The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 21, 1855, Image 3

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C . mels for the United States —'l he stor* ship Supply, I’.irt, will .-it i l\ .vi.i .iron N. Voik, with a t,i ilie .Mi’il UMTitlli sq-indl-op, iilitJ the Union >ays tlial mi her it luni .-lie will bring a number of e.-.m I-, which i;„ n nv. s his author z <1 to be impor < and ‘‘or uni tarv pur j”,ses- y|,,j Wayue wi Ito nut m the iSupplj to j uichute the etnuls. f Conductors. Li >k Out! —We are informed that a wtt ohm, .-e..<1140114 to .1 gentleman in this eity, was , uT stc .l ~t Weal Mi, N T . C.,; It w da.s since, 0.1 her way j 1 .Sew Y r<. she lint pi-s <1 on he c ars el<** ly va Icm and J -veil 1 !iu- (hr as .1 l..dy, ami w.s niy dsmv lei at 1,,, i y tire slipping oi one < 1 tier glows, whieti diselos. and )i r eoi.Jpi x “i* A veir <>• tw s ttee a very vainable servant gill es* ~1 ir,,m this place to New Y a k in the same way.— Cm iu.M"rs on 1 tie cars cannot be to • careful in th sr> s peet. Wall p-oper tact th-y oin easily i*se rtam, w thorn rciis 'iiabie olf lice, t’e eier oi tb .se pi rsms who tr ivd muffi.d iiiid nco_ r , Ala Journal , 10 th. M msieur Tonsm Come Again — We perceive that th • wants <t lb-1111011.i ui.-ist J a 11 Mile r Bolts, s ail j ( ltlo tl .,p.isitio.i e t. r Goii_>r*ss in .h t di-tr.ct. ami ill -t they fire at the dt tnands of the K nw \ , inii-s lor .he sp ids. 1 is evident trom tiiis, that B dts. ! ■, tar ms Uehiiioud is coiiecrmd, lias again stepped f r* ;V ir lti turn oV r the hit in o the lire. If tile wli g> can h- defeated in lit- hui-md, B tis is the mmto do it. “lit IVI.I head them or <1 c A'. Y. Herald. The 1 e.nociatlc Party. Every other patty lii.- retired Item the -truggle with in a dUiguiiy, or has j ielded .t e!t captive to till - , ),1 11.a ton ot tactions s Ve amt ex. epi the Democrat y. ‘i’.no ion-at the enure li Id, tile only flag that waves in ~r .ui deilaace ot t.lO combination is that 01 Die a- mocra ;... Aoi ate the numbers that gather 11 .der tin-flag un wo. h> (itme rainetn wmeh tiny have didicate-t them --jve-. Tlieraikand lie it main; the heroes oi inanj Inal (ought conflicts h .ve nut deseited. A t’W corrupt Ir-adeis have gone—“a goo l riddance to them;” lut the great body ol the progmtsne paity is tu;l ol energy and hojte.asctei it wa , and but I .tile shorn of its 1 oble pro |ii.iiH,iis. From tire day that the flag ot proscription u m led it-) dark wing, we hailed a re I fan re ot sucoe-s to hied inociatie paity, an 1 ol seivrce to the countiy bv that ~a |y f i 0 which ail its past victories and all ns pa 1 se.vice will prove-to 110 as nothing. ‘l'lie political fusions and contusions of the day v\ i,l toon realize Ure truth of th s p ophecy to their (utter co t. hither wy, the cause ol t.ulh anU ul equality, of national llbe iy and sound pat iot isni.inust gain, vv nether tlie profligate leaders ot the de iadeil men “ho have gone into these dens ol secret shame j;,ii to carry out their p!ed_e>, or whether they iultil them, u will tie ail the same in the cud —a wide ana general cat a-trophe w.ll overtake them. If they tail to make good their promises, trie cheat will be apparent in ait its coirup tum. If they go on, their voiari s will start belore the jeng procession ot persecutions, follies, and crimes perpe tratc tin the name of Americanism. If we loved our country less, we should say let these madmen go on. The Jo sou would do good through all time it it were not pur chased at too great a cost. Already an appalling record has been made up. The'spirit of insane innovation has broken out wherever the phrensy of intolerance has pene traied. it seeks to interfere with every political right and every social obligation. It annuls the most sacred obliga tions without remor.-e. Itstrikes at every security tor the well-being of society; and in the name ot reform it inflicts countless evils upon ihe country. On the one hand, it for ces upon reluctant coinmumiics.-umpTuaiy laws that would have di.-graced the teign ol the most dissolute monarch th_.t ever 1 ved; on the oihcr, it nullities those solemn guaran tecs which protect the states in their c ivenanted rights Here it aliikes down ail eminent citizen tor his redgion ; there tor the place ol his birth. Extravagance in its mu nicipal and state administrations, ami the nomination ol ba e, ignorant, and coirupt iinu lor office, have hem con spicuous Icatuiea m its p active, it not in 11s professions.— In .Vlas achu itts .t m-ults wean, and helpless women be cauoe they have the hardihood to be Catnolic-; in Ohio it dtf buys the ballot boxes, with the cry oi “American: must rule America,” and letues abashed and penitent belore its own tur u dice; i.i New Voik it buries a murdered bully with honors, :ucli as were scarcely bestowed upon a de par id Washington; andm t'euusylvania it desecrates L dependence Mad hy denunciations of the adopted citizens, breathed in wicmd contenipl of the memories ot the revo iutio.ia.y struggle. We ray we eouid wi lito see these hu miliating pfbceed ngs conducted to the close il the country had iml al ea iy “supped full of horrors” It is naimai that at-. ueb a lime ah eyes should be turned t>* the deu><<c.atic paity, which, unawed ly majo Hies,and tins, durcu hv appeals hr aid and comfoit, fl ngs its deh aneu the b elli ol iho.-o bold bad mm, mid dares them to the wue. There is someth tig sublime in thi-. Ilonest ■• c\e,.r min.'ed nun vil, see in it an uppo.lunity to cui j 10 .-e tium .he t.amniets ot the whig p.uty. The p- r e | int.-d will si in the democratic rank- a refuge and rescue j 1 nose dench-d tor thertaith will lind ill t..:u paity alo tress that will laugh a s ego to scorn. .Now, i-ui r, tae democracy opens its ar-n- to hs oppms-ed ol a.I utn.uH ; now, a-, ever, it stand'by lte teachings 01 the sages ot the p.i t. A >t i) 1; tenet ot its creed has it yield e l ; not one s> liable ol its pledges ; but the more it is a ~> -a I;Jt le niorj - rung yit ad leivs lo hr principles. Let liumio is, ex aI! ov.-r temporaiy success; there is in .-toie for the ilemociabe pa ty n high r glorv than it has ever yet at .a ne.i the a lory id ie. c.i >g our count y Irotn the hands <” bid wo. -t conu.irucv that has ever been o ganizeJ a ; host c .a .o 1a tJ ir.-e to n si ice th • to eig.i foe iu v aded our happy shores.— IKr. s't >n Union. ? IC and ni?”ic 11 Organ on Uur S t >aniih It- lotions ;h‘ Airte.ica 1 Oi' at Wa-hiugUm acknowledge-i the o; ie.’ d.y li t (lie ‘polish Government entertai is tee ing-i <’-ho tility against ini -co iut.y - that it ha- counmtt and mu y • utr ge.- upon .nr c tzeus am commerce, a>d tnat be liaye n ai y j 1 i causes of lomplaint agam t ihe ‘o ai gov, 11 m.nt n. Cuba, which, n c i.t nue', must le ultn w’ r ; amt v t, with all these a n -u.s, our vVash iiigl-'ii cot mji* r.try Ins the inconsisieucv to advocate the o and logv policy ot delay, to brariuee anil in ig lanmi ty.— It do 1- u ices ihe ad muistoUioo in ad ca u e -o doin j its du ty in any steps calculated to bring t-ie perpetrat ors ot these ispi.iiisli out,ages to pn-iiipt acco.mtahility and settlement Siut’iern Muiuil Insurance, Athens. Ga —Wo are 11 a. dtol<am il at this c, u pa. y has lesj o.ided pro njitly t< d.e m mauds 01 the suflerew bi the hi’e ri e m Sanders vide. I In* de.i ands against the company Knionuted to up Wa "’l ! ol thirty thousand dollars Such, promptness is worthy oi a .l j r.ll e J ferts rs t'e f?ecij>rocity ‘lr aty Oswego, Apiil 16, lh.lo —I. u qua 01 piod lice and h mher troru Canada ar ■ c “i lantlv arriving here, showing the g iod efleets of b.c reciprooity uvatv. Th *re Has alr rdy airived since the “peiiing . I „avi atio i GJ,fKK) hbh. flour, lIO.OuO bu luls wheat, and nir!y halt aml i. n le. tof lumber—all of wiiich in ncuse treight trains ure conveying forward as fast as possible. Otr Bull —AVe understand that .Mr. Ole I3ull is about giving a senes ot concerts m the various cities and large to -vns thr mghout the United Stites. lAt pii.a’i I'N o v the Heart, Nervous Diseases, Liver OiMuputiut, Neura-gia, Dyspep ia, anti are all relieved and cured in an incrcdit.le thort time, by V.iTieis Spanish Mixture, the great ionic and puiitier of the blood It contains not a j article ol Mercury, Opium, sny 110x10 is drug, is perfectly harmless, aud has tured more than five hundred eases of di ea>e. e can only refer the reader to the certificates, a lew of which may be found in anot"er column, and all of which aie detai.ed in full around the bottle. It is the greatest of a , pimg and r all Medicir es, and possesses an influence over the blood truly remarkable. See advertisement. ai>7lm. 1 he relaxing heats ot summer leave behind them ‘ a long tram ol evi s. T'he most universal of these are i general debility and its sure attendant, lowness ot ‘■pints ! f or these we can recommend a speedy and unfailing cure’ 1 Vi th f * s*** Hooilai.a’s German Bitters, prepared by i Gr G. M Jack-on, Philadelphia. It is, in our opinion, k ! medicine sui generis— alone— unapproachable. It s ems ! to ivaeh the lountain head ot die fitliculty in the digestive organization, and thus to relieve the secretions and the blood ol the maceriss inorbi,or the eau-e of disea-e. Its tonic propei ties give vigor to the membranes ot the stom ach, and promote the tei-Mion of ihe gaslnc juice, which di 'solves the food, while its cordial, soothing, and alteia live influence imparts general r.g-laiity as cfsliength to the aet-on ol tile sect nl ve orta s, and set-ms totoititythe con stitution Such is our own experience ot its * fh-ots, and 1 we believe it is continued bv ibe evidence of all who’have Hied ii, or had an oppoi(unity ot wimes-ine its operation ! For Mile by Dr. C. M Jac k-on, l'O Arch street, Plnla ! and by Dantorth &, Nagle, Rob- itCaiter, drooks &,Chap- j mail, Columbus Ga ; and by O. Lanier & Cos , Girard ! A la. ap7—2w ; D range went of the L ter, is - ne of ihe mo t common, as *i-l a> the mo t t-.rmidable of di-emes knowu to Amer icm phvsieians. Il had lor years attracted the cln-e-t at tent o i o! tlie medical taculty mall parts ot ih United btaies and yet u *to the tune of th * diseove yot D . M’- Lane’s great S, cilie, it was almost beyond the leach ol Mr-dii al skill. Thousands had periled wihootevm a hope vi icJjet, and although thoosanda may yet be destined to I. e the direful effect* of this mort complicated disease, u h now, thanks to the rse irch of Dr. .M’Laue. comp ete y >,ol,sf >t Uhtii ‘h ■ sco| e ■>}’ in dieal confr >l. ‘1 he ir >• pm-tors ot the Liv* rU lL lerl confident that they offer a remedy whi. h has been f .Ily te'ied by time, and whieh ha -v-*a,led ot success w hen fa uly tried These uiestnna t-151 lib may be pu ctiat-ed at all the I'luggtsts in G lum , 3, ant * oi generally throughout the United fctates £p7-2.V COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. ! 1 5 oc> ; _a. ,* a <JS 4 ,4 ~ f- : un ;; £ £ : 2 ““o a !£. ? I N. “ -3 this April 8 _T:£T:. I!J_L ! L 1 -L !l'- A | 43 93d 07886 63c63 19 57122 : 33 Gl 9351 idss, 2??1 1029 59732 63532 231351918 572361 6291 Columbus, April *2l. COT LON—Til” stock offered through tin* o.isr week has b<-en light aid receipts insunifieant. Pners have j cont lilted tut!, so in-crop o s bring! tu; 9j. We continue I ih- qu bat ons of iur last notice of the market 8 to 94 I Ct ms. Savannah, Apiil 20. COTTON.—The maiket yes’erday was vt ry qu * t wi h ! sales o’ only 62 nales, vz: —3 ai bi. 22 at *■£, 14 at b§, ; 10 at and 3 at 94 cenis. New Orleans, April 18. Cott >n crotinu: s unchang- and. Thu si'es to-day were 6,600 >!< s. r l he decrease in the nceiptsai all the ports is 205,000 bales. New Your, April 20. Cotton is rasiei tu! not quota! ly lower. Fii ur is stif- 1 ‘ev. Sour.hern is selling at $10.75 a $11.12. Corn at i SI.OB. 1 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY. (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) Conducted, on the Jlacana plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. CLASS O To be drawn May 12, 1855, in the city of Montgomery. WHEN RIZES AMOUNTING TO Will Le distribute'! to the lollowirtg MAGNIFICENT SCHEME!; t3P“And remember every Prize is drawn at each diawing | and paid when due WLTIIOeT obDCJoTION! 1 PR ZE OF 57.5C0 1 “ S,<JOU ; 1 “ 52.000 2 “ 1,000 5 “ LOU i 10 “ 200 | •5 “ JOO 78 *• 50 i*2o “ 2a ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. Z~W° Tickets $5; II lives §2 50 ; Q,waiters $•. 25. Hills on all solvent ranks at par. Ad communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, A gent and Manager. Sign ol the Bionze Lion Montgomery, April 21 —twtd JOHN MAY, Agent,Girard, Ala. CEF* All letters for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. ‘I’IIE subscriber having acctptcd r m the Commissioners ! L iue Agency MM iViaiiagt llirlil ol liie 1‘ OKI UAI.VbS | AC,iDF,j\iY i oT'HRV, haa tstau i fed the pr cipal * 1)1 eat | tana, < eorgiti, am intends c-inducting ue I<tu ry *.i. t lie same p an us ot tile t outturn Military Academy J.otUry, ol Aluo.iia... GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY. JL ss £5 DLa XjfT To bedriwn Mo 24 ; h, IH 5, in the (Ji yof Atlanta, Ga., v. i.eii Fezes amoun agio Wil be dislrtuuted according to the following magnificent .-eta me! vr Aid remember eve y Pr.zc is ) avvn at. earn Draw it.g, anu paid when due V\ 1 II A; 1 h •.•UGt'tVN 1 PR Zii OF $15,000 L uu Id 4 000 l do 30 0 I do *ood J do Lot' o t do >• “0 5 Pr z sos 1 in do ° ol ’ sul Pi izes‘n an amounting to s>u u 0 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! 83TTickets $lO ; Halves $5 ; Q miters $2 50. but? ou all solvent Banks at pur. Ali communications stilolly eotitid ut th I. S vMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21 —td Atlanta. Georgia. 500 Bushsls Fresh Meal RECEIVING and I. r sale at the old Stand of D. P. Ellis &10. i'nce t.l 15 per bushel , lATr^ apr2l tv\4t A. S. HAYS. Sale of Rock Island Factory, &c., \\T ll.i, 1 1 ice at the p emises at 11 o’clock, A. A!., on VV M )\DAI next, the -50 inst. „ , op 2i-tw t n. .1. MUSS' 8 . Trustee. SHOES! SHOEb!! SHOES!!! Now is Yuur Time. II WING determined to chawre my business. I off. r SStl my entire stock oi Roots and S oes at NEW V<nK f CnbT FO.{ G. 4511 I have just received ain i supply ’ ring and rsuin u*r S toes. s;i tal 1; for Lad e and Gent’s weae. and also a good assortment of everyth ng in my line. l( those needing any tiing in my line will give me acm I will give them better bargains than tiny b: vv ever ue fore, or in all | r >oab l.ty will ever have ag ii.n Come ScO.t and make your selections, J ; * GAGIK. No. 3Rroad siroet. 15 Those that are indebted to me on year s account will I ljase call and make immediate payment, us want the m>uey. „ G. L G. I Columl us. Ca., f p-i 1 2d, IE 5 —twtf SUN DRIED AFPL S IAORTY BUSHELS pealed, nice and sweet, just re J ceived on consignment'and lor sale by^ April 21st., 1855 —vvittwtt. H O. 1 rIELI . HIDJEJS WANTiD. I will ray cash tor 10,000 lbs Flint Hides. April 21 t —w&twtt H- C. PHELFs. FAMINE AVERTED! CORN MEAL AND HCMiNY! WE have a good supply of Corn on hand, and will be able t.> su o v every >ody until the new cop comes in. Hom iny is better and ch i p -r 1 r Horses than Corn, an.t is iar more h-alntnl. Pr.-sent pr.ce SI 2U per bushel,. id we Hope soon t °p*2o-tw*r®“ Ch^Per ‘ WINTER’S PALACE MIL’S- COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. Ceve during the season u go. and t-upj 1} o. FAMILY GROCERIES, CONSISTING Or SUG.iR, COFEh.E, .VOL.ISisES, S*IET, BJiCOtf, COtiJV’y P R.IS, CURES r, TEAS, Fine Segars ami Tobacco, Ac-, wh ch he offers ve-y low tor CASH and C A i'll ol, !-V public are re>p -e u.H h ‘it. o -al. and exrnm e >u S ‘ . None but Genuine ami Fresh Articles will •*"** r ~ ec; anl all kovu <1 ?..rr.4ai<u.o be .it good as trie bt*t •* the old stand oi i>. P. Cilia at co., No. H, Ur ad street. Co lmnb.*,ia. SLl^iVtf. Jbtiquirtr cepy, B F U SPRINJ AND SUMMER GOODS. I ViK 8 in-criuer has received h s sock o ri R XG AXI) l S MM .tiii.YGO IH alirgeaud gen ral a e rtuient ! —c unp a 1 gondand desirable styles, which the public ■ rj ii,% 1 ,and tn examine. Thi g .i.lh wire t> u/bt to sell nrc for sale— mid will t,etl to all In want—ir examined—a? toy j wit, lie llf e t lot lower , rrics uW cASso th .u iue saan • and value nere 1 ver efftMl 111 this city. 1 p 0 -wauw 2m C. MYGATT. J. M. KUSSEI.L, ATTO II JI 1.. V A T I. AW , : OS3ce a* nrei**'t. with I T F-n. r.'-r-r .] R o.dd & Cos Broad Street—Columbus, bear.’ a. 1 Co’unims. >p ii u. ,e 5.. wa.twtf TQ TH£ LABIE . HAVING received a most extensive and mil supply of the lale-t 1 r SPRING MILINERY & DRESS GOODS Or Ladle-wear, I soiled a call from all. Tne ,Gooes re low openeii, and th selection com. ri es an is-orune it sup* r.or and 1 idler than tr < fit red beelie in ih smart* t. 1 8t r ad treet. NOTICE IN order that my cus omen* runtn g acccunts may know t’ e tenuson wlncn I trade, l deviu itadvisaoie to pub ish them. • or puichas ng on tune 1 : yn * i t is ltquind a y ur, on tlietir&toi .luij anu first o. odJuarj,at winct* t me the 1 1 1 wil be presented. “ IMRB. I>K 8 U. Yl'fiLL-IwoU3in. 1 woU3in. Fresh Ground. DOUBLE Ex ;*a Family Flour, fiom V\ hite Wheat, a a beaut ilul a>tide, per bauel sl3 Ext a Family, *• *• 12 8 perfine, “ “ IU 50 D >ub! Extra is equal to Hiram sinith. VVe have only a snmil lot of it. a; 7- w&twif_ W I NTER 3 FALACE Mll LS. SEW SPRING GOODS. JUST RECEIVED BY MANLEY & HODGES. I nglisti and American Prints. French Gambricsand Itriiliants Smtcli and F.euch G nghams, all S : yles. Rareges, t issues and Light e olored thalleja. Light S iminer Si.k- and Grenadines’ A Choice S.dectmn of Kmbroideries. Handketcineis, eol arq and Collars and Sleeves F. match. Jackonetand Swiss Trimmings and Rands. English an 1 German Hosiery—ol every description. Damask and L'raperv. ALSO, A .Superior lot of Irish ...nens. G-4 Pdlow Case— L nen and Cotton. iO-4 LI-4& 12-4 Cotion aud Linen Sheetings. 3|i!y, Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. Every description of good3 usually found in our line—all of which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Columbus March 3, I 55. w&twtf. HERE’S A CHANCE FORA BARGAIN FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. WISHING to our Large Stock of ‘ Sheet Music, Instruction Books, and Musical Works of all Kinds, < we ottn iv sell until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., i FOR CAb II . VIOLINS & ACCORDEONS can be bought cheaper here than at any other store in the City. T 1 17 AX & VAN DUN BIRJ. feb!4—tw&wtillstjune. 92 —East side Rroad-Sireet. Columbus, Ga. FOUND. \ PROMISORY NOTE, made by U 1! & to Johnson, YY Thornton, whicii the owner can have ly calling at thiss j office. ‘eb^—twt.t. j Berkshire Hogs. I HAVE for sale a large and fine y marked Sow and Rl very ! tine Pigs. apd 11. C. PHKLP . sale of tiie ROCK IS LAN D FACTORY. UNDER tle provisions of a Deed ol Trust made U’ the un dersigned ry tne K <ok Island Fac.- ry, we wi.l 1 ff t r to 1 ’ n NOl and y -Rd do of Apr. I next, ai tie Lock, ls.’-md Factory, all 1 tiose tracts o. land m the Suite of At bama lying 011 thevdiai.atnx chee I.iver,to wit: Poly actes in it.e Souin East Q artel ot Becti. 11 3., Tow list, p .8. Ruinre 3 , a (joining Uie lands of Robert ti tlarda vay uu VV Inara 11. caims, m Rtiiseil county, Alabama, and running i.p said r.ver to Uie not h nail oi said seed n 3.‘>, btl igug to Stewa t and lon ! taine, and tltein e 1 unning buCK d-e v es, u to include said 1 Filly ac e-i. Also,an that trader parcel <>r land lying ■ liit.e j Obattali. oe ee Liver, in the ou b East Quarter •>! 65e* lion 35, i fown-tiip 18,- naugcH RussH 1 ounty, Ala., aej,lining the si p of ianu in said secuon < 11 ihe Souu. belonging .0 V\ i it. aims, and on the esl bounded uy land bet •nglllg to said Cairns anu on tne north by tue la.; and of Jon 11 Fontaine, contain ! it.gfifty acres, m re . r ess, together with ihe right otwiyrui- I ping ir m sain land to tne south sde ot cction 35; tuetice 1 along sad south line lo sectio 34, continuing thence to th. West Point road, a reserved in a deed made to Rob, r Taylor. ; all that parcel ol land ijmg east ol the Columbus ! Roan 1 mining to West Point t.. rough Homer vi IK, which is con tamed in the S..nth East Quartt r of the >011(0 Last Quarter of Section 34, a: U'tweiiij six and a nan acres of and lying a..- j .inn gto tl.e same, in the . 0 .Ii West Q larter oi tne Souih VVesi Quarter oi section 35, and fourteen ami one sou- h ceres ; running due east, adjoining sad land along the m uiri line ol j, one hundred ja ds m length, to tin* Chattahoochee I river, containing .nan igh y and tl ree lourths acr-s.aH in 18, and ange mi, 11 Ruiseii ou tv, \ abama. as • the Souin east qti: rter ot lhe S .ulneast qmrterof >< cnoi ;<4. township !8, 3>, aid the ■Ol t west quart rOl Uie j ,-outh eas q larter, of snd section: P.ovided. tual these ast ‘’ tracts a**e 1.0110 ex*eud west >. il.e C-d-imtitis r a.t. Vnd all ! and sin ul. r, it e buildings, out louse, w lei eonrsts. watir jrivil gts, advantages, Kerad laments, ami s p.m tenances, ■ wtuite er. to tin saul se-veial paii't is 01 tanu bet.i g ng, in i any * ise appertaining < r wii cb the said R ><•• Island Fact, ry 1 have aequued n< rn t e S ; te of i.eorgia 1 y I nact ! ment. A s ,ad t e perso a pr. per ylo tue said Fact.o*-\ be l lot g ng, consisting o >j,.c iner , in Is. Y\ ajons, M 1 es, II >rs | ses, Alan riai for t e maiimac ure of Papi r, Manutac u e.l Pa -1 per, and aii and every | art amt | ar* el. t the personal esiate of the thocK Island Fac'ory Ihe impr ivements <>n the land c 0..- : sistoi a Paper Factory, vVaiel ousi-s, < itithon-es and ail the couvtiiincies ter operatives necessa.y io ctriy on the siute. K.J. tMSI s, i liERVFV HALL, [• Trustees, H. 8. SMITH. > The Montgomery Advertisers *azette will , lease c*>[ j’ 1 until day o. sale and rt-ndi r bill to Trus ees. ! marchv2, l 55. wrfctwtds. ROCK ISLAND FAC TORY. NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS. ON the 23d April next weshall sell the Real’and Peisonal Esiate oh the Rock siaud Facer, fordefaub in payment i ol a port on 01 the bonds o, said C* n p my, and for othei caiis ! *s; and as bj tl e provsions 01 tie ‘Jrust I eid, a 1 the holds ; outstanding,’’whether due or in t fit , are to hr* paid rateably out ! o! ihe p oceerlsoi sale, you are hereby notifi and to present your ; bonds 10 K. J Moses, one of ihe Trustee*, on or i.efore Uie j I2tn day of April next, that you may receiveyour pro rata paj , ment mi the same. HERVEY HALL, ) i-.S S>I!TH, > Truees. R J. AIOSES. ) ‘ Enquirercopv. w&twtii23Ap. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land ! ‘* HE uadersigned having associated thr noelves tojether for L the purpose 01 procuring BO UN T Y LAND under tlie several acts of Congress here.o uie i>assti, aie now prepared to make aj p ication for id who who are * ntiiled. Persons wtio have heretofore received Bounty Land v\ ar rants, are, under a recent act of Congress, entitled to an addi tional Bounty of Land, and by callii g at our office can get all the necessary inf rotation. _ J ; We a t also prtp red to prosecute Pension and other claims against {he Uniieo S ates. t’lon our long experience and gen- I eraWsucess, we can with confidence say, that a'l e aims entrus : ied to our . are. will heprompt y and rp.edilx adjusted _ One ot die p irti. s being constantly iu V\ ashingiou city, will ! give the business hii personal attention there. Office over Guuby te Daniels’ S.ore, Columbus, Georgia. | MICHAEL N. CLARK, feh2L.w&twtf. A- KAGAN. BOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Forms to be used in obtaining BOUNTY LANDS, suited to all cases, that we will sell alsl P er <l u * re > GASH. Columbus, Ga. w&twtf LOMAX &. ELLI-s. GEORGIA, Randolph Gruuty.—James Li'tie, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate ot V\ i.liam 11. I.ittle late of said counH, dec’d: Ail ai-d singular the kindred and creditors of B.iu deceased are therefore hereby t r-ered, lo hie Uieir obj-cii-ns (t any they have) on or be* ore the next Jun Term ot t ; e Court <>i or dinary ol said co miy, otherwise letters will be liieu and ihere graniea to the applicant. Given under my hand, at the Idb day of Ai rii, 1355. ap4-w4od. OiP.BB\LU* rd. Guardian’s Sale. IT T ILX be sold at Outhb-r, Rudolph Cnun'y, on the first v v uesdt in luuo next. t> the inghe-a b-ider, 1.--U o N•-. 125, 120, &142, in the 6 n d'striot of said county 8->ld by an order trom tne honor ibte ttie C ! r- of < ot sad couni’ as • pr->peity es my minor ct iidren, l apti-daoS-w-Ld COTroN, Guard. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Eveiybudy Else A L\RGE&. COMPLETE ASSO.t TMEN rOF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! BEING desirous o’ changti g my busine-s. I now od-rniv * • ,Vi v t ck o School, I.a \v. M ill- Tbeinwglt a end 311 - feia!i*iA.)ra ( .t t ianemia books, hihl" I***"* 1 ***"* Slailoaeiy at COST FOFI CASH* I have a l<*rce S'lock ot School m ks, and it will be greafh ’ to the advantage •! leauhxsaid tho-e in clirt* •! Bch- oh. iin call imtiied ately aid su.pj 111. mnW h If you cam *•! • nine, tend jour oiders with the montj, and 1 will bind I hen j to you. any one wishing togo into ihe busbess, I would ny,'hai I *i.l st o h* in my e tire stock uj < n lie nn-st latoiaL! teiim —hoi.ii as t pcs nJpa>rue. t. Oi i ail -ee. I’ Mvl> \N L. II XYRI.I . N. B— 1 would most rospii t uly saj,t>* a*l wli >r • i,dent ed to te. ihai i must have He u.uuey. Please let unt hea. iroin y hi wiihoui ur in r notice. J. i . 11. I'ii.umhu* *a., ,-tprii i4, 85a. wiwti FO K SAFE. „ . THE II U>E AND l.n| at tr* sent occupied ly the subocrib r. P* session i-iveu ini” ‘“’u tel}. i£2s II r. IIA Ll*, eilll i 4 pii 20 n.v>—twtf bdu ntyTa nlmva rra n rs. I'll I u tdersghe < a*-e j reps r and v> obtain BOUNTY LAND <V A KttAN T<. < ftiice, at the Court House, wue'e“ue>r the “’her may b consiaull found iS\A<’MIT Ha. •, aid w 4 r\ i VIN TH > T ‘N. SKU LNG MACIIIF.ES. GROVER, BAKER & CO'S. PATENT. IMiKs mplest aud Lest in use. aid tie only Machine adapted to get eral use. ‘Jan stoc i asi.iii bosom,* r sew mieei. t.hcki ev es f #s*i b r.swihtqial east. > an be n>a a e .y a lie: r->; is not nai le to net u. or - rder.atid the sew me win outlast Hie man rial ian be run bj hand, loot < r water pow er. I- very •ne fhou and have them. T.i* y will do the work in ad;yin an hour, wan ease. Call and s-e them. CGYtDRY & CO., Agents, ap!4 twt f • c-luinbu*. i.eorgia. BOOiv KEEPJLNG. I ANNOUNCE to the young gentlemen of that 1 have i pened a sciooi lor teaching BOOK KEEPING BY DOUBLE AND SINGLE ENTRY. Double Entry Book Keeping will be taught in a se.ies of | lessoiia.comintiing theory wiiti practice, in which will beexem pi fled the method oi i pening, conducting aid c using a set of books, s-i.igle E itry win be taught practical.y in the manner usually practiced in actual business. TERMS: For Double Entry, §2O, for a term of six weeks, unless the pup I should ael through before tin- expiration ol that time, in which case the t*-rm will expire when the last lesson is taken. For Single Entry. §lO, for a term of three weeks, with the condition above mentioned. HEFERENFES: Jamrg K. Re id. Win A Redd, McLaren & Duck, J.L. H >well. Those who may wish to take lessons must app'y withinji w eek Iroin this date. M. Al. PEl’l'l I’. < oiumhiis, Apr 1 9th, 1853. apiOtwllt The Subscriber offers for Sale MA VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, situated on the east side oi the Hamilton roa i, near the north Commons, co.isi-ting o; a good dwelling house, kitch en, smoke house, and all other necessirv out-buildings and a good well f water, sc. Oliei p lor cash. Those wishing to purchase will uo w*-H to call and see it. opltl —,wtf. -0 tNIEL PIN NIG AN, JtEGZ2'BEQm lAM in receipt of ala ge supply >f that most indispensa ble luxury in a feOUiln r t clir*. ICE. and wid furnish l ! as cheap a> and r.. at the lcc Utilise. Send mi joui *#rd rs and keep cm 1 ‘A'. M HOC ‘IN. i 1 nibu-< Oa April.!. twtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons aie hireby nidified that circum stances muse itahsoiu e y necessary llmt we stionld l,uvea litii on eery hors* board* and at our stat le ny ihe month or j ear. We. theieiore, here y give notice, that our null ien shall enter into ami neooine t part of every c>>n r ic< tor tne k< ep or hoi rJ o ho-seal our s ables, and i fiat n al. cases wt rest rve tlie right lo n orce sad lien, tis mcc-s ry. jpY tt. H \'t*;i>Eß At PITT: 8 . JAINT 1 N G t ’ I'HF. suh-cr'ber. ( d'ter an exp rieuee of several tears in the A- jri icip; 1 c ties oi Europeu .and Am engages to ext cuie a 1 kind-i of House, Sign, and Decorative Painting with ti a"r an * ‘is<na cli. AV*lls and Ceiliiigs Grained, Maibled or Fresco’d. Aii suju work doi.euy me w ira.i ed > please. KDW t HD I. KIVU. tnr Store on Broad S reef, next and or to 1. it S ri, ner> i Candy M utnacMiry ap3 iwlinwli.* FOR SALE, ON ACCCMKOD/.'.M G ITI A Fomfortab!** House and Lot, . ?J’L I’ hcalihy part of ti.e City. Fur particul r appiy to H \ KKISON, A US FIN & McG* IIKE. iVlaich 31,155 lw 2m ” UItEAT KXCITK.M KNT !! To xlie PuTalic. IX) you know ihat I vi r body desirn g to Fuiela-o life Ike aid lindunng liken*s es ol their \> ives, Husbands,’ hi Id en, Hrothors, Sisters and Freud-, aie making a Grand rush, toby far the best, And only place in Columbus, where J likenesses, which seem to I r alhe and I.ive, can be got up, at shoit notice, in landless variety of .-iyle. and possessing that Kichness ol fi'i-h, wh eh ha- never Yet t et n equalled or approached, at any Other estahli hment in ihe State < f Georgia. Forget it not, aid whenever you want a Gem of a Picture,calf at C. I. DKPKW’S Fxceismr (iallery— Woodbridj£*-’sold stand. Many thou->ind’ of Pictures, in Columbus, Speak tor themselves, and testify to the above. March 31, 1 853 twtf. RIDDLB’S Fashionable Baguerrean Gallery. j ri'xHE Pr< p iet* r has'he hirg, >r neatest, and most trdiioua b y arranged G A LLE It Y .or the Ait in the State. ! He uses the best matt-rial, and allow s noU.iiig but first class I Pictures t<> leave his Rot-ms. So forget not. yd icvtrs of the Fine Arts, when f*rth ! to obtain those imperishable-gems, to call on RIDDLE. He will give you a Handsome Plc'ureand a Good t pj. Asfortakin children, fam ly groi ps, Steri-copesout door views,&?., hedefies any Artist inthe country to surpass him. Roo rs on Broad S.reet, over f. Mygati’s Dty Goods Store.< olumbus, a. marU tw9in. SP E CIA LN OTIC l<:. IN order that or customers may understand the teirnson when w'eUado,we havethoutitit it advisable i to publish them. They are as follows: For all purchases on time,payments wiil be required twice a year; say lit MayandlstJ nuar*’. On ail amounts unpaid at the f specified, we shall claim and expect int*rei-t until paid. !* E. BARNARD, & CO Columbus,Jan. lst.’ss. janll—w&twtf. MIDWIFERY. MRS. JANE M'GINTY offers her professional servi ces to the people o Coniiubus and vicim j . She has h w thirty yea*s wxper.ence in the business aud fia.tcrs hir.-il thai oy strict itie iPoushe wid in rri; the puoiic p ilronage. S ie ma> he found, when not p*ofe*-sionally tiikage l. ai he residence cn Jackson street, just below the Methodist M s-ioi Church. [maria —twtl. DISSOLUTION, r rHE(!rni of H \Ll.fc 8 -va3 dissolved on the first o January, 1e55, i y h** * eaitt of i. I. Musts. II RVEY H lI.L, -Surviving Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rHEui’drr-igmd tmvv ent<-red ini’ the HlhD-’fJlßi B USI.YESij, uudtr the fi,m ad i s-me us || \ t i ji & OU. . |U EVEN H .i |., 18 l A I M‘B JYCnB P. HEvRirKS, WIL .IAM A. BEA H. Febrmary 13,1<>55, BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, ATTORNEYS AT I* AW , COLUMBUS GEO. (Office, No 67, Broad Street, over B. Barnard's Stme ) j I AVINU m *de ur'angements at Washington City, t y which ll a i s- entr irted to il e’ i* p<n pi > *<■ • dul o. t* y e e- 1 1 *.i r |'**cure Bouiitj 1 iil War rant.-, P. liHions. *tc., and p <*.-c u- l. ial n * ... an-st >i Lmt.ii enli. rbe on Citgrt.-s *r il. > huihl Jc pnrtmcnts J gr *L. y ire also preparol topi chase Claims, &c*. a.aiisi he Unit, u’ s. N*i I'ay required until the J.and II arrants Claints k* rre procured JAMKS hamilt-x. wm f ri.* K Aj.ri Tin le*s.. uKtwif j. r. Jordan. s. i. dtE. JORDAN & GEE, RECEIVING & I On W A lIP G Ai EEC II ANTS, G.'ni'ra! rommi>sioji Agnils. & halers in Dry-Toed3, Groceii sand Provisicn', CHAT rAHOOCUEK. Gadsden County. Fi a. _April 2, 1885. * \\6m. GLAM). lO Tons Guano, Just Received, and for Sale by < i RBBN WOOD GKI Vt ES. Colnmh >s March 7. 1855 w&luGOd, 1 X KZ. V IV** ‘I the Alamo, it* anew and w. r , j Ist puiii.shed by tl e lit rjrs Also, a New Supply cf 8 xith Bide View of l'very. by N. \dam-, D. It ; R'i h Hall; ap. Oanot: Lilt and Beauties ol Fan y t ern, me &c *.o iinn'i*, F h. 22 w Aitw'f. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. r A Shan s Muscogee R iilr<>a . S <>ck fo.ale bv OU HARK S N, AUSTIN to .WcGEHEE. fch3. .wit twtf. Southern Mutual Life Insurance. - rilß lavotab e term- on which one may sci > re to his w iiiow 1 ant or* him chlhireit a comfortable hi pp >rt, invite the at tention ol all who are not ricli ii<mgti to ( rovide for their tum ilv \> ithout their own p rsonal exirtioi.s. For fur her information apply lo *'el>‘24 -wnwSm. A POND. 4gent. FLOUR! FLOUR! JUST recp’ved on consignmen* and for gale Seventy- Five Harrell, A. Mo. 1. Puichase and trj it m u'g7—wiVtwti. H. U. PIIt.LPS Just Received on Consignment, i)A Ann LBS. Tennessee New Bacon; Hog round; ZU,VuU 1000 lbs. Feathers. 5 > Kegs Trime Fresh Lard. 75 Boxes. 3<; Boxes and M Boxes bo t Virginia Tobacco. 1 i<m YardsTenessee Jeans. Chea|i for ('ash. mar24—tf HULL, FRIERSON to f O. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, CIV 11. ENGINEER AND SURVI YOR. COLUMBUS, EGOKGIA. VRCHITECTUR Al* Fesi ns and Wortli-g Plans lor Build ings furiiistie 1. A ti fleer’s work calcuis ed; Furv.js ol land made, and T p-grapical plans iuruihed with accuracy, neain ssand despabh nr < ffl -e over i'o . Holt’s Law Office. Columbus, Feb. 24. • w&twtf. IDO MY OWN PUFFING. N'OVU 1 say, thru 1 have fist rife T >bacoo on reas cable irn* VVhv lo I say SoY because some ol our editors luy Hits I obncco. Those who arenm ow-H in on* ed s Hie it r. j - .in s'd t-XHimne rn% Tolxacco, Srgart, Brandy, Wlilskv, YVltie,&c. &e. lam and .n lum en k> sen, i ro.* cash, asm. 1. on New Jo'kcost. mar 2 —vtoiwlt. P \ UI.AAT N. WINTER FACTORY, Columbus, Ga. VAKNS. 1,1 JlilS. wuaii-ing ‘IUINE SEWING THREAD, for tafe. V\ GUI* Card and at one lourili toll or ten cents per pound. I.INSEYS made tip on shares, or 15c. p* r yard. All Woik done rrninptly and Warrunlcd. MONTGOM rBY I HON WORKS, MO.VTCOMCRY, ALA. WILL FURNISH I‘IWMI'TLY Eiu-nes Oin-mar Saw Mills, l.rist .M. 1-, or soy d* sci iptiiHi ol jlvtt///JY Him Also rtien’s un— mail'd Walir V\ heels tl e bes in the <* r and l.yncn. lae to 1 <>. Whut hsj&Co .Wo druff & Go* tci.iiis,‘*n the Mu* og< e Ra l K*ml.ainl i v.m- nms oiheis testily to evtting lt)b leet of m er per hour, each using *ne of our Pa ent t ircu ai S..w M ils o: out Snw. G. w r . WINTI R. niurl2- wA twtf A gen', <lm hit-Ge rgia tiTE lakethi*. nein *d in oimitig our-needs uml the|.u \\ lie tha’ we hive removed m*r Store l<> KO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BEIOAD STREET. Where ia I w iys h.- lot il 1 irge seleciion of fyfpFHMl ICRTBS^rf .. t M mufactoriesin the United States, uiullMuts and PRICES. ALSO, Melocllnns, Guliam, v elles. Violins, Banjos, Tan* bo* in •* Unto, Flntls n, Accordeons, filusic Boxes, < lariinitte, Flagemetti ami Fifes. Also,'-'■all kinds .oi BJASS INSTRUMENTS f< r BAN JS, tog* ih r wit. B*ss aii Tmnm h U ts 8 KIN Soi all kinds, ami Hi Largest Assortment of SIIKEI NI UslU for: II ti e abme naUitu ii.s.rei. e. is, that can be miind tioutn ol Ptnla*u lj-hia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF sl Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, x+—l Wo IKV\ ELKY and FAN Y GOODS, of all ue rip!ions. SSs&aßt 1 * ether wi*h a full assaortmen ol YY rmlt and and Embroidery Patterns, and other articles too numerous lo mention. X~i?~ S cond hand Pianos taken in exchange when new ones are bought, and the highest pric* s allowed for old one., jrgr second han-t Pianos <*r -ale or Re't. Pianos, Organs, M elodians, and a 1 other kinds es Musical lnstruiu* n s r. p end in dm i et maimer, and at the shortest notice, and warr ii.ted to give entire satisfaction. All ord-rs left at our store w 11 >e promptly attended to. ThUAX to V A MIEN BERG, 7G Brosd Street, ."Mgu ol the Mammoth Fiddle. C •fnmhiir. Dec 1i.1854. w&twtf* HEAR BOTH SIKES. All the World will Read this Book. ; THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONF* VOLUME, 12310., CLOTH. Who is Ruth Hall) Is Ruth Hall Fanny Fern, or somebody else? and If Fanny Fern Is not Ruth Hall who Is Fa* ny Fern? TIIE LIFE AND BEMrrfEsljF FANNY FERN ’. la now before the public, and the world wil. be ei lightened. Amt this boo) a sfraf ?e ml uii olds Ihe present Work Is authentic in all its Details. Those ho have read the advance coj y, (ruiounce U the wutleot. spiciest hook o) the season. U presents vivid, life like p.ctures of the charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Hall, tt her own dieside, t<* the Editor’s Sancium. in the street, at iiuch, and every where, ami in every position she is tl e same aeciuating wnmaii. in th h voliini* .several of Fanny Fern’s* uriiest efforts aj pt-tr ■r'he Gr-t tune in h- ok mrin. Th** reader will find tiiat they possess ‘he same atpactive ea'iires which charct r ze a • he.* productions t'h**\ a-e alternate y witty an i pathetic, caustirand soothing, p>rklii gaod pensive No •> h*r author has.'icceedjdso well i*i touching the finut •tmrdor the ties*;. Just received an*i fc t sale by feblo—wtotwvf, W. PEAB2.