The Times & sentinel tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, April 28, 1855, Image 3

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ToV. Office Department —A 55’ash'nston l-dtr says-: In seven days the •! rks of the Gwe r al Post Office open *• !,i‘\aniim*d.eiilo-s<*d, re t-xatni el, arranged and record id e'ov-n thou nod projnj a> on ‘he treat letting- of n.a | i-mfi's in the Southern sri-non. Thi- was in addition to a 1 c rient business which r- q nr-’d inirm dtate attention Ihe head of the Depart neut and ttte As i-tant (ic e'al were present during a great portion pi ‘he tune an i performed important fe v ee- thereupon ar> q nred oy law. The decision- are no v under con-t o t coiis-nfeatioii a id will proljahiy he [foniulg .tcd a we*.k before the Line named in the advertisement. North Carolina -T \. Clingman. the cr-at Whiff champion of Southern rights, xtnl John K'-rr. Ch<y* - both members of the last Cong e*- and ca dniates “r o e!e*-tio , have come ont strongly ag tn -t K. *>w ( n "[- i-m They oppo eit because it is a se-ret P 1 l,cn ■ ,a ti >n—because ot its intolerance atid a li-icp ‘* l ‘ and rvoan eof it- affiliation with Abolitiontsnt a- • > - f.y its n v .riab e election of anti slave;y laiiatics to ufnee in the Northern St-tea. f* * ’V . Presentation -Philip A Owen recentv appointed hy lh- Pie idem 2d L ente. ant in the 9th now f r nine under the late act of tongres* Kft us yesterday tor i barrack- Pennsylvania Just belore his departure ‘wvfSVLUl.i tn Cup. Btaell-of whi.h (•om'i?ny he was a worthy member-presented him with an fieirant -word and belt. Ihe occasion brought together n life a number of Mr. Owen’s personal Inends, who had a pleasant leave taking. As t > the hand-ome present bestow ed none who knows ‘he recipient can doubt that it will be honorably and worthily worn May rapt pmmonon be i he reward of our gallant young friend.— Mobile J ribune, 25 th inst. .1 Smash Up —The regular'daily tran on the Mil led mvillc and Got don Railroad, did not reach Miil -dge vdl.” <>n FridlV the 20th, owing to an accident a* station n imhc-r 1 We learn the engine was run off hy the s viu-h hc'ng uui of plac**. The engine vvas broken to pi. _ ;t p i( l the engineer slightly it jured. This is the first a cd nt, hupp ningnti this road, for more than a year. A II H. Ftnart, formerly Secretary of the N- vy. is to nd Iress the people of A’uru ta, at Staunton, Va ,on the sth ot .May, in defence of the Know Nothings. “No Trust” for Students— A law has been pissed by the Mu-sa hu-snts legisla u e.and approved by the go vernor, inflicting a fine on any inn-hold. r. taver i-keep< r. reta-lcr confection* r, or keeper of any simp or We for t'lo sale of drink or To >d* or anv liv*-ry keeper. f< r hnr-c nr carriage hire, who shall give credit to anv student in anv incorporated academy or other educational institu tion in the S?ta e. A Curious Fact.— ln the United States there we-* in RV>, 2,555 per-ons ev r 100 yearn of age; in France there wv-e only 103, though their population was nearly 36,000,- 0 0. The Svithern Baptist Convention.~-'Ybe Convention of the Sc utliern Papti-t-. embracing the as-ociatons ot ah the Southern Stste®, wi 1 le held in this city eommenci g on Friday the 11 th of May. ‘I his important Convention will lie die anniversary celebrations of many Societies—among them the ‘hate Baptist Comet tion, Southern Bapti-t Put li cat’on SoeUt 1 , American In fan Mission Association, Bi hie Revision Society, &c ,&c Many di.-tiiigui-hed gen tlemen both clergy and lty. will be present from all see tion- of the South. Montgomery, ofcour-e, will not he he hind hand in it- wonted hospital.ties Ala. Journal 26th. Dr Manly in Charleston.—The Mercury says Wv It-nrti wi-li pleasure that tins itntant divine and sch-dar lias yielded to tlie earnest d< sre o his friends n tins city, at and has accepted ’.lie pastoral charge <>t the Wentworth street Baptist ehuiv li. Dr. Manly has lot ni tuv y<-ars presided over the University of Alabama He h is fia illy detcrin’meil ;o rei nquish this ein in lit po sition, and to i-i-tun to the city w here he won his first it p u a ion as a divin-, s<-h Jar, and a man capable <>*‘ direct ing the highest intclligeit •** towards its objects. Violence in Mobile —A p. r’y of m* n lateen Sa’ur day night pulled down a house on the corner of Diarborn and St. .M c!’ s r>ets. li was known by the name o the ** Wond File.” andj it is said, hid a very unetivablc rend ition The same par y proceeded tiienc- to the Co'umb a Exehangi —a fdrtuking house” at the cornet of State and Commerce streets —and completely rid dled it. T!it* cause of this violence we cannot ascertain, hut : t is 6uu;s> and that it was itfhii'iid t<- avt-nge the assault nvd. up ‘ii McKay and- MeVckrs, of whieh we gave an w o uit the other day. Tlie Evetiiiicj News s*y that ht per-ons who uude that asseu t were supposed to be h .r bored within the houses that w. return and >w r. Several shots were firtd in the nifuk o . the ‘-Wood P ! e,’’ and two or three persons wife hurt, but not serious ly.— Tribune, 24M .4 Lady of Mettle —The Boston Times puM'shes a letter, [importing to eorne from Mrs Patterson, tine ten i”- l<> < ovi h de any < tie who says ahytMng ealumnaius of fitlinr herself <-r Mr Hiss, the rnemlmr of the Nunnery I < v* ‘•iio-i’inor ('ommittee, who, it is alb g-d. took lodg nos : a h inself and .1 lady, and charged it in the b 11 against tlie State as due for the labors of the Committee. 4 Severe Sentence —ln the Po !: ce Court Boston, a v >inau, convicted of being a common night walker, was sentenced to fi re years’ imprisonment in the House of f t>! i, ot t his is the first sentence under the new law o ne. imng night walkers,. which went into effect last H tuuesday in Boston. v J’ u f RER . P> w t.l Tie London News an n, ‘ r fH d,a, J ‘Currer BeU,” (Cha-lotte Bronti,) a ' ef ,y r *.’ -‘ShVey,” a-d -rillette.” The “,”r C r; ,W!l1 * rpeme<4 w ‘* rearet in thi- country . S f surv ivor ot three wonderful eirU. the „ u P L • ‘ a , c • rn !* n \ wlio now very aged and iufii m, ti liJs wi.e and all his many children. ed r Pn^-iVc’V } n which arr'v on'l/ri -.vvt lllo '® i * ndav frm Liverpool, had o’ th birman emigrants, de tined, us the maths we e eoLr'f Lake City.’ They ( | r .<-,) ° nils f*. a n yes. and all appeared well Lake City *’ anu intelligent. They are bound to Salt COMM KKCIAL. COTTON ~ 5 1~ f-? 3j? P e’r 57. p Stocn 3- <2 ti M X -S <=■ on if |f 3 I hand ■B-H ~i : l* c f-1- , | ; this April 29. j J - * i day. Ajvi? 40 133 69712 434 59374 60428 9523 1 j?J_Ji66l74^2 128 893 59564 6. .3514 4535 COTTON Ti 1 , C ° r ‘ UMBUS * A S ini ro t rK “ yv ‘ h u * in our $ to 9 Ccuu, with ru.her lesi 1 ***** C hart.e-.ton, An il 26. p .y !° * tM? > * l, 3 ’ • the week anti unt to 1° S( OKn > I have ?K * i oi o Da.^s. dim -is q te .at9i cS * cw “* <H,d Mid va ,eeo it<>i cent Good ° d Pr ] h: ’ v ° ad ‘ pr h itmteJ pounds. pn,,w 18 at Si a C| hRH 1 he* rate to Livercnn! j i t , ■ ot 1 3Jd The taietoß.tv l e ls F iTl6c i ?beir,ga de^i “° Dr. Verm fuge -IX.ring nrac’iee of u, .. tha t twenty year . Or. .U’Lutue ha i h tt-n.4 Al 6 ° f * n .T B patieuts affl cted \v.;hevery to m ofwo m ii l,,,mnier hle • t’T 1 i -j “? M oi eiy ot h vetmit.ise, or wo.m r . . feet-; the ‘tvuit • ins labors i- the American W,!„ Cihe, n>W Is iore the p itdie. whieh is tvribetlv V e * be e ive ahka m h 1 lon of the 0,0 t tend V aged ad lt; it pi rge- mildly and subdues fever and d. 'i l ‘ W r ora o with tava .ale success. It 1- easy of adrn ilmX* it *n. aida -n doe-v notcouta n mercury in ; ,rv f 0 in W H t ever, . 0 est tenons are n ceu-ary w;th regard to drmkr.o cold wate% nor is it capable of doing th {*a t injury t > the teude est in nt An ineiedib'e number of Worms havr> b< eri xp led by thi.s g'e-it vemiifige. It triav be na'chas. ed at ail she t*iuggi.-ts in C lon.bus and of orally throughout the United statue. ap2l~2 _ w vw Among dFease*. dyspepsia arid liver complain! rank as mo t d.ffi uh to cure. We ate pleas, and to have n in our power to point out a lettedy which has proved -I fectual in many cases, and which we can - saiip.y teco u mend as a certain and infallible cu e; it has been the ntean-i o res-umg thousand* from an untimely grave. 55 enea i Hooflanu’s (•einian Bitier-p epared hy Dr C M.Jackron, at V e Get man Medteiuo Store. Philadelphia For sale ry Dr. C. M Jack-on; 120 Arch street, Pliila , and by Danforth & Nagle, Rob? tlCarter, Jrooks&f hap mm, Coiu nbas Ga ; and by 0. Lanier &. Cos , <drard, ; Ala. 24ap—2w 1 Pai.pii.atto.n o p the Heart, Nervous Dbeases, Liver Commahit Net>ra!gia, Dyspep-ia, Coctiveue-s and Piles, are all relieved and cured in an increditde. short time,* by Carter*.*. Spanish Mixture, ti e great tonic and puiifier of the blood It contains not a | article ot Mercury, Upturn, or any n >xio is drug, is perfectly harmless, and has iured ( more than five hundred case- of di ea.-e. ! sVecan only r<-fer the reader to the cert fieates, a few of which may be found in anot er column, and all of w hich aie drtajJed iri full around the bottle. It is the gieate.-t of all Spring and rail Medici es, and possesses an intiuence 1 over the blood truly remarkable. See advertisement. au7lm. DIED, HAt the house of her father, Dr. P. Philips, in Ruseli Cos., Alanama, on Thur-day inorumg about 4 o’clock the 26 h April,inst., Mr-. Mary Siiarp Shei'on, wife of Mr. George W. Shelton, of Auburn, Ala, aged 23 years and two months, leaving two small children, adaughter about three years old, and a malelntant nut oneday old. ‘aM'IIEN'eLM LNSI'IIANTuraIMI'.uY UK LON DuN. UNI IED STATES BRANCH OFFICE. 80, South Street, Philadelphia. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $lO 000 030. AVAILABLE CAPITAL $1.284 300, \T7II.L take at y nd :!1 fair risks against losw er damage by V Fire at a reasonable rate. Losses aujustt-d and promptly paid without reference ti> London. Krfcrencts in Piitlailelphia. Atwood &. c 0., Jol.ii iT>rtrs at vVeightiasu, Myers,iflrghora &. Faruum, u<-o. H. v\ in. McKee fc •> . w S-teveniAt Cos. TIiUSTt.ES. Geo. It. Join T. V\ h le, J’. R itch ford Starr. Applications tor risks in. y be madi- to JOfcN ML’NN. Aeent. Columbus Ga., April £B, 1855. tw Jtu BA GAINS FOE THE LADIES. JUaT RECEIVED ON t.ONriIGNMENT. |AA P \IR OF ft. IPPLRS at 40 ce its per pair. tl'u 5 D z'-u Calico Paraso's, at c > cells. 5 do. i-itigham *• “3 ? k ’ “ do. Silk, “ “ 4 do. “ “ “ fllO “ 5 do. “ at irom 5%40 to $1,75. Call at to* Auction Store, No. L 5!, west side Uro id - tree*,. ap24—twSSt JOHN QUIN. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY, j (BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA.) ; Conducted on the Havana plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR APRIL. CLASS O To le drawn May 12. 1853, in the citv of Montgomery. WHIN PRIZES AMOUNTING T* > %30000 Will Le distributed to the lollowipg MAGNIFICENT SCHE M E ! ryAnd remember every Pnze is drawn at each di awing anu paid w hen uue WllfiOcT ucDUul lUS. I PR Z£ OF $7,.5<0 [ •• 5,(4>0 t u gjino o u i,uu 5 o * 1 It) “ 2UU 5 i. I UO ~(1 •* 2o ; __ ONLY TFA T THOUSAND TICKETS. ty Ticke's s>; H live- SJ 50; Qu.iters $•. vo. Bills on all s<*i\ t i t narks 1.1 par. Au comumuication* strictly coi fidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Sign of tiie bionze Lion Montgomery, April 21-twtd JOHN MAY, Agent,Girard, Ala. gnr All letter* for immediate answer must be addressed to JOHN MAY, Columbus, Ga. By Authority of the State cf Ceorgia. FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. THE subscriber ha\sne accepted !rem the Commissioners the Agency Mid Management ot the fORi GAlNr.t’ AOADLMY * on l RY. tstao.i 1 ed the pri cipai < flke at tiania, Georgia, am intends condiuting w e I otitry <-n the same p ail as that ot the Southern Military Acudemy Lottery, Ot Atabum... GRAND SC 11 E-M E FOR MAY. Class 1. be drawn Mjv 24ih. lft's, in the City of Atlanta, when Pnzes amounting to Will be distributed according to the following raagaificetit j Scheme ‘ frar And remember eve.y Prize is and awn a; eacn Drawing, and paid when due Ul*liLl DtDLCli'-N! 1 PR ZB OF \ u .° ....!!!! 4000 i } do h.o 0 i do g.liOl) * *l° 1,5ii0 1 „ do 1.1-00 3 Pr i Z,S MR! 10 do ... -Jio 0 501 Prizes Mi alt amounting to ‘ ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets S10; Halves $5; Q tatters S'4 50. Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All communication? sti icily confidential. „ , ... SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, April 21—td Atlanta, Georgia. PUBLIC NOTICE. Xcw Grand Duchy of Dailin Lottery Loan- CAPITAL 14,000.000 FLORINS. LOAN is guaranteed < y ‘h* ttovermnent, an i wi.l be X drawn iud <W-.. p iz sa? follow-: 1 4 30,000 Ms. ! n4 of 40,000 - K , .or .15.000 r’. =3 01 15.000 I'I.OOO F ;a . ► . in 4100 M 4t> a 000 1 .. i 000 u lihd ** !3,000 ** 1914 “ 1,000 %he lowest prize being 42 Fii. 14 r,3 are equal to •> Uuiiars. It oexf.i P-- ‘ S33, ,501, oft C Baden tio\tromciit on tlie .Jlst Waj,l when every dr. wu numt). r tunsi obUtn ol^the | .-...neii Brizes, whicn will be j-aid in barb. a. .ne ,L ‘' Vb *- i -- I undtr-i -ned. Those foitunate not res ding on tne no w b nave their -mount of Prizes ca ned pant to tnsn i ur.u-ba.esta- !.-hed Ban.-. The Lists ot he result wj.i he sent to etch *h twiicid, r. and the success.ut numbers pubtisLol U 'it price mmle Tick et is Two Dollar, j The foil *wing advantages are given t y taaing a uumter o TICk U S l cost only I 50 Tickets cost only SJ •• ** 4O i 1H) The Price of Tickets can be -eiit in Bank Notes or Draft?, nava 1 in any ot she commercial tow ns ol Getuiauy, tlo.iand, Pe.,. -Y Fi dan i. >c .timid or iru.ano. , _ . i Tt ckets and Pr p-c uses ppi) Ba:,k , Baekers Fit tSKF_ KT- *a-Ti! 1.-M \! F.. 1 N R letters to be diree eJ “per 9 earner, via Liverpool,” eons. Ba. k- , in Frank to, t-on-the-Va^e. ** or z ■ w u . „ ,„ r pi} yot Drawing, wdlb. Remuiauces w.iveu ter^the .l. y u>q oJ . returned, or invested in th 4 next D aw in,, this Distribution at th, Ofli-eoi tnisp.- p r “ L HIDES WANTtD. T will pay cash lor 10,t)00 lb? Hint PHrT p^ X A pul 2l t —w.Vtwif H. L. ts 1 FAMINE AVERTED! CORN MEAL AND HCMJNY ! W"E have s good supply of Corn <>n ban , and will be v\ to vj p y eve y I Taj until me new co P conn* i.- Ho 4- Iny's bdlei and ctei pr it Horses than ‘ m.andls 1 h altlul. Present pr-ce SI 2U per bushel, £i and we hope £on to i.e able ( o &el cheaper. rr > , | &*r2Q-t?f WiNTER'S PALACE WiL- B. TVKT JR3 W COMMISSION AND GROCERY HOUSE. ■ ‘HE: undersigned has the pleasu e ot announcing to the L public thaf he has just received and will continue to rt- Ceive during the season a go- and t-U}. j ly of FASIILT GROCERIES, CONSISTING or j St CfAR, COFFe E, MOLASSES , SALT, LACOX, COtiX, TEAS, CHEESF , &. TEAS , Fiti’e Segars anti Tobacco, Ac*, wh : ch he .>ffers veiy lvr lor CASH and C \SH only. The I public are resp *e tolly irvit* •’ n cl! and examine his Btock. . None bui Gennlne anii Fresli Articles will be offer ed; snl all Kooio- •> utc .rr mie.l .o be at> guod as the best at 1 the old stand ot D. P. Libs &. Cos., No. 14, Br.-ad street, Co iiumb is, Ha. A. S. H AYS. Enquirer crpy. ap!2—wtati. Bounty Land! Bounty Land! Bounty Land! l HE u id r->igntd iiHvii g associated tlum-elves 10/etiier for 1 the purpose ot procuring BOUNTY LAND under . the several acts of Coitgrrss here iuhc pas.-d, aie now prepared * to'iuake a| p icatien loral who who are entitled. m \ I Persons who have heretofore received Bounty Land’A ar j rants, are. under a recent act ot Congress, entitled to an addi- I tionai Bounty of Land, and by cailii gat our ffice can get all the necessary inf r nation. Wea-e also pop red to prosecute Pension and other claims ’ against the UuUeu 3 ales. MO’O onr lory experience and gen era! success, we can with confidence say,lhat a‘l claims eutrus -1 ted to our . are. will be prompt y and rp.-edih adjusted i One ut tlie p irtms being constantly in Washington city, will give the business his personal attention there. ; Office over Gunby & Daniels’ Store, Columbus, Georgia. MICH AEI N. CuAKk, feb‘24. .wfetwtf. A. B. RA G AN. 500 Bushels Fresh Meal RECEIVING and fi r sale at the old Stand of D. P. Ellis & Cos. Price §1 15 per bushel. apr‘2l-tw4t A. S. HAib. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! j Now i3 Your Time. . -n WING determined to chan-ie my business. J offer m y entire stuck 01 Bouts and S .oes at NEVA s<ibK yRI uu3T FOK CASH. 1 have just received atu 1 supply r ng and Sum it t S i>es, sit tat 1 j for Lad e*’ and Gent's ear. and also a good as3*runeitt ofevtry thng in m> i line, if those needing ato thing in my line w ill tivc me a c til ; I will uive them b-tier bargains ttian tiny have ever had be lore, or in ait \ robab lity w ill ever have again. Come son and make vour eeiecaons, <•. K.OAM R, No. 3*, Broad s.rcet. | R.—Those that are indebte-f to me on last year’s account ! will j laase caii and make immediate payineut, as I want the money. G * G G * Columbus, Ga., April 29, l u ,'s —twtf SUN DRIED APPL C S FORTY BUSHELS pealed, nice and sweet, just re ceived on consignment and tor sale by j April 21st., 1355—w&twtf tl C. PH FIT S. IMPORTANT TO TEACHERS, Country Merchants, and Everybody Else. A LARGE Sc COMPLETE ASSORTMENT'OF Books, Stationery & Fancy Articles, AT COST, FOR CASH ! , BEING desirous of changing ray V jk business, l now oft rmy ex *-,-i ve ivp ScU°l, Law, Medl- Theuiogliai and At i-- iSsy2Sa C eiianeous nooks, and***® : Stationery at COST FOR. CASH* I nave a large Stock u Svhuol oi>ks, at.d it will be greatly to the advantage<>i leachecs and ttio?e in etiar e <-t r-chi-ois, to call immediately and su. p'y theius!v. s. It you cam ot c>me, send your orders with ihc money, and I wit! stud them ■ to you. io anv one wishing logo into the busiress, 1 wo*jiti fry, that I wid sell th* m my entire stock uji-n ‘he most favoraU. terms —butn as t p lots and payments. * and see. JiiKDAN L. HOWELL. N. B. — 1 would most respecttu'ly say, to ali wh ■; rc i..debt ed to ne, that I mast have the money. .PteuM* let met hear from you without .urthi r notice. *L ! • **■ <Vmtrabu- Ua.. .April !4, 1855. wt w 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, j r |' , HE Subscriber has received h a siock oi bl R.NG AN'D A S IMMER itftY GOOD3—a 1 irge and gea-iul as .rinient —comp isutg ad good and desirable styles, which the public r • inviird to examine. _ Tht r wtre b* uvjht tu Tot will sell to all in want—if examined—as tn*y wib oc ,IV.• c l ;oi lower s rr;*-s n>r cASu thou tue Bauit s' and value w ere ever off* r.d in this city. 4 i ip 0 wsuw.’,,, C. VtYOATT. J. il. RUSSKI.L, A fTORS ■ Y A T I. AVV , Offil’C at nrese* t. with G F. T “-mas. t'cri. over .1 R •* dd & Cos Broad Street— Colnmbus. Geor : a. C’olu li s. pi i 9. fa-. n* t wtf TQ THE LAD IE . HAVING received a most exteusive and lull supply of the j utii-st french SPRING MILINERY & DRESS GOODS \ ior Ladies wear, L solicit a call irotn alt. Tne .Goods ;re now opened, and th“ selection>upenorand ncher than ever i fftred beotre in th smarket. RespeclfuiL, Ml . D^SXU, 1 8 fcr jad street. NOTICE IN order that mv customers ruunu g accounts may know the terms on which I trade, I deem it advisable to pub ih them, tor purchasing on time jiyntht is rtquir. u tv. ice a y.-ar, on the Urstoi July and first 01 January,at which tme the i1 D will be pr.sent.-d. MM. IE?8 U. April 7. U“55 v. Fresli Ground. DOUBLE F.x:>-a Family Flour, from White Wheat, a a beautiful aitide, per barrel Ext; a Earniiy, *’ S iperhne, “ “ •••••**• Double Extra is equal to Hiram Smith. W o have only a p7—w&twtf. WINTER’S PALACE MILLh NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVJBD BY MANLEY & HODGES. f nalisii and American ! rints. 4 French .’anibrica and Biilnanta. g-otch and Fieuch ti ngh-ms. ai g yles- Bareges, Tissues and i.iaht 1 i-lored Challeyß. Light S turner 9. k- and Grenadines - c hoice SMectum oi Fmhrotderi* s. Hand ketch lets, tolars, and Collars and Sleeve* t’ Jackonet and S* s 1 rimmings and Bauds. Eu-nsh an . German Hosiery—ol every desenj tion. Damask, and Mus.iu 1 rapery. ALSO, A Superior 1< t of Irish . uen?. 6-4 P. Bow Case—L ueu aim Cotton. 50_4 u-4 A- IJ —4 UoUou and i.iueu Sheetings. 3 p:y. Ingrain and Linen Carpeting. : Ever- description of goo<is usualiy found in our line—ad ot ■ which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Colun-hn-, March X 1 55 v twtf DISSOLUTION, npHEflrui of H ALL & S was dissolved on the first of a. isauarv, 1e55, ty >he < eath of 4. i. Moses. lit RVEY HALL, survivmg Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. undersigned liave entered into the H.iHD- B-1 RE ; B undtrthe film a= and iiHint* <t H ALL, >lO2:Lb | IIERVEN II u L, • IStA I MOS J ACOB P HEN RICK 9, WIL..IAM A. BE A’ H. February 13, ‘955. w *- tw>< ‘ Sheriff Sales, 1 1 v u.L b* sold oefore tbe Court house door in the town of \\ Gusset a, on me first Tuesday in Mh> next, between tbe ; ifi tl hours ot sale, the following pr o wife T.ireetots.-t laml, No. s, couUmuua acres-No. 10. column g acres, aim p-n of lot No. cn aiuin* 15- ; y.nginti.e :<i !di*tr et ot originally I ee now ifia - !-a o-xiiee county — hcii g we-l improved-ihe piace on which Thomas F v\ o .Idridae at pieseut resides. A)*, three iwgiees. viz: Joe. a mm. ,txl : - 0 .c, about-0, and Dtpp.r, ahom ! 0 •-eurso,d- Also, \ iny, a khl ab--ut 19; Allen,a boy tB. and i ~fred, a t. *v about .7 .ears old -all levied on a,s t,e p- p rfj I.• Thomas F W.Kddruige, to saur ya fi la issued ro.n t e >u I ,-r o Court Ol Chataho-mhee oouty,l.. favor of ARn U H 1 vs Tiiuma F Wooldridge, v\ m v\ By,a4tt itimu O , , i. t, UK*?D* r n, .>iambus,G*.'pri!3. ,scogee c oirity. t,. notice. T DO hereby Warn ail per ons rrotn tradio? for a note giv -1 bv .nys/.i and endorsed bv Leroy Po. ard, -or I went, Hve D !lairs. pa.aide to A. 1. -m th. r bearer, dated March sth, ISS, and due one day after date *, I never received va. ue ; 0 r sad note. I shall nev.r p) tbe same umea* u col tec e-t by la*. MARY PoLLABU. ap2 FOR S A 1.. E. .-) THF, H U;?E ASH L<*i at | r*->eiit occupied ly the subscriber. Postession viveu imn -dn>t*lv. 1 |=is = i *# 11. 1. HALL. j April 2.T Hs^_t w tf SEW IXg” M ACJ UEE& j GEOVEE, BAKER & CO'S. PATENT. I ‘ IMiE s nij.lcpi and e-t tn tii-t*. Bidne only Mac ine iu.apne X t<> general use. Jan flitcii a situ bosom, r ww mi eel thick nesses oi *-*sn b r.-s equal ease. • an be ma. a-e. t-y a uevro; is not itaLle to set ouv o! .jrder.ami tlieseuiua w; outlast Hie maw rial. tan be run by band, i< ot i r vvutei poa er. Kveiy > uerb<>u and have them. ‘Ti.ey wII du the rk e a day iu au hour, With rasa. Call v.ud s;e them. U*UlMi & ‘ 0.. Agon's. apl4— twl r el imi u-. •■toriria. - • WlfJi'Bß FACTORY, l CommlJiis, Ga. YARNS, LIsDS, YYRAH J L\G TWINE SEWING THREAD, for .*ale. WOOL Card ‘d at one Idurth toll or ten cent.* per p find. LIXSEYS made tip on shares, or 15c. p**r yard. All Work done Promptly and Warranied. j MONTGOM ERY"~IROX WORKS, MOXTGOIIERY, ALA. WILL FURNISH PROMPTLY : O TEAM Engines Circular Paw Mills. Grist Mi Is, Shafting, Oor any Oesoi iption ol Jlt.lCHtJ'n /R ) . Also litcu’s un rivalled \Vater Wheels, the bos’ in the world. Lynch, Pave & 1 o. WhiUlesy &. Cos , Wo* druff &: Go. Ichlnv'*i> : the Mus ogee Ra.l Road,and miunrous otheis, testily t.> j cutting ltK) • feet of • umber per hour; each using one of our Patent Circu ar Saw M.tls 01 out Saw. G. w. WIVTFR. marl?—w&twtf Atr^nt. 1 v 1 i* hit Oe- rri-i. EOUNTY LANDS. WE have on hand a large lot of the Form? to be used in obtaining BOUNTY LANDS, suited to all eases that we will sell al£l per quire, CA>II. Columbus, Ga. w A-twtf LOMAX fe ELL! >. fePEti.AL NOTICK. IX order that otr customers nviy understand the te ms on whicu e Uacfe, we have thought it advisable to publish them. They aie as follow*: F r all purehar* i on time, payments wi.l be req tired twice a year; sty 2c May and IstJ nuar . On ail amounts unj a>d at t. etiiuif specified, we shall claim and expect nit. re-t until pa*d. L. BARNARD, CO Columbus, Jan. I t. ’55. janl 1 wAtwtf. JtZ3S2: I AM in receipt of a large supply >f that most indipensa ble luxury in a eomh. r i climaie. ICE. anil will furnish it as cheap aolr as the Icc House. Send in yourfd<rs and keep cot 1 T. M HOG \N. ii lintbus Ga April.l. twtf. NOTICE. OUR friends and patrons a<e htreby notified that circum stances make it absence y necessary that vv e should have a lien on every borne boarded at our stat le ny she month or year. We, therefore, hereby give notice, th it ot.r righr 4 of len shall enter into and become a part of every cotiirict for the keep or board or horse at our siablts, and ihat tial. cases we reserve the right to u orce sad lien, eif nece-s ry. aps ts. H.VIOnEK & PITTS. TAINT I N G. r UHE subscriber, (after an exp rietiee of several years in the principal cities ol Europeuud America,) engages to exe cute a;l kinds of House, Sign, and Decorative Painting with manes* 1 nm Walls and Ceilings Grained, Marbled or Fresco'd. Alt auen **.ork Uoneoy me w< reamed u please. EDU iKD I. KING. nr Store on Broad S.reet, next and; or to J. R S nipper's Candy M iiniiactury ap3 -twltiiwlu* FOR SALK, ON ACCCMIVICDATiNG TEFM^, A FomfortabiH House and Lot, apply to iiarrison, austin & Mc-gkhee. March 31,1855 tw2tn. GREAT EXCITEMENT!! To tlie DO you know ihat’ \ vi r body desiring to Fuichase life lke ar.d Lnduring likenvs es ol their ives, Husbands,* hi!d en, Brothers, Sisters and Freud-, ate making a Grand rush, to by far the best, And only place in Colutiftu-, whete I-ikenes.~e.-, which seen* t > t r athe and Live, can be got up. at shoit notice, in ilndles-’ variety of style, and possessing that liiehness of ii i-h, wh’ch has never Y’et t een eq tailed or approached, at any Ot her establishment in the State of Georgia. Forget it nol, and whenever you want a Gem ot a Pieture.caii at C, I. DEPEW’S Fxcelsior Gallery—WoodbridgeV old stand. 31 any thousand* of Pictures, in Columbus, Npeak ior themselves, and testily to the above, March 31, i855 twtf. RIDDLE’S Fashionable Daguerrean Gallery. r rMI E Pr< p iet r has the largest, neatest, and most irshiona- Jl. by arranged GALL Elt \ lor the Ait in tbe tsmte. He uses the best material, aud allows nuti.iug but first class Pictures P leave his Rooms. £o torsret not. ye lev trs of the Fine Aits, when yes-Hlv f>rth tnobtain those imperishable.gems, to call on KIDDLF.. 11s will give you a Handsome F'ctureand a Good l*agu**rieo t. ps. As for takiu children, fan* ly grot p*. out door views,hedefle-* any Artist iuthe country t<> nrpisf him. Koo - son Broad S.reet, oer C . Mysat ’s Dry Gi*>ds S ore * oitimlms. a. m rll-t <0 u Til D W 1 F E R yT MR. JW H SPGIXTY offers her professional servi c*s to the ~e *p e o Ooniuibus and viciui y. She has had in rty yea r s wxjar.euce in ti.e tiusii ess and Ca h.rstl thai o strict ide iH-> is te will *n *ru the pu die p itronage. Sieina, bs found, when not * image I. a’ he* resideicetn Jackton street, juslbtlow the .VleMiodist vl g-ioi. • httreh. [m**rl - tw ti FOUND. \PROMISCRV NOTE, maUe by D 1! &. T.nns to Johnson, Thornton, which the owner cau t a\e ly ealitnj at thias offl.-e. eb-—twtf. Berkshire Hogs. 11l \VF, for sate a large and Su - y marked Sjw ard lt> very due Pigs. p* H. C. PH HP . REMOVAL. IV E mke thi* method of in ormina our mends aful thepu W lie that we have removed our Store to NO. 76 EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET. Where zi i always be found l large selection of Jffl! PIANO FORTES sisf 3 ? Best Manufactories in the United States, otail Styles and PRICES. ALSO, yirlndlAns, Guitars, Vlollucelloe, Violins, Banjos. Taubo tnes. fiute, Flutinas, Aecordeons, Music Boxes, Jariouctts, Flageoiettk and Fifes. Also, kinds Bit ASS IXSTRCSIENTB foi BA N JS, tog* ih- r witt. LlaSs at.U Tsstiß 1> U S SfKIN Sot all kixds, and the Largest Assortment of SHFFI MUSIC for all te above named iiiStrun.ei.le mat cau Leiv'-Bl Soutn ot Philadelphia. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF Fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, IF;V\ El kY aud FAN Y hoOD*, oi all aeseriptione i’h a full aw-sortmen ot XY orated and fombroldery Patterns, and other articles tint numerous to mention. . t , jy- s c>nd hand P:?n >* ‘asen tn exchange when newone> are booibt. aiot ihebigheet pr.cea alloweu tor olu one.'. f*3f <ec "and han-t I‘ an< - •>r Rn t. Pianos. Organs, >1 elodians, ami a 1 other kir.ds Mua oa iiijtnim a r. p tired .n tio test manmr. and at th. -hor.e*t notice, and aamnted toiftweei: ta satisfaction. All orders left at our store w 11 e prom.-tly attended o. TtvUAX a VA ‘ lEN BF.I G. 7C Broiel :-treel,cign of die Mammoth Fi< rile. Critutibaf, Dec. 11,1854, w&twtl* BOUNTY-LAND WARRANTS. Pension Claims, &c. HAMILTON k PLANE, attorneys at la w , COLUMBUS GEO. (Office, No. 67, Broad Street, over E. Barnard’s Store ) I I AVI N G tUi'de arrangements at IVa iking ton City, by which I 1 a*i business entrusted u> them wi*i b* p < u pt > t-'t-id. and o.t* y :* e ri>< t le-.t t>* procure Bounty Lmiil War rants, Pritiionx, and prosecute Claim* against n* LnUtd tj.tes vnlur i.e ore Ccngret* or iLvsevtiat J. e~ part men ts J r ilny ire alsop'epared topuredtase Claims, &c., against the Unit.o S*at s. O’*-'# Pry required untJthe Land Warrant.*, Claims, Sit., are pr,-Aired jsmcs bamilt w. wm.'t. A.*rii7iii 11*5>. w&iwtf. GUANO. lO Tons Guano, Just Received, and for Sale by GRfcIEN VVOUD &, GRIMES. | Columbus March 7, 1855 %vitw6od. IXKZ, A Ta’e if :he Alamo, is anew and /,**'’-A* wers. Just-published by the Harpers alltl !orsa i e by üßfeAuy J. \v. FEASE. Also, a New Supply cf South r?ide View of-livery, by N. \darn. l . D. O.t R'Rh Hall; *ap . < anot; Lit* and Beauties ot Fain y Fern, tz c &c I 1 olnnibu-. F h.2i w*twf. Muscogee Railroad Stock for Sale. I Sharts Muscogee K-iUrua * Sock r<vale bv •J f it AUK.B >N, AUSTIx & .t/cGEHEE. ! f< bt.. w.t * wtf. FLOUR! FLOUR! Jrs r w’rwi on coiisignmen. and for sale Seventy- Five Barrel*, A. Mo. 1. P.nchase and try it m r-,7 w<\ i w i*. H. tJ.PHrI.P3 Southern Mutual Life Insurance. r l'llE lavorable term* on which one may sect re so his widow 1 a. u or, hun c liloren a comfortable stppiut, invite the at* tt-ntii<ii ni ah w ho arc not >ich * u- ugh to j. rovidc for lhe:r lam* lly w ithout their own p. rsonal ex.rtions. For Hir her ii formation apply to e>24 -nvoJm. “ A FOVH. A eent. Just Received on Consignment, OA /wtA I.hS. Tcnne c see New Bacon; bog round; ZU,UUU 1000 lbs. Feathers. 5 Kegs I rime Fresh I.ard. 75 B xe*. y : It ixesana X Boxes be t Virginia Tobacco. I no Yards Tenesste Jet us. Cheat* lor sash. mar3f—tf HULL, FBFBfcgON Sc C Q. JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM^ CIVIL ENGINEER AMD SURVEYOR. COLUMBUS, EGORGIA. A KCHITECTUR AI. and Working Plans lor Bnild iTi inss furnished. Artificer’s work calcula ed; Surreys of land made, and T *p* grapical plans luruiabed with accuracy, neain. *s and despan li f3?*’ < ‘fflee overt ‘o'. Holt’s Law OflSce. Columbus, Feb. 24. w&twtf. I DO MY OWN PUFFING. NOW I say. that I have flist rate Tobacco on reasonable ‘er n* \V hv do I say so? because some ot our editors buy tills Tobacco. Those who are not -o w**ll in torn ed as tlie ‘ ‘*ii* rs. just call and exam ne my Tobacco, Scgars, Brandy, Whisky, Wines, &c. &e. lam and termin er! to fell, i r Hie cash,. a small auvnce on New York cost. mar-2.!—wtttwtf. P A. CLAY T “-N. HEAR BOTH SEDKS. All the World will Read this Book. THE LIFE AND BEAUTIES OF FANNY FERN, IN ONE VOLUME, T2MO.. CLOTH. r Who Is Ruth Halil Is Until Hall Fanny Peril, or somebody else! anti if Fanny Fern is not hutli Hall who Is Fa. ny Fern? THE LIFE AMI BEALTIES l)F FANNY FERN! Is now before the public, and the world will be enlightened. An<i thi boot a o l • un olds. The present Work is authentic in all its Detail*. Those who have read the advance coj y, j renounce It the wiulet-t. spiciest book ol the season. U presems vivid, life like pictures of the charming and bril liant Author of Fern Leaves and Ruth Hall, at tier own tiiesuU. m ttie Edit, r’s Sanctum, in the C’nU'ch, and every w here, and in every position she is the same ia*ciuaini!i w**raan. In th * volnm*,several of Fanny Fern’slarliest efforts appear for'he tir-t t m<* in b* ok ortn. Toe reader will find tl ai they possess ihe same attractive feiiures which ciiar'.ct r ze a i he/ productions. I hey are alternately w itty an i patnetic, caustic aud toothing, -p i klii gaud pensive .\o o n *r author has-.ucceed3dso well iu touching the flntt chords ot the heart. Ju-t received and frr sale by lebls—w*tw f. W. PDASE. HERE’S A CHANCE FORA BARGAIN . FOR TEACHERS & LOVERS OF MUSIC. A WISHING to reduce our, r e S:o/k . f .J T#- Sheet Music, Instruction Books, and Musical Works of ail Kinds, n-eofl.rt*. -t l until June next, at a discount of 50 per cent., FOR C A 8 II . VIOLINS & ACCORDEONS can be bought che tper here thin at any other store in the 0, y. ‘ T r NX sc Y A Mil N BF R l' c kl4—tw&wti.l.-tjune. b'2—Fal side Broad-B: reel. Goiiirot.ns, Ga. United States Marshal’s Sales. ITT ]LL he sold on the third Tuesday in May next, be \\ lore the G. ml House do->r in the city ol t olum bu*, Muscogee County, Ga., between the usual hours of *a!e*. the following pmpeity—viz: 16 Oil Can*. 1 B x coutaiome S California Mills,2 f ali fornia Mill*,B Stove 80i1e:5,48(2 q'.) Coffee Pot-,46 (3 qt.,) Covered Bucket*, 85 (2 qt.) Covered Boeket*. 5 rmail l.ard (’ans, 1 larue Lard Can, 3 larse Water Pot*, 5 large I).*'n Pars, 1 Cos l Rope, 11 Cottee Boiler*, as-orted, 14 tUhatiog Dohes, 12 frame* for Chafing Dishes, 48 *;4 qt.) Cofitv* Pots, 28 (5 qt ) Coffee Pots, 31 (3 pt ) C- ff e Pots, 3 *inail Slop Buckets. 3 Tin Churn-,7 Le Cr am Churns 11 C lumters, 2 i Lamp Feeders, 4 Shower Baths, 5 email S,*;.les. 4 Brass Kellies, 6, (5 g:.I ) Pots, 12 Iron Spitto. ns, 6 Iron sSioci. r*. 15 Iron tiid*lles. 6 small ovens. I Water Cooler 1 M< l *s-es Sand, 30 Cone Laments, 150 Wash Pan* assorted, 31 Di-h Pan-,6 Gallon \iea-ure*,3 srr.all Sprinklers,2* T n Pan-. 40 (2 qt.) Pans. It Put Pan*, 2 Gro*s Plat a, asSor’d 7 Slop Tub-, 5 Tin Pitchers, 25 Tea Caddie*, 40, C-eid.e Stick.-, 6 Pewter Pitch, r-,24 Biead Trays, 4 Cake Boxes', 6 Sugar Boxes, 1 gr. ss Pepper B<4xe.*,B small Wai er* 4 Nur.-ery Lamp-, 6 Pair Steel Yards, 2 Kmle Wa-h ----* er= 4 Cash B*>xe.-,3 Biitmia Spittoons, 8 Pin ‘Pea Pots, j ’j Filterers. 12 Bmaiia Coffi-e Pot*. 3 Stake Dishes, s Jelly Shane*. 16 Iron Tet “Kettle*, 36 Iron Ladles, 2 : Knife 80xe5,24 Mou-e Traps. 12 Cgg Beaters, 6 Soup La- I Spice Boxes 6 Beer Mug-, 12 Molasses Pots 48 i'oyCt ps. 250 lbs Dad Pipe, i bhl. Madder, 3 Tumbler Drainers, 34>i*t Pans, 14 Grease Pols, 12 Oilers, 48 Gothic Banks, 14 Nutmeg Grab rs, 1 gross Iron ‘Pea Spoons, i gross lion Tf*le Spoons, 12Sau-age Stuffirs, 7 doz Pack Hammer-, 144 Candle Moulds,6 Plain Spittoons, 72 Pint f’ups, 96 Halt Pmt Cuus,2o sett* Lon \% eight*, 12 Lard Lamps, y Bunches Hope, 5 Punched Tin Lantern*.2 Heat ers, 2 Powder Vans, 2 Spiders xxith lids, 3 Bugle Horn3 36 *maii Diamond Pan*, 2 Show Gases, 3 Sp:t-e Boxes, 24 Dredge Pose*. 1 pair P atlorm Scales, I Ca.-t iron Pis semer 12 Fryfeg Pan*, 9 Egg Fryer*. 1 Hip Bath. 2 Sponge Bath*. 3 Britania Lamji?, 4 Nests’ Toy Trunks, 2 t;val I'in Pea Kettle*, 9 Bnti h-r Knives, 9 gross Common Shirt Button*, 1 dozen Fi'Sßrts. aortU; 2dozn sniail Brass Lock*, 7 Stove*, 14 boot Stove*. 2 Bug Steamer*, i iron .holdeis, 1 Tnermometer. 2 .ia:r Andir<D*,-1 B >ndle !-he t Iron. 3 Boxes r \ in, 12 t op per Measures. 69 Wash Pai s, 3 Ne?ts >ugar Boxes, 2 Foot Tubs, 6 Britiania Pitchers, 10 Brittania * andKtick*. 6 Rrhtania Tea Pot*, 1 Brittania t'otiee Pot, 20 Cake, 80 covered Bucket*. 48 Funnel*. 100 CoPe- Pots, a&oited, 9 Cofiee * oilers, 27 Oil i ans. 2 large Pa> s. 6 t-1 .ant*rn, 36 IVa snorted, H large < ke Boxt 3 small do., 15 Iron ‘l’ea Ket ; !-*, 3 ‘ar.'e Oil an.*, •A) pair An lro -s. 9 Ca-li Boxes. 10 Ir-m Kettles. I bhow Cae 5 Jelly Shape, levi-d on as the pr‘*perty of oh B. Micks to satisiv a fi t* issued from th - Sixth Circuit Court ol t ie’ Unh-d Sr fnr the South rn Di-triet of Georgia, ,o bor of 3. H. Ransom & Deputy U.S. .Mar*ha!, mai S 7 w 3t for the Southern District of Georgia.