The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, February 07, 1855, Image 1

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VOLUME, III] THE TIMES fisSiffr lomax & roswell’ ellis~ EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS.’ ‘JWj TUK TIU-WEEKLY TIMES &, SENTINEL sivubllshed EVERY fVEDNESDA Y ami FRIDA Y MORN ING and SATUHt)A Y EVENING. THE WEEKLY TIMES fc SENTINEL. published every TiJESDA Y MORNING. on Randolph Street, opposite the Post OfSce. terms: TRI-WEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars pgr annum,in advance. \"ff‘ Ydvertiasmeutsconspicuously inserted at One Dollar persquare, for the first inset lion, and fifty cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators', Executors,or Guardians, are required by lav/lo be he’d on The first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and thiee in the afternoon, at the Court Douse in thepounty in which the property 13 situate. Notices of These sales must be given in a public gazet Ui. forty days previous to the day of sale. A'otices for the Sale of Personal Property must be given a£ least tea days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan Estate must, bo publish ed forty days. NoUcethat application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, mu3t be published weekly for lwo months. - * Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days— tor Dismission from Administration, monthly six. months —for Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rulesfor Foreclosure of Mortgage must, be published monthly for four months— for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three mouths —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full tvnee o f three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the egai requirements,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. Dll. T. H. TUGGLE, OFFICE OVER MIMFORD’S ON BROAD STREET, GO&m&eUB, GSO2SSIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. 11. S. SARONI, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. jan 2C—tw ts. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY &T LAW, COLUMBUS , GEORGIA JTlPOffiae —St. Marys’Bank Building. ’ Apvil s—wtwly JAMBS HAMILTON. Wsl. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANS, Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Couits of the adjoining counties in this State and Alabama. decs—w&twti. JAMES H# CLANTON, A ‘l’ TOR NE Y A T LAW, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL practicein the various courts of Montgomery, Macon ami Russell counties, and in the United States District Court at Montgomery. |Tg?” Office over Beil’s .Store, near’ the Court House. Montgomery, Ala., Feb 3—W&twly ANDREWS, RipGWAY & CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, &C., &G. (Four Doors below Him. & Dawson’s old Corner) BROAD STREET,‘'COLUMBUS, GA. Columbus, Oct 15, ISs3.—tw&wtf T. A. -FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Y ILL practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office n St. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. REFERENCES I T LOMAX, ESQ., MANLEY & HODGES, DR “ A STANFORD. R PATTEN. Columbus, Oct 7—tw 1 y ; j# A. K, AYER. F. G. WILKINS. AYER &, WILKINS, AUCTION, COMMISSION, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, No. 114 Broad Ga. Columbus MaVSept2d— w wtf CRUGEuUfe WADE, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS 84 BAY STREET SAVANNAH. NICHOLAS CRUGER. E. C. WADh. Savannah, Gy , Aug. 19—tw&wtil Apl 1855. , RICHARD MORRIS, RECEIVING, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. At the Store of Win. Sankin, Esq., West Side Broad st., near the Market. REFERENCES: Wx. u anki N. Cohunbns, J. McNab, Eufatria. J. 00., “ I- F. Johnston, Hemps &’Pitas* erns*. Fort Gaines, S. S. Walei.ey, “ J’tnt SH ftsSl—w 1 y LOOKKTT & SPELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o PRODUCE Strict attention givemto Receiving and For warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, * H. D. SPELLINGS. Savannah, Ga.,jsept. 1, 1854 tw&wly TIIE FINEST LOT OF BAC O N HAMS Ever offered in this market, for sale by -A. M. ALLEN, 117 Broad street. Columbu?, sept 27—tw&wtf | *1 5$ MARBLE WORKS, Eastside Broad St. neartlie Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American Italian and Irish Maktle. Engraving and earvu e done on stone in the bestnossiblemanner; and allkinds o lGran ite Work a t the shortest notice. JOHtf H. MAML EN. P.S.—Plasterof Paris and Cement.always on h ind for Fa e. * Columbus. Jan 1, iOt.l 1854. BAoGiXG AND UALF ROPE. 1 A A ILL'S India Bagging. lUv 500 Coils Kc .-e. For sale by ‘ GREENWOOD A. GRIMES. Columbus, Bent 13, 1854—tw&wtf THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.'* COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1855. WM, PBRRY, A TTOR Nl3 Y A T LA W COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WH L P ractice * n l’ 1 ' 3 adjoining counties, particn j. ta Ja ratte n t!on paid to the securing and oiieetion of debts. Office with Col. A. McDougald. deel; tw4m. JNO. ANTItOBUS, POIIT It AI T TAIN TE R • Studio over J. H. Merry’s Clothing Store. Columbus,Ga., Nov. 15—Iwtf ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and for sale at the Alabama Warehouse by r , , „ J J. I. RIDGVVAY. Lo him bus, Ga., May 4—tv. ts 810 HA HD hooper” COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY rixOL uOE, or any other business entrusted to his care May id—twly BOOTS ! BOOTS !! BOOTS !!! LiLi ce=> cs> t| u THE undersigned have removed their boot mm establishment, Sfeka. To No. 108, East [Side IJvoad St., Three doors below J. & J. Kyle. „ . . „ BIEHLER & CO. Columbus, Sept 15—t worn DR. \V. F” LEE, py, DEN2XST, WOULD give notice to his friends and pat UL_O_T ro ii3 that hi a ROOMS are again rady for busi ness,at the corner of 11 road and Randolph streets, over Chas. Uygatt’s store; where he will be pleased to see those wishing his professional services. ffW -Entrance on Broad stre et. YT3 Columbus Ga.,.luly J_s. 1854 1w; t * Special Hotice. ALL perse ns having claims against Rock Island Factory are requested to hand them to the without delay, and notice is hereby given, that from this date no accounts against the Company wiilbe allowed which have been contracted with out a written order.rom the Agent, i). F. WILLCOX, Agt. Jan. a 1, 1854. twt AN OFFICE FOR RENT. aOV ER the Storeof Wm. A. Redd, & Cos., is an office or gentleman’s sleeping room to rent another vtur. — Price SSO a year. Apply to ■ dec 12— twtf. __ 5!. J. CRAWFORD. in somervilleT MA Pleasant Residence for Rent. Possess sion given immediately. Apply to cec—3otwtf. D. F. WILLCOX, Ag’t. NOTICE. CONTEMPLATING a change in our business, ail peispnsin debted to us are hereby notified an early settlement ie positively required. dec3o-twtf. J. & J KYLE. For Sale MA most desirable House and Lot, on Front street, just below the Columbus Cotton Gin Factory, formerly owned and occupied by Dr. E. T. Tu\lor. The lot contains one-half acre, and good out houses and stable, all in perfect order, and a well of excellent water. For terms, apply to Dr. Henry Lockhart, or JOHN F. IIS DSON, July ‘-’s—tf. at Threewits, Holt & Go’s. ~JAMES BOULTKR^r OYSTE 11 SALOON. 145 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, FRESH OYSTERS! • all sorts of game ! II A M AND EGG S ! COFFEE & WILD FOWL, At ail hours, night and day. Nov 24—twtf Enquirer copy twtf “ dm! brooks & garrxger. f HAVING associated themselves together in tne various branches of their profession, they will be enabled there by to give more general satisfaction to all who may favor them with the ; r confidence. l)r. Carrigcr is fully Drepared and willgivespecial attention to all cases of SURGERY entrusted to his care. £fgr’ Office in Winter’s Bank Building. gjtOolumhus, Jan. 14—Uvt.f RECEIVED THIS DAY! —i ONE more of those fine Toned and highly fin ished PIANOS, with Pf.rl Keys. This is the Spnno most richly finished Piano that evei was brought J *■> ac u * to Columbus, for sale. We wish our friends and the publiedo favo- us with a call, and examine,it together with our large stock of Pianos and oili er Musical Merchandise. 23?“ New Music received every week. mu AX & VAN DEN BERG. Columbus. Fept. -o—twtf STOVES! STOVES!! JUST icceived and for sale, alarge and fine assortment of COOKING STOVES; Among which may be found The Young America, New and perfect. Iron Wizzard, Extra heavy Castings. Eagle & Empire Premium, plain and simple. Huron Air-Tght. Iron Witch, Eastern Air- Tight, &c. &o These Stoves are peculiarly adapted for burning wood. Call and them. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Aug. 15, 1854. __ Uv6m SILVER Pi, A TED WA 11EI WR have just received a large and beautiful lot of Silver j Plated Ware at our Auction Room, from the manufac turers, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors with six and seven massive cut Cruits ; Cake and Sugar Baskets, E i. bossed Claret Pitchers ; Chased auc Plain Pitchers, Gobie's, Tumblers, Cups, Mustard cups, Salt Cellars, Cake and Butt* r Knives. Plain and thread Tea and Table Spoons, Forks of every style, Tov Castors. <tc., &c. All"of which we offer, at very low prices. The ladies and others in want of the above articles are invited to caii and ex amine this lot, HARRISON, AUSTIN £c McGEIIEE. Columbus, November 18 —twtf OKEnquirer and Cm peg Stone copy ts PRINTING- PRESSES FOR SAFE, WE have on baud two good Printing Presses which can be bought very low ; one is a news press, plat ten 27 by 41, the other a small job press, both complete and in good order. We can also spare job and news type, cha sesVticks, Scc v sufficient to complete an office. LOMAX Sc ELLIS. “'THHiOWARD fACtpliY COLUMBUS, GA., Manufacture and keep constantly on [hand Heavy 7-8 Osnabargs, Yarns from No. sto 12, Light 7-8 “ Sewing Thread, Twine,Rope 4-4 Sheetings, and Mat'rasses. At tie Lowest Market Prices. Columbus, Sept. 8, 1854. tw&wlv TRI-WEEEIiY. Fire, Marine and File Insurance. ’ jUIE following Companies continue to tal e risks on favoit terms Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Cos, Springfield, Mass. State Mutual, Fire and Marine Insurance C o. Harrisburg, Pa, Kortli Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Cos. Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Go. EsT tlaves insured for two-thirds tlieir value. JOHN MUNN, Agent. urnbu*. Nov 15—tw3m HOME INSURANCE’ COMPANY 7 Office, No. 10 Wall Street. NE W YOK K. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. SLVIEON L. LOOMIS, President. CiiAs. J. Martin, Sccretaiy. GREENWOOD & GRIMES, Agents. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 30,1851 - tv. fim MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH . AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, r\7TLL receive Deposits—and Checks for 3ale on New York i ? Maconand Savannah. April‘24—tv/tf RICHARD PATT N. AGENCI Os Savannah Mutual Insurance Company Office at the Ware-lions? of Fuse, Fatten if Cos. MARINE, River and Fire risks taken on reasonable terms. MDV CARPET STORE AGENCiV TLL subscribar is Agent of W. If. Guion, New Carpet Stcr. Savannah, Ga., who lias ahvayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Shades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples and prices of all qualities .of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cm to rooms tree ot charge, and made, if desired, for asin ai 1 com pe;isat ion, by an experienced hand in Savannah. I will bo regularly supplied with now patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, , 82 Broad Street. Columbus,May 3—twtf NEGROES FOR SALE. THE uudersigned have twenty five l ively young negroes for sale, consisting of house servants, cooks, washers and h on ors, seamstresses, and field hands, that they otter for cash or approved credit. H VRRISON, AUSTIN & McJEIIEE. Oct ll—twtf Nos at) and (ii Broad st., Columbus, Ga. Who Wants a fine Piano ? -gagrr ■—u. WE would most respectfully call the attention wilii of ourfrieuds and the public to our large stock’ fl of PIANO FORTES, among which can be found *J sZ M Pianos of all prices and styles, from (iH octaves to 7)4 octaves of the finest tone and finish. • Also Melodeons of various styles and prices and string and wind instruments oi all kinds, Musical Boxes, Strings, and the largest assortment of Sheet Jl/usic of all descriptions, that can uv. mud any wherein the Southern market. Second band Piano taken in exchange, when new ones arc bought,and the highest prices allowed for old ones. CRT Second Hand Pianos for sale or rent. Piano, Oi gan, and Melodeon tuning and repairing done by our Tuner whose work we warrant and in the best manner All orders left at onrStore will meet with prompt attention. TRUAX & VANDENBURG. .No. 92, East side Broad st, Columbus, July 1,1854. —twtf OPENING DAY FOR THE THL subscriber respectfully announces to his patrons and tlie public, that lie will re-open his store on the 20Ui OF .SEPTEMBER, with his fresh importations and manufactures for the pres ent season, embracing the finest assortment of CLOTHS, CASSMERES, and all articles appertaining to gentlemen’s wearing ap parel ever offered to the public. They have been personal ly selected irom the most distinguished Emporiums in ihe country, and are warranted to be ol a very superior quality. Cali and see them. J. SMEETON. Columbus, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy DISSOLUTION, THE firm of Williford, Brokaw Sc Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. I. A. Brokaw and Daniel ltowe having bougnt J. D. Willi ford’s entire interest, will continue the Cloth ing business at the old stand in the name of 1. A. Brokaw &c Cos. Columbus, July 7 —twtf ANOTHER LOT OF “THEM” FINE | GOLD PENS! ALSO SILVER WARE, AS FOLLOWS: Tea Setts, Pitchers, Goblet®, Cream .Vugs, Cups, Turn- j biers, Forks, Spoons, Cake, Fruit. Crumb, Jelly, Pie and Butter Kni es, Sugar Spoons, Salt Stands, Pickle Knives and Forks, Card Cases, Port Monnies made of Silver, as good as Silver coin, for salr at reasonable prices for cash. * A L SO- Gold end Silver Watches, Diamond Rings. Diamond Pins, &c. sjifc.AS ALSO, Jewelry of every description. Spectacles with light Steel frames. Plated Ware, &c., ior sale for cash or approved credit. A. if. DeVYiTT. WATCH REPAIRING by a competent workman. Columbus, October 18, tut . CHICKERIMG PIANO FORTES WILLIAM B. CARTER miW i HAS for sale the above celebrated PIA NOS. Nothing need be said in favor of ] 3 L ! lj J them, as their reputation is well known throughout the country. Professors and Amateurs are invited to call and see them. Instruments, and also copies cf the numerous medals which have been awarded them by various societies. Also, Sheet Music and a fresh supply of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, that were selected with care by himself, and he thinks that his long experience in the Music business has enabled him to make a good selection. Piano Fortes to let, Timed and Repaired, ! and all Kinds of instruments repaired in a neat manner and warranted. WILLIAM B. CARTER, 1 No. 72 Broad Stnet. Columbus, Ga., November 1-twtf House and Lot for Sale, IN the upper part of the city, with five rooms and all ne cessary outbuildings with the best well of water in the i ety, so said by judges. Enquire of ; SAM MIS &, ROONEY. I Columbus, Sept 30—tw&wtf COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day iormed a Copartnership un der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN & M'GEHEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, RECEIVING AID FORWARDING, ISO XEGRO business, at the old stand of C . S . HARRISON, pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They v, ill give their personal attention Jo The saie of Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. Having ample facilities at their command, Hu y are prepared to make liberal cash advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. The patronage of tlse-ir friends and the public general.y is solicited. C. 3. IIARRISSON, WILLIAM AUSTIN. A. C. McGEHEE: Columbus, Ga., Sept. 1, 185-!. SeptlU . iwtf and. TANARUS). METCALF. H. If. sn/vs G. D, METCALF, & CO, COMMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANTS. 31 POYDItAS STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Refer to —W. H Young, Esq , Columbus, Georgia. “ Col. John Banks, “ “ “ 11. 11., Esq, “ “ “ J. L. Morton, Esq., “ “ Patrick Adams, Esq, “ “ December 20. tw—6m. liuiYS ON, “FLEMING &. CO., SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., CHAU i.ESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION M E It C II A N T S . RENEW ail offer of tbir service, to Planters, Merchants nnd Dealers in the sale of Cotton and all other country produce. Strict atttention will be given to business, and liberal cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO. R. HUDSON, ) , ( oavannahi YU. R. FLEMING, ) L. IIOFSINS, Augusta. John j. Cohen, Charleston. Aug. 4—tw&wtf Titos, W. Mar si: all. Jno. A. Montgomery, Jos. P. Rutland TUGS. W. MARSHALL & CO. RECE IVING AN D FOI iWA RDIN G MEBCII A N T S . B3 Commerce and 02 Front Streets, MOBILE, AIA. All goods consigned to their care for the interior, will be re oftived and forwarded with all possible despatch, and lrce-ol any charge for commission and dotage. No v ember 13—t w&wfi r n GREENWOOD & GitlMErf, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERC H A NTS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL give their particular attention to the storage, and sale <>f cotton, and other produce, which may he con signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances o:i cotton in store. Prompt attention will he given to the RECEIVING and FOR WAR DIN G BUSIN ErfS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STERLING F. GRIMES: Gpjnnibuf* Sept. 5,1851 —w&twly J. C. RUSS, J. H. DAVIS, W. 11. LONG. “'Si im Davis*"*& mml'” COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING L A GENTS, SAVANNAH, WILL purchase andseli conon and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to forwardiuggoods and filling or ders Iroir; die country. Rtise, Patten &• Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be made oil consignments either to or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf WELLS & VEKSTILLE, F A C T O ii S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga., . O?” Prompt attention paid io forwarding Merchandize to the interior. June 9—tw&wly. ESTABLISHED 1789. MOTT HR OTHERS Eemoved to No. 13 John St., N. ¥., (FORMERLY NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, N. Y.) SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, mum MisT s IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, OF A.LL KINDS, AND OF TIIE LATEST P A T T 13 II N S . ALSO — Diamonds in Kings, Pins, Silver Ware. <Sre, „ rr All of which will be warranted. Jfffi P. S.— The best workmen only employed io Repairs, New York,may 6—-tw&wly. JAMES LIGON, TENNESSEE- COMMISSION HOUSE. HAS on h nil and fir sale low fir cash: 2000 lbs. choice Tenu- *ee Ui-.zon, clear and ribbed sides, i shoulders and hams ; 100 J ibs. choice fresh Lard ; 1000lbs.superior Feathers; 50 bis. elegant Fl our ; 50 boxes Tobacco, an assortment very low; Tonne?’see and Northern Apples by dozens, bush els or barrels ; a very superior stock of fresh and well as sorted garden seeds; ear and sack corn, fodder by dozens or hundred p vund ?; Sugar ty hfcds.. barrrls <r retail; 30 sacks Rio Coffee, Keioeys Osaabu?gs, Sheetings Sterlings and Stripes ; ?00 Troy factory or Cottage Chairs, cheap ; 2 g tod second hand buggies and harness, LUMBER! LUMBER!! JA.MFB LIG.ON is agent for Ju-ige l r . Le vis’ lumber vprd near bis store, w here is kt p; on ha: and a vary lb rare and well assortedst< ca of seasoned lumLer slor Ale at market j.r.oes, . C< 1 imbus Kpv 14—tw4?&v.’tf ‘ CBAXGE OP PSOPRIBMBSHIP. Cl’F'Y’ BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ieclo—tw3:ti. J, 13. UOIjEY, Sole Prorpictor. SCHEDULE MOBILE! AIH) GI2AKD BAIJ HOAD. iff : ■ { j'l after Nlondry, 4!iDt c nil or.‘he P;:3fcneer in con v / necltoi) v/iir 1 i ireiehf cars. d;vt ;1 I'<j ri at <i rard dad) for‘ Silver Rn, (Fihd.i\e q? repp c) at 3.l:<> *. ‘! Returning letvo Silver Run at 5 iC, A; M. M- ndav ex cepted. ’ . r . , ronnecfloiis. ~ **.'* . crs wi. l connect with a line of -tni-es for Glennvlile,, fort Gaines,and Marianna daily, p.i.d Pchee, Phnntn anu Union *pr;ngs on Toesdavs, Th.ur.-days and I'atur— dav.s, p. M. GMCUGK P.KUNEY, dec /->.vfctwtT. (Tiief Eneimeff MUSCOGICn RAIL ROADk ’ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, On and after Monday, November 6;h. _ m J> ASS ENG Vlt Trains I; arc C. lambus daily at 10 20 A. M., 1 arrive at. Macau 4stp. jt ‘ * Leave !Maeon at 6J( A. ?.f, errivcal Columbus I(7P. M„ cm> I'it-Ciing with Afopigonrei f, Ha., : and the Muiauia Siatre Like; and at :V.aeon with U".:!n 1 hail Road Trains to Bavnnniib. An* -j.Tstn,and MillctSceviiie, and with ihe ft'acon and Wette-rn ii'air.s to Atitailtt, Chattanooga and Nashville. B. E. WF.T.LS, Gommhng.Nov, f* -twL ->■ if Engineer ardJrnp’t For Ifew York or Fliiladelpliia! PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH ;• .STEAM SHIP LINE. ‘llW-§. 3 Carrying tke United States Mail. C IIA NG E O F SC H E DIJ LE . The. Atlanta and La Grange Rail Rond connects at East Point will: the Macon and Western Rail Rond. Through from Montgomery lo Savannah in 30 Hours. Leave Montgomery it. ffiU P. M. Arrive at East Point at 820 A M. Leave East Point at 8-45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2'30 P. Id. Leave Macon at 4-30 P. M. Ar ii vc atFavannsh at 230 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to lh‘>l Point $3 50 k‘‘ “ V\ eat Point t<> EasiFo-nt 325 “ East point to Savant ah 8 00 STATE OR GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin, Jk. KEYSTONE STATE, Ci.PT. R. Uardje. In strength, speed, and sccominodations, these ships are un surpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation 100 miles. Two nights at tea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. AGENTS: In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron & Mai tin, 374 N orih Wharves. In New York, Scranton & Taimian, 19 Old Slip, nea loot oi Wall Street. This line consists of the well known, rst class steamships STATS OF G'l£o£GlA. Ts Ml leave Savannah, July Fifth and 26th October 4th a’ \ 13th. August 9th and 23d. Novembr Ft, 15th &.‘i9lh. S. ptember Cih amt YOth. - s Will hare Savannah. July 19:h. Kovembor Pth and 22d. August 2d, Jfith and 30th. December fail and 20ih. .September Rilh and 27ih. January 3d, 1855. October 11th and 25th July 25th—tw&wtf IS. C. SCOTT, Travelling J.ger.t. uKIi-ED STASES KiSXli IWJ, Between Few OrleznYand Key v Yst, J 15.., .D FT- JITiNG in’ rciitacrja, Apa ‘.chief la. ct. Marts. Ced :r Keys ar,., Ti.mpn Bry Uav igXtw Drieans'nud Key vVc-tibe Tib i r<l •<£< <r SikgSSt-.each moii'h. The Sicfilmshi p,l? AFI ‘• ‘h: Si O belweeuX *x 1 rk*ai.a and St. Marks, and Sterinship. * A SI V I IS. between fct. A/arks and Key West, forming a itgu’er lhrbugb Line. Fu-oig ii or passage; r ply to W. C. TEMPI.ETON, deco—tw&wdm. Ko. 75 Camp stnet,’ New ttears. NEW Oi’LEANS & SAN FivANCISUO _ STEAMSHIP LIME. (VIA NICARAGUA?) p, s. The First Glass Ftesm<hip;- Pi< ©35 RTB E US and DA ft IEL W 3SIJS TICK, v ill run M regularly bt iwien ; .v Orh-i.r.9 >■ i1 Suit Fran-, GEfSSSIwfSESO cisco, Ga! , <>ii the 15. Jit :u;<i fJOtli oi each m. ii-.h.c anecHfisr on the Pacific witU-tim .-idemtiiKM.-Mrsi ins UXC LE S \ 51, StlSii A T 4 EV A BA, P A CIFIC and lilt OTHKIi JBNATII Aft. £3T lor freight or passage,#j p y io _ W. r. TEMPLETON, decs—w&tw3:n. No. f.'Onruo s'-rect, New ttrlaans. ’ HAMDEN'S EXPRESS. Randolph street. WE respectfully beg leave to iniorm the citizens’ ot Golumbus I and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrr.?emeiits with the Central, South-Id estern and Auscwgce i inroads,, and are new running messengers daily iipm Col üßibus to Macon thence to Savannah. Also, forwarding goods daffy over the Muscogee and South- Western Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe amt i*i a con, l hence’ to AUlledgeville Savanpal. asm all A termed iaUfrohntfes. Also, to r.lonfgomeiy, Ala. We would also lay, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New ‘York and Philadelphia enable us to forward every description of iuerehaudise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Biils oiiectc t in every tow n in the Northern and Eastern States ; also, to California and Europe. . * OFFICES AND AGENTS. S. 11. Hill, Randolph street, Columbus; 3. O. Po:t8, Macon ; Mr.Kendrick, Fort Valley; G. K.ciayton, Oglethorpe ; 133 Bay street, Savannah; 74 Broadway, .Vew York; 43 and 45 South-Third. Philadelphia j 8 Court street, Boston; Exchange street. Providence; Montgomery street, Nan Francisco. Articles to be forwarded, called for at any part of the city free of expense, bv leaving orders on the state attfeo office. L l VINE STUN, WINCH fit GO. Columbus, April 13,1854. —tw&w Sum^iiieoorfSFlir \ LL Goods, bundles cr packages, not weighing more than E\.. 150 ilbs., sent o:i the Mofche Sc Girard I*. H., to Silver Run for the following places will bo , promptly delivered, viz: S ii;d Fort. Ucree, Grje'c S.and. Ha.-daWav. cnunet.uggee, Un ioa Springs, Olivet, Enon, M.dwry,.(or l ive Foihls.’i Charges vviil oo tiiodciule ior Cash. -j; Gm —w. FOR THhT LADIES'! i JUST received direct.from Par;?, ass six magnifieont i-.inbroidered ‘ - ’ WHITE SIIJC TAHIAS! Also, our third large invoice pf Mantillas, Cloaks fandfVisites, including a large assortment of Black Talmas and Cloaks. Suitable for mourr.lrg, of VELVE V SA rfif CLOTH. Th .‘y will be opened for ctlcn tills morning at 10 o’clock, the Radio invited to call aid look at them- - ... J. M. ‘<AU Columbus, Nov 15—tiv Cf 8.-oau Street. LipiHi, wkß EB. rIIE. under§Hjoed are pretmred toeforaish Oak, Hickory, : JL Poplar, A-h, Beach aad I/me Lumber bom their Mill at i market prices, delivered or. Rnilrflad or in Coluriibos. Fer | sons wishing lumber, will leave their bills i Room of liar.isan, Aaelin & MeGchee, where they will be : promptly attend to. ; dec 23—:wtf. WIIITTELSEY & BRO. [NUMBER 16