhoruae, early vi tue season placed his orders <u the hands of the manufacturer In order ;o .-tvs ample time to have his stook of ready utde clothing made up in FißbT ULAHd STYLE iu every ruaiuot. His new stock of Mens, Youth.., Hoys and Childrens’ Suits are now oomlng in ami every ar time preae a spoclal order appearance. U« 1« the only represent*tlv® in the city ot the <mlet raHM Da> SMH H CUT. The elegance of shoulder aud per ieotnees of Dt of blh coats has already vaflted the ingenuity oi the uv-stakHl fui cutters who are uow u yiug to lUiilat These Garments Speak lor Themselves. .TAM DSOMitj and STYTjISJH AND 1 HAVE I u»rg‘j tad AtirACiive stock to Choose From. Beside* ar lui u-vine stocx H ready-made doth ux. I have several thou and samples of new gocc s that I can have made to o» der at short notice GRAND OPENING THIS WEEK' G. E. THOMAS “<o Sioddv'’ (llothier. .. --- "■■■■■■ I I ... " ■ Lmtrai arm rt. ii’us .. : H.V.HNAB, Ox., Oct. 1«, lbd<. ON.ul utter SUNDAY, Oot. 1», 18««. !>»'• ,en H er ir.mii on She Gentr.l *ud houlhwere eua Haiiroxd. .nd rinnohe. will rnu loilowi uxlu uo» 8 Av. M. zreom .'.'at’uiiaa*. Ao. Mi, I.:-,-. »> nV.... ..--H»v»uu.u„ ..Lv tHUOV M At augu.te.™— AV «:46 . » M Ar M»00U Ar 111 MI » M Ar Atl.nlA Ar 7.80* .......Ootumbua. at tJifiJ Eufaula... Ar *to« iI;BUPM Ar Albany *i‘>6 MHieugeville.. Ar &• *~~Ar.. I att<»n Ar 12‘8U b 6- No. 18. Frem JlOVWta* * e * ,J ’ j (7b7im"a nugUHta.. l v 9;uU y u r ;8:8O t■ £* Savannah..AM tH4O a m ...... 46:20 » At yMacon ai 11:90 p M Ar Atlanta . • .►..OolumLUB *r .... —•— KiHAU. ur 11:80 s i* Ar ilban* Ar Mill vtiiu.. Ar ...... .--.At MtfcontOL.. A? No. 54 C’-Avtn V >*<?♦«. No 52 1 ,UJ a m Lv Macon ...Lv b:26 a » ?:s. am Ar riavaunah..«j—- 3:51 i i... ,„_. Ar Augusta At • ....Ar Muiedgevliie.....-—.♦ **■ I<»:29a « i Ar Eatonton 4r V2;3<' i * .v tl 1 9:25 am Lv Maron.... .... ...Lv 7:16 r 4:is p m Ar Kuiauia *-• «:00pmAr Albany . ......Ar 7;i <1 aro g. Prom Macon. «;IVa m lv Maoon.., 12:38 r m Ar oolumbtts.... "jVoTT. /<■«»! Macon, No. ***. No. 88, ‘vTjuTF'Lv Macon../.Lv A I 11:30 a m Ar Atlanta .. Ar llrJSrn 7:>i a w No 28. FYbwi F»r< yalley. Ne»'l\ K:B6 e mLv Fort Valley *lf 9i2or mat Ferry ......Ar 11:50am No 2. from Atlanta. 2Vfl. 64. No. SL fiOOr w Ar Maoon Ai IJ:6Sam hiu6 a t a m Ar Mnfauia Ar ... ...... r v llsMam Ar Albany ....Ar J * A m j iumbaß..Ar .... .... U:8B k "■ iX Mtli'vlll®...Ar .....™. 10:a« >■ « - n:wr» iOu u.t.....Ar .:»«> » -* * - .. <Jre 7160 * M 3180 t M IV,. 4. om T ' i.OOv .m Lv UoluiubmLv .„ ! il-.v.l , M ••• 11:8.7 i- mar aticot* .. AM ar —-I ; 1 :to e»i *i Alow-.-.- ■ r-- • 1 .-*r -■ - -- “ r .r KMoutwi. „„ H'-Ar a.nnn»t*..- •’ ....... S.4lj*KAr S»v*nn»n —At *“7<»“ 4a - *• ■ Ui*7' rs Lv —fe’ —•— 4«)6»Mir HareMlr Maoon —••• „ OOiUILIbUA. ..... AUania.. r Milledgeville—* ——-Ar —— —* ■ —«—.... : ’ "*Ar Augusta f.<o am Ar bavin nah Ar IVO tr»» AIAW irelTa'® Lv ilbauy uv otoo * » »m Ar Kulaul*.— (MUrMA.- Maoon .„* mAr Coluiubaa —•*^ r , r 1,:39» MAr 4,Manta .... ' J ... Ar MlfiAdgovil.# Ar 10.W* m „.ar «& ten ten Ar U.»o »■< .... ....Ar *&*.«;«• V;4**MAr navaannb..---. .—-M I.airn N.. la. *ram a»d ; Illi* rir Lv Uatonton.... - 13:41 r MLv Mlllwlgav.'lte l«.:40 r MAr Maoon— ,^..w (JOiUmbQB aqgpUFA* ' a .. Ar —- -'Tv* F MAT Albany...— •• 11:20 r m Ar Atlanta.- —»♦.* ...—.-.-Ar A&gUßta.•-«-»• <?%»'*••••• 7:40 a m Ar Savannah 2TT"''** - ! No. 24. rrom / vrry No. 22, aASa mLv Perry - -..Lv 8:26 p w G-.BOa m Ar Fort Vaik-y.. LOCAL SLEEPING CABS on all nigh trains between Savannah Augusta, Savant nah and Maoon, Savannah Atlanta, Pullman Hotel Sleeping Oara- Ohloagc | Jacksonville Fla. via OinclnnatL rW.lthout change, fkmneotlont. The Ml Hedge vHie and Eatentor. Kjaln rum dally (except Monday; between ano datontou, and dally (except nandayi Eatonton and Gordon. Train Mo. 20 fdaily except Sunday;, aua ..-a m 2ob. 2,8, 22. 28 and 64 connect dally at MUlen for Augusta (except Monday;. Ka/sula train connects at uuthbart for Fort Gainw dally (except »u aitey.; ThM perry e»ooonamodatlon train between port ! VaJibj hid Perry runs daily ( except Sunday.) the Aihcuy and Blakeiy aocomnb'/Aation train jut a dally Band, ay I between Albany ano. Al'aiivftaiKiJ with B*vann*h, Florid, »n. W. rum B»U«4V, »t Aughite vH‘h »U fine• te Noi-tfe and A*l»nt» with Air Hue and Ken nezfcw Roaiei to all points Norin, Bast tnrt kete lor allpotots and Bleeping Oar lierlh» on «al mat Oity Office. Mo. 2G ■ t ' e ®^ EK .. (A A. U'EZTBHnAn. \’iJUSiAM BOGEL. -r Gan . r*»«. A«4. ’ten. 8n v.,, t>*v«un»b, J 0. jiiAW, <. M. B»Ai-**AN, Geii. Tr.'v. Agl. Htipl. H. ft. 8. 8.. 4* ■. COLUMSUS & ROME RAfiLIAY CO. c Offioh Genkeal Managkh, j COLUMBUS, GA., Nov. 8,1884. J «r-0n and after thia date Trains will run as follows: Train No. 1 Goins North. Le»ve C01umbu5..................... *ijf*j* Arrive Ohlploy 4:61 »M Arrive Htteeon......—.— »M (Daily Except Sunday.) Train No. 3 Coming South, Leeve litlUMon 7ioo A M arrive oblpley. ™..... 7 * M Arrive 1»:U*« (Daily Except Sunday.) I, C. 8. HOWARD, W LOLAKA a.n 1 ! TloXet Agent. Oen’l Menagar ■MMaaWWMMimMnUMMMWaBMMmMMMMMaMaMMWiWMMiMMk Columbus and WeMsrn Railway Opkjlikx ALX. t 8, 1886. / *N AND AFTER SUNDAY, M.rch ißth. 1885, * * the trains on thia road will be run as fol lows.* Profn No. 1, Daily Mau and fauanycr. Lisve Oolumbus...^..—— 9:80 am Arrive Opelika. ...11:0jam Train No. 2, Daily. Mail and ratotnyer. Leave Opelika 11;30am Arrive Uuiumbue ... . .‘.2.66 pm Tram \o. 3, Daily Mail and Pauengo- . Leave ( olumbus 2;BJ p M Arrive Opelika 3.66 p m 11 4 UM No. 4, Daily Mail and 2'auengor. Leave Opelika..6 88 p m arrive Oolumbus 6:69 pm Train Fo. 6, Way freight to Opelika and Way PreiQyt ArcommodaUon between Opelika and (Joodwaler . '.eave Columbus. 7:39 am Arrive upeiika 9:48 am L eve Opelika 1:29 pm Arrive Loodwater 6:46 pm Prate No. 6, Way Fright and Amommodation to Opolika and Way Freight only to Colnmbnt. Lsave Good water 6;80 a M Arrive Opelika .10:48am l*Mve OpeliKa.... 11:60 am Ooiumt uu I:66pm Z'.-ain No. 7, Through Freight and Accommodation Sloepin Car to Atlanta. Leave Oclumbue * 9:06 pm Arrive Opelika 10:68 pm No. 8, Through Freight and Accommodation Sloop* mg Car from Atlanta, Leave Opelika 4:01 am Arrive Oolumbuß 5 46 i. m K. A. FLEWEIAEB, Q-w.r.! Msnsager. Mcbile A Oifam H. h.Go. UOLUMBUS, GA., Nov. 8, 1884. ON and after this date, trains will run as fol lows; MAIL TRAIN NO. 1, DAILY-GOING WKBT, Lk.sve General Pass Depot Columbus,.., 1:10 tn Leave Broad Street Depot, Columbus...l:2B p m *.;riveat Union Springs... 4:60 r m Leave Union 5pring5...,....—........._..6:16 p m x.rivt st Troy 7:06 F M ilaking close connection at> Union Springs with M. A E. R. B. for Montgomery and Kuiaulß daily. aA*L TRAIN NO. ii, DAILi-KAfcl Leave Troy.... ...... 6i(M) a M Arrive at Union Springs...... 6:62 a m Leave Union 5pring5.................... 7:82 am Arrive at Broad St Depot, Columbus... 11:00 a m Arrive at Gen Pass Depot, Columbus... 11:14 am Connects at Union Springe with M. A E, R. R dayly for Montgomery and Eufaula; and at Co with 8. W. b.R. for Maoon, Savannah Augntna, and points North. WAY FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN NO. 6, Daily, Excbft Sunday—GOlNG WEST, Leave Columbus Gen. Pass. Depots... 6;00 a aa Leave Columbus Broad St., Depots:lo a m Arrive at Unloi Springs...... 9:28 am Leave Union Springs.. a. m. Arrive at Troy ...,12:08 ». m. Makes close connection at Union Springs with M. & E. B. R. for Eufaula dally. WAY FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN NO. 0, Daily, Kxcifi Sunday—COMlNG EASX. Leav Arrive at Union 5pring5..^............ 9.40 a. m. Leave Union 5pring5.......... .-..10:26 a n Arrive at Broad St., Depot Columbus... 2:41 pm Arrive at Gen. Pass. Depot Columbus... 2:60 pm Connects at Union Springs withM. & E. R. for Eufaula. W. L. CLABK Sup I D. E. WILLIAM b General Tloket Auen ti F. G. WILKINS Auctioneer* Real Estate iod Gaisai Gellfcinig Apit, OFFICE CORVEE BSOADj AMD ST CLAIR STREETS, over ABBOTT & COOPERS STOKE. Give Special Attention to publte anjl private sale 61 Real Estate, Administrator, Guardians end Assignee# Sales and Oollecticus promptly attended to, and as promptly psi over to parties eoafering their truss to me Bpeola attention paid to renting of prope plboed in my hands. A liberal share o. ihe patronage ui the pab lie is reepactteUy re faceted. Rest re ace w thoat ecu saltation to the Bsoks, Warehouses and Lea M ’nw Msrohante o the city. MONUMENTAL MARBLE IOBKS! 206 Broad Street, Oelambui, Ga. A Monuments ,■ 8 fi Oi th. b—t Itallu tnd Amari* w oan Marble on hand ead j made to order. + w * s,e euomnta for a parlor qnifity vi Inn Railing, For Tenolng end Cemetery Eneloauree, Different Shies and Patterns. Information glyen and eatlmatoa tarnlahad n anything tn our line. A M.KLLBMIB.