The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, February 17, 1855, Image 3

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Pickwick in CongTesa. Daring the debate on the Colt question, charges of bribery were insinuated against members, as well as the important question whether Colt was drunk or s.'ber when he appeared before the Committee on Patents. The fol lowing is the telegraphic account of the speech of Gen. Pratt, of Connecticut. It is richly Pickwickian : ‘•Mr. Pra'.t, of Connecticut, by unanimous consent, marie an explanation, and said this matter had been mag nified into such importance as to call fora Select Commit tee, which is now’acting. It was one in w hich he had a personal interest. [Laughter] By th s he meant that the reputation of an intimate personal acquaintance is in volved. [Renewed Laughter,] Col. Colt had a right, as an American, to apply to Congress for what he believes to be just. lie has been charged indirectly, if not direct ly, with doing what is unbecoming an honorable man— such as using improper means and outside influence, and attempting'to bribe members of this House. Col. Colt is as honorable a man as any on this fltwr—and there is not the slightest particle of truth in the charge.* If any gen tleman had been bribed, let him rise iu his place, [laugh ter,] either in the way of pistils, money, or anything else. He (Pratt) would say, with ail respect for the Select Com mittee, that he looked on this movement as a reflection on the character of the House. He did not know a gentle man here who could thus be bribed.” A Voice -“If so, lethirn show himself.” Nobody “showed himself” —ergo, nobody was bribed Georgia Railroad. —The Athens Branch of the Geor gia Railroad is kept by the Directors, probably as a me mento of compliment to the “gud o!de time” when things jogged along slowly. We heard of a gentleman, who, having a plenty of leisure time, went on it the other ! day. The conductor wasdoz'ng, little dreaming that the engine, then on a down grade, was going ahead so rapid - j ly by its accumulating momentum ; when suddenly start- j ing up, he involuntarily exclaimed to the engineer, “ Hold ] on, you are running out of all schedule time.” At the j next up grade, they brought up on tne good o'd pace of j 2-40— to a quarter of a mile.—Athens Banner. \ All in a Row I There were nine cotton wagons, all | in a row , driven up Commerce street, so the square, this morning—from the counties of Talladega and Benton ! This cotton came over the plank road, and is probably j the first that has reached this market, fur many years, | from thosa counties. — Mont. Mail , B th. A City Father Sent to the Penitentiary as a Fa* grant. — William W. Fream, once a man of some con siderable property, and about six veers ago Assistant Al- I derman of the Thirteenth ward, yesterday afternoon np- ! peareii before Justice Conn*i!y at the Toombs, confessed ‘ himself to be a vagrant, and requested that he might be I sent to the Penitentiary as such. The magistrate compli- ‘ ed with his request, and sent him to that institution for three mouths. A long course of imprudence has brought Mr. Fream to his present unfortunate situation. - iVa tional ( N . Y.) Democrat, COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. 1 P3| rjrj , [Stock ; — r -° g % g ~ “>s'! i.~ i-S’H ■ on I - i*®; o’ 2. < s‘2= =£. j hand >§,§.3* 1.2 . : !§~ ; this j 7T] <--c- ■ . r ;•< is? day. ! Feb. IS, - U 1854. __ 43 1410 53553 60006 1292 44919 46211.13747 1855. 2771 1922 51031 55724 3153 33151 36304 19420 Columbus, Feb. 17.§J COTTON —Our market has been rather'inactivesince j our last report and sales limited. We quote Middlings j 6J a 7|, Good Middlings 74 a 7£ cents. New York, Feb. 15. j The New York cotton market, is easier, but not quota* | bly lower. Flour has declined, and Ohio is selling at $8.50 a $9 per barrel. Charleston, Feb. 15. Sales of Cottou for the week, 10,000 bales at prices varying from 6to 9j. The market closes with a decline of |to 4- Good Middling is quoted at 84 to B|. Re ceipts lor the week 14.000 bales. Stock on hand ex clusive of that on shipboard, 22,000 bales. Rice is unchanged, with sales at 3$ to 44- Better qualities of good to prime being 4 to 44- Receipts for the week, 3,000 Heroes. Stock on hand, 6,700 tierces. Freights on cottou to Liverpool,3-16, to Havre, 3 4. Savannah, Feb. 16. COTTON—The market was dull to-day, the sales be ing limited to 468 baits. Extremes 7 a Principal I sales 74 a cents. There has not been enough done j since the receipts of the Asia’s advices, but we would j state that the salts made to-day were decidedly iu favor of ; buyers. LIVER DlSEASE.—Carter’s Spanish Mixture, ns a rem- j edy for Liver Disease, and the number of formidable evils con- ! nected with a disorc.mized state of that organ, is unrivalled. j Hundreds of certificates from the highest sources of persons, j living in the city of Richmond Va., might he given ot cures es- i fected by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. \W have only room to re fer to the extraordinary cure of Samuel M. Drinker. Esq., ot the ! firm of Drinker & Morris, Booksellers,Richmond, Va., who was ‘ cured by two bottles of Career’s Spanish Mixture, after three 1 years suffering from diseased liver, lie says its action on the I blood is wonderful, better than all the medicine he bad evea j taken, and cheer lully recommends it to ail, See advertisement. We have frequently heard the celebrated German Bitters sold by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street Philadelphia, spoken of in terms of the highest commendation, and we honestly believe that it is one of the best medicines stiver- | used for the complaints for which it is recommended j They are pleasant to the taste, and can be taken under any j circumstances by the most delicate stomach. The press I tar ; nd wide, have united in commending thi3 invaluable | remedy for dyspepsia, debility, &c.; and such are the j healing effects ot this panacea, that we hope that it may be I introduced to every family where dyspepsia has, or is like- j ly to have a victim. feb9 M’Lane’s Worm Specieic —The following from a cus- ; tomer, shows the demand which this great medicine has ! created wherever it has been introduced: •Blossbubg, Tioga Cos. Pa, March 30, 1850. Gentlemen —lu consequence of the great consumption ! of your “Worm Specific” in this place and vicinity, we 1 have entirely exhausted our stock. We should feel oblig- : ed, by your forwarding, via Corning, N. Y. 20 dozen, with ! your bill, on the reception of which we will remit you the j money. From the wonderful effects of said “Specific,” in this ■ neighborhood, there could be sold annually a large quanti ty, if to be had (wholesale and retail) from some local agent. If you would compensate a person for trouble and expense of vending,’ I think I could make it to your ad vantage to do so. Yours, respectfully, WM. M. MALLORY, Messrs. J. Kidd & Cos. Per W. E. Porter. For sale at all Druggists in Columbus, and by dealers gen erally throughout theU. S. Married, Iu Wvnnton, Ga.,on th* 3tsEuk., by the Rev. Dr. L. Pierce, Thos. E. Young, of Columbus, Miss., and Miss Georgia P. Butt, of the former place. On the 21st December, at the residence of her father, in Russell county, Alabama, by the Rev. Dr. Lvneh, Mr. M. Dumton Banks, of Lnon, Alabama, and Miss Cotdeiia, daughter of John W Allen, Esq. OBITUARY. Died, at the residence of K.. If. Powell, Ala., on the morning of the 3d of February, Col. James Blackmoh, in the 33d year es his age. Cos! Blackmon was born at Monroe, Walton countv Ga., on the 21st November, 18*22. Confined to his room since the middle of October, with now and then a short interval, when the disease seemed checked m its career, he bore his affliction with humble res guauou and murmured not at that dispensation ot Providence hich cut him off in the prime of life. Os a warm and ardent temperament,and scrupulousiv regardful ol the rights ol otuer?. he did not hesitate, when occasion demanded, to maintain his own with boldness and decis ion. During hts illoess he frequently reviewed iife and, wnne he found much in it to regret, he derived great consoiation from the tact that he could rightfully cia*m to Ire what the poet calls the noblest wotk of God—an hon est man. Having been fully impressed tor some time that his enn was near, he gave liimsetf diligently to the woik o! preparation lor the solemn change. He met death perfect iy and w ith great composure, confidently reiying upon the merits ot iiis blessed Redeemer, and left to his friends the pleasing reflection that “their loss was his eternal am ” Tne closing scenes of hislne w ere the most solemnly inter fering th# writer ever ’wiU)t*d. He humbly uW*? they I may never be effaced from the memories of the numerous friends who gathered around his bedside during his last | hours. Amicus. j Chunnenuggee, Ala., February 7, 1855. LIST OF LETTERS. \ LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office xl at Colmnbus Ga , Feb. IS. 1855, which if not taken out by April 1, 1855, will be sent tu the Dead Letter office. A j Alexander, Joseph Anderson, ’Dr Archer, R M Allen, J M Alexander, T Anglise, Jas P ! Adams, John Alexander, Mary Armour, R W. Acee, W Adkinson, Martha Alexander, Isaac B Bryan Alex Booles, Cornelius Benton, GeoC Bruner, Jas W Blankenship, L E Backer, Nathan Blunt, James Baldwin, A P Boyd, G. E Beauchamp C A Burrows, Joseph Blakely, Wm. Bunnell, Wm 2 Blair, # Bryan, Epsy Ann Blair, Wm 2 Baldwin, James Baker, Eliza E Brummer, Mrs A Barclay, John . Ball, Paskal Badger, Kobt • Brodnax,SW Brown, John W i Blalock, Newton Brodnax, Mrs S Brodna x Sarah C , ; ; Carrigan, Wm 4 Cunningham,C E4Ciem, Wm H Clark, J 2 Fastens, Jas W 2 Cashier Bk Col’bia j Chase, F T Cowper, R G Cling, Peter : Copeland, Lucy A Cook, James 4 Cohen, N ; Craig, Laura E Clements, Jfi Cooper, Caroline ; Cotts, Mr. Colter, Sarah Courtney, John Cameron, D A Clay, Martha Chapman, Ailen Cushion, James A Crawford, W L Clark, Ann Clark, Margaret Cook, Mrs. A E Chapman, Benj Caroline, John Coulter, Levi F Caneda, Dan 5 CJark, Leuanna3 Crawford, Root D Deaton, L Deer, Henry Dickson, Margaret Dudley, Mr. Dunbar, Elizabeth Davis, Mary A Davis, Mary Ann Davis, Mary, E 1: & r Edmondson, LL Edmunds, TT Fletcher. John S j English, Miss A C Epps, Frank Floyd, John 2 Edmonds, Emmett Edardds, Levica Fisher, & Agnew j English, Jane Elerson, James Foster, James Ervin, Alexander Fauiken'berry, J H Fairfield, S D Evans, A A Founty, Lucy Fort, Abbv Eubanks, John Florance, Miss (t Gorman, Peter Gruvon, Thos Gibson, Francis Cranberry, H (Jracy, John J&Co Gibson, A W Gammel, Mary A Gideon, Sam’i Gammel, Barbara Gibson, Wm Grear, E P Gay Sylvester Gordy, Jas B Green, Dr, WmS Gideon, Mary . Gibson, Wilson II Howard, H W Huntington, R Hanscom, CS HendersonAdalineHuson, >1 A Heller, Phillip Hicks, Thos Hendon, Nancy Harris, Sarah A Hammond, Joshua Ilussev, J M’ Harim, E J Howard, W II Heard, M E H<dlon, G W Harrison, Wm M Hill, B Hays, Ths S Harker, Jonn Ilarkness, Moisey Hanscom, Sarah A Hoimes, Virian Hudson, John Houghton, J S lieudras, John D Hendon, Epcilla C I A J Isaacs, Alexander Jordan, Thomas Jeffries, Nancy Jockmas, John Jeter, Geo W Johnson, Louisa M Jenkins, B P Jones, James V Jackson,T M K A i. King, Sarah A Lowery, Lewis 2 Linn, Nancy M Kavauaugh, Thos Love, Elingar 2Lewis, Ann B Keys, Mr Lewis, John C Laughlan, JW2 j Keeth, Martha A Lakey, Mary Lindsay, it G Kirkland, Eliz’th Lloyd, :Wm S Law, T S Kent, Gilbert Locah, Wm Larreuberg, J Kustay, Frederic Lafon, Mr. 2 M J Mullen, Bridget Montgomery,T B Mnrfee, Burwell i Meredith, James 2 Morris, It McCubben, Sarah Moore, John L Miers, John L 2 .McAfee, MI) 2 Moore, Miss M M Moreland, A F MeCallister, Robt ! Mitchell, Rebecca Murphy, M W McCrackin, J P 1 Myers,Charles Maddox, Robt Mcßride, T ii Miers,F M Moore, James McKay, Margaret Messercaw, Sarah Matthews. Winnie McGehee, Henry L Moore, R P Morse, J M May, Robt N A: O Nelson, Mary J Nichols, H E Names, Thos Obrien, Mr Olive, California 2 Odell, J W 1* & Q Peel, .T Phillips, A R Parker, John Pomeroy & Gregory Posey, .VI D Patterson, R C Price, IThos 2 Pool, Nancy C Pitt, Wm Pettit, NSi 2 Phillips, AD 2 Quinn, Barna Peed, ,Wm Parker, JM li Robinson, Wm Reed, Wm G Robinson , James 2 Rogers,Lewis R Robinson, J M Roberson, Mr Rogers, Mary B Rice.O B Roberts, C E Reas, Henry Richardson, A A Renfrew, J II Rogers, Zach. 2 S Sanford, Albert 2 Stafford, Franklin Smith, W Whitlo’k Shorter, Cath. L Smith, Lueser Smith, Ann 3 1 Steele, C D Sharp, J W Shafner, .Milly A Stubbs, Henry 2 Stebins, Thos Slaughter, N TI Shurley, Mary A Smyrl, R R Saton, Wm Smith, Wm Salaman, T Sloan, John V Steely, Jane Stanfield, Wm Stovall, JM P Shurley, Jackson 2 Sullivan, Catharine Stein bee ker, P Scott, Rebecca Segler, T F Smith, Jas Tj Sims, V r iley H Stewart, treeman Stevens, Julia A Smith, Charles Smith, N*L Stroud, Arthur Silas, S E t _ ; Tennille, W A 2 Taylor, Elizab’th V Turner, A Thomas, A H Thompson, E Thomas, Owen Threat, M J Tennille, Lucy Thornton, Stephen Tillmon, John 3 Thornton, J R Tiilmon, James Tippett, Sanford Thompson, N Terry, Thos Tman, M E V Vanzant, Sarah j Veasey,FM 3 Vo-burg, Gustave i W 1 West, Wm Wilson, Sarah W Williamson, Wm 2 j Watt, B F 2 Whigham, Sam i A Witter, J A Wilson, CH. 2 Wright, Miitoa Wise, C. Willis, F F Wiliams, VV L White, Jas M Warner, Acenith Wooley,AM Williams, M A Wasson, Wm, Williams, MissM. Ward, Mrs CT 2 j Ward, Susan Williams, Susan Wine, Bock Williams, Evira Wyles Frances Persons calling for any of the letters on this list will - , please ask for advertised letters. R. C. FORSYTH, p. m. h'llnmhns, Ga. February 15, 1855. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of H ALL t MOSFS “was dissolved on the first of . January, 1655, by the death of J. 1. Moses. HkRVEY HALL, Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into the HARD-'?.'. RII B USI.XESS, under the firm ard name of HALL. MOSES fc CO. UERVKY II \LL. IS AAC 1. MOSES, J ACOB P. HEN RICKS, \VILMAM A. BEACH. February 13, 1655. wAtwii. NOTICE. DURING my absence from tjie State, I have appo'nted Edgar | G. Dawson my attorney, upon whom, any person having business with me. will please c-ail. 1 Columbus, feMT. 1655. UvSt. L. TU. IS BURY. j 100,000 POUNDS BAGS WANTED. ; TTTE will pay 2.Y cents per pound for one hundred thousand j it pounds clean LINEN AND COTTON RACB. JEFFERSON ii. HAMILTON. Columbus, Ga. Feb. 15, 1855. w&tw4w. HEAR BOTH SIDES. All tRe World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY SEEN, IN ONE VOLUME, 12X0.. CLOTH. Who Is Rutli Haiti Is Hath Hall Fanny Fern, or somebody else! and if Fanny’ j Fern is not Uutli Hall who Is Fanny Ferns iSTHE LIFE AVa BCALTIiI oF FANAT FEitX ! Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. And this booh a strange tale unfolds. The |present Work is authentic in all its Details. Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce it the wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Antlior of Fern Leaves ami Until Hall, at her ovn fireside, in the Editor’s s&ncium. iu the street, at Church, and everywhere, and in every position she is the suae fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern's earliest efforts appear fortbe first time in book form.. The reader will find that they possess the same attractive features which charwcLr ze all her productions. They are alternately witty and pathetic, caustic and soothing, sparkling and pensive. No other author fats succeed 2d so well in touching the finer chords of the heart. Just received and fcr e&le by f#bl3—vr&twtf. J. W. PEASE. FOR Si ; FOR CASH A LIKELY NEGRO G )p Cook, good wasbe/r and ironer, amr/ vant. 6cfd for no fault. feh6—wtw2w. HARRIS N. AUSTIN & McGT ii... EEHE'S A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. ‘ WISHING to reduce our Large Stottk of j Sheet Music, Instruction Books, i ami Musical Works of all Kinds, we offer to sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent.. FOR CASH. VIOLINS & ACCOEDEONS can be bought cheaper here than at anv ether store in the city. TaUAXk VANDEJwRERG. lebi4 —tw&wtillstjune. £ J—East side Broad-Street. Columbus, Ga. dministrator's Sale—On Friday, the 2.1d instant, A will be sold on the pbintation lying in Chattahoochee coun ty, Georgia, a part of the perishable property of P 11 \vildman, deceased, consisting of eight mules, 75( 0 pounds pork, corn and fodder,one Devon,one Durham cow and calf, two Essex hogs, one Suffolk do., two South Down sheep, one large ox w; gon, and the farming utensils on the place. Sold under an cruet el the court of Ordinary of Chatham county. Terms cash. febl2—w&twlOd. HENRY HURT, Adm’r. Just Keceived on Consignment, AAA LR3. New Bacon: Hog round; Ouul/ 5000 Ihv Fresh Lard in Bairtls, Half Pbis.4- Kegs. 1000 Yards Teneasee Jeans. ‘-5 Boxe-. u Boxes and }.{ Boxes be t Virginia Tobacco. 75 Pair VVfooieu Socks. Cheap for Cash. HULL, FRIERSON & CO . jiiii23 Commission, Receiving k. Forwaring Merchants. Fanny Fern’s Mew Books. RUTH HALL: A Domestic Tale of the ‘Present time: LIFE OF BARNUM, written by hirnseif, with IJlustra trations. Anew supply of Alone, Fashion and Famine; News Boy; Land oi the Saracen, by Hayard Taylor. Just received by J. W. PEASE. FOUND. \ PROMISCRY NOTE, made by Dili & Long to Johnson l V Thornton, which the owner can have by calling” at this office. fe!>3—twtf. FOIi SALE OR RENT. A A A'EW TWO STORY IIOTKL,just finsh ed, containing fifteen well flnished r,jotns, with out houses &c. complete, together with a will established Livery S able, adjoining. As the Mobile and Girard an ttm Opeiika Railroads both terminate at this point, it is utetilets to add, that this is one of the best stands in this sec tion ol country. Apply to J. M.C.REED. tebl—twtf. \V ii kly Enquirer copy. Girard, Ala. \\T ILL be drawn at our store (if made up) on Thursday, i the Bth day of March, or sooner if tickets are ail sold, the following list of Magnificent Prizes, amounting to §ISOO. — Three hundred numbeis will Le placed in the wheel and 71 drawn out: the first drawn number taking prize No. 1, and j soon, ui. til ail the prizesare drawn. The articles are all fine j and put down at cash valuations. Tickets, $5 00. No. 1 Gold Watch, (double time) $75 I “ ~ One Gentleman’s Dressing Case 8 ’• 3 One Plated Cup 1 50 ! l ’ 4 One Bosom Pm 350 i 5 One Seal Fob Key 5 “ 6 One Port Foiio. 8 *• 7 One Cameo Biacelet 12 J ” 8 One Gold Ring I 50 j “ 0 Otie Set Gold Studs 2 ! 10 One Set Gold Mosaic Sleeve Buttons 5 “ 11 One Diamond Bosom Pin 5) “ 32 OneSilver Piated Cup I 50 ” 13 One Scarf Pm 3 “ 14 One Set Gold Sleeve Button 6 “15 One Plated Port Monnaie .. 3 “ 16 One Gold Seal Ring 4 “ 17 One I.arge French Mirror 125 ! “ 18 One Gold Ring i 50 “ 10 One Piated Butt-.r Knife 1 “ 20 One Painted Gold Bosom Pin..'. 2 50 “ 21 One Ladies Gold Chain .... 15 “ 22 One Diamond Bosom Pin 7 “ 2d One Set Gold Studs 4 “24 One Square Seal King 2 “ 25 One Gold Pen and Pencil 5 “26 One Gold Cross 7 “ 27 One Gentleman’s flue Dressing Case 60 “ 28 One Plated Butter Knife 1 “20 One Square Seal Ring 2 “ 30 One Gold BosomPin(S S) 3 “31 One Silver Cup 10 “ 32 One Set Gold Stud Buttons 3 “ 3d One Goid Enameled Ring 2 “ 34 OneSilver Plated Urn 46 “ 35 One Anchor’Ring 2 “36 One Guld Bosom Ptn(S S) 3 “ 37 One dozen fine Cut Mass Goblets 15 “38 One Gentlemau’sGold Bosom Pin 3 “ 39 One “ •• Ring 1 50 “ 4() One Fine Bosom Pin 8 “ 41 One tinted Tea Set 35 “42 >:ie Anchor Ring 2 “43 One Gold Seal King 4 “ 44 One Silver Cup 15 “45 One Gentleman’s Gold Ring 1 50 “46 One Plated Pert Monnaie 3 ! “ 47 One Light Day Marble Clock 35 [ “48 One Gold Pencil 2 J “ 49 One Gold Pen and Pencil 5 “ 50 One Gold Watch, llunt’g Case English Lever ICO “ 51 On Enameled Goid Risig 2 “ 52 One Ladies’ Work Box 13 “ 53 One Square Seat Ring 2 “ 54 One Britannia Tea Set 4 pieces 12 “ 55 One Anchor Ring 2 “ 56 One Gentleman’s Goid Vest Chain 16 “ 57 One Fine Mahoga-y Pier Table 59 “ 58 One Enamel* and Bing 2 “ 59 One Dozen Fine cut Champagne Glasses..... 12 “ 69 One Fancy Book Cage ICO j “ Gi One Eight Day Clock,lron Frame 18 “62 One pair Piated Fruit Baskets 15 “63 One pair Piated Waiters 18 “ 64 One Double Barrel Gun 50 “ 65 < *no Revolver 2 ) “ 66 One second hand Piano—tine article 150 “66 Oae Ruby and Diamond Ring 2) “ 68 One Ladies’JWork Hox.J 25 “ 69 One Gentleman’s Goid Fob Chain 25 “ 70 One G and l Pencil 2 “71 One Clock with music k tight rope dancer ..225 £6500 09 ColumbiD, Ga., janSO—‘wtd AYER k WILKINS. BRITISH PERIODICALS. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York,’ continue to re-publish the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Libera!.) 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render I these publicationsunasuaily interesting during the forthcom- j ing year. ‘They will occupy a middle ground between the j hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying ! rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome ot the j future historian, written alter the living interest and excite* ; ment of the great political events of the time shall have’ pa-sed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must I look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, ard as such, in addition to their well estab lished literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration oi the reading public. Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brinish Publish- ■ ers, by which we are enabled to place ALL OUR RE- ! PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they ! can be furtvshed with foreign copies. Although this in- \ volves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to ! furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, ! viz: — _ Per ann. j For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 500 I . For any three of the four Reviews 700 ’ For all four of the Reviews 800 ! For Blackwood’s Magazine. 3 00 For B ackwcod and tnree Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood ana the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at ! par. CLUBBING. - A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above pri ces will be allowed to Clubbs ordering four or more cop ies of any one or more ol tho above works. Thus: Four copies ot Blackwood, or of oue Review, will be sent to one address for 83; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for s3t*; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OP POSTAGE. When sent by mail,the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty Four Cents a year for “Blackwood, and Fourteen Cents a year for eacn of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always be ad dressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. jan9— twins. 51 Gold Street, New York. stituled against the Roan g g sell Circuit Court, and judgn. Jj|l pLy §&, under which all that portion of tnu ‘Ny | its equipment will be sold, and passing • i become a total loss to the present Stockholder*, j You are aware that the late President, Judge Iverson, ; resigned on the first of January, and that Maj. John H. ; Howard was elected to fill the vacancy. He has not yet accepted the office, and will not until arrangements are made to pay the debts and progress with the Road to Un ion Springs. He and others a.e making every effort to obtain additional subscriptions,and it is hoped and believed that a considerable sum will be obtained, but it is well as certained that a sufficient amount cannot be thus raised to : accomplish the objects desired Something, therefore, must | be done by the present Stockholders to prevent the loss of l what has already been invested and expended in the road. We therefore earnestly invite you to meet at the depot in i Girard, on Thursday the first day of March next, at 10 o’- clock, A. Al., at which time a full exposition will be made of the past transactions and present condition of the com pany, and when, it is hoped, some plan will be adopted to relieve the road from its present embarrassments and pro vide for its further progress. ARNOLD SCALE, ) HOMER BLACKMON, f Directors. WILEY WILLIAMS, ) Feb. 10, 1855. w&twtillstmarch. Musco>ee R.R. Cos., Coloibus GA.,Feb. 16, 1855. DIVIDEND NO, 3- AT a meeting of the Board of Directorsof the A/uscogeo E. li. Company, held on the 13th inst., it was resolved that a i semi-annual Dividend of four dollars per share on the common j stock ol the Company, be declared, and that the same be p y- j able on and after the 15th of March, proximo, at their office in l • ’olumbus, and to all Stockholders whose stock is registered in ‘ Savannah, fia., at the office ot Win. P. Hunter, Esq., at the Ma i rine Bank, Savannah. D. ADAMS, i jebls—w&twtd. Sec. it Treasurer. Manuafcturers & Mechanics Bank, OF COLUMBUS, Columbus, Ga., Jan.'30,1855. THE Stockholders of this institution are hereby notified that a call tor the remaining fifty per cent of the capital stock is required to be paid at its Banking House in the city of Columbus, on or before the second day of April next. By order of the Board of Directors. Jan. 31—w&tw2m W. B. STORM, Cashier. COLUMBUS RACES! CHATTAHOOCHEE COURSE. _ THE first, annual meeting over this v. - *** new COURSE, near Columbus, Ga., will come off on the First Tuesday, 6tli March next, and continue five days. Liberal PURSES will be offered by the Club for the various races which will lake place during the week, and ample ac commodations for ail who attend on that occasion. Tho Colt Stake to be ran over the Chattahoochee Course at the first annual meetiugc’osed with the folio wing enlres Dec ember 31st 1854. T. Woolfolk enters br.c. by Steel, 3 years old, dam by Bertran, jr. W. Cheatham enters colt Little Arthur by Glencoe, dam Blue Bonntttt. John Harrison enters gr. f. Mary Bhieskin, by Grey Eagle, dam Sally .Morgan; also gr. f. Ardell, by Grey Eagle, dam Ma rietta. Cos!. B. Easley enterscb. c. 3 years old, by Chieftain, dam Marv Horton; also ch. c.3 years old, by Chieftain, dam Jane, by Shamrock. | Proprietor,, Columbus. Jenfi—tw& SPECIAL, NOTICK. IN order that our customers may understand the terms on which we trade, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist May and Ist January. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect interest until paid. E. BARNARD, & CO. Columbus, Jan. Ist,’ss. janll—w&twtf. ram garden seed 7 JUBT received a assortment of “LANDRETH’S” new crop Garden Seeds Onion Sets. P. A. CLATON, declfi—twtf 82 Broad Street. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, Just Received and for srle by L'ec.9—wtw&tf ROBRET A. WARE. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS Iv. One prize to 20 Tickets —and remember, every prize drawn! To be drawn on the 20? h oj February. CAPITALS 815,000 “ 5.0(H) “ 4.000 “ .• 3,000 “ 2,000 “ 1.500 “ 1,100 “ 5 of SI,OOO £."00 In nil 501 pi i3hs amounting to $6),000 K3T Tickets SO—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bronze Lion Montgomery, Oct. 21 twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. Dty All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. Wedding and Visiting Cards. THE Ladiew and Gentlemen ofUoluinbusand vicinity are re spectfuliy informed that the lest and neatest (J A i DS ever written in this city may be seen at Mr. Pease’s Book S.oro or at Mr. Purple's Jewelry Store, where orders may be left Jan. ~7, 1855.—twlm. H. 11. PARKYN. CoSes, Sugar and Tea, Brandy, Segars and TOBACCO, AT COST. OWING to the tightness of the money market, and the con tirued lowness ot the river, I am ibreed to offer goods at a •acrifice, for the purpose of meeting my indebtedness. Thear tic es a-e of the very test quality, selected with great care for the retail trade. N. B. Ai! who are indebted wiil please se‘t’e without delay, As future payments depend upon my pay. janlfl—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS. COLUMBUS, G A., JAN. Ist, 1854, FROM and after this date no goods will be sold at the above establishment except for CASH ! janll—twtf. WALTON K. HARRIS. EAGLE MANUFACTURING ~CoT COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, pow being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual term*) promptly as ordered, the | various styles of their Manotacutures, which consists of the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4-4 SHEETINGS i SHIRT ING, Cottou Stripes, of great variety ot Pattern- CO rTONADLSj embracing many new sttyles* ‘ Negro Kerseys & Pine Knot Plains;” Planters’ Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers, Sewing Thread, Sliop Twine, Mattress?*, Batting ,&c. 65F* To Cash purchasers inducements will be offered dec 2B— twtf. J. R. BROWNE, AgT. ’ 4 /A Shares Mobile dram “xU for Sale by AYEK janll—twtf For Sale. A GOOD SECONDHAND PIANO FORTE.— A Apply to jstnle—twtf. AYER & WILKINS. DISSOLUTION. ~ THE copartnership of Jme Iv. Redd, At Cos., hasex pired bv limitation, and circumstances compel us to col lect; so we hope all indebted to us either by note or account will come forward and settle by or before the Ist April, at which time the notes and accounts will he sued if net paid, or other atisfactorv arrangements made. dec2D—w&.fir3m. JAMES K. REDD, & CO. TO OUR CUSTOMERS, And the Community Generally. grj-j HAVING to pay cash for work and j material we are unable to continue the credit system any longer. All work will Br a. m heteafter be done exclusively lor cash. F. BACHLE. WILDING & BRO. Jan. 31—twtf BIEHLER <fc CO. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. ka SI ares Muscogee Kailroa* St rck fora e by OU 11 ARK SON, AUSTIN &. ATcGEHEE. feb3. .w.Utwtf. The Chunennuggee and Uchee Hack LEAVES Silver Run on the arrival of i-~vthe Cars irom Columbus,on Tuesdaysand Fridays. Arrives at Chunnynuggee next ~ - 1 -y at 4P. M., in timo to reach Union Springs by 0 P. M. Leaves Uhunvuuggee, Mondays and Thursdays at 6 A. M.-- F (Warrior Stand is 4 miles from this line.) The Enon and Five Points line leaves s-ilvrr Run on tV Jar rival of the cars, Tuesdays no Fridays; arrives at Midway next day by 5 i*. M. Leaves Midway, Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m.; arrives at Silver Run in time lor the cars lor Cblutnbus next day at 5 a. in. jail 15,1855—wtf. A. HAYGOOD. Real Estate, Biokerage, Collecting and Land AGENCY. RAYMOND, FREEMAN & CO. D. C. KRSEM-VN, JR. N. C. RAYMOND. O. R. FBKKMAK. Attorneys at Law, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. Homes in Texas and Snfe Investments obtained through this Agencv. FIDLLITY TO THu INTCRKSTS 07 VOS-RKSIDRMTS. Registers of Lana for sale, in all parte of the State; full ex hibits of title and accurate descriptions, also registers of town and city lots. Lands located bought and sold. Claims against the State or individuals collected and adjusted and remittances made l>y exchange on New Orleans, or uny of the Northern Cities, if desired. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the country, and the land system, insuies superior locations and the best titles. Strangers looking at Texas, may alwaj s have some leading itemsaud useful hints at the office of this Agency. Registers open for examination. - Congress Avenue. dec23—wly. COPARTNERSHIP. SiTIIE undersigned having entered in a general l GROCERY BUSINESS, atthe old stand of P. McLaren & Cos.. will3 keep constantly on hand a full supply of All kinds of Groceries, for wholesale and retail. We solicit the patronage of our friends and the public gen erally. p* McLaren & duck. PE TER M(LARES, LEVI 3. DUCK. Columbus, Oct 7th, 1854 Oct 14—tw&wtf To Rent, A HOUSE on the Fouth east corner of Randolph and For syth streets, — a carriage house and stables on them, lor further iaiorma'ion call at.the house cr apply to novP.O—tw 1 t&wtf. K. GOETCHIUS. A NEW SUPPLY OF ’ RUTH HALL: A Domestic Tale of the present time, by 1 anny Fern; Fudge Doings: Being Tony Fudge’s Record of the same, in forty Chapters, by ike Marvel; A South S ; de View of Slavery: or three months at the South in 1854, by Nehemiah Adams, D. D.; Fern Leaves, Ist and 2d Series. Anew su; ply. Moreof the Life of P. T. Barnum. Just received by janiß—wfctw. J. W. PEABE. DENTON & PHILIPS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. \*/ILL Practice in the different courts of Russell county, * ’ Alabama. ADDRESS R. WATSON DENTON, JOHN M. PHILIPS, Columbus, Ga. Cratcford, Ala Sept 15, 1851. w&tw ly. DRY GOODS AT Greatly Reduced Prices! DESI RING to dispose of our Stock of W inter Goods before the season closes, we are now offering it at ouci. pu ces as will not fail to give entire setifaction to purchasers! The following articles are in good styles, and as low as can oe found in the city:— Rich colored and Black Brocade Silks; “ Plaid and Plain colored Silks; Plaid and Figured Merlnoes and DeLalnes; Plan Lel at lies and De La Sues of all colors; Superior black and < olered Alpaccas; All colors * Tench Clialty ; Cas’m’rs, Sattnetts, Kent’y Jean*4k Tweeds, Real Welsh and Saxony Flannels; A few Talmas and Mantillas, at very low PRICES Negro Blankets and Wool Hats deii5 —wA-twtf. MANLL i & HODG BROAD STREET HOUSE. MRS. BARROW having removed to the BROAD STREET HOUSE, solicits the patronage of her hiends. Board per month $lB 00 “ “ “ with lodging 24 00 “ “ day , 1 75 Supper Breakfast and Lodging 1 25 Children and servants half price. Columbus, Jan. 20—tw3m. TIEMOViYL. WE take this method of informing our friends and the pu 11c that we have removed our Store to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OP BROAD STREET. Where cat al wa y3 be found a large selection of yfffmiNO FORTES f??|f From the Best Manufactories in the United States, ofallSTTLsa and PRICES. ALSO, Melodious, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamhorines, Flutes, Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionett*, Flageoletts and Fifes. Also,'rail kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BAN DS, together with Bass and Tcsoa DhUMS. STRINGS of all kixds, and the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC forall the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF £2 Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, (£l/*Aa .JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, of all ae*crip*k>DS. with a full asssortmenl of W orated and Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous to mention. nr s cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old one*. ‘ g-%r Second hand Pianos for Sale or Rent. Pianos. Organs, Melodlans, and all other kinds sf i Musical Instruments repaired in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. TRUAX & VANDEN BERG, 76 Bro id Street, Sign of the Mammoth Fiddle, f lljlSjM. wktwtiT