The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, January 27, 1855, Image 4

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NOTICE. Administrator’s Sale.--Will be sold at the late res idence of William , Lane, l*te ot Chattahoochee county on Thursday the 2Jth da; of January, iust.. within the legal hours of sale, the | eiiehable property of said deceased, consistihg of one horse and waggon, cows and calves, stock cattle, pork and stock hogs, corn, household and kitchen furn iture. The pla itation will be rented for the present year. Bold undei an order of the court of ordinary of said county. Tern s given on the day of sale. January 10th. 1855. Jan 12—wtds. A. C. HUDSON , Adm’r. Administrators Sale. —AGREEABLY to an order from the Ordinary of Muscogee Ounty, will be sold on the Ist Tuesday in February next, at the Market House in the city o Columbus, a negro woman named Matilda, about 40 years old, sold as the property of Oeorge B. Carey, deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs and cr< ditors of ‘.he deceased- Columbus, Dec.2l, 1844. MARGARET S CARY, Adm'z. twlt&.wtd- A. S. BITTH KBF* l>. r r'IF.OKGIA Taylor County.—Moses L Thompson applies lor X Administration upon the estate of Isaac Merchant, dec’d a non-resident of said State: . Kindred and creditors of deceased are required to appear at the court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in February next, and make objection, if they have any, to the grant of administration, to the applicant, nr some other person. Given under tny hand December 27th , 1854. dec29—w3od JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. T county, dec’d, intestate; no person applies for administra tion upon his estate: Kindred, creditors, and allothers are no’ifled to appear aUtbe court of Ordinary of said county, oil the first Monday in Feb ruary next, to show cause why the clerk of the Superioror In ferior court of said county, or same other person, should not be vested with said administration. Given under my hand Dec. 27th, 184. dec29 —w3OJ. JOHN STURDIV ANT, Ord. (“t JEOILGIA Taylor County—l shall apply to the court T of Ordinary on the Ist Monday in March next ior an order to sell all the Real Estate of Ezekiel Adams, late of said county dec’d. The said real estate consists of several ‘ots of land in said county, near Reynolds,and several town lots in Reynolds,—all known as the Ezekiel Adam’s property. For benefit of heirs and creditors. dec27—w2m MARRTHA ADAMS, Adm’x. /GEORGIA, Taylor county—Whereas, James H. Winchell \JT administrator on the estate of Albert B. Wiley, late of said County, deceased, applies for Letters of DiEtniesion from said administration: It is ordered that all persons concerned be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they have, whvlettersof Dismission should not he granted. JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. dec2—niGm. ON the First Monday in February next application will be made to the Courts of Ordinary of Muscogee and Stewart Counties for the appointment of Guardians for the persons and property of the minor heirs of Reuben J. Crews, late of Harris county dec’d. P J PHILLIPS, decSO —w3od. Executor of R J Crews. Georgia, Randolph County. Court of Ordinary of said county, July Term, 1854. JAMES Little, administrator on the estate of Mary Knighton. deceased, late of said county, having petitioned this court to grant him letters of dismission, and it appearing thatsaid estate is fully and entirely administered. Ordered that all persons concerned, show cause to she contra ry on or belorethe next February term of this court, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. A true extract from tho minutes of said court this 7th August, I£.>4. -* ug 12-0 m O.P. BEALL, Ordinary. Guardian’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order oJthoUourt ot Ordinary of Muscogee county will he sold at the Market House in the city of Columbus, on he first Tuesday in February next, a negro boy by the name of Frank, about 17 years old, sold as tho property and for the benefit ot Uollea E. Russell, miner or orphan of Win. R, Russell, deceased. A liberal credit will be vert. dec2l—wtds. MARY BUSSELL. Guard Administrators Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary j\_ of Chattahoochee County, will be sold before the court house door in the town ol Cusseta, Chattahooche Connty.on the first Tuesday ot February next the. follow ing negroes belonging to the estate of Stephen Parker, de ceased: Mary and her two children. Caroline and one child, and Ann, a girl about thirteen years of age. Terms made known on the day of sale. decl6—wtds. ISAAC 11. WEBB. Adm’r. TWO Months after date I shall apyly to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph County for leave to sell the ands belonging to Alexander Stevenson, deceased dec‘26—2m WM HENDRY, Adm’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ALE persons having demands against the estate of JohnW. Turner, late of Randolph County Ga., deceased, will pre sent them in terms of the law; those indebted to said de ceased will come forward and make payment. cleclR —4()d. L< >DW ILK TURNER, Adm’r. WiEL be sold before the court house door in the town o! Blakely, Early county, on the first Tuesday in Feruary ne&, agreceable to an order of the court of ordinary of said county, the North half of lot of land No. one hundred and eighty six (186) in the twenty-eighth District of Early counntj know'n as the Jacob Wiley place, sold for division. Terms on day of sale. By GREENVILLE & JACOB WILEY, dec5 —w3od. Adm’r. of Jacob VVilky, Dec’ NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to A. C. Fiewellen & Cos. will please makeimmediate payment. Their accounts rnay be found Bt the Book Store of J. L. HOWELL. Colmnbus,-Oec 30—twfcwtf Notice to Debtors and. Creditors.—All persons having demands against the Estate of Win. Lane late of Chattahoochee County Ga. deceased, will present them in terms ot the Law, and those indebted to said deceased will come forward and make payment. Jan9—w4t)d. A. C. HUDSON, Adm’r. ~ALQNE! ALONE!! A FEW COPIES JUST RECEIVED By JORDAN L. HOWELL. Columbus, October SO—tw&.wtr MEDICINES. Jew David’s or Hebrew piaster, . THE GREAT REMEDY, For Rheumatism , Gout, Pain in the Side , Hip , Back , Limbs and Joints , Scrofula , King's Evil, White Swellings , Hard Tumors, Sfi#’ Joints and all Fixed Pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied, /’am cannot exist. TH KS K PLASTERS possess the advantage of being put up ii air-tight boxes—heuce they retain their lull virtues in all climates. This celebrated Pain Extractor has been so extensively used by Physicians and the people in general, both in this country and Europe, that it is almost needless to say any thing about it.— Yet there may be some who stand in need of its healing powers who have not yet tried it. For theirsakes we will simply state what it has done in thousands of cases, and what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician. Gentlemen— Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of W’hich l have suffered for twelve years past. During this period I labored 11 nder an affliction ol’ my loins and side, and tried many remedies that my own medical experience suggested, but with out obtaining relief- At length I used your Piaster, and am now by its good effects entirely cured. 1 will recommend ti e Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are su<2 ring trom cmiirac tionof ths muscles, or permanent pains in t ® side or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M. VY. WALKER, M. D.. Forsyth, Monroe County, Ga. To Messrs. Scovil t Mead, New Orleans, La. JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PIASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovil & Mead: I have been troubled with the chronic rheumat'sm for the last twe ive years. <>n the Ist of July, 1841). 1 wa9 so bad that I could not turn myselfin bed, and the pain so severe that 1 had not slept a wink for six days. At this time my attending physician prescribed the “Hebrew Plaster,’’and it acted like a charm ; the pain let t me, and 1 slept more than half of the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the “Hebrew Plaster’’ the best remedy for all sorts of pains now in use. G.W. M’MINN. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug 16, 1850. The followiugiwas handed us by a respectable Physician in Georgia: Messrs. Scovil & M ads—Gents: I have been using your Liv erwort and Tar Hebrew Plaster very extensively in my practice for three years past and it is with pleasure that 1 state my belief in their superiority over all other articles with which lam ac quainted, f >r the purp ses for which they are recommended.— The Hebrew Plaster, especially, is an Universal Panacea for local pains. I have also found it a most excellent application for Sprains and Bruises. It gives universal satisfaction wherever used. S. S. OSLIN, M. D. Knoxville Ga,, March 4th, 1853. 4®“ Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations. Toe genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved on the label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us. and by our agents appointed through the South — and so pedlar is allowed to pell it. Dealers and Purchasers generally are cautioned against buy ing of any but our regular agents, otherwise they will be im posed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL & MEAD. 11l Chartres Street, New Orleans. Sole Geue*al Agents W the Sonihern States, to whom all ders must invariable he SOLD ALSO BY Dantorth & Nitai.,, -.a. 1.1 tsE, Greenville. Brooss Chapman, T. J. Hunt & Cos., Whitesvl Robert Carter, W. H. Holt, Lumpkin. J. F. Woodbury, Hwniltoo.E. Willis & Cos., l’albotton. David Young, Col’mbs, Ga.R. I. Briggs, Buena Vista, Columbus, Sept ‘JD—w&tw4m. PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACT. DR. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. A PHENOMENON IN MED C NE ! Health restored and Life Lengthened. —o Dr. Morse's Invigorating Elixir Cordial. AT first the properties attributed to Professor Morse’s Invig orating F.lixir or Cordial were deemed fabulous. The pub lic i ten deceived could not believe the simple and sublime tiuths announced by the discoverer. But tacts, undeniable facts, attested by witnesses of the highest class and character, are now triumphing over all doubts, Incredulity isoverthrown by a massof testimony which is perfectly irresistable. The Elixir remedies, in all cases, the deplorable evilsarising from a misuse of the various organs, w hich make up the won derful machine called man. It restores to full vigor every deli cate function connected with that mysterious com poundagency of matter and mind, necessary to the re-production of human life. To pei sons of feeble muscular frame, or deficient in vital power, it is recommended as the only means of communicating that energy which is n< cessary to the proper enjoyment of all the natural appetites, as well as the higher mental attributes.— Its beneficial effects are not confined to either sex or to any age. Thefeeble,the ailing wife, the listless, enervat* and youth, the overworn man of business, the victim of nervoue depression, the individual suffering from general debility, or from the weak ness of a siugleorgau, will find immediate and permanent re lief from the use of this incomparable renovator. TothO'6 who have predisposition to paralysis, it will prove a complete and unfailing safeguard, against that terrible malady. ‘iber <are man’ perhaps, who have so trifled with theircon-titutions.that they” think themselves beyond the reach of medicine. Letnot even thesi despair. The Elixirdeals with disease as it exists, without reference to causes, and will not only remove the dis order itself, but REBUILD THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION. Thederanvement of the system, leading to nervous diseases, and tho forms ot nervous disease itself, are so numerot s thatit would require a column to enumerate the maladies foi which I his preparation isaspeciflc. A few, however, may be enume rated, viz : neuralgia, tic dolereaux headache, incipient para lysis, palpitation of the heart, spinal affections, muscular debili ty, tremors, flatulency, a pricking sensation in the flesh, numb ness, mental weakness of the will, indisposition to move, faint ness after exercise, broken sleep and terrifying dreams, inabili ty to remain in one placeor oneposition, weakness of the pro creative organs ; sexual incompetency, melancholy,monomania, fluor albus, sinking at the stomach, female ii regularities, a chronic tendency to miscarriage, emaciation, and allcomplaints growingout of a’ free indulgence of the passions, and ailbarre ness that does not proceed from organic causes, beyond the reach of medicine. Whenever the organs to he acted upon are free from malfor mation or strictural diseases, it is averred that MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR. will replace weakness with strength,incapacity with efficiency, irregularity with uniform and natural activity, and this not ouly without hazard or reaction, but with a happy effect on the gen eral organization. Bear in mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, finish with the nervous system, and that the para izationof the nerve ot motion and sensation is physical death. Bear in mind,also, lhatfor every kind of nervous disease the Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation known. Cure of Nervous Diseases No language can convey an adequate idea of the immediate, and almost miraculous change which it occasions in the diseas ed, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by sickness—the unstrungaud rolaxed organization Is at once braced, re-virifled and built up. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together under its influence. Nor is the effect temporary, on the contrary the relief is permanent—for the Cordial properties of the medicine reach the constitution itself, aud restore it to its normal condition. Loss of Memory. Jonfusion,giddiness, rush of blood In the head, melancholy, de bility, histeria, wretcheddess, thoughts of self-destruction, fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostratian, irritability, nervous ness, inability to sleep, diseases incident to females, decay of the piopagating functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitatation of the heart, impotency, constipation, &c., from whatevercause arising, it is, i! there is any reliance to be placed on human testimony, is absolately infallible. A Great Medicine for Females. The unparalleled effects of this great restorative, in all com plaints incident to f< males, mark anew era in the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented—thou sands of invigorantsconcocted—a 1 purporting to be specified in the various diseasesand derangements, to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. Every Woman of Sense who suffers from weakness; derangement,nervousness, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether peculiar to her sex, or common in both sexes, to give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. Married Persons. Or others, will flnd-this Cordial, after they have used a bottle or two, a thorough regenerator of the sj stem. In all directions are to be found the happy parents of healthy offspring, who would not have been so but for this extraordinary preparation. Andatis equally potent tor the many diseases for which it is recommended. Thousands of young men have been restored by using it, and notin a single instance hasit failed to benefltthem. Persons of Pale Complexion. Os consumptive habits, are restored by the use’of a bottle or two, to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yellow, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion, To the Misguided. These aresome of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits ot youth, viz.: weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of the sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervousirritabitity, derange ment of the digestive functions., general debility, symptoms of consumption, &c. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust, love of solitudc.timidity, &c.,are some of the evils produced. All thus afflicted, Before Contemplating Marriage, should reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessa ry requisites to promote connubial happiness, indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage— the prospect hourly darkens the view ; the mind becomes shad owed with despair, and filled with melancholy r> flection that tuehappiness of another becomes blighted with your own. Caution. Dr. Morse’s Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In future all the genuine Cordial will have the proprietor's sac-simile pasted over the cork.of each bottle, aud the following words blown on the glass : DR. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL. C. H. RING, Proprietor, New York. jjp?” The Cordial is put up, highly in pimbel tles—price $3 per bottle, two for $5. C. H. RING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, New York. Agents —Sold by druggists throughout the United States, Canada and the West Indies. Sold in Columbus by R. CARTER. Augusta by HAVILAND, RISLEY&CO. Montgomery by COXE & HUTCHINGS, Savannah by S. S. SOLOMON & CO. March 25—tw&wly JAMES LIGONT” TENNESSEE COMMISSION HOUSE. HAS on hand and for sale low for cash: 2000 lbs. choice Tennessee Bacon, clear and ribbed sides, shoulders and hams ; 1000 lbs. choice fresh Lard ; 1000 lbs.superior Feathers ; 50 bis. elegant Flour ; • 50 boxes Tobacco, an assortment very low; Teunesst e and Northern Apples by dozens, bush els or barrels ; a very superior stock of fresh and well as sorted garden seeds ; ear and sack corn, fodder by dozens or hundred pounds; Sugar by hhds., barrels or retail; 30 sacks Rio Coffee, Kerseys Osnaburgs, Sheetings Shirtings and Stripes ; 200 Troy Factory or Cottage Chairs, cheap; 2 good second hand buggies and harness, &c. LUMBER! LUMBER!! JAMES LIGON is agent for Judge U. Lewis’ lumber ysrd near his store, where is kept constantly on hand a very large and well assorted stock of seasoned raw ed lumber for sale at market prices. Columbus Nov 14—tw4tfcwtf Stoves! Stoves ! At Induced Prices, HAVING received a large lot of Cooking aud Parlor Stoves within the last few days, aud the season for selling far ad vanced, I am determined to sell at small advance from cost,the following superior Cooking Stoves, viz : Huron Tight with extra large oven and flew; Iron Witch do.; Iron King Premium Stove : The South ern Stove; Dray Carhan Stove; Girard Stove; Eastern Witch : all the above Cooking Stoves are warranted to give entire satis faction, or they can be returned and ihe money refunded ; also open Franklin] the do. Air Tight, the Peruvian Air Tight and Box and Oval Parlor Stoves, all of which are warranted to give satisfaction. Housekeeping aiucles generally—Cake and Pyramid moles of all kinds ; Preserving, Washer and Brass Kettles, Bird Cages] Britania Ware in variety, all kinds of plain and Japan tin ware do., Planish do., all of which will be sold lower than they can be had in this city, wholesale and retail. Try me before r o chasing elsewhere. Guttering and Roonng, Sheet Iron, Copper and TIN work done at short notice,and prices lower than any other shop in the city. Thankful for past patronage and hopes for a continuanceo> the same. the old City .Hotel corner No. 118, oddosHp Threewitt, Holt & Cos., Broad street,Columbia, Ga. Good wages and steady employment will be given a good workman. j. B . HICKS Columbus, Dec. 28—twlt&wtf JHVO Months after date I shall apply to the Ordinary of Ran dolph Couuty for leave to sell the lands belonging to my ir‘- r children. Dee. 5Ji 1854, SETH COTTON doc 3 f. 2m. Guardian of Minor Children. * . \V rtliii i .iiiiiix. lit . INTRODUCTION OF Professor James McClintock’s CELEBRATED Family Medicines. This is to certify, that I have placed, in the hand of Messrs Ji Xushmaii&L Cos., New York, the receipts of my lavnly Med icineswith my full authority to prepare and offer them Jor po P - W In securing the co-operation of Mr. Alexander Cushman, who is a thoroughly educated Chemist and practical Apothecary oj many years* experience, lam enabled to assure the public that they will beprepared in the best , purest and most perfect jorm , re " ar^CiS JAMES McCWNTOCK, M. D., Late Professor of An atomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Medicine and Acting Professor of Midwifery; one of the Consulting Physicians of the Philadelphia Hospital, Bloeckly, late member of the National Medical association: Membei of the Philadelphia Medical Society; member oftbe Medico-Ohir urgical College of Philadelphia; formerly President and Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medical Colie e Vermont; and also late Prolessor of Anatomy and Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass &c. etc. Important to Consumptives, And all who are afflicted with Bronchitis , or weakness of the Lungs. Dr. McClintock’s Pkctoral Syrup is recommended as one of the best and safest remedies ever used for Bronchitis, Consumption and all diseases of the Lungs and Au Passages. For any of these forms of disease showing themselves in Cough, Tickling of the Throat , Sense of Tightness in the Throat, or Chest. Spitting of Blood, Difficulty of Breathing , Hoarseness or Loss of Voice, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, &c, th.s SYllbl hat been used with unbounded success for many years; it con tains no opium , morphine or antimony , which injurious drugs form the basis of almost all the quack remedies for lung com plaints. The Great Peculiarity of Dr. Me Cl in toe If s Pectoral Syrup, is that in all chronic dis eases of the throat and In age. it may be taken by the most delicate patient with perfect safety. It contains no injurious drugs, like the common remedies used for pectoral complaints. It is pleas ant to the palate, produces no nausea or debility, but may be taken freely and constantly, with the certain result of purifying the blood, strengening the stomach, and renovating the entire system while Healing and soothing the irritated organs , and producing gradually a pcrfact cure. Price inpint bottles sl/ six bottles for Full directions uc~ companying each bottle. McClintock’s cold and cough Mixture. Colds and recent Coughs, especially if accompanied by fever or inflammatory excitement, require a remedy different in character from the Pectoral Syrup, which is so valuable in chronic com plaints. The Cold and Cough Mixture is precisely the cure for such recent coughs, cold and irritation of the throat and lungs. It is especially valuable for children; no family in our changeable climate, should be without this efficient remedy, which if taken on the first symptoms of cold, would prevent many an attack of Bronchitis, and a fatal issue in consumption. No Laudanum or preparation of Opium, in any shape in this syrup. Price per bottle 25 cents. Purifying the Blood. The following, from the New York Tribune, will daubtless be very seasonable to all who seek not only to preserve their health, but to guard against all possible conlingenccs which threaten to destroy it : “ IVe would call special attention to the importance of purifying the blood. Nothing is so prevalent as a gross and sluggish slate of the blood. iVe have no hesitation in recommending to those who would preserve their health, a free use of the best purifying medicine known to modern medical science, viz; Dr. McClintock’s Tonic Alterative Syrup* This remedy is not only delightful to the taste, but perfectly safe and rapid in its effects. It stimulates the liver and other glands to natural action, gives tone and new vigor to all the func tions, and enables them to throw off all morbid and unhealthy ac cumulations.” During the extensive practice of Professor McClintock, one of the most celebrated Physicians in Philadelphia, thousands of cases of Scrofula, Erysipelas, Scurvey, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Skin diseases of all kinds , Ulcers, Cancers. Pimples, Boils and Rheumatism, together with Syphilitic and Mercurial diseases in all stages were cur etl by the free use of Dr McClintock’s Tonic Al terative Syrup. Fur children it is perfectly safe, and from its pleasant taste can be easily given. ‘J’hosewho arc troubled with any of the above complaints, should take it regularly, Spring and Fall. Price $1 in large bottles. Six bottles $5. TRExITMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or Imberfcct Digestion or Dyspepsia, in some of its forms, is truly the National Disease of America. It caases, in directly, three-fourths of the sickness common to this climate. It causes impure Blood, irritations an t acrid Humors in the Stom ach, Liver, Bowels and Glands, and the system thus poisoned be comes a prey to an endless train of evil symptoms, of which the following are a few, viz: Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness, Low Spirits, Dimness of Vision, with Mote, Speck or Webs be fore the Eyes, Itching of the Nostrils, Dullness of hearing , and Ringing or Drumming in the Far.i, Bad taste in the jMouth, Tightness or Weight about the Chest, Difficulty of Breathing, Sense of Suffocation inlying down or ascending stairs, Palpita tion or uneasy feeling about the Heart, Irregular or deficient Ap petite, sense of sinking at the hea-t , sinking at the Stomach, Ac ridity, Heartburn, pain or fullness in the Abdomen, Costiveness, &c. Some of these symptoms alway - appear in Dyspepsia. They arc often mistaken for, and treated as other diseases. Their main seat and source, however, is the Stomach, and a deranged condition of the digestive functions. To meet and overcome those symptoms radically, and restore perfect health and vigor to the system, a safe and certain remedy is found combining all the most valuable ingredients offered by the vegetable Kingdom, in Jjr. McClintock’s dyspeptic elixir, its dau y use would be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bane of weakness. As the prescription of a leading physician, it can be used with confidence by all. Price in large bottles , $L An Universal Pill. Dr. McClintoek’s Vegetable Purgative Pills, though not war ranted to cure all diseases, are a specific against the numerous disorders that arise from Costiveness, and Costivencss is the bar.e of life to thousands; giving rise as it does to Headache, Appo plcxy, Impure Blood. Nervousness,Low Spirits. Lassitude, Pains in the Bowels and elsewhere, and other symptoms to nu merous to mention. Itostivencss y/ill cause or aggravate oJmost every known disease, therefore the Pill best adapted to cure this danger ous habit is entitled to the boasted name of an Universal rill Those who are willing to try a scientific medicine, safe, certain, mild and thorough in its action, yet operating without pain, should use freely Dr. McClintock’B Vegetable Purgative Pills. Price twenty five cents per box. Rheumatism and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases arc radically cured by takincr Ur. McClintoch's RHEUMATIC MIXTURE in doses of a tea spoonful three times a day. TVe have seen the worst cases relieved by it in twenty-four hours. For external use we have never known so powerful and penetrating an application as Ur. McClintock's RHEUMATIC LINIMENT. For swelled limbs , bruises, internal pains , cramps, chilblains, stiff joints, toothache, and oth er painful complaints, where we have seen it tried, it acts with magical effect. These remedies arc sold at 50 cents per bottle. Have you the Ague? If so do not injure your Constitution by resorting to the com mon cures in use. Even very learned physicians are in the habit of prescribing Quinine , Arsenic, Blue Pills, and other powerful drugs, which often do more harm than good, even if they stop the chills. On the contrary, the more and oftener you take Dr. McClintock’s -.Fkvkr and Ague Specific, the stronger will your constitution become , and the better your appetite and vigor of the whole system. It is eminently an article that CAN RE TAKEN WITHOUT FEAR! and withal it has never fail ed <o cure all forms of Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Bil lious Fever, Panama or Chagres Fever, Dumb Ague, See. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Whooping Cough Cured. This distressing disease is thoroughly and quiekl . ured by Dr McClintock's Asthma and Whooping Cough Remedy. It con tains no op um andean be given to children with perfect safety. A few drops at bed time quiet the cough all night , and a few do ses cure entirely. Instant Relief from Pain. No person need suffer from Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia or Rheumatic pains, Colic,,Chilblains, Pleurisy or Stitches in the Side, lain in the Back, side, limbs, bowels, bladder, or in any part of the body, who will apply to Dr. MoClintock's ANO D YNE MIXT URE. Its effect is like magic—producing immediate ease and quiet,refreshing sleep, even in cases of the most excruciating suffering. Every jamily should be provided with a bottle, Price Fifty Cents. Dysentery and Diarrhoea. These severe diseases are now prevalent, in various parts of the country. They mvy be wholly prevented, and in the beginning promptly checked, by Dr. McClintock's DIARHIKEA COR DIAL, one of the, most astonishing specifics for all Bowel Com plaints ever discovered. Thousands of cures have been made du ring the past summer, and many lives saved by this medicine—so simple and cheap that every family can procure it. Price twenty fire cents and fifty cents per botile. Sold in Oluinhus by ROBERT CARTER, and by local agents throughout the State of Georgia. A. CUBHM \N, & CO., 122 Fultou street, N. Y. Sole ‘Proprie tors of Prof. McClintock’s Family Medicines. dec2;—tw3m. MARBLE WORKS, Eastside Broad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments , Tombs and Tablets, of Amebic an Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carvi redone onstoneinthe bestposaiblemanner; and allkinds o fGran iteWorkattheshorteet notice. JOHtf H. MALI EN. P.S.—Plarterof Parisand Cement,alwaysOnh tnd for sale. Columbus, Jan l,lott 1854, NEW CLOTHING! I. A. BROKAW & CO., [ THE OLD STAND OF J. D. WILLIFORD &CO ] Have just received one of the largest stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS! ever offered in this market. It is impossible to enumerate the different articles, therefore, would invite all those who wish to purchase goods made in the very best and most iashionable style, to gne them a call. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER In this department will be found a great variety of FINE FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, selected by themselves, and cannot be surpassed in point of quality and sty.e. jgp DANIEL ROWE will give his entire attention to all orders entrusted to us. All gar ments warranted lo give satisfaction. . X 7T _ T _ I. A. BROKAW DANIEL ROWE. Columbus, Nov. 22—tw&wtf ~ a3O 3NT T 3S M 3S2NTJ YOU CAN FIND AT J. H. DANIEL’S Clothier and Merchant Tailor, 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga® ANOTHER OF THOSE LARGE AND VERY HANDSOME STOCKS OF GENTS FASHIONABLE READY MIBB CLOTHING! Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Valises, &c., Ac. HOYS AMD YOUTH’S CLOTHIYG Os my own manufacture, that can be fully relied on in point of quality and style. ALSO, AN UNSURPASSED STOCK OF FINE Black and Fancy French Cloths, Cassimercs AND VESTINGS, and indeed every thing that appertains to MERCHANT TAILORING, which is under the particular attention of JHr. George 11. Betz. Who will continue to use great exertions to please. Columbus, Sept 29, 1854 —tw&wtf The Great Purifier of the Blood. NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. An Infallible Remedy far Scrofula, King’s Evil. Rheu matism, Obstinats Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils , Chronic Sore Eyes, King Worm or Tei+er, Scald Head, Enlarge ment and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborrf Ul cers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,Spinal Complaints, an and all Diseasesarising from aii injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confi dence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, how ever, stronger testimony than tiie mere word of the proprietors; aud are ali from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. F. Boyder, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known every where, says he has seen the medicine called Carter’s Span ish Mixture admiristered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston ishingly good results. He says it is the most extraordinary med icine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever—Great Cure —l hereby certify that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent descrip tion. I had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine Mercury, and believe all the tonics advertised, but ail without any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottleß of which effectually cured me, and I am happy to say l have had neither chills or fevers since. I consider it the best tonic in the world, and the only medicine that ever reached my case. John Longdkn. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that he has bought up wards of 50 bottles, which he has given to the afflicted. Mr- Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to directions. Dr. Minge, a practicing physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a num ber of instances the effects of Carter’s Spanish .Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich mond, was cured of Liver Complaint of three years standing, by the use of two bottles ot Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Great Cure of Scrofula— I The editors of the Richmond Re publican iiad a servant employed in their press •'com cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mix ture made a perfect cure of him, and the editors, in a public notice, say they “cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disea'se of the blood.” •Still another Cure of Scrofula — I had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. I consider it trulva valuable medicine. M.Taylor. Conductor on the It. F. P. R..C0., Richmond Ya. SALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish .Mixture of Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 years, and which ail the physi cians ot the city couid not cure. Mr.Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his euro .8 most remarkable. Wm. A. Mat thews, of Richmond,had a servant cured of Syph ilis, in the worstform,by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. lie sayshe cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medi cine. Richard E. West, o! Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and whatphysicians called confirmed Consumption, by three bottles ol Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, commissioner of the revenue,lsays hehas seen the<rood effects ot Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and say sit is a perfect cure for that horrible dis ease. Wm. G. Harwood,of Richmond, cured of Old Sores and Ul cers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles ol Carter’s Spanish A/ixture, and was’enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & CO., No. 83, Maid en Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS,No. 132, North 2d? street, Philadel phia. BENNETT &. BEERS. No.’ 125, Main” street, Richmond, Va. THOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga. GESNER & PEABODY, DANFORTH & NAGEL, Columbu3,Ga And by druggists and country merchants every where. Price $1 ; six bottles for $5. June 17, 1854—w&twly The Southern Man. THE Rev. Wm. H. Milburn, recently delivered a lecture be fore the Now Yorh .Mercantile Library Associationen “The Southern Man.” We annex somecxtracts which both fortheir fidelity and beauty will be read with interest. Where the summer lengthens itself into nine continuous months, where the day is delicious and the night cool ami spicy, the Southern man grows up a noble specimen of the physical man, endowed with nervous vitality, for he is accustomed from his earliest years to the most active exercises, engaged in all the athletic sports of youth on foot and horseback, in the forest and and the field ; used to the pistol and the rifle, and the chase.— Yet in every motion there is a degree of lassitude, surprising to those who understand not the effect of his clime, and which yet imparls a degree of ease, of graceful elegance, rarely possessed excep. by an inhabitant of a warm southern climate. In the long, glorious noontides, swinging luxuriously in his hammock, he Inhales delicious airs, but laden, alas ! with death; they have on his cheek the marks of his origin, and the tale is soon told that, tqe liver of the southern man is altogether out ol order. This is a most magnificant hint, ami the lact was contem plated by the Greeks who made the word “melancholy,” which means, by etymology, “a black or disordered liver.” We fully agree w it h the gifted author of the above extract,and are happy to call the attention of those having a diseased liver, or any of those diseased so commom to a Southern climate, to to Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture the great invigorator of the system; by its use all sufferingfrom lassitude and weakness be comes robust and full of energy, we offer below some of the un solicited testimony, Washington, Jl/ay 17,1853. Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray. —Gentlemen—Having been afflicted with JAvcr Complaint often years standing, 1 hereby for the benefit of the afflicted, take great pleasure in announcing that after using a few bottles of your Hampton Tincture, 1 found it had accomplished a perfect cure, 1 have used a different med icine front time to time, but have never been able to account for any apparent good; and it is a blessing to Stricken humanity that, that medicine is found which possesses the wonderful power of prolonging human life . The many cures it has wrought is a sufficient guarantee of the beneficial results which may be ex perienced from its use. Yours respectfully, J. C. HAY. LIVER COJI/PLAINT DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, Esq’s Letter, Alexandria, Vir ginia.] After speaking of the wonderful cures on himself, he says— Kirs. 11. has been suffering with the Liver Complaint and with inability, constantly complaining from w eakness through her whole system. She now enjoys better health than for thirty years, being entirely restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. Space will not permit to name hundreds of others as Geo. W. Goodrich, Capt. Thomas Canot, Robert Gault, James Smyth, cured of Rheumatism. John Pervail, S. A. Griffin, John Lnke, Rev. V. Eskridge, U. S.N., and thousands otherscured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Cough, Liyer Complaints, Bronchitis, St. Vitus’ Dance, &c. We rtier you to your own citizens Call on them. Delicate Females and.Children will find the Tincture suited to all their diseases, by its mild action on the Stomach, Liver and the Kidneys, will cure Dyspepsia, Cough, Asthma. Bronchial and Lung Affections. Pains in the Back, Side, ami Breast, Con sumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Gout,Neuralgia, Fistula,Piles, Bowel Complaints, Worms, Nervous Debility, with Ml diseases arising from impure blood, and is the grates’t Female Medicine ever known. Call on Agents and get Pamphlets gratis, with certificates of cures and history ol its discovery. For sale by ROBERT CARTER, DANFORTII & NAGLE, . Columbus. ROBERT CARTER & Cos. Savannah, COXE & HUCHINGS, Montgomery Ala. Columbus, may 20, —w&twl DR. EDWARD BLEECKER’S, STAMPEDE MIXTURE For the Fever and Ague and Chagres Fever . THE Proprietor of this Medicine will state, without hesi tation or fear of contradiction, that the Stampede Mix ture has cured more persons where it has been introduced than any other medicine in use for the above disease. This medicine has neither Arsenic or Quinine in its composition, all of the ingredients are of a perfectly healthy character and highly stimulating atid invigorating in their tendency. Persons while using this medicine will not be aflected by exposure to water or a damp atmosphere no more than in their usual health. Planters in sections of country where the Ague prevails, wdll do well to adopt this medicine, as the patient is not obliged to lay by while under treatment and they may be assured ofa speedy cure. The proprietor could introduce thousands of certificates from those of the highest respectability,but prefers saying to the sick buy one bottle and you will have the infallible proof in yourself.— Full directions for its use accompany each bottle. For sale at the principal Druggists every where ; whole sale orders must be addressed to Mead & Bleecker, Sole Proprietor,9B Broadway, New York. R. C. CARTER, Columbus, haviland,risly & CO., Augusta, Ga. S. S. SOLOMON & CO., Savannah, Ga. June 7-tw&w-lv Administrators Sale. UNDER an order of the Ordinary of Kinchafoonee County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next before the court house in Mclhtosh between the usual hours of sale, wo hundred acres of land, it being part of Lets No. 3! & 3g nr the 18th District of originally, now Kinchafoonee county. Sold as the property of John Purvis, deceased, for the benefit of the neirsand creditors. Terms, credit till Ist January 18545. declGwtds. JOHN N. PURVIS, Adm’l,