The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 27, 1855, Image 3

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rar £A; Times aid SentmeL I V rjjffj), i rill %Kl>F THE£. UY /r. i,.—C? ‘fr£fJ3M^S At ry and -wii er# one bnuht ry, Can (ir’iii the dew drops from tiie i'ca* \V iu'U nit re’s sH*ak in soli r p e v * Fi th< n, my child, I th nk of fjv mem Xf’t fight ? see ‘he* y f 1 1 dream- thou do.-i return to me: ‘I he v sion flies mid 1 a-v rke. To wt-ep, try child, <i..d thin* and >iiee. K nd and dwecbeut to my ™i, Wan can n* fill thy p ace nr me? ‘1 h bud -and all make me ‘bed FuL uni VS a tear, my child, lor the*. Wii. n'er I -pend a aoeia) hour Woh iriHid •, who.-e hearts are 1 iiht a:d free. Unbidden thruuhts-mey wrl anae To make me think, mv child, of thee. “VVhen hy the caeer'ul eveniug,bi ze. My eh- Iren gibber round mv knee; i imv-y thou art with them., And then, my chi! 1, t weep tor thee. But when the sky (bokscalm anti blue, \nd star- 1 -hitie bughr as i-T Stilt can be; 1 th nk of heaven, and an y then, jr it 4B i r ny cltYd, to weep for thee. a „v pm ‘in liigence ®ffiee —Considerable ex- ‘ . wa , creat'd at .New York on Tue-dav morning, . Ki'vmetou -t, and in i vicinity, hy the coll etion id i uiieit .1 111.) I and fiemiait at d* .rieh fai.nvnjiii front i-futi Ull | InteHureuceCffie., kept by a Dr, has Yl*y. &, | N ■ 1) hi ih"t >fe r. It ap. ears that the Dr. advertised ‘.l’-Vlaon* number of laborei.-*, ogont • the com.try to i 87 50 per weuk, and a eon: uierale j him, >nd pail slim t each, as atoe: but ill’ j vr , v ;, and mat they had >eeu swindJeiLth-y mus , . , , ~, re ii.rce.uid repaiied to the 1 efface to -a-®* !. m n -L being thtr , tiny captured his clerk, and j ‘,, k ’ ;nm I, :ie Major’s i dice, * here ie ma e afliiittvii < had- f ceir hired only the day nr vims, ana was • „r ; ; a attempt to- defraud, the lab. rrs I? was j ,J eh ir tf<ju, and awa rant was issued tor the arrest oi j Me ye cv 1 (.■;* rnits Sanaa Bank The “F.v* Ceirs Facing “V tj,, to.i’’ tin.- been ia existence a y ar, and the first at ii id* ii lepnrt -a the directors ha- ju.-t appealed. Tne V'hde nmntier ..'depositors !!••* as 5 7TJ> and their re live .iLie- IS I tna ter of curious i te est. D •powtors un ,i. r tiv • veins of a# UO2 ; five and less than itteeii years, : lit teen ami ies Man t*oiiy one year , i0 5 . twni.y ,iin; nil !e—lha” eiirtny y-ars, S9ii3 Tu 3 l\.4afc sum on depd.dl is i-ba ilu 1. tj rp Do-.isei.s- Th ere am 2bX fi males who pay a-tax oi pi ue md .a hie ar a .1 Hat it was taxati* u with .ut lep m t'liiauun. pays iSM 1 k COMMERCIAL. COTTON STATEMENTS. ’ -i?. ’T 3 z£ 5 ‘j. 1 x ‘’ -f i.K 2 *3 f r 03 * x sf :<i ~ - land £|_ this r - ‘ - ; r c ~ J ta>. ‘fal. 13 9W ! 675H6|68{:6-19:57V;53 64l 9h5L .771 1U2U5b732 H:^’2 231s 54U1 6*9 i CoLCMHtrs, April 26. COT TON—There have been hut te-w nvinauein ns a- n.'.. nur Stmt, ri pwiru ill ma.aisjuencc of the 1-siht sba-lv i ti’ -r. l>tr ilia aiv- |i '-e t* optra'.e, lull prices aud tin ■• as is •if e eti ii d’eale tiie siiiiie figures id our ;a.->. ||K.|;||||‘. t ! le *-lf t. o rbe It #S |irl’ .Vll 0.1 has ye >e.i ve pe l. We cofthUUfe. tu H lule pliucipuf Sales > a 9 c ma. Savannah, April 25. i OT ON- The iiquby was vei v §;i)od -lid 1603 .dfs s i ii ‘. rs << ii f'ue Hi in. lu pi ices* ha-e un. <i • ie but •• ‘ haa. • uet the receipt ot the Nash r.iiie vjv un.,3 — be am..nee in •ut n inker having an a-'P'” W 1) u c,u is. I£.\: eint 71to 9£ Principal sah> 5 ..■ r* Jc i t*-. I he■ fF rinjjNtoi It is light. We quote: L vv Maid Bg 8-1 a b-i Si ci iii dona, 9| a 9^ G ‘d Mi idling.. .... 9£ a 9f Ci ui ing Fa r . 9| a 10 Fa.i\, . uoui.nal Atlanta, April 24. COTTON —0 a SJ, <xrem a. New Orleans, April 23. Celt 41 s firm, an- 1 Nitofa Pales ehangi and bands before ■a ri e prion of toe NishmiUe's n vi es. < ULUM iUS I RICES CCThtlfiNT. —’ (Mitcky 4P ■yap ® East India. 4.ILE It H i Ky ap (i 11 © |y Norauni -fflp i: <g) 9EAdVI >1 #>,l 18 © -20 —outa —ojienu... ... fii 3? © to “'tar Wll 511* © ratiow ... Ii 1.8 © OFFEE—Rio ... .y It 13 ® U •'••va ...... .... ...w>r’ 16 © 18 Laguir*. ... .gpit 15 © n fiV Afhttot. 110 * 121 UGUiid —< ‘<t < Hiuhtirgrt .. 4P y 3 © 10 i*.. Hisr uut. <#> i 7,%® 9 4-4 He > 8 i etnijr .W y 8 © 10 Vul cu K.rani.f’ v. V 4 itt 28 FsSa—Mack r l No r.... *lO (Ml @ *r> oo No. 2 L. Oil ©2O 0 i | No. :i ...; 56 no © i5 oo ‘had... * nec @ Ut KJ* my 14 Ml ti ® tl s*t ! ’) —; rv .• * . S'® 10 vve - @ SuN— Pi* v , $ * | 5 © 54de ....... 6 © 6’^ •**h t. l 8 © — si (A TS Ml S— .n-n-ed......... . Trim W-t. ~5 ® l oo ro r i 4. 4 s',so M 2 >’ r> 4**a #,25 •© i,50 v OV 8 •*. ‘ - © c >.>>• Mi-i .f r © I * iue ....... 4P u t 5 © 10 3A < DAT -flume ii i ® 1014l 01 4 Fide* ye fcl * ® L 2. t * *■ outers ... 4P 1* 10 B( H it- 3t ■** hi. © rtme ..*► bbi © “ N• • •• —f h ® *5 a E'7'TOi uoiiiii y . a © 0 r( *. 1 15 © 16 p- 7)ro/ S- a u fp ‘-u hr 1 i 75 # I. 0 lr vi *> umi. 2 75 © :i oo LT . . .... > !**.• ititi * * ‘ ?ETtE 4P U* # 4A 8 ” im3 ~.3f oa ‘,25 * Bi*l Ktf —.inumj. ** •,£: iii © 6 *o Am r, ;ui .. <o* ®’ n5 © 75 Peacn .....*r 1- ® I U * in -tT-tattul as t 2 5) ’ :ti.r|,'au &■ r ti.3 © 75 R:i a—.hmiaici 2:1? -0 > © 3 ..t Vt-v Misrliinii..... •;* <j 65 © 75 Whisk y—Hecs rtml f 4. # 50 s t.o :mitm --W I— # ’ •iiotigaiiela I** a: 75 ® ! 50 - p in> TIJ \P S 3 K f* tr ta 1 Isi a£Er.L-P"w - ‘W @ 10 aH t <© 2ti • ;<rill;li ... ... ® (ft 4rn r (i 01 0’ : att*r ® to Eiur i'O <* * Ii ® 18 sUA* 191 —vr woictttiiiis.. . ....# ’ia 9 1 W 1 -Jtf-* t > * i II & * V ivtr .. VI ta'A a* nrL'% • * , H * T i„ \ - - -f 1 8_ • 21 il TUB a.n*B<u ® 45 KmS * ** & Ohio. £. | T tTKfH V* -- 5# v • Ya->p :o - V f * • "• r.A.ura .... -*- - 3 ljt & iW tAuiinpaaiic. -- 5 ® &3 * * ! x ‘f.trrtetl. In Russell Conntv, AI >. <w r%. *sth, hy the R v \l - Sneer. \t: Cha. lea b Lb ’ c.t a.. : Ma y E* -VieGehee, ot Uie tonner ace. DlluO. j , ‘ n Tail ih rasee, F'a., on the rth of March, 1855, Mrs. Maty ib. l_.iv,n.f Con, daughter wf A aptiTML A.raui%, anfa wi eot I hijtnua i. iL.Viug ton, iffed 2S Dr. M’ Lane s Xennfu^e —During a practice of more ‘-h*u twenty veaf , Ur. tu uaue had attendetj liumiiienib.e paiieuta attbeteu wufaevery to ui oi wostn di ea-e, ana was iiiduced to apply all tile energies of tia mina u liieuiaccv cry ui a Veinniuge, or wotui de.-ir. y r, ce tain :u as I tecta; Cue iiiauii OI uja latHiia !- use Awiencan Wer.ji c-pe- Liiic, iiiiw beiorc the puolsc, wnirk ta ijrrlrutiy -a.eaii.i aiuv be given abke to v h kln-a ot uie mo t tend* t age,. tto tu c aged i.a dt; It pi.rg- tniia y and ?u dues tever.aud ue. ‘ioy 3 worms wiui inva ,a ie -ucce-s. 1l ia ra.-y ot udm u'sira Tion, and as u does mercury iu auv io, m whac tv<r, no eat ictioiia are u cea ary wiui real rd to coin watei, nor ia it ut awing Ui. { R t inju. v t . u.e tende eat mi ac. Aa inctvdib.e nutuoer ut Woiuia i,ae been •xp .led oy tiiiß g Cat verttiikiye. It may tie pu,o..aa* ed at ao he • u uggisL* ai u lui Pu j ana .j. L'eaier -eu eiaiiy tfaruughout the Cuiteu Gc is a;.21-lfw Among diseaae*. dyspepsia and liver complaint sanß. as mo t and ffi uit to cure. VVe aie pleas, and p, have it m our poaei to p- n touta ie tieuy wiidi uas prov. and ci 'ectuai in many cases, and which we cm sa e y tecu u mend as a certain and inta hole eu e, it has been ihe intaa j oi rescuing lilo isaiids bom ui untmn-iy grave. Weneaa Hootianu'steeiniau BiUer p epared by Dr C .Vl.Jackoj, at f e Geima.ii siuos. Philadelphia borsale oy Dr. C. .VI Jack, on, L-0 Arch sti-eet, P'uia , and by Lbtnforth <SI Nagle, Kub- itGarter, Ji v tofts it t h..p ----m tu, L jluaiOos Ga ; uad by 0. Liiui. r dt tjo ,ii ;tra, Ala. *4ap—2w PAI P T t. AT r, PI ( tI? THE Comp Itial Nc ri gia, Dyspep la, Uhtivei.e S aid Piles, an* aii ivieved and cured in an incredit.le tune, hy Cl.rteiVSpanish Vlixtnre, and c g eat ionic m.d finitier ai the bl< od 11 contain.- md ii article oi .VI reurv, uiuunu or any n -xio is and r. ie perfecuy h.iruiiese, and hi* urtd more than five hmidred case* of di ea-e. WVca.i only r ter the r< i ier to tne . e t ffcaten, a tew *>f which may be foui din an* t er column, md a of vihicb e detailed m fuil around the b< nle. It is Uie gjeaie-t ot ait -p igand tail Med ci e-. aud poaetisses an uniueuce oVef the blood truly remarkable. Bee advertisement. aiTlm. BA GAI2B FOE THE LADIES. JUsT RECEIVED ON ONBIGN MEN T. I .f* vik Or*’ s IPp. BS ai 40 ce its per pa r. -t'J’ ‘ 5 D z ii t.’aJic Para.-*.* a. al a> ; -ns. I u. • i.ii,ha.u * g do. Sim, *• *•.■ “ 4 d<>. ,l “ w Hill -v 5 do. •* at run $ 40 to ft.T.'i. i.’all ai. t.- Aueiion Store. S>.l3 !. wes, .-o.; lr<* and a,..--4-twit J” 1 ii r-liiN viidtaky academy lottery. (BYTES ATJTttOBiT; r TFS STATE OF ALASA.MA.) Cimductcd an the. tiaca:>-+ ’an. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. .CLAPS O Tii le drawn May 12. 1855, a t/ie dry of Montgomery. VVM-N ißZiri A .Vi* LNTIMi T* i fgiaotooo Will Le dist iuuu and acc.rd. i g to Uie loilowirg iIAGSIFICEH T SCH EM E ! Ami remember every P -ze ‘ drawn it each diawmg a.n. [mid wiieuuue VViThO. T a. BiTolTuM! i PE Z:S Qfp .97.51-6 I “ -3,01 M) 1 •* . ... s,tioo 2 u i,1,00 5 “ , .00 *1 “ , 200 5 il ’ i'jo 7a u *. o -U - 2a ONLY TEN THOUSAND TICKETS. 11T Tick e-3 9>; 11-lives it 30. tg., sters -4. va. Buis onatl La ka , par. A.i cumiaaaictttnii.s strict. pullfaL S TAN, Agent am; Manager. Sign of the Biomit Lion Montgomery, April 21 twtd JOtiN VIA Y , Agent, Girard, A ia. trr All letters for immediate ana-ver must ue addressed t> JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State of Georgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOiTKRV. THIS aubwribtr havimr acmpieu r m the Coir oaissioner? the .'geiicy ; iiu .ii.timgtiimnt us the rutt'l ‘t/U.vl.’ A‘'a l)(tii Y i uTTI RV. las t siau.i ten lbe p l ci| at < Oice ai tiaiua, *•. euruin, am intends c'” dm Mnr ii e 1 •t. r> <• the same p-in as Uh.l ol Uie iaut/urn J.d.runj JteaUemy J.atttry, of Aiahum . GRAND SCIih.ViE FOR MAY. la JjTTo be Or iwn M.v 24 h, I*.'s, in the City of Atlauta. Ga., wneu l*t zwiimnun ug !o SS6<HOO® Wi'l he disLn.juteit ai-cnrdintf lo the Millmviug rui^nifleet rolteme! tJT Ai.U remember eve y Prize id aw .ax each Drawiiut, ami paid when due Wli II L i‘ UtUUGtV. N t I PR ZE OF \ u .° 4 IHHi . l l f'’ ‘"■"'l/.’ 30 0 i 4° * 2,0051 I I. n. I „ a,> ... . 1.0110 1^ Pr 1 z,Bof Atm HI uo .... - ..... s . siii Prizes ; n all amounting to 25 ™ 3 ONLY TLN THOUSAND NXJVIiiERS! ryTifkrttlO; H *5; Q latfers ijri 50. btiie oo all soiveut Ba.iks at par. All couimuuicanons stjiciiy eontid alia S vVIUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. April 21—id Atlanta, Georgia. PUBLIC Qpintl Dcshy of h Lottfrv Loiu* CAPITAL 11 000 000 FLOS. N3. TH’3 t) \N isiriaraateed i y bi ii<*verumeut, .ud v\.i he 12 o. 35 000 r -i 05 15.000 pS. „ i a OtMl - 4D *• (i 000 - *• J srt ~ 4.000 “ Ltd - 4,000 * 19(4 ** 1.000 ’ rue 1 ,x,. „eze be...* 42 FU. i- * ; 1 -e sex- * Uifc. - P ac- at ‘ h. e lionrn. e Baden !•*’ r met on I tie -t y , w heti event dr *u mtm . r —;• ”‘ e L'* in .I Prizes, Wlllcft %i,i ;.e i aiti .n t.ash. at the . m es Ut uud r-ut’ Mi. to lunate rhituhot.r- mu res data <‘ 4 r u -t * l tave :n. ir • il-u-.t .1 P 2- -a ued paid ,o mOi ur ,h‘ esu 1 h.rtlßmt- I” “ * *u-l w‘* . MU to a u:h -n re. .and r and (he success a uu uoers pabuai... Uitiie >t^vkripens p)im uftoo ,viae-T ei ?T v. Do • r * TUe i*t-*ui4 advantages are *iveii y takun, a number a nCh co*t only i.-J j 50 Hck-ia cost only 5? A_. <• e* “o * “ ,J ’ TW, Price Os T ekets c:.n •• ■ ■ 3 ~< ‘-•.* ,r rj, > pavii \ liix.j ,t liivnom i.eminu.*.u • ■ uar y, tiu ia. ... F VTt SiS -dFr ‘pc aes Fai - k - Uig uu xse, 4 2 , ‘rVh B L>o > •-* )N IV < Ri— **>—T 1- oi ‘ 1 GaRMA Y • jf n toners t> i lire jei -per 8 l;l ' n r < * l ‘‘ v '*’ P‘""’ . „ vi,, r 'V ~Dm m.s u: k‘ br o.k’m t-m-ihe* V.J, ae. ” it. im. auces vrh . a r tv. a ie tiie ; y •* lrawu , *dl n returruMt, ur invesieai-i lb-* msi D awu ~at ue , -* JU “ cut f Joe Ustrfbtiof> cm be im-peereti at th. [ ( m e... J,if.p r •>•'-'>( O'imtif. htobs WA-NTxD. Iwill rav daeii for 10‘,04K) ib- Fnut II dee. Aptii 21 t —wALtwif H. C rH L. >■ FAMINE AVERTED! ccsjs m-al t'wM.ny? U*E b- - ! ati i etppiy of (Jor nb <n and *i.! ’>• ab ttu P , evte y• eiya till me Iteat uup cnmei- >• <-*‘*‘ t tiwm b itei .mien p r i r Oonres tnuj: > h armor U I ~1,0. k>r seiit [irti 4i -U per aUßbci, a-d na <i ue xjc. j tMOJ fALiVi SB..S. m wi we. -r COJOIISSION A.ND GROCERY HOUSE. r | Ht£ undersigned has the pieasu e <i anneuncuur to ihe 1 puttee Una. tie hiisjusi received and will couimue to re ceive a (.ring the season a • and !y of FA3ILT GROCEIUSS. c mstsTtxa ok stoG-ifi, COFFrE , MQL~iSVES, s.j f. i\\\ CGd.v; FCJii, CHEE*F, i TKJf% Fine ?gsrs sa t Tobaess, dt*, wh : ch he orters vety low for CA* 4 '-! and C ts-IX otiiy. T’ie punlicsr- resp -.'‘telly invit.-.t or i *<n evamo.e hit-S “ck. s',ne bui Gnanint! ai* i Freiia will He ‘Tir ei ; mil All emu? ■*> i x .rr cnie.l. o h ■ as jpeid as the iesr at the old stand o* D. P. i-Pis jl. i_u. No. i, lir ad si reel. Co s is, A. . -4 . 4VV fc.nq an r c* pv. apl2—wtwtf. Bounty Land t Botmty Land! Bounty Land’ JHK. u id, r*-mitd h.ivi? and ih. tf'-lvv*. to rtfier n.r did purpose oi pmeurma BOUNTY LAND u,,d>r the several see of - Conge sa hei* 0.*.,e paoti-, ma uw prepared to tuaee a| p csiii<-n !• rid ho who ;re M utd. Ker*. ns ‘v in have received S-a.iit” I. and Wir rantß. HiVt. under a recent act ai Cnugrea-, eniitlrd t an addi tioua Kouniy ot 1 arid, a,id ay ca.ii, gai our * dice can gel all tile ni-cea-nty inf r naiio i. Wei and ; is-> pr p red io { f -seunte Pension and tuber claims against the Unuen 3 ites r o n >M.r i< mi exp -riei ce and gen es ii -tuc -e-s. we • 4 i w in cnddein e i y. th u ala aims entrua teti to our ar*. will hej r >mpi j and p ed;i\ ihlins’eu ’ sue of Mi p irti- s Ue'i g ‘■oiirtniiily i.i v\ üßhiiigtou ci y. will give the bus,.it*—his pera aid i>t’**'ition there. Office over San by s. Uumelh* 3 ore. Ooliimbua, Georgia. Mli'HVßi i\. tUttR. fWt)24.. w&twtT. 4, . it 4ft \ N * 500 Bushels Fresh Meal | > Fif'Fi VING and I. r aie at the >id stand of D. F, ll Kil.s Jt La. Trice il 13 per bushei* tw4t A. S. HAYS. SHOES! MIOEC! SHOES!!! JTotir is T.xir Tim*. _ II \VI Vi determ ued G> chanee my bnsfain“. f i|j my ntire-uc < Boot-and 3ie-at\tW Y* U\ K f twkr ft m * <3ll 1 have jun nc Ued am 1 supply .-j r inr and -mu ii -r 3 mes. n.i a 1 • tier La<i anu <Jei i a weu. and .ai.-o a gooti a menr. oi every it ne in hi* mie. Ii mose net-du g ate t niia in n*y line will uive me aciil I will give ri em lu-lier bigains u.aii ill.} tv.r had he lore, or ii. a I | r >oub uty w m ever Gave ag .ii. Come s< u i | aod make }*>ur ieieC.iour, U. K <A •! R. 4io. 3 \ Rro u s r :et. S. R.—Tho e that are in tehte-1 to me on la-t year’s ace Uut wail t 3 e can and in ke munediaie paynidifa ass ■* no o e m tneyi S, £ G. Uotmn ;:a. <2a., /p-il 2'. I s—iwtr’ HUX D-lIiD AFPL-S ----17'Oo.TY B JSH T -S peiilef, nice amt sweeC justre Ceivo i “ii c<- <Hg one ‘t and tur =uie l y Aim ll 21-t.. H3 —wdfcTwif H > FllKlT l^ IMPOUTAHI TO TEACHERS, Country Men biib, and Everybody Else. A L\R.GE&, < OvIPL .TE ASAOTCI'MENT OF Rooks, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH I BKIM*, detdmun •*.’ cimiigii.g iny jL huiiie-..-. f low nit r nv •-V .....ivj -ti-rkn Scbssl, Law. Jltdi jffffff}- ti. T iie<. a > ii ml Mi - Sla.loaery at COST FOR. CASH* l nave a I <r_e 31ock <• S diuol m ks. and it will b* great!y lo the ad'viuiiaife oi leauliers and iho*e in clo.r e <*l 9ch ot.-, to call imint'd illely and -u. p y tin-met lv. h. It jou c ui. ot come, yyur aiders wan tne money, and I will stud them to you. .... „ny one wishing to go into the busiress, 1 would -t y. that I win sett ,n< mmy entire slock upon ihe mort favoiai 1. iei ma —pout as t o to. s did pa : mei.ta. * -att and *ee. .1* ni-DAN L. HOWELL* N. sL—I would moat resperfu ly *ay,to ail *b • ; re i.idebt* ed to ne, that I mast have the money. Pteaae let met near I'm in yu without .ur in r uotice- J.i.H. i ‘o.unihiiH i.rt . i pri | i4, 333 w T wvt SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ‘j’HS ?*.ih!M,;r!i>er has received Ii 3 s.oost oi t- r R.NG Vitt s. 15 ‘-i Jf iR *1 Id l ID * a i ii;i<l -i--ti a. a. r i-< -t —c o i-iiia a.l good and deairab.e - * r u . i;, and t> examine. Ui. g ■> ‘s v. re b- u.**• to sell—are for sale—*fl will H in all in want—U xiuiind** y Aii ’ e T ea oi l.irter ,r. res i<*r uAIiS.i dlou ,i.e aaan ay ea and vane a ere ever off! r.d ill his city. :p (I WdfwJm M <L■ TANARUS, J. M. RUSSELX, ATTORNiY AT LAW, Office at nrese*t. with G K T “'man. Fo.. over I T * dd 4Co Broad Street—Columbw.4. Geor r a. rtol'l I -'IN, pill*. t- . WX’ W: t THE LABIS . HAVING received a aioaiexteuaive and lull supply of the iai?t trench SPRIHG MILIHEP.Y & DRESS GCOT3 or i.aoies w*<ar, l aolic.t a call from all. T e .Goods :re row . peued. and til** aetectoui com, n ea sui as or;me:t > ,sU|er;nr atul r.cner then e* er > ff< rtd bealie :u tii. a marker. _ iveapccuu.i., At i. . D ■ • 3 >L, L 6nr ad ircei. NOTICE IN order that my cns'omert. mum g occcuntH rray know e’ e leiius oil vvhicn 1 trade, I dewiu itadviaauie to pub inli them. .or pu cha? na on !me yu i tis iiqun* diw ct- v j ar, on (he til's! ‘O 3<iis and first oi d.llUluy.St <*3ich me lbe -I i **d oe pr .seiit<-d. Ailt<3. L'E 1 * S|,f7 1.-s~> wa.tft.lm. , Fresia G.oand. DOT'BLF Ex-La Family H< a~, tiam W hite Wheat, a abeaurdui article, per ba-iei E\t a Family, “ .. t 4 perrine, “ “ - 10 J ° D Hib e Extra ia e<iuul to Hiram iinitii. VVe have omy a Mill'll lot < and it. ..... ~ _ v-t;-A• - WINTKR’S PAL vrE MILLS, NEW SPRING GOODS. JTJ-5T RECEIVED ET MANLEY & HODGES. I'H-iir** ii. ‘ u-ii.mi and unwiaii l rints. i* r < and Hiihaiita. S oteb and I* each *4 ngti ns an 3 ytes a'iieae-*, I'issue-* and t.iuitt * = Uued *.hai:C}s. Ligin 3 inmei S k anil Grenadines’ s lnuoe 3 iecti< n o hmiinudei is. Handke U"ie<3, ; tu , r . >ud (Joi.ara and Sleeves V match. Jack >i.el anl f<* a- lrniiin and Hamia. ton. .an in Ge-maa it,} —ui every descri. tion. Garnaak md iius a i rtpeiy. A ISO, A Superior !< tof Ir’ -h uens. ,;_4 p inw Case — L* neu anu Laltnn. •u_4 it—4 a. i _—* Hit <i i aud .i ten Sheetinza. 3 t j y. Let!din and Line.i Carpeting. Ever .1 scrtpf'-M “i g-o a usually i.mnil in our lino—ail ol vh.c i win be ?< I at tne !<>weal i.msn Prices, uniui bii*. Vi— *cti 3, I 53. EIiSOLOTIOdr. IHE arm of HIII. &vl ‘B. S ** litss,.!▼..* on the firet ol Jouuaiv, lacs, ; y he • ett, of . I Dures. Ii RVfcY rt .lUu, iurviviug Purtatr. CCPAHTSEBatI? 2TOTITC. rvimi, ,3 i avr pni* red ;iit • “* e II JI R .<■ L jB L3:-Vi. ja, uuu. r .Le a. mad 1: me ■ i lilL, Mj- Lr . mi, tt f- H V fe. S II 1 .1.. IS \ A IX >3 .*. j icort t* Hic> tiir’K' s *, VV ! L 1.4 Vi A. 3. A ii. CliittaiiDaciise SkerLf Sales, \ If.L b* Msd Jti .re she • W. touse ,:u,.r u the town n> C iac’efsu.ou toe Soi 1 ;k sda: : .Va.v a< -xi ucirteeo til. eU'li imun ot-.l . tl.e lui •I'trii jr pe y, o w II T m-e iot.- <r la no. N<. 2; , etHilaiuom 2 acre*— S>. m •,.;.t.ii>t. g -U2> a, r. . a i p •’ f m 2*. c ot ain.ue 15 — Hll j o**ll l e ; 3 ix. rum rst a; l'y ■ee a w fiia 1 iMMjieeeotui'i— , .cii| e i ■ tipr-., eu— tl*- p.;ic. “B * he-i a.oua-F null r p resid. ■*. vim. tureen, gee . izt J..e, a m a. ,u. uu 5C tt c.v. abt.ux ■ •), and u*p,.i r. ao.u ii > ear* -cd. Alei. V i ir> 1 ab* ui 19: Aie . a oo> 8. m r>.*v a6o*ut 7 .ears o.d -all levied .mi a t-.e p p n. 4 Thomas F W■> Idnoge. u> sail.- y a i fa. ;stoei r to •.< t ‘i. r „ C- ur .>t Ciiat uiuminee _a< ..nit., i., teor*f * >l. i* V\ ill vi T,n.maa F ‘Auu-dridge, *v m vv B.imy. aii Wi ii tti i . ott.atiice. 2 - V| . 3ii rt S', Bh. r 3E, * . iumbu', Ga. \prii3. ** sco*e u “itity. st. 50XICE. r |>r hersi y onram ail p r ona •r <m indinif for a note gi v j leu oy isyoc-i au ’an orxa b- I er-y Potiurd. mr Twetny | ve lh !, to i. 4. >m til. r beunru dated ‘lar i ! 4JI, gift, aa 1 doiiOfie -iav itau*, stwt never rereivu,! va , .r ■* a note. I J4..U.. mfT, r t ay U-e satce use - ay uu*, * Ju-i- - ae- W-4. FOll SALE. | TH K H f ?fe, . vNi* ai j;r< !*iiL cecupietl lv the suoß..r,ij r. P.ske:*si<>u ..ive** imt* edii.koj. *i=§j u. l, uall -1~ * - Pp il 2’ [<—lu ll’ SEttl.V*? MACffIEES GEOVE2. EASES & COS. PATENT. I 'tab * ntjticsi itui i e?t i. uc*.at dti -•<> Ylactoue ai uidi i * !* iftii erat use. ‘Jan >i* c 1 a 1 Du-utii,* r sew ui;ee> * “Su b r w li * q ini nw, • a>i in* u.a u-e y a ttei£l; i !ut 1 sat le •>... : “Ui tr> rder.and the se* uiu w; (Mttiusl Mie iiiuti rat. t an be ruti by ha;.d, i< o? . r watei |><* er. kvey •Be -hut! <1 have U.em. Toy w li du Ue w> 1 u a day iu an hour, wuii ease. Cut! .uni -1 • them. C> >Vv Lftt V at 1 0.. ,4g-n- >. ap!4—tw .f * limbu-, tirrj a. wisriaT factor?,” - ’ OQll_a.Xn.l3TA.®, G-a. YARN “*. Li V\ RAi I‘iN j I\Y i\E SfciVVPNG THkEAI). ior r-a.e. WOOL Card and at one tuui’id toll or t--a cents per pound. rrnde up on shares or 15c. pr yard. l)i Work dans frumptly and Wurraiitctf- MONTGOM FRY I ROY WARKS. MO\TG?IERY. 4L4. WILL FLEMISH PROMPTLY Engines Otretiiar Saw Mills. Griti Yi •- Sh.. i.. or anv deScf ; ption of JUt M /JV tR. 1* \!so A:eL .un rivaued Water Whe*!i*.the bes* m lhre ■ r Ui Lynch, raise *• <. Win tin v <*. Cn . Wo- draff St Go* tc’ m, > the Mils -np*e dal timid, aud iinuii rolls oilleis :sin> c Ottilia HM) i leet-nf • .tinner per hour; each using - ne ui'uu* Pa.ant tircu ar 3,.w BLua ot une Saw. G. miirll- w* Mrif 4 rn*. • ! hn -*• BOUNTY LANDS. WR on hand i !ar®f lot of the f ..rm< to he used in obtaining BJI A I’t Lt* L*S -a.ted to a l ca e-, that we Will sell a $1 per quire, f_ V*H. t'oliimbiis. Ga. wVrwtt I*o VI AX&. E’ L’ ?, l J Kl i a i. NOT ICS*.. r M o-der that at. - customers miy and* r-tand he L tents < n wli.ui A*a Uati ,we haveuioiigii it advi.-a.i!-. to publish them. i hey are ae follow-: Frail pnrdia-*.- tm time, payinei la wi 1 be-re q u red twice a tear; -av Ir‘ May ami let J nuar . On al; nnour.ts uiq ad ml e Him : sUecitied, we illaiKlaitti and exuect im< n--t until pa and. hi. BaR.N A N.D. Ac C< > Coliimbna, Jan. It. *55. janLi— .vA.twtf. JC€Z2 JE2* r \v| f #i receipt “Ia a -n- *i>pp’7 *\ the! meat indiprsn txe lux T- hi a r “ l ‘Ci. aint -Vi !ti r sail ! as cheap i ■’ r at tile lc Stud hi >osi. ..i-l. r k ep 1 1". \£ HO T * . L ui)>u>(ia ip r i!., tvti. x>iQllCfi. 0 CIT fremiti and pa'“ ms at a in” by md'ffed ttatc'rninn it,.best... - mu* Ml ■••. : -t - .i 11, ii oil ever., luirs, ixmrrt, and -m- stui i,- y.h - iimtilh , r\i-:ir. vt itine ore. h re y give ii >iire. in ,l ,> r <( ir ien siian ,-uter n ami , ejmne i< ,ri I 1 vt* y c<nr o’ ;-*r i t-ep or but r I ho sea. < ur s 1 hal 1. s 1 cases w, rrf r.rtlie nglu iu u and iiet T 111 t,< ct; -> “V. ;p U. MV- K!t & P TT-. i* a 1 a r 1 a <r. ‘I’ME stih cr'her. (Yter an exp riei-ee oC several jre*r in h e A | ri cip. 1 c ae 01 fclurpc aiu, engages 1.0 exe cute a l Si; d 3 o£ House, Sign, and Beorative Painting wi'h ii- a” e a nil-’ Hespach. aad Ceiling-* Grained. .VftiUed ttr Frtscu'ii. An saun worn um.e>y -ue w .ira.,.eii,o uleaae. KUW \KD r. KIVG. rr ‘■"tore* on Broad. 3. reel, next and, or to I. It -*i. ru* tier's Camly 51 tnu.actury ap3-twlmw fu* FOR SALK* ON ACCCMMCCA'-MG 7ITM% A < oiniOiiiib> and lot. gs|s{ Li a heaiihy part of : e City. Id>r pautcui m apply to H \ ICRI3(JN r AiS TIN di. vIcGKHFF. vlarch 31, IFbj mUm. GKKAT bSCtTKJIKNTtt To tlae IT() you knuw ihat Iv, r. hi dy tlerim gto Fu>el Use ll’e Ike aid LmiurinD keu> sus • 1 their W ives, iiu.situiiUu, 1 illUi en, Bre>t!iers, Sisters a,.d Frend-, ue make. 4 a C*’rand tush, to by far the best, Aiid only place m ( oiimii u-, wheie l.ikeiies winch *eni t . i r atiie and Live, < a he got np. at slii i t mdice. irt l*’.tni!<*tfc trie >id -tyle. n and posse-,ng ihac Richness ,t’ fi -Ml, wh ch ha- neyey Yet 1 cen eq -ailed or uppr ached, at any <sther establi-hment n the State <d Georgia. Forget it not, and whenever you want 1 Gemot a Picture,cal; at C. I. BRPKft'S i \v.e.sior Gaiier*.—W odbridgeY old si and. Hany thouwinde of Pictures, in Columbus, >penk tot themselves, and testify to the above. March 31. ißs.> twtf. RIDDLES Fashionable Daguerre an Gallery. ‘|i|3 Pop t-i, r uawthe inrj*. -r neatest, and most teshioua i. h y axi iiiiipil GILLEfaY ortiie Ait in tliefct ,te. He iioea thebes* m o<nai. anti aiiow 3 anu.iiig but dot class P cturesuu leave bis 80, ms. ,*s,> forget not. ji ic vt rs nf the Fine Ai t?, w hen *v’'v f -rth t<> ohtiiin those unpen.-ilianle-gems, to call on hIDDLE. II ■ 4ive you a oaiiiim ,ne P c'oreaiid a Good ! aj£ii**ne> i pAs fur rat*;n chuurm, fan. iy tfro. p*. Bterf-copea out door views. St ~ hedeties anv Artist ith cuuufn t,> * ,p s„- him. Kll 1 sou Broad S.reel, oef C. 31y-at “s Uiy G*.ods g.ore ‘ oiumbu-, a. m rtt -t*9 u. MIDWIF £ ii l . MS<. JtXE U’GINTY (Ters her prorYaai- nai aervi- C s toe , e -*p e> e.u.u.ucun and vicin: y. tsi ah ix ha, to ify yea's uxp, r eucu in U.e iiuai.-esa amt rla inr-tl tha* ttyYtrct kite a.,* 1s ie v 1 I u-r!.. the pa >lic p anmaae. Sieint, be on ui, when not p on— sumaliy * iitatreb *’ he r-. *tiei re < u Jxoksou street, jiiol btl.,w toe IwruMilsi \t s-i*i 1 hu*rh. fm -rfi lu! 1 FOUND. rHbMl9f 5t7 Y ( >TK. made t>> Li 1’ Sc T on? to Johnson. \ Thoruuiii, which the owuer can ia .e 1 y caihnr at th.p* ofßce. fif. Berksnire Hogs. 11l \Y F. orsaie a large aud lue.y ai... aad ?uw ami !’ v r hue Pigs. ;pt li. C. PHUP . REMOVAL, Y1 T E ake liu- uietnod ,0 :;i oruiitiu ouriremia a,.u.nepu f T lie thai we Ii -. ve renioveit our 3t, o u NO. 73 EAST cIDD OF BROAD STHZZT Vt iiere ;t i tl. tvs b.j to l .rgu striae lull of mmm*. •'r> m ii t —i Mwiaoteuji’ c 5 ,1 tue United. States, ol i.ICTtLi ,au Ctas. A I. SO . MrlrdiaßJ, Cnifa;. Y’ioHuf rlle, Viclln*. Bai ji*t Tatiibo su es, Hu, r f taitc .>, tlii ie B its, ‘ iariun.its, b’lsgcs.em aaci Fit*.. A4-*. ~aii knius , ..1 B l ASS ivsTul liESTS fi ~J AJk j? > ♦ g 15i ill all -n. unit ‘h l.arsest f*Hb fc 1 Jil'slt’ Nr ?1 Uts f % c uaiUt u ii*air-a-ulu*? GAii> a. 01 l s hjj. A LjO, A L YRGE S FUCK OF i tSL Tine COLD and SILV£]J tfATfBES El UY ami F\v V m siL’s, ~, a:E oesrripiioi*. } XL’ + -3b - e*hni t'b i'Hi i-*-S*>lTine!l u- AY ol>tfd aitc Hmhraldsry Patterns, amt .titer articles mo ameroc. >1 L. Lj p S cuad hand Pino?** ii xcaange when new one; i nt t*ou_hi. kji<> the rugfiest -tiiuw.— .l br -jiti juev. 5 i*e’ snywd h*ui ■* l> ams, -r s-, t, <- a PieaiM. Hciadiana. and,. ! si her kirnfa . *Cu*.,:a- Lastruiii- a r, p norte-* tH*,’s. Aid warr mted m dve r ra i a 2 acthoi. AJi •orders Ait eg our ato-e v ,j -- pf m w- *it - n . TjU tX i V.x SERG ?•! See id v ,Le .’n “ - - , c tampoa. _ee. ,, BODNTY-LAin) WABRA^IS. Pension Claims, &e. ILVMiLTON k FLAKE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. f COLUMBUS GEO. | No.iT, Broad Street, over E. Barnard s S: re I I ftSY’iXlsn de ar**an®em**nts it IVuxhurffton. Cu’y, y w;i 1 \la l busiuefc- eutru.-iesi lo fbem w i*. p <ft \ ■ b* i o.f y ! e ei> tle,i t* prncurV Bounty VUnr raut, Pmslons. tc. T ami pcosc*te Ciim*; *■• L >uii >i : ..neulur tr ore C>mgT**4 *c ihiscvciai 1 °~ I parisnentut. * t •h* y are iwi prepared'to purefra-** Claims. Ac*. he United giat, . nr a V Puy reywsrsd untri taa Loam ** tsrrnua, f laims. Its., iTe pnirnrt ! UAXtHS Hs,l.r'!f. its. t. ftl't April *lii. w*?wtf. Gl A\o. IO Tons CS-xxcs no. t oat Received, and for Sale by GREEN W OOD 6l ©2 L M ES Coiumbns Mam*h 7. T 855 wsStrwSUd —INEZ. V rpe i he Alamo, is anew and ~ popular w just oy tLe ht rue r aau ;ur sale bv J. W. PEAST. Also, a PXew Fapplycf Smith eide View m” -Livery, by V. \ lam*, !),’ 0.; R t'h Hall; op . • am*t; Kiit and Beauties el Fan y reru ate. *c > ,u>ini‘vi-. F i.g> ■.*rw*r. Uuscegee Eaiircad Stock fcr Sale. •*\ ?1 an 3 uusssi ,re“ K.;. ‘.a S ,*;k , a,* iiv r) * it A Hit 8 *N, A LBTI s i JfoGEU-ES. 1’ b‘l.. w> W’ FLOUR’ FLOUR ? JUS'” ‘•ei**'vp<r ,u, consisgum****, ai.d fir sale Five Garveis, A. So. I. Pmciiuoe and ;r\ h eh v 7 v% >rwt . H. r, PM J.PS Soxitlierii Mutual Life Insurauc e. ‘F'I£K lavurab’e ferm* ,-i w l,;ch ** mat sea* r• u f.; w blow 1 or, ban c ui. r*-L a chiiiu.rtanle -> p,jmvt'e the at riH .HH ui aii iio not icli ■a* uis.'i t, , r<*% ide Cur ti r > n\ -.v -Jioiit il.i ir ~wu p, rst iuii r^on-*. !>’,>r tur her !• forsuu uii apply n ■*• ■.*4 w *Am ‘ r DY'h * srrf. Just Eeceived cn Consignment, • iwuv l.J*fS. rrime’ -ee New Budut.; uog r..Wi,d; 10,d bs. rentiers. S'* K; g> I rime I 1 rl. 7.i B xes. 14 It .xesaati 4 B>>xa* be r Vinrinia Tobacco, i on Yanis-Tetiew* e .let ita. i't-eat- * ‘a*d*. Hmrit— l> FUTI’.I... F H!:► ?i ix, <n. JAMF6 15. CL'NMNGIiAM, CIVIL LSGULI P IU) HYVI COLUMBUS, EGO KG [A. \RCHTTECTI7II 3 L nn anil Y\ **r ;• ig Pin nr mr Build ius i'urnishe I. A .lftcer’s * *; faicu* e,i: -~i, v.js ►,* ,;ti and iii ide, unit T p tragical plai.a iLfuiohed wrth atcu.acy, .te-l lirssniul despaf ll 1 !lf>’e nvr • o . If-jit*a Law Office, t ,ou iibi.j, Feb. 21. wAr-wrf. I BO MY OWS POPPING. N"OW I say. tha l inva if at rt s T -Ooccn n ras-’"shM 1 r I* VVbv b* I m ? lu-cartae s**u** til miretlinifa *>Ojr titn S obiivco. Tnoee who an*ai*, •’ w M hitnri, cri -me !. rs. j - .1 **• i -t mi n* m. Tnbs-iseo, Y*egarn. Bralifty, Wiliskv, Wines,dfce. t(I .11 -t 1,, r ,ue CL an, aallii-L a..VnliCi_ ‘ll s<>,s -Hal, mtrl —P A *1 <YT N. HEAR BOTH SlDl.tS. All tile World will Eea-d tliio Beck. TUE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF „. FANNY FS2N, IN ONE VOLUotE, T-'YfO.. fLOTII. Vfini is P aih H*ll! Is Rnth full Fy F era, or sotm bady lef sad 11 Fx ;* y 1 , not t.suh Kil wiioii 1* * tty Fe* u t THE Ts new before ;he public, a. and the wur.d w’U bo ei ioiift ne-l. Ait, l thit* hi.iM 0 -irai ,r >‘ 1 un uidi* 1 lie present Work is authentic in all iig Detail.. Those who have raid the eoj y, j^ nice it vae Wiltlest. spiciest book ol tlie sea*li. it (iresems vivid, hie Site p.cturer of die char mi me and brit Aathor ofFern Lravr* mdSntb Hall, at her uwn li.esule. in U.e Edit, r’s S ikou.ii. .1 ;iie m wet. at L'iiiis ch. and every•* here, and 111 ev**ry posiLioii she 1a the same asciimiuig woman. 1 th s voium,, Severn! of Fanny Fern’s eur-iest efforts appear f>>ride Sr-t I. me in b,ok irm. Tile reader * ;1 !lnu that they porsesa ihe same attractive feoiures which chanct- rwa 1 he,- pmducuonr. l*hej area ernaiely witty auu patnetic. cauaCcand ootl ir-g, <p rkiii gaud peimlve. No o-h,:r iior huu mcceedodso well iu coucniug the find ctionls of the heart. ,Ju*,t received amt t<*r sale by tebio —watwif. W. PE \ !5. a ch4s:e for a Bisainr FUR TEACIIER.S k LOYtas OF m: SIC. SEN,.—. * WISHING to reifuce ovr f r r rtf ~0-k of , ■■ ’?C’ Sheet Jittiic, lastrnctlaa Books* ami 31 aaic a 1 Works of all Blands. 1 ant a iiaccuit *;r‘ n* .* cr ... FOR CA> H . VIOLINS & ACCO2BION3 can be bought chetner here thru at any idhi r s’.’.re in the Cl ‘ T I'iXaYASBfSItf E-. tebl4 twdcwtiila*june. f)‘J—East rule druid-da* o. Cititimmu*. Ga. laltcii States Maraiiafs Sales. W ’ r LL Ffi soiaon the rinrd Tuesday nM iy riex’, fce- W (me ihe r - u; t House do*>r ui 1. ** city ot < o!um bu-:, Mut-C g e County, t.a.. t etween the usual hours ot sale, the following propeitv —viz: 16 (jp Cane. 1 B. x conlaiiiina 3 Caiitomia VI; aii iomia VliHe,dSrove B*ilen*, 48 ti q* . C< >e Pot-, 4H ■.J qt. Covered Bucket-, 85 l qt ) Cov r-d Bucket-, 5 ma t I,aid f’ain*, 1 Dirge Lard Can,3 Lutge •’ Rer Pot?. 5 !.oge Deh Partfi. I Cos i Hope, Ll Coffee bniier*. as-oiP-d, It • haling L)iebg, lift tune- fcr Chafing i.-b<4* 4 qt. - Cotiire Poss, ‘£& qf> c* tfe* P .4* 3i 3pt C ui el *'e 3 -ma glop Bui kei'. 3 1 a C mm-, 7 1 e Cr an* Cliiimi*. ItC iumieis. “i* Lamp hieoer-,4 giii-* v r Bathe. 5 -wall 4 B-ae Kettle?, 6, .5 ftg] lote*. Id lm rv-. * Lon Si d* r-*. 15 lr*** >• ibiile-. ait; Li * veiie L W.tu-r Cooier IVL 1 if*e? Sad .3> Cone La*.ter .s, lad VVaeb. Pans. awsMted, 3i IM h Pan ,6 GoiLon V t —ear-*-. 5 -n !} -4tmnki**m, i T Dqu c- 17 sug** M; : k Pans, ‘ii .3 qt > e'an-. 4<> tq r Putie. UPut P 1 - j'O - PiaC 9, 1-? rd 7 Sion Tub-, 5 Tin Pncher?. g 5 Tea Cadd e-,a rfoitei. *O, and e wti.-ks-, ft Pewi-r Pd h*r .'ii B-ead i ray-, 4 Cake h -ie-. 6 Segal B ixe?. Igr P**tUler B* >.<*?, 8 ?m,i: Wai .r, 4>, r e V Lmp ,♦ Pair St* • i \ aid-, 1 K -Us Wa ■- *rs 4 Cai-b B* xe-.3;l S*. hi.-o **. 8 su Tea P *, > ’ 1 tfi e Filfeteie l i Pruaiua C< ffi e p.q 3 -fake D*.~hi 4, 4 ,i. i'v Huuie-. Ift ! hi let Kettles, 38 Iron La---**, and \iiite 80x,*?,-4 Viou e T ape. Iti Egg ft Soup Li- I *;iee i) B. * r afll‘* . 1-i and ■-? - 1? 4S i'oy C: p-. i>) i ’- Lea** Pipe. * l>* . {Vl:ui*fer 3 T-m.h - r i nii* <*,, t 3Uu -r Pans. 14* iiea®- P< ■}. Id ().!• r-. 4B *dh •: -at.ii-rL \uM’vg’ f • rat* r-, 1 gr--* ir.-n lea jt << <* t S . r oss* Lou T 1 ie Spoon*, “l ‘l-a ;l*je StViPelts, 7 duZ Park Lunn er , lit-Canute .\le.dd?. ft P 1 n Stmt, on-. ~i Pii : up?, uft Hub Pat < a is.sM sett- iOO * etui A*- Ii La d ‘.ainpe. ‘J Bi.nehe- tAwpte, 5 Pm.eheti . io \jt ir -; ii pi-wder * a:i. H , - rqmiaivwitii ii!-. a Bug e Hs> a- 3*l iftft Dutn-ond Pane, 2 show Cas- , 3 Spu e B< x**o ii Jnoia** Pose-. 1 pair P aft- mil S**ale-, 1 4 a-t -t-m* P -1 t,fi e. iiF vi £ Pan Cd r*i£g Fner I FL;> naih.3 sponge j Uth-. 3 B tania Lo:i, , N--t-D-’ Toy Tiunk-, t v.d Tn S I’ek Kettle-, a Put. h c Kmvi-*. ‘> z* *•-•- Common shirt ! 1 dozen F *-*-, a** o- ‘nt; • d*;z- n mu;-* 1 B. afti j k-,7 S'ove-. 14 root St* vee. 2 F ;g St* am* r? - d*z* a I -un b>hte s. I ‘Fbermoii eter. 2 We ! TV ti- : . s toz.-n. I air Aadir n,1B“ rt C w he r Ir*n. 3 • oife- i in. J2*• p r gy VY sk Pa- ?, 3 Nets .■*’.igar !-* xe-.-i Tout ! un?, 6 B it<ai i:i P-fei me. 10 Err: aom * an*l •: ‘<■ .ft | r ttanij* T-*-i F t-, IBr itain t - *** P n?, | 4) covert a Bucket. 4S Funnr!-. 10tt <*** I * C >if-e oilers. 27 Oil r ane. Z arge ?.♦ . n bran- Kei 1 i*. , 2*JLan?t n*e. 36 7Va Cad ne?, a-oib-.j, s i :_e ah-a ! 5. X. ?. 3 naf: do.. 15 Iron 1-a Sef 3 ,ir -U” * an-, • e p-ijr 4n*4 lr*> n. 9Ca h BuSe**. 10 r u sL-uie-. I Sh.-w if, 5 Jeiiv Shan”, h*vi- and - >H a.- ti e pr-perry *..£ eS Fi. ft* *?. t * ?Rtiwv afr €> i-u* dC am \:i • n Cireo t&aq *re Un t-d -tr fte tor TOP Sil th T 1 ‘ > i*T*4 • ’*• ti g'J, ■ a Lvor J3. CL Rgaaom -i* -s .** 7 a 9 * a. : . E. C. H -.Pr.FX. Deyutv L T .S‘, M.-r ‘ 4 . i pa-27—w3t luf ‘lie aottfcaa e ie.alfkflt -oi ur-,iX *•