Columbus daily times. (Columbus, Ga.) 1876-1885, March 31, 1885, Image 4

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.IN THE CITY. 4r m an, ./.»<■ nbKribtrl tali' •*•«!*' papar, A>, wM ?U<U' •»«, <*» M Celuinbut, Georgia, TUESDAY MABCH 81, 1»85 OOBUMHUB uxBK T. ConuMane. GA..Mar. 81. 1888. Stock on hand August ,81.1884 881 Received yesterday 197 - previously ... 74,878—76.075 ~76,467 Shipped yesterday 16 previously 71,980—71940 Stock on hand this morning 8.511 Prices. Market— dull. Ordinary Good Ordinary ... Strict Good Ordinary i. Low Middling lOJi Middling 1b 54 Good Middling 10% Warehouse, sales Receipt*. By S. W. B. It M.ili. B.H. 0.4 W. B. B 2 U,18,K It Blver 175 Wagon 20—107 BMl mnU. By S. W. 8.8 M. 4 G. B. B W.B. B Blver Home Oonsumptlon 16 -16 Cliaog* la Arrival au.i lluparlurs *lll alm The following changes have Deen made in the arrival and departure of malls, from Columbus. Ga M January 12,1885: Atlanta via Opelika, North, Eant and Hentern .Staten. ARRIVE 6:00 a m " 1 :V5 p m “ 7 “ CLOSE 8:15a m •• 2:00 p m •• 8:j0 " Montgowery, Mobile, New Orleans, Mmemnippi, Louisiana, Texan and Wentem Florula Pointn. jQIRIVE 6:00 am •• 1:05 p m CLOSE 2:00 •• 82X1 “ Maoon, Savannah, Auounla and Fant m florula Pointn. AIIKIVE. 6:00 a m •• 1 :t2 p m CLOSE 7:10 “ •• l:oo “ Mobile <ft Oirard. M bile. Mineinnippi, Inniiniana, fexa-and Hentern Florida Pointe. ARRIVE 11 :oo a m CLOSE 12:55 pm THAD (J. 81UBGIS. I*. M. Webster Warshouss. The undersigned beg to sail the atten tion of the public to the fact that they have assume! thj.entlre control of the Webster Warehouse, where all business entrusted to thelf care will hav" promot attention. Cabteb 4 Kha tin • y March 28th, 1885. H No hater Remedy Can be had for Coughs and Uolde, or any trouble of the Throat, than "Browne Bronchial 'lrochea." Price 25cta. Sold onlu in boaee. PBBBONAL. Miss Hallie Baker, one of the belles of Greenwood, Fia„ls in the city the guest of the Missee Watt, on Jackson street. Miss Mattle Watt has returned home, after a pleasant visit to her friend, Mlns L. D. 8, Abernathy, of Greenwood, Fla. Mlns Llnxle Trawlek. of Greenville, Ala., is visiting Miss Lula Watt, on Thomas street. W. T. Quarles, of Alabama, was In the city yesterday. Bev. J. A. Howard and lady, of Seale, was in the city yesterday. BAT DUST. The Virginians, of Richmond, will prob ably arrange to play In Macon Friday and Saturday. The Cleveland's will be in Macon on the Sth an 1 9 h of April, indpwlll. play two games with the home nine. Miller, the great catcher, who has caught for the famousßrooklyns.wlll co n e Thursday, and then the Macons will be ready for business. He Is said to be equal to a stone ft noe, and the balls cannot be too hot for him. He will catch Kuouff. Inthegreat game at Macon Friday, Kuouff struck out nine Louisville men, the bast record made by any pitcher south. Hart, manager ot the Louisvllles, says Knouff has greater speed than Hecker, and double the ability of any catcher to hold him. It is probable the OaL’agos will occupy the Atlanta grounds tor practtc< between the Ist and 15th of April. In that event It is hoped that some exhibition games cm be arranged with the Macons. The Ohl cagoes will undoubtedly be the strongest club In the national league. It was a matter of serious disappoint ment that the second game ot the series beteen the Macons and Louisvllles could not be played. The rain fell In torrents at the appointed hour sud continued throughout the afternoon. Even had It ceased the grounds would have been In no decent condition. NEW GOOD* 1 > J Just received a small, but well selected line of Somd Sr tv an Wakb, such as 8 >up and Gravy Ladles, Jelly Spoons, aveiy handsome Ice Ore im Bet. Olive and Pickle Dishes. Butter-knives, Sugar end Berry Spoons A very beautiful and odd set of Coffee Spoons, Oups and Napkln-rlnge, Match Bates, plain and fancy Forks and Spoons. Also just received a stock of beautiful SinvßK-rtATKD Wabe, among which are especially worth mentioning, some very fine breakfast and dinner Oas tcre, Batter Dishes, SoupTurreene, sugar Dishes, Sugar and Oraam Sets, Oai d ano Jewel Cases and full stock o' Boger Bre’e. Spoons and Forks. AU for eale at very reasotiaßle prices at 0. SCHOMfiBSa’a trehSi-lt Jewelry Store. Water Renta lor Flrat Quarter Aredueaud payable at the effi company, 69 Broad street, on April Ist Discount of Ave per cent. If paid on or be fore the 10th, and if not paid by the 15th water will be shut off. mob29-10t Bock llppr. The Christian Moerleln Brewing Com pany’s Celebrated Bock Beer, the first of the season. For sale by all first-class bouses, In keg and bottle. aunituee E. M. Walsh 4 00., A gts. DAILY TIMES: UiJLU dIiIfS,GEORGIA. TUESDAY._MARCH 31, WSS. Carp. The productiveness of this fish, and Its value as a table deltoaoy being now as sured, It is but a question of a v ry short time whan the table of everyone In this well-watered country shall be supplied n large portion of the year with this valu able fleti, and the Inevitable round morn ing, noon and night, of bnoon on the ave rage table, shall be varied by the delight ful and nealthful pres •nee of one of the gameat fish that outs the water. THE HEALTHPCLNEHH OF PONDS In any local! y, or from any head of wa ter, In any soil, cannot be sucoesstully questioned, provided the area of the pond la commensurate with the supply of water; ’hat he muddy bottom of the pond may not, from evaporation or other cause, be exposed to the summer or autumn sun; and again, that the flow of the stream from Hie pond ot lake may be reasonably treat the amount let Into It. However, tnts last, Is not always necessary, provided the pond la deep enough to maintain a reasonably cool substratum of water. Dangerous experiments have been made in ponding up only rain we ter. This should be done very cautl .usly. WHKBIt THEY MAY BE BUILT. There I no miring branch lit the whole country from which a fish pond could not be oonutruot d at more or lees expense, and in most caees at vary email outlay. Otten the whole bottom through which the branch Mows, may be converted Into a pond by a cross dam from hillside to hill side, wl h the precaution of side ditches, to eeoure the pond from Injury from heavy rains. Again, where a large stream flown through bottom land, a portion ot the bottom on one side ot the stream may be used tor a pond by throwing up a dykn along the stream high enough to resist overflows.aud far enough from the stream to prevent the Inroads ot the erawtleh, whose work Is likely to let out the water, it the levee Is too near the stream. A proper portion or tn« main stream may be turned Into the pond thus constructed, by a race adjusted to let In only the requisite amount ot water from a email dam built tar enough above on the multi stream to secure proper fall. THE AMOUNT OF FISH THAT COULD BE CULTIVABED In these ponds of course cannot be esti mated trom the area of water until proper feeding ot th ■ fish Is well understood, but It can b» eutely said that there 1b not u half uore of good, clear water surface, of trom two to three teet deep, which cannot be made to furnish. In this climate, from two to three hundred 3-pouud carp per unnum, with judicious attention, that Is with proper aquatic plant food: ae well as Homo inexpensive artificial feeding. This latter Is entirely of the waste of any ordinary garden or farm. But the plant food ot the waters themselves. It It is in abundance, will give health and growth to the fish. Specially among these plants, the water Illy takes high tank ae a food producer, ite seed furnishing a farlnuee oue food, its eucouleat vegetable pulp, and the hundreds of uquutlo animal life forms tor each leaf and stem supplying lleeh food. Many mistakes have been made from loexperlenoa in pond structure, an well as In i ulttvatlonof the fish; but every pond built, whether yet It bae mot the sanguine expectation of Its .buildi r, Is an advance In the right direction and only a little more Intelligent work will secure the desired end. OVUB-BTOOXIN<I THE PONDS. Many ponds have b >en overstocked; that Is, thespawnere and milters have been put. In and their Increase has been thou sands, even thousands more than the water could support, and of course thou sands more t han could be cultivated to auy profitable size. Others have tailed with just as ripe epawners and milters to se cure any young try, and their ponds are barren of fish, except those put tn and the teeming swarms of minnows, pike bream, goggle-eyed pearcb, newts, tadpoles etc., that the.watero.were full ot before the carp were Introduced, end these ewarms of first settlers necessarily ate up the spawn as soon as deposited, or worried the carp off the spawning ground, so thnt with everything about the pond apparently properly appointed, no favorable results transpired. Ponds that should have in them titty or a hundred, or two hundred carp lor growing purposes only, have In them even’ if clear of marauding fish, thousands too many. Wbils others of equal capacity tor cultivation but filled with other tlsh have In them nly the oilgiual few, which npp>*rr to be barren. A proper supply for each pond, in which table nah are to be cultivated, must be put ;n and no mots, and the breeding must tie confined to other waters. ASBPABATB BBKKDING PONDMUSTBB HAD. f this supply is systematically and regu a ly desired, either t bin or a supply from tome breeder who can turnlsb them at a cheap enough rate to make the regular planting profitable. The young tl h are hardy enough, and express or freight charges are reasonable enough to secure favorable and sate transportation to al most any point In ths count!y, specially is the transportation safe tn the cool of autumn, winter and spring. Much could be said practically upon the subject ot spawning; how to secure a safe and abundant hatching, which may be the subject of some sub-e quint oommu u ic Alien. OATCUINO THB CABF WITH HOOK. It you want to nave a strong, liue-break- Ing pull, sunn as nothing but a trout or grinds ever gave you, just hang a three or five pound carp some summer after n >on a little before sundown. To hook such a one, go slowly, and be sure your line Is In the water before the wily fish gets a glimpse of your motion, or neither tne one you saw moving the water, or any other one will tike your tempting bait. Tjie carp bliss only twice a day. and only In warm weather, early In the tu ornlng about or a Iktle before day and just before sunset. Jlten whan the pond Illy Is quite over t tiesurfsce of the water, the largest ot the fish show their whereabouts by setting the leaves in motion, and by very cautious angling a glorious bite, and even a solid mouthful can be had by dropping a hook baited with an earth worm, or (more certainly) a meal and cotton ball abou. the else ot a chinquapin, a little in trout ot the mo tion. Meal paste or corn bread crumbs make a b all tint washes very slowly in witer. A HOOK BRBAKBB AND dAUg FISH. Beieteuctls here made only to tlstilng In ponds where no artitiabai food Is given to tb" fish. Few fish offer ihe same stout resistance to the jerk of a line, and it t he hook is not stout and tie line strong, a two year old carp, will, alter ■■tie or two plunges and circling., leave you with a peculiar sense of goneness. “Bough ou Coughs * Ask for “Bough on Coughs,” for Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Trochee 15c, Liquid, 26c. The H.,|>e|or the Nation. Children, slow in development, puny, scrawny and delicate, use “Wells’ Health Benewer.” WOMEN Nerd Ing renewed ktnngtb, or who •uffcr from InflriDltfe* peculiar to their sex« ehould try F ft d B BEST TONIC Thi« medicine combine* Iron with pur* yegetjkbla lonicH. and in invaluable for JJbwwic* peculiar to VS omen, and all who lead aedentary lives. It Eu rlchcN and Pnriflre the Blood, Ktlmniutea the Apjiclit<-, strengthen* the .Hiieclea and Nerve* in fact, thoroughly 1 nvigoratee. Clear* the complexion, and makeetue skin Binor/th. It doe* not blacken the teeth, caiiue headache, or produce constipation- all other rron,medianen do. Mhh. Elizabeth Baird. 74 Farwell Ave., Milwau kee Wim.. Hay*, under date of Dec. 26th IBM: ' I have uwid Brown’* Iron Bittern, and it ha* been more than a doctor to me. having cored me of the weaktme* ladien have in life. Also cured me of Liv er Comnlai nt. and now my complexion i* clear and good, ilftß been beneficial to my children.” Genuine ha* above trade mark and cmimed red line* on wrapper. Tnke no other. Made only by BROWN < 111 MH'AL CO..IIALTIMORE, MD. Ladies* Hand Boob—n*efu! and attractive, con taining Hat of prizes for recipes information alxiut coin*, etc., given away by all dealer* in medicine, or wailotl to any address on receipt of 2u. stamp. COTTON MOVKMKNTS. W*om the New York Financial Chronicle March 27, IBXff. Bales. I'Crtal receipts for week ending March 20 28 810 Liuat, week 82.885 I‘tuvloue week 0.081 t hree Weeks eluoe £>o.B6to Total receipts sinoe rieptemb r let, 1884.. v 4.551,17(1 Sime period of 1888 4,582,u7b elbowing an Increase since bep- tsmbei let, 1884 nt 81,394 axFoßTs.i For the week ending tins even- ing reach a 10t».... 83 788 To Great Britain 20 971 To France.... .>,Bt>7 ibistot the eon linen t 8,4u0 at xiks in ado up this evening ... 701,854 BALES. Total bales lor foi wuru delivery tor the week * 267,800 Immediate delivery 484 Including lor export For Oousumptlon 484 For speculation tn transit 10 Arrive 200 TOTAL VISIBLE SUBTLY. Total visible supply 2,691,176 Amer cun 2,158 775 East India, etc M2,4'Jt b iereaeo under 1888 668,M9 STOCK ON HAND. Interior towns 158,175 Hams date last year 141286 UecelptH sines Bept. let 2,512.004 S»me date lust year 2,t6.JsM FBOM PLANTATIONS Mince September Ist. 1884 4.892,185 1.11883-84 4 671,650 111 1882-88 5,580,258 liaoclpts at oui-porls for past week 28,810 Actual movement 16,8 0 ft mu' week last year for plan- tations 33 311 U 1883 74,024 BBCEIFTB AND STOCKS. 1884-85 . 1888-84 BeoelptH at the ports to March 27, 1885 4,551,178; 4,582,670 I nerloralka on March 27 in excess of Sep. 1 140,96 ) 92,08a Total leceipls from plan-! tatlOUß 4,691.138 4 674,650 Net overUnd to March l.i ioi,7»j 461,070 South’ll coubumplion toj March 1 i 180,000 190,000 Total. In night March 27, , 5.873,918 6,825,710 Nonneru spinners' tak- ingß.to March 27 11.1 5,868 1,212,100 BKPOBTB N. SPINNICKS. 1882-83 1881-82 Northern epinunrs' tak- ings to MuruU 27 1,885.747 1,269,751 it win be seen by tne above that trie in jrease In amount In sight to-night, as compared with Inst year, Is 48,198 bales, the decrease from 1882-83 Is 932,906 bales, and the Increase over 1881-82, Is 887,166 bates. Weathhb Bjcpobt by Teleobaph.- The weather continued unseasonably cold up to and Including the first part of the week. Sluee then there has been a favor able change and farm work, though back ward, Is now making fair progress "Rough on I’aln" Plaster. Porous and strengthening, Improved the best for backache, pains in the chest «ml aide, rheumatism, neuralgia. 25c Druggists or mall. i iiicogtA Be* f, I have just.rec-lved a One lot ot Chicago Beef, Mut ton and Pork. Your ordert so licited and deliver' d free, D. 1.. Thomas. Agt. tu,tbu&iat. ON A BOOM. Orders for Spring Suits are placed with H. .1. Thornton daily. The prettiest and finest line of Piece Goods in Co lumbus. Lookout for the opening at M Joseph's due notice ot which will be given In these columns, ami whlcn. on account ot hav ing purchased the finest, newest and most varied styles and assortment, will be the grandest of the grand openings in millinery you have ever witnessed south. SCHOOL HATS. I have now open for your inspection 1.000 and 1 kludsot Misses and children's school hats. Every shape that Imagination can fancy ami skilled hands manufacture are here, and many ot them are not twice ob tainable. N-w goods In quantities In every department too numerous for mention now. Call early as they will not stay here, and keeps watch tor the opening notice' M. J< SKPH, SSMarßtf. 87 Broad Street. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale- LV ILL be sold before the Courthose door in said County on the First Tuesday in May next, the following property to-wit. Lot of land No. eighty nine / )in the lutb District G. M. oi said county. Said land being <9 acre* mor* or less, said land levied on under and by virtue of* taxa 1a issued by the tax collector of Chat. Üboechee county against Frank Crouch for state and county taxe* for the years of 1888 and 1884. Levy made and returned tome by T. E. Brooks, L C. of said county of Chattahoochee Notice given tenant in possession ss required by law. Thia 28th March 1885. L. HARP. mchSitf Sheriff. fln lor wcrklUtf P«opie. Send 10 cents ML I Upostage, and we will mail you /ree, a 11 Sb I royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put yen in the way of u aklcg more money in a few d»)s than you ever thought pos t'tble at ary business. Capital not required. Tuu can live at horns and work in spare time only, or all the time. All cf both sexes, of all age*, grandly succeaafnl, M cents to >5 saslly earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make thi* unparalleled offer: To all who are net well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, direction*, eto.. sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don’t delay.j address Sraroo* Ik Co,, Portland Maine. Willing: to Pay Extra. A Western bridegroom *»t uptown ’ hotel Ru nmoned a bell hoy by bawling down plx flights of etalre. “W—wtiat’a thp matter?’ panted the boy. ae'he reeponded to the unique sum mens. “It’e that light,” B&td the bride groom. indenting the gos. “I’ve been tryln* to blow the dun e! thing out for fifteen miniKee. If It costs anythin’extry to sleep In the dark j°as flay so, an’ I’ll foot the bill. Matter, you get behind the trunk a minute.”—New York T’mee. < atarrh of ths Blad<iw Btlngtng, Irritation, inflammation, and kidney end urtr.ary eomptaints, cured by ‘‘Buciiu-Palba?’ Fur* (Jod Liver Oil, made from selected ilyere. on theeea shore, by Oaswell, Haxard «k Oo„ New York. It, is absolutely pure and eweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer It to all others. have decided H iupsrlor to iny of other oils la in k Chapped Hands, face and Pimplee, and rough 3kln. cured by ueing JuaiPii Tkb doAP, made ny Oaseweii, • arard Sr (> Kew York. Business Stationery. The Taos Office haw just received a lot of fine BuHtneee wtattenery. conetetlng of Labi and Linen Letter and Note Paper Plain Letter and Note Paper, o'll Head' (various slseM), Huedneas Cards and State ments of Account, Envelopes. Ac. Call or: us for prices of commercial work an 1 ae* styles. dawtf i 500 Beautiful Scarf, ’ new Patterns and “ new Shapes Just 1 opened at Thorn s ton’s. 1 «>■ 5 COLGATE & CO’S., 4 : New Soap, 8 —AT— » i Robert S. Cram’s i . 30 Cakes for One Dollar. ) You can see more ’ Novelties and late styles in Neckwear and Handkerchiefs at Thornton’s than elsewhere. L. H. CHAPPELL. BROKER 4 INSURANCE A6L lit) Bt. r Go!umbus, Ga Home of New York, Imperial of London. Guardian of Loudon. '■’Hbsrn ot Lord on, DR. W. L. BULLARD, < ol urn bus, <Ja. Physician; and Operating Surgeor For *ll Dlsowes of the EYE Office <h .»r Brsnnou * Oarton's drug etors, No. 181 Braad St. Telephone No 22. Will call at reaidenoe when request' d. dso'JO Irr STOCK COMPLETE! PIECE GOODS FOR Spring 1885. INCLUDING THE LEADING NOVELTIES. AMERICAN AND FOREIuN GOODS FOB MAKING SUITS TO ORDER. Stock Unrivaled I Prices Right 1 A FEW BARGAIN SUITS LEFT, AT HLA-LtF F’KICIE. CALL AND SEE US. G. J. PEACOCK. Clothinsr Manufacturer, 61 & 66 BmiSt. Colsfc --6?. P 8. All GOODS Strictly CASH, LAW PARTNERSHIP. We have this day formed a partnershir lor the practice of law under the □•me of PEABODY. SHANNON & BATTLE. iwOoilecttons and all other bueineee placed In our hands will be promptly anc c iretully attended to. John Pbaßcdy, Wm. H. Brannon, oucl-'f Charlton E. Hattls. Anna \ f|||| 111 II las 5 ceuts postage, and b' UUUmail you will get fret paasarfe, or good* of large value, that will star y®u in work that will at once bring ' ou la mone faster than anything else in imerics ail aaouf the >200,000 in presents with each box Ageu 1 . wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all ages, foi ail ths time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes Fortunes for all workers baomuly Msuraci D-»n‘t delay a Hallutt a Co. Portland. Maine decD .iflm wly ADDI7t Blx ceilta for pos age, and I nil. Li receive free, a costly box o. goods which will help you to more money right sway than anything else in this world All ot either sex succeed fiom first hour The broad road to fortune open before the workers absolutely sure At cnee address Taua A Co, Augusta. Maine 4eaf*46iß»wly NO POISON <' ■" IN THE PASTRY i SPECIAL ’ AM > EXTRACTS .A.ZW rrsrxD. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., flav<MP Cakes, ( ream*, Puddings, Ac., as rfelt* cately and naturally a* the fruit Crum which they are made. For Strength and True Fruit JFlavor They Stand Alone. RSSRAatO *r TMt Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, I IL St. Lome, Me» r MAKtSS OF Dr. Priest Crsam Baking Powder Dr. Price’s Lnpulln Yeast Gem«, Rest Di-y Hop Yea.U FOR SAI.BBYORCX BR& WX MAKIS BUT OBE UUAUTY. ====== == = ' Acknowledged fact that the Best fitting _ and most Stylish suits are made by H. J. Thornton, Merchant Tailor, 83 and 85 Broad St. Now to Hand [ Irish Fotatwe, Ouloa beta and English Peae for early planting, together with a general aisoitm<-nt of gulden seeds special prl -ee to market gardoere. J anl-eodAHutf M l> Hood A Go. •—. w > Jewelry. Diamond ring , cam »> rtnga, plain rings gold sleeve buttons, bracelets gold and lated, gold and plated necklaces arc lockets; clocks In every style and variety >t T. 8. Hpear’s. Just Hrcelweii. Very large ase -rmi.-nt of silver plated ware tor wedding and Ohriet mae preterite. I will edl ad above : goods at 20 per cent discount on , mamnacturer’e regular prices. Call and make your selections at > T S Hpxts's Our force will be increased in the! Me re han t Ta il or i ng! Department this week. Leave your measure and we will fill the order on time. H. J. Thornton. Notice to the I.adtes, Ilhave just reeelvedUJO.OOO stock of jew tlry trom New York, besides my own dock. Gome and ex imine the goods be >re purchasing elsewhere. T. 8. SPXAB. 161 Broad 8t Jordan’s Joyous Juiej Will cure the worst case of And nervous headacba In a few m'nntee tooth ami ear nene In two minutes. Noir • Ing like It tor pain, it acts like megir It you suffer ask your druggist h lOEDAN’S JOYOUS JILEP, the Neuro apt cure. Price 60 cent-—ror sale by druggists. Exclusive Novel ties in Elegant Piece Goods can he seen at Thornton’s. Thirty duplicate or der patterns just re ceived. A CAR 1). Tn *ll who are suffer* from the errors tnf uHMsretloca of youth, carvone wpskues*. early leesy, lose of manhood. 4cl will send a ieol;t "st will cure you. FREB of CHARGE. Thl» /rtsat remedy wab discovered by a missionary in <ontb Am. rlo*. Send a self-addreeaAd envelop* ■ the ■wpw T, Ifmaf, Station D. -R - - ’ned 4- A ■ MONEY TO LOAN. FOR 3 to 5 YEARS ON CITY PROPERTY AND IMPROVED FARM!*. 11. W. DOZIKJB, Office Over Graue"s Store. mchlSc'Awlm 11. E. GRIGGS, Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE: T. H. EVANS <t CO.'S Dreg Store. Residence, Jackson St., South, net of Coart House with W H. Glaae. tsn« ly W. A.TIGNER. Jr. Attorney At Law. OFFICE IN GARRARD BUILDIN , rOI UMRUb. . - . GEOpcr FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose of is t< be of practical service to buslue«s men. Its special trsde and industrial repo;ti>; itswrekl' tpitcme of baukrui tcies iLrouphotv the Crln <J ( t tales and Canada, and thr tun.mares o assvtt and I tbi itlts, are aione wo th the rubsorip’toL < price; i’s sym p-es of recent leg«l de islons »r» e cee4l’ ely va oab e As commars’a trarrac tiers, in the wider bense, are coming to b« more and more conducted on a sta Ltlcai basis, the iuforaatfon contained in Bradstrikt's it oi tbs first importance both to producers and middle men. The trade and Agricultural situation throughout the United States and Canada Is reported by Telegraph up to the hour of Publication. SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY. 279, 281, 583, BboadwaY, Nkw Tome City. BLANCHARD & BOOTH AR I’Ll AS DTO ANMIU « M Thatthn r buypra are now in tb- E .fe’trn Markets, makfi g i u-CLRsee ot aa tnmensb SPRING- STOCK To be opened for inspection witbin the next TEN DAYS Our MR BLANCHARD writej that their eelecHon this season will far excel an» in tti< past, in almost every respect. The fact that MRS. G. L. JOHNSON, our lady buyer, is assisting in the purchase of Dress Goods, Fancv Goods. And that is a sufficient guarantee to the L idles of Columbus end surround Inga, who have bad dealit gs with her, that our stock will ccmbine ail the Beauties and N veltiee to be fourd In anv mark-1. It is also well known that MRS. JOHNSON’S knowledge of Drese- M-iking ie unparalleled In 'bis p»r< ot th •■ country. She will gather in all latest ideas in that line, and will be pleased to give to the ladles all the in ioitnarlon d<-eiri d. To make buri: ee» Hvelv the Following Week, and to clear out stuff now in the way of RECEIVING IMijyV OOODSsi, iVV will plac 'on our counters MONDAY MORNING 200 yards CHECKED MUSLIN tn short <-n is from 3to 10 yarisea t 8 cen is. regular price 12J 5. 150 vardsS riped Muslin in remnants 3to 10 yardseach at 8d regular , pti • 12J 250 yards Satin S rlped Muslin In r- mnants 2 to 8 lards each st 8?. 250 y ids Corded Dimity in short leugihs, to be sold at 10 cents, regular pric- 15 cents. I 500 yards London Cord in remnants 2 to 10 yards, at 4 cents, usual prioe ■ 8 cents. Just think of it. 6 yards of goods for twenty-five cents, worth forty-eight.. Corsets, Corsets. Carsefc Our Stock of CORSETS never wis as complete and varied in style as now. It is impossible tor those who are in search of a medium price or the better grades ot CORSETS To find as good one as we cm sh.w for the money. We hav loft on our B irgain Oouuteis, a lot of Remnants in WOOL DRESS GOODS to be sold at flf een per cent, less thin they are now mark ed. Call early and secure these bargains, they will not last long at these reduced pric s. Blanchard & Booth. (•loins hid ii«s wirsii, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Founders and Machinists. o OF STRATTON’S IMPROVED ABSORPTION Ice, Saw Mills, Hollowware, Pumps, Cane Mills, Syrup Ket tles Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Callendor Rolls, Steam Engines, Iron Screw Cotton Presses, Power Colton Presses, Etc., Etc. DEALJEKX liV DRESSED AND HATCHED ( EILING and FLOORING, A' D OTHER CIRCULAR SAWS, PUMPS. WATER, GAS AND STEAM PIPE. AND FITTINGS. GAUGECOCKS. GLOBE, CHE K AND BU I'TER FLY VALVES, STEAM GtUiES WHISTLES, IN SPIRAIORS. INJEOIORE EJECTORS, MON KEY WRENCHES. PIPE TONGS. FLUE SCRAPERS. ETC., ETC. !—o - : \GE\TS JUDSON GOVERNORS THE BROWN COTTON G»N CO., ROYAL PUMPS, HANCOCK INSPIRA TORS, EBER'BN FEEDERS, E’C„ ETC. HPECIAIATY MAIJE OF Dressing Lumber For Other Parties mol 5 * -Sa 92 BALES = MADE BY FOUR MU E IN IRDI NAir YhAKD WI 1 H - Jows’ Wmi ffloii seed. ,o. This seed bae marie mere cot’c ‘ -nil ctbi-’ e dm' Sdi'rc'Gecr gia and not am a 1 who bae par- ten I.- n: nt: ■! ■iin’idn'ljn. Certificate* fr< m a large number f th- h■ st r- -bnr and su<ceee. r ul planters in Georgia. Alabama an I i-tber S tee are tn file, and can be read by rending for a circular. jffi'EßS’ umm amo seed Wilf make fr mSO :c ICO per c n*. m . . r than o. . ry cottun, while the staple 8 superior and bi in as a beer t rice 'nth- market. PLANTERS CAN MAKE MONEY By planting this seed, for with the same woik and experee double the amount ot cotton can be raised. It don’t pay to raiee poor cotton. Why not make money by using improved eeed? PRICE, THREE DOLLAR* PER BUSHEL. Orders eent to Hareold, Johnson & Co„ Americus, Ga., or to my address, will be pn mptiy filled. W. P. JOWERS, Preson, Webster, Co., Gaj tnch23tf