The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 30, 1855, Image 4

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LEGAL NOTICES, MU3COGH2E SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold at the Market House ta the city of Colum bus, on the first Tuesday iu Apnl next, within the amil hours of sale, a negro girl by the nsine of .Viley, about twenty years old* and a r.egrs oof by the riame *>f Heeborn. about 12 or 14 years old, levied on as the property oflurner If. Jxok*'U to satisfy a fl fa from the Inferior court of Muscogee oonniy, in favor of Jordan T. Jackson, against Turner Jackson —prop eri> pointed oat by the plaintiff. mar 3 wtd. „ F. M. BROOKS, Bh’ff. Early Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday l n April next, before the Court House door in tne town of Bi&keiy, Early* onn ty, be’ween the usual hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: North S os lot ci land number three hundred and elgi ty nine (309) In Ine sixth district, of said comity, to rat! sty a fl ta from Early Inferior court, in favor of Wm. J. Weame vs Janes W Eaton, sold as ths properly of said Eaton - property pointed out by Plafi t If. Also, let ot land number threo hundred and thirty, (330) in the thirteenth district, sold as the property of I vreph Mnith, to satisf)’ a fl fa from Early .superior court, in favor of Bucbann on h. Wade rs Asa Williams, and Joseph bmilhguaraiihee—pro perty pointed out by the Plaintiff. Also, lot of land number thrre hundred and fifty three, (3V>) in the vnirteenlh district, sold as the property of Irham K Hhel fleld, to sat isiy afl fa lrom Early Superior court, in favor ol Wm A Grant re said Shiff.cld—prtper.y pointed out by De fendant. Also, lot of land number wentv four (24) in the fifth district, sold as the property of Zadoc W ley, to satisfy a fl la from Early buparicr court, Hi lavorof John W. Stewart vs David E Lee, James B Joni-s, Zadoc VV Lee. and James B Brown, se curity—property pointed o> t by raid Z W Lee. Also, lo* ol lau.l mitnbei three hundred and thirty five (335) in the fifth district, sold as t e property of Martin W S amper, to satisfy a rt fa from K rly Superior court, In lavor of A C Mc- K.iiey vs .Martin W Stamp r— property pointed oat by Fi’ff. Also, lot of land number three husdred and thirty (3 ti*) in tbo twenty sixth district, sold a# ihe pr perty of -le-se B .Vos ley, tOjSatisfy a fl fa from Earlvy Superior Court, in favoroi ./Boses Warren vs said Mosley—property pointed out by Pl’tf. Also, lot of land number two hundred and twenty-four (H 24) in the sixth district, sold as the property of Upson ii H Min on, to satisfy a fl fa from Upson .Superior court, in favor of Allan G Karobro vs.mid Minton -property pointed out by Plaintiff, A!so, four hundred arid mty-elgbt acres of land described as follows: Lot of land number twenti-oisht, containing two hun dred! and fifty acres; that portion of lot number twelvwontbe east side ot Diy Oraek, contain* one hundred and seventy-five acres, moraorless; and that portion of mtmbar thirteen on the east side ol Pry Creek, containing thirty-three acres, more or less, sold Us trie property of W ii llnrrison and A J Harriaon, to satisfy a fl fa from liar if .Superior court, in favor o: Samuel B Staffer i vs said Harrisons. Also, one Sorrel Mare, sold as the properly of Allen J Har rison. to tat inly a fl fa from Eariy .superior court, in laTor of W T Robinson vs said Harriaon. Feb. 86-w3od. THOFS. WILLIAMS, Dept. Sbff. Talbot Sheriff -Sales. WILL be sold before tbs Court House door in the town ol Talbotton, Talbot county; tic. on the Ist Tuesday In April next, within ths legal hours of fide, tiro follow ngßpropti ty, to-wit One feouxe and lot in the lawn of Tolhotton, Tolbct county, ly ing la So-jare D., No. Ii & 14, now occupied by Frederick iieyeu, levied on to satisfy see fl fa, issued from the Inferior oourt of Talbot county, in lavor oi Charles. M. rsu'Lth vs ffrodar icit Meyeu. wßod. EDW ABO H. IIARVUY, Dept. £hff. Postponed Sale. Will be sold at the satne time and place One house and lot in Geneva, now occupied by Samuel Koockogey, aa a grocery and eating house, Levied on as the property of said Koockogey to satmiV one fi fa issued lrom Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Henry C&liiej va. Samuel Koockogey. E. li. Harvey, Dept. Shff. march I*4 tds. Early Varner, 1 Randolph Superior Court. va. > April Tana, 1855. David > kule to bstablish lost aovrs. Georgia kiamlol>ih Cotiaty: Te tke Honorable Superior Court of said County. T!lE*Patitioa of Early Varner .Lows that heretofore, to wit our ho Ist dry of August 1840, your petitioner wa# poeiessfiu (aa of his • wu rig.nt and proper y) of a promissory uote mad* ky David, the date whereof was tfca i3t‘a of October 1637. That said ante was for tin sum of eight huudroddoi lara,pu-nb'a to vour petitioner o aud dao on the is day of Jan and given under the hand arid see! of acid David Skelton; (a copy of which ssidnote is horunto nnnex ed) That said note ha* been lost orjdwstroyed so that jt cannot ba feuml, the aamahping due and unpaid. VVberet ora, your petli iouer prays the (htabttshiug of the copy note hereunto an *xd in lieu of the original so lost or destroyed, and se in du ty bound your petitioner shall ever pray44tc. VUCICKK St. HEALL, Petitioner’s Attorneys. ®390. By the first day ofiManuar, next 1 promise to pay Ear- bearer, e gin hundr* and dollar* for.value received. difou unde; iny head and seal, October 15. 1K37. DAVID SKELTON, [L.3.3 GEORGIA, (i Before me, Duncan Jordan, Clerk of Randolph,County.! \ the Superior e.urt, personally cauie Earley Vainer, wh ‘■ Oeing duly •worn, says, that he was po*?>e*- ed,ol his own right and property, c* the original note oi which te foregoing Du copy, a- ho believes and ae u ar a* he can ie colleot; That *e>d u >te being due and unpaid has beea lost or dertroyed, sojthat it cauootgb# found. Sworn so and subscribed before <n*, October lith, 1854. EARLEY VARNER. Duncan Jordan, Clerk. GEORGIA, / .Superior Court, Oct. Term, 1864. Randolph Oouutv. ( It appearing to the Court* by the Petitioner ItaiLy Vrrner, (and copy o! note and affidavit tbere unto annexed,) tbst -aid Early Varnor wus possessed., as of bis ow right an I property, of an oriel al -mt* railing for eight hundred dollars, dated October 15, ffe!7, and due January 1. 1838, and givso uuderthe hand and seal of David Skelton, sod that said note has been low or destroyed so tha f the stone can not be found, and tue said Car ey Varner praying thct*nablish ing of said c >oy note in lieu of said tw*r original. It is therefore or tered that said David Skelton show cause, if any he has, b> the next term Oithia court, why said copy note should not be vstaoliatied in lieu of the said lost original, and it is further ordered, that thli rule he published iu one of the public ga aetts of this state S mouths previous to the next terra ofthi court, or that stid rule be served persoucily on said David Ski-Dou, twenty davt previous to the next term of thU court, if to bo found in thie State. TUOEIR A ME ALL, Wig. O.’PaeaKiNß, b- teo Petitioner’s A U’ys. Judge, 8.0., B.W. 0. janlii—uiHm GEOIUHA liaudolph County: To the Honorable Inferior Court of said County. •M 1). Hendrick , ) Randolph Superior Court, *>*• > Aj>ril Term, 1054. John. fV. Elder. ) rull to asraiLisH lost rtB. THE Petition of Mftstln D. Hendrick ahevetk that heretofore to wit: on the first day of Miy in the year 1854. your peti tioner *as in possession of, as ol his own right and * pioparty, two prornUory notes made and executed by John W Elder, of said county, the date whereof was the day and year aforesaid, that one ol said notes was for the sum of $ 2730 b(J, and dus the 251 h day ot December thereafter or thereabouts; tho other note was for the sum of $2750 00, und was to become due sne year aR rvheflr*; mentioned note beenme due, (copies of which note# are hereto annexed.) That sometime during the said year, said two notes were lost by your petitioner, the same be ing unpaid or any part there f. Wherefore, your petitioner prays the establishing of the copies hereto annexed in lieu of the original uotes, Inst as aforesaid, and as in duty bound vour pe titioners will ever pray. DOUGLASS'*. DOUGLAS, Pelitoner’s Attorneys. *, $3790 00. * By the 25th day of December next, I promise to pay M D Hendrtck or bearer the sum of and Fifty Dollars for value received, this May Ist 18i4, • JOHN W.ELDER. I agree to piy on the above note the half of what the Steam Mill which 1 have purchased from said Hendrick, will make from the date of this note, until the time it tali* due, after de ducting the expenses of the mill from the whole profits, and the half of said profits are bound to said Headrick on said notes. $-4790 00. By the 25th day of Decsmher Fig teen Hundred and Fifty-Five, I promise to pay M D Hendrick or bearer the sumo! Twenty-Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars for valuu received, this May Ist, 1854. JCHS \V. ELDER. Georgia Randolph County—Personally appeared before me Jacob Smith, a Justice of the Inferior court in and for said coun ty. Maitin D Hendrick, who being sworn saith that he was pos sessed, as of his own right and property, of the original notes of w .icb the above are copies, as he believes and as near as he can recollect, said notes were total-y unpaid and are lost; the precise time he does not r, member, but some tints In the year 1854. 8 vorn ta and subscrioed before roe, this Oct 3th 1851. M D HENDRICK. Jacob Smith, J. 1. C. GEORGIA, Chattahoochee county—YVhr r*n*. J. p. Low to me foi letters of guardianship o! John 8. Brew er, c minor under the age of 14 years. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persona con* cerned to be and appear i-t my office within the time prescribed by law, to trhew cause (if any they have) why aaid letters should not be RranGsi. Given upder my hand and official signature, in the town of Cusseta. this M .rch cth.ltsso March 13 writ J.T. McNAGHTON, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, county” Court of Ordinary for said county, November Term, 18M W ‘ REAS. Lt held red Hays applies for inters of dimssion 4 v from the administration of the estate of Wm. {,. Uses, de oetwed : all p.-r, on* interested arie hereby notified to file their objections, if any they hav-, in tny efficein terms of the law •thervise tetters of-cismissory wi’l be granted sad aopiicap* the -fune tc-:m next of our court. S. S. STAFfrfiftn Nov 17—twlt&wfim Ordinsir Mortgage Sale. KAKI.Y COUNTY.—Br virtue of a v l Mortgage ft fs, w:i] be/o’d on the first ‘i'nesdsy in March next iefoic the Court Uoiw? door in tho town of Blakely, Carly county, between the usual hours oLaie, the followipw pro. erty to wit : Lot N. .{, ;*!..S purtot lot Vo. 4on thowes? side ofjhe square of the town ot tt! .fe.. y n i>h the improvoment th. reon, consist ing of the Hotel where Jsm< s B. Brown uow live*, ar.d other bui-ditK', and ■im-r s irou • or h ss of nutih half oii*toflsud. No. 127 near ssldbovu -.f Biatioty, g..:d to satis y a mortgage fl a fr.>m Early r-up< ror t . urt ui favor of J. bn T. Howard, ff Jsmesß Brown, —property pointed out in sai-1 Mortgage fl Qi *eb-v2t4. iVILUAMr-, Dept, s b fF. ‘ GEORGIA, laylor couaty—Whereas, James . Wiaehetl admlnislvstor on the esisla of Albert 9, Wiley, late of said County, decossad, applies for Letters of Dismission from sa; administratioa: It Is ordered that all persona concerned fbs and appear at lay offiae within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any tky havo, whv letters of Dismission sboald not be granted. JOHN STURDIVANT, Ordinary. deeß-—mfca. Georgia Rsndolph County, f Superlar Court, October Term, l®*- J It appearing to the court by the petition of Mastia D rlek (and copy notes and affidavittnereuntoannexed) that said Mastln D Hendrick was possessed of ths original notes in sala petition mentioned and that said notes have been lost ana he, the said I) Hendrick, praying lbs establishing of said copy notes in lieu of ths said original notes. It is therefore or dered that said John VV Elder show eause by the first day of ths next term of said court why said copy notes tablished In lieu of the lost originals as aforesaid, and it Is fur ther ordered that aeopy ofthisruls be served personally upon the said John VV Elder, If to be found in this conntjr,and if not so fonnd.then that itbs published in the Columbus i imes ® Sen tinel three months previous to the next termofthls court. decMw3m WM C.PF.HKIS9. Judge 8.0.W.C. A true extract fro* the minutes of said court, this 15th \ atj of December, 1854. DLNCA < JORDAN. CI k. GEORGIA, Marion County. Court of Ordinary for said county—la vacate*, No .vernier td, 1854. * Pbesent, E. W. MILLER, Okdihaby. WHEREAS, Wm. A. Biack administrator upon the estate of Eli Larkins deceased, petitions this Court for a discharge rom his esid administration. it is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that all persons consern i ed, show cause. If any they have, why said Wm.;A. Black ad- ; j rritnisirator, rh aforeaid, should not be fiiicharged, otherwise \ letters of dismission will be granted said petitioner at the May ; IVm. 18.*3, of said Court, and he be released from his liability ■ as administrator as aforesaid. L. VV. MILLER, Ordinary. A true oxlracUiroin the minutes of said Court, Nov. 2d, 1854. i Nov.7 —wbm. B. W. MILLER, Ordinary. j MONTGOMERY IRON WORKS, (late the winter iron works.) MONTGOMERY, Ala., Juno 1, 1854. THE subscribers manufacture promptly to order, River and Stationary Steam Kugines, Boilers of every description, Saw, Qrist ami Sugar Mills, Cotton Presses axxd Screws, Pumping Ku. glues. Heavy Machinery gener&Ty, and material* ased In Water aud Gas Works and Hall Roads. Heavy and light castings mads from both Iron and Brags. Building Fronts, Columns, Iron Railings, &e., C2St,flKrd and put up. Blaekitnlth Work and Heavy Forgings exe cuted ; having in thair works one of Nasmyth’s Patent direct action Steam Hammers. Patterns of all descriptions made at the shortest notice. Thoy are also the sole Manufacturers in the South of the un rivalled iilcit Cast Iron ‘Water VVhsel. A nd of M inter’s Patent, improved Cast Iron Frame, Cireular Saw Mills. All orders addressed to SANDERS IRVING, Sec’ry. Montgomery lion Works, - Idontgomary, Ala., Will meet with prompt attention, and the work be punctually executed on reasonable twins, and in a style not surpassed tor accuracy axcsUaac#sf workmanship. JOHN JEFFREY, J. 3. WINTER, LEWIS FROOST. • -Montgomery, Ala., Aug.Sai—wtf MEDICINES. Jew David’s or Hebrew piaster, THE GHEAT HEMEDY, j Fer Rkemnuticji, Gout, Fain in the Hide, Hit,, Limbs end ! Joints, Serofal*, King's Evil, FChite Shillings, Herd ’Pamirs, j Stig Joints end ait Fixed Pains vJtaieosr. h’l srs this Plaster is applied, Pets cannot exist, ■ Y’ HEBii PLAStTUPB possess ths advantage es being put up In ‘ JL air-tight box<u—hence they rslcJn thsir full virtues in &11 ’ climates. This celebrated Pain Extractor has been so extensively uatjl I by Phyeicians and the people in general, both in this country and Europe, that it is almost ueedlea* to say any thing abou. ;it.— Yut there may be some who stand in need of its healing powers who have not yet tried it. For theirsaltea w will simply state what it has donel* thousand* of cases, and what it will de for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIANS Reed tke folloming testimony from a Physician. GBMTißaax—Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me es pains of which l have suffered for twelve years past. During this period 1 labored under an affliction of my loins and side, and tried tiany remedies that my own medical uxperienca suggested, but with out obtaining relief. At length I used your planter, and am now by iu good effects entirely cured. 1 will recommend the Jew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are u£ecuvf from contrac* tiouof ths muscles, or permanent pains in the hide or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to Its use. Toun^trulF| • 34. VV. WALKKB, H. D„ , Forsyth, Monroe Ceunty, Gn. To Messrs. Scovil A Mead, Hew Orleans, La. JEW DAVID’fI OS HEBREW PgASTSS 13 NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovil Si Maad: 1 have been troubled with the chronic rheumatism for the last tw>ve year* On the Utef July, 1819,1 was so bed that 1 could not turn myself iu bed, and the paiu so severe that I had not slops a wink for six days. At this time my itteodiug physician prescribed the “Hebrew Plaster,”and it acted like a charm; the p.iiu let 4 ms, and 1 slept more than half of the night, end in three dsja 1 was able to ride out. 1 consider the “Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy for all sorts of pains now iff use. G.W. M’AiINN. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug S3, JBW. The followingjwa# handed us by a respectable Physician irt Georgia: Messrs. Scovil 4t Mead:—Gents: I have been using your LI v- I erwort and Tar Hebrew Plaster very extensively in my practice ) for three years past and it is with pleasure that 1 state my belief : in their superiority over all other articles, with which lam ae , qu aimed, for the purp sea for which they are recommended.— j Ths Hebrew Plaster, especially, is an Universal Panacea for local | pains. I have alab found it a meat- excellent application for ! Sprains and Bruises, lt gives universal satisfaction wherever used. 0. H. OSLiN M. D. Knoxville Ga., March 4th, 1838. beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations. The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved on the label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us, and by our agents appointed through the South— and no psdi,a& is allowed to sell it.— Dealers and Purchasers generally are eautloncd against buy ing of any but snr regular agents, otherwise they will be im posed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL & MBAD. 11l Chartres Street, New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom &U ders must invariable he uldrea&d- SOLD ALSO BY Danfoxth & Nagle, J. T. Reese, Greenville. Brooks & Cuapmais, T. J. Hukt Sc Cos., Whiteavl Robert Carter, W. H. Holt, Lumpkin. J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton.E. Willis 4. Cos., I'aibottoo. David Young, Col’tnba, Ga.R. I. B&iaas,BieDa Vista. Columbus, Sept Off—w<Srtw4u. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAIT For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, and Con sumption. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from ite cures of every variety oi pulmonary disease, that it is en tirely unnecessary to recount the evidences of iu virtues in auy community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and ao numerous the cases of its curea, that almost every section of the country abounds in persona publicly known who have beeu restored from alarming and eren desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried ita superiority over every other med icine of its kind ia too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the publie no longer hesitate i what antidote to employ for the distressing and’ dangerous affectious of the pulmonary organs which ate incident to ; our climate. And not only in formidable attacks upou ‘ the lungs, but for the milder varieticff of Golua, Coughs, Hoarseness, &c..; and for Children it is th* pleasantest and I safoet medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this ec ! tion, we need not do mere than aure the people its qutl j ityis kept up to ta the best that it ever has bwa, end that the genuine article is sold by Danforth &. Nagle, Columbus, Gso- T. S. Brad field, West Point, M W. W. Wilson, Talbotton. Dr. J. F. Woodbury, Hamilton, “ Chanacey Fowler, Tuskegse, Ala. jaß23w&tvr£na. Dyspepsia Poiitively Cured. csr DR. WF.CKWITH’S Aa!i-Dypepti: Pills, afters trial et 25 jears.and sustained 1 y tesiitßoaiais froenhs most eminent rnoß In the U. 8., Is new admitted to ffe the best Anti Dyspeptic Medicine everofi’ered to the publ c. Price reduced to 25c per box. More than ffoxc* have been dis;.o*ed f, and the sales are ii:crer.sir.g. They are put up with the same care, and each b>x contain* the same number, (4*) heretofore. The pro- I nriefor pled-.-cs He honor aa mao. and hie reputation as a phy sician, rot the safety ar.d eft'icy of their use. It is r.eedless io publish cenifirates. but he has numbers of them, testifying :n the s-Tonges* lanA'ua> e so fhvir v trines, kr. from such men as Rev B T Blake. Rt Rev Hisbrp Freemati; Rev Wsn McPhee’err. DP. S Rev Geo F- Brdeer. Sen t'r, U 5: Hi Re\ ; Levi 5 Iv.s. D D.of North Cerolina: H a Judre Potter, U S court: lion Beverly Tucket: Pen Wm Preston. 8 M*j Pam’i Me ion>bv, Greenviile, Ger; sr.d a host of similar personages. For sale in devannah i-y tVm, F. L-ncoJn. In Or-bimtme by Dr. D. Vonnp and Robert Garter, and by Dragcista Generailv. None without the written signa ture of JOHN trt C KWITH. M. P.. Peersburx Va. Xawlwnw aJ!ffcfcJr?irH!i.lee spp'ty. ateart- ffm INTRODUCTION OF Professor James McClintock’s CELEBRATED Family Medicines. y*sa.TUfe is ts certify, tint I have placed in the hand cf Messrs A. CusAmanSc Ce., Meta Yark, tke receipts f my “Family Med icinestaith my full authority to prepare and oj/er them for pop ular use. In securing the co operation of Mr. Alexander Cushman, is a thoroughly educated Chemist aud practical Apothecary of j many years’ experience , I atn enabled to assure the public that . they Vi ill be prepared in the best, purest and most perfect form, regardless of expense. JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late Professor of An atomy and Surgery in the Philadelphia College of Medicine aud Acting Professor of Midwifery; one of the Consulting Physicians of th# Philadelphia Hospital, Bioeckiy; late member of the National Medical association: Membei of the Philadelphia Medical Socitty; member of the Medico-Chir urgicai College of Philadelphia; formerly President aud i Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Castleton Medical Colleire Vermont; and also late Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in Berkshiro Medical Institution, Mais &.c.Stc. Important to Consumptives, And all who are afflicted with Bronchitis, er weakness of the Lungs. De. McClimtocx’s Pkctoxal Strup is recommended as one of tho best and safest remedies over used for Bronehiiis, Consumption aud ail diseases of the Lungs and Air Passages, For any of these forms of Utssnoe showing themselves in Cough, Tickling of the Throat, .Tense cf Tightness ta the Throat or Chest, Spitting of Blood, Dijficalty of Breathing, Hoarseness or Loss of Foies, hectic Fever, Might Sweats, Ac., this SYRUP ha* been used with unbounded success for many years; it con tains no opium, morphine or auliuivny, which injurious drugs form tke basis of almost all the quack remedies fer lung com plaints. The Great Peculiarity of Dr. McClintech's Pectoral Syrup, i3that in all chronic dis eases of the throat a.'.d Rings, it mc.y be itiken by the most delicate patient with perfect cttfel ■. It emt.&in.Ttto injurious drugs, like, the common remedies used for pectorrl complaints. It is pleas ant to ths palate, produces no nausea or debility, butmay be taken fretly and constantly, with ike ssrtain ril'd', of purifying the blood, strengoning ths stomach, bud renovating the entire system while Healing and soothing tug irritated organa, and producing gradually a pen-fact cure. Price inpint bottles 91; six bottles fur $5. Full d-res tie ns ae cosupanvi.-g each bottle. LleClistock's oold and cough Mixture. Colds and recent Coughs, especially if atcompanimi by fever or -r-j ezcliem-ent, require araswdy different in character fro-m. the Pectoral Syrup, which t: so valuable in chronic com plaints. The Cold £nd Ccagh Mixt. ro is precisely the curs for such rtesiit coughs, coil and irrt~..cit if the throat ar.d lungs. It is especially % zluacle for children; r.ojamily in our change Jile climate, should be without this ejflcient remedy, which if taken oh the first syu-ptons of cUd, would prevent many as attack cf Bronchitis, and a fatal issue iu cousumpUmi. Mo Laudanum or preparation of oay shape in this syrup. / rise par bouts Hi cents. Purifying the Elood. Tke fallowing, from the Mors York Triivne, will doubtless le very seasonable to all who seek not only to preserve their health, but to guard against all possible ce: iir.gcnces which threaten, to destroy it : “Wo would coll special at ten. Lou to the importance of purifying tho blood. Nothing is so prevalent ud a gross e,r.d sLiggish state bleed. Wo ha-oo ue Lnitnticn in recommending J those who would preserve their hsalth, a free t:.c cf ike best purifying medicine known to modern ; iedieui usisnoe, viz; Dr. MeClintcck’a Tonic .Literatiye Syrup* This remedy is not. ohlj keligktfj, to the taste, 1--B perfectly oaf* and rapid iu its effects. It atiwj.latet the lizor sad other glands to natural action, gloat tone c-.;J nrwxigor to all thtj'utte tiens, and enables them to threw off ail morbid aud miileuthy ac c emulations.” During the extensive practice of 1 rofessor McCliuloek, one of the most celebrated Physicians in Philadelphia, h-o-juzmus of of BtrofnU. Erysipelas, Halt Rltum, Yd ter, Shits diseases of all kinds, {/leers, Cauc-rs. Pimples, Balls and Rheumatism, together with Syphilitio f Atl Mercurial diseases iu all stages wore by thsfrse fejs of Dr\McCliti-osh'o T*cdc Al terative Syrup. For children ii it perfectly safe, end from its pleasant taste tan be easily given. Those who are ft .üblei with any of the abort complaints, should take ii regularly , lij.riugand Fail, Pnoe IJI ta Large nettles, hix bottles 85. TREATMENT OF DYSPEPSIA. Our National Disease. Feeble or Imb erf net Digestion or Dyspepsia, in some of its forms, is truly the Matioual Disease of America. It causes, in directly, three-fourths of tho sickness common to this climate. Jt causes impure Blood, irritations and acrid Humors in the Bto-m ----ach, Liver , Bawds and Glands, and the system thus poisoned be oumes a prey to an endless train of evil symptoms, of which the following are a few, vn: Headache, Giddiness, Mervousness, Low Spirits, Dimness es Vision, with Mote, Speck or IVtbs be fore the Kyes, Itching t s the Nostrils, Dullness of hearing, and Ringing or 1. rumming in the Bars, Bad tasts sn the Mouth, Tightness or Height about tits Chest, J.'ifflculiy of Breathing , ■Se:u of Ruffocotion in lying down or ascending stairs, Palpita tion or uneasy fsdiug about tho Heart, Irregular or deficient Ap petite, sense of sinking at the hea-t, sinking at the Stomach, Ac ridity, heartburn, pain or fullness iu the -tbdomta, Cesticeoess, &.C. Ros of these symptoms altsoy - appear in Ilyspepsiu. They are often mistaken fer , and treated a* other efseeses. Their main seat and saarce, however, ie the Stomach, and a deranged eendition of the digoshve functions. Te meet and overcome those symptoms radically, and restore perfect health and vigor to the system, a safe and certain remedy is found combining all the most valuable iagrediento efforei by the vegstable Kingdom, in Dr. MeCLIMTOCKTS MJ-IXIR. Its daily use would be a blessing to thousands who suffer from the bane of \ weakness. As the prescription of a leading physician, it eo be i used with esufioace bp all. Pries iu large bottles, §l. An Universal Pill. Dr. McClinieek , s Vegetebls Purgative Pills, though not war ranted to cure all diseases, are s specific against the numerous disorders that arise from Cestivimess, and tostivcv.esa is the bane of life te thousands; giving rise as it dees to Headache , Appo plexy, Impure Blood. Mervousueet, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Pains 1 *' the Bowels and elsewhere, and other fpmptems to w uterous to mention. Costiveness will cause or aggravate almost every known disease, therefore the Pill best adapted to curs this danger ous habit is entitled to the boasted name of nn Universal Pill • Those who are iciliivg to try a scientific medicine, safe, certain, mild and thorough iu its action, yet operating without pain, should use freely Dr. MeCliutock's Vegetable Purgative Pills. Price twestg five coats per box. Ehsumatisia and Neuralgia. These excruciating diseases are radically cured by taking Dr. j JUcCliutock's RHK L AIA TIC MI/CTUTE in doses of a tea ■ spoonful three times a day. We have ssen the worst eases relieved |byit iu twenty-four hours. For external use tee have never known i so powerful and penetrating an application as Dr. McCliwtock's j RHEUMATIC LIMIMEMT. lor swtdleil limbs, bruises, intoruol pans, cramps, chilblains, stiff joints, toothache, and oth er painful complaints, where tee have seen ie tried, it oxl3 with magical effect. These reutsJims are sold at 50 cents per bottle. Havs you tis Ague? If so do not injure your Constitution by resorting to the com mon cures in use. Even very learned physicians ere is the habit of prescribing Quinine, Arsenis, Blue Pills, und other powerful drugs, whisk often do more harm than good, tv on if they stop tke •kills. 6* tke contrary, ths more and oftener you take Dx. McCustocx’s Fsvek akd i4euie Spbciwc, the etronger will your constitution become, and the better your appetite and ths vigor of the whole system. It is emintutly ast article that CAM < BE TAKEN WIT HO UT FEAR! and withal it has never fail | cd t& cure oil forms cf Fever and. Ague, Intermittent Fever, Bit ! lious Fever, Panama or Chogreo Fever, Dumb Ago*, Ac. Price i One Dollar per Bottle. Wlieopiug Cough Cured. This distressing disease it thoroughly and quickly aprud by D* i MeCUntoch's Asthma aSd Waoorns t’oeou Sexsdt. It eon -1 ejßs no op urn aud cun be given to children with perfect safety, j i A fete drops at bed time quid tho cough all night, ami few du | see cure on Or/dp. Instant S-elisf Font Paiu. JV> person need suffer from Toother ie, I/enducbe, Neurolgio or ■ | Rheumatic point, Colic, Chilblain*, Pleortoj or Stitches , a tke ‘ i Side, Pain in the Bask, side, limbs, hovels, bladder, or ia any i part of the body, who will apply to Dr. MoCliatoek's AMO D YMF. ’ MIXTURE. Its effect is like magic—producing immediate east . and quiet, rtf reeking tier*, eve* i* sorts of tic most exrrucioting ? or.ffsnug. Every jcmiiy should be provided wttk a bottle, i , Fifty Com to. Byseutery aul Di&rrbtaa There atrere disease* are rote provatcut in verioar ports of the eonpiry. 7'orp Ttat'jr ie wholly prevented, end is the tejiuviop promptly * keck eg, by Dr. MoCi'utoei'e DIARft HCEA COh- UIA of tke -most aetentshtng epteijio* f'r tell Bevel Com plaint j*vrr discovered. Thousands of cures hove b'cs mads du ring the past summer, and many lives serfs bf this medicine —w . e irpit and (keep that ev*ryfsmlly com procure it. Pneo tirrnlv fire cm ts end fifty rente per boi-e Sold inGolumhns by R"FthRT GAkTEK. and by loca’pgente thrnaghut the of A. i I'Slm R!, A CO., Fnlion street, K. T. Fele Proprie trrof T’rfif.Mff Ir-toek’s Fsro> : t Vedfoirss d,vr9~ twJrr. f>Ef>RGIA, Randolph County .—John M. Green hiring ftp- T plied to-ne for letters of administration on the estate of V'cLendor,. Jnte of *eid c- nnt. def'd: All ands the kindred and creditors of said deceased are therefore hereby or ered, to ; file rheir objections sis anv ihcy hare) on or bo or~. the next April Term of ti e Court of or dinary of aid co ;m>. otherwise letters will be then and there rrsn>edto*V applicant. Gireß under my band, st office, the th day of February, 18. -5. O.P. PIULf.. 'r4. j NEW CLOTHING! S. A. BRORA W &. CO., [AT THE OLD STAND OF J. D. WILLIFORD & CO.] Have just received one of the largest stocks of READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOA'S AND YOUTHS! EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. It i? impossible to enumerate the different articles, therefore, would invite all those who wish to purchase goods made in the very best and most fashionable styve, to give them a call. CLOTHING MADE TO OK BEK. In this department will be found a great variety of FINE FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, selected by themselves, and cannot be surpassed in point of quality and style. DANIEL ROWE will give his entire attention to all orders entrusted to us. All gar ments warranted logive satisfaction. I. A. BROKAW. DANIEL ROWE. Columbus, Nov. 22—tw&wtf C3r US JSf 2La 123 2MZ KM2 YOU CAN FIND AT J. H. DANIEL’S Cl@§lal©r and Merchant Tailor, 123 Broad Street, Columtons, Gfo ANOTHER OF THOSE LARGE AND VERY HANDSOME STOCKS OF GENTS FASHIONABLE READY MADE CLOTHING! Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Linbrellas, Valises, &c., Sc c. BOYS AM© YOUTH'S CMITMSMG Os my own manufacture, that can be fully relied on in point of quality and style. ALSO, AN UNSURPASSED STOCK OF FINE Black and Fancy French Cloths, Cassimeres AND VESTINGS, and indeed every thing that appertains to MERCHANT TAILOPJNG, which is under the particular attention of jiSr. George 11. Metz. Who will continue to use great exertions to please. Columbus, Sept 29, 1854 — tw&wtf The Great Purifier of the Blood. * CSmk'.l jM 11* V-5V- )k, J/iAi CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. An Infallible Remedy for Scrofula, King'a Esil. Rhcu niatiom, O'ostinats Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or TeVer, Scald Head, Enlarge ment and Pain of the Bone* and joints, Stubborn Ul cers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence iu Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the - nuaabt-r of exiraordinaiy curt* effected through its agtncj-, has induced the proprietors, at tho urgent request of their friends, to offer'it to th® public, which they do with the utmost conft deuce in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, how ever, atronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; i and are ali from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of l tae highest respectability, many of them residing in ihe city of ; Richmond, Va. • F. Beyder, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known i every where, says he has seen the medicine called f arter’s Span i ish Mixture odmiriatered in over a hundred cases, iu nearly all I the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston ! ishingly good results. Hs says it is the most extraordinary med- I icine he has ever seen. Aguk a3d Fkvsr—Great Cukk—l hereby certify that for three years I had Ague end Fever of the most vfolem descrip tion. I had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine Mercury, and believe all the tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me, and lam happy to say I hare had neither chills or fevers since. I consider it the best tonic in the world, ami the on’y medicine that ever i cached 1 my case. John Lokgdxn. I Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, has such confidence in the astonishing j efficacy of Carter’s Snanish Mixture, that he has bought up j wards’o(so bottles, whicn be has given to the afflicted. Mr- | Luck eays he hasnover known it to fail when tsktn according to directions. I)r. Minge,a practicing physician, and formerly of the Guy Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he bas witnessed in a num ber of instances tbe effects of Carter’s Spanish .Fixture which were most truly surprising. He ?ays in a case of Consumption, dependentou the Liver, the good effects were woudersul indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the Arm of Drinker At Morris Rich mond, was cured of Liver Complaint of three years standing, j by the use of two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Gbeat Curs of Scsof^ca —Theeditors of the Richmond Rv.- publican had a servant employed in their press cured of violent Scrofuia,combined with Rheumatism, which .entirely disabled him from work. Two Lotties of Carter a Spanish Mix- . ture made a perfect cure of him, and the editors, m a pn.jl:- notice, say they “cheerfully recommend itro ml who areaftheteu with anv disease cf the bleed.” ... ... I .Still ahothkr Cure or Scrofula , a verv valuable boy cured of by it Irulv a valuable ruedicii e. * James M. i atlor. Conduetomn thoß. P. P. K..C0., Richtr.nrrf Ta. B ALT RHEUM OF 20 YEARS STANDING Clift EL. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of i tcl n.ond. we cured by three Dottles cf Garter’s Spanish .Fixture of San Rheum, wh ch he lisd nearly 20 years,and which i ciar.s of the city could not cure. Mr.Thompson is awed known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure ‘.s Most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond,had a servant cured of.Fyph llis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Bpr-lsh Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable modi- j ein<*. Richard E. West, ol Richmond, was cured of Fcrofula,and j whatphysicians cabed confirmed Consumption, by ot Carter's Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, commissioner of the reveDtie/says behasseen i tke good effects of farter’s i~rauirh Mixture in a number of Fyphiliiic cases, and snj sit is perfect cure ter that horrible die- , case. Wm.G. Harwood.of Richmond, cured of n;d Sores and Ul- ! cera, which disabled him from walk'off. look a few bottles of Carter’s Spanish -Mixture, and was’* nvbled to walk without a j crotch, in a short time permanently < ured. Principal P< tkUx at M. W A f.D, < LOSE A GTG, Vo. 83, Maid en New Vfift. T. W.DVOTT & SONS,?ffo. 132, North 2 J street, Philadel- . I BENNETT & BCER* 5 . No. ]?5. Mam a'reef. Richroontf Va TfTO?. M. TURNER & CO. ’ J AS. If. CARTER, Savannah. Ga OESNF.F A. PEABODY, DAN FORTH A NAGEL, Columbus, Ga Aed by Fore $1 ; tv v hr.ttlas for Ji-- 17. 4 -'Wf/)7i-lv Tlie Southern Man. THE Rev. ‘Vm. li. Milbuin, recently delivered a lecture be fore the New Yorh Aleicantile Library Aesociationon “The Southern Man.” We annex some extracts which both for their fidelity and beauty will be read wiih intert-U. Where the summer lengthens itself into nine continuous months, where the day is delicious and the night cooland spicy, the Southern man grows up a noble specimen of the physical man, endowed wiiu nervous vitality, for he is accufetomeu from bis earliesi years to the most active exercises, engaged in all the athletic sports oi y outh on foot ami horseback, iu the forest and and the field ; used to the pistol aud the rifle, und the chase.— Yet in every motion there is a degree of lassitude, surprising to those who understand not the effect cf his clime, and which yet imparls a degree of ease, of graceful elegance, rarely possessed except bv an inhabitant oi a w arm southern climate. in the long, glorious noontides, swinging luxuriously in his hammock, he inhales delicious airs, but laden,alas ! v. ill: dea;h; thev have on his cheek the marks ot his origin, and the taie is soou told that tqe livei of the southern man is altogether out of i order. This ie a most magnificant hi tit, and the fact wasconteni -1 plated by the Greeks w he made the word “melancholy,” w hich means, by etymology ,“a black or disordered i ver.” i We fully agree w ith thegifted author ol tlieabove extract,and i ere happy to cal! the attention ol those having a diseased liver, : or any of those diseased so comment to a Southern climate, to ! to Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture the great invigorator of ihe system; by its use all suffering from lassitude and weakness bt -1 comes robust and fullof energy, we offer otiow some oi the un f solicited testimony. Washington, .Way 17,1853. ! Mksers. Moutiwer fc Mowerav.—Lent t men— liavit gheen j afflicted with Livtr C'omplaivt of Ur. standing, 1 hereby | for the benefit of the afflicted, lake great pleasure in announcing j that after using a few bottles of your Hamp ton Tincture, 1 bun and it had accomplished a perfect cure. I have used a different :■ t ti j icine from time to time, but have hever been able to account for I any apparent good ;%nd it is a blessing to Etrlcker. humanity that, that medicine isfoyind which possesses tin Kendirfttl p*ict* of prolonging hvman life. The many cures it has wrought is a sufficient guarantee ol the beneficial results which may be tx perienced from its use. Yours respectfully, J, C. HAY. LIVER COJLTLAINT DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris, lisq’s Letter, Alexandria, \ ii ginia.] After speaking of the wonderful cures on himself, bt says— j/jrs. H. has been suffering with the Liver Com plaint and wit 1 inability, constantly complaining from weakneu* through he r whole system. Fhe now enjoys Letter health than for (1 irt y years, being entirely restored by the use of Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture. Space will not permit to name hw dire do of otlurs r.s Goo. V. . Goodrich, Ccpt. Thomas Canot, IU-bert Gault, James Smyth, cured of Rheumatism. John Pervail. S. A. Griffin, John Luke, Rev. V. Eskridge, T . S. N., and thousands otherscured of Dyspepsia, Scrofula,Gough, Liver Complaints, Bronchitis, fit. Vitus’Dance, l-c. Welder yon to your own citizens Gall on them. Delicate Females and Children will find iheTinciuresuited *<> all their diseases, by its mild action on the .Stomach, Liver and the Kidneys, will cure Dyspepsia, Cough, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung Affections. Fains in the Back. Side, and Bread, C on sumption. Scrofula, Rheumatism, Gout,Neuralgia, Fisiuln.Piie:, Bowel Complaints, Worms, Nervous Debility, with Ml diseases arising from impure blood, and is thegrateat Female Medicine ever known. tYF'Call on A rente and get Pamphlets gratis, with certificates of cur* sand history of its discovery. ROBERT CARTER, DANFORTJf & NAGLE, Columbus. ROBERT CARTER tz. Cos. Favaccah GONE & HUGH INC.-. Montgomery A!a. Colnmbue, may 20, — w&twl Executor’s Bale Y*7 jet, be sold be sold befoe the. Court house door in the town V of Talbottonf Talbot coubty Ga. on the third Tuesday in March next,between tl e 1 **f 10 <>'c ock a. m , and. 4o’c.ock p. m. of that dry, ly \irtue o the authority vested in me by ihe last will aiid tes'emi nt < t David late o* sa ; d cot u :y deceased, the valuablepo-s-fs-ons of said tit ceased, known as the nidi premfoes and possessions o| -aid derersed, lyiig pa.rti v in Ti hot com .y and jc-rtiy in ‘-'arion county, .r..-e Bor 10 miles south ol Talbotton. containing in all about Tot ft acre - t land, upon which thfteis in w in ewees<dt:l ar.d profitable oj tr ation. one oi the finest and roost v&l-. sfcte saw miMs in Georgia, to which is at ached an excellent grist mill. This property is near the Muscogee lv it Road, which gives eveiy aciiity tor trane porting tofusicbie markets a'l ihe Suit- her pro dneed by if; whilst the large b< d> of heavy titabeied p:re land attached to the roflis. furni-ht-san ir.exhnusteMe qnantiiy of timber for all time to cure T Ims-e lands will be sold iu one body or io detached parrels as the exfcu’rr rrav detin Lest.— T rros made known on the dr.y o! sate. Jan. IPth. ?55. jnr.22—wtd. EDWARD H. WOKRILL. Ex'r. n EORGIA,’ TAYLOR COUNTY.-1 shall app-lv to ( T the Court rd Ordinary <>f s-aiti county r n the fir. t Monday in April next, lor an order to sell all the reti I estate in ?:sic! county, beiongine Arehtbald Wailing, late ol said county, deoeufe-d, for the I cn: ill of heirs and ereditois jar:3o-wvm .MARY ANN WALLING, Admit. f v EOSGIA, aiuseogfr e County—Wherir?, F : e*- VT am J. Ptiii > aj-p ies or miters of (Ji arciaLsh p of u e pe son bid r r . * ri; o’ J; !.s< n I*. <> ’;.. oi• r jeers o f nee, of Reuben Crew . dec’d. of F-'rr s rour .}. _ AH • ersons concerned are hereby noiiff. <) t shew cause, t v v thro have, whvletti rs oi fin; rd-und. p I rrsa ands a t.. 0 not be granted ss'id appliernt at the ovr! of f hr'.d in p.nd for thecouWy t rfo a'or. sad, on ihe Cr-t Moroa> ia next- Given und*r Gfty haiV^t hi-\ ‘*