The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 03, 1855, Image 1

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TRI-WEEKLY. VOLUME, Hl] THE TIMES & SENTINEL. T.2NNENT LOKAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS and proprietors. TRI-WEEKLY TI3IES & SENTINEL TH ”. h * , tVRDXESDA Y and FRIDAY MU R.Y ipublbed b rURDA y EVRJCIXQ. the weekly TIMES A. SENTINEL published every TUESDAY MORXI.YG. Offlce on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: TB{-WEEKLY - ,Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,id advance. rN“ vJvertisements conspicuously inserted at Ox* Dollar D3 rgqaßre, for the first insertion, and r iftv ciKTsfor every sub •f iiasDi insertion. Liberal deductionwillbe made for yearly advertisements. ?a'esof Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and t-nee in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which tne property i3 situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette days previous to the day of sale. .Votices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten day 3 previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ofan Estate must be publish ed forty days. Notic that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for turn months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days—lor Dismission from Administration, monthly six months—lor Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months —lor establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond Las beta given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications willalways be continued according to these, the ezal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. ~ BUSINESS CARDS. DK. T. STEWART, q HAVING returned to Col umbus would reepectfully an &rf nounce that he has resumed his practice of Medicine and Surgery. Columbus, G a., Dec .7. 1854. w&iwtf, DR. T. S. TUGGLE, OFFICE ,0m MILLFORD'S ON BROAD STREET, COZ.TJ3ZBUS, GEORGIA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. Drs. BROOKS & CARRIGER. fi HA VTNG associated themselves together in the various branches of ‘heir profession, they will be enabled tkere- SJU by to give more general satisfaction to all who may favor them with the ; r confidence. Dr. < larriger is fully prepared and willgive special attention to all cases of SURGERY entrusted to his care. Office ia Winter’s Bank Building. Columbus. .lan. 14—twtf jgqpijk CUSHMAN, DENTIST, G 9 BROAD STREET. *~y-I J * .WING returned to the city, with improved health, is reedy o attend to his unfinished cases, and all others that may offer. Btpt. 29, 1854.wA.twtf. DENTISTRY. J. FO6LE, D. D. 2. JAP** Office on Randolph near Broad Street. Columbus, febl—l3ss. w&tf. DR. W. F. LEE, DENTIST, WOULD give notice to his friends and pat rons that his ROOMS are again ready forbusi ncss,st the corner of Broad and Randolph streets, over Chas. dygatt’sstore: where he will be pleased to see those wishing his professional services. , rr Intrance on Broad street. JO Cammßas. da., July 15, 1854—twtf *H. S. SARONI, PROFESSOR CP MUSIC. jan.2o— tw ts COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ROBERT N. HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA., tTT Office in the St. Mary’s Bank Building, up Stairs. _JF\ Julv 1854-twAw” ROBERT E. DIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA : F^Offlee —St. Marys’Bank Building. April s—wtwly s JAMES HAMILTON. VVM. F. PLANE HAMILTON & PLANE, 7 ; Attorneys at Law, Columbus, Geo. *‘l P ra ctice in the Courts of the adjoining- counties n tmsMate and Aiabama. decs—w & twtf. J. A. FOX, attorney at law, .’ practice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in bt. Marys’ Bank Building, Columbus, Ga. References : 7 hOMAX. ESQ., MASLET & HOPQKS, DR r * STANFORD, R PATTEN. Columbus, Uet 7—tw 1 y WM PERRY, A TTORNE Y AT LAW COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. W'B practice in this and adjoining counties, particu ■, , a l ’attention paid to the securing and collection of debts. Office with Col. A. McDougaid. decl4—tw4m. ANDREWS, RIDGWAY &, CO. DEALERS IN STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS, AC., &C. F °mmii & Diwsox’s old Corner) HROAI) STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. Columbus, Oct 15, 1853.—tw&wtf ’ A. K, aver. F. a. WILKIAS. AVER & WILKINS, AUCTION, COMMISSION, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, cHUGER &, WADE, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ol BAI STREET SAVANNAH. NICHOLAS CRLGER. E C W D Savannah, Ga , Aug. 19 —tw&wtilAp]1355. * * J. R. HULL YcoT (r!L ERS,um| dealers in Rsgsring. Ron* Th-.,. c J . Ts ~ n'ine- & cues, Lilt. Rye, Moiu.ngahela, Bourbou, S :otch atid I-ish’tvm* kev, ami P.-oviuon* and Groceries gem rally, at the old gtandnf John i McKAudree.No. 1,9 Broad st., “ d ° f J. R. iICLL. \|. L. rATTERijov tePatabm.Nev 14-wU ‘ *AlifcßbON. “the union of the states and the sovereignty OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1855. TirT-wir nin M m mi ll■ m 1i m J. C. RUSE, J. 11. DAVIS, W. H. LONG. ruse; DAVIS''& LONG, “ COMMISSION MERCHANTS A?iD SHIPPING AGENTS, ... TTT v SAVANNAH,_GEORGIA. w ill purchase andsell coitou and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to forwarGinggoous and filling or ders trom the country. Ruse, Patten &. Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be madeon consignments either to or through us to our sriends in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf WELLS & VERSTILLK, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga., IY Prompt attention paid to forwarding Merchandize to the interior. June 9—twJtw r ly. JNO. ANT It Os! US, PORTRAIT PA IN TE R. Studio over J. H. Merry’s Glotiling Store. Columbus,Ga., Nov. 15—twtf ROPE. FIVE HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and for sale at the Alabama Warehouse by „ , L „ J- I. RIDGWAY. ’ I Columbus, Ga., May 4—twtf RICHARD HOOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHATTANOGHA, TENN. WTS.L attend[promptly to the purchase of COUNTRY 1 PRODUCE, or any other busiuess entrusted to his care. ! May 13—twly G. D. METCALF. p. p. s TONE G. D, METCALF, & CO, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS 34 rOYDKAS STREET, NEW ORLEANS. Referto—W. H Young, Esq., Columbus, Georgia. “ Col. John Banks, “ “ “ H. H. Epping, Esq., “ “ J. L. Morton, Esq., “ “ “ Patrick Adams, Esq. “ “ December 20. * tw—Cm. AN OFFICE FOR RENT. j.i OVER the Store of VV’m. A. Redd, & Cos., is an office or gentleman’s sleeping room to rent another year.— g= o S Price !§SO a y ear. Apply to JCJL-L deci2—twtf. M. J. CRAWFORD. IN SOMERY ILLeT MA Pleasant Residence for Rent. Possess sion given immediately. Apply to cec—3otwtf. D. E. WILLCOX, Ag’t. For Sale A most desirable House and Lot, in Front street, just below the Columbus Cotton Gin Factory, formerly |iai owned and occupied by Dr. E. T. Tailor. The lot contains one-halt acre, and good out hou-ts and stable, all in perfect order, and a well of excellent water. For terms, apply to Dr. Henry Lockhart, or JOHN F. HUDSON, July 25—ts. at Threewits, Holt & Co's. CHARGE Hi -MiPRIETORSHiP. CITY HOTKL, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. decl6—t\v3m. J. B. FOLEY, Sole Prorpietor. STOVES! STOVES!! JUST received and for sale, alarge and fine assortment of COOKING STOVES; Among which may be! found ‘ ! The Young America, New and perfect. Iron. Wizzard, Extra heavy Castings. Eagle & Empire Premium, neat plain and simple, j Huron Air-Tght. Iron Witch, Eastern Air- Tight, &c. &c- These Stoves are peculiarly adapted for burning wood. Call and see them. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Aug. 15, 1854. twfim SILVER PLATED WAKE! YlfE have just received a large and beautiful lot of Silver YV Plated Ware at our Auction Room, Lora the manufac turers. consisting of Tea Sets, Castors with six and seven massive cut Cruits ; and Suerar Basfcets, E. i. bossed Cfct ret Pitchers; Chased anc Plain Pitchers, Goble’s, Tumblers. Cups, Mustard cups. Salt Cellars, (take and Butt-r Knives, Plain and thread Tea and Table Spoons, Forks of every style. Toy Castors, &c., &c. Ail ol'which we offer, at very low prices. The ladies and ; • others in want of the above articles are invited to call and ex amine thislot, HARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEHLE. Columbus, November 18—twtf nr* Enquirer and Corner Stone copy ts LUMBEE, LUMBER. TIIE undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak, Hickory, Poplar, Ash, Beach and Pine Lumber from their Mill at market prices, delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per- I sons wishing lumber, will leave their bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & MeGehee, where they will be | promptly attend to. j dec 23—twtf YVIiITTELSEY & BRO. ! FOR THE LADIES! . TUST received direct from Paris, ass amjlea, six magnificent j fj Embroidered Y\ 7 HITE SILK TALMAS! Also, our third large invoice of MantiUas, Cloaks [and^Visites, including a large assortment ot Black Talmas and Cloaks. Suitable for mourning, of VELVET SATIN AND CLOTH. They will be opened for ction tills moruing at t lO o’clock, the Laaie invited 10 cad ad lx-k at i them J. M. SAUM, | Columbus, Nov 15—tw C 4 Broad Street. DEHTON & PHILIPS, ! ATTORNEYS AT LAW. WILL Practice in the different courts of Ruesell county, Alabama. ADDKES | R. WATSON DENTON, JOHN Nf. PHILIPS, Columbus, Ga. Crawford, Ala I Sept 15,135 L w&twly. Wedding and Visiting Cards. | T'HE Ladiea and GentlemenofColumbusanl viciniiy are re j X spectfuby in termed thatlhe best and neatest CAhDS ever ; written iu this city may be seen at Mr. Peace’s Book S ore or iat Mr. Purple’s Jewelrv Store, where orders mav be left j tJm. 27, 1855,—*w1. H. M, PARKYN. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, No. 10 Wall Street. NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. Chas. J. Martin, Secretary. GREENWOOD Sc GRIMES, Agents. Columbus, Ga. Aug. 30,1954 tw6m JtfXAkilNE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH . AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, rVTILL receive Deposits—and Check? for sale on New York V v Maconand Savannah. April24—twtf RICHARD PATT N. NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent of W. 11. Guion, New Carpet Store Savannah. Ga., who has alwayson hand Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Hearth Rugs, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, Window Snades, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Rods, &c. Samples and prices of all qualities of Carpeting and Oil Cloth may be seen at my store, 82 Broad street, Columbus, Ga., and any of the above articles ordered without delay. Carpets cut to rooms free of charge, and made, ifdesired, for a smallcompensation, by an experienced hand in Savannah. I will be regularlysupplied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTON, 82 Broad Street. Columbus, May 3—twtf NEGROES FOR SALE. THE uudersigned have twenty five likely young negroes for sale, consisting of house servants, cooks, washer* andiron- ! ers, seamstresses, and field hands, that they offer for cash or approved credit. H\RRISON, AUSTIN & McQEHEE. Oct 11—twtf N<)s 59 and 61 Broad st., Columbus, Ga. OPENING DAY FOR THE THE subscriber respectfully’ announces to his patrons and the public, that he will re-open his store on the 20th OF SEPTEMBER, with his fresh importations and manufactures for the pres ent season, embracing the finest assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and all articles appertaining to gentlemen's wearing ap parel ever offered to the public. They have been personal ly selected from the most distinguished Emporiums in the country, and are warranted to be of a very superior quality. Call and see them. J. SMEETON. Columbus, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy DISSOLUTION, THE firm of Wiliiford, Brokaw & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. I. A. Brokaw and Daniel Rowe having bougnt J. D. Williford’sentire interest, willcontinue the Cloth ing business at the old stand in the name of I. A. Brokaw & Cos. Columbus, July 7—twtf ANOTHER LOT OF “THEM” FINE! GOLD PENS! ALSO SILVER WARE, AS FOLLOWS: ! Tea Setts. Pitchers, Goblc-is, Cream .Vugs, Cups, Tum blers. Forks, Spoons, Cake, Fruit. Crumb. Jelly, Pie and Butter Kni es, Sugar Spoons, Salt Stands, Pickle Knives and Forks, Card Cases, Port Monnies made of Silver, as good as Silver coin, for sale at reaiona’2-: prices lor cash. ALSO a Gold and Silver Watches, Diamond Rings,Diamond Pins, Ac. ALSO, Jewelry of every description. Spectacles with light Steel frames. Plated Ware, Ac., lor sale for cash or approved credit. A. !i. DeWiTT. WATCH REPAIRING bv a competent workman. Colnmbus, October 18, twt'. CHIdfEEING PIANO FORTES WILLIAM B. CARTER HAS for sale the above celebrated PIA NOS. Nothing need bw said in favor oi j J y j J them, as their reputation is well known ; throughout the country. Professors and Amateurs are invited to call and see them. Instruments, and also copies of the numerous medals which have been awarded them by various societies. Also, Sheet Music and a fresh supply of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, that were selected with care by himself, and he thinks that his long experience in the Music business has enabled him to make a good selection. Piano Fortes to let, Tuned and Repaired, and all kinds of instruments repaired in a neat manner and warranted. WILLIAM B. CARTER, No. 72 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., November 1-twtf NOTICB. CiONTEMPLATING a change iu our business, ail p isonsin / debiedto us are hereby notified Lataa tally settlement ir positively required. dec3o-twtf. J. &.J.KYLE. TO RENT. THE Store on Broad Street, No 31, next door below Mr Gager’s Shoe Store. Apply to dec26 —twtf T G HOLT. TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist, 1354, FROM and after this date no goods will be sold at the above establishment except for CASH ! janii—twit. Walton k. karris. [ TO OUR CUSTOMERS, And the Community Generally. grp HAVING to pay cash for work and | C j material we are unable to continue the j credit system any longer. All work will tgl' hereafter bo doee exclusively tor cash. F. BACHLE. WILDING & BRO. Jan. 3!—twtf BIEHLER Sc CO. BOOTS ! BOOTS !! BOOTS !!! THE undersigned have removed their BOOT MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, To No. 106, EastiSide Broad St., Three doors below J. Sc J. Kyle. BIEHLER Sc CO. < Columbus, Sept IS—tw6m Special Notice. ALL perse ns having claims acainst Rock Island Factery are requested to baud them to the Agent without delay, and i notice is hereby given, that from this date no accounts agains: 1 the Company willbeallowed which have been contracted witb ! out a written order.rom the Agent, D. F. WILLCOX, Agt. I Jaa, SI, 1854. twt LOCKETT Sl SPELLINGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o PRODUC E. Strict attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, H. D. SNELLINGS. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1351 tw&wly Tnos. VV.Marshall. Jso. A. Montgomery, Jos. P. Rutland THOS. W. MARSHALL & CO. RECEIVING AND FORWARDING MERCH A NTS. 93 Commerce and 92 Front Streets. MOBILE, AIA. All goods consigned to their care forthe interior. * illbere- Dived and forwarded with all possible despatch, and jree-oi any charge for commission aLd stoiage. November 18— tw&wfim GREIiNWOOD & GRIMES, WAREHOUSE AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL give their particular attention to the storage, and sale of cotton, and other produce, which may be com signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton in store. Prompt attention will be given to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS. E. S. GREENWOOD. STERLING F. GRIMES.” . ; Columbus, Sept. 5,1951 —w&twly ESTABLISHED 17897 MOTT BROTHERS Removed to No. 13 John St., N. Y., (FORMERLY NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, X. Y.) # SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, URBAN MBT?, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, OF ALL KINDS, AND OF THE LATEST ) P A T T i; II S S . ALSO Diamonds In Rings, Pins, Silver Ware, &c. All of which will be warranted, P. S.—The best workmen only employed in Repairs, I New York,may 6 —tw& wly. HUDSON, FLEMING & CO., SAVANNAH, GA. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RENEW an offer of tbir services to Planters, Merchants and Dealers in the sale of Cotton and ail other country produce. I Strict'atttention will be given to business, and liberal cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO. R. HUDSON, ) o, , > bavan.nah. W. R. FLEMING, l. Hopkins, Augusta. John j. cohen, Charleston. Aug. 4—twAwlf MI TIS H PERIODIC ALL EARLY COPIES SECURED. ■EON ARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re übliah the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The-London Quarterly (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) : 4. The Westminister Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publicationsunasualiy interesting during the forthcom - ing year. ‘They will occupy a middle ground between the I hastily written news items, crude speculations,and flying rumors of the daily Journal and the ponderous Tome of the i future historian, written after the living interest and excite- : men t of the great political events of tho time shall have! pa-sed way. It is to these Periodicals that readers must i look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of ! current events, and as such, in addition to their well est.ib- : lisiied literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are row permanently made forthe receipt of EARLY SHEETS from the Brinish Publish-! ers, bv -rHA : - H -e are enabled to place ALL OUR RE- \ PRINTS in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with foreign copies. Although this in- ! volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals ut the same low rates as heretofore, viz:— Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews 83 GO For any two c f the four Reviews. 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Biackwood and three Review? 9 00 For Blackwood ana the four Reviews 10 00 Fay meats to be mads in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be rece.ved at par. CLUBBING. A discount cf twenty-five per cent, from the above pri ces will be allowed to Ciubbs ordering four or more cop ies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the (pur Reviews and Black- 1 wood for and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be ! delivered, through agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail,the Postage to any part of the United States j wili be but Twenty-Four Cents a year for ‘‘Blackwood,” ; and Fourteen Cents a year for eaca of the Reviews. Remittances and coinmuoicatiocsshould always be ad dressed, post paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. jan9—twlm. 54 Gold Street, New York. EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO. COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now being in full operation, is able to supply (on their usual term-} promptly as ordered, the j various styles of their Manufactures, which - consists of the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4-4 SHEETINGS i SHIRT ING, Cotton S*ripe?, of gtflat varie’y oi Pattern; CDTTONADhS, embraeinz many uewrttyles; i Negro Kerseys A: Pine Knot Plains; Plant3r3’. Casimeres, Truck for Trowsers. Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Nlattressas, Batting ,&c. To Cash purchasers inducements will he offered dec23—twtf. J. R.BROWNE, Ag‘t. FRESH GARDEN SEED. JUST received a fgeneral assortment of ‘-LUKIUHTBy I new crop Garden Seeds 6c Onion Sets. , P. A. CLATONt. derlfi— twtf 82 Broad giree’. nnwi—nr i ‘h'imim i h i—h ii mi iim ‘ es SCHEDULE MORI IE AND GIRARD RAIL ROAD. ON and after Monday,4th December, the Passenger in con nection witb the hrticht cars.-will leave lie Itjet at <?i i rard daily for “Silver Run,” < Sundays excepted) at 3.C0 j P. V. Returning leave Silver Kuu at 5 10, V. M , Monday tx ; cept< and. Stage Connections. The Cars will connect with a line of stave? for GlennvKle, Fufau’a, Fort Gaines, and Marianna daily. and L'chee. Cbtroen- an j Union Apringion Tues.lays, Thnredavs and -atur j days, P. M. G EORGE S.’ RUN EY. dec7-w&twtf. Chief Engineer. UNITED STATES PIAIL INE, Between New Crleam and Key V ‘est. 1 la., STOPPING at Pensacola, Apa vchic la, A Marks,Cedar Keys aim Ray leav uNt v V.: --Uavt* Orleans :u>d Key vVest the 7th t wl ‘i3l .f each monih. The Steamship PA JIdERO i between Ne* Orleans and St. Marks, and Steamship. fA SPKIt | between St. Marks and Key West, forming a regular Line. F freig it or passage apply to W. C. TEMPLETON, decs—tw&w3:n. No. 75 Camp street, New Hear.?. NEW ORLEANS & SAN FRANCISCO STEAMSHIP LINE. (VIA NICAR VGUA.) ■ * Idf# m The First OI:! St earn-hips I* R OSETHE* _ 4. US and DANIEL W t.BSTE It, will mn regularly between New Orleans and San Fran cisco, Cal , on the 14tlt and ol each month.c atiectlnz on the Pauiffe ■*iih the fp'endid Mesmshirs UNCLE SAM, SIF.HA NEVADA, PACIFIC and BROTHER JON ATHAN. EJT I'or freight or passrge, aj p!v \o W. TFMPLKTON, decs—w&tw3m. No. 75C: iiipb'.reel, New Orleans. HA lAHEX S EXPRESS. OFFIC E ON UA S DOLPH Street. i\ T U respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens ot Columbus t t and its viciiiity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central, South-Western and ,1/uscogee Railroads, ai‘d are now running messengers daiiy from Columbus to Macon thence to Savannah. Also, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South- Western Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and Mecon, thence to Mi Hedge viite Savannah and al! iutermefliate places. Also, to Montgomery, Ala. W’e would also say, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable us to forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes. Drafts, and Bills collected in every town m the Northern and Eastern Slates ; also, to California and Europe. OFFICES AND AGENTS. S. H. Hill, Randolph street, Columbus; ii s . O. Fotts, Macon ; Mr. Kendrick, Fort Valley; G.ll. Clayton, Oglethorpe ; 153 Bay street, Savannah; 74 Broadway, JVew York; 43 and 45 South-Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street. Boston; Exchange street. Providence; Montgomery street, Nan Francisco. tFW“ Articles to be forwarded, called for at any part of the city free, bv leaving orders on the slate at the office. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER & CO. Columbus, April 13, 1854.—tw&w mm niYGOors espresT O. LANIER, Brick Corner, Girard, Ala , CONSOLODATING AND SHIPPING AGENT. SEND ALL THOUGH HIM. n OODS. bundles or packages, not weighing more than lT 150 libs., sent on the Mobile & Girard R. R., to Silver Run fertile following places wili be promptly delivered, viz: Sand Fort Uchee, Creek Si and. Hardaway. Chnnennggee, Un ion Springs, Olivet, Enon, Midway, (or Five Fonts.) Charges will be moderate for < ‘ash. te; 15 Gm —w. The Chunennuggee and Uchee Hack LEAVES Silver F.un on the arrival of the Cars trom Colun bus, on Tue g and Fridays. Arrives at Chum ynnggee next ‘Vt/i i ■Oil ny of IPM, in time to reach Union Spriugs by G F. M. Leaves Chuncuuggee, Mondays and Thursdays at 6 A. M.-- (Warrior Stand is •! miles from this line.) The Enon and Five Points line leaves si hr. r Ran on the jar rival of the cars, Tuesdays .nd Fridays; arrives at Midway next day by 5 r. M. Leaves Midway, Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m.; arrives at Silver Run in time tor the cars tor Columbus at 5 a. m. janlo, 1855—wtf. A. HAYGOOD. COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned Laving this day lormed a Copartnership un der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN & M’GEHEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING, AND NEGRO Cosiness, at the old stand of C . S . HARRISON, pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal attention Jo the sale of Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. Having ample facilities at their con; nand, they are prepared to make liberci cash advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. The patronage of their friends and the public generahy is solicited. C. S. IIARRISSON, WILLIAM AUSTIN, A. C. MeGEHEE. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 1, 1854. Septl6-tw&.wtf COPARTNERSHIP. undersigned having entered in a general grocery business, u at the old stand ot P. M.Laren Sc. Cos., wilij keep constantly on hand a full supply ol All kinds of Groceries, for wbole ali and retail. We solicit the patronage of our friends and the pubFc gen erally. p. McLaren & duc^. PETER MCLiREX, LEVI B. DICK. C* hi mints. Oft 7th. 1854 <Vt 14—twX wtf THE FINEST HOT OF BACON HAMS Ever offered ia this market, for sale by A. M. ALLEN, _ , . 417 Broad street. Columbus, sept 2/—tw&wtf ILUtGLNG and bale rope. lAA Bales India lUO 500 Coils ‘ For sale by GREENWOOD <S v GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13, ISs4—twdcwtf Honse and Lot for Sale, IN the upper part of the city, with five rooms and all ne cessary outbuildings with the best well of water in the ety, so said by judges. Enquire of „ , . “ SAM MIS &. ROONEY. Coinmans, Sept 30—?w&wtf PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE, Wl have on hand two good Printing Presses which can be bought very low ; ore is a news press, plat ten 27 by 41, the other a small job press? both complete and in good order. We can also spare job and news type, cha ses, sticks, &c., sufficient to complete an office. LOMAX Jc ELLIS. _ To Rent, 4 nOUSE on the South east corner of Randolph and For sylb streets.—a carriage house and stables on teem. For further informa'ion call at,the bouse or apply to i nov3t} —twltatwlf, Jt. 3.GOjSTCQIUg. [NUMBER 27