The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, February 24, 1855, Image 3

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H3T When death is at the door, would haveaived file, it administered in ti w he n late. Do not trifle with disease. R e * libitness and lassi the stomach will not digest food—whe d j 6 turbed the Hide pervade the system-— when the -P unnaturally appetite is leble, the mind letbargtc, the ,j, a t when H n-nive, and the head confused r&y r f .. ’ are jailing, tl es 1 symptoms occur, the powers * //<? will and that, unless the nnschielis promptly checKe we be shortened, aa well a- a rendere - than was ever be hnow, Irom a mass o< testimony, g . that pj 00 flland’s tore accumulated in favor o Jackson, Philadel (iermaii Bitters, prepared >}’ L • : . eru j ? entirely T e * phia, will immediately abate, 1 , mathematical all of these disorders a8 endure the process will solve a problem. . au d safety within agony, and the risk of life, with health au each 1 t-* German Bitters cac * l * We have freqoe tly heard the - t Philadelphia, s„d by Dr.C.M. Jacksor m end.tioo sand f and we spoken of in terms of the “ § , ,L e p e t medicines adver honestly lieheve thaMt is one of mmended „ li ed for the complaints t r b taken under any T . yam pleasant to the stomach. The press circumstances by the mo. ]ine nding this invaluable Jar and wide have M " d such are the remedy lor dysp*i£‘ ’JL a that we hope that it may be fISSi wbeK dwepsia ha3 ’fe°bV 9 “*■ -jy to have a victim. —_ § nj■;BASii.—Carter’s Spanish Mixture, as a rera- ; IVU 111 .o dthenutn berol formidable evils con e<!y lor layer i A state of u, a t organ, is unrivalled. ~ecti whlia uis * ~ from the highest sources of persons, Huiiurei.soi cer - ( j y r a., might be given oi cures ef living m g a( ‘,j ß h Mixture, We have only room to re fected by Carter . eo( gamup j Esq., of the k ' r l ° rrUmJ.T & Morris. Booksellers,Richmond, Va., v. ho was Lades oi Carters Spanish Mixture, alter three Cl,r rlLoff!d.L iron) diseased liver. Be says its action on the !* , LrHil heller than all the medicine lie had eves - advertisement. ~~ V>Y AUTHORITY. LAWS or THE UNITED STAGES. [Public No. 27 J / AS ACT to divide the State of Ohio into twp judicial dis tricts, and to provide lor holding the district and circuit courts oi the United States therein. l) P U reacted by the Senate and HoUj/tm Represen taines of the United Stupes of Amey>m in Congress as m nilled, That the State of at|d the same is hereby, divided into two Wdipafuistricts, in the following manner, to Wit: The coumresol Belmont, Guernsey, Musk ingum, Liclang, franklin, Madison, Champaign, Shelby and Mercer, together with all that partoffthe State lying south of the above mentioned counties, ehajl compose one di-trict to be called the southern district’of Ohio, anci a Umurt shall he held lor the said district at t#e city of Cincin nati, and all the remaining part of the/said State shall compose another district, to be called thd northern district of Ohio, and a court shall be held for the,same in the city of (Jleaveland, in said State. i Sec. 2 And be it j urther enacted, That there shall be two terms of the circuit and district eouijU beguu and held ju each o! said districts to wit: At the city of Cincinnati, for the southern district, on the third Tuesdays of April and October, and at the city of Cleaveland, lor them district on the second Tuesdays of July and November in each year; and the said courts are hereby authorized to hold adjourn'ed terms when the business before the court shall, in the opinion of the court, require it. Sec. 3 Ana be it'further enacted, That all suits and other proceedings of whatever name, of nature, now pend ing in ttie circuit or district courts ot tlty United Stales for the district of Ohio, shall be tried arfd disposed of in the circuit aud district courts r.spectivqly for the southern di trict ot in the same njanner as the same would have been in cate said Stale had not been di vided into two diMriots, and for that purpose the jurisdic tion is resolved to the said courts in the southern district ; and me clerk of the ciicuit and dUtrjLt courts for the pres ent districts of Ohio shall remove pie records and files of the said circuit and di-trict courts to the city of Cincinnati; and do and peiloun alt duties appertaining to his office within the southern district: And us process or other pro ceedings taken, or issued, or made returnable to the circuit or district com ts of the present district of Ohio, shall be returnable at the next term of the said courts respectively, m the southern district of Ohio. .Stc. 4. And be it further enacted, Thai upon the ap plication of any party to,‘any which would have been commenced in the northern district, if this act had been in force before the commencement of tbe said suit, the proper comt may, and if all parties consent, shall order that the same be removed lor further proceedings to the proper court for the northern district. And, therefore, the eleik shall transmit all thekiajjeis m the cause with a’ transcript of order of the remojfaJ, to the clerk of the court to which the suit shall be rfemoved, and all further proceedings shall be had, in said court as if the said suit had been originally commenced therein. Skc. 5. And be it further exacted, That the present judge oi the district of Ohio he, ajM he is hereby assigned to hold said courts in the southei of Ohio, and shall exercise the same jurisdiction, apd perforin the same duties, within said district; as he iiQwexeieises and performs withifi Ins present distiiet. Str. 6. Ar.d be it further efiife<i,That final process upon any judgment or decree entered in the circuit or district courts of the United States for the district of Ohio, and all oilier process for the enforcement of any order of said eouits, respectively, in any cause now pending therein, ex cept causes removed, is hereinbefore piovided, shall be is sued I rom and made returnable to the proper court lor the southern district of Onio, may run and be execu ted by the marshal of the slid southern district in any part ot the said State. Stc. 7. And be it further enacted, That there be appoin ted a district judge for the said northern district of Ohio; who shall possess the same powers, and do and per loint all such duties in his district as are now en joined or at anywise appertaining to the present district judge for the district ot Ohio, and the district judge of each district shall be entitled to the same compensation as by law is provid ed Dr the present judge for tfie district of Ohio. hi ‘ . 8 And be it Jurthef enacted, That there be ap pointed one person as distrjfct attorney, and one person as mar bn I, for said southern district, whose terms of appoint ment and service, as well a?duties and emoluments, shall be the same with those respectively appertaining to the said unices in the district ofiOhio; and said marshal shall give the same bond tlut other marshals are required to give. l > . be approved and recorded as now directed by law. Pro ni ■ iii L ,h ? ,, j escnt district attorney of the district of h'o shaU be the district attorney and the northern district, n. ,7 L | r Y‘ lam . tl,e . ebargefof all suits already commenced until the President of the United fil m7,lit rn? TWl f uT ct ’ and the P ,e?en t marshal of „ i„. ‘ and ‘j n l < ’ ,i 0 l, ° shall r e the marshal el the northern dis tuct, during their respective official terms. •fu.rL ‘L , An(ib . eit ffthcr enacted, That all suits here nitum s^nT g h 10 r her u ot said court? * not of a local he i!;Id ‘ , be .i ol,S r C0 L urt 0, tht ‘ district where ..... .? nt res there be more than one defend me ii h!! re ", !t e H J dl %' e , nt districts; the plaintiff may ; ims and l h tL ?,kJ? 8 d : ip ,cat ® writ a gainst the v delend , directed to theAnarshal ot the other district, on which a, endowment sh/l be made that the writ thus LT is a j an .1 a y U Sn T °, ut ot the CoUrt ot ’ the proper district; | hfe • o,,fLq I 'LL t JV vhen and returned into the of- j £V.oc^l±Sg!i’ Bhall co " s,i, “ ,e “ ud ! Approved February 1(C 1355. [Public No. 28.] ‘ AN ACT to change the name .oHhe schooner “Henry i i iantegenet” to that of “A. G. Brown.” 1 tiitsiff/ffi'jr - an( l H°} ise of Representa ,,,,iL:/i'i X.i I, cd-HaMs „f America in Congress as kv ol the 1 reasury be,atid is here name of'** p”d drreetedHo admit to register, under the how owned^yJ^SSJciM^f 1 ?"!* ll bui!t scho . on f’ Stat-> of \li Af' 6 6 / , a Jackson county m the eirt/ ’ ppi, a nd “Henrv Plantag- Approved February 13,1855. fPublic No. 2y.] the improv^hLit Ct <• n . Ct , m . ak ing appropriations ntii-rs of n d Hojpsc J^Represent se tabled, ‘nuitiUl Congress as ening a ‘WMrn'Ti'iL adin ~. f&dvo'Ks “For re-op- Ca-nl nu,atW'lffir-\ sound. North breakwater acro&sCrost n construction of a be amended hv’fti ikin>r o u t thousand dollars,” li‘>n ot a breakwater across Prt, h , y l| ie construe- A P |.r..T 0 d itlM?. 1 *” SOU " d ” [Public No 6] A p -j ted States to I'.nilSLu n j- Pmsident ol the Uni brevet for beuteaant general by Reitfvd Senate and House n-f r> of ik ■ Wnjlfid States of\merica in Cfr epresenitJ tires Tnat thSfTde of lfoatiaHßSiTiS hereby revived in the Uni-ed L, ! h saine is that whcn.inTfmUpwfSnofNho Preside-itL^lfV' 1 order shall be doemed proper to eminent^r a major general of the army in late “war wbK vi' Cesol m the fDode alread >’ Provided , grade of lieutenant specially conferred by brevet, and by breve? take rank from the date ol such Service or sar\\cesspTovidcd, however, That when thesaid grade of general by brevet shall have once been hfed, necome vacant, this joint reso lution shall expireNuid be of no effect. Approved February 15, 1855^ SPECIAL MOTICE7 MOBILE AND GIitARD RAIL ROAD. THE Passenger train will leave Silver Run at IX A M, anu and arrive at Girard at SX A M. on Thursday trie first da\ of March next. Stockholders attending the Convention on that day, will with their fatml e?, bebrought up aud returned free teb2J—wlttw2t R. A. H.aRDAVVAY EiiV. DR. CHARLES P. CRANE, Resident Physician of New Orleans, AXD LICENTIATE OF THK MEDICAL FACULTY FOR THE SPECIALITIES OF EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNG AND LIVER DISEASES, n RErPECTPULI.Y informs the citizens of Column bus and vicinity, that tor the purpose of intr..<h - igWjf I’M cingj/o.'j.nethod oi treatment by Inlialation of YXs Medicated V apur, com (lined w it i consliiuiional, us a i;l) RE for C O N S U M P- Tl ON and all disorders oi the Throat, Lungs, and Ail-Passages, he wilt remain at m e Perry Hotel i.nul the ldih ot Jbarch, to afford ihose afflicted, who mav desire ii, an opportunity oi availing themselves of this, tire oi iv, philo6<ipicul ana rational process oi cure. Dr. C. would be pleased to hear irom his patients in Colum bus and vicinity, either personally or by letter, and may be con sulted at l,is rooms, Perry Hotel, irom !• A M, till j P M. or will it desired,visit families at their resider.c . Dr. G. would respectly request those desi-ons of seeing him, lo call as early in the week as possible, as further engagements preclude the possibility ol lengthening his visit at this time. lelrG twtf “COLUMBUS JOCKEY CLUB.” MEMBERS are requested to meet on Tuesday evening, 27th inst., at 7 o’clock, in the first room on Ogieth ipeß >w, for j the purnose oi paying in their respective subscriptions. A large and punctual attendence is desired.. Other business of im- i portance will be transacted. R.c. FORSVTH, lebx’4 twit Secretary and Treasurer, Enqmrer copy twit A card 7 TO Porfes;sor ? ARON I and the Amateur Orchestra, the under- • signed, on the pars of the Committee of Arrangements ■ for the “Columbus Guards” Anniversaiy Ball, (t’eb. 22d) return I their sincere thanks for valuable voluntary musical contribu-i dons to the festivities of tbe occasion. J as. m . EVhrETT, febitl..twit R.C. FORSYTH. j DISSOLUTION “” i THE firm of PEABODY, DREIVV & CO. was dissolv- j ed on the Ist July 1854, by mutual consent GEO. If. PEABODY, GF.O. P. DREW, feb2G—w4t. WM.GESNER. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! THE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress hereioioie are now prepared to make application fori.l whowho are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent actof Congress, entitled to au addi- i tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all j the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims aeainst the United 8 ates. i :om our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a’l claims entrus ted to our care, will be prompt y and ipjedih aiijusied One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, v. ill give (he business his personal attention there. Ofiiceover Gunby Ac. Daniels’ S.ore, Columbus,Georgia. MICH AID N. CLARK, feb24..w&twtf/ A. B. RAGAN. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ENGINEEPv AND SUItV£YOR. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Designs and Working Plans lor ltnild-j ings furnished. Artificer’s work calculated; Surveys ol land made, aud T >pograpical]plaus furnished with accuracy, neatness ami despatch O*” Office over Col. Holt’s Law Office. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. THE favorable terms on which one may secure to bis w idow bed orphan children a comfortable support, invite the at tention of all who are not rich enough to prov ide for their fam ily without theirown personal exertions. For further information apply to feb24—w4tt\>3m. A. POND, Agent. INEZ, A Tate of the Alamo, is anew ami Aj/ CfLf fh popmar work, just published by the Harpers, ftlSfeW and lor sale by ‘W j. vv. PEASE. r Also, a New Supply of South Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams, D. D.; Ruth Hall; Capt. Canot; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, &c.&c. Columbus, Feb. ‘ll. w&tw*f. HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, NO. 155, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. TENDERS his services to the pablic for the purchase andN an d sale'ot Merchandise and Trcduce, and as a Geu- Xnba&JL/eral Agent. He has on hand Bacon, ] ard, Pickled Po>k and Beef, Dried Beef, Pork Tongues, Sugnr, Coffee. Salt, Flour, Mo lasses. Vinegar, Pepper, Spice, Ginger,Candles, Soap, Starch, Tobacco, Dried Peaches, and \ Apples. Beans, Cranberries, Cheese, Butter, Appes and Ur.mees. &c. And is constantly receiving Western Protlnce ami Provisions, and the leading aiticles of Groceries. Ail | of which he will SELL LOW FOR CASH, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Columbus, Ga., February 2-\ 1855. twtf. Irish Potatoes. JUST received, on Cons ; gi ment, o 2 Barrels fine Yeiiow, tor planting, and 10 Red for table use. feb22—twtf. H. C.PHELPS. Salt Pork. RECEIVED, on Consignment, 20,000 Pork now in Salt and ready for curing. I'eb2.’ —twtf. H. C. PHELPS. Corn Meal. i JUST received, on Consignment, 50 Bushels, fresh ground. February 22—twtf. H. C. PHELPS. WANTED A Good Accountant and competent Book Keep er. None other need apply. To such a liberal salary will be given. E. BARNARD & CO. Columbus feblO twtf ! —: j DISSOLUTION, THE firm of lIALL& MOSFS was dissolved on the first of January, 1855, l,y the death of l. 1. Moses. IILTtYEY HALL, surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. It HF, undersigned have entered into the HJR D- !t\}R K B CBSIoVESH. under the firm at and name of HALL, MOSES & CO. HF.RVEY H ALL, IS AAC I. MOSES, J ACOB P HEN KICKS, WILLIAM A. BEACH. - February 13. 1855. w&twtf. MuscouEe R.R. Cos., Columbus Ga.,Feb. 10, 1855. DIVIDEND NO, 3* VT a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Afuscogeo R. 11. Company, held on the 13th inst., it was resolved that a semi annual Dividend of four drvllers per share on the common stock of the Comp ii y, be declart and, and that tbe same hep y aole on and after the lath of M irch, proximo, at thrir office in • olurabus, and to St ckholders whose stock is resristertd in Savannah, Ga., at the office of Win. P. Hunter, Esq., at the Ma rine Bank, Savannah. D- A’>AMS, jeblo—w&lwtd. Sec. L. Treasurer. MANUAFCTtTRERS & MECHANICS BANK, OF COLUMBUS, Columbus, Ga., Jar.[30,1855. THE Stockholders of this institution are hereby notified that a call tor the remaining tiny per cent of the capital stock is required to be paid at its Banking House in the city ot Columbus, on or before the second da* of April next. By order of the ol Directors. .Tan. 31 —wii\_tw2m W. B. STORM, Cashier. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. K A Stares duscogee Rail* >a ■ S;ock fan e by HARktSON, AUSTIN & .VGEHEL. ftU3. .w&twtf. BY AYER & WILKINS, AUCTIONEERS. Just Received aud for Sale Low. I Bales India Ba.ging; lOCoils Kentucky Rope. T ID Barrels Whisky; I quarter Cask Fine* Brandy. 1 do. Mador!a Wine: L do. Pale Sherry. ‘Barret S;> tch Whisky; 1 do. Swau Gin. 30M) Fine Havana Cigars. February iJ;h. w&twtf. AYER & WILKINS. FOR SALE.; FORTY likely young negroes consisting of men, wo men, boys and girls. Planters wishing to purchase would do well to give us a call. jan3l-twtf. AYER & WILKINS. A FEW SHARES MUSCOGEE RAIL ROi*D Stock for Sale. Apply to dee 12—w&tw. AYER & WILKINS. A A Shares Mobile A Girard Rail Road Slock, 1U lor Sale by AYER & WILKINS, jaull—twtf For Sale. A GOOD SECONDHAND PIANO FORTE.— Apply to janlb—twtf. AYER & WILKINS. •> WILL be drawn at our store (if made up) on Thursday, the Bth day of March, or sooner if tickets are all sold, the following list of Magnificent Prize?, amounting to sisl)o. — Three hundred numbers wiil be placed in the w heel aud 71 drawn out: ihe first drawn number taking prize No. 1, and so on, until all the prizesare drawn. The articles are all fine and put down at cash valuations. Tickets, $5 00. No. 1 Gold Watch, (double time) §75 “ 2 One Gentleman’s Dressing Case 8 3 One Plated Cup 1 50 “ 4 One Bosom Pm 3 50 “ 5 One Seal Fob Key 5 “ 6 One Port Folio 8 “ 7 One Cameo Biacelet 12 8 One Gold Ring I 50 j “ 9 One Set Gold Studs 2 “ 10 One Set Gold Mosaic Sleeve Buttons 5 ; “ 11 One Diamond Bosom Pin 50 j “ 12 One Silver Plated Cup I 50 j “ 13 One Scarf Pin 3 j 14 One Set Gold Sleeve Button 6 “15 One Plated Port Monnaie 3 j “ 16 OneGold Seal Ring 4 “ 17 One Large French Mirror 125 “ 18 One Gold Ring 1 50 “ 19 One Plated Butter Knife I “ 20 One Painted Gold Bosom Pin 2 50 “ 21 One Ladies Gold Chain 15 “ 22 One Diamond Bosom Pm 7 “ 23 One Set Gold Studs 4 “24 One Square Seal bing 2 “ 25 One Gold Pen aud Pencil 5 “ 26 One Gold Cross 7 “ 27 One Gentleman’s fine Dressing Case 60 I “28 One P;ated Butter Knife ... I “2:* One Square Seal King 2 “ 30 One Gold BoßomPin(S S) 3 “31 OneSilvurCup ! 10 “ 32 One Set Gold Stud Buttons 3 ; “ 31 One Gold Enameled Ring 2 “34 OneSilver Plated Urn... 46 ! “35 One Anchor‘Ring 2 “ 36 One Gold Bosom Pin(S S) 3 “ 37 One dozen fine Cut ‘-lass Gob'ets 15 j “38 One Gentleman’s Gold Bosom Pm 3 “ 39 One “ • King 150 ! “ / .0 one Fine Bosom Pin 8 > “ 4f One ilatedTeaSet 35 j “ 42 <>ne Anchor King 2 j “ 45 OneGold Seal King 4 ! “ It One Silver Cup 15 “ 45 One Gentleman’s Gold Ring i 50 | “ 46 One Plated Port Monnaie 3 “ 47 One Light Day Marble Clock 35 “ 48 One Gold Pencil 2 “ 49 t'ne Gold Pen and Pencil 5 “ 50 One Gold Watch, Hunt’g Case English Lever IfiO “ 51 On Enameled Gold Ring 2 “ 52 One l.adies’ Work Box 13 “ 53 One Square Seal Ring 2 “ 54 One Britannia Tea Set 4 pieces 12 “ 55 One Anchor Ring 2 “ 56 One Gentleman’s Gold Vest Chain 16 “ 57 One Fine Mahoga y Piet Table. 50 “ 58 One l-'namel'd King 2 “ 59 Otie Dozen Fine cutCharapague Glasses 12 “ 60 One Fancy Book Case 1( 0 “61 One Eight Day Clock, Iron Frame 18 “ 62 One pair Placed Fruit Baskets 15 “63 Ole pair Plated Waiters 18 “ 64 One Double Barrel Gun 50 “ 65 One Revolver 2) “ 66 One second hand Piano—fine article .....150 “ 66 One R iby and Diamond Ring 23 “ 68 One l.adies’{Work Box.J 25 “ 69 One Gentleman’s Gold Fob Chain 25 “ 70 One G >ld Pencil 2 “71 One Clock with music & tight rope dancer ..225 „ SISOO O'J Columbus Ga.,jan3o—twtd AYER & WILKINS. HERE’S A CHANCE FORA BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC, WISHING to reduce our Large Stock of iee t Music, Instruction Books, and Musical Works of all Kinds, we offer to sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., FOR CASH. VIOLINS & ACCOftDEONS can be bought cheaper here than at any other store in the city. TkUAX & VANDEN BERG. lebl4—lw&wtillstjune. 92—East side Broad-Btreet. , Columbus, Ga. Administrator's Sale.—On Friday, the 23d instant, will be solil on the plantation lying In Chattahoochee coun ty, Georgia, a part of the perishable i roperty of P H Wildman, deceased, consisting of eight mules, 75< (I pounds pork, corn and foddir,one Devon,one Durham cow and calf, two Essex hogs, one Suffolk do., two Souih Down Sheep, one large ox w; gon, and the farming utensils on the place. Sold under an ordei of the cou rt of Ordinary of Chatham county. 7’erms cash, feb 12—w&tw 10J. HENRY HURT, Adm’r. Just Received on Consignment, KAAA I.BS.New Bacon; Hog round; OU\*U 5000 lbs. Fresh Lard in Barrels, Half Bbls. h- Kegs. 1000 Yards Tenessee Jeans. 25 Boxes, X Boxes and X Boxes be t Virginia Tobacco. 75 Pair Woolen Socks. Cheap for Cash. HULL, FRIERSON & CO . jan23 Commission, Receiving & Forwaring Merchants. COLUMBUS RACES! CHATTAHOOCHEE COURSE. THE first, annual meeting over this i new COURSE, near Columbus, Ga., will j ° ff ° n First Tuesday, 6th March next, and continue five days. Liberal PURSES will be offered by the Club for the various races which w>)l take place during the week, and ample ac commodations for all who attend on that occasion. The Colt Stake to be run over the Chattahoochee Course at the first annual meetingclosed with the following entres Dec ember 3lst 1854. T. Woolfolk enters br.c. by Steel, 3 years old, dam by Btrtran, jr. W. Cheatham enters celt Little Arthur by Glencoe, dam Blue Bonnutt. I John Harrison enters gr. I. Mary Blueskin, ly Grey lagle, ; dam Sally .Morgan, also gr. f. Ardell, by Grey Lagle, dam Ma- j rieita. Col. B. Easley enters eh. *c. 3 years old, by Chieftain, dz.m Mary Horton; also ch.c.3 yeurs old, by Cnieftaio, dam Jane, by Shamrock. C S PRYOR. PrODrietorß P vV PRYOR, { Proprietors, Columbus. Jauf—tw&wtf BPECIAi7\OTICE. I N order that our customers may understand the terms on which we Made, we have thought it advisable ! to publish them. They are as follows: For ail purchases 1 on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist j May and Ist Jcnuarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times 1 specified, we shall claim and expect interest until paid. F E. BARNARD, & CO. j Columbus, Jan. Ist,’ss. jan li—w&twtf. LAND &‘STEAM MILL FoRSAIE rpnE subscriber offers for sale his valuable set of Mills all A new, with an extensive custom, worth irom 40 to 50 dollars | per day. The eng misot 20 horsepower, and drives a circular saw that cu's from three to five thousand feet of lumber pf-r dav. Ifee Grist .Will will erind 12 bushels of corn per hour, and gets a custom ol 250 bushels per week. The raids are with i in2mlesof Eufaula. There is attached to the mill 830 acres j r Pme Land, lea\y timbered, 126 acres cleared. Any person wishing to purchase such property will do well V* call and ex i amine,as lam determined to sell. C. J. M. ANDREW?. KuU&uia. Ala., Feb. 6. 135>. feb!2—wtf. GEORGIA. Muscogee County. —Whereas, Henry Moffet ap plies lor letters of Guardianship of trie person and prop 1’ ertv of Sarah A. Crews, orphan—under 14 years of age—us Reuben J. Crews, dee’ll late of Harris comity: All persons concerned are herebv notified show can?e, if any they have, why letters of Guardianship as aforesa’d should not be granted to *aid applicant at the court o Ordinary fio bo held in and forth; couuiy first afore-aid on the first M *nday in \prilnexf. Given under my bat’d, this sth day ofFebrnry, 1855. ftM2—w3od. JOHN JOHEfON, Ordinary. Change of Schedule O AD! On and after February 20th, PASSENGFR Trains will leave Columbus daiiyal'2-loP. M., arrive at Macon 7?£ P. M. Leave Macon daily at 3 A. M, arrive at Columbus 3-20 A. M. I Making a complete connection between Montgomery, Nia„ and ; Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington: a‘so with central Fait Road ; to Savannah, jand Mi Hedge villei and with the ftlacou and Western Trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga and Nashville. AI9O, connecting at Columbus with the Guard .Mobile Railroad, for Eufaula. B. E. WELI S, Columbus, Feb. 20—tw&wtf Engii eer and Sup’t ; To the StockDoldeis of the Ist Division of the Mobile & Girard Rail Road, from Co luinbttg to Union Springs:— j Gentlemen .'--The present condition of the road demands i the earnest attention and prompt action of the Stockhold | ers. A portion of the Road has been finished, equipped and i put in operation, but there exists a large amount of indebt* | edness whic h must be provided for, or else suits wiii be in stituted against the Road at tha_March Temrof tire Rus sell Circuit Court, and judgments rendered at that Term, under which all that portion of tne road now’ finished, with its equipment will be sold, and pass into other hands and become a total loss to the present Stockholders, k You are aware that the late President, Judge Iverson, I resigned on the first of January, and that Maj. John H. | Howard was elected to fill the vacancy. He has not yet accepted the office, and will not until arrangements are made to pay the debts and progress with the Road to Un ion Springs. He and others are making every effort to obtain additional subscriptions, and it ishop.-d and believed that a considerable sum will be obtained, bat it is well as certained that a sufficient amount cannot be thus raised to accomplish the objects desired Something, tin refbre, must be done by the present Stockholders to prevent the loss of what has already been invested and expended in the road. We therefore earnestly invite you to meet at the depot in Girard, on Thursday the first day of March next, at 10 o’- clock, A. M., at which time a lull exposition will be made of the past transactions and present condition of the com pany, and when, it is hoped, some plan will be adopted to relieve the road from its present embarrassments and pro vide for its further progress. ARNOLD SEALE, ) HOMER BLACKMON, > Directors. WILEY WILLIAMS, ) Feb. 10, 1855. w&twtillstmarch. NOTICE. DURING my absence from the State, l have appointed Edgar j G. Dawson my attorney, upon whom, any person having business with me. will please call. Columbus, f‘ehl7. 1855. tw3t.. JO-FLU b, HU SRURY. FOUND. A PROMISORY NOTE, made by Dill & ifong to Johnson /V Thornton, which the owner can have by catling at this office. feb^ —twf. ~FOR SALE OR RENT. eA NEW TWO STORY llO'*’KL,just flush ed, containing fifteen we 1 llnished r oms, with out houses fcc. complete, together with a w< 1! established Livery 8 able, at joining. As the Mobile and Gita and an the Opelika liai!r>aas both te-minite at this point, it is needless to add, that ihis ; s one ol the best stands in this sec tion ofcouutiy. Aj py to J. M.O.RKFD. febl —twtf. \\ <♦ k y Fnquirr-r copy Girud, Alt. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, mm? Just Received and for s? le by Doc.9—wtw&tf ROBRET A. W a *RE. Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Brandy, Segars and TOBACCO, AT COST. OWING to the tightness of the money market, and the con tii lied lowness of the river, I am mrced to offer goods at a sacrifice, for the purpose of meeting inv indebtedness. The ar tic es me of the very best quality, selected with great care for the retail trade. N. B. A!! who are indebted will please settle without delay, As future payments depend upon my pay. janlß —twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. DRY GOODS AT Greatly Reduced Prices! DESIRING to dispose of our Stock of Winter Goods betore the season closes, we are now otfering it at, pu ces as will not fail to give entiresetisfaction to purchat-eis! The following articles are in good styles, and as low as can be found in the city:— Rich colored and Black Brocade Silks; “ Plaid and Plain colored Silks; Plaid and Figured Merinoes and DeLaincs; PI a 11 1. el nines and Betaines of all colors; Superior black and < olered ATpaccas; All Colors French Clially ; Cas’m’rs, Satinetts, Kent’y Jeans & T weeds; Real Welsh and Saxony Flannels; A few Talmas and Mantillas, at veiy low PRICES l Negro Blankets and Woal Hats de s—w<Hwtf. M\NLE V tc KODG “l.i BROAD STREET HOUSE. IIIRS. HARROW having removed to the BROAD all STREET HOUSE, solicits the patronage of her biends. Board per month .... 818 00 “ “ “ with lodging 24 00 “ “ day 1 75 Supper Breakfast and Lodging 1 25 Children and servants half price. Columbus, Jan. 20—tw3m. REMOVAL. TTTE take this method of informing our friends and the pu VY lie that we have removed our Store to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF STREET. Where can always be found t large selection of From the Best Manufactories in the United States, of all Styles and PRICES. ALSO, Melodians, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamborlues, Flutes, Flntinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Flageoletts and Files. Also,'rail kinds of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BANDS, together with Bass and Ticnor D UMS. STRINGS of all kinds, ar.d the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for: li the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF a Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, j JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, of nil nes-r-ptions. together with a full asssortmeni of Worsted and Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous to mention. s -cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. tTW” Second hand P'anos ior Sale or Rent. Pianos. Organs, 91 eludians, andaT other kinds of Musical Instruments repaired in th*- lest manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give emire satisfaction. All orders left at our store wdl tepr inaptly attended to. TKUAX a. VAN DIN BE KG, 7ti Bro%d street, Sign O! the Mammoth Fiddle. ! C-lambus, Dec. 11,1854. w&twtf* ■X'iESSSLia.fS Real Estate Brokers? ge. Collecting and Land AGENCY. RAYMOND, FREE3US& CO. C. c. FREEMAN, ja. X. C. RAYMOND. 6. R. FREEMAN. Attorneys at law, CITY OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. Homes in Texas and Safa Investments obtained through this Agenev ! FIDELITY TO TH INTERESTS OY NON-RKPIPENTB. Registers of Lana for sale, in all parts of the Fta-c; fi ll ex hibits of title and af curate descriptions, altori gisteis of town and city Jots Lauds located bought and sold. Cla ms against the Stave* r individuals collected and adjusted 1 and r* mi inures made byexr Orleans, or any of | the Northern Cities, if desired* i A thorough and intimate kno vU ige ‘ the country, and the 1 land system, insuies sunt-rior location id the best titles j Strangers looking at Texas, nviy always have some leading | items and useful hints at the office of this Agency. Registers open for examination. ’ tq^Offioc*on Congress Avenue. dec23—wly. 100,000 POUNDS RAGS WANTED. WE will pay 2% cents per pound fornne hundred thousand pounds clean LiNLN AND tOTTON K/\G3. J EFF tRM)Noc li A MILT ON. Oo’umbus, Ga. Feb. 15, 1855. DISSOLUTION. npilE copartnership of James K. ReSd, &, Cos., has. ex- X pired bv limitation, and circumstances lompel us to col lect; so we hope all indebted to us cither by note rr account witl come forward aud settle by or betore the Ist April, ai which time the notes and accounts will he sued if not paid,or other atisfactory arrangements made. , dec2> — wAtw3ta. JAMES K. REDD, &.CCK HEAR ROTH SIDES. All tke World will Head this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES * a OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, I’Jmo.. CLOTH. Who is Ruth Hall! la Ruth Hall Fanny Fern, or somebody else? anrt If Fanny Fern la not hull: Hall who is F'a..ny Pern! THE LIFE UlTiiiSijfoF FANNY FERN ! Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. And this book a strai to tnl * untolds. The present Work is authentic in all its Details. Those who have read the advance eoj y, jronounce it the wittiest, spiciest book of the season. li presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Ilall, at her own tiresida. in the Editor's Sanctum, in the-stict t, at Church, and everywhere, aud in every position she is the same fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear forthe first time in book form. The reader w ill find that they possess the same attractive features which ehsn.ct* rze ail her productions. They are alternately witiy and pathetic, caustic and soothing, sp irkiit g a id pensive. No o her author has succeed?d so well in touching the finer chords ot the heart. Just received aud fer sal*, bv fell 15—w&twlf. * J. \V. PEASE. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. CLASS L. One prize lo 20 Tickets—and remember, every prize drawn! To be drawn on the l!2iii oj March. CAPITALS s7s<o “ s,tiki “ S.lii'O 2 UiiO In all, 251 pr z**s, amoiintui? to 830,001) Tickets 35 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent hanks at par. Ad communications strictly cot fidenlial. SAMUEL SWAN, . Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Bionzt Lion Montgomery, Oct. 21 -twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. &T~ All letters for immediate answer must be audiessed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. COOPEIi>S HIKI2 CtUKIY, MIS- Distance from Ytcksburgh (by Railroad) to Raymond, 40 i mile.*-—4 miles staging to the well. ThrouiUi in * Threellours. M THESE NVATFI S need no comment; they are pretty x't-nsmly known to the *n tnmun ty. end rc* c< minendid by the nu diial in ulty in the cure oi the pn-vaiiii g dmasi sol the c untry, such as cl “tonic Iriai 1 1 uia. Dyspepsia, I'ropsy, Gravel, Diabeles, Broiuhitip, Ghloro3 s. Genera! D"bil.iy, Cutaneous Diseases, and di eases of the rp een, Ipaddir, &c. Boaru io Ist June per week. From Id June to Ist October 12 k “ INMAN .v ILLIAMS, Superintendent. Cooper’s Well, Miss., Jau 24, 1855. feb2—w3m. Agents kor the Sale or the Water.—G. I). Metcalf &. Cos. New urlear.s; Wra. McCutcben, tc Cos.. Vicksbber.; Thomp . son & I mai'iiel. Cily;\Vhitlng&. Kans’er. Jackson A/iss . Executor’s Sale. WILT, be sold on the )9th day of February next, within the legal hours of sale at the late residence of David HneKon deceased, near Talbotton, by virtue of the authority vested in i me by the last will and testament of David S ieiton, deceased, ; all of the perishable property of said deceased (negroes excep ted) consisting of'horses, mules, hogs, oxen, stock cattle, corn, ! fodder, wagons, car.s, household and kitchen furniture, a lan e quantity ot the finest guns, ever exhibited in this country,— Taiget guns, and guns of . very other desorption, with various other articles too tedious to mention. Said sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Term** given on the day of sale. January 12th, 1855. janl3wlds. EDMUND H. WORRII.j., Executor. STATE OF GE’ RGIA, Fatly ‘county—Wheieas, Otho P Beall applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Iliram Lisle, late of Texas, deceased : These are, thereioie, to cite and admonish ad and singular the kindred and creditors cf said deceased to shew cause, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant at the M: reh term next ot the court of ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, this January 27th, 1855. jnn3!—w6t. ’ S. S. STAFFORD,Ordinary. GEORGIA, Chattahoochee county—Whereas, Samuel D. Harp and Henry J. King{appit to me tor letbrs of ad ministration upon the estate el Joshua i\. McCook late of raid county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular thekindred and creditors of s.iid deceased,to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to rliew cause (if aiiy they have) why said letters shoul l not be granted. Givin under mv hand and official riguature, at office, Janua ry Bih, 1855. ‘ N. N.HOWARD, Cl’k Bup. Court, janlfi- twl t&wfit. and ex-officio Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. YJTTILL b >sold on the first Tuesday in April next, before the Vl court house door in spring Place, Murray county, Got of land known as number 181, in the 20th District and* second Section of said county. Sold as the p r ope iy of Matthew Wright, late ot Stewart county, dectased, fer the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day ot sale. — February 20ih, 18-.5. jams—wtds. ARTHUR P.WRIGHT, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be so'd before the Court House door in Dalton, Whitfield county, on the firat Tuesday in JJ/areh next, lot ot land known as No. 180, in the l.tth District aud third Section of said county, sold asth* property of Matthew Wiicht late of Stewait county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Teims made known on the day of sale. Jan. 20tb, L 55. janl2 wGt. ARTHUR P. WRIGHT, Adm’r. Administrators’ Sale.—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Stewart county, I will sell on the Ist Tuesday in March next, betore the Court House door in Lump kin, Stewart county, within the legal hours of sale, a Negro woman named Viny, about 3'J years old, and her two children Ch rrlotte, a girl about 6 years old, and Daniel a boy about. 4 years old. as the property ot the estate ot David G. Knott, de ceased, tor the benefit ot the he rsand creditors of said estate. Terms on ihe day oi sale. This Jan. 6h. 1855. jau!L—wt* h. JOHN FITZGERALD, Adm. Georgia, Randolph county.—Jen and. Brown, having made his application to me for Letters oi Administration on the Estate of William Frederick, late of said county deceased : All and singular the kindred and creditors ot sed deceased, are therefore, hereby notified to file their objections, it any they have to the contrary, at the March term next ensuing, of the Court of Ordinary oi said county, otherwise letters will then be granted to the appli cant < fivea under my hand at office, the 25th day of Janu ary. 1855 O. P BEALL, j in?o-w3od Ordinary. Cl E<>RGI N, Taylor County.—NVhereas. Peter E Riley applies T for K- teraof Guardianship of the persons and property of He ja-niu L RSii g!et--n and k ilha Ri E Singleton, orphans of John Singleton late of said county, deceased: ‘fl eas are therefore to rcite and admonish all conccr -ed to show cause, if any they haw, wiUiin the time prescribed by law why sad letters should not b.* grantvd. Given under my hand atofllce, thi? loth day of Feb. 1855. f,• t,l -*—w4od JOHN grCRDIVAST. Ordinsry. / s EORGIA, Muscogee County.— Whereas, P eas- YJT ant J. Puiiips applies ir letters of Guardianship o the pe-snn and property o) Jacks nP. Crews, orphan under 14 years of age, of Reuben J. Crews, dec’d. late of Harris county: All nersons c meerned are hereby notified to shew a*>y they h ve. why le’ters of Guardianship as aforesaid s ton Id not i e granted said applicant at the Court ot Ordinary to be heidin and lor tbeeoun'y llr-tafor sa'd, on M-ndav n April next. Given Wider my La this sth day ot February, 1855. feb!2—wfO'l. JOH M J OMNs N, Ordinary. Gs EOKGIA. R tndo pn C maty.— W lereas, Jo in M r>i ■* n T has applied to m-for letters of Guardidnship for the pe - sonsand prop :riy m Elmore-Yicho's and muies E. Nichols, or i ptiai s-t.l JkcßSou i. Nichols, late of said county, deceased: ! All and singular, ihe p irtiea interested, are therefore he-ebv ! notified to make theirobjeclions known on or before t r ie first { A/uitday in Ap. il next, otmrwise letters will be -ranter 1 t the said hpMicaui. Given under my band, at office, Februay 8:h, I 18->5, febl2—w4od O. P. BEALL, Urdidary.