The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, January 10, 1855, Image 1

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TRIWEEKLY. VOLUME, III] THE TIMES SENTINEL^ TE VNENt” LOMAX & EOSWELL iXLIS^ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES <fc SENTINEL spubliShed EVERY IVEIJNRSDA Y aud ERIJjJi Y MORN ING ami SATURDAY EVENING. THE WEEKLY TIMES fe SENTINEL published every TURSDA Y MORNING. Office on Randolph. Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS! TRMVEEKLY,Fiv K Dollars per annum, In advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. TW“ Advertisement? conspicuously inserted at One Dollar persquaro, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every sub sequent insertion. Citberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors,or Guardians. a, 'e required by law “to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and Ihifte in the afternoon,at ttie Court House in thecounty in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazett e forty days previous to the day of sale. JYotices for the sale of Persona) Property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan Estate must be publish ed forty days. Nobicethat application will be madeto the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for tvo winntks. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months —for Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given By the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications wiilalways be continued according to these, the egal requirements,unless otherwise ordered. J ■’ - ‘ BUSINESS CARDS. printing^and^bookTbinding. HAVING connected with our Printing Office, a full and complete assortment of Book Binder’s tools and stock, and also added to our Printing materials, we are now prepared to execute, in good style and with despatch, every kind of work in either branch of the business, on the best terms. BLANK WORK, of every description, with or with out printing, made to order, in the neatest manner. WARE HOUSE PRINTING, Receipts, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Lading, &c., &c., executed neatly and promptly, and bound in any desired style. RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT BLANKS, •ofall kinds got up,with accuracy and dispatch. Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, &c., &c., printed in the shor test notice and in the best style. Magazine and Pamphlets put up in every style of binding. Books of all kinds rebound strongly and neatly. Lomax ellis. Columbus, April 15,1854. ROBERT N. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LA W , COLUMBUS, GA. 03- Office over Dr. Ware’s Drug Store. jJb July 22, 1854—tw&wly ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA —St. Marys’Bank Building. April s—wtwly JAMES HAMILTON. WM. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, Attorneys’ at Law, Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Coiuts of the adjoining counties in this State and Alabama. dec5 —w&twtf. WM. PERRY, ATTO RN E Y A T LA W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. vyILL practice in this and adjoining counties, particu ’ ’ lar attention paid to the securing and collection of debts. Oliice with Col. A. McDougald. dec!4—tw4m. JAMES H. CLANTON, A T TORNEY AT LAW, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL practice in the various courts of Montgomery, Macon and Russell counties, and in the United States District Coutt at .Montgomery. 8 OUice over Bell’s Store, near the Court House. Montgomery, Ala., Feb 3—wfctwly RAMSEY & KING, Attorneys at Law, COLUMBUS AND HAMILTON. Jamks N. Ram sky, W. H. M. King, Hamilton. Ga. Columbus, Ga. October 21 —wly SEALS & COX, ~ Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery. lITILL attend the Courts of Barbour, Henry and Pike, in \ 1 the Eighth Judicial Circuit, and those of Macon and Rus sel! in the Ninth. Special attention given to business in the Chancery and Probate Courts of Barbour an l Macon countii s. [). M. SEALS, Clayton. Ala. MOSLS COX, Tuskegee, Ala. October, 10—wly F. T CULLENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLAKELY, EARLY CO..GA. April 25, 1854-wtf TUCKER & BEALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lumpkin, Stzwart County, Ga. WILL attend regularly the Superior Courts of Stewart, Ran dolph, Sumpter, Kmcim.oonee and Chattahoochee counties: and will give prompt attention io all busiuess entrusted to their care. JOH.YJI. TUCKER, E. B. BF.ALL. Lumpkin, march 18.1854 —wly OLIVER & C EM ENTS, ATTORNEYs t law , Buena Vista, Marion co., Ga. TTTUJL. practice tn the Superior Courts of Marion, Stewart. ’ V Chattahoochee, Kiuchafoone. Macou Sumpter and adjacent counties. Buena Visia, march 7—wiy T. J. COLQUIT, Attorney at L aw, SAL%M RUSSEL CO., ALA. WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care n the Chattahoochee Circuit Georgia and the 9th Circuit Ala. Jan. 10, 1854 -wly ARTHUR P. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOMI.SYIiIE, THOMAS COUNTY, GEORGIA. WILL devote himself to to practice of his profession ia the counties of Thomas, Decatur and Lowndes, of Georgia. And will also attned to any collections intrusted to his care in the counties of Leon, Jefferson, Madison and Ham iton, of Florida. Jan. 31. 1854. wtf MILLER & GAULDING. AT TO II N EYS AT LA IV, Buena Vista, Marion co., Ga. Buena Visi**, march 7 —wly_ _ ___ irWEti DENTISTRY. J.FOGLB, D.D. S. Office on Ranciojph'ncsr Broad giml. Columbus Dec3l—w4ttwly “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, (855. DENTON & PHILIPS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. WILL practice in the different Courts of Russell county, Alabama. ADDRESS R. WATSON DENTON, JOHN M. PHILIPS, Columbia, Ga. Crawford, Ala. Sept Id. IHS4 —twlv&w3m JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, COLUMBUS, GA. ARCHITECTURAL Designs and Working Plans for Buildings furnished. Artificers’ work calculated ; Surveys of land made, and Topographical plans furni bed with accuracy, neat ness and despatch. o>er Col. Holt’s Law office, Columbus, July 2fi—tw&w6m A. K, AYER. F. G. WILKINS. AVER & WILKINS, AUCTION, COMMISSION, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, No. 114 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Columbus ‘Ga., Sept 2fi—ww ANDREWS, IUDGWAY &, CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, &€., &C, (Four Doors below Hill & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD STREET, (COLUMBUS, GA. Columbus, Oct 15, 1853.—tw&wtf ROAD WAGONS ! Two, Four and Six Horse Road Wagons, FOR SALE BY HALL & MOSES. Columbus. Nov 4 twlt&w3m Lime! Lime! JUST received, a superior article of fresh Northern Lime. — Also, Plaster of Paris and Cement. For sale by B. F. COLEMAN. WANTED,3OO Bushels Cow Hair. Columbus Jan 21)—-wlf.&wlv B. F. ft. “copartnership. THE undersigned having this day formed a Copartnership un der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN k M’GEIIEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING, AND NEGRO business, at the old stand of C. S. HARRISON, pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal attention Jo the sale of Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. Having ample facilities at their command, they are prepared to make liberal cash advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. The patronage of their friends and the public general.y is solicited. C. S. HARRISSON, WILLIAM AUSTIN, A. C. McGEHEE. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854. Septl6-tw&wtf CRUGEK & WApiflT” FACTORS k COMMISSION MERCHANTS 84 BAY STREET SAVANNAH. NICHOLAS CRUGEK. E. C. WAD*,. Savannah, Ga , Aug. 19—tw&wtil ApUBSS. LOCKETT & SPELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o PRODUCE. Strict attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, 11. D. SNELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854 tw&wly - . HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RF.NEYV an offer of thir service® to Planters, Merchants and Dealers in the sale of Cotton and all other country produce. Strict atttenli<>n will be given to business, and liberal cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO. H. HUDSON, ) \V. It. FLEMING, ) L. HOPKINS, Augusta. john j. cohen, Charleston. Atig. 4—tw&wtf “THE finest lot of BACON II AM S Ever oflered in this market, lor sale by A. M. ALLEN, 117 Broad street. Columbus, sept 27—tw&wtf JNO. ANTROBUS, PORTRAIT PAINTER. Studio over J. H. Merry’s Clothing Store. Columbus,Ga., Nov. 15—twtf J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW , j WILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. REFERENCES: T LOMAX. ESQ., MANLEY & IIODGES, DR . A STANFORD, R PATTEN. Columbus, Oct 7 —twly ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and for sale atthe Alabama Warehouse by J. 1. RIDGWAY. Columbus, Ga.. May 4—twtf RICHARD HOOFER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CH ATTANOG HA,TENN. WILL attend promrtlv to the purchase of COUNTRY PRODUCE, or any other business entrusted to his care. May 13—twly BOOTS! BOOTS !! BOOTS!!! ipD THE undersigned have removed their **33 BOOT mm ESTABLISHMENT, To No. JOG, KasljSide Droa:! Nt., Three doors below J. & J. Kyle. BIEULER & CO. Golumbui, Sept *5 —tw6m j Tnos. W. Marshall. Jso. A. Montgomery, Jos. P. Rutland. TIIOS. W. MARSHALL & CO. RECEIVING AND FORWARDING M EKCI-IANTS. 93 Commerce and 92 Front Streets, MOBILE, Al A. All goods consigned to their care for the interior, will be re oeived and forwarded with all possible despatch, aud .tree ot any charge for commission and stoiage. November 18—tw&wfim Drawing and Oil Painting. AT the solicitation of numerous friends, the undersigned has concluded to form a Class and give a course of Lessons in the arts of PERSPECTIVE DRAWING AND OIL PAINTING. For this purpose, lie has opened his rooms over J. 11. .1/erry’s Clothing Store, Broad Street, and to those ladies and gentlemen who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity to acquire a thorough knowledge of these delightful arts, he would suggest an early call, as the class \vi;l be necssurilv limited, dt c!7 —w &twtf. JOHN ANTROBUS. GREENWOOD & GRIMES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL give their particular attention to the storage, and sale of cotton, and other produce, which may be con signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton in store. Prompt attention will be given to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STERLING F. GRIMES: Columbus, Sept. 5,1854 —w&twly _____ J. C. RUSE, J. H. DAVIS, W. 11. LONG. “ruse; DAVIS & LONG,"” COMMISSION MERCIIANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH,.GEORGIA. WILL purchase and sell coiton and other produce on com mission, aud strictly attend to forwardinggoods and filling or ders irom the country. Ruse, Patten & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be niadeon consignments either to or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf WELLS VERSTILLE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga., Prompt attention paid to forwarding Merchandize to the interior. .Tune 9—tw&wly. AN OFFICE FOR RENT. . . OVER the Store of Win. A. Redd, & Cos, is an office or gentleman’s sleeping room to rent another year.— B % I Price SSO a year. Apply to k| dec 12—twtf. M. J. CRAWFORD. 0 IN SOMERVILLE, MA Pleasant Residence for Rent. Posress sion given immediately. Apply to cec—3otwtf D. I‘. WILCOX, Agt. NOTICE. CONTEMPLATING a change in our business, all petsonsin dented to us are hereby notified ts.atan early settlement is positively required. dec3o-twtf. J. &J.KYLE. For Sale a A most desirable House and Lot, on Front street, just below the Columbus Cotton Gin Factory, formerly owned aud occupied by Dr. E. T. Tailor. The lot contains one-halt acre, and good out houses and stable, all in perfect order, and a well of excellent water. For terms, apply to Dr. Henry Lockhart, or JOHN F. HUDSON, July 25—ts. at Threewits, llolt & Co’s. ~~ JAMES BOULTER^ OYSTER SALOON. 145 BEGAD STBEET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, ALL SORTS OF GAME ! ll AM AND EGGS! COFFEE & WILD FOWL, ail hour9 ’ ni s ht and d; -y- Nov 94—japrtf Enquirer copy twtf Drs. BROOKSfck GARRICtER. fit together In the various branthe* of ‘,;>eir |tbey will ; n> enabled there by to give more lion to all who may favor them with tbe ; r confifWM^ Dr. Carriger is fully urepared and will give special attention to all cases of SURGERY entrusted to his care. Office in Winter’s Bank Building. Jan. 14—twtf RECEIVED THIS DAY! ,i j, —, ON K more of those fine Tons“! and highly fin ished PIANOS, wi’.h Pjsarl Keys. This is the Tff’Fnjl most rtchly fimsbed Piano 1 hat evei was brought J “ it u J to Columbus, ,'or sale. We wish our friends and the public to favo- us with a call, examine,it together with our large stc<k of Pianos and oth er Musical Merchandise. ITS 5 ” New Music received every week. TRUAX & VANDEN BERG. Columbus, Fept. 20—twtf STOVES! STOVES !! JUST teceivedand for sale, alarge and fine assortment of COOKING STOVES; Among which may be found Tile Young America, New and perfect. Iron Wizzard, Extra heavy Castings. Eagle & Empire Premium, neat plain and simple. i Huron Air-Tght. Iren Witch, Eastern Air- Tight, &c. &e These Stoves are peculiarly adapted for burning wood. Cali and see them. R. M. ALDWORTII & CO. Aug. 15, 1854. twfim SILVER PLATED WAijLE! TTTE have just received a large and beautiful lot ofSiher Ft Ph ted Ware at our Auction Room, from the tnanulac turers. consisting of Tea Set?, Castors with six and seven massive cut Crutts ; C ike and Sugar Baskets, E... bossed Claret Pitchers ; Chased anc Plain Pitchers, Goblets, Tumbler?, i ups, Mustard cups, Salt Cellars Cake and Butt'r Knives, Plain and thread Tea and Table Spoons Forks of every style, Toy Castors, &c., &c. Alt of which we offer, at very low prices. The ladies and others in want of the above aricles are invited to call at,d ex amine Fhislot, HARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEHEE. Colntnbu*, November 18—twtf Enq tirer and Cotner Stone copy ts Dll W. F- LEE, DSNTIVT, WOULD give notice to his friends and pat L L.;_j rons that his RO )MS are again r.cdy for busi ness, ai the corner of Broad and Randolph street-, over i rtj gait’s store; where he will be pleased to see those w ishlug j hispruiVsrional services. Jjf* i ntraWco on Broad sirtet. S j July 1854—tats 10 Fire, Marine and Life Insurance. H’lIE following Companies continue to take risks on favora- J- terms Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Cos, Springfield, Mass. State Mutual, Fire arid Marine Insurance Cos. Harrisburg, Pa, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Cos. Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Cos. 23’’” Slaves insured for two-thirds their value. JOHN MUNN, Agent. umbus. Nov 15—tw"ui HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, No. 10 Wall Street. NE W Y O UK. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. Ciias. J. Martin, Secretary. GREENWOOD & GRIMES, Agent?. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 30,1854 t\v6m MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, YICTILL receive Deposits—and Checks for sale on New York VI Maeonand Savannah. April24—twtf RICHARD PATT AGENCY Os Savannah Mutual Insurance Company Office at the Ware-House of Ruse, Fatten is, Cos. MARINE, River and Fire risks taken on reasonable terms. Columbus, Feb B —twly W. C. HODGES, Agent. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent of W. H. Gttion, New Carpet Store Savannah, Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpsting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Hugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Hods, &c. Samples and pricesof all qualities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, ifdesired, for a small compensation, by an experienced hand in Savannah. I will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Columbus, May 3—twtf NEGROES FOR SALE. THE uudersigned have twenty five likely young negroes for sale, consisting of house servants, cooks, washers and hon ors, seamsiresses, and field hands, that they offer for cash or approved credit. HARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEHEE. uct 11—twtf Nos 59 and CL Broad st., Columbus, Ga. FLOUR! FLOUR!! PRICES REDUCED. IT'AMILY Flour 9 50 including sacks. 1 Superfine do. 9 “ Number 2 do. 750 “ Fancy made from Genesee Wheat, sl2 per bbl., fully equal to Iliram & John Smith’s. Shorts $1 per hundred pounds. Bran 80 cents per do. do. Corn Meal $1 per bushel. A discount of five per cent allowed to purchasers where twenty barrels or more are taken at one time. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. October 25, 1854. twtf Who Wants a fine Piano ? jriCijfe— --71 WE would most respectfully call the attention of our friends and the public to our large stock * Os PIANO /<'C)RT£ S, among which can be found J J K \l ** Pianos of all prices and styles, from CX octaves to ~y k octaves of the finest tone and finish. Also Melodeons of various styles and prices and string and wind instruments o: all kinds, Musical Boxes, Strings, and the largest assortment of Sheet Jlfusic of al! descriptions, that can nintl any where in the Southern market. Second hand Piar.o taken in exchange, when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. Second Hand Pianos for sale or rent. 23” Piano, (Jr gan, and Me odeon tuning and repairing done by our Tuner whose work we warrant and in the best manner All orders left at our Store will meet with prompt,attention. TRUAX & VANDENBERG. So. 92, East side Broad st. Columbus, July 1, 1854.—twtf OPENING DAY FOR THE f ■"'HE subscriber respectfully announces to his patrons and X the public, that he will re-open his store on the 20tU OF (SEPTEMBER, with his fresh importations and manufactures for the pres ent season, embracing the finest assortment of CLOTHS, CASSXMEEES, and all articles appertaining t > sentlemen’s wearing ap parel ever offered to the public. They have been personal ly selected from the most distinguished Emporiums in the country, and are warranted to be of a very superior quality. Call and see them. J. SMEETON. Columbus, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy Special Notice. ALL perse ns having claims against Rock Island Factory are requested to hand them to the Agent without delay, and notice is hereby given, that from tiiisdate no accounts against the Company willbe allowed which have been contracted with out a written order.rom the Agent. D. F. WILCOX, Agt. Jan. 21, 1854. twt DISSOLUTION, THE firm of Williford, Brokaw & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. I. A. Brokaw and Daniel Rowe having bouirntJ. D. Williford’s entire interest, will continue the emitt ing business at the old stand in the name of I. A. Brokaw & Cos. Columbus, July 7 —twtf CUSHMAN, DEHTIST, 69 BROAD STREET. 7 j AVINC returned to the city, with improved health, is re'dy to attend to his unfinished esses, and aL others that may offer. Ftp:. 29, 185-l.w&twtf. BAuGING AND BALE ROPE. -i A A Bales India Bagging. .LAM / 500 Coils Rei-e. For sale by GREENWOOD & GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13, ISs4 — tw&wtf World's Fair Premium S E WING M AC I! I NE S. AS Agent for ‘ Wimseler & Wilson,” 1 have been selling their Scvring Macitines tu Columbus, for more than a ypar. ( have thus .art)asfed to the Machines themselves as their best recpinraondation to the Public: hut as other Machines are now being offen dby other parties, l will simply sla:ethat I am the Sole Jigsnt for these Micbines, and that 1 Shall Al ways keep them on HAND for Sale. For fullinfortna!ion HF 1 to their merit, l take t!.e liberty to refer to I!c-n. Hires Holt Hon. W. T. Coiquit, Dr-JL A. Ware, l)r. .John A. Urqmart 1 John D. tiarter, Joel E. Hurt, Win. H. Jlitcbell.r. R. Jones’, Troup llart, Chart j3 Myjratt. Joseph Kyle, Wm. H. Young Is rael t. Brown, Joseph W. T'oomns. Wm. Brooks,! Charles J. j Williams, and scortaof other persons who have been using j them for many months. These Machines CAN SEW a yard ; a Mtxt'Tß or thefinest or coarsest fabrics. N. B —They took tue Premium over all otesbs at the Crystal Palacs. Machines Warranted. Instructions. J Gratis. Fob Bilk ok fit Ev R.C. t {(OR TER. dec?—tw&w vs. SCHEDULE MOBILE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. OX and after Monday, 4th liec niher, the Passenger in con nection with the Kreiirht cars, will leave the Dei ot i t Gi rard daily for “Silver Httn,” (Sundays excepted) at 3.00 P. M. Returning leave Silver Run at 5 ((i, A. M. Stage Connections. The cars will connect with a line of Stages for Glennvlllo, Eufaiila. Fort Gaines, and Marianna daily, and Uchee, Chunen ntiggee nn;t Union Springs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. P. M. GEORGE S. RITNF.Y, &dec7-w&twtf. Chief Engineer. MUSCOGKE RAIL ROAD! CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Monday, November Gth. PASSENGI R Trains leave C< lambus daily at 10 20 A. M., arrive at Macon 4 50 P. M Leave Macon at G>£ A. M, arriveat Columbus 1 17 P. M., con necting with .Montgomery, Ala-, and the Eutaula Stage Line; and at Macon wilh Central Rail Road Trains to Savannah, Att gnsta,and Milledgevillc, and with the Macon and Western Trains to Atlau'a, Chattanooga and Nashville. B. E. WELLS, Columbus,Nov. 3—tw&wtl Engineer and Stip’t For New York or Philadelphia! PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. Carrying the United CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The Atlanta and La Grange Rail ltoad connects at East roint with the Maeonand Western Kail Road. Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 Hours. Leave Montgomery at f3O P. M. Arrive at East Point at 8 20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2'30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4-30 P. M. Arriveat Savannah at 2 3ft A.M. Fare from Montgomery to /Pest Point $3 sft “ “ West Point to East Point 325 “ “ East Point to Savannah 8 Ot) STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, Jr. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardie. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these shipsare un surpasstd,if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation lot) miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. AGENTS: In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron & Martin, 371 North Whatves. In New York, Scranton & Tallman, 19 Old Slip, nea foot of Wall Street. This line consists of the well known first class steamships STATE Ob’ GEORGIA. Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 20th October 4th a ,: and 18th. August 9th and 23d. Novembr Ist, 15th &29th. September Cth and2oth. December 13th and27th. keystone ate. Will leave Savannah. July 19ih. Novembor Bth and 22d. August 2d, 16th and 30th. December Gth and 20th. September 13th and 27th. January 3d, 1855. October 11th and 25th July 25th—tw&wtf H. C. SCOTT, Travelling Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, Between New Orleans and Key West, Fla., STOPPING at rtnsaenla, Apalachicola. St. Marks,Cedar Keys and Tampa Bay, leaving New Orleans and Key V\ est the 7<li ami f each month. The Steamship PAMPERO between New ‘ ‘r.eatis ami St. Marks, and Steamship J A S1 J Klt between St, Marts and Key West, forming a regular Through Line. F freight or passage aj ply to W. C. TFMPLETON, dccs—lw&w3m. No. 75 Camp street, New'jfleans. JNEW ORLEANS & SAN FKANCISCO ~ STEAMSHIP LINE. (VIA NICARAGUA.) _ The First Class Steamships I*R OM ETU E US and DANIEL, XV EUSTE JK , will i tin regularly between New Orleans and San Fran cieco, Cal, on the lLtli atid Witt*, ol each month,c anectlngon the Pacific with I he splendid Steamships UNCLE SAM, SIEUA NEVADA, PACIFIC and BROTHER JONATHAN. SHF° for freight or passage, ai ply to ’ W. O. TFMPLETON, decs—w&tw3m. No. 75 Camp street, New Orlean ~ HAMDEN’S EXPitm O^HANDOLPHStreet. WE respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbus and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central, South-Western and .Muscogee Railroads, and are now running messengers daily from Columbus to Macon thence to Savannah. Also, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South- Western Railroad to Fort Valiev, Oglethorpe and Macon, thence to Mitledgeville Savannah anti all intermediate places. AI3O, to Mon.gomery, Ala. We would also say, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable us to forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern States ; also,to California and Europe. OFFICES AND AGENTS. S. If. Hill, Randolph street, Columbus; S. O. Potts, Macon; Mr. Kendrick, Fort Valley; G.R. Clay ton, Oglethorpe ; 153 Bav street, Savannah; 74 Broadway, .Yew York; 43 and 45 South-Third.Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, Boston; Exchange street. Providence; Montgomery streer, Aan Francisco. Articles to be forwarded, called for at any part of the citv free of expense, bv leaving orders on the slate atthe office. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER 4c CO. Columbus, April 13, 1854. —tw&w ESTABLISHED 1789. MOTT BROTHERS Bemoved to No. 13 -John St., N. Y., (FORMERLY NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, N. Y.) SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, mmm mqit, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS, AND OF THE LATEST P ATTJiRNS, ALSO Diamonds in Rings, Pins, Silver Ware, &c. £g?° All of which will be warranted. P. S.—The best workmen o.nly employed in Repairs, New York,may 6 — tw&wly. PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE, VST E have on hand two good Printing Presses which v * can be bought very low ; one is a news press, plat ten 27 by 41, the other a small job pre.s.s, both complete and in good order. We can also spare job and news type, cita ses. sticks,&c.,sufficient to complete an office. LOMAX & ELLIS. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. Ftewellen & Cos. will please makeimmediate payment. Their gccount# may be found j uUh-3 Book Store of J, h, HOWELL, j Grdurabu*, Dec 30-—tw&wtf [NUMBER 4 ‘