The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 14, 1855, Image 3

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[From the Mobile Daily Register.] A Nut for Southern Know Nothings. It seems irom what c*n be cleaned from the Know Nothing order, that Irishmen, Germans nod all those who are attached to the Cathlic Church, however virtuous and jmtno ic, and however useful as citizens, are not fit to be j'uttipcn a social and political equality with native Amen* i ans, while in some States ofthe Union the sable descen dants ot 1 lain are suitable gentlemen to partake o! prtvt j, T,}jj denied to good and true foreigners, who have become i,atm adzed citizens. Read the following paragraph Irom the Philadelphia Ledger and reflect, Southern Know Noth ing gentlemen ol Mobile, upon this picture : ‘•in New York, colored persons are allowed to vote. A Know Nothing lodge <t colored persons was organized at Llmna, N. Y., last week, being the eighth of that com plexion in that State.” Bat, again, let the New Hampshire “Independent Demo crat.” the saute abolition organ traduced and villified i’rwfdeut Fierce, 18M, lbr being hostile to Catholics—the i;i ie ol infamy uniold. It furnishes the following notices in its columns: “Suavesy and Property.— Rev. Thorras James, a fu gitive slave, will address the citizens ot Franklin on Wed nesday everting, January ‘Jth, upon slavery and POPERY, ai.ii snow their bearing upon the nation ” * * * * * * * * * * “Rev.'Thomas James, of Massachusetts, formerly a slave, fuidres-td a crowded audience at Phet.ix Hall, in this city, la-t Sunday evening, on the su ject ot slavery and Popery, ‘iiie paticiit attention which the audience gavo to the ad d.v-a is the be.-t ie.-t of its ability and of the interest excited. Sir. James is a WOR I’ll Y MAN and wii.j, vo gold, we tu-tlte no doubt, whenever be has a hearing.” Read the following Irom the Boston Know Nothing and A null ice u-Crusader, considered hy far the ablest and most sni'ited journal and voted to this order: “We repiy that the American party, so far as we under stand its mi. rmal sentiments, is injacor of the admission (jj Territui ies and Muics as T RtiL. And, again, concerning the mission arid uliimate objects of Know Noth agism, it speak thus: ••When it the American party) has reformed the natu ralization laws ; when it has established a true and just standard of American citizenship; when it has taught po litical Romanism its Republican duties; when it embodies the c.owning sentiment that to* Americans belongs Ameii eu,’ then it may turn legitimate y to the question of slave ry, or what would be the natural course, RESOLVE ITSELF INTO AN ANTI-SLAVERY ORGANIZA TION.” Read what Washington said : “II I could have entertained the siighest apprehension that the cons ilution passed in the convention where I had the honor to pie ide, might possibly endanger the religious jigiitaof any ecksiattical society, certainly I never would have placed mv stgi utuie to it.” Read what the New Era an abolition organ at Washing ton said in re.ernce to the result of the elections in New Hampshire: ‘•The icsult is the YVhigs and Free Soilers abandoned their own candidates, concentrated on Metcalf (Know Nothing) and elected him. •‘ i he main body ot Free Sailers and YVhigs who voted for him, cared a great deal more for the Slavery Qaes t'on th-> anv other: and, if we nay judge from their avow al , IffiED TEE NEW ORGANIZATION AS AN INS i RUM ENT 10 OVERTHROW A PRO-SLAVE RY Al) vIInISTRA I ION. “As to tiie ic_: the ii iy is soon told. The Know Noth ings nominated Pike, Free Siil Democrat, Tappan, a Free Sailer, and Cragin, a Free Soil Wing, for Congress, and they were elected, by majorities rauging from 2,000 to 5,0u0.” Read the following provision o f our constitution and sec how the forms and the spirit of Know Nothingism square with it: “No religious test shall ever he required as a qualification to any office or public trust under tiie United States.” Wiiat in this country constitutes law l It is an organized public opinion. If, therefore, this organized public opinion pio-iclines men for office or tiust at the ballot box or in the nails ol Legislation, does it not come in conflict with the above const tatfonal provision, and look very much like tiie observance of the higher law doctrine, so generally re pudiated and stoutly denounced by Southern men of all parties! Second Sober Thought. YVhat Greeley TMnk3. Horace Greelv, it is well known, is hostile to the “Hin doo.-”—his sobriquet lor the Know Nt things. It may he useful to know what is his opinion of the philosophy of the hue elections in the Northern States, av bearing upon Southern Interests. In these days o 1 concealment and dis irmf, we have to resoit to all sorts of quarters to try to get at die truth. Sam’s Triumphs.—' There is a great parade of Know Nothing victories in certain journals, which cannot be igno rant of the fallacy ot these exultations. The simple tiuth is, that the old parties me d< ad and decaying, and all man m r ol fungi are springing up from their wasting remains, nke, toad stoois after a wann summer ram. In this state ot party demoralization, most men will vote for those candi dates who, on some public or personal grounds, are most acceptable to them, as a majority ofthe late Whigs of Con necticut haveju.-t voted lor tne most acceptable candidates . eey could e.eet, no matter how designated, and thus have chosen four antt>Pierce, arui-Fihbustei, anti Douglas Mem ■ r> 0 .Goiigress. in place ot tlietr late Democratic delega !<>n. He do not approve tnis policy ; we s mply slate ne tact, i note may be twenty thousand voters in that elate who are playing bo peep about Know Nothing lodges, j ot at some firmer time have been, but there not five thou- i sanu who realty mean anything by it but to beat tiie Ne- i i ,!“ kJ ft 8 ’ a!RU ' l ‘ i 1 ct f - ,neil ot b etter principles in their places. I r ‘ r'.i 0 p ' I nl 0 > ai, d m-t by the secret machina* ! ■m, of Runtime and barker, that the Pierce dynasty has been swept nearly clean out ot the Free States and the late dominant party ah but destroyed. So it was in New t ;6 Vu IH ' u ’u ri y every where throughout the . a e j he Anow Nothing movement, ?o lar as it yyyy f\ nd R OWertul is but a back-stairs ladder by which o dSr h^“ ,OC -rf ,Uay e#ca ‘! B irom ltle loathed embrace pi v ] *, r vvi;o*workers mean pro'criptioa lor SrJkiv•* but **omo -imply this, as tne sequel will show jV. Y. Tribune. Important Decision. J2e!Tn ^ ate forseparate serviS case.u a woman marjymg twice,and surviving both hus* o.mds and both entitled to bounty land, she is only on- I ■ Zt t? ra ? y Prelection Under ! tliner husband It there be minor children living n f ! “O'* e;ected husband, they are also entiiled to ‘j> | assess but 11 is BOt “ baulu,dy seal ,* n ° ,ary pu , blic ’ wi ‘h his official the clai-n u t hlc,ent 'P iov >ded he is not an agent for el the genui m°t? lpaf,yin2 proot mnst be furnished that hi’ col ZtL Ji t,,s,natul . ea “and the fact established ! cation was made i<Ui tlot exp,red at llie llme ‘he appli- j can be u*ed bv'ui-r 1 - f aS ‘ and *i °* ‘ha‘‘in-tractions and laws” w,lh *°“ thfiwS"v“ , f t J u ' T - A w Mn S ton Corrwpondcnt of •*,).i,.l f, Tlw . llam e.of Or. H. A. t:e fourth Di-trici in ..t- ! ‘r .‘ jXatnin cr, for Congress in de. non. ‘ pUce ot Mr - Deut, who declines tt re t> P!. S od in the Atlanta Gas I i-luV n y t,tra P tor lba ‘ all tiiestock As the question of been ce.idcd. the Cotnt-mv wit! 7i• by Sas has thus the necessary arranSE with demand, we un- i ,t h, U,r„, as ,i.L FjeUizZffmi \ - Married. Onthe lrttU Instant, bj lhr-Rev. Mr. Dickev Vr n w or tOrri, G., Mr,. Ktiquirer copy. On the 5 h instant in Clayton. Ala., by the Rev. Joel Sums Mr Lcnmd Hargrove and Miss Martha Virginia, daughter o? James Clara, Esq. s ’ DIED, In this Friday, the 13 h inst., of Scarlet Fever Robfrc eldest child of Mr. Robert G. Forsyth. ’ My fife is like the summer rose That open* to the moratog skj, But ere the shades of evening close, ie scattered on the ground to die- Loan AsscciATioir.—At a meeting of ths Republican Blues Loan Association on Wedne.-dav evening, the fol- L O iT^ n i g °L^ one y wera loaned: SIOOO at 3 per cent.; $1 at 34|; at 341. Forty seven installments have been paid in San. Mem. COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. =£’ ~■ $ rji I ISlock • 3"^; *g : < o I3- x -5 <=:;-• H j on - b a• = < 1 .-t ® £"o 2j? : nana j ; 2-g —§ 1 • 2.°- S2-I. ;i - this April 8, | I j j dy ’ April* 7 1 C 7886 68863 1942 57122 59: 64 i 9851 1855. * \z77l’ 1020 59732 63532 2318 54918 5723f,; 629^ Columbus, April 14. Owing to very light receipts and but little selling from the Warehouses the market is qui. t, but prices are fully up. YY e quote 7a 9$ cents. Ointment and Puls the best Remedies far rn ih g "and all kinds oj wounds-\ he surprising sale ot the.-e invaluable medicines in every pa:t ofthe civilized wor.d is one pi the rno.-t convincing prools of their effic icv in curuig bad legs, old wounds scrs‘S. and dieses of the skin. I housands of people who .-uflered from these dread ful maladies have bee,, cu>eu by their use after every other remedy failed ; and it is a tact beyond dispute that thc-re is no disease, however oDsimate, but that mav be shortlv erad icated by these wonderful medicines, therefore the afflicted shoula try Holloway’s Ointment and Pills. I he relaxing heats ot summer leave behind them a long train ot evi s. The most universal of these are general debility and its sure attendant, lowness ot spirits, for these we can recommend a speedy and unfailing cure, VI l M iap i e P adu . tid ’ 8 , German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack.-on, Philadelphia. Jt is, in our opinion, a medicine sui generis— aione— unapproachable. It s.ems to reach tne fountain head of ihe difficulty in the digestive organization, and thus to relieve the secretions and the blood of tne mareries tnorbi, or the cause of disease. Its ionic propeities give vigor to the membranes of the stom ach, and promote the semtion of ihe gastric juice, which dissolves the food, while its cordial, soothing, and alva tive influence imparts general r* gi.larity and ktiength to the action ol the secret.organs, and seems to fortify the con stitution Snch is our own experience o! its i ffects, and we believe it is confirmed bv the evidence of all who have tried it, or had an opportunity of witnes-ing its operation. For sale hy Dr. C. M Jackson, 120 Arch street, Plnla , and by Danforth &, Nagle, Rob, it Garter, Brooks &, Chap man, Columbus Ga ; and by O. Lanier & Cos . Girard, A,a * ap7—2w ~ TalpitjATl' ‘N o r the Hear?', Neivous Diseases, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dyspep ia, Costivene-s and Piles, are ail relieved and cured m an incredible short time, hy Cartel’s Spanish Mixture, the great tome and purifier of the blood It contains not a j article ot Mercury, Opium, oi any noxious drug, is j harmie.'?. aud has cured more than five hundred cases of cli ease. YVe can only refer the reader to the certificates, a few of which may be found in another column, and ail of which aie detailed in full around the bottle. It is the greatest of all Spring and Tall Medici;,es,-arid possesses an influence over the blood truly remarkable. Bee advertisement. atwlm. Derangement of the Liver, is one of the most common, a3 weil as the formidable ot diseases known to Amer ican physicians. It had for years attracted the closest at tention oi the medical faculty in all parts ofthe United States, and yet up to the time of the discovery ot Dr. M’- Lane’s great Specific, it was almost beyond the leach ot Medical skill. Thousands had fperished without even a hope ol relief, and although thousands may yet be destined to. feel the diretul effects ot this most complicated disease, it is now, thanks to the research ot Dr. M’Lane, comp!ete ly brought within the scope of medical control. The pro prietors of the Liver Pdis feel confident that they offer a remedy which has been fully tested by time, and which has never failed of success when fairly tried These inestima ble Pils may be purchased at all the Druggists in C< lum bus, and ot Dealers generally throughout the United States. ap7—2w IMPORTAKr TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMENT"OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! KEING deeirous of changing my /i .yfiN rY business, I now ofler my ex , e,i>-ive Stock ot School, Law, Metti ca 1 Theological and BrilijJtkSß ce |, a lie ous Books, aml i-ViSr* Stationery at COST FOR CASH* I have a lorge Stock, oi School ‘AOilks, and it will be greatly to the advantage ol Teuchecs and those in char.e of Schools, to call immediately and suj ply thvmstlvis. If you cannot come, send your oiders with ihe money, and I will send them to you. to any one wishing to go into the business, I would say, that j I will sell ihem my entire stock upon the most favorable terms ; —both as t< prices and payments. Gall and see. JORDAN L. HOWELL. ; N. S,— I would most respectfully say, to all who are fodebt- j ed to me, that 1 vmst have the money. jPlease let met hear from you without lurther notice. J.L. ii. ! Columbu* Ga., April 14, 1855. wtwtf j SEWING MACHIEEsT GEOVEH, BAKEE & CO’S. PATENT, j THE simplest and best in use. and the only Machine adapted to general use. ‘Jan stiicu a shirt bosom, or sew hltean l thicknesses of ugii ibargs with equal case, can be managed j oy a negro; is not liable to get oui of order, and the sew ing will j outlast the material. Can be run by hand, footer water pow- I er. Every one shou and have them. Tuey will do the work of a day in an hour, with ease. Call and see them. COVVi °v &, CO., Agents, ap!4—twtf Columbus t-eorgia. NOTICE. Georgia, Muscogee county.-Those having demands agn nst ibe tatato of Alexanoer M. Robinson, deceased, latt oi Muscogee county, Ga., will present them in terms of the law. April ihe I3tb, ibos. api4—twltwlt. HUCII P. ROBINSON, Adm’r. j I COMMISSION AiND GROCERY HOUSE, j r>HE undersigned has the pleasu-e of announcing to the public that he hasjusl received and will continue tore- 1 ceive during the season a goi and eupj ly of FAHILY GROCERIES, consisting or SUGAR , COFFt.E , MOLASSES , SA L TANARUS, BA COX, , COHX, PEAS, CHEESE, & TEAS , Fine Segars and Tobacco, die, which lie offers very low for CASH and C\!-II only. Thn j public are resp-c luily invited >o call and examu.e hi? Sock. j None but Genuine and Fresli Articles will oe offer ed; and ail goou> so and warranted iO Oe as good as the l/cst at ihe old stand ot D. P. Ellis & co., No. 1-4, Ur. ad street, Co lumbus, Ga. A.S. HaVS. Enquirer copy. apl2—wtwtf, BOOK KEEPING. I ANNOUNCE to the young gentlemen of that I have opened a sc ioQl for teach ug BOOK KEEPING BV uvu-.E AND SINGLE ENTRY. Double Entry Book Keeping will be taught in a series of lessm s,comiuuing theory wim practice, in wh'eh.will beexein n’ fled the method ot conducting ai.u c.osing a set of books, fiuirie Eutry wot be taught practically in the manner usually practiced in actual business. TERMS: For Double Entrv, S2O, for a ‘erin of six week*, unless the i pup-1 should get through before the expiration ot <hai <nne, in i which case the term will when the last lesson is taken, i For Single Entry, SiO, for a term of three weeks, wtm me ! condition above mentioned. i KEB’EREXCEst 1 Jams* K. Re id, Wm A Redd, \ Mciaren Sl Duck. J. L. H >well. 1 Those who may wish to take lessons must app?y wi.biu_a i week from this date. j i oiumbus, Aprd 9tb, 1855. aplOtwot The Subscriber offers for Sale MA VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT,situated on ihe east-ide >i the Hamilton near the north Commons, co a si-ting O; a good dwelling house, kitch en, smoke house, and aIJ other necessary out-uu!ldiug and a good we 1t f water, *c. Cht-i p lor cash. Those wishing to purchase will uo w il to call and see it. i:pl—„wif. DANIEL FINNIGAN, Irish Potatoes. Jt’T-T received oa conoignmetw, twenty-five bsrre tticlu d'ngaievc‘-Mer&ers.o aps ‘ |J. C. PB’-U S. BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON & PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store ) HAVING made arrangements at IVashingion City,by which all business entrusted to ihem will be p lunptiy attended n>e enabled to procure Bounty Land War rants, Pensions, &.C., and prosvc ite Claims agamsi rim United Hates either beiore Congress or theseveial Lt partments. lhty are also prepared to purchase Claims, Ac., against tho United Siatv*. tjPXe Pay required until the Land Warrants, Claims, Stc.. are procured JAMBS HAMILTON. WM. T. FLASK April 7th, 1t?55. w&twtf. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODST r Subscriber ha* received hi* stock ot SPRING AND 1. S IMSIiJRDtiY GrtULiS—aGrge and general a-s irtmeut —comp isiiig a.l good and desirable styles, w hich the public ars invited to examine. The goodß were bought to sell —are for sale—and will sell to all in want—if examined—as tiny wilt be offered foi lower prices lor CASH than tne same* yies and value w ere ever offered in Uiis city. ap'.O—wttw2m . C. M YG ATT. J. M. RUSSELL, ATTORN ku Y AT L A V* r . OlSce at Dreseid. with G E Thomas, E-n.. over J Kl ‘’& Cos Broad Street—Columbus. Get |t i, Columbus, April 9, ltoo. twtf TO THE LADIE 7 HAVING received a most exttns ve and fulfesupply of the lalest 1 reiich SPRIKG MILINERY & DRESS GOODS tor Ladies wear, I solicit a call from all. The |Goods are now opened, and th selection comprise* an assortmeutjsuperior and r.cner than ever < ffered beolre in lh;s market. Respectfu l.*, Mit J . DP.rsSAU,. 1 8 Broad ctreet. NOTICE IN order that my customers runnii g accounts may know the terms on which I trade, I dewm Uadvisable to pub ish them. For put chasing on time puyinent is reqnir* and twice a year, on the first of July and first ot January,at which time the ii is wilt be presented. ‘ MRri. I)E#8 ■* U. April 7, 1851 watw3m. Fi esli (irouiiiT DOUBLE Extra Family Flour, from YVhito Wheat, a a beautiful aitide, per barrel sl3 Extra Family, *• “ 12 Superfine, “ “ m *o Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. YVe have cdy a small Jot of it. t;;;7--,y&.iw:f. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. I AM in receipt of a large supply <>f that most indispensa ble luxury in a southtri climate, ICE, ad will furnish it a* cheap as drt at the Ice House. Send in your orders and keep cod. ‘f. M. HOG AN. Columbus Ga. Aprils. twtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons are hereby notified that circum stances make it absolutely necessary that we should have a lien on every horse boarded at our stable by the month or year. We, therelore, hereby give notice, that our right Jof lien shall enter into and become a part of every conlraet for the keen or board ol horse> at our stables, and that in all cases we reserve the right to n orce said lien, eif nece-SK.-y. aps ts. HATCHEK & PITTS. PAI NTI NU r HE subscriber, (after an exp-rienee of several years in the A principal cities ol Europe aud America,) engages to exe cute ail kinds of House, Sign, and Decorative Painting with tua'ness and despatch. Walls and Ceilings Grained, Garbled or Fresco’d. AH such work done oy me warranted to please. * EDWARD J. KING. Store on Droad Street, next door to J. H . Strupper’* Candy Muiniactimv ap3 twlmwlt.* YOU SALeT” ON ACCCMMODAT2KG TEEMF, A Comfortable House and Lot, jjjsgiHj In a healthy part of the City. For particulars apply to H ARRISON, AUSTIN & McGEHEE. March 31,1855. tw2m. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! *370 tlx© mitoUo. DO you know that’ Everybody desiring to Purchase life-like and Enduring likenesses ol their YVives, Husbands, Child.en, Brothers, Sisters and Fr euds, are making a Drand rush, to by far the best, And only place in Columbus, where Likenesses, which seem to breathe and Live, can be got up, at short notice, in Kndless variety of style, and possessing that ESichness of finish, which has never Yet been equalled or approached, at any Other establishment in the State of Georgia. Forget it not, and whenever you want a Gem of a Picture,call at C. 1. DFPEW’S Excelsior Gallery—Woodbridge’sold stand. Many thousands of Pictures, in Columbus, Speak for themselves, and testify to the above. March 31, 1855. twtf. RIDDLE 7^ Fashionable Baguerrean Gallery. rptlL<: proprietor hn riie largest, neatest, and most fethioua- JL b!y arranged GALLEItI i orttie Art in the State. He uses the beat material, and allows but first class pictures to leave hi* Rooms. Po forget not. ye lover* of the Fine Aits, when y? sally firth to obtain those imperishable ‘gems, to call on RIDDLE. He will give you a Handsome Picture and a Good As for takin/ children, fam ly groups, Steriscopee. out door views, ice., he defle* any Artist iuthe country to surpass him. Rootbsou broad B.reet, over U. Mygati’s Hiy Goods Store.( oiumbus, or. inarJi —t*9m. gouTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted on the Havana plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. CLASS N. To'he drawn 21s t April 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN i K'ZEtJ AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! J3F“.\nd remember every Prize is drawh at each drawing and paid whendue \\ IT HOLT Kr.DUGT ION: 1 Prize of tIAOM is v s:2,of>o I uo 5.1K0 is 5.1 O ‘ I do 3.000 is 3 000 1 do 8,0 0 is 2.000 I do I,MK>i* 1.5i0 1 do 1,2n0 is I,SUO 1 do 1,100 ie I,:00 ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. j-gp- Tickets s;o—Halves and Qiurter* in proportion. Dills on all Botvent bank* at par. All communication* strictly"confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign oi the Btonze Lion Montgomery, Oct. 21—twtd JOHN MAY , Agent, Girard, Ala. OCT All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Cohnnhns. Ga. POUND. V PROMISORY NOTE, made by Dll ft. Long to Johnson, Thornton, which the owner cau have ly calhn? at this* o?3ce. *eb-—tw f. Berkshire Hogs. IHAVE forsale a Isrge cud 2ue*y marked ?ow r.nd so very fine Pig*. tpt f. G. PMFLP-. FLOUR! FLOUR! JUBT received on coß*igmen *.,d for *a!e Seventy* Five Barrels, A. X, Purchaee and try ii. navre?— K. C.PHELPS. J. P. JORDAN. S. F. GLE. JORDAN & GEE, RECEIVING ft FORWARD'G MERCHANTS, General Commission Agnils, & Dealers in Drygoods, Groceries and Provisions, | CHATTAHOOCHEE, Gadsden County. Fia. April 2, 1885. w 6m. •SALE OF THE ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. UNDER the proviaions of a Deed of Trust made to the un- ; dorstgned by ttie R *ck isiaud factory, we will .fl, r i<>- j sale in vHd dav of April next, at tie Kook 1.-ltnd , Factory, ail those tracts of land in Hie State of A1 .bama lymg ! on thechattahoochee hiver. to wit: Fitly acres m the South j East Quarter of Section 35, Townsh p IS, Range 3 , adjoining i ihe lands of Robert S Harda.vay nun Wiliam U. lairne, *n ! Russell county, Alabama, and running i.p said river to the I nor h half of said section 35, belonging to Sitwad and Foil- j taine, and thence ruuning back due west so as to include said j Fifty acres. Also, all that tractor parcel of land lying i nthe ! Chattah* hiver, in the rcu h East Quarter of bet lion 35, ‘ Township 18, Range 3 Kusstl < oui.ty, Ain., adjoining the j el.p of land in said sectiou on ihe Souti. t>e*ongtug io V* iiham \ D. *.aims, and on the * est bounded nj land belonging to said | Cairns and on the north by the land of John Fontaine, contain- j ing fitly acres, in-re or less, together wiih ihe right o! way run- j ning from saiu land to the south sde of >ectioti 15; t.ience I along sad south iine to sectioi 34, continuing thence to the | West Point road, as reserved in a deed made to Roo. ri Tayl< r. ! Also, all that parcel of land lying cast *of the Columbus | Road running to West Point through sFoinervnic, which is con tained in the South East Quarter of the boutti East Quarter of •Section 34,and twenty six and a half acres of innd !$}:.••: joining to the same, in the to >h West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 35, and lourieen and one fouiih :-crts running due lining said land along the south line of Section 35, one hundred y. ds in length, to ihe, Chattahoochee river, containing in all eighty and three tourths acres, all in Township 18, and Range u, n liusseil county, Alabama. Ais > the South east quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 18, hange 35, aid the r out I west quart* rof the South east quarter, of acid section: Provided, that these ast tracts a'e not to extend west of the Columbus road. And all and singular, tt e buildings, out booses, w ter cm rs< s, water privileges, advantages, hereditaments, and ippuitenance-*, whatever, to the said seveial paid is of Inno bein g t.g. or in anywise appertaining or whcii the said Rirs Islam! Fa* t r j have acquued trom It e Sotte of t.eoraia by Leads ative l-nact menf. Aißo, all the personal pr* perty to tne said Factorv be longing, consisting oi Mac iner., to.l*. V\ agons, M i es, II >rs ses, Material for tne mauulte ure of Pap* r, Manulac.ureu Pa per, and ail and every part and } arrel ol the personal estate of the Rock Island Factory lhe impr ivements mi the land con sist of a Paper Factory, Warehouse.*, outhouses and al the couveniucies for operatives necessaiy to cany on the seme. R.J.MOStS, ) HERVFY HALL, > Trustees, H. 8. SMITH. S CT The Montgomery Advertiser & Gazette will please coj y ! until day o.’ sale and reudi r bill to Trustees. tnnrch22, l-55. w&twtds. ROCK ISLAND FACTORY” NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS. ON the 23d April next we shall sell the ReaUand Pe,sonal Estate of the Rock island Facie* for default, in payment ol a portion ol the bonds oi said C**nip*ny, and for other caus es; and. as by the provisions o! the ‘trust*Deed, a 1 the bonds outstanding,‘whether due or not *lu *, are to be paid rateably out of ihe proceeds of sale, you are hereby notified to present your bonds to R. J Moses, one of ihe Trustees, on or before the 12th day of April next, that you may receive your pro rata pay ment on the same, HffIJVEY HALL, ) It. S SMITH, J- Trustees. R .I. MOSES. S Enquirer copy. w*fetwti23\n. COLUMBUS, GA., MARCH 6, 1835. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the under signed under the firm and style of E. T. TA Y LOR &. CO. and TAYLOR, LOCKHART & CO , is this day dis solved by mutual consent. ’1 he name ol the firms will be used in liquidation only by either of the partners. ’ E. T. TAYLOR, HENRY LOCKHART, I F. BROWN, JOS W. TriOVIAS. tw3tw6t R. H THOMAS. GUAA’Cb 3.0 Tons Ouano, Just Received, and for Sale by GREENWOOD & GRIMES. Columbus March 7, 1855. w&.tw6od. A Ta'e if the Alamo, is anew and JM BisepSljL popular work, Just by the I 1 ; rpers ApjgSSS Ssjgy and for sale by ijJßbtawiy j. w. pease. Also, a New Supply of South Side View of--la very, by N. Adams, D. D.; Ruth Hall; Cap. Canot; Life and lleauties of Fanny Fern, &c. Sic. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&tw*f. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. p” Shares .Muscogee Railroad Stock fo.ale bv OU HARK.SuN, AUSTIN 6c. A/cGEIIEE. J fb3. .wJ-twtf. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. T’HE favorable terms on which one may sect re to his widow and orphan children a comfortable M.ppoit, invite the at tention of all who are not iich im ugfi to provide for theT lt,m ily without theirown personal extrtions. For fur her information appiy to feb24—w&t\*3m. A. TOND, Agent. HEW §FRING G 0 O BS, JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. {TIRENCII, Englisii and American Prints. . French Oambr.csand Brilliants Scotch and Fiench G>ngb- ms: all S'yles. Bareges, Tissues and Light Colored Challeya. Light S uninerSiik* and Grenadines” A Choice Selection of Ktnbrniderits. Handkerchiefs, Col arq and Collars and Sleeves to match. Jackonet and Swiss Trimmings anil Bands. English an i German Hosiery—ol eveij descrij tion. Damask and Lrapery. ALSO, A Superior lot oflrish much*. 6-4 pdlow Case—L:nun and Cotton. 10-4 11—4 Ac. 12-4 Cotton and Linen Sheetings. 3 p y, Ingrain and Liomt Carpeting. Every discription of gooes usually found in our line—ail of j which w ill be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus March 3, I 55. w^twlf HERE’S A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. WIS'MNC. to _rednce our Large Stock of ‘ Music, Instruction Boohs, Musical Works of all Kinds, weottVr n sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., | FOR CASH. VIOLINS & ACCORDEONS can be bought chetper here than at any <-thi r smre in the i cny. T.-IIAX & VANDI N Ml R:. febl4—twfcwtilfitjune. 62—Last eide Broari-S.reet. ; Columbus, Ga. \ Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! rj'HE u idtrsigned having associated th. nv=f Ives torether for 1 the purpose of procuring BOUNTY LAND under the several acts of Congress hereto o.e pas.-d. mo now prepared to make a| p ication forr.l whovhoare int.Uui. Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land War j rants, are, under a recent actof Congrss*, entititdto a:i addi tional Bounty of Land, and by caiiii g at our rfilce can get all the necessary infrrmation. Wea<e also prepared to prosecute Pension and other claims against the United S ates, r ro-n our long experience and gen eral success, we can with confidence say, that a'i c aims entrus ted to our care, will be prompt y andtp-edilx adjusted Une ot the pirti-s being constantly in Washington city, will give the busine>s his personal utteutioii there. Office over Guuby &. Daniels’ S.ore, C*>lumbns, Georgia. MICH A Kj. N. CLARK, feb24..wAtwtf. A. B. RAG \N. BOUNTY LANDsT WE have on hand a large lot of the Forms to be n?ed i in obtaining BOUNTY LAN DS, suited to all ease?, that we will sell alsl per quire, CASH. Columbus, Ga. w&twtf LOMAX &. ELLI3. | LAND & STEAM MILL FOR SALL | sabsariber offera for sale his valuable set of Mills all ! X i ew, with an extensive cnstoiw, worth trom 40 to 50 doll tra •xr day. ‘lhe enir>neis ot 20 horsepower, and drives a circular saw that cut* from ihree w> five thousand teet of lumber per; day. The Grist A/iU ill grind 12 bushels of corn per hour,’ ami getsa cuetuiu oi 250 bushels per weiif. The mills are wiih qi 2 mies of Email In. I he r e is attached lo the mil Bio acres ,f Pmc lmud.bea'ytim v >erefl. D.6acresclerred. Any person wishiu to purchase such property will do well to call and ex ■iinine, as I am determined lo sell. C. J. M. AN DREW**. Ku aula, Ala., Feb. *5.185i. fe *l2—wtf. j | rAA BU: lIBIS UP OHNTBV COHN —Part to ariivc, low ID'JUfor cesH. horsaLjby JAMrB . IGUN, . —u4t. Temiessee Cum. Douee, TIAKO MECIIANIQBE. THlSfp’eridtd instrument cmn wbe b<aqht for less that 1 1 If its oi cost. It i*a Pian*, in ei.< r in ti iircd wr tk ! mans'iip. in none in the cmniry, a.nd t>> tts f* rm is p ctitiaily j ftdapted to-mail parlors, *&Uj yuig hut lit It n.oie n.< u. tha. a ; common side tab.e. i It will berod lor $450, one halftn cash,the bthnreon line ! months* crerDt, aid the puichnser will he entitl-d to One j Tear’s Instruction in Music from the uadi night and ! tree of all charei s. For sale ulso, with orequarter’s instruction, A SPLENDID GUITAR, of the best New Vork is new and cost, rriei; j.Py. fifty | dollars li r which price it is now ofTtred for sale, together wivk j the instruction. For further particulars enquire •>! II 8. SA RVNI. Onr Merry’s Clothing Flore. Broid rrreet. ri'7 *■ At wt ■’ UKAAUE tI'RLNGS HOTEL FUR SALE. for soon. Itafforls an opportunity lor one ol the most %|gS| p ofltab e investnienle m ihe cmii.iry. as the b.oks of House will show. ‘I he locution is acki-owledgt dio he one of the most lavorab'e for Pulmonary inviidds in F >r a ; while one ot tt.e finest Sulphur S, riiqs in the Unit n. attuci ed to ti.c II tiel. adords til e I ailing, v.:. lor those la! oritur ni di r other di-eases r< q irimr the use oi S.t pbur Water, resorted t<> in suet- case-. Hotel is entirely eu-, c p'.ble of ac<*ommt ist ng ‘r. m fiUi..7<t oersoio, am| well firmsi td. The ro< ms tre all j ut tered. T.lose desirous of Miyii g are it quest* and io ct me aidos hir ihem-el'es: 9to tnecorreeli ess *of the at A r J. \V. Pear-on at the Spring*, will give any t information Ihe Hotel is located on ihe main Fiage Hoad tl.r- uoh i'aet Florida—twenty five miles from P.iiaika. anti one n.lle aid a hall from Fort Brook Lundii g, on the Oclaw jla Him r Somet-av 11 weet-p. Just Received on Consignment, GA AflA I.BF. Tennersee New Bacon; Hog round; ZUi|l‘uv 1000 lbs. Feathers. s<i Kegs Prime Fresh Lurd. 75 Boxes, X Boxes and X Boxes be t Virginia Tobaeco. I mu YardoTeuesste .leans. Chonn lor Cash. tnar2l—tf HULL, I RIEI BuN & f O. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIVIU KXGI.MIUK AND SURVI VOR. COLUMBUS, EGOHGIA. AROHITECTUR Ali Designs and Wortiig Plans lor Build ings furnished. Artificer’s work calcuia ed; Surveys of land made, and T p grapicul plans mruisbed with accuiacy, tiea'n.taand despat< h ( file over* o . Holt’s Law Office, t'olumhus, Feb. 24. wfetwlf. winteYfagtoryT Columiaus, Oa. YARNS, I.IvSEYS. WRAPPING TWINE SEWING THREAD, lor tale. WOOL Card and at one fourth toll or ten cents per ported. LINSEYS niade up on shares, or 15c. por yard. All Work done Promptly end Warranted MONTGOMFRY - IKON WORKS, MONTGOMERY, AM. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY STEAM Engines Circular Faw Mills. Grist Mi Is, Fhafting, or any desci iption of JUJiCHIMh 11 ). Also Rich’s un rivalled Water Wheels.the beal in the world. Lynch, Page fit i ‘o, Whittlesy ft Cos., Woodruff & Goetchinp,on the Mus-ogee Ral Road,and numerous oiheis, testify to c V tting JOOu feet of I .umber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circu ar Saw Mills ol one Saw. G. W. WINTFR. mar!2—w&twtf Agent, Columbus Georgia. IDO MY OWN PUFFING. ■VTOW I say, that 1 have first rate Tobacco on reasonable i\ urmo. Wti’ do I say soV because some ot ourediiors buy tills Tobacco. Those who are nor -o w-li inlorti ed as the 1 niters, just call aid examuie tnv Tobacco, feegars, Brnudy, Whisky, Wine,&c. &c. lam deo-i min ed to sell, i r the cash, at a small o. vance on New York cost* mur22—w&lwtf. N T> ’. .* ’ T N. MI DTvi FEirf. MRF. J.VN iffi M’GINTY offers her professional, servi ces to the pep;e o. Columbus and vicini y. She has had thirty years experience in the business and lla.ters herself that by strictatteulioushe will mirit t!ie public pitronage. S lemo he found, when not profe-siormlly engaged, ai he- - reside! ce cn Jackson street, just below the Memodist Mission Church. [marl5 —twtf. 3FLES3MIC>V^.XJ WE take this method ofintbrming our iriends and the pu lie that we have removed onr Store t<> NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, Where cll always bo found a 1 irge selection of ivfflVriMO FORTES From the BoslM tuufactoriesin the United States, ofallSTVLtcs and PRICES. ALSO, Melodious, Guitars, Viollucellos, Violins, Banjos, Tamboi iiies, Timer, Fluiinss, Accordeons, Music Bo xes, ( larieiutts, Flagemelik and Fifes* Also, ‘-Til kinds *ol Bit ASS 1 VSTItIMESTS for BA 5 iJS, tog* ih> r wun Bass aiai Tknok It Ua H STRIN* Sot all kinds, and thn Largest Assortment of SHEET MUSIC for all the above named instruments, that can be found tsoutli ol Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF GL Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, Jv 4* -,FAVE, RV h,ml fan ‘ y f *°ODS, of all oeseripllnpa. S^AisiSto!.-ether ith a full asssortmeni of A\ oi sted and Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous to mention. EjT s cond hand Pinns taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and ihe highest pric. s allowed for old ones. Necoi <1 hand P'anos or Re; t. Pianos, Organs, IU elodians, and a 1 other kinds of Musical lustrum* it >r* p ur* and in th* t est niann* r, and at the shortest notice, and warrinted to give entire satisfaction. All orders left at our store will e promptly intended to. ThUAX *. VAN DEN BERG, 76 Brosd Street,feign ot the Mammoth Fiddle. P'Bimbos, Dec. I 1.L54. wAtwtf- HEAR BOTH SIOLI^S. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, T2MO.. CLOTH. WJio is Path Holt? T* Built Pull Fanny Fern, or somebody else! and if Funny Fern is not Uitlh Hull who is Fai. ny Fei n ! THE L!FE AM) BEAUTIES CP PANSY FERN! Is now before the public, aad the world will be ei.lightened. Amt thi-< hook h sirat g** lisl* un olds. Ihe present Work Is authentic in ail its Details. Those ho have rend the coj y, j renounce it the wittiest, spiciest hook ol ihe season. It presents vivid, life like pictures of Ihe cl.arrainz and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves andUuth Hall, at her own fireside,in the Editor's Bai*ciutn, in the street, at Church, and everywhere, and in every position she is t* e same fascinating w*>inan. In th s volume, several of Fanny Fern’s earliest efforts appear for the fir-t time in book lorm. Tne reader will find that they possess the same attractive features which char**ct- r ze aii he.* productions. They areallcrnateiy witty and pathetic, causiicand toothing, sp irklii g and pensive No ot her author has succcedjd so well in touching the finer chords of the heart. Just received and fer sale by febla—witwif. W. PEASE. DISSOLUTION, THE firm of IIALLfc MCSFB ’was dissolved on the first of January, 1855, Ly >he ue-sth of 4. 1. Motes. HERVEY HALL, surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rxAHE undersigned have entered into the HA HI)- if. 4RE L B USINESSi under the firm at and name of HALL, MOtEd & CO. HERVEY HALL, IS A A* i I. mos*;a, J \GOR P WIL--IA.M A. BEACH. February 13,1855. w&iiwtf. KPECI Vli A W i'iCL. II s ? o'der that onr customers may understand the le m J on which we Uad*', we have tit ug t it advi-noie to publish them. They are as follows: F*>rall purchases i on time, payments witl be required twice a year; .>-ay ‘ May and Ist J nuar*’. On all amounts unpaid at the times specified, we shall claim and expect iniere-t until paid I E. BARNARD, & GO. [ Coicmbus, Jan. L-t,’W. janll-—w6i.twtC