The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 11, 1855, Image 3

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LATER FROM HAVANA. Execution of Estrampes. The U S. mail steamship Cahawba, R. W. Shurfeldt, commander, arrived from New York via Havana at New <lrleans on the 4th inst., at halt past 11 o clock, fehe left Havana on the Ist inst. rr Francisco Estrampes was garroted at Havana on the morning of the 31st ult.,in the presence oi some fifteen thousand persons, under great excitement horn. sympathy created by the noble .bearing and conduct ot the young n ’ Mr T R. Felix has been sentenced to ten years impris onment ‘at Ceuta in Africa. A number ‘ot other persons charged with treasonable offences against the government, have also been tried, but their sentences were not made public. Several of these persons are now residing in the 1 “In Prensa, of the Ist inst., has an extended notice ot the life and ‘amily of Francisco Estrampes, garoted on the previous day. He was but twenty five years ot age, and La Preusd speaks of him in the hightest terms as a man of honor, education and high toned feelmg attributing ns tra gic late to the influence and advice of evil companions. The JJiaro de la Marino publishes a simple .notice of his execution, stating that he confessed his guilt, and that his bbod rest upon the “perfidious instigators who had taken advantage of his youth and inexperience to lead him to his ruin.” Miss Catharine Hayes gave a concert at Calcutta on the Fnh of faniiary. rfhe is the first pnma donna that has visited the Hindoos, and therefore she created much excite ment The high price of admission, $5 90 for reserved, $f 93 for other seats, created great dissatisfaction. A gentleman stepping on board the boat at the Brooklyn Ferry, a short time ago, stumbled against the pail n inch, as usual, a woman was using in eleaningthe floor when the people were floekiug into the cabins. A by-stander re marked. “He lias kicked the bucket. , “Oil no,” said another, “lie has only turned a little pail.” Trouble Among the Know Nothings in Lancaster Lancaster, (I‘a.) April 5, 1855. The Grand State Council of the Nothings, which met here on Tuesday, broke up in great confusion this alter noon. The cause of the difficulty was said to be the op position which was manifested towards open organ isation of, and on account of public opinion running counter to secrecy and oath-bound conspiracies. Messers Cameron, Johnson, and General Irwin Ml this morning in disgust. Victory of the Know Nothings in Richmond Va. Richmond, April 5, 1855. The Know Nothings here have elected their candidate for Mayor, carried both branches of the council, and also elected all their city officers. The vote for Mayor is as follows Joseph Mayo, (K. N.,) 1,971; Colonel Manferd, (dem.,) 1,715. The vote for the other officers is about the same. Rejoicings of the Democrats in New Haven. New llaven, April 5, 1855, The democracy of this city fired one hundred guns on the Green at sundown ibis evening, in honor of the elec tion of two democrats to the State Legislature from this city. Success of the Democrats in Michigan. Detroit, April 5, 1855. The democrats have carried the great majority of the town elections in this State. The Cincinnatti Riots. Cincinnati, April 5,1855. The Americans held a large meeting here last night, and passed resolutions denouncing the late outrages on the ballot boxes, and disapproving of all unlawful pro ceedings. The city is now quiet. Election Riots. Cincinnati, April 3d, P. M.—The city remains quiet. On an investigation it lias been ascertained that the ballot box oftho 12th ward contained 55 more tickets than there were names recorded on the poll books. One of the judges insisted on throwing out the entire vote, but the others would not agree .and while the Judge was counting the votes a body of rtien <K N) entered the room and tooK the box, containing the tickets, forcibly from them, and then burnt the ballots and tally sheets in the open street! Thus, the votes of the 11th and 12th wards have been destroyed !* The remaining wards give Taylor, (American) 477 ma jority. ‘Phe American party contend that tffiSe has been a large amount ot illegal voting. It is reported that Mr. Taylor will not accept the office under the circumstances. The Cincinnati Slave Case. Imprisonment of the United States ance of the blare. , r . TT . , _ Cincinnati, April 2, 1855. Ihe Uuited States Marshal has been committed to jail lor contempt of court, in refusing to produce the slave Ro setta, before Judge Paiker. It has been found that Roset t.t is secieted from the authorities, having been taken from the jail. A report has reached here that a large number of armed men are coming down tonight from Maysville, to take the girt by force to Kentucky, but the rumor is not generally believed. Ihe absence of the girl from jail is causing much excitement. Rosetta Slave Case. Judge M’Lean has discharged theU. S. Marshal, arres rested lor removing the slave Rosetta, belonging to Mr. Dennison, remarking that his ocnnnittal was illegal. Kuow-Kothing Connell broken np, ... f T Philadelphia, April 7th. Advices from Lancaster, state the Council of Pennsylva inn Know Nothings has been broken up in confusion. Many members nave left in disgust. New York Market. r.ot ,; ,-.r New York, April 6th. vh?’ c 6tlffe L Moling Orleans rules at 9# cents.— 1 -our is firm. Corn $1,03 per bushel. Rhode Island Election. Al| l °the n slate offi and K 'T Governor. Nebraska feSTS K * he Fir * Strict. Thornton Ant - r ' l U Kaow-Nothingjs elected in the second district. No Tidings of the Albany. Os Which she heard nojtidingl! ° f ,h ° sloop of war Alban >’ Stoop of War sent to Havana. Seaton of ,he National doKter of 001. markable talented and estimablv Tadv and h WaS ? re * of Frederika 1’, renter. * ‘ ’ l,d a warm ■**>•■” -ri,e, a our # Tuei w\S^f n ° t r i of turn o< tl doctor The easy J f ° r the re ‘ and the perfect athomeativeness indicated V/m' ? t P ° ?,tlon ’ “Whv, Mr. Plume, have vou goie mo OjS K ?ay L the Doctor ?” * g 6 ,nto Partnership with “ ‘Ye*,’ as* he raided himself „„. . iffed one.*”""* lwa ‘ vs carrj ,he D °“°'s work homTShZ ther ot a family, a liard dnnker. was bloated with the drn sy to the size of a barrel. He had drunk nothin® hut V’ key lor years,hut the doctored he was full of water never* theless, advised him to be tapped The old man conned hut one of the boys, more filial than the rest, blubbered badlv, and protected loudly against it. But why don’t you want father to be tapped ?’* “ ’Cause nothing that's tapped in this house ever lasted more than three weeks.” The same doctor had another patient of the same sort, and when he found him near hid end, he sought to break the news to his Iwife in a gentle way, by telling her that „ ‘r?* nd .Probably soon be in the world of spirits. And wont he be glad when he gets there ?” she said, lor sure he never could get enough here.” COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. I= £j ETpa'"l ?b lllrjrl w ‘Stock lg-°-i*g |g § \ v -xr < ~ I-s-h on II f|l§2. f- |5 2.8 if • |g.a-|sL® ;■§ £- this ?rj !'<&. . % Hav April 8, ! * I * ; ‘ aJS 4 ? 43 934 67886 68863 1942 57122 59(64 9351 1855. * 2771 1029 59732 63532 2318 54913 57236 j 6291 Columbus, April 10. COTTON—Buyers are eager to operate, and full prices are paid for the few crop lots that are offered. The stock ia greatly reduced, and the little now remaining in the Warehouses is generally in the hands of planted We quote Middlings 7| to B§, Good Middlings 84, Fair S4 cents. Savannah, April 9. COTTON.—We have reports of 568 bales sold as fol iows: 25 at 8, 44 at 8£,116 at B*, 103 at B|, 3S at 81 117 at 9, Go at 9£, G at 9| cents. Macon, April 10. __Market hrisk. with sales at from 7to cents. Married. In this'City, on Easter Day, by the Rev. W. T. D. Dalzell, Mr. David S. Porter and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Peabody, all of Columbus. Holloway's Ointment and Pills the best Remedies for Pad Legs, and all kinds of wounds. —l he surprising sale of these invaluable medicines in every part of the civilized world is one ot the most convincing proofs of their efficacy in curing bad legs, old wounds, scrofula, and diseases of the skin. Thousands of people who suffered from these dread ful maladies have been cured by their use after every other remedy failed ; and it is a fact beyond dispute that there is no disease, however obstinate, but that may be shortly erad icated by these wonderful medicines, therefore the afflicted should try Holloway’s Ointment and Pills. # The relaxing heats of summer ieave behind them a long train ot evi s. The most universal of these are feneral debility and its sure attendant, lowness of spirits. or these we can recommend a speedy and unfailinG cure, ra shape of lioofland’s German Bitters, prepared by • Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. It is, in our opinion, a medicine sui generis —alone—unapproachable. It sterns to reach the fountain head ot the difficulty in the digestive organization, and thus to relieve the secretions and the blood of the mactriestnorbi, or the cause of disease, its tonic properties give vigor to the membranes of the stom ach, and promote the secretion ol the gastric juice, which dissolves the food, while its cordial, soothing, and altera tive influence imparts general regularity and strength to the action ot the secretive organs, and seems to fortify the con stitution. Snch is our own experience ol its effects, and we believe it is confirmed by the evidence of all who have tried it, or had an opportunity of witnessing its operation. For sale by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street, Phila , and by Danforth & Nagle, Robert Carter, Brooks & Chap man, Columbus Ga ; and by O. Lanier &, Cos , Girard, Ala - ap7—2w Palpilation Heart, Nervous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Costiveness and Piles, are all relieved and cured in an incredible short time, by Carter’s Spanish Mixture, the great tonic and purifier of the blood. It contains not a particle of Mercury, Opium, or any noxious drug, is perfectly harmless, and has cured more than five hundred cases of di-ease. We can only refer the reader to the certificates, a few of which may be found in anotner column, and all of which are detailed in lull around the bottle. It is the greatest of all Spring and ball Medicines, and possesses an influence over the blood truly remarkable. See advertisement. an7lm. Derangement of the Liver, is one of the most common, as well as the most formidable of diseases known to Amer ican physicians. It had for years attracted the closest at tention ol tiie medical faculty in all parts of the United States, and yet up to the time of the discovery of Dr. M’- Lane’s great Specific, it was almost beyond the leach of Medical skill. Thousands had fperisiied without even a hope of relief, and although thousands may yet be destined to feel the direful effects of this most complicated disease, it is now, thanks to the research of Dr. M’Lane, complete ly brought within the scope of medical control. The pro prietors of the Liver Pills feel confident that they offer a remedy which has been fully tested by time, and which has never lailed of success when fairly tried. These inestima ble Pils may be purchased at all the Druggists in Colum bus, and of Dealers generally throughout the United States. ap7—2w BOOK KEEPING. I ANNOUNCE to the young gentlemen of that I have opened a school for teaching BOOR KEEPING BY BOBBLE AND SINGLE ENTRY. Double Entry Book Keeping will be taught in a series of lessons, cominbing theory with practice, in whichjwiil be exem plified the method of opening, conducting and Closing a set of books. Single Entry will be taught practicaliy in the manuer usually practiced in actual business. TERMS: For Double Entry, S2O, for a term of ,six weeks, unless the pupil should get through before the expiration of that time, in which case the t-rm will expire when the last lesson is taken. Fer Single Entry, $lO, for a term of three weeks, with the condition above mentioned. REFERENCES: James K. Redd, Wm. A Redd, McLaren & Duck, J.L. Howell. Those who may wish to take lessons must apply wilhinji week from this date. M. M. PETTIT. Columbus, April 9th, 1855. apl()tw3t The Subscriber offers for Sale MA VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, situated on the east side of the Hamilton road, near the north Commons, consisting of a good dwelling house, kitch en, smoke house, and all other necessary out-buildings and a good wed of water, &c. Cheap for cash. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and see it. aplo—twtf. DANIEL FINNIC AN, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE Subscriber has received his stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS—a large and ’general assortment —comprising all good and desirable styles, which the public are invited to examine. The goods were bought to sell--are for sale—and will sell to all in want—if examined— as they will be offered foi lower prices for CASH thau the same styles and value were ever offered iu this city. aplO—w&tw2in C. MYGATT. J. M. BUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT lAIV , Office at present, with G E Thomas, Esq., over J R Redd & Cos Broad Street—Columbus. Georgia. Columbus,, April 9, 1855. w A twtf TOTHEL A D IE 2. HAVING received a most extensive and full of the latest French SPRING MILINERY & DRESS GOODS for Ladies wear, I solicit a call from all. The jGoods are now opeued, and the selection comprises anassortmeutlsuperioraud richer than ever offered beofre iu this market. Respectfully, MR?. DESSAU, li‘B Broad r treet. NOTICE. IN order that my customers runuu g accounts may know the terms ou which 1 trade, I deem it advisable to publish them. For purchasing on time payment is required twice a year, or. the firstof July aud first of January,at which time the bids will be presented. MRS. DESSAU. April 7, 1855. * w&tw 3m. PIANO MECIIANIQUE. THIS splendid instrument can now be bought for less thanhslf its original cost. It isa Piano, in erior in tone and work manship, to noue in the country, and by its form is p euUarly adapted to small parlors, occupviug but little more room lhao a common side table. ,l so - ,< * ,or one bah” in cash, the balance on nine months ered-t, and tin; purchaser will he entitled to One v ear s Instruction in Music from the undersigned free ot all charges. For sale also, with one quarter’s instruction, A SPLENDIi) GUI TAR, of the best New York make. It is new and cost.originally, fifty uoi.ars, for which price it is now offered for sale, together with ue instruction. For further particulars enquire of 11. S. SARCNI, _ „ . A Over Merry’s Clothing Store, Brord srreet. Ap<—W&twtf. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, attorneys at law, COLUMBUS, GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store.) HA VINU made arrangements at Washington City, by which all business entrusted to them will be promptly attended to.thiy are enabled to procure Bounty’ Land War rants, Pensions, &c>, and prosecute Claims against the United states either Delure Congress or the several l)c ----part ments. Os“ They are also prepared to purchase Claims, &c, against the United States. JV** Fay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, Sac., are procured. JAMES HAMILTON. \\ >l. F. PLANE. April 7th, 1855. w&twtf. Fresh Ground. DOUBLE Extra Family Flour, from White Wheat, a a beautiful article, per barrel sl3 Extra Family, “ “ 12 Superfine, “ “ 10 50 Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. We have onlv i a small lot of it. ap7—w&twtf. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. I AM in receipt of a large supply of that most indispensa ble luxury in a southern climate, ICE, and will furnish it ias cheap as dri at the Ice House. Send in your orders and keep cm 1 T. M. 110 G AN. Columbus Ga. Aprils. twtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons are hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we should have a lien ou every horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. U’e, therelore, hereby give notice, that our right {of lieu shall enter into and become a part of every contract for the keep or board ot horses at our siables, and that in all cases we reserve the right to morce said lien, eif necessary, apj- ts. HATCHER & PITTS. PAINTING. r IMIE subscriber, (after an experience of several years in the principal cities ol Europe and America,) engages to exe cute all kinds of House, Sign, and Decorative Painting with neatness and despatch. Walls and .Ceilings Grained, Marbled or Fresco’d. Ail such work done by me warranted to please, i EDWARD J. KING. -Store on Broad Street, next door to J. yB. Struj.per’s Candy M tnufactory. _ ap3—twlmwlt * COTSTCEFIT. THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, Will Siva their First Concert at CONCERT HAUL, ON THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 12. Tickets Ffty Cents: To be had at the Music Stores, and at the door on the evening of the Concert. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Concert commences at 8. Columbus, April 7, 1855. apß—tw2t. FOR SALE, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMF, A Comfortable House and Lot, I*l-1 In a healthy part of the City. For particulars apply to HARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEIIEE. March 31,1855. tw2m. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! To tlie Pulaiic. DO you know that ’ Everybody desiring to Purchase life-like and Enduring likenesses of their W ives, Husbands, Childien, Brothers, Sisters and Friends, are making a Grand rush, to by far the best, And only place in Columbus, where Likenesses, which seem to breathe and Live, can be got up, at short notice, in Endless variety of style, and possessing that Richness of finish, which has never Yet been equalled or approached, at any Other establishment in the State of Georgia. Forget it not, and whenever you want a Gem of a Picture,call at C. 1. DEPEW’S Excelsior Gallery—Woodbridge’s old stand. Many thousands of Pictures, in Columbus, Speak for themselves, and testify to the above- March 31,1855. twtf. RIDDLE’S Fashionable Daguerrean Gallery, i THE Proprietor ha 9 the largest, neatest, and most fpshioua biy arranged GALLERY for the Art in the State. He uses the best material, and allows nothing but first class Pictures to leave his Rooms. So forget not, ye lovers of the Fine Arts, when ye sally forth to obtain those imperishable {gems, to call on RIDDLE. He will give you a Handsome Picture and a Good Dagimrreo type. As for taking children, family groups, Steriscopes, out door views, &c., he defies any Artist iuthe country to surpass him. Rooms on Broad Street, over C. Mygatt’s Dry Goods Store, Columbus, Ga. mar3l—t*9m. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. CLASS N. To’bc drawn 21 st April 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN iIHZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! And remember every Prize is drawh at each drawing and paid whendue WITHOUT REDUCTION! 1 Prize of.. $12,000 is $f2,000 I do 5,0(0 is 5,( 0' I do 3.000 is 3.000 1 do 2,0 0 is 2.000 I do 1,500 is 1.500 1 do 1,2i)0 is 1.200 1 do 1,100 is 1,-00 ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. Tickets $i0 —Halvesand Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent banks at par. All communications strictly'confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign ol the Bionze Lion I Montgomery, Oct. 21 —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent, Girard, Ala. All letters for immediate answer must be addressed j to JOHN MAY. Columbus, Ga. FOUND. APROMISORY NOTE, made by Dill & Long to Johnson, Thornton, which the owuer cau have Ly calling at thiss office. r ebß—twtf. ! HAMS—AHEAD OF STAG l SHAY, JAMES LIGOX, TENNESSEE COMMISSION HOUSE, JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT 1 r’ ("asks Chandler <S- Co’s. Extra Trimmed and Extra Cured -dbO Hums. 25 Casks do Shoulders. 45 Boxes do Clear and Ribbed Sides. Wholesale and Retail, Low for Cash. marl7 — w3iAUwlt. To Journeyman Tailors. Wr-ANTED, immediately, a first rate Coat M .ker. None oth- YV er {need apply. J.II. DANIEL & THOMAS. marJ’J—tw3t P-3 Broad Street. Berkshire Hogs. I II AYE for sale a large and Sne’y marked Bow and ID very tine Pigs. np‘t 11. C. PHFJ.p . “ ~ FLOUR! FLOUR! ~ JUS r received on consignment and for. sale Seventy- Five Barrels, A. Jio. 1. Purchase and trv it. mar.‘7—w<s-twif. H. C.PHtLPS Irish Potatoes. JU*T received on consignment, twenty-five barrels, in-iu d'ng a few’-Mercers.” aps 11. C. I H^LP?. J. P. JORDAN. S. F. GEE. JORDAN & GEE, RECEIVING & FORWARD’G MERCHANTS, General Commission Agents, & Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries and Provisions, CHATTAHOOCHEE, Gadsden County. Fla. April 2, 1885. w6m. see of The ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. UNDER the provisions of a Peed of Trust made to the un dersigned by the It >ck Isiand Factory, we will < Her fo sale * Monday -3d dav of April next, at tne Rock Island Factory, ail those tracts of land in the State of Alabama lying ou the Chattahoochee River, to wit: Fitly acres in the South East Quarter of Section 35, Township 18, Range 3 ‘, adjoining the lauds of Robert S Harda vay and William D. Cairns, in Russell county, Alabama, and running up said river to the north half of said section 35. belonging to Stewart and Fon taine, and thence running back due west so as to include said J Fifty acres. Also, ail that tractor parcel of land lying On the ’ Chattahoochee River, in the couth East Quarter of Seclion 35, Township 18, Range3'J,iu Russtli County, Ala., adjoining the slip of land in said section, on the South belonging 10 William D. Cairns, and ou the west bounded by land belonging to said Cairns and on the north by the land of John Fontaine, ing fifty acres, more or less, together withthe right oiway run ning from saiu land to the south s de of section 3.'; thence aiong said south line to section 3-t, continuing thence to the West Point road, as reserved in a deed made to Robert Taylor. Also, all that parcel of land Ring east r of the Columbus Road Punning to West Point t.-roughFonurviUe, which is con tained in the South East Quarter of the South East Quarter ol Section 34, and twenty six and a to if acres of land ljing ad joining to the same, in the South West Quarter of the South West Quarter of (Section 35, and fourteen and one fourth acres running due east, adjoining said land along the south line of Section3s, one hundred yards in length, to the Chattahoochee river, containing in all eighty and three fourths acres, al! in Township 18, and Range 30, i-n Russell county, Alabama. Also the. South cast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 18, Range 30, and the south west quarter of the Sout h east quarter, of said section: Provided, that these ast tracts are not to extend west of the Columbus road. And ail and singular, the buildings, out houses, watercourses, water privileges, advantages, heraditaments, and appurtenances, whatever, to the said several parents of land belt aging, or in anywise appertaining or which the said Rock island Factory have acquired from the State of Georgia by Legislative Enact ment. Also, all the personal property to the said Factory be longing, consisting of Mac! inery, Tools, Wagons, Mules, Hors ses, Material for the manufacture of Paper, Manufactured Pa per, and all and every part and parcel ol the personal estate of the Rock Island Factory The improvements on the land con sist of a Paper Factory, Warehouses, Outhouses, and all the coiiYenincies for operatives necessaty to carry on the srrue. R.J.MOSfcS, ) HERVKY HALL, v Trustees, H. 8. SMITH. ) O?” The Montgomery Advertiser & Gazette will please copy until day of sale and render bill to Trustees, marches, D55. w&twtds. ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS. ON the 23d April next we shall sell the Real ‘and Personal Estate of the Rock island Factory for default in payment of a portion of the bonds o said Company, and for other caus es: and,as by the provisions oithe Trust Deed, all the bonds due or not due, are to be paid raleably out ot the proceeds of sale, you are hereby notified to present your bonds to R. J. Moses, one of the Trustees, on or before the 12th day of April next, that you may receive your pro rata pay ment on the same. IIERVEY IIALL, ) It. S SMITH, V Trustees. R.J. MOSES. *> E nqulrcrcopy. w & t w t i 123 A p. COLUMBUS, GA., MARCH 6, 1855. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm and stvle of E. T. TAYLOR & CO. and TAYLOR, LOCKHART & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The name of the firms will be used in liquidation only by either of the partners. E. T. TAYLOR. HENRY LOCKHART, 1. F. BROWN, JOS. W. TtdOMAS, _tw3tw6t R. II THOMAS. GrU lo Tons Guano, Just Received, and for Sale by G R EEN WOOD & GRIMES. Columbus March 7, 1855. wfetwGOd. jsfisYifkza INKZ, A Tale ts the Alamo, is anew and work, just by the Harpers ®SSMSzW aUd iDI Sdifc b> J. W. PEASE. Also, a New Supply of South Side View’ of Slavery, by N. Adams, D. D.; Ruth Ilall; Cap. Canot; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern, &c. &c. Omnibus, Feb. 22. w&tw*f. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. f'A Shares Muscogee Railroad Stock so.-ale bv OU HARRtSON, AUSTIN At A/cGEIIEE. fob3.. wtf t wtf. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. UT'IIE favorable terms on which one may secure to his widow .1. acd orphan children a comfortable support, invite the at tention of ail who are not richmougti to provide for their fam ily without theirown personal exertions. For further information apply to feb24—wAttw3m. ” A. POND, Agent. SEW SPRIItkSOQOS, JUST RECEIVED BV MANLEY & HODGES. IARENCIi, English and American Prints. 1 French Cambrics and Brilliants. Scotch and Fiench Ginghams; alt Styles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Challeys. Light S unmer Silks and. Grenadines* A Choice Selection of Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, Coliars,and Collars and Sleeves to match. Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings and Bands. English and German Hosiery—ol every description. Damask and Muslin Drapery. ALSO, A .Superior lot of Irish l.uiens. 6-4 Pillow Case—Linen and Cotton. 10—4 ll—l & i2—4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 ply, Ingrain and Liuen Carpeting. Every description of goods usually found in our line—all of ! which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus March 3, w&twtf HERE'S A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. WISHING to -reduce our Large Stock of | A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, anil Musical Works of all Kinds, we offer to sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., FOlt CASH. VIOLINS & ACCORDEONS can be bought cheaper here than at any other store in the city. TRUAX & VANDEN BFRO. febl4—tw&wtillstjune. 02—East side Broad-S;reel. Columbus, Ga. Bounty Land ! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! T'HE undersigned having associated themselves together for the purpose of procuring BO U NT Y LAND under the several acts of Congress heretoiore passd, are now prepared to make hj plication for all v.howlio are entitled. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War rants, are. under a recent act of Congress, ei. titled to an addi- . tional Bounty of Land, and by calling at our office can get ail the necessary information. \Vea r e also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United Spates. From our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a 1 ! claims entrus ted to our care, will be promptly and speedily.adjusted One ot the parties being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. Office over Gunby Ac Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICHAEL N. CLARK, feb24. .w&twtf. A. B. RAGAN. BOUNTY lands. WE have on hand a large lot of the Forms to be used in obtaining BOUNTY LANDS, suited to all eases,l that we will sell atsl per quire, CASH. Columbus, Ga. w&twtf LOMAX & ELLI3. LAND & STEAM .MILL FOR SALE. TIIE subscriber offers for sale his valuable set of Mills all new, with an extensive custom, worth from 4<) to 50 dollars per day. The engine is of 20 horse power, and drives a circular saw that cuis from ihree to fi*e thousand feet of lumber per day. The Grist A/ill w ill grind 12 bushels of corn per hour, and gets a custom of 250 bushels per w eek. The raids are with in 2 miles of Eufaula. There is attached to the mill 830 acres of Pine Land,heavy timbered, lCGncres cle'red. Any person wishiug to purchase such property will dowell to call and ex amine, as 1 am determined to sell. C. J. M. ANDREW?. Eufaula, Ala., Feb. 1854. febl*2—wtf! 1 r.j 1, 1 BUSHELS UP COUNTRY COBN-Part to arrive, low It/U'jfor cash. For sale by JAMES UGON, ap- —Tennessee Com. house. ROCK ISLAND FACTOR'S’, | A T the regular meetirg of Stockholders, held ou Monday so ; Jt jl coud dayol April 1855, at the office of this company, the ! following persons were elected Directors torthe ensuing year. p. mclakfn, 11. MOIVAT, G.W. WINTER, J. A. CAIRNS, D. MULFCItD. By order. D. F. Wilcox, Sec’y. .//apS—twit. ORMGE SPRINGS HOTEL FOR SALE, j . THIS valuable property is offered for sale if applied for soon. It affords an opportunity for one of the most Jjl’ojjl P r< >iitabie investments in the country, as the books of JlLfUQ,House Will show. The location is acknowledged to be one ot the most favornb'e for Pi.loiouary invalids in F.orida ; while one of the finest Sulphur Springs in the Union, attached to the Hotel, affords fine bathing, &c.. lor those laboring under other disease* requiring the use of Sulphur Water, and is much resorted to in such cases. Tne Hotel is entirely uew, ct pable of accommodating from 60 to7tl persons, and w r e!l furnished. The rooms are all plas tered. Those desirous of buying are requested to come.and soo for themselves r.s to the correctness ‘of* the above. Mr J. W. Pear.-.*:i at the Springs, will give any necessaty information. The Hotel is located on the main ?iage Road through East Florida—twenty five miles from P.ilatka. and one miie and a halt from Fort Brook Landing, on the Oclawaha ltiver. mar 22 2m mesa weokx weeks. Just Received on Consignment, *)A i iAA T. 83. Tennessee New Bacon; Hog round; —UyUUU 1000 lbs. Feathers. 5o Kegs Prime Fresh Lard. 75 Boxes, % Boxes aud Ai Boxes be t Virginia Tobacco, lolio Yards Tenessee Jeans. Cheap for Cash. mar24—tf HULL, FRIERSON & CO. JAMES 1. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIL ESGIXELR AND SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGOKGIA. ARCHITECTURAL Designs and Working Plans for Build ings furnished. Artificer’s work calculated; Surveys of land made, and Topograpical plans furnished with accuracy, neatness and despatch. s3*” Office over Col. lloH’s Law-Office. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. WINTER FAGTORY, Columbus, Grtx. YARNS, LINSEYS, WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, for sale, WOOL Carded at one fourth toll or ten cents per pound. LINSEYS made up on shares, or 15c. per yard. Ail Work done Promptly and Warranted. MONTGOM !• LAM RON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, AS„A. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines. Circular Saw Mills,'Grist Mills, Shafting, or any description of AIACmjYEIi Y* Also Rich’s un rivalled Water Wheels,the best in the world. Lynch, Page & Cos, Whittlesy & Cos., Woodruff & Goetchius,on the Muscogee Rail Road, and numerous others, testify to cutting 1000 feet of 1. umber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circular Saw Mills ol one Saw. G. W. WINTER. mar!2—w&twtf Agent, Columbus Georgia. I DO MY OWN PUFFING. ’VTOW I say, that I have first rate Tobacco on reasonable IN terms. Why do I say so? because some of our editors kny tills Tobacco. Those who are not : n well informed as ihe Editors, just call and examine my Tobacco, Segars, Brandy, ‘Wiiisky, Wines, die. &e. lam determin ed to sell, ft r the cash, at a small advance on New York cost. mar22—w&twtf. ( P. A. CLAYTON. SIX SHARES MOBILE & GIRARD RAIL ROAD STOCK FOR SALE. Apply to mari3—w&twtf. T. LOMAX. MIDWIFERY. Mas. .TANS H’GINTY offers hei professional servi ces lo the people of Columbus and vicinity. She has had thirty years experience in the business and flatters herself that hy strict attention she will merit the public patronage. She may be found, when not professionally engaged, at her residence, cn Jackson street, just below the Methodist Mission Church. [raarlS —twtl. REMOVAL, WE take this method of informing our friends and the pu lie that we have removed our Store to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET. Where can always be fouud a large selection of From the Best Manufactories in the United States, of all Styles and PRICES. AES O , Melodians, Guitars, Violincellos, Violins, Banjos, Tainborines, Flutes, Flutlnas, Accorcleons, Music Boxes, Clarionet.ts, Flageoietts and Fifes. Also,'fall kinds;of BRASS INSTRUMENTS for BAN L>S, together with BaS3 and Tenor Dh UMS. STRINGS of all kinds, and the Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, that can be found South of Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF 0L Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY GOOD?, of all descriptions, BsA* ‘'JZi tnvei her with a full asssortmeni of W orsfed and Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous to mention. %7*T S cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ernes are bought, and the highest prices allowed for old one*. .Second hand Pianos for Sale or Rent. Pianos, Organs, Melodians, and all other kinds of Musical Instruments repaired in th** best manner, and at the shortest notice, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will be promptly attended to. TRUAX & VANDEN BERG, 76 Broad ?trf et, of the Mammoth Fiddle, f'lumbtis, Dec. 11,1854. w&twtf* HEAR BOTH SIDES. All the World will Head this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, 12M0.. CLOTH. Wlio is Rutlx Halil Is Rutli Hnll Fanny Fern, or somebody elsel and if Fanny Fern is not Rutli liall yvlio is Fanny Fern! THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES oFpINXY FERE Is now before the public, and the r world will be enlightened. And this book a strange tale unfolds. Tlie present Work is authentic in all its k Detai is. Those who have read the advance copy, pronounce it the wittiest, spiciest book of the season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves and Rutli Hall, at her own fireside, in the Editor’s Sanctum, in the street, at Church, and everywhere, and in every position she is the same fascinating woman. in th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear for the time in book form. The reader will find that they possess Ihe same attractive features which charset* r:ze all her productions. They are alternately w itty and patneLc, causticand soothing, rpirkUngand pensive. No oHier author has succeeded so well in touching the finer ebords of the heart. Just received and fer sale by febla—waitwtf. ‘ \y PEASE. DISSOLUTION, ryMIE firm of HALL & MOSES ’was dissolved on the first of JL January, 1855, Ly ihe death of J. 1. Moses. HERVEY HALL, -Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. UpHB undersigned have enterrd into the HJRD-IfARE 1 B USHfESS, under the firm aid name of HALL, M'JSES & CO. IIERVEY H \LL ISAAC I. MOSES, JACOB P. lIEVRICKS, „ WILLIAM A. BEA'TL February 13,1853. w&twtf. fcPECLAL XOTICE. IN order that our customers may understand the terms on which we Made, we have thought it advisable to puldi-h them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time, payments wi’l be required twice a year; say ]st May and Ist J muarv. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect interert until paid E. BARNARD, & CO Columbus, Jan. Ist,’ss. janll—w&twti;