The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 24, 1855, Image 3

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j§L Montgomery. —The lovers of fn,comery A’a-, wiH be gratified to ■| , irl ; P t will shortly visit their city ■r/l'nnagoments. Mr. Antrobus has W r ‘ e in „nths in this city and has exccu ■ ‘ .nr'icv and elegance. We commend sot ‘ ‘ r. . , i • ■ , Mon'gomery as a finished artist R.-ptietnan. ■ jouy of Emma Moore found. Hochester, March 19, 1855. I , Hina Moore, whose mysterious disap f .Jltiis since caused so much excitement, I* j | rt ee under the iee this afternoon, by I- iiU"’ water from a hole in the ice.— i t ‘ ji d~bv the ear'rings and bonnet, and I iH-mtr h'ld by the coroner. 1. jr eW Hampshire Election. Concord, March 17, 1855. h i irom two hundred and fourteen to 4-iW.j ,u v the following results:—For Go j* ii'w l elected ten Senators, the democrats choice in district six. The House tjNrn[f all to 79 democrats. lijch for Dr. Kane-The Czar’s Death. Washington, March 17,1855. irKncditien to search for Dr. Kane, the Secretary purchased at fifty thousand dollars, the , Mtf Citv of Boston. She will go on the expo’ i Em refitted, probably the first of JuDe. W .... tiuit not the slightest doubt of the cor report. i‘ the Czir’s death is entertained by Z, Cabinet or foreign officials. Zvcry Excitement in Cincinnati. Cincinnati, March 17,1855. Inf two negroes brought before the Supreme |writ of habeas corpus, excites great interest. | were brought here by the owner, on his way R i to Mba.ssippi, and their freedom was claim- R.oituij. lion. S. P. Chase and Judge Walk the counsel for the slaves. Judge Storer K took the case under advisement. ] COMMERCIAL. ’ Gf.)TTON STATEMENTS. •Fslipoilw ; £ Stock 3-s- * 2 S.g I r-S’jl ST -a'H on ■ j ioI: 2, r i 3’S : °'!§ 3 ° hand H U\U ! : |*jft §£* this ■ F 0 - r= ‘ I ? day. •13 1928 634 16 65387 1477 53382 54859,10580 2771 88857572 61231 3612,48873j 52485| 8746 Columbus, March 24. N—Full prices have been maintained through t week. The stock is very considerably reduced r, and only small parcels offering. We quote 6 Montgomery, March 22. ictive demand spang up for this article to-day, Ited in s ties of about 800 bales, on tho basis of its for Middlings to Stiict Middlings. Charleston, March 22. lof the week reached 12,000 bales. Good Mid )ted at 9 to 94; Middling Fair and Fair, at 9£ r ‘File receipts of the week reached 14,300. an hand, exclusive of cottou on ship-board, is !es. New York, March 21. > firm and advancing. Flour remains unchan* SjtVsliip Nashville , which” takes the place of the p x wi tol ‘ Liverpool to-day, with half a million of Savannah, March 23. 1 *N.—The market yesterday was very quiet.— ■Mhro only 394 bales, without change from pre es. Holders continue firm. Extremes 74 a 9£. sales B.f a 9 cents. Ointment and Pills a certain specific, and ! Crmr Scorbutic Eruptions— Extract of a letter from i v . Vt, (*l:emist, Leamington, dated Nov. 25th, 1852. hw‘^ Sul ’ Holloway,—Sir.— A person named John iinhis, oi 19, Regent street, Leamington, wasatllieted S yoars vv scorbutic eruptions on the lips, and at V’ whole surface ol mouth and lower part of the t’ouMvd with sores. He tried all kinds of rente* : jnout deriving any benefit whatever. At length he ‘ 3^* n,||, cni!eil to use your Pills, which in three days |I,I W a change lor the better, and in a short time MWjjh ported cure. \ A LIDS, recovering from the effects of Fever, or long continued illness of any kind,will ’ s Spanish Mixture the only remedy which will ‘hooping constitutions, expel all bad humors J ’ fIR ; “ i ’ a ’ ox °itethe liver to a prompt and healthy ac- ! BP “• ltri tull *c properties, restore the patient to life i pj)’ • only say Tli\ IT. A single bottle is worth ! .■I ’ a A 1 ‘-iosaparillas in existence. It contains no j •Ja l M ” m ’ or a y ether noxious or poionous drug, i t 0 youngest infant without hesitation. Ll j l(u "!| 03 °t wonderful cures around the hot- j W’ ‘han hve hundred persons in the eitv of Rich- ! a., can testily to us good effects. ■ advertisement. , 1 __ marl. | ft's! Worms! Various theories have been started * : ;|i. o the ongm ol intestinal worms, and vet the mS I iM'?'i a ‘ exed n nd a "\ong medical Of >'#!, however, all are mlormed, and in whi.d. in ‘ U i ■jfcial nature of the influence they exert on children* 3 I of the year the attacks of worms are moi as well as most dangerousr We t ike „r n 6 . n ] oSt ! ’ ajrectmg the attention of parents to the Vemiiiuge | •H Lane. It is one of the most oxtraordinarv iint ” wh Cd ‘° lhe PUl ’ liC ’ a " J lus ” ev tailed of 1 t. Columb “ 8 ’ - | IJrtru. be IXIVF.RSAI.LY KNOWN—for it is B tri„*l„ JesVv. at once (don’t delay) ‘to Honl St r 1 ’ spu prepared bv DI C i t no Hands Getman ! purative and mvigorant -tan 1 tTn’ as an alter ’ ! |*>eral depot! 120TrchW know that that thev •>,.! u have tned these i |ec, i; ~l j tT G "''‘’ S ’ ‘ V " Ue ” <>* an address Tt l n T’ 1:1 ”* TCmpCTa "“ ““• *> -irpau tH: Xt n “ ,e ™ “ K ' , ' ,lu,ion ,n P"” ““• Th ’ d,,M “ “1 especially u I,die, tinted. [ nu.r24—lt* NOTICE. . I K TGUr TO THE J.\tL of i m„. f mi ibe -* uh instaut, a negro man COUnt >’ , Tom, and that he belongs to H * a A? •’ ‘■ameis Vis a. ua. Sudnegr* is about tweivy-StT Bueua age. o lee! Bor 10 inches Inuli velinw . 1 - eara of stutters very much. Ihe ower is requested* > t ™ p,exion — rprove property, pay charges and take him he will be dealt with as the law directs. wa -’ ‘H,)er limbus, March 54. * ’ M ’ PRO<^ Ks > a NOTICE, t ,h U ™' lsht , to l kea *M°f Muscogee countv, on K the tab mstant, a Nevru V\ oamtt, who says htrnaim i M and that she belongs 1 1 Joe Car well s tt , w . Vi. tsaifj negro is about on years of ace 5 ** •. “■! M*.V eompleSS S M, uor 1* requested lu uonteforwfard, prove nnm j rtv her otUtrw!*e shewH! be deau Awbwm Mjifop iff, twitw^ti Just Received on Consignment, 90 000 Tenner see New Bacon; Hog round; 1000 lbs. Feathers. ’ • r >o Kegs Prime Freeh Lard. Ifmn vf Boxes and X Boxes ben Virginia Tobacco. 1000 Yards Teneesee Jeatw. Cheap tor Cash mar ~*~ tf HULL, FR[ERSON fc CO. With am Wells, Bill in Meriwether Superior T- • i Lourt to compel Moses Jones Moses Jones, Ex r f Executor of the la<*t will amt tc John YV. Wells, j testamen of jih n Weill latSof said county, dec ased, and John W T . Wells, to accoum to com* plainant for the amount in their hands accruing to comi lain antuude r tue last wi.l and testament of John Wells late of said county,deceased. wu “’ lateof IT appearing to the court that the said Moses Jones resides beyond the jurisdiction of this court, It fs ordered that the “4k ,J onihX’rthv^r?*r |, ’ r ** to sai/1 Bill- and if i * U Au^ut next,and plead or demur to gain Dili, ana it ig further ordered, that service of said mil nLeTmi?!t 0 f Mo߀9 . Joneß b >’ publication of this order o! fo,lr months before the next term of this court r te i,ublished in the city of Columbus, in said State, by the Court. HALL & BRANUM, doitgßerty. A Complainant’s Solicitors. i'niii^ 8 p X I raC fr £ ra tbe minutes of Meriwether Superior C ™ Ftbruar y Term, 1855. This 16th March, iaio. _ WM. A ADA MS. Clerk. early sheriff sales. I before the court house door in the town ol Blakely Early co., on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, the'following property to-wit : 6 property of'lili ja™ Bushfto sat!sfy af fa fro^&rw'Superior izsirirz&SF**- smiih v “ aid iuar26—wtd THOS. WILLIAM 3 , Dept. Sh’ff. . Early Mortgage Sale. “RD *rlue of a mortgage fl fa will be sold,at the same End place AJ 40 acres ol the Southern half of lot ol land No , 27.audHev. 1 n ß f of f , be J n x < ? rtllpart of Lot of Land No. 154, also forty ; acres of lot of land No. 156, ;ying between the old and new Ft. I Gaines road, all in the 28th district, sold as the property of Jas. B.Krown, to satisfy a mortgage fl fa from Early Superior Court n favor ofJohnT. Howard vs said Brown—property pointed out in said mortgage fl fa. mar2fi—wtd TIIOS. WILLIAMS, Dept. Sh’ff. ]\TOTICETO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII persons V„ havuif? demands against the estate of Richard Dozier, late of Muscogee county, Ga., deceased, will present them in terms of the Jaw, and theme indebted to said deceased will come for ward and make payment. _ mar26—w4od JOHN B. DOZIER, Executor. NOTICE. TSt/f BROUGHT TO THE JAIL of Muscogee county, Ga., ‘Sojj on the 21st inst., a negro man* who says his name is Harry, and that he belongs to John McNabof Eu- AM faula, Ala. Said neglro is about 25 years of age, 5 feet ’AT b 9 r 7 incheß high, and of black complexi m. The own er is requested to come forward, prove propertv, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with as the law directs. F. U. BROOKS, sh’ff. Columbds, March 24, twitw2t. NOTICE. 17MNDING it impossible to give our personal attention to the closing up oi our business, we 1 have placed our notes and accounts in the hands oi L. T. Downing, Esq., for collection. mar22—tw3twlt. BROKAW *, CLEMONS &. CO. Vigilant Fire Company, No. 2. HTHE members of the above company will appear at the Com pany Room this (Friday) evening, 23d, at 7% o’clock, in uniform for drill. By order of the Foreman. mar22—twit. SHAAFF, Secretary. I DO MY OWN PUFFINGh NOW I say, that I have first rate Tobacco on reasonable terms. Why do I say soV because some of our editors buy tills Tobacco. Those who are not so well informed as the Editors, just call and examine my Tobacco, Segars, Brandy, Wliisky, Wines, &.c. fce. lam determin ed to sell, for the cash, at a small advance on New York cost. ijfmar22—wfctwtf. p. A. CLAYTON. ORANGE SPRINGS HOTEL FOR SALE. M THIS valuable property is offered for sale if applied for soon. It affords an opportunity for one of the most profitable investments in the country, as the books of House will show. The location is acknowledged to be one of the most favorable for Pulmonary invalids in Florida ; while one of the finest Sulphur Springs in the Union, attached to the Hotel,affords fine bathing, &c., for those laboringunder other diseases requiring the use of Sulphur Water, and is much resorted to in such cases. The Hotel is entirely new, capable of accommodating from 60 to7o persons, and well furnished. The rooms are all plas tered. Those desirous of buying are requested to comeiand see for themselves as to the correctness ‘of the above. Mr. J. W. Pearson at the Springs, will give any necessary information. uhe Hotel is located on the main Stage Road through East rlorida—twenty five miles from Palatka, and one mile and a halt from Fort Brook Landing, on the Oclawaha River. mar 22 2timesaweek3weeks. HAMS—AHEAD OF STAG & SIIAY~ JAMES LIGOS, TENNESSEE COMMISSION HOUSE, JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT j X Casks Chandler <S-Co’s. Extra Trimmed and Extra Cored W Hams. 25 Casks do Shoulders. 45 Boxes do Clear and Ribbed Sides. Wholesale and Retail, Low for Cash. mart"— w3ifctwlt. A CARD. THE public will take notice, that I, on the 6th February tan, made a note for the sum of /fourteen Hundred and Ninely-Eight Dollars, due 25th December next—and that the consideration of said note—the same being payable to Isaac 11. Webb, Administrator of Stephen Parker, decea r ed, or bear er, has failed in part, and as lam determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law, I hereby request all persons not to trade for the same. There are two securities on said note, to wit: William G. Wooldridge and Win. Bagley. mar2o—Uvltwst.* C. A. PARKER. Nfi WSP RIN G~GO 0D S . GEORGE A. NORRIS, IS now receiving a large supply of SPRING AND SOMMER DRY-GOODS, Embracing many Rare and Beautiful Styles of Dress Goods, consisting in part of liicb Tissues, Bareges, Orenndines, French. English, & American Jackoncts, Embroidered Swiss Muslin Dresses, F’rencb and American Calicoes, Cliemisetts, • Under Sleeves and Collars, Ap plication Work Lace, and Embroidered Mantillas and Tal mas, Bonnets and Ribbons, Hats and Slioes,j together with a Full Supply of DOMESTIC GOODS, Homespuns, Osnaburgs, T.cketings .Cottonades, &c., &o. The ptiolic are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. ‘ GEO A. NORRIS, Columbus, Ga. March 19, 1855. No. 80, Broad st. marlO twltwtf $25 REWARD. IWIT.I, pay the above reward for proof against any white person selling or giving auy of my negroes intoxicatinsr li quors of any kind whatever. J. D. WILLIFORD. rnrrlT “ tw3twlt CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. gBANK OF THE STATE OF GEORG IA, ) Savannah, 13th March, 1855. ( WITHIN the past two weeks, a number of Bilis have been presented at the Bank of the State of Georgia, purpoit ing to be of this Rank, of the denomination of SSO. payable at | the Branch in Augusta, to John Phinzy, dated 4th March, IB3li, ‘ and Bth Nov., 1840, signed A. Porter, Cashier, and W. B. Bul t ch. President, which are spurious. The genuine p’ate of the 50’a is so nearly imitated that it is well calculated to deceive. The signatures are well executed, apparently engraved, and traced over with pen and ink. The paper is thick, and of a dingy yellow, and the back of the counterfeit not printed in • redink. The general appearance is rather good, but the fraud ; may pe detected by noticing the tilling up of the words i ftranck,Jluffust-a, the iiumber. date,payee, and the thickness and i color of tke^paper, A. PORTER, President, maria—w&twlt. I. K. TEFFT, Cashier. COOPER’S WELL. HINB2 COUNTY, MIS- Distance from Vicksburgb (by Railroad) to Raymond, 40 f miles—4 miles staging to the well. Through inf Three Hours. M THESE WATERS need no comment: they are pretty extensively known to the community, and re commended by the medical faculty in the cure o, the-, prevailing diseases of the c unliy, such as cfponic j oiairhtea. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Gravel, D aretes, Bronchitis, 9 ros ' R , General Debility, eutuieods Diseases, and di eases oi he tpteen. Biaddi r, &c. “orrd to Ist June $$ per week. from Ist June vo Ist October U - “ , IN'MAN .dII.LIAMS, Superintendent, ooper s \\ eli. Miss., Jan. 24, 1855. febv —wilm. S<i Q nZ\. ro \?fi° f KTH Water.—G. . Metcalf b Go.’ ion * Rf* -MfltJutobon, k tip., ViaktfbbdPtfi Thomp k. teUbuuel, \ fgt-jvj City; WbiHnu & vW FOUND. A PROMISSORY NOTE for Forty Dollars, made payable to J. J. Thomas or beaier, dated sth January, 1849, which j the owner can have by calling at this office and paying charg j marl7—twtf MIDWIFERY. MRS. .T A\’E M’GlXTYfoffers her professional servi ces to the people of Columbus and vicinity. She has had ! thirty years experience In tbe business and flatters herself j that by strict attention she will merit the public pitronage. She may be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residence on Jackson street, just below the Methodist Mission fmarlS —twtf. lottery: OF the following Magnificent Paintings from the Pentil of Mr. John Antrobus of Columbus Ga. The Hebrew Captives, An Autumn Evening, The Vesper Bell, Winter Amusement, Gossip by the Brook-side, Morning, Evening, A Frosty Morning, A Winter Day, View near Rome, The ftbove Paintings can be seen at Messrs Truax & Vandeu Husic Stofe, where they will be Raffied for as soon as the Tickets are all sold, in the loliewing manner, there being j ten prizes and two hundred tickets: The first drawn No. is entitled to* A View near Rome, ‘ 10 “ “ Winter Day,. 20 “ “ “ •* “ “ Frosty Morning. “ 30 “ “ “ “ “ to Evening,; “ 40 “ “ “ *‘ “ Morning.’ ‘‘ 50 11 “ “ *• “ Gossip by the Biookside, 60 “ “ “ “ “ Winter Amusement, HO “ “ “ “ Vesper Beil, “ 120 M “ “ “ “ Au Autumn Evening, “ 140 “ “ w “ “ The Hebrew Captives. . Tickets $5. marlstwtf AYER & WILKINS. The above drawing will take place on Tuesday, 3d dav of April next, if the tickets are all sold. A. & W. More New Bacon. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, and for sale, Fifty Thousand Pounds Georgia Cuied, dry, and in fine order. marl3— t&tf. H. C. PHELPS. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. > CLASS M. To he drawn 2 d of April 1855 jin the city of Montgomery. WHEN iRIZES AMOUNTING TO 308 9 Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! And remember every Prize is drawh at each drawing and paid when due WITHOUT REDUCTION! 1 Prize of $15,000 is $15,000 I do 5.0L0 is 5,000 I do 4.000 is 4,000 1 do 3,000 is 3,000 I do 2,000 is 2.000 1 do 15,00 is 15,00 1 do 1,100 is 1,100 ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. IW Tickets $10 —Halves and Quarters ill proportion. Bills on ail solvent banks at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi'the Bronze Lion Montgomery, Oct. 21 —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. ftT - All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. FOUND. APROMISORY NOTE, made by Dill &. Long to Johnson, Thornton, which the owner can have by calling at thiss office. febß—twtf. DR. CHARLES P. CRANE, Resident Physician of New Orleans, AND LICENTIATE OF THE'mEDICAL FACULTY FOR THE SPECIALITIES OK EYE, EAR, THROAT, LUNG AND LIVER DISEASES, f RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Column bus and vicinity, that for the purpose of introdu cinglAi'sJmethod of treatment by Inhalation of Ylg Ogygen & ffledicated Vapor, combined with constitutional Remedies, as a'CURE for CONSUMP TION and all disorders otithe Throat, £.nngs, and Air Passages, he will remain at the Perry Hotel until the 10th of Jharch, to afford those afflicted, who may desire it, an opportunity of availing themselves of this, the only reliable, philosopical and rational process of cure. Dr. C. would be pleased to hear from his patients in Colum bus and vicinity, either personally or by letter, and maybe con sulted at his rooms, Perry Hotel, from 9 A M, till 5 P M, or will, if desired, visit families at their residence. Dr. ■ ■. would respectly request those desirous of seeing him to call as early in the week as possible, as further engagement preclude the possibility of lengthening his visit at this time. feb24 “ twtf Irish Potatoes. JUST received, on Consignment, 32 Barrels fine Yellow, for planting, and 10 Red for table use. feb22—twtf. __ H. C.PHELPS. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVII. ENGINEER ANI) SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Designs and Working Plans for Ruild iugs furnished. Artificer’s work calculated; Surveys of land made, and Topograpieal plans furnished with accuracy, neatness and despatch. Office over Col. Holt’s Law Office. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. HEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. FRENCH, English and American Prints. French Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and French Ginghams; all Styles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Challeys. Light Summer Silks and Grenadines’ A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Collars,and Collars and Sleeves to match. Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bauds. English and German Hosiery—of every description. Damask and Muslin Drapery. ALSO, A .Superior lot of Irish Linens. 6-4 Pillow Case—Linen and Cotton. * 10-4 11-4 & 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 ply, Ingrain and Liuen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found in our line—all of which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus, March 3, 1a55.I a 55. w&twtf. HERE’S A CHANCE FORA BARGAIN^ FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. WISHING to our Large Stock of Sheet Music, Instruction Books, and Musical Works of all Kinds, we offer to sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., FOR CASH. VIOLINS & ACCORDEONS can be bought cheaper here than at anv other store in the city. TRUAX& VANDEN BERG. febl4 tw&wtillstjune. 92—East _side Broad-Street. Columbus, Ga. REMOVAL. WE take this method of informing our friends and the pu 11c that we have removed our Store to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, j Where sail always be found a large selection of SfUmiNl FORTES From the Best M inufactories in the United States, ofall Styles and PRICES. A I. S O , Melodians, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamborines, Flutes, FlutJnas, Accordeons, Music Boxes, Clarionetts, Fiageoletts and Fifes. Alio,'fall kindsiof BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BAN£>S, together with Bass and Tenor DhUJHS. STRINGS of all kinds, and the Largest Assortment ; of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, • that can be found South of Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF CgL Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, ofall aescriptions. Q&AiSStoeether with a full asssortinem of Worsted and t Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous , to mention. i or S cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old ones. Second hand Pianos n>r Sale or Rent. Pianos. Organs, Melodians, and a 1 other kinds f Musical lustrum* nts rtp tired jn the test manntr, and at tjie shortest notice, and w arranted to give entire satisfaction. All Grd*r left at oar store will be promptly attended to. Tit LAX & V AND EX BERG. Td of the Muinsnutk Piddle. Bounty land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! r pilfc undersigned having associated lhem?elves together for A the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress heretoiore passd, are now prepared to make application for all who who are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are, under a recent actof Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get all the necessary information. We are also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims aeainst the United States. F:om our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that aR claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly andspeedilj adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business hie personal attention there. Office over Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, feb24..w&twtf. A. B. RAGAN. BOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Forms to be used iu obtaining BOUNTY AANDS, suited to all cases, that we will sell at SI per qttir£, CASH. Columbus, Ga. w&twtf LOMAX & ELLI3. Mcscooee R.R. Cos., Columbus GA.,Feb. 16, 1855. DIVIDEND NO, 3- AT a meeting of the Board of Directorsof the A/uscogeo R. R. Company, held on the 13th iust., it was resolved that a semi-annual Dividend of four dollars per share on the common stock of the Company, be declared, and that the same be pay able on and after the Isth of March, proximo, at their office in Columbus, and to all Stockholders whose stock is registered in Savannah, Ga.,at the office of Wm. P. Hunter, Esq., at the Ma rine Bank, Savannahs D. ADAMS, jeb!s—w&twtd. Sec. & Treasurer. SIX SHARES . MOBILE & GIRARD RAIL ROAD STOCK FO R SALE. Apply to mar!3—w&twtf. T. LOMAX. INEZ, A Tale of the Alamo, is anew and JF'j i?/jF/g&,popular work, by the Harpers, for sale by Also, a New Supply of South Side View of Slavery, by N. Adams, D. D.; Ruth Hall; Ca p. Canot; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, &c. &c. Columbus, Feb. 22. w&twtf. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. KA Shares Muscogee Railroad Stock tbrale by OU HARRtSON, AUSTIN & A/cGEHEE. feb3..wA-twtf. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. TIIE favorable terms on which one may secure to his widow and orphan children a comfortable support, invite the at tention of all who are not rich enough to provide for their fam ily without their own personal exertions. For furiher information apply to feb24—w&tw3m. A. POND, Agent. GUANO. 3.0 Tons Ouano, Just Received, and for Sale by GREEN WOOD & GRIMES. Columbus March 7, 1855. w&tw6od. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, Just Received and for s?le by Dec.9—wtw&tf ROBRET A. WARE. HENRY C. PHELPS, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, NO. 155, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS GA. ‘ TENDERS his services to the pablic for the purchase EnHipjand sale’of Merchandise and Produce, a Gen- Slfe&a&sL/eral Agent. He has on hand Bacon, Lard, Pickled Pork ami Beef, Dried Beef, Pork Tongues, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Flour, Mo lasses, Vinegar, Pepper, Spice, Ginger,Candles, Soap, Starch, Tobacco, Dried Peaches, and Apples. Beans, Cranberries, Cheese, Butter, Appies and Oranges, &c., &c. And is constantly receiving Western Produce and Provisions, aud the leading articles of Groceries. All of which he will SELL LOW FOR CASH, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Columbus, Ga., February 22, 1855. twtf. BROAD STREET HOUSE. MRS. BARROW having removed to the BROAD STREET HOUSE, solicits the patronage of her friends. Board per month SIB 00 “ “ “ with lodging 24 00 “ “ day. 1 75 Supper Breakfast and Lodging 1 25 Children and servants half price. Columbus, Jan. 20—tw3in. Coffee, Sugar and Tea, Brandy, Segars and j TOBACCO, AT COST. OWING to the tightness of tho money market,” and the con timed lowness of the river, I am lorced to offer goods at a sacrifice, for the purpose of meeting my indebtedness. The ar ticles aie of the very best quality, selected with great care for the retail trade. N. B. All who are indebted will please settle without delay, As future payments depend upon my pay. ianlß—twtf. P. A. CLAYTON. SPECIAL NOTICE. IN order that our customers may understand the terms on which we Uade, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments will be required twice a year; say Ist May and Ist Januarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shail claim and expect interest until paid. E. BARNARD, & CO- Columbus, Jan. Ist,’ss. janll—w&twtf. HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, 1*2m0.. CLOTH. “Who is Ruth HallT Is Ruth Hall Fanny ‘ Fern, or somebody else! and if Fanny i Fern is not Itutii Hall whols Fanny Fern! TIIE LIFE FERN! Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. ! And this book a strange tale unfolds. The present Work is authentic in all its Details. Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce It the • wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril- ! liant Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Hall, at her own fireside,in the Editor's Sanctum, in the street, at Church, and everyw here, aud in every position she is the same fascinating woman. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern's earliest efforts appear for the first time in book form. The reader wilt find that they possess the same attractive features which characterize all her productions. They are alternately witty end pathetic, causticand soothing, sparkling and pensive. No other author has succeeded so well in touching the finer chords of the heart. Just received and for sale by I'eblS —w&twtf. ’ \y. PEASE. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of HALL & MOSES fwas dissolved on the first of January, 1655, by ihe death of 1. 1. Moses. IIERVEY HALL, surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have entered into the H.iRJ)-it. ‘IRK coder the fir*q ard name of HALL. MGSEj fc CO. ‘ “‘fIEHVEV HALL, ‘ ISAAC l. Muses. JACOB P. HENftICKS, ... „ >ViLMA.V, A, REACH. I jfVbfusrv j?, m3, wfctwir. CARD. HAVING disposed ot my interest in my Daguerrean Galle ry to Mr. C. I. DEPEW, I would return my sincere thanks to nrv numerous Jricnds and the public, for their liberal patronage during the last four years. Hoping the same will be extended to my successor, who is every wayccmpetcnt to do jandice to all, I subscribe myself, very respectfully, ft-b 8§ —w&twlm. /.?. WOODBRIDGE. DAGUERREOTYPING. THE subscriber having purchased the interest of Mr. J-S. W oodbridge in his DAGUERREAN GALLERY would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage o liberally bestowed upon “IV whdbri dge’s Gallery.’* It is an established fact aud cannot te denied, that the Pictures taken at these Rooms, far surpass in richness oi tone and beau ty ot finish, those of any other gallery iu the country. Picture* taken, as usual, in every style of the sri, from the smallest Locket size to the largest lor frames. Try me, and satisfy yourself that there Is still “a chip oft he old block” arOoug >ou. Pictures taken with tancy Metalic Back-ground, of am colort giving them the appearance of statuary. Also, anew style of Stereoscopes, peculiar to himself, and far surpassing anything heretofore produced in this place. Feb2ts—w&twly* C. I. DEPEW. SALE OF THE ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. UNDER the provisions of a Deed of Trust made to the un dersigned by the Rock Island Factory, we will offer for sale on • Monday 23d dav of April next, at the Rock Island Factory, all those tracts of land in the State of Alabama lying on theChattahoochec River, to wit: Filly acres in ihe South East Quarter of Section 35, Township IS, Range 3d, adjoining the lands of Robert S. Hardaway and William D. Cairns, in Russell county, Alabama, and running up said river to tbe north half of said section 35, belonging to Stew art and Fon taine, mid thence running back due west so as to include said Fifty acres. Also, all that tract or parcel of land lying on the Chattahoochee River, in the South East Quarter ot Seclion 35, Township 18, Range 30,in Russell County, Ala., adjoining the slip of land in said section, on the South belonging to William D. Cairns, and on the west bounded by land belonging to said Cairns and on the north by the land of John Fontaine, ((contain ing fifty acres, more or less, together with the rijfht o i way run ning from saiu land to the south side of tection 35; tnence along said south line to section 34, continuing thence to the West Point road, as reserved in a deed made to Robert Taylor. Also, all that parcel of land lying east [of the Columbus Road running to West Point through Somerville, which is con tained in the South East Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section 34,and twenty six and a half acres of land lying ad joining to the same, in the t-ouih West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 35, and fourteen and one fourth acres running due east, adjoining said laud along the south line of Section 35, one hundred yards in length, to the Chattahoochee river, containing iimll eighty and three fourths acres, all in Township 18, and Range 30, in Russell county, Alabama. Also the South east quarter of the South east quarter of Section 34, Township 18, Range 30, and the South west quarttr of the South east quarter, of said seclion: Provided, that these ast tracts are not to extend west of the Columbus road. Audi all and singular, the buildings, out houses, watercourses, water privileges, advantages, heraditaments, anti appurtenances, whatever, to the said several parcels of land belonging, or in anywise appertaining or which the said Rock Island Factory have acquired from the Stale of Georgia by Legislative Enact ment. Also, all the personal properly to the said Factory be longing, consisting of Maci inery, Tools, Wagons, Mules, Ilors ses, Material for the manufacture of Paper, Manufactured Pa per, and all and every part and parcel of the personal estate of the Rock Island Factory The improvements on the land con sist of a Paper Factory, Warehouses, Outhouses, ami all tho convenincies for operatives necessary to carry on the sime. R. J . MOSt S, ) IIERVEY HALL, \ Trustees, 11.8. SMITH. > The Montgomery Advertiser & Gazette will please copy until day o/ sale and render bill to Trustees. march 22, lr 55. w&twtda. ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS. ON the 23d April next we shall sell the Fealfand Personal Estate of the Rock Island Factory for default in payment of a portion of tbe bonds of said Company, and for other caus es; and. as by the provisions of the Trust Deed, ail the bonds due or not ‘lue, are to be paid rateably out of the proceeds of sale, you are hereby notified to present your bonds to R. J. Moses, one of the Trustees, on or before the 12th day of April next, that you may receive your pro rata pay ment on the saute. IIERVEY HALL, ) H. S SMITH, )■ Trustees. R. J. MOSES. S Enquircrcopy. w&twtii23Ap. Corn Meal. JUST received, on Consignment, 50 Bushels, fresh ground. February 22—twtf. 11. 0. PHELPS. WINTLR FACTORY, Oolumifelis, C3r£TL YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, tor sale. WOOL Carded, at one fourth toll or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranted. Montgomery irok works, MONTGOMERY, ALA. WILL r FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines. Circular Saw Mills,‘Grist Mills, Shafting, or any desciiption of MACHINERY • Also Rich’s un rivalled Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Page & Cos, AVhittlesy & Cos., Woodruff & Goetchius,on the Muscogee Rail Road, and numerous others, testify to cutting 1000 feet of Lumber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills of one Saw. G. W. WINTER. marl2—w&twtf Agent, Columbus Georgia. COLUMBUS, GA., MARCH 6, 1855. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm and style of E. T. TAYLOR & CO. and TAYLOR, LOCKHART & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The name of the firms will be used in liquidation only by either of the partners. E. T. TAYLOR, HENRY LOCKHART, I. F. BROWN, jos. w. Thomas. tw3tw6t R.H THOMAS. GRENVILLE, & CO. General Commission k Forwarding Merchants, SAVANNAH GA. GRENVILLE & SAMPLE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Chattanooga, Tennessee. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to their care Uhas. E. Gbknville. i William T. Sample, Savannah, Ga. J Chattanooga, Tenn. Feb. 27, 1855. twlm. DISSOLUTION. THE copartnership of James K.. Redd, dt Cos., has ex pired bv limitation, and circumstances compel us to col lect; so we hope all indibted to us either by note or account will come forward and settle by or before the Ist April, at which time the notes and accounts will be sued if net paid, or other -atisfactory arrangements made. dec23—w&l3m. JAMES K. REDD, & CO. Salt Pork. RECEIVED, on Consignment, 20,009 lbs. Pork now in Salt and readv for curing. fet,2 ’—twtf H.C. PHKT.FS. Notice to Debtors t and Creditors.—All persons having demauds against the Estate of Wm. Lane late of Chattahoochee County Ga. deceased, will present them in terms ot the, and those indebted to said deceased will come forward and make payment. Jan9—w4od. A. C. HUDSON, Adm’r. GEORGIA Muscogee county.—Whereas Keturah C. Ector applies for the Guardianship cf the property to which Wiley B. EcUor and Frances M. Ector, minor children under 11 years of age, of Richard Ector, are entitled in their own right: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, to show cause, if any they have, why said applicant should not be appointed Guardian as aforesaid, at tie court of Ordinary to be hell in and for said county on the first Monday in April next. Given under my hand this 27th Fetruary, 1855. febiT—3odtwlt, JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary- GEORGIA. Randolph County.—Whereas, John Merkison has applied to roe for letters of Guardianship for the per sonsand property of Elmore .Vichois and James E. Nichols, or phansof Jackson J. Nichols, late of said county, deceased: All aud singular, the parties interested, are therefore hereby notified to make their object ions known on or before the first .Monday in April next, otherwise letters wiil be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand, at office, Februay Bth, 18"5. febl2 —w4OJ O. P. BEALL, Ordidarv. Manufacturers’ & Mechanics’ Bank of Columbus- Columbus, Ga., Jan. 30,1855. THE Stockholders of this institution are hereby notified that a call tor the remaining fifty per cent of the capital stqpjj ia required to be paid at ita Banking House in the city oj Co'unibu*, on or before fha second day of April next. By order of tho Bo.'thd gs Director*. Juil W, g. HTQilMtCflifekf