The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 21, 1855, Image 1

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TRI-WEE KLT^ 1 VOLUME, III] XUE TIMES k SENTim. u x LOJEAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, “OITOS3 AND PROPRIETORS. „ - TIMES <fc S EXTISEL r -J 6, i I . Y and b h IDA Y MOR.Y -iOL)i &T£.v/.vs. ■ V 'r f ia WEE&-* TIMES * SESTISEL . VMSDJiY JmRJTIJYG. ‘ Q5.C3 :a Bandalph. Street, opposite the Post oSee, TERMS! “ttr-'TEEfCuY.FF 1 * Doclaih per annum, in advance. >v EF vT rfwo DotiAiw per annum, in advance. .J.',,conapicuoosdy inserted at Oss Dollar . ff •a dm insertion, and nrrx c*ht for every sob < ; ‘ ieduction will be made for yearly advertisements. -i MrtfLan-i inti Negroes, by Administraters, Executors, or 0;i .• as, are.repaired by law to be held on the first Tuesday •}Ee month. between the hours of ten in the forenoon and i t- a the ittem©<>a*afc the Court House in the county in which ■.■• nn'Vertv is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in j \ ■ ruiette/jrty days previous to the day of sale. .v\ -s “r ‘.he tale of Personal Property m ist be given at ,i <Uy.; ore no os to the day of sale. debtors and Crmlitors ofan Estate must be publish e'\ ‘l'l 7;?'%.,,-.*ar.ion will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary ~ _/• .( ‘f. Laud . r Negroes, must be published weekly for e • Letters of Administration must be published , t v i,uii .'or Dismission from Administration, monthly six : Dismission from Guardianship forty days. 1 ‘■ C , Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monAuy . - rir ■nontiu—Zyr establishing lost papers, for the full nans . ... i—for comneiliug titles ttom Executors or Admit ■s; -i r. V -re a bond has been given by the deceased, tkeJuU * ? Pu oi.-aiiou. wdi always be continued according to these, the e ._r t ;:nents,unless otherwise ordered. BUSINESS CARDS. IVR T f^TtlXwTtlkT^ OFFICE ‘OVER HIIIFOED’S 05 BROAD STREET, coursisus. GLonsiA. Columbus, January 10th, 1855. twly. DR. T STEWART, r\ II WING returned to Columbus would reepectfullvan aounce that he has resumed his practice of Medicine / and Surgery. Dec.7. 1854. wfctwtf Era BROOKS & CARRIGES -j If WING assoc in ted themselves together in tne various iranches of ‘heir profession, they will be enabled there* Til ny to gi we more general satisfaction to all who may favor them vuh their confidence. \ i.- u ris fully orepared and wiilgive special attention to ; all cases o. SURGERY entrusted to hiscare. rr"< • Bee a Winter’s Bank Building. *lolumbus. lan. I 4—twtf CUSHMAN, DENTIST, m BROAD STREET. *- ‘--i - AVING reuirneii to the city, with improved health, is reedy o attend to bis unfinished cases, and all others Hi at may offer. Sept. -29, Ics4.wA.cwtf. i ~DENTISTRY. J. FOSIE, D. D. 2. ZjtT Office on Randolph near Broad Street. Columbus, f’ebl—l3ss. w&tf. *ML W. L LEE, <r—;-th DSHTIST, i>. -1 w ULD give notice to his friends and pat i —*— runs that his BOOMS are ngain ready for busi ness. a the ci -ler of B read and Randolph streets, over Chas. - r -’ ‘-.ret where he will bepleased to see those wishing his professional services. 5 Jf” itm:ranee on Bread strtet. JEI f n unbus. ua., July Li. ’.*>4—twtf H. S. SARONI, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. ja;i.d)-tw ts COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. J. A. FOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A 0-*L Draetice in this and the adjoining counties. Office in St. Marys’ Bank Building, Ga. Referemcss r t toatix. Esu-, stAxisi A nosoas, Da a sxasFoajj. a pattks. Columbus. Oct 7—twly WM. PERRY, ATTO RX E Y A T LA W COLCMBtIS. GEORGIA. \\ lIL practice in this and ad|oimng counties, particu ;.ir .rreution paid to the securing and eollection of : ‘ts. Uaice with Col, A. McDouguld. dec 14—tw4m. ROBERT N HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. COLUMBUS, GBOHGIA. J r dice in the St. Mary's Bank Building, up Stairs. J ' ll: MSS4-tw*wlf’^ ROBERT E. DIXOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ™ - COLUMBUS , GEORGIA Sjr —St. jlar\a'BaiLk Bniliii ng. Apr! ■>—wiwlv JA 1 T dA-U; LTOCf. WM. F. PLANE HAMILTON k PLANE, Attorneys at Law. Coluhbus, Geo. M in the Courts of the adjoining counties | Ti thisfetateand Aacama. decs—witwtl. DENTON & PHILIPS, AT T GENETS AT LAW. \\ 1 a , ....oein theditterent courts of Russell county, Alabama. ADDSJS&n K. V. Unl. DENTON, JOHN X. PHILIPS, CravforUAJ* j wcfctwly. ; ANDREWS, It IDG WAV & CO. dealers IX STAPLE DRV GOODS, WESES, LIQUORS, 40., 40. (Co SWoao Colomoos.Oct 15. lasaLltwiitf 1 ’ l ’ A cuugeT a waul. t actors i- commission merchants ’ 1 SIY STREET SVV VNNAII. stemu cai.oßit. p „ _ Sivannac, , CJ—twiwuiA pi 135,5. * RICHARD HOOPER COMMISSION MERCHANT. chattaxogha, tens. ’•VILL attend promptly to die purchase of COUNtov BtO DUC E, or any oilier bmauess entrusted to his care iiav 13—twly THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1855. A. K, AYER. F. G. WII.KTXs AVER & WILKINS, AUCTION, COMMISSION, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, No. 114 Broad Street, 4 Colombas. Ga. Columbus -Ga_, Sept 2B - w wtf 100,000 POUNDS BAGS WANTED. VU E wil l pay 2X cents per pound for one hundred thousand f* pounds clean LINEN AND COTTON RAGS, in u laati tiea ot UN pounds and over. JEFFERSON At HAMIT TON. | Columbus, Ga. Feh. 15, 1855. LUMBER, LUMBER. THE undersigned are prepared to furnish Oak, Hickory, Poplar, Ash, Beach and Pine Lumber from their Mill at market prices, delivered on Railroad or in Columbus. Per sons wishing lumber, will Lea e their bills at the Auction Room of Harrison, Austin & McGehee, where they will be promptly attend to. dec 23—twtf. WEkTTELSEY & BRO. J. C. RUSE, J. H. DAVIS, W. K. LONG. RUSEi DAVIS''& LONG,” “ COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AGENTS, ~ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. VV ILL purchase and sell cotton and other produce on com mission, and strictly attend to forwarding goods and tilling or ders rrom uhe country. Ruse, Parten & Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal ad vances will be madeon consignmentseiiherto or through us to our irieniis in Liverpool or the North. July 9, 1853—w&twtf WELLS & VERSTILLE, FACT O 11 S COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga., 1 Prompt attention paid to forwarding Merchandize to the interior. J une 9—tw<fcw ly LOCKETT &, SNEL INGS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA., WILL attend to the selling of COTTON and all kinds o . PRODUCE. Strict attention given to Receiving and Far warding Goods. E. LOCKETT, o H. D. SPELLINGS, savannah, Ga., Sept. 1, 1354 tw&wly ESTABLISHED 1789. MOTT BROTHERS Removed to No. 13 John St., N. Y., (FORMERLY NO. 2 NASSAU STREET, N. Y.) SUCCESSORS TO THEIR FATHER, mmm mitt, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY. OF ALL EISDS, AND OF THE LATEST PATTiIRSS. ALSO Diamonds in Rings, Pins, Silver Ware, &c, Ail of which will be warranted. P_. S.—The best workmen only employed in Repairs. New York,may 6—tw&wly. HUDSON, FLEMING & Co7 SAVANNAH, GA. AND HOPKINS, HUDSON’ Sc CO., CHARjaESTON, S. C. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. RENEW an offer of thir services to Planters, Merchants and Dealers in the saie of Cotton ami ail other country produce. StricCatttentinn will be given to business, and liberal cash ad vances and facilities afforded customers when required. JNO. E. HUDSON, ) rj , > oavarinah. W. R. FLEXING, ) l. hopkin?, Augusta. john j. cohen, Charleston. Aug. 4—twJswtf Thus. VV.Maushah,. Jxo. A. Moxtgomsry, Jos. P.Bctlaxu. THOS. W. MARSHALL & CO. RECEIVING AND FORWARDING MERCHAX T S . 93 Commerce and 9*3 Front Streets, MOBILE. AI A. All goods consigned to their care for the interior, * 11 be re aive<i and forwarded with ail possible despatch, and.lreey>i any charge for commission and st. ;age. November IS—twifcwbm GREENWOOD & GRIMES, WAREHOUSE AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. give their particular attention to the storage, and V \ saie of cotton, and other produce, which may be con signed to them. They are prepared to make liberal ad vances on cotton in store. Prompt at tendon will be given to the RECEIVING and FORWARDING BUSINESS. V. S- liEEE.VWOOD. STEALING F. GEUIES: Columbus. Sept. 5, 1354—witwly BAGGING AND BALE ROPE. 1 AiN Bales India Bagging. I’ M * 500 Coils Ro^e. For sale by GREENWOOD GRIMES. Columbus, Sept 13, 1854 — iw&wti” TROY FACTORY WARE ROOMS COLUMBUS, GA., JAN. Ist. 1354, and after tins date no goods wii be sold at me 1 above establishment except tor CASH : janll—twtf. W ALTON K. HARRIS. FOR THE LADIES! JUST received direct from Paris, ass am six magnificent Embroidered WHITE SILK TALMAS! Also, our third large invoice of Mantillas, Cloaks ‘and;Yisites, including a large assortment ot Black Talmas and Cloaks. Suitable 6>r moarniHg, of VELVET SATIN AND CLOTH. Th*yw’llbe opened for cron tilts mornlßg et 10 a'clock, the Ladie irviltd to call aru I,>k at theoi . J. . &AL .M, , * Calwls?, Nv 15—tw (14 Broad Street, JNO. ANTROBUS, POR T R A IT PAINTER. Studio over J. H. Merry's Clothing Store. Cclumbas.Ga., Nov. 13— twtf ROPE FIYF HUNDRED COILS FANCY KENTUCKY BALE ROPE. Just received and for sale at the Alabama W aheeouse by j. r. ridgway. Columbus, Ga., May 4—twtf g. D. ArETCALF. H. 3.3 TOXt G. D, METCALF. & CO, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS 34 POVDRAS STREET. SEW ORLEANS. RsFikTO—W. H Young. Es,., Columbus, Georgia. Col. John Banks, “ “ “ H. H. hipping, Es<i, “ J. L. Morton, Esq., “ Patrick Adams, Esq, “ “ December 20. tw—6m. IN SOMEBYILLE, A Pleasant Residence for Rent. Possess- Aon given immediatelv. Apply to cec —30twtf D. F. VVILLCOX, Agt. For Sale A most desirable House and Let. r n Fr>nt street, just below the Columbus Cotton Gin Fartory, formerly faaal owned and occupied by Dr. E. T. T;j\lor. The lot contains one-hall acre, ami good outhouses and stable, all in perfect order, and a well of excellent water. For terms, apply to Dr. Henry Lockhart, or J< HN F. HUDSON, July bs—tf. at Threewits, Holt i. Go’s. AN OFFICE FOR RENT. OVER the Store of Wm. A Redd. & Cos . is an office U ; . or genrleman’s sleeping room to rent another year.— Is a| Price 450 a year. Apply to dec 1-2—twtf. M. J. CRAWFORD. TO RENT. THE Store on Broad Street, No 34, next door below Mr Gager s Shoe Store. Apply to dec26—twtf T G HOLT. To Rent, \ EO"8£ i the South ea_st corner of Randolph and For -71. sjrth streets, —a carriage house and stables on them. For further infonna'ion call house or apply to novliO—tw I tit wtf. k. it. GOET HIUS. THE FINEST LOT OF~~ BA CON HA M S Ever offered in this market, for sale by A. M. ALLEN, 117 Broad street. Columbus, sept 27—tw&wtf CKISGE OF PBOPEIITOBSHIP. CITY HOTEL, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dec!6—tw3m. J. B. FOLEY, Sole Prorpietor. STOVES! STOVES!! JUST received and tor sale, alarge and fine assortment of COOKING STOVES; Among which may be found The Young America, Sew and perfect. Iron Wlzzard. Extra heavy Casting*. Eagle & Empire Premium. neat plain and simple. Huron Air-Tght. Iron Witch, Eastern Air- Tight, &c, &c- These Stoves are peculiarly adapted for burning wood. Cast and see them. R. M. ALDWORTH & CO. Aug. 15, 1354. twfim SILVER PLATED WARE! TT’Ehavejuas received a large and beautiful lot of Silver Vt Plated Ware at our Auction Room, Lem the manufac turers. consisting of Tea Sets, Castors with six find seven massive cut Cruits ; Cake and Sugar Baskets. Embossed Claret Pitchers; Chased ane Plain Pitchers, Goble*s. Tumblers. Cups, Mustard cups, Salt Cellars,Cake and Butt r Knives. Plain and thread Tea and Table Spoons, Forks of every style. Toy Castors. &.C., itc. All of which we offer, at very low rrices. The ladies and others in want of the above articles are invited to call and ex amine this lot, HARRISON. AUSTIN & McGEHEE. Columbus, November IS—twtf Enquirer and Corner Stone copy ts BRITISH PERIODICALS. EAKLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to re-pubiiah the following British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh Review (Whig) 3. The North British Review (Free Church.) 4. The Westminister Review (Libera!.) 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state of European affair* will render these publications unasuai iV interesting during the forthcom ing year. They will occupy a miudie ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations,.and ffving rumors of the daily Journa. and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excite ment of the great political events of the time shall have pa-sed wav. It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really rnteiiigirie and reliable history of current events, and as such, m addition to their well estab lished literary,scientific, and thee .ogicai character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading puhLc. JjVri Arrangements are now permanently made for the receipt of EARLY SHEETS thorn tne Brittisii Pud ush ers, bv which we are enahled to place ALL OUR RE PRINTS in tne hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be fam shed with foreign copies. Aitnoogh this in volves a verv large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz:— Perann. For any one of the four Reviews §3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 (X) For any three of the four Reviews 7 (X) For ail four of the Reviews SCO For Blackwood's Magazine .. 300 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood ana the four Reviews. 10 00 Payments to he made in all otses in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount cf twenty-five per cent, ft--a the above pri ces will be all .wed to Ctuoos ordering four or more <*op aas of an v o'ie o-more of the above works Thus: Four copies or Di .civOOU. or of one Review, wii. be sect to one address for 33; four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood for §3i'; and so 00. POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these works will be delivered, through agents, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mad. the Postage to acv part of the U sited Stares will be bet Twenty Four C>nts a year for “Black wood,” and Fourteen Cents a year tor euea of the Reviews. Rem ttances and comaru cat--ns snouid always be ad , dressed, post paid, to the Far Ushers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. t jan9—twlm. 54 Gold Street, New Yo--k MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH . AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, TrULL receive Deposits—and Checks for iiiieon New York v Maconand Savannah. April24—twtf RICHARD PATT N. ! NEW CARPET STORE AGENCY. THE subscriber is Agent of W. H. Guion. New Carpet Store Savannah. Ga., who has alwaysoa hand Carpeting. Oil Cloths, Hearth Rug3, Druggets, Table and Piano Covers, “Window Snades. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Curtain Stuffs, Stair Bods. &c. Samples and prices of all qualities of Carpeting and Oil Clc h may be seen as mv store, 84 Bread street, Columbus. Ga.. and ’ any of the above articles ordered wit ho at delay. Carpets cat to rooms free of charge, and made, if desired, for | a smaUcompensation, by an experienced hand ia Savannah. I will be regularly supplied with new patterns for the coming season. P. A. CLAYTi ?N, B*2 Broad Street. Columbus, May 3—twtf NEGROES FOR SALE. THE undersigned have twenty five likely young negroes for sale, consisting of house servants. cooks, washers and ron ers, seamstresses, and held hands, that they offer tor cash, or approved credit. HARR'SON. AUSTIN & JIcGEHEJS. Uct ll—twtf N05.39 and hL Broad -t., ul lmbus,Ga. i OPENING DAT FOR THE T FIE subscriber respectfully arrcourtces to his patrons and the public, that he will re-open his store ou the 20t OF i-SF.PTEA!SFiI, with his fresh importations and manufactures for the pres ent season, embracing the finest ass- -itment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and all articles appertaining to gentlemen's wearing ap parel ever to the public. They have been personal ly selected from the most distinguished Emporiums in the eountrv, and are warranted to be of a very superior quality, j Cali and see them. J. SME ETON. Columbus, Sept 13—twtf Enquirer copy DISSOLUTION, THE firm of Williford. Brokaw k Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. I. A. Brokaw and Daniel Rowe having bo turn t J. D. Willifords entire interest, will continue the Clo-h ----iug business at the old stand in the name of I. A. Brokaw it Go, Columbus. July 7—twtf MOTHER LOT OF “THEM ‘ FINE GOLD PEN'S! ALSO SILVER WARE, AS FOLLOWS: Tea Setts, Pitchers, Goblets, Cream J/iigs. Cups. Tum blers. Forks, Spoons. Cake. Fruit. Crumb, Jeer. Pie and Butter Knives, Sugar Spoons. Sait Stands, Pickle Knives and Forks, Card Cases. Port Aionnies made of Silver, as stood as Silver coin, for-ale at reasonable prices lor cash. ALSO a Gold and Silver Watches, Diamond Rings,Diamond Pins, ike. Jewelry of every description. Spectacles with light Steel frames. Plated Ware, <fce-, tor sale i ;r cash or approved -red:*. 1 A. ti. DeWITf. WATCH repairing by a competent workman. Columbus, October 18, twtf. CHICXERIN'G PIANO FORTE3~ WILLIAM B. CARTER . HAS for sale the above celebrated PIA- NOS. Nothing need be said in favor ci i 1 M 1 1 them, os their reputation is well known throughout the country. Professors and Amateurs are invited to call and see them. Instruments, and also cop'ee of the numerous medals wfaien have been awarded them by various societies. Also, Sheet Music and a fresh supply of MUSICAL mSTSTTICESTS, that were selected with care by himself, and he thinks that his Long experience in the Music business has enacted him to make a good selection. Piano Fortes to let, Tuned and Repaired, and all kinds of instruments repaired in a neat man and warranted. WILLIAM B. CARTER, No. 7*3 Bread Street. Columbus, Ga., November 1-twtf Special Notice. A LL perse ns having claims against Rock Island Factory are A requested to hand them to the Agent with- u: delay. an : notice is hereby given, that from tills -late no accounts agaiuas the Company w; b! be allowed which have been eoatracteu with out a written order.rom the Vgent. D. F. WILLgOX. Ag*. Jan.ei. 1854. tvut EAGLE MA2HJTACTIFBING CO. COLUMBUS, GA. THE Factory, now being in full operatejn, is able to supply (oo their usual terms promptly as ordered, the various styles of their Manafacutures, which consists of the following variety: YARNS, OSNABURGS, 4-4 SHEETINGS 1 SIIIRT ING, Cotton S-ripes, of great varierv of Pattern; C >TT ONA DES, em *ru rirur many newsttvies; Negro Kersey? & Pine Knot Piaiii': FLantsrs’ Casimeres. Track for Trowsesra, Sewing Thread, Shop Twine, Batting ,4c. J 5? 3 To Cash purchasers uiducew--tus wi’L be ofiered decdS—twtf. J. R. BROWNE, Agt. COPARTNERSHIP. ff-f-fYTBX. undersigned having enrered La a ze^ra. ; P^T'T'- Cik: GEOCEBY BUSHTESS, k atthe old stand ot P. M Laren it Cos . w f keep constantly on hand a fail sup c iv of All kinds of Groceries, for wholes? und re rail. W e solid t the patronage of our •••soda ami the public sen erally. P. jicLAREN & DUCK. PSTEH. SCtAEZS, navi a. nc :s. C- i imbas. Get 7th. 1354 Oc: 14 —trwkwtf BOOTS ! BOOTS !! BOOTS IT! £X£ ® ur SILU TKe undersigned have removed their VI #g BOOTHS TMIWfIT. gytsSsw To .No. DM, EavtlSiie Broad St., Three doors below J. & J. K>G. B 1 EULER A CO. C*.-. ..Tibet?, SeOt 13 tw6tn TO OUH CUSTOMERS. And the Cos nun malty Generally. gfl HAVING to pay easii for work and material we are unable- to eootinae the r-ff-, eredif system any ger. All work w*il F. L VC O LE. WILDING & BRO. I Jan. 31—twtf 111 EULER &CO. 1 Change of Schedule ML ROAD! Ou anj after February 20ih, P ‘ -S2NG FR Trains will leave Columbus daiiyat£-I3P. IT., i arrive at Bacon P. V. v L ,f ave Macon ‘‘a; ?7 at 3A. if. arrive at Columbms —JO A. M. -t a ci - or-nection between. Monfir-mery. 4 ;a.. mti Aut-isra. K:ugv:i!e, Wliming&m: aiao w* 1 Central Ran Road savannah,,aad Vt’i.edsre.'-ie, and -vlih the shao a an-t Western Tata, to .UUmra. Chattanooga ani Nashville. „ Aiso. conaectinz at *.’o .ambus w th the Gi-anl at A.'obne twanroad. tor F.ufauFa. g. E. WEILS, j Columbus. Fefc. *il}— Eagineer ah*f Sup’t CBA.VGE OF SCHEDULE MOBILE AMD tint Ann r 4 rThR M miay. 3rh Harsh, the Passenger and Fre-.’.t -A Train will leave Girard at 3P. vl. -iaily. ,Sundays e:<cep teif - eonaecdmr at Silver Run with a -Ctrly line'of sfcwtfs to Gieanviile, Eiifuiila. F->rt Gaines, and Vtarmaau. Fla. And : ->n Tuesdays, and Fridays, w-th the >raz s for Cos bee, Olivet, Enon, Chimeßnuguee. Jl"iiway ;rd Union bcrinzs. Leaving Silver Rim at 6 In, .4. H , - Mondays nctrtrfii tne Gars wij reach Girard in time U> connect with tbeOoadka , anu Hoscogee Ti-ains. t-w-und tri p ti.'kets -rood : V>r:- days can be rurrhused at .he office at Silver Run, at less titan tiie reirilar ni*e. T . * R A.IiARQAWAY. marld-w&twtf. Engineer. SCHEDULE OPELIKA BRANCH ,£eJ^±Z!L Montgomery & West Point Kail Road. PASSENGER TR AlNeverv daj: Leaves Girard a: 9*-. Y M Arrivesat Opelika at II A.H. Leaves Cpelikat ll\ A. M. Arrives at Girard at 12q P M. FRKIGRF TRAIN leavi s G rum -Monday, Wcdnesiiav. and Friday at :t P. M. Leaves Opelika. Thursday ami Saturday at 6 A. 31. Goods must be m the depot before *i p. ia.->n tne day the ; trenrht train leaves—be piu; niy marked w tr. me veer's name, and station at which they are to be delivered. Snirpe r *s <irav ; Eckels must accompany each ‘oad. and the freight-aidU ad vance to *ll points except Uontgonterv* mars. .wSttwtE ‘ S. G. JONE3, Eng ? r. k Sup. KARYHEX'S EXPRESS. of fig r oar Randolph street. \W r ’ E respectfully Leg leave to ‘mf, -rm the citizens c Golumbua ’ T an, ~ *vtciuity. that we hare concluded, our arrangements with the Central. South-Western and .T/uscmcee Railroads, and are now running messengers dany from Columbus to liac-*n thence to Pavannah. %iso. forwarding goods daily over the itaseouee and &>oth- I Western Kaiiroadto F->rt Valley, Oglethorpe and Macon, ’heuce to -Vliile<lgevil e Savannah ami all intenco,: mte places. Also, to Montgomery. Ala. We would also sa". that our Ex ! presses by the steamers to New York am; Philadelphia enable ns | to forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes. Drafts, ar.d B ills col leered tm every town in the-N nher liid Eastern States : La. forma and Europe. OFFICES AND AGENTS. 9. H. Hill. Randolph street, Commit us; 8. O. P •?:*. Macon; Mr.Kendrick,fortYailey; G.R.Clayton. Oglethorpe ; 153 Bay street. Savannah; 74 Broadwav, .YVw York; 43 and 45 South-Tltiri.Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, 80-ston; Exchange street. Providence; Montgomery street, .'an Francisco. * Articles to be forwarded, called for at any part of the city free of expense, !>v leaving orders on the slate at the office. LIVINGSTON. WINCHESTER t t_o. Columbus, Aprii 13, 1854.—twatw MARBLE WORKS, JEastside Broad St. near the .Ifarket House _ COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE eonstantiy on hand all kinds of Grave Sto-ne* Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of Amsrxcan Italiaiv and Ihish Makers. Engra.Tmgandcarwt gd?}oe OGStoueinthe best possible manner; and a. ikinnso. Gran ite W orkat tiie shortest notice. JOH'q H. mage EN. P-S. —: .aster of Paris and Cemeo: .ai wavsc a h tna *or ®~e- Columbus, Jan l.lOit 1U54. FfiSSH SAHTEH SEED^ JUBT receiTeii a tgeneral assortment of -LANBRETE'S* newerep Garden &. Onion Sets. , T . “ P. A. CLATONt. declS—twtf Broad S.reeL COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day formed a Copartnership un der the name and style of HARRISON, AUSTIN & M'GEHEE, for the purpose of transacting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION, HECEims 15D fOSWiSBEG, IJD. SESE9 business, at the old stand of L . S . HARRISON, pledge themselves to a prompt and faruful attenrion to ail business committed to tneir care. They will give taeir personal attention _to the sale of Real and Personal Property, Merchandize and Produce. Having ample fhei lit! os as their command, they are p repared to make Liberal cash advances on Negroes anu every description. The patronage of their friends and the public central ▼ s solicited. C. S HARSISSON WILLIAM AUSTIN, „ t , A. C. MeGEKEE. Cos maabus, Ga., Sept. 1, 1534. Septl6-twiwtf Jf 4 J r T 5;; /“tONTa.MPL ATENG a efiance in our business, all pet sons! n- V- dented to as are hereby n< tided that an early positive:vrequired. dcc3b-tw .r. i. &.J.K YLE. House and Lot for Sale, TN the upper par. of me city, with five rooms and aLI ne~ JL cessary outbuilding? with the oest welt of in the cty, so said by judges- Enquire of _ t , SA3IMIS <k ROONEY. Colamou?, RICHA 111) M<RRis, SECEITTNG, FOBtVAPJUXG AND COMMISSIOy MERCff.AXT, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. At tie Store of Wm. Rankin, Eo., Wert Sule Eroad at., near the Market. REFERENCES : W*. -a shut. Celumb us. J.JIcN ta, EufauJa. 1. E?xis. -sl Cos., “ I. F. ** 3kmis St ?*ie soott. Fort Gaines, 3.5. Wilil;-/. - Jane 30 -54—t iy- J. R. HI LL & CO. { ISOCKRS, and dealers n Se rrate, r ?-> Twine. S* zar Jr 1 ‘"ofTce. *ul*. Vi L-tsses, T -s. Jaars. T ‘been?, fTinea, Bran, .• n. Rj e. M-n..oiraheLu 3.arh>*i, S.otch am! I-- • Wr- *- kov. and Provisions aadGncerl T-zets. rs.' t; e-dd stand -rs -uun t. McKemlree%,N->. Ii h Broad -t., 1 .dumb Ga J- R. SELL jL L PATTERSON. *-*i!ill ) .j NOV i t ■wf MILLER A GAULDiNG. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bt e?VA \ LaTA, M VSI*3N CO , Oa. Buena Ylsta. march 7—wly [NUMBER 34